EHCI - Enhanced Host Controller Interface For USB 2.0
EHCI - Enhanced Host Controller Interface For USB 2.0
EHCI - Enhanced Host Controller Interface For USB 2.0
Enhanced Host
Controller Interface
For USB 2.0
SEPTEMBER 10, 2001
Enhanced Host Controller Interface
This Document
This document is a supplement to MindShare’s Universal Serial Bus System Architec-
ture (2nd Edition) book, and surveys the role the Enhanced Host Controller Interface
(EHCI) plays in software and hardware management of USB 2.0 operations. EHCI both
extends the functionality of, and maintains compatibility with earlier USB 1.x Open
Host Controller Interface (OHCI) and Universal Host Controller Interface (UHCI)
implementations. Just as the UHCI and OHCI did for USB 1.x, EHCI provides one level
of the interface between client software executing on a CPU, and the device it wishes to
control on a USB port.
The EHCI Specification was developed jointly by a number of the key USB hardware
and software developers, including Intel, Compaq, Microsoft, NEC, and Lucent. The
Specification was written with a number of goals, including:
• Full support for USB 2.0 High Speed device protocol (including new fea-
tures such as Split Transactions).
• A simple method of maintaining backward compatibility for earlier Low Speed and
Full Speed USB 1.x devices using companion UHC or OHC controllers.
• Improvement over earlier methods in accessing main memory by the USB host
controller while processing transactions.
• EHCI implementation of PCI power management features, compliant with the PCI
Bus Power Management Interface Specification, revision 1.1.
• Optional 64 bit memory addressing of USB structures.
The sections that follow describe major areas covered in the EHCI 0.95 Specifi-
cation, and are arranged as follows:
1. EHCI overview. A big-picture look at how a USB host controller fits into a
system, and how the EHCI layer divides USB management into two parts:
set-up of host controller hardware registers, and software control over
transaction scheduling and generation of transfer descriptors.
2. EHCI controller PCI and Memory Mapped I/O Registers. A description of
internal PCI configuration space and MMIO capability and operational reg-
isters defined for EHCI controllers.
3. EHCI register operational summary. Initialization and use of EHCI PCI
and MMIO registers.
4. EHCI memory data structures. Use of the four memory structures set up by
USB system software and used by the host controller to manage USB trans-
Enhanced Host Controller Interface Specification for USB, Revision 0.95
I. EHCI Overview
A number of things are done to remove uncertainty about which controller is to be used
in the management of a particular port, including:
• At reset, all ports default to being managed be the USB 1.x companion con-
• When (and if) system software programs the EHCI interface, it may be set
up as the default controller, and will handle transactions for all ports unless
a low-speed or full-speed device is detected on a port; in that case, port
control will be routed to a companion controller. If the LS or FS device is
later disconnected, control reverts to EHCI until the next device is attached
and it’s speed is determined.
Figure 3 illustrates USB 2.0 layered hardware and software. EHCI is highlighted.
The other part of USB host controller management is the dynamic program-
ming of transfer descriptors in system memory by USB driver software in
response to client software USB requests. See (2) in Figure 4. The controller
fetches the descriptors, converts them to USB transactions, and returns status to
memory. Much of the complexity that would otherwise fall on the USB host
controller is avoided by having USB system software manage transfer descrip-
tors in asynchronous and periodic schedules already optimized for the host
section. A PCI-based EHCI controller must also implement the PCI Power Man-
agement advanced capability register set.
If companion controllers are also supported (see Figure 5), they will have their
own PCI space in a multi-function PCI device. Refer to MindShare’s PCI System
Architecture for a thorough discussion of PCI configuration space. For refer-
ence, the important fields in the EHCI PCI configuration space of a USB 2.0 con-
troller are highlighted below.
The designer of the PCI-based EHCI controller hard-codes the PCI class code in
this register. An EHCI USB 2.0 controller would return the following 3 bytes of
information when this register is read: 0C0320h
The first PCI base address register (BAR) is used to request PCI enumeration
software to assign a memory mapped I/O (MMIO) address range for the con-
troller to use for it’s required USB host controller capability and operational
registers. The designer hard- codes lower bits in this BAR indicating how many
registers it has and whether it can decode 64 bit addresses (as a PCI target). Enu-
meration software later programs upper bits in the BAR to assign a start MMIO
address to the controller.
The designer of the PCI-based controller hard-codes the release of the USB
Specification to which the controller complies. USB 2.0 controllers would return
the following byte of information when this field is read: 20h (revision 2.0 of the
USB Specification)
If this register is implemented, it is used to store a set of flag bits for each port
the controller supports (up to 16). The state of each bit is programmed to 1 if the
port can be enabled as a wake-up device in the event of a connect/disconnect or
over current; if not, the bit is programmed to 0. This bit mask has no direct effect
on controller hardware, and is instead used to maintain the current state of
wake up capabilities.
EHCI integrates advanced power management features compliant with the PCI
Bus Power Management Interface Specification, revision 1.1. Table 1 below summa-
rizes the EHCI optional and required power management states. Refer to Mind-
Share’s PCI System Architecture book for a detailed description of the PCI
power management registers required by the EHCI specification.
PCI Power
Management Characteristics
Size Mnemonic Register Name
Bit Description
07:00 The value hard-coded in this field indicates the byte offset from the
EHCI host controller MMIO BASE address to the first operational
register (in other words, the number of bytes used to implement the
capability register set). The operational register addresses always
start at the end of the capability registers, and software uses the
value in this register to offset into the operational registers.
Bit Description
15:00 The value hard-coded in this field indicates the USB EHCI revision
number to which the host controller conforms (e.g. 0095 = EHCI
version 0.95)
Bit Description
31:24 Reserved.
23:20 Debug Port Number. Optional field indicating the port number (0-15) used
as the debug port. High-speed debug transactions can be sent over USB to a
debug device. Debug port use is described in Appendix C of the EHCI Spec-
19:17 Reserved
16 Port Indicator. Read-only bit indicating whether the ports of this controller
support port indicator control.
• 1 = Indicates that software may write the Port Indicator Con-
trol bits in the Port Status and Control Register to light up red,
green, amber port indicator lights.
