Access Control
Access Control
Access Control
Smart Grids
Yuyang Zhou Yuanfeng Guan
School of Computer Science and Engineering SI-TECH Information Technology Co., Ltd
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Beijing 100031, China
Chengdu 611731, China
Abstract—At present, the access control schemes in the power If a attacker illegally obtains the users power usage infor-
grid are centralized. In the centralized system, the data of the mation, he can infer the users specific activity information
network sensor nodes is transmitted by centralized nodes, and according to the users power usage pattern. At the same
the data itself may be illegally tamped with or lost, which can
lead to reduced system reliability. For this feature, we apply time, if the attacker impersonates a legitimate user to transmit
blockchain technology to the design of access control schemes. malicious information to the power provider (e.g., DDOS
In this paper, we propose a blockchain-based access control attack), it will also hinder the power providers daily work.
scheme that is suitable for multiple scenarios in the smart In order to protect these sensitive information being attacked
grid. Our access control scheme is based on an identity-based and utilized, research on access control of smart grids was
combined encryption, signature and signcryption scheme. In
addition, we design a consensus algorithm in the power system for proposed.
the consortium blockchain architecture to solve the key escrow Access control ensures only authorized user can access the
problem of the untrusted third parties. Our scheme also ensures specified data and solves the problem of unauthorized access
the confidentiality, integrity, authentication and non-repudiation of important information. Access and authentication measures
of the data. Compared with the existing work, our scheme in existing smart grids have the following weaknesses: (1)cur-
can use the same key pair to encrypt, sign and signcrypt the
message, which has lower computation and communication costs rent mainstream access control scheme implements cross-
in multiple scenarios of smart grids. domain access through centralized authentication or third
Keywords—smart grids, access control, blockchain, combined party centralized authentication, but whether a third party is
public key scheme absolutely credible; (2)at the same time, there are massive
user access nodes and two-way information circulation in the
I. I NTRODUCTION smart grid. All of this pose a challenge to the design of access
control schemes in smart grids.
The smart grid, also known as the next generation power Blockchain is an emerging decentralized architecture and
grid, is based on the physical grid system using advanced distributed computing paradigm [3]. Blockchain technology
information communication technology, sensor measurement has the characteristics of decentralization, collective mainte-
technology, computer technology and control technology [1]. nance, security and credibility. At present, many access control
Relying on modern information technologies, the smart grid schemes adopt centralized management. If the blockchain
can digitally manage power production, power transmission, technology is used for upgrade the present access control
power division and power control. Different from the tradi- schemes, the traditional access control method will have the
tional power grid, a main feature of the smart grid is the characteristics of decentralization and high reliability of the
ability of the two-way flow of information between the user blockchain. So its especially suitable for smart grid systems,
and the power provider. For example, in a traditional power which have multiple nodes.
grid, electricity is generated in a power plant and then be
transmitted to users through a transmission network, a branch A. Related Work
network. But in a smart grid, electricity can also be returned to Access control in smart grids has received much attention in
the power provider by user (e.g., user can generate electricity recent years. In 2011, Sankar et al. [4] presented a centralized
from their home solar panels and transfer them to the power access scheme for power grids that requires the regional
provider). User models in smart grids can be divided into three transmission organizations (RTOs) to be online during data
types: Home Area Network (HAN), Building Area Network transmission. However, such method can easily become a
(BAN), Industrial Area Network (IAN) [2]. system bottleneck. Sun et al. [5] proposed an identity-based
encryption (ABE) access control scheme in smart grids, which systems. In the environment of asynchronous communication,
alleviated the computational overhead of intelligent terminals. the algorithm can guarantee the safety and liveness [12] of
the system under the failure node of no more than n−1
However, in [5], the master authentication center and each 3 .
terminal of the jurisdiction share the key, which easily suffer In a limited number of nodes, the efficiency of the PBFT
from main-in-the-middle attacks. So, the confidentiality of the is considerable. But if the number of nodes increases, the
data cannot be guaranteed. In 2014, Wu et al. [6] proposed quality of the service provided will decrease. In addition, there
a lattic based access control scheme which used identity- are some other consensus algorithms, such as Raft [13] and
based cryptography (IBC). However, it assumes there is a Paxos [14].
