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Research Paper

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A Research Paper Presented to

Junior High School Department

Lourdes National High School

Lourdes, Panglao, Bohol


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the English 10 Subject


Buli, King Lord O. Clapano, Ellysa Marie L.

Clemen, Psyrose C. Hernandez, Justyna Korryn L.

Dano, Ken Denver M. Loresca, April Rose G.

Luspoc, Kanejoros U.

Pilamen, Jay Cristine I.

Grade – 10 Loyalty

Group 3



As a group, we would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to all those who

contributed to the completion of this research project.

Firstly, to God Almighty for His wisdom and guidance during the process of doing our


To Mrs. Marichile Biosano, for advising and supporting us on this research.

To our Parents, who were really patient and understanding throughout the process of

our research.

To Mr. Kimberly S. Muring, our School Principal, for letting us conduct this research.

To our Participants, the Lourdes National High School Grade 10 students, for providing

us with the data that we needed to finish our research. We are sincerely grateful for your


This page is dedicated to Ma’am Marichile Biosano and Our Parents and most

especially to God Almighty.

In the pursuit of knowledge, you have been our pillars of strength and beacons of wisdom.

Mrs. Marichile Biosano, your mentorship has sculpted our minds, fostering in us a love for

learning and a thirst for knowledge that knows no bounds.

To our cherished parents, your boundless love, unwavering support, and enduring faith

have been our source of inspiration and encouragement. Your sacrifices and guidance have

paved the way for our academic endeavors, instilling in us the values of perseverance,

determination, and resilience.

And to the guiding hand of God, whose divine grace has illuminated our path and blessed

us with opportunities beyond measure, we offer our deepest gratitude. In His infinite wisdom,

He has provided us with the strength and courage to overcome obstacles and the wisdom to

navigate the complexities of academia.

With profound appreciation and heartfelt gratitude, we dedicate this research paper to

you, Mrs. Marichile Biosano, our loving parents, and to the divine presence of God. Your

collective guidance, love, and support have been the cornerstone of our academic journey,

shaping us into the scholars and individuals we are today.


Title page ------------------------------------------------------------ i
Acknowledgments ------------------------------------------------------------ ii
Dedications ------------------------------------------------------------ iii
Abstract ------------------------------------------------------------ vi
List of Figures ------------------------------------------------------------ v
CHAPTER I The Problem and Its Scope 1
Rationale -------------------------------------------------- 2
Theoretical Background -------------------------------------------------- 4
Review of Related Literature------------------------------------------------ 5
Review of Related Studies ------------------------------------------------ 7
Conceptual Framework -------------------------------------------------- 9
Statement of the Problem ----------------------------------------------- 10
Significance of the Study -----------------------------------------------
Research Design ---------------------------------------------- 13
Research Environment ---------------------------------------------- 13
Research Participants ---------------------------------------------- 14
Research Instruments ---------------------------------------------- 14
Research Procedures ---------------------------------------------- 14
DEFINITIONS OF TERMS ---------------------------------------------- 15
REFERENCES ---------------------------------------------- 17
APENDICES ---------------------------------------------- 19
CURICULUM VITAE ---------------------------------------------- 21

This study delves into how teacher's overall health affects the performance of their

students exploring the connection, between educator's mental and emotional well-being and

the success of their pupils. By examining a range of sources from psychology and education

this research investigates the link between teacher welfare and student accomplishments.

Through a blend of research data encompassing both qualitative studies and theoretical

perspectives, it elucidates how teacher well-being influences student success such as

academic results, socio-emotional growth, and engagement in the classroom. The survey

conducted at Lourdes National High School yielded insightful findings regarding the influence

of teachers' well-being on students' achievement: Most students rated the overall well-being of

teachers positively, with a significant portion indicating it as "Good" or "Excellent." This

suggests a generally favorable perception of the teachers' emotional and mental state among

the student body. Influence on Teaching Performance: Almost all surveyed students (over 92%)

believe that teachers' well-being directly affects their teaching performance. This high

percentage underscores the importance students place on the connection between a teacher's

well-being and their ability to effectively deliver instruction. Students' perceptions of their

academic achievement at Lourdes National High School were predominantly positive, with the

majority rating it as "Good" or "Excellent." This indicates a level of satisfaction with their

academic progress within the school environment. A significant majority of students (over 82%)

perceive a correlation between teachers' well-being and students' academic achievement. This

finding suggests that students recognize the impact of teachers' emotional and mental state on

their learning outcomes. Most of the students (over 85%) agree that their teacher's well-being

influences their own academic performance. This acknowledgment by students further

emphasizes the importance of fostering a positive and supportive environment for teachers to

enhance student learning experiences. An overwhelming majority of students (almost 90%)

reported noticing changes in their academic performance based on their teacher's well-being.

