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Ilovepdf Merged
Submitted by
Seat No : 1069100
in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree
Department of information technology
Date of Submission:
I/C Principal
Signature of Examiner
College Seal
Now a days for any services like Plumbing, Electrical, Electronic, Mechanical, Pest Control, Home
Paint and Machine Repairing, if any customer wants to use this type of services then they can go
through a personal meeting or mobile call. It is difficult for customers to find any service in an
emergency at any time and place. So with this project we are going to develop a website which
will help customers to find out solutions for any problems related to Plumbing, Electrical,
Electronic, and Mechanical, Pest Control, Home Paint and Machine Repairing service. Our website
will provide a platform for all kinds of household services at any time and place. Our project will
also provide the facilities like security, online payment, map navigation.
The success and final outcome of this project required a lot of guidance and assistance from
many people. I am extremely privileged to have got this all along the completion of my project.
All that I have done about my project was only possible due to such supervision and assistance.
I really very grateful to our project guide Mr. Ramapathi Tripathi, who guided me
throughout and, till the completion of my project work by providing all the necessary information
for developing a good system.
I heartily thank our professor, Dr. Abdul Sadique, for him guidance and suggestions during
this project work.
I heartily thank our SPM professor, Ms. Lalta Nirmal, assistant professor for her guidance
and suggestions during this project work.
I am thankful enough to get constant encouragement, support and guidance from all
Teaching staff and my family and friends who helped me in successfully completing my project.
Table of contents
Chapter 1 ................................................................................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Objectives ...................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Purpose, Scope, & Applicability .................................................................................................... 2
1.3.1 Purpose .............................................................................................................................................................................2
1.3.2 Scope ...................................................................................................................................... 3
1.3.3 Applicability ........................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Achievements ................................................................................................................................ 5
Chapter 2 ................................................................................................................................................................................................6
System Analysis ..................................................................................................................................................................................6
2.1 Existing System ............................................................................................................................. 6
2.2 Proposed System............................................................................................................................ 7
2.3 Requirement Analysis .................................................................................................................... 7
2.3.1 Functional requirements .......................................................................................................... 8
2.3.2 Non-functional requirements ................................................................................................... 9
2.4 Hardware Requirements ................................................................................................................. 9
2.5 Software Requirements .............................................................................................................. 10
2.6 Justification of Platform – (how hardware & software satisfying the project) ....................................10
Chapter 3 .............................................................................................................................................................................................13
System Design...................................................................................................................................................................................13
3.1 Problem Definition....................................................................................................................... 13
3.2 Production Description: ............................................................................................................... 13
3.2.1 Product Perspective ............................................................................................................... 13
3.2.2 Product Functions ................................................................................................................. 13
3.3 Planning & Scheduling ................................................................................................................ 14
3.3.1 Gantt chart ............................................................................................................................ 14
3.4 Conceptual Models ...................................................................................................................... 15
SDLC Waterfall model.........................................................................................................................................................15
3.5 Data Dictionary ........................................................................................................................... 16
3.5.1 Schema design ...................................................................................................................... 16
3.6 E-R diagram ................................................................................................................................ 18
3.7 UML diagrams............................................................................................................................. 19
3.7.1 Use case diagram................................................................................................................... 20
3.7.2 Activity diagram ................................................................................................................... 24
3.7.3 Sequence diagram ................................................................................................................. 29
3.7.4 Class diagram........................................................................................................................ 33
3.7.5 Object diagram...................................................................................................................... 35
3.7.6 Component diagram .............................................................................................................. 36
3.7.7 Deployment diagram ............................................................................................................. 38
Chapter 4 .............................................................................................................................................................................................40
Implementation & Testing .........................................................................................................................................................40
4.1 Module Division .......................................................................................................................... 40
4.2 Event table................................................................................................................................... 42
4.3User interface ............................................................................................................................... 44
4.4 Security Issues ............................................................................................................................. 56
4.5 Test cases .................................................................................................................................... 56
4.5.1 Testing approach ................................................................................................................... 56
4.5.2 Unit Testing .......................................................................................................................... 57
4.5.3 Integration Testing ................................................................................................................ 58
4.5.4 Test cases design ................................................................................................................... 60
Chapter 1
1.1 Background
When someone need aid with small but major household tasks, the trouble arises when
service skilled persons are unavailable or the trusted providers are impossible to find, who
delivers consistently flawless service on instance. Our online system for household services
provides the most expedient and annoys free way to get your domestic work done. We aim to
help in providing optimal solutions to all your household troubles with more efficiency, ease and
majorly, a delicate touch. A single click system describes booking highly skilled in-house
professionals and gets your service done on time. Customers’ overall willingness to pay is
significantly and positively correlated with the expectation that fee-based services would be
better, and with the belief that “pay for what you get” is the right thing to do.