• 0 = Indicates that port indicators are not supported.
15:12 Number Of Companion Controllers (N_CC). These four bits are coded to
indicate how many companion (UHCI or OHCI USB) controllers are resi-
dent in this host controller to support LS or FS USB 1.x devices.
11:08 Number Of Ports Per Companion Controller (N_PCC). Indicates the num-
ber of ports supported by each companion controller (1-15d). This informa-
tion, along with N_CC and N_PORTS fields are used to determine
companion controller routing.
07 Port Routing Rules. This bit indicates which of two conventions has been
used in companion controller routing.
• 0 = First N_PCC ports are routed to first companion host con-
troller, next N_PCC ports are routed to next one, etc.
• 1 = Port routing is explicitly defined in the HCSP-POR-
TROUTE register array.
06:05 Reserved
Bit Description
04 Port Power Control. Used to indicate host controller port power control.
• 1 = The host controller includes port power control.
• 0 = No port power control
Bit Description
31:08 Reserved.
07:04 Isochronous Scheduling Threshold. This field is used to inform sys-
tem software when, relative to where the host controller is currently
executing, it can safely update the isochronous schedule. Each isoch-
ronous transfer descriptor (iTD) contains 8 micro-frames of transac-
tions. To reduce traffic to memory, the host controller is allowed to
fetch and cache more than one (up to eight) micro-frame’s transac-
tions from an iTD. The amount of caching is reported in this register
because it must be taken into account when USB system software is
updating entries in the schedule to stay ahead of the host controller.
Two important cases:
Bit 7 hard-coded = 0. Then lower bits (6:4) represent the number of
micro-frames worth of transactions cached by the host controller.
Bit 7 hard-coded = 1. Indicates that the host controller caches iTD
data structures for an entire frame (8 micro-frames)
03:02 Reserved
Bit Description
on a port by port basis. Each of the physical ports (there can be 1-15 of them) can
be routed to any of the companion controllers in the event a USB 1.x device is
attached. This requires an array of 60 bits (15 x 4 bits/port) to completely define
port routing. Note: for PCI USB 2.0 host controllers, the controller is a multi-
function device, and the companion controller number is related to it’s PCI
function number: Companion Controller 0 (CC0) maps to the first companion
controller PCI function; CC 1 to the second companion controller function, etc.
• Programming the host controller with starting addresses in memory for the
data structures it must access in processing asynchronous and periodic
• Programming error, interrupt, and wake-up policies to be used by the con-
• Handling reset and power management events
• Logging and collecting host controller status concerning internal and exter-
nal events: asynchronous and periodic schedule status, errors encountered,
changes in port connection, over-current, etc.
Note that the operational registers are located in USB memory mapped I/O
address space immediately after the capability registers.
Bit Description
15:08 Reserved
07 Light Host Controller Reset (R/W). Optional; allows the EHCD software to
reset only the controller without impacting port setup or routing to com-
panion controllers. If this bit is written = 1, the light host controller reset
commences. If software later reads this bit clear (= 0), the reset is complete.
Bit Description
03:02 Frame List Size (R/W or RO). This field is used to set the frame list to one of
three sizes:
• 00b = 1024 elements in a frame list (This is the default)
• 01b = 512 elements in a frame list
• 01b = 256 elements in a frame list
• 00b = Reserved
Note: The value in this register is only R/W if the Programmable Frame
List Size flag in the HCCPARAMS register is hard-coded to be = 1. Other-
wise, the frame list size is always 1024 elements.
01 Host Controller Reset (R/W) This bits allows a software reset of the host
controller, and has the following effects:
Resets internal host controller pipelines and internal state machines
Terminates any USB transactions in progress
Does not cause a USB reset or affect any PCI registers
• 1 = Commence host controller reset
• 0 = If later read as 0, the reset is complete
00 Run/Stop (R/W). Used to start and stop the host controller in it’s execution
of both schedules.
• 1 = Start and continue execution of all schedules enabled in bits
4 and 5 of this register.
• 0 = Don’t execute schedules. If executing, and software writes
this bit = 0, current and pipelined operations are completed.
The controller then halts and sets HCHalted bit in the USBSTS
register. Host controller must halt within 16 micro-frames of
detection of Run/Stop bit = 0. Note that this impacts the
amount of pipelining allowed. Software verifies the halt state
by reading the HCHalted bit mentioned previously.
Bit Description
14 Periodic Schedule Status (RO). Used by the host controller to report the
actual internal status of periodic schedule processing. When software
enables or disables periodic schedule execution in the USBCMD register
(bit 4), it may take some time before the change takes place. When complete,
host controller hardware sets or clears this bit to reflect the fact. Anytime
this bit and the equivalent enable bit in the USBCMD register are in the
same state, software can confirm the change is complete.
12 HCHalted (RO). Used by the host controller to report the actual internal
status of host controller processing. When software clears (writes = 0) the
Run/Stop bit in the USBCMD register (bit 0), it may take some time before
the change takes place as the host controller finishes up operations it has
pipelined. When complete, host controller hardware sets the HCHalted bit
to reflect the fact that is really is stopped. Software reads this bit to confirm
the halt operation is complete.
11:06 Reserved. Set = 0.
Bit Description
04 Host System Error (R/WC). This bit indicates a general catastrophic error
within the host controller. The host controller also clears the Run/Stop bit
(bit 0) in the USBCMD register to halt all processing.
03 Frame List Rollover (R/WC). This bit is set = 1 by host controller hardware
each time the frame list “rolls over” from it’s maximum value to 0. Nor-
mally this occurs after 1024 entries have been completed, but if a program-
mable frame list size is in use (see USBCMD register bits 3:2) then the
rollover may happen at 1024, 512, or 256 boundaries. Software may read
this bit to verify the rollover, then write the bit to clear it.
02 Port Change Detect (R/WC) This bit is set by host controller hardware to
indicate a change has occurred on one or more of it’s ports, including:
• Change in connect status
• A port resume event
Once set, the bit may be read by software, and cleared when the bit is writ-
ten = 1.
