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Ilp Semester4 2024

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Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program

Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) – Teacher Leader Project

Revised January 2024
The ILP should be completed with Mentor input. Complete blue cells prior to classroom implementation. Complete orange cells
after the POP Cycle is completed. Cells will expand as needed. When submitting completed ILP to instructor, please include copies
of all instructional resources, including Google Survey used for assessment of audience satisfaction.
Section 1: New Teacher Information
New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade Level
Elizabeth Munsell emunsell@fjuhsd.org English 9
Mentor Email School/District Date
Kellie Ma kma@fjuhsd.org FJUHSD 02/19/24
Section 2: CSTP Focus
Identify 2-3 CSTP elements in which you are at least at the applying level for ILP focus. Use most recent CSTP Assessment. Identify
both teacher and student rating for CSTP 1 and 2. See example.
Emerging, Exploring, Applying, Integrating, Innovating

Rating Description
CSTP Element Initial
T– T - Supports students to initiate critical thinking through independently developing
1.5 Integrating questions, posing problems and reflecting on multiple perspectives
S – Applying
problem S - Students respond to questions and problems posed by the teacher and begin to pose
solving, and and solve problems of their own related to the content
Use a variety of
instructional T- Creates, adapts, and integrates a broad range of strategies, resources, and technologies into
instruction designed to meet students’ diverse learning needs.
resources, and T- Integrating
technologies to S- Integrating
meet students’ S- Students actively engage in instruction and make use of a variety of targeted strategies,
diverse learning resources, and technologies to meet their individual students needs.
Promote social
within a caring T- Applying T- Reinforces positive, responsible, and respectful student interactions. Assists students to resolve
community S- Applying conflicts. Incorporates cultural awareness to develop a positive classroom climate
where each
student is
treated fairly
and respectfully
physical or T- Maintains physical environments that reflect student diversity and provides a broad range of
virtual learning resources, displays,and artifacts that are current and integral to instruction. Integrates a variety of
environments T- Integrating structures for interaction that engage students constructively and productively in learning.
that promote S- Applying
student S- Students use a variety of resources in learning environments and interact in ways that deepen
learning, reflect their understanding of the content and develop constructive social and academic interactions.
and productive
among students
Section 3: Teacher Leader Inquiry Focus and Planning
Project Title Inquiry Question Project Objective(s)
To what degree will recruiting new ● Increase the number of club members
Circle of Friends Advisor peer mentors for Circle of Friends for our Circle of Friends Club
increase the clubs’ engagement? ● Hold a training for new peer mentors