fully trusted network controller who is in charge of the In 2017, Maesa et al. explored how to formulate the classical
whole network. In 2017, Guan et al. [7] proposed a delay- access control scheme as a smart contract that can be stored
tolerant flexible data access control scheme based on key and executed in the blockchain [15]. In 2018, Lin et al.
policy attribute-based encryption (ABE) for smart grids. Their proposed a novel blockchain-based framework to ensure a se-
scheme has no central trusted server to perform the encryption cure user authentication with fine-grained access control [16],
and decryption. But when the user revokes, the remote terminal which used Attribute-based signature (ABS). Both of them
unit (RTU) needs to redefine the access structure and recalcu- only consider signature or encryption, and did not prove the
late part of the ciphertext, and this increases the overhead of strict security proof in the random oracle model (ROM).
RTU calculation and communication. In 2011, the concept of a combined public key cryptosys-
In 2008, Satoshi Naknamo proposed a new digital currency- tem was first proposed by Haber and Pinkas [17]. They
Bitcoin [8], which is constructed on a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) net- showed that reusing a single key pair during encryption and
work. Blockchain is the underlying core supporting technology signature does not compromise the security of the solution.
of Bitcoin. Blockchain is mainly divided into three types: pub- That is, in an signature scheme, an adversary can access the
lic blockchain, consortium blockchain and private blockchain. decryption oracle in an encryption scheme. In addition, in
Public blockchain is a fully decentralized distributed archi- an encryption scheme, an adversary can access the signature
tecture, registration and presentation of nodes is frequent and oracle in a signature scheme, which does not pose any
the number of nodes is constantly changing. Today’s digital security threat to an encryption scheme. In 2015, Vasco et
currencies, e.g. bitcoin, are traded on the public blockchain. al. [18] constructed an identity-based combined public key
Consortium blockchain is a relatively stable blockchain of cryptography scheme, and proved that the Hess identity-based
nodes. The joining or exiting of each participating node in the signature (IBS) scheme [19] and the Boneh and Franlins
consortium blockchain requires permission. Private blockchain identity-based encryption (IBE) scheme [20] can be safely
generally has a fully trusted controller. To some extent, combined. In 2017, Zhou and Li proposed an identity-based
private blockchain has lost the meaning of decentralization. combined public key scheme for signature, encryption and
Consensus mechanism makes blockchain to be a decentralized signature (IBCSESC) [21]. Under the premise of ensuring the
distributed ledge system. Public blockchain generally uses a confidentiality, integrity, authentication and non-repudiation of
single proof mechanism to achieve consensus, such as Proof- data, the combined cryptosystem reduces the key management
of-Work (PoW), Proof-of-Stake (PoS). PoW is anonymized by work, saves storage space and computational consumption, and
Naknamo, whose main idea is to use computing power to find is very suitable applied for complex grid environment.
specific numbers to make the block to meet the requirements.
B. Motivation and Contribution
PoW consensus algorithm solves the consensus problem in
a completely decentralized network. At the same time, PoW At present, power grids generally usually store information
brings defects of low system efficiency, waste of resources. in plaintexts. The existing access control schemes generally
Therefore, the scenario of applying Pow is very limited. In include a trusted third party, which is easy to suffer from key
2012, King and Nadal proposed the concept of PoS [9], it use escrow attacks. The idea of decentralization of the blockchain
the stake to replace or partially replace computing resources. can solve the problem of key escrow.
PoS is more resource efficient than PoW, and the creation This paper focuses on the premise that there are many smart
of blocks is no longer limited to hash calculations that satisfy grid nodes and many application scenarios. We makes the
high difficulty coefficients. However, PoS consensus algorithm following contributions:
is easy lead to uneven wealth, because rich nodes always have 1) We give a consensus algorithm for the selection of
advantage to be chosen as ledgers. Apart from these, Larine private key generator (PKG) in smart power grids. This
proposed Delegate Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) which each share- consensus algorithm not only has an incentive mecha-
holder has a certain voting right [10]. Compared to the public nism, but also has a penalty mechanism, which is not
blockchain, consortium blockchain and private blockchain can currently available in consensus algorithms.
achieve consensus without relying on computing resources, 2) We design a blockchain-based access control scheme
and only need to improve the underlying consensus agreement. that uses a combined cryptosystem. Our scheme satisfies
The Byzantine Fault Tolerant Algorithm (PBFT) is a consis- the security requirements of power grids, solves the key
tency algorithm based on state machine replication proposed escrow problem, and makes users more involved in the
by Castro and Liskov [11], and is widely used in distributed daily management of smart grids. The reuse of keys saves
system communication costs, and is also very suitable for B. Security Requirements
different services in smart grids multi-environments. The secure communication of data in smart grids needs to
meet the following security requirements.
