Cpi Genware Info
Cpi Genware Info
Cpi Genware Info
Table of Contents
Terminology ..................................................................................... 9
Note ............................................................................................... 10
Hardware and Software Requirement ............................................ 10
Getting Started..........................................................................................11
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Appendix A..............................................................................................139
AEC Overview and Background Information ................................ 139
Film/Screen Response vs kV ................................................................................................... 139
AEC Calibration Range ............................................................................................................ 140
Per-calibration Setup ................................................................... 141
AEC Setup Worksheet ............................................................................................................. 141
AEC Pre-calibration Checks .......................................................... 143
AEC Chamber Installation ....................................................................................................... 144
AEC Pickup Connections (Overview) ...................................................................................... 145
AEC Calibration (Table Bucky) ..................................................... 146
Target Breakpoint Calibration Factor Table ........................................................................... 146
Breakpoint Calibration Worksheet ......................................................................................... 148
Table Bucky AEC Calibration ................................................................................................... 149
Short Time AEC Compensation ..................................................... 154
AEC Density Calibration................................................................ 155
RLF Compensation ....................................................................... 157
Multiple Spot Exposure Compensation ......................................... 158
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Appendix B..............................................................................................173
Dose Limits Setup (Without S.I.D. Compensation) ....................... 173
Continuous Fluoro Dose Limits (Without SID Compensation) ............................................... 174
High Level Fluoro Dose Limits (without SID compensation) .................................................. 178
Pulsed Fluoro Dose Limits (without SID compensation) ........................................................ 181
High-level Pulsed Fluoro Dose Limits (without SID compensation) ....................................... 186
Fluoro ABS Curves Setup ........................................................................................................ 190
Pulsed Fluoro ABS Curves Setup............................................................................................. 192
Appendix C..............................................................................................195
Dose Limits Setup (With S.I.D. Compensation) ............................ 195
Appendix D..............................................................................................197
I.I. Input Dose Setup and Calibration .......................................... 197
Setting the PMT High Voltage ................................................................................................ 198
I.I. Input Dose Calibration for Continuous Fluoro .................................................................. 200
I.I. Mag Mode Compensation for Continuous Fluoro ............................................................ 203
I.I. Input Dose Calibration for High-Level Fluoro .................................................................... 204
I.I. Mag Mode Compensation for High-Level Fluoro .............................................................. 206
I.I. Input Dose Calibration for Pulsed Fluoro .......................................................................... 207
I.I. Mag Mode Compensation for Pulsed Fluoro .................................................................... 210
Pulsed Fluoro Frame Rate Compensation .............................................................................. 211
I.I. Input Dose Calibration for High-Level Pulsed Fluoro ........................................................ 212
I.I. Mag Mode Compensation for High-Level Pulsed Fluoro .................................................. 214
Appendix E ..............................................................................................217
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Appendix F ..............................................................................................223
Air Kerma calibration ................................................................... 223
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GenWeb is a software tool used to program, monitor, and control the
CPI X-ray generator.
This manual is specially designed to guide you through the functions
and features of GenWeb™, such as the calibration procedures for AEC
(Auto Exposure Control), ABS (Automatic Brightness Stabilization),
DAP (Dose-Area Product), and Air Kerma.
This guide uses the following terms.
FLUORO Fluoroscopy
PF Pulsed Fluoro
KW Kilowatts
kV Kilovolts
mA Milliamps
ms Milliseconds
HU Heat Unit
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This manual contains “screen captures” of GenWeb™ and setup
parameters that are shown for illustrative purposes only. The settings
and limits shown do not represent CPI recommended settings to be
used during the setup and calibration of the generator.
The default settings and limits that are provided in the generator
software are not intended as final values. All settings and limits must
be confirmed and / or adjusted as required during the setup and
calibration of the generator.
Before making any generator configuration changes, backup and
create an installation report of the generator default settings.
Use this manual in conjunction with the X-ray generator service
• A computer with a minimum 1024 X 768 screen resolution.
• A CPI Indico IQ X-ray generator.
• Firefox 23 (make sure “Shockwave Flash” is installed under the
Add-ons Manager tab).
• Internet Explorer 10 Version 10.0.9200.16897 or higher.
• Chrome version 34.
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Getting Started
Note: Make sure the generator is connected to a computer or CPI
touchscreen console. The CPI touchscreen console does not require
the IP address configured. The following steps are required if
connecting an external computer to the generator.
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The graphic user interface of GenWeb™ consists of windows, panels,
and panes. The following figure provides the brief descriptions of the
Icon Tooltip
You can hover the mouse pointer over any button; a balloon tip will tell
you what the button’s function is. For example, when you hover over
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4. Type the desired kV value, and then select Apply or press the Enter key to
save the changes.
5. Repeat the same procedure to change the mA, ms, and mAs parameters.
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2. On the AEC Film Screen window, select the desired film screen.
2. On the AEC Fields window, select the desired AEC field(s). The selected
field(s) is shown in black.
Note: Pulse rates are 3, 7.5, 15, and 30 PPS for the 60 Hz based
cameras, and 2.5, 6.25, 12.5, and 25 PPS for the 50 Hz based
imaging systems.
Fluoroscopy parameters include kV, mA, and PPS (only for Pulsed
Fluoro). To set up these parameters, use the same actions as
described in the section “Setting the Radiography/Cine Parameters”.
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2. On the R/F Transfer Curves window, select the desired R/F transfer curve.
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2. On the Air Kerma Functions window, select the desired AK Filter button.
The filter’s AK value displays on the Air Kerma Function Button.
2. On the Air Kerma Functions window, select the AK Reset button. The AK
value as shown on the Air Kerma Functions button is reset.
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2. On the DAP Function window, click the DAP Test button. The DAP test
begins. The test results displays after completing the DAP test.
Live Monitor
GenWeb™ provides live charts and the status of the room inputs
/outputs. The charts can monitor kV, mA, ABS, AEC, and Filament 1
and Filament 2 currents. A Sound test can be perform for Rad/Fluoro
exposures and generator error/warning messages.
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3. On the right of the Analogue Feedback Signals tab, select the desired
button to monitor the feedback signal. For example, select the kV button
to monitor kV feedback signal.
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Sound Test
1. On the Button and Text Field Pane, click the Live Monitor button. The
Realtime Signals Monitoring window opens.
2. On the Realtime Signals Monitoring window, select the Sound Test tab to
test the speaker output on the Room I/O Board.
3. Click the desired tab to test the speaker for the various sound options
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Setting Window
It is the edit window that you can customize the settings. It contains a
table including Properties, Settings and Range columns.
The names in the Properties column and the values in Range column
are not editable. The parameters in the Settings column are editable,
but restricted by either the corresponding values in the Range column
or the drop-down list in Settings column.
2. On the Tube 1 drop-down combo box, click its arrow, and then select the
desire option from its list.
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2. Either enter the desired value in the Fluoro Hangover (s/min) field or
move the slider to set the desired value.
Confirm and Save all the settings to the X-ray generator.
This button is only enabled after parameters are changed.
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Help Menu
You can use this menu to save or view a configuration report to check
the software module versions and to log out of GenWeb™.
GenWeb™ Preferences
The Advance Room I/O Configuration settings allow users to enable or
disable advance setting functions for each room input and output. It is
recommended to keep the settings disabled. The Configuration
Defaults function is not available at this time.
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Installation Report
The installation report allows the configuration information of the
generator to be saved to a computer. The saved installation report will
be a GenConfigReport.txt text file.
To save or view the installation report, perform the following steps:
1. On the Help menu, select Installation Report. The GenConfigReport.txt
dialog box opens.
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About Generator
The About Generator displays the software versions of the applications
and the version used by the boards on the X-ray generator.
To view these software versions, perform the following:
• On the Help menu, select About to open the following window that
displays the software versions used on the generator.
Used for logging out of GenWeb™.
To log out of GenWeb™, perform the following step:
• On the Help menu, select Logout. The login window will now be
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Utilities Menu
You can configure the functions listed in the following table via this
menu for the X-ray generator.
Definitions of the Utilities function:
Utilities Date & Time Sets the generator’s internal clock.
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2. On the Date & Time Settings window, set the Year, Month, Day, Hour,
Minute, and Second.
3. Click the Apply button to save the changes.
The Date & Time Settings window contains the Synchronize and
Refresh buttons. The following table shows the functions of the
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Exposure Statistics
The Exposure Statistics window shows the total Radiographic
exposures and the total Fluoro exposure hours taken on the generator.
To view Exposure Statistics, perform the following step:
1. On the Utilities menu, select Statistics. The Exposure Statistics window
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2. On the Generator Error Log window, click each of the following icons:
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Reload Grid.
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2. Click Open with, and then select the application software Notepad from
the Drop-down combo box beside the Open with button to open the
Generator Error Log file.
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Firmware Updater
Use the Firmware Updater window to update the generator
To update the generator firmware, perform the following steps:
1. Copy the new generator firmware file onto the computer’s hard drive. The
new generator firmware file is distributed by various means including
USB, e-mail, or through an FTP site. One file is copied in the format
XXXXXXXXX.gfi. Note the folder to which this file has been copied too.
Note: If the firmware image file is renamed, do not include any
spaces. A space in the image file name will cause the
downloading process to fail.
2. Select the Help tab and click About. Then record the Generator
Application version number. This version number will be compared to the
new version number after completion of the generator firmware update.
3. Select the Utilities tab and click Firmware Updater from the dropdown
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4. When the following window opens, click the Browse button to browse to
the location of the generator firmware file saved in step 1, and then select
the file.
5. After selecting the generator firmware file, the following window will open
displaying the file name of the latest generator firmware version.
6. After a brief pause, the Firmware Updater window will open. When the
image file has completed processing, the information of the generator
firmware is displayed in the table and the Update button will be enabled.
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Note: The CPU will save a copy of the generator firmware and allow the
generator to recover if an interruption or failure has occurred
during a firmware update. If a failure has occurred during the
update, cycle the power to the generator and restart the
generator firmware updating process. This feature is only
available on Rev. D or higher Generator CPU Boards. Lower Rev.
Generator CPU Boards will not have this feature and would need
to be returned to the factory if a failure has occurred during a
firmware update.
Note: When powering on the generator for the first time after
completing the firmware update, the generator may take up to
10 minutes to update the firmware for all the subsystems.
During this time, do not power off the generator. Wait for the
generator to close its main contactor and enter its standby
9. After the generator turns on, refresh the Web page, and then enable the
About menu in GenWeb™.
