QP 1560
QP 1560
QP 1560
MCQs (1×20=20)
1. Match the items given in column A with those in column B. Choose the correct answer 1
from the options given below.
a. Richard M.Hoe I. Mythological painting
b. Penny Magazine II. Pictures of the floating world
c. Ravi Varma Press III. Power driven cylindrical press
d. Kitagawa Utamaro IV. Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
A. a-IV, b-II, c-I, d-III
B. a-III, b-II, c-IV, d-I
C. a-II, b-IV, c-III, d-I
D. a-III, b-IV, c-I, d-II
2. There are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Mark your answer as 1
per the codes provided below:
Assertion (A): When the supply of wheat was disrupted during the First World War,
wheat production in Canada, America and Australia expanded dramatically.
Reason (R): Before the First World War, Asia was a major supplier of wheat in the
world market.
A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
B. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
C. A is true but R is false.
D. A is false but R is true.
B. II, I, III & IV
C. III, II, IV, & I
D. II, III, IV & I
6. Correct the following statement and rewrite. 1
Bauxite deposits are formed by the decomposition of a wide variety of rocks rich in mica
7. Match the items given in column A with those in column B. Choose the correct 1
answer from the options given below.
a. Ravines I. Western Himalayas
b. Terrace Farming II. Deccan Plateau
c. Shelter Belts III. Chambal
d. Red Soil IV. Western India
A. a-II, b-I, c-IV, d-III
B. a-IV, b-III, c-I, d-II
C. a-IV, b-III, c-II, d-I
D. a-III, b-I, c-IV, d-II
8. Which one of the following options best signifies the picture given below? 1
10. There are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Mark your answer as 1
per the codes provided below:
Assertion (A): Community government helped to avoid civic strife between the two
major communities in Belgium.
12. Division of power between higher and lower level of government is known as 1
A. Horizontal distribution power
B. Community distribution of power
C. Coalition of power
D. Federal division of power
13. Choose the INCORRECT statement in context to the functions of the political parties. 1
A. To contest elections
B. To act as an opposition party
C. To reflect fundamental division in a society
D. To shape public opinion
17. There are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Mark your answer as 1
per the codes provided below:
Assertion (A): In certain areas government has to undertake heavy spending to ensure
that facilities are available to everyone in the society.
Reason (R): Some of the things needed by the society, require spending large sums of
money which is beyond the capacity of the private sector.
A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
B. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
C. A is true but R is false.
D. A is false but R is true
18. Arrange the following in chronological order: 1
I. The biscuit company makes packets of biscuits.
II. The mill grinds the wheat and sells the flour to a biscuit company.
III. Farmer sells wheat to a flour mill.
IV. The biscuit company sells the biscuits to the consumer in the market.
A. I, II, III & IV
B. IV, III, II & I
C. III, II, I & IV
D. IV, II, III & I
19. Absenteeism is one of the most basic indicators of – to what extent the educational needs 1
of students are met by schools. If the students are turning their back on the education
they are provided, it means that we need to ask ourselves, “Is something happening in
our schools and classrooms that distract students from education?” (Shute & Cooper,
Source: International Journal of Instruction (January 2016, Vol.9, No.1)
The researchers are MOST LIKELY referring to the factors that affect __________.
A. average income
B. net attendance ratio
C. public distribution system
D. net state domestic product
20. Which one of the following best describes Human Development Index (HDI)? 1
A. Improvement in science, information and technology.
B. Improvement in health, education and income.
C. Improvement in information and communication.
D. Improvement in investment, finance and technology.
21. Write about the need for G-77 and the circumstances which led to its formation. 2
22. Give any two reasons for breaking down of the caste hierarchy in India. 2
23. Mention the two ways of rainwater harvesting in different physiographic regions of 2
State two social movements which started against multi-purpose projects. Why do the
local communities oppose the multi- purpose projects?
24. Anjana works as a domestic helper and earns a meagre income. She is a single parent of 2
two children aged 5yrs. and 8 yrs. Respectively. Her mother is 76 years old and is a
patient of arthritis. State any two developmental goals of Anjana.
25. Elucidate with examples, the role of industrialists in the freedom struggle of India. 3
Describe the main features of the „Salt March‟ by tracing the chain of events which led
to this popular movement.
