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AUTOSAR TPS SoftwareComponentTemplate

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Software Component Template


Document Title Software Component Template

Document Owner AUTOSAR
Document Responsibility AUTOSAR
Document Identification No 62

Document Status published

Part of AUTOSAR Standard Classic Platform
Part of Standard Release R21-11

Document Change History

Date Release Changed by Description
• Introduction of imposition times for
AUTOSAR • Clean-up of diagnostics service
2021-11-25 R21-11 Release needs
Management • New writing strategy for NvRAM
• minor corrections / clarifications /
editorial changes
• In-place Strategy for Array Data Type
AUTOSAR • New Service Use Cases
2020-11-30 R20-11 Release • Optimization of Return Type for RTE
Management APIs
• minor corrections / clarifications /
editorial changes
• Support for optimized access to
coding data
• Support for meta-data on application
AUTOSAR • Support for optimized storing of
2019-11-28 R19-11 Release bitfields in NvRAM
Management • minor corrections / clarifications /
editorial changes; For details please
refer to the ChangeDocumentation
• Changed Document Status from
Final to published

1 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

• Support for optional elements in

structured data types
AUTOSAR • Improved description of service use
2018-10-31 4.4.0 Release cases
Management • minor corrections / clarifications /
editorial changes; For details please
refer to the ChangeDocumentation
AUTOSAR • minor corrections / clarifications /
2017-12-08 4.3.1 Release editorial changes; For details please
Management refer to the ChangeDocumentation
• Improved support for Unions
• Improved upstream mapping
AUTOSAR • Improved description of service use
2016-11-30 4.3.0 Release cases
Management • Minor corrections / clarifications /
editorial changes; For details please
refer to the ChangeDocumentation
AUTOSAR • Minor corrections / clarifications /
2015-07-31 4.2.2 Release editorial changes; For details please
Management refer to the ChangeDocumentation
• Efficient NV data handling
• Introduction of data transformation
AUTOSAR • Support for variable-size Arrays of
2014-10-31 4.2.1 Release arbitrary data types
Management • Support for ASIL/QM development
• Minor corrections / clarifications /
editorial changes; For details please
refer to the BWCStatement
2014-03-31 4.1.3 Release • Various fixes and clarifications
2013-10-31 4.1.2 Release • Various fixes and clarifications

2 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

• Introduction of PRPortPrototype
• Definition of implicit communication
• Support for the formal analysis of
resource locking
• Introduction of refined scheduling of
• Get information about activating
• Connection of Mode Managers and
AUTOSAR Mode Users with different number of
2013-03-15 4.1.1
Administration ModeDeclarations
• Support activation of
RunnableEntitys on remote
• Support for ModeTransition
• Support for the definition of the
network representation of composite
data types
• ServiceNeeds for diagnostics over
• Various fixes and clarifications
• Added CompuMethod categories
AND_TEXTTABLE (table 5.80)
• Clarification concerning the usage of
invalid values
• Revised support for data filters
• Support for partial networking
AUTOSAR • Support for the specification of local
2011-12-22 4.0.3 connections between
• Improved description of service
• Change history of constraints and
specification items
• Miscellaneous improvements and
• “Support for Standardization” moved
to Standardization Template [1]

3 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

• Remove restriction on data type of

inter-runnable variables
AUTOSAR • Rework end-to-end communication
2011-04-15 4.0.2 protection
• Add more constraints on the usage
of the meta-model
• Various fixes and clarifications
• New requirements tracing table
• Support for fixed data exchange
• Implementation of meta-model
• Fundamental revision of the data
type concept
• Support for variant handling
• Support for end-to-end
communication protection
AUTOSAR • Support for documentation
2009-12-18 4.0.1 • Support for stopping and restarting
of software-components
• Support for triggered events
• Support for explicit mapping of
interface elements
• Revised concept of mode
• Support for integrity and scaling at
• Support for standardization within

AUTOSAR • Improved support for on-board

2008-08-13 3.1.1 diagnostics
• Small layout adaptations made
• Improved support for measurement
and calibration
• Improved semantics of delegation
2007-12-21 3.0.1 • Introduction of abstract memory
• Document meta information
• Small layout adaptations made

4 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

• Harmonization of the document with

other specifications (e.g. RTE)
• Introduction of a new concept to
support calibration and
measurement - harmonized with RTE
• Description of needs of the Software
AUTOSAR Component Template toward
2007-01-24 2.1.15 AUTOSAR services and of the
interaction of the Software
Component Template and services
(on XML level)
• Legal disclaimer revised
• Release notes added
• “Advice for users” added
• “Revision information” added
2006-05-16 2.0.0 Second
2005-05-31 1.0.0 Initial release

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Software Component Template

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Software Component Template


This work (specification and/or software implementation) and the material contained in
it, as released by AUTOSAR, is for the purpose of information only. AUTOSAR and the
companies that have contributed to it shall not be liable for any use of the work.
The material contained in this work is protected by copyright and other types of intel-
lectual property rights. The commercial exploitation of the material contained in this
work requires a license to such intellectual property rights.
This work may be utilized or reproduced without any modification, in any form or by
any means, for informational purposes only. For any other purpose, no part of the work
may be utilized or reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in
writing from the publisher.
The work has been developed for automotive applications only. It has neither been
developed, nor tested for non-automotive applications.
The word AUTOSAR and the AUTOSAR logo are registered trademarks.

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Software Component Template

Table of Contents
1 Introduction 29
1.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
1.2 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
1.3 Organization of the Meta-Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1.4 Structure of the Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
1.4.1 Description of Software Components on VFB Level . . . . . 32
1.4.2 Description of Software Components on RTE Level . . . . . 32
1.4.3 Descriptions of Software Components on Implementation Level 33
1.5 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
1.6 Document Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
1.7 Imposition Times of Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
1.8 Requirements Tracing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2 Conceptual Aspects 46
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.2 Measurement and Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.2.1 Basic Approach of Measurement and Calibration . . . . . . . 46
2.2.2 Calibration Parameters Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.2.3 Using Calibration Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Sharing Calibration Parameters within Compositions 47 Sharing Calibration Parameters between SwCompo-
nentPrototypes of the Same SwComponentType . . 49 Providing Instance Individual Characteristic Data . . 50
2.3 Runtime and Data Consistency Aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
2.3.1 Background: the Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Mutual Exclusion with Semaphores . . . . . . . . . . 51 Interrupt Disabling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Priority Ceiling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Implicit Communication by Means of Variable Copies 52
2.3.2 Data Consistency at Runtime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2.3.3 Modeling Aspects of Data Consistency . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.4 Variant Handling in the Software Component Template . . . . . . . . . 55
2.5 Communication Specification of Composition Component Types . . . . 57
2.5.1 Rationale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
2.6 PRPortPrototype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
2.6.1 Use Case 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
2.6.2 Use Case 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
2.6.3 Use Case 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
2.6.4 Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
2.7 Variable-size Array Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
2.7.1 Overview and Use cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 “Old-world” dynamic-size Arrays . . . . . . . . . . . 61 “New-world” variable-size Arrays . . . . . . . . . . . 63
2.7.2 Modeling Aspects regarding Application Data Types . . . . . 65

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Software Component Template

2.7.3 Modeling Aspects regarding Implementation Data Types . . 66

2.8 Optional Elements in Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
2.8.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
3 Overview: Software Components, Ports, and Interfaces 69
3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
3.2 Software Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
3.2.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
3.2.2 PortPrototype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
3.2.3 AtomicSwComponentType . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
3.2.4 ParameterSwComponentType . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
3.2.5 Symbolic Name of a Software-Component . . . . . . . . . . 78
3.3 Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
3.3.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
3.3.2 SwComponentPrototype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
3.3.3 Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
3.3.4 Instantiation-specific RTEEvents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
3.4 Port Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
4 Details: Software Components, Ports, and Interfaces 96
4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
4.2 Port Interface Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
4.2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
4.2.2 Sender Receiver Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Sender Receiver Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Meta-data on the Application Software Level . . . . . 101
4.2.3 Client Server Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Client Server Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Error Handling in Client/Server Communication . . . 109
4.2.4 External Trigger Event Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
4.2.5 Communication of Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
4.2.6 Parameter Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
4.3 PortInterface Mapping and Data Scaling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
4.3.1 PortInterface Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Mapping of Sender Receiver Interface, Parameter In-
terface and Non Volatile Data Interface Elements . . 125 Mapping of Client Server Interface Elements . . . . 128 Mapping of Mode Interface Elements . . . . . . . . . 131 Mapping of Trigger Interface Elements . . . . . . . . 135 Mapping of Elements of a composite Data Type . . . 136
4.3.2 Data Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Linear Data Scaling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Table Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
4.3.3 Relevance for Data Transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
4.4 Port Annotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
4.4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
4.4.2 SenderReceiverAnnotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154

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4.4.3 ClientServerAnnotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157

4.4.4 Annotation for the I/O Hardware Abstraction Layer . . . . . . 158
4.4.5 Parameter Port Annotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
4.4.6 Mode Port Annotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
4.4.7 Trigger Port Annotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
4.4.8 Non Volatile Data Port Annotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
4.4.9 Delegated Port Annotations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
4.4.10 General Annotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
4.5 Communication Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
4.5.1 Communication Specification for Sender-Receiver Commu-
nication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 Receiver ComSpec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Sender ComSpec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 Data Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 Communication between Application and NV Block
Software Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 Communication behavior to be implemented by the
Software Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
4.5.2 Communication Specification for Client-Server Communication186 Client ComSpec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 Server ComSpec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
4.5.3 Communication Specification for Mode Switch Communication 189 Mode Switch Sender ComSpec . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 Mode Switch Receiver ComSpec . . . . . . . . . . . 190
4.5.4 Communication Specification for Parameters . . . . . . . . . 191
4.5.5 Communication Specification for NV Data . . . . . . . . . . . 193 NV Require ComSpec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 NV Provide ComSpec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
4.5.6 Configuration of Data Transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
4.6 Port Groups within Component Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
4.7 End to End Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
4.8 Partial Networking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
4.8.1 VFC Control Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
4.8.2 VFC Status Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
4.9 Formal Definition of implicit Communication Behavior . . . . . . . . . . 216
4.9.1 Consistency Needs on Receiver Side . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
4.9.2 Consistency Needs on Sender Side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
4.9.3 Consistency Needs for Senders and receivers of the same
Data inside on RunnableEntityGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
5 Data Description 223
5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
5.2 Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
5.2.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
5.2.2 Data Type Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
5.2.3 Data Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233

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5.2.4 Application Data Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 Application Primitive Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . 239 Application Composite Data Types . . . . . . . . . . 253
5.2.5 Implementation Data Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 Modeling of Type Reference using Implementation
Data Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 Modeling of Structure using Implementation Data Type274 Modeling of Union using Implementation Data Type . 276 Modeling of Array using Implementation Data Type . 277 Modeling of Pointer using Implementation Data Type 288
5.2.6 Base Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
5.2.7 Data Type Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299 Primitive Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299 Compound Primitive Data Type . . . . . . . . . . . . 299 Integral Primitive Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 Variable-Size Array Data Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301 Wrapped Union Data Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301 Optional Element Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
5.3 Data Prototypes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
5.3.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
5.3.2 Data Constraints for DataPrototypes typed by Array DataTypes311
5.3.3 Reference to Data Prototypes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 AUTOSAR Variable Ref . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 AUTOSAR Parameter Ref . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316 Modeling Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318 Access into VariableDataPrototype typed by an Im-
plementationDataType . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321 Access into ParameterDataPrototype typed by an
ImplementationDataType . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
5.4 Properties of Data Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
5.4.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
5.4.2 Invalid Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
5.4.3 Properties for Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
5.4.4 Properties of Curves and Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347 Specification of grouped Axes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355 Specification of fix Axes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358
5.4.5 Setting an Axis Input Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
5.4.6 Setting a Group Axis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
5.4.7 Specifying Data Dependencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
5.4.8 Precedence of data properties with respect to data elements,
axis elements, computation methods, units . . . . . . . . . . 373
5.5 Elements used in Properties of Data Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378
5.5.1 Computation Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379 Category Values in the context of a CompuMethod . 389

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Software Component Template
AUTOSAR CP R21-11 Applicability of Attributes in the context of a Com-

puMethod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390 CompuMethod and AutosarDataType . . . . . . . . . 392 Example for Enumeration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394 Example for Linear Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . 395 Example for Linear Conversion with texttable . . . . 395 Example for conversion specified by a rational function396 Example for BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE . . . . . . . . . 397
5.5.2 Physical Units, Physical Dimensions and Unit Groups . . . . 400
5.5.3 Data Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407 Physical Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
5.5.4 Addressing Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
5.5.5 Record Layouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423 Specifying Record Layouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424 RecordLayouts and DataTypes . . . . . . . . . . . . 432 Record Layouts and Interpolation Routines . . . . . 439
5.5.6 Display Presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
5.6 Specification of Constant Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442
5.6.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442
5.6.2 Reference to Constant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
5.6.3 Values for Variable-Size Array . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449
5.6.4 Values for Compound Primitive Data Types . . . . . . . . . . 451
5.6.5 Values for BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
5.6.6 Specification of Values based on Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . 461 Support for primitive Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . 461 Support for composite Data Types . . . . . . . . . . 470 Support for compound primitive Data Types . . . . . 479
5.6.7 Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480 Example for Constant Specification for CURVE . . . 480 Example for Constant Specification for MAP . . . . . 481 Example for Constant Specification for MAP with two
STD_AXIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483 Example for Constant Specification for COM_AXIS . 484 Example for Constant Specification for an Array of
compound primitive Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485
5.7 Initial Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
5.7.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
5.7.2 Initial Value Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488
5.7.3 Constant Specification Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490
5.7.4 Initial Values For CalibrationParameters . . . . . . . . . . . . 492
5.7.5 Initial Value for optional Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494 Initial Value for optional ApplicationRecordElement . 494 Initial Value for optional ImplementationDataType-
Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495
6 Compatibility 496

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6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496

6.2 Compatibility of Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496
6.2.1 ApplicationDataType . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496 ApplicationPrimitiveDataType . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496 ApplicationCompositeDataType . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
6.2.2 ImplementationDataType . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498
6.2.3 Compatibility of SwBaseType . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
6.2.4 Compatibility of SwDataDefProps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 Compatibility of Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501 Compatibility of PhysicalDimensions . . . . . . . . . 502 Compatibility of Data Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . 503 Compatibility in case of ImplementationDataType . . 504 Compatibility of CompuMethods . . . . . . . . . . . 505 Compatibility of Record Layouts . . . . . . . . . . . . 507
6.2.5 Compatibility of ApplicationDataType and Implementation-
DataType . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
6.3 Compatibility of Variable Data Prototypes and Parameter Data Prototypes512
6.4 Compatibility of Sender Receiver Interfaces, Parameter Interfaces and
Non Volatile Data Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514
6.4.1 Connection of Required and Provided Port via Assem-
blySwConnector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514
6.4.2 Connection of Inner and Outer Port via DelegationSwCon-
nector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
6.4.3 Connection of Required and Provided Port via PassThrough-
SwConnector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516
6.4.4 Compatibility of ParameterDataPrototype and VariableDat-
aPrototype depending on PortInterface Type . . . . . . . . . 517
6.5 Compatibility of Mode Switch Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
6.5.1 Connection of Required and Provided Port via Assem-
blySwConnector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
6.5.2 Connection of Inner and Outer Port via DelegationSwCon-
nector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
6.5.3 Connection of Outer and Outer Port via PassThroughSwCon-
nector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
6.6 Compatibility of Mode Declaration Group Prototypes . . . . . . . . . . 520
6.7 Compatibility of Mode Declaration Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520
6.8 Compatibility of Argument Prototypes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
6.9 Compatibility of Application Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522
6.10 Compatibility of Client/Server Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522
6.11 Compatibility of Client Server Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523
6.11.1 Connection of Required and Provided Port via Assem-
blySwConnector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523
6.11.2 Connection of Inner and Outer Port via DelegationSwCon-
nector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523
6.11.3 Connection of Outer and Outer Port via PassThroughSwCon-
nector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524

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6.12 Compatibility of Trigger Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525

6.12.1 Connection of Required and Provided Port via Assem-
blySwConnector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525
6.12.2 Connection of Inner and Outer Port via DelegationSwCon-
nector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525
6.12.3 Connection of Outer and Outer Port via PassThroughSwCon-
nector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
6.13 Compatibility of Trigger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
6.14 Entire Delegation of a Provided Port Prototype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
6.14.1 Split and Merge of PortInterface Elements . . . . . . . . . . 528
6.15 Compatibility in Case of a Flat ECU Extract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528
6.16 Compatibility Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
6.16.1 Compatibility on Assembly Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530 Legal Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530 Illegal Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
6.16.2 Compatibility on Delegation Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531 Legal Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531 Illegal Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534
7 Internal Behavior 536
7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536
7.2 Runnable Entity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542
7.2.1 Concurrency and Reentrancy of a RunnableEntity that can-
not be Invoked Concurrently . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549
7.2.2 Concurrency and Reentrancy of a RunnableEntity that can
be Invoked Concurrently . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550
7.2.3 Timed Activation of Runnable Entities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551
7.2.4 Additional Remarks and Clarifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552 Reentrancy and Multiple Instantiation . . . . . . . . . 552 Reentrancy and “Library Functions” . . . . . . . . . . 553 Compatibility of ClientServerOperations triggering
the same RunnableEntity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553 Categories of Runnable Entities . . . . . . . . . . . . 554 Arguments of a Runnable Entity . . . . . . . . . . . . 555
7.2.5 Activation Reason of a Runnable Entity . . . . . . . . . . . . 557
7.2.6 Runnable Entity for Initialization Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . 559
7.3 RTEEvent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561
7.3.1 Defining an Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567
7.3.2 Defining how to Respond to an Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570
7.4 Communication among Runnable Entities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572
7.4.1 Description Possibility 1: Exclusive Area . . . . . . . . . . . . 573 Entire Runnable Runs in the Exclusive Area . . . . . 576 Runnable would Dynamically Enter and Leave the
Exclusive Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576 Configuration of API Generation . . . . . . . . . . . 577
7.4.2 Description Possibility 2: Inter-Runnable Variable . . . . . . . 578

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7.4.3 Inter Runnable Triggering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581

7.5 Data Access of RunnableEntities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 582
7.5.1 RunnableEntities and Sender Receiver Communication . . . 586 Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586 Data Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587 Explicit Sending and Receiving . . . . . . . . . . . . 589 Implicit Sending and Receiving . . . . . . . . . . . . 594 DataSendCompletedEvent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596 DataWriteCompletedEvent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596 DataReceivedEvent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 597 DataReceiveErrorEvent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 598
7.5.2 RunnableEntities and Client Server Communication . . . . . 600 Invoking an Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600 Providing an Implementation of an Operation . . . . 605 Reacting on Data Transformation Errors . . . . . . . 606
7.5.3 RunnableEntities and External Trigger Event Communication 606 Trigger Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 606 Trigger Sink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 608
7.5.4 RunnableEntities and Parameter Access . . . . . . . . . . . 608 InstantiationDataDefProps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 610
7.5.5 RunnableEntities and Mode Communication . . . . . . . . . 612
7.6 Port API Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612
7.6.1 Enable to Take Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614
7.6.2 Indirect API Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615
7.6.3 Port Defined Argument Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615
7.6.4 Supported Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 616 Buffer Locking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 617
7.7 PerInstanceMemory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 618
7.7.1 PerInstanceMemory typed by “C” Data Types . . . . . . . . . 619
7.7.2 PerInstanceMemory typed by AUTOSAR Data Types . . . . 620
7.8 Static Memory and Constant Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 621
7.9 Included AUTOSAR Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 622
7.10 Included Mode Declaration Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 623
7.11 Service Needs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 624
7.11.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 624
7.11.2 Assignment of Service Needs to Ports and Data . . . . . . . 626
7.12 Variation Point Proxy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635
8 Implementation 641

9 Mode Management 646

9.1 Declaration of Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646
9.2 Modes and Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 651
9.3 Initialization / Finalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 655
9.4 Mode Error Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 656
9.5 Summary Meta-Model Excerpt Related to Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . 659

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10 ECU Abstraction and Complex Drivers 661

10.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 661
10.2 High Level Hardware and Software Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . 661
10.3 Interfaces and APIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 664
10.3.1 ECU Abstraction and its AUTOSAR Interfaces . . . . . . . . 664
10.4 Sensors/Actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 665
10.5 I/O Hardware Abstraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 667
10.6 Complex Driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 668
11 Services 673
11.1 Overview: Generation of Service-related Model Elements . . . . . . . 673
11.2 Extending the ECU Software Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 676
11.3 Service Software Component Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 677
11.4 Service Proxy Component Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 680
11.5 Non Volatile Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 682
11.5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 682
11.5.2 NvBlockComponent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 683
11.5.3 Software-Components using NVRAM data of NvBlockCom-
ponents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 685
11.5.4 Software-Components connected to NvBlockComponents . . 688
11.5.5 NvBlockDescriptor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 690 Writing Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 692 NvBlockNeeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 699 RAM Block and ROM Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 702 NvBlockDataMapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 702 Client Server Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709
11.5.6 BulkNvDataDescriptor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711
11.5.7 SwcInternalBehavior of an NvBlockSwComponentType . . . 712
12 Software Component Documentation 716

13 Service Dependencies and Service Use Cases 720

13.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 720
13.2 NvM Service Dependencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 720
13.2.1 Nvm Use Case: Permanent RAM Block . . . . . . . . . . . . 721
13.2.2 Nvm Use Case: Temporary RAM Block . . . . . . . . . . 722
13.2.3 Nvm Use Case: RAM Block with explicit synchronization us-
ing Mirror Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 723
13.2.4 NVM Use Case: Software-Components using Nv Data pro-
vided by NvBlockSwComponentType (not ServiceSwCompo-
nent of NvM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 724
13.3 Watchdog Service Dependencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725
13.3.1 Watchdog Service use Case: Local Supervision . . . . . . . 725
13.3.2 Watchdog Service use Case: Global Supervision Status no-
tification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 727

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13.3.3 Watchdog Service use Case: Control global supervision or

get global supervision status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 727
13.3.4 Watchdog Service use Case: Software-component wants to
obtain the status of a local supervision . . . . . . . . . . . . 728
13.3.5 Watchdog Service use Case: Software-component wants to
report a checkpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 729
13.4 COM Manager Service Needs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 730
13.4.1 ComM Use Case: read current ComM Mode . . . . . . . . . 730
13.4.2 ComM Use Case: request ComM Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . 730
13.4.3 ComM Use Case: Software-Component acts as a Mode
Manager that influences the ECU State . . . . . . . . . . . . 731
13.4.4 Read PNC ComM Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 731
13.5 ECU State Manager Service Needs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 732
13.5.1 EcuM Use Case: select Shutdown Target . . . . . . . . . . . 732
13.5.2 EcuM Use Case: select Boot Target . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733
13.5.3 EcuM Use Case: use Alarm Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733
13.6 BswM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 734
13.6.1 Partial Networking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 734
13.6.2 Mode Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735
13.6.3 Mode User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 737
13.6.4 Mode Requester . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 737
13.7 Crypto Service Dependencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 738
13.7.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 738
13.7.2 Crypto Service Use Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740 Crypto Service Use Case: Hash calculation . . . . . 740 Crypto Service Use Case: MAC calculation . . . . . 741 Crypto Service Use Case: MAC verification . . . . . 741 Crypto Service Use Case: generation of random
numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 742 Crypto Service Use Case: Encryption with Authenti-
cated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) . . . 742 Crypto Service Use Case: Decryption with Authenti-
cated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) . . . 743 Crypto Service Use Case: encryption . . . . . . . . 743 Crypto Service Use Case: decryption . . . . . . . . 744 Crypto Service Use Case: signature generation . . . 745 Crypto Service Use Case: signature verification . . . 745 Crypto Service Use Case: usage of key management 746
13.7.3 Crypto Service Job Use Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 746 Crypto Service Use Case: usage of job API to set
key valid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 746 Crypto Service Use Case: usage of job API to create
a random seed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 747 Crypto Service Use Case: usage of job API to gen-
erate a key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 747

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AUTOSAR CP R21-11 Crypto Service Use Case: usage of job API to derive

a key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 748 Crypto Service Use Case: usage of job API to exe-
cute calculation of the public value for key exchange 748 Crypto Service Use Case: usage of job API to exe-
cute calculation of shared secret for key exchange . 749 Crypto Service Use Case: usage of job API to exe-
cute certificate parsing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750 Crypto Service Use Case: usage of job API to exe-
cute certificate verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750
13.7.4 Crypto Key Management Use Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . 751 KeyM Service Use Case: Software-Component
wants check a certificate on KeyM . . . . . . . . . . 751 KeyM Service Use Case: Software-Component
wants to retrieve a certificate from KeyM . . . . . . . 752 KeyM Service Use Case: Software-Component
wants to retrieve elements of a certificate from KeyM 752 KeyM Service Use Case: Software-Component
wants to check the existence of a certificate from KeyM753 KeyM Service Use Case: Software-Component
wants to store a (derived) key in KeyM . . . . . . . . 753 KeyM Service Use Case: Software-Component
wants to store a container with (encrypted) keys in
KeyM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 754 KeyM Service Use Case: Software-Component
wants to verify if cryptographic operation was exe-
cuted using a specific key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 754
13.8 Diagnostic Service Dependency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 755
13.8.1 Development Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 755
13.8.2 Function Inhibition Needs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 756 Function Inhibition Manager Service use Case: read
function permission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 757 Function Inhibition Manager Use Case: react on sup-
pressed or unavailable events . . . . . . . . . . . . . 758
13.8.3 Diagnostic Event Needs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 758 Dem Service Use Case: diagnostic monitor, de-
bouncing by Dem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767 Dem Service Use Case: diagnostic monitor, de-
bouncing by SWC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 768 Dem Service Use Case: software-component pro-
vides information about operation cycles . . . . . . . 769 Dem Service Use Case: software-component en-
ables reporting of DTCs in general . . . . . . . . . . 769 Dem Service Use Case: software-component en-
ables storage of subsequent DTCs . . . . . . . . . . 770

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AUTOSAR CP R21-11 Dem Service Use Case: retrieve information of the

lamp status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 770 Dem Service Use Case: DEM provides information
that the fault storage overflows . . . . . . . . . . . . 771 Dem Service Use Case: software-component sup-
presses the storage of DTCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 772 Dem Service Use Case: software-component in-
forms that the PTO is active . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 772 Dem Service Use Case: software-component needs
information about any DTC status change . . . . . . 773 Dem Service Use Case: call operation if the data of
a given diagnostic event changes (I) . . . . . . . . . 773 Dem Service Use Case: call operation if the data or
status of any diagnostic event changes (II) . . . . . . 774 Dem Service Use Case: software-component pro-
vides data for diagnostic purposes . . . . . . . . . . 775 Dem Service Use Case: software-component gets
information about a specific DTC . . . . . . . . . . . 776 Dem Service Use Case: Software-Component wants
to be triggered on Monitor Status Changes . . . . . 776 Dem Service Use Case: write parameter identifier by
software-component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 777 Dem Service Use Case: read parameter identifier by
software-component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 777 Dem Service Use Case: diagnostic monitor provides
monitor data, debouncing by Dem . . . . . . . . . . 778 Dem Service Use Case: diagnostic monitor provides
monitor data, debouncing by software-component . . 779 Dem Service Use Case: software-component
checks whether an event is suppressed . . . . . . . 779
13.8.4 Diagnostic Communication Needs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 780 Dcm Service Use Case: read/write current values by
Client Server Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785 Dcm Service Use Case: read/write current values of
specific DID by Client Server Interface . . . . . . . . 786 Dcm Service Use Case: read/write current values by
Sender Receiver Interface or Nv Data Interface . . . 786 Dcm Service Use Case: start/stop or request routine
results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 787 Dcm Service Use Case: IO control by Client Server
Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 788 Dcm Service Use Case: IO control by Sender Re-
ceiver Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 789 Dcm Service Use Case: Access to protocol, session
and security information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 792

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AUTOSAR CP R21-11 Dcm Service Use Case: Verify the access to security

level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 792 Dcm Service Use Case: multiple testers access one
ECU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 793 Dcm Service Use Case: Service Request Notification 793 Dcm Service Use Case: read/write and IOCtrl cur-
rent values by Client Server Interface . . . . . . . . . 794 Dcm Service Use Case: A software-component acts
as a "file server" to a diagnostic tester . . . . . . . . 795
13.8.5 OBD related Needs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 796 Dem Service Use Case: In-Use-Monitor Perfor-
mance Ratio calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 798 Dcm Service Use Case: read parameter identifier via
diagnostic services by Client Server Interface . . . . 799 Dcm Service Use Case: read parameter identifier via
diagnostic services by Sender Receiver Interface . . 800 Dcm Service Use Case: Request vehicle information 800 Dem Service Use Case: Read DTR data from SW-C
for OBD Service $06 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 801 Dcm Service Use Case: request control of on-board
system, test or component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 802 Dem Service Use Case: In-Use-Monitoring Perfor-
mance Ratio Denominator interface . . . . . . . . . 802
13.8.6 Diagnostics over IP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 803 DoIP Service Use Case: GID synchronization can
be necessary if the ECU is DoIP Gid synchronization
master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 806 DoIP Service Use Case: Vehicle information is
broadcast or can be requested by the tester . . . . . 807 DoIP Service Use Case: Tester could also request
the power status with respect to diagnostics . . . . . 807 DoIP Service Use Case: Routing activation mech-
anism is used which can lead to additional impact
regarding authentication or confirmation . . . . . . . 808 DoIP Service Use Case: a DoIP entity needs to be
informed when an external tester is attached or acti-
vated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 808 Service Use Case: Set and reset Warning Indicator
Request bit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 809 DoIP Service Use Case: Atomic Software-
Component provides the further action byte to
the DoIP Service Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . 810
13.8.7 Miscellaneous Diagnostic Service Use-Cases . . . . . . . . 811 Dcm Service Use Case: DiagnosticSessionControl . 811 Dcm Service Use Case: EcuReset . . . . . . . . . . 811

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AUTOSAR CP R21-11 Dcm Service Use Case: EcuReset ModeRapidPow-

erShutDown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 812 Dcm Service Use Case: CommunicationControl . . . 812 Dcm Service Use Case: ControlDTCSetting . . . . . 813 Dcm Service Use Case: Response On Event via di-
agnostic services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 813 Dcm Service Use Case: SecurityAccess . . . . . . . 814 Service Use Case: Atomic Software-Component im-
plements a Hardware Shutdown . . . . . . . . . . . 815 Service Use Case: Upload and download of data . . 815
13.9 Diagnostic Log and Trace Dependency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816
13.9.1 Dlt use Case:Application software component transmits de-
bug information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 817
13.10 Synchronized Time-Base Manager Dependency . . . . . . . . . . . . . 817
13.10.1 StbM Use Case: start timer and potentially get notified about
its expiration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 818
13.10.2 StbM Use Case: Software-Components wants to get notifi-
cations of status changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 819
13.10.3 StbM Use Case: Process time snapshot obtained from global
time slave for diagnostics purposes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 820
13.10.4 StbM Use Case: Software-component represents a global
time master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 820
13.10.5 StbM Use Case: Software-component represents a global
time slave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 821
13.10.6 StbM Use Case: Software-component analyzes predictions
about the time synchronization process . . . . . . . . . . . . 822
13.11 Secure On-Board Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 822
13.11.1 SecOc Use Case: obtain the verification status of secure
communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 823
13.11.2 SecOc Use Case: software component retires from secure
communication for a given period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 824
13.11.3 SecOc Use Case: deliver freshness to SecOC I . . . . . . . 824
13.11.4 SecOc Use Case: deliver freshness to SecOC II . . . . . . . 825
13.11.5 SecOc Use Case: deliver freshness to SecOC III . . . . . . . 825
13.11.6 SecOc Use Case: enable the sending of Pdus even if com-
putation of the MAC is not possible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 826
13.11.7 SecOc Use Case: Receive notification about an authentica-
tion attempt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 826
13.12 J1939 Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 827
13.12.1 J1939RM Use Case: AtomicSwComponentType sends re-
quests to the bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 828
13.12.2 J1939RM Use Case: AtomicSwComponentType accepts re-
quests from the bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 829
13.12.3 J1939Dcm wants to retrieve calibration verification numbers
from an application software-component . . . . . . . . . . . 829
13.13 Error Tracer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 830

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Software Component Template

13.13.1 Error Tracer Use Case: Default Error Tracer Service use
Case: report failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 831
13.14 Vehicle-2-X Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 832
13.14.1 V2xFac Use Case: Application software component provides
Vehicle specific data to the V2X-Stack for CAM transmission 833
13.14.2 V2xFac Use Case: V2xFac notifies application software com-
ponent about received messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 833
13.14.3 V2xFac Use Case: Application software component triggers
transmission of DENM message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834
13.14.4 V2xFac Use Case: Application software component pro-
cesses the MAP (topology) Extended Message . . . . . . . . 835
13.14.5 V2xFac Use Case: Application software component pro-
cesses Infrastructure to Vehicle Information Message . . . . 836
13.14.6 V2xFac Use Case: Application software component pro-
cesses Signal Phase And Timing Extended Message . . . . 836
13.15 Vehicle-2-X Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 837
13.15.1 V2xM Use Case: Application software component provides
Vehicle specific data to the V2X-Stack for Position and Time
information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 838
13.15.2 V2xM Use Case: Application software component needs
V2X specific data from the V2X Manager . . . . . . . . . . . 838
13.15.3 V2xM Use Case: Application software component has soft-
control over Pseudonym-Change within V2X Manager . . . . 839
13.15.4 V2xM Use Case: Application software component has the
ability to do Verification-on-Demand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 839
13.15.5 V2xM Use Case: Application software component do loca-
tion based calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 840
13.16 Hardware Test Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 841
13.16.1 HtssM Service Use Case: Query results of hardware tests . 841
13.17 Intrusion Detection System Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 842
13.17.1 IdsM Service Use Case: AtomicSwComponentType reports
security event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 842
13.17.2 IdsM Service Use Case: AtomicSwComponentType reports
security event using Smart Sensor API . . . . . . . . . . . . 843
13.17.3 IdsM Service Use Case: AtomicSwComponentType provides
time stamp to IdsM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 844
14 Rapid Prototyping Scenarios 845
14.1 Definition of Rapid Prototyping Scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 845
14.2 Usage of RptContainers on M1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 848
14.3 Usage of atpSplitable for RptContainers on M1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 850
14.4 Modifications of the Meta-Model for supporting the RPT scenario . . . 850
14.5 Extended Buffer Access Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 853
14.5.1 RP Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 854
14.5.2 Service Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 858 Service Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 859

22 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

A Glossary 862

B Supported Special Use Cases 866

B.1 Asymmetric Data Transformation between a Software-Component and
a Complex Driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 866
B.1.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 866
B.1.2 Modeling Aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 867
C History of Constraints and Specification Items 869
C.1 Constraint History of this Document according to AUTOSAR R4.0.1 . . 869
C.1.1 Changed Constraints in R4.0.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 869
C.1.2 Added Constraints in R4.0.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 869
C.1.3 Deleted Constraints in R4.0.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 874
C.2 Constraint History of this Document according to AUTOSAR R4.0.2 . . 874
C.2.1 Changed Constraints in R4.0.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 874
C.2.2 Added Constraints in R4.0.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 875
C.2.3 Deleted Constraints in R4.0.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 876
C.3 Constraint History of this Document according to AUTOSAR R4.0.3 . . 876
C.3.1 Changed Constraints in R4.0.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 876
C.3.2 Added Constraints in R4.0.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 876
C.3.3 Added Specification Items in R4.0.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 879
C.3.4 Deleted Constraints in R4.0.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 894
C.3.5 Deleted Specification Items in R4.0.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 895
C.4 Constraint History of this Document according to AUTOSAR R4.1.1 . . 895
C.4.1 Changed Constraints in R4.1.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 895
C.4.2 Added Constraints in R4.1.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 896
C.4.3 Changed Specification Items in R4.1.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 899
C.4.4 Added Specification Items in R4.1.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900
C.4.5 Deleted Constraints in R4.1.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 903
C.4.6 Deleted Specification Items in R4.1.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 903
C.5 Constraint History of this Document according to AUTOSAR R4.1.2 . . 904
C.5.1 Changed Constraints in R4.1.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 904
C.5.2 Added Constraints in R4.1.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 904
C.5.3 Changed Specification Items in R4.1.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . 905
C.5.4 Added Specification Items in R4.1.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 905
C.5.5 Deleted Constraints in R4.1.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 906
C.5.6 Deleted Specification Items in R4.1.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 907
C.6 Constraint History of this Document according to AUTOSAR R4.1.3 . . 907
C.6.1 Added Traceables in R4.1.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 907
C.6.2 Changed Traceables in R4.1.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 907
C.6.3 Deleted Traceables in R4.1.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 907
C.6.4 Added Constraints in R4.1.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 908
C.6.5 Changed Constraints in R4.1.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 908
C.6.6 Deleted Constraints in R4.1.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 908
C.7 Constraint History of this Document according to AUTOSAR R4.2.1 . . 908
C.7.1 Added Traceables in R4.2.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 908

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Software Component Template

C.7.2 Changed Traceables in R4.2.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 911

C.7.3 Deleted Traceables in R4.2.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 912
C.7.4 Added Constraints in R4.2.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 912
C.7.5 Changed Constraints in R4.2.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 913
C.7.6 Deleted Constraints in R4.2.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 914
C.8 Constraint History of this Document according to AUTOSAR R4.2.2 . . 914
C.8.1 Added Traceables in R4.2.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 914
C.8.2 Changed Traceables in R4.2.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 915
C.8.3 Deleted Traceables in R4.2.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 916
C.8.4 Added Constraints in R4.2.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 916
C.8.5 Changed Constraints in R4.2.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 917
C.8.6 Deleted Constraints in R4.2.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 918
C.9 Constraint History of this Document according to AUTOSAR R4.3.0 . . 918
C.9.1 Added Traceables in R4.3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 918
C.9.2 Changed Traceables in R4.3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 921
C.9.3 Deleted Traceables in R4.3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 923
C.9.4 Added Constraints in R4.3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 924
C.9.5 Changed Constraints in R4.3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925
C.9.6 Deleted Constraints in R4.3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 926
C.10 Constraint History of this Document according to AUTOSAR R4.3.1 . . 926
C.10.1 Added Traceables in R4.3.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 926
C.10.2 Changed Traceables in R4.3.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 927
C.10.3 Deleted Traceables in R4.3.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 928
C.10.4 Added Constraints in R4.3.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 928
C.10.5 Changed Constraints in R4.3.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 928
C.10.6 Deleted Constraints in R4.3.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 929
C.11 Constraint History of this Document according to AUTOSAR R4.4.0 . . 930
C.11.1 Added Traceables in R4.4.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 930
C.11.2 Changed Traceables in R4.4.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 931
C.11.3 Deleted Traceables in R4.4.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 933
C.11.4 Added Constraints in R4.4.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 934
C.11.5 Changed Constraints in R4.4.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 934
C.11.6 Deleted Constraints in R4.4.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 935
C.12 Constraint History of this Document according to AUTOSAR R19-11 . 936
C.12.1 Added Traceables in R19-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 936
C.12.2 Changed Traceables in R19-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 937
C.12.3 Deleted Traceables in R19-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 937
C.12.4 Added Constraints in R19-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 937
C.12.5 Changed Constraints in R19-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 939
C.12.6 Deleted Constraints in R19-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 939
C.13 Constraint History of this Document according to AUTOSAR R20-11 . 939
C.13.1 Added Traceables in R20-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 939
C.13.2 Changed Traceables in R20-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 940
C.13.3 Deleted Traceables in R20-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 941
C.13.4 Added Constraints in R20-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 941
C.13.5 Changed Constraints in R20-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 946

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Software Component Template

C.13.6 Deleted Constraints in R20-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 947

C.14 Constraint History of this Document according to AUTOSAR R21-11 . 947
C.14.1 Added Traceables in R21-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 947
C.14.2 Changed Traceables in R21-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 947
C.14.3 Deleted Traceables in R21-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 948
C.14.4 Added Constraints in R21-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 948
C.14.5 Changed Constraints in R21-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 949
C.14.6 Deleted Constraints in R21-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 966
D Modeling of InstanceRef 968
D.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 968
D.2 Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 969
D.2.1 Components and Compositions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 969
D.2.2 Definition of implicit Communication Behavior . . . . . . . . . 983
D.2.3 Internal Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 989
E Examples 996
E.1 Examples for the Definition of variable-size Arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . 996
F Mentioned Class Tables 1000

G Upstream Mapping 1036

G.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1036
G.2 NvM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1036
G.3 Com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1044
G.4 WdgM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1060
G.5 Dcm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1061
G.6 Dem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1092
G.7 BswM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1100
G.8 MemMap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1106
G.9 RTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1107
G.10 ECUC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1113
G.11 OS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1119
G.12 SecOC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1119
H Splitable Elements in the Scope of this Document 1121

I Variation Points in the Scope of this Document 1124

25 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

[1] Standardization Template
[2] Specification of RTE Software
[3] Virtual Functional Bus
[4] Methodology for Classic Platform
[5] Layered Software Architecture
[6] Basic Software Module Description Template
[7] Specification of Timing Extensions
[8] Requirements on Timing Extensions
[9] Specification of ECU Resource Template
[10] System Template
[11] Generic Structure Template
[12] Requirements on Software Component Template
[13] Supplementary material of general blueprints for AUTOSAR
[14] Specification of Manifest
[15] Information technology – Universal Coded Character Set (UCS)
[16] Specification of I/O Hardware Abstraction
[17] ISO 17356-4: Road vehicles – Open interface for embedded automotive applica-
tions – Part 4: OSEK/VDX Communication (COM)

26 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

[18] Specification of Module E2E Transformer

[19] Specification of SW-C End-to-End Communication Protection Library
[20] Specification of Communication Manager
[21] Specification of Basic Software Mode Manager
[22] Specification of Communication
[23] Specification of Platform Types
[24] ISO/IEC 9899:1999
[25] AUTOSAR XML Schema Production Rules
[26] ASAM MCD 2MC ASAP2 Interface Specification
[27] ASAM MCD 2 Harmonized Data Objects Version 1.1
[28] Collection of blueprints for AUTOSAR M1 models
[29] ISO 26262:2018 (all parts) – Road vehicles – Functional Safety
[30] ASAM AE Calibration Data Format V2.0.0
[31] Specification of Operating System
[32] ISO 17356-3: Road vehicles – Open interface for embedded automotive applica-
tions – Part 3: OSEK/VDX Operating System (OS)
[33] Specification of ECU Configuration Parameters (XML)
[34] Glossary
[35] Specification of NVRAM Manager

27 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

[36] ASAM AE Functional Specification Exchange Format V1.0.0
[37] Specification of Watchdog Manager
[38] Specification of ECU State Manager
[39] Diagnostic Extract Template
[40] Specification of Function Inhibition Manager
[41] Specification of Diagnostic Event Manager
[42] Specification of Diagnostic Communication Manager
[43] Road vehicles – Diagnostic communication over Internet Protocol (DoIP)
[44] Specification of Diagnostic Log and Trace
[45] Specification of Synchronized Time-Base Manager
[46] Specification of Secure Onboard Communication
[47] Specification of a Request Manager for SAE J1939
[48] Specification of Default Error Tracer
[49] Specification of Vehicle-2-X Facilities
[50] Specification of Vehicle-2-X Management
[51] Software Process Engineering Meta-Model Specification
[52] Specification of SOME/IP Transformer

28 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

1 Introduction

1.1 Overview
This document contains the specification of the AUTOSAR Software-Component
Template. Actually, it has been created as a supplement to the formal definition of
the Software-Component Template by means of the AUTOSAR meta-model. In
other words, this document in addition to the formal specification provides introductory
description and rationale for the part of the AUTOSAR meta-model relevant for the
definition of software-components.
In this context, the term software-component refers to a formally described piece of
software existing that needs the AUTOSAR RTE [2] for execution.
Please note that the general ideas behind the semantics of application software-
components have been described in the specification of the Virtual Functional
Bus [3]. The latter, however, represents conceptual work that strongly influences but
does not totally govern the formal definition of software-components.
Note further that this document does not provide any “best practice” recommendations
of software-component modeling nor does it require or enforce a certain methodol-
ogy. Note however, that the methodology aspect is covered by the specification of the
AUTOSAR methodology [4].
Although it is beyond any doubt reasonable to use a suitable AUTOSAR Authoring Tool
for dealing with AUTOSAR software-components, this specification does not make any
assumptions nor does it give recommendations regarding the tooling.

1.2 Scope
As already mentioned in chapter 1.1, the Scope of this document is the description of
AUTOSAR software-components. This work covers the following three aspects:
• A general description of SwComponentTypes using PortPrototypes and
PortInterfaces, i.e. this document defines the SwComponentType as an en-
tity which can be described through PortPrototypes which provide or require
• A description of CompositionSwComponentTypes which are sub-systems
consisting out of connected instances of software-components, i.e. software-
components may be defined in the form of hierarchical subsystems which in turn
consist of software-components again. The description of such hierarchical struc-
tures is in scope of this document.
• A description of AtomicSwComponentType which is implemented as a piece of
software that can be mapped to an AUTOSAR ECU.
An AtomicSwComponentType therefore shows up in the ECU Software Archi-

29 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

tecture depicted in Figure 1.1. In this figure, the green (vertically striped) and
blue (diagonally striped) borders show the aspects that are described by the
Software-Component Template.

Figure 1.1: Scope of this document in the ECU SW Architecture [5]

Aspects of AUTOSAR Basic Software not relevant for the RTE are out of scope; these
are covered by the Basic Software Module Description Template [6].
Also, the document does not cover aspects of timing analysis with respect to the ex-
ecution of AUTOSAR software-components. This issue is explained in the Speci-
fication of Timing Extensions [7] as well as the corresponding requirement
specification [8].

1.3 Organization of the Meta-Model

Figure 1.2 sketches the overall structure of the meta-model which formally defines
the vocabulary required to describe AUTOSAR software-components. As the dia-
gram points out, other template specifications (e.g. ECU Resource Template [9]
and System Template [10]) also use the same modeling approach in order to define
an overall consistent model of AUTOSAR software description.
The dashed arrows in the diagram describe dependencies in terms of import-
relationships between the packages within the meta-model. For example, the package

30 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

SWComponentTemplate imports meta-classes defined in the packages Generic-

Structure [11] and ECUResourceTemplate [9].
Please note that this specification document will (with some well-defined exceptions)
mostly discuss meta-model elements defined in the package SWComponentTem-

AutosarTopLevelStructure      CommonStructure


SWComponentTemplate EcuResourceTemplate







AbstractPlatform StandardizationTemplate GenericStructure FeatureModelTemplate


Figure 1.2: Structure of the meta-model

For clarification, please note that the package GenericStructure contains some
fundamental infrastructure meta-classes and common patterns that are described
in [11]. As these are used by all other template specification the dependency asso-
ciations are not depicted in the diagram for the sake of clarity.

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Software Component Template

1.4 Structure of the Template

AUTOSAR software components are described on three distinctive levels, as shown in
Figure 1.3.


+internalBehavior 0..1


+behavior 0..1



Figure 1.3: The description of a software component is done on three levels

1.4.1 Description of Software Components on VFB Level

The highest (most abstract) description level is the Virtual Functional Bus [3].
In this document SwComponentTypes are described with the means of DataTypes,
PortInterfaces, PortPrototypes, and connections between them. At this level,
the fundamental communication properties of components and their communication
relationships among each other are expressed.
In the diagram depicted in Figure 1.3, this aspect is expressed by means of the de-
scription of AtomicSwComponentType1 .

1.4.2 Description of Software Components on RTE Level

The middle level allows for behavior description of a given AtomicSwComponent-

Type. This so-called SwcInternalBehavior is expressed according to AUTOSAR
RTE concepts, e.g. RTEEvents and in terms of schedulable units, so-called

To avoid clutter and require additional up-front information about the meta-model, Composition-
SwComponentTypes have not been added to the diagram.

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Software Component Template

For instance, for a ClientServerOperation defined in the scope of a particular

ClientServerInterface on the VFB, the behavior specifies which RunnableEn-
tity is activated as a consequence of the invocation of the specific ClientServer-
As sketched by Figure 1.3, there may be zero or one SwcInternalBehaviors ag-
gregated by a given AtomicSwComponentType. In response to the existence of the
stereotype atpSplitable at the aggregation it is possible to distribute the ag-
gregation over several physical files.

1.4.3 Descriptions of Software Components on Implementation Level

The lowest level of description specifies the implementation (i.e. in terms of the
AUTOSAR meta-model: the SwcImplementation) of a given SwcInternalBe-
havior description. More precisely, the RunnableEntitys of such a behavior are
mapped to code (source code or object code).
There may be different SwcImplementations that reference a specific SwcInter-
nalBehavior description, e.g. in different programming languages, or with differently
optimized code.
Please note that Implementation has been described in previous versions of this
document. In response to the evolution of the AUTOSAR concept the description of the
Implementation aspect has been moved to the “CommonStructure” (see Figure 1.2)
because it is also used for creating the Basic Software Module Description
Template [6].
However, the SwcImplementation still remains in the scope of this document as it
exclusively covers aspects of software-components rather than basic software mod-

1.5 Abbreviations
The following table contains a list of abbreviations used in the scope of this document
along with the spelled-out meaning of each of the abbreviations.
Abbreviation Meaning
API Application Programming Interface
BOM Byte Order Mark
CAN Controller Area Network
CSE Codes for Scaling Units
DCM Diagnostics Communication Manager
DCY Driving Cycle
DEM Diagnostics Event Manager

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Software Component Template

Abbreviation Meaning
DID Diagnostic Identifier
DTC Diagnostic Trouble Code
DoIp Diagnostics over IP
ECU Electrical Control Unit
EPROM Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
FID Function Identifier
GID Group Identifier
ID Identifier
IO Input/Output
IP Internet Protocol
IUMPR In-Use Monitor Performance Ratio
ISO International Standardization Organization
MAC Message Authentication Code
MCAL Micro-Controller Abstraction
LIN Local Interconnect Network
MCD Measurement, Calibration, Diagnostics
NM Network Management
NV Non-Volatile
OBD On-Board Diagnostic
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OS Operating System
PDU Protocol Data Unit
PID Parameter Identifier
PTO Power Take Off
RA Routing Activation
RAM Random Access Memory
ROM Read-Only Memory
RPT Rapid Prototyping
RTE Runtime Environment
SWC Software Component
TID Test Identifier
UDS Unified Diagnostic Services
UML Unified Modeling Language
VFB Virtual Functional Bus
WWH-OBD World-Wide Harmonized On-Board Diagnostics
XML Extensible Markup Language
XSD XML Schema Definition

Table 1.1: Abbreviations used in the scope of this Document

1.6 Document Conventions

Technical terms are typeset in mono spaced font, e.g. PortPrototype. As a general
rule, plural forms of technical terms are created by adding "s" to the singular form, e.g.

34 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

PortPrototypes. By this means the document resembles terminology used in the

This document contains constraints in textual form that are distinguished from the rest
of the text by a unique numerical constraint ID, a headline, and the actual constraint
text starting after the d character and terminated by the c character.
The purpose of these constraints is to literally constrain the interpretation of the
AUTOSAR meta-model such that it is possible to detect violations of the standardized
behavior implemented in an instance of the meta-model (i.e. on M1 level).
Makers of AUTOSAR tools are encouraged to add the numerical ID of a constraint that
corresponds to an M1 modeling issue as part of the diagnostic message issued by the
The attributes of the classes introduced in this document are listed in form of class
tables. They have the form shown in the example of the top-level element AUTOSAR:
Please note that constraints are not supposed to be enforceable at any given time in an
AUTOSAR workflow. During the development of a model, constraints may legitimately
be violated because an incomplete model will obviously show inconsistencies.
However, at specific points in the workflow, constraints shall be enforced as a safeguard
against misconfiguration.
The points in the workflow where constraints shall be enforced, sometimes also known
as the "binding time" of the constraint, are different for each model category, e.g. on the
classic platform, the constraints defined for software-components are typically enforced
prior to the generation of the RTE while the constraints against the definition of an Ecu
extract shall be applied when the Ecu configuration for the Com stack is created.
For each document, possible binding times of constraints are defined and the binding
times are typically mentioned in the constraint themselves to give a proper orientation
for implementers of AUTOSAR authoring tools.
Let AUTOSAR be an example of a typical class table. The first rows in the table have
the following meaning:
Class: The name of the class as defined in the UML model.
Package: The UML package the class is defined in. This is only listed to help locating
the class in the overall meta model.
Note: The comment the modeler gave for the class (class note). Stereotypes and UML
tags of the class are also denoted here.
Base Classes: If applicable, the list of direct base classes.
The headers in the table have the following meaning:
Attribute: The name of an attribute of the class. Note that AUTOSAR does not distin-
guish between class attributes and owned association ends.

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Software Component Template

Type: The type of an attribute of the class.

Mul.: The assigned multiplicity of the attribute, i.e. how many instances of the given
data type are associated with the attribute.
Kind: Specifies, whether the attribute is aggregated in the class (aggr aggregation),
an UML attribute in the class (attr primitive attribute), or just referenced by it (ref
reference). Instance references are also indicated (iref instance reference) in this
Note: The comment the modeler gave for the class attribute (role note). Stereotypes
and UML tags of the class are also denoted here.
Please note that the chapters that start with a letter instead of a numerical value rep-
resent the appendix of the document. The purpose of the appendix is to support the
explanation of certain aspects of the document and does not represent binding con-
ventions of the standard.
The verbal forms for the expression of obligation specified in [TPS_STDT_00053] shall
be used to indicate requirements, see Standardization Template, chapter Support for
Traceability ([1]).
The representation of requirements in AUTOSAR documents follows the table specified
in [TPS_STDT_00078], see Standardization Template, chapter Support for Traceability

1.7 Imposition Times of Constraints

The constraints formulated in this document have different actual imposition times
which denote the steps in the workflow when the respective constraint has to be im-
Some imposition times “include” other imposition times, an example for this relation is
discussed in the table 1.2.
The imposition times that are considered applicable in the scope of this document2 are
listed in Table 1.2.
Please note that the imposition times are intentionally rendered as technical terms
such that it is possible to link back from each constraint to the definition of the affected
imposition time in Table 1.2.
This document has been created to apply primarily for the AUTOSAR classic platform
and therefore the discussed imposition times also apply exclusively to the AUTOSAR
classic platform.
Some constraints, however, may also be meaningful in the context of other imposition
times, applicable for other AUTOSAR platforms.

Different imposition times may be defined in the context of other AUTOSAR standard documents

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Software Component Template

Imposition Time Description

at the time when the This imposition time is aimed at the time when a
contract phase generation software-component is ready for generating the
is executed contract phase header files such that the
implementation of the software-component can be
at the time when the RTE This imposition time denotes the step in the workflow
is generated where the model is considered complete such that
the generation of the RTE can be executed.
At the time when the RTE is generated, all
constraints that need to be imposed at the time when
the contract phase generation is executed and those
that are imposed at any time in the workflow also
need to be observed.
In other words, a constraint that is imposed at the
time when the contract phase generation is executed
shall also be imposed at the time when the RTE is
at any time in the This means that the constraint is invariant of the
workflow imposition time and therefore universally applicable.
Some model configurations never make sense and
therefore need to be restricted as early as possible
in order to avoid the situation where obviously
non-sensical model content is unjustifiably tolerated
until some step in the workflow.
And then (considerable) effort has to be spent for
cleaning up the model.
at the time when the This imposition time applies to the creation of
creation of the Composi- compositions of software-components. This
tionSwComponentType is imposition time is considered optional.
In other words, there may be use cases to deliver
CompositionSwComponentTypes that violate
constraints with this imposition time to another party.
But it may also make sense in some cases to make
sure, that a CompositionSwComponentType that
is going to be delivered to another party fulfills the
constraints associated with this binding time.
Table 1.2: Imposition Times considered in the scope of this document

From the appearance of an imposition time that only applies to the AUTOSAR classic
platform in the text of a constraint in this document, it shall not be concluded that the
constraint is exclusively applicable to the AUTOSAR classic platform.

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Software Component Template

1.8 Requirements Tracing

Requirements against this document are exclusively stated in the corresponding re-
quirements document [12].
The following table references the requirements specified in [12] and provides informa-
tion about individual specification items that fulfill a given requirement.
Requirement Description Satisfied by
[RS_SWCT_00010] AUTOSAR shall support inter- [TPS_SWCT_01025] [TPS_SWCT_01026] [TPS_SWCT_01027]
and intra-ECU-communication [TPS_SWCT_01069] [TPS_SWCT_01070] [TPS_SWCT_01111]
mechanisms with high reliability [TPS_SWCT_01516] [TPS_SWCT_01573]
[RS_SWCT_00020] AUTOSAR shall provide open [TPS_SWCT_01002]
and standardized software
interfaces for intra-ECU and
inter-ECU communication
[RS_SWCT_00030] AUTOSAR shall provide [TPS_SWCT_01002] [TPS_SWCT_01003] [TPS_SWCT_01004]
complete interfaces to [TPS_SWCT_01668] [TPS_SWCT_01672] [TPS_SWCT_01678]
application software and basic [TPS_SWCT_01679] [TPS_SWCT_01694] [TPS_SWCT_01703]
software modules [TPS_SWCT_01704] [TPS_SWCT_01705] [TPS_SWCT_01716]
[TPS_SWCT_01717] [TPS_SWCT_01718] [TPS_SWCT_01726]
[TPS_SWCT_01728] [TPS_SWCT_01729] [TPS_SWCT_01730]
[TPS_SWCT_01731] [TPS_SWCT_01732] [TPS_SWCT_01733]
[TPS_SWCT_01734] [TPS_SWCT_01735] [TPS_SWCT_01740]
[TPS_SWCT_01741] [TPS_SWCT_01742] [TPS_SWCT_01743]
[TPS_SWCT_01745] [TPS_SWCT_01763] [TPS_SWCT_01764]
[TPS_SWCT_01770] [TPS_SWCT_01776] [TPS_SWCT_01777]
[TPS_SWCT_01778] [TPS_SWCT_01779] [TPS_SWCT_01780]
[TPS_SWCT_01781] [TPS_SWCT_01782] [TPS_SWCT_01783]
[TPS_SWCT_01784] [TPS_SWCT_01788] [TPS_SWCT_01810]
[TPS_SWCT_01813] [TPS_SWCT_01814] [TPS_SWCT_01815]
[TPS_SWCT_01816] [TPS_SWCT_01817] [TPS_SWCT_01818]
[TPS_SWCT_01819] [TPS_SWCT_01826] [TPS_SWCT_01827]
[TPS_SWCT_01829] [TPS_SWCT_01830] [TPS_SWCT_01832]
[TPS_SWCT_02019] [TPS_SWCT_02020] [TPS_SWCT_02021]
[TPS_SWCT_02022] [TPS_SWCT_02024] [TPS_SWCT_02025]
[TPS_SWCT_02026] [TPS_SWCT_02027] [TPS_SWCT_02028]
[TPS_SWCT_02031] [TPS_SWCT_02032] [TPS_SWCT_02506]
[RS_SWCT_00070] AUTOSAR shall provide an [TPS_SWCT_01030] [TPS_SWCT_01097] [TPS_SWCT_01098]
abstraction of the application
software from hardware
[RS_SWCT_00080] AUTOSAR shall provide an [TPS_SWCT_01025] [TPS_SWCT_01026] [TPS_SWCT_01027]
independence of application [TPS_SWCT_01069] [TPS_SWCT_01070] [TPS_SWCT_01516]
software from in-vehicle
communication technologies
[RS_SWCT_00090] AUTOSAR should provide an [TPS_SWCT_01030] [TPS_SWCT_01097] [TPS_SWCT_01098]
independence of application
software from operating
[RS_SWCT_00110] AUTOSAR shall provide a [TPS_SWCT_01025] [TPS_SWCT_01026] [TPS_SWCT_01027]
functional interface view of the [TPS_SWCT_01069] [TPS_SWCT_01070] [TPS_SWCT_01516]
entire system
[RS_SWCT_00120] AUTOSAR shall provide [TPS_SWCT_01031] [TPS_SWCT_01049] [TPS_SWCT_01050]
protection/unlock mechanisms [TPS_SWCT_01051] [TPS_SWCT_01052] [TPS_SWCT_01053]
for software through appropriate [TPS_SWCT_01054] [TPS_SWCT_01055] [TPS_SWCT_01321]
services in the infrastructure [TPS_SWCT_01592] [TPS_SWCT_01713] [TPS_SWCT_01714]
[RS_SWCT_00150] AUTOSAR shall provide means [TPS_SWCT_01002]
to protect SW-Components
from malicious

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Software Component Template

Requirement Description Satisfied by
[RS_SWCT_00160] AUTOSAR shall provide means [TPS_SWCT_01002]
to achieve compositionality
[RS_SWCT_00170] AUTOSAR shall provide [TPS_SWCT_01028] [TPS_SWCT_01029] [TPS_SWCT_01129]
diagnostics means during [TPS_SWCT_01132] [TPS_SWCT_01134] [TPS_SWCT_01135]
runtime, for production and [TPS_SWCT_01136] [TPS_SWCT_01137] [TPS_SWCT_01138]
services purposes [TPS_SWCT_01139] [TPS_SWCT_01140] [TPS_SWCT_01425]
[TPS_SWCT_01426] [TPS_SWCT_01427] [TPS_SWCT_01453]
[TPS_SWCT_01582] [TPS_SWCT_01627] [TPS_SWCT_01628]
[TPS_SWCT_01629] [TPS_SWCT_01630] [TPS_SWCT_01631]
[TPS_SWCT_01632] [TPS_SWCT_01633] [TPS_SWCT_01634]
[TPS_SWCT_01639] [TPS_SWCT_01640] [TPS_SWCT_01654]
[TPS_SWCT_01655] [TPS_SWCT_01656] [TPS_SWCT_01657]
[TPS_SWCT_01690] [TPS_SWCT_01691] [TPS_SWCT_01706]
[TPS_SWCT_01707] [TPS_SWCT_01708] [TPS_SWCT_01709]
[TPS_SWCT_01711] [TPS_SWCT_01712] [TPS_SWCT_01715]
[TPS_SWCT_01739] [TPS_SWCT_01765] [TPS_SWCT_01766]
[TPS_SWCT_01767] [TPS_SWCT_01789] [TPS_SWCT_01790]
[TPS_SWCT_01791] [TPS_SWCT_01808] [TPS_SWCT_02002]
[TPS_SWCT_02003] [TPS_SWCT_02004] [TPS_SWCT_02005]
[TPS_SWCT_02007] [TPS_SWCT_02008] [TPS_SWCT_02009]
[TPS_SWCT_02010] [TPS_SWCT_02011] [TPS_SWCT_02012]
[TPS_SWCT_02013] [TPS_SWCT_02014] [TPS_SWCT_02015]
[TPS_SWCT_02016] [TPS_SWCT_02505]
[RS_SWCT_00190] AUTOSAR shall support [TPS_SWCT_01032] [TPS_SWCT_01033] [TPS_SWCT_01034]
hierarchical design methods [TPS_SWCT_01035] [TPS_SWCT_01036] [TPS_SWCT_01037]
[RS_SWCT_00200] Definitions of relations between [TPS_SWCT_01002] [TPS_SWCT_01322] [TPS_SWCT_01323]
SW components are exhaustive [TPS_SWCT_01325] [TPS_SWCT_01326] [TPS_SWCT_01328]
and formal [TPS_SWCT_01329] [TPS_SWCT_01330] [TPS_SWCT_01331]
[TPS_SWCT_01333] [TPS_SWCT_01334] [TPS_SWCT_01335]
[TPS_SWCT_01336] [TPS_SWCT_01337] [TPS_SWCT_01338]
[TPS_SWCT_01339] [TPS_SWCT_01340] [TPS_SWCT_01341]
[TPS_SWCT_01342] [TPS_SWCT_01343] [TPS_SWCT_01345]
[TPS_SWCT_01346] [TPS_SWCT_01347] [TPS_SWCT_01348]
[TPS_SWCT_01349] [TPS_SWCT_01350] [TPS_SWCT_01351]
[TPS_SWCT_01352] [TPS_SWCT_01353] [TPS_SWCT_01557]
[TPS_SWCT_01558] [TPS_SWCT_01567] [TPS_SWCT_01663]
[RS_SWCT_00210] SW components are protected [TPS_SWCT_01002]
from illegal access
[RS_SWCT_00220] Management of vehicle diversity [TPS_SWCT_01038] [TPS_SWCT_01040] [TPS_SWCT_01041]
is supported by AUTOSAR [TPS_SWCT_01042] [TPS_SWCT_01447]
[RS_SWCT_00230] The Software Component [TPS_SWCT_01000] [TPS_SWCT_01001] [TPS_SWCT_01635]
Template shall provide the
ability to define naming
conventions for public symbols
[RS_SWCT_02000] AUTOSAR shall support a [TPS_SWCT_01032] [TPS_SWCT_01033] [TPS_SWCT_01034]
top-down hierarchical design [TPS_SWCT_01035] [TPS_SWCT_01036] [TPS_SWCT_01037]
[RS_SWCT_02010] Interfaces of atomic [TPS_SWCT_01002]
software-components shall be
[RS_SWCT_02020] Bottom-up design of [TPS_SWCT_01032] [TPS_SWCT_01033] [TPS_SWCT_01034]
CompositionTypes shall be [TPS_SWCT_01035] [TPS_SWCT_01036] [TPS_SWCT_01037]

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Software Component Template

Requirement Description Satisfied by
[RS_SWCT_02030] Specification of [TPS_SWCT_01002] [TPS_SWCT_01025] [TPS_SWCT_01026]
Communications shall be [TPS_SWCT_01027] [TPS_SWCT_01087] [TPS_SWCT_01106]
supported [TPS_SWCT_01114] [TPS_SWCT_01115] [TPS_SWCT_01116]
[TPS_SWCT_01117] [TPS_SWCT_01118] [TPS_SWCT_01119]
[TPS_SWCT_01120] [TPS_SWCT_01121] [TPS_SWCT_01122]
[TPS_SWCT_01124] [TPS_SWCT_01196] [TPS_SWCT_01198]
[TPS_SWCT_01218] [TPS_SWCT_01454] [TPS_SWCT_01516]
[TPS_SWCT_01517] [TPS_SWCT_01801] [TPS_SWCT_01803]
[RS_SWCT_02060] Interaction with basic software [TPS_SWCT_01005] [TPS_SWCT_01043] [TPS_SWCT_01044]
shall be considered [TPS_SWCT_01045] [TPS_SWCT_01046] [TPS_SWCT_01556]
[TPS_SWCT_01660] [TPS_SWCT_01661] [TPS_SWCT_01689]
[TPS_SWCT_01693] [TPS_SWCT_01833]
[RS_SWCT_02080] Designing a Sensor Actuator [TPS_SWCT_01047] [TPS_SWCT_01048]
Component shall be supported
[RS_SWCT_02090] Data-consistency for [TPS_SWCT_01031] [TPS_SWCT_01049] [TPS_SWCT_01050]
communication among [TPS_SWCT_01051] [TPS_SWCT_01052] [TPS_SWCT_01053]
RunnableEntities shall be [TPS_SWCT_01054] [TPS_SWCT_01055] [TPS_SWCT_01637]
supported [TPS_SWCT_01713] [TPS_SWCT_01714]
[RS_SWCT_02100] Definition of physical units shall [TPS_SWCT_01056] [TPS_SWCT_01057] [TPS_SWCT_01058]
be supported [TPS_SWCT_01059] [TPS_SWCT_01060] [TPS_SWCT_01061]
[TPS_SWCT_01068] [TPS_SWCT_01736] [TPS_SWCT_01737]
[RS_SWCT_02110] Definition of comments shall be [TPS_SWCT_01062] [TPS_SWCT_01203] [TPS_SWCT_01204]
supported [TPS_SWCT_01205] [TPS_SWCT_01206] [TPS_SWCT_01207]
[TPS_SWCT_01208] [TPS_SWCT_01209] [TPS_SWCT_01211]
[TPS_SWCT_01212] [TPS_SWCT_01214] [TPS_SWCT_01215]
[TPS_SWCT_01216] [TPS_SWCT_01217] [TPS_SWCT_01524]
[RS_SWCT_03000] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01032] [TPS_SWCT_01033] [TPS_SWCT_01034]
shall support compositions [TPS_SWCT_01035] [TPS_SWCT_01036] [TPS_SWCT_01037]
[RS_SWCT_03010] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01025] [TPS_SWCT_01026] [TPS_SWCT_01069]
shall support interfaces [TPS_SWCT_01070] [TPS_SWCT_01516]
[RS_SWCT_03040] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01022] [TPS_SWCT_01030] [TPS_SWCT_01075]
shall support description of the [TPS_SWCT_01098] [TPS_SWCT_01108] [TPS_SWCT_01153]
behavior [TPS_SWCT_01154] [TPS_SWCT_01155] [TPS_SWCT_01156]
[TPS_SWCT_01157] [TPS_SWCT_01302] [TPS_SWCT_01303]
[TPS_SWCT_01304] [TPS_SWCT_01305] [TPS_SWCT_01306]
[TPS_SWCT_01307] [TPS_SWCT_01309] [TPS_SWCT_01310]
[TPS_SWCT_01312] [TPS_SWCT_01313] [TPS_SWCT_01314]
[TPS_SWCT_01315] [TPS_SWCT_01317] [TPS_SWCT_01318]
[TPS_SWCT_01320] [TPS_SWCT_01324] [TPS_SWCT_01354]
[TPS_SWCT_01355] [TPS_SWCT_01356] [TPS_SWCT_01357]
[TPS_SWCT_01358] [TPS_SWCT_01359] [TPS_SWCT_01360]
[TPS_SWCT_01361] [TPS_SWCT_01363] [TPS_SWCT_01366]
[TPS_SWCT_01367] [TPS_SWCT_01368] [TPS_SWCT_01369]
[TPS_SWCT_01469] [TPS_SWCT_01483] [TPS_SWCT_01519]
[TPS_SWCT_01520] [TPS_SWCT_01521] [TPS_SWCT_01522]
[TPS_SWCT_01523] [TPS_SWCT_01687] [TPS_SWCT_03500]
[RS_SWCT_03045] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01469]
shall allow enabling of
RTE-Feature to get the
activating RTE-Event of
Runnable Entity
[RS_SWCT_03046] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_02507]
shall support instance specific
[RS_SWCT_03050] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01030] [TPS_SWCT_01097] [TPS_SWCT_01098]
shall support the definition of

40 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Requirement Description Satisfied by
[RS_SWCT_03055] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01457] [TPS_SWCT_01458] [TPS_SWCT_01459]
shall support optional [TPS_SWCT_01460]
configuration of ExclusiveArea
usage within RunnableEntities
[RS_SWCT_03065] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01466] [TPS_SWCT_01470] [TPS_SWCT_01471]
shall support the definition of [TPS_SWCT_01472] [TPS_SWCT_01473] [TPS_SWCT_01474]
implicit communication behavior [TPS_SWCT_01475] [TPS_SWCT_01476] [TPS_SWCT_01479]
[TPS_SWCT_01480] [TPS_SWCT_01481] [TPS_SWCT_01482]
[TPS_SWCT_01509] [TPS_SWCT_01625]
[RS_SWCT_03090] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01047] [TPS_SWCT_01048]
shall support the definition of
needed and usable sensors and
[RS_SWCT_03100] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01038] [TPS_SWCT_01040] [TPS_SWCT_01041]
shall support variant handling [TPS_SWCT_01042] [TPS_SWCT_01370] [TPS_SWCT_01371]
[TPS_SWCT_01372] [TPS_SWCT_01373] [TPS_SWCT_01448]
[RS_SWCT_03110] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01071] [TPS_SWCT_01153] [TPS_SWCT_01154]
shall support modes [TPS_SWCT_01190] [TPS_SWCT_01376] [TPS_SWCT_01377]
[TPS_SWCT_01378] [TPS_SWCT_01379] [TPS_SWCT_01380]
[TPS_SWCT_01381] [TPS_SWCT_01382] [TPS_SWCT_01383]
[TPS_SWCT_01384] [TPS_SWCT_01385] [TPS_SWCT_01388]
[TPS_SWCT_01530] [TPS_SWCT_01531] [TPS_SWCT_01532]
[TPS_SWCT_01533] [TPS_SWCT_01534] [TPS_SWCT_01535]
[TPS_SWCT_01536] [TPS_SWCT_01541] [TPS_SWCT_01542]
[TPS_SWCT_01552] [TPS_SWCT_01553] [TPS_SWCT_01554]
[TPS_SWCT_01555] [TPS_SWCT_01581] [TPS_SWCT_01664]
[RS_SWCT_03115] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01464] [TPS_SWCT_01465] [TPS_SWCT_01545]
shall support mapping of mode
[RS_SWCT_03120] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01077]
shall support dependency on
[RS_SWCT_03130] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01079] [TPS_SWCT_01080] [TPS_SWCT_01081]
shall support connections [TPS_SWCT_01082] [TPS_SWCT_01083] [TPS_SWCT_01084]
between PortInterfaces [TPS_SWCT_01113] [TPS_SWCT_01507] [TPS_SWCT_01515]
[TPS_SWCT_01573] [TPS_SWCT_01843]
[RS_SWCT_03135] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01023] [TPS_SWCT_01024] [TPS_SWCT_01551]
shall support record type
[RS_SWCT_03136] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01195]
shall support record type
subsetting with primitive types
[RS_SWCT_03140] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01038]
shall support conditional
existence of PortPrototypes
[RS_SWCT_03141] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01106]
shall support the conditional
existence of data element
prototypes, operation
prototypes, parameter
prototypes in an interface
[RS_SWCT_03142] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01038]
shall support the conditional
existence of Component

41 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Requirement Description Satisfied by
[RS_SWCT_03143] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01040]
shall support the conditional
existence of Connector
[RS_SWCT_03144] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01076] [TPS_SWCT_01078]
shall support a configurable
size of arrays
[RS_SWCT_03148] Attributes swMinAxisPoints and [TPS_SWCT_01107] [TPS_SWCT_01181] [TPS_SWCT_01839]
swMaxAxisPoints shall be
adjustable by an System
Constant Definition
[RS_SWCT_03149] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01085]
shall support the conditional
existence of RunnableEntitys
[RS_SWCT_03150] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01085]
shall support the conditional
existence of RTEEvents
[RS_SWCT_03151] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01085]
shall support the conditional
existence of InterRunnable
[RS_SWCT_03152] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01130]
shall support the conditional
accessibility for measurement
[RS_SWCT_03153] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01085]
shall support the conditional
existence of parameter
[RS_SWCT_03154] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01038]
shall support conditional ports
for software components
[RS_SWCT_03155] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01099] [TPS_SWCT_01100] [TPS_SWCT_01101]
shall support interfaces with [TPS_SWCT_01102] [TPS_SWCT_01103] [TPS_SWCT_01104]
different resolutions [TPS_SWCT_01105]
[RS_SWCT_03170] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01102] [TPS_SWCT_01103] [TPS_SWCT_01104]
shall support fixed data
[RS_SWCT_03175] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01177] [TPS_SWCT_01178] [TPS_SWCT_01188]
shall support the definition of [TPS_SWCT_01793] [TPS_SWCT_01794]
calibration datasets
[RS_SWCT_03180] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01076] [TPS_SWCT_01673] [TPS_SWCT_01674]
shall support SAE J1939 [TPS_SWCT_01809]
Protocol Features
[RS_SWCT_03181] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01076] [TPS_SWCT_01127] [TPS_SWCT_01495]
shall support arrays of variable [TPS_SWCT_01601] [TPS_SWCT_01602] [TPS_SWCT_01604]
number of elements within the [TPS_SWCT_01605] [TPS_SWCT_01606] [TPS_SWCT_01607]
maximum size [TPS_SWCT_01608] [TPS_SWCT_01610] [TPS_SWCT_01612]
[TPS_SWCT_01613] [TPS_SWCT_01614] [TPS_SWCT_01615]
[TPS_SWCT_01617] [TPS_SWCT_01618] [TPS_SWCT_01619]
[TPS_SWCT_01620] [TPS_SWCT_01621] [TPS_SWCT_01622]
[TPS_SWCT_01623] [TPS_SWCT_01636] [TPS_SWCT_01641]
[TPS_SWCT_01642] [TPS_SWCT_01644] [TPS_SWCT_01645]
[TPS_SWCT_01647] [TPS_SWCT_01648] [TPS_SWCT_01649]
[TPS_SWCT_01650] [TPS_SWCT_01793] [TPS_SWCT_01794]
[RS_SWCT_03182] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01127]
shall support byte arrays of
variable number of elements

42 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Requirement Description Satisfied by
[RS_SWCT_03190] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01028] [TPS_SWCT_01029] [TPS_SWCT_01129]
shall support the ability to [TPS_SWCT_01132] [TPS_SWCT_01134] [TPS_SWCT_01135]
publish/specify the diagnostic [TPS_SWCT_01136] [TPS_SWCT_01137] [TPS_SWCT_01138]
capabilities and its resources of [TPS_SWCT_01139] [TPS_SWCT_01140] [TPS_SWCT_01421]
an SWC [TPS_SWCT_01422] [TPS_SWCT_01425] [TPS_SWCT_01426]
[TPS_SWCT_01427] [TPS_SWCT_01453] [TPS_SWCT_01537]
[TPS_SWCT_01538] [TPS_SWCT_01539] [TPS_SWCT_01540]
[TPS_SWCT_01544] [TPS_SWCT_01546] [TPS_SWCT_01547]
[TPS_SWCT_01577] [TPS_SWCT_01578] [TPS_SWCT_01582]
[TPS_SWCT_01627] [TPS_SWCT_01628] [TPS_SWCT_01629]
[TPS_SWCT_01630] [TPS_SWCT_01631] [TPS_SWCT_01632]
[TPS_SWCT_01633] [TPS_SWCT_01634] [TPS_SWCT_01639]
[TPS_SWCT_01640] [TPS_SWCT_01654] [TPS_SWCT_01655]
[TPS_SWCT_01656] [TPS_SWCT_01657] [TPS_SWCT_01680]
[TPS_SWCT_01690] [TPS_SWCT_01691] [TPS_SWCT_01706]
[TPS_SWCT_01707] [TPS_SWCT_01708] [TPS_SWCT_01709]
[TPS_SWCT_01711] [TPS_SWCT_01712] [TPS_SWCT_01715]
[TPS_SWCT_01739] [TPS_SWCT_01746] [TPS_SWCT_01765]
[TPS_SWCT_01766] [TPS_SWCT_01767] [TPS_SWCT_01769]
[TPS_SWCT_01789] [TPS_SWCT_01790] [TPS_SWCT_01791]
[TPS_SWCT_01808] [TPS_SWCT_02002] [TPS_SWCT_02003]
[TPS_SWCT_02004] [TPS_SWCT_02005] [TPS_SWCT_02007]
[TPS_SWCT_02008] [TPS_SWCT_02009] [TPS_SWCT_02010]
[TPS_SWCT_02011] [TPS_SWCT_02012] [TPS_SWCT_02013]
[TPS_SWCT_02014] [TPS_SWCT_02015] [TPS_SWCT_02016]
[RS_SWCT_03200] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01008] [TPS_SWCT_01009] [TPS_SWCT_01010]
shall support vehicle and [TPS_SWCT_01011] [TPS_SWCT_01016] [TPS_SWCT_01017]
application mode management [TPS_SWCT_01018] [TPS_SWCT_01019] [TPS_SWCT_01020]
[TPS_SWCT_01021] [TPS_SWCT_01063] [TPS_SWCT_01064]
[TPS_SWCT_01065] [TPS_SWCT_01066] [TPS_SWCT_01067]
[TPS_SWCT_01071] [TPS_SWCT_01126] [TPS_SWCT_01450]
[TPS_SWCT_01451] [TPS_SWCT_01552] [TPS_SWCT_01553]
[TPS_SWCT_01554] [TPS_SWCT_01572] [TPS_SWCT_01581]
[TPS_SWCT_01664] [TPS_SWCT_01811]
[RS_SWCT_03201] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01063] [TPS_SWCT_01064] [TPS_SWCT_01065]
shall support Portgroups [TPS_SWCT_01066] [TPS_SWCT_01096] [TPS_SWCT_01126]
[TPS_SWCT_01169] [TPS_SWCT_01173] [TPS_SWCT_01174]
[RS_SWCT_03202] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01086] [TPS_SWCT_01201] [TPS_SWCT_01353]
shall support enabling SWCs to [TPS_SWCT_01554] [TPS_SWCT_01572]
request dedicated modes
[RS_SWCT_03203] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01086] [TPS_SWCT_01087] [TPS_SWCT_01200]
shall support propagation of [TPS_SWCT_01201] [TPS_SWCT_01202] [TPS_SWCT_01552]
mode information [TPS_SWCT_01553] [TPS_SWCT_01566] [TPS_SWCT_01664]
[RS_SWCT_03210] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01023] [TPS_SWCT_01024] [TPS_SWCT_01099]
shall support integrity and [TPS_SWCT_01100] [TPS_SWCT_01101] [TPS_SWCT_01102]
scaling at ports [TPS_SWCT_01103] [TPS_SWCT_01104] [TPS_SWCT_01105]
[TPS_SWCT_01158] [TPS_SWCT_01159] [TPS_SWCT_01160]
[TPS_SWCT_01161] [TPS_SWCT_01162] [TPS_SWCT_01163]
[TPS_SWCT_01164] [TPS_SWCT_01165] [TPS_SWCT_01166]
[TPS_SWCT_01167] [TPS_SWCT_01168] [TPS_SWCT_01449]
[TPS_SWCT_01543] [TPS_SWCT_01549] [TPS_SWCT_01550]
[TPS_SWCT_01551] [TPS_SWCT_01560] [TPS_SWCT_01561]
[TPS_SWCT_01583] [TPS_SWCT_01768]
[RS_SWCT_03215] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01072] [TPS_SWCT_01073] [TPS_SWCT_01074]
shall define the need to add [TPS_SWCT_01076] [TPS_SWCT_01078] [TPS_SWCT_01189]
application data type on top of [TPS_SWCT_01229] [TPS_SWCT_01231] [TPS_SWCT_01235]
implementation data type [TPS_SWCT_01236] [TPS_SWCT_01247] [TPS_SWCT_01256]
[TPS_SWCT_01295] [TPS_SWCT_01296] [TPS_SWCT_01298]
[TPS_SWCT_01299] [TPS_SWCT_01300] [TPS_SWCT_01489]

43 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Requirement Description Satisfied by
[RS_SWCT_03216] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01072] [TPS_SWCT_01073] [TPS_SWCT_01179]
shall support application data [TPS_SWCT_01180] [TPS_SWCT_01181] [TPS_SWCT_01183]
type [TPS_SWCT_01184] [TPS_SWCT_01185] [TPS_SWCT_01189]
[TPS_SWCT_01191] [TPS_SWCT_01229] [TPS_SWCT_01230]
[TPS_SWCT_01231] [TPS_SWCT_01235] [TPS_SWCT_01236]
[TPS_SWCT_01237] [TPS_SWCT_01240] [TPS_SWCT_01241]
[TPS_SWCT_01242] [TPS_SWCT_01243] [TPS_SWCT_01244]
[TPS_SWCT_01245] [TPS_SWCT_01247] [TPS_SWCT_01249]
[TPS_SWCT_01256] [TPS_SWCT_01486] [TPS_SWCT_01562]
[TPS_SWCT_01564] [TPS_SWCT_01565] [TPS_SWCT_01760]
[TPS_SWCT_01834] [TPS_SWCT_01835] [TPS_SWCT_01839]
[RS_SWCT_03217] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01006] [TPS_SWCT_01007] [TPS_SWCT_01072]
shall support implementation [TPS_SWCT_01074] [TPS_SWCT_01183] [TPS_SWCT_01184]
data type [TPS_SWCT_01189] [TPS_SWCT_01191] [TPS_SWCT_01229]
[TPS_SWCT_01231] [TPS_SWCT_01232] [TPS_SWCT_01233]
[TPS_SWCT_01235] [TPS_SWCT_01236] [TPS_SWCT_01237]
[TPS_SWCT_01248] [TPS_SWCT_01250] [TPS_SWCT_01251]
[TPS_SWCT_01252] [TPS_SWCT_01253] [TPS_SWCT_01254]
[TPS_SWCT_01255] [TPS_SWCT_01257] [TPS_SWCT_01257]
[TPS_SWCT_01258] [TPS_SWCT_01259] [TPS_SWCT_01442]
[TPS_SWCT_01443] [TPS_SWCT_01478] [TPS_SWCT_01564]
[TPS_SWCT_01565] [TPS_SWCT_01610] [TPS_SWCT_01612]
[TPS_SWCT_01613] [TPS_SWCT_01614] [TPS_SWCT_01615]
[TPS_SWCT_01617] [TPS_SWCT_01618] [TPS_SWCT_01619]
[TPS_SWCT_01620] [TPS_SWCT_01621] [TPS_SWCT_01622]
[TPS_SWCT_01647] [TPS_SWCT_01648] [TPS_SWCT_01649]
[TPS_SWCT_01650] [TPS_SWCT_01700] [TPS_SWCT_01701]
[TPS_SWCT_01702] [TPS_SWCT_01759] [TPS_SWCT_01772]
[RS_SWCT_03218] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01477]
shall support data types for
primitive data mapping
[RS_SWCT_03220] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01088] [TPS_SWCT_01568]
shall allow communication
attributes on compositions
[RS_SWCT_03221] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01222] [TPS_SWCT_01594] [TPS_SWCT_01595]
shall allow port specific [TPS_SWCT_01596] [TPS_SWCT_01597] [TPS_SWCT_01598]
configuration of data [TPS_SWCT_01599] [TPS_SWCT_01600] [TPS_SWCT_01626]
transformation properties [TPS_SWCT_01812] [TPS_SWCT_03500] [TPS_SWCT_03501]
[RS_SWCT_03222] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01616] [TPS_SWCT_01624] [TPS_SWCT_01626]
shall support error notification
for transformed data
[RS_SWCT_03225] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01141] [TPS_SWCT_01142] [TPS_SWCT_01143]
shall support an enhanced [TPS_SWCT_01227] [TPS_SWCT_01228] [TPS_SWCT_01584]
non-volatile (NV) memory [TPS_SWCT_01585] [TPS_SWCT_01586] [TPS_SWCT_01587]
interface [TPS_SWCT_01588] [TPS_SWCT_01589] [TPS_SWCT_01590]
[TPS_SWCT_01662] [TPS_SWCT_01665] [TPS_SWCT_01666]
[TPS_SWCT_01675] [TPS_SWCT_01754] [TPS_SWCT_01755]
[TPS_SWCT_01795] [TPS_SWCT_01805] [TPS_SWCT_01806]
[TPS_SWCT_01807] [TPS_SWCT_02501] [TPS_SWCT_02502]
[TPS_SWCT_02503] [TPS_SWCT_02504]
[RS_SWCT_03230] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01062] [TPS_SWCT_01699]
shall support documentation of
M1 artifacts
[RS_SWCT_03240] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01089] [TPS_SWCT_01090] [TPS_SWCT_01091]
shall support end-to-end [TPS_SWCT_01092] [TPS_SWCT_01093] [TPS_SWCT_01094]
communication protection [TPS_SWCT_01095] [TPS_SWCT_01508] [TPS_SWCT_01529]

44 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Requirement Description Satisfied by
[RS_SWCT_03241] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01169] [TPS_SWCT_01170] [TPS_SWCT_01171]
shall support partial networking [TPS_SWCT_01172] [TPS_SWCT_01173] [TPS_SWCT_01174]
[RS_SWCT_03250] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01112] [TPS_SWCT_01113] [TPS_SWCT_01454]
shall support bidirectional [TPS_SWCT_01455] [TPS_SWCT_01514] [TPS_SWCT_01573]
[RS_SWCT_03260] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01484] [TPS_SWCT_01485] [TPS_SWCT_01493]
shall support rule-based [TPS_SWCT_01494] [TPS_SWCT_01495] [TPS_SWCT_01528]
initialization of arrays [TPS_SWCT_01609] [TPS_SWCT_01692]
[RS_SWCT_03270] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_02507]
shall support overriding the
activation period time on
instance level
[RS_SWCT_03280] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01719] [TPS_SWCT_01720] [TPS_SWCT_01721]
shall support the description of [TPS_SWCT_01722] [TPS_SWCT_01723] [TPS_SWCT_01724]
bypass points and bypass [TPS_SWCT_02046] [TPS_SWCT_02047] [TPS_SWCT_02048]
scenarios [TPS_SWCT_02049] [TPS_SWCT_02050] [TPS_SWCT_02051]
[RS_SWCT_03281] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_02047]
shall support post-build hooking
tools for rapid prototyping
[RS_SWCT_03282] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_02046] [TPS_SWCT_02047]
shall support the description of
service points and rapid
prototyping scenarios
[RS_SWCT_03290] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01525]
shall support the initialization of
runnables without usage of
mode management
[RS_SWCT_03310] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01537] [TPS_SWCT_01538] [TPS_SWCT_01539]
shall support Diagnostics over [TPS_SWCT_01544] [TPS_SWCT_01546] [TPS_SWCT_01547]
IP [TPS_SWCT_01746]
[RS_SWCT_03320] The SW-Component template [TPS_SWCT_01771] [TPS_SWCT_01772] [TPS_SWCT_01773]
shall support the definition of [TPS_SWCT_01774] [TPS_SWCT_01775] [TPS_SWCT_01785]
optional elements for [TPS_SWCT_01786] [TPS_SWCT_01821] [TPS_SWCT_01822]
communication [TPS_SWCT_01823]

Table 1.3: RequirementsTracing

45 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

2 Conceptual Aspects

2.1 Introduction
For the sake of a compact description of relevant meta-model elements the discussion
and explanation of conceptual aspects has been concentrated in this chapter.
Reading this chapter is not a pre-requisite for understanding the subsequent chapters.
It just provides a central place for the detailed description of conceptual aspects used
in various other chapters of this document.
The actual explanation of the concept of a software-component starts in chapter 3.

