Bedtime and Waking Up Duas
Bedtime and Waking Up Duas
Bedtime and Waking Up Duas
Convert the hours we sleep, into time spent in HIS 'Obedience & Worship', by being attentive to these matters.....
1.Highly emphasized to do Ablutions /wudhoo before going to sleep. A person sleeping in the state of having performed Wudhoo gets the
reward of having done worship for the whole night.
2.The Prophet (saws) informed his daughter Fatima (sa) that before going to bed she should do 4 things(i-iv)
i)Recite Sura Ikhlass 3 times.This is like Reciting full Quran
ii)Recite Salwaat 10 times This will get intercession from Prophets
5. Recite this 3 times equals to reciting 1000 rakat.Imam Ali(as) reports from the Prophet(saws)
َالَّلُهَّم ٱْح َفْظ يِن يِف َمَناِمي َويِف َيَقَظ يِت
Imam al-Sadiq (as) is reported to have said,
i. “Whoever repeats Surah al-Tawhid (No. 112) one hundred times before he goes to sleep, Almighty Allah will forgive him the sins of fifty
ii. Recite Surah al-Kafirun (No. 109) and Surah al-Tawhid before he goes to sleep…
iii.whoever recites 100 times Laa Ilaaha Illallaah at bed-time Allaah shall make a house for him/her in Paradise, and whoever recites 100
times Istighfaar, his/her sins shall be forgiven in such quantity as the falling leaves of a tree.
iv. Recite the Sura Qadr -Inna anzalna eleven times and also sura Ikhlas eleven times. One who does this, will be pardoned his sins during
the next fifty years.
v.If someone sees disturbing dreams, he should recite the maoozatain, that is, Qul aaoozo berabbil falaq & Qul aaoozo Berabbil Naas
before going to bed. 2/2