Ijciet 08 05 093
Ijciet 08 05 093
Ijciet 08 05 093
MD Khaleel
Department of Aeronautical Engineering, MLR Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, India.
S. Jaswanth
Student, Department of Aeronautical Engineering, MLR Institute of Technology Hyderabad,
The project is focused on the modeling and analysis of winglet of aircraft. In
aerodynamic engineering, drag reduction is a big challenge. To reduce drag a device
called winglet which is placed vertically at set of angle on the end of aircraft wing.
Winglet design will reduce the fuel consuming by reducing the aircraft drag and
makes the aircraft more stable during flight, also it will give the aircraft engine
longer life by reducing the load on the engine thrust. The aim is to design and
simulate a model of winglet for aircraft by using software such as CATIA -V5 which is
used to construct the winglet models and ANSYS is used to test and simulate the
winglet model. With winglet and without winglet is analyzed by changing the cant
angles, results are compared and plotted. Winglets are an important part of an
aircraft because it lowers the amount of drag and increases the fuel efficiency by
using less energy by reducing wing-tip vortices. Winglet played very important role in
improving the aircraft performance.
Key words: Winglet, wingtip vortices, Comparison
Cite this Article: Alka Sawale, MD Khaleel and S. Jaswanth Design and Analysis of
Winglet. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 8(5), 2017, pp.
A winglet is a device used to improve the efficiency of aircraft by lowering the lift induced
drag caused by wingtip vortices. It is a vertical or angled extension at the tips of each wing.
Winglets improve efficiency by diffusing the shed wingtip vortex, which in turn reduces the
drag due to lift and improves the wing’s lift over drag ratio Winglets increase the effective
aspect ratio of a wing without adding greatly to the structural stress and hence necessary
weight of its structure.
CATIA means (Computer Aided Three-Dimensional Interactive Application) started as an in-
house development in 1977 by French aircraft manufacturer Avions Marcel Dassault, at that
time customer of the CAD/CAM CAD software to develop Dassault's Mirage fighter jet. It
was later adopted in the aerospace, automotive, shipbuilding, and other industries. Initially
named CATI (Conception Assistee Tri dimensional Interactive – French for Interactive Aided
Three-dimensional Design), it was renamed CATIA in 1981 when Dassault created a
subsidiary to develop and sell the software and signed a non-exclusive distribution agreement
with IBM.
3.1. Wing Dimensions
• Tapered wing
• Chord length : 7000mm
• span : 35800mm
Figure 3 winglet at cant angle 150 Figure 4 3D view winglet at cant angle 150
ANSYS provides a comprehensive suite of computational fluid dynamics software for
modeling fluid flow and other related physical phenomena. It offers unparalleled fluid flow
analysis capabilities, providing all the tools needed to design and optimize new fluids
equipment and to troubleshoot existing installations. The primary ANSYS products in the
fluids area are ANSYS Fluent and ANSYS CFX.
4.1 Meshing
4.1.1. Mesh Procedure
The mesh details of the as follows:
• Element type : Unstructured Tetra elements
• Total elements : 2757733
• Total nodes : 491323
• Geometry
• physics preference: CFD
• Solver Preference: Fluent
• Select all the surface required to carry the mesh
Apply front geometry for two sides as air inlet and air outlet as show in fig., after meshing
the selection of boundary conditions is made. The selected boundary conditions are
represented in the Table below.
These are the ANSYS result .For wing with winglet at different angles
0.0336 With Winglet
Without Winglet
0 20 40 60 80
0.0335 Without
With Winglet
0 20 40 60 80
Based on the CFD results for NACA 2412 and swept back when used blended winglets we
observed 4 to 10 percent reduction for Mach regime 0.5 and 0.6, however we observed the
overall aerodynamic efficiency and change in lift production for both with and without
winglets are minimum. We observed induced drag reduced 10 to 15 percent linearly for 50
percent we observe slight increase in L/D compared to its prior to its preceding cant angles
(that at 50 deg). However wing configuration with winglets has less induced drag compared
to wings without winglets. Further work has to be done on other winglets such as sharklets,
spoired winglets etc and compare those results with these results and with theirs and
evaluated best winglets for certain configuration and flow regime. Similarly other type of
wing configuration and airfoil need to be studied and understood. Especially all the above
activities had to be carried out close to transonic and supersonic regimes where necessities of
winglets are much required.
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