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upAsanA During Apat Kala

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upAsanA during Apat kAla (आपत्काल)

During Apat kAla - time of distress / hard times / emergency/curfew etc, when it is
impossible to perform elaborate nityArAdhanA ( daily rituals) or nAimitikA anushtAnAs
(Occasional Obligatory observances) such as the navarAtrOtsava, due to the insufficient
supply of pUjA dravyAs, flowers, fruits and other essentials means for devatArAdhanA,
One should indulge in bhagavat nAma smaranA,mAnasikA pUjA , japA and dhyAnA.
dwIjAs should indulge in sahasra gAyatrI japAs during these period. Even if one has been
initiated into panchadashI or shodashI, he should never neglect sandyOpAsanA and
gAyatrI japA.

āpatkāle nitya pūjāṃ vistārāt kartumakshamAh |

ekavāraṃ japa dhyānam sarva pūjā phalaṃ labhet |

For a shrIvidyOpAsakA, if nityA navAvaranArchana could not be done in time of

distress / emergency, he must atleast recite the shuddha shakti mAlA mantra
(khaDgamAlA) which grants the benefits of performing a complete navAvaranArchana.
One must bear in mind that this only applies during ApatkAlam and not a tool to mitigate
voluntary omission of nityArAdhana owing to laziness. The upAsakA should indulge in
japa sAdhanA during this period. An additional 1000 recitation of panchadashI/ shOdashI
mantras has to be done as prayAschittA (for omission of nityArAdhanA).

One may recite the mantra mAtrukA pushpamAlA stavA or dEvI chatusshashti upachAra
pUjA stOtrA to derive the benefits of worshiping dEvI with 64 upachArAs.

One dEvI mAhAtmya pArAyanA is equivalent to a year long upAsanA

sarvaṃ mamaitan māhātmyaṃ mama sannidhikārakam

Paśu puśhpārghya dhūpaiśca gandha dīpais tathottamaiḥ|
viprāṇāṃ bhojanair homaiḥ prokśhaṇīyair aharniśam|
anyaiśca vividhair bhogaiḥ pradānair vatsareṇa yā||
prītir me kriyate sāsmin sakṛduccarite śrute|
śrutaṃ harati pāpāni tathārogyaṃ prayacChati||

bhagavatI candikA Herself had declared in the dEvI mAhAtmyA, that the pArayAnA of
dEvI mAhAtmyam facilitates her sAnnidhyA and the felicity derived from a yearlong of
offerings of the finest variety of pushpa( flowers), hOmAs ( fire oblations), dhUpa
(incenses) gandha ( perfumes), dIpa ( lamps or vipra bhOjana ( feeding of brAhmanAs or
pious upAsakAs), sacrifices, prokshana ( sprinkling of consecrated waters) vividhair
bhOgaIh ( offerings of other enjoyable objects) every day to devi, is equally derived by
dEvI by the recitation dEvI mAhAtmyA. All evils are mitigated and freedon from diseases
obtained by just listening to the dEvI mAhAtmya pArAyanA.

Does insufficient supply of pushpa and puja dravya hinders your upAsanA during this
Not at all. We have been graced with the time and luxury to indulge in long hours of japA
sAdhanA, dEvI mAhAtmyA pArAyanA, and various sahasranAmA pArAyAnA without
the need to take additional leaves from office due to the Lock down policy of various
countries. Take this as a blessings in disguise to spend more time in sAdhAnA. The pomp
and grandeur may be missing due to the absence of garland supply and flower supply but
what matters is the devotion and sAdhanA done during this period. This is a good time to
indulge in mantra purascharanas. It could be the 'will' of dEvI to encourage upAsakAs to
indulge in proper upAsanA without dambhA and AdambarA

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