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MSS HealthPost

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Remarks from Hon.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health and Population

Remarks from State Minister of Health and Population

Remarks from Secretary

Remarks from Chief Specialist

Remarks from Director General

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................................... i
Health Post Identification Sheet ................................................................................................................ 1
Background ................................................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction: .............................................................................................................................................. 2
Scope of MSS for health posts...................................................................................................................... 3
Development process ............................................................................................................................... 3
Organization of the standards ................................................................................................................... 3
How to use this Checklist? ........................................................................................................................ 4
Group discussion .......................................................................................................................................... 4
Filling the checklist ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Scoring the checklist ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Sample of filling the tool ................................................................................................................................ 5
Weightage of the sections and Overall MSS Score ...................................................................................... 6
Tool for Minimum Service Standards for Health Post ............................................................................... 7
Section I Governance and Management .................................................................................................. 7
Summary Sheet for Number of Standards and Scores of Section I ............................................................. 7
Governance ................................................................................................................................................... 8
Organizational Management ......................................................................................................................... 9
Human Resource Management and Development ..................................................................................... 10
Financial management ................................................................................................................................ 12
Medical Records and Information Management ......................................................................................... 13
Quality Management ................................................................................................................................... 14
Section II: Clinical Service Management Standards ............................................................................... 15
Summary Sheet of Standards and Scores of Section II ............................................................................. 15
Outpatient service (OPD) ............................................................................................................................ 16
Immunization and Growth Monitoring ......................................................................................................... 23
Family planning Service .............................................................................................................................. 25
ANC and PNC Services ............................................................................................................................. 28
DOTS and DOTS Plus Clinic ...................................................................................................................... 30
Dressing and Injections, Routine Procedures (DIRP) ................................................................................. 31
Dispensary services .................................................................................................................................... 35
Laboratory service ....................................................................................................................................... 45
Section III Health Post Support Services Management .......................................................................... 51
Summary Sheet of Standards and Scores of Section III ............................................................................ 51

Instrument processing and sterilization ....................................................................................................... 53
Laundry ....................................................................................................................................................... 54
Housekeeping ............................................................................................................................................. 56
Power system .............................................................................................................................................. 57
Water supply ............................................................................................................................................... 58
Healthcare Waste Management ................................................................................................................. 58
Safety and Security ..................................................................................................................................... 59
Transportation and Communication ............................................................................................................ 60
Store (Medical and Logistics) ...................................................................................................................... 61
Annex I: ....................................................................................................................................................... 62

Health Post Identification Sheet

Name of the Health Post, Address

Assessment Date

Assessed By


Score of Section I: Governance and

Score of Section II: Clinical Service
Score of Section III: Support Service
Overall MSS Score

Constitution of Nepal 2072 has provisioned health as a fundamental human right for all its citizens. In
order to realize the constitutional mandate the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) developed the
Public Health Service Act which outlines basic health services to be provided to all for free. The mandate
of providing the basic health care services primarily lies with the local government while MoHP is
responsible in developing tools, standards and guidelines to ensure provision of quality basic health care

In the health system of Nepal, the health post is the first institutional contact point for service delivery. In
addition to providing the health services, the health post also monitors the activities of Female Community
Health Volunteers (FCHVs) and centers for community-based activities such as outreach clinics (ORC),
extended immunization clinics (EPI Clinics) and community health units (CHUs). At present there are
3808 health posts.

The MoHP has already implemented the minimum service standards (MSS) for the district level hospitals
and with the learning and experiences from this, the development of MSS for health posts was
undertaken. The MSS for health post is the readiness tool that sets in minimum set of standards to be
fulfilled by the health posts to be able to provide the services that it claims to provide. Health posts can
thrive to provide more than what has been enlisted in the MSS but it is crucial that they have first fulfilled
the MSS requirements. The MSS is complementary to the existing quality improvement tools in the sense
that it will ensure inputs in place before checking on the processes and outputs. It does not detail out how
the services are to be provided which is basically the scope of Standard Treatment Protocols.

During the development of the MSS for health posts, the framework was prepared with three basic
components- governance and management, clinical service management and support service
management. The development of MSS for health post is based mainly on the Basic Health Care
Package, 2075 and Nepal health infrastructure development standards, 2074. Additional key documents
that were referred for the development of MSS are listed below:

 National Health Policy 2071

 Public Health Act, 2075

 Governance (Management and Operation) Act, 2064
 Financial Procedure Regulation, 2064

 Nepal Health Service Regulation, 2055

 Civil Service Regulation, 2050

 Nepal Health Sector strategy 2015 -2020. Ministry of Health and Population, GoN.
 Nepal Integrated Health Infrastructure Development Standards 2073/74
 Quality Improvement Tool for Health Facility, 2074

 Implementation Guideline for Social Audit in Health Sector, 2070 Revised 2073
 National List of Essential medicines 2066/67 Revised 2072/73

 Minimum Service Standards (MSS) Checklist to Identify the Gaps in Quality Improvement of
District Hospitals, Curative Service Division, MoHP, GoN, 2071/72
 Guideline for Heath Management Information System, Recording and Reporting, 2070

 National Safe Motherhood and Newborn Health Program District Maternal and Neonatal Health
Need Assessment Toolkit Vo. 1, Hospital, 2063/64

 Health care waste management guideline, 2014. Ministry of Health and Population.
Government of Nepal

Scope of MSS for health posts

The need of the standardization of the readiness of health post for service availability in the light of basic
health care services steered MSS for health post with the major scope of assessment of the health post
for the present status and gap analysis, development of action plans for improvement and evidence
generation for result based investment. It will also be a monitoring tool for Ministry of Health and
Population for assessing status of health posts.

Development process
The development of the minimum service standards for the health post was led by the then Management
Division and followed a consultative process among divisions/centers and partners. A small team of
partners from Health for Life, Nick Simons Institute, WHO and Nepal Health Sector Support Program
(NHSSP) was formed by the chief of health facility development and quality section, which met for two
meetings to draft the framework and services for health posts. Based on the first draft, the MSS was
further refined with consultation from service providers of seven health posts, one each from seven
provinces (Annex 1). An additional consultation was done with service providers of Koshidekha and
Kharelthok health posts, HFOMC members, local teachers and local representatives of Panchkhal
Municipality, Kavrepalanchowk.

This was followed by a finalization workshop in Kathmandu on June 29, 2018 with participants from DoHS
and development partners (Annex 1) with continued revisions and feedback for finalization. Furthermore,
the MSS for health post was taken to the quality assurance and improvement technical advisory
committee at the DoHS for technical suggestions and feedback and to the quality assurance steering
committee at the Ministry of Health and Population for approval and endorsement.

Organization of the standards

The standards in the MSS for health posts are majorly kept in three sections and their sub-sections as
follows (Figure 1 Organization of Standards in MSS for health posts:

Governance &

Clinical Services

Hospital Support Services

Store (Medical and Healthcare Waste Water Supply Power System

Logistics) Management
Safety and Transportation and Housekeeping Instrument processing and
Security Communication Laundry sterilization

Figure 1 Organization of the Standards in MSS for Health Posts

How to use this Checklist?

The MSS for health posts is primarily a self- assessment tool. Each standard has set of dimensions with
one or more verification criteria which are assessed. The checklist enables health posts to measure the
existing situation through scoring and helps to identify the gap areas to be addressed through the
development of the actions plans. This is a cyclical process and its details are explained in the
implementation guideline and users’ guide for further understanding of assessment, process of action
plan development and follow up of improvement from baseline. The key steps are as follows:
Group discussion
 Conduct a group discussion in your health posts to see if the health post really meets the given
standards under each section.

Filling the checklist

 Read each section carefully and if your health post meets the given standards, please score from
0 to 3 in the column of the score based on the maximum score for that standard

 For areas where there is indication of checking annex, please calculate the percentage and follow
the scoring chart for scoring from 0 to 3
 Please use individual copies for each area wherever applicable so that there is least biasness in
the assessment
 Complete this process for all the standards
Scoring the checklist
 In each section, add the total score and convert it into percentage.
 Add the scores of each sub-sections and calculate the average of that section.

Sample of filling the tool

Area Code Verification

Instrument 3.1
processing and
Components Standards Obtained Maximum
Score Score

3.1.1 Space 3.1.1 Separate area for instrument processing and 1 1

autoclave with running water facility
3.1.2 Staffing 3.1.2 Separate staffs assigned for instrument processing 1 1
and autoclave and is led by infection prevention
trained personal
3.1.3 Equipment 3.1.3 Equipment and supplies for sterilization available 2 3
and supplies and functional round the clock (See Annex 3.1a
Equipment and Supplies for Instrument Processing
and Sterilization at the end of this standard)
3.1.4 Preparing Wrapper, gauze, cotton balls, bandages are 1 1
consumables 3.1.4 prepared.
Standard 3.1 Total Score 5 6
Percentage = Total Score / 6 x 100= 5/6x100 83.33%

Annex 3.1a Equipment and Supplies for Instrument Processing and Sterilization
SN Items Required No. Score
1. Working Table 1 1
2. Basket for Transportation 2 0
3. Surgical Drums 2 0
4. Storage Shelves 1 1
5. Boiler or Momo pot 1 1
Total Score 3
Total Percentage = 3/5 X 100 75
Each row gets a score of 1 if all the required number is available otherwise 0.