This indicates a tangible impact of teachers' emotional and mental state on student outcomes,

as perceived by the students themselves.

Recommendations: The school administration should prioritize initiatives aimed at

supporting teachers' well-being to improve teaching quality and ultimately enhance student

achievement. Implementing specific programs or interventions geared toward promoting

teachers' mental and emotional health could yield positive results for both teachers and

students. Continued monitoring and follow-up surveys could provide valuable insights into the

effectiveness of these initiatives and further inform strategies for enhancing the well-being of

both teachers and students within the school community. The results highlight the role of

promoting and sustaining teacher well-being to create educational environments that enhance

student learning outcomes. Furthermore, it discusses the implications for strategies and

policies emphasizing the significance of prioritizing teacher welfare as an element, in

enhancing student achievement and improving overall education quality.

Keywords: Teachers' well-being, Student achievement, Academic performance, Teacher

stress, Teacher-student relationships, Teacher support, School effectiveness.




"Well-being" or " good health," which is frequently used synonymously with "happiness"

or "life satisfaction," refers to a comprehensive state of fulfillment and contentment in a variety

of spheres of life. It explores the areas of physical health, mental and emotional balance, social

connectedness, and a sense of purpose in addition to going beyond simple material prosperity

or success. The pursuit of well-being has gained importance in today's fast-paced and

frequently stressful environment, attracting the attention of individuals, communities, and

legislators alike.

“Teachers' emotion regulation skills and life satisfaction were associated with students'

well-being: when teachers used cognitive reappraisal, students reported low emotional

distress; when teachers used expressive suppression, students reported a less positive

outlook and peers reported few prosocial behaviors; teachers' life satisfaction was associated

with high levels of prosocial behavior. Effects on the trajectory of student well-being were not

significant”, Summer S. Braun, Kimberly A. Schonert-Reichl, Robert W. Roeser (2022)

According to research, the emotional well-being of a teacher affects a student's

achievement globally and this calls for immediate attention within the Department of

Education's International Affairs Office. “Teachers' workloads may obstruct their ability to be

happy and productive, or any combination of the two. Thus, workload refers to the average

number of hours worked per week and the number of preparations for teaching” Tan (2023).

These additional workloads add stress and problems to teachers. That’s why they should also

think and consider the emotional and physical well-being of the teachers because it is through

these educators who discipline and teach those students who oversee the future.

Our research has noticed that programs, organizations, and actions are absent in this

study. Thus, we choose to investigate this issue to raise such awareness. The existing

research on the influence of teachers' well-being on students' achievement primarily focuses

on general trends and associations, often neglecting the specific contextual factors that may

moderate or mediate this relationship. There is a gap in understanding how diverse school

environments, varying teacher characteristics, and unique student populations can impact the

link between teacher well-being and student achievement.

In conclusion, the study underscores the significant impact of teachers' well-being on

students' achievement at Lourdes National High School. Findings suggest that the mental and

emotional health of educators plays a crucial role in shaping the academic success of their

students. Therefore, investing in strategies to enhance teachers' well-being could improve

educational outcomes and overall school performance. There is an urgent need to pursue this

research through its direct impact on student success, teacher retention, and addressing the

global well-being crisis in education. Through Critical Discourse Analysis, this study aims to

bring understanding to provide evidence-based insights to improve teacher well-being and

student outcomes.
Theoretical Background

This study is anchored on the theory of “Behavioral Learning Theory: Shaping

Students’ Behavior and Learning” (Pavlov). Behaviorism has practical implications for

classroom management, instructional design, and student learning. Teachers can use

behaviorist principles to establish clear expectations, provide immediate feedback, and

reinforce desired behaviors, thereby promoting a positive learning environment and facilitating

student success. However, behaviorism has also faced criticism for its focus on observable

behaviors at the expense of internal cognitive processes and individual differences. Despite

these critiques, behaviorism remains an influential framework for understanding human

behavior and learning.