C. Organization
1) Confidentiality: Privacy data can only be accessed by
The rest of the paper is arranged as follows. The network authorized users, i. e. the message should satisfy indis-
model and security requirements are introduced in section II. tinguishability against adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks
The blockchain-based access control scheme is proposed in under chosen identity attacks (IND-ID-CCA2);
section III. The security analysis for our scheme is given in 2) Integrity: Data will not be tampered by illegal attack-
section IV and the performance analysis is given in section V. ers, i. e. the message should satisfy existential unforge-
Finally, the conclusions are given in section VI. ability against adaptive chosen messages attacks under
chosen identity attacks (EUF-ID-CMA);
II. P RELIMINARIES 3) Identity authentication: The sending and receiving of
A. Network Model data must be legitimate users. The authentication includes
the legal authentication of the user and the legal authen-
The blockchain-based access control scheme proposed in tication of the device;
this paper is showed in Figure 1. In Figure I, we mentioned 4) Non-repudiation: Users cannot deny the data they sent
that smart grids consist of three user types (i.g. HAN, BAN and or received.
IAN). In this paper, we take HAN as an example to describe
our access control scheme. The network model includes three III. A B LOCKCHAIN - BASED ACCESS C ONTROL S CHEME
parts: a HAN, a power provider and a PKG. FOR S MART G RIDS
1) HAN: Smart meter can collect the user’s power con- Most access control schemes in smart grids require a fully
sumption data, which will be monitored by the mas- trusted third-party, e.g. PKG. However, if PKG is replaced
ter controller. Master controller in the HAN is used by a malicious adversary, then this malicious adversary can
to manage the user’s power consumption and establish very easy to know users’ and power providers’ private keys.
communication with the power provider. And this adversary can deceive both parties to get information
2) Power provider: Power provider is an electric power they want (e.g. man-in-the-middle attack). Considering the
company, which mainly produce, transmit and sell elec- decentralization of the blockchain, we decided to use the
tricity. Power provider can customize the power con- consensus mechanism to solve the third-party trust problem.
sumption scheme according to the power consumption The two-way communication in smart grids also enhances
information returned by the user, and inform the user the interaction between users and power providers. Some
through the e-mail and so on. At the same time, in scenarios only need to encrypt the message (e.g upload users’
smart girds, some users can sell their collected excess private information to the power cloud system), some sce-
power to the electric power company. Therefore, the narios only need to sign the message (e.g. individual users
flow of information in smart grids is two-way. Power with sufficient power storage apply to sell excess electricity
provider uploads the information in smart grids to the to the power provider), and some scenarios need signcrypt
cloud system. message (e.g. power provider apply to access users’ private
3) PKG: A PKG will generate the user’s and power information). In order to reduce the storage space of keys
provider’s private key. In this paper, PKG is a consensus and grid system’s communication costs. Our scheme based
reached by multiple HAN user nodes and multiple servers on Boneh and Franklin’s IBE scheme [20], Cha and Cheon’s
in the power provider. IBS scheme [25], Zhou and Li’s IBCSESC scheme [21].
A. Consensus Mechanism
Nodes in the public blockchain can be accessed or exited at
any time without permission. However, in smart grids, nodes
are generally relatively fixed. Public blockchain generally uses
a single proof mechanism to achieve consensus, but most of
the proof mechanisms would waste a lot of resources, such
as Pow, which needs to use workload. Therefore, we have
chosen PKG to bulid on consortium blockchain, in which each
participating node joining or withdrawing requires permission.
Our scheme is based on the PoS consensus algorithm, but we
specify that the node does not have dynamics like in PoS.
