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Unit 8 Study Guide

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Building a National Economy, 1854-1911`

How To Use This Study Guide:
Over the course of the year, we will look at 25 key concepts, spread out over 9 time periods. The key concepts are
there to provide broad ideas that you should know in order to understand the development of U.S. history. It will be
helpful to use these key concepts as a review of your reading notes/lecture notes. Be sure that you can define and
explain the examples within the key concept. The more you can integrate the smaller details with the larger, broader
picture, the better you will understand and remember the information that you read.

Period 6: 1865-1898
Key Concept 6.1:
Technological advances, large-scale production methods, and the opening of new markets encouraged the rise of
industrial capitalism in the United States.

I. Large-scale industrial production — accompanied by massive technological change, expanding international

communication networks, and pro-growth government policies — generated rapid economic development
and business consolidation.
A. Following the Civil War, government subsidies for transportation and communication systems helped
open new markets in North America.

Examples: Federal and state loans and land grants to transcontinental railroads, Credit Mobilier
Scandal, transatlantic telegraph cable (1866)

B. Businesses made use of technological innovations, greater access to natural resources,

redesigned financial and management structures, advances in marketing, and a growing labor
force to dramatically increase the production of goods.

Examples: John D. Rockefeller (oil), J.P. Morgan (banking), Andrew Carnegie (Bessemer steel),
Alexander Graham’s Bell (telephone), Cornelius Vanderbilt (railroads), Cyrus Field (transatlantic
telegraph), Montgomery Ward mail order catalog, new immigration, corporation,

C. As the price of many goods decreased, workers’ real wages increased, providing new access to a
variety of goods and services; many Americans’ standards of living improved, while the gap
between rich and poor grew.

Examples: Gilded Age by Mark Twain (1873), Boss Tweed (1869-1876), tenement housing,
Century of Dishonor by Helen Hunt Jackson (1881), How the Other Half Lives by Jacob Riis (1890)

D. Many business leaders sought increased profits by consolidating corporations into large trusts and
holding companies, which further concentrated wealth.

Examples: near monopoly, Standard Oil Trust (1882), holding company, business pool, horizontal
integration, vertical integration,

E. Businesses and foreign policymakers increasingly looked outside U.S. borders in an effort to gain
greater influence and control over markets and natural resources in the Pacific Rim, Asia, and Latin

Examples: Purchase of Alaska (1867), Influence of Sea Power upon History by Alfred T. Mahan
(1890) Turner Thesis (1893), Treaty of Paris (1898) and the acquisition of Puerto Rico, Guam, and
the Philippines, annexation of Hawaii (1898), John Hay’s Open Door Note (1899)

II. A variety of perspectives on the economy and labor developed during a time of financial panics and
A. Some argued that laissez-faire policies and competition promoted economic growth in the long
run, and they opposed government intervention during economic downturns.

Examples: Laissez faire policies, Panic of 1873, Panic of 1893, Social Darwinism, Horatio Alger’s
“rags to riches” dime novels, Andrew Carnegie’s Gospel of Wealth (1899), philanthropy
B. The industrial workforce expanded and became more diverse through internal and international
migration; child labor also increased.

Examples: Farm mechanization led to increased migration to cities, “New Immigration” from
Southern and Eastern Europe, Chinese immigration

C. Labor and management battled over wages and working conditions, with local workers organizing
local and national unions and/or directly confronting business leaders.

Examples: Knights of Labor (1869), Terrence Powderly, Haymarket Square riot (1886), American
Federation of Labor (1886), Samuel Gompers, “bread and butter” unionism, yellow dog contracts,
blacklists, Railway Strike of 1877, Homestead Strike of 1892, Pullman Strike of 1894, injunction

D. Despite the industrialization of some segmentsof the Southern economy — a change promoted by
Southern leaders who called for a “New South” — agriculture based on sharecropping and tenant
farming continued to be the primary economic activity in the South.

Examples: “New South”, Henry Grady, textile mills in the South, James Duke

III. New systems of production and transportation enabled consolidation within agriculture, which, along with
periods of instability, spurred a variety of responses from farmers.
A. Improvements in mechanization helped agricultural production increase substantially and
contributed to declines in food prices.