10. Compare the current generator application version with the one recorded
in step 2. If the generator application versions are different, the generator
firmware has been successfully updated.
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This backs up the generator setup and configuration data (tube
selection, generator limits, receptor setup, I/O configuration, AEC
setup and calibration, Fluoro setup and calibration, and the tube
calibration curves).
To backup the setup and the configuration data, perform the following
1. On the Utilities menu, select Backup. The Opening GenConfigBackup.dat
dialog box opens.
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The restore utility restores the generator setup and configuration data.
To restore the generator settings, perform the following steps:
1. On the Utilities menu, select Restore to open the following window.
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2. To change the Console password, click the Console Password window title
bar to open its window.
3. Enter the new password.
Note: The new password must match the re-type password. If the
new password does not match, you will be forced to re-enter
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Network Configurations
This applies if connecting the X-ray generator to a Local Area Network
(LAN) or CAN bus.
Network Settings
To setup the network, perform the following steps:
1. On the Utilities menu, select Network. The Network Configurations
window opens.
2. Obtain the local area network’s IP Address, Subnet mask and Gateway if
required from the Network Administrator.
3. Setup the IP address, Subnet mask, Default gateway and DNS server
4. On the Network Configurations window, select Apply to save the network
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CAN 1 / 2 Settings
To complete the CAN bus 1 / 2 settings, perform the following steps:
1. Click the CAN 1 / 2 Settings bar to open the CAN 1 / 2 Settings window.
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2. Type the new 16-character License Key in the License Key Settings
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Generator Configurations
This chapter describes each function listed on the Generator
Configurations menu.
The following table provides a description of the functions listed on the
Generator Configuration menu.
Generator Generator Sets the generator output limits i.e.
Configurations Limits maximum kW, maximum and
minimum kV, mA, mAs and ms.
Receptor Setup Assigns the desired properties and
defaults to each image receptor.
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Generator Limits
Used for setting the generator output limits such as, kV, mA, ms, and
Definitions of the Generator Limits parameters:
Maximum kW Sets the maximum generator kW limit.
2. On the Generator Limits window, set up all the parameters for the
generator limits.
3. Click Apply to save the changes.
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Receptor Setup
Used for configuring the properties, AEC settings, and defaults of the
Note: It is recommended that the image receptor programming
worksheet be filled in for each receptor that is programmed.
Photocopy a blank worksheet form contained in the generator
service manual. This will provide a record of the receptor setup
for future reference.
Receptor Properties
This setup allows you to define properties for the selected Receptor.
Definitions of the Receptor Setup properties:
Tube Selects the tube assigned to the current image receptor.
Tube 2 is only available on two-tube generators. This
function also allows the currently selected receptor to be
Disable Disables the currently selected receptor.
Tube 1: Assigns tube 1 to the currently selected
Tube 2: Assigns tube 2 to the currently selected
Tomo Mode Enables or disables tomographic operation on the current
Tomo Backup Sets the default tomo backup time when tomo is selected
Time (ms) via the remote tomo select input
Fluoro Mode Enables or disables Fluoroscopic operation on the current
Serial Mode Allows repeated (serial) X-ray exposures on the currently
selected receptor without the need to re-prep after each
exposure. Normally used with serial film changers or
digital imaging systems.
Auto-Focus Enables or disables the ability of the generator to
automatically select the large or small focus.
Fluoro Sets the time that the rotor will continue to spin after a
Hangover (s) Fluoro exposure has terminated.
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Rad Sets the time that the rotor will continue to spin after a
Hangover(s) Rad exposure has terminated.
Last Image Sets the time that the Fluoro exposure will continue after
Hold (ms) the footswitch has been released. This enables a frame
store device to complete the last image.
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2. On the Receptor Properties window, set up all the parameters for the
selected receptor.
3. On the selected receptor Setup window, click Apply to save the changes.
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AEC Lock Selects the number of AEC “scout” exposures that will be
Exposures made in order to determine the AEC exposure time during
serial exposures. The subsequent exposure time will be
locked to that of the last scout exposure.
Receptor Defaults
This allows you to define the receptor defaults for the selected receptor
if the Memory Options is enabled.
Definitions of the Receptor Defaults properties:
The following selections only apply if Memory – Default is selected as
described above.
Radiographic kV Selects the default kV for the selected receptor.
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Exposure Defines which technique will be defaulted to when a
Technique receptor is selected.
ms: Defaults to mA/ms mode.
mAs: Defaults to mAs mode.
AEC: Defaults to AEC mode.
Focus Defines which focus will be defaulted to when a receptor
is selected. Options are Small or Large. Micro focus is
not available at this time.
AEC Density Selects the default density for the selected receptor.
AEC Film Screen Defines which film screen will be defaulted to when a
receptor is selected and AEC is enabled. Options are film
screen I, II or III.
AEC Right Field Enables or disables the AEC right field.
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Prep The period that starts when the generator enters the
Radiographic PREP phase. This includes filament boost and
rotor prep time.
GenRdy The period from the time the generator is finished the PREP
phase until it is ready to expose. This phase is time-limited.
F.Prep The period that starts when the generator enters the
Fluoroscopic PREP phase. This includes filament boost and rotor
prep time.
F.Exp The period that begins when the generator starts a Fluoroscopic
exposure. This phase remains active for the duration of the
Fluoro exposure.
Autocal The period that begins when the generator starts the tube auto-
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Room Inputs
The Room Inputs enable or disable the input signals on the Room I/O
board. The input signals correspond to the functional drawing
designations in the service manual for the Room I/O board.
To enable the Room Input signals, perform the following steps:
1. On the Generator Configurations menu, move the cursor to Room I/O
2. Then select the receptor that needs to be programmed for the input on
the Room I/O board. The following window opens.
3. Click the check boxes to enable the desired input signal for the different
generator phases. For the example below, Bucky Contacts 3 is enabled
when the generator is in the “Standby”, “Prep”, “Generator Ready”, and
“Exposure” phases.
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Room Outputs
The Room Outputs enable or disable the output signals on the Room
I/O board. The output signals correspond to the designations on the
functional drawing in the service manual for the Room I/O board.
To enable the Room output signals, perform the following steps:
1. Click the Room Outputs window title bar to display the following window.
2. Click the check boxes to enable the desired output signal for the different
generator phases. For the example below, Bucky / TOMO START is
enabled when the generator is in the “Standby”, “Prep”, “Generator
Ready”, and “Exposure” phases.
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Note: When the Advanced Room I/O Configuration is enabled, all future
changes to the Room I/O Configuration must be performed using
GenWeb™. The Advanced Room I/O Configuration menus are not
supported by the CPI membrane console.
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Function Fluoro Timer Resets the Fluoro Timer when this input
Reset signal is active.
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Function Receptor 6 Selects Receptor 6 when this input signal
Select is active.
Debounce (ms) The time in milliseconds when the generator will read the
input signal after it has been activated.
2. Then select the receptor that requires programming. The following Room
I/O Setup window will open.
3. Click the on the left side of the desired input signal. For example,
clicking the BUCKY CONTACTS 1 will open the following window.
4. To change the Room Input default setting, double click on the Settings
column of the desired Property. For the example below, the Room Input
Function can be changed to perform a different function.
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Function This lists the functions that can be assigned to the selected
outputs. The selected function determines what action the
generator takes in response to an active output. For
example, OUTPUT 1 would be assigned to sound the
Fluoro alarm if the function Fluoro Timer Alarm was
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Function The listed functions can be assigned more than once. The
system might require more than one programmable
interlock, for example.
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3. To change the Room Output default setting, double click on the Settings
column of the desired Property. For the example below, a new Name can
be assigned to the Room Output.
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AEC Setup
This chapter must be used in conjunction with the chapter “AEC Setup
and Calibration” in the X-ray generator service manual. Also refer to
Appendix A of this manual for additional information on calibrating
the AEC using GenWeb™.
This section provides the procedure for AEC setup and calibration.
Before proceeding with the procedures in this section, you must finish
the AEC hardware configurations per the chapter “AEC Setup and
Calibration” in the X-ray generator service manual.
Note: Some of the features described in this chapter are optional.
Disregard the sections that do not apply.
The basic AEC defaults must be set before proceeding with AEC setup
and calibration. This section describes the initial AEC Channel setup
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Media Selects the media type for the selected AEC channel.
Film: Select if using traditional Film/Screen
method with up to 3 programmable
AEC calibration dose curves.
Digital: Optional AEC dose selection method with
single programmable AEC calibration dose
Left Field Used for left, center and right field balance. This
Compensation applies to solid-state AEC chambers only.
Center Field The calibration procedure is described in Appendix A
Compensation section AEC CALIBRATION (TABLE BUCKY).
Right Filed
The AEC setup parameters in the Film AEC Setup window should be set
first. Follow the steps below and refer to the definitions in the tables.
1. Click the Generator Configurations menu.
2. Move the cursor to AEC Setup from the drop-down menu, then move the
cursor to AEC Channel Setup from the pop-up menu and then select
AEC Channel 1 from the pop-up menu. The following window opens.
3. Set AEC Chamber Type that will be used on the AEC channel 1. Select
ION if using solid state AEC board assembly 737992.
4. Enable or Disable the Left Field, Center Field and Right Field, as
5. Set Media to either Film or Digital.
6. Set Left Field Compensation, Center Field Compensation and Right
Field Compensation to 0. This may be optimized in a later step if
balancing of AEC fields is required.
7. Click Apply to save the changes.
8. Repeat steps 1 to 7 for the remaining AEC channels
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3. Double click the Ref column of the desired kV parameter, and then enter
a new reference voltage value.
4. Click Apply to save the changes.
5. To change the reference voltage of a different Film Screen, return to the
Generator Configurations menu and select AEC Setup. Then select Film
Screen Calibration and finally select AEC Screen 2.
6. Then repeat steps 3 & 4.
7. If applicable, repeat the steps above for AEC Screen 3.
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3. Double click the Ref column of the desired kV parameter, and then enter
a new reference voltage value.
4. Click Apply to save the changes.
5. To change the reference voltage of a different AEC Digital Curve, return to
the Generator Configurations menu, select Digital AEC Calibration, and
finally select AEC Digital Curve 2.
6. Then repeat steps 3 & 4.
7. If applicable, repeat the above steps for AEC Digital Curve 3.
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To set the AEC Density for the different Density properties, perform
the following steps:
1. Click the Generator Configurations menu.
2. Move the cursor to AEC Setup from the drop-down menu, and then select
AEC Density Setup. The following window opens
3. Double click the Settings column of the desired Density parameter, and
then enter a new percentage value.
