Abstract: The smart phone market is growing very rapidly. Now a days technologies are updating everyday which are becoming
direct targets of criminals and hackers. Mobile contains a lot of important, sensible and sensitive data which is of an investigator’s
attention. There are following internal and external data available on Android devices like SMS, MMS, emails, call logs, contacts,
gallery photos, calendars, notes, browser history, GPS locations, passwords, and data stored on SD cards, and internal memory
data etc. Thus, it is necessary that with the help of open and commercial tools Investigators are aware of all the techniques and
method used for extracting data from Android Device. ADB (USB Debugging) method which utilizes a built-in protocol within
the operating system.
This paper proposed the recovering of deleted data extraction of android based smartphones iball Andi4.5M enigma version 4.4.2
specified with adb command tools, and paper highlights various commands available in terms of physical acquisition.
Index Terms: Mobile Phone Forensics, adb command, dd, Android forensic, Cyber Forensic.
Many of the portable devices like PDAs, Smartphone, phones, tables and many other electronic handheld devices are running
using software program called operating system to manage the android or windows applications and hardware. Many mobile
operating systems are available in the cyber world such as Hewlett-Packard's webOS, Google Android, Apple iOS, BlackBerry
operating system, Nokia's Symbian and Microsoft's Windows Phone operating system. The mobile operating system is the
software platform on top of which other programs, called application programs, can run on mobile devices. As usability of
mobile devices increasing day to day life and become more widespread so it is important for forensic investigator to handle the
device found in crime scenes.
Now a days it is easy to handle it with the help of different Forensic tool kit like Faraday Bag’s, write blocker’s, UFED 4PC etc.
The primary aim of mobile or android forensic is to retrieval, gathering or recovery of sensitive data present in device and to take
proper evidence from mobile devices as it is a part of digital forensics.
The main purpose of a forensic tool is to obtain data present in Mobile Device without modifying the data and to maintain the
integrity of the data. The tool should provide critical updates in time to keep pace of the rapid changes of Mobile Device hardware
and software. Basically there are two types of forensic tool it can be either forensic or non-forensic, which each of them providing
different challenges and tasks as well as permitting for different solutions.
Forensic tools are tools that are designed primarily for uncovering data from different versions of Mobile Devices, while non-
forensic tools are not designed for uncovering data but can be manipulated for that purpose. Before getting into actual forensics it
is important to understand Android operating system, Android architecture, file systems, directory structures, and how and where
the data is stored on the devices.
Forensic investigation matters while collecting, preserving, Acquainting, Documenting digital evidence to present it in court.
Preserving mobile device without altering data to maintain the integrity it is nearly impossible because mobile device constantly
transmits data using the network, Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth and other mobile apps like Xender. That’s it is necessary to document each
and every small detail about steps taken starting from seizure, preservation, acquisition with the presentation in court.[5]
Physical extraction implies a bit-by-bit copy of the entire flash memory of a mobile device. This extraction method not only
enables the acquisition of intact data, but also data that is hidden or has been deleted.
Deleted data can be recovered from many levels:
The first is the file system level. During the file system reconstruction process, it’s possible, in many cases and occasions, to
recover deleted files or hidden files.
The second level is retrieving deleted information from database files. In some database files that can be found on
smartphones, it’s possible to recover deleted records, such as SMS, MMS, call log entries, contacts, messages etc. Supported
data types obtained using physical extraction include intact and deleted passwords, installed applications, geographical tags,
location information, media files such as photos and videos taken by the user, GPS fixes, emails, chats and many more.[2]
This type of extraction enables the maximum amount of deleted and hidden data to be recovered. Usually it is difficult to
achieve physical data from the mobile device as the manufacturers of mobile devices secure against arbitrary analysis of the
device’s internal memory.
Rooting Android Phone – Rooting is the process of authorizing the users of Android phones to gain the highest privilege i.e. the
user have privilege on an Android Phone. Android is based on Linux as discussed. Thus, gaining root access is same as gaining
root user access or administrative access on Linux OS.
Why Root an Android Phone – In Android each application is assigned a UID and is run as a separate process, and each
application is separated so that one application does not access the data of another application. UID’s assigned to each application
that are stored in packages (XML file in /data/system folder). UIDs, stores the Android permissions of each program as well. The
private data of each application is stored in the /data/data location and is accessible only to that application. The data present at
this location cannot be accessed if the phone is not rooted since a normal user cannot access the application data. However,
rooting a phone will allow us to access the data present in any location of the devices. Thus, it is necessary to root the Android
Phone. [6]
Figure 6: Details of Device iball Andi4.5m Enigma Figure 7: Enabling USB Debugging of iball
Andi4.5M enigma version 4.4.2
In this section, it shows how to Root an Android Phone using different android application. In my case, I have rooted iball
Andi4.5M enigma mobile version 4.4.2. Rooting steps for Android mobile will vary as per the mobile manufacturer so the
steps may vary from your mobile manufacturer. There are many tools and application available for rooting any device, and it
varies from a different manufacturer.
Figure 8: Rooting in Progress with KingoRoot app Figure 9: Device Connected Notification
These are following steps for super user access of rooted android device:
Head to the Google Play Store from your rooted Android device. [10]
Install BusyBox, this app was created by developer Stephen Ericson, and
It is constantly updated with the latest BusyBox commands.
It will ask for Superuser access, so tap "Grant" on this popup.
