Tauris150103882 ch1
Tauris150103882 ch1
Tauris150103882 ch1
Neutron stars (NSs) are unique creations in nature. They are formed violently as the remnants
of massive stars which undergo a supernova (SN) explosion once their nuclear fusion has been
exhausted. NSs allow for fundamental studies in all disciplines of physics in the most extreme
regimes – under conditions which are impossible to imitate in any laboratory on Earth. They
host the densest matter in the observable Universe and possess relativistic magnetospheres with
outflowing energetic plasma winds. Therefore, being a rapidly spinning and magnetized NS,
only about 10 km in radius and emitting energy at a rate ∼ 105 times that of our Sun, radio
pulsars constitute an interesting challenge for astrophysicists. Millisecond pulsars (MSPs) are of
special interest since they are old NSs which have been spun up to very high rotation frequencies
(in some cases > 700 Hz) via accretion of mass and angular momentum from a companion star
in a binary system. It is these MSPs which constitute the main topic of this Habilitation thesis.
The evolution and interactions of binary stars play a central role in many areas of modern
astrophysics: from the progenitors of different classes of SN explosions, accretion processes
in X-ray binaries and formation of MSPs, to understanding gravitational wave sources such
as colliding NSs/black holes, and gamma-ray bursts (GRBs, the most violent and energetic
events in the known Universe), as well as aspects of nucleosynthesis and chemical enrichment of
the interstellar medium in galaxies. MSPs represent the end point of binary stellar evolution.
Their observed orbital and stellar properties are fossil records of their evolutionary history
and hence binary pulsar systems are key probes of stellar astrophysics with the related forces
and interactions of matter at work. Furthermore, MSPs are ultra stable clocks which allow
for unprecedented tests of gravitational theories in the strong-field regime and they help us to
investigate alternative gravity theories that try to explain dark matter and dark energy.
The first direct detection of gravitational waves from merging NSs in binaries is expected from
the LIGO/VIRGO observatories within the next 2–3 years. This will open an entirely new
window to the Universe and serve as a unique investigation tool for fundamental astrophysics.
An analogy can be made to the 1960’s when new technologies broadened the horizon beyond
optical astronomy and made it possible to detect radio, infrared and X-rays from the Universe.
The different frequencies of these electromagnetic waves led to the discovery of extreme ob-
jects like quasars and pulsars which have shown to be excellent test grounds for investigating
physics. Gravitational waves will lead to a similar revolution in astrophysics, and in Bonn we
are preparing for this upcoming challenge. In this thesis work, I will concentrate on the forma-
tion and evolution of binary NSs before they merge; for ongoing and future projects related to
the detection rates of LIGO/VIRGO sources, see the final section (Chapter 11).
Since their discovery in the late 1960’s the total population of known NSs has grown to more
than 2600 sources. The last five decades of observations have yielded many surprises and
demonstrated that the observational properties of NSs are remarkably diverse. The recent era
of multi-wavelength observations has revealed a greater variety of possibly distinct observational
classes of NSs than ever before. In addition to isolated NSs, these compact objects are also found
in binaries and even triple stellar systems which stimulates theoretical research on their origin
and evolution, besides enabling precise mass measurements via their companion stars. With
emission spanning the entire electromagnetic spectrum, and some NSs showing strange transient
behaviour and even dramatic high-energy outbursts, such incredible range and diversity is not
only unpredicted, but in many ways astonishing given the perhaps naively simple nature of the
NS – the last stellar bastion before the total collapse to a black hole. But why do NSs exhibit
so much ‘hair’ ? Even within the field there is confusion about the sheer number of different
NS class nomenclature. For a recent review on the members of the NS zoo and the possible
unification of the various flavours, I refer to Kaspi (2010) and references therein. An overview
In the rest of this chapter, I give a broad introduction to NSs: their discovery and their various
manifestations as compact objects with an emphasis on their basic observational properties as
radio pulsars, their formation and evolution, their structures and masses, as well as a brief
description of the spin-up process (recycling) of MSPs.
My recent research is presented in the subsequent chapters covering five areas:
v) Accretion-induced collapse of white dwarfs and formation of MSPs (Chapters 9 and 10).
In Chapter 11, I give a summary and highlight ongoing projects and further outlook.
“With all reserve we advance the view that supernovae represent the transitions
from ordinary stars into neutron stars, which in their final stages consist of
extremely closely packed neutrons.”
This incredible prediction was not confirmed until the late 1960’s. The first radio pulsar was
observed on November 28, 1967, by Jocelyn Bell Burnell and Antony Hewish (Hewish et al.