. Keeping that in sense our proposed system is basically a marketplace for household services
and it is the platform where the rates were standardized and there is no necessitate haggling over
prices. Several aspects like painting, pest control, home cleaning, plumbing, electrical works and
carpentry services are involved in a system to provide happy and healthy home atmosphere in
order to satisfy consumers.
1.2 Objectives
The objective of this website are as follows:
1. The primary objective of the demand home services system is about delivering the
numerous services provided and how the ordering and delivery of services takes place.
3. Demand home services system can be used by any authorized user intending to seek
seekers, service providers and the admin, by providing appropriate credentials at the time
of registration. To develop a web based online system for opting household services and
to develop an identical website for opting the services.
5. To develop a web based online system for opting household services and to develop an
identical website for opting the services. To design a interactive User Interface for
seeking services on the go. To provide a secured online payment gateway for service
seekers. To acknowledge the conformation of services opted by the users.
1.3.1 Purpose
1.3.2 Scope
The scope of our project is to designing a complete environment to provide a safe and
user-friendly environment for online service booking. The main aim of the project is to
provider an easy to use website for services provided for customer.
We often get frustrated while taking the appointment of service provider because there
the many problems are occur, like the service provider is busy art somewhere else or his
not receiving our call or his cost is very high according to problem. So, in this project we
will remove this headache.
1.3.3 Applicability
1. Feasibility Study:
2. Technical Feasibility:
In this type of study, the current technology in used in an organization is checked such as
the existing software, hardware, and personnel staff to determine whether it will work for
the proposed system or completely new ones is to be used. The technology that was
important in developing a new system such as Development tools, back-end database
system was available from within the organization. The proposed system is capable of
adding, changing, enhancing functionality, features etc. The proposed system is capable
of handling large storage of data. The back-end and front-end technology has greater
important for providing an accurate, error-free, frequencies of data to be used.
3. Economic Feasibility:
For proving that system developed is economical, the economic feasibility study takes
place to check the cost of developing a system against the benefits that it provides. If the
cost is less and benefits are more than we can define our system to be economically
developed. User saves time in searching for a particular product to be purchased by
simply few clicks. The registration process is speedier than the registered manually. The
saving of papers as all data are stored computerized. The record is of free of human errors
as there is less chance of mistakes. The above benefits are in terms of saving time,
minimize errors and provide efficiency in work done.
In terms of economic feasibility our web application is very reasonable in cost. So web
application is economically feasible.
4. Operational Feasibility:
The operational feasibility is concerned with the operability of the system after it has
been installed. That is, some programmer may not like changes in their routine method of
work or has fear that they will lose their peer group. The following areas will have the
operational feasibility in the proposed project the organization has approved this system
as their working system. The User of the system has accepted the proposed system as
their new working system and realized the benefits of it.
1.4 Achievements
Developing and designing “demand home service system” website has helped me increase
my knowledge in web development and designing. I have learned new concepts about web-
development. As I have learned this concept from beginning of the course, but never implemented
those together developing this website has helped me to do so. As I have done the designing of the
website, I have learned a lot new things about CSS thus making the site user friendly. I have used
my database knowledge first time binding up frontend and backend. Overall developing this
website has helped out to know my potential in this field.
⮚ While making this project, we understood how the modules are to be implemented.
⮚ If some changes occur than how it will be implemented without interfering other Modules.
Chapter 2
System Analysis
Urban Clap is an app – based service marketplace that connects customer to service
professional. Their strategy is to connect a greater number of customers to use the platform of
Urban Clap to make their life easier and more comfortable. With the rise in Nuclear families,
Dual Career couples, the focus of customer is to spend quality time with
their families whenever possible. Services at the door step at one click of the mouse is
welcoming change accepted by customers today, giving rise to business model like Urban Clap,
is here to stay for long time. However, the success of these businesses is well dependent on how
successfully Urban Clap can meet the expectations of its customers, reduce their pain and
provide an overwhelming satisfaction to its customer base.