01 USB Error Interrupt (R/WC). This bit is set = 1 by host controller hardware
when a USB transaction has resulted in an error condition. If the transfer
descriptor that had this occur during execution had the IOC bit set, then
USBINT is also set (see bit 0).
00 USB Interrupt (R/WC). This bit is set = 1 by the host controller at the com-
pletion of a USB transaction which resulted in retirement of a transfer
descriptor which had its IOC bit set. It is also set in the event of a short
packet while receiving data. Software clears this interrupt flag by writing
this bit = 1.
Bit Description
04 Host System Error Enable (R/W). This bit is used in conjunction with the
Host System Error Status bit (bit 4) in the USBSTS register. If this bit is set
= 1, then anytime the System Error Status bit in USBTS is set by the host
controller, an interrupt will also be generated.
When the interrupt is received, software may then poll USBSTS register bit
4 to check the flag. This interrupt flag is cleared when software writes USB-
STS register bit 4 = 1.
03 Frame List Rollover Enable (R/W). This bit is used in conjunction with the
Frame List Rollover bit (bit 3) in the USBSTS register. If this bit is set = 1,
then anytime the Frame List Rollover bit in USBTS is set by the host con-
troller, an interrupt will also be generated.
When the interrupt is received, software may then poll USBSTS register bit
3 to check the flag. This interrupt flag is cleared when software writes USB-
STS register bit 3 = 1.
02 Port Change Interrupt Enable (R/W). This bit is used in conjunction with
the Port Change Detect bit (bit 2) in the USBSTS register. If this bit is set = 1,
then anytime the Port Change Detect bit in USBSTS is set by the host con-
troller, an interrupt will also be generated.
When the interrupt is received, software may then poll USBSTS register bit
2 to check the flag. This interrupt flag is cleared when software writes USB-
STS register bit 2 = 1.
Bit Description
01 USB Error Interrupt Enable (R/W). This bit is used in conjunction with the
USBERRINT bit (bit 1) in the USBSTS register. If this bit is set = 1, then any-
time the USBERRINT bit in USBSTS is set by the host controller, an inter-
rupt will also be generated.
When the interrupt is received, software may then poll USBSTS register bit
1 to check the flag. This interrupt flag is cleared when software writes USB-
STS register bit 1 = 1.
00 USB Interrupt Enable (R/W). This bit is used in conjunction with the
USBINT bit (bit 0) in the USBSTS register. If this bit is set = 1, then anytime
the USBINT bit in USBSTS is set by the host controller, an interrupt will
also be generated.
When the interrupt is received, software may then poll USBSTS register bit
0 to check the flag. This interrupt flag is cleared when software writes USB-
STS register bit 0 = 1.
This register is used in processing periodic frame list entries, and is indexed
automatically by host controller hardware every micro-frame. Because this reg-
ister tracks progress through the frame list, each frame list entry must be
accessed eight times to obtain the eight micro-frames of work. The host control-
ler uses the current value in this register as a pointer to where it is to go next in
the periodic schedule.
System software reads and uses the contents of this register to keep track of the
current micro-frame number so it can stay ahead in transaction scheduling and
so it may return the current micro-frame number to a client driver which
requests it (there is a get micro-frame number function which system software is
required to support).
If system software is required to initialize (write to) the Frame Index Register, it
may only do so when the host controller is in the halted state (see the HCHalt
bit in the USBSTS register)
Note that this register uses fourteen bits: The upper 10 bits represent the current
Frame List entry number (1024 max), and the lower 3 bits are the micro-frame
offset in the entry.
Bit Description
31:14 Reserved.
13:00 Frame Index (R/W, auto indexed). Depending on the frame list size in use
(generally 1024, but programmable to 256 or 512 in some implementations),
the upper bits in this group indicate the current frame list entry number.
The lower three bits reflect the micro-frame offset into the frame list entry.
For various frame list sizes, the bits are used as follows:
Frame list size
1024: Bits 12:03 = frame list entry; Bits 2:0 = micro-frame number
512: Bits 11:03 = frame list entry; Bits 2:0 = micro-frame number
256: Bits 10:03 = frame list entry; Bits 2:0 = micro-frame number
This register is only used when 64-bit addressing capability is built into the host
controller (indicated in HCCPARAMS register, bit 0 set = 1). Software then pro-
grams this 32-bit register with the upper half of the 64 bit address to be used by
the host controller when it accesses it’s data structures in memory. Once this
register is programmed, the host controller concatenates this register value with
the 32-bit link-pointers in the PERIODICLISTBASE register or the ASYNCLIS-
TADDR register, depending on whether it is accessing the periodic or asynchro-
nous schedules.
One of the results of using this register to provide the upper 32 bits of address
for all data structure accesses is that they all then reside in the same 4GB seg-
ment of memory.
Bit Description
This register is programmed with the memory starting address for the periodic
Frame List. If 64-bit addressing is being used, then the contents of this register
are concatenated with the value programed into the CTRLDSSEGMENT regis-
ter (see previous register description).
Using this register’s contents as a 4KB aligned base address for the Periodic
List, the host controller then steps sequentially through the list using the current
contents of the FRINDEX register as an offset.
Bit Description
31:12 Periodic List base address (R/W). * again, if 64 bit addressing is in use,
these bits are concatenated with the value in the CTRLDSSEGMENT regis-
ter to form the Periodic List base address.
11:00 Reserved, must be 0. Lower 12 bits of Periodic List base address must
always be written = 0 to preserve 4KB aligned start address of Periodic List
data structure.
This register contains the current address pointer for the next queue head in the
asynchronous schedule entry to be processed. If 64-bit addressing is being used,
then the contents of this register are concatenated with the value programed
into the CTRLDSSEGMENT register.
Because each queue head entry address is assumed to be 32 byte (cache line)
aligned, the lower 5 bits of this register cannot be modified by software and
always read back as 0’s.
Bit Description
Setting this bit is generally the last act of EHCI system software in host control-
ler configuration.
Bit Description
A Port Status and Control Register is required for each port the host controller
supports, and the format for each one is the same.
A few notes about PORTSC registers:
• Software may determine how many ports are supported (and, therefore,
how many PORTSC registers are in use) by reading various fields in the
HCSPARAMS register.