1968). As a spurious coincidence, it is worth mentioning that just two weeks before this ground-
braking discovery, Pacini (1967) had pointed out that if NSs were spinning and had large
magnetic fields then electromagnetic waves would be emitted. Actually, earlier that very same
year Shklovsky (1967) examined X-ray and optical observations of Scorpius X-1 and concluded
correctly that the radiation comes from an accreting NS system. The final proof of Baade and
Zwicky’s prediction on the formation of NSs via SNe came with the discovery of the Crab and
Vela pulsars in 1968 – both pulsars are located inside gaseous SN remnants.
which undergo bursts and are powered by their huge magnetic energy reservoirs. Also plotted
are the mysterious rotating radio transients (RRATs), the isolated X-ray dim NSs (XDINS) and
the central compact objects (CCOs). In addition, there are other exotic radio pulsars such as
the intermittent pulsars, the black widows and redbacks, and pulsars in triple systems. A main
challenge of the past decade was – and continues to be – to find a way to unify this variety into a
coherent physical picture. The NS zoo raises essential questions like: What determines whether
a NS will be born with, for example, magnetar-like properties or as a Crab-like pulsar? What are
the branching ratios for the various varieties, and, given estimates of their lifetimes, how many
of each are there in the Galaxy? Can individual NSs evolve from one species to another (and
why)? How does a NS interact with a companion star during and near the end of mass transfer
(recycling)? And what limits its final spin period? Ultimately such questions are fundamental
to understanding the fate of massive stars, close binary evolution and the nature of core-collapse
SNe, while simultaneously relating to a wider variety of interesting fundamental physics and
astrophysics questions ranging from the nature of matter in extremely high magnetic fields, to
the equation-of-state of ultra-dense matter and details of accretion processes.
The “pulsar lighthouse model ” is illustrated in Fig. 2 and explained in more detail in the
following subsections. For further descriptions of the properties of radio pulsars I refer to
Lorimer & Kramer (2004), and references therein.
Radio pulsars have observed spin periods between 1.4 ms and 8.5 sec. Some pulsar periods are
known with 16 significant digits, i.e. down to the attosecond level (e.g. PSR J0437−4715 which
has a spin period, P = 0.005 757 451 924 362 137(2) sec, Verbiest et al. 2008). Hence, pulsars
represent excellent clocks and it is even possible to construct a pulsar-based timescale that
has a precision comparable to the best modern atomic clocks (Hobbs et al. 2012). Of course,
pulsars continuously lose rotational energy (see Section 1.4) which steadily increases their spin
period, but this can be corrected for by measuring their (stable) spin period derivative, Ṗ .
With an ensemble of high-precision-timing pulsars, a so-called pulsar timing array (PTA, Hobbs
et al. 2010b) can be constructed to detect low-frequency (nano-Hz) gravitational waves passing
through the Milky Way, originating from merging supermassive black holes in distant galaxies.
The interval of observed spin period derivatives spans more than 10 orders of magnitudes (see
Fig. 1) with a mean value of about Ṗ ≃ 10−15 (always positive and thus a slow down of
the spin rate). The loss of rotational energy is mainly caused by magnetodipole radiation (see
Section 1.4) which therefore enables an estimate of the dipole component of the pulsar’s B-field.
Using this method radio pulsars have estimated B-fields between 107 − 1014 G (see Fig. 1).
Only a tiny fraction of the rotational energy loss, |Ėrot | of a spinning radio pulsar is emitted
as radio waves, from which it is detected. The energy loss is dominated by magnetodipole
radiation with a frequency equal to the rotational frequency of the pulsar (see Section 1.4).
For example, for the Crab pulsar the radio flux density of the detected signal at 436 MHz is
∼ 0.48 Jy1 corresponding to a luminosity of Lradio ∼ 1031 erg s−1 , at a distance of 2.0 kpc, which
is 107 times smaller than |Ėrot | ≈ 5 × 1038 erg s−1 . It should be noted that a large fraction of
|Ėrot | also goes to light-up the Crab nebula via injection of relativistic particles. Furthermore,
1 Jansky ≡ 10−23 erg s−1 cm−2 Hz−1 St−1 .
Figure 3: Radio flux density in arbitrary units plotted as a function of rotational phase for 12 pulsars.
Left: Pulsar profiles of PSR J0206−4028 (top), J2346−0609, J2145−0750 and J1801−2304 (bottom)
obtained from the Parkes Radio Telescope at a frequency of 436 MHz in the mid-1990’s (Tauris 1997).
