Varma 2007
Varma 2007
Varma 2007
To cite this article: Rajender S. Varma (2007) “Greener” chemical syntheses using mechanochemical mixing or microwave
and ultrasound irradiation, Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews, 1:1, 37-45, DOI: 10.1080/17518250701756991
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Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews
Vol. 1, No. 1, March 2007, 3745
‘‘Greener’’ chemical syntheses using mechanochemical mixing or
microwave and ultrasound irradiation
Rajender S. Varma*
Sustainable Technology Division, National Risk Management Research Laboratory, US Environmental Protection Agency,
26 West Martin Luther King Drive, MS 443, Cincinnati, OH 45268, USA
(Received 9 August 2007; final form 14 September 2007)
Downloaded by [University of North Carolina Charlotte] at 07:48 20 September 2013
Various emerging ‘‘greener’’ strategic pathways, researched primarily in the author’s own laboratory, are
summarized. They include solvent-free mechanochemical methods that involve the use of hypervalent iodine
reagents at room temperature for the synthesis of heterocyclic entities, and useful conversion of ketones into
b-keto sulfones and their a-tosyloxy derivatives in high yields. A solvent-free approach that involves microwave
(MW) exposure of neat reactants (undiluted) catalyzed by the surfaces of less-expensive and recyclable mineral
supports, such as alumina, silica, clay, or ‘‘doped’’ surfaces, is described; it is applicable to a wide range of
cleavage, condensation, cyclization, rearrangement, oxidation, and reduction reactions, including rapid one-pot
assembly of heterocyclic compounds from in situ generated reactive intermediates. The strategy is adaptable to
multi-component reactions, e.g. Ugi and Biginelli reactions, for rapid assembly of a library of compounds.
Synthesis of a wide variety of significant precursors and intermediates, namely enones, imines, enamines,
nitroalkenes, and oxidized sulfur species, is possible and their value in concise MW synthesis of
2-aroylbenzofurans and thiazole derivatives is illustrated. Ultrasound- and MW-assisted solventless preparation
of ionic liquids and their application in alkylation and metal-catalyzed multi-component reactions are described.
With a view to consume greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide (CO2), efficient reaction of epoxides with CO2 provides
ready access to cyclic carbonates using only a catalytic amount of recyclable indium-based ionic liquid. MW
heating in aqueous reaction media enables expeditious N-alkylation reactions of amines and hydrazines to afford
a series of heterocyclic ring systems, such as N-azacycloalkanes, 4,5-dihydropyrazoles, and pyrazolidines.
A general and expeditious MW-enhanced nucleophilic substitution approach uses easily accessible starting
materials such as halides or tosylates in reaction with alkali azides, thiocyanates, or sulfinates in the absence of
any phase transfer catalyst to produce azides, thiocyanates, and sulfones, respectively, wherein a variety of
reactive functional groups are tolerated. A three-component condensation (MCC) approach for the synthesis of
useful 2-amino-2-chromenes is described using a recyclable nanosized magnesium oxide catalyst in aqueous poly
(ethylene glycol) (PEG) medium at room temperature. A general greener approach to shape-selective generation
of nanomaterials is summarized including their potential application as nanocomposites.
Keywords: microwave irradiation; mechanochemical mixing; ultrasound irradiation; Green chemical
synthesis; ionic liquids; heterocycles; nano-materials; solid-supported reactions; aqueous media
H2N NH2 H2O2 Room temp.
wave (MW) irradiation (26), and mechanochemical variety of organic groups using an inexpensive, safe,
mixing (grinding) (79); and the use of room tem- and easily handled reagent, urea-hydrogen peroxide
perature ionic liquids (10,11), supercritical carbon (UHP), is now possible (Scheme 1); oxidations
dioxide, and water (12) as reaction media that can be include hydroxylated aldedydes and ketones (to
combined with MW or ultrasonic irradiation for phenols), sulfides (to sulfoxides and sulfones), nitriles
rapid synthesis. Indeed, the best solvent is ‘‘no (to amides), and N-heterocycles (to N-oxides) (14).
solvent,’’ but in such cases the problems of handling Ideally, the use of molecular oxygen in conjunction
of materials and heat and mass transfer aspects with a heterogeneous catalyst would be the most
persist and need to be addressed in close co-operation preferred alternative (15).
with chemical engineers.