Handyman which was incorporated on 21st November 2014, The Handyman was the first
Professional Handyman Service provider in Pakistan. The ‘Handyman’ is a term used to describe
technicians such as Electricians, Plumbers, AC Mechanics, Carpenters, and Wall Painters etc.
Starting initially in Islamabad, they have a team of qualified handymen available to help
households and businesses with cleaning, electrical, plumbing, painting, and other jobs that
require urgent attention. They also provide cleaning & janitorial services, repair works as well as
tasks related to construction management (building or constructing a house, office, or a
commercial plaza, or remodeling your property).
2.3.1 Functional requirements:
Administrator has maximum privileges to access the system. He maintains user login details, can
assign access rights to customer, can manipulate data and do all the transactions. Administrator is
the super-user of the system.
Service Provider:
In this website service provider first do registration and then login after this process the service
provider can view the service which are ordered by user and send acknowledgement to the user in
positive this application we are providing the map for the service provider to find his
location. The then service provider comes at the place of customer then he call on given phone no.
verify with the customer and then do his work.
In this website the customer first does registration and then do login, after the user search for the
particular service and receiver the list of service available on website. The user then selects the
service and request for the service after this process.
He/she can get acknowledgement as reply which is unique for every user.
2.3.2 Non-functional requirements
Non-functional requirements describe user visibility aspects of the system that are not
● Our system provides a good graphical user interface with various forms for viewers.
● If the user is on the internet, the interface between the user and software product is a web
● Any person who has the basic knowledge of systems and web can use this.
● Availability:
● Reliability:
System should provide a reliable environment to both customers and admin (owner).
● Security:
● Usability:
• Hard disk space: Minimum of 800MB up to 210 GB of available space, depending on
features installed; typical installations require 20-50 GB of free space.
• Hard disk speed: to improve performance, install Windows and Visual Studio on a solid-
state drive (SSD).
• Graphic card: Graphic card that supports a minimum display resolution of 720p (1280 by
720); Visual Studio will work best at a resolution of WXGA (1366 by 768) or higher.
The system will be developed using. NET technologies and C# language in Visual Studio
2019 and MySQL. C# is one of the most widely used programming languages in the world. It is
easy to learn and is used to develop a wide array of software, including web applications, Windows
apps, and video games for consoles and PCs.
1. Improved Performance
With the new enhancements as well as upgrades, the code actually gets much more optimized that
results into improved performance. NET Core’s actual performance is multiple times more than
any of the famous framework implementations. It clearly shows that Microsoft has quite a long-
term plan with this ASP.NET Core technology.
2. Support of Cross-platform
When it comes down to web application development, it is essential to ensure that the application
actually supports all of the platforms. The latest ASP.NET Core is actually cross-platform that
allows you to easily create web applications which run on Windows, Linux, and Mac.
3. Lesser Code
The latest technology actually demands less coding, meaning that the developers can easily
optimize the code-structure by means of writing much lesser statements.
4. Easier Maintenance
Whenever there is lesser code, it becomes much easier to maintain automatically.
Advantages of Programming in C#
There are quite a few advantages of programming in C#. After all, the language would not
be as popular as it is without reason. For starters, the language is relatively easy to learn
when compared to other languages in the same class. While not as simple as Python or
Perl, it does have a very low learning curve, making it ideal for beginners or seasoned
programmers looking to add another language to their developer toolkit.
Another advantage of learning to code in C# is how efficient the language is. As a statically
typed language, C# is easy to read and understand, making it easier to find errors in code
(yours or another developer’s) and also understand the code you are reading. It also makes
it easy to write code in general, with reusable code being a primary feature of C#.
Part of that ease of reading and coding comes from the fact that C# is an Object-Oriented
Programming (OOP) language. This makes it highly efficient, flexible, scalable, and easy
to maintain.
Another great feature of C# is its community. There are a lot of developers that use C# and
so finding support or answers for questions is not as hard as it might be with a lesser
language. This large community also helps ensure the continued existence – and use – of
the language, so you don’t have to worry about it disappearing anytime soon.