We use this theory because we want to connect on how the behavior of a person can

greatly affect other people. Circling back to our topic, it shares the similarities in how a

teacher's well-being can influence his/her students. Of course, it is already a given that it will

also affect the student's performance. Additionally, our behaviors and well-being mirror our way

of conversing with other people, but this specific study focuses on the relationship between a

teacher and a student. That’s why we need to provide a better and more positive learning

environment and provide more helping programs not only for the teacher’s well-being but also

for the students.



Review of Related Literature

Teacher well-being is a crucial factor that affects student learning and achievement.

Research suggests that teacher well-being, which includes job satisfaction, emotional well-

being, and mental health, has a small but significant influence on student learning and

achievement. Specifically, teacher well-being is associated with higher student performance on

standardized tests, better teacher-student relationships, and higher levels of student

engagement. The relationship between teacher well-being and student achievement is

mediated by several factors, including teacher engagement, teacher-student relationships, and

teacher quality. Teacher engagement, which refers to the degree to which teachers are

involved and motivated in their work, is positively associated with student achievement.

According to Thornberg, R., Forsberg, C., Hammar Chiriac, E., & Bjereld, Y. (2022), said

that teacher-student relationships, which are characterized by mutual respect, trust, and

positive interactions, are also important for student achievement. Finally, teacher quality, which

includes subject matter knowledge, pedagogical skills, and classroom management, is a

critical factor that influences student achievement. However, there are some concerns about

the methodology used in studies examining the relationship between teacher well-being and

student achievement, particularly regarding causality and generalizability.

Based on the journal of Farhah, I., Irsyad, & Saleh, A. Y., & Safitri, S. (2021), the

teacher's well-being will decrease when work starts to feel unpleasant nor unrewarding. This

happens when teachers begin to think that their duties are no longer in line with their
expectations as teachers. It is said that the teaching profession is a job that demands emotion

and cognition. This is because the teacher must play an active role in responding to the needs

of students inside and outside the classroom. Also, teachers must be able to work

professionally in controlling the emotions they feel during the teaching and learning process or

while in school. Meanwhile, it is also said that emotion is an inseparable part of every

individual. Emotions can impact teacher behavior inside and outside the classroom and are

closely related to the health and well-being of teachers. One research shows that the teaching

profession stands at the second rank out of 25 jobs with the highest physical and emotional


Meidelina, O., Saleh, A. Y., Cathlin, C. A., & Winesa, S. A. (2023) stated, that well-being

can also be referred to as psychological well-being, which focuses on the fulfillment of an

individual’s potential and functioning at an optimal level. Several studies on well-being also

focus on the negative aspects of well-being, therefore analyzing constructs such as burnout,

stress, and emotional exhaustion as well-being indicators. Teacher well-being can also be

understood as diverse and fluid regarding to an individual, family, and community beliefs,

values, experiences, culture, opportunities, and contexts across time and change. There are

several factors that can contribute to teacher well-being, such as resilience and self-efficacy,

emotional intelligence, burnout, student misbehavior, and leadership.

In summary, teacher well-being is an important factor that affects student learning and

achievement. While the relationship between teacher well-being and student achievement is

complex and mediated by several factors, EPs can play a critical role in supporting teacher

well-being and promoting positive effects on student learning.


Review of Related Studies

Teachers have a crucial role in education that goes well beyond just teaching students

material; they are the creators of futures, the guardians of potential, and the cornerstone of

academic achievement. Among the many elements that make up a healthy educational

ecosystem, teachers' well-being stands out as a key component that significantly influences

students' academic progress. This research report summary explores the complex link that

exists between the academic success of students and the well-being of teachers, explaining its

processes, importance, and consequences for the educational environment.