4. Click Apply to save the changes.
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Anode Warning (%) Sets the limit at which the anode heat-
warning message is displayed.
Filament Boost Time (ms) Sets the filament rapid boost duration in
order to quickly raise the filament
temperature. During this time, the filament
current is raised above the calibrated
filament current (emission level) for the
selected mA/kV in an effort to quickly heat
the filament to its emission level.
Filament Preheat Time (ms) The time that the filament is held at the
required emission level before an exposure
is permitted.
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2. Double click the Settings column to set the Tube Speed, Maximum
Radiographic KV, Maximum Fluoro kV, Anode Warning (%), Anode Limit
(%), Filament Boost Time (ms), and Filament Preheat Time (ms).
Warning: Typically, the boost time should be between 200 and 250
ms. If in doubt, monitor the filament feedback and be
sure that the mA starts at the selected level.
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2. On the File Upload dialog box, browse the folder that contains the tube
library, and then open the folder.
3. Select the desired tube type from the tube library, and then open the
selected file. The file upload dialog box closes and the selected tube type
populates on the Tube Configuration window.
4. Select Apply to save the tube data to the X-ray generator.
Note: The selected tube name and revision populates the Tube
Configuration window.
The default tube limits will be applied when the desired tube
is selected.
Note: Consult the X-ray tube date sheet(s) before making any
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3. Close the tube auto calibration live chart window after finishing the small
filament calibration.
4. Click the Large Filament Calibration window title bar to open the Large
Filament Calibration window.
5. Repeat the step 2 and 3 to perform the large filament calibration.
Note: After tube auto calibration is completed, the new tube auto-
calibration file will be saved to the generator.
3. On the File Upload dialog box, browse the desired calibrated tube file, and
then open it.
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Note: If the uploaded calibrated tube file is not for the tube
connected to the generator, the generator will report an
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For CAN bus configured LSS2/DSS2 (refer to the LSS2 or DSS2 section
of chapter 2 in the service manual) use the Tube Starter Setup to
select the Tube Housing Type number from the generator.
To select the Tube Housing Type number, perform the following steps:
1. From the Generator Configuration menu, select Tube Starter Setup
and click Tube 1 or if applicable Tube 2.
2. Double click the Settings column of the Tube Housing Type and wait
for a drop down box to appear, and then select the tube type number of
the installed X-ray tube. Refer to the X-ray Tube Stator Compatibility
Tables supplement 74602600 in the service manual for the Tube housing
type number of the installed X-ray tube.
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3. To increase the boost time, double click the Settings column of High or
Low Speed Boost Time; then enter the boost time value or drag the
cursor in the Range column to the desired value.
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Fluoroscopy Configuration
This chapter must be used in conjunction with chapter “ABS Setup
and Calibration” in the X-ray generator service manual.
This section provides the procedure for ABS setup and calibration.
Before proceeding with the procedures in this chapter, you must finish
the AEC hardware configurations as descripted in the chapter “ABS
Setup and Calibration” in the X-ray generator service manual.
Note: For additional information on the Dose Limits Setup for Fluoro
using GenWeb™, refer to Appendix B of this manual for setup
without SID Compensation and Appendix C for setup with SID
Note: For information on performing the I.I input dose calibration for
Fluoro using GenWeb™, refer to Appendix D of this manual.
Fluoroscopy Setup
Used for configuring the Fluoroscopy properties.
Note: The default values in the Dose Limits menus were determined to
limit the Air Kerma Rate to 44 mGy / min (normal Continuous
Fluoro, manual mode), 88 mGy / min (normal Continuous Fluoro,
ABS mode), 88 mGy / min (normal Pulsed Fluoro) and 176 mGy
/ min (High-Level Continuous and Pulsed Fluoro) with the
following test setup in the factory:
- Varian A196 (0.6/1.0) X-ray tube.
- 40 in. (100 cm) S.I.D.
- Total filtration 4.5 mm Al (X-ray tube / housing = 1.8 mm,
Collimator = 0.7 mm, added (filtration = 2.0 mm).
The Air Kerma Rate limits calibration must be performed as
described in this chapter during generator setup and calibration.
Do not simply use the default dose limit values.
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Fluoroscopic Setup
Definitions of the Fluoroscopic Setup properties:
Maximum Sets the maximum kV to be allowed in all modes of Fluoro
Fluoro kV operation.
Minimum Sets the minimum kV to be allowed in all modes of Fluoro
Fluoro kV operation.
Maximum II Sets the maximum number of magnification modes in the
Modes I.I or Flat Panel devices (sometimes referred to as “Zoom”
modes). (i.e. 2 correspond to 2 mag modes plus normal
mode). If this is set to 0, the console and remote Fluoro
control will not display the mag status. This may be
desired if an external mag mode control and display is
Fluoro ABS Enables or disables the ability to select Fluoro ABS.
Disabled: ABS cannot be selected in Fluoroscopy.
Enabled: ABS may be selected in Fluoroscopy.
Fluoro ABS Sets the ABS state when a Fluoro receptor is selected.
None: The ABS will remain at its last setting.
Disable: The ABS will default to OFF.
Enable: The ABS will default to ON.
Fluoro Timer Selects the Fluoro timer mode.
FDA Alarms at 5.0 minutes and stops
(5min): incrementing the timer. Fluoro exposures
may continue.
IEC Alarms at 5.0 minutes and stops
(9.6min): incrementing the timer at 9.6 minutes.
Fluoro exposures will be inhibited at 9.6
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Fluoro Rad kV Selects the Fluoro-to-Rad kV transfer curve when a Fluoro
Curve Default receptor is selected.
NONE: The Fluoro-to-Rad kV transfer curve
remains at its last setting.
1, 2, 3: Selects the Fluoro-to-Rad kV transfer
curve where 1 = low, 2 = medium, and
3 = high.
One Fluoro-Rad kV transfer curve is standard;
three Fluoro-Rad kV transfer curves are optional.
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Note: For information on performing the I.I input dose calibration for
Continuous Fluoro using GenWeb™, refer to Appendix D of this
ABS Setup
Definitions of the ABS Setup properties:
ABS Hardware Gain Sets the ABS hardware gain from 0 to 100.
ABS Software Gain Sets the ABS software gain from -100 to 100.
ABS Initial kV Sets the initial ABS starting kV for Continuous
ABS Deadband (%) Defines a percentage of “hysteresis” about the
ABS Curve (x) Level where if the ABS feedback
signal is in this range, the generator will not
alter its dose output. For example, if ABS Curve
1 Level (V) = 1.0 and ABS Deadband (%) = 5,
then the generator will not alter its dose output
when the ABS feedback signal is in the range
from 0.95 to 1.05V.
ABS Delay (ms) Sets the delay time between ABS corrections.
ABS Delay time should be greater than the
minimum ABS signal update time (bandwidth) of
the imaging system. For example, if the imaging
system updates its ABS output once every 40
msec, then the ABS Delay (ms) should be set to
40 msec so the Generator connects its output
dose in synchronization with the imaging
ABS Curve Non Level (V) Sets the target ABS voltage level when ABS
Curve = None (or 0) as measured on the “ABS”
feedback test point on the Generator Control
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ABS Curve 1 Level (V) Sets the target ABS voltage level when ABS
Curve = 1 as measured on the “ABS” feedback
test point on the Generator Control board.
ABS Curve 2 Level (V) Sets the target ABS voltage level when ABS
Curve = 2 as measured on the “ABS” feedback
test point on the Generator Control board.
ABS Curve 3 Level (V) Sets the target ABS voltage level when ABS
Curve = 3 as measured on the “ABS” feedback
test point on the Generator Control board.
ABS Curve 1 Enables or disables ABS Curve 1 for Continuous
ABS Curve 2 Enables or disables ABS Curve 2 for Continuous
ABS Curve 3 Enables or disables ABS Curve 3 for Continuous
Default ABS Curve Sets the default ABS Curve number for
Continuous Fluoro.
Perform the following steps to start the initial Continuous Fluoroscopic
1. Click the Generator Configurations menu, and then move the cursor to
the Fluoroscopy Configurations from the drop-down menu. Select
Continuous Fluoroscopy from the pop-up menu.
2. The following window will open.
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Note: The ABS Curve will be restricted by the ABS dose limits.
Clicking the ABS Curve Setup title bar opens the following window.
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Clicking the ABS Dose Limits title bar opens the following window.
Clicking the Manual Dose Limits title bar opens the following window.
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MAG Multipliers
Provides a means to increase the Continuous Fluoro mA when
changing the magnification or zoom modes of the imaging receptor.
Only applicable when ABS Curve and ABS mode are enabled. Note that
the generator will limit the maximum mA based on the ABS Dose
Limits during operation.
MAG 1 Multiplier MAG Multipliers provide a multiplier to compensate
the Continuous Fluoro mA when different MAG
MAG 2 Multiplier
MAG 3 Multiplier
Clicking the MAG Multipliers title bar opens the following window.
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Pulsed Fluoroscopy
Used for configuring the Pulsed and ABS Pulsed Fluoroscopy
Note: For additional information on the Dose Limits Setup for Pulsed
Fluoro using Genweb™, refer to Appendix B for setup without
SID Compensation and Appendix C for setup with SID
Note: For information on performing the I.I Input Dose Calibration for
Pulsed Fluoro using GenWeb™, refer to Appendix D of this
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Default ms Sets the Pulsed Fluoro ms when Pulsed Fluoro is selected
in non-ABS or ABS mode when ABS curve = 0 or OFF.
Sync Sets the Pulsed Fluoro sync frequency to 60Hz or 50Hz.
This should be set to the base synchronization frequency of
the Pulsed Fluoro imaging system.
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Clicking the PPS Rates Enable title bar opens the following window.
MAG Multipliers
Provides a means to increase the mA/ms when changing the
magnification or zoom modes of the imaging receptor. Only applicable
when ABS Curve and ABS mode are enabled. Note that the generator
will limit the maximum mA and ms based on the PF mA/ms Dose
Limits during operation.
Definitions of the MAG Multipliers properties:
MAG 1 ms Multiplier
MAG 2 ms Multiplier Provides a ms multiplier to compensate the Pulsed
Fluoro ms when differnent MAG modes are selected.
MAG 3 ms Multiplier
MAG 1 mA Multiplier
Provides a mA multiplier to compensate the Pulsed
MAG 2 mA Multiplier Fluoro mA when differnent MAG modes are selected.