The upper two pulsars are slow (P ∼ 1 sec). The third one (PSR J2145−0750) is an MSP with P = 16 ms.
Note the exponential tail due to interstellar scattering in the profile of J1801−2304 (DM ∼ 1000 cm−3 pc,
see Section 1.3.4). Right: Pulse profiles of MSPs observed at a frequency of 1.4 GHz by the Effelsberg
Radio Telescope (Kramer et al. 1998). Here, one full rotation = 360◦ in longitude of rotational phase.
The pulse profiles can be quite complex with multiple components. PSR B1855+09 and B1937+21 even
exhibit an interpulse, i.e. a component of emission from the opposite magnetic pole (at a longitude
∼ 180◦ ) compared to that of the main pulse.
The shape of the observed radio pulse profile depends on the intersection of the line-of-sight
across the emission region and the geometric structure of the pulsar beam (Lyne & Manchester
1988; Manchester 1995; Rankin 1983; 1990). Many pulsars have linear polarized profiles –
up to 100%. Circular polarization is also seen but not as frequent nor as strong as the linear
polarization. Polarization measurements of pulsars make it possible to determine the inclination
angle between the magnetic and the rotational axes – an angle which affects the braking torque
acting on the pulsar (e.g. Tauris & Manchester 1998; and references therein).
The duty cycle of radio pulsars (fraction of rotational phase with measurable emission) is typi-
cally 1–5%, although substantially larger for MSPs (Kramer et al. 1998), see Fig. 3. Similarly,
the beaming fraction, the portion of the sky illuminated by a given pulsar, is increasing with
spin period (Tauris & Manchester 1998). The observed pulse shapes are quite different in
nature and often include two or more subpulses (Fig. 3). The micro-structure of each pulse
(or subpulse) can be very complex, as shown in Fig. 4. However, the average pulse profile is
remarkably stable – a feature which is essential for precise pulsar timing.
and Shapiro delays) for both the Solar System, and for the emitting pulsar system if the pulsar
orbits a companion star. For some pulsars it is the post-Keplerian parameters of the binary
system that allows for testing gravitational physics (Kramer et al. 2006b; Kramer & Wex 2009;
Freire, Kramer & Wex 2012; Antoniadis et al. 2013; Wex 2014), see also Chapter 4.
Under the assumption of a deterministic spin-down law, the rotational phase of a pulsar can be
written as:
1 1
φ(T ) = φ0 + ΩT + Ω̇T 2 + Ω̈T 3 + .... (1)
2 6
In order to obtain a timing solution it is necessary to assign a pulse number to each recorded
TOA. Some of the observations can be separated by weeks, months, or even years. Hence,
between two consecutive observations the pulsar may have rotated as many as 107 − 1010 turns,
and to extract the maximum information content from the data, these integer numbers of turns
must be recovered exactly. The spin period derivative, Ṗ is an essential parameter for pulsars.
All their physical parameters that can be extracted basically depend on this parameter – e.g.
B-field, energy loss, braking torque, age, electrostatic potential gap across the polar cap region
of the magnetosphere, etc. To measure Ṗ one must assure that the time interval between two
neighbouring observations, multiplied by the error in the measured rotational frequency of the
pulsar, is much less than one, i.e. (t2 − t1 ) ∆Ω/2π ≪ 1.
For some nearby pulsars with good timing properties it is possible to obtain a parallax measure-
ment. However, for the majority of pulsars one has to rely on distance estimates obtained from
the amount of dispersion of the radio waves as they propagate through the ionized interstellar
medium along the line-of-sight, i.e. the delay in the TOA of the different frequency components
of the pulse, see Fig. 6. Since this method requires a model for the distribution of free electrons
in the Milky Way (e.g. Cordes & Lazio 2002) the resulting distance estimates are, in general,
only accurate to within 20–50%.