2.2 Measurement and Calibration

2.2.1 Basic Approach of Measurement and Calibration

While performing the calibration process using an MCD tool (Measurement, Calibra-
tion, and Diagnostic) the calibration engineer needs to have a specific insight to the
data within the CPU at runtime.
This insight is provided by access to ECU internal variables (also called measure-
ments) as well as calibration parameters (sometimes also called characteristic value).
For more details, please refer to [TPS_SWCT_01418]
The description of measurement variables and calibration parameters is basically the
same. In AUTOSAR both appear finally as DataPrototypes.

2.2.2 Calibration Parameters Overview

A Calibration Parameter is a parameter which characterizes the dynamics of a control

algorithm. From a software implementation point of view, it is a variable with only
read-access during the normal operation of an ECU. Characteristics are specialized
DataPrototype entities in terms of its associated type but are used similarly.
[TPS_SWCT_01418] Ways to define a calibration parameter dThis means that Cal-
ibration Parameters can be defined
• individually for a SwComponentPrototype in the SwcInternalBehavior of
a SwComponentType via an aggregation of an ParameterDataPrototype in
the role of perInstanceParameter (similar to PerInstanceMemory).
• sharing between all SwComponentPrototypes of the same SwComponent-
Type in its SwcInternalBehavior via an aggregation of an ParameterDat-
aPrototype in the role of sharedParameter or constantMemory.

46 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

• for several SwComponentPrototypes (using the port-/interface-concept with

Please note:
• The definition of perInstanceParameter is further described in chapter
• Chapter provides more information about the definition of sharedPa-
rameter or constantMemory.
• For more information regarding the definition of ParameterInterface, please
refer to chapter

Curve Map Axis

Figure 2.1: Some Categories of calibration parameters

Note: the structure of various calibration objects is visualized in [13].

2.2.3 Using Calibration Parameters

As mentioned above, a ParameterDataPrototype can be used in the context of

SwcInternalBehavior as well as in the context of PortPrototypes. Sharing Calibration Parameters within Compositions

To provide calibration parameters for being visible in other SwComponentTypes, a

dedicated ParameterSwComponentType (see Figure 3.4) that inherits from SwCom-
ponentType has to be used as a SwComponentPrototype within a Composition-
Class ParameterSwComponentType
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components

47 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class ParameterSwComponentType
Note The ParameterSwComponentType defines parameters and characteristic values accessible via provided
Ports. The provided values are the same for all connected SwComponentPrototypes
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, CollectableElement,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable, SwComponentType
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
constant ConstantSpecification * ref Reference to the ConstantSpecificationMapping to be
Mapping MappingSet applied for the particular ParameterSwComponentType
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
dataType DataTypeMappingSet * ref Reference to the DataTypeMapping to be applied for the
Mapping particular ParameterSwComponentType
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
instantiation InstantiationDataDef * aggr The purpose of this is that within the context of a given
DataDefProps Props SwComponentType some data def properties of individual
instantiations can be modified.
The aggregation of InstantiationDataDefProps is subject
to variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of PortPrototypes
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table 2.1: ParameterSwComponentType

[TPS_SWCT_01420] SwComponentType requiring access to shared calibration

parameters needs RPortPrototype typed by a ParameterInterface dEvery
SwComponentType requiring access to shared calibration parameters will have an
RPortPrototype typed by a ParameterInterface. The definition of this shared
calibration access in the context of a CompositionSwComponentType will be defined
by creating a SwConnector between the relevant SwComponentPrototypes.c()
Class ParameterInterface
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note A parameter interface declares a number of parameter and characteristic values to be exchanged
between parameter components and software components.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, CollectableElement,
DataInterface, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, PortInterface, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
parameter ParameterData * aggr The ParameterDataPrototype of this ParameterInterface.

Table 2.2: ParameterInterface

[TPS_SWCT_01421] ParameterInterface is not restricted to parameters which

can actually can be calibrated dNote that a ParameterInterface is not restricted
to parameters which can actually can be calibrated. It can be used whenever there
shall be no write access to the data during normal operation of the software, i.e. only
constant data are visible over the interface.c(RS_SWCT_03190)

48 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

The compatibility rules for ParameterInterfaces are described in chapter 6.4; the
compatibility rules for ParameterDataPrototypes are described in chapter 6.4.4.

AbstractProvidedPortPrototype AbstractRequiredPortPrototype

PPortPrototype «isOfType»
+providedInterface + isService: Boolean [0..1] «isOfType»
+requiredInterface RPortPrototype
+ serviceKind: ServiceProviderEnum [0..1]
0..1 0..1 + mayBeUnconnected: Boolean [0..1]
{redefines atpType} {redefines atpType}

ParameterInterface DataInterface

+parameter 0..* +/swDataDefProps 0..1

ParameterDataPrototype AutosarDataPrototype «atpVariation»


Figure 2.2: ParameterInterface

[TPS_SWCT_01422] Delegation of PortPrototypes typed by a ParameterIn-

terface dAccess to shared calibration parameters can be provided and required even
over CompositionSwComponentTypes using DelegationSwConnectors and
This means that each access to calibration parameters between SwComponentPro-
totypes is explicitly visible.
If a SwConnector spans after the mapping of SwComponentPrototypes over two
different ECUs the system generation process has to ensure the proper allocation of
the ParameterDataPrototype while the calibration system has to cope with setting
the parameter synchronously on the affected ECUs.c(RS_SWCT_03190) Sharing Calibration Parameters between SwComponentPrototypes of

the Same SwComponentType

To share calibration parameters between several SwComponentPrototypes of the

same SwComponentType, a ParameterDataPrototype is attached to an SwcIn-
ternalBehavior in sharedParameter role (see [TPS_SWCT_01418]).
When the SwcInternalBehavior is aggregated by an AtomicSwComponentType
the actual calibration parameters of the ParameterDataPrototype is the same for
all SwComponentPrototypes.

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[TPS_SWCT_01423] ParameterDataPrototype aggregated in the role con-

stantMemory dAdditionally, it is possible to describe the implementation of shared
characteristic values via a ParameterDataPrototype which is attached to an
SwcInternalBehavior in the role constantMemory.
In contrast to the ParameterDataPrototype in sharedParameter role this kind
of memory is not instantiated by the RTE. This supports more efficient implementa-
tions (especially for software components provided as object code) by avoidance of
the additional indirection caused by the RTE’s component data structure.c()
Further on this kind of memory reduces the dependencies of the software-component’s
implementation to generated RTE code which is appreciated for safety related function-
Nevertheless, the information about these characteristic values has to be taken into
account for the A2L file generation.
A typical example for this kind of sharing code between instances is dealing with two
lambda sensors in multiple cylinder-bank engines, where (at least) two SwComponent-
Prototypes for each lambda sensor will use the very same Calibration Parameters. Providing Instance Individual Characteristic Data

[TPS_SWCT_01424] ParameterDataPrototype aggregated in the role perIn-

stanceParameter dTo provide instance individual calibration parameters a Param-
eterDataPrototype is owned by a SwcInternalBehavior in perInstancePa-
rameter role.
When the SwcInternalBehavior is attached to an AtomicSwComponentType, the
actual calibration values are specific for each SwComponentPrototype.c()

AtpStructureElement +constantMemory
InternalBehavior «atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*

«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*
+ handleTerminationAndRestart: HandleTerminationAndRestartEnum [0..1]
+ supportsMultipleInstantiation: Boolean [0..1] +sharedParameter

«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*

+runnable 0..*
AtpStructureElement +localParameter 0..1 +autosarParameter 0..1
ExecutableEntity «instanceRef»
+parameterAccess AtpStructureElement
+ canBeInvokedConcurrently: Identifiable +accessedParameter AutosarParameterRef
Boolean [0..1] «atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*
+ symbol: CIdentifier [0..1] 0..1

Figure 2.3: ParameterDataPrototypes in internal behavior

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2.3 Runtime and Data Consistency Aspects

2.3.1 Background: the Issues

This section gives some background information and lists possible strategies concern-
ing the implementation of the RunnableEntitys and the RTE with respect to efficient
communication between the RunnableEntitys.
The communication among RunnableEntitys can very efficiently be implemented
by means of “sharing memory”1 .
This is technically feasible because it is always guaranteed that the RunnableEn-
titys within an AtomicSwComponentType are always gathered at a specific pro-
cessing unit (in other words: distribution is not an option).
Note that the purpose of communication among the RunnableEntitys is to establish
a data flow scheme. The latter is a very popular pattern in the application of control
theory to automotive embedded systems. So if “global variables” are used for estab-
lishing internal communication among RunnableEntitys they acquire the semantics
of so called state-messages.
Nevertheless, directly sharing memory between RunnableEntitys requires a seri-
ous problem to be solved: the guarantee of data consistency among communicating
RunnableEntitys. The RunnableEntitys will indeed be mapped to tasks so that
one RunnableEntity of an AtomicSwComponentType may be preempted by a dif-
ferent RunnableEntity of the same AtomicSwComponentType.
Please note that a purist approach to achieving data consistency not only applies to
single accesses of concurrently accessed variables. Rather, it would not be permitted
that the value of a concurrently accessed variable (with state-message semantics) is
unintentionally changed during the run-time of a RunnableEntity.
The following paragraphs describe some common strategies that can be used to en-
sure the required data-consistency. We do not attempt to describe the pros or cons of
these approaches. Mutual Exclusion with Semaphores

Multi-threaded operating systems provide mutexes (mutual exclusion semaphores) that

protect access to an exclusive resource that is used from within several tasks.

Please note that the term “sharing memory” can be interpreted on different levels. It is e.g. in the C
language possible to use variables with external linkage (a.k.a. “global variables”, although this term is
not officially defined by the C language) for the purpose of inter-Runnable communication.

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The RTE could use these OS-provided mutexes to make sure that the RunnableEn-
titys sharing a memory-space would never run concurrently. The RTE would make
sure the task running the RunnableEntity has taken an appropriate mutex before
accessing the memory shared between the RunnableEntitys. Interrupt Disabling

Another alternative would be the disabling of interrupts during the run-time of

RunnableEntitys or at least for a period in time identical to the interval from the
first to the last usage of a concurrently accessed variable in a RunnableEntity. This
approach could lead to seriously non-deterministic execution timing. Priority Ceiling

Priority ceiling allows for a non-blocking protection of shared resources. Provided that
the priority scheme is static, the AUTOSAR OS is capable of temporarily raising the
priority of a task that attempts to access a shared resource to the highest priority of all
tasks that would ever attempt to access the resource.
By this means is technically impossible that a task in temporary possession of a re-
source is ever preempted by a task that attempts to access the resource as well. Implicit Communication by Means of Variable Copies

Another alternative is the usage of copies of concurrently accessed variables with state
message semantics. Note that this approach directly corresponds to the semantics of
“implicit” sender-receiver communication (see
This means in particular that for a concurrently used variable a copy is created on
which a RunnableEntity entity can work without any danger of data inconsistency.

Figure 2.4: Generation of copy routines around RunnableEntitys

This concept requires additional code to write the value of the concurrently accessed
variable to the copy before the RunnableEntity that accesses the variable is exe-
cuted. The value of the copy shall be written back to the concurrently accessed variable
after the RunnableEntity has been terminated.

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This concept is sketched in Figure 2.4. Since it would be too expensive and error-prone
to manually care about the copy routines it would be a good idea to leave the creation
of the additional code to a suitable code generator.
The additional copy routines as sketched in Figure 2.4 already protect the particular
RunnableEntitys from unintended changes of concurrently accessed variables. It
would, however, be possible to further optimize the process by reducing the additional
code at the beginning and end of each task (see Figure 2.5).

2.3.2 Data Consistency at Runtime

In addition, copy routines will only be inserted where appropriate, e.g. a copy routine
for writing the value of a copy back to the concurrently accessed variable will only be
inserted if the RunnableEntity has write-access to the concurrently used variable.
Please note that the copy routines have to temporarily make sure that the copy process
is not interrupted in order to be capable of consistently copying the values from and to
the concurrently accessed variable.
These periods, however, are supposed to be very short compared with the overall
run-time consumption of the RunnableEntity and thus would not have a significant
impact on the runtime behavior.

Figure 2.5: Optimized insertion of copy routines

Further optimization criteria can be applied, for example: it would be perfectly safe
to avoid the creation of copies for RunnableEntitys that are scheduled in the task
with the highest priority of all tasks that (via contained RunnableEntitys) access a
certain concurrently accessed variable.
In order to keep the application code free of any dependencies from the code gener-
ation, access to concurrently accessed variables will be guarded by macros that are
later resolved by the code generator.
The presence of the guard macros directly supports reuse on the level of source code.
Reuse on the level of object code is only possible if the scheduling scenario (in terms
of the assignment of RunnableEntitys to priority levels) does not change.
This concept can only be implemented properly with the aid of a code generator if
the variables in question can be identified. In other words: the description of an

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AtomicSwComponentType has to expose all concurrently accessed variables to the

outside world.

2.3.3 Modeling Aspects of Data Consistency

The intrinsic meaning of the terms “explicit communication” and “implicit communica-
tion” is explained in section It would be fair to say that the distinction between
implicit and explicit communication establishes a usage pattern in the application do-
main, i.e. in the world of the developer of AUTOSAR software-components and their
There is another facet to this subject, however, namely the question of how this pattern
is implemented in the meta-model. With respect to the application of the pattern for
port-based communication the details can be found in section, more specif-
ically in section The consideration of the internal communication based on
so-called “inter-runnable variables” is described in section 7.4.2.
By reading the respective text sections it becomes apparent that the two applications
of the pattern are modeled differently. The port-based communication uses the Vari-
ableAccess to formalize different roles of accessing communication elements. Some
roles used for this purpose imply explicit communication (e.g. dataSendPoint) and
some represent implicit communication (e.g. dataWriteAccess).
The important thing about using the VariableAccess, however, is that the modeling
of communication roles is abstracted from the actual communication elements and
represents a uniform (meaning: it can refer to the target directly or by a so-called
InstanceRef) modeling approach that is applied for all use cases2 .
Admittedly, this is handled differently for the internal communication. Here, the addi-
tional layer of abstraction is not used (although it would have been technically feasible
to do so) with respect to the clear separation of “inter-runnable variables with implicit
behavior” and “inter-runnable variables with explicit behavior” in the RTE.
The implementation of different communication roles (i.e. implicit vs. explicit) is done
by directly aggregating VariableDataPrototype in the roles explicitInter-
RunnableVariable and implicitInterRunnableVariable.
On the other hand, access to internal communication never requires the usage of an
InstanceRef and therefore the abstraction might be considered unnecessary over-
head that blows up the M1 model.

On a related note, even for non-communication related data access the same pattern applies imple-
mented by ParameterAccess

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2.4 Variant Handling in the Software Component Template

The Software Component Template supports the creation of Variants in a subset
of its model elements. The full list of model elements that support variation can be
found in the appendix.
[TPS_SWCT_01038] Support for Variant Handling in the in Software Com-
ponent Template dThe Variant Handling support in the in Software Compo-
nent Template is mainly driven by the purpose to describe a variable system on
Virtual Functional Bus[3] level by varying
• the existence of SwComponentPrototypes
• the existence of SwConnectors
• the existence of Chapters of SwComponentDocumentation
• the existence of PortPrototypes
c(RS_SWCT_00220, RS_SWCT_03100, RS_SWCT_03140, RS_SWCT_03142,
This approach supports adjusting the number and kind of software-component in-
stances as well as their interconnection in a particular system variant.
[TPS_SWCT_01447] Applicable binding times for model elements in the scope
of the Software Component Template dThe first three cases are supporting Post-
Build binding. For the existence of PortPrototypes only preCompileTime is sup-
ported as latest Binding Time.c(RS_SWCT_00220)
[TPS_SWCT_01040] SwConnector exists depending on a PostBuild condition
dA SwConnector which exists depending on a PostBuild condition has an impact
on the behavior of API function calls that apply on a PortPrototype to which the
SwConnector is attached.
If the SwConnector does not exist, the behavior of the RTE API functions need to take
this into account.
This means that the RTE implementation of this PortPrototype resembles the be-
havior of an unconnected PortPrototype.c(RS_SWCT_00220, RS_SWCT_03100,
Please find more details in the specification of the RTE [2].
[TPS_SWCT_01041] API functions of not existing SwConnector are still part of
the software-component’s implementation dIf SwConnectors do not exist, the cor-
responding API functions are still part of the software-component’s implementation. It
is not possible to remove the API functions in a PostBuild step.
Therefore, the latest reasonable Binding Time for the conditional existence of a
PortPrototype is preCompileTime.c(RS_SWCT_00220, RS_SWCT_03100)

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[TPS_SWCT_01085] Variation on the behavior level dIn addition to variation of the

VFB-related model elements, the description of variant software-component implemen-
tations is supported. Please note that this requires a broad support of variability in the
Internal Behavior.
The identified main use case are
• the existence of RunnableEntitys
• the existence of RTEEvents
• the existence of VariableDataPrototypes in the roles implicitInter-
RunnableVariable and explicitInterRunnableVariable
• the existence of ParameterDataPrototypes in the roles perInstancePa-
rameter, sharedParameter, and constantMemory
c(RS_SWCT_03149, RS_SWCT_03150, RS_SWCT_03151, RS_SWCT_03153)
For the same reason that applies on the existence of PortPrototype the latest
Binding Time of these kinds of variability is preCompileTime.
In the meta-model, all locations that may exhibit variability are marked with the stereo-
type atpVariation. This allows the definition of possible variation points.
Tagged Values are used to specify additional information, for example the latest binding
[TPS_SWCT_01042] Four types of locations in the meta-model which may exhibit
variability dThere are four types of locations in the meta-model which may exhibit
• Aggregations
• Associations
• Attribute Values
• Classes providing property sets
c(RS_SWCT_00220, RS_SWCT_03100)
The reasons for the attachment of the stereotype atpVariation to certain model
elements and the consequences for other model elements are explained in class tables
in the following chapters.
More details about the AUTOSAR Variant Handling Concept can be found in the
AUTOSAR Generic Structure Template [11].

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2.5 Communication Specification of Composition Component

[TPS_SWCT_01088] ComSpecs defined by CompositionSwComponentTypes dIt
shall be possible to attach ComSpecs to PortPrototypes owned by Composition-

2.5.1 Rationale

ComSpecs attached to a PortPrototype owned by an AtomicSwComponentType

have a direct impact on the generation of the RTE. The RTE Generator, on the other
hand, does not consider the existence of CompositionSwComponentTypes.
Nevertheless, there are some cases where the definition of a ComSpec attached to a
PortPrototype owned by a CompositionSwComponentType does make sense.
That is, in case an OEM wants to submit the definition of a CompositionSwCompo-
nentType to a supplier for adding more details and implementing the behavior the
OEM might want to point out that from the OEM’s point of view sender initValues
and receiver initValues apply for the elements of PortInterfaces used to type
the delegation PortPrototypes.
The idea is that the supplier takes over the initValues attached to the delegation
PortPrototypes and copies them to the PortPrototypes owned by SwCompo-
nentPrototypes of the CompositionSwComponentType.
[TPS_SWCT_01568] Consideration of RPortComSpec or PPortComSpec depend-
ing on the ownership dThe RTE Generator shall take the attributes of the RPortCom-
Spec or PPortComSpec of the PortPrototypes owned by AtomicSwComponent-
Types or ParameterSwComponentType and ignore the attributes of the RPortCom-
Spec or PPortComSpec attached to PortPrototypes owned by Composition-
Therefore, the initValues of the delegation PortPrototype would be taken as
mere templates for the detailing of PortPrototypes connected to the delegation
It is not required that the initValues of delegated PortPrototype and a Port-
Prototype connected by means of a DelegationSwConnector match.
Although this would certainly make sense in many cases, it is eventually still left to the
supplier to decide on the specific initValues applicable inside the Composition-
On the other hand, a requirement that the initValues defined on the surface of Com-
positionSwComponentType and the inside of the CompositionSwComponent-
Type shall be consistent in any case might effectively prevent reuse of existing Atom-

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Please note that the ability to define a ComSpec in the context of a Composition-
SwComponentType implies that it shall be possible to define mappings of Applica-
tionDataTypes used in a PortInterface to their corresponding Implementa-
For this purpose the CompositionSwComponentType owns a DataTypeMap-
pingSet in the role dataTypeMapping and a ConstantSpecificationMap-
pingSet in the role constantValueMapping.

«atpSplitable» «atpSplitable»

+dataTypeMapping 0..* +constantValueMapping 0..*

ARElement ARElement
AtpBlueprint ConstantSpecificationMappingSet

Figure 2.6: Specification of data type mapping for CompositionSwComponentType

2.6 PRPortPrototype
In some cases SwComponentTypes need to read and write the same piece of data.
One of the most prominent examples for this use case is the NvBlockSwComponent-
Type that factually ready and writes blocks of NvRAM.
Without the ability to combine read and write semantics in a kind of PortPrototype
that supports both read and write semantics, work-arounds have to be implemented
that come with a certain footprint on memory and processing time.

2.6.1 Use Case 1

Without the ability to define a combined read and write semantics the definition of an
RPortPrototype and a PPortPrototype is required for reading and writing the
applicable data.
Technically, this read and write access is related to the same data item in an NVRAM
Block. This requires a consistent connection of the PortPrototypes between
an NvBlockSwComponentType and ApplicationSwComponentType as well as a
consistent mapping of the corresponding RPortPrototype and a PPortPrototype
of the NvBlockSwComponentType and the related element of the ramBlock.

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Figure 2.7: Use Case 1 for the existence of PRPortPrototype

2.6.2 Use Case 2

It may happen that a SwComponentType need to consume the same data that it pro-
duces. If the only way to achieve this was the connection of a PPortPrototype
to an RPortPrototype of the same SwComponentType then the creator of the
SwComponentType cannot enforce this connection as it is created on a higher level of
abstraction in the context of a CompositionSwComponentType.
In other words, it is impossible to fully specify the semantics of the otherwise self-
contained SwComponentType.

Figure 2.8: Use Case 2 for the existence of PRPortPrototype

This means that only in the in best case one buffer for the data is needed. But depend-
ing on the mapping RunnableEntitys to OS tasks additional buffers may need to be
allocated by the RTE to fully implement the implicit communication pattern.

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As an alternative, the ApplicationSwComponentType could utilize inter-runnable

variables but unfortunately this inhibits any optimization in the RTE and will consume
additional RAM. In contrast to the previous approach at least two buffers are needed.

2.6.3 Use Case 3

In this scenario, several ApplicationSwComponentTypes are iterating over the

same large set of data. This means each ApplicationSwComponentType imple-
ments one out of many steps of a complex data processing algorithm applied to the
same piece of data.
For example, this scenario may apply for video signal processing in camera applica-
tions. Typically, such applications will not be distributed over several ECUs.
It is clear that in this case the allocation of several buffers in the RTE is required to im-
plement the individual connections between the ApplicationSwComponentTypes.
In most cases, the processing has to be executed at a certain point in time in a dedi-
cated order.

Figure 2.9: Use Case 3 for the existence of PRPortPrototype

2.6.4 Solution

The solution to the above-mentioned use cases is the ability to define a PortProto-
type that can read and write the same piece of data. This solves both the described
problem of resource consumption and the problem of having to define multiple Port-
Prototypes as outlets for same piece of data item.

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The technical details of the definition of PRPortPrototype are explained in chapters

3.2.2 and 4.2.1.

2.7 Variable-size Array Data Types

2.7.1 Overview and Use cases

AUTOSAR supports the definition of array data types where the size of the actual
payload varies at run-time. As far as the configuration is concerned, it is possible to
specify a maximum number of array elements that shall not be exceeded at run-time.
In order to properly understand the approach, it is necessary to understand that the
support for Variable-Size Array Data Types has been introduced in two waves
that each had a different motivation. “Old-world” dynamic-size Arrays

In the first wave, the support for Variable-Size Array Data Types was limited
to data types that basically boil down to an array where the base type is an unsigned
integer data type with a length of exactly one byte.
The main use cases for this scenario are derived from diagnostics requirements as
well as support for the J1939 communication protocol.
In both cases the actual length of a Variable-Size Array Data Type could be
determined from the context, i.e. either by the diagnostic basic-software module or by
the implementation of the J1939 TP.
For the lack of a better terminology, this specification distinguishes between “old-world”
dynamic-size arrays and “new-world” Variable-Size Array Data Types. It will
be necessary to clearly define the characteristics that allow for a disambiguation be-
tween the “old-world” dynamic-size arrays and “new-world” Variable-Size Array
Data Types.
[TPS_SWCT_01641] Definition of an “old-world” dynamic-size array data type by
means of an ApplicationArrayDataType dAn ApplicationArrayDataType
that doesn’t define attribute dynamicArraySizeProfile and that aggregates an
ApplicationArrayElement where attribute arraySizeSemantics exists and is
set to the value variableSize shall be considered an “old-world” dynamic-size array
data type.c(RS_SWCT_03181)
Please note that [TPS_SWCT_01641] can’t go any deeper into the specifics of the
given data type because it is intentionally focused on ApplicationDataTypes.
There are use cases where the distinction between “old-world” dynamic-size arrays
and “new-world” Variable-Size Array Data Types shall be done in the absence
of a corresponding ImplementationDataType.

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In general, the disambiguation becomes multi-faceted (but not necessarily easier)

if the definition of a corresponding ImplementationDataType is available (see
[TPS_SWCT_01642] Definition of an “old-world” dynamic-size array data type
by means of an ImplementationDataType dAn ImplementationDataType that
(after all type references are resolved) fulfills all the following conditions shall be con-
sidered an “old-world” dynamic-size array data type:
• The value of attribute category is set to ARRAY
• The ImplementationDataType doesn’t define the attribute dynamicArray-
• The ImplementationDataType aggregates a subElement where
– attribute arraySizeSemantics exists and is set to the value variable-
– attribute arraySizeHandling does not exist
• One of the following conditions applies:
– subElement.category is set to VALUE or TYPE_REFERENCE that eventu-
ally boils down to VALUE and the attribute subElement.swDataDefProps.
baseType.baseTypeDefinition.baseTypeSize is set to the value 8
and the attribute baseTypeEncoding is set to NONE.
– subElement.category is set to TYPE_REFERENCE and the at-
tribute subElement.swDataDefProps.implementationDataType liter-
ally represents the Platform Data Type named uint8.
– subElement.category is set to TYPE_REFERENCE and the attribute
Name is set to uint8 and subElement.swDataDefProps.baseType.
baseTypeDefinition.nativeDeclaration does not exist.
By and large, the defining characteristics for “old-world” dynamic-size arrays is the
absence of a definition of the attribute ApplicationArrayDataType.dynamicAr-
raySizeProfile or ImplementationDataType.dynamicArraySizeProfile.
By regulation of [constr_1387], “old-world” dynamic-size arrays are not supported for
transmission by means of a data transformer. The only supported kind of Variable-
-Size Array Data Type that can be transmitted using a data transformer is the
“new-world” variable-size arrays.

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AUTOSAR CP R21-11 “New-world” variable-size Arrays

In contrast to this, the second wave of support for Variable-Size Array Data
Types was motivated by the application software layer itself.
Here, the situation is entirely different because the actual size cannot be determined
by any context software module. The application itself is responsible for maintaining
the proper length of a Variable-Size Array Data Type at run-time.
As a consequence, the specification of the actual array size at run-time needs to be re-
flected by the structure of the data types used for hosting the Variable-Size Array
Data Type.
[TPS_SWCT_01644] Definition of a “new-world” variable-size array data type by
means of an ApplicationArrayDataType dAn ApplicationArrayDataType
that fulfills all the following conditions shall be considered an “new-world” dynamic-size
array data type.
• The ApplicationArrayDataType defines attribute ApplicationArray-
• ApplicationArrayDataType aggregates an ApplicationArrayElement
that defines attribute ApplicationArrayElement.arraySizeHandling.
[TPS_SWCT_01645] Definition of a “new-world” variable-size array data type by
means of an ImplementationDataType dAn ImplementationDataType that ful-
fills all the following conditions shall be considered an “new-world” dynamic-size array
data type.
• The ImplementationDataType defines attribute Implementation-
• ImplementationDataType aggregates an ImplementationDataType-
Element that defines attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.array-
In contrast to the first use case described above, the application-motivated Variable-
-Size Array Data Type cannot be limited in terms of the base type of the array
data type, i.e. limiting the underlying data type to an unsigned integer data type with a
length of exactly one byte is not an option.
On top of that, several possible structures of Variable-Size Array Data Types
have been required. This aspect is depicted in Figure 2.10.
[TPS_SWCT_01636] Definition of profiles for the definition of Variable-Size
Array Data Types dThe possible variants for Variable-Size Array Data
Types are:

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Linear The data type of the elements of the Variable-Size Array Data Type
itself does not consist of a Variable-Size Array Data Type.
This case corresponds to the possible value VSA_LINEAR of attribute dynami-
Square The data type of the elements of the Variable-Size Array Data Type
itself consists of Variable-Size Array Data Types where the maximum
number of elements in all “second order” arrays is identical to the maximum
number of elements in the “first order” array.
This case corresponds to the possible value VSA_SQUARE of attribute dynami-
Rectangular The data type of the elements of the Variable-Size Array Data
Type itself consists of Variable-Size Array Data Types where the maxi-
mum number of elements in “second order” arrays is identical but this value is
typically not identical3 to the maximum number of elements in the “first order”
This case corresponds to the possible value VSA_RECTANGULAR of attribute
Fully Flexible The data type of the elements of the Variable-Size Array Data
Type itself consists of Variable-Size Array Data Types where the maxi-
mum number of elements in “second order” arrays is not necessarily identical
with each other and (obviously) not necessarily identical to the maximum num-
ber of elements in the “first order” array.
This case corresponds to the possible value VSA_FULLY_FLEXIBLE of attribute
The described cases directly correspond to the portrayal of different kinds of variable-
size arrays in Figure 2.10:
• The value VSA_LINEAR corresponds to the tag (a).
• The value VSA_SQUARE corresponds to the tag (b).
• The value VSA_RECTANGULAR corresponds to the tag (c).
• The value VSA_FULLY_FLEXIBLE corresponds to the tag (d).
Please note that the leaf elements in a Variable-Size Array Data Type doesn’t
have to be primitive data types. As mentioned before, it is possible to define multiple-
dimension Variable-Size Array Data Types.
The “terminal” elements can be recognized as such in that they don’t establish further
Variable-Size Array Data Types.

If it was, the case boils down to the rectangular scenario tagged (b).

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(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 2.10: Structural variety of array data types with variable size

Please note further that the modeling of Variable-Size Array Data Types is a
complex step governed by a collection of rules and constraints.
It is the expressed intent of this specification to keep the complexity of the rule set as
low as possible while still providing the user with a powerful modeling framework.
The major consequence of this conclusion is to keep the modeling as straightforward
as possible; in other words: intentionally cut away certain modeling variants for which
acceptable workarounds within the modeling framework itself exist.
One concrete example for such a restriction is that for ImplementationDataTypes,
Variable-Size Array Data Types can only be defined on the level of an Au-
It is intentionally not supported to define a Variable-Size Array Data Type on
the level of an ImplementationDataTypeElement because the intended seman-
tics can be realized by assigning the value TYPE_REFERENCE to the Implemen-
tationDataTypeElement.category and then let it reference to another Imple-
mentationDataType that in turn implements the Variable-Size Array Data

2.7.2 Modeling Aspects regarding Application Data Types

In the context of the AUTOSAR layered data type concept, the level of Application-
DataTypes is not concerned about the structure of how the Variable-Size Array
Data Types.
In other words, aspects of the implementation of this kind of data type is intentionally
abstracted as much as possible in order to support the idea behind the definition of
ApplicationDataTypes as a concept that is independent of an implementation to
the applicable degree.
Consequently, the support for Variable-Size Array Data Types on the level of
ApplicationDataTypes requires the addition of a couple of additional attributes.
Details can be found in chapter

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Software Component Template

If a Variable-Size Array Data Type is modeled on the level of Application-

DataType it is necessary to also provide a companion ImplementationDataType
as well as a DataTypeMap that refers to both the ApplicationDataType and the
The contrary is not applicable, i.e. it is possible to define a Variable-Size Array
Data Type with only an ImplementationDataType, see [TPS_SWCT_01622].

2.7.3 Modeling Aspects regarding Implementation Data Types

On the other hand, the data type used for the actual hosting of the Variable-
-Size Array Data Type corresponds directly to the level of the Implementa-
Here, it is possible to define how an ImplementationDataType can be used to
define a Variable-Size Array Data Type.
The definition of ImplementationDataType in the AUTOSAR meta-model comes
with a certain level of generic nature the support for Variable-Size Array Data
Types on this level comes as a mixture of dedicated attributes in the meta-model and
a set of recipes how to support different use cases of Variable-Size Array Data
This means that the definition of ImplementationDataTypes for the purpose of
creating Variable-Size Array Data Types only has a chance to take off if the
structure of these data types is replicated in different implementations of AUTOSAR
Therefore, AUTOSAR defines a common way of how ImplementationDataTypes
for the purpose of creating Variable-Size Array Data Types shall be defined
such that the ImplementationDataType shall be of category STRUCTURE with
the following sub-elements:
1. A numerical value that determines the actual size. This element shall be called
the Size Indicator throughout this document.
2. An array of the base-type of the Variable-Size Array Data Type that im-
plements the payload of the Variable-Size Array Data Type. The dimen-
sion of the array shall be defined such that the intended maximum number of
elements fits in.
A Size Indicator of a Variable-Size Array Data Type holds the number of
valid elements of the array. This information is necessary for the RTE to handle the
array efficiently.
On the sender-side this indicator is actively updated by the software-component, which
is the only instance that knows how many elements of the array are valid.

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Software Component Template

So the number of valid elements and the Size Indicator have to be kept consistent
by the application. When the software-component sends the data over to the RTE, the
RTE hands the data over to the transformer.
The transformer may evaluate the Size Indicator (depends on the transformer)
and only work on the valid array elements. The output of the transformer can vary in
length and only contain necessary data. Therefore, it can be more resource saving.
On the receiver side, the last transformer in the execution order restores the data ele-
ments of the array and the value of the Size Indicator. This output is handed over
by the RTE to the software-component. The application is now aware of the number of
valid elements in the array.
The details of how ImplementationDataTypes need to be modeled for the imple-
mentation of Variable-Size Array Data Types can be found in chapter 5.2.5
and a couple of examples is available in the appendix E.1.

2.8 Optional Elements in Structures

2.8.1 Background

The AUTOSAR classic platform supports the usage of a TLV4 data encoding on the
SOME/IP transport layer. TLV is typically used where at least a part of the transmitted
data is only optionally existing and filled with meaningful values.
In other words: an optional part of a data structure may exist and carry meaningful val-
ues in one instance of data transmission and be completely missing in another instance
of the data transmission.
The receiving software needs to be able to identify whether the optional part exists and
read its value accordingly.
The receiving software also needs to be able to still execute meaningfully if the optional
part of such a data structure does not exist in the specific communication instance.
Consequently, it is necessary to be able to precisely identify the parts of a data struc-
ture that may become optional for specific instances of data transmission.
In terms of the AUTOSAR meta-model, the identification could - in principle - be at-
tached at various levels of abstraction:
AutosarDataType In this case the optionality that is only needed for communication
purposes would still be existing in all other usages of data types. This seems
Admittedly, the definition of different optionality configurations for the same data
type may lead to the existence of a bunch of structurally identical data types that

This abbreviation stands for tag-length-value

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Software Component Template

only vary in terms of optionality. The existence of variation points may help to
mitigate this effect, though.
PortInterface In this case the optionality is defined where it is actually required.
However, different optionality could - in principle - be defined for DataProto-
types typed by the same AutosarDataType.
This would lead to an increased effort for the definition of C data types in the
context of the same PortInterface.
Additional constraints have been identified in the context of the definition of RTE
APIs of the AUTOSAR classic platform that finally render this option as not viable.
ComSpec In this case (for more information please refer to section 4.5) the definition
of optionality would even be more specific in comparison to the definition of op-
tionality on the level of PortInterfaces.
On top of that, the task to define optionality in the vast majority of cases is done by
an OEM, whereas the model definition on the level of ComSpec requires the exis-
tence of SwComponentTypes and this definition is in many cases in the domain
of a supplier.
As a result of this consideration, AUTOSAR has opted for implementation of the con-
cept of defining the optionality on the level of the AutosarDataType.

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Software Component Template

3 Overview: Software Components, Ports, and


3.1 Introduction
The detailed introduction of all aspects of the Software Component Template in
one move is considered too complex. This chapter therefore provides an overview of
the main conceptual aspects of software components, ports and interfaces.
The overview will then be broken down into further details in chapter 4.
One of the goals of the AUTOSAR concept is the support of re-usability on the level of
application software.
In other words: it should be possible to re-use existing artifacts to create further model
elements instead of being forced to create every single modeling detail from scratch.
One of the consequences of this approach is the application of the so-called type-
prototype pattern [11].
The type-prototype pattern is created by using references from prototype to type that
are decorated with the isOfType.
[constr_10028] Existence of reference stereotyped isOfType dAny reference
that is decorated with the stereotype isOfType shall exist at any time in
the workflow.c()
Among other things, this concept allows for creating hierarchical structures of software-
components with arbitrary complexity. However, the creation of hierarchical structures
itself does not have an impact on the run-time behavior of the overall system.
The actual behavior is completely defined within the individual software-components.
This conclusion is backed by the understanding that software-components are devel-
oped against the so-called Virtual Functional Bus (VFB), an abstract communication
channel without direct dependency on ECUs and communication buses.
The VFB does not provide any means for expressing a hierarchy of software-
Of course, the usage of the VFB has further consequences on the design of software-
components which shall not directly call the operating system or the communication
As a result, software-components can be deployed to actual ECUs at a rather late
stage in the development process.
In order to make the description more precise, the following text preferably uses accu-
rate meta-model terms instead of the rather vague terminology of “composition” and

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Software Component Template

3.2 Software Component

3.2.1 Overview

Application software within AUTOSAR is organized in self-contained units called Atom-

icSwComponentTypes. Such AtomicSwComponentTypes encapsulate the imple-
mentation of their functionality and behavior and merely expose well-defined connec-
tion points, called PortPrototypes, to the outside world.

PortPrototype characterised by Portinterface

provided PortPrototype, ClientServerInterface


required PortPrototype, ClientServerInterface


AUTOSAR SwConnector

Software- provided PortPrototype, SenderReceiverInterface

required PortPrototype, SenderReceiverInterface



provided PortPrototype, SenderReceiverInterface

Figure 3.1: Graphical representation of software-components in AUTOSAR

The graphical appearance of AUTOSAR software-components according to [3] is de-

picted in Figure 3.1.
Class SwComponentType (abstract)
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note Base class for AUTOSAR software components.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, CollectableElement,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Subclasses AtomicSwComponentType, CompositionSwComponentType, ParameterSwComponentType
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
consistency ConsistencyNeeds * aggr This represents the collection of ConsistencyNeeds
Needs owned by the enclosing SwComponentType.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=consistencyNeeds.shortName, consistency

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Software Component Template

Class SwComponentType (abstract)
port PortPrototype * aggr The PortPrototypes through which this SwComponent
Type can communicate.
The aggregation of PortPrototype is subject to variability
with the purpose to support the conditional existence of
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=port.shortName, port.variationPoint.short
portGroup PortGroup * aggr A port group being part of this component.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
swcMapping SwComponentMapping * ref Reference to constraints that are valid for this Sw
Constraint Constraints ComponentType.
swComponent SwComponent 0..1 aggr This adds a documentation to the SwComponentType.
Documentation Documentation
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=swComponentDocumentation, sw
unitGroup UnitGroup * ref This allows for the specification of which UnitGroups are
relevant in the context of referencing SwComponentType.

Table 3.1: SwComponentType

3.2.2 PortPrototype

Please note that PortPrototypes of a SwComponentType are supposed to be used

for attaching SwConnectors that establish an actual connection between SwCompo-
nentPrototypes (see chapter 3.3).
[TPS_SWCT_01002] SwComponentTypes may only interact by means of their
PortPrototypes dAtomicSwComponentTypes (and also the more general SwCom-
ponentTypes may only interact by means of their PortPrototypes). Hidden com-
munication dependencies that are not expressed by means of PortPrototypes
are strictly forbidden.c(RS_SWCT_00020, RS_SWCT_00030, RS_SWCT_00150,
RS_SWCT_00160, RS_SWCT_00200, RS_SWCT_00210, RS_SWCT_02010, RS_-
Therefore, software-components are in theory exchangeable as long as they imple-
ment the same functionality and provide the same public communication interface to
the remaining system.
[TPS_SWCT_01111] PortPrototypes need an additional model artifact, the
PortInterface dPlease note that PortPrototypes actually need an additional
model artifact, the PortInterface, for fully describing the details of the PortPro-

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Software Component Template

The concept of the PortInterface as another means for establishing a high degree
of re-usability is described in chapter 3.4.
Class PortPrototype (abstract)
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note Base class for the ports of an AUTOSAR software component.
The aggregation of PortPrototypes is subject to variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of ports.
Base ARObject, AtpBlueprintable, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Subclasses AbstractProvidedPortPrototype, AbstractRequiredPortPrototype
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
clientServer ClientServerAnnotation * aggr Annotation of this PortPrototype with respect to client/
Annotation server communication.
delegatedPort DelegatedPort 0..1 aggr Annotations on this delegated port.
Annotation Annotation
ioHwAbstraction IoHwAbstractionServer * aggr Annotations on this IO Hardware Abstraction port.
Server Annotation
logAndTrace LogAndTraceMessage 0..1 ref Reference to a collection of Log or Trace messages that
Message CollectionSet will be used by the application.
modePort ModePortAnnotation * aggr Annotations on this mode port.
nvDataPort NvDataPortAnnotation * aggr Annotations on this non voilatile data port.
parameterPort ParameterPort * aggr Annotations on this parameter port.
Annotation Annotation
senderReceiver SenderReceiver * aggr Collection of annotations of this ports sender/receiver
Annotation Annotation communication.
triggerPort TriggerPortAnnotation * aggr Annotations on this trigger port.
Table 3.2: PortPrototype


AbstractProvidedPortPrototype AbstractRequiredPortPrototype

PPortPrototype PRPortPrototype RPortPrototype

+ mayBeUnconnected: Boolean [0..1]

Figure 3.2: Overview of PortPrototype

[TPS_SWCT_01112] Semantics of PortPrototypes dPortPrototypes can have

the following semantics:
• A require-port (in technical terms: RPortPrototype) requires certain services
or data.

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Software Component Template

• A provide-port (or PPortPrototype) on the other hand provides services or

• A provide-require-port (or PRPortPrototype) combines the ability to provide
and require services or data in one entity.
The semantics of PortPrototype is also depicted in Figure 3.2,
[TPS_SWCT_01573] A PRPortPrototype is never considered unconnected dA
PRPortPrototype is never considered unconnected, even if there are no SwCon-
nectors actually referring to it.c(RS_SWCT_00010, RS_SWCT_03250, RS_SWCT_-
Please note that [TPS_SWCT_01573] represents the immediate consequence of the
semantics defined in [TPS_SWCT_01112].
[TPS_SWCT_01113] Connecting two PortPrototypes dTwo SwComponentPro-
totypes are eventually connected by hooking up a PPortPrototype or PRPort-
Prototype of one SwComponentPrototype to a compatible RPortPrototype or
PRPortPrototype of the other SwComponentPrototypes.c(RS_SWCT_03130,
Please find more information concerning the definition of “compatibility” in section 6.
Class AbstractRequiredPortPrototype (abstract)
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note This abstract class provides the ability to become a required PortPrototype.
Base ARObject, AtpBlueprintable, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Port
Prototype, Referrable
Subclasses PRPortPrototype, RPortPrototype
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
requiredCom RPortComSpec * aggr Required communication attributes, one for each
Spec interface element.

Table 3.3: AbstractRequiredPortPrototype

Class AbstractProvidedPortPrototype (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note This abstract class provides the ability to become a provided PortPrototype.
Base ARObject, AtpBlueprintable, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Port
Prototype, Referrable
Subclasses PPortPrototype, PRPortPrototype
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
providedCom PPortComSpec * aggr Provided communication attributes per interface element
Spec (data element or operation).

Table 3.4: AbstractProvidedPortPrototype

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Software Component Template

Class RPortPrototype
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note Component port requiring a certain port interface.
Base ARObject, AbstractRequiredPortPrototype, AtpBlueprintable, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, Identifiable,
MultilanguageReferrable, PortPrototype, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
mayBe Boolean 0..1 attr If set to true, this attribute indicates that the enclosing
Unconnected RPortPrototype may be left unconnected and that this
aspect has explicitly been considered in the
software-component’s design.
required PortInterface 0..1 tref The interface that this port requires.
Stereotypes: isOfType

Table 3.5: RPortPrototype

Class PPortPrototype
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note Component port providing a certain port interface.
Base ARObject, AbstractProvidedPortPrototype, AtpBlueprintable, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, Identifiable,
MultilanguageReferrable, PortPrototype, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
provided PortInterface 0..1 tref The interface that this port provides.
Stereotypes: isOfType

Table 3.6: PPortPrototype

Class PRPortPrototype
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note This kind of PortPrototype can take the role of both a required and a provided PortPrototype.
Base ARObject, AbstractProvidedPortPrototype, AbstractRequiredPortPrototype, AtpBlueprintable, Atp
Feature, AtpPrototype, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PortPrototype, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
provided PortInterface 0..1 tref This represents the PortInterface used to type the PRPort
Required Prototype
Stereotypes: isOfType

Table 3.7: PRPortPrototype

[TPS_SWCT_01096] PortGroup dPortPrototypes can be logically grouped into

PortGroups. This mechanism is used for implementing mode management features.c
Further explanations about the semantics of meta-class PortGroup can be found in
chapter 4.6.
There are cases where an RPortPrototype is intentionally left unconnected. Such
a scenario would typically be reported if the RTE Generator is executed in strict mode.
By means of setting attribute RPortPrototype.mayBeUnconnected, the designer of
the respective software-component has the ability to express that the "open" RPort-
Prototype is part of the final design and shall not be reported, even in strict mode.

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Software Component Template

The attribute can be used in combination of an RPortPrototype and any kind of

ARElement AtpBlueprintable
AtpBlueprint +port AtpPrototype
AtpBlueprintable PortPrototype
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*


AbstractRequiredPortPrototype AbstractProvidedPortPrototype

RPortPrototype PRPortPrototype PPortPrototype

+ mayBeUnconnected: Boolean [0..1]

«isOfType» «isOfType» «isOfType»

0..1 0..1 0..1
+requiredInterface {redefines atpType} +providedRequiredInterface {redefines atpType} +providedInterface {redefines atpType}

+ isService: Boolean [0..1]

+ serviceKind: ServiceProviderEnum [0..1]

Figure 3.3: Components and Ports

Note that the attribute applies to the entire RPortPrototype, not to individual ele-
ments of the applicable PortInterface.
In other words, the attribute does not affect the case, where e.g. only one dataEle-
ment of several sender/receiver RPortPrototype is left unconsidered, as described
by [TPS_SWCT_01101].
Please note that the usage of RPortPrototype.mayBeUnconnected is potentially
dangerous because it removes a warning and this can be harmful if the suppression of
a legitimate warning were done by mistake.
It is therefore advised to handle the existence of RPortPrototype.mayBeUncon-
nected with care.

3.2.3 AtomicSwComponentType

[TPS_SWCT_01108] Added value of an AtomicSwComponentType dAs mentioned

before, the term AtomicSwComponentType is a specific form of the general concept
of the SwComponentType. The added value of an AtomicSwComponentType is that
it can aggregate an InternalBehaviorc(RS_SWCT_03040)
More information regarding the semantics of InternalBehavior can be found in
chapter 7.

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Software Component Template

[TPS_SWCT_01109] Adding the SwcInternalBehavior in a later process step

dThe aggregation of SwcInternalBehavior is stereotyped atpSplitable to
allow for adding the SwcInternalBehavior in a later process step. In other words,
it is possible to completely develop the VFB view of a software-component and later
add more details like InternalBehavior.c()
Class AtomicSwComponentType (abstract)
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note An atomic software component is atomic in the sense that it cannot be further decomposed and
distributed across multiple ECUs.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, CollectableElement,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable, SwComponentType
Subclasses ApplicationSwComponentType, ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponentType, EcuAbstractionSwComponent
Type, NvBlockSwComponentType, SensorActuatorSwComponentType, ServiceProxySwComponent
Type, ServiceSwComponentType
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
internalBehavior SwcInternalBehavior 0..1 aggr The SwcInternalBehaviors owned by an AtomicSw
ComponentType can be located in a different physical file.
Therefore the aggregation is <<atpSplitable>>.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=internalBehavior.shortName, internal
symbolProps SymbolProps 0..1 aggr This represents the SymbolProps for the AtomicSw
Stereotypes: atpSplitable

Table 3.8: AtomicSwComponentType

ARElement AtpPrototype
«isOfType» SwComponentPrototype
AtpBlueprintable +type
SwComponentType {redefines atpType}

+component 0..*

AtomicSwComponentType ParameterSwComponentType CompositionSwComponentType

ApplicationSwComponentType NvBlockSwComponentType ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponentType ServiceSwComponentType

EcuAbstractionSwComponentType SensorActuatorSwComponentType ServiceProxySwComponentType

Figure 3.4: Overview of Component Types

There are several specialized SwComponentTypes to describe specific software-

components used in the different parts of the AUTOSAR Layered Architecture [5]. Fur-
ther details are mentioned in chapter 10 and 11.

76 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

The ApplicationSwComponentType is a specialization of AtomicSwComponent-

Type for representing hardware-independent application software. The Parameter-
SwComponentType is a specialization of SwComponentType that can - in contrast to
AtomicSwComponentType - not aggregate SwcInternalBehavior.
The purpose of the NvBlockSwComponentType is described in detail in section
11.5.2. The ServiceSwComponentType is described in section 11.3. Further on,
the EcuAbstractionSwComponentType and the ComplexDeviceDriverSwCom-
ponentType are discussed in detail in section 10.
A description of the ServiceProxySwComponentType can be found in section 11.4
while the SensorActuatorSwComponentType is described in section 10.4.
Class ApplicationSwComponentType
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note The ApplicationSwComponentType is used to represent the application software.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtomicSwComponentType, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , Atp
Type, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable, Sw
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 3.9: ApplicationSwComponentType

3.2.4 ParameterSwComponentType

[constr_1092] ParameterSwComponentType dA ParameterSwComponentType

shall never aggregate a SwcInternalBehavior and also owns exclusively PPort-
Prototypes of type ParameterInterface.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
However, a ParameterSwComponentType shall have the ability to aggregate In-
stantiationDataDefProps. By this means it is possible to define role-specific
data properties of elements of composite data types used for the definition of calibra-
tion parameters in the scope of a ParameterSwComponentType.
For more information about this aspect please refer to section 7.5.4.

«atpSplitable» «atpSplitable»    
+dataTypeMapping 0..* +constantMapping 0..* +instantiationDataDefProps 0..*

ARElement ARElement
AtpBlueprint ConstantSpecificationMappingSet

Figure 3.5: Details of ParameterSwComponentType

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Software Component Template

3.2.5 Symbolic Name of a Software-Component

Please note that an AtomicSwComponentType manifests itself in the source code of

an RTE into which an instance of the AtomicSwComponentType is deployed. This
implies potential naming conflicts if instances of AtomicSwComponentType that have
identical shortNames are deployed into a specific RTE.
[TPS_SWCT_01110] Symbolic name of a software-component dTo mitigate this po-
tential hazard it is possible to provide the AtomicSwComponentType along with an
accompanying symbolic name that can be used for resolving the name clash. The
symbolic name is provided by means of the attribute symbol of the meta-class Sym-
bolProps owned by AtomicSwComponentType in the role symbolProps.c()
Please note that more information about the symbolic name provided by means of the
attribute symbol of the meta-class SymbolProps owned by AtomicSwComponent-
Type in the role symbolProps can be found in Figure 3.6.
For more detailed information about how SymbolProps can be used to mitigate name
clashes occurring during the integration of software-components on an AUTOSAR
ECU, please refer to [4].
[TPS_SWCT_01000] Usage of attribute symbol of the symbolProps dIn partic-
ular, the RTE generator shall take over the value of the attribute symbol of the
symbolProps owned by a given AtomicSwComponentType. If and only if sym-
bolProps is not defined the RTE generator shall take the shortName of the
AtomicSwComponentType. For the generation of symbols for RunnableEntitys
[TPS_SWCT_01001] shall be observed.c(RS_SWCT_00230)
[TPS_SWCT_01001] Prefix symbols generated for the RunnableEntity dIf and
only if the attribute symbol of a symbolProps owned by an AtomicSwComponent-
Type exists, its value shall also be taken for prefixing the symbols generated for the
RunnableEntitys owned by the AtomicSwComponentType.c(RS_SWCT_00230)
Note: if symbolProps is not defined the behavior of the RTE generator is fully back-
wards compatible, i.e. existing implementations of RunnableEntitys do not have to
be touched in order to conform with this version of the AUTOSAR standard.
SwComponentType +symbolProps ImplementationProps
AtomicSwComponentType «atpSplitable» 0..1 SymbolProps

ApplicationSwComponentType NvBlockSwComponentType ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponentType ServiceSwComponentType

EcuAbstractionSwComponentType SensorActuatorSwComponentType ServiceProxySwComponentType

Figure 3.6: Overview of AtomicSwComponentType

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Software Component Template

This is a further measure to mitigate the risk of potential name clashes in the RTE
[TPS_SWCT_01635] Naming conventions may support the effectiveness of Sym-
bolProps dOf course, there is a residual risk that even in the presence of Symbol-
Props name clashes may occur.
Therefore, the definition of naming conventions may facilitate the avoidance of name
clashes to the further degree.c(RS_SWCT_00230)

3.3 Composition

3.3.1 Overview

[TPS_SWCT_01032] CompositionSwComponentType dThe purpose of an

AUTOSAR CompositionSwComponentType is to allow the encapsulation of specific
functionality by aggregating existing software-components.c(RS_SWCT_00190,
RS_SWCT_02000, RS_SWCT_02020, RS_SWCT_03000)
[TPS_SWCT_01033] Nested definition of CompositionSwComponentTypes
dSince a CompositionSwComponentType is also a SwComponentType, it again
may be aggregated in further CompositionSwComponentTypes.c(RS_SWCT_-
00190, RS_SWCT_02000, RS_SWCT_02020, RS_SWCT_03000)
This recursive relation is formally expressed in Figure 3.7.
It is important to understand that while compositions allow for (sub-) system abstrac-
tion, they are solely an architectural element for the implementation of model scalabil-
ity. They simply group existing software-components and thereby take away complexity
when viewing or designing logical software architecture.
Therefore, the definition of CompositionSwComponentTypes has no effect on how
software-components interact with the Virtual Functional Bus (VFB). Composition-
SwComponentTypes do not add any new functionality to what is already provided by
the software-components they aggregate.
ARElement AtpPrototype
AtpBlueprint SwComponentPrototype
AtpBlueprintable +type
AtpType «isOfType»
SwComponentType {redefines

+component 0..*

CompositionSwComponentType «atpVariation,atpSplitable»     

Figure 3.7: The recursive relation of software-components and compositions

[TPS_SWCT_01034] CompositionSwComponentTypes do not have any binary

footprint dAs the main consequence, CompositionSwComponentTypes do not have

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Software Component Template

any binary footprint in the ECU software.c(RS_SWCT_00190, RS_SWCT_02000,

RS_SWCT_02020, RS_SWCT_03000)

3.3.2 SwComponentPrototype

[TPS_SWCT_01035] CompositionSwComponentType aggregates SwCompo-

nentPrototypes dIn terms of the AUTOSAR meta-model, a composition of software-
components realized by the meta-class CompositionSwComponentType aggre-
gates SwComponentPrototypes which in turn are typed by a SwComponentType.c
(RS_SWCT_00190, RS_SWCT_02000, RS_SWCT_02020, RS_SWCT_03000)
Please note that a CompositionSwComponentType is also a SwComponentType.
Class CompositionSwComponentType
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Composition
Note A CompositionSwComponentType aggregates SwComponentPrototypes (that in turn are typed by Sw
ComponentTypes) as well as SwConnectors for primarily connecting SwComponentPrototypes among
each others and towards the surface of the CompositionSwComponentType. By this means, hierarchical
structures of software-components can be created.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, CollectableElement,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable, SwComponentType
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
component SwComponent * aggr The instantiated components that are part of this
Prototype composition. The aggregation of SwComponentPrototype
is subject to variability with the purpose to support the
conditional existence of a SwComponentPrototype.
Please be aware: if the conditional existence of Sw
ComponentPrototypes is resolved post-build the
deselected SwComponentPrototypes are still contained in
the ECUs build but the instances are inactive in that they
are not scheduled by the RTE.
The aggregation is marked as atpSplitable in order to
allow the addition of service components to the ECU
extract during the ECU integration.
The use case for having 0 components owned by the
CompositionSwComponentType could be to deliver an
empty CompositionSwComponentType to e.g. a supplier
for filling the internal structure.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=component.shortName, component.variation
connector SwConnector * aggr SwConnectors have the principal ability to establish a
connection among PortPrototypes. They can have many
roles in the context of a CompositionSwComponentType.
Details are refined by subclasses.
The aggregation of SwConnectors is subject to variability
with the purpose to support variant data flow.
The aggregation is marked as atpSplitable in order to
allow the extension of the ECU extract with AssemblySw

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Software Component Template

Class CompositionSwComponentType
Connectors between ApplicationSwComponentTypes and
ServiceSwComponentTypes during the ECU integration.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=connector.shortName, connector.variation
constantValue ConstantSpecification * ref Reference to the ConstantSpecificationMapping to be
Mapping MappingSet applied for initValues of PPortComSpecs and RPortCom
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
dataType DataTypeMappingSet * ref Reference to the DataTypeMapping to be applied for the
Mapping used ApplicationDataTypes in PortInterfaces.
Background: when developing subsystems it may happen
that ApplicationDataTypes are used on the surface of
CompositionSwComponentTypes. In this case it would be
reasonable to be able to also provide the intended
mapping to the ImplementationDataTypes. However, this
mapping shall be informal and not technically binding for
the implementors mainly because the RTE generator is
not concerned about the CompositionSwComponent
Rationale: if the mapping of ApplicationDataTypes on the
delegated and inner PortPrototype matches then the
mapping to ImplementationDataTypes is not impacting
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
instantiation InstantiationRTEEvent * aggr This allows to define instantiation specific properties for
RTEEventProps Props RTE Events, in particular for instance specific scheduling.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation

Table 3.10: CompositionSwComponentType

Class SwComponentPrototype
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Composition
Note Role of a software component within a composition.
Base ARObject, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
type SwComponentType 0..1 tref Type of the instance.
Stereotypes: isOfType

Table 3.11: SwComponentPrototype

[TPS_SWCT_01036] SwComponentPrototype implements a specific role

dTherefore, a SwComponentPrototype implements the usage of a SwComponent-
Type in a specific role.c(RS_SWCT_00190, RS_SWCT_02000, RS_SWCT_02020,

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Software Component Template

[TPS_SWCT_01037] arbitrary numbers of SwComponentPrototypes can be cre-

ated dIn general, arbitrary numbers of SwComponentPrototypes that refer to spe-
cific SwComponentTypes can be created.c(RS_SWCT_00190, RS_SWCT_02000,
RS_SWCT_02020, RS_SWCT_03000)


AtpBlueprintable +port ARElement +portGroup AtpStructureElement

AtpPrototype AtpBlueprint Identifiable
PortPrototype 0..* «atpVariation,atpSplitable» AtpBlueprintable «atpVariation» 0..* PortGroup
+connector SwConnector
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*

InstantiationRTEEventProps +instantiationRTEEventProps
+component AtpPrototype
«atpIdentityContributor» 0..* SwComponentPrototype
+ shortLabel: Identifier [0..1] «atpVariation,atpSplitable» «atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*

Figure 3.8: Composition and the meta-classes aggregated

Example: a SwComponentPrototype “LeftDoorControl” fulfills the role of implement-

ing the SwComponentType “DoorControl” for the left door of a vehicle while the
SwComponentPrototype “RightDoorControl” fulfills the role of the SwComponent-
Type “DoorControl” for the right door.
[TPS_SWCT_01080] Delegation ports dNote that being a SwComponentType, a
CompositionSwComponentType also exposes PortPrototypes to the outside
world. However, the PortPrototypes are only delegated and do not play the same
role as PortPrototypes attached to AtomicSwComponentTypes.c(RS_SWCT_-
[TPS_SWCT_01081] Implications of being a delegation port dBeing a PortProto-
type attached to a CompositionSwComponentType has the following implications:
• The delegation has to follow the rules for basic compatibility.
• By creating PortPrototypes on the surface of a specific Composition-
SwComponentType it is explicitly decided whether the contents of an “inner” port
contained in the CompositionSwComponentType is exposed to the outside
Please note that the rules for compatibility are described in chapter 6.
Please note further that the semantics of the delegation of PortPrototypes are sim-
ilar to encapsulation mechanisms like public and private members in object-oriented
programming languages.

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Software Component Template

One implication of the concept of CompositionSwComponentType is that the appli-

cation software of an entire vehicle eventually is represented by one Composition-
SwComponentType. This so-called top-level composition has a special role in the
context of the AUTOSAR System Template [10].
However, please note that a top-level composition might have (unconnected) Port-
Prototypes in order to allow for reuse as part of another system.
[constr_1035] Recursive definition of CompositionSwComponentType dThe re-
cursive definition of a CompositionSwComponentType that eventually contains
a SwComponentPrototype typed by the same CompositionSwComponentType
shall not be feasible at any time in the workflow.c()

3.3.3 Connectors

[TPS_SWCT_01079] SwConnector dNote that CompositionSwComponentType

also aggregates the abstract meta-class SwConnector for connecting the contained
SwComponentPrototypes among each other.c(RS_SWCT_03130)
More information can be found in Figure 3.8.
CompositionSwComponentTypes contain three kinds of SwConnectors:
• [TPS_SWCT_01082] AssemblySwConnector dAssemblySwConnectors in-
terconnect PortPrototypes of SwComponentPrototypes that are part of the
• [TPS_SWCT_01083] DelegationSwConnector dDelegationSwConnec-
tors connect from “inner” PortPrototypes to delegated “outer” PortProto-
[TPS_SWCT_01084] Outer PortPrototype is referenced by multiple Del-
egationSwConnectors dIn the case that an outer PortPrototype is refer-
enced by multiple DelegationSwConnectors the semantic is the multiplica-
tion of the AssemblySwConnectors referencing the outer PortPrototypes.c
• PassThroughSwConnector, see [TPS_SWCT_01507].
[constr_1086] SwConnector between two specific PortPrototypes dEach pair
of PortPrototypes can only be connected by one and only one SwConnector at
the time when the RTE is generated.c()
In other words, it is not supported to create two different SwConnectors that connect
the same pair of PortPrototypes.
[TPS_SWCT_01638] Existence of SwConnector between two PRPortProto-
types d[constr_1086] applies also in the case that two PRPortPrototypes are con-
nected with each other. In particular, the roles

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Software Component Template

• AssemblySwConnector.requester
• AssemblySwConnector.provider
• PassThroughSwConnector.providedOuterPort
• PassThroughSwConnector.requiredOuterPort
do not establish a direction in this case.c()
For clarification, [TPS_SWCT_01638] means that the SwConnector represents the
ability for bi-directional communication between the two PRPortPrototypes.
[constr_1087] AssemblySwConnector inside CompositionSwComponentType
dAn AssemblySwConnector can only connect PortPrototypes of SwComponent-
Prototypes that are owned by the same CompositionSwComponentType at any
time in the workflow.c()
[constr_1088] DelegationSwConnector inside CompositionSwComponent-
Type dA DelegationSwConnector can only connect a PortPrototype of a
SwComponentPrototype that is owned by the same CompositionSwComponent-
Type that also owns the connected delegation PortPrototype at any time in
the workflow.c()
In the context of attaching a DelegationSwConnector to an inner PRPortProto-
type there is some ambiguity to be considered. In particular, from the formal point of
view it would be feasible to use either a PPortInCompositionInstanceRef or a
The ability to use one or the other meta-class arbitrarily is considered confusing. There-
fore, [TPS_SWCT_01515] has been defined to remove the unnecessary degree of
[TPS_SWCT_01515] PPortInCompositionInstanceRef shall be used for at-
taching DelegationSwConnector to an inner PRPortPrototype dFor the imple-
mentation of the attachment of a DelegationSwConnector to an inner PRPortPro-
totype the meta-class PPortInCompositionInstanceRef shall be used.c(RS_-
[constr_1100] Unconnected RPortPrototype typed by a DataInterface dFor
any element in an unconnected RPortPrototype typed by a DataInterface, there
shall be a requiredComSpec that defines an initValue at the time when the
RTE is generated.c()
Class SwConnector (abstract)
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Composition
Note The base class for connectors between ports. Connectors have to be identifiable to allow references from
the system constraint template.
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,

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Software Component Template

Class SwConnector (abstract)
Subclasses AssemblySwConnector, DelegationSwConnector, PassThroughSwConnector
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
mapping PortInterfaceMapping 0..1 ref Reference to a PortInterfaceMapping specifying the
mapping of unequal named PortInterface elements of the
two different PortInterfaces typing the two PortPrototypes
which are referenced by the ConnectorPrototype.

Table 3.12: SwConnector

One specific use case for the application of SwConnectors is exemplified by the fig-
ures 3.9 and 3.11. A specific CompositionSwComponentType exists in two variants
where one (more complex) variant foresees the existence of a SwComponentPro-
totype inside the CompositionSwComponentType (depicted by 3.9) and the other
(because it is implementing a simpler semantics) does not need the SwComponent-
Class AssemblySwConnector
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Composition
Note AssemblySwConnectors are exclusively used to connect SwComponentPrototypes in the context of a
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Referrable, SwConnector
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
provider AbstractProvidedPort 0..1 iref Instance of providing port.
InstanceRef implemented by:PPortInComposition
requester AbstractRequiredPort 0..1 iref Instance of requiring port.
InstanceRef implemented by:RPortInComposition
Table 3.13: AssemblySwConnector

Class DelegationSwConnector
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Composition
Note A delegation connector delegates one inner PortPrototype (a port of a component that is used inside the
composition) to a outer PortPrototype of compatible type that belongs directly to the composition (a port
that is owned by the composition).
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Referrable, SwConnector
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
innerPort PortPrototype 0..1 iref The port that belongs to the ComponentPrototype in the
InstanceRef implemented by:PortInCompositionType
outerPort PortPrototype 0..1 ref The port that is located on the outside of the Composition

Table 3.14: DelegationSwConnector

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Software Component Template

[constr_1860] Multiplicity of DelegationSwConnector.innerPort dFor each

DelegationSwConnector, the reference DelegationSwConnector.innerPort
shall exist at the time when the creation of the CompositionSwCom-
ponentType is finished.c()
[constr_1861] Multiplicity of DelegationSwConnector.outerPort dFor each
DelegationSwConnector, the reference DelegationSwConnector.outerPort
shall exist at the time when the creation of the CompositionSwCom-
ponentType is finished.c()

Composition SW Component

Application SW Component

RTO Trigger


Figure 3.9: Use case for PassThroughSwConnector (I)

Without the ability to define a PassThroughSwConnector the second variant could

only be implemented by defining a dummy SwComponentPrototype inside the
CompositionSwComponentType. However, the dummy SwComponentPrototype
would need to define RunnableEntitys that are created for the sole purpose of being
able to shove the data from (e.g. for sender-receiver communication) RPortProto-
types to PPortPrototypes.

AssemblySwConnector PassThroughSwConnector DelegationSwConnector

«instanceRef» «instanceRef»

+provider 0..1 +providedOuterPort 0..1 +outerPort 0..1 +innerPort 0..1

«instanceRef» AtpPrototype

+requester 0..1 +requiredOuterPort 0..1


Figure 3.10: Connectors

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Software Component Template

This would not only be cumbersome it would also obviously require additional re-
sources (memory and code) at run-time. Plus, the existence of addition RunnableEn-
titys also unnecessarily increases the propagation delay of information flowing
around inside the ECU.
[TPS_SWCT_01507] The role of PassThroughSwConnector dPassThrough-
SwConnector can be taken to connect PortPrototypes owned by the same Com-
positionSwComponentType. In other words, PassThroughSwConnector creates
a bypass inside a CompositionSwComponentType from the requiredOuterPort
to the providedOuterPort (or vice versa) without involving SwComponentProto-
[constr_1252] Creation of a loop involving a PassThroughSwConnector is not
allowed dat any time in the workflow, a PassThroughSwConnector is not
allowed if the required outer PortPrototype is directly or indirectly connected to the
provided outer PortPrototype without the placement of a SwComponentProto-
type typed by an AtomicSwComponentType in the chain of SwConnectors.c()

Composition SW Component

Application SW Component


Figure 3.11: Use case for PassThroughSwConnector (II)

In other words, according to [constr_1252] it is not allowed to create a “infinite loop” by

means of a PassThroughSwConnector and at least one AssemblySwConnector
that connects the requiredOuterPort to the providedOuterPort.
Class PassThroughSwConnector
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Composition
Note This kind of SwConnector can be used inside a CompositionSwComponentType to connect two
delegation PortPrototypes.
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Referrable, SwConnector
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
providedOuter AbstractProvidedPort 0..1 ref This represents the provided outer delegation Port
Port Prototype Prototype of the PassThroughSwConnector.
requiredOuter AbstractRequiredPort 0..1 ref This represents the required outer delegation Port
Port Prototype Prototype of the PassThroughSwConnector.

Table 3.15: PassThroughSwConnector

[constr_1862] Multiplicity of PassThroughSwConnector.requiredOuterPort

dFor each PassThroughSwConnector, the reference PassThroughSwConnector.

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Software Component Template

requiredOuterPort shall exist at the time when the creation of the

CompositionSwComponentType is finished.c()
[constr_1863] Multiplicity of PassThroughSwConnector.providedOuterPort
dFor each PassThroughSwConnector, the reference PassThroughSwConnector.
providedOuterPort shall exist at the time when the creation of the
CompositionSwComponentType is finished.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01843] Value of PassThroughSwConnector.category dMeta-class
PassThroughSwConnector can be used in different contexts:
• The PassThroughSwConnector is designed to implement VFB communication
and therefore is considered in the generation of the RTE. In this case the attribute
PassThroughSwConnector.category should either not exist or should be set
to the value VFB.
• The PassThroughSwConnector is used to support the early design of a sig-
nal/service translation. At some point, the early design is replaced by actual
ApplicationSwComponentTypes that finally implement the intended commu-
nication path sketched by the early design on the VFB.
For more details about designing a signal/service translation by means of a
PassThroughSwConnector, please refer to the TPS System Template [10]. To
indicate the usage of the PassThroughSwConnector for the early design pur-
pose, the value of the attribute PassThroughSwConnector.category should
be set to S2S_DESIGN.
Please note that, on the AUTOSAR adaptive platform, the PassThroughSwConnec-
tor is also used for the design of a signal/service translation in a way that is very
similar to the approach described in the TPS System Template [10]. More details can
be found in the TPS Manifest Specification [14].

3.3.4 Instantiation-specific RTEEvents

[TPS_SWCT_02507] Instantiation-specific RTEEvents dIt is possible to specify

instantiation specific properties of an RTEEvent by applying InstantiationR-
TEEventProps in the role instantiationRTEEventProps.
This allows to use the same ApplicationSwComponentType in different timing sce-
narios. Even if the scheduling is an issue of the SwcInternalBehavior, the instance
specific definition of timing needs to be specified on the level of a Composition-
SwComponentType.c(RS_SWCT_03046, RS_SWCT_03270)
As an example for [TPS_SWCT_02507], please consider a software-component that
implements a closed-loop control algorithm.

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Software Component Template

This software-component can potentially be deployed to “slow” and “fast” control sce-
narios. As the actual time-base of the control algorithm is derived from the scheduling
implemented in the RTE it obviously facilitates the overall design if the timing can be
defined on “instance” level.
[constr_1233] InstantiationTimingEventProps shall only reference
TimingEvent dat any time in the workflow, an Instantiation-
TimingEventProps shall only reference TimingEvent in the role refinedEvent.
A reference to other kinds of RTEEvents is not supported.c()
[constr_1864] Multiplicity of InstantiationRTEEventProps.refinedEvent
dFor each InstantiationRTEEventProps, the instance-reference Instanti-
ationRTEEventProps.refinedEvent shall exist at the time when the RTE
is generated.c()
SwComponentType SwComponentType
AtomicSwComponentType CompositionSwComponentType

«atpVariation,atpSplitable»    «atpVariation,atpSplitable»
+internalBehavior 0..1 +instantiationRTEEventProps 0..*

+ handleTerminationAndRestart: HandleTerminationAndRestartEnum [0..1]
+ shortLabel: Identifier [0..1]
+ supportsMultipleInstantiation: Boolean [0..1]

«atpVariation,atpSplitable»       «atpVariation,atpSplitable»
+runnable 0..* +event 0..*
AtpStructureElement AbstractEvent
ExecutableEntity +startOnEvent AtpStructureElement 0..1
RunnableEntity RTEEvent
0..1 InstantiationTimingEventProps
+ canBeInvokedConcurrently: Boolean [0..1]
+ symbol: CIdentifier [0..1] + period: TimeValue [0..1]

+waitPoint 0..*
+trigger + offset: TimeValue [0..1]
+ period: TimeValue [0..1]
+ timeout: TimeValue [0..1] 0..1

Figure 3.12: Instantiation specific Properties of RTEEvents

Please note that the attribute shortLabel only contributes to model semantics if the
ability to split the definition of the aggregation CompositionSwComponentType.in-
stantiationRTEEventProps over several physical files is actually utilized1 .
More explanation about the ability to split models over physical files can be found
in [11].

In which case the shortLabel serves as a part of the splitkey

89 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class InstantiationRTEEventProps (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Composition
Note This meta-class represents the ability to refine the properties of RTEEvents for particular instances of a
software component.
Base ARObject
Subclasses InstantiationTimingEventProps
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
refinedEvent RTEEvent 0..1 iref This instance ref denotes the Timing Event for which the
period shall be refined on an instance level.
InstanceRef implemented by:InstanceEventIn
shortLabel Identifier 0..1 attr The main purpose of the shortLabel is to contribute to the
splitkey of aggregations that are <<atpSplitable>>.
Stereotypes: atpIdentityContributor

Table 3.16: InstantiationRTEEventProps

3.4 Port Interface

[TPS_SWCT_01025] The role of PortPrototypes in the AUTOSAR architecture
dA PortPrototype mainly contributes the functionality of being a connection point to
the AUTOSAR concept.
The details, i.e. with respect to what kind of information is actually transported between
two PortPrototypes is defined by the PortInterface.c(RS_SWCT_00010, RS_-
SWCT_00080, RS_SWCT_00110, RS_SWCT_02030, RS_SWCT_03010)
[TPS_SWCT_01026] The role of PortInterfaces in the AUTOSAR architecture d
PortInterfaces are used to support a design-by-contract work-flow, i.e. a Port-
Interface provides means to formally verify structural and dynamic compatibility
between software-components.c(RS_SWCT_00010, RS_SWCT_00080, RS_SWCT_-
00110, RS_SWCT_02030, RS_SWCT_03010)
In other words: PortInterfaces (see Figure 3.14) represent a pivotal point in the
AUTOSAR concept.
Please note that a PortInterface creates a name space for the information con-
tained. This allows for defining the details of a specific PortInterface without hav-
ing to care for possible side effects on other PortInterfaces. Again, this property
of the AUTOSAR concept directly supports re-usability.
[TPS_SWCT_01027] Different flavors of PortInterfaces dWithin the AUTOSAR
concept, different flavors of PortInterfaces are defined:
• SenderReceiverInterface
• NvDataInterface
• ParameterInterface

90 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

• ModeSwitchInterface
• ClientServerInterface
• TriggerInterface
c(RS_SWCT_00010, RS_SWCT_00080, RS_SWCT_00110, RS_SWCT_02030)

ParameterInterface NvDataInterface SenderReceiverInterface

Figure 3.13: DataInterface as an abstract base class

[TPS_SWCT_01069] DataInterface is defined as abstract base class dPlease

note that the conceptual relationship of SenderReceiverInterface, NvDataIn-
terface, and ParameterInterface is expressed by the definition of the abstract
base class DataInterface.c(RS_SWCT_00010, RS_SWCT_00080, RS_SWCT_-
00110, RS_SWCT_03010)
Please find more details about the specialization of the PortInterface concept in
chapter 4.2.3 and 4.2.2.
Class PortInterface (abstract)
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note Abstract base class for an interface that is either provided or required by a port of a software component.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, CollectableElement,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Subclasses ClientServerInterface, DataInterface, ModeSwitchInterface, TriggerInterface
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
isService Boolean 0..1 attr This flag is set if the PortInterface is to be used for
communication between an
• ApplicationSwComponentType or
• ServiceProxySwComponentType or
• SensorActuatorSwComponentType or
• ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponentType
• ServiceSwComponentType
• EcuAbstractionSwComponentType
and a ServiceSwComponentType (namely an AUTOSAR
Service) located on the same ECU. Otherwise the flag is
not set.
serviceKind ServiceProviderEnum 0..1 attr This attribute provides further details about the nature of
the applied service.