Previous research study, "Teachers Within Public Schools Have Consistently Voiced

Grievances Regarding the Burdensome Paperwork and Administrative Procedures Imposed

upon them”, expressed that the heightened workload detracts from their ability to tend to

familial responsibilities, self-care, and effective teaching practices. Recognizing the pivotal role

teachers occupy in student engagement and academic progress, it becomes imperative to

investigate the link between teacher workload, well-being, and job performance.” They also

shared about this study, “Education Quality Encompasses a Multitude of Elements” that serves

as the foremost measure of educational efficacy and is particularly susceptible to degradation

when the system falters, Tan, Cordova, Lbalasico, Hinampas (2023)

Similarly, this study noted by Zembylas, “Emotions are Closely Intertwined with the

Lives of Teachers” (Zembylas, 2005, p. 468), made us realize how important it is to always be

aware of the well-being of not only our teachers but also to everyone. Teachers encounter a

spectrum of emotions, both positive and negative, in their daily experiences: they feel joy when
a struggling student grasps a challenging concept; satisfaction when students provide correct

answers; delight when witnessing student collaboration; frustration with students' lack of effort;

and anger when classroom rules are violated.

Another valuable job resource that has been investigated in the context of the present

study, “Independence Stands Out as a Key Aspect of Teacher Professionalism, said that

independence has huge effect on teachers’ well-being, and it helped us in making us

understand our teachers’ well-being even better. The Organization for Economic Cooperation

and Development (OECD) emphasizes that autonomy is closely linked to both decision-making

and empowerment, acknowledging teachers' ability to exercise informed professional

judgment. The scope of teacher autonomy, as proposed by Darling-Hammond, encompasses

various areas including curriculum development, instructional planning, assessment strategies,

and classroom management. Examining the significance of teacher autonomy, Wang et al.

conclude that this attribute is strongly correlated with heightened levels of professional

accountability and individual as well as career advancement”.

“Utilizing Feedback Effectively Enhances Student Performance”, as evidenced by a

significant effect size of .70 according to Hattie's meta-analyses in 2017, which helped us

navigate how teachers’ well-being can affect and enhance student performance. Recent

findings by Wisniewski et al. in 2020, drawing from a meta-analysis of 435 studies, underscore

the potency of high-information feedback (i.e., feedback that includes guidance on self-

regulation during the learning process), with an effect size of .99. Nonetheless, the precise

mechanisms through which students leverage this feedback to enhance their learning remain

ambiguous. Following receipt of teacher feedback, students may react in diverse manners that

deviate from the teacher's anticipated responses.


Notably, there is often a significant disjunction between students' and teachers' perceptions

regarding both the quantity and quality of teacher feedback, as documented in studies by

Hattie & Clarke (2019), Price et al. (2010), and Yang (2021).


Profile of respondents is The researchers give our The researchers are

needed by researchers in respondents (Grade 10 hoping that in this
terms of: students) a survey research they conducted,
questionnaire to be they can distinguish the
Age: 15-17 years old
answered, where the origin of the problems and
student at Lourdes
researchers are hoping to find out what is most
National High School
to gather information to efficient way on how to
support their claims and solve this problem that
Gender: Male and conclusions towards the Grade 10 students are
Female students of research problem. facing.

Section: Open to all

Grade 10 sections.

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework


Statement of the Problem

Lourdes National High School is an institution wherein the connection between

teachers' well-being and students' achievement stands as a critical yet underexplored aspect

of educational dynamics. As educators navigate the intricate landscape of imparting knowledge

and nurturing young minds, their well-being can profoundly shape the learning environment. A

teacher's mental and emotional state, job satisfaction, and work-life balance may subtly

influence classroom interactions, instructional quality, and ultimately, student outcomes.

Understanding this intricate interplay is not only essential for fostering a supportive educational

environment but also for optimizing student achievement and well-being. Thus, delving into the

nexus of teachers' well-being and students' achievement at Lourdes National High School

holds promise for enhancing educational practices and outcomes. The main problem of this

study is how a teacher's well-being influences students' achievements. It also attempts to

answer the following research questions:

1. What factors that influence the teachers' well-being on students' achievement in terms of:

a) teaching performance; and

b) students’ academic performance

2. Based on the findings, what recommendation may be proposed?


Significance of the study

This review examines the impact of educators' well-being on student's accomplishments

at Lourdes National High School. To create supportive environments that improve outcomes

for both teachers and students, educators and policymakers must have a clear understanding

of this relationship.