2 ¨ 2
Ėdipole = − |m|
~ ∧ ~¨ = BR3 Ω2 sin α
|m| (2)
where m~ is the magnetic moment of the NS, B is the magnetic flux density at its surface
(equator), R is the radius, Ω = 2 π/P is the angular velocity with P being the pulsar spin
and 2−n
Ṗ = Ṗ0 (6)
where P0 and Ṗ0 represent values at t = 0. Similarly, the true age can be written as:
" n−1 #
P P0
t= 1− (7)
(n − 1)Ṗ P
The so-called characteristic age (Manchester & Taylor 1977; Shapiro & Teukolsky 1983) is
defined as: τ ≡ P/(2Ṗ ). However, this expression is only a good age estimate for pulsars
which have evolved with a constant n = 3 and for which P0 ≪ P . For many pulsars, and in
particular for magnetars and recycled pulsars (MSPs), τ is not a good true age estimator. For
example, some young NSs associated with SN remnants have τ values of several Myr, although
SN remnants are believed to be dissolved into the interstellar medium after less than 50 kyr
(which is therefore an upper limit on the true age of these NSs). Another extreme example
is the MSPs which in some cases have τ > 30 Gyr. Ironically, in many cases τ can better be
thought of as an estimate of the remaining lifetime of a pulsar given that τ = Erot /|Ėrot |. In
Tauris (2012); Tauris, Langer & Kramer (2012) we discuss in much more detail the issue of τ
being a poor true age estimator for MSPs, see Chapters 5 and 6.
The first ideas of a so-called recycling process of old NSs date back to the mid-1970’s following
the discovery of the Hulse-Taylor pulsar (Bisnovatyi-Kogan & Komberg 1974; Smarr & Bland-
ford 1976). This concept of pulsar recycling was given a boost by the discovery of the first
MSP (Backer et al. 1982; Alpar et al. 1982; Radhakrishnan & Srinivasan 1982). The idea is
that the MSP obtains its rapid spin (and weak B-field) via a long phase of accretion of matter
from a companion star in a low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB). As a result of the high incidence
of binaries found in the following years among these fast spinning pulsars (see Fig. 1), this
formation scenario has now become generally accepted (Bhattacharya & van den Heuvel 1991).
Furthermore, the model was beautifully confirmed with the discovery of the first millisecond
X-ray pulsar in the LMXB system SAX 1808.4–3658 (Wijnands & van der Klis 1998), and more
recently by the detection of the so-called transitional MSPs which undergo changes between
accretion and rotational powered states (Archibald et al. 2009; Papitto et al. 2013).
Roughly 15% of all known radio pulsars are MSPs (or at least mildly recycled pulsars) and
the majority (∼ 2/3) of these have a companion star (Here we define an MSP as a pulsar with
P < 30 ms and Ṗ < 10−16 ). Radio pulsars in general have been discovered in binary systems
with a variety of companions: white dwarfs (WDs), NSs, main sequence stars, and even planets;
see Fig. 7 for the distribution of pulsars with the various companion types in the P Ṗ –diagram.
The vast majority of the binary pulsar systems contain an MSP with a helium WD companion.
However, there is a growing number of MSPs with a non- or semi-degenerate companion star
which is being ablated by the pulsar wind, the so-called black widows and redbacks (Roberts
2013). This is evidenced by the radio signal from the pulsar being eclipsed for some fraction of
the orbit (Fruchter, Stinebring & Taylor 1988; Stappers et al. 1996; Archibald et al. 2009). These
companions are all low-mass stars with a mass between 0.02 − 0.3 M⊙ (Roberts 2013; Breton
et al. 2013). In Chen et al. (2013) we have argued that that black widows and redbacks are
In recent years, a few binary pulsars with peculiar properties have been discovered and which
indicate a hierarchical triple system origin – e.g. PSR J1903+0327 (Champion et al. 2008;
Freire et al. 2011b; Portegies Zwart et al. 2011). In 2013, two puzzling MSPs were discovered
in eccentric binaries: PSR J2234+06 (Deneva et al. 2013) and PSR J1946+3417 (Barr et al.
2013). These two systems might also have a triple origin. However, their eccentricities and
orbital periods have led us to suggest an alternative hypothesis of direct MSP formation via
a rotationally delayed accretion-induced collapse of a massive WD (Freire & Tauris 2014; see
Chapter 10). Besides from these intriguing systems, an exotic triple system MSP with two WD
companions (PSR J0337+1715) was announced earlier this year by Ransom et al. (2014). This
amazing system must have survived three phases of mass transfer and one SN explosion and
challenges current knowledge of multiple stellar system evolution (Tauris & van den Heuvel
2014; , see Chapter 8).