MAG 3 mA Multiplier
Clicking the MAG Multipliers title bar opens the following window.
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Clicking the mA Dose Limits (at the highest PPS) title bar opens the
following window.
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Clicking the ms Dose limits title bar opens the following window.
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ABS Level – No Curve (V) Sets the target ABS voltage level when ABS
Curve = None (or 0) as measured on the “ABS”
feedback test point on the Generator Control
ABS Level Curve 1 (V) Sets the target ABS voltage level when ABS
curve = 1 as measured on the “ABS” feedback
test point on the Generator Control Board.
ABS Level Curve 2 (V) Sets the target ABS voltage level when ABS
curve = 2 as measured on the “ABS” feedback
test point on the Generator Control Board.
ABS Level Curve 3 (V) Sets the target ABS voltage level when ABS
curve = 3 as measured on the “ABS” feedback
test point on the Generator Control Board.
ABS Curve 1 Enables or disables ABS Curve 1 for Pulsed
Fluoro ABS.
ABS Curve 2 Enables or disables ABS Curve 2 for Pulsed
Fluoro ABS.
ABS Curve 3 Enables or disables ABS Curve 3 Pulsed Fluoro
Default ABS Curve Used for setting the default ABS Curve number
for Pulsed Fluoro ABS.
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30 PPS
Clicking the ABS Compensation Setup title bar opens the following
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Clicking the ABS mA Curve Setup title bar opens the following window.
Clicking the ABS ms Curve Setup title bar opens the following window.
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Note: For additional information on the Dose Limits Setup for High-
Level Fluoro using GenWeb™, refer to Appendix B for setup
without SID Compensation and Appendix C for setup with SID
Note: For information on performing the I.I Input Dose Calibration for
High-Level Fluoro using Genweb™, refer to Appendix D of this
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Mag Multipliers
Provides a means to increase the High-Level Continuous Fluoro mA
when changing the magnification or zoom modes of the imaging
receptor. Only applicable when an ABS Curve and ABS mode are
enabled. Note that the generator will limit the maximum mA based on
the High Level Dose Limits during operation.
Clicking the MAG Multiplier window title bar opens the following
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Dose Limits
The following section is used to set the High-Level Continuous Fluoro
Dose limits by setting the maximum mA for each kV station.
The High-Level Continuous Fluoro Dose Limit setting is used for both
ABS and Manual (non-ABS) modes.
If the generator is configured with SID (source to image distance)
Compensation enabled, then the Dose Limits must be defined at both
the minimum SID and maximum SID in order for the generator to
properly limit the dose.
If the generator is configured with SID Compensation disabled, then
the Dose Limits will need to be defined for the minimum SID only as
this determines the highest entrance dose.
Clicking the Dose Limits window title bar to opens the following
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Clicking the PPS Rates Enable title bar opens the following window.
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MAG Multipliers
Provides a means to increase the mA/ms when changing the
magnification or zoom modes of the imaging receptor. Only applicable
when ABS Curve and ABS mode are enabled. Note that the generator
will limit the maximum mA and ms based on the High-Level Pulsed
Fluoro mA/ms Dose Limits during operation.
Definitions of the MAG Multiplier properties:
MAG 1 ms Multiplier MAG ms Multipliers provide a ms multiplier to
compensate the High Level Pulsed Fluoro ms when
MAG 2 ms Multiplier
differnent MAG modes are selected.
MAG 3 ms Multiplier
MAG 1 mA Multiplier MAG mA Multipliers provide a mA multiplier to
compensate the High Level Pulsed Fluoro mA when
MAG 2 mA Multiplier
differnent MAG modes are selected.
MAG 3 mA Multiplier
Clicking the MAG Multipliers title bar opens the following window.
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mA Dose Limits
Used for setting the minimum and maximum SID mA dose limits.
Clicking the mA Dose Limits title bar opens the following window.
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mS Dose Limits
Used for setting the minimum and maximum SID ms dose limits.
Clicking the ms Dose Limits title bar to opens the following window.
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MAG Multipliers
Provides a means to increase the Low Level Continuous Fluoro mA
when changing the magnification or zoom modes of the imaging
receptor. Only applicable when an ABS Curve and ABS mode are
enabled. Note that the generator will limit the maximum mA based on
the Continuous Fluoro Dose Limits during operation.
Clicking the MAG Multipliers title bar opens the following window.
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Clicking the PPS Rates Enable title bar opens the following window.
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MAG Multipliers
Provides a means to increase the mA/ms when changing the magnification or
zoom modes of the imaging receptor. Only applicable when an ABS Curve and
ABS mode are enabled. Note that the generator will limit the maximum mA
and ms based on the Pulsed Fluoro mA/ms Dose Limits during operation.
Definitons of the MAG ms/mA Multiplier properties:
MAG 1 ms Multiplier Provides a ms multiplier to compensate the Low
Level Pulsed Fluoro ms when differnent MAG modes
MAG 2 ms Multiplier are selected.
MAG 3 ms Multiplier
MAG 1 mA Multiplier Provides a mA multiplier to compensate the Low
Level Pulsed Fluoro mA when differnent MAG modes
MAG 2 mA Multiplier
are selected.
MAG 3 mA Multiplier
Clicking the MAG Multipliers title bar opens the following window.
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General Setup
Definitions of the Enhanced Pulsed Fluoroscopy General Setup
Enhanced Pulsed Enables or disables the Enhanced Pulsed
Fluoro Status Fluoroscopy mode.
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PPS mA Multipliers
Defintions of the PPS mA Multiplier properties:
Provides the multiplier for PF mA based on the set
PPS rate within the stated range.
7.5 PPS
15 PPS
30 PPS
Clicking the PPS mA Multipliers title bar opens the following window.
PPS ms Multipliers
Definitions of the PPS ms Multiplier properties:
Provides the multiplier for PF ms based on the set
PPS rate within the stated range.
7.5 PPS
15 PPS
30 PPS
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Clicking the PPS ms Multipliers title bar opens the following window.
Clicking the PPS mA Dose Limits Multipliers title bar opens the
following window.
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Clicking the PPS ms Dose Limits Multipliers title bar opens the following
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kV Transfer Curves
1. Click the kV Transfer Curves window title bar to open this window.
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Cine Setup
This section describes the Cine Setup for the optional Cine mode. For
additional information on the operation of Cine, refer to the Cine
supplement 90935600.
Definitions of the Cine Setup properties:
ABS Feedback Channel Provides selection of AEC Channels:
None, AEC Channel 1, AEC Channel 2, or
AEC Channel 3 where the Cine AEC
feedback signal is connected.
ABS Deadband (%) Provides a percentage value from 0 to
20% applied to the AEC Channel
feedback signal.
Cine Maximum Run Time (s) Provides an exposure run time limit from
0 to 99 seconds.
Setting the Cine Maximum Run Time to 0
will disable this feature.
ABS Curve 1 Allows the user to enable or disable each
ABS curve.
ABS Curve 2
ABS Curve 3
To enable this feature, perform the following steps.
1. Click the Generator Configurations menu, and then select Cine Setup
from the drop-down menu.
2. The Cine Setup window will open.
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Clicking the Cine ABS Curves title bar opens the following window.
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DAP Setup
The Dose Area Product (DAP) interface is an option on the CPI X-ray
This section describes setup and programming of the DAP (Dose-Area
Product) meter.
Follow the steps below to perform the initial DAP setup. Refer to the
definitions in the table below.
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• Gammex-RMI: 841S.
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1. Click the DAP Device 1 window title bar to open the following window.
DAP Calibration
For additional information on how to setup and calibrate the DAP, refer
to Appendix E of this manual.
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Filter 0 mAs reference value used to calibrated Air Kerma
Reference mAs kV settings for Filter 0. (recommend 10 mAs).
Filter 1 mAs reference value used to calibrated Air Kerma
Reference mAs kV settings for Filter 1. (recommend 10 mAs).
Filter 2 mAs reference value used to calibrated Air Kerma
Reference mAs kV settings for Filter 2. (recommend 10 mAs.
Filter 3 mAs reference value used to calibrated Air Kerma
Reference mAs kV settings for Filter 3. (recommend 10 mAs).
Follow the steps below to perform the initial Air Kerma setup. Refer to
the definitions in the table above.
1. Click the Generator Configurations menu.
2. Select Air Kerma Setup from the pop-up menu. The Air Kerma Setup
window will open.
3. Set Air Kerma Status to “Enable” in order to enable the Air Kerma display.
4. Select the desired number of added (external) filters for Allowed
Maximum Filter Added.
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Tube 1 / Tube 2 Feature to enable or disable the ADR or ADR II device for
ADR Enable Tube 1 or Tube 2 (only applicable if the generator is
connected to an ADR or ADR II device). Refer to the
accompanying documents pertaining to the ADR device for
information on what option to select.
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3. To enable the ADR or ADR II device for Tube 1, double click on the
Settings column of Tube 1 ADR Enable, and wait for a drop down menu
to appear.
4. Select the appropriate option from the drop down menu to enable the
ADR or ADR II device.
5. Click Apply to save the changes.
6. To enable the ADR or ADR II device for Tube 2, repeat the steps above for
Tube 2 ADR Enable.
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Sound Configuration
The Sound Configuration menu enables or disables the speaker sound
output on the Room I/O Board for Rad/Fluoro exposures and generator
error/warning messages.
General Settings
Definitions of the General Settings for Sound Configuration:
Room I/O board Enables / Disables the speaker sound output on
sound output the Room I/O Board.
Follow the steps below to enable the speaker on the Room I/O Board:
1. Click the Generator Configuration menu.
2. Select Sound Configuration from the menu. The following General
Settings window opens.
3. Double click the Settings column, and then select Enabled to enable the
speaker output on the Room I/O Board.
4. Click the Apply button to save the changes.
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Rad Exposure
Definitions of the sound settings for Rad Exposure:
Frequency (Hz) Sets the speaker output frequency in Hz for Rad
Minimal beep Sets the minimal beep sound duration in ms for Rad
Length (ms) exposures.
Clicking the Rad Exposure title bar opens the following window. If
changes are made, click Apply to save the changes.
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Clicking the Continuous Fluoro Exposure title bar opens the following
window. If changes are made, click Apply to save the changes.
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Clicking the Pulsed Fluoro Exposure title bar opens the following
window. If changes are made, click Apply to save the changes.