Examples: Reapers, combines, bonanza farming, dry farming, barbed wire

B. Many farmers responded to the increasing consolidation in agricultural markets and their
dependence on the evolving railroad system by creating local and regional cooperative

Examples: Grange (1867), Granger laws, Wabash v. Illinois (1886), Southern Farmers’ Alliance
(1875), National Farmers’ Alliance (1877), Colored Farmers’ Alliance (1886)

C. Economic instability inspired agrarian activists to create the People’s (Populist) Party, which
called for a stronger governmental role in regulating the American economic system.

Examples: Omaha Platform of 1892, goals of the Populist Party, “free silver” movement, William
Jennings Bryan

Key Concept 6.2:

The migrations that accompanied industrialization transformed both urban and rural areas of the United States and
caused dramatic social and cultural change.

I. International and internal migrations increased both urban and rural populations, but gender, racial, ethnic,
religious, and socioeconomic inequalities abounded, inspiring some reformers to attempt to address these
A. As cities became areas of economic growth featuring new factories and businesses, they attracted
immigrants from Asia and from southern and eastern Europe, as well as African American migrants
within and out of the South. Many migrants moved to escape poverty, religious persecution, and
limited opportunities for social mobility in their home countries or regions

Examples: Exodusters (1879), New Immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe, Chinese
C. Increasing public debates over assimilation and Americanization accompanied the growth of
international migration. Many immigrants negotiated compromises between the cultures they
brought and the culture they found in the United States.

Examples: Assimilation, Ellis Island, Angel Island

II. Larger numbers of migrants moved to the West in search of land and economic opportunity, frequently
provoking competition and violent conflict.
A. The building of transcontinental railroads, the discovery of mineral resources, and government
policies promoted economic growth and created new communities and centers of commercial

Examples: Pacific Railway Acts (1862 to 1866), federal and state government subsidies to
transcontinental railroads, cattle trails, cow towns

B. In hopes of achieving ideals of self-sufficiency and independence, migrants moved to both rural
and boomtown areas of the West for opportunities, such as building the railroads, mining, farming,
and ranching.

Examples: Silver boom in Tombstone (1877-1890), Abilene, Buffalo Bill Cody’s Wild West show,
Frederic Remington’s paintings, “range wars”

C. As migrant populations increased in number and the American bison population was decimated,
competition for land and resources in the West among white settlers, American Indians, and
Mexican Americans led to an increase in violent conflict.

Examples: Sand Creek Massacre, Battle of Little Big Horn (1876), Battle of Wounded Knee (1890)

D. The U.S. government violated treaties with American Indians and responded to resistance with
military force, eventually confining American Indians to reservations and denying tribal sovereignty.

Examples: Surrender of Chief Joseph (1877), Surrender of Apaches led by Geronimo (1887),
Great Sioux Reservation

E. Many American Indians preserved their cultures and tribal identities despite government policies
promoting assimilation, and they attempted to develop self-sustaining economic practices.

Examples: Carlisle Indian School (1879), Dawes Act (1887), Ghost Dance movement (1890)

Key Concept 6.3:

The “Gilded Age” witnessed new cultural and intellectual movements in tandem with political debates over economic
and social policies.

I. New cultural and intellectual movements both buttressed and challenged the social order of the Gilded Age.

B. Some business leaders argued that the wealthy had a moral obligation to help the less fortunate
and improve society, as articulated in the idea known as the Gospel of Wealth, and they made
philanthropic contributions that enhanced educational opportunities and urban environments.

Examples: Andrew Carnegie’s Gospel of Wealth (1899), Carnegie public libraries, Stanford
University, Vanderbilt University
II. Dramatic social changes in the period inspired political debates over citizenship, corruption, and the proper
relationship between business and government.
A. The major political parties appealed to lingering divisions from the Civil War and contended over
tariffs and currency issues, even as reformers argued that economic greed and self-interest had
corrupted all levels of government.

Examples: “Waving the bloody shirt”, patronage vs. civil service reform, Pendleton Civil Service
Act (1883), regulation of railroads, Interstate Commerce Act (1887), McKinley Tariff of 1890, “free
silver” issue, Sherman Silver Purchase Act (1890), Greenback Labor Party (1874-1889), National
Farmers’ Alliance, Populist Party (1891), regulation of trusts, Sherman Antitrust Act (1890)

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