Scoring Chart
Total Percentage Score
0-50 0

50-70 1
70-90 2
90-100 3
Score for Standard 3.1.3 2

Weightage of the sections and Overall MSS Score

After assessment of all the sections of the standards, for overall scoring, each section is then weighed.
The section of the governance and management (Section I) is weighed in 20%, that of clinical service
management (Section II) is weighed in 60% and that of support service management (Section III) is
weighed in 20%. For example:

If Section I has the overall score of 80%, Section II has 60% and Section III has 80%; the overall score of
the hospital for MSS assessment is calculated as:

Overall MSS Score = (0.2xSectionI + 0.6X Section II + 0.2x Section III) %

Overall MSS Score = (0.2x80%+ 0.6x60%+0.2x 80%)

Overall MSS Score= 68%

Tool for Minimum Service Standards for Health Post

Section I Governance and Management

Summary Sheet for Number of Standards and Scores of Section I

Area Total Number of Total Score Total Obtained Score

Standards (Percentage)

Governance 25 25

Organizational Management 15 15

Human Resource Management and 10 (12*) 12 (14*)


Financial Management 13 13

Medical Records and Information 8 8


Quality Management 8 10

Total 79 (81*) 83 (85*)

* For health posts with birthing centers

Area Code Verification
Governance 1.1
Components Standards Obtained Maximum
Score Score
1.1.1 Formation of 1.1.1 HFOMC is formed based on the 1
Health Facility guidelines provided by Ministry of
Operation Health and Population (MoHP)/
Management Provincial Government/ Local
Committee Government
1.1.2 Capacity 1.1.2 All HFOMC members have received an 1
building of HFOMC orientation on HFOMC Terms of
Reference and functions
1.1.3 Availability of 1.1.3 Health Post In-charge position is 1
Health Post In- fulfilled as per organogram
1.1.4 Functional HFOMC meetings called upon by 1
HFOMC member secretary / Health Post In-
charge and headed by chairperson
conducted as per guideline (at least
once every three months) and as per
need HFOMC meetings have covered at least following agenda (See
minutes of last meetings): Health post services availability 1 Health post services utilization and 1
targets’ e.g. service utilization by
disadvantaged and marginalized
groups, referrals Health post’s financial issues 1 Patient rights issues e.g. patient 1
facilities, analysis of complaints
received, patient security, infection
prevention Management issues- HR issues, 1
security issues Infrastructure/ Equipment issues 1 Coordination issues with local 1

governance- rural municipality/
municipality, referral hospitals,
provincial, federal, DoHS, MoHP Review of decisions and 1
recommendations of staff meeting and
QI Committee meetings discussions
1.1.5 Annual plan & 1.1.5 Annual plan & budget is approved by 1
budget HFOMC before the fiscal year starts
1.1.6 Storage of 1.1.6 There is a separate locker for storage 1
HMC documents of HFOMC documents.

1.1.7 Accountability Updated citizens charter is displayed 1 Notices of public concern are displayed 1

publicly Complaint boxes are kept in a visible 1
place A detailed list of all services 1
including number of community
health units (CHUs) and Extended
Immunization (EPI) clinics is
publicly displayed Updated social map with catchment 1
area and disadvantaged and
marginalized population is available and
displayed List of 'free drugs' publicly displayed 1
with availability status List of mothers who received AAMA 1
incentives displayed on notice board
1.1.8 Conduct social 1.1.8 Social audit is conducted for last year 1
audit by third party
1.1.9 Infrastructure Health facility has ownership of the 1
of health post land as per the guideline Health facility has its own building, 1
constructed based on guideline
1.1.10 Community 1.1.10 There are need based staffs 1
support to health contracted in support of the local
post government resources in the health
Standard 1.1 Total Obtained Score 25
Percentage = Total Obtained Score /
25x 100

Area Code Verification

Organizational 1.2
Components Standards Obtained Maximum
Score Score
1.2.1 Organizational Updated organizational chart 1
structure (organogram) with HFOMC members,
health post staffs and FCHVs
displayed Organogram of health post is reviewed 1
every 5 years and forwarded to higher

Female Community Health Volunteers

1.2.2 Work division 1.2.2 Written delegation of authorities is 1
and delegation of maintained
1.2.3 Maintaining 1.2.3 Navigation chart with services and room 1
users’ flow system number and/or name guiding users’ to
access services
1.2.4 Queue system 1.2.4 Health post implements queue system 1
for users (separate for elderly, disable
and pregnant)
1.2.5 Attendance 1.2.5 All staffs of health posts maintain their 1
attendance register daily
1.2.6 Dress code for All health posts staffs have uniform / 1
all staffs apron which is worn on duty All health post staffs carry personal ID 1
cards when on duty
1.2.7 Maintaining Staff meetings are conducted monthly 1
effective team work
environment Staff meetings cover the following agenda (see meeting minutes): Capacity building of staffs including 1
rotation of staff Service coverage and utilization 1
including recording and reporting Support required for FCHVs 1
mobilization and performance Health promotional activities in the 1
catchment area like school health
program, screening camps, participation
in mothers’ group meeting Separate space allocated for breast 1
feeding for staffs
1.2.8 Road 1.2.8 HFOMC coordinates for maintaining 1
connectivity road connectivity of health post
Standard 1.2 Total Obtained Score 15

Percentage = Total Obtained Score /

15x 100

Area Code Verification

Human Resource 1.3

Management and
Components Standards Obtained Maximum
Score Score
1.3.1 Personnel 1.3.1 Personnel administration guideline of 1
administration policy HFOMC is available (for all staffs
including locally hired staff) and
practiced accordingly
1.3.2 Human 1.3.2 Individual records of all staffs including 1
resource records contract staffs are maintained and

1.3.3 Staffing Staffs available for service in health 3
post as per organogram (See Annex
1.3a Organogram at the end of this
standard) Maaga Akriti form ( माग आकृति फारम) 1
correspondence to fulfill vacant
positions to concerned authority as per
guideline If health post is a birthing center, 1*
availability of at least 2 SBA trained
ANM or Staff nurse for providing
delivery services
1.3.4 Job description 1.3.4 All staffs including HFOMC staffs are 1
given a job description when they are
recruited/ posted to health post
(permanent and contract staff)
1.3.5 Review of Performance appraisal (का. स. म.ु ) of 1
all staffs is done as per guideline A training plan for the health post is 1
1.3.6 Motivating staff developed based on the training needs
and occupational of the staff identified at the
safety performance appraisal There is activity conducted to motivate 1
staff (staff retreat, rewards, recognition
of performances, etc.) at least once a
year. Health post has system for addressing 1
occupational hazard like needle stick
injury, vaccination
1.3.7 Staff quarter in 1.3.7 Quarter for nursing staff for 24-hour 1*
birthing center* delivery services in birthing centers

1.3.8 Space for 1.3.8 A multi-purpose hall available in health 1

meeting post

Total Score 12 (14*)

Percentage = Total Obtained Score /
Standard 1.3 12 or 14*x 100

* Applicable only for birthing centers

Annex 1.3a Organogram of Health Post

S.No. Cadre of health care workers Required Obtained Maximum

Number Score Score
1. Health Post Incharge HA or Senior AHW 1 1
2. Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANM) 2-3 1
3. Auxiliary Health Worker (AHW) 2-3 1
4. Office Assistant (OA) 1 1

Hills & Mountain-2, Terai- 3
Hills & Mountain-2, Terai- 3

Total Obtained Score 4
Total Percentage = Total Obtained Score/ 4 x100

Each row gets a score of 1 in each row if it is available otherwise 0.

Scoring Chart

Total Percentage Score

0-50 0
50-70 1
70-90 2
90-100 3
Score for Standard

Area Code Verification

Financial 1.4
Components Standards Obtained Maximum
Score Score
1.4.1 An annual budget is developed 1
Formulation and incorporating revenue from government
approval of grants, program grants and support
Annual Budget provided by other organizations and
internal income
1.4.2 Service Basic health services are provided for 1
fees free from health posts If additional services other than basic 1
health services, service fees are
updated/fixed by HFOMC every year
1.4.3 1.4.3 1
Mechanism for Has and utilizes Aama program and
disbursement of referral funds
funds to clients
1.4.4 Bank Bank account of health facility is 1
Account operated by joint signatures of
Committee Chairperson and Health
Facility In-charge or as per government
1.4.5 Financial Budget absorption rate of last fiscal 1
review and audit year is as per national target Internal audit, financial and physical 1

progress review is done monthly Final audit/ external audited accounts 1

are available for last year.
1.4.6 Health Health post prepares and keeps 1
Posts prepares monthly financial report.

financial reports Annual financial report is submitted to 1
1.4.7 Clearing Financial irregularities are responded 1
financial within 35 days
irregularities Clearance of financial authorities is 1
done as per national target
1.4.8 Inventory 1.4.8 Inventory inspection is done once in a 1
inspection year and managed accordingly
Standard 1.4 Total Score 13

Percentage = Total Obtained Score /

13 x 100

Area Code
Medical Verification
Records and
Management 1.5
Obtained Maximum
Components Standards Score Score
1.5.1 Managing Users registration is done using the
medical records registers 1 Referral records are kept using the
standard form (HMIS) and register
1 Records and reports from FCHVs are
collected and verified monthly 1
1.5.2 Evidence Monthly reports (HMIS) are shared to
generation and the national database via local
utilization government level 1 Services utilization statistics are
analyzed at least every quarter and
discussed within staffs (Check last
quarter status) 1 Key statistics of service utilization from
health post and its outreach services in
comparison to target is displayed
publicly 1
1.5.3 Focal Staff is assigned for medical record
person for keeping and reporting and is verified by
information health post in-charge 1
management In-charge of health post communicates
with patients/clients, their relatives,
media and other stakeholders. 1

Standard 1.5
Total Score 8

Percentage = Total Obtained Score /

Area Code Verification

Quality 1.6
Components Standards Obtained Maximum
Score Score
1.6.1 Health Health Facility QI committee is formed 1
Facility QI according to Guideline.
Committee QI committee meetings are held at least 1
every 4 months.
1.6.2 1.6.2 The findings of social audit like client exit 1
Addressing interview are shared in staff meeting
issues in report
of social audit
1.6.3 Assessing 1.6.3 Health post is using MSS tool at least 1
quality every 4 months
1.6.4 Planning 1.6.4 Health post has developed specific plans 1
to improving to improve quality based on the MSS
quality assessment.
1.6.5 Health 1.6.5 Health post uses QI tools for assessment 3
Post uses QI of the major priority government
tools programs (less than 50%=0, 50-70% =1,
70-90% = 2, 90-100% =3)
1.6.6 Health post has implemented the specific 1
Implementing activities based on the MSS plan.
QI plan Health post has implemented specific 1
activities based on gap analysis of QI
Standard 1.6 Total Obtained Score 10
Percentage = Total Obtained Score/10
x 100

Section II: Clinical Service Management Standards

Summary Sheet of Standards and Scores of Section II

Area Total Number Total Total Obtained

of Standards Score Score
Outpatient service (OPD) 40 58

Immunization and Growth Monitoring 16 18

Family Planning Services 18 20

Antenatal check up and postnatal check up 19 21

DOTS and DOTS Plus Clinic 22 22

Dispensary services 23 (24*) 23 (24*)

Birthing center** 35 41

Laboratory Services 22 26

Total 195 (196*) 229 (230*)

* Malaria endemic areas

**Applicable only for health post with birthing center

DOTS= Direct Observed Treatment Short-course

Area Code
Outpatient 2.1 Verification
service (OPD)
Standards Standards Obtained Maximum
Score Score
2.1.1 Time for OPD is open from 10 AM to 3 pm 1
patients Tickets for routine OPD are available till 2 pm 1 Emergency services from health post is available 1

from 10 am to 5 pm
2.1.2 Adequate Mid-level health workers available for the OPD 1
Staffing services
2.1.3 2.1.3 Patient privacy maintained with separate rooms, 1
Maintaining curtains hung, maintaining queuing of patients
patient privacy