• The default (initial) state for each port is: no device connected, port dis-
• If the port has power control, which is also indicated in the HCSPARAMS
register (PPC bit = 1), power must be applied and stable at the port before
software attempts to change the state of the port.
Bit Description
22 Wake on Over-Current Enable (R/W). (Default = 0). This bit sets the port
policy for generating a wake-up event in case of an over-current condition
on USB. System software programs the bit as follows:
• 0 = Instructs the port to not convert over-current conditions
into wake-up events.
• 1 = Instructs the port to convert over-current conditions into
wake-up events.
This field is 0 if port power is turned off
21 Wake on Disconnect Enable (R/W). (Default = 0). This bit sets the port pol-
icy for generating a wake-up event in case of a device disconnect on USB.
System software programs the bit as follows:
• 0 = Instructs the port to not convert disconnects into wake-up
• 1 = Instructs the port to convert disconnects into wake-up
This field is 0 if port power is turned off
Bit Description
20 Wake On Connect Enable (R/W). (Default = 0). This bit sets the port policy
for generating a wake-up event in case of a device connect on USB. System
software programs the bit as follows:
• 0 = Instructs the port to not convert connects into wake-up
• 1 = Instructs the port to convert connects into wake-up events.
This field is 0 if port power is turned off
19:16 Port Test Control (R/W). (Default = 0). These bits are programmed to take a
specific port into and out of several test modes:
Bits: Mode
0000b Test mode: disabled (default)
0001b Test mode: Test J_STATE
0010b Test mode: Test K_STATE
0011b Test mode: Test SEO_NAK
0100b Test mode: Test Packet
0101b Test mode: Test FORCE_ENABLE
15:14 Port Indicator Control (R/W). (Default = 0). These bits are programmed to
activate port indicator lights (e.g. LED’s). This bits are not used if the
P_Indicator bit in the HCSPARAMS register = 0 (indicators not sup-
ported). Required bit pattern to light indicators is:
Bits: Activate
00b Turn all indicators off (default)
01b Turn Amber indicator on
10b Turn Green indicator on
11b Undefined
This field is 0 if port power is turned off
Bit Description
13 Port Owner (R/W, auto default). (Default = 1). This bit indicates whether
the port is under the management of the EHCI controller or a companion
• 0 = Port is owned and will be managed by the EHCI control-
• 1 = Port is owned and will be managed by the companion con-
troller defined in port routing.
This bit is automatically set = 1 whenever the Configure Flag bit (bit 0) in
the CONFIGFLAG register is 0 (requesting companion controller(s) as
This bit is automatically cleared (0) whenever the Configure Flag bit in the
CONFIGFLAG register transitions from 0 to 1 (requesting EHCI controller
as default).
Software may also write this bit = 1 to pass ownership to the companion
controller when it discovers the attached device is not a high-speed device.
12 Port Power -PP (R/W or RO). This bit is used in conjunction with the PPC
bit (bit 4) in the HCSPARAMS register.
If PPC = 0, the host controller does not have power control switches on it’s
ports--power is hard-wired “on”. In this case, this PP bit is read only, and
always = 1.
If PPC = 1, the host controller does have power control switches on each
port--and it may be turned on and off using this register bit. In this case, this
PP bit is read-write, and indicates the current state of port power.
• PP = 1; Port power is on
• PP = 0; Port power is off.
Bit Description
11:10 Line Status (RO). These bits are used when system software requires a sam-
pling of the current state of the differential USB signal pair to determine if
an attached device is low-speed (LS) or not. These bits must be read prior to
port reset and enable sequence. Bit 11 reflects state of D+; Bit 10 reflects state of
D-. Encoding on the bits is as follows:
Bits: Activate
00b SEO state. (not LS device, perform EHCI reset)
10b J_State. (not LS device, perform EHCI reset)
01b K_State. (Is a LS device, release ownership of port*)
11b Undefined (not LS device, perform EHCI reset)
* Port ownership is released when software writes Port Owner bit (bit 13) =
08 Port Reset (RW). This bit is used by system software to initiate and confirm
a reset event on the USB port. The USB 2.0 Specification has a number of
parameters which must be observed when performing resets. In general:
• The controller should be halted (HCHalt = 1) before attempting
• Software writes this bit = 1 to initiate reset, and must not clear
the bit (write it = 0) to terminate a reset sequence before the
specified time has elapsed.
• After writing this bit = 1 to initiate the reset, software may then
poll (read) the bit until it is detected = 0 (indicating completion)
• There are also a number of requirements in the USB 2.0 specifi-
cation concerning how quickly the controller must enable and
disable it’s port with respect to reset (e.g. the 2ms rule).
This field is = 0 if port power is turned off
Bit Description
07 Suspend (RW). This bit is used in conjunction with the Port Enabled bit (bit
2) in this register to define port states:
Port Enabled Suspend Bit Port State
0 X Disabled
1 0 Enabled
1 1 Suspend
• When a port is in the suspend state, normal downstream traffic
is blocked, except for port reset.
• While in this state, the port is still capable of resume detection.
• If software sets this bit = 1 to suspend the port, a transaction in
progress will be completed first, then the suspend will occur.
Software may poll this bit until it is read = 0, indicating the sus-
pend operation is complete.
• This bit will automatically be cleared (set = 0) in the event sys-
tem software causes a reset (changes Port Reset bit from 0 to1)
or causes a resume (changes Force Port Resume bit from 1 to 0)
This field is = 0 if port power is turned off
06 Force Port Resume (RW). While suspending a port is fairly simple (see pre-
vious bit), forcing a port to resume signalling can be done through system
software or by the host controller itself:
• Software writes this bit = 1 to initiate a resume on a suspended
• The host controller sets this bit = 1 if it detects a J-to-K transi-
tion on the USB port while it is suspended. The host controller
also sets the Port Change Detect bit (bit) in the USBSTS regis-
ter in this case. This, in turn, can be programmed to cause an
interrupt to be generated
The EHCI resume sequence is described in detail in the USB 2.0 Specifica-
Bit Description
03 Port Enable/Disable Change (R/WC). This bit is set = 1 if the port enabled/
disabled status has changed due to an error. Software may clear this bit by
writing it =1
This field is = 0 if port power is turned off
01 Connect Status Change (R/WC). (default = 0) This bit is set = 1 by the host
controller if there is a change if the ports Current Connect Status (see bit 0).