In proposed system MySQL will be used as backend. MySQL is a relational database
management system based on the Structured Query Language, which is the popular
language for accessing and managing the records in the database. MySQL is open-source
and free software under the GNU license. It is supported by Oracle Company.
Chapter 3
System Design
3.2.1 Product Perspective: The system is intended to work on all types of operating
systems like UNIX and Windows based platform. The system will be a reliable product for all
the users.
provider or technician information all these tasks will be handled and done in the
supervision of the admin. The administrator can also add, delete or update the data.
Costumer: The normal users will only be allowed to view the information of the service
provider or technician and can query. But only the registered customer will be allowed to
book an appointment after logging in.
Customer Characteristics: The customer should be familiar to the internet and various
facilities available online. The user should be able to choose his service as per his
requirement and ask queries accordingly.
Estimated time:
Actual time:
survey and
System design
3.4 Conceptual Models:
SDLC Waterfall model
The Waterfall Model was the first Process Model to be introduced. It is also referred to as
a linear-sequential life cycle model. It is very simple to understand and use. In a waterfall model,
each phase must be completed before the next phase can begin and there is no overlapping in the
phases. The Waterfall model is the earliest SDLC approach that was used for software
The waterfall Model illustrates the software development process in a linear sequential
flow. This means that any phase in the development process begins only if the previous phase is
complete. In this waterfall model, the phases do not overlap.
Waterfall approach was first SDLC Model to be used widely in Software Engineering to
ensure success of the project. In "The Waterfall" approach, the whole process of software
development is divided into separate phases. In this Waterfall model, typically, the outcome of
one phase acts as the input for the next phase sequentially.
Waterfall model
Some of the major advantages of the Waterfall Model are as follows −
Easy to manage due to the rigidity of the model. Each phase has specific deliverables and
a review process.
Works well for smaller projects where requirements are very well understood.
username Varchar 100 Not null and The username for logging in into the website.
password Varchar 100 Not null The password for logging in into the website
first_name Varchar 100 Not null The first name of the admin.
last_name Varchar 100 Not null The last name of the admin.
email_id Varchar 100 Not null The email address of the admin.
Table 2: Service_Registration provider table:
Table 4: Order_Service Table:
Column name Data type Size Constraints Description
Components of ER Diagram:
1. Entity: An entity may be any object, class, person or place. In the ER diagram, an entity can be
represented as rectangles. Consider an organization as an example- manager, product, employee,
department etc. can be taken as an entity.
2. Attribute: The attribute is used to describe the property of an entity. Eclipse is used to
represent an attribute.
3.7.1 Use case diagram
These internal and external agents are known as actors. Use case diagrams consists of
actors, use cases and their relationships. The diagram is used to model the system/subsystem of an
application. A single use case diagram captures a particular functionality of a system. Hence to
model the entire system, a number of use case diagrams are used.
The notation for a use case diagram is pretty straightforward and doesn't involve as many types
of symbols as other UML diagrams.
Use cases: Horizontally shaped ovals that represent the different uses that a user might have.
Actors: Stick figures that represent the people actually employing the use cases.
Associations: A line between actors and use cases. In complex diagrams, it is important to know
which actors are associated with which use cases.
System boundary boxes: A box that sets a system scope to use cases. All use cases outside
the box would be considered outside the scope of that system
Usecase Diagram For Admin
In this diagram, functions that can be performed by the admin are shown. Admin can view the
update. Admin can verify the customer and update to the service provider for the service. And
view the feedback given by the customer.
Usecase Diagram For Service Provider
In this diagram, functions that can be performed by the service provider are shown. Service
provider view the update which are ordered by the customer and send acknowledgment to the
customer in positive reply. And after the work done by the service provider update it.
Usecase Diagram For Customer
In this diagram, functions that can be performed by the customer are shown. Customer can view
the demand home service page after the user search for the particular service and receiver the list
of service available on our website. The customer then selects the service and request for the
service after this process.
3.7.2 Activity diagram
Activity diagram is another important diagram in UML to describe the dynamic aspects
of the system. Activity diagram is basically a flowchart to represent the flow from one activity to
another activity. The activity can be described as an operation of the system. The control flow is
drawn from one operation to another. This flow can be sequential, branched, or concurrent.