2.1.4 Patient Counseling is provided to patients about the type 1

counseling of treatment being given and its consequences Appropriate IEC materials (posters, leaflets etc.) 1
as an IEC corner available in the OPD waiting
2.1.5 Physical At least one rooms with adequate space for one 1
facilities midlevel health worker and patients is dedicated
for OPD services Light and ventilation are adequately maintained 1 Required furniture and supplies are available 3

1 (See Annex 2.1a Furniture and Supplies for OPD
2.1.6 2.1.6 Equipment, instrument and supplies to carry out 3
Equipment, the OPD works are available and functioning
instrument and (See Annex 2.1b Equipment, instrument and
supplies supplies for OPD Service)
2.1.7 2.1.7 Standard treatment protocol (STP) is available 1
Availability and and used in the OPD
use of the STP
2.1.8 Duty 2.1.8 Duty rosters of staffs are developed weekly and 1
rosters displayed in appropriate location
2.1.9 Common At least one of the staff is assigned and able 1
communicable (trained) to treat the common communicable
disease diseases and refer when needed
identification, Minimum list of the common communicable 3
treatment and diseases that are identified, treated and referred
referral as needed from the health post (See Annex 2.1c
List of common communicable diseases)
2.1.10 2.1.10. At least one of the staff is able (trained) to treat 1
Common RH 1 common reproductive health (RH) morbidities
2.1.10. Minimum list of the common reproductive health 3
2 morbidities that are identified, treated and referral
treatment and
as need from the health post (See Annex 2.d
Minimum List of common reproductive health
morbidities )
2.1.11 GBV 2.1.11. At least one of the staff is trained to identify, 1
identification, 5.1 assess, stabilize and refer the survivor of gender
assessment, based violence (GBV)

2.1.12 NCDs 2.1.12. At least one of the staff is trained for treatment of 1
identification, 1 the common non-communicable diseases
treatment and (NCDs) (PEN protocol)
referral 2.1.12. Minimum list of the NCDs that are identified, 3
2 treated and referral as need from the health post
(See Annex 2.1e Minimum List of non-
communicable diseases treated and referred)
2.1.13 2.1.13. At least one of the staff is trained in CBIMNCI 1
Newborn and 1 /FBIMNCI protocol and guideline
2.1.13. Assessment, classification, treatment and referral 1
2 of sick newborn, children and premature as per
IMNCI guidelines
treatment and
2.1.14 ENT 2.1.14. At least one of the staff is able (trained) in 1
(ear, nose and 1 treatment of the common ENT (ear, nose and
throat), oral throat), oral and eye problems
and eye 2.1.14. Minimum list of the common ear, neck and throat 3
problems 2 and eye problems that are identified, treated and
identification, referral as need from the health post (See Annex
treatment and 2.1f Minimum List of non-communicable diseases
referral identified, treated and referred)
2.1.15 Mental 2.1.15. At least one of the staff is able (trained) in 1
Health 1 identification, assessment and treatment of the
problems common mental health problems
identification, 2.1.15. Minimum list of the common mental health 3
treatment and 2 problems that are identified, treated and referral
referral as need from the health post (See Annex 2.1g
Minimum List of mental health problem identified,
treated and referred)
2.1.16 2.1.16. At least one of the staff is able (trained) to identify 1
Identification 1 the surgical cases and refer them to higher
and center
assessment of 2.1.16. Minimum list of the surgical problems that are 3
surgical cases 2 identified, treated and referral as need from the
and referral health post (See Annex 2.1h Minimum List of
Surgical Cases Identified and Referred)
2.1.17 2.1.17. All staffs trained on basic life support (BLS) 1
Emergency 1 services and able to provide CPR (Cardio-
conditions Pulmonary Resuscitation)
identification, 2.1.17. Minimum list of the common emergency 3
stabilization 2 situations identified, stabilized and referral as
and referral needed from the health post (See Annex 2.1i
Minimum List of the emergency conditions
identified, stabilized and referred)
2.1.18 2.1.18. Availability of waiting/registration space with 1
Facilities for 1 sitting arrangement is available for at least 5-10
patients persons
2.1.18. Safe drinking water is available in the waiting 1
2 area throughout the day.
2.1.18. There are 3 toilets with hand-washing facilities (1 1
3 for males and 1 for females separate, 1 universal

PEN= Package for Essential Non-communicable Disease
CBIMNCI= Community Based Integrated Management of Newborn and Childhood Illness
FBIMNCI= Facility Based Integrated Management of Newborn and Childhood Illness


2.1.18. Hand-washing facilities are available for patients 1

2.1.19 2.1.19 OPD register available in OPD and ICD 10 1
Recording and classification for diagnosis recorded in standard
reporting forms and formats
2.1.20 Infection 2.1.20. Masks and gloves are available and used 1
prevention 1
2.1.20. At least three color coded waste bins- one each 1
2 red, blue and green- as per HCWM guideline
2014 (MoHP) are available and used
2.1.20. Hand-washing facility with running water and 1
3 soap or hand sanitizer is available for health
2.1.20. Needle cutter is used 1
2.1.20. Chlorine solution is available and utilized for 1
5 decontamination
Standard 2.1.1 Total Obtained Score 58

Total Percentage (Total Obtained Score/ 58


Annex 2.1a Furniture and Supplies for OPD Service

SN Name Required Quantity Score

1. Working desk 1
2. Chairs 3
3. Examination bed with mattress 1
4. Pillow 1
5. Footstep 1
6. Bed sheet 2
7. Macintosh 2
8. Screen 1
9. Cupboard 1
Total score
Percentage = Total score/ 9x 100
Each row gets a score of 1 in each row if is available otherwise 0
Scoring Chart
Total Percentage Score
0-50 0
50-70 1
70-90 2
90-100 3
Score for Standard

Annex 2.1b Equipment, instrument and supplies for OPD Service

SN Name Required Quantity Score

1. Stethoscope 1
2. Sphygmomanometer 1
3. Digital thermometer 1
4. Knee-jerk hammer 1
5. ENT set 1
6. Flashlight/ torch light 1
7. Stop watch/ Timer 1
8. Tuning fork 1
9. Duck’s speculum 1
10. Proctoscope 1
11. Hand sanitizer 1
12. Examination gloves 1 box
13. Sterile examination gloves 2 each of different sizes
14. Examination lamp (1) 1
15. Disposable wooden tongue depressor As per need
16. High efficiency masks As per need
17. Weighing scale –adult 1
18. Weighing scale –infant 1
19. Weighing scale –under-five (Salter or Secca 1
20. Height/ length board 1
21. Snellen’schart 1
22. MUAC tape 3
23. Sputum collection container As per need
24. Slides for sputum sample As per need
25. Sterile sputum specimen tapped glass jars As per need
26. Lab record forms As per need
27. Clinical records forms As per need
Total score
Percentage = Total score/ 25 x 100
Each row gets a score of 1 in each row if is available otherwise 0
Scoring Chart
Total Percentage Score
0-50 0
50-70 1
70-90 2
90-100 3
Score for Standard 2.1.6

Annex 2.1c List of common communicable diseases

S.No. List of the communicable diseases (minimum) identified, Score
treated and referred
1. Leprosy
2. Malaria
3. Acute diarrhea
4. Amoebiasis and other protozoal diseases
5. Typhoid and para typhoid

6. Parasitic infection
7. Kala-azar
8. Filariasis
9. Scabies
10. Pediculosis
11. Common fungal infections
12. Mumps
13. Measles
14. Chickenpox
15. Rubella
16. Seasonal influenza
17. Sinusitis
18. Pharyngitis
19. Tonsillitis
20. Bronchitis
21. Pneumonia
Total score
Total Percentage= Total score/21 x 100
Each row gets a score of 1 if all the required number is available otherwise 0.
Scoring chart
Total percentage Score
0-50 0
50-70 1
70-90 2
90-100 3
Score for Standard

See Annex 2.1d List of common reproductive health morbidities
S.No. Common reproductive health morbidities identified, Score
treated and referred
2. Syphilis
3. Opthalmianeonatorum
4. Urethral discharge syndrome
5. Uterovaginal prolapsed
6. Vaginal discharge syndrome
7. Genital ulcer syndrome
8. Lower abdominal pain syndrome
9. Scrotal swelling syndrome
10. Inguinal bubo syndrome
11. Utero-vaginal prolapsed
12. Obstetric fistula
13. Cervical Cancer
14. Abortion service (Medical abortion up to 12 weeks)
Total score
Total Percentage= Total score/14 x 100
Each row gets a score of 1 if all the required number is available otherwise 0.
Scoring chart
Total percentage Score
0-50 0
50-70 1
70-90 2
90-100 3
Score for Standard

Annex 2.1e List of non-communicable diseases

S.No. Minimum List of non-communicable diseases identified, Score

treated and referred
1. Heart Disease (hypertension, myocardial infarction)
2. Stroke
3. Diabetes Mellitus
4. Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases
5. Cancer (Cervical Cancer)
Total score
Total Percentage= Total score/5 x 100
Each row gets a score of 1 if all the required number is available otherwise 0.
Scoring chart
Total percentage Score
0-50 0
50-70 1
70-90 2
90-100 3
Score for Standard

Annex 2.1f List of the ENT, Oral and Eye Problems

S.No. List of Ear, Nose and Throat, and Eye Problems Score

identified, treated and referred
1. Furunculosis,
2. Otitis externa
3. Otomycosis,
4. Acute otitis media
5. Hearing problem
6. Vestibulitis
7. Referral
8. Ear Wax
9. Gingivitis,
10. Glossitis
11. Mouth ulcer
12. Stomatitis
13. Abscess
14. Dental caries
15. Conjunctivitis
16. Stye
17. Blepharitis
Total score
Total Percentage= Total score/17 x 100
Each row gets a score of 1 if all the required number is available otherwise 0.
Scoring chart
Total percentage Score
0-50 0
50-70 1
70-90 2
90-100 3
Score for Standard

Annex 2.1g List of common mental health problems

S.No. List of mental health problems identified and referred Score
(as per BHS package)
1. Depression
2. Anxiety
3. Psyhcosis (Follow up and refill medicines)
4. Substance abuse
5. Alcohol dependency
6. Idiopathic epilepsy (Follow up and refill medicines)
Total score
Total Percentage= Total score/6x 100
Each row gets a score of 1 if all the required number is available otherwise 0.
Scoring chart
Total percentage Score
0-50 0
50-70 1
70-90 2
90-100 3
Score for Standard