Figure 10: SuperSU Installed successfully using Figure 11: To check Root Access on device using
BusyBox app Root Checker app
Android Debug Bridge (ADB) – In Android forensics, ADB plays an important role. It is present in <sdk_path>/platform-tools
folder of the device.
Example: This is my path of <sdk_path> C:\Users\Khushboo\Desktop\adb\platform-tools. There you will find an executable
called adb.exe as shown and for tcp connection ncat.exe.
Android Debug Bridge as the name suggests it acts as a channel between computer and the mobile phone. It usually runs with
a non-privilege case account. Thus, it will not provide access to internal application data. But on a rooted phone, ADB will run
with root shell account and deliver access to internal application data, OS files and folders.
Using ADB to access the device – Connect the device to the computer. After connecting the device to the computer and before
issuing adb commands, it is helpful to know whether the mobile phone is connected to the adb server. This can be done using
the “adb.exe” devices command. This command lists out all the devices that are connected to the computer, as shown in the
following command.
C:\Users\Khushboo\Desktop\adb\platform-tools >adb.exe –h
C:\Users\Khushboo\Desktop\adb\platform-tools >ncat.exe –h
C:\Users\Khushboo\Desktop\adb\platform-tools >dir
0123456789ABCDEF device
Above command shows the List of devices that I attached on it. And for issuing Shell Commands to the Mobile Phone – As
stated above Android runs on Windows 10 shell prompt in VMware and provides a way to access the shell. Using ADB, we
can access or gain a shell on Android Phone. Once we access or gain shell, we can run most of the Linux commands. We can
gain shell access on mobile using adb.exe command as shown below –[3]
1|shell@hct82_cwet_kk:/ $ ls
For super user access you will have to allow USB debugging on your device. By accessing super user 1|shell@ change
into root@.
1|shell@hct82_cwet_kk:/ $ su
root@hct82_cwet_kk:/ # ls /data
For instance, as shown in the below command line, ls command can be used to view all the files within a directory.
When imaging a computer, an examiner must first find what the drive is mounted or not as; /dev/sda, for example. The same is
true when imaging an Android device. The first step is to launch the ADB shell and view the /proc/partitions file using the
following command:
In the output shown in the preceding screenshot, mmcblk0 is the entirety of the flash memory on the device. This is because the
private data of all the applications are stored in this folder. Thus, the security is enforced by Android. Only the root user has
access to this location.
As shown in the above command, through rooting the device private data of all the applications can now be seen easily by
navigating to the respective files and folders. Hence, the ADB tool on a rooted device allows us to access all the data of
applications installed on the android device.
Netcat provides a resourceful means of investigating a network from the back-end side of the servers and further establish any
new connection inside the networks using the aforementioned protocols. It has the capability to be run on its own or through
scripts, command line or other programs. It is apparent how the data partition has the following entry to it:
Local port 8888 has to get forwarded to remote port 8888 using the following command. “adb forward tcp: 8888 tcp: 8888”as
shown in the following command.
In my system, Local port 8888 has to get forwarded to remote port 8888 using the following command. “adb forward tcp:
8888 tcp: 8888”as shown in the above image. The actual meaning of such command is that when a connection gets established
on port 8888 on the local machine, port 8888 on the Android device will receive the same connection redirected from the local
machine’s port.
Extracting the data partition could be performed using the following command which relies on the “dd” tool along with the
netcat tool.
Recovering deleted data is analyzed by open source tool called Autopsy. When a user deletes any data from the Android device,
the data is not actually erased or deleted [4]. What gets deleted is the pointer to this particular data. All file systems contain
metadata that maintains information about the hierarchy of files, file names, file structure or so on. Hence, it is possible to
partially recover the deleted data from open source tool and command prompt of windows. [7]
Figure 16: Create a New Case in Autopsy 4.1.0 Figure 17: Select .dd file and open this in tool which
was created by adb command
Figure 17: Shows Extracted file which was deleted Figure 18: Report generation in different format like
html,excel,text file
Using open source tool like adb command and Autopsy I conclude that it is only extracting recently deleted file from the android
devices .The forensics analysis of Android phone and Android application involves different tools and technique than traditional
forensics, as the version or security of devices upgrades new methods are to be studied for Mobile forensics. Apart from other
challenges like extracting and recovering deleted with open source, live data, bypassing screen lock and password, maintaining
the integrity of mobile data and application data is the prime challenge faced in any Android Forensics. Though lots of open and
commercial tools are available for Mobile Forensics, there are breaches to be filled, and a lot needs to be done in this direction.
[1] SudipHazra and PrabhakarMateti,”Challenges in Android Forensics” Communications in Computer and Information
Science, November 2017
[3] Jeff Lessard and Gary Kessler, “Android Forensics: Simplifying Cell Phone Examinations”, Small Scale Digital Device Forensics
Journal Vol. 4, No.1, ISSN# 1941-6164, September 2010.
[4] Imam Riadi and Sunardi,”Forensic Investigation Technique on Android’s Blackberry Messenger using NIST
Framework”,October 2017.
[5] Venkateswara Rao V. and A. S. N. Chakravarthy,”Survey on Android Forensic Tools and Methodologies”International
Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887), Volume 154 – No.8, November 2016.
[7] D. Manson, A. Carlin, S. Ramos, A. Gyger, M. Kaufman, and J. Treichelt, “Is the open way a better way? Digital forensics
using open source tools,” in System Sciences, 2007. HICSS 2007. 40th Annual Hawaii International Conference on. IEEE,
2007, p. 266b.