Activity diagrams deal with all type of flow control by using different elements such as fork, join,
These activity diagram shapes and symbols are some of the most common types you'll find in
UML diagrams.
3.7.3 Sequence diagram:
A sequence diagram simply depicts interaction between objects in a sequential order i.e.
the order in which these interactions take place. We can also use the terms event diagrams or event
scenarios to refer to a sequence diagram. Sequence diagrams describe how and in what order the
objects in a system function. These diagrams are widely used by businessmen and software
developers to document and understand requirements for new and existing systems.
Actors – An actor in a UML diagram represents a type of role where it interacts with the system
and its objects.
Messages – Communication between objects is depicted using messages. The messages appear in
a sequential order on the lifeline. We represent messages using arrows.
Sequence diagram for admin
This diagram shows the sequence of messages passed between admin, website and database.
Sequence diagram for service provider
This diagram shows the sequence of messages passed between service provider, website and
Sequence diagram for customer
This diagram shows the sequence of messages passed between customer, website and database.
3.7.4 Class diagram:
Class diagram is a static diagram. It represents the static view of an application. Class
diagram is not only used for visualizing, describing, and documenting different aspects of a system
but also for constructing executable code of the software application.
Class diagram describes the attributes and operations of a class and also the constraints
imposed on the system. The class diagrams are widely used in the modeling of object-oriented
systems because they are the only UML diagrams, which can be mapped directly with
objectoriented languages. Class diagram shows a collection of classes, interfaces, associations,
collaborations, and constraints. It is also known as a structural diagram.
Upper Section: The upper section encompasses the name of the class. A class is a representation
of similar objects that shares the same relationships, attributes, operations, and semantics.
Middle Section: The middle section constitutes the attributes, which describe the quality of the
class. The attributes have the following characteristics:
Lower Section: The lower section contain methods or operations. The methods are represented
in the form of a list, where each method is written in a single line. It demonstrates how a class
interacts with data.
Class diagram
3.7.5 Object diagram
Object diagrams are derived from class diagrams so object diagrams are dependent upon
class diagrams. Object diagrams represent an instance of a class diagram. The basic concepts are
similar for class diagrams and object diagrams. Object diagrams also represent the static view of
a system but this static view is a snapshot of the system at a particular moment. Object diagrams
are used to render a set of objects and their relationships as an instance.
Objective diagram
This object diagram show examples of some attributes of objects of respective classes.
3.7.6 Component diagram
A component diagram is used to break down a large object-oriented system into the smaller
components, so as to make them more manageable. It models the physical view of a systemsuch as
executables, files, libraries, etc. that resides within the node.
It visualizes the relationships as well as the organization between the components present
in the system. It helps in forming an executable system. A component is a single unit of the system,
which is replaceable and executable. The implementation details of a component are hidden, and
it necessitates an interface to execute a function. It is like a black box whose behavior is explained
by the provided and required interfaces.
Since it is a special kind of a UML diagram, it holds distinct purposes. It describes all the
individual components that are used to make the functionalities, but not the functionalities of the
system. It visualizes the physical components inside the system. The components can be a library,
packages, files, etc.
The component diagram also describes the static view of a system, which includes the
organization of components at a particular instant. The collection of component diagrams
represents a whole system.
Component diagram
3.7.7 Deployment diagram
A deployment diagram is a UML diagram type that shows the execution architecture of a
system, including nodes such as hardware or software execution environments, and the
middleware connecting them. Deployment diagrams are typically used to visualize the physical
hardware and software of a system. Using it you can understand how the system will be physically
deployed on the hardware. Deployment diagrams help model the hardware topology of a system
compared to other UML diagram types which mostly outline the logical components of a system.
In order to draw a deployment diagram, you need to first become familiar with the following
deployment diagram notations and deployment diagram elements.
Node: A node, represented as a cube, is a physical entity that executes one or more components,
subsystems or executables. A node could be a hardware or software element.
Artifacts: Artifacts are concrete elements that are caused by a development process. Examples of
artifacts are libraries, archives, configuration files, executable files etc. Communication
Association: This is represented by a solid line between two nodes. It shows the path of
communication between nodes.
Deployment diagram
Chapter 4
Implementation & Testing
Admin Login:
Login: Admin will have his own username and password for logging in.
View appointments: Check the appointments list of the service provider accordingly update
the information of the service provider.