Annex 2.1h List of General Surgical Cases Identified and Referred

S.No. List of common surgical cases identified and referred Score
(as per BHS package)
1. Hernia
2. Hydrocele
3. Cellulitis
4. Abscess
Total score
Total Percentage= Total score/4x 100
Each row gets a score of 1 if all the required number is available otherwise 0.
Scoring chart
Total percentage Score
0-50 0
50-70 1
70-90 2
90-100 3
Score for Standard

Annex 2.1i List of Common Emergency Conditions

S.No. List of the common emergency conditions identified, Score
treated an referred
1. Acute pain
2. Shock
3. Convulsion
4. Road traffic accident
5. Fracture, joint subluxation, dislocation
6. Uncomplicated first-degree burn
7. Poisoning
8. Drowning
9. Foreign body (removal)
10. Epsitaxis
Total score
Total Percentage= Total score/10 x 100
Each row gets a score of 1 if all the required number is available otherwise 0.
Scoring chart
Total percentage Score
0-50 0
50-70 1
70-90 2
90-100 3
Score for Standard

Area Code Verification

Immunization 2.2.1
and Growth
Components Standards Obtained Maximum
Score Score

23 Time for 2.2.1. Immunization and growth monitoring service 1
patients 1 is available from 10 AM to3 PM. On
scheduled days Staffing 2.2.1. At least one of the Mid level health worker 1
2 trained in immunization and growth
monitoring available for service 2.2.1. Appropriate techniques have been used to 1
Maintaining 3 ensure the patient privacy (separate rooms,
patient privacy curtains hung, maintaining queuing of
patients). Patient 2.2.1. Counseling is provided to caretaker about 1
counseling 4.1 the type of vaccine, its schedule, nutritional
status of child.
2.2.1. Appropriate IEC/BCC materials on vaccine, 1
4.2 schedule and child growth and nutrition are
available in immunization and growth
monitoring area 2.2.1. Immunization and growth monitoring 3
Instrument, 5 instrument, equipment and supplies are
equipment and available (See Annex 2.2.1a instrument,
supplies available equipment and supplies for Immunization
and growth monitoring) 2.2.1. Standard treatment protocol for health post is 1
Availability and 6 available and used for immunization services
use of STP Physical 2.2.1. Adequate space for health worker and 1
facilities 7.1 patients are available with at least one
working table, chair for health worker and
two patients’ chair
2.2.1. Light and ventilation are adequately 1
7.2 maintained. Recording 2.2.1. Patient’s card (Health card, growth chart) 1
and reporting 8.1 and immunization register available and
services recorded
2.2.1. Adverse immunization reactions, 1
8.2 complication, severe under-nutrition and
referral to other sites recorded and reported Infection 2.2.1. Masks and gloves are available and used 1
prevention 9.1
2.2.1. At least three color coded waste bins- one 1
9.2 each red, blue and green- as per HCWM
guideline 2014 (MoHP) are available and
2.2.1. Hand washing facility with running water and 1
9.3 soap is available for practitioners.
2.2.1. Needle cutter is used and puncture proof box 1
9.4 or safety box available and used for sharps
2.2.1. Chlorine solution is available and utilized. 1
Standard 2.2.1 Total Obtained Score 18

Total Percentage (Total Obtained Score/

18 x100)

Annex 2.2.1a Instruments, equipment and Supplies for Immunization and Growth Monitoring

SN Name Required Quantity Score

1. Weighing scale (Infantometer and At least one each

Secca Scale)
2. Stadiometer At least one
3. MUAC tape 2
4. Cold chain box or vaccine carrier set At least one set
with ice packs
5. Different size syringe for immunization At least 10 each
(1,2,3,5,10 ml)
6. Cotton in swab container As per needed
7. Container for clean water As per needed
Vaccines available as per national protocol available round the year
8. No stock out round the
Bacillus Calmatte Guerin (BCG)
9. No stock out round the
Pentavalent (DPT, HiB, Hep B), FIPV
10. No stock out round the
Oral polio vaccine
11. No stock out round the
Pneumococcal conjugated vaccine
12. No stock out round the
Measles/ rubella
13. No stock out round the
Japanese encephalitis
14. No stock out round the
Vitamin A
Total score
Percentage = Total score/ 14 x 100
Each row gets a score of 1 in each row if is available otherwise 0
Scoring Chart
Total Percentage Score
0-50 0
50-70 1
70-90 2
90-100 3
Score for Standard

Area Code Verification

Family planning 2.2.2

Components Standards Obtained Maximum

Score Score Time for 2.2.2. Family planning (FP) service is available 1
patients 1 from 10 AM to 3 PM. Space 2.2.2. A separate area/space dedicated for family 1
2 planning counseling and services Staffing 2.2.2. At least one Mid level health worker trained 1
3 in family planning assigned for the services

25 2.2.2. Appropriate techniques have been used to 1
Maintaining 4 ensure the patient privacy (separate rooms,
patient privacy curtains hung, maintaining queuing of
patients). Patient 2.2.2. Counseling is provided to users of FP 1
counseling 5.1 methods
2.2.2. Appropriate IEC/BCC materials on FP 1
5.2 including DMT tool used for counseling Supplies 2.2.2. Supplies for FP Services available (See 3

available 6 Annex 2.2.2a Supplies for FP services) 2.2.2. Functional BP set, stethoscope, 1
Equipment and 7 thermometer, and weighing scale available
supplies available for FP services 2.2.2. Standard treatment protocol for is available 1
Availability and 8 and used for FP services
use of STP Physical 2.2.2. At least one working table, chair for health 1
facilities 8.1 worker and two patients’ chair and one
examination bed
2.2.2. Light and ventilation are adequately 1
8.2 maintained. Recording 2.2.2. Patient’s health card and FP register 1
and reporting 9.1 available and services recorded
2.2.2. FP related complication, defaulter and 1
9.2 contraceptive failure are recorded and
reported Infection 2.2.2. Masks and gloves are available and used 1
prevention 10.1
2.2.2. At least three color coded waste bins- one 1
10.2 each red, blue and green- as per HCWM
guideline 2014 (MoHP) are available and
2.2.2. Hand washing facility with running water and 1
10.3 soap is available for practitioners.
2.2.2. Needle cutter is used 1
2.2.2. Chlorine solution is available and utilized. 1
Total Obtained Score 20
Standard 2.2.2
Total Percentage (Total Obtained Score/
20 x100)

Annex 2.2.2a Supplies for Family Planning

SN Name Score
1. Condoms As per needed

2. Combined oral contraceptive As per needed

3. IUD As per needed

4. IUD Insertion and removal At least 2

5. Implants As per needed

6. Implants insertion and At least 2
removal set
7. Injection Depo provera As per needed

8. Emergency contraceptive As per need

9. Sterile surgical gloves 2-3
(different sizes)
Total score

Percentage = Total score/ 9 x 100

Each row gets a score of 1 in each row if is available otherwise 0

Scoring Chart

Total Percentage Score

0-50 0

50-70 1

70-90 2

90-100 3

Score for Standard

Area Code Verification
8 9
ANC and PNC 2.2.3

Components Standards Obtained Maximum

Score Score Time for 2.2.3. ANC and PNC care service is available from 1
patients 1 10 AM to 3 PM.
2.2.3. Emergency services from health post is 1
2 available from 10 am to 5 pm Space 2.2.3. A separate area/space dedicated for ANC, 1
2 and PNC examination and counseling
services Staffing 2.2.3. At least one Mid level health worker trained 1
3 in ANC, and PNC examination and services
is assigned for the services 2.2.3. Appropriate techniques have been used to 1
Maintaining 4 ensure the patient privacy (separate rooms,
patient privacy curtains hung, maintaining queuing of
patients). Patient 2.2.3. Counseling is provided to women and family 1
counseling 5.1 on care during pregnancy, danger signs and
birth preparedness package, postnatal care,
early, exclusive and extended breast feeding,
2.2.3. Appropriate IEC/BCC materials on ANC, 1
5.2 PNC and newborn care available and used

2.2.3. Counseling on co-morbid status like TB, 1

5.3 HIV/AIDS, Syphillis, Herpes, Hepatitis are
counseled and referral accordingly Supplies 2.2.3. Supplies for ANC and PNC Services 3
for ANC Services 6 available (See Annex 2.2.3a Supplies for
available ANC and PNC services) and used 2.2.3. Standard treatment protocol for health post is 1
Availability and 7 available and used
use of STP Physical 2.2.3. At least one working table, chair for health 1
facilities 8.1 worker and two patients’ chair and one
examination bed
2.2.3. Light and ventilation are adequately 1
8.2 maintained. Recording 2.2.3. Patient’s health card and respective registers 1
and reporting 9.1 are available and services recorded
2.2.3. ANC check up findings, PNC check up 1
9.2 findings and newborn examination findings
are recorded and reported Infection 2.2.3. Masks and gloves are available and used 1
prevention 10.1
2.2.3. At least three color coded waste bins- one 1
10.2 each red, blue and green- as per HCWM
guideline 2014 (MoHP) are available and

ANC= Antenatal Checkup
PNC= Postnatal Checkup

2.2.3. Hand washing facility with running water and 1
10.3 soap is available for practitioners.
2.2.3. Needle cutter is used 1
2.2.3. Chlorine solution is available and utilized. 1
Total Obtained Score 21
Standard 2.2.3
Total Percentage (Total Obtained Score/
21 x100)

Annex 2.2.3a Supplies for ANC Services

SN Name Score
1. Examination bed with At least 1
2. Weighing scale for adult At least 1

3. Footstep At least 1

4. Stool/chair At least 3

5. Pillow At least 1

6. Pillow cover At least 1

7. Bedsheet At least 2

8. Mackintosh At least 2

9. Adult MUAC tape At least 2

10. Height board (adult) At least 1

11. Fetoscope At least 2

12. Tape to measure fundal At least 2

13. Syphygmomanometer At least 1

14. Stethoscope At least 1

15. Thermometer At least 1

16. Speculum At least 2

17. Iron/Folic acid No stock out

round the year
18. Td vaccine No stock out
round the year
19. Vitamin A No stock out
round the year
20. Examination gloves At least 1 box

21. Table calendar At least one

Total score

Percentage = Total score/ 21 x 100

Each row gets a score of 1 in each row if is available otherwise 0

Scoring Chart

Total Percentage Score

0-50 0

50-70 1

70-90 2

90-100 3

Score for Standard

Area Code Verification

DOTS and 2.2.4
Components Standards Obtained Maximum
Score Score Time for 2.2.4. DOTS and DOTS plus Service is available 1
patients 1 from 10 AM to 3 PM. Staffing 2.2.4. At least one Mid level health worker trained 1
2 in DOTS assigned for the services 2.2.4. Appropriate techniques have been used to 1
Maintaining 3 ensure the patient privacy (separate rooms,
patient privacy curtains hung, maintaining queuing of
patients). Patient 2.2.4. Counseling is provided to patients about the 1
counseling 4.1 type of treatment being given and its
2.2.4. Appropriate IEC/BCC materials on TB, co- 1
4.2 infection of HIV/AIDS (posters, leaflets) are
available in treatment area
2.2.4. History taking and screening and collection 1
4.3 of samples from suspected cases is done