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Clicking the High Level Continuous Fluoro Exposure title bar opens the
following window. If changes are made, click Apply to save the
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Clicking the High Level Pulsed Fluoro Exposure title bar opens the
following window. If changes are made, click Apply to save the
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Definitions of the sound settings for generator errors:
Frequency (Hz) Sets the speaker output frequency for generator
Volume (%) Sets the speaker volume for generator errors.
Beep length (ms) Sets the beep sound duration in ms for generator
Clicking the Error title bar opens the following window. If changes are
made, click Apply to save the changes
Definitions of the sound settings for generator warnings:
Beep length (ms) Sets the beep duration in ms for generator warnings.
Clicking the Warning title bar opens the following window. If changes
are made, click Apply to save the changes.
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Appendix A
AEC Overview and Background Information
AEC exposures should normally be kept well under one second. When
X-ray techniques are used that result in longer exposures, the film
density will not be correct due to failure of reciprocity of the film.
Film/Screen Response vs kV
Film screen response to kV is not linear. Therefore, compensation must
be provided in order to maintain constant film density as kV is changed
for different anatomical studies. By selecting and calibrating various kV
breakpoints, the overall system response will be compensated such as
to yield a constant film density.
Up to eight breakpoints per film screen combination are available. The
eight breakpoints are spread over three kV ranges as shown below:
• Low kV: 50, 55, 65 kV.
• Knee kV: 75 kV.
• High kV: 85, 95, 110, 130 kV.
Refer to figure “kV vs. relative density” below.
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Per-calibration Setup
AEC Setup Worksheet
Before continuing, it is suggested that a copy of the table “AEC Setup Worksheet” be filled in with all
relevant information.
AEC Setup Worksheet
Function Receptor 1 Receptor 2 Receptor 3 Receptor 4 Receptor 5 Receptor 6
Film / Screen 1.
± Density steps
Chamber type:
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Is film processing
Assigned receptor
Additional notes:
Additional notes:
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Pre-calibration checklist
AEC Ch 2
AEC Ch 3
AEC Ch 4
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BUCKY Absorber
40 in(100cm)
Cassette Tray
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Note: For SID’s other than 40 in. (100 cm) multiply the mAs values
in the table above by the factor [new SIS / 40 in. (100 cm)]
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Note: Be sure to use the same cassette for each exposure at that
film speed.
The table below shows the film speed vs. mAs at 75 kV.
Film Speed vs. mAs at 75 kV
FILM SPEED mAs @ 75 kV
100 16
200 8
400 4
800 2
The mAs values noted in the above table represent the approximate
desired mAs at an SID of 40 in. (100 cm), using a grid with a 12:1 ratio.
All measurements were done with HVL = 3 mm Al @ 75 kV.
12. Select the table Bucky image receptor via Radiography Control Panel.
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13. Select the appropriate mA for the first film speed being calibrated per
table, Target Breakpoint Calibration Factor, remembering that the
slowest film screen used in that installation must be calibrated first
(example 320 mA for 100 speed film). Select large focus and center field.
14. Confirm that the requested kV = 75 kV, then make an exposure and note
the mAs. This must be measured via an external mAs meter connected to
the mA test jacks on the HV module.
15. Referring to the table “Film Speed vs. mAs at 75 kV”, select the target
mAs required for the film speed being calibrated i.e. approximately 16
mAs at 75 kV for 100 speed film.
16. Adjust the required gain potentiometer on the AEC board while taking
exposures until the mAs noted in the previous step is obtained.
17. Load a test cassette with fresh film and install it in the image receptor.
Using the same technique as in the previous step, expose the film and
develop it.
18. Measure the optical density. The desired value should have previously
been recorded in a copy of table “AEC Setup Worksheet” in the section
“Pre-calibration Setup”.
19. If the measured O.D. is not the desired value, readjust the AEC gain pot
to increase or decrease the density, and then repeat the previous two
20. Once the desired film density is achieved, record the mAs, calibration
number and O.D. in a copy of the table “Breakpoint calibration
21. Vary the absorber thickness and confirm that the mAs changes
22. Note the mAs with the center AEC field only selected. Record this value.
23. Select the left field and note the mAs. Compare this value to the value
noted for the center field.
24. If the field balance is not acceptable, adjust the left field compensation
value as per the section Film AEC SETUP, such that the left field
matches the center field. Do not adjust the center field (C) compensation
25. Repeat steps 23 and 24 for the right field.
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26. Change the absorber thickness as specified per table “Target Breakpoint
Calibration Factor” for the breakpoint at 55 kV. As before, ensure that
the absorber fully blocks the X-ray field.
27. Set the requested kV to 55 kV.
28. Make an exposure and note the mAs. Use mA values as specified for the
breakpoint at 55 kV in the table “Target Breakpoint Calibration
29. Adjust the 55 kV calibration number such that the actual mAs is equal to
the target mAs at 55 kV as per table “Target Breakpoint Calibration
30. Load the test cassette with fresh film and insert it in the image receptor.
Using the same technique, expose the film and develop it.
31. Measure the optical density.
32. If the measured O.D. is not the desired value, readjust the 55 kV
calibration number, then repeat the previous two steps. DO NOT
33. Once the desired density is achieved, record the value in a copy of table
“Breakpoint calibration worksheet”.
Record the final measurements in a copy of the table “Breakpoint
calibration worksheet”.
The final measurements are those obtained after films have been
developed to verify the correct O.D. at each breakpoint.
34. Repeat steps 26 to 33 for the remaining breakpoints: 50 kV, 65 kV, 110
kV, 130 kV, 85 kV and 95 kV. Do the breakpoint calibration in the stated
The 50 kV and 130 kV breakpoints only need to be calibrated if these kV
ranges are used with AEC. Refer to the comments below.
50 kV: At approximately 50 kV and under, the film screen sensitivity
becomes too low for practical AEC operation when used with a Bucky.
Unless special techniques are used which require the 50 kV range, simply
enter the 55 kV calibration number into the 50 kV breakpoint.
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130 kV: Unless special high kV techniques are used which require the
130 kV range, simply enter the 110 kV calibration number into the
breakpoint at 130 kV.
35. Select Apply to save the film screen 1 calibration data.
36. Repeat steps 9 to 35 for Film Screen 2, except:
When calibrating the breakpoint at 75 kV for film screen 2, DO NOT
adjust the AEC board gain pot. mAs adjustments for film screen 2 at 75
kV must only be made by varying the 75 kV breakpoint calibration
Note that film screen 2 must be the next highest film speed after film
screen 1.
37. Select Apply to save the film screen 2 calibration data.
38. Repeat steps 9 to 35 for Film Screen 3, except:
When calibrating the breakpoint at 75 kV for film screen 3, DO NOT
adjust the AEC board gain pot. mAs adjustments for film screen 3 at 75
kV must only be made by varying the 75 kV breakpoint calibration
Note that film screen 3 must be the highest film speed.
39. Select Apply to save the film screen 3 calibration data.
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1. Select the image receptor to be short AEC time compensated, i.e. table
2. Select the highest film speed used on the selected receptor, and then
select 75 kV.
3. Set the mA per table “Target Breakpoint Calibration Factor” for the
film speed being used. Reinstall the absorber for the breakpoint at 75 kV.
4. Make an exposure and confirm the mAs readings as previously recorded
in the table “Breakpoint Calibration Worksheet”.
5. Increase the mA such as to decrease the AEC exposure time to
approximately 10 ms.
6. Adjust the short AEC time compensation pot for the AEC channel being
calibrated such that the mAs is approximately the same as previously
recorded (step 4).
7. Increase the mA again such as to decrease the AEC exposure time to
approximately 6 ms (but not less).
8. Adjust the short AEC time compensation pot for the AEC channel being
calibrated such that the mAs is approximately the same as it was in step
9. The short AEC time compensation adjustments affect the AEC calibration
at longer exposure times. Therefore, it may now be necessary to readjust
the gain pot at 75 kV for the AEC channel being calibrated to restore the
mAs values to the values previously recorded in table “Breakpoint
Calibration Worksheet”.
Ensure that the absorber thickness and mA values are as per table
“Target Breakpoint Calibration Factor” when readjusting the A
gain pot.
10. Using 75 kV exposures, the films should be exposed, developed, and the
O.D. checked at AEC exposure times of approximately 6 ms and
approximately 100 ms. If the film density is not acceptable at both short
and long AEC exposure times, it will be necessary to tweak the
adjustments of both the short AEC time compensation pot and the AEC
gain pot by repeating steps 3 to 8.
11. Repeat steps 1 to 10 for AEC channel to be short AEC time compensated.
12. Select Apply to save the short AEC time compensation data.
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RLF Compensation
Currently not supported.
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14. Repeat steps 8 to 13 until the desired O.D. is achieved on all exposures.
15. Repeat steps 2 to 14 for film screen 2 and film screen 3 if required.
BUCKY Absorber
72 in(180cm)
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Grid Absorption
A 12:1 ratio 60 in. (150 cm) focused grid will exhibit the following
absorption when measured 5 in. (13 cm) from center:
At 72 in. (180 cm) absorption = 20%
At 40 in. (100 cm) absorption = 50%
A 10:1 ratio 72 in. (180 cm) focused grid will exhibit the following
absorption when measured 5 in. (13 cm) from center:
At 40 in. (100 cm) absorption = 65%
A 12:1 ratio 72 in. (180 cm) focused grid will exhibit the following
absorption when measured 5 in. (13 cm) from center:
At 40 in. (100 cm) absorption = 75%
A 10:1 ratio 40 in. (100 cm) focused grid will exhibit the following
absorption when measured 5 in. (13 cm) from center:
At 72 in. (180 cm) absorption = 65%
A 12:1 ratio 40 in. (100 cm) focused grid will exhibit the following
absorption when measured 5 in. (13 cm) from center:
At 72 in. (180 cm) absorption = 75%
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Note: Breakpoint calibrations may previously have been done for all three film
/ screen combinations during table Bucky AEC calibration. If so, the
remaining image receptors must use the calibration curves previously
established for those film screens.
If a spare film / screen combination is available for wall Bucky use, it is
suggested that two receptor selector buttons on the console be assigned
to select the wall Bucky. The first wall Bucky selector should be used for
40 in. (100 cm) SID’s with the appropriate previously calibrated film
screen. The second wall Bucky selector should then be used then the
spare film screen at 72 in. (180 cm) SID’s.
This method will allow the grid to be optimized for each SID, as a
separate dedicated film screen with its own calibration curve can be
assigned to the 72 in. (180 cm) SID.
Follow the steps below to perform the wall Bucky AEC calibration.