The newer challenges that face the chemical
industry are the safety, security, and changing Mechanochemical reactions
regulatory requirements that dictate the improve- Solid-state chemistry is a rapidly developing frontier,
ments in the manufacturing efficiency via introduc- and several technological applications are appearing
tion of newer and efficient eco-friendly ‘‘greener’’ wherein mechanochemical forces are successfully
technologies. These technologies may help improve utilized in accomplishing the chemical reactions (7
the ‘‘triple bottom line’’ performance of a company, 9). Such reactions between two macroscopic solid
by containing the cost of the new chemical entities by particles have now been well studied and are believed
speeding up the innovation and waste reduction while to proceed via liquefaction where eutectic mixture
complying with the regulations. Presidential Green exists (7b).
Chemistry Challenge Awards, instituted in 1995, have We have studied some oxidative transformations
promoted this activity by identifying manufacturing by mechanochemical mixing of substrates with non-
processes that prevent pollution and are economically metallic hypervalent iodine reagents which enables
competitive, and several such cases have been sum- the syntheses of relatively complex molecules, such as
marized (13). Among several examples, a concise quinoxaline derivatives (16), b-ketosulfones (17), and
synthesis of Ibuprofen, a commonly used analgesic, a-tosyloxy b-ketosulfones (18). The oxidative trans-
summarizes this green chemistry theme by eliminat- formation of arenecarbaldehyde 3-methylquinoxalin-
ing large quantities of waste via a three-step atom- 2-yl-hydrazones to 1-aryl-4-methyl-1,2,4-triazolo[4,3-
economical route which replaced a six-step process a]quinoxalines (Scheme 2) occurs readily by a simple
using aluminium chloride (13). grinding process using a friendlier non-metallic
Oxidative transformations are important in or- oxidant, iodobenzene diacetate, PhI(OAc)2 (16).
ganic synthesis and several reagents are available to This protocol simply involves grinding of the two
solid substrates using a pestle and mortar; a mildly
employing another hypervalent iodine reagent, hy- In a process that eliminates the use of lachryma-
droxytosyloxy iodobenzene (PhI(OH)OTs), which tory a-haloketones, Varma et al. have synthesized a
involves in situ generation of a-tosyloxyketones variety of heterocyclic compounds (25) via simple
followed by nucleophilic substitution with sodium solvent-free reactions of thioamides, ethylenethiour-
arene sulfinate in the presence of tetra-butylammo- eas, and salicylaldehydes with a-tosyloxyketones,
nium bromide at room temperature (Scheme 3). which are generated in situ from arylmethyl ketones
Similarly, novel a-tosyloxy b-ketosulfones, valu- and [hydroxy(tosyloxy)iodo]benzene (HTIB) under
able precursors for heterocyclic compounds of MW irradiation conditions (Scheme 6).
therapeutic interests, have been prepared under
solvent-free conditions by a simple mechanochemical Solvent- and catalyst-free MW-reactions
mixing of b-ketosulfones with [hydroxyl(tosyloxy) The MW-facilitated reaction between two solids, in a
iodo]benzene (Scheme 4) (18). The research activity solvent- and catalyst-free environment, has been
in this fruitful area continues, as recently exemplified shown to provide rapid access to useful heterocyclic
by a facile and environmentally benign solvent-free hydrazones via the formation of a eutectic melt below
protocol described for the preparation of boronic the melting point of either reactant (26); neat 5- or
esters from the corresponding boronic acids by 8-oxobenzopyran-2(1H)-ones react with a variety of
simply grinding the two components together (19). aromatic and heteroaromatic hydrazines generating
several synthetically useful heterocyclic hydrazones
Solvent-free microwave-assisted reactions (Scheme 7) (26).