2.2.4. Sample collected is transported to the higher 1

4.4 facility or patient is referred for confirmatory
diagnosis and co-infection Medicine 2.2.4. Medicines for TB as per government 1
available and 5 treatment protocol for 1st line, category I and
prescribed II are available and prescribed based on
protocol 2.2.4. DOTS corner or room has functional BP set, 1
Equipment and 6.1 stethoscope, thermometer and weighing
supplies available scale 2.2.4. Standard treatment protocol for health post is 1
Availability and 7 available and used
use of STP Physical 2.2.4. Adequate space with at least one working 1
facilities 8.1 table, chair for health worker, shelf for
storage of medicine and registers and two

DOTS= Direct Observed Treatment Shortcourse

patients’ chair

2.2.4. Light and ventilation are adequately 1

8.2 maintained. Facilities 2.2.4. Safe drinking water with mug or glass is 1
for patients 9.1 available for taking medicine
2.2.4. Hand-washing facilities are available for 1
9.2 patients. Recording 2.2.4. Patient’s card (DOTS) and register available 1
and reporting 10.1 and services recorded
2.2.4. Drug resistance, complication, defaulter and 1
10.2 referral to other sites recorded and reported Infection 2.2.4. Referral of all multi-drug resistant TB 1
prevention 11.1 suspects for appropriate care if not a DOTS
plus center
2.2.4. Masks and gloves are available and used 1
2.2.4. At least three color coded waste bins- one 1
11.3 each red, blue and green- as per HCWM
guideline 2014 (MoHP) are available and
2.2.4. Hand washing facility with running water and 1
11.4 soap is available for practitioners.
2.2.4. Needle cutter is used 1
2.2.4. Chlorine solution is available and utilized. 1
Total Score 22
Standard 2.2.4 Total Percentage (Total Score/ 22 x100)

Area Code
Dressing and Verification
Injections, Routine
Procedures (DIRP) 2.3
Obtained Maximum
Components Standards Score Score
2.3.1 Working space
A separate room for routine dressing and
2.3.1 injection service is available. 1
2.3.2 Furniture & Adequate furniture and general supplies are
general supplies available (See Annex 2.3a Furniture and
2.3.2 General Supplies for DIRP) 3
2.3.3 Services 2.3.3 Minimum dressing services and routine
available procedures are available (See Annex 2.3b
List of Minimum Services for DIRP). 3
2.3.4 Disposable Medicines and supplies needed for dressing,
supplies injection and routine procedures are
available (See Annex 2.3c Medicine and
2.3.4 Supplies for DIRP) 3

2.3.5 Sterile supplies Adequate quantity of sterilized packs for
2.3.5. wound dressing are available (See Annex
1 2.3d Sterile Supplies for DIRP) 3
2.3.5. Separate containers for sterile gauge and
2 cotton balls are available. 1
Availability and use of Standard treatment protocol for health post is
Standards Treatment available and used
2.3.6 Infection 2.3.6. Mask, gloves, plastic apron, boots and
prevention and waste 1 goggles are available and used whenever
disposal required. 1
2.3.6. At least three color coded waste bins- one
2 each red, blue and green- as per HCWM
guideline 2014 (MoHP) are available and
used 1
2.3.6. Supplies trolley with needle cutter is
3 available and used 1
2.3.6. Hand washing facility with running water and
4 soap 1
2.3.6. Chlorine solution is available and utilized for
5 decontamination 1
2.3.7 Documentation 2.3.7 Proper records of all procedures are kept
and reported. 1
Standard 2.3
Total Obtained Score 20
Total Percentage (Total Obtained Score/
20 x100)

Annex 2.3a Furniture and General Supplies for DIRP

SN General Items Required No. Score
1. Treatment Beds ( Mattress/ Pillow) 1
2. Chairs 1
3. Bowl with chlorine solution (set) 1
4. Bucket with soap water 1
5. Needle cutter 1
6. Flash light 1
7. Portable Lamp 1
8. Wall Clock 1
Total Score
Total Percentage = Total Score/9 X 100
Each row gets a score of 1 if all the required number is available otherwise 0.
Scoring chart
Total percentage Score
0-50 0
50-70 1
70-90 2
90-100 3
Score for Standard 2.3.2

Annex 2.3b List of Minimum Services for DIRP
S. No. Services/ Procedures Available Score
1. Simple dressing change
2. Skin suture removal
3. Splinting
4. Multiple wound dressing
Dressing change under local
5. anesthesia
6. Incision and drainage
7. Catheterization (insertion and removal)
Total Score
Total percentage = Total Score/7 x100
Each row gets a score of 1 if all the required number is available otherwise 0.

Scoring Chart
Total Percentage Score
0-50 0
50-70 1
70-90 2
90-100 3
Score for Standard 2.3.3

Annex 2.3c Medicines and Supplies for DIRP
SN Supplies Required No. Score
1. Lignocaine Hydrochloride 1% 2
2. Lignocaine Hydrochloride 2% 2
3. Povidine Iodine Solution (500ml) 2
4. Hydrogen Peroxide Solution 1
5. Cotton bandages As per need
6. Silk 2-0 As per need
7. Polypropylene (Prolene) 2-0, 3-0, 4-0 As per need (2-3)
8. Catheter of different size 2 of each size
9. Sprit (500ml) 1
10. Disposable syringes 1 ml, 3 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml As per need
11. Sterile gloves different size As per need
12. Disposable Gloves As per need
13. Masks As per need
Total Score
Total Percentage = Total Score/13 X 100
Each row gets a score of 1 if all the required number is available otherwise 0.

Scoring Chart
Total Percentage Score
0-50 0
50-70 1
70-90 2
90-100 3
Score for Standard 2.3.4

Annex 2.3d Sterile Supplies for DIRP

SN General items Required No. Score
1. Sterile Dressing Set (must be in wrapper) 2-3
2. Sterile Suture Sets (must be in wrapper) 2
Sterile Suture Removal Set (must be in 1
3. wrapper)
4. Sterile Catheter Set (must be in wrapper) 2
5. Sterile Cheatle Forceps with Jar 2
6. Sterile cotton balls in steel drum 1 drum
Sterile gauge pieces and gauze pad in 1 drum
7. steel drum
Total Score
Total Percentage = Total Score/7 X 100
Each row gets a score of 1 if all the required number is available otherwise 0.

Scoring Chart
Total Percentage Score
0-50 0

50-70 1
70-90 2
90-100 3
Score for Standard

Area Code Verification

Dispensary 2.4
Components Standards Obtained Maximum
Score Score
2.4.1 Dispensary 2.4.1 Health post has designated dispensary area 1
service available
2.4.2 National 2.4.2 Health post has a copy of approved 1
drug formulary Nepalese National Formulary (NNF)
available available in the dispensary
2.4.3 Dispensary 2.4.3 Dispensary is open throughout the OPD 1
service hours hours
2.4.4 Staffing 2.4.4 Mid-level health worker trained in 1
dispensing medicine assigned for dispensary
and is available
2.4.5 Essential 2.4.5. The list of essential free medicines is 1
free medicines 1 displayed in a clearly visible place.
2.4.5. All essential free medicines approved for 1
2 health posts are available round the year
and no stock out
2.4.6 Availability 2.4.6 There is availability of medicines and supplies as per protocol for
of medicines and following programs round the year:
supplies for 2.4.6. Leprosy 1
programs 1
2.4.6. Malaria (in endemic districts*) 1*
2.4.6. Kalazar 1
2.4.6. Filariasis 1
2.4.6. HIV/AIDS 1
2.4.6. Non communicable diseases (as per Basic 1
6 Health Package)
2.4.6. Mental health problems (as per Basic Health 1
7 Package)
2.4.7 Display and 2.4.7. All the medicines and supplies are displayed 1
storage of 1 in clean racks following either alphabetical
medicines orders and generic names or grouping as
2.4.7. Temperature of dispensary is monitored and 1
2 recorded and is maintained in range of
2.4.7. Functional freeze (+/-4°C) available and 1
3 used for thermolabile medicine including
2.4.8 Prescription 2.4.8. Information regarding the medicines is 1
and dispensing of 1 provided to the patients during dispensing

medicines 2.4.8. Each medicine is given with written 1
2 instructions on how to take

2.4.8. IEC materials (posters, leaflets, national 1

3 hospital formulary) about the appropriate use
for medicines are available in the dispensary
2.4.8. Generic names for medicine is used for 1
4 prescription
2.4.9 Availability 2.4.9 Standard treatment protocol for health post 1
and use of STP is available and used
2.4.10 First 2.4.10 First Expiry First Out system is maintained 1
Expiry First Out using standard stock book/cards.
2.4.11 2.4.11 Every month, all medicines and supplies are 1
Dispensary counted, out- of-date discarded, and tallied
Inventory with the medical store.
2.4.12 2.4.12 Pharmaceutical waste (expired or unused 1
Pharmaceutical pharmaceutical products, spilled
waste disposal contaminated pharmaceutical products
surplus drugs, vaccines or sera, etc)
management is done based on HCWM
guideline or returned to the supplier on time
Standard 2.4 Total Obtained Score 23 (24*)