Software may read it to get status, or write it = 1 to clear it.
This field is = 0 if port power is turned off
00 Current Connect Status (RO). This bit is set = 1 by the host controller if
there is a device connected to this port; it is cleared otherwise.
This field is = 0 if port power is turned off
The basic sequence of events involved in initializing an EHCI controller is as
1. If the EHCI controller is a PCI device, then BIOS software will enumerate
the EHCI host controller on power up or reset, including:
• Configuration Read cycles to check vendor ID, device ID, Class Code, mem-
ory mapped I/O requirements, interrupts, and other generic PCI attributes.
• Assign a base address for the EHCI Capability and Operational registers in
BAR 0.
• Program the FLADJ register if supported by the device.
2. Following a power-up USB reset (or software HCReset), the EHCI MMIO
operational registers will be in their default state. Table 18 below summa-
rizes the initial (default) state of the EHCI MMIO operational registers.
EHCI Operational Register Comments
EHCI Operational Register Comments
3. Using offsets into the MMIO address space assigned to the controller dur-
ing PCI enumeration, USB EHCI software (if present) may then:
• Perform a 32-bit MMIO write to the CTRLDSSEGMENT register to pro-
gram the 4GB memory segment to be used for all EHCI memory data struc-
tures (Periodic List, Asynchronous List, data buffers, etc.). This register is
optional; if implemented, it defaults to 0 on power-up as indicated above.
• Perform a 32-bit MMIO write to the USBINTR register to set option mask
for USB interrupts.
• Perform a 32-bit MMIO write to the PERIODICLIST BASE register to
establish the physical memory start address of the Periodic Frame List.
• Perform a 32-bit MMIO write to enable key features in the USBCMD regis-
ter, including interrupt threshold (1mS is the default), frame list size (1024 is
the default); the Run/Stop bit may also be enabled.
• Perform a 32-bit MMIO write to the CONFIGLFLAG register to change the
default routing of all ports from the companion controllers to the EHCI con-
Once default routing is transferred to the EHCI controller, all port devices
remain under the management of the EHCI controller unless they are deter-
mined to be USB 1.x devices; at that time, they will be returned back to the con-
trol of the companion controllers. As control of a USB 1.x device is passed to the
companion controller, it appears as though it has been disconnected from the
EHCI controller and connected to the companion controller. The USB 1.x com-
panion controller then proceeds through it’s standard protocol as the device is
reset and enabled.
Detecting Attachment
Actions taken by an EHCI controller when responding to device attachment:
• The controller detects the attachment, and sets the Port Change Bit in the
PORTSC register for that port. The controller also sets the Current Connect
Status bit in the same register. If interrupts for changes in connect status are
enabled, the host controller will also generate a port-change interrupt to the
CPU at the next interrupt threshold.
• Upon receipt of the interrupt, the EHCI driver identifies the port with the
change by examining the Port Change Bit in it’s PORTSC register. Because
the change bit is detected set, the EHCI driver sends a “change report” indi-
cating the port number to the USB hub driver.
• The USB hub driver uses the information sent to it, and using the GetPortS-
tatus(), request, reads the PORTSC register for that port to determine the
nature of the change (in this case, the Connect Status Change bit will be
read = 1, indicating a connect/disconnect event).
• The hub driver then issues a request to the EHCI driver to clear the Connect
Status Change bit, and to perform a reset and enable of the port.
• Upon receipt of the request to reset and enable the port which has just had a
device attached, the EHCI driver checks the LineStatus bits in the PORTSC
register for the port. If the detected device is HS or FS (D+ asserted) on the
USB port, the driver sets the PortReset control bit and clears the PortEnable
bit in the PORTSC register for that port. This starts the reset sequence on
the port. The duration of the sequence is timed by software; when time is
up, software clears the PortReset bit. Software verifies completion of reset
when the PortReset bit is read back as 0.
• It is the responsibility of the EHCI controller hardware to set the PortEnable
bit in the PORTSC register if the results of the reset indicated a high-speed
device was attached. (Refer to MindShare’s USB System Architecture book
for a complete description of the High Speed detection mechanism). The
EHCI driver reads the PortEnable bit; if set, the device is high-speed and
the EHCI driver sends a “change report” to the hub driver which then con-
tinues USB enumeration of the device. If PortEnable bit is read back = 0, the
device is Full Speed, and control is passed to the companion controller
when the EHCI driver writes the PortOwner bit in the PORTSC register =
1. At that point, port routing logic makes the device visible to the compan-
ion controller; the EHCI controller registers a disconnect, and reports it via
the PortChange bit mechanism described above.
• In the event that the attached device is recognized as Low Speed when the
LineStatus bits are tested by the EHCI driver (D- asserted), then there is no
need for the EHCI controller to perform the reset sequence; instead, control
is immediately passed to a companion controller when the EHCI driver
writes the associated PortOwner bit in the PORTSC register = 1.
If A Device Is Disconnected
Actions taken by a USB 2.0 controller when responding to device disconnect:
If the default port routing is EHCI, then any time a Low Speed or High Speed
device is disconnected from a port attached to one of the companion controllers,
the disconnect event is detected by the companion controller port control and
by EHCI port control. The EHCI controller reclaims port ownership by setting
the PortOwner bit in the PORTSC register, and signals a disconnect to the com-
panion controller. This mechanism guarantees that if default routing is EHCI,
any new attachment of devices will be checked first by the EHCI controller for
High Speed operation. This is important because USB 1.x companion controllers
don’t support (and should never be attached to) High Speed devices and
because High Speed devices are not required to be fully functional when run-
ning in Full Speed or Low Speed modes.