There is empirical evidence that the surface B-field strength of a NS decays as a consequence of
accretion. Nevertheless, the exact reason for this process is not well understood (Bhattacharya
2002). Nor is it known what dictates the fastest possible spin rate of a radio MSP. In Fig. 8
we have plotted the spin period distribution of radio MSPs and also included a comparison
of the spin frequency distributions of different classes of their accretion-powered and nuclear-
powered progenitors. Clearly, the radio MSPs seem to be slower spinning compared to their
accreting progenitors – see Papitto et al. (2014) for a recent statistical analysis. In Tauris (2012)
(Chapter 5) I have demonstrated that during the final stage of mass transfer MSPs may lose
up to 50% of their rotational energy. The reason is that low-mass donor stars decouple from
their Roche lobe on a timescale (∼ 100 Myr) which is comparable to the MSP spin-relaxation
timescale. The resulting braking torque can explain the difference in the spin distributions of
radio MSPs and their progenitors (although selection effects must be considered too).
Does the equation-of-state (EoS) of nuclear matter allow for the existence of sub-ms pulsars?
Or is the current spin frequency limit, slightly above 700 Hz (Hessels et al. 2006), set by the
See, however, Benvenuto, De Vito & Horvath (2014) for a different point of view.
transitional MSPs (eclipsing RMSPs + accreting MSPs)
100 200 300 400 500 600 700
100 200 300 400 500 600 700
6 nuclear MSPs
100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Spin frequency (Hz)
Figure 8: Left: The observed spin period distribution of radio MSPs. Data taken from the ATNF Pulsar
Catalogue (Manchester et al. 2005) – version 1.49, April 2014. The discovery of sub-ms MSPs would
have a huge scientific impact. Right: The spin frequency distribution of non-eclipsing rotation-powered
radio MSPs (top), the so-called transitional MSPs (middle), and nuclear-powered MSPs (bottom); after
Papitto et al. (2014).
onset of gravitational wave emission during accretion (Chakrabarty et al. 2003), or subsequent r-
mode instabilities? Alternatively, the spin-up torque might saturate due to magnetosphere–disk
conditions, thus preventing sub-ms MSPs to form (Lamb & Yu 2005).
where ξ ≃ 1 is a numerical factor which depends on the flow pattern (Ghosh & Lamb 1979b;
1992), and
B 2 R6
rA ≃ √ (9)
!−2/7 −5/7
4/7 Ṁ M
≃ 22 km · B8
0.1 ṀEdd 1.4 M⊙
is the Alfvén radius defined as the location where the magnetic energy density will begin to
control the flow of matter (i.e. where the incoming material couples to the magnetic field lines
and co-rotate with the NS magnetosphere). A typical value for the Alfvén radius in accreting
X-ray MSPs, assuming B ∼ 108 G and Ṁ ∼ 0.01 ṀEdd , is ∼ 40 km corresponding to about 3 R.
The expression above is found by equating the magnetic energy density (B 2 /8π) to the ram
pressure of the incoming matter and using the continuity equation (e.g. Pringle & Rees 1972).
The sign of the accretion torque determining spin-up/spin-down depends on the location of the
magnetospheric boundary (i.e. the inner edge of the accretion disk, roughly equal to rA ) relative
to the co-rotation radius and the light-cylinder radius, as well as the critical fastness parameter
– see Tauris (2012); Tauris, Langer & Kramer (2012) (Chapters 5 and 6, and references therein)
for a more detailed description.
Given the uncertainties about the physics of their interior, the NS equation-of-state (EoS)
remains unknown (e.g. Steiner, Lattimer & Brown 2013; and references therein). However,
observations of pulsars can constrain the EoS and thus help illuminating their interior com-
position. The EoS of NSs is often represented in mass–radius diagrams. Measurements of NS
masses, radii and spin rates can help to constrain the region of possible solutions to the EoS –
a key research goal in the MPIfR Pulsar Group. An example of such a plot is shown in Fig. 11.
The current record high-mass NS is PSR J0348+0432 (2.01 ± 0.04 M⊙ , Antoniadis et al. 2013;
see Chapter 4) and the fastest known spinning NS is PSR J1748−2446ad (1.4 ms, Hessels et al.
2006). The NS radii can be constrained from observations by fitting black body spectra to the
thermal radiation of young isolated NSs (Trümper 2005) or LMXBs in quiescent mode (Rut-
ledge et al. 1999). However, these radii measurements are still suffering from uncertainties in
distances estimates and chemical composition of the NS atmospheres (Ho & Heinke 2009). If
LOFT (Large Observatory For X-ray Timing) is selected for a future ESA space mission there
is realistic hope to nail down the NS EoS accurately3 .
broader peaks from iron core-collapse SNe at 1.10 − 1.45 M⊙ and ∼ 1.70 M⊙ from stars with
ZAMS masses roughly in the intervals 10 − 20 M⊙ and 20 − 25 M⊙ , respectively.