Total Percentage (Total Obtained

Score/24 x100)
* Malaria endemic districts

Area Code Verification (Only applicable for the health post with birthing center)
Birthing center 2.5
Components Standards Obtained Maximum
Score Score
2.5.1 Availability of Separate pre-labor room/ labor room with 1
delivery service privacy is available. Delivery service is available round the clock 1 Labor room has adequate space for 1

accommodating team of health workers during
emergencies Two SBA trained ANM or staff nurse available 1
to provide 24/7 services
2.5.2 Staffing Additional support staff in high volume sites 1
(>=10 deliveries per month) At least one infection prevention trained office 1
3 assistant is available round the clock
2.5.3 Duty rosters 2.5.3 Duty roster to cover 24 hours shift is 1
developed and placed n visible place
2.5.4 Appropriate Partograph available and being used 1
use of partograph for rationally
decision making Identification and timely referral of the 1
complicated cases is done
2.5.5 KMC done for 2.5.5 At least one KMC chairs available for 1

low birth weight providing KMC to premature and preterm
babies babies
2.5.6 Birth certificate 2.5.6 A formally signed standard birth certificate is 1
prepared and issued.
2.5.7 Availability and 2.5.7 Standard treatment protocol for health post is 1
use of Standards available and used
Treatment Protocol
2.5.8 Patients’ Pre-labor/ during labor patient and patients’ 1
counseling family are adequately given counseling on
labor, possible complications and written
consent taken Health education on PNC, danger signs of 1
mother and child, Immunization, nutrition,
hygiene and family planning is given Postpartum family planning and 1
breastfeeding- early, exclusive and extended
counseling is done prior to discharge.
2.5.9 IEC/BCC 2.5.9 Appropriate IEC/BCC materials (posters, 1
materials leaflets etc.) on postnatal care, breastfeeding-
early, exclusive and extended, nutrition,
immunization are used and available for users
2.5.10 Furniture, Separate storage cupboard for delivery 1
equipment, service related logistics
instrument, medicine The facility has adequate equipment, 3
and supplies for instrument and general supplies for delivery
labor room services (See Annex 2.5a Furniture,
equipment, instrument and general supplies
for labor room) Labor room has medicines and supplies 3
available for delivery services (See Annex
2.5bMedicines and supplies for Labor Room) Labor room has emergency cart with 3
medicines and supplies available (See Annex
2.5c Medicines and Supplies for ER Trolley
Labor Room)
2.5.1` Facilities for 2.5.1`.1 Safe drinking water is available 24 hours. 1
2.5.1`.2 Separate toilet for patient is available in pre- 1
labor room and accessible to patient after
2.5.12 Management Dried blood spot prepared and transported to 1
and referral of cases ART center
diagnosed or Post-exposure prophylaxis with nevirapine for 1
suspected with HIV newborn is available and provided as per
infection protocol Referral counseling and referral to ART center 1
is done

IEC/BCC= Information Education and Communication/ Behavior Change Communication
ART= Antiretroviral treatment

2.5.13 Infection Personal protective equipment are available 1
prevention and used whenever required. Washable labor room 1 Separate slipper designated for labor room 1
and hand sanitizer placed in visible place for
use At least three color coded waste bins- one 1
each red, blue and green- as per HCWM
guideline 2014 (MoHP) are available and
used Hand washing facility with running water and 1
liquid soap is available Needle cutter is used 1 Liquid sodium hypochoride (0.5% Chlorine 1

solution) is available and utilized for
decontamination. Dry gauge and cotton are stored separately in 1
clean containers. Separate bowls/ bucket for placenta and 1
plastic Placenta pit is used to dispose placenta. 1

Standard 2.5 Total Obtained Score 41

Total Percentage = Total Obtained Score/

41 x100

Annex 2.5a Furniture, equipment, instrument and general supplies for labor room

S.No. Items Required Score

1. Delivery bed At least 1

2. Clean bed linen Each bed

3. Curtains As per need

4. Clean surface (for alternative delivery Available

5. Newborn Resuscitation table 1

6. Light source 1

7. Room Heater 1

8. Baby heater 1 per delivery

9. Refrigerator for labor room specifically 1
for oxytocin storage
Equipment and Instruments

10. BP Set (Non mercury) and Stethoscope 1

11. Body Thermometer (Non- mercury) 1

12. Room thermometer 1

13. Fetoscope 2

14. Fetal stethoscope 1

15. Baby weighing scale 1

16. Self-inflating bag air mask - neonatal size 1

17. Mucus extractor with suction 2

18. Doppler 1

19. Vaginal speculum (Sims) 2

20. Neonatal resuscitation kit 1

21. Adult resuscitation kit 1

22. Sterile Delivery Instrument Set (Check 2 sets per

each set) delivery beds
22.1 Sponge forceps 2

Artery forceps 2

S/S bowl (Galli pot) 1

S/S bowl (receive placenta) (1-2 litre) 1

Cord cutting Scissors (blunt end) 1

Cord ties/ cord clamp 2

Plastic sheet/ rubber sheet 1

Gauze swabs 4

Cloth squared 3

Kidney tray 1

Peripad/ big dressing pad 2

Leggings 2

Perineal sheet 1

Baby receiving towel 1

Sterile gown 1

23. Suture set (Check each set) 2 sets

23.1 Needle holder 1

Sponge holder 1

Suture cutting scissors 1

Dissecting forceps (tooth and plain) 2

Artery forceps 1

Galliport 2

24. Episiotomy set (Check each set) 2 sets

24.1 Episiotomy scissors 1

Needle holder 1

Suture cutting scissor 1

Dissecting forceps(tooth and plain) 2

Artery forceps 1

25. Vacuum set 2

26. Forceps set for delivery 1

Total Score

Total percentage= Total Score/26x100

Each row gets a score of 1 if the mentioned medicines are available otherwise 0.

Scoring Chart

Total percentage Score

0-50 0

50-70 1

70-90 2

90-100 3

Score for Standard

Annex 2.5b Medicines and Supplies for Labor Room

S.No. Medicines and supplies Required No. Score

1. Oxytocin injection (keep in 2-8 C) 20 amp

2. Tranexamic acetate injection 10 amp

3. Ergometrine injection 10 amp

4. Magnesium sulphate injection 50 amp

5. Calcium gluconate injection 3 amp

6. Diazepam injection 10

7. Labetolol injection 10

8. Ampicillin injection 10

9. Gentamycin injection 5

10. Metronidazole injection 5

11. Lignocaine injection 2

12. Adrenaline injection 5

13. Ringers’ lactate injection 10

14. Normal saline injection 10

15. Dextrose 5% injection 10

16. Water for injection 5

17. Eye antimicrobial (1% silver nitrate or 2
Tetracycline 1% eye ointment)
18. Povidone iodine 5

19. Tetracycline 1% eye ointment 2

20. Paracetamol Tablet 20

21. Nefidipine SL Tablet 5 mg 4 tab

22. Misoprostol Tablet 5 tabs


23. Syringes and needles 20

24. IV set 10

25. Spirit (70% alcohol) 1 bottle

26. Steel drum with cotton 1

27. Urinary catheter(plain and foley’s) 5 each

28. Sutures for tear or episiotomy repair (2.0 5 PC

chromic catgut)
29. Bleach (chlorine-base compound) 2 packets

30. Clean (plastic) sheet to place under 4

31. Sanitary pads 1 box

32. Peri-pads Sterile As per need

33. Clean towels for drying and wrapping the 5

34. Cord ties (sterile) 10

35. Blanket for the baby 5

36. Baby feeding cup 3

37. Impregnated bed net 2

38. Utility Gloves 2 pairs

39. Sterile Gloves 2 pairs each of

different sizes
40. Long plastic apron 2

41. Goggles 2

42. Container for sharps disposal 1

43. Needle cutter 1

44. Receptacle for soiled linens 1

45. Bucket for soiled pads and swabs 2

46. Bucket for placenta (5 ltr.) 2

47. Well labelled color coded bins as per 1 set

HCWM guideline
48. Wall Clock 1

49. Torch with extra batteries and bulb 1-2

50. Maternity register 1-2

51. Birth certificate as per need

52. Partograph as per need

Total Score

Total percentage= Total Score/52 x 100

Each row gets a score of 1 if the mentioned medicines are available otherwise 0.

Scoring Chart

Total percentage Score

0-50 0

50-70 1

70-90 2

90-100 3

Score for Standard

Annex 2.5c Medicines and Supplies for ER Trolley Labor Room
SN Name Required No Score
1. Atropine Injection 10 amp
2. Adrenaline Injection 3vial
3. Xylocaine 1% and 2% Injections with
4. Xylocaine 1% and 2 % Injections without
5. Xylocaine Gel 2 tube
6. Diclofenac Injection 5 amp
7. Hyoscine Butylbromide Injection 5amp
8. Diazepam injection 2 amp
9. Morphine Injection / Pethidine Injection 2 amp
10. Hydrocortisone Injection 4vial
11. Chlorpheniramine meliate Injection 4amp
12. Dexamethasone Injection 4vial
13. Ranitidine/Omeperazole Injection 4 amp
14. Frusemide Injection 5 amp
15. Dopamine injection 2 amp
16. Noradrenaline injection 2 amp
17. Digoxin injection 2 amp
18. Verapamil injection 2 amp
19. Amidarone injection 2 amp
20. Glyceryl trinitrate/nitroglycerine injection 10 tab/ 5amp
21. Labetolol injection 5 amp
22. Magnesium sulphate injection 30 amp
23. Calcium gluconate injection 2 amp
24. Sodium bicarbonate injection 2 amp
25. Ceftriaxone Injection 4 vials
26. Metronidazole Injection 4 bottles
27. Dextrose 25%/ 50% Injection 2 ampoules each
28. IV Infusion set (Adult/Pediatric) 2
29. IV Canula (16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 Gz) 2 each
30. Disposable syringes 1 ml, 3 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml,
20 ml, 50 ml 5 each

31. Disposable Gloves 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5 3 each

32. Water for injection 10 ml 10 amp
33. Sodium chloride-15%w/v and Glycerin-15%
w/v (for enema)
34. PPH management Set
 (IV canula: 16/18G, IV fluids as per
treatment protocol, IV set, Foley’s
catheter, Urobag)
At least 1
 Condom tamponade set- Sponge
holder:2, Sim’s speculum:1, Foley’s
catheter:1, Condom:2, IV fluids: NS1, IV
set, Thread, Cord Clamp),

 Inj Oxytocin, Tab Misoprostol,

35. Eclampsia management Set

(Knee hammer, IV canula: 16/18G, IV fluids,
IV set, Foley’s catheter, Urobag, ambu bag,
Oxygen, Inj MgSO4: 46 ampoules, Inj At least 1
lignocaine 2%, Inj Calcium gluconate, Distilled
water, Disposable syringe 20ml-1, 10ml-8,
Cap Nifedipin- 5mg 4 Cap)
Total Score

Total Percentage =Total Score/35X100

Each row gets a score of 1 if all the required number is available otherwise 0.
Scoring chart
Total percentage Score
0-50 0
50-70 1
70-90 2
90-100 3
Score Standard