Table 3.17: PortInterface

[TPS_SWCT_01070] PortInterface acts as a type for a PortPrototype dFrom

an abstract point of view, a PortInterface acts as a type for a PortPrototype.

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Software Component Template

This means in particular that several PortPrototypes can be typed by the same
PortInterface.c(RS_SWCT_00010, RS_SWCT_00080, RS_SWCT_00110, RS_-
Class DataInterface (abstract)
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note The purpose of this meta-class is to act as an abstract base class for subclasses that share the
semantics of being concerned about data (as opposed to e.g. operations).
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, CollectableElement,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, PortInterface, Referrable
Subclasses NvDataInterface, ParameterInterface, SenderReceiverInterface
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 3.18: DataInterface

Of course, this aspect facilitates the creation of valid connections between software-
components dramatically. By using a specific PortInterface for typing particular
PortPrototypes the latter are eligible for being connected to each other by definition.
However, the creation of a valid connection does not need to be based on the usage
of identical PortInterfaces. It is also possible to use different, but compatible
PortInterfaces. The details about compatibility of PortInterfaces are described
in chapter 6.
[constr_1036] Connect kinds of PortInterfaces dIt shall not be possible to con-
nect PortPrototypes typed by PortInterfaces of different kinds at the time
when the RTE is generated.
Subclasses of DataInterface make an exception to this rule and can be used for
creating connections to each other.c()

ParameterInterface SenderReceiverInterface NvDataInterface ModeSwitchInterface TriggerInterface ClientServerInterface

+parameter 0..* +dataElement 0..* +nvData 0..* +modeGroup 0..1 +trigger 0..* +operation 0..*

AutosarDataPrototype AutosarDataPrototype AtpPrototype AtpStructureElement AtpStructureElement

ParameterDataPrototype VariableDataPrototype ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype Identifiable Identifiable
Trigger ClientServerOperation

+argument 0..* {ordered}


Figure 3.14: PortInterfaces in the AUTOSAR meta-model

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Software Component Template

For clarification, a connection between a PortPrototype typed by a Sender-

ReceiverInterface and a PortPrototype typed by a ClientServerInter-
face shall not be possible. However, the creation of a connection between a Port-
Prototype typed by a SenderReceiverInterface and a PortPrototype typed
by a ParameterInterface is supported.
[constr_1137] Applicability of ParameterInterface dA PPortPrototype typed
by a ParameterInterface can only be owned by a ParameterSwComponent-
Type or a CompositionSwComponentType at any time in the workflow.c
Please note that PortInterfaces also play an important role in the context of defin-
ing so-called AUTOSAR services. In particular, by means of the attribute isService
a PortInterface can define whether it is supposed to be used in the context of
an AUTOSAR service and in addition to this it may define (by means of the attribute
serviceKind) what kind of service is intended.
The creation of an AssemblySwConnector between PortPrototypes where the
respective PortInterfaces have set attribute isService to true puts require-
ments on the nature of the enclosing SwComponentTypes.
For example, it does not make sense to establish a service communication between
two SwComponentPrototypes that each are typed by ApplicationSwCompo-
nentTypes. For service communication, at least one of the participating SwCompo-
nentPrototypes has be to be typed by a ServiceSwComponentType.
[constr_10067] Creation of AssemblySwConnector for service communication
dIf an AssemblySwConnector is created between two PortPrototypes and the af-
fected PortInterfaces set the attribute isService to the value true, then at least
one of the SwComponentPrototypes shall be typed by a ServiceSwComponent-
Type. This constraint shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is gener-
The information contained in serviceKind can be used in various ways. The primary
intent is to distinguish between the usage of standardized AUTOSAR services from
the usage of a vendor-specific service. This information may have an impact on the
development- and build process of software-components that use the PortInter-
In addition, it is also possible to use the information contained in serviceKind for
filtering the presentation of an AUTOSAR model in an AUTOSAR authoring tool and
e.g. display the nature of the service PortPrototypes independently of the content
of the corresponding PortInterface.
[TPS_SWCT_01003] Inconsistencies regarding the value of serviceKind and
the actual implementation of the PortInterface dIn case of inconsistencies be-
tween the value of serviceKind and the actual implementation of the PortInter-
face the implementation of the PortInterface wins over the value of attribute
PortInterface.serviceKind (which, for the intended purpose shall be considered
an annotation rather than a semantically binding information).c(RS_SWCT_00030)

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[TPS_SWCT_01004] Specific default value if serviceKind is not defined dif the

attribute serviceKind is not defined in the context of a specific PortInterface the
default value anyStandardized shall be assumed.c(RS_SWCT_00030)
ARElement «enumeration»
AtpBlueprint ServiceProviderEnum
AtpType basicSoftwareModeManager
PortInterface comManager
+ isService: Boolean [0..1] diagnosticCommunicationManager
+ serviceKind: ServiceProviderEnum [0..1] diagnosticEventManager

Figure 3.15: PortInterfaces and AUTOSAR services

[constr_1174] PortInterfaces used in the context of CompositionSwCompo-

nentTypes cannot refer to AUTOSAR services dCompositionSwComponent-
Types shall not own PortPrototypes typed by PortInterfaces where the at-
tribute isService is set to true at any time in the workflow.c()
Enumeration ServiceProviderEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This represents a list of possible service providers
Literal Description
anyStandardized This value means that the specific nature is either unknown or it is not important for the given
purpose. This is also the default value for any attribute of type ServiceProviderEnum
basicSoftwareMode The service relates to the Basic Software Mode Manager (BswM)
comManager The service relates to the COM Manager (ComM).
cryptoKey The service relates to the Key Manager (KeyM).
cryptoService The service relates to the Crypto Service Manager (CsM).
defaultErrorTracer The service relates to the Default Error Tracer (DET)
diagnostic The service relates to the Diagnostic Communication Manager (DCM).

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Enumeration ServiceProviderEnum
diagnosticEvent The service relates to the Diagnostic Event Manager (DEM).
diagnosticLogAnd The service relates to the Diagnostic Log and Trace (DLT).
ecuManager The service relates to the ECU Manager (EcuM).
errorTracer This service relates to the error tracer.
functionInhibition The service relates to the Function Inhibition Manager (FIM).
hardwareTest This service relates to the hardware test manager.
intrusionDetection The service relates to the intrusion detection security management (IdsM).
j1939Dcm This service relates to the J1939 Dcm.
j1939Request The service relates to the J1939Rm.
nonVolatileRam The service relates to the Non-Volatile RAM Manager (NvM).
operatingSystem The service relates to the Operating System (OS).
secureOnBoard The service relates to the SecOc module.
syncBaseTime The service relates to the Sync Time Base Manager (StbM).
v2xFacilities This service relates to the Vehicle to X facilities.
v2xManagement This service relates to the Vehicle to X management.
vendorSpecific This value denotes a vendor-specific service.
watchDogManager The service relates to the Watchdog Manager (WdgM).

Table 3.19: ServiceProviderEnum

Please find more details about the relation of PortInterfaces to AUTOSAR services
in chapter 11.

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Software Component Template

4 Details: Software Components, Ports, and


4.1 Introduction
The specification of the Virtual Functional Bus (VFB) [3] explains the main commu-
nication paradigms for communication among software-components: client/server for
operation-based communication, and sender/receiver for data-based communication.
The nature of the two communication paradigms is quite different, and so is the mod-
eling of SenderReceiverInterfaces and ClientServerInterfaces and their
related meta-classes.
[TPS_SWCT_01516] PortInterface describes the static structure of informa-
tion interchange dPortInterfaces are limited to the description of the static struc-
ture of the exchanged information; the dynamic attributes relevant for communica-
tion are attached to PortPrototypes.c(RS_SWCT_00010, RS_SWCT_00080, RS_-
SWCT_00110, RS_SWCT_02030, RS_SWCT_03010)
Please note that the dynamic attributes relevant for communication are described in
chapter 4.5.

4.2 Port Interface Details

4.2.1 Introduction

The usage of value encodings (for more information please refer to section 5.2.6) is
limited within the context of PortInterfaces.
[constr_1045] Supported value encodings for SwBaseType in the context of
PortInterfaces dThe supported value encodings for the usage within a PortIn-
terface are:
• 2C: Two’s complement
• IEEE754: floating-point numbers
• ISO-8859-1: single-byte coded character
• ISO-8859-2: single-byte coded character
• WINDOWS-1252: single-byte coded character
• UTF-8: UCS Transformation Format 8
• UTF-16: Character encoding for Unicode code points based on 16 bit code
units [15]
• UCS-2: Universal Character Set 2

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• NONE: Unsigned Integer

• BOOLEAN: This represents an integer to be interpreted as boolean.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_1046] Applicability of [constr_1045] d[constr_1045] applies at the time
when the contract phase generation is executed only if the value of the
attribute isService is set to false.c()
[constr_1295] PortInterfaces and category DATA_REFERENCE dA DataPro-
totype defined in the context of a PortInterface used by an Application-
SwComponentType or SensorActuatorSwComponentType that is (after potential
indirections via TYPE_REFERENCE are resolved) either typed by or mapped to an
ImplementationDataType of category DATA_REFERENCE shall only be used if
either the provider or the requester of the information represents a ServiceSwCompo-
nentType, a ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponentType, a ParameterSwCom-
ponentType, or an NvBlockSwComponentType, or the EcuAbstractionSwCom-
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
Note: [constr_1295] corresponds to [SWS_RTE_07670].

4.2.2 Sender Receiver Communication Sender Receiver Interface

[TPS_SWCT_01114] SenderReceiverInterface dSenderReceiverInter-

faces allow for the specification of the typically asynchronous communication pattern
where a sender provides data that is required by one or more receivers.
While the actual communication takes place via the respective PortPrototypes, a
SenderReceiverInterface allows for formally describing what kind of information
is sent and received.c(RS_SWCT_02030)
Class SenderReceiverInterface
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note A sender/receiver interface declares a number of data elements to be sent and received.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, CollectableElement,
DataInterface, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, PortInterface, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dataElement VariableDataPrototype * aggr The data elements of this SenderReceiverInterface.
invalidation InvalidationPolicy * aggr InvalidationPolicy for a particular dataElement

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Class SenderReceiverInterface
metaDataItem MetaDataItemSet * aggr This aggregation defines fixed sets of meta-data items
Set associated with dataElements of the enclosing Sender
Table 4.1: SenderReceiverInterface

Class InvalidationPolicy
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note Specifies whether the component can actively invalidate a particular dataElement.
If no invalidationPolicy points to a dataElement this is considered to yield the identical result as if the
handleInvalid attribute was set to dontInvalidate.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dataElement VariableDataPrototype 0..1 ref Reference to the dataElement for which the Invalidation
Policy applies.
handleInvalid HandleInvalidEnum 0..1 attr This attribute controls how invalidation is applied to the
Table 4.2: InvalidationPolicy

Enumeration HandleInvalidEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note Strategies of handling the reception of invalidValue.
Literal Description
dontInvalidate Invalidation is switched off.
external Replace a received invalidValue. The replacement value is sourced from the externalReplacement.
keep The application software is supposed to handle signal invalidation on RTE API level either by Data
ReceiveErrorEvent or check of error code on read access.
replace Replace a received invalidValue. The replacement value is specified by the initValue.

Table 4.3: HandleInvalidEnum

A SenderReceiverInterface focuses on the description of information items rep-

resented by VariableDataPrototypes (see section 5.3).
A VariableDataPrototype aggregated in the role of dataElement represents
an atomic1 piece of information transmitted among PortPrototypes typed by a
[TPS_SWCT_01115] invalidationPolicy dAn invalidationPolicy specifies
whether the sending component can actively invalidate a particular dataElement and
which strategy of handling the reception of invalidValue on the receiver side shall
be implemented.c(RS_SWCT_02030)
Note that the term “atomic” does not have any implication on the implementation on a concrete
computing platform

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Further information about the related concept of an invalidValue is provided in

chapter 5.4.2
[constr_1865] Existence of InvalidationPolicy.dataElement dFor each In-
validationPolicy, the reference InvalidationPolicy.dataElement shall ex-
ist at the time when the contract phase generation is executed.c()
«enumeration» PortInterface DataPrototype
HandleInvalidEnum DataInterface AutosarDataPrototype

SenderReceiverInterface +dataElement VariableDataPrototype


TextValueSpecification +invalidationPolicy 0..*

+ value: VerbatimString [0..1] +dataElement

+metaDataItemType 0..1 + handleInvalid: 0..1
HandleInvalidEnum [0..1]
+metaDataItemSet 0..*

MetaDataItem +metaDataItem MetaDataItemSet +dataElement

+ length: PositiveInteger [0..1] 0..*

0..* {ordered}

Figure 4.1: dataElements of a SenderReceiverInterface

Note that a SenderReceiverInterface provides a name space for the definition of

In terms of the AUTOSAR meta-model this aspect is indicated by the inheritance re-
lation to DataPrototype (which in turn inherits from Identifiable). Please find
more information on the creation of name spaces in [11].
[TPS_SWCT_01116] swImplPolicy dThe swImplPolicy indicates the way how
a VariableDataPrototype shall be processed at the receiver’s side. If set to
queued the semantics is that the corresponding VariableDataPrototype needs
to be added to a queue (or in other words: a FIFO data structure) from which it is later
consumed by the actual receiver software-component.c(RS_SWCT_02030)
Please note that the swImplPolicy is described in section 5.4.
[constr_1200] Queued communication is not applicable for dataElements
owned by PRPortPrototype dThe swImplPolicy shall not be set to queued for
any dataElement owned by a PRPortPrototype at any time in the work-
[TPS_SWCT_01176] last-is-best semantics for sender-receiver communication
dIf swImplPolicy is set to any other valid value of SwImplPolicyEnum then last is
best semantics applies.c()
Please note that the definition of VariableDataPrototype may come very close
to the reader’s idea of a signal. However, different kinds of signals have a specific
meaning in the AUTOSAR concept, especially in the context of the AUTOSAR System
Template [10].

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[TPS_SWCT_01117] Communication patterns for sender-receiver communica-

tion dPortPrototypes typed by a SenderReceiverInterface may be connected
to establish a 1:n (i.e. one sender, multiple receivers) communication relationship. It
is also possible to establish an n:1 (i.e. many senders, one receiver) communication
[constr_1033] Communication scenarios for sender/receiver communication
dFor sender/receiver communication, it is not allowed to create a communication sce-
nario where n sender are connected to m receivers where m and n are both greater
than 1 at any time in the workflow.c()
Factually, [constr_1033] is not applicable to a scenario where several PRPortPro-
totypes are connected by a chain of AssemblySwConnectors or PassThrough-
RPortPrototype PPortPrototype PRPortPrototype
RPortPrototype No Yes Yes
PPortPrototype Yes No Yes
PRPortPrototype Yes Yes Yes

Table 4.4: Supported connections by AssemblySwConnector for

PortPrototypes typed by a SenderReceiverInterface or Nv-

[constr_1202] Supported connections by AssemblySwConnector for PortPro-

totypes typed by a SenderReceiverInterface or NvDataInterface dFor
the modeling of AssemblySwConnectors between PortPrototypes typed by a
SenderReceiverInterface or NvDataInterface, only the connections docu-
mented in Table 4.4 are supported by AUTOSAR at any time in the work-
innerPort outerPort
RPortPrototype PPortPrototype PRPortPrototype
RPortPrototype Yes No Yes
PPortPrototype No Yes Yes
PRPortPrototype Yes Yes Yes

Table 4.5: Supported connections by DelegationSwConnector for

PortPrototypes typed by a SenderReceiverInterface or Nv-

[constr_1203] Supported connections by DelegationSwConnector for Port-

Prototypes typed by a SenderReceiverInterface or NvDataInterface dFor
the modeling of DelegationSwConnectors between PortPrototypes typed by
a SenderReceiverInterface or NvDataInterface, only the connections doc-
umented in Table 4.5 are supported by AUTOSAR at any time in the work-

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Software Component Template
AUTOSAR CP R21-11 Meta-data on the Application Software Level

There are cases where information available on different levels in the AUTOSAR basic
software stack need to be made available as meta-data on the application layer in order
to make the overall software function properly.
One example could be a software-component that is involved with communication us-
ing the J1939 protocol.
In such a case, the semantics of the information transmitted is strongly bound to the
source address and the sender needs to be able to set the source address individually.
[TPS_SWCT_01801] Support for Meta-Data dMeta-data on the application software
level can only be made available in the context of a SenderReceiverInterface.
No other kind of PortInterface supports the definition of meta-data.c(RS_SWCT_-
[TPS_SWCT_01802] Definition of meta-data in the context of a Sender-
ReceiverInterface dThe definition of meta-data in the context of a Sender-
ReceiverInterface involves two aspects:
• The available meta-data are defined by means of an ordered aggregation of meta-
class MetaDataItem at MetaDataItemSet that in turn is aggregated in the role
• The involvement of dataElements with meta-data is specified by means of the
reference MetaDataItemSet.dataElement. In other words, the dataEle-
ments that are referenced by a MetaDataItemSet in the role dataElement
are involved with meta-data handling.
Class MetaDataItem
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note This meta-class represents a single meta-data item.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
length PositiveInteger 0..1 attr This attribute determines the length of the MetaDataItem
at run-time.
metaDataItem TextValueSpecification 0..1 aggr This aggregation contributes the specification of the
Type concrete meta-data item type.

Table 4.6: MetaDataItem

Class MetaDataItemSet
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note This meta-class represents the ability to define a set of meta-data items to be used in SenderReceiver
Base ARObject

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Class MetaDataItemSet
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dataElement VariableDataPrototype * ref This reference identifies the dataElement for which the
ordered list of meta-data items is defined.
metaDataItem MetaDataItem * aggr This aggregation represents the ordered definition of
(ordered) meta-data items.

Table 4.7: MetaDataItemSet

[constr_1726] Ordering of MetaDataItemSet.metaDataItem dThe ordering of the

elements of MetaDataItemSet.metaDataItem shall be done such that the Meta-
DataItem with the largest value of attribute length is located in the first position
and the MetaDataItem with the smallest value of attribute length is located in the
last position.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01803] MetaDataItems define the same value of attribute length
dFor the case that MetaDataItems define the same value of attribute length the
ordering of these MetaDataItems among each other is not significant.c(RS_SWCT_-
[TPS_SWCT_01804] Standardized values of attribute MetaDataItem.meta-
DataItemType.value dThe following values of attribute MetaDataItem.meta-
DataItemType.value are standardized by AUTOSAR:
• CAN_ID_32
[constr_1866] Existence of MetaDataItem.length dFor each MetaDataItem, at-
tribute length shall exist at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_1867] Existence of MetaDataItem.metaDataItemType dFor each Meta-
DataItem, attribute metaDataItemType shall exist at the time when the
contract phase generation is executed.c()

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[constr_1868] Existence of MetaDataItemSet.dataElement dFor each Meta-

DataItemSet that aggregates at least one metaDataItem, at least one reference
to a dataElement shall exist at the time when the contract phase gen-
eration is executed.c()

4.2.3 Client Server Communication

The underlying semantics of a client/server communication is that a client may initiate

the execution of an operation by a server that supports the operation.
The server executes the operation and, when completed, it provides the client with the
result (synchronous operation call) or else the client checks for the completion of the
operation by itself (asynchronous operation call).
[constr_1037] Client shall not be connected to multiple servers dA client shall not
be connected to multiple servers such that an operation call would be handled by more
than one server at the time when the RTE is generated.c() Client Server Interface

A ClientServerInterface, to some extent, is a counterpart to the Sender-

ReceiverInterface2 .
Instead of defining pieces of information to be transferred among software-
components, a ClientServerInterface defines a collection of ClientServer-
Class ClientServerInterface
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note A client/server interface declares a number of operations that can be invoked on a server by a client.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, CollectableElement,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, PortInterface, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
operation ClientServerOperation * aggr ClientServerOperation(s) of this ClientServerInterface.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
possibleError ApplicationError * aggr Application errors that are defined as part of this interface.

Table 4.8: ClientServerInterface

However, different connection patterns apply, see [constr_1037]

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Software Component Template

PortInterface «enumeration» «enumeration»

ClientServerInterface    ServerArgumentImplPolicyEnum ArgumentDirectionEnum
   useArgumentType in
useVoid out
+operation 0..*

AtpStructureElement DataPrototype
Identifiable AutosarDataPrototype
ClientServerOperation +argument + direction: ArgumentDirectionEnum [0..1]
+ serverArgumentImplPolicy:
+ diagArgIntegrity: Boolean [0..1] «atpVariation» 0..* ServerArgumentImplPolicyEnum [0..1]

Figure 4.2: ClientServerOperations of a ClientServerInterface

[TPS_SWCT_01118] ClientServerInterface dA ClientServerInterface is

composed of ClientServerOperations, i.e. a ClientServerOperation can-
not be reused in the context of a different ClientServerInterface.c(RS_SWCT_-
[TPS_SWCT_01106] ClientServerOperation dA ClientServerOperation
consists of 0..* ArgumentDataPrototypes. The latter may be
• passed to the operation (i.e. the direction is “in”)
• passed to and returned from the operation (i.e. the direction is “inout”)
• returned from the operation (i.e. the direction is “out”)
The aggregation represents a variation point.c(RS_SWCT_02030, RS_SWCT_03141)
[TPS_SWCT_01844] Optional method arguments dAUTOSAR does not support the
existence of optional arguments within a ClientServerOperation.c()
The reason for the existence of the restriction in [TPS_SWCT_01844] on the
AUTOSAR classic platform is that the RTE does not have an API to handle optional
method arguments.
Class ClientServerOperation
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note An operation declared within the scope of a client/server interface.
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
argument ArgumentDataPrototype * aggr An argument of this ClientServerOperation
Stereotypes: atpVariation

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Class ClientServerOperation
diagArgIntegrity Boolean 0..1 attr This attribute shall only be used in the implementation of
diagnostic routines to support the case where input and
output arguments are allocated in a shared buffer and
might unintentionally overwrite input arguments by
tentative write operations to output arguments.
This situation can happen during sliced execution or while
output parameters are arrays (call by reference). The
value true means that the ClientServerOperation is aware
of the usage of a shared buffer and takes precautions to
avoid unintentional overwrite of input arguments.
If the attribute does not exist or is set to false the Client
ServerOperation does not have to consider the usage of a
shared buffer.
possibleError ApplicationError * ref Possible errors that may by raised by the referring

Table 4.9: ClientServerOperation

Class ArgumentDataPrototype
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note An argument of an operation, much like a data element, but also carries direction information and is
owned by a particular ClientServerOperation.
Base ARObject, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, AutosarDataPrototype, DataPrototype, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
direction ArgumentDirection 0..1 attr This attribute specifies the direction of the argument
Enum prototype.
serverArgument ServerArgumentImpl 0..1 attr This defines how the argument type of the servers
ImplPolicy PolicyEnum RunnableEntity is implemented.
If the attribute is not defined this has the same semantics
as if the attribute is set to the value useArgumentType for
primitive arguments and structures.

Table 4.10: ArgumentDataPrototype

[TPS_SWCT_01119] Direction of ArgumentDataPrototypes dTo cover these

cases, ArgumentDataPrototype defines an attribute direction, possible values
are in (pass to operation), out (return from operation), and inout (pass to and return
from operation).c(RS_SWCT_02030)
In many common programming languages (like C), an operation is yet another data
type. This makes it for example possible to pass a reference to an operation as an
argument to another operation.
This is not allowed in the AUTOSAR concept.
[TPS_SWCT_01517] ClientServerOperation cannot be passed as a reference
dIt is not possible to pass a reference to a ClientServerOperation as an Argu-
mentDataPrototype in another ClientServerOperation.c(RS_SWCT_02030)
Essentially, all ArgumentDataPrototypes in a ClientServerOperation can be
passed (conceptually) by value (from the client to the server and/or from the server to
the client depending on the direction of the ArgumentDataPrototype).

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[constr_1869] Existence of attribute ArgumentDataPrototype.direction dFor

each ArgumentDataPrototype, attribute direction shall be defined at the
time when the contract phase generation is executed.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01120] Client needs to provide ArgumentDataPrototypes dWhen
the client invokes an operation, it needs to provide a value for each ArgumentDat-
aPrototype that is of direction in or inout.c(RS_SWCT_02030)
[TPS_SWCT_01121] Pass correct data type dThe value passed to an Argument-
DataPrototype of direction in or inout needs to be of the corresponding
[TPS_SWCT_01122] Synchronous call of ClientServerOperation dIn the case
of synchronous operation call, the client expects to receive a response to the invocation
of the operation.
As part of the response, it receives a value (of the correct AutosarDataType) for each
ArgumentDataPrototype that is of direction out or inout.c(RS_SWCT_02030)
Enumeration ArgumentDirectionEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::PrimitiveTypes
Note Use cases:
• Arguments in ClientServerOperation can have different directions that need to be formally
indicated because they have an impact on how the function signature looks like eventually.
• Arguments in BswModuleEntry already determine a function signature, but the direction is
used to specify the semantics, especially of pointer arguments.
Literal Description
in The argument value is passed to the callee.
inout The argument value is passed to the callee but also passed back from the callee to the caller.
out The argument value is passed from the callee to the caller.

Table 4.11: ArgumentDirectionEnum

Each ClientServerOperation provides a name space for its ArgumentDataPro-

totypes and therefore has a unique identifier which identifies the operation within the
corresponding ClientServerInterface.
The ClientServerOperations have no ordering within a ClientServerInter-
face (there is no such thing as the “first” operation)3 .

In different parts of the definition of a ClientServerInterface, a “calling-order” of the
ClientServerOperations might be prescribed: the client might be required to use the
ClientServerOperations in a certain logical ordering.
However, this ordering has nothing to do with the order in which the ClientServerOperations are
listed in the definition of a ClientServerInterface

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[TPS_SWCT_01123] No default values for ArgumentDataPrototypes dIt is not

possible to define default values for ArgumentDataPrototypes defined in the con-
text of a ClientServerOperation. Default values might lead to complicated map-
pings to programming languages.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01124] Definition of ArgumentDataPrototypes within the context
of a ClientServerOperation is ordered dIn contrast to the unordered relation-
ship of ClientServerInterface to ClientServerOperation, the definition of
ArgumentDataPrototypes within the context of a ClientServerOperation is
ordered, i.e. a ClientServerOperation may have a first argument4 .c(RS_SWCT_-
Please note that ArgumentDataPrototype inherits from AutosarDataPrototype
and therefore has a reference to a concrete AutosarDataType.
The RTE Generator uses the referred AutosarDataTypes to determine the data
types of the arguments depending on the value of the attribute ArgumentDataPro-
Enumeration ServerArgumentImplPolicyEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note This defines how the argument type of the servers RunnableEntity is implemented.
Literal Description
useArgumentType The argument type of the RunnableEntity is derived from the AutosarDataType of the Argument
useVoid The argument type of the RunnableEntity is void.

Table 4.12: ServerArgumentImplPolicyEnum

[constr_1286] serverArgumentImplPolicy and ArgumentDataPrototype

typed by primitive data types dThe value of the attribute ArgumentDataProto-
type.serverArgumentImplPolicy shall not be set to useVoid for an Argument-
DataPrototype of direction in that is typed by an AutosarDataType that boils
down to a primitive C data type (see [TPS_SWCT_01565]).
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
There is one use case for executing multiple ClientServerOperations using the
exact same RunnableEntity. This use case is sketched in Figure 4.3.
Giving the ArgumentDataPrototypes of a ClientServerOperation both an ordering and a
unique identifier might seem redundant.
For example, in the operation “foo(a, b, c)”, we can refer to the “second argument” or to “the argument
named b”. In many common programming languages (like C or Java), only the ordering is actually used
by the client during the invocation of the server (the client invokes the operation as “foo(1,2,3)” not as
In addition, the names of the arguments represent an arbitrary choice made when implementing of the
invocation. In C, only the data types and ordering of the arguments constitute the signature, not the
names of the arguments.

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Software Component Template

In such a case, it may happen that the ClientServerOperations own Argument-

DataPrototypes that are typed by an array data type.
It may also happen that the individual ArgumentDataPrototypes that are typed by
array data types refer to a compatible element data type, but define a different number
of elements.

{A} n=2

{B} n=3 Server

n=4 {C}

Figure 4.3: Use case for one server RunnableEntity processes calls from different

Please note that the server RunnableEntity needs information about the currently
used array length respectively structure size by usage of additional arguments passed
by the Client. This aspect is exemplified by Figure 4.3.
It is only natural that in such a case a Variable-Size Array Data Type would
be used because it comes with a built-in capability to indicate the number of elements
currently stored in the array without the need to add further arguments to the signature
of the RunnableEntity.
Note further that a ClientServerInterface does not define any timing information
(how quickly the client expects a response of the server). It does not define how the
threading works (if the client for example blocks until the response comes back from
the server).
It also does not define explicitly how information is passed between an implementation
of the client and the server and the underlying RTE (for example: through “pointers” or
“by value”).
RPortPrototype PPortPrototype PRPortPrototype
RPortPrototype No Yes Yes
PPortPrototype Yes No No
PRPortPrototype Yes No No

Table 4.13: Supported connections by AssemblySwConnector

for PortPrototypes typed by a ClientServerInterface, Mod-
eSwitchInterface, or TriggerInterface

[constr_1204] Supported connections by AssemblySwConnector for Port-

Prototypes typed by a ClientServerInterface, ModeSwitchInterface,
or TriggerInterface dFor the modeling of AssemblySwConnectors between

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Software Component Template

PortPrototypes typed by a ClientServerInterface, ModeSwitchInter-

face, or TriggerInterface, only the connections documented in Table 4.13 are
supported by AUTOSAR at any time in the workflow.c()
[constr_1205] Supported connections by DelegationSwConnector for Port-
Prototypes typed by a ClientServerInterface, ModeSwitchInterface, or
TriggerInterface dFor the modeling of DelegationSwConnectors between
PortPrototypes typed by a ClientServerInterface, ModeSwitchInter-
face, or TriggerInterface, only the connections documented in Table 4.14 are
supported by AUTOSAR at any time in the workflow.c()
innerPort outerPort
RPortPrototype PPortPrototype PRPortPrototype
RPortPrototype Yes No No
PPortPrototype No Yes No
PRPortPrototype No Yes No

Table 4.14: Supported connections by DelegationSwConnector

for PortPrototypes typed by a ClientServerInterface, Mod-
eSwitchInterface, or TriggerInterface

Please note that a restriction concerning the usage of attribute ClientServerOper-

ation.diagArgIntegrity is described in section Error Handling in Client/Server Communication

This section describes the handling of errors occurring either within an application
software-component or during the communication across the VFB [3]. Errors that are
created and consumed by basic software modules are not in the scope of this docu-
ment and therefore will not be discussed.
Therefore, errors in the scope of this document are divided into two simple classes:
• infrastructure errors and
• application errors.
A software-component implementation uses RTE API methods to communicate with
other software-components. During this communication certain errors can occur as a
result of infrastructure faults, like a bus is not working, or an expected data value was
not arriving in time.
These errors are listed in the RTE specification [2], as they are an inherent feature
of the infrastructure provided by the VFB. Software-components will therefore typically
not raise infrastructure errors on their own.
Instead, the AUTOSAR basic software and the RTE will determine infrastructure faults
and communicate the corresponding error codes to the relevant software-components.

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Software Component Template

PortInterface AtpStructureElement
ClientServerInterface Identifiable
«atpVariation» 0..* ClientServerOperation

+ diagArgIntegrity: Boolean [0..1]

+possibleError 0..* +possibleError 0..*


+ errorCode: Integer [0..1]

Figure 4.4: Application error meta-model

[TPS_SWCT_01491] AUTOSAR system does not need to explicitly describe in-

frastructure errors dAs the fixed set of infrastructure errors is defined as an implicit
part of the VFB, a developer of an AUTOSAR system does not need to explicitly de-
scribe these.
It is assumed that these might occur at run-time and application developers should take
measures to handle them.c()
Application errors, on the other hand, are specific to the functionality or information that
is described in form of a PortInterface. It is not possible to define such errors up
front, instead they are defined at design time of a certain PortInterface.
In principle, such ApplicationErrors could be part of all kinds of PortInter-
[constr_1102] ApplicationError in the scope of one SwComponentType dIf a
SwComponentType has PortPrototypes typed by different ClientServerIn-
terfaces with equal shortName and ApplicationErrors defined then the fol-
lowing condition applies: ApplicationErrors with the same shortName shall have
identical values of errorCodes.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
Rationale for the existence of [constr_1102]: the RTE generator creates symbols for
the error codes in which the shortName of the ClientServerInterface and the
shortName of the ApplicationError occur.
[constr_1108] Value of ApplicationError.errorCode dThe value of Applica-
tionError.errorCode shall not exceed the closed interval 1 .. 63. The following
exception applies: only in case possibleError is supposed to represent E_OK the
value 0 shall be allowed.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
By [constr_1108] it is possible to ensure that only the six least significant bits of a return
value shall be used for indicating an application error.

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Software Component Template

Class ApplicationError
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note This is a user-defined error that is associated with an element of an AUTOSAR interface. It is specific for
the particular functionality or service provided by the AUTOSAR software component.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
errorCode Integer 0..1 attr The RTE generator is forced to assign this value to the
corresponding error symbol. Note that for error codes
certain ranges are predefined (see RTE specification).

Table 4.15: ApplicationError

Consequently, ClientServerOperations may be associated with a number of

ApplicationErrors they possibly raise. These errors are defined as part of the
[constr_1038] Reference to ApplicationError dA possibleError referenced
by a ClientServerOperation shall be owned by the PortInterface that also
owns the ClientServerOperation at any time in the workflow.c()
Please note that the meta-class ApplicationError is also used on the AUTOSAR
adaptive platform (see [14]) and therefore [constr_1038] cannot be more specific about
the nature of the enclosing PortInterface.
[constr_1870] Existence of attribute ApplicationError.errorCode dFor each
ApplicationError, attribute errorCode shall be defined at the time when
the contract phase generation is executed.c()

4.2.4 External Trigger Event Communication

[TPS_SWCT_01196] Semantics of an external trigger event communication dThe

underlying semantics of an external trigger event communication is that a trigger source
may initiate the execution of RunnableEntitys in the connected trigger sinks. Typ-
ically, (but not necessarily) these RunnableEntitys are executed in a sequential
[TPS_SWCT_01197] TriggerInterface dThe TriggerInterface defines a set
of Trigger to be communicated between software-components. The Trigger repre-
sents a special kind of events at which occurrence the trigger sinks shall react in a
particular manner.c()
Class TriggerInterface
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note A trigger interface declares a number of triggers that can be sent by an trigger source.

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Software Component Template

Class TriggerInterface
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, CollectableElement,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, PortInterface, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
trigger Trigger * aggr The Trigger of this trigger interface.

Table 4.16: TriggerInterface

Class Trigger
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::TriggerDeclaration
Note A trigger which is provided (i.e. released) or required (i.e. used to activate something) in the given
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
swImplPolicy SwImplPolicyEnum 0..1 attr This attribute, when set to value queued, allows for a
queued processing of Triggers.
triggerPeriod MultidimensionalTime 0..1 aggr Optional definition of a period in case of a periodically
(time or angle) driven external trigger.

Table 4.17: Trigger

Class MultidimensionalTime
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::MultidimensionalTime
Note This is used to specify a multidimensional time value based on ASAM CSE codes. It is specified by a
code which defined the basis of the time and a scaling factor which finally determines the time value.
If for example the cseCode is 100 and the cseCodeFactor is 360, it represents 360 angular degrees. If
the cseCode is 0 and the cseCodeFactor is 50 it represents 50 microseconds.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
cseCode CseCodeType 1 attr Specifies the time base by means of CSE codes.
cseCodeFactor Integer 1 attr The scaling factor for the time value based on the
specified CSE code.

Table 4.18: MultidimensionalTime


+ isService: Boolean [0..1]

+ serviceKind: ServiceProviderEnum [0..1]

+trigger Identifiable
TriggerInterface +triggerPeriod
Trigger + cseCode: CseCodeType
0..* 0..1 + cseCodeFactor: Integer
+ swImplPolicy: SwImplPolicyEnum [0..1]

Figure 4.5: Trigger of a TriggerInterface

As illustrated in Figure 4.5, a TriggerInterface is composed of Trigger.

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Software Component Template

[TPS_SWCT_01198] Period for periodic triggering dA Trigger can optionally de-

fine a period for periodic triggering. It is expressed via the meta-class Multidi-
mensionalTime in terms of time or angle. Note that the main use case for this is
to specify the properties if the trigger is coming from the Basic Software e.g. from a
Complex Driver, it is not used as an input for the RTE generator.c(RS_SWCT_02030)
Apart from this, a TriggerInterface does not define any timing information (e.g.
how quickly the source expects a reaction of the sinks). This is property of the timing
information in the templates.
[constr_1104] Trigger sink and trigger source dAn RPortPrototype typed by a
TriggerInterface shall not be referenced by more than one SwConnectors that
are in turn referencing PPortPrototypes typed by TriggerInterfaces that con-
tain Triggers with the same shortName at the time when the RTE is gen-
[constr_1104] boils down to the requirement that trigger communication shall not be
implemented in an n:1 (where n > 1) scenario.
To be clear, the n:1 (where n > 1) scenario is not supported for trigger communication
because there is no active use case for it. Support would require the implementation
of queue management for Trigger communication.
[TPS_SWCT_01199] Queued processing of Triggers dIt may happen that at least
tentatively a Trigger source fires Triggers faster than they can be processed on
the side of the Trigger sink. To support this use case it is possible to process trigger
event communication in a queued manner.
In this case the Triggers are added to a queue from where the foremost trigger is
dequeued and processed when the processing of the current Trigger is done. Please
note that the queue size is not subject to definition in the scope of this document. The
actual queue size is defined during the process of RTE configuration.
The specification of whether a Trigger is subject to queued processing is controlled
by the attribute Trigger.swImplPolicy.c()
[constr_1169] Allowed values for Trigger.swImplPolicy dThe only allowed val-
ues for the attribute Trigger.swImplPolicy are either STANDARD (in which case the
Trigger processing does not use a queue) or QUEUED (in which case the processing
of Triggers positively uses a queue).
at the time when the contract phase generation is executed.c()
Please note that the value of Trigger.swImplPolicy is not the final word on the
implementation of a queue for the specific Trigger. The integrator still has the power
to overrule the application software developer’s verdict if applicable.
For more information regarding the ability to connect different kinds of PortProto-
types typed by a TriggerInterface to each other please refer to [constr_1204]
and [constr_1205].

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Software Component Template

4.2.5 Communication of Modes

There are two distinctive use cases for the communication of modes via ports:
1. An actual mode transition can be communicated from a mode manager compo-
nent to its client components to enforce a mode switch.
2. A request for a mode transition can be communicated from any component to a
mode manager.
[TPS_SWCT_01087] Propagation of mode information dFor communicating a mode
switch (i.e. the first use case), the Software-Component Template describes the con-
cept of the communication of ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes similar to the
communication of VariableDataPrototypes but it uses a special type of PortIn-
terface: the collections of ModeDeclarations that are required or provided by a
SwComponentType are defined by means of ModeSwitchInterfaces used to type
the PortPrototypes owned by the SwComponentType.c(RS_SWCT_02030, RS_-
This aspect is depicted in Figure 4.6.
[constr_2049] Different ModeDeclarationGroups shall have different short-
Names. dA software component is not allowed to type multiple PortPrototypes
with ModeSwitchInterfaces where the contained ModeDeclarationGroupPro-
totypes are referencing ModeDeclarationGroups with identical shortNames but
different ModeDeclarations.
at the time when the contract phase generation is executedc()
Obviously, the rationale for [constr_2049] is to avoid conflicts in generated RTE files.
For instance:
Two ModeDeclarationGroups with identical shortName “Foo” are defined.
ModeDeclarationGroup “Foo”
contains the ModeDeclarations “X”, “Y”, “Z”
ModeDeclarationGroup “Foo*”
contains the ModeDeclarations “W”, “X”, “Y”, “Z”
In this case a software component is only allowed to use either “Foo” or “Foo*”
Class ModeSwitchInterface
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note A mode switch interface declares a ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype to be sent and received.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, CollectableElement,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, PortInterface, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

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Software Component Template

Class ModeSwitchInterface
modeGroup ModeDeclarationGroup 0..1 aggr The ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype of this mode
Prototype interface.

Table 4.19: ModeSwitchInterface

Class ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ModeDeclaration
Note The ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype specifies a set of Modes (ModeDeclarationGroup) which is
provided or required in the given context.
Base ARObject, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
swCalibration SwCalibrationAccess 0..1 attr This allows for specifying whether or not the enclosing
Access Enum ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype can be measured at
type ModeDeclarationGroup 0..1 tref The "collection of ModeDeclarations" ( = ModeDeclaration
Group) supported by a component
Stereotypes: isOfType

Table 4.20: ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype

Please note that by aggregating SwCalibrationAccessEnum in the role swCal-

ibrationAccess a ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype gains the ability to be-
come measurable. This implies the following constraint:
[constr_1172] Allowed values of SwCalibrationAccessEnum for ModeDecla-
rationGroupPrototype dThe only allowed values of swCalibrationAccess ag-
gregated by ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype are notAccessible and read-
This rule shall be imposed at any time in the workflow.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01566] Define literals for an MCD system in the context of
a FlatInstanceDescriptor dIf ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype.swCali-
brationAccess is set to readOnly a referenced FlatInstanceDescriptor.sw-
DataDefProps may in turn refer to a CompuMethod that defines the particular liter-
als used in the MCD system for displaying values of the measured ModeDeclara-
The existence of this use case is the reason for putting “AI” at the intersection of
compuMethod and FlatInstanceDescriptor.
Another possible scenario (that does not necessarily have to be related to ModeDec-
larationGroupPrototypes but to the definition of literals for MCD systems in gen-
eral) is that a FlatInstanceDescriptor does not exist (e.g. because the affected
piece of data exists in the basic software) but still it would be good to have the ability
to define particular literals for displaying values in an MCD system.
This case can be supported by the AUTOSAR standard as well by putting “AI” at the
intersection of compuMethod and McDataInstance in table 5.43.

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Software Component Template

[TPS_SWCT_01200] ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype per ModeSwitchIn-

terface dThe multiplicity of the aggregation of ModeDeclarationGroupProto-
type to ModeSwitchInterface is pragmatically limited to 1.c(RS_SWCT_03203)
Admittedly, there would be no technical restriction to support a 0..* multiplicity but on
the other hand it does not seem as if any reasonable use case for such a scenario
If somehow a SwComponentType would have to consider two or even more Mod-
eDeclarationGroupPrototypes it is very likely that these would be part of different
The containment of a ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype in a ModeSwitchIn-
terface allows for explicitly defining SwConnectors which communicate between
SwComponentPrototypes and to define service interfaces for communication with
Due to the compatibility rules of PortInterfaces (see chapter 6) each SwCompo-
nentType can rely on the availability of required mode activations.
Please note that each SwComponentType can define (via their PortPrototypes
and ModeSwitchInterfaces) a list of required and provided ModeDeclara-
AtpPrototype PortInterface
ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype ModeSwitchInterface
+ swCalibrationAccess: SwCalibrationAccessEnum [0..1]

+type {redefines atpType}
ARElement +modeDeclaration AtpStructureElement
AtpBlueprint Identifiable
AtpBlueprintable «atpVariation» 0..*
ModeDeclarationGroup + value: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ onTransitionValue: PositiveInteger [0..1] 0..1

Figure 4.6: Mode Switch Interface

[TPS_SWCT_01201] CompositionSwComponentType requires and provides the

modes that are required or provided by its contained SwComponentPrototypes
dEventually, a CompositionSwComponentType requires and provides the modes
that are required or provided by its contained SwComponentPrototypes.
The delegation of these modes from SwComponentPrototypes to the enclosing
CompositionSwComponentType is explicitly described by DelegationSwConnec-
tors.c(RS_SWCT_03202, RS_SWCT_03203)
The formal description of a software-component does not make any assumptions about
the semantics of the required and provided ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes.
It just requires and provides the ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes by name. For
more information about mode declaration refer to section 9.1.

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Software Component Template

[TPS_SWCT_01086] Request mode change dThe ability to request a mode (i.e. the
second use case) is modeled on the VFB via a SenderReceiverInterface and
for the RTE it is like a usual communication, that means the connector can also cross
ECU boundaries and the communicated dataElements have to be based on Au-
tosarDataTypes.c(RS_SWCT_03202, RS_SWCT_03203)
However, for semantic consistency with the first use case, a communicated mode re-
quest shall also be mapped to a corresponding ModeDeclarationGroup. This can
be defined by a mapping class as shown in figure 4.7.
The ImplementationDataType mapped to a certain ModeDeclarationGroup
can then be used in a PortInterface to represent a ModeDeclaration of the
associated ModeDeclarationGroup as a numerical value:
[constr_4002] Unambiguous mapping of modes to data types dWithin one
DataTypeMappingSet, a ModeDeclarationGroup shall not be mapped to dif-
ferent ImplementationDataTypes at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()
ARElement +implementationDataType AtpBlueprint
AtpBlueprint +modeRequestTypeMap AtpBlueprintable
AtpBlueprintable AutosarDataType
DataTypeMappingSet 0..* AbstractImplementationDataType

PortInterfaceMappingSet     ImplementationDataType
+ dynamicArraySizeProfile: String [0..1]
+ isStructWithOptionalElement: Boolean [0..1]
«atpVariation» + typeEmitter: NameToken [0..1]
0..* +portInterfaceMapping

Identifiable ARElement
PortInterfaceMapping AtpBlueprint
+ onTransitionValue: PositiveInteger [0..1]

+type 0..1
{redefines atpType}
0..1 +modeMapping «isOfType»
0..1 ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype
+ swCalibrationAccess: SwCalibrationAccessEnum [0..1]

Figure 4.7: Mapping of modes to data types

Class ModeRequestTypeMap
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ModeDeclaration
Note Specifies a mapping between a ModeDeclarationGroup and an ImplementationDataType. This
ImplementationDataType shall be used to implement the ModeDeclarationGroup.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

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Software Component Template

Class ModeRequestTypeMap
implementation AbstractImplementation 0..1 ref This is the corresponding AbstractImplementationData
DataType DataType Type. It shall be modeled along the idea of an "unsigned
integer-like" data type.
modeGroup ModeDeclarationGroup 0..1 ref This is the corresponding ModeDeclarationGroup.

Table 4.21: ModeRequestTypeMap

[constr_1166] Restrictions of ModeRequestTypeMap dFor every ModeDeclara-

tionGroup referenced by a ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype used in a Port-
Prototype typed by a ModeSwitchInterface a ModeRequestTypeMap shall ex-
ist that points to the ModeDeclarationGroup and also to an eligible Implementa-
The ModeRequestTypeMap shall be aggregated by a DataTypeMappingSet which
is referenced from the SwcInternalBehavior that is owned by the Application-
SwComponentType that also owns the PortPrototype.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
ARElement AtpStructureElement ARElement
AtpBlueprint +dataTypeMapping InternalBehavior AtpBlueprint
AtpBlueprintable AtpBlueprintable
0..* «atpSplitable»
DataTypeMappingSet AtpType

0..* +modeRequestTypeMap

ModeRequestTypeMap SwcInternalBehavior +internalBehavior AtomicSwComponentType

0..1 «atpVariation,atpSplitable»

+modeGroup 0..1 +implementationDataType 0..1 «atpVariation,atpSplitable»

ARElement AtpBlueprint   

+port 0..*
AtpBlueprint AtpBlueprintable    
AtpBlueprintable AutosarDataType   AtpBlueprintable
AtpType AbstractImplementationDataType AtpPrototype
ModeDeclarationGroup PortPrototype

+type 0..1
atpType} ARElement +providedInterface AbstractProvidedPortPrototype
AtpBlueprint «isOfType» PPortPrototype
«isOfType» AtpBlueprintable 0..1
AtpType {redefines atpType}

+modeGroup 0..1 PortInterface AbstractProvidedPortPrototype

AtpPrototype 0..1 «isOfType» PRPortPrototype
ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype {redefines atpType}

+requiredInterface AbstractRequiredPortPrototype
0..1 +firstModeGroup +secondModeGroup 0..1
0..1 «isOfType»
{redefines atpType}

ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypeMapping +modeMapping

Figure 4.8: Big picture of mode declaration mapping

[constr_1871] Existence of attribute ModeRequestTypeMap.implementation-

DataType dFor each ModeRequestTypeMap, attribute implementationDataType

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Software Component Template

shall exist at the time when the contract phase generation is exe-
[constr_1872] Existence of attribute ModeRequestTypeMap.modeGroup dFor each
ModeRequestTypeMap, attribute modeGroup shall exist at the time when the
contract phase generation is executed.c()
[constr_1167] ImplementationDataTypes used as ModeRequestTypeMap.im-
plementationDataType dThe ImplementationDataType referenced by a Mod-
eRequestTypeMap shall either be of category VALUE or of category TYPE_REF-
ERENCE that in turn references an ImplementationDataType of category VALUE.
The baseType referenced by the ImplementationDataType shall have set the
value of the attribute BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeEncoding to NONE.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01202] ApplicationDataType defines a subset of the values used
in the ModeDeclarationGroup dPlease note that the corresponding Applica-
tionDataType is defining a subset of the values used in the ModeDeclara-
tionGroup and the used labels may differ from the names used for the ModeDec-
It is in the responsibility of a system designer to maintain the data types and ModeDec-
larationGroups according to the functional needs.
For example, a ModeRequester may only request a subset of the available Modes (via
SenderReceiverInterface or ClientServerInterface). The ModeManager
may additionally decide to indicate failure.c(RS_SWCT_03203)
For more information regarding the ability to connect different kinds of PortProto-
types typed by a ModeSwitchInterface to each other please refer to [constr_1204]
and [constr_1205].

4.2.6 Parameter Communication

Of course, the “communication” of ParameterDataPrototypes as part of a Param-

eterInterface does not establish an actual transmission of data.
The term is used in a conceptual meaning; and the existence of something like a
ParameterInterface is justified by the mere idea of unifying the exposure of cali-
bration parameters at the surface of a software-component on the same formal level
as the exposure of other pieces of data, i.e. by means of a PortPrototype typed by
a PortInterface.
[constr_1312] PortPrototypes typed by a ParameterInterface dPortPro-
totypes typed by a ParameterInterface can either be PPortPrototypes or

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Software Component Template

RPortPrototypes. The usage of PRPortPrototypes that are typed by a Param-

eterInterface is not supported at any time in the workflow.c()

4.3 PortInterface Mapping and Data Scaling

In former versions of this specification, the requirements on PortInterfaces to
match each other could lead to situations where PortInterfaces that were “prac-
tically” compatible would nevertheless be rejected because of formal reasons (e.g.
shortNames of dataElements do not match).
In order to also support scenarios where the developer of a CompositionSwCompo-
nentType needs to connect PortPrototypes that would match to each other but
don’t fulfill formal requirements the concept of “port interface mapping” has been intro-
[TPS_SWCT_01158] Cases for PortInterfaceMapping dIn general, the existence
of a PortInterfaceMapping is suitable in the following cases:
1. Two PortPrototypes shall be connected and the PortInterface elements
are compatible except the unequal shortNames. This requires a pure logical
mapping of the PortInterface elements.
2. PortInterface elements are logically equivalent but the range and resolution
is differently. This requires a data conversion respectively a re-scaling of the
provided data and arguments to the required data and arguments range and
3. invalidationPolicy of PortInterface elements is different. This might re-
quire the implementation of different invalidation handling strategies for the same
dataElement in parallel on the same ECU.
4. Two PortPrototypes shall be connected and the PortInterface elements
shall be converted using the AUTOSAR data transformer approach.
More information about the AUTOSAR data transformer approach can be found in
section 4.3.3.
Typically, the mapping of such PortInterface is agreed once between the different
component vendors and system designer in the early phase of a project.
[TPS_SWCT_01159] Mapping is described separately from the SwConnector as
reusable ARElement dThe mapping is described separately from the SwConnector
as reusable ARElement. A set of PortInterfaceMappings is grouped in a Port-

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Software Component Template

[TPS_SWCT_01543] PortInterfaceMapping overrides all other compatibility

rules dThe existence of a PortInterfaceMapping overrides all other compatibil-
ity rules given that the following statements are fulfilled:
• [constr_1071] applies also for the application of a PortInterfaceMapping.
• [constr_1268] applies also for the application of a PortInterfaceMapping.
• [constr_1269] applies also for the application of a PortInterfaceMapping.
• [constr_1270] applies also for the application of a PortInterfaceMapping.
• A structural difference between mapped DataPrototypes can be mitigated by
means of a SubElementMapping. This includes the case that a “structure” data
type is mapped to an “array” data type and vice versa. [TPS_SWCT_01195] is
also applicable.
When using a PortInterfaceMapping, the developer of a software-component
needs to properly understand the consequences in terms of model semantics.c(RS_-
Please note that [TPS_SWCT_01543] does not require a tool implementation to ignore
and let go unreported deviations of all other compatibility rules in the presence of a
If this is considered helpful, the tool may still issue warnings with respect to compatibil-
ity rules defined in section 6 but this is not mandated by the AUTOSAR standard. The
tool, however, shall not report errors in this case.
Class PortInterfaceMappingSet
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note Specifies a set of (one or more) PortInterfaceMappings.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, CollectableElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
portInterface PortInterfaceMapping * aggr Specifies one PortInterfaceMapping to support the
Mapping connection of Ports typed by two different PortInterfaces
with PortInterface elements having unequal names and/or
unequal semantic (resolution or range).
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table 4.22: PortInterfaceMappingSet

Class PortInterfaceMapping (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note Specifies one PortInterfaceMapping to support the connection of Ports typed by two different Port
Interfaces with PortInterface elements having unequal names and/or unequal semantic (resolution or
Base ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable

121 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class PortInterfaceMapping (abstract)
Subclasses ClientServerInterfaceMapping, ModeInterfaceMapping, TriggerInterfaceMapping, VariableAndParameter
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 4.23: PortInterfaceMapping

4.3.1 PortInterface Mapping

By default, the shortNames of PortInterface elements are used to identify the

matching element pairs of connected PortPrototypes. In case of non-matching
shortNames (this might be due to distributed development, off-the-shelves develop-
ment, or reuse of software-components) it is required to explicitly specify which ele-
ments of PortInterfaces shall correlate to each other.
This definition is provided with PortInterfaceMappings.
Please note that the PortInterfaceMapping is a very powerful tool for expert users
to accommodate for various differences in the PortInterfaces of two PortProto-
types that shall be connected.
In general, it is possible to define a PortInterfaceMapping for all sub-classes of
SwConnectors. To make this possible, it is necessary to avoid talking about “provided”
or “required” ends because this could lead to confusion.
Specifically, it is possible that inside a CompositionSwComponentType a
PassThroughSwConnector is connected to a PPortPrototype.
From the perspective of the PassThroughSwConnector, however, the PPortPro-
totype might represent the “required” end of the communication relation inside the

Outer CompositionSwComponentType
RPortPro- RPortPro-
totype DelegationSwConnector totype
S = Source, T = Target SwComponentType

CompositionSwComponentType Inner Outer

T S PPortPro- S PPortPro-
T totype totype
Inner AssemblySwConnector
PassThroughSwConnector totype
RPortPro- T

Figure 4.9: “Source” and “Target” end of a SwConnector in a sender/receiver-style sce-


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Software Component Template

To avoid further confusion, the rules for the specification of the PortInterfaceMap-
ping are specified from the perspective of the SwConnector rather than the
For each SwConnector, a “source” and “target” end is postulated, reflecting the di-
rection of communication implemented by the SwConnector. This understanding is
depicted in Figure 4.9.
Please note that the “sender/receiver-style communication” (see section 4.2.2) is con-
ceptually also applicable for other kinds of communication:
• Mode switch communication5 , see section 4.2.5
• External Trigger communication, see section 4.2.4
• NvData communication, see section 11.5.2
• Parameter “communication”, see 4.2.6
Note further that the association of the “source” and “target” end of an SwConnector
that represents a client/server communication (see section 4.2.3) is aligned along the
“primary” interaction, i.e. the call of a ClientServerOperation, see Figure 4.10.

Outer CompositionSwComponentType
totype RPortPro-
DelegationSwConnector S = Source, T = Target totype SwComponentType

CompositionSwComponentType Inner
S T PPortPro- Outer
S totype PPortPro-
T totype
PPortPro- AssemblySwConnector
PassThroughSwConnector totype S
totype DelegationSwConnector

Figure 4.10: “Source” and “Target” end of a SwConnector in a client/server-style sce-


Sender/Receiver Source Target

DelegationSwConnector Outer required PortPrototype Inner required PortPrototype
DelegationSwConnector Inner provided PortPrototype Outer provided PortPrototype
AssemblySwConnector Provided PortPrototype Required PortPrototype
PassThroughSwConnector Required PortPrototype Provided PortPrototype

Table 4.24: Definition of “source” and “target” of an SwConnector for a

sender/receiver-style interaction

A mode request is implemented by a sender/receiver communication anyway and does therefore
not represent a dedicated communication pattern.

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Software Component Template

The conclusion of Figure 4.9 regarding “source” and “target” end of an SwConnector
for a sender/receiver-style interaction is summarized in Table 4.24.
The conclusion of Figure 4.10 regarding “source” and “target” end of an SwConnector
for a client/server-style interaction is summarized in Table 4.25.
Client/Server Source Target
DelegationSwConnector Inner required PortPrototype Outer required PortPrototype
DelegationSwConnector Outer provided PortPrototype Inner provided PortPrototype
AssemblySwConnector Required PortPrototype Provided PortPrototype
PassThroughSwConnector Provided PortPrototype Required PortPrototype

Table 4.25: Definition of “source” and “target” of an SwConnector for a

client/server-style interaction

There are some documented restrictions for the application of PortInterfaceMap-

pings. But in general, the PortInterfaceMapping could potentially be used in
a harmful way by specifying mapping approaches that have no chance to be imple-
mentable in the context of an ECU, resulting in undefined semantics in the RTE, i.e.
the RTE Generator wouldn’t be able to properly process such a model.
[TPS_SWCT_01099] PortInterfaceMapping dEach PortInterfaceMapping
describes the mapping of the PortInterface elements of exactly two PortInter-
faces.c(RS_SWCT_03155, RS_SWCT_03210)
To apply the PortInterfaceMapping a SwConnector has to reference a PortIn-
[constr_1151] Applicability of PortInterfaceMapping dA PortInterfaceMap-
ping is only applicable and valid for a SwConnector if the two PortPrototypes
which are referenced by the SwConnector are typed by the same two PortInter-
faces which are mapped by the PortInterfaceMapping. This rule shall be im-
posed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()


ARElement AtpBlueprint AtpStructureElement

AtpBlueprint +portInterfaceMapping AtpBlueprintable +mapping SwConnector
AtpBlueprintable Identifiable
«atpVariation» 0..* 0..1
PortInterfaceMappingSet PortInterfaceMapping

VariableAndParameterInterfaceMapping ClientServerInterfaceMapping ModeInterfaceMapping TriggerInterfaceMapping

Figure 4.11: Relevant meta-classes for PortInterface element mapping

[TPS_SWCT_01100] Precedence of PortInterfaceMapping dThe mapping via

PortInterfaceMapping has a higher precedence than the mapping by equal
shortNames as defined in compatibility rules.

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Software Component Template

If a connector references an associated PortInterfaceMapping, this mapping shall

be strictly binding with respect to the number of mapped data elements.c(RS_SWCT_-
03155, RS_SWCT_03210)
Please note that the compatibility rules are described in chapter 6.
[TPS_SWCT_01101] Unmapped elements of PortInterfaces dUnmapped Port-
Interface elements will not be connected by the referencing SwConnector.c(RS_-
SWCT_03155, RS_SWCT_03210)
[constr_1583] PortInterfaceMapping for DataPrototype typed by Compound
Primitive Data Type dThere is one very limited use case to apply PortIn-
terfaceMapping for a DataPrototype typed by a Compound Primitive Data
Type: adjustment of the shortName of the DataPrototype. Everything else is not
supported. This rule shall be imposed at any time in the workflow.c() Mapping of Sender Receiver Interface, Parameter Interface and Non

Volatile Data Interface Elements

[TPS_SWCT_01102] VariableAndParameterInterfaceMapping dThe Vari-

ableAndParameterInterfaceMapping defines the correlation of VariableDat-
aPrototypes and ParameterDataPrototypes defined in the context of DataIn-
terfaces, i.e. SenderReceiverInterface, NvDataInterface, or Parameter-
Interface.c(RS_SWCT_03155, RS_SWCT_03210, RS_SWCT_03170)
[constr_1159] Consistency of VariableAndParameterInterfaceMapping with
respect to the referenced DataInterfaces dWithin one VariableAndParame-
terInterfaceMapping all firstDataPrototypes shall belong to one and only
one DataInterface and all secondDataPrototypes shall belong to one other and
only one other DataInterface at any time in the workflow.c()
Please note that the relation of the “source” and “target” end of a SwConnector to the
roles firstDataPrototype and secondDataPrototype is not defined.
[TPS_SWCT_01103] Mapping between different kinds of PortInterfaces
dThereby it is possible to describe the mapping between different kinds of PortInter-
faces for instance a ParameterInterface and SenderReceiverInterface.c
(RS_SWCT_03155, RS_SWCT_03210, RS_SWCT_03170)
[TPS_SWCT_01104] Possible mappings are restricted by the swImplPolicy
dNevertheless, the possible mappings of VariableDataPrototypes and Param-
eterDataPrototypes are restricted by the swImplPolicy attribute.c(RS_SWCT_-
03155, RS_SWCT_03210, RS_SWCT_03170)
For more explanation of [TPS_SWCT_01104], please refer to [constr_1071].
[constr_1039] Relevance of swImplPolicy dIt is not possible to define a mapping
between an element where the swImplPolicy is set to queued and another element

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Software Component Template

where the swImplPolicy is set differently. This rule shall be imposed at any time
in the workflow.c()
This is required to fulfill the compatibility rules defined in table 6.2.
[constr_1635] Relevance of attribute isOptional dIf a SubElementMapping is
defined for the elements of a structured data type then the attribute isOptional6
shall either not exist for the firstElement and secondElement or it shall have
the identical value for the firstElement and secondElement. This rule shall be
imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
+dataMapping PortInterfaceMapping

+secondDataPrototype +textTableMapping 0..2

+firstDataPrototype 0..1 0..1

DataPrototype TextTableMapping
+ identicalMapping: Boolean [0..1]
+ mappingDirection: MappingDirectionEnum [0..1]
+ bitfieldTextTableMaskFirst: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ bitfieldTextTableMaskSecond: PositiveInteger [0..1]

VariableDataPrototype ParameterDataPrototype

+dataElement 0..* +nvData 0..* +parameter 0..*

DataInterface DataInterface DataInterface

SenderReceiverInterface NvDataInterface ParameterInterface

Figure 4.12: Mapping of Sender Receiver Interface, Parameter Interface and Non Volatile
Data Interface elements

[constr_1040] Conversion of SenderReceiverInterfaces dThe conversion of el-

ements of SenderReceiverInterfaces is possible if one of the following conditions
applies at the time when the RTE is generated:
• The AutosarDataTypes of the referred DataPrototypes are compatible.
• A conversion of the data is available.
• A DataPrototypeMapping.firstToSecondDataTransformation is de-
The compatibility of AutosarDataTypes is described in section 6.2. A description of
the conversion of data can be found in section 4.3.2.

this is valid for both ApplicationRecordElement and ImplementationDataTypeElement

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Software Component Template

Class VariableAndParameterInterfaceMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note Defines the mapping of VariableDataPrototypes or ParameterDataPrototypes in context of two different
SenderReceiverInterfaces, NvDataInterfaces or ParameterInterfaces.
Base ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PortInterfaceMapping,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dataMapping DataPrototypeMapping * aggr Defines the mapping of two particular VariableData
Prototypes or ParameterDataPrototypes with unequal
names and/or unequal semantic (resolution or range) in
context of two different SenderReceiverInterfaces, Nv
DataInterfaces or ParameterInterfaces
Table 4.26: VariableAndParameterInterfaceMapping

Class DataPrototypeMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note Defines the mapping of two particular VariableDataPrototypes, ParameterDataPrototypes or Argument
DataPrototypes with non-equal shortNames, non-equal structure (specific condition is described by
[constr_1187]), and/or non-equal semantic (resolution or range) in context of two different Sender
ReceiverInterface, NvDataInterface or ParameterInterface or Operations.
If the semantic is unequal, the following rules apply: The textTableMapping is only applicable if the
referred DataPrototypes are typed by AutosarDataType referring to CompuMethods of category
In the case that the DataPrototypes are typed by AutosarDataType either referring to CompuMethods of
category LINEAR, IDENTICAL or referring to no CompuMethod (which is similar as IDENTICAL) the
linear conversion factor is calculated out of the factorSiToUnit and offsetSiToUnit attributes of the referred
Units and the CompuRationalCoeffs of a compuInternalToPhys of the referred CompuMethods.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
firstData AutosarDataPrototype 0..1 ref First to be mapped DataPrototype in context of a Sender
Prototype ReceiverInterface, NvDataInterface, ParameterInterface
or Operation.
firstToSecond DataTransformation 0..1 ref This reference defines the need to execute the Data
Data Transformation <Mip>_<transformerId> functions of the
Transformation transformation chain when communicating from the Data
PrototypeMapping.firstDataPrototype to the Data
This reference also specifies the reverse Data
Transformation <Mip>_Inv_<transformerId> functions of
the transformation chain (i.e. from the DataPrototype
Mapping.secondDataPrototype to the DataPrototype
Mapping.firstDataPrototype) if the referenced Data
Transformation is symmetric, i.e. attribute Data
Transformation.dataTransformationKind is set to
secondData AutosarDataPrototype 0..1 ref Second to be mapped DataPrototype in context of a
Prototype SenderReceiverInterface, NvDataInterface, Parameter
Interface or Operation.
secondToFirst DataTransformation 0..1 ref This defines the need to execute the reverse Data
Data Transformation <Mip>_Inv_<transformerId> functions of
Transformation the transformation chain when communicating from the
DataPrototypeMapping.secondDataPrototype to the Data
subElement SubElementMapping * aggr This represents the owned SubelementMapping.

127 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class DataPrototypeMapping
textTable TextTableMapping 0..2 aggr Applied TextTableMapping(s)

Table 4.27: DataPrototypeMapping

[constr_1873] Existence of DataPrototypeMapping.firstDataPrototype

dFor each DataPrototypeMapping, the reference in the role firstDataProto-
type shall exist at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1874] Existence of DataPrototypeMapping.secondDataPrototype
dFor each DataPrototypeMapping, the reference in the role secondDataProto-
type shall exist at the time when the RTE is generated.c() Mapping of Client Server Interface Elements

[TPS_SWCT_01105] ClientServerInterfaceMapping dThe ClientServer-

InterfaceMapping defines the correlation of ClientServerOperations defined
in the context of two ClientServerInterfaces.c(RS_SWCT_03155, RS_SWCT_-
[constr_1237] Scope of mapped ClientServerOperations in the context of
a ClientServerOperationMapping dAll ClientServerOperations referenced
by a ClientServerOperationMapping in the role firstOperation shall belong
to exactly one ClientServerInterface.
All ClientServerOperations referenced by a ClientServerOperation-
Mapping in the role secondOperation shall belong to exactly one other
This rule shall be imposed at any time in the workflow.c()
[constr_1238] Scope of mapped ApplicationErrors in the context of a
ClientServerOperationMapping dAll ApplicationErrors referenced by a
ClientServerApplicationErrorMapping in the role firstApplication-
Error shall belong to exactly one ClientServerInterface.
All ApplicationErrors referenced by a ClientServerApplicationErrorMap-
ping in the role secondApplicationError shall belong to exactly one other
This rule shall be imposed at any time in the workflow.c()
[constr_1041] Conversion of ClientServerInterfaces dEither the Autosar-
DataTypes of the referred ArgumentDataPrototypes are compatible or a conver-
sion of the data is available at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
The compatibility of AutosarDataTypes is described in section 6.2. A description of the
conversion of data can be found in section 4.3.2.

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Software Component Template

[constr_1240] Consistency of ArgumentDataPrototypes within the context of

a ClientServerOperationMapping dUnless a ClientServerOperationMap-
ping.firstToSecondDataTransformation exists, for each argument owned by
• a ClientServerOperationMapping.firstOperation and
• ClientServerOperationMapping.secondOperation,
a reference in the role
• ClientServerOperationMapping.argumentMapping.firstDataProto-
type or
• ClientServerOperationMapping.argumentMapping.secondDataPro-
shall exist at any time in the workflow, originated by one of the
ClientServerOperationMapping.argumentMappings owned by the mentioned
[constr_1268] ArgumentDataPrototype.direction shall be preserved in a
ClientServerOperationMapping dWithin the context of a ClientServerOper-
ationMapping, the value of the argument ArgumentDataPrototype.direction
of two mapped ArgumentDataPrototype shall be identical at any time in the
PortInterfaceMapping PortInterface
ClientServerInterfaceMapping ClientServerInterface

+operationMapping 0..* +operation 0..*

+firstOperation AtpStructureElement
0..1 ClientServerOperation
+ diagArgIntegrity: Boolean [0..1]

0..1 +firstToSecondDataTransformation


+ dataTransformationKind: DataTransformationKindEnum [0..1]

+ executeDespiteDataUnavailability: Boolean
+errorMapping 0..* +possibleError 0..* +possibleError 0..*
+firstApplicationError Identifiable
+secondApplicationError + errorCode: Integer [0..1]


Figure 4.13: Mapping of ClientServerInterface elements and mapping of arguments

[constr_1269] Number of arguments shall be preserved in a ClientServerOp-

erationMapping dWithin the context of a ClientServerOperationMapping, the
number of arguments of firstOperation and secondOperation shall be identi-
cal at any time in the workflow.c()

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Software Component Template

[constr_1270] ArgumentDataPrototype shall be mapped only once in a

ClientServerOperationMapping dWithin the context of a ClientServerOper-
ationMapping, each argument shall only be referenced once in the role first-
DataPrototype or secondDataPrototype at any time in the workflow.c
AtpStructureElement PortInterface
ClientServerOperationMapping +firstOperation
Identifiable ClientServerInterface
0..1 ClientServerOperation
+secondOperation 0..* «atpVariation»
+ diagArgIntegrity: Boolean [0..1]

TextTableMapping +argument 0..* {ordered}
+ identicalMapping: Boolean [0..1]    
+ mappingDirection: MappingDirectionEnum [0..1] 
+ bitfieldTextTableMaskFirst: PositiveInteger [0..1]    
+ bitfieldTextTableMaskSecond: PositiveInteger [0..1]

+textTableMapping 0..2

0..* +argumentMapping
+firstDataPrototype DataPrototype


Figure 4.14: Mapping of ArgumentDataPrototypes

[constr_1469] Applicability of constraints depending on the existence of a data

transformation d[constr_1269], [constr_1270], [constr_1268], and [constr_1240] shall
– at any time in the workflow – not apply under the following conditions:
• A reference from the respective ClientServerOperationMapping to a
DataTransformation in the role firstToSecondDataTransformation
• The value of the attribute dataTransformationKind of the referenced
DataTransformation is set to DataTransformationKindEnum.asymmet-
ricFromByteArray or DataTransformationKindEnum.asymmetricTo-
Class ClientServerInterfaceMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note Defines the mapping of ClientServerOperations in context of two different ClientServerInterfaces.
Base ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PortInterfaceMapping,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
errorMapping ClientServerApplication * aggr Map two different ApplicationErrors defined in the context
ErrorMapping of two different ClientServerInterfaces.
operation ClientServerOperation * aggr Mapping of two ClientServerOperations in two different
Mapping Mapping ClientServerInterfaces

Table 4.28: ClientServerInterfaceMapping

130 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class ClientServerOperationMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note Defines the mapping of two particular ClientServerOperations in context of two different ClientServer
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
argument DataPrototypeMapping * aggr Defines the mapping of two particular ArgumentData
Mapping Prototypes with unequal names or unequal semantic
(resolution or range) in context of Operations.
firstOperation ClientServerOperation 0..1 ref First to-be-mapped ClientServerOperation of a Client
firstToSecond DataTransformation 0..1 ref This reference indicates that a DataTransformation is
Data intended in the context of the ClientServerOperation
Transformation Mapping.
second ClientServerOperation 0..1 ref Second to-be-mapped ClientServerOperation of a Client
Operation ServerInterface.

Table 4.29: ClientServerOperationMapping

Class ClientServerApplicationErrorMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note This meta-class represents the ability to map ApplicationErrors onto each other.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
firstApplication ApplicationError 0..1 ref This represents the first ApplicationError in the context of
Error the ClientServerApplicationErrorMapping.
second ApplicationError 0..1 ref This represents the second ApplicationError in the
ApplicationError context of the ClientServerApplicationErrorMapping.

Table 4.30: ClientServerApplicationErrorMapping

[constr_1875] Existence of reference ClientServerOperationMapping.

firstOperation dFor each ClientServerOperationMapping, the refer-
ence in the role firstOperation shall exist at the time when the RTE is
[constr_1876] Existence of reference ClientServerOperationMapping.sec-
ondOperation dFor each ClientServerOperationMapping, the reference in
the role secondOperation shall exist at the time when the RTE is gener-
ated.c() Mapping of Mode Interface Elements

[TPS_SWCT_01160] ModeInterfaceMapping dThe ModeInterfaceMapping de-

fines the correlation of ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes defined in the context
of ModeSwitchInterfaces.c(RS_SWCT_03210)

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Software Component Template

[TPS_SWCT_01167] Validity of ModeInterfaceMapping dThe mapping of Mod-

eDeclarationGroupPrototypes is only valid if these are typed by (read “refer to”)
compatible ModeDeclarationGroups.c(RS_SWCT_03210)
The compatibility of ModeDeclarationGroups is described in chapter 6.7.
Class ModeInterfaceMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note Defines the mapping of ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes in context of two different ModeInterfaces.
Base ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PortInterfaceMapping,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
modeMapping ModeDeclarationGroup 0..1 aggr Mapping of two ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes in two
PrototypeMapping different ModeInterfaces

Table 4.31: ModeInterfaceMapping

Class ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypeMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ModeDeclaration
Note Defines the mapping of two particular ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes (in the given context) that are
unequally named and/or require a reference to a ModeDeclarationMappingSet in order to become
compatible by definition of ModeDeclarationMappings.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
firstModeGroup ModeDeclarationGroup 0..1 ref ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype to be mapped.
mode ModeDeclaration 0..1 ref This represents the available mappings of Mode
Declaration MappingSet Declarations in the context ot this ModeDeclarationGroup
MappingSet Prototype.
secondMode ModeDeclarationGroup 0..1 ref ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype to be mapped.
Group Prototype

Table 4.32: ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypeMapping

[constr_1877] Existence of reference ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypeMap-

ping.firstModeGroup dFor each ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypeMapping,
the reference in the role firstModeGroup shall exist at the time when the
RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1878] Existence of reference ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypeMap-
ping.secondModeGroup dFor each ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypeMap-
ping, the reference in the role secondModeGroup shall exist at the time when
the RTE is generated.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01449] Semantics of a ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypeMap-
ping dA ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypeMapping shall be used to identify two
ModeDeclarationGroups that afterwards shall be considered compatible. This also
applies if the two ModeDeclarationGroups deviate with respect to the contained

132 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

PortInterfaceMapping PortInterface
ModeInterfaceMapping ModeSwitchInterface

+modeMapping 0..1 +modeGroup 0..1

+secondModeGroup AtpPrototype
0..1 ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype
+firstModeGroup + swCalibrationAccess:
SwCalibrationAccessEnum [0..1]


0..1 +modeDeclarationMappingSet +type {redefines atpType}
ARElement ARElement
AtpType AtpBlueprint
ModeDeclarationMappingSet AtpBlueprintable

+ onTransitionValue: PositiveInteger [0..1]

0..* +modeDeclarationMapping +initialMode 0..1 +modeDeclaration 0..*   
AtpStructureElement AtpStructureElement
Identifiable 0..* Identifiable
ModeDeclarationMapping +secondMode ModeDeclaration

0..1 + value: PositiveInteger [0..1]

Figure 4.15: Mapping of ModeSwitchInterface elements

[constr_1246] Consistency of firstMode and secondMode in the scope of one

ModeDeclarationMappingSet dWithin the scope of one ModeDeclarationMap-
• all firstModes shall belong to one and only one ModeDeclarationGroup and
• all secondModes shall belong to one and only one other ModeDeclara-
at any time in the workflow.c()
[constr_1247] Consistency of ModeDeclarationMappingSet with respect to
the referenced firstModeGroup and secondModeGroup dIf a ModeDeclara-
tionGroupPrototypeMapping.modeDeclarationMappingSet exists, then
• the ModeDeclarationGroup owning the modeDeclarations referenced in
the role firstMode shall be the type of the ModeDeclarationGroupProto-
typeMapping.firstModeGroup and
• the ModeDeclarationGroup owning the modeDeclarations referenced in
the role secondMode shall be the type of the ModeDeclarationGroupPro-
This rule shall be imposed at any time in the workflow.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01462] ModeDeclarationMapping defines the explicit correlation
of ModeDeclarations dThe meta-class ModeDeclarationMapping defines the
explicit correlation of ModeDeclarations defined in the context of two ModeDecla-

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Software Component Template

[TPS_SWCT_01463] ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypeMapping.modeDecla-
rationMappingSet defines the applicable set of ModeDeclarationMappings
dThe attribute ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypeMapping.modeDeclaration-
MappingSet defines the applicable set of ModeDeclarationMappings for the
connection of ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes typed by ModeDeclara-
tionGroups with differently named ModeDeclarations and/or with a different num-
ber of ModeDeclarations.c()
Class ModeDeclarationMappingSet
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note This meta-class implements a container for ModeDeclarationGroupMappings
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpType, CollectableElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
mode ModeDeclaration * aggr This represents the collection of ModeDeclaration
Declaration Mapping Mappings owned by the enclosing ModeDeclaration
Mapping MappingSet.

Table 4.33: ModeDeclarationMappingSet

Class ModeDeclarationMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note This meta-class implements a concrete mapping of two ModeDeclarations.
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
firstMode ModeDeclaration * ref This represents the first ModeDeclaration of the Mode
DeclarationMapping. This reference has the multiplicity 1
.. * to support use cases where e.g. one mode of the
mode user is mapped to several modes of the mode
secondMode ModeDeclaration 0..1 ref This represents the second ModeDeclaration of the Mode

Table 4.34: ModeDeclarationMapping

[constr_1879] Existence of reference ModeDeclarationMapping.firstMode

dFor each ModeDeclarationMapping, at least one reference firstMode shall exist
at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1880] Existence of reference ModeDeclarationMapping.secondMode
dFor each ModeDeclarationMapping, the reference secondMode shall exist at
the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01464] ModeDeclaration of a mode user is mapped to exactly one
ModeDeclaration of a mode manager dThe mode that corresponds to the Mod-
eDeclaration of the Mode User is entered or exited when the mode of the mode
manager that corresponds to the mapped (i.e. referenced by the same ModeDecla-
rationMapping) ModeDeclaration of the mode manager is entered or exited.c

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Software Component Template

[TPS_SWCT_01465] ModeDeclaration of a mode user is mapped to several

ModeDeclarations of a mode manager dThe mode that corresponds to the mapped
ModeDeclaration of the mode user is entered when any of the modes of the Mode
Manager that correspond to ModeDeclarations referenced by the applicable Mod-
eDeclarationMapping is entered.
The mode that corresponds to the mapped ModeDeclaration of the mode user is
exited when any of the modes of the Mode Manager that correspond to ModeDec-
larations referenced by the applicable ModeDeclarationMapping is exited if the
new mode is not mapped to related mode of the mode user.c(RS_SWCT_03115)
Please note if one ModeDeclaration of a mode user is mapped to several Mod-
eDeclarations of a mode manager by means of several ModeDeclarationMap-
pings the intended semantics is defined in a way that the individual mode transitions
of the mode manager are representing “exit” and “enter” events for the Mode User. In
other words, the individual transitions are recognizable by the mode user.
If one ModeDeclaration of a mode user is (by utilizing the multiplicity of the role
firstMode) mapped to several ModeDeclarations of a mode manager in the con-
text of a single ModeDeclarationMapping, the semantics is defined in a way that
the individual mode transitions of the Mode Manager are not recognizable to the Mode
[constr_1209] Mapping of ModeDeclarations of mode user to ModeDeclara-
tion of mode manager dA configuration that maps several ModeDeclarations
representing modes of a mode user to one ModeDeclaration representing a mode
of a mode manager shall be rejected at any time in the workflow.c()
[constr_1210] Mapping of ModeDeclarations of mode user to all ModeDecla-
rations of mode manager dIf a ModeDeclarationMapping exists that references
a ModeDeclaration representing a mode of the mode manager, then ModeDecla-
rationMappings shall exist that map all modes of the mode manager to modes of
the mode user at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
Please note that [constr_1210] prevents the existence of configurations where the
mode user is not in a defined mode when no transition is ongoing.
[TPS_SWCT_01545] ModeDeclaration of a mode user that is not mapped to a
ModeDeclaration of a mode manager dA ModeDeclaration of a mode user that
is not mapped to a ModeDeclaration of a mode manager represents a valid model.
In this case the related mode is never entered nor exit during runtime of the ECU.c
(RS_SWCT_03115) Mapping of Trigger Interface Elements

[TPS_SWCT_01161] TriggerInterfaceMapping dThe TriggerInter-

faceMapping defines the correlation of Triggers defined in the context Trigger-

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Software Component Template

Class TriggerInterfaceMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note Defines the mapping of unequal named Triggers in context of two different TriggerInterfaces.
Base ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PortInterfaceMapping,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
triggerMapping TriggerMapping * aggr Mapping of two Trigger in two different TriggerInterface

Table 4.35: TriggerInterfaceMapping

Class TriggerMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::TriggerDeclaration
Note Defines the mapping of two particular unequally named Triggers in the given context.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
firstTrigger Trigger 0..1 ref A Trigger to be mapped.
secondTrigger Trigger 0..1 ref A Trigger to be mapped.