Note: Step 1 to 15 apply only if using one receptor select button for both
SID’s, using previously calibrated film screens.
1. Set up the X-ray tube stand as shown in the figure in the beginning of
this section. Use SID 72 in. (180 cm).
2. Align the tube stand and wall Bucky such that the central ray is centered
relative to the image receptor.
3. Open up the collimator to expose all three fields of the AEC pickup.
Ensure that the central ray remains centered relative to the image
4. Place the absorber (with thickness selected for 75 kV per table “Target
Breakpoint Calibration Factor” in the X-ray field, ensuring that the
radiation is completely blocked by the absorber.
5. Select the wall Bucky image receptor.
6. Select the slowest film screen used for the wall Bucky in Radiography
Control Panel, and then select the appropriate mA for that film screen
per table “Target Breakpoint Calibration Factor” (example 320 mA for
100 speed film). Select 75 kV, large focus, and center field.
7. Make an exposure and note the mAs.
8. Referring to table “Breakpoint calibration worksheet”, note the
previously established mAs at the breakpoint at 75 kV for the film speed
being calibrated.
9. Adjust the gain potentiometer on the AEC board for the channel that is
connected to the wall Bucky while taking exposures until the mAs noted
in the previous step is obtained. DO NOT READJUST THE GAIN POT
10. Load the test cassette with fresh film and install it in the image receptor.
Using the same technique as in the previous step, expose the film and
develop it.
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11. Measure the O.D. The desired value should have been previously recorded
in a copy of table “AEC Setup Worksheet” in the section “Pre-
calibration Setup”.
12. If the measured O.D. is not the desired value, adjust the gain pot to
increase or decrease the density, and then repeat the previous two steps.
Do not readjust the kV breakpoints that were previously calibrated.
13. Change the SID to 40 in. (100 cm) and repeat steps 10 to 12. Adjust the
gain pot if necessary to achieve an acceptable compromise between both
14. Verify the O.D. at a range of different kV’s.
15. Select Apply to save the calibration data.
16. Select the wall Bucky image receptor via the selector configured for the
40 in. (100 cm) SID.
17. Repeat steps 1 to 12 at the 40 in. (100 cm) SID position using the
appropriate previously calibrated film screen.
18. Verify the O.D. at a range of different kV’s.
19. Select the wall Bucky image receptor via the selector configured for the
72 in. (180 cm) SID.
20. Calibrate the film screen assigned to this SID as per the table Bucky
procedure. The AEC calibration pot must not be readjusted, as it was
calibrated at the 40 in. (100 cm) SID. Calibration must be performed by
adjusting the breakpoint calibration numbers ONLY.
21. Select Apply to save the calibration data.
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Note: Use only TP5 on the AEC interface board for the HV meter
ground when measuring the PMT high voltage. Connect the
ground lead first before measuring the high voltage.
Do not attempt to measure this without a suitable meter.
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10. Ensure that in the Receptor Setup menus, each receptor has the desired
AEC channel assigned to it. Refer to Receptor Setup in chapter
“Generator Configurations”.
11. In the Receptor Setup menus under Receptor Properties window,
disable Memory Options for all the image receptors. This will ensure
that the next receptor being calibrated will not remember the techniques
from the previous receptor.
12. The Memory Options function may be reset as desired after AEC
calibration is finished.
13. In the Receptor Setup menus under Receptor AEC Settings window,
ensure that the AEC Backup mAs and AEC Backup ms are set
sufficiently high that the generator backup timer will not terminate the
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8. Select the image receptor that was configured for digital acquisitions.
9. Set the reference kV value to 5 for the 75 kV setting.
10. Click Apply to save the changes.
11. Select 75 kV, 250 mA, large focus and AEC in Radiography Control
Panel. Select MAG N in Fluoroscopy Control Panel.
12. Make an exposure and note the dose and mAs.
13. Adjust the gain pot on the AEC board for channel 2 to obtain the desired
dose, typically 0.88 uGy. Record the final dose, mAs and ms for 75 kV (20
cm Lexan) in a copy of table “Digital Breakpoint Calibration
14. Confirm the dose at each kV breakpoint. Refer to table “Digital
Breakpoint Calibration Worksheet”. If required adjust the calibration
numbers only, not the AEC gain pot. Use absorber and mA caules as per
table “Digital Breakpoint Calibration Worksheet”, under Digital
Curve 1.
Record the final calibration number, dose, mAs and ms for all iterations in
a copy of table “Digital Breakpoint Calibration Worksheet”.
Some kV values are repeated in order to check AEC tracking with different
15. Click Apply to save the calibration data.
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Appendix B
Dose Limits Setup (Without S.I.D. Compensation)
The figure as shown below shows the typical dose limits test setup.
Please refer to this figure in this section to complete dose limit settings
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Note: The dose limit measurements must be made with the R-PROBE
correctly positioned as shown in figure “Typical dose limits test
setup”. However, local regulations should be consulted to
confirm the proper test set-up.
Follow the steps below to set the Continuous Fluoro dose limits
(without SID compensation).
Warning: The initial Fluoroscopic setup must be performed before
Warning: When setting the maximum Air Kerma Rate limits, use the
minimum optional filtration that will be used in this X-ray
Follow the steps below to set the Continuous Fluoro dose limits
(without SID compensation).
1. Set up the radiation probe as per the figure, observing the note near the
beginning of this section regarding the required R-probe location within
the X-ray field.
2. Temporarily disconnect the ABS pickup to the generator.
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8. 8. Select Minimum SID from the drop-down list in the Manual Dose
Limits window.
9. Set the mA to the maximum available value for the 40 kV setting.
10. Repeat the above to set up the maximum available mA for 50 kV to 125
11. Select a Fluoroscopic image receptor.
12. Record the maximum permissible Air Kerma Rate for non-ABS (manual)
mode of normal Continuous Fluoroscopy. Note the guidelines below.
FDA (USA) Health Canada IEC
44 mGy / 50 mGy / min The maximum Air Kerma Rate
min *. *. must comply with local
* The listed Air Kerma Rate values should be confirmed by
consulting local regulations.
Maximum permitted Air Kerma Rate for Non-ABS (manual)
mode:_____________ mGy / min.
Record the maximum permissible Air Kerma Rate for ABS (automatic)
mode of normal Continuous Fluoroscopy. Note the guidelines below.
FDA Health Canada IEC
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88 mGy / 100 mGy / min The maximum Air Kerma Rate must
min *. *. comply with local regulations.
* The listed Air Kerma Rate values should be confirmed by
consulting local regulations.
Maximum permitted Air Kerma Rate for ABS (automatic)
mode:_____________ mGy / min.
13. Ensure that the generator is set for normal Continuous Fluoro mode and
that ABS is switched off.
14. Select 40 kV and the maximum available mA via Fluoroscopy Control
15. While observing the dosimeter, make a Fluoroscopy exposure. Adjust the
mA such that the maximum permitted dose as recorded in step 12 for
non-ABS mode is not exceeded.
16. Record the mA as determined in the previous step for the 40 kV setting.
Max mA for 40 kV = ______(non-ABS).
17. Repeat the steps from 14 to 16 for 50 kV to 125 kV.
Max mA for 50kV = ______(non-ABS).
Max mA for 60kV = ______(non-ABS).
Max mA for 70kV = ______(non-ABS).
Max mA for 80kV = ______(non-ABS).
Max mA for 90kV = ______(non-ABS).
Max mA for 100kV = ______(non-ABS).
Max mA for 110kV = ______(non-ABS).
Max mA for 125kV = ______(non-ABS).
18. Reselect 40 kV and the maximum available mA via Fluoroscopy Control
19. While observing the dosimeter, make a Fluoroscopy exposure. Adjust the
mA such that the maximum permitted dose as recorded in step 12 for
ABS mode is not exceeded. ABS must remain off.
20. Record the mA as determined in the previous step for the 40 kV setting.
Max mA for 40kV = ______(ABS).
21. Repeat steps 18 to 20 for 50 kV to 125 kV.
Max mA for 50kV = ______(ABS).
Max mA for 60kV = ______(ABS).
Max mA for 70kV = ______(ABS).
Max mA for 80kV = ______(ABS).
Max mA for 90kV = ______(ABS).
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25. Select Minimum SID from the drop-down list in the ABS Dose Limits
26. Set the mA as recorded in step 20 for the 40 kV setting.
27. Repeat the previous step for 50 kV to 125 kV using the mA determined in
step 21.
28. Select Apply to save the changes.
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Note: The dose limit measurements must be made with the R-PROBE
correctly positioned as shown in figure “Typical dose limits test
setup. However, local regulations should be consulted to confirm
the proper test set-up.
Follow the steps below to set the High-Level Fluoro dose limits
(without SID compensation).
Warning: The initial Fluoroscopic setup must be performed before
Warning: When setting the maximum Air Kerma Rate limits, use the
minimum optional filtration that will be used in this X-ray
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Warning: When setting the maximum Air Kerma Rate limits, use the
minimum optional filtration that will be used in this X-ray
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39. Select Minimum SID from the drop-list in the Dose Limits window.
40. Set the maximum available mA for 40 kV.
41. Repeat the above for 50 kV to 125 kV.
42. Select a Fluoroscopic image receptor.
43. Record the maximum permissible Air Kerma Rate for High-Level
Fluoroscopy. Note the guidelines below.
FDA (USA) Health Canada IEC
176 mGy / min 150 mGy / min *. 176 mGy / min *.
* The listed Air Kerma Rate values should be confirmed by consulting
local regulations.
Maximum permitted Air Kerma Rate for High-Level
Fluoroscopy:_____________ mGy / min.
44. Ensure that the generator is set for High-Level Fluoro and that ABS is
switched off.
45. Select 40 kV and the maximum available mA via the Fluoroscopy
Control Panel.
46. While observing the dosimeter, make a Fluoroscopy exposure. Adjust the
mA such that the maximum permitted dose as recorded in step 15 is not
47. Record the mA as determined in the previous step for the 40 kV setting.
Max mA for 40kV = ______.
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Note: The dose limit measurements must be made with the R-PROBE
correctly positioned as shown in figure “Typical dose limits
test setup. However, local regulations should be consulted to
confirm the proper test set-up.
Use and disclosure is subject to the restrictions on the back of the title page of this CPI document.
Follow the steps below to set the Pulsed Fluoro dose limits (without
SID compensation).