EHCI employs two transfer schedules: the periodic schedule for time-sensitive
isochronous and interrupt USB transfers, and the asynchronous schedule for less
time-sensitive control and bulk USB transfers. As client software needs USB
transactions performed, USB driver software decomposes each request into one
or more entries in the proper schedule; meanwhile, the host controller may be
fetching descriptors placed in the schedules previously, parsing them, and per-
forming the required USB transactions. As the descriptors are retired, the host
controller writes status information back into the data structures to let USB
driver software know how things are going. To reduce hardware complexity,
the host controller simply fetches and executes descriptors; all of the tricky
scheduling and payload decisions are made and enforced by the USB driver
software in the way it builds the schedules.
USB bulk and control descriptors in the asynchronous schedule use the queue
head structure and queue element transfer descriptors (qTD). This includes split
transaction interrupt, bulk, and control transfers.
In this section, processing by the host controller of the periodic and asynchro-
nous schedules is described, as are the formats of four USB data structures
found within them:
• The link pointer is 32-byte aligned. This is convenient during CPU caching
of descriptor fields.
• The link pointer may point to either an isochronous transfer descriptor
(iTD) for HS devices, a split-transaction isochronous transfer descriptor
(siTD) for a FS isochronous device, or a queue head for a LS/FS/HS inter-
• Information about the nature of the pointer (it’s type) and whether or not it
is valid is kept in the lower bits of the Frame list entry. See Figure 8 below.
Table 19 below summarizes the bit fields in a frame list link pointer.
Bit Description
31:05 Physical address (32 byte aligned) of the first task descriptor in the current
micro-frame (125us time slot).
Bit Description
00 Terminate (T). This bit indicates whether or not this is the last element in
the linked list of tasks.
0 = This is not the last task and the link pointer is valid.
1 = Terminate. Tis is the last task in this linked list.
Micro-Frame Integrity
As it processes periodic and asynchronous schedule tasks, the host controller is
always required to maintain micro-frame integrity; it is never allowed to start a
transaction which will not be completed before the end of the current micro-
frame. This is because it must observe USB 2.0 specification requirements for
prompt delivery of SOF packets and high-speed EOF1 and EOF2 threshold tim-
Bit Description
31:05 Physical memory address bits, 31:5 referencing the next transfer descriptor
or queue head.
04:03 Reserved. (Initialize = 0).
02:01 TYP field. Indicates the type of structure being referenced. Type codes
00b = iTD (isochronous transfer descriptor)
01b = QH (queue head structure)
10b = siTD (split transaction transfer description)
11b = reserved
00 T bit. Terminate bit indicates whether next link pointer value is valid:
1 = invalid pointer
0 = valid pointer
Bit Description
31:28 Status field. This set of bits tracks the status for the transaction defined in
this slot, and executed by the host controller. Bits are encoded as follows:
Bit 31 = Active bit. Set =1 by host software to enable execution by controller.
When transaction is complete, the host controller clears it (0).
Bit 30 = Data Buffer Error bit. Set =1 by host controller to indicate an over-
run (couldn’t buffer incoming data fast enough) or underrun (couldn’t sup-
ply outbound data fast enough) during data transmission.
Bit 29 = Babble Detected bit. Set =1 by host controller to indicate an babble
detected during transmission.
Bit 28 = Transaction Error bit. Set =1 by host controller only on IN transac-
tion to indicate no valid response was received from device.
14:12 PG (page Select) field. These bits are set by software to indicate which of
the buffer page pointers the offset field in this slot should be concatenated
with to produce the memory buffer start address for this transaction.
(Range 0-6)
11:00 Transaction X Offset field. These 12 bits provide the 4K byte offset to be
concatenated with the buffer page pointer indicated above to produce the
32 bit start address for this transaction.
Bit Description
31:12 Buffer Pointer field. This is the 4KB-aligned physical start address to the
memory buffer. This is concatenated with an offset provided by Transaction
X (see previous register)
11:08 Endpoint Number (EndPt) field. This 4-bit value is the endpoint in the USB
target device
07 Reserved. Initialize = 0.
06:00 Device Address field. These 7 bits are used for the USB device number (0-
Bit Description
31:12 Buffer Pointer field. This is the 4KB-aligned physical start address to the
memory buffer. This is concatenated with an offset provided by Transaction
X (see previous register)
11 Direction (I/O) bit. This bit indicates whether the high-speed transaction is
an IN or OUT, and which PID should be used.
10:00 Maximum Packet Size field. These 11 bits are used to indicate the maxi-
mum packet size associated with an endpoint. For high bandwidth end-
points (which can handle up to three isochronous transfers per micro-
frame), this field is used with Multi field (see next table). This field is also
used during IN transactions to detect babble.
Bit Description
31:12 Buffer Pointer field. This is the 4KB-aligned physical start address to the
memory buffer. This is concatenated with an offset provided by Transaction
X (see previous register)
01:00 Multi field. These 2 bits are coded to indicate to the host controller how
many transactions should be done per micro-frame:
00b = Reserved.
01b = One transaction per micro-frame
10b = Two transactions per micro-frame
11b = Three transactions per micro-frame
Bit Description
31:12 Buffer Pointer field. This is the 4KB-aligned physical start address to the
memory buffer. This is concatenated with an offset provided by Transaction
X (see previous register)
Bit Description
31:05 Physical memory address bits, 31:5 referencing the next transfer descriptor
or queue head.
04:03 Reserved. (Initialize = 0).
02:01 TYP field. Indicates the type of structure being referenced. Type codes
00b = iTD (isochronous transfer descriptor)
01b = QH (queue head structure)
10b = siTD (split transaction transfer description)
11b = reserved
00 T bit. Terminate bit indicates whether next link pointer value (bits 31:05) is
1 = invalid pointer
0 = valid pointer
Bit Description
30:24 Port Number. Represents the port number of the companion controller han-
dling this FS transaction.
23 Reserved. (Initialize = 0)
Bit Description
11:08 Endpoint Number (EndPt) field. This 4-bit value is the endpoint in the USB
target device
07 Reserved. Initialize = 0.
06:00 Device Address field. These 7 bits are used for the USB device number (0-
Bit Description
07:00 Split Start Mask (uFrame S-mask). This field, in conjunction with the
Active and Split-X fields in the Status byte are used to indicate the micro-
frame in which the host controller should attempt start-split transactions.