Table 4.36: TriggerMapping

[constr_1881] Existence of reference TriggerMapping.firstTrigger dFor each

TriggerMapping, the reference firstTrigger shall exist at the time when
the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1882] Existence of reference TriggerMapping.secondTrigger dFor
each TriggerMapping, the reference secondTrigger shall exist at the time
when the RTE is generated.c()
PortInterfaceMapping PortInterface
TriggerInterfaceMapping TriggerInterface

+triggerMapping 0..* +trigger 0..*

+firstTrigger AtpStructureElement
+ swImplPolicy: SwImplPolicyEnum [0..1]

Figure 4.16: Mapping of TriggerInterface elements Mapping of Elements of a composite Data Type

The mapping of elements of PortInterfaces is not limited to mapping entire Dat-

aPrototypes onto each other.
[TPS_SWCT_01023] Mapping of elements of composite data types dFor applica-
tions of DataInterfaces it is also possible to formally describe the mapping of ele-
ments of ApplicationCompositeDataTypes or ImplementationDataTypes of

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category STRUCTURE or ARRAY onto each other.c(RS_SWCT_03210, RS_SWCT_-

This ability (for which [constr_10087] applies) can be used if e.g. dataElements
on the “source” and “target” end side are typed by different ApplicationRecord-
In this case the mapping of elements of ApplicationCompositeDataTypes or
ImplementationDataTypes of category STRUCTURE or ARRAY onto each other
allows for the definition of specific pairs of elements that fulfill the compatibility rules.
[constr_10087] Restriction for the existence of a SubElementMapping dThe exis-
tence of a DataPrototypeMapping.subElementMapping is only supported if the
PortPrototypes that are referenced by the respective SwConnector are typed by
a DataInterface at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01551] Mapping of elements on the “source” end to elements on
the “target” end dUnless the attribute swImplPolicy is set to queued, it is not
required that all elements on the “source” end need to be mapped to elements on the
“target” end to achieve compatibility.c(RS_SWCT_03210, RS_SWCT_03135)
The details regarding the compatibility rules are explained in chapter 6.3.
[constr_1279] Unmapped elements of ApplicationCompositeDataTypes or
ImplementationDataTypes and the attribute swImplPolicy dIf the attribute
swImplPolicy is set to queued, then it is not allowed to have unmapped elements
of ApplicationCompositeDataTypes or ImplementationDataTypes of cate-
gory STRUCTURE or ARRAY on the “target” end at the time when the RTE is
[constr_1280] Unmapped dataElement on the “target” end shall have an init-
Value dIf elements of ApplicationCompositeDataTypes or Implementation-
DataTypes of category STRUCTURE or ARRAY are not considered in a SubEle-
mentMapping and the NonqueuedReceiverComSpec is aggregated by an Ab-
stractRequiredPortPrototype referenced by the “target” end, then the enclosing
dataElement shall have an initValue.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01024] Combination of ApplicationCompositeDataType and
nested ImplementationDataType dThe mapping of elements of Application-
CompositeDataTypes or ImplementationDataTypes of category STRUCTURE
or ARRAY works for both ApplicationCompositeDataType and nested Imple-
mentationDataTypes and even for combinations of them, i.e. one PortInterface
may use an ApplicationCompositeDataType while the other PortInterface
uses a nested ImplementationDataType.c(RS_SWCT_03210, RS_SWCT_03135)

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DataPrototypeMapping TextTableMapping «enumeration»

+textTableMapping MappingDirectionEnum
+ identicalMapping: Boolean [0..1]
0..2 + mappingDirection: MappingDirectionEnum [0..1] bidirectional
+ bitfieldTextTableMaskFirst: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ bitfieldTextTableMaskSecond: PositiveInteger [0..1]

+textTableMapping 0..2

0..* +subElementMapping
SubElementMapping SubElementRef
«atpVariation» 0..1

«atpVariation» 0..1

ApplicationCompositeDataTypeSubElementRef ImplementationDataTypeSubElementRef


+applicationCompositeElement 0..1 +parameterImplementationDataTypeElement 0..1 +implementationDataTypeElement 0..1

ArParameterInImplementationDataInstanceRef ArVariableInImplementationDataInstanceRef

0..* 0..*
+contextDataPrototype {ordered} +targetDataPrototype 0..1 +targetDataPrototype 0..1 +contextDataPrototype {ordered}

Figure 4.17: Mapping of elements of composite data types

[TPS_SWCT_01195] Mapping of composite element to primitive DataPrototype

dIt is also possible to map an element of a composite data type on the “source” end to
a primitive DataPrototype on the “target” end.
For this purpose the multiplicity of the dataElement/nvData contained in the Port-
Prototype on the “source” end shall be set to 1 and the multiplicity of the dataEle-
ment/nvData contained in the PortPrototype on the “target” end shall be set to 0.c
In general, the multiplicity of the respective dataElement/nvData contained in the
PortPrototype on the “source” end can technically also be set to 0 but this case is
reserved for future use.
[constr_1190] Only one mapping for composite to primitive use case dIn the
case described by [TPS_SWCT_01195] only one subElementMapping shall exist at
the enclosing DataPrototypeMapping at the time when the RTE is gen-
[constr_1300] Primitive DataPrototype on the “source” end shall not be
mapped to element of a composite data type on the “target” end of the SwCon-
nector dThe usage of DataPrototypeMapping or SubElementMapping does not
support the following configuration:

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• The AutosarDataPrototype contained in the PortPrototype on the

“source” end of an SwConnector is typed by an ApplicationPrimitive-
DataType of category VALUE or ImplementationDataType of category
VALUE or category TYPE_REFERENCE that eventually resolves to category
• The DataPrototypeMapping aggregates a subElementMapping that refers
to a ImplementationDataTypeElement or ApplicationCompositeEle-
mentDataPrototype contained in the PortPrototype on the “target” end.
This rule shall be imposed at any time in the workflow.c()
[constr_1611] Existence of ImplementationDataTypeSubElementRef.imple-
mentationDataTypeElement as opposed to ImplementationDataType-
SubElementRef.parameterImplementationDataTypeElement dFor any given
ImplementationDataTypeSubElementRef, either the aggregation
• ImplementationDataTypeSubElementRef.implementationDataType-
Element or
• ImplementationDataTypeSubElementRef.parameterImplementa-
shall exist at any time in the workflow.c()
In other words, the ImplementationDataTypeSubElementRef shall either refer
to the nested hierarchy inside a VariableDataPrototype or a ParameterDat-
Class SubElementMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note This meta-class allows for the definition of mappings of elements of a composite data type.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
firstElement SubElementRef 0..1 aggr This represents the first element referenced in the scope
of the mapping.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
secondElement SubElementRef 0..1 aggr This represents the second element referenced in the
scope of the mapping.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
textTable TextTableMapping 0..2 aggr This allows for the text-table translation of individual
Mapping elements of a composite data type.

Table 4.37: SubElementMapping

Class SubElementRef (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note This meta-class provides the ability to reference elements of composite data type.

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Class SubElementRef (abstract)
Base ARObject
Subclasses ApplicationCompositeDataTypeSubElementRef, ImplementationDataTypeSubElementRef
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 4.38: SubElementRef

Class ImplementationDataTypeSubElementRef
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note This meta-class represents the specialization of SubElementMapping with respect to Implementation
Base ARObject, SubElementRef
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
implementation ArVariableIn 0..1 aggr This represents the referenced implementationDataType
DataType ImplementationData Element.
Element InstanceRef
parameter ArParameterIn 0..1 aggr This represents the referenced ImplementationDataType
Implementation ImplementationData Element.
DataType InstanceRef
Table 4.39: ImplementationDataTypeSubElementRef

Class ApplicationCompositeDataTypeSubElementRef
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note This meta-class represents the specialization of SubElementMapping with respect to Application
Base ARObject, SubElementRef
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
application ApplicationComposite 0..1 iref This represents the referenced ApplicationComposite
Composite ElementDataPrototype DataPrototype.
InstanceRef implemented by:ApplicationComposite
Table 4.40: ApplicationCompositeDataTypeSubElementRef

[constr_1883] Existence of ApplicationCompositeDataTypeSubElemen-

tRef.applicationCompositeElement dFor each ApplicationComposite-
DataTypeSubElementRef, the reference applicationCompositeElement shall
exist at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1184] Consistency of rootDataPrototype and base in the context of
ApplicationCompositeElementInPortInterfaceInstanceRef dThe root-
DataPrototype referenced by ApplicationCompositeElementInPortInter-
faceInstanceRef shall be owned by the applicable subclass of DataInterface
referenced in the role base.
This implies that the rootDataPrototype shall be a ParameterDataPrototype
if the base is a ParameterInterface. Otherwise, the rootDataPrototype shall
be a VariableDataPrototype.

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This rule shall be applied at at any time in the workflow.c()

SubElementRef PortInterface
ApplicationCompositeDataTypeSubElementRef DataInterface

+base 0..1
{redefines atpBase}
0..1 +applicationCompositeElement
AtpPrototype AtpInstanceRef
DataPrototype ApplicationCompositeElementInPortInterfaceInstanceRef

«instanceRef» 0..1 0..*

{redefines {ordered,
+applicationCompositeElement 0..1 +targetDataPrototype atpTarget} +contextDataPrototype subsets
AutosarDataPrototype ApplicationCompositeElementDataPrototype

+rootDataPrototype 0..1
{subsets atpContextElement}

Figure 4.18: Implementation of the InstanceRef for the mapping of elements of compos-
ite application data types

[constr_1185] Consistency of data types in the context of ApplicationCompos-

iteElementInPortInterfaceInstanceRef dThe definition of attributes con-
textDataPrototype and targetDataPrototype shall (via the type-prototype pat-
tern) be enclosed in the context of the definition of the data type used to type root-
DataPrototype at any time in the workflow.c()
In other words, it shall be possible to reach contextDataPrototype and target-
DataPrototype by means of the type-prototype chain created by the definition of the
data type used to type rootDataPrototype. And, as implied by the definition of the
InstanceRef, the contextDataPrototypes shall enclose each other and, eventually,
the targetDataPrototype.
ImplementationDataTypeElement ArVariableInImplementationDataInstanceRef
Identifiable 0..1
+ arrayImplPolicy: AbstractImplementationDataTypeElement +contextDataPrototype
ArrayImplPolicyEnum [0..1]
+ arraySizeHandling: 0..*
ArraySizeHandlingEnum [0..1] {ordered} +implementationDataTypeElement 0..1
+ arraySizeSemantics: +subElement 0..*
ArraySizeSemanticsEnum [0..1] {ordered}
+ isOptional: Boolean [0..1] SubElementRef
«atpVariation» ImplementationDataTypeSubElementRef
+ arraySize: PositiveInteger [0..1]
{ordered} AtpBlueprint ARElement
   AtpBlueprintable AtpType
    AbstractImplementationDataType AutosarDataType
+type 0..1
{redefines atpType}
ImplementationDataType +rootVariableDataPrototype 0..1

+ dynamicArraySizeProfile: String [0..1] DataPrototype

+ isStructWithOptionalElement: Boolean [0..1] AutosarDataPrototype
+ typeEmitter: NameToken [0..1]

Figure 4.19: Implementation of the InstanceRef for the mapping of elements of a Vari-
ableDataPrototype typed by a composite implementation data type

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[constr_1186] Consistency of data types in the context of ArVariableInImple-

mentationDataInstanceRef dThe definition of attributes contextDataProto-
type and targetDataPrototype shall be enclosed in the context of the definition of
the data type used to type rootVariableDataPrototype at any time in the
[constr_1518] Consistency of data types in the context of ArParameterInIm-
plementationDataInstanceRef dThe definition of attributes contextDataPro-
totype and targetDataPrototype shall be enclosed in the context of the defini-
tion of the data type used to type rootParameterDataPrototype at any time
in the workflow.c()
AtpStructureElement +targetDataPrototype
ImplementationDataTypeElement ArParameterInImplementationDataInstanceRef
+ arrayImplPolicy: AbstractImplementationDataTypeElement
ArrayImplPolicyEnum [0..1] +contextDataPrototype
+ arraySizeHandling:
ArraySizeHandlingEnum [0..1] +parameterImplementationDataTypeElement 0..1
+ arraySizeSemantics:
ArraySizeSemanticsEnum [0..1]
+ isOptional: Boolean [0..1] +subElement 0..* «atpVariation» SubElementRef
{ordered} ImplementationDataTypeSubElementRef
+ arraySize: PositiveInteger [0..1]
0..* {ordered}
AtpBlueprint ARElement
AtpBlueprintable AtpType
    AbstractImplementationDataType AutosarDataType
+type 0..1
{redefines atpType}
«isOfType» +rootParameterDataPrototype 0..1
+ dynamicArraySizeProfile: String [0..1] ParameterDataPrototype
+ isStructWithOptionalElement: Boolean [0..1] AutosarDataPrototype
+ typeEmitter: NameToken [0..1]

Figure 4.20: Implementation of the InstanceRef for the mapping of elements of a Param-
eterDataPrototype typed by a composite implementation data type

4.3.2 Data Conversion

[TPS_SWCT_01560] Supported categorys of CompuMethods for data conver-

sion dData conversion shall be supported for AutosarDataTypes that refer to Com-
puMethods of category
• RAT_FUNC - as long as the semantics of the latter comes down to a reciprocal
linear data scaling.

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[TPS_SWCT_01561] Application of data conversion to composite Autosar-
DataTypes dData conversion is also applicable for composite AutosarDataTypes.
The actual conversion, however, shall be individually applied to each leaf element of a
given composite AutosarDataType.c(RS_SWCT_03210) Linear Data Scaling

A Linear Data Scaling can be defined under following preconditions:

[TPS_SWCT_01549] Definition of linear data scaling dThe term Linear Scaling
is defined as follows:
1. Regarding the existence of CompuMethods one of the following cases shall ap-
(a) The involved AutosarDataTypes refer to CompuMethods of category
(b) If one side (sender or receiver) does not refer to a CompuMethod then a
“default” CompuMethod of category IDENTICAL shall be assumed.
2. Regarding the existence of Units one of the following cases shall apply:
(a) The CompuMethods refer either to compatible Units or to Units that in
turn refer to compatible definitions of PhysicalDimension.
(b) Units and PhysicalDimensions do partially not exist on one side:
• If one side (sender or receiver) does not refer to a Unit, then an “imag-
inary” Unit with the properties defined in [TPS_SWCT_01492] shall be
• if the PhysicalDimension is only defined on one side (sender or re-
ceiver) then it shall be considered as default for the other side.
3. Both CompuMethods fulfill the following condition:

N0 ∗ phys0 + N1 ∗ phys1 + N2 ∗ phys2 + ... + Ni ∗ physi

Int =
D0 ∗ phys0 + D1 ∗ phys1 + D2 ∗ phys2 + ... + Di ∗ physi
• N2 =N3 =...=Ni =0
• D1 =D2 =...=Di =0
• N1 6=0
• D0 6=0
The coefficient N0 represents the offset and can take any value.

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[TPS_SWCT_01550] Definition of reciprocal linear data scaling dThe term Recip-
rocal Linear Scaling is defined as follows:
1. The involved AutosarDataTypes refer to CompuMethods of category RAT_-
2. The CompuMethods refer either to compatible Units or to Units that in turn
refer to compatible definitions of PhysicalDimension.
3. Both CompuMethods fulfill the following condition:

N0 ∗ phys0 + N1 ∗ phys1 + N2 ∗ phys2 + ... + Ni ∗ physi

Int =
D0 ∗ phys0 + D1 ∗ phys1 + D2 ∗ phys2 + ... + Di ∗ physi
• N1 =N2 =...=Ni =0
• D2 =D3 =...=Di =0
• N0 6=0
• D1 6=0
The coefficient D0 represents the (reciprocal) offset and can take any value.
[TPS_SWCT_01168] Linear conversion factor can be calculated dIn such cases
a linear conversion factor can be calculated out of the factorSiToUnit and off-
setSiToUnit attributes of the referred Units and the CompuRationalCoeffs of a
compuInternalToPhys/compuPhysToInternal of the referred CompuMethods.c
(RS_SWCT_03210) Table Conversion

[TPS_SWCT_01162] Existence of TextTableMapping dA TextTableMapping

can be defined if the AutosarDataTypes refer to CompuMethods of cat-
Please note that the use case behind the appearance of BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE in
[TPS_SWCT_01162] is the fact that BSW modules such as the Dem need to put data
into the NVRAM that has the nature of single bits embedded into a composite data type.
The TextTableMapping is defined as a table based conversion.
[TPS_SWCT_01163] Conversion from firstValue to secondValue dA first-
Value of a valuePair is converted into the secondValue in case of a data flow from
the firstDataPrototype to the secondDataPrototype.c(RS_SWCT_03210)

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[TPS_SWCT_01164] Conversion from secondValue to firstValue dIn case of a

data flow from the secondDataPrototype to firstDataPrototype the second-
Value is substituted by the firstValue.c(RS_SWCT_03210)
[TPS_SWCT_01165] Invertible mapping dIf the mappingDirection attribute is set
to bidirectional then the TextTableMapping has to be invertible. This requires
that the list of all firstValues and the list of all secondValues do not contain iden-
tical values inside a list.c(RS_SWCT_03210)
[TPS_SWCT_01166] Non-invertible mapping dFor non-invertible TextTableMap-
ping, a dedicated TextTableMapping for each direction can be defined.c(RS_-
[constr_1303] Applicability of TextTableMapping depending on the value of
CompuMethod.category dIf – at the time when the RTE is generated – a
DataPrototypeMapping aggregates a TextTableMapping then only certain com-
binations of the value of the applicable CompuMethod.category are supported:
• category of firstDataPrototype: TEXTTABLE,
category of secondDataPrototype: TEXTTABLE
• category of firstDataPrototype: SCALE_LINEAR_AND_TEXTTABLE,
category of secondDataPrototype: TEXTTABLE
• category of firstDataPrototype: TEXTTABLE,
category of secondDataPrototype: SCALE_LINEAR_AND_TEXTTABLE
• category of firstDataPrototype: BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE,
category of secondDataPrototype: TEXTTABLE
• category of firstDataPrototype: TEXTTABLE,
category of secondDataPrototype: BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE
• category of firstDataPrototype: BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE,
category of secondDataPrototype: BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE
To some extent, bitfields can be regarded as a hybrid between a primitive and a struc-
tured data type:
• On the one hand, a bitfield is defined in the context of a primitive Implementa-
• On the other hand, by means of the definition of a mask, it is possible to define
isolated parts within the primitive ImplementationDataType that potentially
can be totally independent of each other with respect to the semantics of the data
that match the mask.
In other words, the existence of semantically independent and potentially isolated parts
within the primitive ImplementationDataType creates a similar characteristic as

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if the definitions of the isolated parts were created by means of defining primitive Im-
plementationDataTypeElements within the context of a composite Implemen-
And because it is possible to regard the “mission statement” of a DataPrototype
that refers to a CompuMethod of category BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE as to mimic the
semantics of a structured data type it is also possible to apply some rules that are
already in place for structured data types in this specific case as well.
This conclusion, in combination with the existence of [TPS_SWCT_01551], sets the
stage for [TPS_SWCT_01583].
[TPS_SWCT_01583] Completeness of TextTableMapping is not a requirement
dIf a DataPrototypeMapping contains one or more TextTableMapping(s) where
the DataPrototype on the sender side refers to a CompuMethod of category
BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE it is not required that for each possible value and each pos-
sible bit mask on the sender side corresponding values on the receiver side are speci-
With respect to [TPS_SWCT_01583] it is still important to observe that within a single
mask all values on the sender side shall have a mapping to the receiver side.
Otherwise, the RTE generator would not be able to create mapping code that unam-
biguously takes care of mapping the correct values onto each other.
[constr_1313] Completeness of TextTableMapping for the values of a given bit
mask on the sender side dIf a DataPrototypeMapping contains one or more
TextTableMapping(s) where the DataPrototype on the sender side refers to a
CompuMethod of category BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE then all DataPrototypeMap-
ping.textTableMapping shall aggregate a collection of TextTableMapping.val-
uePair where each possible value of the sender bit mask7 is represented by
exactly one TextTableValuePair.firstValue ([TPS_SWCT_01163]) or Text-
TableValuePair.secondValue ([TPS_SWCT_01164]).
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1304] Existence of attribute bitfieldTextTableMaskFirst dThe at-
tribute bitfieldTextTableMaskFirst shall be defined only if the firstDat-
aPrototype of a DataPrototypeMapping refers to a CompuMethod that has the
value of category set to BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1305] Existence of attribute bitfieldTextTableMaskSecond dThe at-
tribute bitfieldTextTableMaskSecond shall be defined only if the secondDat-
aPrototype of a DataPrototypeMapping refers to a CompuMethod that has the
value of category set to BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE.

Depending on the applicable case this means either bitfieldTextTableMaskFirst (ap-
plies if [TPS_SWCT_01163] is in place) or bitfieldTextTableMaskSecond for the case of

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This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1306] Limitation of TextTableMapping for CompuMethods that have
the value of category set to BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE dFor any TextTableMap-
ping where both firstDataPrototype and secondDataPrototype refer to Com-
puMethods that have the value of category set to BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE and
where the attribute TextTableMapping.valuePair exists the value of attribute
TextTableMapping.identicalMapping shall be set to false.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1307] Consistency of values and masks in TextTableMapping dIf a
TextTableMapping element defines bit masks as bitfieldTextTableMask-
First or bitfieldTextTableMaskSecond then all contained TextTableMap-
ping.valuePair.firstValues as well as all TextTableMapping.valuePair.
secondValues shall not specify a value that would be ruled out when - depending on
the given value of TextTableMapping.mappingDirection - the relevant bit mask
is applied.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
Example for [constr_1307]: For a bit mask 0b00001000 only the corresponding values
8 and 0 are allowed.
Class TextTableMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note Defines the mapping of two DataPrototypes typed by AutosarDataTypes that refer to CompuMethods of
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
bitfieldTextTable PositiveInteger 0..1 attr This attribute can be used to support the mapping of bit
MaskFirst field to bit field, boolean values to bit fields, and vice
versa. The attribute defines the bit mask for the first
element of the TextTableMapping.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
bitfieldTextTable PositiveInteger 0..1 attr This attribute can be used to support the mapping of bit
MaskSecond field to bit field, boolean values to bit fields, and vice
versa. The attribute defines the bit mask for the second
element of the TextTableMapping.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
identical Boolean 0..1 attr If identicalMapping is set == true the values of the two
Mapping referenced DataPrototypes do not need any conversion of
the values.
mapping MappingDirectionEnum 0..1 attr Specifies the conversion direction for which the TextTable
Direction Mapping is applicable.
valuePair TextTableValuePair * aggr Defines a pair of values which are translated into each
Table 4.41: TextTableMapping

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[constr_1884] Existence of attribute TextTableMapping.identicalMapping

dFor each TextTableMapping, the attribute identicalMapping shall exist at
the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1885] Existence of attribute TextTableMapping.mappingDirection
dFor each TextTableMapping, the attribute mappingDirection shall exist at
the time when the RTE is generated.c()
Enumeration MappingDirectionEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note Specifies the conversion direction for which the mapping is applicable.
Literal Description
bidirectional The TextTableMapping is applicable in both directions.
firstToSecond The TextTableMapping is applicable in the direction from firstDataPrototype / firstOperationArgument
referring into the PortInterface of the PPortPrototype to secondDataPrototype / secondOperation
Argument referring into the PortInterface of the RPortPrototype.
secondToFirst The TextTableMapping is applicable in the direction from secondDataPrototype / secondOperation
Argument referring into the PortInterface of the PPortPrototype to firstDataPrototype / firstOperation
Argument referring into the PortInterface of the RPortPrototype.

Table 4.42: MappingDirectionEnum

Class TextTableValuePair
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note Defines a pair of text values which are translated into each other.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
firstValue Numerical 0..1 attr Value of first DataPrototype provided similar to a
numerical ValueSpecification which is intended to be
assigned to a Primitive data element. Note that the
numerical value is a variant, it can be computed by a
Stereotypes: atpVariation
secondValue Numerical 0..1 attr Value of second DataPrototype provided similar to a
numerical ValueSpecification which is intended to be
assigned to a Primitive data element. Note that the
numerical value is a variant, it can be computed by a
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table 4.43: TextTableValuePair

[constr_1886] Existence of attribute TextTableValuePair.firstValue dFor

each TextTableValuePair, the attribute firstValue shall exist at the time
when the RTE is generated.c()

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[constr_1887] Existence of attribute TextTableValuePair.secondValue dFor

each TextTableValuePair, the attribute secondValue shall exist at the time
when the RTE is generated.c()
+firstDataPrototype DataPrototype


+textTableMapping 0..2
TextTableMapping firstToSecond
+ identicalMapping: Boolean [0..1]
+ mappingDirection: MappingDirectionEnum [0..1]
«atpVariation» «atpVariation»
+ bitfieldTextTableMaskFirst: PositiveInteger [0..1] 0..* + firstValue: Numerical [0..1]
+ bitfieldTextTableMaskSecond: PositiveInteger [0..1] + secondValue: Numerical [0..1]

Figure 4.21: Mapping of DataPrototypes that eventually refer to CompuMethods of


4.3.3 Relevance for Data Transformation

One (prominent) use-case for item 4 in [TPS_SWCT_01158] is the interaction between

the NvBlockSwComponentType and the AUTOSAR Dcm.
Specifically, the RTE will call a data transformer to convert the uint8-array representa-
tion of the diagnostic data available from a PortPrototype owned by the Dcm Ser-
viceSwComponentType to a VariableDataPrototype owned by a PortProto-
type of NvBlockSwComponentType.
For the configuration of this purpose, the applicable DataPrototypeMapping refers
to a DataTransformation in the role firstToSecondDataTransformation and
- for the case of two connected PortPrototypes that use asymmetric data transfor-
mation - secondToFirstDataTransformation (see Figure 4.22).
+firstToSecondDataTransformation Identifiable
0..1 DataTransformation

+ dataTransformationKind: DataTransformationKindEnum [0..1]

+ executeDespiteDataUnavailability: Boolean

Figure 4.22: Configuration of Ecu-internal data transformation

Note that for this specific interaction between an ApplicationSwComponentType

and a ServiceSwComponentType [TPS_SWCT_01579]/[TPS_SWCT_01831] ap-
plies which defines that attribute isService shall be set to false for the dataEle-
ments in PortPrototypes typed by a SenderReceiverInterface.

149 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

TransformationTechnology DataTransformation
protocol=SomeIp transformerChain dataTransformationKind=

transformerChain firstToSecondDataTransformation



SwComponentPrototype typed by
NvBlockSwComponentType SwComponentPrototype typed by
ServiceSwComponentType (Dcm)


nvData AssemblySwConnector SenderReceiverInterface

RecordElement 1 dataElement
RecordElement 2 Byte-Array
RecordElement 3

RecordElement 4

Figure 4.23: Use case for the existence of asymmetric data transformation in both direc-

[TPS_SWCT_01768] Semantics of DataPrototypeMapping.secondToFirst-

DataTransformation dFor symmetric data transformations (i.e. the value of attribute
DataTransformation.dataTransformationKind is set to DataTransforma-
tionKindEnum.symmetric) it is sufficient to specify the reference firstToSec-
There are, however, use cases for asymmetric data transformations between two con-
nected PRPortPrototypes and in this case it is necessary to specify each direction
For this purpose, the reference secondToFirstDataTransformation exists in ad-
dition to firstToSecondDataTransformation.c(RS_SWCT_03210)
Figure 4.23 describes the most prominent use case for the necessity to specify both
firstToSecondDataTransformation and secondToFirstDataTransforma-
An SwComponentPrototype typed by NvBlockSwComponentType exposes a PR-
PortPrototype that is connected to another PRPortPrototype attached to an
SwComponentPrototype that represents the Dcm service software-component.

150 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

The PRPortPrototype on the side of the NvBlockSwComponentType in typed by

an NvDataInterface that in turn aggregates a single nvData. The data type used
to define the nvData is a structured data type.
The service software-component representing the Dcm, however, is not capable of
dealing with structured data types. It can only handle primitive types and arrays of
primitive types, e.g. bytes.
Therefore, the existence of (asymmetric) data transformers is conveniently utilized to
serialize the content of the structured data type into a linear array and vice versa.
To expressly define this intended semantics, the DataPrototypeMapping defines
two references:
• firstToSecondDataTransformation that refers to a DataTransforma-
tion where attribute dataTransformationKind is set to the value asymmet-
ricToByteArray. This reference represents the direction from the NvBlock-
SwComponentType to the Dcm.
• secondToFirstDataTransformation that refers to a DataTransforma-
tion where attribute dataTransformationKind is set to the value asym-
metricFromByteArray. This reference represents the direction from the Dcm
to the NvBlockSwComponentType.
This approach to modeling is formalized in [constr_1631] and [constr_1632].
[constr_1631] Applicability of DataPrototypeMapping.secondToFirstData-
Transformation dThe reference to DataTransformation in the role DataPro-
totypeMapping.secondToFirstDataTransformation shall only exist if refer-
ence DataPrototypeMapping.firstToSecondDataTransformation exists and
refers to a DataTransformation where attribute dataTransformationKind ex-
ists and is not set to the value symmetric.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1632] Restriction for firstToSecondDataTransformation and
secondToFirstDataTransformation dIf – at the time when the RTE is
generated – both the reference firstToSecondDataTransformation and the
reference secondToFirstDataTransformation exist in the context of the same
DataPrototypeMapping then
• the firstToSecondDataTransformation shall refer to a DataTransfor-
mation with attribute dataTransformationKind set to asymmetricTo-
ByteArray and
• the secondToFirstDataTransformation shall refer to a DataTransfor-
mation with attribute dataTransformationKind set to asymmetricFrom-

151 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class DataTransformation
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Transformer
Note A DataTransformation represents a transformer chain. It is an ordered list of transformers.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
data DataTransformationKind 0..1 attr This attribute controls the kind of DataTransformation to
Transformation Enum be applied.
executeDespite Boolean 1 attr Specifies whether the transformer chain is executed even
Data if no input data are available.
transformer Transformation 1..* ref This attribute represents the definition of a chain of
Chain (ordered) Technology transformers that are supposed to be executed according
to the order of being referenced from DataTransformation.

Table 4.44: DataTransformation

[constr_1888] Existence of attribute DataTransformation.executeDespite-

DataUnavailability dFor each DataTransformation, the attribute execut-
eDespiteDataUnavailability shall exist at the time when the RTE is
Enumeration DataTransformationKindEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Transformer
Note This enumeration contributes to the definition of the scope of the DataTransformation.
Literal Description
asymmetricFrom The DataTransformation shall only be applied to the receiving end only, i.e. transform from byte array
ByteArray to data type.
asymmetricToByte The DataTransformation shall be applied to the sending end only, i.e. from data type to byte array.
symmetric The DataTransformation shall be applied at both the sending and the receiving end of the

Table 4.45: DataTransformationKindEnum

4.4 Port Annotation

4.4.1 Introduction

[TPS_SWCT_01203] PortPrototype may own port annotations dIn addition to the

formal specification required to implement the communication via ports, a PortPro-
totype may own so-called port annotations.
They do not directly influence the signature of calls via this PortPrototype, but con-
tain further information that may be useful for the application developers of the compo-
nents on both sides of the connection.c(RS_SWCT_02110)

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Software Component Template

A summary of port-level annotations can be found in Figure 4.24.

[TPS_SWCT_01204] GeneralAnnotation dBeside formally specified attributes it is
also possible to place textual information as provided in GeneralAnnotation.c(RS_-

+port 0..*

AtpBlueprintable GeneralAnnotation
AtpPrototype +senderReceiverAnnotation
PortPrototype 0..* constraints
{"port's interface is a SenderReceiverInterface"}

+delegatedPortAnnotation DelegatedPortAnnotation
0..1 constraints
{aggregating PortPrototype is a port of a CompositionSwComponentType (DelegatedPort)}

+failureMonitoring GeneralAnnotation

+ioHwAbstractionServerAnnotation constraints
{"port's interface is a client/server interface using the operations GET and SET"}

+parameterPortAnnotation ParameterPortAnnotation

{"The corresponding port interface shall be a ParameterInterface."}


+modePortAnnotation ModePortAnnotation

{"The corresponding port interface shall be a ModeInterface."}

+nvDataPortAnnotation NvDataPortAnnotation

0..* constraints
{"The corresponding port interface shall be a NvDataInterface."}

+triggerPortAnnotation TriggerPortAnnotation

0..* constraints
{"The corresponding port interface shall be a TriggerInterface."}

+clientServerAnnotation ClientServerAnnotation

0..* constraints
{"The corresponding PortInterface shall be a ClientServerInterface."}

Figure 4.24: Application Level Port Annotations Overview

153 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

4.4.2 SenderReceiverAnnotation

Embedded automotive software is used to implement open-loop and closed-loop

control-algorithms. Therefore, a software-component description has to accommodate
typical control engineering description means which have only indirect influence of the
embedded software itself.
These annotations provide the (function-) developer with a direct indication whether
a certain software-component is appropriate for the control-algorithm to be designed.
A typical annotation is the signal quality which is characterized by several properties.
Each of the property is an annotation in its own.
[TPS_SWCT_01205] Typical annotations for sender/receiver communication
dTypical annotations for sender/receiver communication are:
• Signal Age: this attribute expresses that the associated software-component will
only work correctly given that the propagation of the signal from a sensor to a
consumer can be finished within a particular time-limit. Of course, this cannot be
identified on component or role level, but has to take into account the instance
view as well as the actual ECU- and bus-scheduling.
• Raw: a raw signal is typically taken directly from the basic software modules
of the ECU abstraction layer. In particular, no sensor software-component has
filtered its original value. A dataElement in an RPortPrototype of a SwCom-
ponentType using this annotation indicates to the control engineer (who devel-
ops a control-algorithm for this component) that the signal has to be filtered (This
relationship applies for SenderReceiverInterfaces).
• Filtered: this attribute indicates that a raw signal has been manipulated by some
application software-components by using a certain filter.
• Computed: this attribute indicates that this signal is not measured directly but
calculated from tentatively several other measured or calculated signals. In a
vehicle, there might be alternative signals to be used from other components
having a better quality, e.g. a raw signal.
• Min: this annotation indicates that the signal carries a minimum value. If, for
example, a reference value computed in the software-component is below that
value some dedicated actions (e.g. failure-mode) might have to be taken.
• Max: this annotation indicates that the signal carries a maximum value. If, for
example, a reference value computed in the software-component is above that
value some dedicated actions (e.g. failure-mode) might have to be taken.
In the meta-model this aspect is implemented by the abstract meta-class Sender-
ReceiverAnnotation which represents the base class of both SenderAnnota-
tion and ReceiverAnnotation.c(RS_SWCT_02110)
The relationship of abstract meta-class SenderReceiverAnnotation to Sender-
Annotation and ReceiverAnnotationis depicted in Figure 4.25.

154 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class SenderReceiverAnnotation (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::ApplicationAttributes
Note Annotation of the data elements in a port that realizes a sender/receiver interface.
Base ARObject, GeneralAnnotation
Subclasses ReceiverAnnotation, SenderAnnotation
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
computed Boolean 0..1 attr Flag whether this data element was not measured directly
but instead was calculated from possibly several other
measured or calculated values.
dataElement VariableDataPrototype 0..1 ref The instance of VariableDataPrototype annotated.
limitKind DataLimitKindEnum 0..1 attr This min or max has not to be mismatched with the min-
and max for data-value in a compu-method. For example,
this annotation shows when the result of the calculation
performed in a RunnableEntity owned by one AtomicSw
ComponentType is transmitted to another AtomicSw
ComponentType whose RunnableEntity will use this value
as a limit, e.g. the max.power which can be used by that
software-component, or the current min. slip.
processingKind ProcessingKindEnum 0..1 attr This attribute controls how data is processed according to
the possible values of ProcessingKindEnum.

Table 4.46: SenderReceiverAnnotation

Class SenderAnnotation
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::ApplicationAttributes
Note Annotation of a sender port, specifying properties of data elements that don’t affect communication or
generation of the RTE.
Base ARObject, GeneralAnnotation, SenderReceiverAnnotation
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 4.47: SenderAnnotation

Class ReceiverAnnotation
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::ApplicationAttributes
Note Annotation of a receiver port, specifying properties of data elements that don’t affect communication or
generation of the RTE. The given attributes are requirements on the required data.
Base ARObject, GeneralAnnotation, SenderReceiverAnnotation
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
signalAge MultidimensionalTime 0..1 aggr The maximum allowed age of the signal since it was
originally read by a sensor. This is a requirement
specified on the receiver side.

Table 4.48: ReceiverAnnotation

Enumeration ProcessingKindEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::ApplicationAttributes
Note Kind of processing which has been applied to a data element.
Literal Description

155 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Enumeration ProcessingKindEnum
filtered Indicates that a raw signal has been manipulated by some application software components by using
none Indicates that none of the other option apply.
raw Specifies that a signal is taken directly from the basic software modules, i.e. from the ECU abstraction
layer. It indicates to a developer that the control algorithm in the software has to provide filters.

Table 4.49: ProcessingKindEnum

Enumeration DataLimitKindEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::ApplicationAttributes
Note Indicates whether the data element carries a minimum or maximum value, thereby limiting the current
range of another value.
Literal Description
max Limitation to maximum value
min Limitation to minimum value
none No limitation applicable

Table 4.50: DataLimitKindEnum

[TPS_SWCT_01206] Min and Max annotations are valid for a certain amount of
time dThe Min and Max annotations are valid for a certain amount of time. The value
is likely to change to another valid value while the ECU is running. e.g. the maximal
torque which can be requested from an engine is a typical use-case.c(RS_SWCT_-
This value might vary depending on e.g. the status of the climate control system.
Therefore, these annotations shall not be mismatched with the min and max attributes
of CompuMethods.
The application level port annotations for sender/receiver communication have to be
associated to each dataElement in a PortPrototype, e.g. there might be a “raw”
dataElement and a “filtered” dataElement in the same PortPrototype!
[TPS_SWCT_01207] VariableDataPrototypes use the same application-level
SenderReceiverAnnotation dFurthermore, if two VariableDataPrototypes
use the same application-level SenderReceiverAnnotation, a reference from the
annotation to the VariableDataPrototypes will be established by an appropriate

156 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

AtpBlueprintable AutosarDataPrototype
AtpPrototype +senderReceiverAnnotation + computed: Boolean [0..1] +dataElement
PortPrototype + limitKind: DataLimitKindEnum [0..1]
0..* + processingKind: ProcessingKindEnum [0..1] 0..1

{"port's interface is a SenderReceiverInterface"}

«enumeration» «enumeration»
ProcessingKindEnum DataLimitKindEnum MultidimensionalTime
none none
SenderAnnotation ReceiverAnnotation +signalAge + cseCode: CseCodeType
raw min + cseCodeFactor: Integer
filtered max 0..1

Figure 4.25: SenderReceiverAnnotation

[TPS_SWCT_01208] Grouping for SenderReceiverAnnotation dThe Sender-

ReceiverAnnotation for sender/receiver communication are grouped into
• processing type, indicating to some extent the direct quality of the signal,
• computed, which is just a flag or,
• limit type, showing the component expects an actual limit.
In the case of an RPortPrototype, the signal age of the value, carried by the asso-
ciated SwConnector, can be specified. Each of these groups can be interpreted as a
property of the signal-quality.c(RS_SWCT_02110)
For more information about meta-class SenderReceiverAnnotation please refer
to Figure 4.25.
[constr_4004] Context of SenderReceiverAnnotation dA SenderReceiver-
Annotation shall only be aggregated by a PortPrototype typed by a Sender-
ReceiverInterface at any time in the workflow.c()

4.4.3 ClientServerAnnotation

[TPS_SWCT_01209] ClientServerAnnotation dThe ClientServerAnnota-

tion can be used to provide more information with respect to the ClientServerOp-
eration of the PortPrototype.c(RS_SWCT_02110)
Class ClientServerAnnotation
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::ApplicationAttributes
Note Annotation to a port regarding a certain Operation.
Base ARObject, GeneralAnnotation
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
operation ClientServerOperation 0..1 ref This represents the ClientServerOperation that the Client
ServerAnnotation corresponds to.

Table 4.51: ClientServerAnnotation

157 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

The main use-case is to define additional information related to the ClientServer-

AtpBlueprintable GeneralAnnotation AtpStructureElement
AtpPrototype ClientServerAnnotation Identifiable
+clientServerAnnotation +operation
PortPrototype ClientServerOperation
0..* 0..1 + diagArgIntegrity: Boolean [0..1]

Figure 4.26: ClientServerAnnotation

[constr_4005] Context of ClientServerAnnotation dA ClientServerAnnota-

tion shall only be aggregated by a PortPrototype typed by a ClientServerIn-
terface at any time in the workflow.c()

4.4.4 Annotation for the I/O Hardware Abstraction Layer

Within the ECU-Abstraction Layer there are ECU-signals defined. These signals rep-
resent the electrical signals as they arrive in the micro-controller peripheral and are
fetched from the registers via the MCAL.
Access to the I/O Hardware Abstraction Layer is done via service interfaces, i.e. the I/O
Hardware Abstraction Layer provides GET- and SET-operations at the specified service
ports of a SensorActuatorSwComponentType.
[TPS_SWCT_01524] Usage of IoHwAbstractionServerAnnotation dIoHwAb-
stractionServerAnnotation can be used for all kinds of PortInterfaces ex-
cept NvDataInterface.c(RS_SWCT_02110)
Class IoHwAbstractionServerAnnotation
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::ApplicationAttributes
Note The IoHwAbstractionServerAnnotation will only be used from a sensor- or an actuator component while
interacting with the IoHwAbstraction layer.
Note that the "server" in the name of this meta-class is not meant to restrict the usage to ClientServer
Base ARObject, GeneralAnnotation
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
age MultidimensionalTime 0..1 aggr In case of a SET operation, the age will be interpreted as
Delay while in a GET operation (input) it specifies the
Lifetime of the signal within the IoHwAbstraction Layer
argument ArgumentDataPrototype 0..1 ref Reference to the corresponding ArgumentDataPrototype.
bswResolution Float 0..1 attr This value is determined by an appropriate combination
of the range, the unit as well as the data-elements type,
i.e. (ecuSignalRange.upperLimit-ecuSignalRange.lower
Limit) / (2ˆdatatypelength - 1)
dataElement VariableDataPrototype 0..1 ref Reference to the corresponding VariableDataPrototype.

158 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class IoHwAbstractionServerAnnotation
failure PortPrototype 0..1 ref This is only applicable in SET operations. If it is enabled,
Monitoring the IoHwAbstraction layer will monitor the result of the
operation and issue an diagnostic signal. This means
especially, that an additional client-server port has to be
created. Tools can use this information to cross-check
whether for each data-element in a SET operation with
FailureMonitoring enabled an additional port is created
The referenced port monitors a failure in the to be
monitored VariableDataPrototype of the IoHwAbstraction
layer. The referenced port has to be another port of the
same Actuator or Sensor Component.
filtering FilterDebouncingEnum 0..1 attr This attribute is used to indicate what kind of filtering/
Debouncing debouncing has been put to the signal in the IoHw
Abstraction layer.
rawData means that no modification of the signal has
been applied. This is the default value debounceData
means that the signal is a mean value waitTimeData
means that the signal is delivered by a GET operation
after a certain amount of time
pulseTest PulseTestEnum 0..1 attr This attribute indicates to the connected SensorActuator
SwComponentType whether the VariableDataPrototype
can be used to generate pulse test sequences using the
IoHwAbstraction layer
trigger Trigger 0..1 ref Reference to the corresponding Trigger.

Table 4.52: IoHwAbstractionServerAnnotation

AtpBlueprintable DataInterface
AtpPrototype + diagArgIntegrity: Boolean [0..1] SenderReceiverInterface

0..1 +failureMonitoring

+ioHwAbstractionServerAnnotation 0..* +argument 0..* {ordered}    
GeneralAnnotation +argument AutosarDataPrototype
IoHwAbstractionServerAnnotation ArgumentDataPrototype
0..1 +dataElement 0..*
+ bswResolution: Float [0..1]
+ filteringDebouncing: FilterDebouncingEnum [0..1] +dataElement AutosarDataPrototype
+ pulseTest: PulseTestEnum [0..1] VariableDataPrototype

+trigger 0..1 disable
+age 0..1 AtpStructureElement enable
Identifiable FilterDebouncingEnum
MultidimensionalTime Trigger
+triggerPeriod rawData
+ cseCode: CseCodeType +trigger
0..1 + swImplPolicy: TriggerInterface debounceData
+ cseCodeFactor: Integer SwImplPolicyEnum [0..1] 0..* waitTimeDate

Figure 4.27: IoHwAbstractionServerAnnotation

159 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Enumeration FilterDebouncingEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::ApplicationAttributes
Note This enumeration defines possible values for the filter debouncing strategy.
Literal Description
debounceData The signal is a mean value
rawData Means that no modification of the signal has been applied. This is the default value
waitTimeDate The signal is delivered by a GET operation after a certain amount of time

Table 4.53: FilterDebouncingEnum

Enumeration PulseTestEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::ApplicationAttributes
Note This element indicates to the connected Actuator Software component whether the data-element can
be used to generate pulse test sequences using the IoHwAbstraction layer
Literal Description
disable Disables the pulse test
enable Enables the pulse test

Table 4.54: PulseTestEnum

[TPS_SWCT_01211] Assign several annotations to ArgumentDataPrototype

dThe ClientServerOperations provide an ArgumentDataPrototype where
several annotations can be assigned to.c(RS_SWCT_02110)
They are depicted in the IoHwAbstractionServerAnnotation meta-class in Fig-
ure 4.27.
A detailed description of the attributes can be found in the IoHwAbstraction Layer soft-
ware specification document [16].
For example, the signal age has a very dedicated meaning in this particular interface
with respect to a register whereas the signal age in the SenderReceiverAnnota-
tion is more generic. Especially, there is no relationship with the micro-controller

4.4.5 Parameter Port Annotation

[TPS_SWCT_01212] ParameterPortAnnotation dThe ParameterPortAnno-

tation can be used to provide more information with respect to calibration parameter
prototypes of the PortPrototype.

160 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

The data provided at the PortPrototype is calibration parameters. The Parame-

terPortAnnotation provides a reference to a particular ParameterDataProto-
Class ParameterPortAnnotation
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::ApplicationAttributes
Note Annotation to a port used for calibration regarding a certain ParameterDataPrototype.
Base ARObject, GeneralAnnotation
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
parameter ParameterData 0..1 ref The instance of annotated ParameterDataPrototype.

Table 4.55: ParameterPortAnnotation

The main use-case is to allow easy access to the information which calibration param-
eters influence the data on the PortPrototype.
AtpBlueprintable AutosarDataPrototype
ParameterPortAnnotation +parameter
AtpPrototype +parameterPortAnnotation ParameterDataPrototype
PortPrototype constraints
0..* 0..1
{"The corresponding port interface shall be a

Figure 4.28: ParameterPortAnnotation

[constr_4006] Context of ParameterPortAnnotation dA ParameterPortAnno-

tation shall only be aggregated by a PPortPrototype owned by a Parameter-
SwComponentType at any time in the workflow.c()

4.4.6 Mode Port Annotation

[TPS_SWCT_01213] ModePortAnnotation dThe ModePortAnnotation can be

used to provide more information with respect to the mode declaration group prototype
of the PortPrototype.c()
Class ModePortAnnotation
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::ApplicationAttributes
Note Annotation to a port used for calibration regarding a certain ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype.
Base ARObject, GeneralAnnotation
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
modeGroup ModeDeclarationGroup 0..1 ref The instance of annotated ModeDeclarationGroup
Prototype Prototype.

Table 4.56: ModePortAnnotation

The main use-case is to allow for the definition of additional information related to the
mode declaration group prototype.

161 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

AtpBlueprintable GeneralAnnotation AtpPrototype

AtpPrototype ModePortAnnotation +modeGroup ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype
0..* 0..1 + swCalibrationAccess: SwCalibrationAccessEnum [0..1]

Figure 4.29: ModePortAnnotation

[constr_4007] Context of ModePortAnnotation dA ModePortAnnotation shall

only be aggregated by a PortPrototype typed by a ModeSwitchInterface at
any time in the workflow.c()

4.4.7 Trigger Port Annotation

[TPS_SWCT_01214] TriggerPortAnnotation dThe TriggerPortAnnotation

can be used to provide more information with respect to the Trigger of the Port-
Class TriggerPortAnnotation
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::ApplicationAttributes
Note Annotation to a port used for calibration regarding a certain Trigger.
Base ARObject, GeneralAnnotation
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
trigger Trigger 0..1 ref The instance of annotated trigger.

Table 4.57: TriggerPortAnnotation

The main use-case is to define additional information related to the trigger.

AtpBlueprintable GeneralAnnotation AtpStructureElement
AtpPrototype TriggerPortAnnotation +trigger Identifiable
PortPrototype Trigger
0..* 0..1
+ swImplPolicy: SwImplPolicyEnum [0..1]

Figure 4.30: TriggerPortAnnotation

[constr_4008] Context of TriggerPortAnnotation dA TriggerPortAnnota-

tion shall only be aggregated by a PortPrototype typed by a TriggerInterface
at any time in the workflow.c()

4.4.8 Non Volatile Data Port Annotation

[TPS_SWCT_01215] NvDataPortAnnotation dThe NvDataPortAnnotation

can be used to provide more information with respect to the non-volatile data of the

162 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class NvDataPortAnnotation
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::ApplicationAttributes
Note Annotation to a port regarding a certain VariableDataPrototype.
Base ARObject, GeneralAnnotation
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
variable VariableDataPrototype 0..1 ref The instance of nv data annotated.

Table 4.58: NvDataPortAnnotation

The main use-case is to define additional information related to the non-volatile data
AtpBlueprintable GeneralAnnotation AutosarDataPrototype
+nvDataPortAnnotation +variable
AtpPrototype NvDataPortAnnotation VariableDataPrototype
PortPrototype 0..* 0..1

Figure 4.31: NvDataPortAnnotation

[constr_4009] Context of NvDataPortAnnotation dAn NvDataPortAnnotation

shall only be aggregated by a PortPrototype typed by an NvDataInterface at
any time in the workflow.c()

4.4.9 Delegated Port Annotations

[TPS_SWCT_01216] DelegatedPortAnnotation dThe DelegatedPortAnno-

tation is used to define the Signal Fan In or Signal Fan Out inside the Composi-
This information is used to pre-define and pre-check resulting communication patterns
in the VFB (1:n, n:1, 1:1) if empty CompositionSwComponentTypes are used as
interface definition for sub-systems.
The DelegatedPortAnnotation guides either the system designer in connecting
the empty CompositionSwComponentType or the sub-system designer in applying
communication pattern (1:n, n:1, 1:1) inside the CompositionSwComponentType.c
Class DelegatedPortAnnotation
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::ApplicationAttributes
Note Annotation to a "delegated port" to specify the Signal Fan In or Signal Fan Out inside the CompositionSw
Base ARObject, GeneralAnnotation
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
signalFan SignalFanEnum 0..1 attr Specifies the Signal Fan In or Signal Fan Out inside the
Composition Type.

Table 4.59: DelegatedPortAnnotation

163 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Enumeration SignalFanEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::ApplicationAttributes
Note Signal Fan inside the Composition Component Type.
Literal Description
nfold The connections internally in the CompositionSwComponentType via DelegationSwConnectors and
AssemblySwConnectors are defined in a way that at least one data element present in the S/R
interface or one ClientServerOperation in the C/S interface of the outer PortPrototype is involved in a
1:n or n:1 communication pattern.
single The connections internally in the CompositionSwComponentType via DelegationSwConnectors and
AssemblySwConnectors are defined in a way that each VariableDataPrototype present in the S/R
interface or ClientServerOperation in the C/S interface of the outer PortPrototype is involved in a 1:1
communication pattern only.

Table 4.60: SignalFanEnum

[TPS_SWCT_01217] Semantics of DelegatedPortAnnotation.signalFan dThe

attribute values have following definition:
• single: the internal connections in the CompositionSwComponentType via
DelegationSwConnectors and AssemblySwConnectors are defined in a
way that each dataElement present in the SenderReceiverInterfaces or
operation in the ClientServerInterfaces of the outer PortPrototype
is involved in a 1:1 communication pattern only.
• nfold: The internal connections in the CompositionSwComponentType via
DelegationSwConnectors and AssemblySwConnectors are defined in a
way that at least one dataElement present in the SenderReceiverInter-
faces or one operation in the ClientServerInterfaces of the outer
PortPrototype is involved in a 1:n or n:1 communication pattern.
[constr_4010] Context of DelegatedPortAnnotation dA DelegatedPortAnno-
tation shall only be aggregated by a PortPrototype aggregated by a Composi-

4.4.10 General Annotation

Besides, formally specified attributes it is also possible to place textual information as

provided in the abstract GeneralAnnotation (see Figure 4.32 for an overview).
«atpMixed» +annotationText GeneralAnnotation +label MultilanguageLongName
1 + annotationOrigin: String 0..1

Figure 4.32: textual information in annotations

164 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class GeneralAnnotation (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::GeneralAnnotation
Note This class represents textual comments (called annotations) which relate to the object in which it is
aggregated. These annotations are intended for use during the development process for transferring
information from one step of the development process to the next one.
The approach is similar to the "yellow pads" ...
This abstract class can be specialized in order to add some further formal properties.
Base ARObject
Subclasses Annotation, ClientServerAnnotation, DelegatedPortAnnotation, IoHwAbstractionServerAnnotation, Mode
PortAnnotation, NvDataPortAnnotation, ParameterPortAnnotation, SenderReceiverAnnotation, Trigger
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
annotation String 1 attr This attribute identifies the origin of the annotation. It is an
Origin arbitrary string since it can be an individual’s name as well
as the name of a tool or even the name of a process step.
annotationText DocumentationBlock 1 aggr This is the text of the annotation.
label MultilanguageLong 0..1 aggr This is the headline for the annotation.

Table 4.61: GeneralAnnotation

4.5 Communication Specification

[TPS_SWCT_01218] Big picture of ComSpec dThe highest level of description of in-
formation exchanged between components in an AUTOSAR system is the PortIn-
terfaces, as shown in earlier sections.
Such PortInterface however, only describes structure and does not include infor-
mation about whether communication needs to be done reliably, or whether an initial
value exists in case the real data is not yet available.
This information is role-specific, i.e. it shall be applied on the level of PortPrototypes
rather than PortInterfaces. Therefore, most communication-relevant attributes are
related to the PortPrototypes of an SwComponentType.
The communication attributes are organized in a so-called communication specifica-
tion (in terms of the meta-model: ComSpec) classes.c(RS_SWCT_02030)
Note that the communication specification is optional, i.e. its existence is not required in
any case. Figures 4.33 and 4.34 provide an overview of communication specifications.
The derived meta-classes are explained in the following sub-chapters.
As explained before, ComSpec meta-classes which are required on the level of a
SwComponentType are attached to the PortPrototype declarations which in turn
are part of the definition of a SwComponentType.

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+requiredComSpec 0..*

RPortPrototype RPortComSpec
+ mayBeUnconnected: Boolean [0..1]

ClientComSpec ModeSwitchReceiverComSpec NvRequireComSpec ParameterRequireComSpec ReceiverComSpec

Figure 4.33: Overview of communication attributes of RPortPrototype

Nevertheless, the usage of ComSpecs is not restricted to the PortPrototypes of

AtomicSwComponentTypes (for more details please refer to section 2.5).
Sections 7.5.1 and 7.5.2 then explain the sender-receiver and client-server communi-
cation patterns with respect to the RTE, the RTE events and the corresponding com-
munication attributes.
Several ComSpecs allow defining initValues in relation to the associated DataPro-
totype. For further details about the representation of initValues please refer to
section 5.7.2.
Furthermore, [constr_1043] applies such that only specific subclasses of ComSpec can
be owned by PortPrototypes typed by the corresponding kind of PortInterface.

+providedComSpec 0..*

PPortPrototype PPortComSpec

ModeSwitchSenderComSpec ParameterProvideComSpec SenderComSpec

Figure 4.34: Overview of communication attributes of PPortPrototype

[constr_1290] Limitation on the number of PPortComSpecs in the context of one

PPortPrototype dWithin the context of one PPortPrototype, there can only be
one PPortComSpec that references a given dataElement or operation at the
time when the contract phase generation is executed.c()
In other words, it is not allowed that two or more PPortComSpec exist in the context of
a one PPortPrototype that refer to the same dataElement or operation.
[constr_1291] Limitation on the number of RPortComSpecs in the context of one
PPortPrototype dWithin the context of one RPortPrototype, there can only be

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one RPortComSpec that references a given dataElement or operation at the

time when the contract phase generation is executed.c()
In other words, it is not allowed that two or more RPortComSpec exist in the context of
a one RPortPrototype that refer to the same dataElement or operation.
[TPS_SWCT_01454] PRPortPrototype can own both RPortComSpecs and
PPortComSpecs dIn contrast to PPortPrototype and RPortPrototype, PRPort-
Prototype can own both RPortComSpecs and PPortComSpecs at the same time.c
(RS_SWCT_02030, RS_SWCT_03250)
Nevertheless, the following restriction applies:
[constr_1292] Limitation on the number of RPortComSpecs/PPortComSpecs in
the context of one PRPortPrototype dWithin the context of one PRPortProto-
type, there can only be one RPortComSpec and one PPortComSpec that refer-
ences a given dataElement or operation at the time when the contract
phase generation is executed.c()
In other words, it is not allowed that two or more PPortComSpec exist in the context of
a one PRPortPrototype that refer to the same dataElement or operation.
In the same manner, it is not allowed that two or more RPortComSpec exist in the con-
text of one PRPortPrototype that refer to the same dataElement or operation.
The rationale for the existence of [constr_1290], [constr_1291], and [constr_1292] is
that the AUTOSAR communication layer needs an unambiguous specification of the
communication behavior.
The existence of redundant RPortComSpecs/PPortComSpecs may easily be contra-
dicting each other and this would inhibit the creation of a valid configuration for the
Class PPortComSpec (abstract)
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note Communication attributes of a provided PortPrototype. This class will contain attributes that are valid for
all kinds of provide ports, independent of client-server or sender-receiver communication patterns.
Base ARObject
Subclasses ModeSwitchSenderComSpec, NvProvideComSpec, ParameterProvideComSpec, SenderComSpec,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 4.62: PPortComSpec

Class RPortComSpec (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note Communication attributes of a required PortPrototype. This class will contain attributes that are valid for
all kinds of require-ports, independent of client-server or sender-receiver communication patterns.
Base ARObject

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Class RPortComSpec (abstract)
Subclasses ClientComSpec, ModeSwitchReceiverComSpec, NvRequireComSpec, ParameterRequireComSpec,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 4.63: RPortComSpec

[constr_1043] PortInterface vs. ComSpec dThe allowed combinations at any

time in the workflow of a specific kind of PortInterface and a kind of Com-
Spec are documented in Table 4.64.c()

PortInterface ComSpec
SenderReceiverInterface SenderComSpec, ReceiverComSpec
ClientServerInterface ClientComSpec, ServerComSpec
ModeSwitchInterface ModeSwitchSenderComSpec, ModeSwitchReceiverComSpec
ParameterInterface ParameterProvideComSpec, ParameterRequireComSpec
NvDataInterface NvRequireComSpec, NvProvideComSpec

Table 4.64: PortInterface vs. ComSpec

As explained in section 2.5, there are cases where PortPrototypes owned by a

CompositionSwComponentType could have initValues.
Therefore, it is possible that PortPrototypes owned by CompositionSwCompo-
nentTypes can have ComSpecs. It is not required that the ComSpecs defined on the
composition level match the ComSpecs defined inside the CompositionSwCompo-
If consistency would be required this constraint might be a major obstacle for integrat-
ing existing AtomicSwComponentTypes into a CompositionSwComponentType
that has PortPrototypes with ComSpecs.

4.5.1 Communication Specification for Sender-Receiver Communication

Communication specification applies in different ways to specific kinds of communica-

[TPS_SWCT_01219] ComSpec for queued and non-queued sender-receiver com-
munication dSender-receiver communication might be queued or non-queued. This
aspect is primarily reflected in the value of dataElement.swDataDefProps.swIm-
If the value of this attribute is set to queued then QueuedSenderComSpec and/or
QueuedReceiverComSpec shall be defined. In all other applicable cases Non-
queuedSenderComSpec or NonqueuedReceiverComSpec shall be used.

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Thus, the constraints [constr_1129], [constr_1130], [constr_1131], and [constr_1132]

shall apply.
While in the case of queued communication the queueLength attribute remains the
only information item the non-queued case foresees several attributes for controlling
communication behavior.c() Receiver ComSpec

Figure 4.35 shows the meta-model of the communication attributes relevant sender-
receiver communication at an RPortPrototype.
DataPrototype +leafElement
ApplicationCompositeElementDataPrototype «instanceRef»

0..* +compositeNetworkRepresentation

+networkRepresentation 0..1

PortPrototype «atpVariation» Describable

+requiredComSpec RPortComSpec
AbstractRequiredPortPrototype SwDataDefProps TransformationComSpecProps

+networkRepresentation 0..1 +transformationComSpecProps 0..*

Identifiable +replaceWith + handleOutOfRange: HandleOutOfRangeEnum [0..1]
VariableAccess 0..1 + handleOutOfRangeStatus: HandleOutOfRangeStatusEnum [0..1]
+ maxNoNewOrRepeatedData: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ scope: VariableAccessScopeEnum [0..1] + syncCounterInit: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ maxDeltaCounterInit: PositiveInteger [0..1]
DataPrototype + usesEndToEndProtection: Boolean [0..1]
AutosarDataPrototype +dataElement



NonqueuedReceiverComSpec QueuedReceiverComSpec

«enumeration» «enumeration» + aliveTimeout: TimeValue [0..1] + queueLength: PositiveInteger [0..1]

HandleOutOfRangeEnum HandleOutOfRangeStatusEnum + enableUpdate: Boolean [0..1]
+ handleDataStatus: Boolean [0..1] +receptionProps 0..1
none silent + handleNeverReceived: Boolean [0..1]
ignore indicate + handleTimeoutType:
saturate HandleTimeoutEnum [0..1]
default + dataUpdatePeriod: TimeValue [0..1]
invalid + timeout: TimeValue [0..1]
+timeoutSubstitutionValue 0..1 +initValue 0..1 +filter 0..1

«enumeration» ValueSpecification DataFilter

HandleTimeoutEnum + shortLabel: Identifier [0..1] + dataFilterType: DataFilterTypeEnum [0..1]
replace + mask: UnlimitedInteger [0..1]
+ max: UnlimitedInteger [0..1]
+ min: UnlimitedInteger [0..1]
+ offset: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ period: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ x: UnlimitedInteger [0..1]

Figure 4.35: Communication attributes of RPortPrototype with respect to sender-

receiver communication.

[constr_1538] Restriction for ReceiverComSpec.dataElement dThe reference

ReceiverComSpec.dataElement shall not refer to an ArgumentDataPrototype
or ParameterDataPrototype at any time in the workflow.c()

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[constr_1103] NonqueuedReceiverComSpec and enableUpdate dA Nonqueue-

dReceiverComSpec that has the value of attribute enableUpdate set to true at
the time when the contract phase generation is executed may not
reference a dataElement that in turn is referenced by a VariableAccess in the
role dataReadAccess.c()
In general, it is considered beneficial for software-components to define initValues
for all the dataElements received by RPortPrototypes.
These initValues are required by the RTE for several functionalities, e.g. :
• Providing a default value for not yet received dataElements (see
• Providing default values in case of unconnected RPortPrototypes (see [con-
• Partial mapping of composite data (see [constr_1280])
Therefore, the availability of initValue increases the flexibility of the usage of the
software-component in different scenarios.
On the other hand, there are also use cases where initValues are not mandatory,
i.e. the DataPrototype remains intentionally uninitialized. This is expressed by ap-
plying a SwAddrMethod where the sectionInitializationPolicy is set to NO-
INIT, or when the software component is intentionally only prepared for intra-partition
In response to these conflicting objectives [TPS_SWCT_01688] is written as a recom-
mendation as opposed to a binding constraint.
[TPS_SWCT_01688] initValue should exist in an RPortPrototype dThe op-
tional attribute initValue should exist if the enclosing NonqueuedReceiverCom-
Spec is owned by an RPortPrototype.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01455] Duplicate existence of initValue in the context of a PR-
PortPrototype dIf an initValue is defined in a NonqueuedReceiverComSpec
owned by a PRPortPrototype, its value shall be ignored.c(RS_SWCT_03250)
[TPS_SWCT_01220] initValue defines an initial value that shall be taken if the
corresponding dataElement has not yet been received dThe aggregation of Val-
ueSpecification in the role initValue defines an initial value that shall be taken
if the corresponding dataElement has not yet been received but the application soft-
ware is attempting to access its value.c()
[constr_1891] Existence of attribute NonqueuedReceiverComSpec.initValue
dFor each NonqueuedReceiverComSpec, attribute initValue shall exist at the
time when the contract phase generation is executed.c()

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Class ReceiverComSpec (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note Receiver-specific communication attributes (RPortPrototype typed by SenderReceiverInterface).
Base ARObject, RPortComSpec
Subclasses NonqueuedReceiverComSpec, QueuedReceiverComSpec
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
composite CompositeNetwork * aggr This represents a CompositeNetworkRepresentation
Network Representation defined in the context of a ReceiverComSpec. The
Representation purpose of this aggregation is to be able to specify the
network representation of leaf elements of Application
dataElement AutosarDataPrototype 0..1 ref Data element these attributes belong to.
handleOutOf HandleOutOfRange 0..1 attr This attribute controls how values that are out of the
Range Enum specified range are handled according to the values of
handleOutOf HandleOutOfRange 0..1 attr Control the way how return values are created in case of
RangeStatus StatusEnum an out-of-range situation.
maxDelta PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Initial maximum allowed gap between two counter values
CounterInit of two consecutively received valid Data, i.e. how many
subsequent lost data is accepted. For example, if the
receiver gets Data with counter 1 and MaxDeltaCounter
Init is 1, then at the next reception the receiver can accept
Counters with values 2 and 3, but not 4.
Note that if the receiver does not receive new Data at a
consecutive read, then the receiver increments the
tolerance by 1.
Caveat: The E2E wrapper approach involves
technologies that are not subjected to the AUTOSAR
standard and is superseded by the superior E2E
transformer approach (which is fully standardized by
AUTOSAR). Hence, new projects (without legacy
constraints due to carry-over parts) shall use the fully
standardized E2E transformer approach.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
maxNoNewOr PositiveInteger 0..1 attr The maximum amount of missing or repeated Data which
RepeatedData the receiver does not expect to exceed under normal
communication conditions.
Caveat: The E2E wrapper approach involves
technologies that are not subjected to the AUTOSAR
standard and is superseded by the superior E2E
transformer approach (which is fully standardized by
AUTOSAR). Hence, new projects (without legacy
constraints due to carry-over parts) shall use the fully
standardized E2E transformer approach.
network SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr A networkRepresentation is used to define how the data
Representation Element is mapped to a communication bus.
receptionProps ReceptionComSpec 0..1 aggr "This aggregation represents the definition transmission
Props props in the context of the enclosing ReceiverComSpec.
replaceWith VariableAccess 0..1 aggr This aggregation is used to identify the AutosarData
Prototype to be taken for sourcing an external
replacement in the out-of-range handling.

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Class ReceiverComSpec (abstract)
syncCounterInit PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Number of Data required for validating the consistency of
the counter that shall be received with a valid counter (i.e.
counter within the allowed lock-in range) after the
detection of an unexpected behavior of a received
Caveat: The E2E wrapper approach involves
technologies that are not subjected to the AUTOSAR
standard and is superseded by the superior E2E
transformer approach (which is fully standardized by
AUTOSAR). Hence, new projects (without legacy
constraints due to carry-over parts) shall use the fully
standardized E2E transformer approach.
transformation TransformationCom * aggr This references the TransformationComSpecProps which
ComSpecProps SpecProps define port-specific configuration for data transformation.
usesEndToEnd Boolean 0..1 attr This indicates whether the corresponding dataElement
Protection shall be transmitted using end-to-end protection.
Caveat: The E2E wrapper approach involves
technologies that are not subjected to the AUTOSAR
standard and is superseded by the superior E2E
transformer approach (which is fully standardized by
AUTOSAR). Hence, new projects (without legacy
constraints due to carry-over parts) shall use the fully
standardized E2E transformer approach.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table 4.65: ReceiverComSpec

Enumeration HandleOutOfRangeStatusEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note This enumeration defines how the RTE handles values that are out of range.
Literal Description
indicate The RTE sets the return status to RTE_E_OUT_OF_RANGE if the received value is out of range and
the attribute handleOutOfRange is not set to "none" or "invalid".
silent The RTE sets the return status to RTE_E_OK

Table 4.66: HandleOutOfRangeStatusEnum

Class NonqueuedReceiverComSpec
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note Communication attributes specific to non-queued receiving.
Base ARObject, RPortComSpec, ReceiverComSpec
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
aliveTimeout TimeValue 0..1 attr Specify the amount of time (in seconds) after which the
software component (via the RTE) needs to be notified if
the corresponding data item have not been received
according to the specified timing description.
If the aliveTimeout attribute is 0 no timeout monitoring
shall be performed.

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Class NonqueuedReceiverComSpec
enableUpdate Boolean 0..1 attr This attribute controls whether application code is entitled
to check whether the value of the corresponding Variable
DataPrototype has been updated.
filter DataFilter 0..1 aggr The applicable filter algorithm for filtering the value of the
corresponding dataElement.
handleData Boolean 0..1 attr If this attribute is set to true, then the Rte_IStatus API
Status shall exist. If the attribute does not exist or is set to false,
then the Rte_IStatus API may still exist in response to the
existence of further conditions.
handleNever Boolean 0..1 attr This attribute specifies whether for the corresponding
Received VariableDataPrototype the "never received" flag is
available. If yes, the RTE is supposed to assume that
initially the VariableDataPrototype has not been received
before. After the first reception of the corresponding
VariableDataPrototype the flag is cleared.
• If the value of this attribute is set to "true" the flag
is required.
• If set to "false", the RTE shall not support the
"never received" functionality for the
corresponding VariableDataPrototype.
handleTimeout HandleTimeoutEnum 0..1 attr This attribute controls the behavior with respect to the
Type handling of timeouts.
initValue ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr Initial value to be used in case the sending component is
not yet initialized. If the sender also specifies an initial
value, then the receiver’s value will be used.
timeout ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr This attribute represents the substitution value applicable
Substitution in the case of a timeout.
Table 4.67: NonqueuedReceiverComSpec

Class QueuedReceiverComSpec
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note Communication attributes specific to queued receiving.
Base ARObject, RPortComSpec, ReceiverComSpec
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
queueLength PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Length of queue for received events.

Table 4.68: QueuedReceiverComSpec

[constr_1889] Existence of attribute QueuedReceiverComSpec.queueLength

dFor each QueuedReceiverComSpec, attribute queueLength shall exist at the
time when the contract phase generation is executed.c()
Class ReceptionComSpecProps
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note This meta-class defines a set of reception attributes which the application software is assumed to
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

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Class ReceptionComSpecProps
dataUpdate TimeValue 0..1 attr This attribute defines the period in which the application
Period shall check for updated data. This attribute is used for the
configuration of the E2E protection, but may also indicate
a general data reception period.
timeout TimeValue 0..1 attr This attribute defines the time interval after which the
application shall assume that the to be received data
reception has timed out, i.e. the respective data has not
been received for that amount of time.
Table 4.69: ReceptionComSpecProps

Enumeration HandleTimeoutEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note Strategies of handling a reception timeout violation.
Literal Description
none If set to none no replacement shall take place.
replace If set to replace, the replacement value shall be the ComInitValue.
replaceByTimeout If set to replace, the replacement value shall be the timeout substitution value.

Table 4.70: HandleTimeoutEnum

Primitive TimeValue
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::PrimitiveTypes
Note This primitive type is taken for expressing time values. The numerical value is supposed to be interpreted
in the physical unit second.

Table 4.71: TimeValue

[constr_1129] swImplPolicy and NonqueuedReceiverComSpec dThe attribute

swImplPolicy of a dataElement referenced by a NonqueuedReceiverComSpec
shall not be set to the value queued at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()
[constr_1130] swImplPolicy and QueuedReceiverComSpec dThe attribute
swImplPolicy of a dataElement referenced by a QueuedReceiverComSpec
shall be set to the value queued at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()
[constr_1188] Existence of ReceiverComSpec.replaceWith dThe aggregation of
VariableAccess in the role ReceiverComSpec.replaceWith shall exist if and
only if at least one of the following conditions is fulfilled:
• Attribute ReceiverComSpec.handleOutOfRange is set to the value exter-

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• Attribute SenderReceiverInterface.invalidationPolicy.handleIn-
valid is set to the value externalReplacement.
This rule shall be applied at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01753] Application of compatibility rules for ReceiverComSpec.
replaceWith dCompatibility rules as formulated by [constr_1068] and [constr_1187]
shall be applicable for the reference ReceiverComSpec.replaceWith.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01223] networkRepresentation defines how a specific dataEle-
ment is represented on a communication bus dFor sender-receiver communication,
it is possible to specify how dataElements are represented given that the communi-
cation requires the usage of a dedicated communication bus.
That is, by means of the networkRepresentation it is possible to define how a
specific dataElement is represented on a communication bus. For this purpose the
networkRepresentation is implemented as an aggregation of SwDataDefProps.c
[TPS_SWCT_01224] CompuMethods of dataElement and the networkRepre-
sentation are used for conversion purposes dThe attached CompuMethods of
both the dataElement and the networkRepresentation can be used to identify
the conversion between the two.
The advantage of this approach is that this can also be used without any modifications
in combination with a general remapping and rescaling of dataElements between
different SwComponentTypes, regardless whether they are located on the same or on
different ECUs.c()
Please note that the decision whether to take the networkRepresentation for data
mapping is done in the context of the AUTOSAR System Template [10]. Please find
more detailed information about this aspect in the applicable specification.
[TPS_SWCT_01452] Applicability of networkRepresentation for Applica-
tionCompositeDataType dThe aggregation of networkRepresentation at the
ReceiverComSpec or SenderComSpec only applies for dataElements typed by
For the case of using an ApplicationCompositeDataType an additional mecha-
nism shall be used.
In particular, compositeNetworkRepresentation shall be used to define the net-
workRepresentation of leaf elements of ApplicationCompositeDataTypes.c
[constr_1196] Existence of networkRepresentation vs. compositeNet-
workRepresentation dIf a ReceiverComSpec or SenderComSpec aggregates
networkRepresentation it shall not aggregate compositeNetworkRepresen-
tation (and vice versa) at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()

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[constr_1197] Existence of compositeNetworkRepresentation shall be com-

prehensive dIf at least one compositeNetworkRepresentation exists then for
each leaf ApplicationCompositeElementDataPrototype of the affected Ap-
plicationCompositeDataType exactly one compositeNetworkRepresenta-
tion shall be defined at the time when the contract phase generation
is executed.
For each such compositeNetworkRepresentation, attributes leafElement
and networkRepresentation shall exist at the time when the contract
phase generation is executed.c()
Granted, the definition of [constr_1197] to some extent has a recursive character. The
meaning is that if it is actually intended to define a compositeNetworkRepresen-
tation then the definition shall be completely covering the entire set of leaf elements
of the corresponding ApplicationCompositeDataType. In other words, it’s all or
[TPS_SWCT_01593] Semantics of attribute ReceiverComSpec.transforma-
tionComSpecProps dThe ReceiverComSpec.transformationComSpecProps
is used to configure PortPrototype-specific properties for data transformation in
case of receiving inter-ECU communication.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01682] The meaning of E2E-related attributes in a ReceiverCom-
Spec if a TransformationComSpecProps of type EndToEndTransformation-
ComSpecProps is defined. dThe attributes usesEndToEndProtection, sync-
CounterInit, maxDeltaCounterInit, and maxNoNewOrRepeatedData in Re-
ceiverComSpec have no meaning if a TransformationComSpecProps of type
EndToEndTransformationComSpecProps is defined in the same ReceiverCom-
Spec.c() Sender ComSpec

The communication attributes on the sender side are sketched in Figure 4.36.
[constr_1131] swImplPolicy and NonqueuedSenderComSpec dThe attribute
swImplPolicy of a dataElement referenced by a NonqueuedSenderComSpec
shall not be set to the value queued at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()
[constr_1132] swImplPolicy and QueuedSenderComSpec dThe attribute swIm-
plPolicy of a dataElement referenced by a QueuedSenderComSpec shall be
set to the value queued at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()

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[TPS_SWCT_01751] The meaning of E2E-related attributes in a SenderComSpec

if a TransformationComSpecProps of type EndToEndTransformationCom-
SpecProps is defined dThe attribute usesEndToEndProtection has no mean-
ing if a TransformationComSpecProps of type EndToEndTransformationCom-
SpecProps is defined in the same SenderComSpec.c()

0..* +compositeNetworkRepresentation
«enumeration» «instanceRef»
HandleOutOfRangeEnum +providedComSpec 0..* +networkRepresentation 0..1 +leafElement 0..1
none «atpVariation» DataPrototype
ignore PPortComSpec
SwDataDefProps ApplicationCompositeElementDataPrototype
+networkRepresentation 0..1

+ handleOutOfRange: HandleOutOfRangeEnum [0..1]
+ usesEndToEndProtection: Boolean [0..1] 0..1

QueuedSenderComSpec NonqueuedSenderComSpec VariableDataPrototype

+transmissionAcknowledge 0..1 +dataFilter 0..1 +initValue 0..1

TransmissionAcknowledgementRequest DataFilter ValueSpecification

+ timeout: TimeValue [0..1] + dataFilterType: + shortLabel: Identifier [0..1]

DataFilterTypeEnum [0..1]
0..1 +transmissionProps + mask: UnlimitedInteger [0..1]
+ max: UnlimitedInteger [0..1] «enumeration»
TransmissionComSpecProps + min: UnlimitedInteger [0..1] TransmissionModeDefinitionEnum
+ offset: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ dataUpdatePeriod: TimeValue [0..1] + period: PositiveInteger [0..1] cyclic
+ minimumSendInterval: TimeValue [0..1] + x: UnlimitedInteger [0..1] triggered
+ transmissionMode: TransmissionModeDefinitionEnum [0..1] cyclicAndOnChange

Figure 4.36: Communication attributes of PPortPrototype with respect to sender-

receiver communication.

Please note:
• SenderComSpec.usesEndToEndProtection does not have any influence on
code generation.
It could be used, for example, by a validation framework to make sure that, if set
to True the dataElement meets a transformer configuration for all respective
SwConnectors connecting to the PortPrototype that owns the SenderCom-
• SenderComSpec.usesEndToEndProtection could be used as a statement
from the application developer that the given dataElement shall be end-to-end

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Software Component Template

However, it seems far-fetched for an application developer to expressly state that

a dataElement shall not be end-to-end protected. This goes beyond the re-
sponsibility of an application developer.
Therefore, two relevant states for SenderComSpec.usesEndToEndProtec-
tion can be expected:
– attribute exists and is set to True (application developer asserts the neces-
sity to end-to-end protect the dataElement)
– attribute does not exist (application developer doesn’t care)
• The application developer may not have enough oversight to envision how the
dataElement is communicated, i.e. local vs. network communication. Setting
usesEndToEndProtection to True and then deploy the enclosing software-
component such that it communicates only locally on the respective PortProto-
type also seems unusual for the current situation regarding transformer-based
[constr_1539] Restriction for SenderComSpec.dataElement dThe reference
SenderComSpec.dataElement shall not refer to an ArgumentDataPrototype or
ParameterDataPrototype at the time when the contract phase gen-
eration is executed.c()
Class SenderComSpec (abstract)
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note Communication attributes for a sender port (PPortPrototype typed by SenderReceiverInterface).
Base ARObject, PPortComSpec
Subclasses NonqueuedSenderComSpec, QueuedSenderComSpec
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
composite CompositeNetwork * aggr This represents a CompositeNetworkRepresentation
Network Representation defined in the context of a SenderComSpec.
dataElement AutosarDataPrototype 0..1 ref Data element these quality of service attributes apply to.
handleOutOf HandleOutOfRange 0..1 attr This attribute controls how out-of-range values shall be
Range Enum dealt with.
network SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr A networkRepresentation is used to define how the data
Representation Element is mapped to a communication bus.
transmission Transmission 0..1 aggr Requested transmission acknowledgement for data
Acknowledge Acknowledgement element.
transmission TransmissionComSpec 0..1 aggr This aggregation represents the definition transmission
Props Props props in the context of the enclosing SenderComSpec.
usesEndToEnd Boolean 0..1 attr This indicates whether the corresponding dataElement
Protection shall be transmitted using end-to-end protection.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table 4.72: SenderComSpec

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Software Component Template

[TPS_SWCT_01820] Existence of attribute SenderComSpec.handleOutOfRange

dIf attribute SenderComSpec.handleOutOfRange does not exist at the time when
the RTE is generated then value none shall be assumed.c()
Class QueuedSenderComSpec
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note Communication attributes specific to distribution of events (PPortPrototype, SenderReceiverInterface and
dataElement carries an "event").
Base ARObject, PPortComSpec, SenderComSpec
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 4.73: QueuedSenderComSpec

Class NonqueuedSenderComSpec
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note Communication attributes for non-queued sender/receiver communication (sender side)
Base ARObject, PPortComSpec, SenderComSpec
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dataFilter DataFilter 0..1 aggr The applicable filter algorithm for filtering the value of the
corresponding dataElement.
initValue ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr Initial value to be sent if sender component is not yet fully
initialized, but receiver needs data already.