Every node that wants to campaign for the PKG must be the
relatively fixed user node and server node inside the power
Fig. 1. Smart grids network model provider. One HAN represents a user node. These nodes must
be registered full network, submit to a representative audit
system, such as on the local national department’s website. PKG cannot be reelected within a certain period. This makes
It can be said that representative audit system is also a the election more fair.
trusted third party, but this must be controlled by the state or In addition, our consensus algorithm also has incentive
government. At the same time, draw inspiration from FBFT mechanism and penalty mechanism. If a node successfully
algorithm, we also divide the nodes in HAN into master wins to be PKG and runs safely during the period of its
and slave nodes. Only the master node can participate in the responsibility, there will be certain rewards, such as the
campaign PKG. Slave only forward the received transaction free electricity. However, if a information disclosure accident
data, and participate in confirming the generation of PKG. happens, the node that is acting as PKG this time, its credit
The master-slave of the node is confirmed by the auditing evaluation will be dropped significantly and can never to be a
agency according to its social credit rating when node is master node.
registered. Social credit refers not only to the credit evaluation
of users participating in smart grids, but also the behavioral B. A Detailed Access Control Scheme
credit evaluation of the user in social activities. Therefore, In this subsection, we design a based access control scheme
the auditing agency must be a national-level organization, for smart grids, in which we use the blockchain consensus
otherwise it would not be able to collect information on social algorithm to genarate PKG. PKG generate the users’ and
activities of ordinary users. power providers’ private key according to their ID. The
We treat every user node or server node as a block scheme consists of four parts: initial phase, registration phase,
and the output block is the PKG. The consensus algo- verification and authorization phase, and withdrawal phase.
rithm is showed below. Let every candidate node is B =< Figure 2 summarizes these five phases.
nonce, txs, preHash >. nonce is a integer and changing
any bit nonce will completely change the hash value of the
entire nodes. txs is transaction records contained in the block.
preHash is the hash value of the previous block. D is the
difficult value and defines how many leading zeros are needed
for the current hash value of the entire block. The more the
leading zeros, the more difficult it is. In order to prevent users
from consuming a lot of computing resources, this D can also
automatically adjust the parameters so that D is a suitable
value. The detailed description of the consensus algorithm is
showed in algorithm 1 below.
Scheme Encryption
√ Signature
√ Signcryption Crypotosystem
[23] √ √ × IBC
[18] ×
[24] ×
√ ×
√ √ ABC
ours IBC
Because the addition operation, exponent operation, pairing Fig. 3. Comparison in communication cost
operation, and point multiplication operation are the most
expensive in the whole scheme, and other operations are negli- In order to more intuitively draw the advantages of our
gible compared with them. So we use these four operation as a scheme in communication cost, we set |m|=160 bits, |ID|=160
measure to calculate the basic operation of cost. Table II shows bits, |G1 | = 513 bits, |G2 | = 1024 bits, Z∗q = 169 bits. Fig-
the comparison of the calculation costs and communication ure 3 shows the comparison of communication costs of these
costs of these schemes. Here, we use PM to denote the point schemes. For scheme [24], we set the length of the attribute
multiplication operation in the group G1 , use Exp to denote set l in 0 bit, and the number of bits |S| of the elements in
the exponent operation in the group G2 , and use P to denote the attribute mechanism is 0 bit. In reality, l and |S| cannot
the pairing operation on the bilinear map. For communication be 0 bits. Our scheme also dominates the communication
cost. As can be seen from Table II and Figure 3, our scheme
has certain advantages in computing cost and communication
cost in theoretical analysis. In particular, our scheme is also
the only one of the four schemes that implements combined
encryption, signature, and signcryption. Next, we implemented
the access control scheme using the JPBC library.
Constructing a bilinear pair here, we use a symmetric
pairing based on the elliptic curve y 2 = x3 + x mod p in the
finite field E(Fp ). Considering the security of the protocol,
we take p=512 bits, the order q of the cyclic group is a large
prime number of 160 bits. So the output of H2 and H3 is 160
bits. Since G1 is a cyclic addition group on the finite field
E(Fp ), P is the generator of G1 , so the size of P is 1024
bits. The size of Ppub is 1024 bits, and the output of the Hash
function H1 is also 1024 bits. Here we use the secure Hash
function SHA-256, so the H4 , and H5 output is 256 bits. Fig. 4. Ratio of each phase running time
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