Yasir Iqbal2023 M L D 714
Yasir Iqbal2023 M L D 714
Yasir Iqbal2023 M L D 714
2023 M L D 714
Before Lal Jan Khattak and Abdul Shakoor, JJ
YASIR IQBAL---Appellant
The STATE and another---Respondents
Criminal Appeal No. 794-P of 2020, decided on 14th July, 2022.
(a) Penal Code (XLV of 1860)---
----S. 302(b)--- Qatl-i-amd--- Appreciation of evidence--- Sentence, reduction in---
Ocular account supported by medical evidence---Scope---Accused was charged for
committing murder of the brother of complainant by stabbing---Ocular account had
been furnished by three eyewitnesses comprising driver and passengers of the
coach wherein the deceased was stabbed to death---Driver of the coach stated that
he noted that head of the deceased was resting against the pane of window and the
accused was holding a knife in his hands---Said witness was a natural witness being
driver of the coach wherein the occurrence took place who had deposed in a very
natural way about the occurrence---Said witness had no enmity or ill-will towards
the accused to falsely implicate him in the case, therefore, his testimony could not
be discarded---Evidence furnished by said witness had been supported by two other
witnesses who were travelling in the coach---Other eyewitness at the relevant time
was sitting on the last seat of the vehicle with the accused and the deceased---Said
witness deposed that after covering a journey of 15/20 minutes when the vehicle
reached near the cattle market there the accused attacked the deceased with knife
with which he received injuries on his person whereafter other passengers present
in the vehicle overpowered him and took the knife from him---Like evidence was
furnished by other eyewitness who too was present in the vehicle as one of the
passengers---All the three prosecution witnesses had deposed in a very eloquent
and natural way about the occurrence---Said witnesses were independent witnesses
having no personal grudge to depose falsely against the accused---Ocular account
was supported by medical examination of the deceased according to which he had
two injuries on vital parts of his body caused by knife---Besides, from possession
of the accused, the knife with which he had caused injuries to the deceased too was
recovered---In addition, from the seat of the vehicle where the deceased was sitting
blood had been recovered and also the Investigating Officer took into possession
the last worn blood stained clothes of the accused as well that of the deceased---
Furthermore, complainant of the case appeared before the court who deposed quite
in line with what he had reported in his initial report---Thorough and careful
examination of the case record would show that the prosecution had proved its case
against the accused through cogent and reliable evidence and beyond any
reasonable doubt---However, due to some mitigating circumstances the sentence
was reduced to imprisonment for a period of ten years---Appeal was partially
allowed with modification in sentence.
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6. The evidence furnished by PW-4 has been supported by PW-5 and PW-6 who
were travelling in the coach. PW-5 namely Ameer Khan at the relevant time was
sitting on the last seat of the vehicle with the appellant and the deceased. He
deposed that after covering a journey of 15/20 minutes when the vehicle reached
near the cattle market there the appellant attacked the deceased with knife with
which he received injuries on his person whereafter other passengers present in the
vehicle overpowered him and took the knife from him. Like evidence was furnished
by PW6 namely Ameer ur Din who too was present in the vehicle as one of the
passengers. All the three prosecution witnesses have deposed in a very eloquent
and natural way about the occurrence. They were independent witnesses having no
personal grudge to depose falsely against the appellant. The ocular account is
supported by medical examination of the deceased according to which he had two
injuries on vital parts of his body caused by knife. Besides, from possession of the
appellant, the knife with which he had caused injuries to the deceased too was
recovered. In addition, from the seat of the vehicle where the deceased was sitting
blood has been recovered and also the investigation officer took into possession the
last worn blood stained clothes of the appellant as well that of the deceased.
Furthermore, complainant of the case appeared before the court as PW-7 who
deposed quite in line with what he had reported in his initial report (Ex.PA/1).
7. Thorough and careful examination of the case record would show that the
prosecution has proved its case against the appellant through cogent and reliable
evidence and beyond any reasonable doubt and the conclusion drawn by the learned
trial Court leading to establishing the charge against him are borne out of the case
evidence to which no exception could be taken by this Court.