26. What are the factors that play an important role in influencing the economic viability of 3
a mineral reserve?
27. Explain the values which a borrower should observe for the proper use of loan taken. 3
28. Elaborate on any three ways in which democracy has been able to reduce inequality 3
among the disadvantaged and discriminated sections in India.
29. What steps should be taken by the government to protect workers in the unorganised 3
30. „The idealistic liberal – democratic sentiment of nationalism became a narrow creed with 5
limited ends‟. Support the statement in context to Balkan nationalism in the nineteenth
Analyse the significance of portraying nations as female figures by the European artists
in the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries with suitable examples.
31. „The challenge of sustainable development requires control over industrial pollution‟. 5
Substantiate the statement with examples.
„The economic strength of a country is measured by the development of manufacturing
Industries‟. Justify the statement with examples.
32. Lack of internal democracy is one of the major challenges faced by the political parties 5
in the present era. Justify your answer in the light of the given statement.
Suggest and explain the reforms to strengthen the working of political parties in India.
33. What is meant by Globalisation? Elaborate on the positive impact of Globalisation in 5
What are Multi-National Corporations (MNCs)? State any four factors that an MNC will
consider before setting up its production units in a different country.
34. Read the given extract and answer the following questions: 4
The new gomasthas were outsiders, with no long-term social link with the village. They
acted arrogantly, marched into villages with sepoys and peons, and punished weavers for
delays in supply – often beating and flogging them. The weavers lost the space to
bargain for prices and sell to different buyers: the price they received from the Company
was miserably low and the loans they had accepted tied them to the Company.
In many places in Carnatic and Bengal, weavers deserted villages and migrated, setting
up looms in other villages where they had some family relation. Elsewhere, weavers
along with the village traders revolted, opposing the Company and its officials. Over
time many weavers began refusing loans, closing down their workshops and taking to
agricultural labour. By the turn of the nineteenth century, cotton weavers faced a new set
of problems.
34.1 Analyse the reason for the appointment of „Gomastha‟ by the East India Company. 1
34.2 State any one reason for the desertion and migration of weavers from many places 1
in Carnatic and Bengal.
34.3 Mention any two problems the weavers faced by the turn of the nineteenth century 2
in India.
35. Read the given extract and answer the following questions: 4
Ever since humans appeared on the earth, they have used different means of
communication. But, the pace of change has been rapid in modern times. Long distance
communication is far easier without physical movement of the communicator or
receiver. Personal communication and mass communication including television, radio,
press, films, etc. are the major means of communication in the country. The Indian postal
network is the largest in the world. It handles parcels as well as personal written
communications. Cards and envelopes are considered first-class mail and are airlifted
between stations covering both land and air. The second-class mail includes book
packets, registered newspapers and periodicals. They are carried by surface mail,
covering land and water transport. To facilitate quick delivery of mails in large towns
and cities, six mail channels have been introduced recently. They are called Rajdhani
Channel, Metro Channel, Green Channel, Business Channel, Bulk Mail Channel and
Periodical Channel.
36. Read the given extract and answer the following questions: 4
Power sharing arrangements can also be seen in the way political parties, pressure
groups and movements control or influence those in power. In a democracy, the citizens
must have freedom to choose among various contenders for power. In contemporary
democracies, this takes the form of competition among different parties. Such
competition ensures that power does not remain in one hand. In the long run, power is
shared among different political parties that represent different ideologies and social
groups. Sometimes this kind of sharing can be direct, when two or more parties form an
alliance to contest elections. If their alliance is elected, they form a coalition government
and thus share power. In a democracy, we find interest groups such as those of traders,
businessmen, industrialists, farmers and industrial workers. They also will have a share
in governmental power, either through participation in governmental committees or
bringing influence on the decision-making process.
37. 37 a. Two places A and B have been marked on the given political outline map of India. 2
Identify them and write their correct names on the lines drawn near them.
A.The place where Mahatma Gandhi inspired peasants to struggle against the
Indigo plantation system.
B. The place where Jallianwala Bagh massacre took place.
37 b. On the same outline map of India locate and label any THREE of the following
with suitable symbols. 3
a. Tehri Dam
b. Tuticorin Port
c. Noida Software Technology Park
d. Namrup Thermal Power Plant
e. Tarapur Nuclear Power Plant