Students. There are a lot of advantages for students in this curriculum. According to research,

kids' academic achievement, motivation, and general well-being may all be directly impacted

by instructors' well-being. Students may benefit from better learning experiences and results if

elements that impact teachers' well-being such as workload, job satisfaction, and support

networks are identified and addressed.

Parents. Supportive parents contribute significantly to their children's education. They have a

stake in making sure their kids get excellent education and assistance at school. Parents who

understand the relationship between teacher well-being and student accomplishment may fight

for policies and practices that emphasize teacher welfare, which will eventually improve their

children's educational achievements.

Teachers. The academic and socioemotional development of students is greatly influenced by

their teachers. However, the demanding nature of teaching can have a detrimental effect on

their health, which could then affect how effective they are in the classroom. Acknowledging

the significance of teacher well-being, educators may put strategies into place that support

work-life balance, self-care, and a healthy school climate, all of which are ultimately

advantageous to both teachers and students.

School Administrators. School administrators must establish environments that facilitate

instruction and learning. Administrators can create policies and initiatives that promote

professional development and teacher support by taking into account the relationship between

teachers' well-being and student accomplishment. Through the cultivation of a positive school

climate, administrators may improve employee satisfaction, retention rates, and ultimately,

academic achievement.

Future Researchers. This study contributes to the existing body of research on teacher well-

being and student achievement, providing valuable insights for future researchers. It opens

avenues for further exploration into the mechanisms underlying the relationship between

teacher well-being and student outcomes, as well as the effectiveness of interventions aimed

at improving teacher well-being. Future research in this area can inform evidence-based

practices and policies to promote positive educational outcomes for all stakeholders.


This study will investigate the relationship between teachers' well-being and students'

academic achievement at Lourdes National High School. Understanding how teachers' well-

being influences understudy results is vital for instructive teachers to create compelling

procedures for advancing both the instructor and understudy victory.

Research Design

We use descriptive research design in this specific research study, to gather qualitative

data on both teachers' well-being and students' academic achievement. The descriptive design

allows for the systematic observation and documentation of existing conditions without

manipulation or intervention. This research design is suitable for the aim of determining the

well-being of teachers and how it influences students' achievements.

Research Environment

The Lourdes National High School in Panglao, Bohol, serves as the settling for this

investigation. Due to the presence of courteous and respectful students and teachers at

Lourdes National High School, our team is able to effectively collect, analyze, and

communicate data. It is a well-known secondary school in Bohol Division and Panglao. As part

of the Tourism Program, it has a three-phase Tourism Facility. In addition, it stands out as one

of the best schools not only in the Bohol Division but also in a variety of competitions, including

national competitions.
Figure 2. Map of Lourdes National High School-Panglao

Sampling Technique

This study will involve all Grade 10 students currently enrolled at Lourdes National High

School. To make sure that the data appropriately represents the full population, a total

identification strategy will be used.

Data Gathering

Seeking Permission to Conduct the Study. The researchers ask permission from the Grade-

10 students to allow in administering the distribution of the questionnaire.

Preparation of the Questionnaires. The researchers will create a questionnaire for the

respondents, then after the data is gathered it will be checked and validated.

Data Processing Method. The researchers will survey the sample and they will tally each

item according to the data gathered.



The main tool we will use is a survey questionnaire. It consists of the conclusion of the

majority decision among the participants’ answers. Directions throughout the survey are clearly

stated in the format wherein 7 questions were presented. Multiple choices and ratings answer

the questionnaire. This questionnaire will be presented to the adviser for comments,

suggestions, and any corrections on its contents.

Ethical Considerations

Informed consent will be obtained from all participants, and data will be anonymized to

maintain confidentiality.


1. The study's findings may be limited to the specific context of Lourdes National High

School and may not be generalizable to other educational institutions.

2. The self-report nature of the well-being assessment questionnaire may introduce

response bias.

3. External factors beyond the scope of this study, such as home environment and

community support, may also influence students' academic achievement.

This study uses a descriptive research approach to shed light on how instructors' well-

being affects the academic achievement of learners at Lourdes National High School. The

results will aid in the creation of research-based tactics that will benefit educators and

students in learning environments.