Table 4.74: NonqueuedSenderComSpec

Class TransmissionComSpecProps
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note This meta-class defines a set of transmission attributes which the application software is assumed to
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dataUpdate TimeValue 0..1 attr This attribute defines the period in which the application is
Period assumed to transmit the respective data.
minimumSend TimeValue 0..1 attr This attribute defines the minimum interval between two
Interval consecutive transmissions of the respective data the
application is assumed to ensure.
transmission TransmissionMode 0..1 attr The attribute defines the mode in which the application is
Mode DefinitionEnum assumed to transmit the respective data.

Table 4.75: TransmissionComSpecProps

Class TransmissionAcknowledgementRequest
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note Requests transmission acknowledgement that data has been sent successfully. Success/failure is
reported via a SendPoint of a RunnableEntity.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

179 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class TransmissionAcknowledgementRequest
timeout TimeValue 0..1 attr Number of seconds before an error is reported or in case
of allowed redundancy, the value is sent again.

Table 4.76: TransmissionAcknowledgementRequest

[constr_1892] Existence of attribute TransmissionAcknowledgementRequest.

timeout dFor each TransmissionAcknowledgementRequest, attribute timeout
shall exist at the time when the contract phase generation is exe-
Enumeration HandleOutOfRangeEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note A value of this type is taken for controlling the range checking behavior of the AUTOSAR RTE.
Literal Description
default The RTE will use the initValue if the actual value is out of the specified bounds.
external This indicates that the value replacement is sourced from the attribute replaceWith.
ignore The RTE will ignore any attempt to send or receive the corresponding dataElement if the value is out
of the specified range.
invalid The RTE will use the invalidValue if the value is out of the specified bounds.
none A range check is not required.
saturate The RTE will saturate the value of the dataElement such that it is limited to the applicable upper
bound if it is greater than the upper bound. Consequently, it is limited to the applicable lower bound if
the value is less than the lower bound.

Table 4.77: HandleOutOfRangeEnum

Enumeration TransmissionModeDefinitionEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note This meta-class defines possible settings for the transmission mode.
Literal Description
cyclic The data is assumed to be transmitted in a cyclic manner. The cycle is defined by dataUpdatePeriod.
cyclicAndOn The data is assumed to be transmitted in a cyclic manner (with cycle time dataUpdatePeriod) and
Change additionally there may be arbitrary transmission if the data value changes (minimumSendInterval to
be respected, if defined).
triggered The data is assumed to be transmitted in an arbitrary manner (minimumSendInterval to be respected,
if defined).

Table 4.78: TransmissionModeDefinitionEnum

180 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class CompositeNetworkRepresentation
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note This meta-class is used to define the network representation of leaf elements of composite application
data types.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
leafElement ApplicationComposite 0..1 iref This represents that leaf element of an application
ElementDataPrototype composite data type.
InstanceRef implemented by:ApplicationComposite
network SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr The SwDataDefProps owned by the CompositeNetwork
Representation Representation are used to define the network
representation of the leaf element of an Application

Table 4.79: CompositeNetworkRepresentation Data Filter

Figure 4.37 shows the model of the communication attributes relevant for defining data
DataFilter «enumeration»
+ dataFilterType: DataFilterTypeEnum [0..1]
+ mask: UnlimitedInteger [0..1] always
+ max: UnlimitedInteger [0..1] maskedNewEqualsX
+ min: UnlimitedInteger [0..1] maskedNewDiffersMaskedOld
+ offset: PositiveInteger [0..1] maskedNewDiffersX
+ period: PositiveInteger [0..1] never
+ x: UnlimitedInteger [0..1] newIsWithin

Figure 4.37: DataFilter and its communication attributes.

[TPS_SWCT_01221] DataFilter dFor every RPortPrototype or PPortProto-

type typed by a SenderReceiverInterface, a DataFilter can be defined given
that non-queued communication is foreseen.c()
Several filter algorithms formally described by the enumeration type DataFilter-
TypeEnum in the meta-model are taken from the ISO 17356-4 specification [17] that is
referenced by the RTE specification [2].
[TPS_SWCT_01222] Applicability of DataFilter dThis ISO 17356-4 specification
states that “filtering is only used for messages that can be interpreted as C lan-
guage unsigned integer types (characters, unsigned integers and enumerations).”c
[constr_1044] Applicability of DataFilter dAccording to the origin of DataFil-
ter, i.e. ISO 17356-4 specification [17], DataFilters can only be applied to values
with an integer base type at any time in the workflow.c()

181 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class DataFilter
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Filter
Note Base class for data filters. The type of the filter is specified in attribute dataFilterType. Some of the filter
types require additional arguments which are specified as attributes of this class.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dataFilterType DataFilterTypeEnum 0..1 attr This attribute specifies the type of the filter.
mask UnlimitedInteger 0..1 attr Mask for old and new value.
max UnlimitedInteger 0..1 attr Value to specify the upper boundary
min UnlimitedInteger 0..1 attr Value to specify the lower boundary
offset PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Specifies the initial number of messages to occur before
the first message is passed
period PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Specifies number of messages to occur before the
message is passed again
x UnlimitedInteger 0..1 attr Value to compare with

Table 4.80: DataFilter

[constr_1890] Existence of attribute DataFilter.dataFilterType dFor each

DataFilter, attribute dataFilterType shall exist at the time when the RTE
is generated.c()
Enumeration DataFilterTypeEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Filter
Note This enum specifies the supported DataFilterTypes.
Literal Description
always No filtering is performed so that the message always passes.
maskedNewDiffers Pass messages where the masked value has changed.
(new_value&mask) !=(old_value&mask)
new_value: current value of the message
old_value: last value of the message (initialized with the initial value of the message, updated with
new_value if the new message value is not filtered out)
maskedNewDiffers Pass messages whose masked value is not equal to a specific value x
(new_value&mask) != x
new_value: current value of the message
maskedNewEquals Pass messages whose masked value is equal to a specific value x
(new_value&mask) == x
new_value: current value of the message
never The filter removes all messages.

182 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Enumeration DataFilterTypeEnum
newIsOutside Pass a message if its value is outside a predefined boundary.
(min > new_value) OR (new_value > max)
newIsWithin Pass a message if its value is within a predefined boundary.
min <= new_value <= max
oneEveryN Pass a message once every N message occurrences.
Algorithm: occurrence % period == offset
Start: occurrence = 0.
Each time the message is received or transmitted, occurrence is incremented by 1 after filtering.
Length of occurrence is 8 bit (minimum).

Table 4.81: DataFilterTypeEnum Communication between Application and NV Block Software Compo-


In many cases, communication between an NvBlockSwComponentType (see 11.5.2)

and an ApplicationSwComponentType is implemented based on mixed commu-
nication approaches, i.e. the ApplicationSwComponentType most likely uses
a PortPrototype typed by a SenderReceiverInterface while the NvBlock-
SwComponentType uses a PortPrototype typed by an NvDataInterface.
In such a case it is necessary to clarify the usage of attributes of the respective Com-
Spec on both the sender and receiver side. For this purpose, the constraints [con-
str_10071] and [constr_10072] are defined8 .
[constr_10071] Allowed multiplicities of SenderComSpec attributes for commu-
nication between ApplicationSwComponentType and NvBlockSwComponent-
Type dThe allowed multiplicities for SenderComSpec attributes for a communica-
tion between ApplicationSwComponentType and NvBlockSwComponentType
are documented in Table 4.82.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()

As a general rule, queued communication between ApplicationSwComponentType and
NvBlockSwComponentType is not supported by AUTOSAR. The tables 4.82 (referenced by [con-
str_10071]) and 4.83 (referenced by [constr_10072]) nevertheless contain a column that represents
the case of queued communication for the sake of completeness. But consequently, this column is
consistently filled with “n/a” entries in the respective tables.

183 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Sender ApplicationSwComponentType
Receiver NvBlockSwComponentType
Queuing Configuration non-queued queued
SenderComSpec.transmissionAcknowledge d/c n/a
SenderComSpec.dataElement 1 n/a
SenderComSpec.handleOutOfRange d/c n/a
SenderComSpec.usesEndToEndProtection d/c n/a
SenderComSpec.transmissionProps.dataUpdatePeriod 0..1 n/a
SenderComSpec.transmissionProps.minimumSendInterval 0..1 n/a
SenderComSpec.transmissionProps.transmissionMode 0..1 n/a
SenderComSpec.networkRepresentation d/c n/a
SenderComSpec.compositeNetworkRepresentation d/c n/a
NonqueuedSenderComSpec.dataFilter d/c n/a
NonqueuedSenderComSpec.initValue 0..1 n/a

Table 4.82: Allowed multiplicities of SenderComSpec attributes for communica-

tion between ApplicationSwComponentType and NvBlockSwComponentType

Please note that the abbreviation “d/c” stands for “don’t care”.
[constr_10072] Allowed multiplicities of SenderComSpec attributes for commu-
nication between NvBlockSwComponentType and ApplicationSwComponent-
Type dThe allowed multiplicities for SenderComSpec attributes for a communica-
tion between NvBlockSwComponentType and ApplicationSwComponentType
are documented in Table 4.83.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
Sender NvBlockSwComponentType
Receiver ApplicationSwComponentType
Queuing Configuration non-queued queued
ReceiverComSpec.replaceWith 0 n/a
ReceiverComSpec.dataElement 1 n/a
ReceiverComSpec.receptionProps.dataUpdatePeriod 0 n/a
ReceiverComSpec.receptionProps.timeout 0 n/a
ReceiverComSpec.usesEndToEndProtection 0 n/a
ReceiverComSpec.maxDeltaCounterInit 0 n/a
ReceiverComSpec.handleOutOfRange 0 n/a
ReceiverComSpec.handleOutOfRangeStatus 0 n/a
ReceiverComSpec.maxNoNewOrRepeatedData 0 n/a
ReceiverComSpec.syncCounterInit 0 n/a
ReceiverComSpec.transformationComSpecProps 0 n/a
ReceiverComSpec.networkRepresentation 0 n/a
ReceiverComSpec.compositeNetworkRepresentation 0 n/a
QueuedReceiverComSpec.queueLength n/a n/a
NonqueuedReceiverComSpec.filter 0 n/a
NonqueuedReceiverComSpec.timeoutSubstitutionValue 0 n/a

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Software Component Template

NonqueuedReceiverComSpec.initValue 0..1 n/a
NonqueuedReceiverComSpec.aliveTimeout 0 n/a
NonqueuedReceiverComSpec.enableUpdate 0 n/a
NonqueuedReceiverComSpec.handleDataStatus 0 n/a
NonqueuedReceiverComSpec.handleNeverReceived 0..1 n/a
NonqueuedReceiverComSpec.handleTimeoutType 0 n/a

Table 4.83: Allowed multiplicities of ReceiverComSpec attributes for communi-

cation between NvBlockSwComponentType and ApplicationSwComponent-
Type Communication behavior to be implemented by the Software Compo-


AUTOSAR supports the handling of periodic data transmission and reception timeout
checking in the Classic AUTOSAR Basic Software layer. The definition of the transmis-
sion modes and time values is defined using the TPS_SystemTemplate [10].
The only value which is also available at the NonqueuedReceiverComSpec is the
aliveTimeout - as this value configures both communication stack timeout handling
(in case of remote communication) and RTE timeout handling (in case of local commu-
With the introduction of the transformer technology the aspects of periodic data trans-
mission and checking for timeout on reception may have to be implemented by the
application code. The main reason is that the E2E-Transformer needs to be called
periodically in order to keep its state machine up to date.
So, the application code needs to call the transmission / reception APIs periodically in
order to fulfill these timing requirements. But there may also be other reasons why the
application shall take care of the periodicity, for example in case the LdCom module
(which doesn’t have any timing features) is used.
The meta-classes TransmissionComSpecProps and ReceptionComSpecProps
have been introduced to define the expected communication behavior to be imple-
mented by the application code.
As the TransmissionComSpecProps and ReceptionComSpecProps define what
the expected communication behavior is, the values can also be utilized by commu-
nication (network) measurement tools to verify whether the application code actually
implements the attributes properly.
The attribute ReceptionComSpecProps.dataUpdatePeriod defines the time pe-
riod in which the receiving application shall call the reception API to check for new

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Software Component Template

The attribute ReceptionComSpecProps.timeout defines the time after which the

application shall assume that the to-be-received data reception has timed out.
The attribute NonqueuedReceiverComSpec.aliveTimeout might be defined as
well, resulting in duplicate timeout checks.
The communication stack / RTE would check for the value of attribute aliveTimeout
and the application code would check for the ReceptionComSpecProps.timeout.
Although it does not seem sensible to perform a timeout check twice, it is not forbidden.
The attribute TransmissionComSpecProps.dataUpdatePeriod defines the time
period in which the sending application shall call the send API.
The attributes TransmissionComSpecProps.minimumSendInterval and
TransmissionComSpecProps.transmissionMode define values which influence
the transmission behavior, implemented by the application code.
Note that the communication stack might also have a periodicity, minimum sending
time and transmission mode defined. And such doubled implementation might lead to
undesired effects. However AUTOSAR does not regulate the usage of the mechanisms
to be exclusive.

4.5.2 Communication Specification for Client-Server Communication Client ComSpec

The communication aspects relevant for client communication are sketched in Figure
+requiredComSpec PortPrototype

+transformationComSpecProps Describable
+ endToEndCallResponseTimeout: TimeValue [0..1] 0..*

+operation Identifiable
+ diagArgIntegrity: Boolean [0..1]

Figure 4.38: Communication attributes of RPortPrototype with respect to client-server


[constr_1540] Existence of ClientComSpec.operation dThe reference Client-

ComSpec.operation shall exist if the AbstractRequiredPortPrototype that
owns the ClientComSpec is typed by a ClientServerInterface. This rule shall
be imposed at any time in the workflow.c()

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Software Component Template

Class ClientComSpec
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note Client-specific communication attributes (RPortPrototype typed by ClientServerInterface).
Base ARObject, RPortComSpec
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
endToEndCall TimeValue 0..1 attr This attribute defines the maximum time interval in which
Response the application shall expect the servers’s response (time
Timeout between the sending of the call invocation until the arrival
of the server’s response).
operation ClientServerOperation 0..1 ref This represents the corresponding ClientServerOperation.
transformation TransformationCom * aggr This references the TransformationComSpecProps which
ComSpecProps SpecProps define port-specific configuration for data transformation.

Table 4.84: ClientComSpec

Note: on the AUTOSAR adaptive platform the ClientComSpec can also be used in
the context of RPortPrototypes typed by PortInterfaces that are not available
on the AUTOSAR classic platform. This is the motivation for the existence of [con-
[TPS_SWCT_01595] Semantics of attribute ClientComSpec.transformation-
ComSpecProps dThe attribute ClientComSpec.transformationComSpecProps
shall be used to configure PortPrototype-specific properties for data transforma-
tion in case of Client/Server inter-ECU communication for the reception of the server’s
response.c(RS_SWCT_03221) Server ComSpec

The server side looks very similar but provides an attribute for specifying the queue
+providedComSpec PortPrototype


+ queueLength: PositiveInteger [0..1]

+operation 0..1 +transformationComSpecProps 0..*

AtpStructureElement Describable
Identifiable TransformationComSpecProps

+ diagArgIntegrity: Boolean [0..1]

Figure 4.39: Communication attributes of PPortPrototype with respect to client-server


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Software Component Template

Class ServerComSpec
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note Communication attributes for a server port (PPortPrototype and ClientServerInterface).
Base ARObject, PPortComSpec
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
operation ClientServerOperation 0..1 ref Operation these communication attributes apply to.
queueLength PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Length of call queue on the server side. The queue is
implemented by the RTE. The value shall be greater or
equal to 1. Setting the value of queueLength to 1 implies
that incoming requests are rejected while another request
that arrived earlier is being processed.
transformation TransformationCom * aggr This references the TransformationComSpecProps which
ComSpecProps SpecProps define port-specific configuration for data transformation.

Table 4.85: ServerComSpec

[constr_1893] Existence of attribute ServerComSpec.queueLength dFor each

ServerComSpec, attribute queueLength shall exist at the time when the RTE
is generated.c()
[constr_1541] Existence of ServerComSpec.operation dThe reference Server-
ComSpec.operation shall exist if the AbstractProvidedPortPrototype that
owns the ServerComSpec is typed by a ClientServerInterface.
This rule shall be imposed at any time in the workflow.c()
Note: on the AUTOSAR adaptive platform the ServerComSpec can also be used in
the context of RPortPrototypes typed by PortInterfaces that are not available
on the AUTOSAR classic platform. This is the motivation for the existence of [con-
[TPS_SWCT_01225] RunnableEntity implements the functionality of more than
one ClientServerOperations dA single RunnableEntity can implement the
functionality of more than one ClientServerOperations.
For this purpose, one OperationInvokedEvent for each affected ClientServer-
Operation shall reference the respective RunnableEntity.
The attribute ServerComSpec.queueLength shall be taken for the determination of
the resulting queue length, [constr_1128] applies.c()
For more information about requirements towards ClientServerOperations trig-
gering the same RunnableEntity can be found in section, specifically [con-
[constr_1128] Queue length of ClientServerOperations associated with the
same RunnableEntity dIf two or more OperationInvokedEvents reference a
single RunnableEntity the value of the ServerComSpec attribute queueLength
shall be identical for all ServerComSpecs owned by PPortPrototypes of the en-
closing SwComponentType that reference one of the ClientServerOperations
that are also referenced by the OperationInvokedEvents.

188 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01596] Semantics of attribute ServerComSpec.transformation-
ComSpecProps dThe attribute ServerComSpec.transformationComSpecProps
shall be used to configure PortPrototype-specific properties for data transforma-
tion in case of Client/Server inter-ECU communication for the reception of the client’s
See chapter 4.5.6 for details.

4.5.3 Communication Specification for Mode Switch Communication Mode Switch Sender ComSpec

In analogy to the previous section, Figure 4.40 shows the meta-model elements rele-
vant for a mode switch communication.
On the sender side it is possible to specify that an acknowledgement is supposed to
be returned that indicates the successful processing of the mode switch request.
PPortComSpec +providedComSpec

ModeSwitchSenderComSpec +modeGroup
+ enhancedModeApi: Boolean [0..1] 0..1
+ queueLength: PositiveInteger [0..1] + swCalibrationAccess: SwCalibrationAccessEnum [0..1]

+modeSwitchedAck ModeSwitchedAckRequest

0..1 + timeout: TimeValue [0..1]

Figure 4.40: Communication attributes of PPortPrototype with respect to mode switch


Class ModeSwitchSenderComSpec
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note Communication attributes of PPortPrototypes with respect to mode communication
Base ARObject, PPortComSpec
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
enhancedMode Boolean 0..1 attr This controls the creation of the enhanced mode API that
Api returns information about the previous mode and the next
mode. If set to "true" the enhanced mode API is
supposed to be generated. For more details please refer
to the SWS_RTE.
modeGroup ModeDeclarationGroup 0..1 ref ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype (of the same Port
Prototype Interface) to which these communication attributes apply.

189 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class ModeSwitchSenderComSpec
modeSwitched ModeSwitchedAck 0..1 aggr If this aggregation exists an acknowledgement for the
Ack Request successful processing of the mode switch request is
queueLength PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Length of call queue on the mode user side. The queue is
implemented by the RTE. The value shall be greater or
equal to 1. Setting the value of queueLength to 1 implies
that incoming requests are rejected while another request
that arrived earlier is being processed.

Table 4.86: ModeSwitchSenderComSpec

Class ModeSwitchedAckRequest
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note Requests acknowledgements that a mode switch has been proceeded successfully
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
timeout TimeValue 0..1 attr Number of seconds before an error is reported or in case
of allowed redundancy, the value is sent again.

Table 4.87: ModeSwitchedAckRequest

[constr_1894] Existence of attribute ModeSwitchSenderComSpec.queueLength

dFor each ModeSwitchSenderComSpec, attribute queueLength shall exist at the
time when the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1895] Existence of attribute ModeSwitchSenderComSpec.modeGroup
dFor each ModeSwitchSenderComSpec, attribute modeGroup shall exist at the
time when the contract phase generation is executed.c() Mode Switch Receiver ComSpec

[TPS_SWCT_01514] Duplicate existence of enhancedModeApi in the context

of a PRPortPrototype dIf the attribute enhancedModeApi is defined in a Mod-
eSwitchReceiverComSpec owned by a PRPortPrototype, its value shall be ig-
RPortComSpec +requiredComSpec

ModeSwitchReceiverComSpec +modeGroup ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype
+ enhancedModeApi: Boolean [0..1] 0..1 +
+ supportsAsynchronousModeSwitch: Boolean [0..1] swCalibrationAccess: SwCalibrationAccessEnum [0..1]

Figure 4.41: Communication attributes of PPortPrototype with respect to mode switch


190 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class ModeSwitchReceiverComSpec
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note Communication attributes of RPortPrototypes with respect to mode communication
Base ARObject, RPortComSpec
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
enhancedMode Boolean 0..1 attr This controls the creation of the enhanced mode API that
Api returns information about the previous mode and the next
mode. If set to "true" the enhanced mode API is
supposed to be generated. For more details please refer
to the SWS_RTE.
modeGroup ModeDeclarationGroup 0..1 ref ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype (of the same Port
Prototype Interface) to which these communication attributes apply.
supports Boolean 0..1 attr This attribute controls the behavior of the corresponding
Asynchronous RPortPrototype with respect to the question whether it
ModeSwitch can deal with asynchronous mode switch requests, i.e. if
set to true, the RPortPrototype is able to deal with an
asynchronous mode switch request.

Table 4.88: ModeSwitchReceiverComSpec

[constr_1896] Existence of attribute ModeSwitchReceiverComSpec.modeGroup

dFor each ModeSwitchReceiverComSpec, attribute modeGroup shall exist at the
time when the contract phase generation is executed.c()

4.5.4 Communication Specification for Parameters

Granted, the definition of a ComSpec for ParameterDataPrototypes looks strange

on first sight. A ParameterDataPrototype owned by a PPortPrototype typed by
a ParameterInterface is not actually transmitted over any communication medium.
Therefore, the term communication should in this case be taken with a grain of salt.
However, it is generally necessary to be able to define role-specific initial values for Pa-
rameterDataPrototypes aggregated in a ParameterInterface. In other words,
the actual problem closely resembles the definition of initial values in the case of
sender-receiver communication.
[TPS_SWCT_01226] initValue on the level of a ComSpec is relevant for connec-
tions to the corresponding PortPrototype dPlease note that (along the example
of sender-receiver communication) only the initValue defined in the context of a
ParameterProvideComSpec or ParameterRequireComSpec is relevant for con-
nections to the corresponding PortPrototype. An initValue defined in the scope
of a ParameterDataPrototype is ignored.c()
Therefore, it is only reasonable to apply the existing and well-known pattern to the
definition of initial values for ParameterDataPrototypes aggregated in a Parame-
terInterface. The actual modeling is sketched in Figure 4.42 for provided Parame-
terDataPrototypes and in Figure 4.43 for required ParameterDataPrototypes.

191 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

PPortComSpec +providedComSpec

+parameter AutosarDataPrototype
ValueSpecification +initValue ParameterProvideComSpec
+ shortLabel: Identifier [0..1] 0..1 0..1

Figure 4.42: Communication attributes of ParameterDataPrototypes with respect to


Class ParameterProvideComSpec
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note "Communication" specification that applies to parameters on the provided side of a connection.
Base ARObject, PPortComSpec
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
initValue ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr The initial value applicable for the corresponding
parameter ParameterData 0..1 ref The ParameterDataPrototype to which the Parameter
Prototype ComSpec applies.

Table 4.89: ParameterProvideComSpec

[constr_1897] Existence of reference ParameterProvideComSpec.parameter

dFor each ParameterProvideComSpec, the reference parameter shall exist at
the time when the contract phase generation is executed.c()
RPortComSpec +requiredComSpec PortPrototype
0..* AbstractRequiredPortPrototype

+parameter AutosarDataPrototype
ValueSpecification +initValue ParameterRequireComSpec
+ shortLabel: Identifier [0..1] 0..1 0..1

Figure 4.43: Communication attributes of ParameterDataPrototypes with respect to


Class ParameterRequireComSpec
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note "Communication" specification that applies to parameters on the required side of a connection.
Base ARObject, RPortComSpec
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
initValue ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr The initial value applicable for the corresponding
parameter ParameterData 0..1 ref The ParameterDataPrototype to which the Parameter
Prototype RequireComSpec applies.

Table 4.90: ParameterRequireComSpec

192 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

[constr_1898] Existence of reference ParameterRequireComSpec.parameter

dFor each ParameterRequireComSpec, the reference parameter shall exist at
the time when the contract phase generation is executed.c()

4.5.5 Communication Specification for NV Data NV Require ComSpec

[TPS_SWCT_01227] Unconnected AbstractRequiredPortPrototype typed by

NvDataInterface dFor this purpose it is possible to let the AbstractRequired-
PortPrototype own an NvRequireComSpec that in turn owns a ValueSpecifi-
cation in the role of initValue.
It is therefore possible to provide an nvData with a reasonable value even if the
corresponding AbstractRequiredPortPrototype remains unconnected.c(RS_-
+requiredComSpec PortPrototype
0..* AbstractRequiredPortPrototype

ValueSpecification +initValue NvRequireComSpec +variable
+ shortLabel: Identifier [0..1] 0..1 0..1

Figure 4.44: Communication attributes of a required VariableDataPrototypes used in

the context of an NvDataInterface

[TPS_SWCT_01754] initValue defined in the context of a ComSpec dUnless

[TPS_SWCT_01755] applies, only the initValue defined in the context of a NvRe-
quireComSpec is relevant for connections to the corresponding PortPrototype.
An initValue defined in the scope of a VariableDataPrototype shall be ignored
[TPS_SWCT_01755] Duplicate existence of initValue in the context of a PR-
PortPrototype typed by an NvDataInterface dIf an initValue is defined in a
NvRequireComSpec owned by a PRPortPrototype, its value shall be ignored.
Instead, the initValue shall be taken from the NvProvideComSpec.ramBlock-
Class NvRequireComSpec
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note Communication attributes of RPortPrototypes with respect to Nv data communication on the required
Base ARObject, RPortComSpec
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

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Class NvRequireComSpec
initValue ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr The initial value owned by the NvComSpec
variable VariableDataPrototype 0..1 ref The VariableDataPrototype the ComSpec applies for.

Table 4.91: NvRequireComSpec

[constr_1899] Existence of reference NvRequireComSpec.variable dFor each

NvRequireComSpec, the reference variable shall exist at the time when the
contract phase generation is executed.c() NV Provide ComSpec

[TPS_SWCT_01228] NvProvideComSpec dAs communication with an NvBlock-

SwComponentType is in most cases bi-directional it is also necessary to consider role-
specific communication attributes for AbstractProvidedPortPrototypes typed
by an NvDataInterface. For this purpose the NvProvideComSpec is defined.
The main purpose of this kind of ComSpec is the definition of initial values for the RAM
Block and the ROM Block that corresponds to an nvData defined in the context
of the NvDataInterface used to type the given AbstractProvidedPortProto-
More information about NvProvideComSpec please refer to Figure 4.45.
Note that these initial values can be taken as an input for designing an NvBlock-
SwComponentType, in particular the ramBlocks and romBlocks of NvBlockDe-
scriptors owned by the NvBlockSwComponentType. Further details are explained
in Figure 11.9.
Also, note that the romBlockInitValue provided in the NvProvideComSpec does
not necessarily have to be identical to the respective section within romBlock in the
This could happen if an NvBlockSwComponentType is already existing and an Ap-
plicationSwComponentType is connected to it. Finally, the romBlock inside the
NvBlockDescriptor is the only relevant information for the RTE generation.
+providedComSpec PortPrototype

ValueSpecification 0..1 NvProvideComSpec +variable
+ shortLabel: Identifier [0..1] +ramBlockInitValue 0..1


Figure 4.45: Communication attributes of a provided VariableDataPrototypes used

in the context of an NvDataInterface

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Software Component Template

In other words, by means of the NvProvideComSpec the author of an Applica-

tionSwComponentType can express detailed requirements on the later design of a
corresponding NvBlockSwComponentType.
Class NvProvideComSpec
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note Communication attributes of PPortPrototypes with respect to Nv data communication on the provided
Base ARObject, PPortComSpec
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
ramBlockInit ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr This represents the initial value of the RAM Block that
Value corresponds to the referenced variable.
romBlockInit ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr This represents the initial value of the ROM block that
Value corresponds to the referenced variable.
variable VariableDataPrototype 0..1 ref This represents the variable for which the ComSpec is

Table 4.92: NvProvideComSpec

[constr_1900] Existence of reference NvProvideComSpec.variable dFor each

NvProvideComSpec, the reference variable shall exist at the time when the
contract phase generation is executed.c()

4.5.6 Configuration of Data Transformation

The big picture of data transformation in AUTOSR is explained in the TPS System
Template [10]. This chapter focuses on the aspects of data transformation that are
related to the configuration of software-components.
Using the TransformationComSpecProps it is possible to define configuration op-
tions for specific transformers of inter-ECU communication which is subject to data
[TPS_SWCT_01594] Semantics of TransformationComSpecProps dThe defini-
tion of a TransformationComSpecProps can always be provided in the SWC de-
scription but the configuration shall only have an effect if
1. the actual communication involves at least two EcuInstances
2. the respective data transformer (given by the used TransformationCom-
SpecProps) is used during data transformation (see DataTransformation)
For clarification, the configuration given in TransformationComSpecProps will sim-
ply be ignored if the conditions defined by [TPS_SWCT_01594] do not apply.
[TPS_SWCT_01597] PortPrototype-specific data transformation configuration
dMeta-class TransformationComSpecProps shall be used for the specification of

195 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

PortPrototype-specific configuration options for data transformation of inter-ECU

Please note that only some transformers offer PortPrototype-specific configuration
(e.g. SOME/IP transformer doesn’t have TransformationComSpecProps).
PPortComSpec RPortComSpec
ServerComSpec ClientComSpec

+ endToEndCallResponseTimeout: TimeValue [0..1]

0..* +transformationComSpecProps +transformationComSpecProps 0..*

+ clearFromValidToInvalid: Boolean [0..1]
+ disableEndToEndCheck: Boolean [0..1]
+transformationComSpecProps 0..* + disableEndToEndStateMachine: Boolean [0..1]
+ maxDeltaCounter: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ maxErrorStateInit: PositiveInteger [0..1]
RPortComSpec + maxErrorStateInvalid: PositiveInteger [0..1]
ReceiverComSpec + maxErrorStateValid: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ maxNoNewOrRepeatedData: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ minOkStateInit: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ minOkStateInvalid: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ minOkStateValid: PositiveInteger [0..1]
ARElement + syncCounterInit: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+e2eProfileCompatibilityProps + windowSizeInit: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ windowSizeInvalid: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ transitToInvalidExtended: Boolean [0..1] + windowSizeValid: PositiveInteger [0..1]

Figure 4.46: Specification of data transformation properties within ReceiverComSpec,

ServerComSpec, and ClientComSpec

Class TransformationComSpecProps (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note TransformationComSpecProps holds all the attributes for transformers that are port specific.
Base ARObject, Describable
Subclasses EndToEndTransformationComSpecProps, UserDefinedTransformationComSpecProps
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 4.93: TransformationComSpecProps

It can be determined by the specific TransformationComSpecProps to which trans-

former this configuration is applicable:
• The configuration in EndToEndTransformationComSpecProps is applicable
to E2E transformer (protocol of TransformationTechnology is set to End-
• The configuration in UserDefinedTransformationComSpecProps is appli-
cable to a user-defined transformer.
[TPS_SWCT_01598] More than one user-defined transformer is used within
one transformer chain dIf more than one user-defined transformer is used within
one transformer chain (defined by meta-class TransformationTechnology), the
UserDefinedTransformationComSpecProps shall be assigned to the correct

196 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

user-defined custom transformer in TransformationTechnology.c(RS_SWCT_-


0..* +dataTransformation +secondToFirstDataTransformation 0..1 +firstToSecondDataTransformation 0..1
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» Identifiable

+ dataTransformationKind: DataTransformationKindEnum [0..1]

+ executeDespiteDataUnavailability: Boolean
0..1 +dataTransformation +comBasedSignalGroupTransformation 0..1
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» «atpVariation,atpSplitable»

FibexElement FibexElement
«enumeration» ISignal +iSignal ISignalGroup
+ dataTypePolicy: DataTypePolicyEnum 0..*
symmetric + iSignalType: ISignalTypeEnum [0..1]
asymmetricFromByteArray + length: UnlimitedInteger

+transformationISignalProps 0..* +transformationISignalProps 0..*


+ csErrorReaction: CSTransformerErrorReactionEnum [0..1]

1..* +transformer
0..* +transformationTechnology {ordered} +transformerChain 1

Identifiable «enumeration»
TransformationTechnology TransformerClassEnum

+ hasInternalState: Boolean [0..1] serializer

+ needsOriginalData: Boolean [0..1] safety
+ protocol: String security
+ transformerClass: TransformerClassEnum custom
+ version: String

    +bufferProperties 1

CompuScale BufferProperties
0..1 +transformationDescription
+ mask: PositiveInteger [0..1] + headerLength: Integer
Describable + shortLabel: Identifier [0..1] + inPlace: Boolean
TransformationDescription + symbol: CIdentifier [0..1]
+ lowerLimit: Limit [0..1]
+ upperLimit: Limit [0..1]

Figure 4.47: Big picture of data transformation in the AUTOSAR meta-model

[constr_1400] Reference to a specific DataTransformation dA specific Data-

Transformation shall only be referenced by either
• a DataPrototypeMapping in the role firstToSecondDataTransforma-
tion (and potentially secondToFirstDataTransformation) or
• an ISignal in the role dataTransformation or
• an ISignalGroup in the role comBasedSignalGroupTransformation or
• a ClientServerOperationMapping in the role firstToSecondData-

197 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1401] Restrictions on the relation between DataPrototypeMapping and
DataTransformation dA VariableDataPrototype in the context of a PortPro-
totype shall – at the time when the RTE is generated – not be referenced
by a DataPrototypeMapping that references a DataTransformation while a
DataMapping exists that points to this VariableDataPrototype (via the System-
Signal) that also refers to an ISignal that in turn references a DataTransforma-
In other words: a VariableDataPrototype can either become a part of a Dat-
aPrototypeMapping-based data transformation or of an ISignal-based data trans-
Please note that in a composite software structure the VariableDataProto-
type can be delegated throughout the CompositionSwComponentType and [con-
str_1401] still applies.
Class TransformationTechnology
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Transformer
Note A TransformationTechnology is a transformer inside a transformer chain.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
bufferProperties BufferProperties 1 aggr Aggregation of the mandatory BufferProperties.
hasInternal Boolean 0..1 attr This attribute defines whether the Transformer has an
State internal state or not.
needsOriginal Boolean 0..1 attr Specifies whether this transformer gets access to the
Data SWC’s original data.
protocol String 1 attr Specifies the protocol that is implemented by this
transformation Transformation 0..1 aggr A transformer can be configured with transformer specific
Description Description parameters which are represented by the Transformer
Stereotypes: atpVariation
transformer TransformerClassEnum 1 attr Specifies to which transformer class this transformer
Class belongs.
version String 1 attr Version of the implemented protocol.

Table 4.94: TransformationTechnology

Class UserDefinedTransformationComSpecProps
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note The UserDefinedTransformationComSpecProps is used to specify port specific configuration properties
for custom transformers.
Base ARObject, Describable, TransformationComSpecProps
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 4.95: UserDefinedTransformationComSpecProps

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Software Component Template

Based on the user defined attributes inside UserDefinedTransformationCom-

SpecProps (which are, of course, not standardized), the generator of the user-
defined transformer shall determine to which user-defined transformer a UserDe-
finedTransformationComSpecProps belongs to.
[TPS_SWCT_01599] PortPrototype-specific configuration for custom trans-
formers dMeta-class UserDefinedTransformationComSpecProps shall be used
for the specification of PortPrototype-specific configuration options for custom
Please note that it is possible to add custom configuration items in UserDefined-
TransformationComSpecProps by means of the attribute adminData.sdg.
Class EndToEndTransformationComSpecProps
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Transformer
Note The class EndToEndTransformationIComSpecProps specifies port specific configuration properties for
EndToEnd transformer attributes.
Base ARObject, Describable, TransformationComSpecProps
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
clearFromValid Boolean 0..1 attr Clear monitoring window on transition from state Valid to
ToInvalid state Invalid.
disableEndTo Boolean 0..1 attr Disables/Enables the E2E check. The E2Eheader is
EndCheck removed from the payload independent from the setting of
this attribute.
disableEndTo Boolean 0..1 attr Disables the E2EStateMachine (only E2E check
EndState functionality is performed)
e2eProfile E2EProfileCompatibility 0..1 ref Reference to additional settings for the E2E state
Compatibility Props machine.
maxDelta PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Maximum allowed difference between two counter values
Counter of two consecutively received valid messages. For
example, if the receiver gets data with counter 1 and Max
DeltaCounter is 3, then at the next reception the receiver
can accept Counters with values 2, 3 or 4.
maxErrorState PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Maximal number of checks in which ProfileStatus equal to
Init E2E_P_ERROR was determined, within the last Window
Size checks, for the state E2E_SM_INIT.
The minimum value is 0.
maxErrorState PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Maximal number of checks in which ProfileStatus equal to
Invalid E2E_P_ERROR was determined, within the last Window
Size checks, for the state E2E_SM_INVALID.
The minimum value is 0.
maxErrorState PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Maximal number of checks in which ProfileStatus equal to
Valid E2E_P_ERROR was determined, within the last Window
Size checks, for the state E2E_SM_VALID.
The minimum value is 0.
maxNoNewOr PositiveInteger 0..1 attr EndToEndTransformationDescription holds these
RepeatedData attributes which are profile specific and have the same
value for all E2E transformers.
minOkStateInit PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Minimal number of checks in which ProfileStatus equal to
E2E_P_OK was determined, within the last WindowSize
checks, for the state E2E_SM_INIT.
The minimum value is 1.

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Software Component Template

Class EndToEndTransformationComSpecProps
minOkState PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Minimal number of checks in which ProfileStatus equal to
Invalid E2E_P_OK was determined, within the last WindowSize
checks, for the state E2E_SM_INVALID.
The minimum value is 1.
minOkState PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Minimal number of checks in which ProfileStatus equal to
Valid E2E_P_OK was determined, within the last WindowSize
checks, for the state E2E_SM_VALID.
The minimum value is 1.
syncCounterInit PositiveInteger 0..1 attr EndToEndTransformationDescription holds these
attributes which are profile specific and have the same
value for all E2E transformers.
windowSizeInit PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Size of the monitoring window of state Init for the E2E
state machine.
windowSize PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Size of the monitoring window of state Invalid for the E2E
Invalid state machine.
windowSize PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Size of the monitoring window of state Valid for the E2E
Valid state machine.
Table 4.96: EndToEndTransformationComSpecProps

[TPS_SWCT_01600] PortPrototype-specific configuration for data transform-

ers related to end-to-end protection dMeta-class EndToEndTransformationCom-
SpecProps shall be used for the specification of PortPrototype-specific config-
uration options for data transformers related to end-to-end protection.c(RS_SWCT_-
[TPS_SWCT_01812] Conditional relevance of attribute EndToEndTransforma-
tionComSpecProps.disableEndToEndStateMachine dIf EndToEndTransfor-
mationComSpecProps.disableEndToEndCheck is set to True then the value
shall be ignored.c(RS_SWCT_03221)
Class E2EProfileCompatibilityProps
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Transformer
Note This meta-class collects settings for configuration of the E2E state machine.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
transitToInvalid Boolean 0..1 attr E2E State machine behavior concerning transition from
value=0 (false): no direct transition from NODATA to
INVALID, no transition from INIT to INVALID due to
counter-related faults (Autosar R19-11 or former
value=1 (true): direct transition from NODATA to INVALID
covered, transition from INIT to INVALID due to
counter-related faults covered (state machine extended)

Table 4.97: E2EProfileCompatibilityProps

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Software Component Template

[constr_5234] Existence of attribute E2EProfileCompatibilityProps.

transitToInvalidExtended is mandatory for each EndToEndTrans-
formationComSpecProps dFor each EndToEndTransformationCom-
SpecProps, a reference in the role e2eProfileCompatibilityProps to
meta-class E2EProfileCompatibilityProps shall exist and the referenced
E2EProfileCompatibilityProps shall define a value for the attribute transit-
ToInvalidExtended at the time when the RTE is generated.c()

4.6 Port Groups within Component Types

[TPS_SWCT_01063] PortGroup dA SwComponentType can declare that some of its
PortPrototypes belong to a PortGroup.
Such a port group defines a logical grouping of PortPrototypes which is used as
input to configure the implementation of mode managers in the basic software, for
example the communication of bus signals associated with the grouped ports maybe
suppressed in a certain mode.c(RS_SWCT_03200, RS_SWCT_03201)
ARElement +port AtpBlueprintable
AtpBlueprint AtpPrototype
AtpBlueprintable «atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..* PortPrototype
SwComponentType +outerPort 0..*

Identifiable +innerGroup
+portGroup «instanceRef»
PortGroup 0..*
«atpVariation» 0..*

Figure 4.48: Declaration of PortGroups

Class PortGroup
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note Group of ports which share a common functionality
, e.g. need specific network resources. This information shall be available on the VFB level in order to
delegate it properly via compositions. When propagated into the ECU extract, this information is used as
input for the configuration of Services like the Communication Manager.
A PortGroup is defined locally in a component (which can be a composition) and refers to the "outer"
ports belonging to the group as well as to the "inner" groups which propagate this group into the
components which are part of a composition. A PortGroup within an atomic SWC cannot be linked to
inner groups.
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
innerGroup PortGroup * iref Links a PortGroup in a composition to another PortGroup,
that is defined in a component which is part of this
InstanceRef implemented by:InnerPortGroupIn

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Software Component Template

Class PortGroup
outerPort PortPrototype * ref Outer PortPrototype of this AtomicSwComponentType
which belongs to the group. A port can belong to several
groups or to no group at all.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table 4.98: PortGroup

[TPS_SWCT_01064] PortGroups have to be defined on the VFB level dThough

the declaration PortGroups is not relevant for the RTE, they have to be defined on
the VFB level, because they represent design decisions taken on this level.
Accordingly, PortGroups can be defined for CompositionSwComponentTypes as
well as for AtomicSwComponentTypes.c(RS_SWCT_03200, RS_SWCT_03201)
[TPS_SWCT_01065] PortPrototype may belong to more than one PortGroups
dA PortPrototype may belong to more than one PortGroups and PortGroups
can be associated with the “inner” PortGroups of SwComponentPrototypes which
are aggregated by the same SwComponentType as the PortGroup.
By this, PortGroups can be locally defined but still traced down the component hier-
archy.c(RS_SWCT_03200, RS_SWCT_03201)
[TPS_SWCT_01066] PortGroups can be associated with certain ServiceNeeds
dPortGroups can be associated with certain ServiceNeeds in order to trace the
information down to the configuration of the basic software.c(RS_SWCT_03200, RS_-
For more details, see chapter 7.11.2.
[constr_1147] Standardized values for the attribute category of meta-class
PortGroup d
The following values of the attribute category of meta-class PortGroup are reserved
by the AUTOSAR standard:
• MODE_MANAGEMENT: This represents the usage of the PortGroup for the pur-
pose of mode management
• PARTIAL_NETWORKING: This represents the usage of the PortGroup for the
purpose of partial networking
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()

4.7 End to End Protection

The aspect of end-to-end protection has seen different support by the AUTOSAR meta-

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Software Component Template

On the one hand, there is the definition of dedicated meta-classes, e.g. EndToEnd-
Description, which aim at an implementation that uses a so-called E2E wrapper
(an approach with a software component above RTE invoking the E2E library) or
AUTOSAR Com module callout mechanism (with Com callouts used to invoke E2E
This approach is documented in chapter 4.7 of this document.
As an alternative approach, it is possible to implement end-to-end protection using
so-called data transformers.
The detailed description of how this approach can be configured is beyond the scope
of this document. Please refer to the TPS System Template [10] where the details of
the alternative approach are explained.
Caveat: The E2E wrapper approach involves technologies that are not subjected to
the AUTOSAR standard and is superseded by the superior E2E transformer approach
(which is fully standardized by AUTOSAR, see [18]). Hence, new projects (without
legacy constraints due to carry-over parts) shall use the fully standardized E2E trans-
former approach.
As described in [19], there are cases where safety-related software-components pro-
tect the data exchanged between each other. For this purpose modeling support is
provided by the software-component template.
Note that several end-to-end profiles are selectable for a specific application. The
specific end-to-end profile is represented by the attribute category of meta-class
Semantically, the category value represents an identification of the specific end-to-
end profile applicable for the communication of the corresponding data element. Ac-
cording to [19] there are two pre-defined profiles that can be used.
[TPS_SWCT_01089] end-to-end communication protection dThe information spe-
cific to each profile is expressed by the set of attributes of EndToEndDescription
owned by EndToEndProtection in the role endToEndProfile.c(RS_SWCT_-
Class EndToEndDescription
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::EndToEndProtection
Note This meta-class contains information about end-to-end protection. The set of applicable attributes
depends on the actual value of the category attribute of EndToEndProtection.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
category NameToken 0..1 attr The category represents the identification of the concrete
E2E profile. The applicable values are specified in a
semantic constraint and determine the applicable
attributes of EndToEndDescription.

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Software Component Template

Class EndToEndDescription
counterOffset PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Bit offset of Counter from the beginning of the Array
representation of the Signal Group/VariableDataPrototype
(MSB order, bit numbering: bit 0 is the least important).
The offset shall be a multiplicity of 4 and it should be 8
whenever possible. For example, offset 8 means that the
counter will take the low nibble of the byte 1, i.e. bits 8 ..
11. If counterOffset is not present the value is defined by
the selected profile.
crcOffset PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Bit offset of CRC from the beginning of the Array
representation of the Signal Group/VariableDataPrototype
(MSB order, bit numbering: bit 0 is the least important).
The offset shall be a multiplicity of 8 and it should be 0
whenever possible. For example, offset 8 means that the
CRC will take the byte 1, i.e. bits 8..15. If crcOffset is not
present the value is defined by the selected profile.
dataId (ordered) PositiveInteger * attr This represents a unique numerical identifier.
Note: ID is used for protection against masquerading.
The details concerning the maximum number of values
(this information is specific for each E2E profile)
applicable for this attribute are controlled by a semantic
constraint that depends on the category of the EndToEnd
dataIdMode PositiveInteger 0..1 attr There are three inclusion modes how the implicit two-byte
Data ID is included in the one-byte CRC:
• dataIDMode = 0: Two bytes are included in the
CRC (double ID configuration) This is used in
variant 1A.
• dataIDMode = 1: One of the two bytes byte is
included, alternating high and low byte,
depending on parity of the counter (alternating ID
configuration). For even counter low byte is
included; For odd counters the high byte is
included. This is used in variant 1B.
• dataIDMode = 2: Only low byte is included, high
byte is never used. This is applicable if the IDs in
a particular system are 8 bits.
• dataIdMode = 3: The low byte is included in the
implicit CRC calculation, the low nibble of the
high byte is transmitted along with the data (i.e. it
is explicitly included), the high nibble of the high
byte is not used. This is applicable for the IDs up
to 12 bits.
dataIdNibble PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Bit offset of the low nibble of the high byte of Data ID. The
Offset applicability of this attribute is controlled by [constr_1261].
dataLength PositiveInteger 0..1 attr This attribute represents the length of the Array
representation of the Signal Group/VariableDataPrototype
including CRC and Counter in bits.

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Software Component Template

Class EndToEndDescription
maxDelta PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Initial maximum allowed gap between two counter values
CounterInit of two consecutively received valid Data, i.e. how many
subsequent lost data is accepted. For example, if the
receiver gets Data with counter 1 and MaxDeltaCounter
Init is 1, then at the next reception the receiver can accept
Counters with values 2 and 3, but not 4.
Note that if the receiver does not receive new Data at a
consecutive read, then the receiver increments the
tolerance by 1.
maxNoNewOr PositiveInteger 0..1 attr The maximum amount of missing or repeated Data which
RepeatedData the receiver does not expect to exceed under normal
communication conditions.
syncCounterInit PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Number of Data required for validating the consistency of
the counter that shall be received with a valid counter (i.e.
counter within the allowed lock-in range) after the
detection of an unexpected behavior of a received

Table 4.99: EndToEndDescription

[constr_1901] Existence of attribute EndToEndDescription.category dFor each

EndToEndDescription, attribute category shall exist at the time when the
contract phase generation is executed.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01090] EndToEndProtection dEndToEndProtection is the Iden-
tifiable class that owns specific elements for referencing the to-be-protected data
elements and signals
• EndToEndProtectionVariablePrototype: a specific dataElement
owned by a specific PortPrototype
• EndToEndProtectionISignalIPdu: a specific ISignalGroup in the con-
text of an ISignalIPdu. For more details please refer to [10]
[TPS_SWCT_01091] Two cases for end-to-end protection dIn order to protect
a VariableDataPrototype the EndToEndProtectionVariablePrototype shall be
defined. If communication is defined between ECUs using AUTOSAR COM the End-
ToEndProtectionISignalIPdu shall be defined as well.c(RS_SWCT_03240)
The following features apply:
• [constr_1000] End-to-end protection is limited to sender/receive communi-
cation dend-to-end protection applies for sender/receiver communication only.c
• The value of the dataId is assigned by a central authority rather than by the
developer of the software-component.

205 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

• The information about the dataId shall be available at both the sender and the
• [TPS_SWCT_01508] Scope of end-to-end protection dEnd-to-end protection
applies to local (i.e. within the ECU) as well as remote (i.e. ECU to ECU) commu-
[TPS_SWCT_01092] EndToEndProtectionSet dThe meta-class EndToEndPro-
tectionSet provides a container for EndToEndProtection. The aggregation is
stereotyped atpSplitable because the information about end-to-end protection
is added at a later step in the development workflow.c(RS_SWCT_03240)
It also has the stereotype atpVariation because this allows for implementing
the software-component in two variants, one that uses end-to-end protection and one
that does not use it. It also might happen that the communication ends themselves are
EndToEndProtection maintains InstanceRefs to one dataElement in the role
of sender and to one or many dataElements in the role of receiver. By this means
it is possible to support a 1:n communication scenario.
[TPS_SWCT_01093] Definition of end-to-end protection is splitable dEnd-
ToEndProtection aggregates EndToEndDescription using stereotype
By this means it is for the integrator of an ECU possible to generally specify the nature
of a specific end-to-end protection but leave the actual assignment of values (e.g. for
dataId) to a later process step.c(RS_SWCT_03240)

+ category: NameToken [0..1]

ARElement + counterOffset: PositiveInteger [0..1]
EndToEndProtectionSet +endToEndProfile + crcOffset: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+endToEndProtection EndToEndProtection + dataId: PositiveInteger [0..*] {ordered}
«atpSplitable» 0..1 + dataIdMode: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ dataIdNibbleOffset: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ dataLength: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ maxDeltaCounterInit: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ maxNoNewOrRepeatedData: PositiveInteger [0..1]
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» + syncCounterInit: PositiveInteger [0..1]
0..* +endToEndProtectionVariablePrototype
+receiver AtpInstanceRef
    «atpIdentityContributor» +sender
  + shortLabel: Identifier [0..1]
{redefines atpTarget}
«instanceRef» 0..* VariableDataPrototype

«instanceRef» 0..1

Figure 4.49: Details of the modeling of end-to-end protection

According to [19] the following constraints apply on the attributes of EndToEndPro-

tection (note that additional M1 constraints apply as described in [19]):

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Software Component Template

[constr_1110] Value of category in EndToEndDescription dThe attribute cat-

egory of EndToEndDescription can have the following values:
[TPS_SWCT_01094] category of EndToEndDescription dThe values for the
category of EndToEndDescription mentioned in [constr_1110] are standardized
and reserved for being used in the way the AUTOSAR standard foresees.
In addition, it is positively possible to use other than the standardized values for the
This aspect will be clarified in more detail in later revisions of the AUTOSAR standard.
For the time being, it shall be noted that the usage of other than the standardized
values shall not create name clashes with future standardized values.
This can be achieved by using e.g. a company-specific prefix or suffix to the value of
The semantics of the categorys is:
NONE this indicates that the E2E framework shall be enabled for the given sender/
receiver respectively the given iSignalIPdu. The wrapper code shall be
generated but it shall not invoke E2E library protection routines. E2E wrapper
works as pass-through.
This may be used when a profile selection or profile options are not yet selected
in a given system but it is required that the system can be built successfully
under consideration of the E2E library. This would also be applicable for migrating
from/to a system with/without E2E protection.
[TPS_SWCT_01095] category set to NONE dIf attributes exist in the presence
of the category being set to NONE, the attributes shall be ignored.c(RS_SWCT_-
PROFILE_01 This indicates that the settings of E2E profile 1 (that uses a SAE CRC8,
implicit 16-bit data ID, and a 4 bit alive counter) apply.
[constr_1113] Existence of attributes in PROFILE_01 dIn PROFILE_01, the
following attributes shall exist:
• dataLength
• dataId
at the time when the contract phase generation is exe-

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Please note that the attribute maxDeltaCounterInit is also part of PRO-

FILE_01 but it does not necessarily have to exist provided that ReceiverCom-
Spec.maxDeltaCounterInit exists.
[constr_1170] Interpretation of attribute maxDeltaCounterInit owned by
EndToEndDescription dIf EndToEndProtection.endToEndProtection-
VariablePrototype.receiver is identical to the RPortPrototype.re-
quiredComSpec.dataElement and RPortPrototype.requiredComSpec.
maxDeltaCounterInit is defined then the value of RPortPrototype.re-
quiredComSpec.maxDeltaCounterInit shall be preferred over the value
of EndToEndProtection.endToEndProfile.maxDeltaCounterInit.
If the value of category of EndToEndDescription is set to PROFILE_01
and either the described correspondence rule concerning the referenced Vari-
ableDataPrototype is not fulfilled or RPortPrototype.requiredComSpec.
maxDeltaCounterInit is not defined then EndToEndProtection.end-
ToEndProfile.maxDeltaCounterInit shall exist.c()
[constr_1111] Constraints of dataId in PROFILE_01 dIn PROFILE_01, there
shall be only one element in the set and the applicable range of values is
[0 .. 65535].
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()
[constr_1112] Constraints of dataIdMode in PROFILE_01 dIn PROFILE_01,
the applicable range of values for dataIdMode is [0 .. 3].
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()
[constr_1114] Constraints of crcOffset in PROFILE_01 dIn PROFILE_01,
the applicable range of values for crcOffset is [0 .. 65535]. For the value of
this attribute the constraint value mod 4 = 0 applies.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()
[constr_1115] Constraints of counterOffset in PROFILE_01 dIn PRO-
FILE_01, the applicable range of values for counterOffset is [0 .. 65535].
For the value of this attribute the constraint value mod 4 = 0 applies.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()
[constr_1116] Constraints of dataLength in PROFILE_01 dIn PROFILE_01,
the applicable range of values for dataLength is [0 .. 240]. For the value of this
attribute the constraint value mod 8 = 0 applies.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()

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Software Component Template

[constr_1117] Constraints of maxDeltaCounterInit in PROFILE_01 dIn

PROFILE_01, the applicable range of values for EndToEndDescription.
maxDeltaCounterInit and ReceiverComSpec.maxDeltaCounterInit is
[0 .. 14].
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()
[constr_1211] Constraints of maxNoNewOrRepeatedData in PROFILE_-
01 dIn PROFILE_01, the applicable range of values for EndToEndDescrip-
tion.maxNoNewOrRepeatedData and ReceiverComSpec.maxNoNewOrRe-
peatedData is [0 .. 14].
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()
[constr_1212] Constraints of syncCounterInit in PROFILE_01 dIn PRO-
FILE_01, the applicable range of values for EndToEndDescription.sync-
CounterInit and ReceiverComSpec.syncCounterInit is [0 .. 14].
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()
[constr_1215] Interpretation of attribute maxNoNewOrRepeatedData owned
by EndToEndDescription in PROFILE_01 dIf EndToEndProtection.
endToEndProtectionVariablePrototype.receiver is identical to the
RPortPrototype.requiredComSpec.dataElement and RPortPrototype.
requiredComSpec.maxNoNewOrRepeatedData is defined then the value
of RPortPrototype.requiredComSpec.maxNoNewOrRepeatedData shall
be preferred over the value of EndToEndProtection.endToEndProfile.
If the value of category of EndToEndDescription is set to PROFILE_01
and either the described correspondence rule concerning the referenced Vari-
ableDataPrototype is not fulfilled or RPortPrototype.requiredComSpec.
maxNoNewOrRepeatedData is not defined then EndToEndProtection.end-
ToEndProfile.maxNoNewOrRepeatedData shall exist.c()
[constr_1216] Interpretation of attribute syncCounterInit owned by End-
ToEndDescription in PROFILE_01 dIf EndToEndProtection.endToEnd-
ProtectionVariablePrototype.receiver is identical to the RPort-
Prototype.requiredComSpec.dataElement and RPortPrototype.re-
quiredComSpec.syncCounterInit is defined then the value of RPortPro-
totype.requiredComSpec.syncCounterInit shall be preferred over the
value of EndToEndProtection.endToEndProfile.syncCounterInit.
If the value of category of EndToEndDescription is set to PROFILE_01
and either the described correspondence rule concerning the referenced Vari-
ableDataPrototype is not fulfilled or RPortPrototype.requiredComSpec.

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Software Component Template

syncCounterInit is not defined then EndToEndProtection.endToEnd-

Profile.syncCounterInit shall exist.c()
[constr_1261] Applicability for EndToEndDescription.dataIdNibble-
Offset dEndToEndDescription.dataIdNibbleOffset shall be used only
if EndToEndDescription.dataIdMode is set to the value 3 and at the same
time EndToEndDescription.category is set to PROFILE_01.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01529] Default value for EndToEndDescription.dataIdNib-
bleOffset dIf EndToEndDescription.dataIdMode is set to the value 3 and
at the same time EndToEndDescription.category is set to the value PRO-
FILE_01 and EndToEndDescription.dataIdNibbleOffset is not speci-
fied, then the default value of 12 (bits) shall be assumed for the attribute End-
PROFILE_02 this indicates that the settings of E2E profile 2 apply.
[constr_1118] Existence of attributes in PROFILE_02 dIn PROFILE_02, only
the following attributes shall exist:
• dataLength
• dataId
at the time when the contract phase generation is executedc
Please note that the attribute maxDeltaCounterInit is also part of PRO-
FILE_01 but it does not necessarily have to exist provided that ReceiverCom-
Spec.maxDeltaCounterInit exists.
[constr_1171] Interpretation of attribute maxDeltaCounterInit of End-
ToEndDescription dIf EndToEndProtection.endToEndProtectionVa-
riablePrototype.receiver is identical to the RPortPrototype.re-
quiredComSpec.dataElement and RPortPrototype.requiredComSpec.
maxDeltaCounterInit is defined then the value of RPortPrototype.re-
quiredComSpec.maxDeltaCounterInit shall be preferred over the value
of EndToEndProtection.endToEndProfile.maxDeltaCounterInit.
If the value of category of EndToEndDescription is set to PROFILE_02
and either the described correspondence rule concerning the referenced Vari-
ableDataPrototype is not fulfilled or RPortPrototype.requiredComSpec.
maxDeltaCounterInit is not defined then EndToEndProtection.end-
ToEndProfile.maxDeltaCounterInit shall exist.c()
[constr_1119] Constraints of dataLength in PROFILE_02 dIn PROFILE_02,
the applicable range of values for dataLength is [0 .. 65535]. For the value of
this attribute the constraint value mod 8 = 0 applies.

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Software Component Template

This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()
[constr_1120] Constraints of dataId in PROFILE_02 dIn PROFILE_02, there
shall be exactly ordered 16 elements in the set and the applicable range of values
is [0 .. 255].
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()
[constr_1121] Constraints of maxDeltaCounterInit in PROFILE_02 dIn
PROFILE_02, the applicable range of values for EndToEndDescription.
maxDeltaCounterInit and ReceiverComSpec.maxDeltaCounterInit is
[0 .. 15].
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()
[constr_1213] Constraints of maxNoNewOrRepeatedData in PROFILE_-
02 dIn PROFILE_02, the applicable range of values for EndToEndDescrip-
tion.maxNoNewOrRepeatedData and ReceiverComSpec.maxNoNewOrRe-
peatedData is [0 .. 15].
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()
[constr_1214] Constraints of syncCounterInit in PROFILE_02 dIn PRO-
FILE_02, the applicable range of values for EndToEndDescription.sync-
CounterInit and ReceiverComSpec.syncCounterInit is [0 .. 15].
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()
[constr_1217] Interpretation of attribute maxNoNewOrRepeatedData owned
by EndToEndDescription in PROFILE_02 dIf EndToEndProtection.
endToEndProtectionVariablePrototype.receiver is identical to the
RPortPrototype.requiredComSpec.dataElement and RPortPrototype.
requiredComSpec.maxNoNewOrRepeatedData is defined then the value
of RPortPrototype.requiredComSpec.maxNoNewOrRepeatedData shall
be preferred over the value of EndToEndProtection.endToEndProfile.
If the value of category of EndToEndDescription is set to PROFILE_02
and either the described correspondence rule concerning the referenced Vari-
ableDataPrototype is not fulfilled or RPortPrototype.requiredComSpec.
maxNoNewOrRepeatedData is not defined then EndToEndProtection.end-
ToEndProfile.maxNoNewOrRepeatedData shall exist.c()

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Software Component Template

[constr_1218] Interpretation of attribute syncCounterInit owned by End-

ToEndDescription in PROFILE_02 dIf EndToEndProtection.endToEnd-
ProtectionVariablePrototype.receiver is identical to the RPort-
Prototype.requiredComSpec.dataElement and RPortPrototype.re-
quiredComSpec.syncCounterInit is defined then the value of RPortPro-
totype.requiredComSpec.syncCounterInit shall be preferred over the
value of EndToEndProtection.endToEndProfile.syncCounterInit.
If the value of category of EndToEndDescription is set to PROFILE_02
and either the described correspondence rule concerning the referenced Vari-
ableDataPrototype is not fulfilled or RPortPrototype.requiredComSpec.
syncCounterInit is not defined then EndToEndProtection.endToEnd-
Profile.syncCounterInit shall exist.c()
Class EndToEndProtectionSet
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::EndToEndProtection
Note This represents a container for collection EndToEndProtectionInformation.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
endToEnd EndToEndProtection * aggr This is one particular EndToEndProtection.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=endToEndProtection.shortName, endToEnd

Table 4.100: EndToEndProtectionSet

Class EndToEndProtection
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::EndToEndProtection
Note This meta-class represents the ability to describe a particular end to end protection.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
endToEnd EndToEndDescription 0..1 aggr This represents the particular EndToEndDescription.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
endToEnd EndToEndProtectionI * aggr Defines to which ISignalIPdu - ISignalGroup pair this End
Protection SignalIPdu ToEndProtection shall apply.
In case several ISignalGroups are used to transport the
data (e.g. fan-out in the RTE) there may exist several End
ToEndProtectionISignalIPdu definitions.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=endToEndProtectionISignalIPdu, endToEnd

212 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class EndToEndProtection
endToEnd EndToEndProtection * aggr Defines to which VariableDataPrototypes in the roles of
Protection VariablePrototype one sender and one or more receivers this EndTo
Variable Endprotection applies.
It shall be possible to aggregate several EndToEnd
ProtectionVariablePrototype in case additional
hierarchical decompositions are introduced subsequently.
In this case one particular PortPrototype is split into
multiple PortPrototypes and connectors, all representing
the same data entity.
Caveat: The E2E wrapper approach involves
technologies that are not subjected to the AUTOSAR
standard and is superseded by the superior E2E
transformer approach (which is fully standardized by
AUTOSAR). Hence, new projects (without legacy
constraints due to carry-over parts) shall use the fully
standardized E2E transformer approach.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
Label, endToEndProtectionVariablePrototype.variation

Table 4.101: EndToEndProtection

[constr_1902] Existence of attribute EndToEndProtection.endToEndProfile

dFor each EndToEndProtection, attribute endToEndProfile shall exist at the
time when the contract phase generation is executed.c()
Class EndToEndProtectionVariablePrototype
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::EndToEndProtection
Note It is possible to protect the data exchanged between software components. For this purpose, for each
communication to be protected, the user defines a separate EndToEndProtection (specifying a set of
protection settings) and refers to a variableDataPrototype in the role of sender and to one or many
variableDataPrototypes in the role of receiver. For details, see EndToEnd Library.
Caveat: The E2E wrapper approach involves technologies that are not subjected to the AUTOSAR
standard and is superseded by the superior E2E transformer approach (which is fully standardized by
AUTOSAR). Hence, new projects (without legacy constraints due to carry-over parts) shall use the fully
standardized E2E transformer approach.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
receiver VariableDataPrototype * iref This represents the receiver. Note that 1:n
communication is supported for this use case.
InstanceRef implemented by:VariableDataPrototypeIn
sender VariableDataPrototype 0..1 iref This represents the sender.
Can be optional if an ecu extract is provided and the
sender is part of the extract.
InstanceRef implemented by:VariableDataPrototypeIn

213 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class EndToEndProtectionVariablePrototype
shortLabel Identifier 0..1 attr This serves as part of the split key in case of more than
one EndToEndProtectionVariablePrototype is aggregated
in the bound model.
Stereotypes: atpIdentityContributor

Table 4.102: EndToEndProtectionVariablePrototype

Please note that using end-to-end protection it is explicitly supported that one sender
may correspond to one or more receivers.
[constr_1183] EndToEndProtectionVariablePrototypes aggregated by End-
ToEndProtection dAll EndToEndProtectionVariablePrototypes aggregated
by the same EndToEndProtection shall refer to the identical sender at the
time when the contract phase generation is executed.c()

4.8 Partial Networking

[TPS_SWCT_01169] Support for partial networking dOn the level of the Software
Component Template, partial networking is supported by means of the concept of a
“Virtual Function Cluster” (VFC).
The latter groups all communication on the VFB with respect to a given function. How-
ever, the conceptual idea of a Virtual Function Cluster is not represented in the meta-
model as such.
Instead, PortGroups are used to specify the grouping of PortPrototypes to the
higher conceptual level of a Virtual Function Cluster.c(RS_SWCT_03241, RS_SWCT_-
Please note that more information regarding the semantics of PortGroups can be
found in chapter 4.6.
There are no restrictions regarding the structure of PortGroup definitions on M1. One
PortPrototype may become a member of several PortGroups, thereby creating
overlapping PortGroups.
[TPS_SWCT_01170] Purpose of Virtual Function Cluster dThe purpose of Virtual
Function Cluster within the Software Component Template mainly has three aspects:
1. assign PortPrototypes (non service related) of Sender Receiver or Client
Server communication to Virtual Function Clusters.
2. control the behavior of the corresponding function in terms of whether it is re-
quired at a given point in time. This aspect is implemented by the concept of
a control port. Software-components that implement control ports of a Virtual
Function Cluster conceptually become VFC Controllers.

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Software Component Template

3. allow for the application software to retrieve the status of a given Virtual Function
Cluster. This aspect is implemented by the concept of a status port.
The usage of the generic concept of PortGroups for the purpose of partial networks
shall be indicated by setting the value of the attribute category of PortGroup to
PARTIAL_NETWORKING, see [constr_1147].

4.8.1 VFC Control Ports

[TPS_SWCT_01171] Purpose of a control port dThe purpose of a control port is to

request or release a VFC. Requesting means that the VFC is actively using commu-
nication resources while release boils down to the VFC being inactive, i.e. the corre-
sponding partial network may be shut down until further notice.
As the requesting and releasing semantics is implemented by means of interfacing the
BSW the corresponding control ports need to be typed by a PortInterface that has
the attribute isService set to true.c(RS_SWCT_03241)
[TPS_SWCT_01172] Requesting and releasing partial networks dFor requesting
and releasing partial networks, the BSW can be interfaced in two alternative (i.e. either
one or the other) ways:
• ComM: ClientServerInterface using the standardized ComM_UserRe-
quest.RequestComMode [20]
• BswM: SenderReceiverInterface using the standardized AppModeRe-
questInterface.requestedMode [21]
[TPS_SWCT_01173] Control port shall not become a part of the PortGroup
dPlease note that the control port shall not become a part of the PortGroup that
defines the particular VFC the control port is going to service.
The relationship is implemented by means of a specific SwcServiceDependency
that owns a RoleBasedPortAssignment to the intended control port and refers to
a PortGroup (that comprises the VFC) in the role representedPortGroup.c(RS_-
SWCT_03241, RS_SWCT_03201)
For further information, please refer to [TPS_SWCT_01126].

4.8.2 VFC Status Ports

[TPS_SWCT_01175] Actively query the status of a partial network dVery much like
mode management, the concept of partial networking supports the ability to actively
query the status of a partial network.

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This can be done by means of interfacing the BSW in three alternative (as in “one of”)
• ComM: ClientServerInterface using the standardized ComM_UserRe-
quest.GetCurrentComMode [20]
• ComM: ModeSwitchInterface using the standardized ComM_CurrentMode.
currentMode [20]
• BswM: ModeSwitchInterface using the standardized AppModeInter-
face.currentMode [21]
As mentioned above, the status of the ComM can be retrieved by either a
ClientServerInterface or a SenderReceiverInterface. Which of the two
alternatives applies in a specific case is up to the author of a software-component9 .
When using one of the possible SenderReceiverInterfaces, the correspondence
of the status port concept with mode management extends to the point that the status
of the partial network is returned as an actual ModeDeclaration.
This implies that all mechanisms foreseen by the Software Component Template to
react on mode changes are in place and can be used within the application software.
To assure that the communication via PortPrototypes that belong to a partial net-
work is valid the software component shall consider the status of the partial network
before communicating in order to assert its activity.
[TPS_SWCT_01174] Status port shall not become a member of the PortGroup
dA status port shall not become a member of the PortGroup that corresponds to the
partial network subject to the status port.
The relationship is implemented by means of a specific SwcServiceDependency
that owns a RoleBasedPortAssignment to the intended status port and refers to
a PortGroup (that comprises the VFC) in the role representedPortGroup.c(RS_-
SWCT_03241, RS_SWCT_03201)
For further information, please refer to [TPS_SWCT_01126].

4.9 Formal Definition of implicit Communication Behavior

[TPS_SWCT_01509] Implicit communication behavior dThe purpose of the formal
definition of the behavior of a SwComponentType with respect to the implicit commu-
nication can conceptually condense to two basic aspects:

The usage of the ClientServerInterface effectively implements a “pull” approach for the mode
information while the usage of the SenderReceiverInterface resembles a “push” approach if it is
used in combination with a SwcModeSwitchEvent.

216 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

• Stable data during the execution of a group of RunnableEntitys. This means

that all data values read by different RunnableEntitys are from the same
age. Therefore, the value is not changing during the execution of the chain of
• Coherent data consumption and propagation for a group of DataProto-
types. This means that a set of interdependent data values are from the
same calculation iteration. Therefore, the set of values has to be propagated
at once to RunnableEntitys requiring the complete result of the calculation.
RunnableEntitys which are part of the calculation chain may still consume
partly updated values.
[TPS_SWCT_01481] The meaning of the term stability with respect to Consis-
tencyNeeds dThe meaning of the term stability is that the values of a group of Vari-
ableDataPrototypes shall not change values during the execution of a group of
[TPS_SWCT_01482] The meaning of the term coherence with respect to Consis-
tencyNeeds dThe meaning of the term coherence means that the values of a group of
VariableDataPrototypes shall not be read by receiving RunnableEntitys until
all the producing RunnableEntitys are terminated.c(RS_SWCT_03065)
In response to these goals the meta-model provides means to express the correlation
between a group of RunnableEntitys and a group of DataPrototypes. These
groups might be defined hierarchically.
The information (in terms of ConsistencyNeeds) can be defined primarily during the
design of an AtomicSwComponentType but it is just as well possible to specify this
ConsistencyNeeds during the definition of CompositionSwComponentTypes.
For example, the existence of stable data is typically expected for the execution of
RunnableEntitys of several AtomicSwComponentTypes.
Please note that the two aspects stability and coherence are not necessarily con-
nected to each other. It is possible to require stability without coherence and vice
versa. For this purpose the roles dpgDoesNotRequireCoherency and regDoes-
NotRequireStability are needed.
[TPS_SWCT_01480] Stability and/or coherence is not required dIn order to be able
to clearly separate the aspect of stability from coherence it is possible to use the roles
dpgDoesNotRequireCoherency to express that a group of VariableDataProto-
types explicitly does not require consistency.
Likewise, regDoesNotRequireStability can be used to express that for a group
of RunnableEntitys stability with respect to data access is not required.c(RS_-

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Software Component Template

[TPS_SWCT_01479] Applicability of ConsistencyNeeds dConsistencyNeeds

can only be applied to RunnableEntitys that make use of “implicit” communication.c

+consistencyNeeds 0..*


«atpVariation,atpSplitable» «atpVariation,atpSplitable» «atpVariation,atpSplitable» «atpVariation,atpSplitable»

+regRequiresStability 0..* +regDoesNotRequireStability 0..* +dpgRequiresCoherency 0..* +dpgDoesNotRequireCoherency 0..*

AtpStructureElement AtpStructureElement
«instanceRef» Identifiable Identifiable
RunnableEntityGroup «instanceRef» DataPrototypeGroup
+runnableEntityGroup 0..*
+dataPrototypeGroup 0..* «instanceRef»
+runnableEntity 0..* +implicitDataAccess 0..*

AtpStructureElement AutosarDataPrototype
ExecutableEntity VariableDataPrototype

+ canBeInvokedConcurrently: Boolean [0..1] +dataElement 0..* +nvData 0..*

+ symbol: CIdentifier [0..1]

DataInterface DataInterface
SenderReceiverInterface NvDataInterface

Figure 4.50: Formal definition of implicit communication behavior

[TPS_SWCT_01466] ConsistencyNeeds applied on RunnableEntitys that

do not use implicit communication dIf a ConsistencyNeeds is applied on
RunnableEntitys that do not use implicit communication, it shall be ignored.c(RS_-
The formal definition of the implicit communication behavior foresees the grouping of
model elements in order to indicate their relevance for consistent implicit communica-
[TPS_SWCT_01470] RunnableEntityGroup dA RunnableEntitys belongs to a
specific RunnableEntityGroup if it is associated either directly with the given
RunnableEntityGroup or if the RunnableEntityGroup the RunnableEntity
belongs to is eventually (there can be more than one nesting level) referenced by the
given RunnableEntityGroup.c(RS_SWCT_03065)
[TPS_SWCT_01471] DataPrototypeGroup dA VariableDataPrototypes be-
longs to a specific DataPrototypeGroup if it is associated either directly with the
given DataPrototypeGroup or if the DataPrototypeGroup the VariableDat-
aPrototype belongs to is eventually (there can be more than one nesting level) ref-
erenced by the given DataPrototypeGroup.c(RS_SWCT_03065)

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Software Component Template

[constr_1231] ConsistencyNeeds aggregated by CompositionSwComponent-

Type dIf ConsistencyNeeds are aggregated by a CompositionSwComponent-
Type the associations stereotyped instanceRef may only refer to context and
target elements within the context of this CompositionSwComponentType.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the creation of the Compo-
sitionSwComponentType is finished.c()
For clarification, [constr_1231] includes VariableDataPrototypes owned by del-
egation PortPrototypes of the owning CompositionSwComponentType, Vari-
ableDataPrototypes in delegation PortPrototypes of CompositionSwCompo-
nentType instantiated in the enclosing CompositionSwComponentType, or Vari-
ableDataPrototypes in PortPrototypes owned by AtomicSwComponentTypes
instantiated inside the context of the enclosing CompositionSwComponentType.
[constr_1232] ConsistencyNeeds aggregated by AtomicSwComponentType dIf
ConsistencyNeeds are aggregated by a AtomicSwComponentType the asso-
ciations stereotyped instanceRef may only refer to context and target ele-
ments within the context of this AtomicSwComponentType at the time when
the contract phase generation is executed.c()
Strictly speaking, these are the RunnableEntitys and PortPrototypes of this
particular AtomicSwComponentType or RunnableEntityGroups and DataPro-
totypeGroups which are owned by the same AtomicSwComponentType.
Please note that pre-defined values for the category of RunnableEntityGroup
and DataPrototypeGroup are described in [1].
Class ConsistencyNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::ImplicitCommunicationBehavior
Note This meta-class represents the ability to define requirements on the implicit communication behavior.
Base ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dpgDoesNot DataPrototypeGroup * aggr This group of VariableDataPrototypes does not require
Require coherency with respect to the implicit communication
Coherency behavior.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
dpgRequires DataPrototypeGroup * aggr This group of VariableDataPrototypes requires coherency
Coherency with respect to the implicit communication behavior, i.e.
all read and write access to VariableDataPrototypes in the
DataPrototypeGroup by the RunnableEntitys of the
RunnableEntityGroup need to be handled in a coherent
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=dpgRequiresCoherency.shortName, dpg

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Class ConsistencyNeeds
regDoesNot RunnableEntityGroup * aggr This group of RunnableEntities does not require stability
RequireStability with respect to the implicit communication behavior.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=regDoesNotRequireStability.shortName, reg
regRequires RunnableEntityGroup * aggr This group of RunnableEntities requires stability with
Stability respect to the implicit communication behavior, i.e. all
read and write access to VariableDataPrototypes in the
DataPrototypeGroup by the RunnableEntitys of the
RunnableEntityGroup need to be handled in a stable
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=regRequiresStability.shortName, reg

Table 4.103: ConsistencyNeeds

Class RunnableEntityGroup
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::ImplicitCommunicationBehavior
Note This meta-class represents the ability to define a collection of RunnableEntities. The collection can be
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
runnableEntity RunnableEntity * iref This represents a collection of RunnableEntitys that
belong to the enclosing RunnableEntityGroup.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
InstanceRef implemented by:RunnableEntityIn
runnableEntity RunnableEntityGroup * iref This represents the ability to define nested groups of
Group RunnableEntitys.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
InstanceRef implemented by:InnerRunnableEntity

Table 4.104: RunnableEntityGroup

Class DataPrototypeGroup
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::ImplicitCommunicationBehavior
Note This meta-class represents the ability to define a collection of DataPrototypes that are subject to the
formal definition of implicit communication behavior. The definition of the collection can be nested.
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

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Class DataPrototypeGroup
dataPrototype DataPrototypeGroup * iref This represents the ability to define nested groups of
Group VariableDataPrototypes.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
InstanceRef implemented by:InnerDataPrototypeGroup
implicitData VariableDataPrototype * iref This represents a collection of VariableDataPrototypes
Access that belong to the enclosing DataPrototypeGroup
Stereotypes: atpVariation
InstanceRef implemented by:VariableDataPrototypeIn

Table 4.105: DataPrototypeGroup

4.9.1 Consistency Needs on Receiver Side

[TPS_SWCT_01472] Receiving SwComponentType owns a DataPrototype-

Group in the role dpgRequiresCoherency dIf a receiving SwComponentType
owns a DataPrototypeGroup in the role dpgRequiresCoherency for one or sev-
eral of its RunnableEntitys it is required that VariableDataPrototypes belong-
ing to the same DataPrototypeGroup are produced coherently. This means that the
values of the VariableDataPrototypes shall be of the same age.c(RS_SWCT_-
[TPS_SWCT_01473] Receiving SwComponentType owns a RunnableEntity-
Group in the role regRequiresStability dIf a receiving SwComponentType
owns a RunnableEntityGroup in the role regRequiresStability for one or sev-
eral of its RunnableEntitys it is required that the values of implicitly communicated
VariableDataPrototypes are kept stable over the execution of all RunnableEn-
titys belonging to the given RunnableEntityGroup.c(RS_SWCT_03065)
[TPS_SWCT_01474] Receiving SwComponentType owns a RunnableEntity-
Group in the role regRequiresStability and also owns one or several Dat-
aPrototypeGroups in the role dpgRequiresCoherency dIf a receiving SwCom-
ponentType owns a RunnableEntityGroup in the role regRequiresStability
and also owns one or several DataPrototypeGroups in the role dpgRequiresCo-
herency it is required that values of VariableDataPrototypes belonging to the
same DataPrototypeGroup are produced coherently.
This means that the values of the VariableDataPrototypes shall be of the same
age and are kept stable over the execution of all RunnableEntitys belonging to the
given RunnableEntityGroup.c(RS_SWCT_03065)

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4.9.2 Consistency Needs on Sender Side

[TPS_SWCT_01475] Sending SwComponentType owns a DataPrototypeGroup

in the role dpgRequiresCoherency dIf a sending SwComponentType owns a
DataPrototypeGroup in the role dpgRequiresCoherency for one or several of
its RunnableEntitys it is required that VariableDataPrototypes belonging to
the same DataPrototypeGroup are propagated at the same point of time to
RunnableEntitys which do not belong to the group of producing RunnableEn-
titys (which may, but don’t have to be formally described as a RunnableEntity-
The coherence is created at the point in time when the RunnableEntitys of the
producing group of RunnableEntitys terminate (and the implicit data get updated).
If those RunnableEntitys are reading the data also, those read accesses will not
read the coherent values but the intermediary values written by RunnableEntitys of
the same group.
For all other RunnableEntitys that are not member of the producing group of
RunnableEntitys it appears as if the data have been updated at this very point
In order to avoid incorrect configurations its possible to explicitly define the group of
RunnableEntitys for which the coherency does not apply.
[TPS_SWCT_01625] Sending SwComponentType owns a DataPrototypeGroup
in the role dpgRequiresCoherency and also RunnableEntityGroups dIf
a sending SwComponentType owns a DataPrototypeGroup in the role dp-
gRequiresCoherency, RunnableEntityGroups in the role regDoesNotRe-
quireStability may exist.
Read accesses from RunnableEntitys in those RunnableEntityGroups will not
read the coherent values but the intermediary values written by RunnableEntitys of
the same group.c(RS_SWCT_03065)

4.9.3 Consistency Needs for Senders and receivers of the same Data inside on

[TPS_SWCT_01476] Sender and receiver of the same implicitly communicated

VariableDataPrototypes are associated with the same RunnableEntity-
Group dFor the case of sender and receiver of the same implicitly communi-
cated VariableDataPrototypes are associated with the same RunnableEnti-
tyGroup [TPS_SWCT_01472], [TPS_SWCT_01473], [TPS_SWCT_01475] as well
as [TPS_SWCT_01475] apply with the exception that updates of the values of im-
plicitly communicated VariableDataPrototypes inside the given RunnableEn-
tityGroup become visible immediately after the producing RunnableEntity was

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5 Data Description

5.1 Introduction
[TPS_SWCT_01229] Three different levels of abstraction regarding the definition
of data types dIn the context of defining data types and prototypes, the AUTOSAR
concept distinguishes between three different levels of abstraction as depicted in Table
5.1.c(RS_SWCT_03215, RS_SWCT_03216, RS_SWCT_03217)

Application Data Level

Implementation Data Level

Base Type Level

Table 5.1: Abstraction Levels for Describing Data

[TPS_SWCT_01230] Application Data Level dThe Application Data Level is the

common level at which ApplicationSwComponentTypes specify a data type or pro-
This level allows to define all the data attributes which are needed from the application
point of view, in order to exchange data between software components or between a
software component and a measurement and calibration tool. It is possible to specify
data communication of a complete Virtual Function Bus based on this level only.
This level includes among other things the numerical range of values, the data structure
as well as the physical semantics.
Data semantics (e.g. physical units) is not in the focus1 for the RTE in order to make
communication technically possible.
However, it is important for a unique interpretation of data in the application software
and in measurement and calibration systems.c(RS_SWCT_03216)
Please note that ApplicationDataTypes – by virtue of being platform-independent
by definition – do not become visible as data types in the code implementation of
In former version of this specification, this level was not clearly separated from the
implementation level. These had the following drawbacks which are now solved:
• The model of primitive types (like integer, boolean, real, opaque) was anticipating
implementation aspects already on a very high level of design.
• The data type model used within ports, focusing on communication via the RTE,
was not sufficient to model all type-aspects of variables and parameters which are

There are some aspects that affect the RTE, e.g. scaling of dataElements

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visible within an AUTOSAR system for other purposes than RTE-communication,

namely NvM-data access, calibration, measurement, diagnostics, BSW-module
interfaces. Using a uniform type system covering all these aspects is now fa-
• Calibration parameters were not completely incorporated into the data type con-
cept. Some of their attributes (especially for curves and maps) could be spec-
ified only on the level of prototypes or were not completely formalized within
AUTOSAR (like SwRecordLayout).
• The data type system was not compatible with the usage in calibration standards
like ASAM-MCD (namely the usage of categorys).
• Adding implementation specific elements like a base type, was not possible with-
out formally changing the data type used in a VFB design. A mapping mecha-
nism that could be used in later project phases and is common in other parts of
AUTOSAR (e.g. for mapping components to ECUs) was missing.
• The RTE Specification contained many default rules and assumptions on how to
implement certain data types or prototypes in C. With a more formal description
of all relevant implementation aspects, the generation of C-interfaces is better
determined. But these aspects should be separated from the application level
• Since there could be many data types on the application level in a big system, the
probability of name clashes in the interfaces to the RTE was rather high. Using a
separate set of types to implement the RTE interfaces solves this issue.
[TPS_SWCT_01231] Application level may impose strong requirements on the
design of the corresponding implementation level dIt should be pointed out, that
with the specification of computation methods and record layouts, the application level
imposes strong requirements on the design of the corresponding implementation level.
It might even be the case, that when anticipating different implementations, these ele-
ments might be chosen differently.
This is due to the nature of these elements which form a bridge from the physical
world to the numerical representation (and vice versa). Nonetheless, we consider the
specification of these elements as belonging to the application level.
On the one hand, this information is required by MCD-tools and thus shall be part of a
rather high-level design. On the other hand, this approach will allow to use a limited set
of implementation data types.c(RS_SWCT_03215, RS_SWCT_03216, RS_SWCT_-
Further information about the compatibility requirements between application level and
implementation level can be found in section 6.2.5.
[TPS_SWCT_01232] Implementation Data Level dThe Implementation Data Level
is closer to the actual code implementation in a programming language like C, though
it is still an abstraction of the code.

