August 2021
August 2021
August 2021
JAMO | Content
PG 33-33
Gold Facials
Might Be the
Best Treatment
for Your Skin
JAMO | editorial
Pleasure and Comfort mean Luxury!
Comfortable, pleasurable, and made with excellence that is the true meaning of Luxury,
and when it comes to fashion I look forward to these three qualities while purchasing
an item online or going shopping - just like my Dad always used to say when you want
something worthy always look at the quality of the brand and that’s what the high-end
luxury brands are all about. In our 80th High-End Fashion issue, our JAMO team has
gathered some of the best articles by our columnist’s whether it is beauty or fashion.
Talking about fashion we couldn’t resist calling out Emma Chamberline as the Gen Z
style icon read the interesting article on her latest looks with some of the well-known
brands on pg (34-37) including our featured story; Pandemic Vs Hig-End Luxury Fash-
ion is an informative and thought-provoking article you wouldn’t dare to miss, read the
complete article from pg (46-49). If you have ever wondered about your favorite celebri-
ty’s beauty routine then we have got you covered in our article on pg (06-09) about Ce-
lebrities and their expensive beauty rituals that would definitely blow your mind while
you can keep your skin healthy and glowing by the article on pg (30-33) on how Gold
Facials Might Be the Best Treatment for Your Skin.
There is a saying “Fashion should be a form of escapism and not a form of imprison-
ment.” so enjoy fashion and have fun reading.
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and Their
B e a u t y
Stars, they’re just like us. Except they’ve got uber-hot friends and
millions of cash to spend. Alright, we’re kidding. However, one
thing for sure that we can always relate to with our favorite star-
lets is their need to care for their skin and look presentable. And
who could blame ‘em with almost a guarantee that you’ll be pho-
tographed everywhere you go? Being a star isn’t easy, but it sure
does make it all worthwhile when it comes to price tags. Here we’ve
put a list of celebrities with the most expensive beauty routines!
Mila Kunis
It’s been reported that Mila Ku-
nis regularly undergoes Ruby and
Diamond-based facials. Yup! You
read that right. Ruby and Dia-
mond facials exist. This decadent
facial involves the process essen-
tially involves rubbing the crushed
crystals on your face. The average
price? Seven thousand. But never
fear, its benefits include alleviating
those pesky eye-bags and stimulat-
ing collagen production. Talk about
having your cake and eating it, too!
Hailey Bieber
Our favorite newly-wedded gra-
ciously dropped her skincare and
beauty products on Instagram for
when she’s on the go! And. We.
Are. Obsessed. As far as skincare
and beauty products go, Miss Bie-
ber’s products run on the hefty side
amounting to a thousand dollars
but boy, they sure are worth the
quality! Don’t believe us? Check
her glowing skin out for yourself.
Kendal Jenner
When she’s setting the stage with
her catwalks around the world,
it’s no shocker that a majority
of Kendall Jenner’s makeup and
skincare is largely from all around
the world. Ranging from Kore-
an to French, the striking model
sure does place quality over price
tags with all her products ranging
from 300 to 600 dollars on aver-
JAMO | Interview
Nikki Hahn
Interview By Rabiatu Muhammad
JAMO | interview
You are currently on the rise What drew you to base your mu-
with your music career about sic off 80’s and 90’s pop and rock?
to take off, could you describe Over quarantine, I had a lot of time to ex-
how the journey has been so far? plore different genres and decades of music,
My journey with music has been a lot of and 80s and 90s pop and rock really reso-
fun and doesn’t even feel like work to me. nated with me. I really love the originality
The biggest part of my journey has been in all aspects of it, even down to music vid-
about evolving and developing my own eos and stage shows. I got to draw from that
sound, which I think is a constant no mat- for the Obvious music video, especially with
ter where you are in your music career. my lighting and coloring, and wardrobe.
The concept and video production for At what age did your in-
the official music video for “Obvious” terest in music spark?
was created and executed by you, how Music runs in my family, so my interest in
long did it take to assemble everything music sparked when I was really young.
and everyone and execute your vision? Since I could talk, I loved singing at home
It didn’t actually take long, I think the lon- and in the car, and when I was about 7 years
gest part was waiting for the LA Covid cases old I started taking singing lessons. I sang a
to decrease so we could be safe in the film- lot of musical theater and Disney princess
ing process. Because I’ve been working on songs, but when I was 12 I started listen-
sets since I was little, I had experience with ing to Taylor Swift and that’s when I really
what we needed as a production. I never became obsessed with singing and playing
realized how much I knew about produc- guitar. I bought myself the Taylor Swift sig-
tions until I had to put together my own! nature guitar as my first acoustic and a cou-
ple of weeks later I had learned her debut
album, Fearless, Speak Now, Red, and 1989
all on guitar. The moment I decided I want-
ed to pursue a music career was when I saw
Taylor’s 1989 World Tour.
JAMO | interview
JAMO | Content
JAMO | guide
Beauty Splurges
That Are Worth
Every Penny Once in a while, we all deserve a treat. They
are a good way to spur us on when we are
productive when we are having a bad day or
simply want to show ourselves some extra
love. However, it is no secret that some of
the best treats in life have a hefty price tag.
Although you may be hesitant to spend some
big bucks, here are a few items that are defi-
nitely worth the splurge.