1. Influence – This word signifies the impact or effect that teacher well-being has on

student achievement.

2. Teacher Well-being – Refers to the overall state of happiness, satisfaction, and

fulfillment experienced by teachers in their professional lives.

3. Student achievement – This represents the academic performance and outcomes of

students, including grades, test scores, and educational success.

4. Delves – The degree to which teachers effectively investigate and explore different

angles of their claim well-being, counting physical, passionate, and mental well-being,

and how these investigations affect their educating hones and intelligence with


5. Connection - The quality of interpersonal connections built up between teachers and

students, characterized by belief, sympathy, and common understanding, which

contribute to a strong learning environment and improved scholarly execution.

6. Academic - Relating to the instructive environment and exercises inside Lourdes

National High School, counting educational modules, instruction, evaluation, and in

general understudy learning results.

7. Welfare - The all-encompassing well-being of teachers, including physical well-being,

mental well-being, work fulfillment, and general quality of life, and its impact on their

adequacy within the classroom and students' scholarly victory.

8. Emotions - The run and escalated of sentiments experienced by teachers and students

inside the instructive setting, counting feelings such as joy, dissatisfaction, eagerness,

and uneasiness, and their effect on instructing and learning forms.


9. Understanding - The profundity of comprehension and knowledge accomplished by

teachers concerning the relationship between their claim well-being and students'

scholarly accomplishment, as well as the instruments through which teachers' well-

being impacts student's results.

10. Experience - The aggregate information, abilities, and bits of knowledge picked up by

teachers through their proficiency hone and individual development, counting their

understanding of the associations between well-being and academic accomplishment

within the setting of Lourdes National High School.

11. Significance - The importance and pertinence of teachers' well-being in connection to

students' scholastic victory, recognizing its potential to affect instructing adequacy,

understudy engagement, and overall school execution emphatically or contrarily.

12. Performance - The quantifiable results and accomplishments of both teachers and

students inside the educational setting, counting scholarly grades, standardized test

scores, participation rates, and other pointers of learning and guidelines adequacy.

13. Relationship - The energetic intuition and associations between instructors and

understudies, as well as among colleagues and school staff, are characterized by

communication, collaboration, and bolster, and their impact on understudy

accomplishment and instructor well-being.

14. Enhancing - The method of progressing and optimizing different perspectives of

teacher well-being and understudy accomplishment focused on interventions, back

components, and organizational arrangements actualized inside Lourdes National High


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22, 2024


School Principal
Lourdes National High School
Panglao, Bohol

Dear Dr., Muring,

We, the students of Grade-10 Loyalty are humbly writing to you to request permission to
conduct a research study titled "Influence of Teachers' Well-being on Students' Achievement"
at Lourdes National High School. This study aims to explore the relationship between teacher
well-being and student academic success.

The research will involve surveys and interviews with teachers and students, conducted
with confidentiality and ethical considerations in mind. The findings will inform strategies to
support our educators and enhance the learning environment.

We are committed to following any guidelines you suggest and welcome your input. Your
approval would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for considering our request. God Bless.


The Researchers

Noted: Approved:


English 10 Teacher Secondary School Principal




April 22, 2024

Participants Name:
Lourdes National High School

Dear Participant,

We are writing to formally invite you to participate in a research study conducted by the
Group 3 researchers of Grade 10 Loyalty. Your involvement will significantly contribute to our
research objectives.

Your participation is entirely voluntary, and all information provided will be treated with
strict confidentiality. By agreeing to participate, you consent to the collection of data and the
use of anonymized excerpts in our research findings.

Thank you for considering this invitation to participate in our study.


The Researchers

Noted: Approved:


English 10 Teacher Secondary School Principal
Survey Form

Influence of Teachers' Well-being on Students' Achievement

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback will contribute to understanding
the relationship between teachers' well-being and students' achievement at Lourdes National
High School. Please answer the following questions honestly and to the best of your ability.
Personal Information
Grade Level:

1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate the overall well-being of teachers at Lourdes

National High School?

[ ] 1 - Very poor

[ ] 2 - Poor

[ ] 3 - Average

[ ] 4 - Good

[ ] 5 - Excellent

Impact on Teaching Performance:

2. Do you believe that teachers' well-being influences their teaching performance? [ ] Yes [ ] No

Students' Academic Achievement:

3.On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate the overall academic achievement of students at

Lourdes National High School?