Area Code
service 2.6 Verification
Obtained Maximum
Components Standards Score Score
2.6.1Time for 2.6.1 Laboratory is open from 10 AM to 3 PM 1
2.6.1. Basic investigations are available (See Annex
2 2.6a List of investigations for Laboratory ) 3
2.6.2 At least one trained lab technician is available
2.6.2 Staffing for the laboratory services 1
2.6.3 Instruments 2.6.3. Instruments and equipment to carry out all
and equipment 1 parameters of tests are available and
functioning (See Annex 2.6b Equipment and
Instrument for Lab) 3
2.6.3. Instrument are maintained and calibrated as per
2 manufacturer instructions 1
2.6.4 Physical 2.6.4. Separate space dedicated for the laboratory
facilities 1 services at the health post 1
2.6.4. Comfortable sitting arrangement for health
2 worker and at least 2 patients 1
3 Adequate light and ventilation 1
2.6.4. Required furniture and supplies available (See
4 Annex 2.6c Furniture and Supplies for
Laboratory) 1
2.6.5 Duty 2.6.5 Duty rosters of lab are developed regularly and
rosters available in appropriate location. 1
2.6.6 Recording 2.6.6.
Sample is adequately recorded with requisition
and reporting 1
form with detail information of patients 1

Standard reporting sheets are being used and
all reports are recorded in a standard register 1
2.6.6. Report have adequate information of patient
3 and checked by designated person before
release 1
2.6.7 Supplies 2.6.7.
At least three months buffer stock of laboratory
storage and 1
supplies is available. 1
2.6.7. Reagents are stored at appropriate temperature
2 in store and lab 1
2.6.8 Infection 2.6.8. Biohazard signs and symbols are used at
prevention 1 appropriate places visibly 1
2.6.8. All staffs know how to respond in case of
2 spillage and other incidents 1
3 Masks and gloves are available 1
2.6.8. There are colored bins for waste segregation
4 and disposal based on HCWM guideline 2014
(MoHP) and infectious waste is sterilized using
autoclave before disposal 1
Hand-washing facility with running water and
soap is available for practitioners 1
6 Needle cutter is used 1
2.6.8. Chlorine solution and bleach is available and
7 utilized for decontamination 1

Total Score 26

Standard 2.9.1 Total Percentage (Total Score/ 26x100)

Annex 2.6a List of the basic investigations

S.No. Minimum list of the laboratory investigations (as per Available

BHS package 2075)

1. Blood grouping and RH Typing

2. Blood Sugar

3. HB %

4. Urinary Routine Test

5. Urine pregnancy test

6. Stool Routine Test

7. Ketone bodies

8. Dipstick for Protein

9. Sputum AFB

10. VIA (Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid)

11. Pregnancy Test

12. VDRL

13. K-39 RDT

14. RDT for Malaria

15. Dengue RDT

16. Microscopic for Malaria

Total Score Obtained

Total percentage = Total Score Obtained/ 16 x 100

Each row gets a score of 1 if all the required number is available otherwise 0.
Scoring chart
Total percentage Score
0-50 0
50-70 1
70-90 2
90-100 3
Score Standard

Annex 2.6b Furniture and Supplies for Laboratory

S.No. Furniture and supplies for Required Number Score

1. Working table At least 3

2. Bench At least 1

3. Chairs At least 2

4. Cupboard At least 1

5. Refrigerator for laboratory At least 1

6. Detergent As per need

7. Hand sanitizer As per need

8. Hand wash soap As per need

9. Apron At least 2

10. Towel As per need

11. Stationary materials (pen, pencil, As per need

marker, A4 paper)

12. Patient register At least 1

13. Referral form and Reporting As per need

forms according to tests

Total Score Obtained

Total percentage = Total Score Obtained/ 13 x 100

Each row gets a score of 1 if all the required number is available otherwise 0.
Scoring chart
Total percentage Score
0-50 0
50-70 1
70-90 2
90-100 3
Score Standard
Annex 2.6c List of Instrument, equipment and supplies for Laboratory

S.No. Instrument, equipment and supplies Required Score

1. Centrifuge At least 1

2. Microscope At least 1

3. Colorimeter At least 1

4. Water bath At least 1

5. Hot air oven At least 1

6. DC counter At least 1

7. ESR stand At least 1

8. ESR Tube As per need

9. Neubauer chamber At least 1

10. Stop Watch/Timer At least 1

11. Micropipettes As per need

12. Micropipette stand(Holder) At least 1

13. Refrigerator 1

14. Refrigerator temperature recorder 1

15. Autoclave machine 1

16. Staining Rack 1

17. Waste container as per HCWM 1 set


18. Glass wares (Khan tubes, Test As per need

tubes, Petridish)

19. RDT kits for specific tests As per need

20. Reagents for specific tests As per need

21. Dried Blood Spot (DBS) card As per need

22. Ziplock bag As per need

23. Envelope As per need

24. Silica gel As per need

25. Cover slip for microscopy As per need

26. Glass slides As per need

27. Cotton swab As per need

28. Tips of different sizes As per need

29. Disposable syringes of different size As per need


30. Vacutainers As per need

31. Alcohol swab As per need

32. Lancet As per need

33. Blotting paper As per need

34. Examination gloves As per need

35. Surgical gloves of different size As per need

36. Masks As per need

37. Cold chain box At least 1

38. Ice pack At least 3

39. Spirit lamp At least 1

40. Tourniquet As least 2

41. Hand resting pad At least 1

42. Urine and stool containers As per need

43. Measuring cylinder (100,1000ml As least 1 each


44. Beaker (200, 500ml capacity) At least 1 each

45. Bamboo stick As per need

46. Distilled water As per need

47. Sodium hypochloride As per need

48. Laboratory reagents As per need

49. Tube for blood collection As per need

50. Slides for blood sample As per need

Total Score Obtained

Total percentage = Total Score Obtained/ 50 x 100

Each row gets a score of 1 if all the required number is available otherwise 0.
Scoring chart
Total percentage Score
0-50 0
50-70 1
70-90 2
90-100 3
Score Standard

Section III Health Post Support Services Management

Summary Sheet of Standards and Scores of Section III

Area Total Number of Total Score Total Obtained Score

Standards (Percentage)
Instrument processing and sterilization 14 16

Laundry 14 16

Housekeeping 11 13

Power System 3 3

Water Supply 4 4
Healthcare Waste Management 14 14

Safety and Security 10 12

Transportation and Communication 5 5

Store (Medical and Logistics) 10 10

Total 85 93

Area Code
processing and
sterilization 3.1 Verification
Obtained Maximum
Components Standards Score Score
3.1.1 Space 3.1.1 Separate area for instrument processing and
autoclave with running water facility 1
3.1.2 Staffing 3.1.2 Separate staffs assigned for instrument
processing and autoclave and is led by
infection prevention trained personal 1
3.1.3 Equipment 3.1.3 Equipment and supplies for sterilization
and supplies available and functional round the clock (See
Annex 3.1a Equipment and Supplies for
Instrument Processing and Sterilization at the
end of this standard) 3
3.1.4 Preparing Wrapper, gauze, cotton balls, bandages are
consumables 3.1.4 prepared. 1
3.1.5 Preparing All used instruments are cleaned using brush
for sterilization chemical/detergents in a separate room. 1 All instruments and equipment are dried in a
separate place 1 All instruments are packed in double wrappers
3.1.6 3.1.6 All wrapped instruments are indicated with
Sterilization thermal indicator and autoclaved 1
3.1.7 Storage 3.1.7 All sterile packs with sticker of sterilization
date are stored in cupboards 1
3.1.8 Inventory 3.1.8 All instruments and wrappers are recorded
and inventory maintained 1
3.1.9 Infection Staffs use personal protective equipment at
prevention work 1 There are well labeled colored bins for waste
segregation and disposal based on HCWM
guideline 2014 (MoHP) 1 Hand-washing facility with running water and
soap is available and being practiced. 1 Chlorine solution is available and utilized for
decontamination 1
Standard 3.1
Total Obtained Score 16
Percentage = Total Obtained Score / 16 x

Annex 3.1a Equipment and Supplies for Instrument Processing and Sterilization
SN Items Required No. Score
1. Working Table 1
2. Basket for Transportation 2
3. Surgical Drums 2
4. Storage Shelves 1

HCWM: Health Care Waste Management

5. Boiler or Momo pot 1
6. Autoclave machine 1
7. Double Wrappers As per need
8. Timer 1
9. Thermal Indicator Tape As per need
10. Cap, Mask, Gown, Apron As per need
11. Gloves 1 box
12. Cotton Rolls As per need
13. Cotton Gauze As per need
14. Scissors 2
15. Buckets 3
16. Scrub Brush As per need
Total Score
Total Percentage = Total Score/16 X 100
Each row gets a score of 1 if all the required number is available otherwise 0.

Scoring Chart
Total Percentage Score
0-50 0
50-70 1
70-90 2
90-100 3
Score for Standard 3.1.3

Area Code Verification

Laundry 3.2
Obtained Maximum
Components Standards Score Score Separate laundry room is available. 1

3.2.1 Space Separate shelves allocated for clean linens 1
Staff assigned for laundry trained in
3.2.2 Staffing 3.2.2 infection prevention 1
3.2.3 Equipment Adequate equipment and supplies are
and Supplies available for laundry (See Annex 3.2a
3.2.3 Equipment and Supplies for Laundry ) 3
Linens are segregated (soiled, unsoiled,
3.2.4 colorful, white, blood stained) before
Segregation and wash 1
decontamination Separated linens are decontaminated
of linens before wash 1
All linens are washed using a washing
3.2.5 Cleaning 3.2.5 machine. 1
3.2.6 Drying Space available for drying linens like 1

blankets in direct sunlight.
3.2.7 Storage Linens are properly stored in separate
3.2.7 cupboard. 1
All linens are recorded and inventory
3.2.8 Inventory 3.2.8 maintained. 1 Staffs wear mask and gloves at work. 1

There are well labeled colored bins for
waste segregation and disposal based
3.2.9 Infection on HCWM guideline 2014 (MoHP) 1
prevention Hand-washing facility with running water
and soap is available and being practiced. 1
Chlorine solution is available and utilized for decontamination 1
Standard 3.2
Total Obtained Score 16
Percentage = Total Obtained Score/ 16
x 100

Annex 3.2a Equipment and Supplies for Laundry

SN List of equipment and supplies Required No. Score

1. Storage Shelves 1
2. Buckets/ Basins 3
3. Stirrer (wooden) 2
4. Boots 2 pairs
5. Cap, Mask, Gowns As per need
6. Ropes (for drying) As per need
7. Scrub Brush As per need
8. House/ Utility Gloves As per need
9. Washing Powder As per need
10. Chlorine Liquid/ Powder As per need
Total Obtained Score
Total Percentage = Total Obtained Score/10 X 100
Each row gets a score of 1 if all the required number is available otherwise 0.

