Teks MC
Teks MC
Teks MC
The Honorable Head of SMA Negeri 1 Salaman, Mr. Sumarsono, S.Pd., M. Eng.
My respected Deputy Head of Student Affairs Mr. Arifin Hanafi, S.Pd.
My respects, Mr. Iqbal Salman Abdurrahman as the speaker at today's activity
My respects, Mr. Anton Suhartaji, S. Pd. And Mrs. Erna Setyowati, S. Pd as the English Club
Extracurricular Advisor.
My respects, Mr. / Mrs. MPO and friends of workshop participants who have attended the
Public Speaking Workshop today.
First of all, let us give thanks to Allah SWT who has bestowed his grace, taufiq, and guidance
to all of us, so that we can attend this Public Speaking Workshop.
Not to forget, sholawat and salam, we send to our lord the Great Prophet Muhammad SAW
whom we look forward to his intercession in the yaumul kiyamah later. Aamin...
Before the event begins, please allow me Ayessza Lathifa Dara as the host to read the
schedule of the Public Speaking Workshop which will be held this afternoon with the theme
"Advantages of Learning English for the Future".
1. Opening
2. Singing Indonesia Raya Song and SMAN 1 Salaman Mars
3. Speech
4. Submission of Material
5. Question and Answer Session
6. Break
7. Conclusion
8. Closing
Entering the first event, the opening, let us open this event by reading the basmalah together.
The second event is singing the Indonesia Raya song and the Mars of SMA Negeri 1
Salaman. All attendees are requested to stand.
Thank you to Mr. Sumarsono, S. Pd., M. Eng for the speech that have been given.
The next program is speech from the deputy head of student affairs, Mr. Arifin Hanafi S.Pd.
to Mr. Arifin Hanafi, we welcome you.
Next we will enter the main event, namely the delivery of the material "Advantages of
Learning English for the Future" by Kak Iqbal Salman Abdurrahman as well as a question
and answer session which will be guided by our moderator, Mayliesya Putri. I would like to
welcome Mayliesya Putri.
I would like to thank Mr. Iqbal Salman Abdurrahman for his presentation about "Advantages
of Learning English for the Future" this afternoon. From the material that has been delivered
by Iqbal, we know more about the benefits of learning and exploring more about English for
the future of all of us... I would also like to thank Mayliesya Putri for being our moderator
Furthermore, the activity will be paused for the implementation of ishoma / rest until ... the
audience is allowed to leave the room.
Back again with me Syifa Faatihatu Nafiza in the Public Speaking Workshop "Advantages of
Learning English for the Future", before we enter the last event we will listen to the message
and impression from Kak Iqbal for today's workshop.
Well thank you once again for Iqbal who has taken the time to be with us and give the
impression of a message and a lot of lessons for all of us.
As we come to the end of the program, namely the closing, let us close today's activities with
hamdalah together. Alhamdulillahirobillalamin.
I would also like to thank all the teachers, and all of you for attending the Public Speaking
Workshop "Advantages of Learning English for the Future" today.
I, Ayessza Lathifa Dara, apologize if there are any mistakes during the event. I end it....