View result: Admin can view the result of the services done by the service provider.
Update information: The information of the services provider will be updated depending
upon the services done by the services provider.
Answer the queries: Admin can answer the user queries.
Login and logout: The admin will have its own id and password for logging in and logout
after performing the functions.
Customer Login:
Search service provider: The customer without need to login can search for the service
provider as per the various service.
Register: To book an appointment the users need to login if they are already a customer or
need to register otherwise.
Login: Each customer will have its own unique user id and password and they will be
provided with time slots to book an appointment with the service provider.
Book appointment: After login the users will select their service which they want to
services and book an appointment and they will be provided with time slots.
Cancel appointment: After booking an appointment the customer can also cancel its
appointment if not able to do any services.
Ask admin: The customer can ask their queries to the service provider they think.
Logout: The customer needs to logout after the work is completed.
Login: The service provider will have their login id and password.
View appointments: The service provider can view his appointment schedule from
anywhere at any time.
Cancel appointments: The service provider can cancel his appointment if he/she is not
available at that time.
Logout: The service provider needs to logout after the work is completed.
4.2 Event table
Sr Event Trigger Source Activity Response Destination
6. Customer Request for sign in Customer Verify Homepage Database
request to username of
sign in and Customer
4.3 User interface
About us page :
Contact us page:
Home page:
Service provider registration page:
Customer registration page:
Login page:
Manage category page:
Verify customer page:
Chat page:
Order form page:
Payment page:
Feedback page:
4.4 Security Issues:
4.5.2 Unit Testing:
Unit testing is a type of software testing where individual units or components of a software
are tested. The purpose is to validate that each unit of the software code performs as expected. Unit
Testing is done during the development (coding phase) of an application by the developers. Unit
Tests isolate a section of code and verify its correctness. A unit may be an individual function,
method, procedure, module, or object. The main aim is to isolate each unit of the system to identify,
analyses and fix the defects.
In SDLC, STLC, V Model, Unit testing is first level of testing done before integration
testing. Unit testing is a Whitebox testing technique that is usually performed by the developer.
Though, in a practical world due to time crunch or reluctance of developers to tests, QA engineers
also do unit testing.
Unit Testing is important because software developers sometimes try saving time doing
minimal unit testing and this is myth because inappropriate unit testing leads to high cost Defect
fixing during System Testing, Integration Testing and even Beta Testing after application is built.
If proper unit testing is done in early development, then it saves time and money in the end. Key
reasons to perform unit testing:
Unit tests help to fix bugs early in the development cycle and save costs.
It helps the developers to understand the testing code base and enables them to make changes
Unit tests help with code re-use. Migrate both your code and your tests to your new project.
Tweak the code until the tests run again.
Developers looking to learn what functionality is provided by a unit and how to use it can look
at the unit tests to gain a basic understanding of the unit API.
Unit testing allows the programmer to refactor code at a later date, and make sure the module
still works correctly (i.e. Regression testing). The procedure is to write test cases for all functions
and methods so that whenever a change causes a fault, it can be quickly identified and fixed.
Due to the modular nature of the unit testing, we can test parts of the project without waiting for
others to be completed.
Though each software module is unit tested, defects still exist for reasons like.
At the time of module development, there are wide chances of change in requirements by the
clients. These new requirements may not be unit tested and hence system integration Testing
becomes necessary.
Inadequate exception handling could cause issues. Guidelines for Integration Testing.
We go for the integration testing only after the functional testing is completed on each module
of the application.
First, determine the test case strategy through which executable test cases can be prepared
according to test data.
Examine the structure and architecture of the application and identify the crucial modules to test
them first and also identify all possible scenarios.
Choose input data for test case execution. Input data plays a significant role in testing.
If we find any bugs then communicate the bug reports to developers and fix defects and retest.
4.5.4 Test cases design:
2. Inactive
4. User Status 1. Active Access to homepage When not verified through Fail
2. Inactive
5. Apply for the Apply for the Successfully apply for Apply for the services successful Pass
services services the services
6. Apply for the Apply for the unsuccessfully apply Apply for the services unsuccessful Fail
services services for the services
7. Generate the Generate the Successfully generate Generated details success Pass
customer customer details the details
8. Generate the Generate the unsuccessfully generate Generated details unsuccessful Fail
customer customer details the details