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Its values correspond to the actual binary numbers handled by the programming lan-
guage on the CPU. It contains concepts like pointers and unions which relate to the
organization of data in memory and are not relevant for the application level.
This level also defines structure, but it can be more granular. For example, the appli-
cation level may define a text to be transferred to an instrument cluster as a primitive
type (if the structure is not relevant for the application), whereas on the implementation
level it could be modeled as an array of bytes.c(RS_SWCT_03217)
[TPS_SWCT_01233] Use case for the Implementation Data Level dThere are sev-
eral use cases for this level in AUTOSAR:
• First, the Implementation Data level can be used in the description of interfaces,
and data (e.g. debug data) within the basic software, see [6] for more details on
these use cases.
• ImplementationDataTypes should also be used to describe the interfaces of
libraries which operate on a purely numerical level.
• Implementation Data is also used for the description of interfaces between
software-components and the basic software (namely AUTOSAR Services), be-
cause these typically cover implementation aspects only.
• It is possible to define communication in a VFB system directly on this level if the
physical and semantical abstraction is not of interest.
• Last not least the input for the RTE generator is defined by data descriptions on
this level. This means that in case a SWC defines its data only on application level
a corresponding set of implementation data types shall be created (or generated)
as part of the ECU extract before the RTE can be generated.
[TPS_SWCT_01234] Base Level dThe Base Type Level is used to describe the prim-
itive elements in terms of bits and bytes from which the implementation data is built up.
It is considered as a separate level in order to allow for reuse of the basic types defined
on this level.
These base types still do not completely determine the actual implementation on a
programming language, but they impose strong restrictions for this as they define for
example the number of bits and bytes to be used.
Depending on the use case, the base types can be defined as platform independent or
can also contain platform specific attributes (namely endianess and alignment).c()
[TPS_SWCT_01235] Mapping of data defined on the Application level to the Im-
plementation and Base Type level dIt is important to understand, that the mapping
of data defined on the Application level to the Implementation and Base Type level
depends on the medium on which the data is transported.
For example, if a physical value can be expressed with sufficient accuracy and range
by a 16-bit unsigned integer, it still might look very different when sent over CAN, when

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seen by a software-component on a big-endian 32-bit machine or when seen by a

software-component on a little-endian 16-bit processor.
Conversion between several data implementations of the same application data type
might be necessary in case of communication between components on different ECUs.
AUTOSAR COM [22] is responsible for this.
It implies that the configuration depends on the definition of the data that are trans-
mitted between components2 .c(RS_SWCT_03215, RS_SWCT_03216, RS_SWCT_-
AUTOSAR COM might need to convert a 16-bit integer between little-endian and big-
endian representations; whereas an array of 16 bytes does not need to be swapped
even if the endianess changes. In case of intra-ECU communication byte order con-
version is not necessary, since the software-components reside on the same machine.
[TPS_SWCT_01236] Big picture of data types dAnother way of approaching the con-
cept of data types in AUTOSAR (especially with respect to the question of what “kind”
of data type in related to which modeling meta-level) is to sketch the following “big
picture” of data types:
ApplicationDataType Defined on M2 - provides the meta-model for data types on
application level. It covers the application-relevant aspects of a data type.
An ApplicationDataType shall finally be mapped to an Implementation-
ImplementationDataType Defined on M2 - provides the meta-model for data types
on implementation level. With respect to C source code, an Implementation-
DataType finally boils down to a typedef.
BaseType Defined on M2 - provides the platform-dependent part of an Implementa-
tionDataType. the dependency on the platform covers the following aspects:
• Definition on the level of the C language - using nativeDeclaration
• Technical representation on the target platform (byte order, alignment, en-
coding) as required for the support of MCD systems.
Platform Data Type Defined on M1 - provided by AUTOSAR. Platform types shall be
available on each platform on which an AUTOSAR-System can run.
The name of the Platform Data Type and the properties with respect to the
interface between modules / components is the same on every platform.
The particular representation varies from platform to platform.
Platform Data Types shall be modeled using Implementation-

More exactly speaking, the data shall be converted to and from a so-called SystemSignal.

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Note that in AUTOSAR R3.x the platform types are implemented manually and
could even not be expressed on ARXML model (see [SRS_Rte_00150]). In
AUTOSAR R4.1 the Platform Data Types can be represented in the ARXML
model. Subsequent releases of AUTOSAR may generate the Platform Data
Types directly from the ARXML Model.
Standard Type Defined on M1 - provided by AUTOSAR. Standard types are defined
by referring to platform types.
c(RS_SWCT_03215, RS_SWCT_03216, RS_SWCT_03217)
[TPS_SWCT_01237] SwDataDefProps dThe properties of data are summarized in
the meta-class SwDataDefProps. This meta-class itself is the superset of all applica-
ble properties.c(RS_SWCT_03216, RS_SWCT_03217)
Subsets of SwDataDefProps are applicable in specific case, for a summary please
refer to the following tables:
• The data categorys are summarized in table 5.6.
• Properties for ApplicationDataTypes are summarized in table 5.7.
• Properties for ImplementationDataTypes are summarized in table 5.17.
• Properties for DataPrototypes typed by ApplicationDataTypes are sum-
marized in table 5.34.
• Properties for DataPrototypes typed by ImplementationDataTypes are
summarized in table 5.35.
• Applicability of SwDataDefProps is summarized in table 5.43.

5.2 Data Types

5.2.1 Overview

As explained in section 5.1 it is possible to describe data provided by a software-

component from the application as well as from the implementation point of view.
[TPS_SWCT_01072] ApplicationDataType and ImplementationDataType
dThe common concept behind this is expressed by the abstract meta-class Autosar-
DataType, from which an ApplicationDataType and an Implementation-
DataType is derived.c(RS_SWCT_03215, RS_SWCT_03216, RS_SWCT_03217)
[TPS_SWCT_01073] Composite ApplicationDataType dAn Application-
DataType can be composed (in form of a record or an array) of elements which
themselves are typed by another ApplicationDataType.c(RS_SWCT_03215, RS_-

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[TPS_SWCT_01074] Composite ImplementationDataType dAn Implementa-

tionDataType can also be composed of elements but in this case no type/prototype
concept (see [11]) has been applied. Both concepts will be explained in the following
chapters in more detail.c(RS_SWCT_03215, RS_SWCT_03217)
Figure 5.1 shows a summary of the basic meta-classes used for the definition of
ARElement «atpVariation»
AtpType +swDataDefProps SwDataDefProps

AtpBlueprint AtpBlueprint ARElement

AtpBlueprintable AtpBlueprintable AtpBlueprint
ApplicationDataType AbstractImplementationDataType AtpBlueprintable

+type 0..1 +applicationDataType 0..1 +implementationDataType 0..1 0..1 +implementationDataType +modeGroup 0..1
{redefines atpType}

DataTypeMap ModeRequestTypeMap

+dataTypeMap 0..* +modeRequestTypeMap 0..*



Figure 5.1: Summary of AutosarDataType

Class AutosarDataType (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::Datatypes
Note Abstract base class for user defined AUTOSAR data types for software.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpType, CollectableElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Subclasses AbstractImplementationDataType, ApplicationDataType
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
swDataDef SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr The properties of this AutosarDataType.

Table 5.2: AutosarDataType

Class ApplicationDataType (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::Datatypes

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Class ApplicationDataType (abstract)
Note ApplicationDataType defines a data type from the application point of view. Especially it should be used
whenever something "physical" is at stake.
An ApplicationDataType represents a set of values as seen in the application model, such as
measurement units. It does not consider implementation details such as bit-size, endianess, etc.
It should be possible to model the application level aspects of a VFB system by using ApplicationData
Types only.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, AutosarDataType,
CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Subclasses ApplicationCompositeDataType, ApplicationPrimitiveDataType
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 5.3: ApplicationDataType

5.2.2 Data Type Mapping

As explained above, the concept of application data types as well as that of implemen-
tation data types can be used to instantiate a data prototype in an M1 model. However,
there are use cases, especially in order to generate the RTE contract for Applica-
tionSwComponentTypes, where it is required to consider both levels for one given
data prototype.
[TPS_SWCT_01189] DataTypeMap dThis is supported by the meta-class
DataTypeMap by which an ApplicationDataType and an Implementation-
DataType can be mapped to each other in order to describe both aspects of one
dataElement.c(RS_SWCT_03216, RS_SWCT_03217, RS_SWCT_03215)
Class DataTypeMap
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::Datatypes
Note This class represents the relationship between ApplicationDataType and its implementing Abstract
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
applicationData ApplicationDataType 0..1 ref This is the corresponding ApplicationDataType
implementation AbstractImplementation 0..1 ref This is the corresponding AbstractImplementationData
DataType DataType Type.

Table 5.4: DataTypeMap

If, for example, a dataElement in a SenderReceiverInterface is typed by an

ApplicationDataType it shall additionally be associated to an Implementation-
DataType in order to be able to generate the RTE.
[constr_1903] Existence of reference DataTypeMap.applicationDataType dFor
each DataTypeMap, reference applicationDataType shall exist at the time
when the contract phase generation is executed.c()

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[constr_1904] Existence of reference DataTypeMap.implementationDataType

dFor each DataTypeMap, reference implementationDataType shall exist at the
time when the contract phase generation is executed.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01190] ModeRequestTypeMap dAnother mapping class, Mod-
eRequestTypeMap, has been introduced in order to allow the transport of mode re-
lated information via “normal” sender-receiver communication. Apart from this, mode
information is not handled by the usual type system but needs special meta-classes.c
This aspect is explained in more detail in chapter 4.2.5.
Note that the mapping classes instead of direct associations have been introduced
for process reasons: It allows maintaining application and implementation types in
separate M1 artifacts without direct links.
For example, if a software component is moved to another hardware platform the map-
ping between application and implementation types might be changed in the scope of
the specific component without changing the overall VFB model.
[TPS_SWCT_01191] mapped ApplicationDataType and Implementation-
DataType shall be compatible dIn order to set up a valid DataTypeMap between
an ApplicationDataType and an ImplementationDataType the two types shall
be compatible.
Of course, if ImplementationDataTypes are generated from existing Applica-
tionDataTypes it is expected that they will be automatically compatible.c(RS_-
SWCT_03216, RS_SWCT_03217)
Please note that the compatibility between an ApplicationDataType and an Im-
plementationDataType mapped onto each other is clarified in chapter 6.2.5.
Furthermore, the various mappings are aggregated in a container DataTypeMap-
pingSet for easier maintenance in artifacts.
Class DataTypeMappingSet
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::Datatypes
Note This class represents a list of mappings between ApplicationDataTypes and ImplementationDataTypes.
In addition, it can contain mappings between ImplementationDataTypes and ModeDeclarationGroups.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, CollectableElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dataTypeMap DataTypeMap * aggr This is one particular association between an Application
DataType and its AbstractImplementationDataType.
modeRequest ModeRequestTypeMap * aggr This is one particular association between an Mode
TypeMap DeclarationGroup and its AbstractImplementationData

Table 5.5: DataTypeMappingSet

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Note that the meta-classes AutosarDataType, ModeDeclarationGroup and

DataTypeMappingSet are derived from ARElement. This means that these and
the meta-classes derived from them can be declared on the M1 level as part of an
ARPackage and thus can be used in some Software Component or Basic Software
Module Descriptions.
How to organize DataTypeMappingSets for a software system, for example whether
there is a separate mapping set for each ECU or even for each software component,
is considered as project specific. However, the RTE generator needs a well-defined
DataTypeMappingSet as input in relation those artifacts which might define data
typed as ApplicationDataTypes.
[TPS_SWCT_01192] Meta-classes that have an association to a DataTypeMap-
pingSet dTherefore, the following meta-classes in the scope of this document have
an association to a DataTypeMappingSet:
• InternalBehavior, because it represents the interface between the software
component’s code and the RTE and all data types belonging to the particular
component type have to be uniquely provided on implementation level.
• ParameterSwComponentType, for the same reason (this component type
doesn’t have an InternalBehavior).
• NvBlockDescriptor, because this meta-class also leads to generation of code
from data types and is not associated to an InternalBehavior.
• CompositionSwComponentType, to support the definition of ComSpecs in the
context of a CompositionSwComponentType. Please note that this definition
of a data type mapping is informal (i.e. it shall be taken as a hint for delegation
PortPrototypes that are not yet referenced by a DelegationSwConnector
or PassThroughSwConnector) and shall not be regarded as a binding contract
towards the inner elements of the CompositionSwComponentType.
For more details about this aspect please refer to figure 5.85.
[TPS_SWCT_01193] Mappings between application and implementation types do
not necessarily have to form a 1:1 relation dIn general, it is not required that the sum
of all mappings between ApplicationDataType and ImplementationDataType
in a given system form a 1:1 relation. Depending on the use case and on the scope,
1:n as well as n:1 mappings are possible :
• Several ApplicationDataTypes may be mapped to the same Implementa-
tionDataType in the scope of a system, an ECU, or even a single Internal-
Behavior of an atomic software component.
Of course, this requires that the different ApplicationDataTypes are used for
different DataPrototypes and thus that the DataPrototypes are typed by
them (and not by the ImplementationDataTypes). This allows to establish

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a more simple type system on the implementation level, than on the application
model level.
• The same ApplicationDataTypes may be mapped to different Implemen-
tationDataTypes for different ECUs. This scenario allows to choose the im-
plementation data types according to the needs of specific ECUs.
• The same ApplicationDataTypes may be mapped to different Implemen-
tationDataTypes even in the scope of a single ECU (more exactly speak-
ing, a single RTE), but only for different AtomicSwComponentTypes (see [con-
This improves the portability of software components which were developed in-
dependently or are ported between ECUs.
[constr_1004] Mapping of ApplicationDataTypes in the scope of single
AtomicSwComponentTypes dIn the scope of AtomicSwComponentType.inter-
nalBehavior.dataTypeMapping, each ApplicationDataType shall be mapped
to exactly one ImplementationDataType at the time when the contract
phase generation is executed.c()

compatible and connected

ApplicationDataType ApplicationDataType

compatible and mapped

compatible and mapped

ImplementationDataType ImplementationDataType

shall also be

Figure 5.2: Compatibility of Data Types

[constr_1005] Compatibility of ImplementationDataTypes mapped to the same

ApplicationDataType dIt is required that ImplementationDataTypes which are
taken for connecting corresponding elements of PortInterfaces and thus refer to
compatible ApplicationDataTypes are also compatible among each other (so that

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RTE is able to cope with possible connections by converting the data accordingly) at
the time when the contract phase generation is executed.c()
This constraint is visualized in figure 5.2.
[constr_1636] Mapping of data types that represent an Optional Element
Structure dAn ApplicationRecordDataType with at least one element where
attribute isOptional is set to True shall only be mapped to an Implementa-
tionDataType that fulfills the structural requirements to represent an Optional
Element Structure (see [TPS_SWCT_01774]) at the time when the con-
tract phase generation is executed.c()

5.2.3 Data Categories

An AutosarDataType is derived from Identifiable, thus having a longName, a

shortName, a category, and several further attributes for administrative and docu-
mentation purposes (for details see [11]).
[TPS_SWCT_01238] Attribute category used in the context of Autosar-
DataType dThe category attribute is used to set constraints for the various proper-
ties which can be specified for an AutosarDataType. These properties are defined
by aggregating the meta-class SwDataDefProps which contains several attributes
and references.c()
Detailed explanations about the semantics of meta-class SwDataDefProps can be
found in chapter 5.4.
[constr_1006] applicable data categories dTable 5.6 defines the only applicable
categorys depending on specific model elements related to data definition properties
at any time in the workflow.c()
This approach avoids a very deep and complicated inheritance tree which otherwise
would be needed on the M2 level for AutosarDataType. There is to some extent a
redundancy between setting the category and defining the attributes of Autosar-
DataType.swDataDefProps. This redundancy is intended and allows to for a tool to
rule out senseless configurations via simple rules.
In former version of this specification the categories were only used for calibration
parameters. Due to several extensions the categories are now applicable for all use
cases of the AutosarDataType.
An overview on all valid categorys defined for AutosarDataType is shown in table
5.6. Some categorys are also applied to sub-elements of the type system (column
“Applicable to ...” in table 5.6). This is explained in more detail in the following sections.
Please note that the column “RTE + BSW” of table 5.6 is only applicable for cate-
gorys that are relevant either for ImplementationDataTypes and/or the aspect of
measurement and calibration in McDataInstance.

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Software Component Template

Category Applicable to ... Use Case Description




Communication Port Interfaces





VALUE x x x x x x x3 x x x x x x Contains a single value.

A value block defines values stored together within one cal-
ibration parameter object.
VAL_BLK x x x x x x x x It is similar to an value array but it stores the values by
means of an axis instead (only important for calibration data
Contains an address of another DataPrototype (whose
x x x x4 x type is given via SwDataDefProps.swPointerTarget-
Contains an address of a function prototype (whose signa-
x x x x ture is given via SwDataDefProps.swPointerTarget-
TYPE_REF- The element is defined via reference to another data type
x x x x x (via SwDataDefProps.implementationDataType).
Holds one or several further elements which can have differ-
ent AutosarDataTypes.
The underlying elements are defined in the same manner as
STRUCTURE x x x x x x x x x x normal data except for the association to SwAddrMethod:
This has to be the same for all underlying elements.
Corresponds to a Record if used in the application domain.
Can hold values of different data types. It is similar to
STRUCTURE except that all of its members start at the same
location in memory.
UNION x x x x x x x A UNION data prototype can contain only one of its elements
at a time. The size of the UNION is at least the size of the
largest member.
Please find more information in [TPS_SWCT_01700].
ARRAY x x x x x x x x x x x An array of sub-elements which are of the same type.
One or several bits within a host variable, which are treated
BIT x x x x
as an own data object.

This option has very few valid use cases, e.g. for defining a function pointer in native C notation, for
example: int (*SwCluC_BManif_VoidFncPtrType)(void);
[constr_1295] applies!

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Software Component Template

Category Applicable to ... Use Case Description




Communication Port Interfaces





A HOST data type is like a simple VALUE, but it is used for

packed bit definition.
HOST x x x x
That means it can host several BIT variables which have
their own description and measurement access.
Contains a single value interpreted as a text string (note that
STRING x x x x x x x x it appears as a single value for the application domain; the
internal representation can be an array).
Contains one boolean state. Depending on the CPU direct
addressing of single bits may not be available.
BOOLEAN x x x x x x x x
So a byte or a word can be used to store only one logical
An axis definition as separate calibration parameter which
can be referenced by any CURVE, MAP, CUBOID, CUBE_4,
and CUBE_5.
COM_AXIS x x x x x x x x
The benefits by using a common axis is that it saves memory
space; because it is stored only one time and can be used in
multiple CURVEs, MAPs, CUBOIDs, CUBE_4s, and CUBE_5s.
A RES_AXIS (rescale axis) is also a shared axis like COM_-
AXIS, the difference is that this kind of axis can be used for
Note that the RES_AXIS is by nature a CURVE which is used
RES_AXIS x x x x x x x x to implement a non linear scaling (rescale) of the axis.
In addition to saving memory space via the shared usage
like a COM_AXIS, it can compress a huge range to a non-
linear distributed axis points thus retaining the required ac-
Calibration parameter with one input value and one output
value. That means output values can be defined depending
on the input value. The granularity of implemented func-
tionality can be changed by using different number of axis
CURVE x x x x x x x x points.
A CURVE has always one input axis and one output axis. The
output axis is a characteristic of the curve and every time
present but the input axis can be defined within the curve
definition or separately.

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Software Component Template

Category Applicable to ... Use Case Description




Communication Port Interfaces





Calibration parameter with two input values and one output

value. That means output values can be defined depending
on the input values.
The granularity of implemented functionality can be changed
MAP x x x x x x x x by using different number of axis points for y- and x-axis. A
MAP has always two input axes and one output axis.
The output axis is a characteristic of the MAP and every time
present but the input axes can be defined within the MAP
definition or separately.
Calibration parameter with three input values and one output
value. That means output values can be defined depending
on the input values.
The granularity of implemented functionality can be changed
CUBOID x x x x x x x x by using different number of axis points for the input axes. A
CUBOID has always three input axes and one output axis.
The output axis is a characteristic of the CUBOID and every
time present but the input axes can be defined within the
CUBOID definition or separately.
Calibration parameter with four input values and one output
value. That means output values can be defined depending
on the input values.
The granularity of implemented functionality can be changed
CUBE_4 x x x x x x x x by using different number of axis points for the input axes. A
CUBE_4 has always four input axes and one output axis.
The output axis is a characteristic of the CUBE_4 and every
time present but the input axes can be defined within the
CUBE_4 definition or separately.
Calibration parameter with five input values and one output
value. That means output values can be defined depending
on the input values.
The granularity of implemented functionality can be changed
CUBE_5 x x x x x x x x by using different number of axis points for the input axes. A
CUBE_5 has always five input axes and one output axis.
The output axis is a characteristic of the CUBE_5 and every
time present but the input axes can be defined within the
CUBE_5 definition or separately.
MACRO x x This represents an argument to a C macro.

Table 5.6: Usage of category for Data Types

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Software Component Template

[TPS_SWCT_01239] default value for attribute category used in the context of

SwSystemconst dThe default value for the category of a SwSystemconst shall be
VALUE. This has to be applied if no explicit definition of the category can be found.c

5.2.4 Application Data Type

[TPS_SWCT_01240] Subclasses of ApplicationDataType dThe abstract meta-

class ApplicationDataType is further derived into an ApplicationPrimitive-
DataType and an ApplicationCompositeDataType which are further explained
in the following sub-chapters.c(RS_SWCT_03216)
This aspect is further explained in Figure 5.3.
ARElement AtpBlueprint
ApplicationRecordDataType ApplicationArrayDataType
AtpType AtpBlueprintable
AutosarDataType ApplicationDataType + dynamicArraySizeProfile:
String [0..1]

+swDataDefProps 0..1

SwDataDefProps ApplicationPrimitiveDataType ApplicationCompositeDataType

Figure 5.3: Basic Meta-Model for ApplicationDataType

Attributes of SwDataDefProps Root Elem. Attribute Existence per Category













annotation x x x * * * * * * * * * * * * *
compuMethod x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
x x x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
x x x d/c5 d/c d/c d/c d/c d/c d/c d/c d/c
displayFormat x x x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
displayPresentation x x x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1

don’t care

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Software Component Template

invalidValue x 0..1 0..1 0..1
stepSize x x x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
swAddrMethod x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
swCalibrationAccess x x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
swCalprmAxisSet x 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
swImplPolicy x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
swIntendedResolution x x x 0..1
swInterpolationMethod x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
swRecordLayout x 0..1 0..16 0..1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
swRefreshTiming x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
swTextProps x 1
swValueBlockSize x 1
swValueBlockSizeMult x 1
unit x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
valueAxisDataType x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
Other Attributes below the Root Element
x x x 1..*
x x x 1
x 0..1
x 1

Table 5.7: Allowed Attributes vs. category for ApplicationDataTypes

Class ApplicationPrimitiveDataType
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::Datatypes
Note A primitive data type defines a set of allowed values.
Base ARElement, ARObject, ApplicationDataType, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType,
AutosarDataType, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 5.8: ApplicationPrimitiveDataType

This is required by [TPS_SWCT_01179].

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Software Component Template

Class ApplicationCompositeDataType (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::Datatypes
Note Abstract base class for all application data types composed of other data types.
Base ARElement, ARObject, ApplicationDataType, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType,
AutosarDataType, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement,
Subclasses ApplicationArrayDataType, ApplicationRecordDataType
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 5.9: ApplicationCompositeDataType

[TPS_SWCT_01241] Applicable categorys for subclasses of Application-

DataType dLike any AutosarDataType, also the primitive and composite types on
application level are characterized by their category and their SwDataDefProps.
For a given category, only a limited set of attributes of the SwDataDefProps makes
[constr_1007] Allowed attributes of SwDataDefProps for Application-
DataTypes dThe allowed attributes of SwDataDefProps for Application-
DataTypes and their allowed multiplicities at any time in the workflow are
listed as an overview in table 5.7.c()
This list makes use of the SwDataDefProps and other meta-model elements which
are explained in detail in the further sections of this chapter. Application Primitive Data Types Data Types for Single Values

In contrast to prior versions (R3.x) of the AUTOSAR standard, the primitive application
data types on M2 level are no longer specified. Instead of this, the meta-class Appli-
cationPrimitiveDataType in combination with the attached swDataDefProps is
used on the level of the M2 (meta-) model to specify the details on M1 modeling level.
[TPS_SWCT_01242] category characterizes the nature of a data type on appli-
cation level dThe category is used in addition to characterize the nature of a data
type on application level.c(RS_SWCT_03216)
For example, the IntegerType as of AUTOSAR R3.x allows for specifying lower and
upper ranges that constrain the applicable value interval. That aspect is still supported
by this version of AUTOSAR, but the meta-model is different from the former approach.
Especially it is no more considered of importance to specify that an Application-
PrimitiveDataType is actually represented by “integer” numbers.

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Software Component Template

ARElement «atpVariation» ARElement

AtpBlueprint +dataConstr SwDataDefProps
+swDataDefProps AtpType
AtpBlueprintable AutosarDataType
0..1 0..1

+dataConstrRule 0..* AtpBlueprint

DataConstrRule +physConstrs PhysConstrs ApplicationDataType
+ constrLevel: Integer [0..1] + maxDiff: Numerical [0..1]
+ maxGradient: Numerical [0..1]
+ monotony: MonotonyEnum [0..1]
«atpVariation» ApplicationPrimitiveDataType
+ lowerLimit: Limit [0..1]
+ upperLimit: Limit [0..1]

Figure 5.4: Specification of Physical Limits

Figure 5.4 provides a sketch of how limits are defined now. The key feature is the ag-
gregation of SwDataDefProps at AutosarDataType. The meta-class SwDataDef-
Props allows for creating a reference to a DataConstr that in turn aggregates a
The latter aggregates PhysConstrs and this meta-class finally owns two Limits in
the roles lowerLimit and upperLimit.
Another example is shown in Figure 5.5. By making again use of SwDataDefProps,
this figure shows how semantics in form of a CompuMethod and a Unit can be at-
Also, an initValue can be defined which is used by the RTE in order to initialize
values of VariableDataPrototypes/ParameterDataPrototypes defined locally
in a software-component.
ARElement «atpVariation» ARElement
+swDataDefProps +compuMethod
AtpType SwDataDefProps AtpBlueprint
AutosarDataType 0..1 AtpBlueprintable

+unit 0..1
AtpBlueprintable ARElement
ApplicationDataType Unit

+invalidValue 0..1

ApplicationPrimitiveDataType ValueSpecification

Figure 5.5: Some Properties of ApplicationPrimitiveDataTypes

Figure 5.6 illustrates the relationship between the data constraints for Application-
DataType, CompuMethod, ImplementationDataType, BaseType and also the
invalidValue for the case of an entirely linear or rational conversion.
Please note that Figure 5.6 is only applicable for linear and rational CompuMethods.

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Software Component Template

Invalid Value
InvalidValue outside the scope of InvalidValue inside the scope of the
the CompuMethod is transparent CompuMethod is known to the
to the software-component software-component

Application Lower [unit] Upper [unit]

DataType physConstrs of

limits of CompuMethod

computed internalConstrs of
internalConstrs of

range by BaseType
0 2n

Figure 5.6: Value ranges and invalid values for linear and rational CompuMethod

Figure 5.7 and Figure 5.8 depict a similar situation for the case of mixed Com-
puMethods where the invalidValue is defined in the discrete part of a Com-

Invalid Value
InvalidValue appears in the textual part of the CompuMethod and
Application is therefore known to the component
Lower [unit] Upper [unit]
physConstrs of
CompuMethod limits of CompuMethod

Textual Value defined as

part of the CompuMethod
computed internalConstrs of
internalConstrs of

range by BaseType
0 2n

Figure 5.7: Value ranges and invalid values with discrete invalidValue defined inside
the scope of the CompuMethod

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Software Component Template

Figure 5.7 sketches a case where a CompuMethod has a linear and a discrete part and
the invalidValue is defined by means of one value that is defined in the discrete part
of the CompuMethod.
As mentioned by [TPS_SWCT_01834], the invalidValue shall be defined in the
physical domain in this case. In other words, the invalidValue shall be defined by
a symbol according to [TPS_SWCT_01432].
As a consequence of the definition of an invalidValue inside, the scope of a mixed
CompuMethod the invalidValue is visible to the software-component.

Invalid Value
InvalidValue does not appear in the textual part of the
CompuMethod and is therefore not known to the component
DataType Lower [unit] Upper [unit]
physConstrs of

limits of CompuMethod
Textual Value defined as
computed internalConstrs of
part of the CompuMethod

internalConstrs of

range by BaseType
0 2n

Figure 5.8: Value ranges and invalid values with discrete invalidValue defined outside
the scope of the CompuMethod

Figure 5.8, on the other hand, sketches a case where a CompuMethod has a linear
and a discrete part and the invalidValue is not within the defined linear interval and
not defined by means of one value out of the discrete part of the CompuMethod.
As mentioned by [TPS_SWCT_01835], the invalidValue shall be defined in the
internal domain in this case. In other words, the invalidValue shall be defined by a
As a consequence of the definition of an invalidValue outside the scope of a mixed
CompuMethod, the invalidValue is invisible (and therefore not accessible) to the
If an ApplicationPrimitiveDataType does not define dataConstr, then implicit
constraints can be derived from physical meaning of the ApplicationDataType.
For example, if the data type represents a temperature the lower bound will not be able
to exceed 0K.

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Software Component Template

For other physical meanings, it could be possible that the implicitly assumed limits go
from -INF to +INF.
In order to avoid ambiguity regarding the values of limits it is strongly recommended
defining a reasonable limit for ApplicationPrimitiveDataTypes.
[constr_2544] Limits need to be consistent d
• The limits of ApplicationDataType shall be inside the definition range of the
The CompuMethod needs to be applicable for limits of an Application-
DataType. The reason is that the internal representation of the limits for the
ApplicationDataType are calculated by applying the CompuMethod.
• The such defined internal limits of the ApplicationDataType shall be within
or equal the internalConstrs of the mapped ImplementationDataType.
• The limits of the ImplementationDataType shall be within or equal to the
limits defined by the size of the BaseType.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01834] invalidValue is inside the scope of the compuMethod dIf
the value of the invalidValue of an ApplicationPrimitiveDataType of cat-
egory VALUE is supposed to be inside the scope of the applicable CompuMethod, an
ApplicationValueSpecification shall be used to describe the invalidValue
of the ApplicationPrimitiveDataType.c(RS_SWCT_03216)
[TPS_SWCT_01834] means that the value of the ApplicationValueSpecifica-
tion shall be within the bounds defined by swDataDefProps.compuMethod.com-
puPhysToInternal.compuContent.compuScale.lowerLimit or upperLimit
or the inverse case that is based on the bounds defined by swDataDefProps.com-
puMethod.compuInternalToPhys.compuContent.compuScale.lowerLimit or
[TPS_SWCT_01835] invalidValue is outside the scope of the compuMethod dIf
the value of the invalidValue of an ApplicationPrimitiveDataType of cat-
egory VALUE is supposed to be outside the scope of the applicable CompuMethod, a
NumericalValueSpecification (that provides a value in the internal representa-
tion) shall be used to describe the invalidValue of the ApplicationPrimitive-
Because of the existence of [TPS_SWCT_01834] and [TPS_SWCT_01834], the def-
inition of the invalidValue is fully specified and therefore [constr_1221] does not
apply to this case.
The handling of invalidValue for ApplicationPrimitiveDataType of cate-
gory STRING is defined by [constr_1242].

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Software Component Template

For a more detailed description of the properties that can be defined for data types
(and data prototypes as well) see sections 5.4 and 5.4.2.
[TPS_SWCT_01760] Defining the dimension of an ApplicationPrimitive-
DataType of category VAL_BLK dAn ApplicationPrimitiveDataType of cat-
egory VAL_BLK that has only one dimension shall be described using the attribute
An ApplicationPrimitiveDataType of category VAL_BLK that has more than
one dimension shall be described using the attribute SwDataDefProps.swValue-
[constr_1610] Existence of SwDataDefProps.swValueBlockSize and Sw-
DataDefProps.swValueBlockSizeMult dAttributes SwDataDefProps.swVal-
ueBlockSize and SwDataDefProps.swValueBlockSizeMult shall not exist at
the same time in the context of a given SwDataDefProps.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c() About Enumerations

[TPS_SWCT_01243] Definition of enumeration types dIn the AUTOSAR meta-

model, an enumeration is not implemented by means of an ApplicationCompos-
Instead, a discrete set of integer numbers can be used as a structural description for
a single ApplicationPrimitiveDataType or an ImplementationDataType of
category VALUE or TYPE_REFERENCE that boils down to an Implementation-
DataType of category VALUE.
The mapping of the integer numbers to labels in the scope of the definition of an enu-
meration is considered part of the semantical definition via an attached CompuMethod
rather than part of the structural description.c(RS_SWCT_03216)
[TPS_SWCT_01562] Specification of values of an enumeration dFor the specifica-
tion of values of an enumeration on the basis of the labels defined in the applicable
CompuMethod it is necessary to distinguish two approaches based on the used Au-
• ImplementationDataType: as mentioned by [constr_1225], the definition of
the labels of an enumeration shall only be done by using TextValueSpecifi-
• ApplicationPrimitiveDataType: use the ApplicationValueSpecifi-
cation.swValueCont.swValuesPhys.vt or ApplicationRuleBasedVal-

244 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

The relevant meta-classes in the context of SwDataDefProps are sketched in Figure

5.9. This includes all meta-classes that may contribute to the definition of the symbol
of a CompuScale in C code, see [TPS_SWCT_01431].
ARElement «atpVariation» CompuContent
AtpBlueprint SwDataDefProps
AtpBlueprintable +compuMethod
CompuMethod 0..1
+ displayFormat: DisplayFormatString [0..1]

+compuContent 0..1

+compuPhysToInternal 0..1 +compuInternalToPhys 0..1

Compu CompuScales

+compuDefaultValue 0..1        +compuScale 0..* {ordered}
   !"! #$!! %&'($&
CompuConst CompuScale
+ mask: PositiveInteger [0..1]
0..1 + shortLabel: Identifier [0..1]
+compuConst 0..1 + symbol: CIdentifier [0..1]
0..1 +compuConstContentType + lowerLimit: Limit [0..1]
+ upperLimit: Limit [0..1]
CompuConstContent CompuScaleConstantContents CompuScaleContents +compuScaleContents



+ vt: VerbatimString [0..1]

Figure 5.9: Relevant meta-classes for the specification of enumerations

An example of how an enumeration looks like in ARXML is contained in section Data Types for Calibration Parameters

[TPS_SWCT_01244] Data types for calibration parameters are also described as

primitive types dData types for calibration parameters are from the application per-
spective also described as primitive types. This is obvious, if they are simple values
(category VALUE). Also, the category STRING is treated as a primitive type on
application level.
Less obvious is the fact that ApplicationDataTypes of the categories VAL_BLK,
COM_AXIS, RES_AXIS, CURVE, MAP, CUBOID, CUBE_4, and CUBE_5 are not described
as composite data types (as far as the application level is concerned) although they
admittedly possess some kind of internal structure.
In contrast to ApplicationCompositeDataTypes, they are not composed similarly
of other AutosarDataTypes. Their substructure needs a special description in order
to be compatible with existing calibration techniques.c(RS_SWCT_03216)

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Software Component Template

[TPS_SWCT_01245] SwDataDefProps control the structure of calibration param-

eters dThe substructure of these types is attached to the SwDataDefProps. By this
means it is possible to define on the level of DataPrototypes or other artifacts, where
the SwDataDefProps come into play.c(RS_SWCT_03216)
For details on these part of the SwDataDefProps see chapters 5.4.4 and 5.5.5. Data Types for Textual Strings

[constr_1093] Definition of textual strings dAn ApplicationPrimitive-

DataType of category STRING shall have a swTextProps which determines the
arraySizeSemantics and swMaxTextSize.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executedc()
[TPS_SWCT_01488] ApplicationPrimitiveDataType shall be interpreted as
a string of a particular encoding dTo indicate that an ApplicationPrimitive-
DataType shall be interpreted as a string of a particular encoding it shall reference
swDataDefProps.swTextProps.baseType and the only attribute of the referenced
SwBaseType relevant for this purpose is the BaseTypeDirectDefinition.base-
[constr_1905] Existence of attribute SwTextProps.arraySizeSemantics dFor
each SwTextProps, attribute arraySizeSemantics shall exist at the time
when the contract phase generation is executed.c()
[constr_1906] Existence of attribute SwTextProps.swMaxTextSize dFor each
SwTextProps, attribute swMaxTextSize shall exist at the time when the
contract phase generation is executed.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01127] Byte array with variable size dSwTextProps can be used to
define byte arrays of variable size.c(RS_SWCT_03182, RS_SWCT_03181)
ARElement «atpVariation» +swRecordLayout ARElement
AtpType SwDataDefProps SwRecordLayout
AutosarDataType 0..1

AtpBlueprint 0..1
AtpBlueprintable + shortLabel: Identifier [0..1]
ApplicationDataType +swTextProps 0..1

+ arraySizeSemantics: ArraySizeSemanticsEnum [0..1] CompositeRuleBasedValueArgument
+baseType + swFillCharacter: Integer [0..1]
ApplicationPrimitiveDataType BaseType ApplicationValueSpecification
SwBaseType 0..1
+ swMaxTextSize: Integer [0..1] + category: Identifier [0..1]

Figure 5.10: Specification of textual strings

[TPS_SWCT_01246] SwRecordLayout may also be required for A2L generation

dA SwRecordLayout may also be required for the generation of A2L if the string is
part of calibration data.c()

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Software Component Template

As stated by [TPS_SWCT_01128], the definition of SwDataDefProps.swRecord-

Layout is considered mandatory anyway for ApplicationPrimitiveDataTypes
of category STRING.
Class SwTextProps
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::DataDefProperties
Note This meta-class expresses particular properties applicable to strings in variables or calibration
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
arraySize ArraySizeSemantics 0..1 attr This attribute controls the semantics of the arraysize for
Semantics Enum the array representing the string in an Implementation
It is there to support a safe conversion between
ApplicationDatatype and ImplementationDatatype, even
for variable length strings as required e.g. for Support of
SAE J1939.
baseType SwBaseType 0..1 ref This is the base type of one character in the string. In
particular this baseType denotes the intended encoding of
the characters in the string on level of ApplicationData
swFillCharacter Integer 0..1 attr Filler character for text parameter to pad up to the
maximum length swMaxTextSize.
The value will be interpreted according to the encoding
specified in the associated base type of the data object,
e.g. 0x30 (hex) represents the ASCII character zero as
filler character and 0 (dec) represents an end of string as
filler character.
The usage of the fill character depends on the arraySize
swMaxTextSize Integer 0..1 attr Specifies the maximum text size in characters. Note the
size in bytes depends on the encoding in the
corresponding baseType.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table 5.10: SwTextProps

The following series of XML fragments exemplifies the definition of a data type for the
representation of a textual string. First, the applicable ApplicationPrimitive-
DataType is defined (see Figure 5.10).
Note that the category is set to the value STRING. Also, the ApplicationPrimi-
tiveDataType.swDataDefProps.swTextProps indicate the width of the string and
also define (by means of the reference to baseType) the encoding this string data type
is supposed to utilize.
Note further that the fact that an ApplicationDataType directly references (across
the implementation level) to a SwBaseType represents an exception to the rule that
ApplicationDataType should not be concerned about the lowest level of data
type definition in AUTOSAR.

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Software Component Template

If the bridging of the implementation level were accepted as a general pattern for the
modeling of ApplicationDataType it would easily be possible to bypass the imple-
mentation level to some extent and this would render ApplicationDataTypes less
[TPS_SWCT_01128] SwRecordLayout needed for ApplicationPrimitive-
DataType of category STRING dAs mentioned in [TPS_SWCT_01179], an Ap-
plicationPrimitiveDataType of category STRING is considered a Compound
Primitive Data Type.
Therefore, it needs a reference to the definition of a SwRecordLayout that presets
the approach for creating a matching ImplementationDataType.c()
In this specific example the definition of the SwRecordLayout foresees the Applica-
tionPrimitiveDataType of category STRING to be implemented as a structured
data type that consists of:
1. the size of an instance of the string data type in terms of the number of characters
2. an array that can be used to store the individual characters contained in an in-
stance of the string data type.
Listing 5.1: Example for the definition of a string ApplicationPrimitiveDataType

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Depending on the used encoding the array may need to be bigger (in terms of the
number of elements) than the corresponding value of the size.
Furthermore, the definition of the SwRecordLayout already takes into account that
the implementation of an array data type by means of an ImplementationDataType
requires the definition of an ImplementationDataTypeElement.
The meaning of the standardized values of SwRecordLayoutV.swRecordLay-
outVProp are documented in [TPS_SWCT_01489]. In the scope of this example
the values COUNT and VALUE are used.
The fact that the swRecordLayoutGroupTo contains the value -1 means that the
iteration ends at the last element of the array.
Please note further that the discussed example of an ApplicationPrimitive-
DataType of category STRING also contains the definition of an invalidValue
for the string data type.
The next step is the definition of an ImplementationDataType that represents the
string type on the implementation level.
The definition of the ImplementationDataType can be derived from the definition
of the applicable SwRecordLayout.
Listing 5.2: Example for the definition of a SwRecordLayout for an ApplicationPrim-
itiveDataType of category STRING
<L-4 L="EN">String by descriptor</L-4>
<L-5 L="EN" xml:space="default">

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The next listing describes the data type of one character within the string data type.
Listing 5.3: Example for the definition of the character data type of a string Implemen-

Please note that the ImplementationDataType also defines an invalidValue.

As mentioned in [TPS_SWCT_01487], the consistency of the invalidValue defined
in the scope of the ApplicationPrimitiveDataType of category STRING and
the invalidValue defined in the scope of the corresponding Implementation-
DataType cannot formally be checked.
Listing 5.4: Example for the definition of a string ImplementationDataType

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The ImplementationDataType with the shortName MyImplementation-

StringType (as exemplified in Listing 5.4) represents a variable-size string, i.e. the
number of characters may change at run-time. Of course, it is also possible to model a
fixed-size string, but in that case a size-indicator is not required.
Please note further that the size of the payload array in the definition of the Imple-
mentationDataType in Listing 5.4 has been set to the value 200 in order to accom-
modate for the definition of swMaxTextSize in the definition of the corresponding

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ApplicationDataType in combination with the fact that the value of baseTypeEn-

coding has been set to UTF-8.
For background, the value of attribute SwTextProps.swMaxTextSize shall be spec-
ified as the number of code points in the string.
Each code point will be encoded by a sequence of bytes, depending on the applicable
encoding. In the case of UTF-8, for example, each code point will be encoded by up
to four bytes.
On the level of ImplementationDataType, an array designed to hold a string con-
sisting of code points encoded using UTF-8 needs to be big enough to carry the num-
ber of code points (which may have been described by SwTextProps.swMaxText-
Size) times 4 bytes.
The interesting part about this definition is the fact that on the implementation level, it
was (driven by the definition of the SwRecordLayout) decided to implement the string
as a structure of a size element (that goes by the shortName “size”) and a value
element (that goes by the shortName “string”).
The value element is defined as an array data type and therefore has a sub-element
that goes by the shortName “character”.
The latter references (in the role swDataDefProps.implementationDataType)
the Platform Data Type “uint8” (that, according to the rules of Platform Data
Types, is realized by an ImplementationDataType “uint8”).
Please note that the ApplicationPrimitiveDataType named “MyApplication-
StringType” references the SwBaseType named “MyTextBaseType” which is defined
in the following XML fragment:
Listing 5.5: Example for the definition of a string SwBaseType

The contribution of this definition of SwBaseType to the overall definition of a string

data type is represented by the definition of the character encoding (which is set to
Listing 5.6: Example for the definition of the applicable DataTypeMappingSet

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However, there is still one important part missing, i.e. the definition of the mapping
of ApplicationPrimitiveDataType to ImplementationDataType (and vice
versa, see Listing 5.6).
As mentioned before, the definition of an ImplementationDataType that corre-
sponds to an ApplicationPrimitiveDataType of category STRING can be
to some extent derived from the ApplicationPrimitiveDataType.swDataDef-
[TPS_SWCT_01570] DataTypeMap is mandatory in the presence of Applica-
tionPrimitiveDataType.swDataDefProps.swRecordLayout dThe definition of
a DataTypeMap is mandatory even if an ImplementationDataType has been de-
rived from an ApplicationPrimitiveDataType that defines a SwRecordLay-
One motivation for the existence of [TPS_SWCT_01570] is that the integrator of an
AUTOSAR ECU may rightfully decide to take a different ImplementationDataType
other than the one that has been generated on the basis of the SwRecordLayout. Application Composite Data Types

[TPS_SWCT_01247] ApplicationArrayDataType and ApplicationRecord-

DataType dThe meta-classes ApplicationArrayDataType and Application-
RecordDataType provide the means to define composite data types.
Such a composite data type is required if the application software wants to have ac-
cess to the individual elements of the composite as well as to do operations with the
whole composite, e.g. wants to communicate the complete record or array in a single
It is possible to use a combination of ApplicationArrayDataType and Applica-
tionRecordDataType, so that an ApplicationArrayDataType could be defined
as ApplicationRecordElement of a ApplicationRecordDataType and in the
same manner a ApplicationRecordDataType could be used as the base-type of
an ApplicationArrayDataType. The creation of nested ApplicationCompos-
iteDataTypes is also possible.c(RS_SWCT_03215, RS_SWCT_03216)

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Details about meta-class ApplicationRecordDataType are depicted in Figure


ApplicationArrayDataType ApplicationRecordDataType

+ dynamicArraySizeProfile: String [0..1]

«enumeration» +element 0..1 +element 0..* {ordered}  
ApplicationCompositeElementDataPrototype ApplicationCompositeElementDataPrototype
ApplicationArrayElement ApplicationRecordElement
+ arraySizeHandling: + isOptional: Boolean [0..1]
ArraySizeHandlingEnum [0..1]
«enumeration» + arraySizeSemantics:
ArraySizeHandlingEnum ArraySizeSemanticsEnum [0..1]

allIndicesSameArraySize «atpVariation»
allIndicesDifferentArraySize + maxNumberOfElements: PositiveInteger
inheritedFromArrayElementTypeSize [0..1]

Figure 5.11: Summary of ApplicationCompositeDataType ApplicationArrayDataType

[TPS_SWCT_01078] Configurable array size dThe size of an ApplicationArray-

DataType (in terms of the number of elements) is configured by means of the value
of attribute ApplicationArrayElement.maxNumberOfElements.
For the purpose of referring to an element of an ApplicationArrayDataType within
a software-component description, the element’s index runs from 0 to the value of
maxNumberOfElements-1.c(RS_SWCT_03144, RS_SWCT_03215)
Class ApplicationArrayDataType
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::Datatypes
Note An application data type which is an array, each element is of the same application data type.
Base ARElement, ARObject, ApplicationCompositeDataType, ApplicationDataType, AtpBlueprint, Atp
Blueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, AutosarDataType, CollectableElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dynamicArray String 0..1 attr Specifies the profile which the array will follow if it is a
SizeProfile variable size array.
element ApplicationArray 0..1 aggr This association implements the concept of an array
Element element. That is, in some cases it is necessary to be able
to identify single array elements, e.g. as input values for
an interpolation routine.

Table 5.11: ApplicationArrayDataType

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[constr_1907] Existence of attribute ApplicationArrayDataType.element

dFor each ApplicationArrayDataType, the aggregation of ApplicationAr-
rayElement in the role element shall exist at the time when the RTE is
Class ApplicationArrayElement
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::DataPrototypes
Note Describes the properties of the elements of an application array data type.
Base ARObject, ApplicationCompositeElementDataPrototype, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, DataPrototype,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
arraySize ArraySizeHandling 0..1 attr The way how the size of the array is handled.
Handling Enum
arraySize ArraySizeSemantics 0..1 attr This attribute controls how the information about the array
Semantics Enum size shall be interpreted.
indexDataType ApplicationPrimitive 0..1 ref This reference can be taken to assign a CompuMethod of
DataType category TEXTTABLE to the array. The texttable entries
associate a textual value to an index number such that
the element with that index number is represented by a
symbolic name.
maxNumberOf PositiveInteger 0..1 attr The maximum number of elements that the array can
Elements contain.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table 5.12: ApplicationArrayElement

Please note that the information about the number of elements of a specific Appli-
cationArrayDataType is not absolute but allows for further interpretation.
[TPS_SWCT_01076] Number of elements of a specific ApplicationArray-
DataType might vary at run-time dThat is, there are cases where the number of
elements of a specific ApplicationArrayDataType might vary at run-time.
To be precise, the number of elements might vary between 0 and the value denoted by
For this purpose an additional attribute arraySizeSemantics is available that can
be used to clarify the meaning of maxNumberOfElements.
For clarification, it might indeed happen that the actual number of elements in a specific
ApplicationArrayDataType yields 0 simply because the respective DataProto-
type is part of a higher-level protocol where under certain circumstances the Dat-
aPrototype of ApplicationArrayDataType is simply not required for expressing
a given semantics.c(RS_SWCT_03180, RS_SWCT_03181, RS_SWCT_03215, RS_-
Enumeration ArraySizeSemanticsEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ImplementationDataTypes

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Enumeration ArraySizeSemanticsEnum
Note This type controls how the information about the number of elements in an ApplicationArrayDataType
is to be interpreted.
Literal Description
fixedSize This means that the ApplicationArrayDataType will always have a fixed number of elements.
variableSize This implies that the actual number of elements in the ApplicationArrayDataType might vary at
run-time. The value of arraySize represents the maximum number of elements in the array.

Table 5.13: ArraySizeSemanticsEnum

Please note that the ability to define the semantic meaning of maxNumberOfEle-
ments is not only limited to the application data type level. The same approach also
applies for ImplementationDataType.
[constr_1152] category of ApplicationArrayElement and AutosarDataType
referenced in the role type shall be kept in sync dThe value of category of an
ApplicationArrayElement shall always be identical to the value of category of
the AutosarDataType referenced by the ApplicationArrayElement.c()
Enumeration ArraySizeHandlingEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::Datatypes
Note This enumeration defines different ways to handle the sizes of variable size arrays.
Literal Description
allIndicesDifferent All elements of the variable size array may have different sizes.
allIndicesSame All elements of the variable size array have the same size.
inheritedFromArray The size of all dimensions of the variable size array is determined by the size of the contained array
ElementTypeSize element.

Table 5.14: ArraySizeHandlingEnum Variable Size Array

[TPS_SWCT_01604] Enable Size Indicator dTo enable the RTE’s ability to

consider the number of valid elements inside a Variable-Size Array Data
Type the ApplicationArrayDataType.dynamicArraySizeProfile of Appli-
cationArrayDataType and ApplicationArrayElement.arraySizeHandling
shall be set.c(RS_SWCT_03181)
[TPS_SWCT_01601] Size Indicator shall be updated by software-component
dIf a software-component changes the number of valid elements in a variable size array,
it shall also update the Size Indicator in the ImplementationDataType.c(RS_-

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[TPS_SWCT_01602] Size Indicator shall be read by the software-component

dIf a software-component receives a variable size array, it shall use the Size Indi-
cator in the ImplementationDataType to determine the number of valid elements
in the array.c(RS_SWCT_03181)
[TPS_SWCT_01605] Semantics of ApplicationArrayElement.arraySizeHan-
dling dThe attribute ApplicationArrayElement.arraySizeHandling specifies
how the size is determined in case of multi-dimensional variable size array.c(RS_-
This allows to specify coherent relations between the sizes of the nested variable size
arrays in case of multiple dimensions.
With a suitable ImplementationDataType, it is possible to enable other software-
components, RTE, and other BSW modules to make use of the Size Indicator and
only transfer the valid data elements from the sender to the receiver.
[TPS_SWCT_01606] Internal structure of mapped ImplementationDataType
dThe attribute dynamicArraySizeProfile specifies which internal structure the
ImplementationDataType that is mapped to the ApplicationDataType shall
[TPS_SWCT_01607] Profiles for internal structure of mapped Implementation-
DataType dFor the structure of the ImplementationDataType that is mapped
to the ApplicationDataType the following profiles are defined for dynamicAr-
[TPS_SWCT_01608] Custom profiles for internal structure of mapped Implemen-
tationDataType dCustom profiles can be added to dynamicArraySizeProfile.
They shall have a company-specific prefix.c(RS_SWCT_03181)
As it is a general rule for the definition of custom profiles or values of category, the
custom value should start with a company-specific prefix in order to avoid clashes with
later extensions of the AUTOSAR standard.
dynamicArraySizeProfile is used to specify how the number of elements of the
multiple dimensions of a variable size array correlate. They could be totally indepen-
dent (VSA_FULLY_FLEXIBLE) on the one hand or each dimension has the same num-
ber of valid elements (VSA_SQUARE).
[TPS_SWCT_01623] Justification for the existence of attributes Application-
ArrayDataType.dynamicArraySizeProfile and ApplicationArrayEle-
ment.arraySizeHandling dAt the first glance, the two attributes ApplicationAr-
rayDataType.dynamicArraySizeProfile and ApplicationArrayElement.
arraySizeHandling seem equivalent.
However, both are needed because they have to be used if multi dimensional variable
size arrays have to be described. In this case, multiple combinations of sizes could
occur which cannot be specified beforehand.c(RS_SWCT_03181)

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The ImplementationDataType has to follow certain rules depending on the chosen

profile. See chapter 5.2.5 for details.
[constr_1314] Profile VSA_LINEAR for ApplicationArrayDataType dIf the dy-
namicArraySizeProfile of ApplicationArrayDataType is set to VSA_LIN-
EAR, the contained ApplicationArrayElement shall fulfill all the following condi-
tions at the time when the contract phase generation is executed:
• The attribute ApplicationArrayElement.arraySizeSemantics shall set
to the value variableSize.
• The attribute ApplicationArrayElement.maxNumberOfElements shall be
• The attribute ApplicationArrayElement.arraySizeHandling shall be set
to the value allIndicesSameArraySize.
• The ApplicationArrayElement shall be typed by an Application-
DataType that is not an ApplicationArrayDataType where the attribute
dynamicArraySizeProfile exists.
The part of [constr_1314] that demands that the ApplicationArrayElement
shall be typed by an ApplicationDataType that is not an ApplicationArray-
DataType where the attribute dynamicArraySizeProfile exists basically boils
down to the simple explanation that the “leaf” data type of the Variable-Size Ar-
ray Data Type can be anything but a Variable-Size Array Data Type.
[constr_1315] Profile VSA_SQUARE for ApplicationArrayDataType dIf the
dynamicArraySizeProfile of ApplicationArrayDataType is set to VSA_-
SQUARE, the contained ApplicationArrayElement shall fulfill all the following con-
ditions :
• The attribute ApplicationArrayElement.arraySizeSemantics shall be
set to the value variableSize.
• The attribute ApplicationArrayElement.maxNumberOfElements shall not
be defined.
• The attribute ApplicationArrayElement.arraySizeHandling shall be set
to the value inheritedFromArrayElementTypeSize.
• The ApplicationArrayElement shall be typed by an ApplicationArray-
The referred ApplicationArrayDataType shall refer over a chain (under consid-
eration of the number of dimensions of the “root” ApplicationArrayDataType) of
nested ApplicationArrayDataTypes with ApplicationArrayElements to an
ApplicationDataType that is not an ApplicationArrayDataType where the
attribute dynamicArraySizeProfile exists.

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The last ApplicationArrayDataType in that chain shall have an Application-

ArrayElement that fulfills all the following conditions:
• The attribute ApplicationArrayElement.arraySizeSemantics shall be
set to the value variableSize.
• The attribute ApplicationArrayElement.maxNumberOfElements shall be
• The attribute ApplicationArrayElement.arraySizeHandling set to the
value allIndicesSameArraySize.
All ApplicationArrayDataTypes before shall have an ApplicationArrayEle-
ment that fulfills all the following conditions:
• The attribute ApplicationArrayElement.arraySizeSemantics shall be
set to the value variableSize.
• The attribute ApplicationArrayElement.maxNumberOfElements shall not
be defined.
• The attribute ApplicationArrayElement.arraySizeHandling shall be set
to the value inheritedFromArrayElementTypeSize.
• The ApplicationArrayElement shall be typed by an ApplicationArray-
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
The part of [constr_1315], [constr_1316], and [constr_1317] that demands that the re-
ferred ApplicationArrayDataType shall refer over a chain (under consideration
of the number of dimensions of the “root” ApplicationArrayDataType) of nested
ApplicationArrayDataTypes with ApplicationArrayElements to an Appli-
cationDataType that is not an ApplicationArrayDataType where the attribute
dynamicArraySizeProfile exists basically boils down to the simple explanation
that the “leaf” data type of the Variable-Size Array Data Type can be anything
but a Variable-Size Array Data Type.
[constr_1316] Profile VSA_RECTANGULAR for ApplicationArrayDataType dIf
the dynamicArraySizeProfile of ApplicationArrayDataType is set to VSA_-
RECTANGULAR the contained ApplicationArrayElement shall fulfill all the follow-
ing conditions :
• The attribute ApplicationArrayElement.arraySizeSemantics shall be
set to the value variableSize.
• The attribute ApplicationArrayElement.maxNumberOfElements shall be
• The attribute ApplicationArrayElement.arraySizeHandling shall be set
to the value allIndicesSameArraySize.

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• The ApplicationArrayElement shall be typed by an ApplicationArray-

The referred ApplicationArrayDataType shall refer over a chain (under consid-
eration of the number of dimensions of the “root” ApplicationArrayDataType) of
nested ApplicationArrayDataTypes with ApplicationArrayElements to an
ApplicationDataType that is not an ApplicationArrayDataType where the
attribute dynamicArraySizeProfile exists.
The last ApplicationArrayDataType in that chain shall have an Application-
ArrayElement that fulfills all the following conditions:
• The attribute ApplicationArrayElement.arraySizeSemantics shall be
set to the value variableSize.
• The attribute ApplicationArrayElement.maxNumberOfElements shall be
• The attribute ApplicationArrayElement.arraySizeHandling shall be set
to the value allIndicesSameArraySize.
All ApplicationArrayDataTypes before shall have an ApplicationArrayEle-
ment that fulfills all the following conditions:
• The attribute ApplicationArrayElement.arraySizeSemantics shall set
to the value variableSize
• The attribute ApplicationArrayElement.maxNumberOfElements shall be
• The attribute ApplicationArrayElement.arraySizeHandling shall be set
to the value allIndicesSameArraySize.
• The ApplicationArrayElement shall be typed by an ApplicationArray-
This rule shall be imposed vat the time when the contract phase gener-
ation is executed.c()
[constr_1317] Profile VSA_FULLY_FLEXIBLE for ApplicationArrayDataType
dIf the dynamicArraySizeProfile of ApplicationArrayDataType is set to
VSA_FULLY_FLEXIBLE, the contained ApplicationArrayElement shall fulfill all
the following conditions:
• The attribute ApplicationArrayElement.arraySizeSemantics shall be
set to the value variableSize.
• The attribute ApplicationArrayElement.maxNumberOfElements shall be
• The attribute ApplicationArrayElement.arraySizeHandling shall be set
to the value allIndicesDifferentArraySize.

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• The ApplicationArrayElement shall be typed by an ApplicationArray-

The referred ApplicationArrayDataType shall refer over a chain (under consid-
eration of the number of dimensions of the “root” ApplicationArrayDataType) of
nested ApplicationArrayDataTypes with ApplicationArrayElements to an
ApplicationDataType that is not an ApplicationArrayDataType where the
attribute dynamicArraySizeProfile exist.
The last ApplicationArrayDataType in that chain shall have an Application-
ArrayElement that fulfills all the following conditions:
• The attribute ApplicationArrayElement.arraySizeSemantics shall be
set to the value variableSize.
• The attribute ApplicationArrayElement.maxNumberOfElements shall be
• The attribute ApplicationArrayElement.arraySizeHandling shall be set
to the value allIndicesSameArraySize.
All ApplicationArrayDataTypes before shall have an ApplicationArrayEle-
ment that fulfills all the following conditions:
• The attribute ApplicationArrayElement.arraySizeSemantics shall be
set to the value variableSize.
• The attribute ApplicationArrayElement.maxNumberOfElements shall be
• The attribute ApplicationArrayElement.arraySizeHandling shall be set
to the value allIndicesDifferentArraySize.
• The ApplicationArrayElement shall be typed by an ApplicationArray-
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
For examples, see Appendix E.1. Multi-Dimensional Arrays

Figure 5.12 shows a three-dimensional array described with a set of Application-

ArrayDataTypes on the left-hand side. The array element is typed by an Applica-
tionPrimitiveDataType of category BOOLEAN. On the right-hand side the im-
plementation of the three-dimensional array is described with an Implementation-
DataType which contains three nested ImplementationDataTypeElements.

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Software Component Template

Matching ApplicationArrayElements and ImplementationDataTypeEle-

ments are shown on the same layer. For the sake of clarity correlating maxNumberO-
fElements and arraySize attributes are described with the identical instance of a
SwSystemconst instead of a value. Further details of variant rich M1 models are not
in the scope of this example.
BOOLEAN_true_false_SysConDim1_SysConDim2_SysConDim3: boolean_NcNrDim1_NcNrDim2_NcNrDim3: ImplementationDataType
category = ARRAY
category = ARRAY

+applicationDataType +implementationDataType

+element +subElement

Dim1: ApplicationArrayElement Dim1: ImplementationDataTypeElement

category = ARRAY SwSystemconst category = ARRAY
arraySizeSemantics = FIXED-SIZE arraySizeSemantics = FIXED-SIZE
maxNumberOfElements = SysConDim1 arraySize = SysConDim1



category = ARRAY

+element +subElement

Dim2: ApplicationArrayElement Dim2: ImplementationDataTypeElement

category = ARRAY SwSystemconst category = ARRAY
arraySizeSemantics = FIXED-SIZE arraySizeSemantics = FIXED-SIZE
maxNumberOfElements = SysConDim2 arraySize = SysConDim2



category = ARRAY

+element +subElement

Dim3: ApplicationArrayElement Dim3: ImplementationDataTypeElement

category = BOOLEAN SwSystemconst category = TYPE_REFERENCE
arraySizeSemantics = FIXED-SIZE arraySizeSemantics = FIXED-SIZE
maxNumberOfElements = SysConDim3 arraySize = SysConDim3


+type +implementationDataType

BOOLEAN_true_false: boolean:
ApplicationPrimitiveDataType +dataTypeMap ImplementationDataType

category = BOOLEAN category = VALUE


Figure 5.12: Example of a three-dimensional array type

The data type of the array element is described by the ApplicationArrayDataType

with the means of a ApplicationPrimitiveDataType of category BOOLEAN. In
order to fulfill [constr_1152] the category of ApplicationArrayElement “Dim3”
is set to BOOLEAN.

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This ApplicationPrimitiveDataType “BOOLEAN” correlates to the Implemen-

tationDataType “boolean” of category VALUE which is typically the boolean type
of the AUTOSAR Platform Types. Please note here [constr_1063].
[TPS_SWCT_01256] Definition of multi-dimensional array data types dIn order
to describe multi dimensional arrays an ApplicationArrayElement references
again another ApplicationArrayDataType. Hereby, one ApplicationArray-
DataType per dimension is required.
This multiple dimensions do have a well-defined correlation to the individual dimen-
sions of an ImplementationDataType of category ARRAY when the Applica-
tionArrayDataType is mapped to an ImplementationDataType.
The ApplicationArrayElements are mapping in the order of the Applica-
tionArrayElement to ApplicationArrayDataType references to Implemen-
tationDataTypeElements in the order of first ImplementationDataTypeEle-
ment of the ImplementationDataType to leaf ImplementationDataTypeEle-
In other words the ApplicationArrayElement of the top-level ApplicationAr-
rayDataType relates to the first ImplementationDataTypeElement of the Im-
The ApplicationArrayElement of the referenced ApplicationArray-
DataTypes relates to the sub ImplementationDataTypeElements in the order of
the ApplicationArrayElement to ApplicationArrayDataType references.c
(RS_SWCT_03215, RS_SWCT_03216) Index Data Type

The usage of an array represents an elegant way to group data with identical proper-
ties. This allows for an easy processing of the same functionality by iterating over the
array elements.
From a functional point of view, however, each array element may have a distinct mean-
ing that could be visible to the application software. To create this visibility, it is possible
to take advantage of an existing mechanism: CompuMethods of category TEXT-
[TPS_SWCT_01699] Usage of ApplicationArrayElement.indexDataType
dThe primary use case of the attribute ApplicationArrayElement.index-
DataType is the creation of composite data type mappings or the description of mea-
surement and calibration. Furthermore, the information could be used for documenta-
tion purposes.c(RS_SWCT_03230)

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Software Component Template

ARElement «atpVariation» +swDataDefProps ARElement

AtpBlueprint SwDataDefProps AtpType
AtpBlueprintable 0..1 0..1 AutosarDataType

+ displayFormat: DisplayFormatString [0..1]

ApplicationCompositeElementDataPrototype AtpBlueprint
ApplicationArrayElement AtpBlueprintable
+ arraySizeHandling:
ArraySizeHandlingEnum [0..1]
+ arraySizeSemantics:
ArraySizeSemanticsEnum [0..1]
ApplicationArrayDataType +element
«atpVariation» +indexDataType ApplicationPrimitiveDataType
+ dynamicArraySizeProfile: String [0..1] 0..1 + maxNumberOfElements: PositiveInteger
[0..1] 0..1

Figure 5.13: Modeling of the ApplicationArrayElement.indexDataType

[constr_1438] ApplicationArrayElement.indexDataType needs to refer to a

CompuMethod of category TEXTTABLE dThe reference ApplicationArrayEle-
ment.indexDataType shall only point to an ApplicationPrimitiveDataType
that in turn refers to a CompuMethod of category TEXTTABLE.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_1440] Size of the CompuMethod of category TEXTTABLE referenced by
ApplicationArrayElement.indexDataType dThe interval defined by the Com-
puScales contained in the CompuMethod referenced by ApplicationArrayEle-
ment.indexDataType shall start at 0 and include all integer values until Applica-
tionArrayElement.maxNumberOfElements - 1.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_1439] Requirements on ApplicationArrayElement if attribute index-
DataType exists dIf ApplicationArrayElement.indexDataType exists then the
attribute ApplicationArrayElement.arraySizeSemantics shall be set to the
value fixedSize and attribute arraySizeHandling shall not exist at the time
when the contract phase generation is executed.c()
Listing 5.7 exemplifies the definition of an indexDataType.
Listing 5.7: Example for array index data type

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Listing 5.8 contains an example of a CompuMethod eligible for an indexDataType.

Listing 5.8: Example for a compu method used by an array index data type
</COMPU-METHOD> ApplicationRecordDataType

[TPS_SWCT_01249] ApplicationRecordDataType dA declaration of Applica-

tionRecordDataType describes a non-empty set of objects, each of which has a
unique identifier with respect to the ApplicationRecordDataType and each has
an own ApplicationDataType.

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The shortName of each ApplicationRecordElement within the scope of an Ap-

plicationRecordDataType shall be unique.c(RS_SWCT_03216)
Class ApplicationRecordDataType
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::Datatypes
Note An application data type which can be decomposed into prototypes of other application data types.
Base ARElement, ARObject, ApplicationCompositeDataType, ApplicationDataType, AtpBlueprint, Atp
Blueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, AutosarDataType, CollectableElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
element ApplicationRecord * aggr Specifies an element of a record.
(ordered) Element
The aggregation of ApplicationRecordElement is subject
to variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of elements inside a ApplicationrecordData
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table 5.15: ApplicationRecordDataType

[constr_1908] Existence of attribute ApplicationRecordDataType.element

dFor each ApplicationRecordDataType, the aggregation of Application-
RecordElement in the role element shall exist at the time when the RTE is
Class ApplicationRecordElement
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::DataPrototypes
Note Describes the properties of one particular element of an application record data type.
Base ARObject, ApplicationCompositeElementDataPrototype, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, DataPrototype,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
isOptional Boolean 0..1 attr This attribute represents the ability to declare the
enclosing ApplicationRecordElement as optional. This
means the that, at runtime, the ApplicationRecord
Element may or may not have a valid value and shall
therefore be ignored.
The underlying runtime software provides means to set
the ApplicationRecordElement as not valid at the sending
end of a communication and determine its validity at the
receiving end.

Table 5.16: ApplicationRecordElement

[TPS_SWCT_01771] Definition of optional elements on the level of Applica-

tionDataType dThe modeling approach for the definition of optional elements on the
level of ApplicationDataType is to set the attribute ApplicationRecordEle-
ment.isOptional to the value True.
If the attribute is not set or set to the value False then the respective Application-
RecordElement shall be considered mandatory.c(RS_SWCT_03320)

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5.2.5 Implementation Data Type Overview

[TPS_SWCT_01250] ImplementationDataType has been introduced to opti-

mize the formal support for data type handling on the implementation level dThe
concept of an ImplementationDataType has been introduced to optimize the for-
mal support for data type handling on the implementation level.
That is, an ImplementationDataType conceptually corresponds to the level of (C)
source code. For example, ImplementationDataTypes have a direct impact on the
contract (please find an explanation of this term in [2]) of a software-component and
the RTE.c(RS_SWCT_03217)
AbstractImplementationDataTypeElement AtpBlueprint
ImplementationDataTypeElement +subElement AtpBlueprintable
+ dynamicArraySizeProfile: String [0..1] AbstractImplementationDataType
+ arrayImplPolicy: ArrayImplPolicyEnum 0..* «atpVariation» + isStructWithOptionalElement: Boolean
[0..1] {ordered} [0..1]
+ arraySizeHandling: + typeEmitter: NameToken [0..1] 0..1 +implementationDataType
ArraySizeHandlingEnum [0..1]
+ arraySizeSemantics: +subElement
ArraySizeSemanticsEnum [0..1] 0..* {ordered} «atpSplitable»
+ isOptional: Boolean [0..1]
   +symbolProps 0..1
«atpVariation» «atpVariation»    
+ arraySize: PositiveInteger [0..1]   ImplementationProps ARElement
SymbolProps AtpType

ARElement «atpVariation»
AtpBlueprint 0..1 SwDataDefProps 0..1
AtpBlueprintable +swAddrMethod
+ additionalNativeTypeQualifier: NativeDeclarationString [0..1] +swDataDefProps
0..1 + displayFormat: DisplayFormatString [0..1]
+ displayPresentation: DisplayPresentationEnum [0..1]
+ stepSize: Float [0..1]
+ swAlignment: AlignmentType [0..1]
+ swCalibrationAccess: SwCalibrationAccessEnum [0..1]
SwBitRepresentation +swBitRepresentation + swImplPolicy: SwImplPolicyEnum [0..1]
+ swIntendedResolution: Numerical [0..1]
+ bitPosition: Integer [0..1] 0..1 + swInterpolationMethod: Identifier [0..1]
+ numberOfBits: Integer [0..1]
+ swIsVirtual: Boolean [0..1]
+ swValueBlockSize: Numerical [0..1]
+ swValueBlockSizeMult: Numerical [0..*] {ordered}
AtpBlueprintable +baseType

0..1 +swDataDefProps

+swPointerTargetProps 0..1

AtpBlueprint +functionPointerSignature
AtpBlueprintable + targetCategory: Identifier [0..1]
0..1 A

Figure 5.14: SwDataDefProps used in the context of ImplementationDataType

The allowed existence and multiplicity of all the attributes of SwDataDefProps and
other properties depend on the category of the ImplementationDataType.
[constr_1178] Existence of attributes of SwDataDefProps in the context of Im-
plementationDataType dFor the sake of removing possible sources of ambiguity,
SwDataDefProps used in the context of ImplementationDataType can only have
one of

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• baseType
• swPointerTargetProps
• implementationDataType
at the time when the contract phase generation is executed.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01251] Limited set of values for category are applicable for Im-
plementationDataType dLike any AutosarDataType, also the data types on im-
plementation level are characterized by its category and its SwDataDefProps. For
a given category, only a limited set of attributes of the SwDataDefProps makes
[constr_1009] SwDataDefProps applicable to ImplementationDataTypes dA
complete list of the SwDataDefProps and other attributes and their multiplicities which
are allowed for a given category is shown in table 5.17.
This rule shall be applied at any time in the workflow.c()
Attributes of SwDataDefProps Root Element Attribute Existence per Category







additionalNativeTypeQualifier x x x x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1

annotation x x x x * * * * * * *
baseType x x x x 1
compuMethod x x x x 0..1 0..1
dataConstr.dataConstrRule.physConstrs x x x x d/c7 d/c d/c
dataConstr.dataConstrRule.internalConstrs x x x x 0..1 0..1 0..1
displayFormat x x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
displayPresentation x x 0..1 0..1
implementationDataType x x x x 1
invalidValue x x x 0..1 0..1 0..18 0..19
stepSize x x 0..1

don’t care
There is a use case for the definition of an invalidValue for category ARRAY and therefore
category STRUCTURE is also supported for the sake of symmetry.
This represents an exception such that it would make sense to use an entire ArrayValueSpeci-
fication as the invalidValue because a string semantically is more than just a bunch of characters
in a row.

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Attributes of SwDataDefProps Root Element Attribute Existence per Category







swAddrMethod x x x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
swAlignment x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
swCalibrationAccess x x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
swImplPolicy x x x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
swPointerTargetProps x x x x 1 1
x x x x 1
x x x x 1
swRefreshTiming x x x x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
Other Attributes
subElement: ImplementationDataTypeElement x x 1..* 1..* 1
subElement.arraySizeSemantics x x 0..1
subElement.arraySize x x 1

Table 5.17: Allowed Attributes vs. category for ImplementationDataType

[constr_1694] Allowed target of SwDataDefProps.implementationDataType

dThe reference SwDataDefProps.implementationDataType shall only refer to an
ImplementationDataType. Any other subclass of AbstractImplementation-
DataType is not supported as a reference target.
This rule shall be applied at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()

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This list makes use of the SwDataDefProps and other meta-model elements which
are explained in detail in the further sections of this chapter.
Regulations regarding the applicable categorys for attribute Implementation-
DataType.swDataDefProps.compuMethod can be found in [constr_1158] inside
AbstractImplementationDataType ImplementationProps «enumeration»
ImplementationDataType SymbolProps ArrayImplPolicyEnum
«atpSplitable» 0..1
+ dynamicArraySizeProfile: String [0..1] payloadAsArray
+ isStructWithOptionalElement: Boolean [0..1] payloadAsPointerToArray
+ typeEmitter: NameToken [0..1]

Identifiable     «enumeration»
AbstractImplementationDataTypeElement «atpVariation»   ArraySizeSemanticsEnum

0..* variableSize
{ordered} +subElement

+ arrayImplPolicy: ArrayImplPolicyEnum [0..1] 0..* {ordered}
+ arraySizeHandling: ArraySizeHandlingEnum [0..1] ArraySizeHandlingEnum
+ arraySizeSemantics: ArraySizeSemanticsEnum [0..1]
+ isOptional: Boolean [0..1] «atpVariation»
«atpVariation» allIndicesDifferentArraySize
+ arraySize: PositiveInteger [0..1] inheritedFromArrayElementTypeSize

Figure 5.15: ImplementationDataType overview

[TPS_SWCT_01252] ImplementationDataType can express concepts not avail-

able on application level dAs a consequence of the specific focus, it is possible to
express concepts with an ImplementationDataType that are not supported on the
application level, i.e. by ApplicationDataType:
• ImplementationDataType supports the definition of pointers
• It is possible to define “alias” names just as in a typedef
• It is possible to define nested ImplementationDataTypes but in contrast to
the concept implemented for ApplicationDataType these implement a direct
aggregation of sub-elements rather than applying the type-prototype pattern.
The general structure of ImplementationDataType is sketched in Figure 5.15. If a
specific ImplementationDataType is supposed to define a composite data type, the
ImplementationDataType aggregates ImplementationDataTypeElements.
Class AbstractImplementationDataType (abstract)
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ImplementationDataTypes
Note This meta-class represents an abstract base class for different flavors of ImplementationDataType.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, AutosarDataType,
CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Subclasses ImplementationDataType
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

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Class AbstractImplementationDataType (abstract)
– – – – –
Table 5.18: AbstractImplementationDataType

Class ImplementationDataType
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ImplementationDataTypes
Note Describes a reusable data type on the implementation level. This will typically correspond to a typedef in
Base ARElement, ARObject, AbstractImplementationDataType, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier ,
AtpType, AutosarDataType, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dynamicArray String 0..1 attr Specifies the profile which the array will follow in case this
SizeProfile data type is a variable size array.
isStructWith Boolean 0..1 attr This attribute is only valid if the attribute category is set to
If set to True, this attribute indicates that the
ImplementationDataType has been created with the
intention to define at least one element of the structure as
subElement ImplementationData * aggr Specifies an element of an array, struct, or union data
(ordered) TypeElement type.
The aggregation of ImplementionDataTypeElement is
subject to variability with the purpose to support the
conditional existence of elements inside a Implementation
DataType representing a structure.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
symbolProps SymbolProps 0..1 aggr This represents the SymbolProps for the Implementation
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
typeEmitter NameToken 0..1 attr This attribute is used to control which part of the
AUTOSAR toolchain is supposed to trigger data type
Table 5.19: ImplementationDataType

[TPS_SWCT_01248] Nested definition of ImplementationDataType dIf an Im-

plementationDataTypeElement also represents a composite data type, it can ag-
gregate ImplementationDataTypeElements in the role of subElement. Again,
the type-prototype pattern does not apply in this case.c(RS_SWCT_03217)
[TPS_SWCT_01253] Rules apply for the usage of the attribute Implementation-
DataType.typeEmitter dThe following set of values is supported for the usage of
the attribute ImplementationDataType.typeEmitter:
• attribute typeEmitter is NOT defined.
• attribute typeEmitter is set to “RTE”.
• attribute typeEmitter is set to the name of a header file.

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• attribute typeEmitter is set to anything else.

The consequence of setting the value of typeEmitter is explained in [2].
The usage of ImplementationDataTypes within an AnyInstanceRef is described
in detail in [11].
Class AbstractImplementationDataTypeElement (abstract)
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ImplementationDataTypes
Note This meta-class represents the ability to act as an abstract base class for specific derived meta-classes
that support the modeling of ImplementationDataTypes for a particular language binding.
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Subclasses ImplementationDataTypeElement
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 5.20: AbstractImplementationDataTypeElement

Class ImplementationDataTypeElement
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ImplementationDataTypes
Note Declares a data object which is locally aggregated. Such an element can only be used within the scope
where it is aggregated.
This element either consists of further subElements or it is further defined via its swDataDefProps.
There are several use cases within the system of ImplementationDataTypes fur such a local declaration:
• It can represent the elements of an array, defining the element type and array size
• It can represent an element of a struct, defining its type
• It can be the local declaration of a debug element.
Base ARObject, AbstractImplementationDataTypeElement, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
arrayImplPolicy ArrayImplPolicyEnum 0..1 attr This attribute controls the implementation of the payload
of an array. It shall only be used if the enclosing
ImplementationDataType constitutes an array.
arraySize PositiveInteger 0..1 attr The existence of this attributes (if bigger than 0) defines
the size of an array and declares that this Implementation
DataTypeElement represents the type of each single
array element.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
arraySize ArraySizeHandling 0..1 attr The way how the size of the array is handled in case of a
Handling Enum variable size array.
arraySize ArraySizeSemantics 0..1 attr This attribute controls the meaning of the value of the
Semantics Enum array size.