Each bit represents one siTD; if a bit position = 1, then that siTD start-split
transaction may be executed.The lower three bits of the current FRINDEX
register value are used to index into one of the 8 bit positions.
Bit Description
30 Page Select (P) bit. Used to determine which page pointer should be concat-
enated with the CurrentOffset field to form a data buffer pointer. 0 = page 0
pointer; 1 = page 1 pointer.
25:16 Total Bytes To Transfer. Set by system software to indicate total number of
bytes expected to transfer in this transaction. Maximum = 1023.
Bit Description
07:00 Status field. This field tracks the status of the transaction in this slot exe-
cuted by the host controller. Bit coding is as follows:
Bit 7 = Active bit. Set =1 by host software to enable execution of an isochro-
nous split transaction by the controller.
Bit 6 = Error (ERR) bit. Set = 1 by controller when an ERR response is
received from the USB 1.x transaction translator.
Bit 5 = Data Buffer Error bit. Set =1 by host controller to indicate an over-
run (during an IN) or underrun (during an OUT) while transferring data.
For underrun condition, host controller transmits an incorrect ECC to the
endpoint, invalidating the data sent.
Bit 4 = Babble Detected bit. Set =1 by host controller if babble was detected
during this transaction.
Bit 3 = Transaction Error (XactErr) bit. Set =1 (for IN transactions) by host
controller if the host did not receive one of the valid responses from the tar-
get device.
Bit 2 = Missed Micro-Frame bit. Set = 1 by controller if it missed a required
complete-split transaction because it was “held off” from accessing memory
in time.
Bit 1 = Split Transaction State (SplitXstate) bit. This bit controls when the
host controller is allowed to perform a start-split or complete-split transac-
• 0 = do start-split when a match is detected in the proper bit in
the S-mask.
• 1 = do complete-split when a match is detected in the proper bit
in the C-mask.
Bit 0 = Reserved. Initialize = 0.
Bit Description
31:12 Buffer Pointer List field. These bits provide the upper bits (31:12) of the
4KB aligned page 0 memory (the lower 12 bits are assumed to be 0).
11:00 Current Offset field. These 12 bits represent the byte offset for the current
page pointer (referenced by the P bit).
Bit Description
31:12 Buffer Pointer List field. These bits provide the upper bits (31:12) of the
4KB aligned page 1 memory (the lower 12 bits are assumed to be 0).
11:05 Reserved.
04:03 Transaction Position (TP) field. This field is used in conjunction with T-
Count field indicate whether the first, middle, or last part of a Full Speed
data payload is being sent in this transaction. Initialized by system soft-
ware, the host controller manages the state of these bits thereafter. Bit cod-
ing is as follows:
00 = All. The entire Full Speed data payload is being sent in this transaction.
01 = Begin. The first part of the Full Speed data payload is being sent in this
transaction (that is greater than 188 bytes).
02 = Middle. The middle part of the Full Speed data payload is being sent in
this transaction (that was greater than 188 bytes).
03 = End. The last part of the Full Speed data payload is being sent in this
transaction (that was greater than 188 bytes).
02:00 Transaction Count (T-Count) field. Software programs this field with the
number of out start-split transactions which will be required to fully satisfy
the data payload for this transaction (6 is the maximum).
Bit Description
31:05 siTD Back Pointer field. These bits are used as a physical memory pointer
(32 byte aligned) to another siTD.
04:01 Reserved. (Initialize = 0)
00 Terminate (T) bit. Indicates whether Back Pointer field is valid or not.
0 = Back Pointer field is invalid
1 = Back Pointer field is valid
Bit Description
31:05 Next Transfer Element Pointer field. Physical memory address bits, 31:05,
referencing the next qTD transfer descriptor to be processed
04:01 Reserved.
00 T bit. Terminate bit indicates whether the Next Transfer Element Pointer
value above is valid:
1 = invalid pointer
0 = valid pointer
This bit is used to indicate to the host controller when there are no more
valid entries in the queue.
Bit Description
31:05 Next Transfer Element Pointer field. Physical memory address bits, 31:05,
referencing the next qTD transfer descriptor to be processed if the current
qTD encounters a short packet during an IN transaction.
04:01 Reserved.
00 T bit. Terminate bit indicates whether the Next Transfer Element Pointer
value above is valid:
1 = invalid pointer
0 = valid pointer
This bit is used to indicate to the host controller when there are no more
valid entries in the queue.
Bit Description
31 Data Toggle bit. Used in conjunction with the Data Toggle Control bit in
the queue head structure to indicate the data toggle sequence.
30:16 Total Bytes To Transfer. Value indicates the total number of bytes to be
moved in the processing of this transfer descriptor. At the successful conclu-
sion of each transaction, this running total is decremented by host controller
to indicate the bytes transferred.Maximum initial value is 5 pages * 4KB =
14:12 Current Page (C_Page) field. Used as an index into the qTD buffer pointer
list. Range is 0-4, representing the 5 pages supported by the qTD structure.
11:10 Error Counter (CERR) field. Tracks the number of consecutive errors the
host controller encounters in executing this qTD. The value is pre-pro-
grammed with a maximum value; if the host controller decrements the
count an sees that it = 0, it does a series of things, including generating an
interrupt if it is enabled in the USB Error Interrupt Field in the USBINTR
register. Note: if software initializes this field = 0, then the host controller
will have no limit on retries of this qTD.
09:08 PID Code (PID) field. This field is programmed by software to indicate the
type of token which should be used for each transaction when processing
this qTD:
00 = OUT token
01 = IN token
10 = SETUP token
11 = Reserved
Bit Description
07:00 Status field. This field enables the host controller to convey the current state
of execution to the Host Controller Driver. Bit coding is as follows:
Bit 7 = Active bit. Set =1 by host software to enable execution of transac-
tions by the controller. Controller clears this bit when complete.
Bit 6 = Halted bit. Set = 1 by controller when a serious error has occurred at
the device being targeted (babble, STALL, etc.). When this bit is set, the
Active bit is cleared.
