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Vu - Chapter4 ER Model 1 Cont

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Mô hình thực thể liên kết

Giảng viên: Vũ Việt Vũ

Hà Nội, tháng 01 năm 2024

Entity-Relationship Model (Mô hình thực thể liên kết)

▪ Design Process
▪ Modeling
▪ Constraints
▪ E-R Diagram
▪ Design Issues
▪ Weak Entity Sets
▪ Extended E-R Features
▪ Design of the Bank Database
▪ Reduction to Relation Schemas
▪ Database Design
Design Phases

▪ The initial phase of database design is to characterize fully the

data needs of the prospective database users.
Pha đầu tiên nhằm phân tích chi tiết cơ sở dữu liệu người dùng cần gì.
▪ Next, the designer chooses a data model and, by applying the
concepts of the chosen data model, translates these
requirements into a conceptual schema of the database.
Lựa chọn mô hình dữ liệu -> lược đồ CSDL mức khái niệm
▪ A fully developed conceptual schema also indicates the
functional requirements of the enterprise. In a “specification of
functional requirements”, users describe the kinds of
operations (or transactions) that will be performed on the data.
Design Phases (Cont.)

The process of moving from an abstract data model to the

implementation of the database proceeds in two final
design phases.
▪ Logical Design – Deciding on the database schema.
Database design requires that we find a “good”
collection of relation schemas.
✓Business decision – What attributes should we record in
the database?
✓Computer Science decision – What relation schemas
should we have and how should the attributes be
distributed among the various relation schemas?
▪ Physical Design – Deciding on the physical layout of
the database
Design Approaches

▪ Entity Relationship Model (covered in this chapter)

✓Models an enterprise as a collection of entities and relationships
▪ Entity: a “thing” or “object” in the enterprise that is distinguishable from other
▪ Described by a set of attributes
▪ Relationship: an association among several entities
✓Represented diagrammatically by an entity-relationship diagram:
▪ Normalization Theory (after)
✓Formalize what designs are bad, and test for them
ER model -- Database Modeling

▪ The ER data mode was developed to facilitate database design by allowing

specification of an enterprise schema that represents the overall logical
structure of a database.
▪ The ER model is very useful in mapping the meanings and interactions of real-
world enterprises onto a conceptual schema. Because of this usefulness,
many database-design tools draw on concepts from the ER model.
▪ The ER data model employs three basic concepts:
✓ entity sets,
✓ relationship sets,
✓ attributes.
▪ The ER model also has an associated diagrammatic representation, the ER
diagram, which can express the overall logical structure of a database
Entity Sets

▪ An entity is an object that exists and is distinguishable from other objects.

✓Example: specific person, company, event, plant
▪ An entity set is a set of entities of the same type that share the same properties.
✓Example: set of all persons, companies, trees, holidays
▪ An entity is represented by a set of attributes; i.e., descriptive properties
possessed by all members of an entity set.
✓ instructor = (ID, name, street, city, salary )
course= (course_id, title, credits)
▪ A subset of the attributes form a primary key of the entity set; i.e., uniquely
identifiying each member of the set.
Entity Sets -- instructor and student

instructor_ID instructor_name student-ID student_name

Relationship Sets

• A relationship is an association among several entities

44553 (Peltier) advisor 22222 (Einstein)
student entity relationship set instructor entity
• A relationship set is a mathematical relation among n  2
entities, each taken from entity sets
{(e1, e2, … en) | e1  E1, e2  E2, …, en  En}

where (e1, e2, …, en) is a relationship

• Example:
(44553,22222)  advisor
Relationship Set advisor
Relationship Sets (Cont.)

▪ An attribute can also be associated with a relationship set.

▪ For instance, the advisor relationship set between entity sets
instructor and student may have the attribute date which tracks
when the student started being associated with the advisor
Degree of a Relationship Set

▪ binary relationship
✓involve two entity sets (or degree two).
✓most relationship sets in a database system are binary.
▪ Relationships between more than two entity sets are rare. Most
relationships are binary. (More on this later.)
✓Example: students work on research projects under the guidance of an
✓relationship proj_guide is a ternary relationship between instructor, student,
and project
Mapping Cardinality Constraints

▪ Express the number of entities to which another entity can be

associated via a relationship set.
▪ Most useful in describing binary relationship sets.
▪ For a binary relationship set the mapping cardinality must be
one of the following types:
✓One to one
✓One to many
✓Many to one
✓Many to many
Mapping Cardinalities

One to one One to many

Note: Some elements in A and B may not be mapped to any

elements in the other set
Mapping Cardinalities

Many to Many to many

Note: Some elements in A and B may not be mapped to any
elements in the other set
Complex Attributes