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Class ImplementationDataTypeElement
isOptional Boolean 0..1 attr This attribute represents the ability to declare the
enclosing ImplementationDataTypeElement as optional.
This means that, at runtime, the ImplementationDataType
Element may or may not have a valid value and shall
therefore be ignored.
The underlying runtime software provides means to set
the CppImplementationDataTypeElement as not valid at
the sending end of a communication and determine its
validity at the receiving end.
subElement ImplementationData * aggr Element of an array, struct, or union in case of a nested
(ordered) TypeElement declaration (i.e. without using "typedefs").
The aggregation of ImplementionDataTypeElement is
subject to variability with the purpose to support the
conditional existence of elements inside a Implementation
DataType representing a structure.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
swDataDef SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr The properties of this ImplementationDataTypeElement.

Table 5.21: ImplementationDataTypeElement Modeling of Type Reference using Implementation Data Type

[TPS_SWCT_01441] Nature of a TYPE_REFERENCE dA type reference (formally rep-

resented by an ImplementationDataType of category TYPE_REFERENCE) imple-
ments a redirection to common ImplementationDataTypes.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01442] ImplementationDataType of category TYPE_REFERENCE
does not define own properties dAs long as an ImplementationDataType of
category TYPE_REFERENCE does not define own properties, the properties of the
refined ImplementationDataType apply.c(RS_SWCT_03217)
[TPS_SWCT_01443] ImplementationDataType of category TYPE_REFERENCE
overwrites properties of refined ImplementationDataType dIf an implementa-
tion data types of category TYPE_REFERENCE defines own properties (e.g. Com-
puMethod), these properties overwrite the properties of the refined Implementa-
As explained by [constr_1050], Compatibility checks of ImplementationDataType
require a prior resolution of possible type references, i.e. the compatibility shall be
checked on the resolved ImplementationDataType.
[constr_1383] Existence of CompuMethod and DataConstr for Implemen-
tationDataTypes of category TYPE_REFERENCE dThe existence of Imple-
mentationDataType.swDataDefProps.compuMethod and Implementation-
DataType.swDataDefProps.dataConstr for ImplementationDataTypes of

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category TYPE_REFERENCE is only allowed, if the respective Implementation-

DataType, after all type references are resolved, ends up in an Implementation-
DataType of category VALUE.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
Please note that, as a consequence of the existence of [constr_1383], it is possible
that the elements of a composite ImplementationDataType define individual Com-
puMethods. However, the definition of one CompuMethod that applies to the entire
composite ImplementationDataType is not supported. Modeling of Structure using Implementation Data Type

[constr_1106] Structure shall have at least one element dAn Implementation-

DataType or ImplementationDataTypeElement of category STRUCTURE shall
own at least one ImplementationDataTypeElement at the time when the
contract phase generation is executed.c() Modeling of Optional Element Structure with ImplementationDataType

The definition of an ImplementationDataType that represents an Optional El-

ement Structure shall not only rely on the existence of optional elements.
Also, the definition of the enclosing ImplementationDataType shall clearly signal
the intention by means of the dedicated attribute ImplementationDataType.is-
[TPS_SWCT_01772] Semantics of attribute ImplementationDataType.is-
StructWithOptionalElement dIf attribute ImplementationDataType.
isStructWithOptionalElement is set to True then the Implementation-
DataType advertises the intention to represent an Optional Element Struc-
ture such that the fulfillment of structural requirements for the existence of optional
elements can be formally checked.
Again, this attribute represents a formal specification that optionality is intended as
opposed to an ImplementationDataType that fulfills the structural requirements
out of different motivations.c(RS_SWCT_03217, RS_SWCT_03320)
[TPS_SWCT_01773] Definition of Optional Element Structure on the level
of ImplementationDataType dThe modeling approach for the definition of an Op-
tional Element Structure on the level of ImplementationDataType is to set
the attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.isOptional to the value True.

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If the attribute is not set or set to the value False then the respective Implementa-
tionDataTypeElement shall be considered mandatory.c(RS_SWCT_03217, RS_-
[constr_1637] Existence of ImplementationDataTypeElement.isOptional
vs. ImplementationDataType.isStructWithOptionalElement dIf one Im-
plementationDataType.subElement sets attribute isOptional to the value
True then the enclosing ImplementationDataType shall also set attribute is-
StructWithOptionalElement to True.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
In order to be able to generate a proper RTE API for the access to optional elements of
data types in general it is necessary to impose structural requirements on the definition
of ImplementationDataType.
In particular, it is necessary at runtime to store the information about the availability
of a specific ImplementationDataTypeElement where attribute isOptional has
been set to the value True in the context of an ImplementationDataType of cat-
An ImplementationDataType that represents an Optional Element Struc-
ture shall contain a special element which represents an availability bitfield.
This bitfield is implemented as an array of uint8 and shall hold one bit for each optional
element contained in the structured data type.
In particular, the applicable structural requirements for an Implementation-
DataType that represents an Optional Element Structure are described in the
following specification items.
[TPS_SWCT_01774] Modeling of ImplementationDataType with optional ele-
ments d
The following approach shall be taken to model an ImplementationDataType that
represents an Optional Element Structure:
• The first ImplementationDataTypeElement of Implementation-
DataType where attribute isStructWithOptionalElement is set to
True shall have the shortName availabilityBitfield. [constr_1638]
• This ImplementationDataTypeElement shall be of category ARRAY
• The ImplementationDataTypeElement shall set attribute arraySizeSe-
mantics to the value fixedSize.
• The ImplementationDataTypeElement shall aggregate a further Imple-
mentationDataTypeElement in the role subElement for which the following
requirements apply:

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– The ImplementationDataTypeElement shall be of category TYPE_-

REFERENCE that eventually refers to an ImplementationDataType that -
one way or the other - implements an array of unsigned bytes, e.g. take the
Platform Data Type named uint8 as the element type10 .
– The ImplementationDataTypeElement shall set the value of attribute
arraySize to max(1,ceil(numberOfOptionalElements / 8)).
[constr_1638] First ImplementationDataTypeElement of Implementation-
DataType that represents an Optional Element Structure dThe first Imple-
mentationDataTypeElement of ImplementationDataType that represents an
Optional Element Structure, i.e. the availabilityBitfield according to
[TPS_SWCT_01774], shall not set attribute isOptional to True at the time
when the contract phase generation is executed.c()
A further structural requirement applies.
[constr_1639] ImplementationDataTypeElement with attribute isOptional
set to True dImplementationDataTypeElement with attribute isOptional set to
True shall not be of category STRUCTURE at the time when the contract
phase generation is executed.c()
Instead, nested structures shall be created by modeling Implementation-
DataTypeElements of category TYPE_REFERENCE that in turn refer to Imple-
mentationDataTypes of category STRUCTURE.
Rationale: the existence of [constr_1639] simplifies the concept of the availability bit-
The bitfield shall only contain information of the availability of the direct child elements
and not of elements of sub-structures.
By using the category TYPE_REFERENCE it is assured that a separate Implemen-
tationDataType of category STRUCTURE is generated for the sub-structure.
Since the AUTOSAR RTE provides the APIs to access the availability information on
the basis of an ImplementationDataType of category STRUCTURE, the usage of
anonymous structures with optional elements is not possible. Modeling of Union using Implementation Data Type

[constr_1107] Union shall have at least one element dAn Implementation-

DataType or ImplementationDataTypeElement of category UNION shall own
at least one ImplementationDataTypeElement at the time when the con-
tract phase generation is executed.c()

this relation could be expressed in a more formal way. But it would be a very expansive formal way
in an already complicated specification item. It is assumed that it is sufficient to convey the general idea.

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[TPS_SWCT_01759] Use cases for unions dThere are different use cases for the
definition of a union data type:
1. The DataPrototypes derived from the union data type shall be transported
over a communication network. For this purpose, it is necessary to apply a
special modeling in the form of a wrapped union data type, as explained by
2. The DataPrototypes created from the union data type are used internally
within the same ECU, e.g. as a PerInstanceMemory, romBlock, or ram-
Block. In this case the modeling of the union data type does not depend on
specific constraints.
In summary, there are cases where unions can be used in PortInterfaces, but
these are restricted to the fulfillment of certain conditions that are explained in [con-
[constr_1607] Only Wrapped Union Data Types in PortInterface dWithin the
scope of a PortInterface the usage of a Union data type is only supported
• for Wrapped Union Data Types.
• for a PortInterface that is used to type a PortPrototype that does not
appear as a context in an instanceRef owned by a DataMapping. See also
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c() Modeling of Array using Implementation Data Type Overview

[TPS_SWCT_01254] ImplementationDataType with array semantics dOf

course, it is also possible to define an ImplementationDataType that provides array
[TPS_SWCT_01006] ImplementationDataType.subElement.arraySize shall
be used to define the size of the array dThe primitive attribute Implementation-
DataType.subElement.arraySize shall be used to define the size of the array.c
[TPS_SWCT_01007] Semantics of array index dFor an Implementation-
DataType that implements an array data type, the semantics of the array index is
such that
• it shall start with the value 0

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• it shall run to the value of arraySize -1

[constr_1105] Value of arraySize dThe value of the attribute arraySize of an
ImplementationDataTypeElement owned by an ImplementationDataType or
ImplementationDataTypeElement of category ARRAY shall be greater than 0
unless attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeHandling exists
and is set to the value inheritedFromArrayElementTypeSize.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01478] Array size is defined as an attribute of the Implementa-
tionDataTypeElement dPlease note that the array size is not defined as an attribute
of the ImplementationDataType which stands for the whole array.
It is actually defined as an attribute of the ImplementationDataTypeElement
which is describing the array element (note that the same pattern is used in Appli-
Consequently, if a “struct” element represents an array this specific struct-element is
given by an ImplementationDataTypeElement of category ARRAY which in turn
aggregates another ImplementationDataTypeElement of e.g. category VALUE
representing the array element and containing the size.
[TPS_SWCT_01255] Indicate whether the array is supposed to have a fixed size
or whether the actual size might change during run-time dIt is also possible to
indicate whether the array is supposed to have a fixed size or whether the actual size
might change during run-time.c(RS_SWCT_03217)
[constr_1783] Existence of attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.ar-
rayImplPolicy dAttribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arrayImplPol-
icy shall only exist at the time when the contract phase generation
is executed if the enclosing ImplementationDataType or Implementation-
DataTypeElement is of category ARRAY.c()
The usage of attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arrayImplPolicy
does not have an impact on model semantics, i.e. it does not impose further condi-
tions on the modeling of arrays.
The attribute merely influences the implementation of the respective array in the pro-
gramming language binding in the form of generated C code.
Enumeration ArrayImplPolicyEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ImplementationDataTypes
Note This meta-class provides values to configure the implementation of the payload part of an array.
Literal Description

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Enumeration ArrayImplPolicyEnum
payloadAsArray This configuration demands the implementation of the payload as an array.
payloadAsPointerTo This configuration demands the implementation of the payload as a pointer to an array.

Table 5.22: ArrayImplPolicyEnum Modeling of Variable-Size Array using Implementation Data Type

In the same way as for ApplicationDataTypes, it is also possible to specify a Size

Indicator of a variable size array which holds the number of valid elements of the
array in the ImplementationDataType.
Please find more information about this topic in section
[TPS_SWCT_01622] Modeling of a Variable-Size Array Data Type only
with ImplementationDataType dThe modeling of a Variable-Size Array
Data Type does not require the existence of an ApplicationComposite-
DataType and a DataTypeMap. A Variable-Size Array Data Type can be
created by just setting up an ImplementationDataType.c(RS_SWCT_03217, RS_-
[TPS_SWCT_01610] Modeling of a Variable-Size Array Data Type with
Size Indicator enabled dAn ImplementationDataType with category
STRUCTURE where the attribute ImplementationDataType.dynamicArray-
SizeProfile exists represents a Variable-Size Array Data Type with Size
Indicator enabled.
For the sake of a proper definition of terminology, this ImplementationDataType shall
be called the VSA ImplementationDataType.c(RS_SWCT_03217, RS_SWCT_-
[TPS_SWCT_01650] Structure of the VSA ImplementationDataType dThe VSA
ImplementationDataType shall consist of
• an ImplementationDataTypeElement representing the Size Indicator
• an ImplementationDataTypeElement representing the Payload of the
Variable-Size Array Data Type.
For the sake of a proper definition of terminology, these ImplementationDataType-
Elements shall be called the VSA Size Indicator ImplementationDataType-
Element and the VSA Payload ImplementationDataTypeElement respec-
tively.c(RS_SWCT_03217, RS_SWCT_03181)

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[TPS_SWCT_01612] arraySizeHandling specifies how the size is determined

darraySizeHandling specifies how the size is determined in case of multi-
dimensional variable size array.c(RS_SWCT_03217, RS_SWCT_03181)
The statement made by [TPS_SWCT_01612] allows the specification of coherency
between the sizes of the nested variable size arrays in case of multiple dimensions.
[TPS_SWCT_01613] Internal structure of mapped ImplementationDataType
dThe attribute dynamicArraySizeProfile specifies which internal structure the
ImplementationDataType shall follow.c(RS_SWCT_03217, RS_SWCT_03181)
[TPS_SWCT_01614] Profiles for internal structure of mapped Implementation-
DataType dFor the structure of the ImplementationDataType the following profiles
are defined for dynamicArraySizeProfile: VSA_LINEAR, VSA_SQUARE, VSA_-
[TPS_SWCT_01615] Custom profiles for internal structure of mapped Implemen-
tationDataType dCustom profiles can be added to dynamicArraySizeProfile.
They shall have a company-specific prefix.c(RS_SWCT_03217, RS_SWCT_03181)
For reasons of readability and comprehensibility the following constraints focus on the
payload of the Variable-Size Array Data Type only. For the Size Indica-
tor additional individual constraints do apply.
[constr_1318] Profile VSA_LINEAR for ImplementationDataType dIf the value of
attribute ImplementationDataType.dynamicArraySizeProfile is set to VSA_-
LINEAR, the ImplementationDataType shall aggregate a VSA Payload Imple-
mentationDataTypeElement that fulfills all the following conditions:
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeSemantics
shall not be defined.
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.category shall be set to
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySize shall not be
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeHandling
shall not be defined.
The VSA Payload ImplementationDataTypeElement shall immediately aggre-
gate another ImplementationDataTypeElement that shall fulfill all the following
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeSemantics
shall be set to the value variableSize.
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySize shall be de-

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• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeHandling

shall be set to the value allIndicesSameArraySize.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_1319] Profile VSA_SQUARE for ImplementationDataType dIf the value of
attribute ImplementationDataType.dynamicArraySizeProfile is set to VSA_-
SQUARE, the ImplementationDataType shall aggregate a VSA Payload Imple-
mentationDataTypeElement that fulfills all the following conditions:
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeSemantics
shall not be defined.
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.category shall be set to
the value ARRAY.
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySize shall not be
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeHandling
shall not be defined.
The VSA Payload ImplementationDataTypeElement shall immediately aggre-
gate another ImplementationDataTypeElement (representing the first dimension)
that shall fulfill all the following conditions:
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeSemantics
shall be set to the value variableSize.
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.category shall be set to
the value ARRAY.
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySize shall not be
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeHandling
shall be set to the value inheritedFromArrayElementTypeSize.
All intermediate ImplementationDataTypeElements in the aggregation chain
that do not terminate the chain shall fulfill all the following conditions:
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeSemantics
shall be set to the value variableSize.
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.category shall be set to
the value ARRAY.
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySize shall not be
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeHandling
shall be set to the value inheritedFromArrayElementTypeSize.

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The terminating ImplementationDataTypeElement in the aggregation chain shall

fulfill all the following conditions:
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeSemantics
shall be set to the value variableSize.
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySize shall be de-
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeHandling
shall be set to the value allIndicesSameArraySize.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_1320] Profile VSA_RECTANGULAR for ImplementationDataType dIf the
value of attribute ImplementationDataType.dynamicArraySizeProfile is set
to VSA_RECTANGULAR, the ImplementationDataType shall aggregate a VSA
Payload ImplementationDataTypeElement that fulfills all the following condi-
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeSemantics
shall not be defined.
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.category shall be set to
the value ARRAY.
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySize shall not be
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeHandling
shall not be defined.
The VSA Payload ImplementationDataTypeElement shall immediately aggre-
gate another ImplementationDataTypeElement (representing the first dimension)
that shall fulfill all the following conditions:
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.category shall be set to
the value ARRAY.
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeSemantics
shall be set to the value variableSize.
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySize shall be de-
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeHandling
shall be set to the value allIndicesSameArraySize.
All intermediate ImplementationDataTypeElements in the aggregation chain
that do not terminate the chain shall fulfill all the following conditions:

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Software Component Template

• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.category shall be set to

the value ARRAY.
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeSemantics
shall be set to the value variableSize.
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySize shall be de-
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeHandling
shall be set to the value allIndicesSameArraySize.
The terminating ImplementationDataTypeElement in the aggregation chain shall
fulfill all the following conditions:
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeSemantics
shall be set to the value variableSize.
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySize shall be de-
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeHandling
shall be set to the value allIndicesSameArraySize.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_1321] Profile VSA_FULLY_FLEXIBLE for ImplementationDataType dIf
the value of attribute ImplementationDataType.dynamicArraySizeProfile is
set to the value VSA_FULLY_FLEXIBLE, the ImplementationDataType shall ag-
gregate a VSA Payload ImplementationDataTypeElement that fulfills all the fol-
lowing conditions:
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeSemantics
shall not be defined.
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.category shall be set to
the value ARRAY.
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySize shall not be
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeHandling
shall not be defined.
The VSA Payload ImplementationDataTypeElement shall immediately aggre-
gate another ImplementationDataTypeElement (representing the first dimension)
that shall fulfill all the following conditions:
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.category shall be set to

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Software Component Template

• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeSemantics

shall be set to the value variableSize.
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySize shall be de-
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeHandling
shall be set to the value allIndicesDifferentArraySize.
The ImplementationDataTypeElement shall aggregate another Implementa-
tionDataTypeElement that fulfills the following conditions:
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeSemantics
shall not be defined.
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.category shall be set to
the value ARRAY.
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySize shall not be
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeHandling
shall not be defined.
The aggregation chain is continued by a (possible empty) sequence of a pair of
ImplementationDataTypeElements with the following characteristics:
• The first ImplementationDataTypeElement in the pair shall fulfill all the fol-
lowing conditions:
– The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.category shall be
– The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeSeman-
tics shall be set to the value variableSize.
– The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySize shall be
– The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeHan-
dling shall be set to the value allIndicesDifferentArraySize.
• The second ImplementationDataTypeElement in the pair shall fulfill all the
following conditions:
– The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeSeman-
tics shall not be defined.
– The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.category shall be
set to the value ARRAY.
– The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySize shall not
be defined.

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Software Component Template

– The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeHan-

dling shall not be defined.
The terminating ImplementationDataTypeElement in the aggregation chain shall
fulfill all the following conditions:
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeSemantics
shall be set to the value variableSize.
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySize shall be de-
• The attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySizeHandling
shall be set to the value allIndicesSameArraySize.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_1396] Restriction for the value of attribute category for non-terminating
ImplementationDataTypeElements taken to model a Variable-Size Array
Data Type dThe value of attribute category for non-terminating Implementa-
tionDataTypeElements taken to model a Variable-Size Array Data Type
shall not be set to TYPE_REFERENCE at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()
[constr_1322] Size Indicator for undefined dynamicArraySizeProfile dIf
the ImplementationDataType.dynamicArraySizeProfile does not exist but
the ImplementationDataType is mapped to an ApplicationArrayDataType
where the attribute ApplicationArrayDataType.dynamicArraySizeProfile
exists, then the ImplementationDataType shall have the category STRUC-
TURE, representing a Variable-Size Array Data Type with Size Indica-
tor enabled at the time when the contract phase generation is ex-
[TPS_SWCT_01617] Structure of an ImplementationDataType that represents
a variable-sized array data type dThe ImplementationDataType that represents
a Variable-Size Array Data Type shall have the category STRUCTURE that
has two subElements.
The role of the subElements with the definition of a Variable-Size Array Data
Type is defined by [TPS_SWCT_01618], [TPS_SWCT_01619], [TPS_SWCT_01620],
and [TPS_SWCT_01621].c(RS_SWCT_03217, RS_SWCT_03181)
[TPS_SWCT_01618] Size Indicator for dynamicArraySizeProfile set to
DataType is mapped to an ApplicationArrayDataType which has the attribute
dynamicArraySizeProfile set to the value VSA_LINEAR, VSA_SQUARE or VSA_-
FULLY_FLEXIBLE, the first ImplementationDataType.subElement shall be an
integer large enough to hold the maximum number of valid elements of the variable
size array (according to maxNumberOfElements).

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This is the Size Indicator which holds the current number of valid elements of the
variable size array.c(RS_SWCT_03217, RS_SWCT_03181)
[TPS_SWCT_01647] Size Indicator for dynamicArraySizeProfile set to
DataType is present dFor each ImplementationDataType which has the attribute
dynamicArraySizeProfile set to the value VSA_LINEAR, VSA_SQUARE, or VSA_-
FULLY_FLEXIBLE, the first ImplementationDataType.subElement shall be an
integer large enough to hold the maximum number of valid elements of the variable
size array (according to arraySize).
This is the Size Indicator which holds the current number of valid elements of the
Variable-Size Array Data Type.c(RS_SWCT_03217, RS_SWCT_03181)
[TPS_SWCT_01619] Size Indicator for dynamicArraySizeProfile set to
VSA_RECTANGULAR dIf an ImplementationDataType is mapped to an Applica-
tionArrayDataType where the attribute ApplicationArrayDataType.dynami-
cArraySizeProfile exists and is set to the value VSA_RECTANGULAR, the first
ImplementationDataType.subElement shall be a ImplementationDataType-
Element with the category set to ARRAY and the attribute arraySize set to a value
equal to the number of the according dimension of the corresponding Application-
DataType.c(RS_SWCT_03217, RS_SWCT_03181)
[TPS_SWCT_01648] Size Indicator for dynamicArraySizeProfile set to
VSA_RECTANGULAR if only ImplementationDataType is present dFor each
ImplementationDataType where the attribute ImplementationDataType.dy-
namicArraySizeProfile exists and is set to the value VSA_RECTANGULAR,
the first ImplementationDataType.subElement shall be a Implementation-
DataTypeElement with the category set to ARRAY and the attribute arraySize
set to a value equal to the size of the according dimension of the rectangular array.c
(RS_SWCT_03217, RS_SWCT_03181)
[TPS_SWCT_01620] Size Indicator for dynamicArraySizeProfile set to
VSA_RECTANGULAR dThe elements of this Size Indicator array shall consist of
integers large enough to hold the maximum number of valid elements (according to
maxNumberOfElements).c(RS_SWCT_03217, RS_SWCT_03181)
This array holds the Size Indicators of all dimensions.
[TPS_SWCT_01621] Payload for dynamicArraySizeProfile dIf an Imple-
mentationDataType is mapped to an ApplicationArrayDataType where
the attribute dynamicArraySizeProfile exists, the second Implementation-
DataType.subElement shall be an array which can hold the data of the variable size
array with all dimensions defined for the ApplicationDataType.
The category shall be set to ARRAY and arraySize shall be set to maxNumberO-
fElements of the corresponding ApplicationArrayDataType.c(RS_SWCT_-
03217, RS_SWCT_03181)

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[TPS_SWCT_01649] Payload for dynamicArraySizeProfile if only Imple-

mentationDataType is present dEach ImplementationDataType where the at-
tribute dynamicArraySizeProfile exists shall aggregate a second Implementa-
tionDataType.subElement with the category set to ARRAY.c(RS_SWCT_03217,
For examples, see Appendix E.1.
An ImplementationDataType is also allowed to have SwDataDefProps (this fea-
ture is inherited from AutosarDataType), i.e. it can define various specific structural
and semantical attributes. Table 5.43 shows which SwDataDefProps will be typically
used here.
[TPS_SWCT_01257] ImplementationDataType or the aggregated Implemen-
tationDataTypeElements do not form closed sets dAn Implementation-
DataType or the aggregated ImplementationDataTypeElements do not form
closed sets but refer to further type definitions in one of four distinctive ways, depend-
ing on whether the type is implemented via a base type, a data or function pointer, or
a reference to another implementation data type:
1. Reference to an underlying SwBaseType corresponds to category VALUE.
2. Reference to BswModuleEntry in SwPointerTargetProps corresponds to
3. SwDataDefProps in SwPointerTargetProps corresponds to category
4. Reference to another ImplementationDataType corresponds to category
c(RS_SWCT_03217, RS_SWCT_03217)
At the end, all the “leafs” of the complete tree formed by these references shall end up
in SwBaseTypes.
Figures 5.16, 5.17, and Figure 5.18 illustrate more examples about Typedefs and ref-

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Software Component Template
AUTOSAR CP R21-11 Modeling of Pointer using Implementation Data Type


MySimpleType: MyPointerType:
ImplementationDataType ImplementationDataType

category = VALUE category = DATA_REFERENCE



baseTypeEncoding = NONE
nativeDeclaration = unsigned short :SwPointerTargetProps

targetCategory = TYPE_REFERENCE

uint16: SwBaseType
:SwDataDefProps :SwDataDefProps
category = FIXED_LENGTH

Figure 5.16: Example (1) for TypeDefs

[TPS_SWCT_01258] Definition of a pointer to data dThe definition of a data pointer

requires a special meta-class SwPointerTargetProps which aggregates another
SwDataDefProps. This mechanism allows to describe the category and properties
of the pointer object itself as well as the category and properties of its target data
[constr_1177] Allowed targetCategory for SwPointerTargetProps dThe value
of targetCategory for SwPointerTargetProps can only be one of TYPE_REF-
The only exception to this rule applies if the swDataDefProps owned by the Sw-
PointerTargetProps refers to a SwBaseType with native type declaration void, in
this case VALUE is also permitted.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()

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Software Component Template

MyStructType: ImplementationDataType

category = STRUCTURE

C1:: ImplementationDataTypeElement C2: ImplementationDataTypeElement

category = VALUE category = TYPE_REFERENCE

:SwDataDefProps :SwDataDefProps

uint16: SwBaseType OtherStructType: ImplementationDataType

category = FIXED_LENGTH category = STRUCTURE


baseTypeEncoding = NONE
nativeDeclaration = unsigned short

Figure 5.17: Example (2) for TypeDefs

As far as the AUTOSAR meta-model is concerned, a pointer to a pointer could in

principle be implemented in two ways:
1. by defining an ImplementationDataType of category DATA_REFERENCE
that aggregates SwDataDefProps in the role swDataDefProps that in turn
aggregate SwPointerTargetProps in the role swPointerTargetProps
with attribute targetCategory set to TYPE_REFERENCE that aggregates Sw-
DataDefProps in the role swDataDefProps that references an Implementa-
tionDataType of category DATA_REFERENCE.
2. by defining an ImplementationDataType of category DATA_REFERENCE
that aggregates SwDataDefProps in the role swDataDefProps that in turn ag-
gregate SwPointerTargetProps in the role swPointerTargetProps with
attribute targetCategory set to DATA_REFERENCE (which is not allowed ac-
cording to [constr_1177]) that in turn aggregates SwDataDefProps in the role
swDataDefProps that aggregates SwPointerTargetProps in the role sw-
PointerTargetProps that references an ImplementationDataType of
category e.g. VALUE.
[constr_1254] Definition of a pointer to a pointer dAUTOSAR does not support
the definition of a pointer to a pointer by defining an ImplementationDataType
of category DATA_REFERENCE that aggregates SwDataDefProps in the role sw-
DataDefProps that in turn aggregate SwPointerTargetProps in the role sw-
PointerTargetProps with attribute targetCategory set to DATA_REFERENCE
that in turn aggregates SwDataDefProps in the role swDataDefProps that ag-
gregates SwPointerTargetProps in the role swPointerTargetProps that ref-
erences an ImplementationDataType of category e.g. VALUE.

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This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
For clarification, The AUTOSAR RTE does not support a definition of a pointer to a
pointer by way of option 2 anyway. For all intents and purposes, [constr_1254] merely
reflects this restriction on the level of AUTOSAR models.
Option 1 (which is also featured in Figure 5.18) is the only viable way that is positively
supported by the AUTOSAR RTE [2].


Foo: ImplementationDataType Foo: ImplementationDataType Foo: ImplementationDataType


:SwDataDefProps :SwDataDefProps :SwDataDefProps

swImplPolicy = const swImplPolicy = const

:SwPointerTargetProps :SwPointerTargetProps :SwPointerTargetProps

targetCategory = VALUE targetCategory = VALUE targetCategory = TYPE_REFERENCE

:SwDataDefProps :SwDataDefProps :SwDataDefProps

swImplPolicy = const

VOID: SwBaseType VOID: SwBaseType bar: ImplementationDataType

category = FIXED_LENGTH category = FIXED_LENGTH category = DATA_REFERENCE

:BaseTypeDirectDefinition :BaseTypeDirectDefinition

baseTypeEncoding = VOID baseTypeEncoding = VOID

nativeDeclaration = void nativeDeclaration = void

Figure 5.18: Example (3) for TypeDefs

[TPS_SWCT_01259] Definition of a pointer to a function dAn Implementation-

DataType or one of its sub-elements can also describe a function pointer. This com-
pletes its ability to declare all kinds of local data and of possible arguments used in
library calls.
A function pointer is defined by the category FUNCTION_REFERENCE and the as-
sociation SwPointerTargetProps.functionPointerSignature that refers to a
BswModuleEntry. The latter essentially describes the signature of a function as ex-
plained in [6].c(RS_SWCT_03217)

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Software Component Template

Class SwPointerTargetProps
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::DataDefProperties
Note This element defines, that the data object (which is specified by the aggregating element) contains a
reference to another data object or to a function in the CPU code. This corresponds to a pointer in the
The attributes of this element describe the category and the detailed properties of the target which is
either a data description or a function signature.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
functionPointer BswModuleEntry 0..1 ref The referenced BswModuleEntry serves as the signature
Signature of a function pointer definition. Primary use case: function
pointer passed as argument to other function.
swDataDef SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr The properties of the target data type.
targetCategory Identifier 0..1 attr This specifies the category of the target:
• In case of a data pointer, it shall specify the
category of the referenced data.
• In case of a function pointer, it could be used to
denote the category of the referenced Bsw
ModuleEntry. Since currently no categories for
BswModuleEntry are defined it will be empty.

Table 5.23: SwPointerTargetProps

Please note that an ImplementationDataType manifests itself in the source code

of an RTE into which a DataPrototype typed by the ImplementationDataType
is deployed. This implies potential naming conflicts if ImplementationDataTypes
that have identical shortNames are deployed into a specific RTE.
[TPS_SWCT_01194] Symbolic name of an ImplementationDataType dTo miti-
gate this potential hazard it is possible to provide the ImplementationDataType
along with an accompanying symbolic name that can be used for resolving the name
The symbolic name is provided by means of the attribute symbol of the meta-class
SymbolProps owned by ImplementationDataType in the role symbolProps.c()
For more information about symbolProps, please refer to Figure 5.15.

+ symbol: CIdentifier [0..1]

BswSchedulerNamePrefix SectionNamePrefix SymbolProps SymbolicNameProps

Figure 5.19: ImplementationProps and its subclasses

291 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class ImplementationProps (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Implementation
Note Defines a symbol to be used as (depending on the concrete case) either a complete replacement or a
prefix when generating code artifacts.
Base ARObject, Referrable
Subclasses BswSchedulerNamePrefix, ExecutableEntityActivationReason, SectionNamePrefix, SymbolProps,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
symbol CIdentifier 0..1 attr The symbol to be used as (depending on the concrete
case) either a complete replacement or a prefix.

Table 5.24: ImplementationProps

[constr_1909] Existence of attribute ImplementationProps.symbol dFor each

ImplementationProps, the attribute symbol shall exist at the time when the
contract phase generation is executed.c()
Class SymbolProps
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note This meta-class represents the ability to attach with the symbol attribute a symbolic name that is conform
to C language requirements to another meta-class, e.g. AtomicSwComponentType, that is a potential
subject to a name clash on the level of RTE source code.
Base ARObject, ImplementationProps, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 5.25: SymbolProps

5.2.6 Base Type

[TPS_SWCT_01260] SwBaseType dBaseType is used to specify the basic data type

level. AUTOSAR uses the meta-class SwBaseType which is derived from the abstract
class BaseType due to other use cases for BaseType in ASAM HDO.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01261] Use case for SwBaseType dOne use case for SwBaseType is
to serve as input for the RTE generator. It will always appear at the “leaves” of data
the types definitions which are relevant for RTE generation. It is used to generate the
corresponding C-code typedefs in case the attribute BaseTypeDirectDefinition.
nativeDeclaration exists.c()
[constr_1010] If nativeDeclaration does not exist dIf nativeDeclaration
does not exist in the SwBaseType, it is required that the shortName (e.g. “uint8”)
of the corresponding ImplementationDataType is equal to a name of one of the
Platform or Standard Types predefined in AUTOSAR code.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()

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The consequence of [constr_1010] is that if the nativeDeclaration does not exist

the RTE generator will not consider the ImplementationDataType for the genera-
tion of data type definitions.
Still, the compiler will positively be able to resolve the data type because it can fall back
to the data type definitions contained in the header file for platform and standard data
types that has to be included by regulation of the AUTOSAR standard.
Please note that nativeDeclaration shall yield a valid C data type symbol, whether
this is done by a typedef or a by using the symbol11 of an integral data type is princi-
pally all the same.
Of course, using the symbol of an integral data type as the value of nativeDeclara-
tion increases the odds that the enclosing SwBaseType can be used independently
of the availability of the definition of a typedef that may or may not be available in a
given context.
[TPS_SWCT_01563] Applicable values for nativeDeclaration dFor the purpose
of avoiding portability issues the value nativeDeclaration should only consist of
the symbol of an integral C data type.c()
For more information on this refer to [23].
[TPS_SWCT_01263] Further use cases for SwBaseType dWithin the basic software
description, SwBaseType can be used (together with ImplementationDataTypes)
for documentation or to specify variables for debugging. Furthermore, SwBaseTypes
are required in the generation of support data for measurement and calibration tools.
Please refer to [6] for details on these use cases.c()
A more detailed description of BaseTypes can also be found in ASAM MCD 2 Harmo-
nized Data Objects.12
Class BaseType (abstract)
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::BaseTypes
Note This abstract meta-class represents the ability to specify a platform dependent base type.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Subclasses SwBaseType
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

Note that the symbol does not necessarily have to consist of a single token, i.e. for all intents and
purposes (for example) unsigned char is also considered the symbol of an integral C data type.
The definition of Harmonized Data Objects can be retrieved from ASAM at www.asam.net. Access
is limited to ASAM members.

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Software Component Template

Class BaseType (abstract)
baseType BaseTypeDefinition 1 aggr This is the actual definition of the base type.

Table 5.26: BaseType

The aggregation BaseType.baseTypeDefinition affects two abstract meta-

classes and is therefore never used directly. However, in order to not break the seman-
tics of the derived meta-classes SwBaseType and BaseTypeDirectDefinition a
constraint is still required.
[constr_1910] Existence of attribute BaseType.baseTypeDefinition dFor each
BaseType (which will be utilized in the form of SwBaseType), the aggregation in
the role baseTypeDefinition shall exist at the time when the contract
phase generation is executed.c()
Class SwBaseType
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::BaseTypes
Note This meta-class represents a base type used within ECU software.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, BaseType, CollectableElement, Identifiable,
MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 5.27: SwBaseType

Class BaseTypeDefinition (abstract)

Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::BaseTypes
Note This meta-class represents the ability to define a basetype.
Base ARObject
Subclasses BaseTypeDirectDefinition
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 5.28: BaseTypeDefinition

Class BaseTypeDirectDefinition
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::BaseTypes
Note This BaseType is defined directly (as opposite to a derived BaseType)
Base ARObject, BaseTypeDefinition
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

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Class BaseTypeDirectDefinition
baseType BaseTypeEncoding 0..1 attr This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is
Encoding String encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
baseTypeSize PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Describes the length of the data type specified in the
container in bits.
byteOrder ByteOrderEnum 0..1 attr This attribute specifies the byte order of the base type.
memAlignment PositiveInteger 0..1 attr This attribute describes the alignment of the memory
object in bits. E.g. "8" specifies, that the object in
question is aligned to a byte while "32" specifies that it is
aligned four byte. If the value is set to "0" the meaning
shall be interpreted as "unspecified".
native NativeDeclarationString 0..1 attr This attribute describes the declaration of such a base
Declaration type in the native programming language, primarily in the
Programming language C. This can then be used by a
code generator to include the necessary declarations into
a header file. For example
BaseType with shortName: "MyUnsignedInt" native
Declaration: "unsigned short"
Results in
typedef unsigned short MyUnsignedInt;
If the attribute is not defined the referring Implementation
DataTypes will not be generated as a typedef by RTE.
If a nativeDeclaration type is given it shall fulfill the
characteristic given by basetypeEncoding and baseType
This is required to ensure the consistent handling and
interpretation by software components, RTE, COM and
MCM systems.

Table 5.29: BaseTypeDirectDefinition

+baseTypeDefinition BaseTypeDefinition

SwBaseType + baseTypeEncoding: BaseTypeEncodingString [0..1]
+ baseTypeSize: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ byteOrder: ByteOrderEnum [0..1]
+ memAlignment: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ nativeDeclaration: NativeDeclarationString [0..1]

Figure 5.20: BaseType

Some additional hints to the properties of SwBaseType:

• [constr_1011] category of SwBaseType dFor the attribute SwBaseType.cat-
egory only the values FIXED_LENGTH and VOID are supported at the time
when the contract phase generation is executed.c()

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• [constr_1422] Value of category is VOID dIf the value of the attribute SwBase-
Type.category is set to VOID then the attribute baseTypeSize and base-
TypeEncoding shall not exist at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()
• [constr_1012] Value of category is FIXED_LENGTH dIf the value of the at-
tribute SwBaseType.category is set to FIXED_LENGTH then the attribute
baseTypeSize shall be filled with content at the time when the con-
tract phase generation is executed.c()
• [TPS_SWCT_01444] Size of SwBaseType is specified in bits dIn both cases
(mentioned in [constr_1012]) the size of SwBaseType is specified in bits.c()
• The attribute baseTypeEncoding specifies how the values of the base type are
[constr_1014] Supported value encodings for SwBaseType dThe supported
values for attribute BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeEncoding are:
– 1C: One’s complement
– 2C: Two’s complement
– BCD-P: Packed Binary Coded Decimals
– BCD-UP: Unpacked Binary Coded Decimals
– DSP-FRACTIONAL: Digital Signal Processor
– SM: Sign Magnitude
– IEEE754: floating-point numbers
– ISO-8859-1: single-byte coded character
– ISO-8859-2: single-byte coded character
– WINDOWS-1252: single-byte coded character
– UTF-8: UCS Transformation Format 8
– UTF-16: Character encoding for Unicode code points based on 16 bit code
units [15]
– UCS-2: Universal Character Set 2
– NONE: Unsigned Integer
– VOID: corresponds to a void in C. The encoding is not formally specified
– BOOLEAN: This represents an unsigned integer to be interpreted as boolean.
The value shall be interpreted as true if the value of the unsigned integer
is 1 and it shall be interpreted as false if the value of the unsigned integer
is 0.

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A CompuMethod shall be referenced by the corresponding Autosar-

DataType that implements the common sense behind the boolean concept,
i.e. define a TEXTTABLE with two CompuScales: e.g. true –> 1, false –>
This rule shall be imposed at any time in the workflow.c()
• [TPS_SWCT_01262] memAlignment and byteOrder are platform-specific
dThe value of attributes BaseTypeDirectDefinition.memAlignment and
BaseTypeDirectDefinition.byteOrder is platform-specific and therefore
should be set only in use cases where this is really needed.
These attributes shall be considered as optional.
If a SwBaseType is platform-specific then also the ImplementationDataType
and software-component descriptions build on top of it become platform-specific.c
However, there are use cases for SwBaseType where this does not matter: es-
pecially the calibration support format which is generated in ECU-specific scope
(and also contains SwBaseType, see [6]) could well be platform-specific.
Further regulations apply for the case that the value UTF-16 is used for setting the
attribute BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeEncoding:
[constr_1398] Existence of attributes of BaseTypeDirectDefinition dIf the
value of attribute BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeEncoding is set to UTF-
-16 then the attribute BaseTypeDirectDefinition.byteOrder shall exist.
The only allowed values of BaseTypeDirectDefinition.byteOrder in this case
are mostSignificantByteFirst and mostSignificantByteLast.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
There is already predefined terminology (see [15]) existing that describes the two pos-
sible cases of byte orientation in a UTF-16-encoded string. The connection to this
terminology is defined by [TPS_SWCT_01651] and [TPS_SWCT_01652].
Enumeration ByteOrderEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::PrimitiveTypes
Note When more than one byte is stored in the memory the order of those bytes may differ depending on
the architecture of the processing unit. If the least significant byte is stored at the lowest address, this
architecture is called little endian and otherwise it is called big endian.
ByteOrder is very important in case of communication between different PUs or ECUs.
Literal Description
mostSignificantByte Most significant byte shall come at the lowest address (also known as BigEndian or as
First Motorola-Format)

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Enumeration ByteOrderEnum
mostSignificantByte Most significant byte shall come highest address (also known as LittleEndian or as Intel-Format)
opaque For opaque data endianness conversion has to be configured to Opaque. See AUTOSAR COM
Specification for more details.

Table 5.30: ByteOrderEnum

[TPS_SWCT_01651] UTF-16BE dIf the value of attribute BaseTypeDirectDefini-

tion.baseTypeEncoding is set to UTF-16 and the attribute BaseTypeDirect-
Definition.byteOrder in this case are mostSignificantByteFirst then the
SwBaseType corresponds to the definition of UTF-16BE according to the Unicode
standard [15].c()
[TPS_SWCT_01652] UTF-16LE dIf the value of attribute BaseTypeDirectDefini-
tion.baseTypeEncoding is set to UTF-16 and the attribute BaseTypeDirect-
Definition.byteOrder in this case are mostSignificantByteLast then the
SwBaseType corresponds to the definition of UTF-16LE according to the Unicode
standard [15].c()
A further question that needs clarification is the usage of the so-called Byte Order
Mark which allows (at run-time) for determining the actual byte order directly from the
payload of a Unicode string.
As AUTOSAR has means to formally and comprehensively define the byte-order of any
given DataPrototype that can hold a string at run time, it is not necessary to support
a further instrument that takes care of the same purpose.
[TPS_SWCT_01653] UTF-16-encoded strings are not allowed to start with a BOM
dIf the value of attribute BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeEncoding is set
to UTF-16 then the value of a DataPrototype (which is effectively representing a
string) is not allowed to start with a Byte Order Mark (BOM).c()
Please note that [TPS_SWCT_01653] removes a possible redundancy in the definition
and execution of UTF-16-encoded strings.
The redundancy is not only regarded unnecessary but also potentially dangerous be-
cause it is not possible to check whether the definition is consistent with the execution
at configuration time.
From the formal point of view, [TPS_SWCT_01653] does not represent an actual con-
straint although it is formulated as such.
However, an AUTOSAR tool would not be able to properly check the condition at con-
figuration time and therefore this rule is published as a specification item.

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5.2.7 Data Type Terminology

There are uses of data types that on the one hand need a handy term (because this
kind of data type is used a lot) but on the other hand cannot easily be expressed in
simple terms of meta-model elements (like ApplicationDataType).
Therefore, it is not an option to fully describe the characteristics of these kinds of data
types precisely every time one of these is used. A definition of terminology is supposed
to associate the mentioned kinds of data types with the term under which their use shall
be paraphrased. Primitive Type

In some cases it is necessary to constrain that applicability of data types to primitive C

data types. It would be possible to describe the characteristics of eligible Autosar-
DataTypes at every single place in an AUTOSAR specification where this specific
limitation applies.
However, this may end up in lengthy and potentially inconsistent descriptions at differ-
ent places within AUTOSAR specifications. Therefore, this chapter provides a canoni-
cal definition of a primitive data type that can be referred to from other places.
[TPS_SWCT_01564] Non-recursive definition of a primitive data type dAn Au-
tosarDataType is considered a primitive data type if the following conditions apply:
• it is an ApplicationPrimitiveDataType of category VALUE or BOOLEAN
• it is an ImplementationDataType of category VALUE
c(RS_SWCT_03216, RS_SWCT_03217)
[TPS_SWCT_01565] Recursive definition of a primitive data type dAn Autosar-
DataType is considered a primitive data type if the following conditions apply:
• it is an AutosarDataType according to [TPS_SWCT_01564]
• it is an AutosarDataType of category TYPE_REFERENCE that, after all type-
references have been resolved, boils down an AutosarDataType according to
c(RS_SWCT_03216, RS_SWCT_03217) Compound Primitive Data Type

[TPS_SWCT_01179] Compound Primitive Data Type dFor clarification, a “com-

pound primitive data type” is an ApplicationPrimitiveDataType of category

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This implies the existence of a swRecordLayout owned by the swDataDefProps of

the ApplicationPrimitiveDataType that defines the mapping to a corresponding
The main characteristic of the “compound primitive data type” is that with respect to the
application data type layer its data type is considered a primitive data type but when it
comes to the implementation data type layer the type is implemented as a composite
data type according to the applicable SwRecordLayout.c(RS_SWCT_03216)
[TPS_SWCT_01486] ApplicationPrimitiveDataType of category STRING
may have invalidValue dThe only kind of Compound Primitive Data Type
that is allowed to define an invalidValue is an ApplicationPrimitive-
DataType of category STRING.c(RS_SWCT_03216)
[constr_1241] Compound Primitive Data Types and invalidValue dCom-
pound Primitive Data Types that have set the value of category other than
STRING shall not define invalidValue at the time when the contract
phase generation is executed.c() Integral Primitive Type

The SenderReceiverToSignalMapping (see [10]) allows for the integral mapping

of a piece of data to a single SystemSignal. The specification of AUTOSAR COM
[22] imposes certain requirements on the characteristics of data that apply for the inte-
gral mapping.
[TPS_SWCT_01477] Integral Primitive Types dData types that qualify for be-
ing used in the context of a SenderReceiverToSignalMapping shall be called
Integral Primitive Types.c(RS_SWCT_03218)
[constr_1229] category of ImplementationDataType boils down to VALUE dAn
ImplementationDataType qualifies as an Integral Primitive Type if and
only if either
• its category is VALUE or TYPE_REFERENCE that eventually boils down to
• its category is ARRAY and it has only one subElement and one of the following
conditions applies:
– subElement.category is set to VALUE or TYPE_REFERENCE that even-
tually boils down to VALUE and the subElement refers to a SwBaseType
where baseTypeSize is set to the value 8 and the baseTypeEncoding
is set to NONE.
– subElement.category is set to TYPE_REFERENCE and the swDataDef-
Props.implementationDataType literally represents the Platform
Data Type named “uint8”.

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– subElement.category is set to TYPE_REFERENCE and the attribute sw-

DataDefProps.implementationDataType.shortName is set to “uint8”
and swDataDefProps.baseType.baseTypeDefinition.nativeDec-
laration does not exist.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_1230] ApplicationDataType that qualifies for Integral Primitive
Type dAn ApplicationDataType qualifies as an Integral Primitive Type if
and only if all the following conditions apply:
• ApplicationDataType.category is set to BOOLEAN, VALUE, STRING, or AR-
• in the applicable scope a DataTypeMap is available that refers to the given
• the found DataTypeMap refers to an ImplementationDataType that fulfills
the requirements of [constr_1229]
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c() Variable-Size Array Data Type

The definition of and further explanation regarding the term Variable-Size Array
Data Type can be found in chapter 2.7. Wrapped Union Data Type

There are use cases for sending a DataPrototype that is effectively typed by a union
data type over a communication network. In this case, however, it is necessary to
not only send the DataPrototype itself but add an information about the applicable
member of the union as a form of “meta-data” to the transmission.
By this means the sender can identify the applicable member of the union and the
receiver can accordingly access the proper union element.
It is the nature of union data types that executable code shall symmetrically access
the union, i.e. the member that was written needs to be read, the usage of a union as a
“type converter” is heavily frowned upon (because it causes unspecified behavior from
ISO-C:99 [24] point of view) and shall be discouraged by AUTOSAR.
Thus, AUTOSAR needs to take this condition into account and define a specific mod-
eling for the handling of union data types.

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[TPS_SWCT_01700] Definition of unions that can be transmitted over a commu-

nication network dIf it is intended to send a data object typed by a union data type
over a communication bus then a specific modeling is required for this purpose.
• The union data type shall never be used as such, it shall always be enclosed in an
ImplementationDataType of category STRUCTURE that aggregates exactly
two ImplementationDataTypeElements:
– The first ImplementationDataTypeElement shall be used to identify
the applicable element of the actual union data type.
The shortName of this element shall be set to “memberSelector”, it shall
be of category VALUE, or of category TYPE_REFERENCE that finally
boils down to category VALUE.
Furthermore, it shall refer to a SwBaseType with attribute baseTypeEn-
coding set to NONE and attribute baseTypeSize set to the value 8, 16, or
This ImplementationDataTypeElement shall be called the Member
– The second ImplementationDataTypeElement shall be of category
UNION, it represents the actual union “payload”.
• The purpose of the Member Selector is to identify the element of the union
data type that applies for a given access to the union.
If the value of the Member Selector is set to 1 then the first subElement of
the ImplementationDataType of category UNION is applicable.
If the value of the Member Selector is set to 2 then the second subElement
is applicable and so on.
• The value of the Member Selector shall range between the value 1 and the
number of subElements of the ImplementationDataTypeElement of cat-
egory UNION. Once again, the index counting is 1-based!
• Obviously, the actual data type used to hold the Member Selector shall be
capable of storing a value that corresponds to the number of subElements of
the ImplementationDataTypeElement of category UNION.
• Constraint [constr_1441] applies.
[TPS_SWCT_01701] Wrapped Union Data Type dData types that fulfill the require-
ments of [TPS_SWCT_01700] shall be called Wrapped Union Data Types.c(RS_-
[constr_1442] category TYPE_REFERENCE shall not be used for modeling the
“payload” of a Wrapped Union Data Type dFor the modeling of the “payload” part
of a Wrapped Union Data Type it shall not be possible at any time in the

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workflow to use an ImplementationDataTypeElement of category TYPE_-

REFERENCE that finally (i.e. after all possible indirections are resolved) boils down to
category UNION.c()
The definition of the Wrapped Union Data Type represents the canonical way of
how union data types shall be used in AUTOSAR on the application and communication
level. Consequentially, the usage of the category value UNION is effectively limited
to an ImplementationDataTypeElement.
[constr_1444] Limited applicability of Wrapped Union Data Type dThere is no
support at any time in the workflow for the usage of Wrapped Union Data
Type in PortInterfaceMappings, and Diagnostics.c()
For the time being, AUTOSAR restricts the initialization of a union data type to the first
member of the union data type, see [constr_1445].
Listing 5.9: Simplified example of a Wrapped Union Data Type

One obvious consequence of this restriction is that for any given ValueSpecifi-
cation taken to initialize a Wrapped Union Data Type the value of the Member
Selector is strictly locked to 1.

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[constr_1445] Initialization of the Member Selector of a Wrapped Union Data

Type dThe initValue for the Member Selector shall never be set to any value
other than 1.
This rule shall be imposed at any time in the workflow.c()
Another aspect of the initialization of a Wrapped Union Data Type is that the “pay-
load” part cannot be treated as a composite data type unless the first element of the
“payload” part is typed by a composite data type.
In other words, it is not possible to initialize the first subElement of an Implementa-
tionDataTypeElement of category UNION. It is only possible to assign an initial
value to the “payload” part itself.
[TPS_SWCT_01702] Initialization of the “payload” of a Wrapped Union Data
Type dThe initValue for the ImplementationDataTypeElement of category
UNION shall be assigned to the ImplementationDataTypeElement of category
UNION but it shall reflect the structure of the first subElement of the Implementa-
tionDataTypeElement of category UNION.c(RS_SWCT_03217)
In other words, if the first subElement of the ImplementationDataTypeElement
of category UNION is of a primitive type then a NumericalValueSpecification
shall be used to initialize the ImplementationDataTypeElement of category
If the subElement is typed by a composite data type then a CompositeValueSpec-
ification shall be used to initialize the ImplementationDataTypeElement of
category UNION.
To summarize the initialization issue, a Wrapped Union Data Type is modeled as
a structure of two elements and requires a RecordValueSpecification that in turn
aggregates two ValueSpecifications, one for the Member Selector that shall
have no other value than 1, and one for the “payload”.
The structure of the second ValueSpecification depends on the data type used
for the first element of the “payload”.
The following example shows a simplified and stripped-down (e.g. without the Sw-
DataDefProps required to make the model complete) model of a Wrapped Union
Data Type. Optional Element Structure

As already mentioned in section 2.8, there are use cases for structured data types that
contain optional elements that may or may not exist at a given time.
These data types require a specific modeling on both the level of Application-
DataType and the level of ImplementationDataType.

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[TPS_SWCT_01775] Structured data types with optional elements dA structured

data type that contains at least one optional element shall be called an Optional
Element Structure.c(RS_SWCT_03320)
On the level of ApplicationDataType, the existence of optional elements is sig-
naled by setting the attribute ApplicationRecordElement.isOptional to True.
For more details, please refer to section
The description of how an Optional Element Structure shall be modeled using
ImplementationDataType can be found in section

5.3 Data Prototypes

5.3.1 Overview

[TPS_SWCT_01264] Data prototypes implement a role of a data type dGenerally

speaking, a data prototype represents the implementation of a role of a data type within
the definition of another data type, e.g. a “typed” data object declared within a software
component or a port interface.
This means formally that it has an is-of-type relation to a data type and is usually
aggregated by another element, e.g. the internal behavior or a port interface.c()
In the meta-model, various kinds of data prototypes are derived from the abstract
DataPrototype as shown in figure 5.21.
The reason for the introduction of this hierarchy was the distinction between Autosar-
DataPrototype (which can be used for the application and implementation types as
well) and ApplicationCompositeElementDataPrototype (which is restricted to
be used within the application types).
ARElement AtpBlueprint
AtpType AtpBlueprintable
AutosarDataType ApplicationDataType
«atpVariation» +/swDataDefProps AtpPrototype
+swDataDefProps SwDataDefProps DataPrototype

0..1 +type 0..1 +type

{redefines atpType} {redefines atpType}

«isOfType» «isOfType»

AutosarDataPrototype ApplicationCompositeElementDataPrototype

VariableDataPrototype ParameterDataPrototype ApplicationRecordElement ApplicationArrayElement

+ isOptional: Boolean [0..1] + arraySizeHandling:

ArraySizeHandlingEnum [0..1]
+ arraySizeSemantics:
ArraySizeSemanticsEnum [0..1]
+ direction: ArgumentDirectionEnum [0..1] + maxNumberOfElements:
+ serverArgumentImplPolicy: ServerArgumentImplPolicyEnum [0..1] PositiveInteger [0..1]

Figure 5.21: Data Prototypes Overview

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Class DataPrototype (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::DataPrototypes
Note Base class for prototypical roles of any data type.
Base ARObject, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Subclasses ApplicationCompositeElementDataPrototype, AutosarDataPrototype
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
swDataDef SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr This property allows to specify data definition properties
Props which apply on data prototype level.

Table 5.31: DataPrototype

Class AutosarDataPrototype (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::DataPrototypes
Note Base class for prototypical roles of an AutosarDataType.
Base ARObject, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, DataPrototype, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Subclasses ArgumentDataPrototype, ParameterDataPrototype, VariableDataPrototype
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
type AutosarDataType 0..1 tref This represents the corresponding data type.
Stereotypes: isOfType

Table 5.32: AutosarDataPrototype

Class ApplicationCompositeElementDataPrototype (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::DataPrototypes
Note This class represents a data prototype which is aggregated within a composite application data type
(record or array). It is introduced to provide a better distinction between target and context in instance
Base ARObject, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, DataPrototype, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Subclasses ApplicationArrayElement, ApplicationRecordElement
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
type ApplicationDataType 0..1 tref This represents the corresponding data type.
Stereotypes: isOfType

Table 5.33: ApplicationCompositeElementDataPrototype

Because these DataPrototypes are modeled as own meta-classes it is possible

to define own attributes for them (on M2) which (in the M1 model) could extend or
constrain the attribute values already set via the corresponding data type.
[TPS_SWCT_01265] DataPrototype aggregates an own set of SwDataDef-
Props dThis mechanism is used here in the way that DataPrototype aggregates
an own set of SwDataDefProps. Thus, each kind of DataPrototype has the ability
to extend or even overwrite the SwDataDefProps already defined by its Applica-
tionDataType or ImplementationDataType.
This mechanism, if carefully applied, allows for a better reuse of data types because
they can be kept free of the properties which vary according to the context or are
defined in later project phases.c()

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Chapter 5.4 describes more details about this aspect of the meta-model.
[TPS_SWCT_01445] Applicability of SwDataDefProps for DataPrototypes dThe
applicability of SwDataDefProps for DataPrototypes shall follow the same rules as
for the categorys of the corresponding AutosarDataTypes.c()
The applicability of SwDataDefProps for DataPrototypes is documented in Table
Further information can be found in table 5.34 and table 5.35.
Please note that table 5.34 does not include the ApplicationRecordElement and
ApplicationArrayElement because these specializations of ApplicationCom-
positeElementDataPrototype are already part of table 5.7. The same applies for
table 5.35 which does not include the ImplementationDataTypeElement.
Attributes of SwDataDefProps Root El. Attribute Existence per Category










annotation x x x * * * * * * * * * * * * *
x x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
x x d/c13 d/c d/c d/c d/c d/c d/c d/c d/c
displayFormat x x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
displayPresentation x x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
stepSize x x x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
swAddrMethod x x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
swAlignment x x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
swCalibrationAccess x x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
x x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
x x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1

don’t care

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Attributes of SwDataDefProps Root El. Attribute Existence per Category











swComparisonVariable x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
swDataDependency x x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
swImplPolicy x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
swInterpolationMethod x x x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
swIsVirtual x x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
swRefreshTiming x x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1

Table 5.34: Allowed Attributes vs. category for DataPrototypes typed by Application
Data Types

[constr_1289] Allowed Attributes vs. category for DataPrototypes typed by

ApplicationDataTypes dThe allowed values of Attributes per category for Dat-
aPrototypes typed by ApplicationDataTypes are documented in table 5.34.
This rule shall be imposed at any time in the workflow.c()
[constr_1288] Allowed Attributes vs. category for DataPrototypes typed by
ImplementationDataTypes dThe allowed values per category for DataProto-
types typed by ImplementationDataTypes are documented in table 5.35.
This rule shall be imposed at any time in the workflow.c()

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Attributes of SwDataDefProps Root Element Attribute Existence per Category







annotation x x * * * * * * * *
dataConstr.dataConstrRule.physConstrs x x d/c14 d/c d/c
dataConstr.dataConstrRule.internalConstrs x x 0..1 0..1 0..1
displayFormat x x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
displayPresentation x x 0..1 0..1 0..1
stepSize x x 0..1 0..1
swAddrMethod x x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
swAlignment x x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
swCalibrationAccess x x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
swImplPolicy x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
swRefreshTiming x x 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1

Table 5.35: Allowed Attributes vs. category for DataPrototypes typed by Imple-

don’t care

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[TPS_SWCT_01266] Three non-abstract classes derived from AutosarDataPro-

totype dThere are three non-abstract classes derived from AutosarDataProto-
type which reflect the main use cases in the SWC-Template:
• Operation arguments (ArgumentDataPrototype) in a client-server interface.
• Variables (VariableDataPrototype) which are changed by the application
software at runtime.
• Parameters (ParameterDataPrototype) which are constant (except for cali-
bration access) from the application point of view.
Class VariableDataPrototype
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::DataPrototypes
Note A VariableDataPrototype is used to contain values in an ECU application. This means that most likely a
VariableDataPrototype allocates "static" memory on the ECU. In some cases optimization strategies
might lead to a situation where the memory allocation can be avoided.
In particular, the value of a VariableDataPrototype is likely to change as the ECU on which it is used
Base ARObject, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, AutosarDataPrototype, DataPrototype, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
initValue ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr Specifies initial value(s) of the VariableDataPrototype

Table 5.36: VariableDataPrototype

Class ParameterDataPrototype
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::DataPrototypes
Note A parameter element used for parameter interface and internal behavior, supporting signal like parameter
and characteristic value communication patterns and parameter and characteristic value definition.
Base ARObject, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, AutosarDataPrototype, DataPrototype, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
initValue ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr Specifies initial value(s) of the ParameterDataPrototype

Table 5.37: ParameterDataPrototype

[TPS_SWCT_01267] DataPrototype can be aggregated in different roles dNote

that even though the meta-classes VariableDataPrototype and ParameterDat-
aPrototype already express specific use cases of the underlying data type the same
DataPrototype can still be aggregated in different roles, e.g. in the SwcInternal-
Behavior to express different methods how to access it.c()
An example is the aggregation of VariableDataPrototype by SwcInternalBe-
havior in the roles of either implicitInterRunnableVariable or explicit-
InterRunnableVariable. Find more information concerning these use cases in
chapter 7.

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[TPS_SWCT_01268] Definition of initValue for a VariableDataPrototype or

a ParameterDataPrototype dIt is possible to assign an initValue for both a
VariableDataPrototype and a ParameterDataPrototype.c()
This aspect is sketched in Figure 5.22.
[TPS_SWCT_01269] In PortInterfaces, initial values defined for DataProto-
types are ignored dThese initValues have no meaning for DataPrototypes
within PortInterfaces because in this case a more specific definition of initial values
via the so-called ComSpec is required.c()
For more information, please refer to chapter 4.5.
AutosarDataPrototype +initValue AutosarDataPrototype
+initValue ValueSpecification
VariableDataPrototype ParameterDataPrototype
0..1 + shortLabel: Identifier [0..1] 0..1

Figure 5.22: Initial value for AutosarDataPrototypes

Find more information about the interpretation of initValue in section 5.7.

[constr_1416] Existence of ApplicationArrayElement.maxNumberOfEle-
ments dThe attribute ApplicationArrayElement.maxNumberOfElements shall
exist at the time when the contract phase generation is executed
for all ApplicationArrayElements defined in the scope of an ApplicationAr-
rayDataType where the attribute ApplicationArrayDataType.dynamicArray-
SizeProfile does not exist.c()
This means that for fixed-size array data types the attribute ApplicationArrayEle-
ment.maxNumberOfElements shall be defined for every dimension of the fixed-size
array data.

5.3.2 Data Constraints for DataPrototypes typed by Array DataTypes

There are cases where it should be possible to reference different DataConstrs

from DataPrototypes of category ARRAY typed by either an ApplicationAr-
rayDataType or an ImplementationDataType of category ARRAY.
For example, consider a predefined AutosarDataType of category ARRAY with
uint8 elements, but without the definition of DataConstrs.
This AutosarDataType is instantiated several times by means of the existence of
DataPrototypes of category ARRAY.
Each of the derived DataPrototypes of category ARRAY may have individual upper
and lower limits which apply to all elements, e.g. one DataPrototype has a range of
0..3 while another has a range of 0..7 for all elements.
This use case occurs, for example, when communicating array-data with different
ranges over the network.

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The motivation to specify the DataConstr at the DataPrototype of category

• Make explicit that all derived DataPrototypes are based on the same Au-
• Reduce the number of AutosarDataTypes in the model and in the code.
• Specify the DataConstrs only once where needed.
• Make explicit that all array elements have the same DataConstrs.
The same motivation also applies to the SwDataDefProps.displayFormat and
SwDataDefProps.stepSize attributes of DataPrototypes of category ARRAY.
AUTOSAR supports this use case under the following conditions:
[constr_1407] Definition of SwDataDefProps.dataConstr depending on the ca-
pabilities of the data type dThe definition of a SwDataDefProps.dataConstr ac-
cording to [constr_1288] and [constr_1289] is only supported for a DataPrototype
of category ARRAY if the corresponding ApplicationArrayDataType or Imple-
mentationDataType of category ARRAY also supports the specification of a Sw-
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
The prioritization of SwDataDefProps.dataConstr for a DataPrototype of cat-
egory ARRAY follows the spirit given in [constr_1015] for the inheritance of DataPro-
totypes from AutosarDataTypes.
[TPS_SWCT_01796] Prioritization of SwDataDefProps.dataConstr for a Dat-
aPrototype of category ARRAY dA SwDataDefProps.dataConstr specified for
a DataPrototype of category ARRAY refines the SwDataDefProps.dataCon-
str specified at the corresponding ApplicationArrayDataType or Implementa-
tionDataType of category ARRAY.c()
[constr_1408] Definition of SwDataDefProps.displayFormat depending on the
capabilities of the data type dThe definition of a SwDataDefProps.displayFor-
mat according to [constr_1288] and [constr_1289] is only supported for a DataPro-
totype of category ARRAY if the corresponding ApplicationArrayDataType or
ImplementationDataType of category ARRAY also supports the specification of
a SwDataDefProps.displayFormat.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
The prioritization of SwDataDefProps.displayFormat for a DataPrototype of
category ARRAY follows the spirit given in [constr_1015] for the inheritance of Dat-
aPrototypes from AutosarDataTypes.

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[TPS_SWCT_01797] Prioritization of SwDataDefProps.displayFormat for a

DataPrototype of category ARRAY dA SwDataDefProps.displayFormat spec-
ified for a DataPrototype of category ARRAY refines the SwDataDefProps.dis-
playFormat specified at the corresponding ApplicationArrayDataType or Im-
plementationDataType of category ARRAY.c()
[constr_1413] Definition of SwDataDefProps.stepSize depending on the capa-
bilities of the data type dThe definition of a SwDataDefProps.stepSize accord-
ing to [constr_1288] and [constr_1289] is only supported for a DataPrototype of
category ARRAY if the corresponding ApplicationArrayDataType or Imple-
mentationDataType of category ARRAY also supports the specification of a Sw-
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
The prioritization of SwDataDefProps.stepSize for a DataPrototype of cate-
gory ARRAY follows the spirit given in [constr_1015] for the inheritance of DataPro-
totypes from AutosarDataTypes.
[TPS_SWCT_01798] Prioritization of SwDataDefProps.stepSize for a Dat-
aPrototype of category ARRAY dA SwDataDefProps.stepSize specified for
a DataPrototype of category ARRAY refines the SwDataDefProps.stepSize
specified at the corresponding ApplicationArrayDataType or Implementa-
tionDataType of category ARRAY.c()
[constr_1409] Definition of SwDataDefProps.dataConstr depending on the ca-
pabilities of the element data type dThe definition of a SwDataDefProps.dataCon-
str according to [constr_1007] and [constr_1009] is only supported for an Appli-
cationArrayDataType or an ImplementationDataType of category ARRAY
if the aggregated ApplicationArrayDataType.element or Implementation-
DataType.subElement also supports the specification of a SwDataDefProps.dat-
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_1718] Inheritance of SwDataDefProps.dataConstr from an array data
type to the array elements dA SwDataDefProps.dataConstr specified for an Ap-
plicationArrayDataType or ImplementationDataType of category ARRAY
applies to all array leaf elements represented by (potentially multiple levels of) Appli-
cationArrayDataType.element or ImplementationDataType.subElement.
In this case, the ApplicationArrayDataType.element or Implementation-
DataType.subElement shall not have an own SwDataDefProps.dataConstr.
This also applies for multi-dimensional array data types.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()

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[constr_1410] Definition of SwDataDefProps.displayFormat depending on the

capabilities of the element data type dThe definition of a SwDataDefProps.dis-
playFormat according to [constr_1007] and [constr_1009] is only supported for an
ApplicationArrayDataType or an ImplementationDataType of category
ARRAY if the aggregated ApplicationArrayDataType.element or Implementa-
tionDataType.subElement also supports the specification of a SwDataDefProps.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_1719] Inheritance of SwDataDefProps.displayFormat from an array
data type to the array elements dA SwDataDefProps.displayFormat specified
for an ApplicationArrayDataType or ImplementationDataType of category
ARRAY applies to all array leaf elements represented by (potentially multiple levels of)
ApplicationArrayDataType.element or ImplementationDataType.subEle-
In this case, the ApplicationArrayDataType.element or Implementation-
DataType.subElement shall not have an own SwDataDefProps.displayFormat.
This also applies for multi-dimensional array data types.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_1414] Definition of SwDataDefProps.stepSize depending on the capa-
bilities of the element data type dThe definition of a SwDataDefProps.stepSize
according to [constr_1007] and [constr_1009] is only supported for an Application-
ArrayDataType or an ImplementationDataType of category ARRAY if the ag-
gregated ApplicationArrayDataType.element or ImplementationDataType.
subElement also supports the specification of a SwDataDefProps.stepSize.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_1720] Inheritance of SwDataDefProps.stepSize from an array data type
to the array elements dA SwDataDefProps.stepSize specified for an Applica-
tionArrayDataType or ImplementationDataType of category ARRAY applies
to all array leaf elements represented by (potentially multiple levels of) Application-
ArrayDataType.element or ImplementationDataType.subElement.
In this case, the ApplicationArrayDataType.element or Implementation-
DataType.subElement shall not have an own SwDataDefProps.stepSize. This
also applies for multi-dimensional array data types.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()

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Software Component Template

5.3.3 Reference to Data Prototypes

This chapter explains the various patterns for referencing DataPrototypes.

[TPS_SWCT_01446] References to a DataPrototype may or may not imply the
necessity for using an instanceRef dAs references to a DataPrototype may
or may not imply the necessity for using an instanceRef this would mean that in
some places the meta-model would have to implement both variants depending on the
use case. To avoid this, AUTOSAR defines a unified reference implementation for
VariableDataPrototypes and ParameterDataPrototypes.c() AUTOSAR Variable Ref

[TPS_SWCT_01270] AutosarVariableRef dWith the advent of AutosarVari-

ableRef it is possible to implement a uniform reference to a VariableDataPro-
totype that covers all foreseen use cases:
• Reference to a localVariable, no AtpInstanceRef required.
• Reference to an autosarVariable (which involves an AtpInstanceRef).
• Reference to the internal structure of a VariableDataPrototype implemented
using a composite ImplementationDataType.
Class AutosarVariableRef
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::DataElements
Note This class represents a reference to a variable within AUTOSAR which can be one of the following use
• localVariable which is used as whole (e.g. InterRunnableVariable, inputValue for curve)
• a variable provided via Port which is used as whole (e.g. dataAccesspoints)
• an element inside of a composite local variable typed by ApplicationDatatype (e.g. inputValue for
a curve)
• an element inside of a composite variable provided via Port and typed by ApplicationDatatype
(e.g. inputValue for a curve)
• an element inside of a composite local variable typed by ImplementationDatatype (e.g. nvram
Data mapping)
• an element inside of a composite variable provided via Port and typed by Implementation
Datatype (e.g. inputValue for a curve)
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

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Class AutosarVariableRef
autosarVariable DataPrototype 0..1 iref This references a variable which is provided by a port
and/or which is part of a CompositeDataType.
InstanceRef implemented by:VariableInAtomicSWC
autosarVariable ArVariableIn 0..1 aggr This is used if the target variable is inside of variableData
InImplDatatype ImplementationData Prototype typed by an ImplementationDataType.
localVariable VariableDataPrototype 0..1 ref This reference is used if the variable is local to the current
component. It would also be possible to use the instance
refence here. Such an instance ref would not have a
contextElement, since the current instance is the context.
But the local instance is a special case which may provide
further optimization. Therefore an explicit reference is
provided for this case.

Table 5.38: AutosarVariableRef


+autosarVariable 0..1


+localVariable 0..1 +autosarVariableInImplDatatype 0..1

AutosarDataPrototype +rootVariableDataPrototype

Figure 5.23: Implementation of AutosarVariableRef

Rules for the modeling and semantics of an AtpInstanceRef are defined in [11].
[constr_2536] Target of an autosarVariable in AutosarVariableRef shall re-
fer to a variable dThe target of autosarVariable (which in fact is an instance ref) in
AutosarVariableRef shall either be or be nested in VariableDataPrototype.
This means that the target shall either be a VariableDataPrototype or an Appli-
cationCompositeElementDataPrototype that in turn is owned by a Variable-
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c() AUTOSAR Parameter Ref

[TPS_SWCT_01271] AutosarParameterRef dWith the advent of AutosarParam-

eterRef, it is possible to implement a uniform reference to a ParameterDataPro-
totype that covers all foreseen use cases:
• Reference to a localParameter, no AtpInstanceRef required.
• Reference to an autosarParameter (which involves an AtpInstanceRef).

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Please note that there is a very limited amount of use-cases available where the
AutosarParameterRef can (with the active consent of the AUTOSAR standard) ref-
erence a VariableDataPrototype.
[constr_1173] Applicability of AutosarParameterRef referencing a Variable-
DataPrototype dA reference from AutosarParameterRef to VariableDat-
aPrototype is only applicable if the AutosarParameterRef is used in the
context of SwAxisGrouped at the time when the contract phase gener-
ation is executed.c()
For example, the use case referenced in [constr_1173] applies if it is required to store
a grouped axis in a variable in order to adapt the axis during run-time of the ECU
by a dedicated algorithm. Note that in all cases where [constr_1173] does not apply
[constr_2535] shall be fulfilled.
Class AutosarParameterRef
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::DataElements
Note This class represents a reference to a parameter within AUTOSAR which can be one of the following use
• localParameter which is used as whole (e.g. sharedAxis for curve)
• a parameter provided via PortPrototype which is used as whole (e.g. parameterAccess)
• an element inside of a composite local parameter typed by ApplicationDatatype (e.g. sharedAxis
for a curve)
• an element inside of a composite parameter provided via Port and typed by ApplicationDatatype
(e.g. sharedAxis for a curve)
• an element inside of a composite local parameter typed by ImplementationDatatype
• an element inside of a composite parameter provided via PortPrototype and typed by
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
autosar DataPrototype 0..1 iref This instance reference is used if the calibration
Parameter parameter is either imported via a port or is part of a
composite data structure.
InstanceRef implemented by:ParameterInAtomicSWC
localParameter DataPrototype 0..1 ref In the majority of cases this reference goes to Parameter
DataPrototypes rather than VariableDataPrototypes.
Pointing the reference to a VariableDataPrototype is
limited to special use cases, e.g. if the AutosarParameter
Ref is used in the context of an SwAxisGrouped.
This reference is used if the arParameter is local to the
current component.
Of course, it would technically also be feasible to use an
InstanceRef for this case. However, the InstanceRef

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Class AutosarParameterRef
would not have a contextElement (because the current
instance is the context).
Hence, the local instance is a special case which may
provide further optimization. Therefore an explicit
reference is provided for this case.

Table 5.39: AutosarParameterRef

[constr_2535] Target of an autosarParameter in AutosarParameterRef shall

refer to a parameter dExcept for the specifically described cases where [constr_1173],
applies the target of autosarParameter (which in fact is an instance ref) in Au-
tosarParameterRef shall either be or be nested in ParameterDataPrototype.
This means that the target shall either be a ParameterDataPrototype or an Ap-
plicationCompositeElementDataPrototype that in turn is owned by a Param-
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c() Modeling Approach

The attribute Ref.index shall be used whenever a model element that represents an
array is referenced in a scalar context, i.e. when the reference is supposed to identify
a specific array element.
Primitive Ref
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::PrimitiveTypes
Note This primitive denotes a name based reference. For detailed syntax see the xsd.pattern.
• first slash (relative or absolute reference) [optional]
• Identifier [required]
• a sequence of slashes and Identifiers [optional]
This primitive is used by the meta-model tools to create the references.
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
base Identifier 0..1 attr This attribute reflects the base to be used for this
blueprintValue String 0..1 attr This represents a description that documents how the
value shall be defined when deriving objects from the

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Primitive Ref
index PositiveInteger 0..1 attr This attribute supports the use case to point on specific
elements in an array. This is in particular required if
arrays are used to implement particular data objects.

Table 5.40: Ref

A very typical example for such a situation is the access to an element of an Appli-
cationArrayDataType by means of a reference to ApplicationArrayElement
in which the index attribute is used.
The usage of the index attribute does not make sense if the context of the access is
already scalar, e.g. accessing an ApplicationRecordElement in the context of an
ApplicationRecordDataType, the usage of the attribute index in a context that is
already scalar by nature would also be misleading and is therefore prohibited.
[constr_1161] Applicability of the attribute Ref.index dThe usage of attribute Ref.
index is limited to references to the following meta-classes:
• ApplicationArrayElement
• Sub-classes of AbstractImplementationDataTypeElement.
This rule shall be imposed at any time in the workflow.c()
SwComponentType AtpBlueprintable
AtomicSwComponentType AtpPrototype

+base 0..1 +portPrototype 0..1

{redefines {subsets
atpBase} atpContextElement}
+autosarParameter 0..1


0..1 {subsets
«instanceRef» {redefines atpContextElement}
+localParameter 0..1 +autosarParameter 0..1 +targetDataPrototype atpTarget} +rootParameterDataPrototype

ApplicationCompositeElementDataPrototype +contextDataPrototype


Figure 5.24: Implementation of the InstanceRef for AutosarParameterRef

Note: If the target of the AtpInstanceRef is an AutosarDataPrototype then the

rootVariableDataPrototype shall not exist.
The implementation of the AtpInstanceRefs for AutosarVariableRef and Au-
tosarParameterRef probably needs some clarification regarding the references to

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[TPS_SWCT_01374] Implementation of AutosarParameterRef dThe reference to

rootParameterDataPrototype is not redundant. It is required for identifying the
autosarParameter itself in a ParameterInterface for the case that the tar-
getDataPrototype is an ApplicationCompositeElementDataPrototype.c()
As explained before, the implementation of AutosarParameterRef in a specific case
is subject to [constr_1173].
[constr_1608] Existence of rootParameterDataPrototype dThe reference
rootParameterDataPrototype shall exist at any time in the workflow if
and only if
• AutosarDataType of the autosarParameter is a composite data type and
• targetDataPrototype refers to a DataPrototype inside the rootParam-
Note: If the target of the AtpInstanceRef is an AutosarDataPrototype then the
rootParameterDataPrototype shall not exist.
[TPS_SWCT_01375] Implementation of AutosarVariableRef dThe reference to
rootVariableDataPrototype is not redundant. It is required for identifying the
autosarVariable itself in a SenderReceiverInterface or NvDataInterface
for the case that the targetDataPrototype is an ApplicationCompositeEle-
SwComponentType AtpBlueprintable
AtomicSwComponentType AtpPrototype

+base 0..1 +portPrototype 0..1

{redefines {subsets
atpBase} atpContextElement}
+autosarVariable 0..1


+autosarVariable 0..1 +targetDataPrototype atpTarget}

+contextDataPrototype atpContextElement}

AutosarDataPrototype ApplicationCompositeElementDataPrototype

+localVariable 0..1

VariableDataPrototype +rootVariableDataPrototype


Figure 5.25: Implementation of the InstanceRef for AutosarVariableRef

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[constr_1609] Existence of rootVariableDataPrototype dThe reference root-

VariableDataPrototype shall exist at any time in the workflow if and
only if
• the AutosarDataType of the autosarVariable is a composite data type and
• the targetDataPrototype refers to a DataPrototype inside the root-
c() Access into VariableDataPrototype typed by an Implementation-


The meta-class ArVariableInImplementationDataInstanceRef, despite the

name, has formally no relationship to AtpInstanceRef. Therefore, the following
definition applies:
[TPS_SWCT_01681] Context path in ArVariableInImplementationDataIn-
stanceRef dThe references in the roles
• portPrototype
• rootVariableDataPrototype
• ordered collection of contextDataPrototype
• targetDataPrototype
constitute the path leading from the root to the specified inner instance of a
dataElement inside a VariableDataPrototype typed by an Implementation-
This relation is also depicted in Figure 5.26.

+portPrototype 0..1 +targetDataPrototype 0..1 +contextDataPrototype {ordered}

AtpBlueprintable ARElement AtpStructureElement

AtpPrototype AtpType Identifiable
PortPrototype AutosarDataType AbstractImplementationDataTypeElement    
+type 0..1
{redefines atpType}
+rootVariableDataPrototype 0..1 «isOfType»

DataPrototype AbstractImplementationDataType
VariableDataPrototype ImplementationDataTypeElement
AutosarDataPrototype +subElement ImplementationDataType
0..* {ordered}

Figure 5.26: Implementation of ArVariableInImplementationDataInstanceRef

321 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

:ArVariableInImplementationDataInstanceRef +rootVariableDataPrototype :VariableDataPrototype


 !"#$% &'#
category = ARRAY

{index = 1} category = ARRAY         


+contextDataPrototype :ImplementationDataTypeElement   
{index = 2} category = TYPE_REFERENCE     



:ImplementationDataType )*+,-. /    




category = STRUCTURE

+subElement +subElement

: :
ImplementationDataTypeElement ImplementationDataTypeElement

category = VALUE category = STRUCTURE

+subElement +subElement

+targetDataPrototype :ImplementationDataTypeElement :ImplementationDataTypeElement

category = TYPE_REFERENCE category = VALUE


category = VALUE



category = FIXED_LENGTH

Figure 5.27: Example for the usage of ArVariableInImplementationDataIn-


[constr_1423] Completeness of references ArVariableInImplementation-

DataInstanceRef.contextDataPrototype dThe reference ArVariableInIm-
plementationDataInstanceRef.contextDataPrototype shall be defined for

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Software Component Template

• each leaf (i.e. the end of a chain of aggregating elements) Implementation-

DataTypeElement of category TYPE_REFERENCE in a chain of referencing
ImplementationDataTypes which is not the targetDataPrototype
• and each ImplementationDataTypeElement owned by an Implementa-
tionDataType or ImplementationDataTypeElement of category ARRAY
in a chain of referencing ImplementationDataTypes
starting from the ImplementationDataTypes of the rootVariableDataProto-
type down to the leaf ImplementationDataTypeElement which is typed (directly
or indirectly via ImplementationDataType of category TYPE_REFERENCE) by the
ImplementationDataType of the targetDataPrototype.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
Figure 5.27 contains an example of a nested ImplementationDataType along with
the application of ArVariableInImplementationDataInstanceRef. The exam-
ple contains both cases for the definition of a contextDataPrototype mentioned in
[constr_1424] Existence of ArVariableInImplementationDataInstanceRef.
contextDataPrototype dThe attribute ArVariableInImplementation-
DataInstanceRef.contextDataPrototype shall only exist at any time in
the workflow for an ImplementationDataTypeElement category TYPE_-
Technically, it would be possible to avoid the context for a one-dimensional array in
the hierarchy. The context is still required because then the rule for the existence of
contexts becomes much simpler.
Class ArVariableInImplementationDataInstanceRef
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::DataElements
Note This class represents the ability to navigate into a data element inside of an VariableDataPrototype which
is typed by an ImplementationDatatype.
Note that it shall not be used if the target is the VariableDataPrototype itself (e.g. if its a primitive).
Note that this class follows the pattern of an InstanceRef but is not implemented based on the abstract
classes because the ImplementationDataType isn’t either, especially because ImplementationDataType
Element isn’t derived from AtpPrototype.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
contextData AbstractImplementation * ref This is a context in case there are subelements with
Prototype DataTypeElement explicit types. The reference has to be ordered to
(ordered) properly reflect the nested structure.
portPrototype PortPrototype 0..1 ref This is the port providing/receiving the root of the variable

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Class ArVariableInImplementationDataInstanceRef
rootVariable VariableDataPrototype 0..1 ref This refers to the VariableDataPrototype typed by the
DataPrototype ImplementationDatatype in which the target can be found.
targetData AbstractImplementation 0..1 ref This reference points to the target ImplementationData
Prototype DataTypeElement TypeElement.