8. However, the moot question for determination before this court is that
whether the appellant's case falls under section 302(b), P.P.C. as has been held by
the learned trial Court or same comes within the purview of section 302(c), P.P.C.
Record shows that the appellant had no enmity with the deceased or any of his
family members. According to the record, the appellant and the deceased met each
other by chance in the Chitral bound flying coach and seated on rear seat of the
vehicle close to one and other when all of a sudden the unfortunate occurrence took
place without any premeditation. Though the learned defense counsel did not
endeavor to bring the appellant's case within the parameter of section 302(c), P.P.C.
as no suggestion of any kind was given to the prosecution witnesses that the
appellant had resorted to take the extreme step of taking the deceased life under
sudden and grave provocation or under the heat of passion nor the appellant himself
took such plea in his statement recorded under section 342, Cr.P.C. but in order to
know about the root cause of the incident and to do complete justice we perused the
police file by taking it from the learned Additional A.G. and found therein the
appellant's statement recorded under section 161, Cr.P.C. According to the
appellant's ibid statement he was seated in the vehicle on its rear seat with the
deceased and shortly after covering some distance he requested the deceased who
was seated against the window seat to slide the window pane so that fresh air could
come as he i.e. the appellant was not feeling well and was about to vomit which
request was turned down by the deceased by uttering in "Pashto" on which hot
words were exchanged between the two whereupon the appellant took out a knife
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and pushed it into the deceased body as a result he received injuries with which
subsequently he died. It is worth to mention that the learned Additional A.G. and
learned counsel for the complainant did not dispute the version given by the
appellant in his 161, Cr.P.C. statement.
9. In the situation mentioned above, we are of the considered view that the
appellant has committed the offence under the heat of passion and without any
premeditation and it is well settled that where some offence is committed without
any premeditation and in the heat of passion and at the spur of moment then in such
like situation, the courts of law normally award minimum sentence to the accused
than the normal one by bring his case under section 302(c), P.P.C.
10. Learned counsel for the complainant vehemently argued that as the appellant
had acted harshly by inflicting two successive serious injuries to the deceased on
vital parts of his body, therefore, his case does not fall under section 302(c), P.P.C.
We are not in agreement with what learned counsel for the complainant has
submitted at the bar to the ibid effect because when under the heat of passion some
act is done then its magnitude cannot be weighed in golden scale as it is not
expected from a mentally disturbed person to main certain limits while committing
a crime with disturbed mind.
11. Request of the appellant from the deceased to slide the window-pane as by
then he was not feeling well and the latter's obstinacy in this respect caused stirs in
the former's disturbed mind which though in the ordinary course of event cannot be
made a ground to downgrade the murder but it is settled that each criminal case is
decided on its own facts and circumstances. There is no material on the record that
just before the occurrence what else had happened than what is disclosed by the
appellant in his 161, Cr.P.C. statement. Whether it was mere refusal of the deceased
to slide the window pane or he had uttered something else towards the appellant
shrouds in mystery which aspect of the case coupled with the fact that both the
parties were not known to each other before the occurrence and that the exceeded
action of the appellant was neither pre-meditated one nor it was done with any pre-
existing mind can be considered to hold that the murder committed by the appellant
squarely falls within the ambit of section 302(c), P.P.C. instead of section 302(b),
P.P.C. and it is held so by us.
12. After holding that the murder committed by the appellant comes within the
parameter of section 302(c), P.P.C. the next question would be about the period of
imprisonment to be awarded to him. In our considered opinion, the ends of justice
would meet if a sentence of 10 years imprisonment is awarded to him keeping In
view of the circumstances of the case.
13. For what has been discussed above, we partially allow this appeal, modify
the impugned judgment of the learned trial court and consequently conviction of
the appellant is converted from section 302(b), P.P.C. to section 302(c), P.P.C. and
his sentence is reduced to ten years (10) rigorous imprisonment with benefit under
section 382-B, Cr.P.C., however, he shall pay the fine of Rs. 4,00,000/- as
compensation to legal heirs of the deceased and in default whereof shall suffer six
months' SI.
JK/211/P Order accordingly.
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