Solvent-free approaches that involve MW exposure
of neat reactants catalyzed by the surfaces of less Solvent-free synthesis of ionic liquids
expensive and recyclable mineral supports, such as Ionic liquids, being polar and ionic in charac-
alumina, silica, clay, or ‘‘doped’’ surfaces, are applic- ter, couple to MW irradiation very efficiently,
able (26) to a wide range of cleavage, condensation, and, therefore, have been considered MW absorbing
cyclization, rearrangement, oxidation, and reduction candidates for expediting chemical reactions.
reactions, including rapid one-pot assembly of het- Unfortunately, most of the initial preparative pro-
Clay/MW OH
R H2N S Clay/MW
R R Clayfen,15-60 sec
CrO3/Al2O3,<40 sec
IBD/Al2O3,1.5-2 min
O N Solventless / MW
R R'
O Oxone/Al2O3,2-3 min
O O O O MnO2/SiO2,20-60 sec
MW CuSO4/Al2O3,2-3.5 min
Scheme 9. MW-assisted solvent-free oxidation of alcohols
Scheme 7. Solvent-free preparation of hydrazones using to carbonyls.
The intrinsic reactivity of these low temperature
Downloaded by [University of North Carolina Charlotte] at 07:48 20 September 2013
cesses for the preparation of ionic liquids involve molten salts, especially from the viewpoint of altered
several hours of heating in refluxing solvents, and reactivity of dissolved substrate, has recently been
use a large excess of alkyl halides/organic solvents reviewed (35).
that diminish their true potential as ‘‘greener’’
solvents. The first solventless preparation of the
Microwave-assisted reactions on solid supports
1,3-dialkylimidazolium halides via MW heating has
been described by Varma et al. (Scheme 8); the MW protocols using immobilized reagents on solid
reaction time was reduced from hours to minutes supports have been extensively explored as inexpen-
and the use of a large excess of alkyl halides/organic sive kitchen MW ovens provided the usual heating
solvents as the reaction medium was avoided medium (2).
(10,27,28). The approach has been extended to other
ionic salts bearing tetrafluoroborate anions, and
Oxidation reactions
involves exposing N, N’-dialkylimidazolium chloride
and ammonium tetrafluoroborate salt to MW irra- The simple oxidation reactions involve solvent-free
diation (Scheme 8) (28), using dedicated MW mixing of neat substrates with, for example, clay-
equipment (29). Similarly, gallium and indium con- supported iron (III) nitrate (clayfen) (36) or iodoben-
taining ionic liquids (30,31) have been prepared and zene diacetate (IBD) as an oxidant (37), and brief
used in catalytic amounts for the reaction of MW irradiation for 1560 sec (Scheme 9) (26). The
epoxides with carbon dioxide, affording a greener solid state utility of clayfen-iron(III) nitrate on clay as
route to useful cyclic carbonates (32); this strategy an oxidant has afforded higher yields and is more
focuses on the utilization of greenhouse gas, carbon efficiently supported on clay since the amounts used
dioxide, to generate valuable materials. The surge of in these protocols are half those used earlier in
interest continues in this area for the use of solution phase reactions.
ultrasonic pathways to prepare these solvents (11) The oxidation of sulfides is achieved in a similar
and their use as catalysts for alkylation of isobutane manner using MW irradiation with desired selectivity
with 2-butene (33), for ruthenium-catalyzed tandem to either sulfoxides or sulfones over sodium periodate
migration (34a), and silver-catalyzed coupling reac- (NaIO4) on silica (20%) (Scheme 10) (38). A note-
tions (34b). worthy feature of the protocol is its applicability to
long chain fatty sulfides, which are insoluble in most
solvents, and are consequently difficult to oxidize.
Further, it circumvents the use of oxidants, such as
R X X R X nitric acid, hydrogen peroxide, chromic acid, and
MW MW peracids, conventionally used for the oxidation
X- X- X-
N N N N N N Clayfen, 15–60 sec
O NaIO4 –Silica O
NaIO4 –Silica
R1 S R2 R1 S R2 R2 S R1
NH4BF4 0.5–2.5 min
X- BF4 - O
N N N N Sulfides Sulfoxides
R MW R IBD–Alumina, 40–90 sec Sulfones
R1 R1 NaBH4 - Clay R1 R3
O + H2N R3 cat. Clay N R3 N
R2 MW R2 MW R2 H
R1 H2O
MW R X + M+Nu- R Nu
R X + H N R N MW
R2 R2 X = Br, Cl, I, OTs; M = K, Na; Nu = N3, SCN, SO2R'
the use of environmentally detrimental volatile chlori- polymer-supported, low toxic, and inexpensive PSSA
nated hydrocarbons (52). Various functional groups, as a catalyst renders this method eco-friendly, with a
very simple isolation procedure that simply entails the
such as ester, carboxylic acid, carbonyl, and hydrox-
filtration of the precipitated products.