JAMO | guide
Anastasia Bever-
ly Hills Glow Kits
JAMO | guide
Augustinus Bad-
er The Body
Joanna Var-
gas Magic Glow
JAMO | interview
JAMO | interview
JAMO | interview
Photo By Sharon McCutcheon
24K Pure Gold Treatment Mask ($472) With
Mimi Luzon’s 24-K Pure Gold Mask, you can
give your skin a Gift of the gab. This one-of-
a-kind treatment combines an anti-wrinkle
mask with a gold leaf to quickly soothe skin,
decrease redness, cure fine lines, and level
skin tone for a healthy, bright, and luminous
ting-edge skincare gadget has five different
light settings for glowing, radiant skin. The
LED’s therapeutic mix soothes and brightens
the skin, reducing discoloration and encour-
aging collagen and elastin development for
a tighter, smoother texture. Red light aims
to reinforce the skin, heals dark spots, repair
age spots, and improve blemishes by stimu-
lating the synthesis of collagen while reduc-
ing inflammation and helping to strengthen
skin, heal blemishes, repair sun damage, and
improve scars. Greenlight lowers hyperpig-
mentation, soothes the face, and targets bro-
ken capillaries and sun damage, while blue
light balances and cleanses the complexion
by decreasing acne-causing bacteria. White
light penetrates deeply to assist wound heal-
ing and skin restoration, while yellow light
lowers inflammation and improves circula-
ucts? Then 24k Gold Collagen Face Mask is
a must-have. Even though the name is gold,
it isn’t as costly as gold. This treatment is
a hydrating mask that successfully reduc-
es skin dryness and offers hydration. As a
result, it gives your skin a healthy shine.
The safety of this 24 Karat collagen mask
has been established. It whitens your skin
to perfection. It works in the same way
as steam does, softly placing water on the
skin’s surface. After that, wash away any
filth that might hurt your skin. As a result,
the occurrence of skin problems has ceased.
Allow for the passage of time. And may you
live in a golden era. However, don’t let your
age detract from your beauty. How? Take
care of your skin. Put the golden mask on.
After 30 minutes, make careful to peel off
the lid.
Your Gen Z
Fashion Icon
Emma Chamberlain is a pioneer in the fashion world as her looks range
from casual to vintage to elegant. She has become a trendsetter rather
than a trend follower as she creates ensembles that cater to her style.
These two looks are examples of her casually elegant style as she pairs
pants that accentuate her silhouette with cropped tops and platform
shoes. The pants Emma wears are either loose or bell bottoms as they
highlight her silhouette by bringing attention to her slim physique. Her
taste in tops is extraordinary as well as it ranges from plain to floral
patterned crop tops, which highlights how versatile her style is. Platform
shoes and sleek boots are a staple of Emma Chamberlain’s ensembles as
they radiate casualness, elegance, and style.
Bright Light
Nothing screams bright and
light like a yellow button-up,
white tank, and light jeans
which all come together with a
white and yellow Louis Vuit-
ton bag. Emma Chamberlain’s
fashion sense is versatile and
original as it is authentically
her. This ensemble is bright
as Emma uses a pastel yellow
button-up shirt as a pullover,
a white cropped tank top that
rests loosely on her, and a
light white pair of jeans that
highlights her silhouette.
Emma Chamberlain creates
outfits that scream “this is
me” as they radiate energy of
comfort, fun, and confidence.
Her versatility, authenticity,
and creativity are the reasons
why Emma Chamberlain has
become such a trendsetter
in the fashion world and her
latest looks are just a peek of
what she has to offer.
JAMO | cover
The future seems bright for Indi, with a busy Acting
& Music career, nothing seems to be impossible, I
had a chat with Indi as we discussed her career, How
social media has been for her Plus! reaching a million
followers. Is she doing what she loves and how she
chooses the characters she plays.
JAMO | cover
JAMO | cover
What is the most exciting part yummy cupcakes for me! It was so nice
about being part of ‘Charmers’? and really meant a lot to me!
Everything honestly! Learning my lines
was so much fun, filming it was even bet- How much does social media impact
ter, and being in the make-up room get- your life? What’s your favorite & least
ting ready for scenes was also one of my favorite thing about social media?
favorites! I love getting into my charac- It definitely impacts my life a lot! So-
ter’s head and playing around with how cial media is basically my life and my
she would react to situations and what she job! I post daily and try to make content
would say. I’m also very lucky that so many that people will enjoy while still stay-
of my very good friends work on the show! ing true to myself! My favorite thing
about social media is probably that I
Tell us a little about your character? can make someone smile from miles
Okay! Paris is the mean girl on the away just through a screen! My least
show. I think Paris is mean because favorite thing is that there are so many
she has been hurt and uses that mean- negative people online for no reason.
ness to try to protect herself. Paris is
very sporty, very determined to win, Where do you see your-
she plays soccer and is really good at it. self in the coming five years?
Lastly, Paris used to have a best friend I will hopefully be on tour! I’d love to do
named Zaria but now they are enemies. more modeling and acting also! I really
want to travel the world and I’m so lucky
Tell me about the cast and that my artistic path will make that happen!
crew of ‘Charmers’ & what
can fans expect to see? Lastly, is there anything I missed
The cast of “Charmers” are some of my fa- out that you would like to add?
vorite people! They are super fun to work Make sure to watch “The Hyperi-
with and always put a smile on my face. ons” movie coming in February of
I love the crew so much! Our director is 2022. This was such a fun movie that
so kind and he is very open to the actors I worked on a few years ago with
adding to our lines or switching things up Cary Elwes and Penelope Mitchell
if it works for the story and the character! that is finally coming to the theaters!
CoronaVirus pandemic. The pandemic
has had an unexpected influence on our
lives. It has led us to believe that all our
acts have an impact on society and en-
vironmental aspects. We all know that
many small businesses have suffered as a
result of the epidemic. Let us now exam-
ine how the pandemic has affected high-
end luxury brands around the world.
JAMO | featured story
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