How Project Fits into

Audience for Project Professional Goals and/or How Audience Satisfaction will be
(Who Participates/Who Benefits) Department/School/District Assessed
Circle of Friends fits into the
needs of our school by promoting
inclusion for students with
disabilities. The club empowers
Who Participates students to appreciate
Elizabeth Munsell differences, build friendships,
Instructional Aides and stand up to bullying. It also Audience satisfaction will be assessed by
counting the number of students that
Peer Mentors teaches students how to
complete the Peer Mentor training and
Peer Mentees successfully interact with their then attend at least 3 club meetings or
Who Benefits peers in the classroom. Becoming activities.
General Education Students (Peer Mentors) the advisor of Circle of Friends
Students with disabilities (Peer Mentees) will help me reach my goal of
improving my leadership skills
and my goal of getting involved in
my school’s extracurricular
Special Emphasis: Teacher Leader Model Standards and NBPTS Core Propositions
Identify at least one standard (NBPTS, ISTE C, Teacher Leader Model Standards) that is the special emphasis focus of your project.
Explain how these standards will be incorporated. You may add more than 1 if you wish
Special Emphasis Focus How Special Emphasis will be Incorporated
Teacher Leader Model Standards: Domain VI:
Improving Outreach and Collaboration with By increasing participation in our Circle of Friends club, I am demonstrating
Families and Community: Uses knowledge and Domain VI by teaching students to have a better understanding of students
understanding of the different backgrounds, with different backgrounds (students that have disabilities that make
ethnicities, cultures, and languages in the school communicating and interacting with others). Increasing participation will
community to promote effective interactions also promote effective interactions for all students within their
among colleagues, families, and the larger communities and families.
Inquiry Implementation Plan
Analyze Discuss Results
Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Results with Mentor
Milestone 4 Milestone 5
Has club
Reach out to teachers to see Create a
Identify name and engagement Meet with my
if they have Google Form
date for activities. increased? This mentor to
recommendations for new for student Hold a training for
will be judged discuss Circle of
Peer Mentors or students interest in new Peer Mentors
by the number Friend’s
that may benefit from being being
of people engagement.
in the club as a “mentee” mentors
attending the
club and the
number of
3/15/24 3/29/24 4/5/24 4/26/24 5/1/24
Provide 1-2 sentence
summary of your My teacher leader project is to take over as advisor for my school’s Circle of Friends Club. To do this, I will
teacher leader recruit and train new peer mentors. Ideally, this will increase our club’s attendance and engagement.
Summarize process I will analyze the effectiveness of my leadership role by reviewing the number of general education
for analyzing students I can get to complete the Peer Mentor training. I will also analyze my effectiveness by reviewing
effectiveness of the number of club members that are attending club meetings or events and conversing or playing games
leadership role. with others.
Section 4: Inquiry Research and Exploration
Research/Professional Learning (Identify two articles that have informed inquiry focus. Provide title, URL or citation, and
statement of what was learned.)
4 Ways to Get Students Interested in Extracurricular Enhancing School CLub Engagement: Overcoming CHallenges for
Clubs by Kimberly Long Meaningful Participation by Aasia Khawar
https://www.edweek.org/teaching-learning/opinio https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/enhancing-school-club-engagement-overc
n-4-ways-to-get-students-interested-in-extracurricul oming-aasia-khawar
ar-clubs/2015/02 This article discusses five challenges faced by school clubs and provides
This article provides four strategies to create solutions to increase the students’ engagement. One of the challenges is a
student interest, buy in, and ownership of school lack of commitment or support from the school. To overcome this
clubs. The first strategy recommends getting to challenge, it is imperative that schools allocate sufficient time and
know the students you hope to attract. This can be resources to run the club. All clubs need personnel willing to advocate for
done by using memes and pop culuture references resources that help ensure the club’s success. Another challenge discussed
in any visuals used to attract students, using is insufficient student engagement. This challenge can be addressed by
students with big personalities to recruit others, communicating the club’s purpose and benefits. The club should be
and being mindful when picking a meeting date. regularly promoted in announcements, by using posters, and on social
The second strategy recommends customizing media. It also suggests completing student survey’s and choosing club
activties based on students’ interests and being activities based on the interests of the students. Having a lack of leadership
open to different ways in which students can will also affect a club’s engagement. All clubs need dedicated advisors that
participate within the club. The third strategy is want to grow the club. It is imperative that a passionate staff member
providing different leadership opporunities for provides support, oversight, and guidance to the student club leaders. This
students and allowing the students to have control staff member should have be available to the student leaders and members
over different tasks and decisions. The final strategy frequently and open for collaboration. Finally, clubs need to be open to
is starting a tradition within your club that students regular reflection to keep high engagement and participation. It is best to
can build memories on or look forward to. Having evaluate the club’s student participation, effectiveness in achieving the
traditions can increase engagement and also be club’s goals, and satisfaction level on a regular basis. Feedback from
enticing to new members. members should be considered and implemented.
Colleagues (Summarize how two colleagues have addressed similar leadership roles OR the status of the issue at
department/school/district level.)
I had a conversation with Ms. H who started a Circle Mr. D runs a popular culture club on campus.We discussed how he keeps
of Friends club at Fullerton High School. We his stuents engaged in his club. He shared that he gets a local restaurant to
discussed how she keeps mentors, attracts new donate food each week. Many members come to the meetings not only to
mentors, and keeps engagement high. She shared participate in the activities that are going on but also to get free food. He
that mentors can earn volunteer hours for also suggested having group activities that the students can do together. He
attending club meetings and COF events. Mentors has a suggestion box in his room that club members can use to recommend
earn 0.5 hours for each meeting and more for club activities. Some of the activities have to do with the culture and others
attending club events. She shared she tries to have are team building activities the students can do together. For example, they
at least one club event after school or on a have played Minute to Win It type games, done origami, learned songs,
weekend each quarter. In the past, her club has watched videos, and had taste-testing all on the recommendation of
gone bowling, had a tailgate before a football game, students. He thinks giving a students a strong say in the activities that are
and gone to an arcade. She shared that she relied done helps keep members invested in the club and wanting to come back
heavily on teacher recommendations for mentors