Scoring Chart
Total Percentage Score
0-50 0
50-70 1
70-90 2
90-100 3
Score for Standard 3.2.3

HCWM: Health Care Waste Management

Area Code
Housekeeping 3.3 Verification
Obtained Maximum
Components Standards Score Score
3.3.1 Space for Separate shelf is allocated for storage of
storage 3.3.1 the housekeeping basic supplies 1
3.3.2 Staffing Staff allocated for cleaning is trained in infection prevention 1
Basic supplies are available (See Annex
3.3.3 Basic 3.3a Housekeeping Basic Supplies at the
Supplies 3.3.3 end of this standard ) 3
3.3.4 Cleaning
Health post premises are visibly clean and dust free 1 All toilets are clean with no offensive smell 1
All toilets are cleaned at least three times a day 1
All doors and windows of health post are dust-free and cleaned once a day. 1 All floors of the health posts are clean 1

All walls of the health posts are clean and
are tiled or painted with enamel up to 4 feet 1
3.3.5 Drainage of 3.3.5 Separate drainage system or pit is
chlorine solution maintained for drainage of chlorine
solution 1
3.3.6 Green and Green and open space is maintained in
open space 3.3.6 health post 1
Standard 3.3 Total Obtained Score 13
Percentage = Total Obtained Score / 13
x 100

Annex 3.3a Housekeeping Basic Supplies

SN General Items Required No. Score
1. Shelves 1
2. Log Book for Records 1
3. Sickle As per need
4. Spade As per need
5. Shovel As per need
6. Ropes As per need
7. Scrub Brush As per need
8. Broom As per need
9. Buckets As per need
10. Jars As per need

11. Sprinkle Pipe As per need
12. Soaps As per need
13. Washing Powder As per need
14. Additional Bed Covers for Replacement As per need
15. Additional Pillow As per need
16. Pillow cover As per need
17. Blankets As per need
18. Personal Protective Items As per need
19. Window screens (jaali) In all windows
20. Mosquito nets As per need
21. Flower Pots As per need
Total Score
Total Percentage = Total Score/21 X 100
Each row gets a score of 1 if all the required number is available otherwise 0.
Scoring Chart
Total Percentage Score
0-50 0
50-70 1
70-90 2
90-100 3
Score 3.3.3

Area Code Verification

Power system 3.4
Obtained Maximum
Components Standards Score Score
3.4.3 Health post has main-grid power supply with
Availability of three-phase line 1
power sources Health post has alternate power (generator, or
solar, or inverter) capable of running its equipment 1 Proper inventory of fuel is maintained. 1

Total Obtained Score 3

Percentage = Total Obtained Score / 3 x
Standard 3.4 100

Area Code Verification
Water supply 3.5
Component Standards Obtained Maximum
Score Score
3.5.1 Water 3.5.1 There is regular water supply system – 1
supply boring or well or from drinking water
supply dedicated for health post
3.5.2 Water Water storage tank is covered to prevent 1
Storage contamination and cleaned on a regular
basis Water storage tank has the reserve 1
capacity to supply water for two full days in
case of interruptions in main water supply
3.5.3 Water 3.5.3 Water quality test is done every year and 1
quality report is available as per Nepal Drinking
Water Quality Standards, 2005
Total Obtained Score 4
Standard 3.5 Percentage = Total Obtained Score / 4 x

Area Code Verification

Healthcare Waste
Management 3.6
Obtained Maximum
Components Standards Score Score
3.6.1 Staffing There is allocation of staff for health care
waste management from segregation to
final disposal 1 Whole site coaching/ orientation on
health care waste management is done 1
3.6.2 Space 3.6.2 There is separate area/space
designated for waste collection with
autoclave for treatment (management)
of risk waste treatment 1
3.6.3 Segregation of 3.6.3 At least three different colored bins- red,
waste from source blue and green are used for waste
to final disposal segregation 1
3.6.4 Personal Staff use cap, mask, gloves, boot, and
protection gown while collecting waste. 1
3.6.5 Public 3.6.5. Information regarding proper use of
information waste bins is displayed publicly and
basic information of HCWM is displayed
in health post premises 1
3.6.6 Disposal and Infectious waste is sterilized using
recycle/reuse of autoclave before disposal 1

waste Collection of recyclable/reusable items
such as plastic bottles, paper, decontaminated sharps is practiced 1
Composting of bio-degradable waste or bio-gas plant is practiced 1
Collection of non-risk waste and
autoclaved risk waste by the local municipality/ rural municipality 1
Placenta pit used for disposal of human
anatomical waste such as placenta in birthing centers 1
3.6.7 3.6.7 Pharmaceutical waste is disposed based 1
Pharmaceutical on the HCWM guideline 2014 (MoHP)
waste management
3.6.8 Liquid waste Liquid waste management is done 1
management Rainwater and surface run-off is safely 1
disposed of and does not carry
contamination from the health-care
setting to the surrounding environment.
Total Obtained Score 14
Standard 3.6 Percentage = Total Obtained Score /
14 x 100

Area Code
Safety and
Security 3.7 Verification
Obtained Maximum
Component Standards Score Score
3.7.1 Coordination 3.7.1 Health post coordinates with nearest 1
for security police personnel for security
3.7.2 Amenities 3.7.2 Basic amenities for safety and security
are available (See Annex 3.7a Safety
and Security Basic Amenities at the end
of this standard ) 3
Health post has replaced all mercury
apparatus with other appropriate
3.7.3 Patient safety 3.7.3 technologies. 1
3.7.4 Health post Health post has fire extinguisher and
has disaster sand bag in accessible area 1
mitigation system Health post has prevented lightening by
ensuring earthing system in electrification. 1
Disaster preparedness orientation has
been given to all staff at least every six months. 1
Exit signs are displayed to escape
during disaster in all departments and wards 1
An assembly zone has been specified for disaster 1 Health post is part of rapid response 1

Medicine stock for post disaster response is available 1
Total Obtained Score 12
Percentage = Total Obtained Score
Standard 3.7 /12 x 100

Annex 3.7a Safety and Security Basic Amenities

SN General Items Score
1 Flash light 1
2 Whistle 1
3 List of Important Phone Numbers 1
4 Sand box 1
5 Fire extinguisher at least one 1
Obtained Score
Total Percentage = Total Score/5 X 100
Each row gets a score of 1 if all the mentioned items are available otherwise 0.
Scoring Chart
Total Percentage Score
0-50 0
50-70 1
70-90 2
90-100 3
Score for Standard 3.7.4

Area Code Verification

Transportation 3.8
Components Standards Obtained Maximum
Score Score
3.8.1 Functional ambulance or other means of 1
Transportation transportation (stretcher, doko, auto
rickshaw) At least one wheel chair for mobility within 1
health post premises is available
3.8.2 Health posts has functional landline 1
Communication telephone A notice board is available and being 1
utilized. List of important phone numbers including 1
emergency contacts like ambulance, fire
brigade, blood banks, administration,
health posts’ staffs, HFOMC members,

FCHVs is available in OPD, emergency
and administration office
Total Obtained Score 5
Standard 3.8
Percentage = Total Obtained Score / 5
x 100

Area Code Verification

Store (Medical
and Logistics) 3.9
Obtained Maximum
Components Standards Score Score
3.9.1 Space 3.9.1 Separate space allocated for store for hl-
medicine and logistics
3.9.2 Buffer stock Storage of 1-month Emergency Order
in medical store Point and 5-month Authorized Stock Level
of essential drugs and supplies 1 Minimum and Maximum stock levels for
each item are calculated and used when
re-ordering stock
3.9.3 Availability 3.9.3 Availability of free essential drugs and
of free essential supplies approved for health posts round
drugs and the year
supplies 1
3.9.4 Inventory Income and expenditure details of drugs,
and stock vaccines & commodities recorded in stock
registers book
1 Health pots submits quarterly reports to
LMIS utilizing either paper report or web-
based (eLMIS-7) via local government 1
3.9.5 Storage of Stores drugs and supplies in racks/
drugs and cupboard away from direct sunlight and
supplies moisture 1
Storage space is well ventilated
3.9.6 Disposal of 3.9.6 Disposal of expired medicine as per
expired medicine HCWM guideline 2014 (MoHP) practiced
in every six month 1
3.9.7 Auction of 3.9.7 Auction of identified old logistics is done
logistics annually 1

Total Obtained Score 10

Standard 3.9
Percentage = Total Obtained Score / 10
x 100

Annex I:

Consultation in seven health posts representing seven provinces:

Province 1: Vedetar health post, Dhankuta
Province 2: Hanumannagar health post, Saptari
Province 3: Budanilkantha health post, Kathmandu
Province 4: Hemja health post, Kaski
Province 5: Paraspurhalth post, Banke
Province 6: Latikoili health post, Surkhet
Province 7: Geta health post, Kailali

Finalization workshop participants

S. N Name Organization
1. Dr. Bikash Devkota The Then Management division
2. Dr. Arjun Sapkota The Then Management division
3. Mr. Parashuram Shrestha The Then Child health division
4. Mr. Muti Nath Khanal The Then Management division
5. Mr. Ramesh Kumar Khatri DPHO, Lalitpur
6. Mr. Deepak Jha The then Child health division
7. Mr. Lalan Prasad Sah The Then Logistic management division
8. Ms. Rekha Sah Ichangunarayan Health Posts
9. Dr. Rajendra Bhadra Freelance
10. Mr. Deepak Poudel Swasthyakolagi Saksham Pranali
11. Mr. Dhol B. Sinjali Chapalibhadrakali Health Post
12. Mr. Bal Kumar Ojha Dakshinkali Municipality
13. Mr. Bhojan Dhakal Chithubihar Health Post
14. Mr. Gyanendra Chand Chalnakhel Primary Health Care Center
15. Ms. Roma Balami SIFPO-2/ FPAN
16. Mr. Himal Singh Thakuri Godamchaur Health Post
17. Mr. Sudarshan Bajgain Godawari municipality
18. Dr. Shilu Adhikari USAID
19. Ms. Maureen Dar Lang NHSSP
20. Dr. RoshaniAmatya Jhpiego
21. Mr. Krishna Kumar Khatri
22. Dr. Bina Gurung SIFPO-2/ MSI
23. Dr. Suman Pant SIFPO-2/ MSI

24. Mr. Madanraj Bhatta SIFPO-2/ FPN
25. Ms. Kimat Adhiakri WHO
26. Ms. Anjana Rai Consultant

Reviewers of Final Draft

S. N. Name Organization
1. Dr. Arjun Sapkota Curative Service Division; The Then
Management Division
2. Ms. Srijana Shrestha Curative Service Division; The Then
Management Division
3. Ms. Sangita Shah Quality Assurance and Regulation
4. Dr. Kishori Mahat NHSSP
5. Ms. Ambika Thapa Pachya NHSSP


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