[ ] 1 - Very poor

[ ] 2 - Poor

[ ] 3 - Average

[ ] 4 - Good

[ ] 5 - Excellent

4.Do you think there is a correlation between teachers'

well-being and students' academic achievement? [ ] Yes [ ] No

5.Do you feel that your teacher’s well-being affects your academic performance?

o Strongly Agree

o Agree

o Disagree

o Strongly Disagree

6. Have you noticed any changes in your academic performance based on your teacher’s well-

being? [ ] Yes [ ] No


Name: Kane Joros U. Luspoc

Nickname: Kenny

Date of birth: November 18, 2007

Resident: Looc, Panglao, Bohol

Civil status: Single

Religion: Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino

Father’s Name: Joer Abajar Luspoc

Mother’s Name: Rosalinda Luspoc


Elementary: North Elementary School

Secondary: Lourdes National High School

Grade: 10

Section: Loyalty

Motto: “Having good friends is the best way to succeed.”



Name: Psyrose C. Clemen

Nickname: Rozze

Date of birth: August 15, 2008

Resident: Doljo, Panglao, Bohol

Civil status: Single

Religion: Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino

Father’s Name: Philip Clemen

Mother’s Name: Lea Clemen


Elementary: Doljo Elementary School

Secondary: Lourdes National High School

Grade: 10

Section: Loyalty

Motto: “Every success story starts with a dream”


Name: April Rose G. Loresca

Nickname: Pril

Date of birth: April 07, 2008

Resident: Libaong, Panglao, Bohol

Civil status: Single

Religion: Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino

Father’s Name: Marcelino Loresca

Mother’s Name: Merlyn Gayunan


Elementary: Libaong Elementary School

Secondary: Lourdes National High School

Grade: 10

Section: Loyalty

Motto: “We may encounter many defeats, but we must not be defeated.”



Name: Justyna Korryn L. Hernandez

Nickname: Tyna

Date of birth: August 22, 2007

Resident: Tinago, Dauis, Bohol

Civil status: Single

Religion: Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino

Father’s Name: Herman B. Hernandez

Mother’s Name: Eva L. Hernandez


Elementary: San Roque Dau Elementary School

Secondary: Lourdes National High School

Grade: 10

Section: Loyalty

Motto: “Everything happens for a reason”


Name: Ken Denver M. Dano

Nickname: KD

Date of birth: January 12, 2008

Resident: Tinago, Dauis, Bohol

Civil status: Single

Religion: Jehovah's Witnesses

Citizenship: Filipino

Father’s Name: Ariel A. Dano

Mother’s Name: Rosalie M. Dano


Elementary: Mariveles Elementary School

Secondary: Lourdes National High School

Grade: 10

Section: Loyalty

Motto: "You will take your error as your first lesson and redo it until you become successful"



Name: King Lord O. Buli

Nickname: Lord

Date of birth: July 12, 2008

Resident: Tinago, Dauis, Bohol

Civil status: Single

Religion: Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino

Father’s Name: Jorge Buli

Mothers Name: Analisa Buli


Elementary: Tinago Elementary School

Secondary: Lourdes National High School

Grade: 10

Section: loyalty

Motto: “Your life only gets better when you get better.”


Name: Ellysa Marie L. Clapano

Nickname: Lysa

Date of birth: October 17, 2008

Resident: Tawala, Panglao Bohol

Civil Status: Single

Religion: Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino

Father's Name: Erwin B. Clapano

Mothers Name: Maricel U. Clapano


Elementary School: Tawala Elementary School

Secondary School: Lourdes National Highschool

Grade: 10

Section: Loyalty

MOTTO: “All you need is to believe in yourself”



Name: Jay Cristine I. Pilamen

Nickname: Jay

Date of birth: November 2, 2007

Resident: Danao, Panglao, Bohol

Civil status: Single

Religion: Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino

Father's Name: Jennifer Pilamen

Mother's Name: Jeraldine Pilamen


Elementary: Danao Elementary School

Secondary: Lourdes National High School


Section: Loyalty

Motto: “Study hard to get a good job”

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