Warning: The initial Fluoroscopic setup must be performed before
Warning: When setting the maximum Air Kerma Rate limits, use the
minimum optional filtration that will be used in this X-ray
1. Set up the radiation probe as per the figure in this section, observing the
note near the beginning of this section regarding the required R-probe
location within the X-ray field.
2. Temporarily disconnect the ABS pickup to the generator.
3. Ensure that the SID compensation function is disabled if this option is
fitted. Refer to Fluoroscopy Control Panel.
4. Temporarily de-energize the I.I. power supply, or cover the I.I. with a
minimum of 2.0 mm lead (if applicable).
5. Temporarily set the Default ms to the maximum value as described under
Pulsed Fluoroscopy General Setup.
6. Click the Generator Configurations menu.
7. Move your cursor to Fluoroscopy Configurations from the drop-down
8. Move your cursor to Pulsed Fluoroscopy from the pop-up menu and select
Pulsed Fluoroscopy General Setup from the pop-up menu. The Pulsed
Fluoroscopic General Setup window will open.
9. Click the mA Dose Limits window title bar to open this window.
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10. Select Minimum SID from the drop-down list on the mA Dose Limits
11. Enter the maximum available mA for the 40 kV setting.
12. Repeat the previous step for 50 to 125 kV.
13. Click the ms Dose Limits window title bar to open this window.
14. Select Minimum SID from the drop-down list on the ms Dose Limits
15. Enter the maximum available ms for the 40 kV setting.
16. Repeat the previous step for 50 to 125 kV.
17. Select a Fluoroscopic image receptor.
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18. Record the maximum permissible Air Kerma Rate for normal Pulsed
Fluoroscopy. Note the guidelines below.
FDA (USA) Health Canada IEC
88 mGy / min 100 mGy / min The maximum Air Kerma Rate must
*. *. comply with local regulations.
* The listed Air Kerma Rate values should be confirmed by consulting
local regulations.
Maximum permitted Air Kerma Rate for Pulsed
Fluoroscopy:_____________ mGy / min.
19. Ensure that the generator is set for Pulsed Fluoro and that ABS is
switched off.
20. Select the highest PPS frame rate for determining the maximum
21. Click Apply to save the setting.
22. Select 40 kV and the maximum available mA via Fluoroscopy Control
23. While observing the dosimeter, make a Fluoroscopy exposure. Reduce the
40 kV ms in the ms Dose Limits window such that the maximum
permitted dose as recorded in step 18 is not exceeded. The final ms
should typically be in the range of 8 to 12 ms. if the 40 kV dose limits
need to be reduced further, reduce the mA via the Fluoro control section
of the console such that the final ms is in the specified range.
24. Record the ms and the mA as determined in the previous step for the 40
kV setting.
Max ms for 40kV = ______. Max mA for 40kV = ______.
Repeat steps 22 to 24 for 50 kV.
Max ms for 50kV = ______. Max mA for 50kV = ______.
Repeat steps 22 to 24 for 60 kV.
Max ms for 60kV = ______. Max mA for 60kV = ______.
Repeat steps 22 to 24 for 70 kV.
Max ms for 70kV = ______. Max mA for 70kV = ______.
Repeat steps 22 to 24 for 80 kV.
Max ms for 80kV = ______. Max mA for 80kV = ______.
Repeat steps 22 to 24 for 90 kV.
Max ms for 90kV = ______. Max mA for 90kV = ______.
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Note: The dose limit measurements must be made with the R-PROBE
correctly positioned as shown in figure “Typical dose limits test
setup. However, local regulations should be consulted to confirm
the proper test set-up.
Follow the steps below to set the High-Level Pulsed Fluoro dose limits
(without SID compensation).
Warning: The initial Fluoroscopic setup must be performed before
Warning: When setting the maximum Air Kerma Rate limits, use the
minimum optional filtration that will be used in this X-ray
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3. Click the High Level Pulsed Fluoroscopy Setup window title bar to open
this window if not opened.
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14. Select Minimum SID from the drop-down list on the mA Dose Limits
15. Set the maximum available mA for the 40 kV setting.
16. Repeat the previous step for 50 to .125 kV.
17. Click the ms Dose Limits window title bar to open this window.
18. Select Minimum SID from the drop-down list on the ms Dose Limits
19. Set the maximum available ms for the 40 kV setting.
20. Repeat the previous step for 50 to 125 kV.
21. Click Apply to save the settings.
22. Select a Fluoroscopic image receptor.
23. Record the maximum permissible Air Kerma Rate for High-Level Pulsed
Fluoroscopy. Note the guidelines below.
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7. Select ABS Curve 1 from the drop-down list in the ABS Curve Setup
8. Set mA for the 40 kV setting.
9. Repeat the previous step for 50 to 125 kV.
10. Disregard the next two steps if the three ABS curves option is not fitted.
11. Repeat steps 7 to 9 for Fluoro ABS curve 2.
12. Repeat steps 7 to 9 for Fluoro ABS curve 3.
13. Click Apply to save the changes.
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7. Select ABS mA Curve 1 from the drop-down list in the ABS mA Curve
Setup widow.
8. Set the desired mA for the 40 kV setting.
9. Repeat the previous step for 50 to 125 kV.
10. Disregard the next two steps if the three Pulsed Fluoro ABS curves option
is not fitted.
11. Repeat steps 7 to 9 for Pulsed Fluoro ABS curve 2.
12. Repeat steps 7 to 9 for Pulsed Fluoro ABS curve 3.
13. Click the ABS ms Curve Setup window title bar to open this window.
14. Select ABS ms Curve 1 from the drop-down list in the ABS ms Curve
Setup window.
15. Set the desired pulse width (ms) for the 40 kV setting.
16. Repeat the previous step for 50 to 125 kV.
17. Disregard the next two steps if the three Pulsed Fluoro ABS curves option
is not fitted.
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Appendix C
Dose Limits Setup (With S.I.D. Compensation)
Currently not available.
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Appendix D
I.I. Input Dose Setup and Calibration
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12. Set ABS Initial kV to the midpoint of the normal operating range,
typically 75kV.
13. Ensure that ABS is on, and while making a Fluoroscopic exposure verify
stability of the ABS system with Continuous Fluoroscopy. The imaging
system should be panned over varying absorber thicknesses to force the
kV to fluctuate.
The ABS should stabilize without hunting or settling on the wrong kV
14. If the ABS is unstable, adjust the ABS Hardware Gain until the hunting
is minimized and the Fluoro kV stabilizes quickly.
15. If the deadband is excessive, adjust the ABS Deadband (%). This
should normally be in the range of 3 to 10%.
16. Set ABS Delay (ms) to 30.
17. Confirm that the ABS stabilizes without hunting or settling on the wrong
kV value while panning the imaging system over varying absorber
Warning: If the three ABS curves option is not fitted, disregard the
steps for calibrating ABS curves Med and High. Then use
steps 20 and 21 to calibrate ABS curve Low, adjusting
ABS Level 0 (No Curve) in step 19 instead of ABS
Level 2 (Curve 2).
18. Select Mag = Off and ensure that ABS is on in Fluoroscopy Control
19. Select ABS Curve = Med and Select Mag = Off in Fluoroscopy Control
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20. Set ABS Curve 2 Level (V) value to 1.00 (V) as measured on the DVM.
21. While making a Fluoroscopic exposure, set the Fluoro Signal Gain to set
the input dose to 26 uGy / min.
This step adjusts the digital gain potentiometer in the ABS loop on the
generator control board. Increasing the signal gain value will reduce the
dose, and vice versa.
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4. Use the test set up as described in steps 3 to 6 of the section setting the
PMT High Voltage.
5. Set Maximum II Modes value to 3.
6. Click Apply to save the changes.
7. Connect a DVM from TP5 to TP6 or TP9 or TP26 or TP41 (ground) on the
generator control board.
8. Use the test set up as described in steps 3 to 6 of the section Setting the
PMT High Voltage.
9. Select ABS Curve = Med (if available) and select ABS Curve = Low if
the three ABS curves option is not fitted in Fluoroscopy Control Panel.
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10. Select Mag = Off (if applicable).In Fluoroscopy Control Panel, ensure
Warning: If the three ABS curves option is not fitted, disregard the
steps for calibrating ABS curves Med and High.
15. While making a Fluoroscopic exposure, set the High Level Fluoro ABS
Level 2 (Curve 2), value for an I.I. input dose of 61 uGy / min.
16. Select ABS Curve = Off.
17. Set the Fluoro mA to the value that was automatically set by Fluoro ABS
dose curve 2 in step 15.
18. While making a Fluoroscopic exposure, set the High Level Fluoro ABS
Level 0 ( No Curve ), value for an I.I. input dose of 61 uGy / min.
19. Select ABS Curve = Low.
20. While making a Fluoroscopic exposure, set the High Level Fluoro ABS
Level 1 (Curve 1), value for an I.I. input dose of 44 uGy / min.
21. Select ABS Curve = High.
22. While making a Fluoroscopic exposure, set the High Level Fluoro ABS
Level 3 (Curve 3) value for an I.I. input dose of 88 uGy / min.
23. Select Apply to save the changes.
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9. Connect a DVM from TP5 and to any one of the ground test points
labelled TP6, TP9, TP26, or TP41 on the generator control board. An
oscilloscope is needed since this is a pulsed signal.
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10. Use the test set up as described in steps 3 to 6 of the section Setting the
PMT High Voltage.
11. Select ABS Curve = Med (if available) and select ABS Curve = Low if
the three ABS curves option is not fitted in Fluoroscopy Control Panel.
12. Select Mag = Off (if applicable) and ensure that ABS is on in
Fluoroscopy Control Panel.
13. Select Pulsed Fluoro mode and 30 PPS in Fluoroscopy Control Panel.
14. Set the Pulsed ABS Initial kV to the midpoint of the normal operating
range, typically 75kV in the ABS Setup window.
15. Ensure that ABS is on and verify stability of the ABS system with Pulsed
Fluoroscopy. The imaging system should be panned over varying
absorber thicknesses to force the kV to fluctuate. The ABS should stabilize
without hunting or settling on the wrong kV value.
16. If the ABS is unstable, adjust the ABS Hardware Gain in the ABS Setup
window until the hunting is minimized and the Pulsed Fluoro kV stabilizes
17. If the deadband is excessive, adjust the ABS Deadband (%). This
should normally be in the range of 3 to 10%.