• Attribute types:
• Simple and composite attributes.
• Single-valued and multivalued attributes
• Example: multivalued attribute: phone_numbers
• Derived attributes
• Can be computed from other attributes
• Example: age, given date_of_birth
• Domain – the set of permitted values for each attribute
Composite Attributes
Redundant Attributes

• Suppose we have entity sets:

• instructor, with attributes: ID, name, dept_name, salary
• department, with attributes: dept_name, building, budget
• We model the fact that each instructor has an associated department
using a relationship set inst_dept
• The attribute dept_name appears in both entity sets. Since it is the
primary key for the entity set department, it replicates information
present in the relationship and is therefore redundant in the entity set
instructor and needs to be removed.
• BUT: when converting back to tables, in some cases the attribute gets
reintroduced, as we will see later.
Weak Entity Sets

• Consider a section entity, which is uniquely identified by a course_id,

semester, year, and sec_id.
• Clearly, section entities are related to course entities. Suppose we
create a relationship set sec_course between entity sets section and
• Note that the information in sec_course is redundant, since section
already has an attribute course_id, which identifies the course with
which the section is related.
• One option to deal with this redundancy is to get rid of the relationship
sec_course; however, by doing so the relationship between section
and course becomes implicit in an attribute, which is not desirable.
Weak Entity Sets (Cont.)

▪ An alternative way to deal with this redundancy is to not store the attribute
course_id in the section entity and to only store the remaining attributes
section_id, year, and semester. However, the entity set section then does
not have enough attributes to identify a particular section entity uniquely;
although each section entity is distinct, sections for different courses may
share the same section_id, year, and semester.
▪ To deal with this problem, we treat the relationship sec_course as a special
relationship that provides extra information, in this case, the course_id,
required to identify section entities uniquely.
▪ The notion of weak entity set formalizes the above intuition. A weak entity
set is one whose existence is dependent on another entity, called its
identifying entity; instead of associating a primary key with a weak entity,
we use the identifying entity, along with extra attributes called discriminator
to uniquely identify a weak entity. An entity set that is not a weak entity set
is termed a strong entity set.
Weak Entity Sets (Cont.)

▪ Every weak entity must be associated with an identifying entity; that is,
the weak entity set is said to be existence dependent on the identifying
entity set. The identifying entity set is said to own the weak entity set
that it identifies. The relationship associating the weak entity set with the
identifying entity set is called the identifying relationship.
▪ Note that the relational schema we eventually create from the entity set
section does have the attribute course_id, for reasons that will become
clear later, even though we have dropped the attribute course_id from
the entity set section.
Entity Sets

Entities can be represented graphically as follows:

• Rectangles represent entity sets.
• Attributes listed inside entity rectangle
• Underline indicates primary key attributes
Relationship Sets

Diamonds represent relationship sets.

Relationship Sets with Attributes

• Entity sets of a relationship need not be distinct

• Each occurrence of an entity set plays a “role” in the relationship
• The labels “course_id” and “prereq_id” are called roles.
Cardinality Constraints

• We express cardinality constraints by drawing either a directed

line (→), signifying “one,” or an undirected line (—), signifying
“many,” between the relationship set and the entity set.
• One-to-one relationship between an instructor and a student :
• A student is associated with at most one instructor via the
relationship advisor
• A student is associated with at most one department via stud_dept
One-to-Many Relationship

▪ one-to-many relationship between an instructor and

a student
✓an instructor is associated with several (including 0)
students via advisor
✓a student is associated with at most one instructor via
Many-to-One Relationships

• In a many-to-one relationship between an instructor and a

• an instructor is associated with at most one student via advisor,
• and a student is associated with several (including 0) instructors
via advisor
Many-to-Many Relationship

• An instructor is associated with several (possibly 0)

students via advisor
• A student is associated with several (possibly 0)
instructors via advisor
Total and Partial Participation
Total participation (indicated by double line): every
entity in the entity set participates in at least one
relationship in the relationship set

participation of student in advisor relation is total

 every student must have an associated instructor
Partial participation: some entities may not participate
in any relationship in the relationship set
Example: participation of instructor in advisor is
Notation for Expressing More Complex Constraints
A line may have an associated minimum and maximum cardinality, shown in
the form l..h, where l is the minimum and h the maximum cardinality
A minimum value of 1 indicates total participation.
A maximum value of 1 indicates that the entity participates in at most
one relationship
A maximum value of * indicates no limit.

Instructor can advise 0 or more students. A student must have

1 advisor; cannot have multiple advisors
Notation to Express Entity with Complex Attributes
Expressing Weak Entity Sets
• In E-R diagrams, a weak entity set is depicted via a double
• We underline the discriminator of a weak entity set with a dashed
• The relationship set connecting the weak entity set to the
identifying strong entity set is depicted by a double diamond.
• Primary key for section – (course_id, sec_id, semester, year)
E-R Diagram for a University Enterprise


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