Bit 5 = Data Buffer Error bit. Set =1 by host controller to indicate an over-
run (during an IN) or underrun (during an OUT) while transferring data.
For overruns, the host controller forces a time-out on USB.
Bit 4 = Babble Detected bit. Set =1 by host controller if babble was detected
during this transaction. The controller also sets the Halted bit = 1, and clears
Bit 3 = Transaction Error (XactErr) bit. Set =1 (for IN transactions) by host
controller if the host did not receive one of the valid responses from the tar-
get device.
Bit 2 = Missed Micro-Frame bit. Set = 1 by controller if it missed a required
complete-split transaction because it was “held off” from accessing memory
in time.
Bit 1 = Split Transaction State (SplitXstate) bit. This bit controls when the
host controller is allowed to perform a start-split or complete-split transac-
• 0 = do start-split transaction to the endpoint
• 1 = do complete-split transaction to the endpoint.
Bit 0 = Ping State (P)/ERR bit. This bit has two uses, depending on the
nature of the targeted endpoint. If the endpoint is high-speed AND an OUT
endpoint, then this bit is the Ping state bit. If these conditions are true, then:
0 = Do OUT PID
1 = Do Ping PID
If the device is not high-speed, then this bit is an error bit (ERR) which will
be set = 1 by the host controller in the event of an ERR handshake.
Bit Description
31:12 Buffer Pointer List field. These bits provide the upper bits (31:12) of a 4KB-
aligned memory address (the lower 12 bits are assumed to be 0).
11:00 Current Offset field. These 12 bits represent the byte offset for the current
page pointer (referenced by the C_Page bit in the qTD Token Field).
Bit Description
31:12 Buffer Pointer List field. These bits provide the upper bits (31:12) of a 4KB-
aligned memory address (the lower 12 bits are assumed to be 0).
Bit Description
31:05 Queue Head Horizontal Link Pointer (QHLP) field. Physical memory
address bits, 31:05, referencing the next data object to be processed
04:03 Reserved. Initialize = 0.
02:01 QH/(s)iTD Select (TYP) field. Indicates the class of item being referenced
by this link pointer. This indicates the number of bytes in the structure and
what type of processing will be done:
00 = iTD (QHLP points to an Isochronous Transfer Descriptor)
01 = QH (QHLP points to another Queue Head)
10 = siTD (QHLP points to a Split Transaction Isochronous Transfer
11 = Reserved.
00 Terminate (T) bit. This bit indicates whether the QHLP pointer is valid at
1 = invalid pointer (this is the last QH)
0 = valid pointer
This bit is used to indicate to the host controller when there are no more
valid entries in the queue.
This DWord is the first of two used to store information about the nature of the
endpoint being referenced by this queue head, including such things as address,
speed, etc.
Bit Description
31:28 Nak Count Reload (RL) field. The value in this field is the one used by the
host controller to reload the NakCnt field (see DWord 5)
27 Control Endpoint Flag bit. This bit is set = 1 by software in the endpoint is
not high-speed AND it is a control endpoint.
26:16 Maximum Packet Length field. The number programmed into this field is
equal to the maximum packet size information returned by the device
The maximum value is 1024d.
14 Data Toggle Control (DTC) bit. Indicates where the host controller should
get initial data toggle:
0 = host controller ignores DT bit of incoming qTD, and preserves DT bit in
queue head instead.
1 = Initial data toggle is supplied in qDT DT bit, and the host controller
replaces DT bit in queue head with this one.
13:12 Endpoint Speed (EPS) field. This is the speed information for the endpoint
associated with this queue head:
00 = Full Speed
01 = Low Speed
10 = High Speed
11 = Reserved.
11:08 Endpoint Number (EndPt) field. This is the 4-bit endpoint number within
the device associated with this queue head.
07 Reserved. Initialize = 0.
Bit Description
06:00 Device Address field. This field is programmed with the 6-bit address
assigned to the device containing the endpoint associated with this queue
Bit Description
31:30 High Bandwidth Pipe Multiplier (Mult) field. The value in this field is
used to inform the host controller as to the number of successive packets (in
one micro-frame) it may send to one endpoint during the current execution:
00 = Reserved.
01 = Only one transaction to this endpoint per micro-frame is allowed.
10 = Two transactions to this endpoint per micro-frame are allowed
11 = Three transactions to this endpoint per micro-frame are allowed
29:23 Port Number field. These bits are relevant only if the EPS (speed) field in
the previous DWord indicates this is a Full Speed or Low Speed device. In
that case, the number in this field (and the one immediately below) are used
to store the port number and hub address to which this device is attached.
This information is required to send split transactions.
22:16 Hub Address field. These bits are relevant only if the EPS (speed) field in
the previous DWord indicates this is a Full Speed or Low Speed device. In
that case, the number in this field (and the one immediately above) are used
to store the port number and hub address to which this device is attached.
This information is required to send split transactions.
15:08 Split Completion Mask (uFrame C-Mask) field. This bit mask is relevant
only if the EPS (speed) field in the previous DWord indicates this is a Full
Speed or Low Speed device. If it is a LS or FS device AND if this queue head
is in the Periodic List, then this field is compared against the lower 3 bits of
FRINDEX count to determine when this queue head is a candidate for exe-
07:00 Interrupt Schedule Mask (uFrame S-mask) bit. A value other than 0 in this
register indicates that this is an interrupt endpoint. In that case, the mask
contained in these bits is compared with the lower three bits of FRINDEX
count by the host controller to determine if this queue head is a candidate
for execution.
This field should always be set = 0 if this queue head is in the asynchronous
Current qTD Link Pointer. Offset in the queue head structure: DWord 3.
Table 41: Current qTD Link Pointer Fields
Bit Description
31:05 Current Element Transaction Descriptor Link Pointer field. Physical mem-
ory address bits, 31:05, referencing the current transaction being processed
in the queue
04:00 Reserved.
The last nine DWords in the queue head structure are used as a “working
space” by the host controller to track incremental progress of an active trans-
fer.When the transaction finally completes, key parts of the results are “written
back” to the source qTD being processed. When the next qTD is processed, it is
merged into this space. Refer to the EHCI Specification for the use of the overlay