18. Set the ABS Delay (ms) to 30.
19. Confirm that the ABS stabilizes without hunting or settling on the wrong
kV value while panning the imaging system over varying absorber
20. Set the radiation meter to measure dose per frame at 30 fps (frames per
21. If the three ABS curves option is not fitted, disregard the steps for
calibrating ABS curves Med and High. Then follow steps 22 and 23 to
calibrate ABS curve Low using PF ABS Level 0 (No Curve) in step 22.
22. Set the ABS Curve 2 Level (V) value to 1.5 (V), and then adjust the
value until to get the desired brightness. It is advisable to keep this value
below 4.0(V).
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23. While making a Pulsed Fluoro exposure, set the ABS Software Gain PF
signal gain to set the I.I. input dose to 0.018 uGy / frame. This step
adjusts the digital gain potentiometer in the ABS loop on the generator
control board. Increasing the signal gain value will reduce the dose, and
vice versa.
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9. Use the test set up as described in steps 3 to 6 of the section Setting the
PMT High Voltage.
10. Select Mag = Off (if applicable) and ensure that ABS is on in
Fluoroscopy Control Panel.
11. Select ABS Curve = Med (if available, otherwise select ABS Curve = Low)
and select Mag = Off in Fluoroscopy Control Panel.
12. Make a Fluoroscopic exposure and record the stabilized kV.
13. Select MAG = I.
14. While making a Pulsed Fluoro exposure, set the Mag 1 value such that the
mag 1 kV equals the kV noted in step 12.
15. Repeat steps 13 and 14 for the remaining magnification modes. In high
mag mode, the maximum dose limits may be reached when higher mA
multiplication factors are selected.
16. Select Apply to save the changes.
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9. Use the test set up as described in steps 3 to 6 of the section Setting the
PMT High Voltage.
10. Select Mag = Off (if applicable) and ensure that ABS is on in
Fluoroscopy Control Panel.
11. Select ABS Curve = Med (if available, otherwise select ABS Curve = Low)
and select Mag = Off in Fluoroscopy Control Panel.
12. Select Pulsed Fluoro mode and 30 PPS in Fluoroscopy Control Panel.
13. Set the radiation meter to measure dose per frame at 30 fps (frames per
14. Set the 30 PPS Compensation value = 0 in the ABS Compensation
Setup window.
15. Make a Pulsed Fluoro exposure and record the stabilized kV and the dose
rate per frame.
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16. Make a Pulsed Fluoro exposure, and then in the ABS Compensation
Setup window, set the 15 PPS Compensation value such that the kV and
dose rate per frame rate equals the kV and dose rate as per the previous
17. Make a Fluoro exposure, and then set the 7.5 PPS Compensation value
such that the kV and dose rate per frame rate equals the kV and dose
rate as per step 15.
18. Make a Fluoro exposure, and then set the 3 PPS Compensation value
such that the kV and dose rate per frame rate equals the kV and dose
rate as per step 15.
19. Make a Fluoro exposure, and then set the 1 PPS Compensation value
such that the kV and dose rate per frame rate equals the kV and dose
rate as per step 15.
20. Select Apply to save the changes.
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9. Connect an oscilloscope from TP5 and to any one of the ground test
points labelled TP6, TP9, TP26, or TP41 on the generator control board.
An oscilloscope is needed since this is a pulsed signal.
10. Use the test set up as described in steps 3 to 6 of the section setting the
PMT High Voltage.
11. In Fluoroscopy Control Panel, select ABS Curve = Med (if available)
and ABS Curve = Low if the three ABS curves option is not fitted.
12. Select Mag = Off (if applicable) and ensure that ABS is on in
Fluoroscopy Control Panel.
13. Select High-Level Pulsed Fluoroscopy mode and 30 PPS in Fluoroscopy
Control Panel.
14. Ensure that the HPF mA Multiplier is set correctly. This is described under
High-Level Pulsed Fluoro Dose Limits (without SID compensation).
15. While making a Fluoroscopic exposure, set the ABS Level 2 (Curve 2)
value for an I.I. input dose of 0.035 uGy / frame.
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9. Use the test set up as described in steps 3 to 6 of the section setting the
PMT High Voltage.
10. Select Mag = Off (if applicable) and ensure that ABS is on in
Fluoroscopy Control Panel.
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11. Select ABS Curve = Med (if available, otherwise select ABS Curve = Low)
and select Mag = Off in Fluoroscopy Control Panel.
12. Make a Pulsed Fluoro exposure and record the stabilized kV.
13. Select MAG = I.
14. While making a Pulsed Fluoro exposure, set the Mag 1 value such that the
mag 1 kV equals the kV noted in step 12.
15. Repeat steps 13 and 14 for the remaining magnification modes. In high
mag mode, the maximum dose limits may be reached when higher mA
multiplication factors are selected.
16. Select Apply to save the changes.
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Appendix E
DAP Calibration
The DAP device must be calibrated before use and the calibration must
be periodically checked as per the DAP device manufacturers
requirements, or as per local regulations.
The following equipment is required for DAP calibration.
• An X-ray cassette and film. The speed of the film / screen is not
relevant, as the film is only used to determine the area that is
irradiated at the dose measurement plane.
An X-ray cassette and film is the preferred method to measure the
irradiated area, but if this is not readily available, for example if this is a
digital only system, a procedure is given to determine the required area
using the imaging system.
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DAP chamber 1
70 cm
DAP chamber 2
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The tables below provides the DAP calibration work sheet. You will use
these sheets to record the calibration results.
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1. Set up the dosimeter as per figure “Typical Setup for DAP Calibration”.
The probe should be centered relative to the central ray from the X-ray
tube, and sufficiently far off the tabletop to minimize scatter radiation.
Do not use any absorber during this procedure.
2. Open the collimator such that the field size at the location of the probe is
approximately 12 cm X 12 cm. Ensure that the probe is fully irradiated.
3. Temporarily set the DAP Mode to Independent. Refer to the section
“DAP Setup”.
4. Click DAP Dose Display, then click DAP Reset. This will reset the DAP
display to zero.
5. Select the desired DAP device to calibrate by selecting an image receptor
that is programmed to select the corresponding tube. Start with tube 1 /
DAP device 1.
6. Set the generator to 70 kV, 100 mA and 20 ms via Radiography Control
7. Make an X-ray exposure and note the dose per the dosimeter. Record the
mGy value in a copy of table “DAP Calculation Worksheet”.
8. Note the DAP value as displayed on DAP Test / Reset Display in Panel
A. Record the value in a copy of table “DAP Calculation Worksheet”.
9. Replace the dosimeter with an X-ray cassette and film if available. The
film plane must be at the same location as the dosimeter was in step 7.
If using an image sensor such as an I.I., CR, DR or other flat panel
detector, the image pickup plane must be at the same location as the
dosimeter was in step 7.
10. Ensure that the collimator field at the measurement plane is smaller than
the active area of the image pick-up device (film, I.I. or flat panel
detector). Refer to the figure below.
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Do not readjust the collimator from the setting that was used in
step 2.
11. Make another exposure using the same settings as in step 6.
12. Develop the film (if used).
13. Measure the irradiated image area. For film, measure the length and
width of the exposed area and record the results in the table “DAP
Calculation Worksheet”.
If using a digital imaging system, use the measurement tool if available
to measure the length and width of the area in question. If the digital
imaging system does not allow image size measurement, it is suggested
that an X-ray opaque item of known dimensions be placed at the image
plane. A collimator test tool would be useful in this application. The
length and width of the irradiated area can then be extrapolated by
comparison to the size of the reference object.
Record the length and width of the irradiated area at the measurement
plane in the table “DAP Calculation Worksheet”.
14. Calculate the irradiated image area, in cm2. Use the length and width
recorded in the table “DAP Calculation Worksheet”.
15. Calculate the dose-area product by multiplying the area from the table in
this section X the dose in mGy from the table in this section. Record the
resulting value at step 3 in the table “DAP Calculation Worksheet”.
16. Calculate the percentage error between the manually calculated DAP
measurement (the table “DAP Calculation Worksheet”, step 3) and the
measured DAP value (the table “DAP Calculation Worksheet”, step 4).
Record the percentage error in step 5 of the table
17. If the displayed DAP reading does not meet the required accuracy,
increase or decrease Calibration Value (DAP Device 1) or Calibration
Value (DAP Device 2) by the same percentage as the percentage error.
18. Repeat steps 7 to 17 until the required accuracy is obtained. Make as
many copies of table “DAP Calculation Worksheet” as required to
record the results from all required iterations.
19. Repeat the above procedure for the second DAP device (tube 2).
20. Reset the DAP MODE as desired. This was temporarily set to
Independent in step 3.
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Appendix F
Air Kerma calibration
The figure below shows typical probe placement for Air Kerma
measurements. However, local regulations should be consulted to
confirm the proper test set-up.
The table below is used to record results for the following procedure.
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15. Select Filter 2 in the Air Kerma Filters Settings window, the repeat
steps 8 to 11, if applicable.
16. If three external filters are used, temporarily insert filter 3 into the
collimator. Record the added filter in a copy of the table mentioned.
17. Select Filter 3 in the Air Kerma Filters Settings window, the repeat
steps 8 to 11, if applicable.
18. Select Filter 0 in the Air Kerma Filters Settings window.
19. Enter the Air Kerma value as recorded in the table for 40 kV in the Air
Kerma Filters Settings window.
20. Repeat the previous step for 50 kV, 60 kV, 80 kV, 100 kV, and 120 kV
using the Air Kerma values recorded in table.
21. Steps 21 to 23 only apply if filter 1 is used:
Select Filter 1 in the Air Kerma Filters Settings window.
22. Enter the Air Kerma value as recorded in the table for 40 kV in the Air
Kerma Filters Settings window.
23. Repeat the previous step for 50 kV, 60 kV, 80 kV, 100 kV, and 120 kV
using the Air Kerma values recorded in table.
24. Steps 24 to 26 only apply if filter 2 is used:
Select Filter 2 in the Air Kerma Filters Settings window.
25. Enter the Air Kerma value as recorded in table for 40 kV in the Air
Kerma Filters Settings window.
26. Repeat the previous step for 50 kV, 60 kV, 80 kV, 100 kV, and 120 kV
using the Air Kerma values recorded in table.
27. Steps 27 to 29 only apply if filter 3 is used:
Select Filter 3 in the Air Kerma Filters Settings window.
28. Enter the Air Kerma value as recorded in the table mentioned for 40 kV in
the Air Kerma Filters Settings window.
29. Repeat the previous step for 50 kV, 60 kV, 80 kV, 100 kV, and 120 kV
using the Air Kerma values recorded in table.
30. Select Apply to save the data.
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