and when picking students to be in leadership
positions. Often times these students are
responsible, can handle many of the weekly
housekeeping requirements of the meeting, and
can keep membership active by getting their friends
to become mentors. She also recommended
reaching out to the coaches on campus to see if any
of the athletes may be interested in joining.
Section 5: Results and Reflection
Revised Suggestions for Moving
CSTP Element Initial Rating Evidence/Rational for Rating
Rating Forward
Promoting To move to INNOVATING level:
critical Consider how to increase
thinking Teacher asked questions of analysis and complexity of task beyond a
through evaluation. single lesson so that there are
T – Applying Integrating
1.5 inquiry, Students answered questions that continuing opportunities for
S – Exploring S -
problem included all levels of Bloom’s. Students students to engage in inquiry
solving, created their own math problems. in complex problems. How
and could you extend the lesson
reflection into PBL?
To move to the innovating level: I
Use a variety can consider new technologies I
of A variety of instructional strategies were can incorporate into our meetings
instructional included in the peer mentor training including to increase engagement or
strategies, a video, a presentation from a student with different technologies that allow
Autism, and visuals from past Circle of Friends me and the cabinet to
and T- Integrating T- Integrating
1.4 events. We were able to send alerts about communicate with the club
technologies S- Integrating S- Integrating
to meet upcoming meetings using various members.
students’ technologies including the Remind app,
diverse email, and fliers. We were able to share I can train the cabinet in new
learning information about the club on social media. ways to use the technology to use
needs technology in our meetings to
increase engagement.
To move towards innovating, I can
provide students with more
The club has created a caring community on
Promote off-campus/after-school
campus for students with disabilities and
social opportunities to socialize. This will
students in general education. More students
allow students to have a better
and have joined our club and more students are
understanding of each other's
responsibility interacting in our lunch meetings by playing
home cultures and lives outside of
within a games and having genuine conversations.
T- Applying T- Integrating the classroom. This will help the
2.1 caring Students are respectful of each other's
S- Applying S- Integrating students with disabilities gain
differences and have a better understanding
where each more confidence when interacting
of each other’s needs and identities by
student is with others outside of a school
getting to know more about each other. They
treated fairly setting and give the general
have been able to get to know each other in a
and education population a better
safe environment and are more comfortable
understanding of how people
interacting with others while at school.
with disabilities are affected in
the community as well.
Creating The amount of people attending Circle of To move towards innovating, I can
physical or T- Integrating T- Integrating Friends has increased. This allow the students allow the students more say in
virtual S- Applying S- Integrating more opportunities to take advantage of a what types of activities are
learning variety of environments. Some are choosing offered at Circle of Friends. As
environment to play games, some are choosing to have students become more
s that conversations, and some are choosing to comfortable with each other, they
promote study together. The types of games students can participate in less structured
are playing vary based on their interests. activities. The conversations they
have will be more organic and
diversity,and need less prompting from an
encourage adult or mentor.
Special Emphasis (Teacher Leader Model Standards or NBPTS Core Propositions
Key Learnings and New Skills/Knowledge Contribution to
Product(s) Generated
Developed by Teacher Others/Department/School/District
● I learned about the work that went into
planning a training. I was able to include
multiple resources including a guest speaker. ● Our Circle of Friends now has
I can apply this to my classroom by a permanent advisor
considering different ways I can have people ● CIrcle of Friends was able to
from our community speak about different recruit 7 new mentors
● Circle of Friends training
topics we are learning about ● Circle of Friends engagement
● I learned about what was needed to plan a has increased. Students are
● Circle of Friends Refferal
field trip for over 70 students. playing games with one
● I learned different ways to generate another, having conversations
● Circle of Friends Interest
engagement in a cause. This will help me feel with others, and studying
more confident about working with the together
community in the future. ● Circle of Friends will be
● I learned new ways to communicate attending a field trip to
information to our campus as a whole Disneyland in May
● I gained confidence in becoming more
involved with my school as a whole
Mentor Feedback
The Mentor should Identify strengths and areas of improvement in each of the following areas.
Effectiveness of resources designed by the Kellie shared that the resources created for the Peer Mentor training are
Candidate, including presentation, notes, handouts, full of good information and easy to follow. She especially liked the Intro
and other resources. Video that showed real students who were a part of Circle of Friends.
Kellie shared that taking over as advisor of Circle of Friends has increased
the club’s presence on campus. She was excited to hear that we were able
to recruit 7 new mentors and did notice an increase in students in
Effectiveness of Overall Project
attendance at the March 25 meeting she attended. She noted that many of
the mentee students also in her Social Cog class are very excited about
attending the Knotts Berry Farm field trip.
Kellie shared that she believes this project has had a positive effect on the
students with disabilities at Sunny Hills. The students look forward to
Value of project for audience. having a set place to meet and socialize every Monday. They are excited
that we were able to keep a field trip and are looking forward to the end of
year activities the club has planned for the students.
Kellie shared that she thinks I did a very good job with Circle of Friends and
hopes I will continue to be the advisor next year. She knows I experienced a
Overall feedback.
lot of trouble with the canceled Disneyland field trip and is impressed with
how efficiently I was able to plan a new field trip to Knotts.
Action Items (some may not be applicable)
For curriculum
design, lesson This project has taught me the importance of time management. This can be applied to the way I plan
planning, future lessons and assessment planning.
assessment planning
For classroom
For teaching English
learners, students
This project has taught me more about creating a safe environment within my classroom. It has taught me
with special needs,
different ways I can foster respect and acceptance amongst my students. In preparing the training
and students with
materials, I learned more about the social challenges students with disabilities experience.
other instructional
For future This project has inspired me to get more involved outside of my classroom. I will be attending the
professional California Multi-Tiered System of Support Conferences this summer to continue my professional
development development.
For supporting
This project has given me the confidence to volunteer for more on my campus. I have reached out to the
current advisors of Link Crew to provide help next year.
Other Notes and Comments

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