Selfcaredeficit NCP
Selfcaredeficit NCP
Selfcaredeficit NCP
Subjective Data: Self-care deficit After an hour of Determine To identify After an hour of
related to pain nursing the age and the nursing
"Hindi na namin
intervention, the development affecting intervention, the
malinisan ang kuko
patient will al issues. ability of patient performed
at di niya pa din
perform self-care the patient self-care activities
kaya maligo mag-
activities with to with level of own
isa dahil masakit
level of own participate ability.
daw pag
ability. in own
nagagalawang paa Goal met.
nya" as verbalized
Instruct To
by the patient's
patient the individualiz
proper ways ed teaching
of best
handwashing affords
Objective Data:
technique reinforcem
(+) and personal ent of
weakness hygiene. learning in
(+) irritability self-care
nails on and
hands and preventive
feet are dirty measure in
dry and any kind of
scaly skin viruses.
Impaired To provide
ability to safety and
walk Instruct prevent
properly patient to complicatio
request ns.
when To obtain
needed. safety of
Provide the patient.
privacy and
within easy
reach during To prevent
personal care the skin
activities. from being
dry and
Allow patient scaly and
to put for skin
cream or being
lotion on the hydrated.