Cris Vo
Cris Vo
Cris Vo
pleasure” God
By forming man out of the dust, God gives the human being this kind of body
The Hebrew adam is actually a generic term for the human being
The Hebrew word adam is not an individual human person named Adam but actually
means a human being
The garden mentioned in Genesis was not intended as a paradise for the human race, but as
a pleasure park for God and it was tended for God by the. Human Being
The first step in tending our life and this world that God may delight or be pleased with it
and with us for everything He gave us is to be apprecia-ve and grateful
The human being is not just called to be an exis-ng human body but is called into the
world to be ac-vely Present
The word voca-on, coming from the La-n verb voco,-as,-are, literally means to call
The garden men-oned in Genesis was not intended as a paradise for the human race, but
as a pleasure park for God and it was tended for God by the human being
God’s act of breathing into man’s nostrils the breath of life is His act of giving to the
human being the giH of life
Things cherished and valued are taken much … A. apprecia-on of B. value of C. well of
D. care of
As God breathes into the human being’s nostrils the breath of life, God calls the human
being to life
The human race’s ac-ve presence in this world must be able to “delight” or “give
pleasure” to oneself. False
The human being is not just called to be an exis-ng human body but is called to be
ac-vely present in the world. True