yl, were unaffected under the mild reaction conditions
employed. This method involves simple experimental
method, benign product isolation protocol, and
Miscellaneous reactions
avoids the use of phase-transfer catalysts, and is
expected to contribute to the development of a Metal-catalyzed reactions
greener strategy for the preparation of various azides, The application of MW heating in the transition
thiocyanates, sulfones, and other useful compounds. metal-catalyzed homogeneous reactions has been
Dioxane rings are common structural motifs in very well explored resulting in robust and selective
numerous bioactive molecules, such as ()-dactylo- methods (55a); a variety of coupling as well as
lide (a cytotoxic agent), derivatives of 2-substituted- asymmetric catalysis reactions have been developed.
1,3-dioxanes (antimuscarinic agents), and ()-SCH Suzuki reaction. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is an
351448 (a novel activator of low density lipoprotein inexpensive and non-toxic reaction medium for the
receptor promoters). Varma et al. have developed a MW-assisted Suzuki cross-coupling of arylboronic
one-pot protocol for their synthesis via a tandem bis- acids with aryl halides (Scheme 18) (55b). This
aldol reaction of ketone with paraformaldehyde, environmentally friendly MW protocol offers the
catalyzed by polystyrenesulfonic acid (PSSA) in ease of operation and enables the recyclability of
aqueous medium (Scheme 16) (53). catalyst and the synthesis of a variety of substituted
This reaction may find a useful place in drug biaryls employing palladium chloride as catalyst and
discovery for the synthesis of bio-active molecules potassium fluoride as the base. PEG offers a con-
bearing 1,3-dioxane moiety. It is noteworthy that venient, non-toxic, thermally stable, inexpensive and
these reactions proceed well in an aqueous medium recyclable reaction medium for Suzuki coupling by
without using any phase transfer catalyst (PTC). This substituting for volatile organic solvents. The MW
may be due to selective absorption of MWs by heating offers a rapid and clean alternative at high
reactants, intermediates, and polar aqueous medium, solid concentration and reduces the reaction time
which accelerate the reaction even in the absence of from hours to minutes. Further, the deployment of
PTC. inexpensive forms of palladium (palladium chloride)
Dihydropyrimidinones are an important class of as the catalyst and tolerance of a variety of functional
organic compounds that show prominent biological groups bodes well for the general utility of the
activity and we have used the aforementioned cata- reaction. The recyclability of the catalyst makes the
reaction economically and potentially viable for
K2CO3, H2O commercial applications.
R NH2 + X(CH2)nX R N (CH2)n + 2HX
3 4 O O O
NH2 R R K2CO3,H2O N R4
R2 NH + R2 N + 2HX PSSA/H2O
1200C, MW
R3 O O
R, R1, R2 = H, alkyl, aryl; R3, R4 = H, alkyl; X = Cl, Br, I, TsO.
Scheme 14. MW-assisted formation of cyclic amines. Scheme 16. Bis-aldol reaction of flavanone in water.
‘‘Greener’’ chemical syntheses using mechanochemical mixing or microwave and ultrasound irradiation 43
O H H2N NH2 80 OC, MW R1O NH
R2 N X
Multi-component one-pot condensation reaction for using vitamin B2 is that it is the most frequently
A nanosized magnesium oxide catalyzed three- encountered organic cofactor in nature and it can
component condensation reaction of aldehyde, mal- assume three different redox states: fully oxidized,
ononitrile, and a-naphthol proceeds rapidly in one-electron reduced, and fully reduced. Each of
water/PEG to afford corresponding 2-amino-2-chro- these redox states exists in a cationic, neutral, and
menes in high yields at room temperature (Scheme anionic form, depending on the pH of the solution,
Downloaded by [University of North Carolina Charlotte] at 07:48 20 September 2013
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