Child e s so ial a d ultu al e i o e ts ill affe t the extent and use of their oral language. A large number of
children come from homes in which English is not the primary language spoken. The most significant variation
among children, however, will be in the amount and quality of their previous literacy experiences. Some children will
have read regularly and will be familiar with many books and stories. Their homes are literate environments in which
reading and writing occur daily and are frequently modeled, as they observe their parents and others reading
newspapers, magazines, and books and writing letters, notes and lists. Such children are likely to emulate these
behaviours. In contrast, other children will come to preschool or kindergarten with very different experiences. They
have seen print in the environment (on street signs and food containers, for example) and on television. However,
their parents have not read to them, and they have not seen reading and writing modeled functionally by adults.
Effe ti e ea l lite a p og a e a k o ledge a d e te d hild e s p e ious e pe ie es, hate e the a e, a d
relate them to the world of print.
On the basis of your reading of the above passage, answer the following questions: 5
3. The Zonal Exhibition On Art and Craft was held in your school. Mentioning the aim of the exhibition, the number of
participating schools, the activities such as doll making, rakhi making and thali decoration competitions held, write a
letter to your aunt in 120-150 words. You are the Zonal Convener of the event. (5marks)
You are Raman/Deepika , a student of a School in Patna. You have come across the following data of internet users in
I dia. You feel E ess of A thi g is Bad . Chatti g o I te et , usi g so ial sites su h as Fa e ook, hat s app, e
chat, Yahoo etc., lead to neglect of studies and wastage of time on the part of students. Prepare a speech to be
delivered in the morning assembly of your school highlighting this increasing tendency among students and advising
them to impose self-restrictions on themselves.
4.Write the story based on the visual clue in about 80-100 words.
Begins: I was reading a book when I looked up. There in the window I saw---------------------------
(10 marks)
5.Choose the most appropriate option from the ones given below to complete the following passage: (3 marks)
6.The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction
in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. Underline the word that you have supplied. (4 marks)
Incorrect Correct
7. Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraph that follow: (3marks)
Prateek asked Aaryan (a)__________. Aaryan replied that he wanted to take science in the next class . Prateek further
asked him (b)____________. To this Aaryan replied (c ) _________________.
I a ied a ea ago said Joh , I told ou I uilt a house i the East E d. The elted I ea the Colo el – is there , too
.I find him waiting at the gate whenever I get back from a trip to hear any new story, I might have picked up on the
oad , (1x3=3 marks)
(i) Why was Mrs. Bramble proud of bringing such a prodigy as Harold into the world?
(ii) How did Private Quelch badger the instructors with questions?
(iii) Why is the last stage of life is alled se o d hildish ess? Gi e a easo ed a s e .
The pla The Bishop s Ca dlesti ks has a defi ite essage fo the eade s: Viole e a d to tu e a o e ta a
i to a ild east ut lo e a d s path a esto e his faith i God a d hu a it . E plai .
Ho did the poet pa e the a fo a ities, aps a d de a ? Wh a d he as his conscience picked? What
message does the poem give to its readers?
11. Answer the following questions in about 150-200 words: (10 marks)
What do you think about Harris as a cook? Write your opinion in reference to the incident of making scrambled eggs.
Describe the humour involved in the incident when J. and others hired a double selling skiff named The Pride of the
Thames up the river.
Gulliver satirizes the European system while talking to the Houyhnhnms master. Explain.
Captain William Robinson, commander of the ship Hopewell, had farsightedness. Prove citing examples from the text.
12. Answer the following questions in 80-120 words with the reference to the OTBA
material. [5+5 = 10]