Table 5.41: ArVariableInImplementationDataInstanceRef

[constr_1911] Existence of ArVariableInImplementationDataInstanceRef.

targetDataPrototype dFor each ArVariableInImplementationDataIn-
stanceRef, the reference targetDataPrototype shall exist at the time when
the contract phase generation is executed.c() Access into ParameterDataPrototype typed by an Implementation-


Please note that it is also possible to access the inside of a nested ParameterDat-
aPrototype typed by an ImplementationDataType in pretty much the same way
as this is possible for a VariableDataPrototype typed by an Implementation-
[TPS_SWCT_01738] Context path in ArParameterInImplementationDataIn-
stanceRef dThe references in the roles
• portPrototype
• rootParameterDataPrototype
• ordered collection of contextDataPrototype
• targetDataPrototype
constitute the path leading from the root to the specified inner instance of a parameter
inside a ParameterDataPrototype typed by an ImplementationDataType.c()

+portPrototype 0..1 +targetDataPrototype 0..1 +contextDataPrototype {ordered}

AtpBlueprintable ARElement AtpStructureElement

AtpPrototype AtpType Identifiable   
PortPrototype AutosarDataType AbstractImplementationDataTypeElement    
+type {redefines atpType}

+rootParameterDataPrototype 0..1 «isOfType»

DataPrototype AbstractImplementationDataType
ParameterDataPrototype ImplementationDataTypeElement +subElement
AutosarDataPrototype ImplementationDataType
0..* {ordered}

Figure 5.28: Implementation of ArParameterInImplementationDataInstanceRef

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This relation is also depicted in Figure 5.28.

[constr_1516] Completeness of references ArParameterInImplementation-
DataInstanceRef.contextDataPrototype dThe reference ArParameterInIm-
plementationDataInstanceRef.contextDataPrototype shall be defined for
• each leaf (i.e. the end of a chain of aggregating elements) Implementation-
DataTypeElement of category TYPE_REFERENCE in a chain of referencing
ImplementationDataTypes which is not the targetDataPrototype
• and each ImplementationDataTypeElement owned by an Implementa-
tionDataType or ImplementationDataTypeElement of category ARRAY
in a chain of referencing ImplementationDataTypes
starting from the ImplementationDataTypes of the rootParameterDataProto-
type down to the leaf ImplementationDataTypeElement which is typed (directly
or indirectly via ImplementationDataType of category TYPE_REFERENCE) by the
ImplementationDataType of the targetDataPrototype.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_1517] Existence of ArParameterInImplementationDataIn-
stanceRef.contextDataPrototype dThe attribute ArParameterInImple-
mentationDataInstanceRef.contextDataPrototype shall only exist at any
time in the workflow for an ImplementationDataTypeElement category
Technically, it would be possible to avoid the context for a one-dimensional array in
the hierarchy. The context is still required because then the rule for the existence of
contexts becomes much simpler.
Class ArParameterInImplementationDataInstanceRef
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::DataElements
Note This class represents the ability to navigate into an element inside of an ParameterDataPrototype typed
by an ImplementationDatatype.
Note that it shall not be used if the target is the ParameterDataPrototype itself (e.g. if the target is a
primitive data type).
Note that this class follows the pattern of an InstanceRef but is not implemented based on the abstract
classes because the ImplementationDataType isn’t either, especially because ImplementationDataType
Element (intentionally) isn’t derived from AtpPrototype.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
contextData AbstractImplementation * ref This is a context in case there are subelements with
Prototype DataTypeElement explicit types. The reference has to be ordered to
(ordered) properly reflect the nested structure.
portPrototype PortPrototype 0..1 ref This reference points to the PortPrototype providing/
receiving the root of the parameter.
rootParameter ParameterData 0..1 ref This refers to the ParameterDataPrototype typed by the
DataPrototype Prototype implementationDataType in which the target can be

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Class ArParameterInImplementationDataInstanceRef
targetData AbstractImplementation 0..1 ref This reference points to the target ImplementationData
Prototype DataTypeElement TypeElement.

Table 5.42: ArParameterInImplementationDataInstanceRef

[constr_1912] Existence of reference ArParameterInImplementationDataIn-

stanceRef.targetDataPrototype dFor each ArParameterInImplementa-
tionDataInstanceRef, the reference targetDataPrototype shall exist at the
time when the contract phase generation is executed.c()

5.4 Properties of Data Definitions

5.4.1 Overview

As it has already been shown in the previous chapters, various properties and asso-
ciations can be attached to the definition of data types as well as prototypes. These
are described by the meta-class SwDataDefProps which covers all properties of a
particular data object under various aspects.
In general, the properties specified within SwDataDefProps may apply to all kind of
data declared within the software-component template and within the basic software
module description template as well, e.g. component local data, data used for commu-
nication, data used for measurement as well as for calibration.
However, there are constraints for the attributes depending on the role of the data:
Attributes of SwDataDefProps Usage For Place of Setting




Other Usage



additionalNativeTypeQualifier x x NA D I NA NA NA D NA S NA NA
annotation x D A A A A A D NA A D NA
baseType x x x NA D I I I R D NA S M NA
compuMethod x x x D AI I I NA R I AI S D NA
dataConstr x x x D C R R I NA R NA S D NA
displayFormat x D A R R I NA R NA S D NA
displayPresentation x x x D A R R NA NA NA NA S NA NA

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Software Component Template

Attributes of SwDataDefProps Usage For Place of Setting





Other Usage


implementationDataType x x NA D I I I NA D NA NA NA NA
invalidValue x x D A I I NA D NA NA S NA NA
stepSize x D A A A A NA NA A S NA NA
swAddrMethod x x x D R R R NA NA NA R NA NA D
swAlignment x x NA D R R NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
swBitRepresentation x x NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA D NA NA
swCalibrationAccess x x D R R R NA NA R R S D NA
swCalprmAxisSet x x D NA I I I NA NA NA S NA NA
swCalprmAxisSet/SwAxisIndividual.unit opt. D NA I I I NA I NA S NA NA
swComparisonVariable x NA NA NA NA D NA NA NA S NA NA
swDataDependency x x NA NA D R NA NA NA NA S NA NA
swHostVariable x x NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA D NA NA
swImplPolicy x x D A A NA NA NA D NA NA NA NA
swIntendedResolution x D15 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
swInterpolationMethod x D I R R R NA NA NA S NA NA
swIsVirtual x NA NA D R NA NA NA NA S NA NA
swPointerTargetProps x NA D I NA NA NA D NA NA NA NA
swRecordLayout x x x D NA I I I NA NA NA S NA NA
swRefreshTiming x D R R R NA NA R R R NA NA
swTextProps x x D I I I I NA NA NA S NA NA
swValueBlockSize x x D I I I I NA NA NA S NA NA
swValueBlockSizeMult x x D I I I I NA NA NA S NA NA
unit x x D I I I NA NA I NA S D NA
valueAxisDataType x x D I I I I NA NA NA S NA NA

Table 5.43: Usage of Attributes of SwDataDefProps

Please note that this table is (by reference) a part of [constr_1015]

swIntendedResolution is used only in an early phase of the definition of data types, namely
in the context of the definition of so-called blueprints. To that extent, swIntendedResolution rep-
resents a non-binding requirement that shall later be considered for the definition of an appropriate

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[constr_1015] Prioritization of SwDataDefProps dThe prioritization and usage of at-

tributes of meta-class SwDataDefProps shall follow the restrictions given in table 5.43
at the time when the contract phase generation is executed.c()
The following settings apply in table 5.43:
D Define the attribute independent of settings to the left.
R Use or re-define definition from the left in the scope of this element.
A Add attribute if not defined on the left, or as additional information.
If the attribute has an upper multiplicity > 1 and the attribute is defined on the left
then the attribute is added to the attribute defined on the left.
If the attribute has an upper multiplicity of 1 and the attribute is not defined on the
left then the attribute is defined.
If the attribute has an upper multiplicity of 1 and the attribute is already defined
on the left then the attribute is not redefined but this is considered as invalid
I Inherit the definition from the left for usage in the scope of this element.
NA Attribute is not applicable for usage in the scope of this element.
M Attribute is meaningless in the scope of this element. As it was allowed in previous
versions, declaring it as Not Applicable (NA) would break compatibility. Tools
shall ignore such an attribute without a warning.
C This means that the left element constrains right element.
AI If the attribute is already defined on the left then the attribute is not redefined but
adds implementation-related information.
Example: an ApplicationDataType of category BOOLEAN supports the def-
inition of an own CompuMethod to define the semantics of e.g. (ON, OFF) or
(HIGH, LOW) or (PASSED, FAILED) as long as the number of values match
and matching pairs of values on application level and implementation level
exist. In contrast, the corresponding ImplementationDataType uses (true,
false) as the applicable literals in any of the above mentioned cases.
S Create a “Self-contained” artifact based on the left.
Example: A CompuMethod defined in the context of a System of category
ECU_EXTRACT is copied into the separate artifact for the McSupportData and
references need to be updated to the copy.
Use case: Provide a McDataGenerator with a single, self-contained file to do its

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Software Component Template

Some property names contain the term “variable” or “calprm”, this comes from histor-
ical16 reasons and can be taken as some hint where the property most likely applies
The usage of the "/" in the table rows mentioning the content of swCalprmAxisSet.
swCalprmAxis, in particular SwAxisGrouped.swCalprmRef and SwAxisGrouped.
sharedAxisType resp. SwAxisIndividual.swVariableRef, SwAxisIndivid-
ual.unit, and SwAxisIndividual.inputVariableType represents a "shortcut"
that glosses over a specific aspect of the modeling of SwCalprmAxis that is visible in
the model but does not appear in the AUTOSAR XML schema, see Figure 5.29 (which
contains all the meta-classes and roles mentioned in the table entries).
In particular, the "shortcut" affects the existence of meta-class SwCalprmAxisType-
Props and its aggregation in the role SwCalprmAxis.swCalprmAxisTypeProps.
As depicted in Figure 5.29, SwCalprmAxisTypeProps acts as an abstract base class
to both SwAxisGrouped and SwAxisIndividual.
In ARXML files that conform to the AUTOSAR XML schema, however, both SwAx-
isGrouped and SwAxisIndividual appear as direct child elements of SwCal-
SwCalprmAxisTypeProps +swCalprmAxisTypeProps SwCalprmAxis +swCalprmAxis SwCalprmAxisSet

+ maxGradient: Float [0..1] 0..1 + category: CalprmAxisCategoryEnum [0..1] 0..*

+ monotony: MonotonyEnum [0..1] + displayFormat: DisplayFormatString [0..1]
+ swAxisIndex: AxisIndexType [0..1] +swCalprmAxisSet 0..1
+ swCalibrationAccess: SwCalibrationAccessEnum [0..1]

SwAxisGrouped +swCalprmRef SwCalprmRefProxy «atpVariation»

+ swAxisIndex: AxisIndexType [0..1] 1

+sharedAxisType ApplicationDataType
0..1 ApplicationPrimitiveDataType
SwAxisIndividual 0..1 +unit
«atpVariation» 0..1
+swVariableRef SwVariableRefProxy + factorSiToUnit: Float [0..1]
+ swMaxAxisPoints: Integer [0..1]
+ offsetSiToUnit: Float [0..1]
+ swMinAxisPoints: Integer [0..1] 0..* {ordered}

Figure 5.29: Modeling of SwAxisGrouped and SwAxisIndividual

This difference between meta-model and AUTOSAR XML schema is explained by the
existence of a set of tags at the aggregation SwCalprmAxis.swCalprmAxisType-
Props. The details of how these tags impact the schema generation are explained in
the TPS XML Schema Production Rules [25].
To summarize, the "shortcut" in the table rows simply approximates the situation in
ARXML instead of reflecting the actual modeling in the AUTOSAR meta-model.

In the beginning of ASAM and MSR, measurements and calibration parameters (characteristics)
were separated and the properties were merged over time.

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Software Component Template

Class <<atpVariation>> SwDataDefProps

Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::DataDefProperties
Note This class is a collection of properties relevant for data objects under various aspects. One could
consider this class as a "pattern of inheritance by aggregation". The properties can be applied to all
objects of all classes in which SwDataDefProps is aggregated.
Note that not all of the attributes or associated elements are useful all of the time. Hence, the process
definition (e.g. expressed with an OCL or a Document Control Instance MSR-DCI) has the task of
implementing limitations.
SwDataDefProps covers various aspects:
• Structure of the data element for calibration use cases: is it a single value, a curve, or a map, but
also the recordLayouts which specify how such elements are mapped/converted to the Data
Types in the programming language (or in AUTOSAR). This is mainly expressed by properties
like swRecordLayout and swCalprmAxisSet
• Implementation aspects, mainly expressed by swImplPolicy, swVariableAccessImplPolicy, sw
AddrMethod, swPointerTagetProps, baseType, implementationDataType and additionalNative
• Access policy for the MCD system, mainly expressed by swCalibrationAccess
• Semantics of the data element, mainly expressed by compuMethod and/or unit, dataConstr,
• Code generation policy provided by swRecordLayout
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
additionalNative NativeDeclarationString 0..1 attr This attribute is used to declare native qualifiers of the
TypeQualifier programming language which can neither be deduced
from the baseType (e.g. because the data object
describes a pointer) nor from other more abstract
attributes. Examples are qualifiers like "volatile", "strict" or
"enum" of the C-language. All such declarations have to
be put into one string.
annotation Annotation * aggr This aggregation allows to add annotations (yellow pads
...) related to the current data object.
baseType SwBaseType 0..1 ref Base type associated with the containing data object.
compuMethod CompuMethod 0..1 ref Computation method associated with the semantics of
this data object.
dataConstr DataConstr 0..1 ref Data constraint for this data object.
displayFormat DisplayFormatString 0..1 attr This property describes how a number is to be rendered
e.g. in documents or in a measurement and calibration
display DisplayPresentation 0..1 attr This attribute controls the presentation of the related data
Presentation Enum for measurement and calibration tools.

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Class <<atpVariation>> SwDataDefProps
implementation AbstractImplementation 0..1 ref This association denotes the ImplementationDataType of
DataType DataType a data declaration via its aggregated SwDataDefProps. It
is used whenever a data declaration is not directly
referring to a base type. Especially
• redefinition of an ImplementationDataType via a
"typedef" to another ImplementationDatatype
• the target type of a pointer (see SwPointerTarget
Props), if it does not refer to a base type directly
• the data type of an array or record element within
an ImplementationDataType, if it does not refer to
a base type directly
• the data type of an SwServiceArg, if it does not
refer to a base type directly
invalidValue ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr Optional value to express invalidity of the actual data
stepSize Float 0..1 attr This attribute can be used to define a value which is
added to or subtracted from the value of a DataPrototype
when using up/down keys while calibrating.
swAddrMethod SwAddrMethod 0..1 ref Addressing method related to this data object. Via an
association to the same SwAddrMethod it can be
specified that several DataPrototypes shall be located in
the same memory without already specifying the memory
section itself.
swAlignment AlignmentType 0..1 attr The attribute describes the intended typical alignment of
the DataPrototype. If the attribute is not defined the
alignment is determined by the swBaseType size and the
memoryAllocationKeywordPolicy of the referenced Sw
swBit SwBitRepresentation 0..1 aggr Description of the binary representation in case of a bit
Representation variable.
swCalibration SwCalibrationAccess 0..1 attr Specifies the read or write access by MCD tools for this
Access Enum data object.
swCalprmAxis SwCalprmAxisSet 0..1 aggr This specifies the properties of the axes in case of a
Set curve or map etc. This is mainly applicable to calibration
swComparison SwVariableRefProxy * aggr Variables used for comparison in an MCD process.
swData SwDataDependency 0..1 aggr Describes how the value of the data object has to be
Dependency calculated from the value of another data object (by the
MCD system).

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Class <<atpVariation>> SwDataDefProps
swHostVariable SwVariableRefProxy 0..1 aggr Contains a reference to a variable which serves as a
host-variable for a bit variable. Only applicable to bit
swImplPolicy SwImplPolicyEnum 0..1 attr Implementation policy for this data object.
swIntended Numerical 0..1 attr The purpose of this element is to describe the requested
Resolution quantization of data objects early on in the design
The resolution ultimately occurs via the conversion
formula present (compuMethod), which specifies the
transition from the physical world to the standardized
world (and vice-versa) (here, "the slope per bit" is present
implicitly in the conversion formula).
In the case of a development phase without a fixed
conversion formula, a pre-specification can occur through
The resolution is specified in the physical domain
according to the property "unit".
swInterpolation Identifier 0..1 attr This is a keyword identifying the mathematical method to
Method be applied for interpolation. The keyword needs to be
related to the interpolation routine which needs to be
swIsVirtual Boolean 0..1 attr This element distinguishes virtual objects. Virtual objects
do not appear in the memory, their derivation is much
more dependent on other objects and hence they shall
have a swDataDependency .
swPointerTarget SwPointerTargetProps 0..1 aggr Specifies that the containing data object is a pointer to
Props another data object.
swRecord SwRecordLayout 0..1 ref Record layout for this data object.
swRefresh MultidimensionalTime 0..1 aggr This element specifies the frequency in which the object
Timing involved shall be or is called or calculated. This timing
can be collected from the task in which write access
processes to the variable run. But this cannot be done by
the MCD system.
So this attribute can be used in an early phase to express
the desired refresh timing and later on to specify the real
refresh timing.
swTextProps SwTextProps 0..1 aggr the specific properties if the data object is a text object.
swValueBlock Numerical 0..1 attr This represents the size of a Value Block
Stereotypes: atpVariation

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Software Component Template

Class <<atpVariation>> SwDataDefProps
swValueBlock Numerical * attr This attribute is used to specify the dimensions of a value
SizeMult block (VAL_BLK) for the case that that value block has
(ordered) more than one dimension.
The dimensions given in this attribute are ordered such
that the first entry represents the first dimension, the
second entry represents the second dimension, and so
For one-dimensional value blocks the attribute swValue
BlockSize shall be used and this attribute shall not exist.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
unit Unit 0..1 ref Physical unit associated with the semantics of this data
object. This attribute applies if no compuMethod is
specified. If both units (this as well as via compuMethod)
are specified the units shall be compatible.
valueAxisData ApplicationPrimitive 0..1 ref The referenced ApplicationPrimitiveDataType represents
Type DataType the primitive data type of the value axis within a
compound primitive (e.g. curve, map). It supersedes
CompuMethod, Unit, and BaseType.

Table 5.44: SwDataDefProps

Primitive NativeDeclarationString
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::PrimitiveTypes
Note This string contains a native data declaration of a data type in a programming language. It is basically a
string, but white-space shall be preserved.

Table 5.45: NativeDeclarationString

Class SwBitRepresentation
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::DataDefProperties
Note Description of the structure of a bit variable: Comprises of the bitPosition in a memory object (e.g. sw
HostVariable, which stands parallel to swBitRepresentation) and the numberOfBits . In this way,
interrelated memory areas can be described. Non-related memory areas are not supported.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
bitPosition Integer 0..1 attr If the "bit data object" is hosted within another data object
(e.g. if the memory can be accessed via byte as well as
bit address), this attribute specifies the position of the
data object. The count starts at zero (0).
numberOfBits Integer 0..1 attr Number of bits allocated by a "bit data object" within its
host data object.

Table 5.46: SwBitRepresentation

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Primitive DisplayFormatString
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::PrimitiveTypes
Note This is a display format specifier for the display of values e.g. in documents or in measurement and
calibration systems.
The display format specifier is a subset of the ANSI C printf specifiers with the following form:
% [flags] [width] [.prec] type character
For more details refer to "ASAM-HarmonizedDataObjects-V1.1.pdf" chapter 13.3.2 DISPLAY OF DATA.
Due to the numerical nature of value settings, only the following type characters are allowed:
• d: Signed decimal integer
• i: Signed decimal integer
• o: Unsigned octal integer
• u: Unsigned decimal integer
• x: Unsigned hexadecimal integer, using "abcdef"
• X: Unsigned hexadecimal integer, using "ABCDEF"
• e: Signed value having the form [-]d.dddd e [sign]ddd where d is a single decimal digit, dddd is
one or more decimal digits, ddd is exactly three decimal digits, and sign is + or -
• E: Identical to the e format except that E rather than e introduces the exponent
• f: Signed value having the form [-]dddd.dddd, where dddd is one or more decimal digits; the
number of digits before the decimal point depends on the magnitude of the number, and the
number of digits after the decimal point depends on the requested precision
• g: Signed value printed in f or e format, whichever is more compact for the given value and
precision; trailing zeros are truncated, and the decimal point appears only if one or more digits
follow it
• G: Identical to the g format, except that E, rather than e, introduces the exponent (where
xml.xsd.pattern=%[ \-+#]?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]+)?[diouxXfeEgGcs]

Table 5.47: DisplayFormatString

Class Annotation
Package M2::MSR::Documentation::Annotation
Note This is a plain annotation which does not have further formal data.
Base ARObject, GeneralAnnotation
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 5.48: Annotation

[constr_1244] DataPrototypes used in application software shall not be typed

by C enums dA ImplementationDataType that is used to type a DataProto-
type owned by an AtomicSwComponentType shall not set swDataDefProps.ad-
ditionalNativeTypeQualifier to enum at the time when the contract
phase generation is executed.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01272] Semantics of swComparisonVariable dPlease note that
swComparisonVariables shall be displayed in the MCD system on the ordinate
in a curve.

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By showing the input value and the comparison value the calibration engineer can see if
the current working point is above or below a curve provident thresholds. For example,
in a curve specifying a temperature-depending gear shift threshold engine speed the
engine speed can be shown as “comparisonVariable”.
These variables can be used to display the value of a variable on the value axis of a
calibration parameter (characteristic), that is currently displayed in the MCD-System.
The purpose is to compare the appropriate result from the calibration parameter in
question, with a value being calculated or taken from a sensor (the comparison vari-
The sole purpose of this comparison-variable is therefore to serve the calibration pro-


tx tmot
Figure 5.30: Explanation of swComparisonVariable

The meaning behind swComparisonVariable is depicted in Figure 5.30. Legend:

tx represents the current temperature and tmot represents the motor temperature.
V represents the current speed as shown in the MCD system for comparison: this is
the swComparisonVariable.
Likewise, Vs represents the speed characteristic over the temperature.
Enumeration SwCalibrationAccessEnum
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::DataDefProperties
Note Determines the access rights to a data object w.r.t. measurement and calibration.
Literal Description
notAccessible The element will not be accessible via MCD tools, i.e. will not appear in the ASAP file.
readOnly The element will only appear as read-only in an ASAP file.
readWrite The element will appear in the ASAP file with both read and write access.

Table 5.49: SwCalibrationAccessEnum

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[TPS_SWCT_01273] Precedence rules for the application of SwDataDefProps d

SwDataDefProps can be specified on various levels, from type over prototype to in-
stantiation, finally data access and calibration support after RTE generation. In general,
properties specified on prototype level override the ones specified on type level.
More formally, the precedence of such properties is:
1. attributes of SwDataDefProps defined on ApplicationDataType which may
be overwritten by
2. attributes of SwDataDefProps defined on ImplementationDataType which
may be overwritten by
3. attributes of SwDataDefProps defined on DataPrototype which may be over-
written by
4. attributes of SwDataDefProps defined on InstantiationDataDefProps
which may be overwritten by
5. attributes of SwDataDefProps defined on ParameterAccess respectively Ar-
gument which may be overwritten by
6. attributes of SwDataDefProps defined on FlatInstanceDescriptor which
may be overwritten by
7. attributes of SwDataDefProps defined on McDataInstance
Note that details about applicable attributes of SwDataDefProps can be found in Ta-
ble 5.43.
[TPS_SWCT_01274] SwDataDefProps used to support calibration and measure-
ment dThe last item in the list of use cases contained in [TPS_SWCT_01273] denotes
that SwDataDefProps are also used as part of McSupportData which is a direct in-
put to the generation of measurement and calibration configuration formats (so-called
This use case is further explained in [6]. Since these data are generated by the RTE,
they will use a copy of the properties according to the precedence given above.
However, even in this use case which comes after RTE generation it is possible that
properties relevant for the MCD system are added which had been undefined so far.
This for example, applies to the attribute swRefreshTiming which denotes a timing
information relevant for the measurement system; this information may be set rather
late in the process chain.c()
Obviously such an override is not applicable in all cases. In particular, the properties
covering the structure shall not be redefined on DataPrototype. Implementation
policy, semantics and code generation policy may be changed under consideration of
compatibility rules.

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Software Component Template

Access policy for the MCD system is the most likely subject to be redefined on the
DataPrototype of even on an instantiation level.
Section 5.4.3 describes how SwDataDefProps are used for measuring purposes
while Section 5.4.4 describes the construction of characteristics based on the com-
bination of SwDataDefProps with DataPrototypes.
Section 2.2.2 describes in which context calibration parameters can be defined. Fi-
nally, sections 2.2.3, 7.5.4, and 5.5.4 show how calibration parameters are used in
RunnableEntitys and show the link to an actual ECU implementation.
Enumeration SwImplPolicyEnum
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::DataDefProperties
Note Specifies the implementation strategy with respect to consistency mechanisms of variables.
Literal Description
const forced implementation such that the running software within the ECU shall not modify it. For example
implemented with the "const" modifier in C. This can be applied for parameters (not for those in
NVRAM) as well as argument data prototypes.
fixed This data element is fixed. In particular this indicates, that it might also be implemented e.g. as in
place data, (#DEFINE).
measurementPoint The data element is created for measurement purposes only. The data element is never read directly
within the ECU software. In contrast to a "standard" data element in an unconnected provide port is,
this unconnection is guaranteed for measurementPoint data elements.
queued The content of the data element is queued and the data element has ’event’ semantics, i.e. data
elements are stored in a queue and all data elements are processed in ’first in first out’ order. The
queuing is intended to be implemented by RTE Generator. This value is not applicable for parameters.
standard This is applicable for all kinds of data elements. For variable data prototypes the ’last is best’
semantics applies. For parameter there is no specific implementation directive.

Table 5.50: SwImplPolicyEnum

[TPS_SWCT_01275] values of the attribute swImplPolicy are restricted depend-

ing on the context dThe values of the attribute swImplPolicy are restricted (sum-
marized in table 5.51) depending on the context. This restriction reflects the fact that
not all possible implementation strategies are useful or supported for all kinds of Dat-
The restrictions summarized in table 5.51 are formalized in a set of constraints below
the table.
Please note that the usage of swImplPolicy is further constraint in the combination
with the attribute value swCalibrationAccess as described in [constr_1017].

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Software Component Template

Attribute of SwImplPolicyEnum VariableDataPrototype ParameterDataPrototype Misc.

in role implicitInterRunnableVariable

in role explicitInterRunnableVariable

in role arTypedPerInstanceMemory

in role perInstanceParameter
in SenderReceiverInterface












in role sharedParameter
in ParameterInterface

in role constantMemory
in role staticMemory
in NvDataInterface

in role ramBlock

in role romBlock

const NA NA NA NA NA NA NA x NA x x x NA x
measurementPoint x NA NA NA NA x x NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
standard x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Table 5.51: Allowed attributes values for swImplPolicy vs. DataPrototypes and their

The following settings apply in table 5.51:

x Attribute is applicable for usage in the scope of this element.
NA Attribute is not applicable for usage in the scope of this element.
[constr_2035] swImplPolicy for VariableDataPrototype in Sender-
ReceiverInterface dThe overriding value of attribute swImplPolicy of a
VariableDataPrototype owned by a SenderReceiverInterface shall be
either standard, queued, or measurementPoint.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_2036] swImplPolicy for VariableDataPrototype in NvDataInter-
face dThe overriding value of attribute swImplPolicy of a VariableDataProto-
type owned by a NvDataInterface shall be standard.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_2037] swImplPolicy for VariableDataPrototype in the role ram-
Block dThe overriding value of attribute swImplPolicy of a VariableDataProto-
type aggregated in the role NvBlockDescriptor.ramBlock shall be standard.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()

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Software Component Template

[constr_2038] swImplPolicy for VariableDataPrototype in the role implic-

itInterRunnableVariable dThe overriding value of attribute swImplPolicy of
a VariableDataPrototype aggregated in the role SwcInternalBehavior.im-
plicitInterRunnableVariable shall be standard.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_2039] swImplPolicy for VariableDataPrototype in the role explic-
itInterRunnableVariable dThe overriding value of attribute swImplPolicy of
a VariableDataPrototype aggregated in the role SwcInternalBehavior.ex-
plicitInterRunnableVariable shall be standard.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_2040] swImplPolicy for VariableDataPrototype in the role arType-
dPerInstanceMemory dThe overriding value of attribute swImplPolicy of a Vari-
ableDataPrototype aggregated in the role SwcInternalBehavior.arTyped-
PerInstanceMemory shall be standard or measurementPoint.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_2041] swImplPolicy for VariableDataPrototype in the role stat-
icMemory dThe overriding value of attribute swImplPolicy of a VariableDat-
aPrototype aggregated in the role InternalBehavior.staticMemory shall be
standard or measurementPoint.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_2042] swImplPolicy for ParameterDataPrototype in ParameterIn-
terface dThe overriding value of attribute swImplPolicy of a ParameterDat-
aPrototype owned by a ParameterInterface shall be either standard, const,
or fixed.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_2043] swImplPolicy for ParameterDataPrototype in the role
romBlock dThe overriding value of attribute swImplPolicy a ParameterDataPro-
totype aggregated in the role NvBlockDescriptor.romBlock shall be standard.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_2044] swImplPolicy for ParameterDataPrototype in the role
sharedParameter dThe overriding value of attribute swImplPolicy of a Param-
eterDataPrototype aggregated in the role SwcInternalBehavior.sharedPa-
rameter shall be standard or const.

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Software Component Template

This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_2045] swImplPolicy for ParameterDataPrototype in the role perIn-
stanceParameter dThe overriding value of attribute swImplPolicy of a Param-
eterDataPrototype in the role SwcInternalBehavior.perInstanceParame-
ter shall be standard or const.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_2046] swImplPolicy for ParameterDataPrototype in the role con-
stantMemory dThe overriding value of attribute swImplPolicy of a Parame-
terDataPrototype aggregated in the role InternalBehavior.constantMemory
shall be standard, const, or fixed.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_2047] swImplPolicy for ArgumentDataPrototype dThe overriding value
of attribute swImplPolicy of an ArgumentDataPrototype shall be standard.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_2048] swImplPolicy for SwServiceArg dThe overriding value of attribute
swImplPolicy of a SwServiceArg shall be standard or const.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[TPS_SWCT_02000] Default value for attribute swImplPolicy dIf the attribute
swImplPolicy is not explicitly set at any of the locations listed in “Place of Setting”
for SwDataDefProps, the default value standard applies.c()
Please note that the locations listed in “Place of Setting” for SwDataDefProps are
described in Table 5.43.

5.4.2 Invalid Value

The diagram 5.5 shows that in addition to the semantics defined through the com-
puMethod (explained below in chapter 5.5.1), also an invalidValue can be speci-
fied. This is a requirement of the VFB [3], allowing expressing which specific value is
used to indicate invalidation.
ARElement «atpVariation» ValueSpecification
AtpType +swDataDefProps SwDataDefProps +invalidValue
AutosarDataType 0..1 0..1

Figure 5.31: Invalid value

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Software Component Template

The invalidValue can be used in different flavors (also illustrated in Figure 5.6):
• [TPS_SWCT_01432] Keep the invalidValue transparent to the sending
and receiving software components dOn the one hand it is possible to keep
the invalidValue transparent to the sending and receiving software compo-
nents. In this case the invalidation API of the RTE on the sender side has to be
The receiving software component can either use the data receive status or the
DataReceiveErrorEvent respectively DataReceivedEvent to decide about
the validity of the received data or the receiving software component can rely on
the reception of an initValue as a default value in case of data invalidation.
In this case the invalid value should (and usually will) be outside the range limits
defined by the compuMethod.c()
• [TPS_SWCT_01434] Sender and receiver have knowledge of invalid value
dOn the other hand it is possible that the communicating software components
do have knowledge about the invalidValue and the invalidValue is visible
for them.
This is in particular the case if the sender and receiver are calculating a checksum
over a larger data structure to implement an end to end communication protec-
tion. To ensure the integrity of the checksums it is required to set invalid values
by the sending component directly and to receive invalid values unchanged.
In this case the invalid value should (and usually will) be inside the range limits
defined by the compuMethod.c()
• [TPS_SWCT_01436] Different receivers require different handling of data
invalidation dIt is possible that in case of 1:n communication different receivers
requiring a different handling of data invalidation depending on the criticality of
its functionality. For instance, one receiver applies the checksum based end to
end communication protection and another receiver relies on the substitution of
invalid values by invalidValues.c()
A typical use case for putting the invalidValue inside the boundaries of the appli-
cable CompuMethod is a composite data type that contains the values of all individual
wheel speeds. If one of the sensors fails and starts to send invalidValue it would
probably not make sense to consider the whole composite data element invalid.
It may very likely still be possible to make sense of the remaining intact wheel speed
values and carry on with whatever business the receiving software-component has with
that data.
From this perspective, it would obviously be OK for the sending software-component to
actively send the invalidValue that is then processed as a “regular” value without
applying additional semantics by the RTE/Com.
[TPS_SWCT_01646] Sending invalidValue without invalidation applied by
RTE/Com dFor intentionally sending invalidValue without invalidation applied by

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RTE/Com the SenderReceiverInterface.invalidationPolicy.handleIn-

valid shall be set to the value HandleInvalidEnum.dontInvalidate.c()
[constr_1390] Restriction to the value of SenderReceiverInterface.inval-
idationPolicy.handleInvalid dIf the value of SenderReceiverInterface.
invalidationPolicy.handleInvalid is set to any value other than HandleIn-
validEnum.dontInvalidate then the invalidValue shall not be within the in-
terval defined by the CompuMethod of the applicable dataElement at the time
when the contract phase generation is executed.c()
Please note that ApplicationPrimitiveDataTypes of category VALUE in prin-
ciple can have an invalidValue provided by a NumericalValueSpecification
because the value of the attribute invalidValue can be outside the range of the
applicable CompuMethod (see [TPS_SWCT_01432]).
[TPS_SWCT_01437] invalidValue can also be specified without setting a
compuMethod dAn invalidValue can also be specified without setting a com-
Figure 5.6 illustrates the relationship between ApplicationDataType, Com-
puMethod, ImplementationDataType, invalidValue, BaseType.
[constr_2545] invalidValue shall fit in the specified ranges dThe invalid-
Value shall be in the range of the ImplementationDataType at the time when
the contract phase generation is executed.c()
Please note that the invalidValue is a ValueSpecification. Of course, it would
technically be possible to use any subclass of ValueSpecification at this place.
[constr_1016] Restriction of invalidValue for ImplementationDataType
and ImplementationDataTypeElement dinvalidValue for Implementation-
DataType and ImplementationDataTypeElement is restricted to be either a com-
patible NumericalValueSpecification, TextValueSpecification (caution,
[constr_1284] applies) or a ConstantReference that in turn points to a compatible
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_1384] Definition of invalidValue for DataPrototype typed by Appli-
cationPrimitiveDataType of category CURVE, MAP, CUBOID, CUBE_4, CUBE_-
5, COM_AXIS, RES_AXIS, and VAL_BLK dAn invalidValue shall not be specified
for a DataPrototype typed by ApplicationPrimitiveDataType of category
any time in the workflow.c()
Rationale for [constr_1384]: there is no use case for sending a DataPrototype typed
by ApplicationPrimitiveDataType of category CURVE, MAP, CUBOID, CUBE_-
4, CUBE_5, COM_AXIS, RES_AXIS, and VAL_BLK over a communication bus.

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[constr_1242] Restriction of invalidValue for ApplicationPrimitive-

DataType of category STRING dinvalidValue for ApplicationPrimitive-
DataType of category STRING ([constr_1241] applies) is restricted to be either
a compatible ApplicationValueSpecification or a ConstantReference that
in turn points to a compatible ApplicationValueSpecification at the time
when the contract phase generation is executed.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01487] Correspondence of invalidValue for ApplicationPrim-
itiveDataType and ImplementationDataType dThe invalidValue specified
on the level of an ApplicationPrimitiveDataType shall correspond to the in-
validValue specified on the level of a compatible ImplementationDataType. The
terms “corresponds” boils down to:
• category VALUE or BOOLEAN: application of CompuMethod
• category STRING: mapping of the encoding on the ApplicationPrimi-
tiveDataType side to the numerical values on the level of the Implementa-
tionDataType (shall reference SwBaseType with baseTypeEncoding set to
NONE). There is no formal support defined to check that the values of invalid-
Value really correspond to each other.
[constr_1225] DataPrototype is typed by an ImplementationDataType that
references a CompuMethod of category TEXTTABLE or BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE dIf
a DataPrototype is typed by an ImplementationDataType that references a
CompuMethod of category TEXTTABLE or BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE the applicable
ValueSpecification shall be a TextValueSpecification.
In this case the value provided shall match to one of the applicable text values (vt,
shortLabel, symbol) defined by the applicable CompuScales.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
Please note that several attributes of meta-class CompuScale can be taken to describe
the actual value. It is therefore necessary to clarify what happens if several of these
attributes exist within the context of one CompuScale. This clarification can be found
in [TPS_SWCT_01696].
[TPS_SWCT_01467] ImplementationDataType references an SwBaseType with
a string encoding dIf an ImplementationDataType references an SwBaseType
with a string encoding the initValue shall still be provided as numerical values ac-
cording to the string encoding.c()
[constr_1302] Restriction of data invalidation dData invalidation is only applicable
for one of the following cases applicable on the receiving side:

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1. VariableDataPrototypes typed by either an ApplicationPrimitive-

DataType or an ImplementationDataType of category VALUE or TYPE_-
REFERENCE that boils down to category VALUE that have defined an invalid-
2. VariableDataPrototypes typed by either an ApplicationComposite-
DataType or an ImplementationDataType of category STRUCTURE, or
ARRAY or of category TYPE_REFERENCE that boils down to category STRUC-
TURE, or ARRAY that have at least one primitive element with an invalidValue.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
Please note that [constr_1302], in general, leaves room for the definition of an invalid
value for a DataPrototype typed by a Wrapped Union Data Type because it
demands the existence of a primitive element that has an invalidValue. In the
case of a Wrapped Union Data Type, the primitive element could be the Member
Selector, and thus [constr_1302] would technically be fulfilled.
On the one hand, it does not make sense to just define an invalid value for the Member
Selector from the semantic point of view. On the other hand, the actual payload may
not even have an invalid value according to [constr_1009] or [constr_1288], respec-
In order to simplify the situation and make a clear statement, [constr_1446] has been
[constr_1446] No definition of invalidValue for a Wrapped Union Data Type
dThe definition of an invalidValue for a DataPrototype typed by a Wrapped
Union Data Type is not supported at any time in the workflow.c()
[constr_1140] Combination of invalidValue with the attribute handleInvalid
dThe combination of setting the attribute handleInvalid of the meta-class Inval-
idationPolicy owned by SenderReceiverInterface to value replace and of
setting the value of the attribute initValue owned by a corresponding Nonqueue-
dReceiverComSpec effectively to the value of the invalidValue (owned by a corre-
sponding SwDataDefProps) is not supported at the time when the contract
phase generation is executed.c()
The term “corresponding” (as utilized in [constr_1140]) refers to the fact that informa-
tion regarding the fulfillment of [constr_1140] is factually distributed over different areas
of the meta-model. For clarification, the following relationship should be considered:
The SenderReceiverInterface defines how to deal with an invalid value by means
of the attribute handleInvalid on the basis of individual dataElements. The
SenderReceiverInterface is taken for typing a RPortPrototype that in turn
owns a ReceiverComSpec. [constr_1140] applies if the particular ReceiverCom-
Spec is actually a NonqueuedReceiverComSpec that refers to the same dataEle-

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Software Component Template

ARElement PortPrototype
+requiredInterface RPortPrototype
AtpBlueprint AbstractRequiredPortPrototype
AtpBlueprintable «isOfType» + mayBeUnconnected: Boolean [0..1]
AtpType 0..1
{redefines atpType}
+ isService: Boolean [0..1]
RPortComSpec 0..*
+ serviceKind: ServiceProviderEnum [0..1]

+ handleOutOfRange: HandleOutOfRangeEnum [0..1]

+ handleOutOfRangeStatus: HandleOutOfRangeStatusEnum [0..1]
+ maxNoNewOrRepeatedData: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ syncCounterInit: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ maxDeltaCounterInit: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ usesEndToEndProtection: Boolean [0..1]


+dataElement 0..* + aliveTimeout: TimeValue [0..1]
AutosarDataPrototype + enableUpdate: Boolean [0..1]
+ handleDataStatus: Boolean [0..1]
VariableDataPrototype + handleNeverReceived: Boolean [0..1]
+ handleTimeoutType: HandleTimeoutEnum [0..1]
+dataElement 0..1
+invalidationPolicy 0..* +networkRepresentation 0..1+timeoutSubstitutionValue 0..1 +initValue 0..1
InvalidationPolicy replace «atpVariation» +invalidValue ValueSpecification
dontInvalidate SwDataDefProps
+ handleInvalid: HandleInvalidEnum [0..1] externalReplacement 0..1 + shortLabel: Identifier [0..1]

Figure 5.32: Relationships required to consider the invalidValue

In this case the invalidValue owned by the SwDataDefProps that in turn is owned
by the respective dataElement is relevant for the fulfillment of [constr_1140]. The
“big picture” of this relationship is sketched in Figure 5.32.
[constr_1219] Invalidation depends on the value of swImplPolicy dInvalidation of
dataElements is only supported for dataElements where the value of swImplPol-
icy is not set to queued at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_1282] Restriction concerning the usage of RuleBasedValueSpeci-
fication or a ReferenceValueSpecification for the specification of an
invalidValue dThe aggregation of a RuleBasedValueSpecification or a
ReferenceValueSpecification for the definition of a ApplicationPrimi-
tiveDataType.swDataDefProps.invalidValue is not supported at the time
when the contract phase generation is executed.c()

5.4.3 Properties for Measurement

In embedded automotive software design, measurement means access to memory

locations in an ECU and transferring its contents to the measurement & calibration
system. While in classical software design, variables abstract the memory locations in
the code, AUTOSAR provides for this purpose the DataPrototype with its various

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Software Component Template

• VariableDataPrototype of a SenderReceiverInterface or NvDataIn-

terface used in a PortPrototype (of a SwComponentPrototype), to cap-
ture sender-receiver and non-volatile data communication between SwCompo-
• ArgumentDataPrototype of a ClientServerOperation in a
ClientServerInterface to capture client-server communication between
• VariableDataPrototype in the context of an SwcInternalBehavior to
– capture communication between RunnableEntitys within a SwCompo-
– handle data in a non-volatile memory block
– provide pure software component internal memory which has to be accessi-
ble for an MCD system
[TPS_SWCT_01440] Measurement is not limited to primitive objects dThe ability
of being measured is not restricted to primitive data (category VALUE) but can also
be applied to composite data (category STRUCTURE or ARRAY).c()
The following semantical and structural features from SwDataDefProps are relevant
(among other purposes) for the measurement system:
• swCalibrationAccess
• swImplPolicy
• compuMethod
• unit (if not specified by compuMethod)
• baseType
• swAddrMethod
[TPS_SWCT_01130] Measurement and calibration access to model elements is
defined by swCalibrationAccess dThe ability to be accessed by e.g. a calibration
tool is given by setting the swCalibrationAccess attribute.c(RS_SWCT_03152)
The following table shows all valid settings of swCalibrationAccess:
swImplPolicy swCalibrationAccess
notAccessible readOnly readWrite
fixed yes not supported not supported
const yes yes not supported
standard yes yes yes
queued yes not supported not supported
measurementPoint not supported yes not supported

Table 5.52: Supported combinations of swImplPolicy and swCalibrationAccess

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Software Component Template

[TPS_SWCT_01559] Default value for attribute SwDataDefProps.swCalibra-

tionAccess dThe default value for the attribute SwDataDefProps.swCalibra-
tionAccess is SwCalibrationAccessEnum.notAccessible.c()
[constr_1017] Supported combinations of swImplPolicy and swCalibra-
tionAccess dThe table 5.52 defines the supported combinations at the
time when the contract phase generation is executed of swImplPol-
icy and swCalibrationAccess attribute setting.c()
[constr_1018] measurementPoint shall not be referenced by a VariableAc-
cess aggregated by RunnableEntity in the role dataReadAccess dDue to the
nature of dataElements characterized by setting the swImplPolicy to measure-
mentPoint, such dataElements shall not be referenced by a VariableAccess
aggregated by RunnableEntity in the role dataReadAccess at the time when
the contract phase generation is executed.c()

5.4.4 Properties of Curves and Maps

A characteristic table is defined by setting the category of the corresponding Au-

tosarDataType or DataPrototype to CURVE respectively MAP, CUBOID, CUBE_4,
and CUBE_5.
Its SwDataDefProps determine an axis description. The type of the functional values
is given by the attached SwBaseType and the CompuMethod.
The axis description itself is defined by the meta-model element SwCalprmAxisSet
aggregating the appropriate number of SwCalprmAxisTypeProps.
This is the base class for a so called “individual axis” (formalized by meta-class SwAx-
isIndividual) or a “grouped axis” (formalized by meta-class SwAxisGrouped).
The latter is used to share axis points by several characteristic tables. Figure 5.33
shows an overview on the relevant meta-model elements.
The type of the functional values is given by the attached SwBaseType and the Com-
puMethod or by the referenced ApplicationDataType.
If an ApplicationDataType is referenced (via valueAxisDataType) this super-
sedes CompuMethod, Unit, and BaseType if these are defined in parallel.

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Software Component Template

SwAxisGeneric +swAxisGeneric SwAxisIndividual
0..1 AtpBlueprintable
0..1 DataConstr
SwVariableRefProxy +swVariableRef

0..* ARElement
{ordered} +compuMethod AtpBlueprint
0..1 CompuMethod

SwCalprmAxis +unit 0..1

+unit ARElement
0..1 +swCalprmAxisTypeProps 0..1

SwCalprmAxisTypeProps +inputVariableType ApplicationDataType

+swCalprmRef SwCalprmRefProxy

Figure 5.33: Overview on the Meta-Model for Axis Description

ARElement +swAxisType +swGenericAxisParam

SwAxisGeneric SwGenericAxisParam
SwAxisType 0..*
0..1 «atpVariation»
+ vf: Numerical [0..*] {ordered}
+swGenericAxisParamType +swGenericAxisParamType
0..* 0..1

Figure 5.34: Overview on a Generic Axis

Figure 5.35 shows how an individual axis is represented by the meta-model. The corre-
sponding M1 Model is illustrated in Figure 5.36. The SwAxisIndividual references
value-models to account the minimum and the maximum number of axis values as well
as the number of axis points.
ARElement AtpBlueprint ARElement
AtpBlueprintable AtpBlueprint
BaseType AtpBlueprintable
SwBaseType SwAddrMethod

+swRecordLayout 0..1 +baseType 0..1 +swAddrMethod 0..1

SwCalprmAxis +swCalprmAxis SwCalprmAxisSet +swCalprmAxisSet «atpVariation»

0..* SwDataDefProps

+unit 0..1 +compuMethod 0..1 +dataConstr 0..1

ARElement ARElement ARElement

+swCalprmAxisTypeProps SwCalprmAxisTypeProps +unit
AtpBlueprint AtpBlueprint
AtpBlueprintable AtpBlueprintable
0..1 CompuMethod DataConstr
+unit 0..1 +compuMethod +dataConstr 0..1

SwAxisGrouped +swCalprmRef SwCalprmRefProxy SwVariableRefProxy SwAxisIndividual
0..* {ordered}

Figure 5.35: Meta-Model Elements used for a Curve

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Software Component Template

Hence, the size of the structure to hold the functional values is determined by the
number of axis values for all axes. The type of the axis values is determined when the
type of the referenced input value (swVariableRef) has been set. For further details
see section 5.4.5.
[TPS_SWCT_01107] swMinAxisPoints and swMaxAxisPoints represent varia-
tion points dThe value of attributes swMinAxisPoints and swMaxAxisPoints is
subject to variant handling.c(RS_SWCT_03148)
Element: ApplicationDataType

category = CURVE
shortName = MyCurve

swDataDefProps: SwDataDefProps Element: Unit

Element: CompuMethod

Element: SwAddrMethod

Element: SwRecordLayout

swCalprmAxisSet: swCalprmAxis: SwCalprmAxis



swDataDefProps: SwDataDefProps Element: CompuMethod


Element: Unit

Figure 5.36: Illustration of a Curve in M1

Class SwCalprmAxisSet
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::CalibrationParameter
Note This element specifies the input parameter axes (abscissas) of parameters (and variables, if these are
used adaptively).
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

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Software Component Template

Class SwCalprmAxisSet
swCalprmAxis SwCalprmAxis * aggr One axis belonging to this SwCalprmAxisSet

Table 5.53: SwCalprmAxisSet

Class SwCalprmAxis
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::CalibrationParameter
Note This element specifies an individual input parameter axis (abscissa).
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
category CalprmAxisCategory 0..1 attr This property specifies the category of a particular axis.
displayFormat DisplayFormatString 0..1 attr This property specifies how the axis values shall be
displayed e.g. in documents or in measurement and
calibration tools.
swAxisIndex AxisIndexType 0..1 attr This attribute specifies which axis is specified by the
containing SwCalprmAxis.
For example in a curve this is usually "1". In a map this is
"1" or "2".
swCalibration SwCalibrationAccess 0..1 attr Describes the applicability of parameters and variables.
Access Enum
swCalprmAxis SwCalprmAxisType 0..1 aggr specific properties depending on the type of the axis.
TypeProps Props

Table 5.54: SwCalprmAxis

Enumeration CalprmAxisCategoryEnum
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::CalibrationParameter
Note This enum specifies the possible values of the category property within SwCalprmAxis.
Literal Description
comAxis COM_AXIS is equal to an STD_AXIS, the difference is, that a COM_AXIS is an shared axis, that
means this axis can be used multiple times by different CURVEs, MAPs, CUBOIDs, CUBE_4s, and

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Enumeration CalprmAxisCategoryEnum
fixAXIS FIX_AXIS means that the input axis is not stored. The axis is calculated using parameters and so on
it is also not possible to modify the axis points.
resAxis RES_AXIS is also an shared axis like COM_AXIS, the difference is that this kind of axis can be used
for rescaling.
stdAxis STD_AXIS means that input and output axis definition are stored within this CURVE, MAP, CUBOID,
CUBE_4, and CUBE_5.
There is no shared or calculated axis.

Table 5.55: CalprmAxisCategoryEnum

Class SwCalprmAxisTypeProps (abstract)

Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::CalibrationParameter
Note Base class for the type of the calibration axis. This provides the particular model of the specialization. If
the specialization would be the directly from SwCalPrmAxis, the sequence of common properties and the
specializes ones would be different.
Base ARObject
Subclasses SwAxisGrouped, SwAxisIndividual
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
maxGradient Float 0..1 attr This attribute defines the maximum permissible gradient
for an adjustable object (curve, map or cuboid) with
respect to a specific axis. MaxGrad = maximum(
absolute((Value i,k - Value i-1,k)/(Axis Point i - Axis Point
i-1)) )
monotony MonotonyEnum 0..1 attr This attribute specifies the monotony constraint for an
adjustable object (curve, map or cuboid) with respect to a
specific axis. This information can be used by MCD
system to verify whether the monotony constraint is
fulfilled and to prevent from changes violating the
Table 5.56: SwCalprmAxisTypeProps

Class SwAxisIndividual
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::Axis
Note This meta-class describes an axis integrated into a parameter (field etc.). The integration makes this
individual to each parameter. The so-called grouped axis represents the counterpart to this. It is
conceived as an independent parameter (see class SwAxisGrouped).
Base ARObject, SwCalprmAxisTypeProps
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
compuMethod CompuMethod 0..1 ref This is the compuMethod which is expected for the axis. It
is used in early stages if the particular input-value is not
yet available.

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Software Component Template

Class SwAxisIndividual
dataConstr DataConstr 0..1 ref Refers to constraints, e.g. for plausibility checks.
inputVariable ApplicationPrimitive 0..1 ref This is the datatype of the input value for the axis. This
Type DataType allows to define e.g. a type of curve, where the input
value is finalized at the access point.
swAxisGeneric SwAxisGeneric 0..1 aggr this specifies the properties of a generic axis if applicable.
swMaxAxis Integer 0..1 attr Maximum number of base points contained in the axis of
Points a map or curve.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
swMinAxis Integer 0..1 attr Minimum number of base points contained in the axis of a
Points map or curve.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
swVariableRef SwVariableRefProxy * aggr Refers to input variables of the axis. It is possible to
(ordered) specify more than one variable. Here the following is
• The variable with the highest priority shall be
given first. It is used in the generation of the code
and is also displayed first in the application
• All variables referenced shall be of the same
physical nature. This is usually detected in that
the conversion formulae affected refer back to
the same SI-units.
In AUTOSAR this ensured by the constraint, that the
referenced input variables shall use a type compatible to
• This multiple referencing allows a base point
distribution for more than one input variable to be
used. One example of this are the temperature
curves which can depend both on the induction
air temperature and the engine temperature.
These variables can be displayed simultaneously by MCD
systems (adjustment systems), enabling operating points
to be shown in the curves.
unit Unit 0..1 ref This represents the physical unit of the input value of the
axis. It is provided to support the case that the particular
input variable is not yet known.

Table 5.57: SwAxisIndividual

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Software Component Template

Class SwAxisGeneric
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::Axis
Note This meta-class defines a generic axis. In a generic axis the axispoints points are calculated in the ECU.
The ECU is equipped with a fixed calculation algorithm. Parameters for the algorithm can be stored in the
data component of the ECU. Therefore these parameters are specified in the data declaration, not in the
calibration data.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
swAxisType SwAxisType 0..1 ref Associated axis calculation strategy.
swGenericAxis SwGenericAxisParam * aggr Specific parameter of a generic axis.

Table 5.58: SwAxisGeneric

Class SwAxisType
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::Axis
Note This meta-class represents a specific axis calculation strategy. No formal specification is given, due to
the fact that it is possible to use arbitrary algorithms for calculating axis-points.
Instead, the algorithm is described verbally but the parameters are specified formally with respect to their
names and constraints. As a result, SwAxisType mainly reserves appropriate keywords.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
swGenericAxis DocumentationBlock 0..1 aggr Associated axis description in textual form.
swGenericAxis SwGenericAxisParam * aggr Parameters for this calculation algorithm.
ParamType Type

Table 5.59: SwAxisType

Class SwGenericAxisParam
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::Axis
Note This meta-class describes a specific parameter of a generic axis. The name of the parameter is defined
through a reference to a parameter type defined on a corresponding axis type.
The value of the parameter is given here in case that it is not changeable during calibration. Example is
shift / offset in a fixed axis.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

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Software Component Template

Class SwGenericAxisParam
swGenericAxis SwGenericAxisParam 0..1 ref Parameter type defined on a corresponding axis type.
ParamType Type References can only be made to axis parameters types
which are defined within the referenced axis type.
vf (ordered) Numerical * attr This attribute represents the value of the generic axis
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table 5.60: SwGenericAxisParam

Class SwGenericAxisParamType
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::Axis
Note This meta-class describes a generic axis parameter type, namely:
• Plausibility checks can be specified via dataConstr.
• Textual description (desc), as a formal description is not of any use, due to the large variety of
• If this parameter contains structures, these can be simulated through the recursive use of Sw
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dataConstr DataConstr 0..1 ref This reference denoted data constraints applicable to the
generic axis parameter.

Table 5.61: SwGenericAxisParamType

Class SwAxisGrouped
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::Axis
Note An SwAxisGrouped is an axis which is shared between multiple calibration parameters.
Base ARObject, SwCalprmAxisTypeProps
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
sharedAxisType ApplicationPrimitive 0..1 ref This is the datatype of the calibration parameter providing
DataType the shared axis.

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Class SwAxisGrouped
swAxisIndex AxisIndexType 0..1 attr Describes which axis of the referenced calibration
parameter provides the values for the group axis. The
index satisfies the following convention:
• 0 = value axis. in this case, the interpolation
result of the referenced parameter is used as a
base point index.
• The index should only be specified if the
parameter under swCalprm contains more than
one axis. It is standard practice for the axis index
of parameters with more than one axis, to be set
to 1, if data has not been assigned to swAxis
swCalprmRef SwCalprmRefProxy 1 aggr This property specifes the calibration parameter which
serves as the input axis. In AUTOSAR, the type of the
referenced Calibration parameter shall be compatible to
the type specified by sharedAxisType.

Table 5.62: SwAxisGrouped Specification of grouped Axes

Please note that SwAxisGrouped has a dual nature in that it is used to

• define the data type of the shared axis (see Figure 5.37)
• identify the specific DataPrototype that implements a shared axis in the con-
text of a specific access to the enclosing curve (see Figure 5.38)
Figure 5.37 depicts the usage of SwAxisGrouped for the definition of an Applica-
tionPrimitiveDataType that implements a curve.
It is worth noticing that ApplicationPrimitiveDataType appears in two different
roles in the diagram:
• The definition of the ApplicationPrimitiveDataType of the curve itself is
depicted in the upper part of the diagram.
• The selection of the ApplicationPrimitiveDataType that represents the
grouped axis is depicted in the lower part of the diagram.
The modeling depicted in Figure 5.37 can be further clarified by an example model
that is reduced to the minimum content to exemplify the use case. Here, the role of the
usage of SwAxisGrouped is to define the data type of the curve itself and of a shared

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Definition of Curve DataType

ARElement «atpVariation»
AtpType +swDataDefProps
AutosarDataType 0..1

+swCalprmAxisSet 0..1

AtpBlueprint SwCalprmAxisSet

Selection of Axis DataType +swCalprmAxis 0..*

ApplicationPrimitiveDataType SwCalprmAxis

+ category: CalprmAxisCategoryEnum [0..1]

+ displayFormat: DisplayFormatString [0..1]
+sharedAxisType 0..1 + swAxisIndex: AxisIndexType [0..1]
+ swCalibrationAccess: SwCalibrationAccessEnum [0..1]

+swCalprmAxisTypeProps 0..1

SwAxisGrouped SwCalprmAxisTypeProps

+ swAxisIndex: AxisIndexType [0..1] + maxGradient: Float [0..1]

+ monotony: MonotonyEnum [0..1]

Figure 5.37: Definition of an ApplicationPrimitiveDataType that implements a curve

Listing 5.10: Usage of SwAxisGrouped to define the data type of a shared axis

Figure 5.38 depicts the usage of SwAxisGrouped in the context of a Parameter-

Access (which, in the case of a curve, typically results in the call of an interpolation
method for the respective curve and the specific axis that is supposed to be used in
the interpolation).
Also in this case, the diagram depicts two distinct (yet related) aspects:

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Software Component Template

• In the upper part of the diagram, the definition of the access to the DataProto-
type that represents the specific curve inside the enclosing SwComponentPro-
totype is modeled by means of the ParameterAccess.accessedParame-
• In the lower part of the diagram, the identification of the DataPrototype that
represents the grouped axis inside the enclosing SwComponentPrototype is
modeled by means of the SwAxisGrouped.swCalprmRef.arParameter.
Definition of Parameter Access

AbstractAccessPoint «atpVariation»
AtpStructureElement +swDataDefProps
Identifiable 0..1

+swCalprmAxisSet 0..1


Selection of DataPrototype
0..1 +accessedParameter +swCalprmAxis 0..*
AutosarParameterRef SwCalprmAxis
0..1 DataPrototype
+ category: CalprmAxisCategoryEnum [0..1]
+autosarParameter + displayFormat: DisplayFormatString [0..1]
+ swAxisIndex: AxisIndexType [0..1]
«instanceRef» 0..1
+arParameter 0..1 + swCalibrationAccess: SwCalibrationAccessEnum [0..1]

+swCalprmAxisTypeProps 0..1

SwCalprmRefProxy SwAxisGrouped SwCalprmAxisTypeProps

+ swAxisIndex: AxisIndexType [0..1] + maxGradient: Float [0..1]
1 + monotony: MonotonyEnum [0..1]

Figure 5.38: Usage of SwAxisGrouped in the context of a ParameterAccess

The following bare-bones model listing exemplifies the usage of SwAxisGrouped in

the context of a ParameterAccess where a specific local parameter is identified to
take the role of the shared axis in the specific access to the curve.
Listing 5.11: Usage ofSwAxisGrouped in the context of a ParameterAccess

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</APPLICATION-SW-COMPONENT-TYPE> Specification of fix Axes

In most cases the axes of a curve or map are accessible to a calibration software and
it is possible to calibrate axes points and their corresponding values.
There are cases, however, where axes are intentionally declared as fix and where no
intention exists to change the properties of the axis ever17 .
These axes are also known as fix axes. The support for the creation of fix axes in the
meta-model is based upon the usage of SwAxisGeneric as depicted in Figure 5.34.
[TPS_SWCT_01747] Value of category for fix axis dA fix axis shall be modeled as
an SwCalprmAxis with attribute category set to the value FIX_AXIS.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01748] Sub-categories of fix axes dThere are different sub-categories
of fix axes:
• Fix axis where the distance between axis points can be computed according to a
standardized algorithm.

Typically, a calibration software does not have the ability to manipulate (or even inspect) the axis’
properties by inspecting the ECU’s memory.

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Software Component Template

In this case, fix axes of arbitrary length can be described by feeding three argu-
ments defined in the context of the axis description into the axis algorithm.
Consequently, the memory footprint of different fix axis of this category is liter-
ally identical, independently of the number of axis points.
The following variations exist:
– Subcategory PAR, i.e. category = FIX_AXIS_PAR: the axis is created
out of a starting value and a shift that creates further axis points as using a
power-of-two algorithm. The details can be found in [26].
– Subcategory PAR_DIST, i.e. category = FIX_AXIS_PAR_DIST: the axis
is created out of a starting value and an offset that adds further axis points
with the distance given by offset. The details can be found in [26].
• Fix axis where the axis points are defined as a list of values directly in the axis
definition. This variety boils down to
– Subcategory PAR_LIST, i.e. category = FIX_AXIS_PAR_LIST: the axis
is created out of a list of numerical values that represent the axis points. The
details can be found in [26].
These values of category shall be used for SwAxisType.c()
As mentioned before, the modeling of a fix axis is based upon the definition of the
SwAxisGeneric. But this statement by itself is not yet sufficient to unambiguously
clarify the details of the modeling.
For this purpose, it is necessary to provide further information about the specifics of the
roles SwAxisGeneric.swAxisType and SwAxisGeneric.swGenericAxisParam.
[TPS_SWCT_01749] Semantics of SwAxisGeneric.swAxisType in the definition
of a fix axis dThe role SwAxisGeneric.swAxisType specifies the category of the
fix axis according to [TPS_SWCT_01748].c()
category of swAxisType category of SwGenericAxis- Multiplicity of swGenericAxis- Multiplicity of vf
ParamType Param

Table 5.63: Modeling of SwAxisGeneric

[constr_1544] Modeling of SwAxisGeneric for the definition of a fix axis dThe

standardized values and multiplicities within the model of an SwAxisGeneric accord-
ing to [TPS_SWCT_01479] and [TPS_SWCT_01480] are documented in Table 5.63.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()

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[TPS_SWCT_01750] Semantics of SwAxisGeneric.swGenericAxisParam in the

definition of a fix axis dThe role SwAxisGeneric.swGenericAxisParam provides
the actual numeric values for the definition of the axis.
The semantics of a provided numerical value is clarified by the attribute SwGeneri-
cAxisParamType.category where meta-class SwGenericAxisParamType is ref-
erenced in the role swGenericAxisParamType.c()
The modeling of an axis of category FIX_AXIS_PAR is sketched in the following ex-
ample model (Figure 5.39).
MyFixAxisDataType: swDataDefProps: swCalprmAxisSet:
ApplicationPrimitiveDataType SwDataDefProps SwCalprmAxisSet

category = CURVE

swCalprmAxisTypeProps: swCalprmAxis: SwCalprmAxis

category = FIX_AXIS
swAxisIndex = 1

offset: SwGenericAxisParam swAxisGeneric: SwAxisGeneric shift: SwGenericAxisParam

vf = 0 vf = 2

offset: SwGenericAxisParamType swAxisType: SwAxisType shift: SwGenericAxisParamType

category = OFFSET category = FIX_AXIS_PAR category = SHIFT

Figure 5.39: Modeling of a fix axis of category FIX_AXIS_PAR

The modeling of an axis of category FIX_AXIS_PAR_DIST is sketched in the following

example model (Figure 5.40).
MyFixAxisDataType: swDataDefProps: SwDataDefProps swCalprmAxisSet: SwCalprmAxisSet

category = CURVE

swCalprmAxisTypeProps: swCalprmAxis: SwCalprmAxis

category = FIX_AXIS
swAxisIndex = 1

offset: SwGenericAxisParam swAxisGeneric: SwAxisGeneric distance: SwGenericAxisParam

vf = 3 vf = 5

offset: SwGenericAxisParamType swAxisType: SwAxisType distance: SwGenericAxisParamType

category = OFFSET category = FIX_AXIS_PAR_DIST category = DISTANCE

Figure 5.40: Modeling of a fix axis of category FIX_AXIS_PAR_DIST

The modeling of an axis of category FIX_AXIS_PAR_LIST is sketched in the following

example model (Figure 5.41).

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MyFixAxisDataType: swDataDefProps: swCalprmAxisSet: swCalprmAxis:

ApplicationPrimitiveDataType SwDataDefProps SwCalprmAxisSet SwCalprmAxis

category = CURVE category = FIX_AXIS

swAxisIndex = 1

swAxisType: SwAxisType swAxisGeneric: SwAxisGeneric swCalprmAxisTypeProps:

category = FIX_AXIS_PAR_LIST

axisPoint2: :SwGenericAxisParam
vf = 1,5,42
category = LIST

Figure 5.41: Modeling of a fix axis of category FIX_AXIS_PAR_LIST

Please note that the axis points and values of a fix axis are defined in the definition of
the fix axis itself and therefore any initial value assigned to a fix axis would be ignored
This might lead to confusion such that the initial value does not make it into the soft-
ware. In order to avoid such confusion AUTOSAR does not support the definition of
an initial value for a fix axis.
This regulation is reflected in the existence of [constr_1545].
[constr_1545] No initialization for fix axis dAn ApplicationValueSpecifica-
tion taken to initialize an ApplicationPrimitiveDataType that contains a fix
axis shall not contain initial values for the axis index of the fix axis inside the Appli-
cationPrimitiveDataType at any time in the workflow.c()
Please note that the calibration software may still have access to axis points and values
of the fix axis if these properties are specified in an A2L file.
For this purpose McDataInstance needs to be set up properly. The details are ex-
plained in [6].

5.4.5 Setting an Axis Input Value

When an interpolation routine is called, an input value has to be provided to find the ap-
propriate axis entry in the implementation of a RunnableEntity. However, this input
value cannot be arbitrarily chosen but only be selected from available VariableDat-
aPrototype assigned to it.
In an axis definition attached to an ApplicationPrimitiveDataType, it is possible
to specify the data type of the input values by means of the reference SwAxisIndi-
However, the reference SwAxisIndividual.inputVariableType does not neces-
sarily have to exist.

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This leaves the consideration of compatibility between the DataPrototype(s) refer-

enced by means of SwAxisIndividual.swVariableRef and the actual axis speci-
fication to the following attributes:
• SwAxisIndividual.dataConstr
• SwAxisIndividual.compuMethod
• SwAxisIndividual.unit
[TPS_SWCT_01676] Preferred approach to checking the compatibility of input
value and axis dThe compatibility in terms of data type between the description of
an SwAxisIndividual and the DataPrototype(s) used as an input variable to the
respective interpolation routine shall preferably be checked alternatively between
• the ApplicationPrimitiveDataType(s) of DataPrototype(s) referenced
by means of SwAxisIndividual.swVariableRef (the provider in terms of
• the ApplicationPrimitiveDataType referenced by means of SwAxisIn-
dividual.inputVariableType (The requester in terms of compatibility).
For compatibility, the compuMethod of SwAxisIndividual.swVariableRef and
the ApplicationPrimitiveDataType referenced by means of SwAxisIndivid-
ual.inputVariableType shall not be considered.c()
Rationale: in many cases the input variable is defined by a float data type to take
benefit from the precision in computations. But the axis data type is an integer data
type to save memory. In this situation, a requirement for compatible compuMethods
would exclude the described scenario.
The implementation of the software-component shall make sure that the float value is
properly converted and rescaled to an integer data type compatible to the axis data
[TPS_SWCT_01677] Fall-back approach to checking the compatibility of input
value and axis dIf the reference SwAxisIndividual.inputVariableType does
not exist then the compatibility in terms of data type between the description of an
SwAxisIndividual and the DataPrototype(s) used as an input variable to the re-
spective interpolation routine shall be checked on the basis of the following references:
• SwAxisIndividual.dataConstr
• SwAxisIndividual.unit
• SwAxisIndividual.dataConstr
• SwAxisIndividual.compuMethod.unit

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against their respective counterparts in the ApplicationPrimitiveDataTypes

of the DataPrototype(s) referenced by means of SwAxisIndividual.swVari-
[constr_1420] Existence of SwAxisIndividual.inputVariableType dIf the ref-
erence SwAxisIndividual.inputVariableType does not exist then either:
• SwAxisIndividual.dataConstr
• SwAxisIndividual.unit
• SwAxisIndividual.dataConstr
• SwAxisIndividual.compuMethod.unit
shall exist at the time when the contract phase generation is exe-
The constraint is necessary for the generation of the respective specification of the axis
in A2L.

+localParameter 0..1

+/swDataDefProps 0..1

«atpVariation» AutosarDataPrototype

+swCalprmAxisSet 0..1

SwCalprmAxisSet VariableDataPrototype ParameterDataPrototype

+localVariable 0..1
+swCalprmAxis 0..*

SwCalprmAxis AutosarVariableRef AutosarParameterRef

+autosarVariable 0..1 +arParameter 0..1

+swCalprmAxisTypeProps 0..1

SwCalprmAxisTypeProps SwVariableRefProxy SwCalprmRefProxy

+swVariableRef 0..* +swCalprmRef 1


SwAxisIndividual SwAxisGrouped

Figure 5.42: Extended Axis Elements and Input Variable Reference

Every ParameterDataPrototype then allows to specify zero or more input values

(being type compatible to inputVariableType) in its axis description.

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This means that at the specification time of an SwcInternalBehavior, a list of input

values has to be specified where the implementer of a RunnableEntity can choose
of. The input values are DataPrototype entities either being
• a VariableDataPrototype in a SenderReceiverInterface or Nv-
DataInterface of a PortPrototype, of the AtomicSwComponentType
where the SwcInternalBehavior is associated to, or an ArgumentDataPro-
totype in a ClientServerOperation of a ClientServerInterface in a
PortPrototype of the AtomicSwComponentType where the InternalBe-
havior is associated to, or
• a VariableDataPrototype within the SwcInternalBehavior.
To achieve this, SwAxisIndividual is aggregating a SwVariableRefProxy.
Originally, MSRSW uses a AutosarVariableRef to set the input value of an axis
appropriately. In AUTOSAR, this has been extended by first introducing a SwVari-
Note that this is a specific use case for the role SwVariableRefProxy.autosar-
Note further that the use cases for the existence of the attributes SwVariableRef-
Proxy.autosarVariable and SwVariableRefProxy.mcDataInstanceVar are
entirely disjoint and therefore the simultaneous existence of these two attributes would
not make any sense at all.
Therefore, [constr_1382] has been introduced to clarify this aspect.
[constr_1382] Mutually exclusive existence of attributes SwVariableRefProxy.
autosarVariable vs. SwVariableRefProxy.mcDataInstanceVar dIn any
given AUTOSAR model, the aggregations SwVariableRefProxy.autosarVari-
able and SwVariableRefProxy.mcDataInstanceVar shall never exist at the
same time at any time in the workflow.c()
As shown in Figure 5.42, this approach is also used to represent a AutosarVari-
ableRef in all roles, e.g. the result of an interpolation routine applied to an axis, the
input value determination, a list of dependent parameters, and swDataDependency.
With the means of ApplicationArrayDataTypes it’s possible to define DataPro-
totypes holding an n-dimensional array of Compound Primitive Data Types of
For those DataPrototypes input values for the axes should be described to enable
a display of the working point in the MCD system.
Thereby, typically the whole array of the contained axes is either associated with an
array of variables or with a single value. In the case of arrays typically the n-th axis is
combined with the n-th input value.
[constr_1425] Definition of swCalprmAxisSet.swCalprmAxis / SwAxisIndi-
vidual.swVariableRef depending on the capabilities of the data type dThe

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definition of a swCalprmAxisSet.swCalprmAxis / SwAxisIndividual.swVari-

ableRef in the context of an InstantiationDataDefProps or a Parameter-
Access is only supported for a DataPrototype of category ARRAY if the data
type of the ApplicationArrayElement also supports the specification of a swCal-
prmAxisSet.swCalprmAxis / SwAxisIndividual.swVariableRef according to
Thereby, multiple ApplicationArrayDataTypes might be nested to express mul-
tiple array dimensions. This rule shall be imposed at the time when the con-
tract phase generation is executed.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01683] Specification of an array of input variable for an array of
axes dFor DataPrototypes typed by an array of elements of category CURVE, MAP,
CUBOID, CUBE_4, CUBE_5, COM_AXIS, or RES_AXIS the applied Instantiation-
DataDefProps or ParameterAccess may reference a VariableDataPrototype
typed by an ApplicationArrayDataType with the means of SwAxisIndividual.
This expresses the semantic that the nth element in the axis array uses the nth value in
the input variable array for the specific SwAxisGrouped.swAxisIndex.c()

Figure 5.43: The nth COM_AXIS in the array of COM_AXISs uses the nth VALUE in the array
of VALUEs as working point.

Please note that in this case the two associated arrays needs to have same number of
dimensions and sizes of the dimensions.
[constr_1426] Consistency of array sizes for axes and input variable array dThe
number of array dimension defined by ApplicationArrayDataTypes and the val-
ues of the maxNumberOfElements attributes for the array of elements of category
CURVE, MAP, CUBOID, CUBE_4, CUBE_5, COM_AXIS, or RES_AXIS shall be iden-
tical to the number of array dimension and according value of the maxNumberO-
fElements of the VariableDataPrototype referenced by SwAxisIndividual.

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This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()


parameterInstance swCalprmAxisSet.swCalprmAxis.
(as SwAxisIndividual).swVariableRef






Figure 5.44: Each COM_AXIS in the array of COM_AXISs uses the identical VALUE as
working point.

[TPS_SWCT_01684] Specification of a single input variable for an array of axes

dFor DataPrototypes typed by an array of elements of category CURVE, MAP,
CUBOID, CUBE_4, CUBE_5, COM_AXIS, or RES_AXIS the applied Instantiation-
DataDefProps or ParameterAccess may reference a VariableDataPrototype
typed by an ApplicationPrimitiveDataType with the means of SwAxisIndi-
This expresses the semantic that each element in the axis array uses the identical input
variable for the specific SwAxisGrouped.swAxisIndex.c()

5.4.6 Setting a Group Axis

Grouped curves share the same axis definition. In MSRSW, this is shown by referenc-
ing the SwCalprm, representing an individual curve, from a SwAxisGrouped.
Note that this does not describe which axis shall be taken from a reference swCalprm-
Ref acting as a shared axis. This would be done in SwAxisGrouped.swAxisIndex.
AUTOSAR applies a similar proxy approach for parameters as for the variables. There-
fore, an SwCalprmRefProxy has been introduced in MSRSW, and is aggregated by
the SwAxisGrouped element.
The SwCalprmRefProxy aggregates an AutosarParameterRef providing an as-
sociation to a ParameterDataPrototype, representing a curve with an axis. When

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defining the data-type of a parameter, the type of the shared axis is defined in
[constr_1020] ParameterDataPrototype needs to be of compatible data type
as referenced in sharedAxisType dFinally, the ParameterDataPrototype as-
signed in swCalprmRef shall be typed by data type compatible to sharedAxisType
at the time when the contract phase generation is executed.c()
The AUTOSAR-style is shown in the upper left part of Figure 5.42, while in the upper
middle the MSRSW style is shown, referencing the SwCalprm.
+swComparisonVariable «atpVariation»
0..* SwDataDefProps

+swHostVariable + additionalNativeTypeQualifier:
NativeDeclarationString [0..1]
0..1 + displayFormat: DisplayFormatString [0..1]
+ displayPresentation:
+swVariable «atpMixed»
DisplayPresentationEnum [0..1]
0..1 +swDataDependencyArgs + stepSize: Float [0..1]
SwDataDependency + swAlignment: AlignmentType [0..1]
0..1 + swCalibrationAccess:
+swDataDependency SwCalibrationAccessEnum [0..1]
+ swImplPolicy: SwImplPolicyEnum [0..1]
+ swIntendedResolution: Numerical [0..1]
+ swInterpolationMethod: Identifier [0..1]
SwCalprmAxisTypeProps SwCalprmAxisSet
+swCalprmAxisSet + swIsVirtual: Boolean [0..1]
+ maxGradient: Float [0..1] «atpVariation»
+ monotony: MonotonyEnum [0..1] 0..1 + swValueBlockSize: Numerical [0..1]
+ swValueBlockSizeMult: Numerical [0..*]
+swCalprmAxisTypeProps 0..1 {ordered}

+swCalprmAxis 0..*
+swVariableRef 0..*

+ category: CalprmAxisCategoryEnum [0..1]

SwAxisIndividual + displayFormat: DisplayFormatString [0..1]
+ swAxisIndex: AxisIndexType [0..1]
«atpVariation» + swCalibrationAccess:
+ swMaxAxisPoints: Integer [0..1] SwCalibrationAccessEnum [0..1]
+ swMinAxisPoints: Integer [0..1]

Figure 5.45: Applying Proxy Variable Reference Mechanism

+ swAxisIndex: AxisIndexType [0..1]

«atpMixed» +swCalprmRef

+arParameter 0..1

AutosarParameterRef ParameterDataPrototype


+autosarParameter 0..1 +autosarParameter 0..1 +localParameter 0..1

AtpInstanceRef +targetDataPrototype AtpPrototype

ParameterInAtomicSWCTypeInstanceRef DataPrototype
{redefines atpTarget}

Figure 5.46: Applying Proxy Parameter Reference Mechanism

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Software Component Template

Class SwCalprmRefProxy
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::DatadictionaryProxies
Note Wrapper class for different kinds of references to a calibration parameter.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
arParameter AutosarParameterRef 0..1 aggr This represents a Parameter within AUTOSAR. Note that
the Datatype of the referenced ParameterDataPrototype
shall be an ApplicationDataType of category VALUE.
mcDataInstance McDataInstance 0..1 ref This reference is used in the McSupport file to express
the final instance of group axis etc. It is not allowed to use
this outside of an McDataInstance.
The referenced mcDataInstance shall be originated from
a ParameterDataPrototype.

Table 5.64: SwCalprmRefProxy

Class SwVariableRefProxy
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::DatadictionaryProxies
Note Proxy class for several kinds of references to a variable.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
autosarVariable AutosarVariableRef 0..1 aggr This represents the reference to a Variable in an Autosar
system. Note that the target of the reference within
AutosarVariableRef shall be typed by a primitive data type
mcDataInstance McDataInstance 0..1 ref This reference is used in the McSupport file to express
Var the final instance of input values etc. It is not allowed to
use this outside of an McDataInstance.
The referenced mcDataInstance shall be originated from
a VariableDataPrototype.

Table 5.65: SwVariableRefProxy

+autosarVariable +arParameter AutosarParameterRef

AutosarVariableRef SwVariableRefProxy SwCalprmRefProxy
0..1 0..1

+mcDataInstanceVar 0..1 0..1 +mcDataInstance


Figure 5.47: Proxy reference classes

The basic patterns for referencing DataPrototypes are explained in section 5.3.3. In
the context of this chapter it is worth to remark that the definition of access to calibration
parameters is implemented in the context of a RunnableEntity (see Figure 7.3).
As the definition of a calibration parameter may involve the definition of several axes
the necessity to provide this amount of information might become cumbersome and
(to some extent) redundant and difficult to maintain if the same calibration parameter
is accessed from within several RunnableEntitys. In other words: in this case it
would be necessary to repeat the more or less complex set of information for each

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To avoid this unnecessary level of complexity for the definition of access to calibration
parameters, it is possible to define the access to the calibration parameter on the level
of InstantiationDataDefProps which have been defined to facilitate this kind of
re-use (for more information please refer to section 7.5.4). This ability is also docu-
mented in Table 5.43.
With the means of ApplicationArrayDataTypes its possible to define DataPro-
totypes holding an n-dimensional array of Compound Primitive Data Types of
category CURVE, MAP, CUBOID, CUBE_4, and CUBE_5.
For those DataPrototypes, group axis/axes needs to be defined in case SwAxisIn-
dividuals are not used for all SwCalprmAxis definitions.
Thereby, typically the whole array of elements of category CURVE, MAP, CUBOID,
CUBE_4, and CUBE_5 is either associated with an array of group axes or alternatively
with a single group axis.
In the case of arrays typically the nth CURVE, MAP, CUBOID, CUBE_4, and CUBE_5 is
combined with the nth COM_AXIS or RES_AXIS.

Figure 5.48: The nth CURVE in the array of CURVEs relates to the nth COM_AXIS in the array

[constr_1427] Definition of swCalprmAxisSet.swCalprmAxis / SwAxis-

Grouped.swCalprmRef depending on the capabilities of the data type dThe def-
inition of a swCalprmAxisSet.swCalprmAxis / SwAxisGrouped.swCalprmRef in
the context of an InstantiationDataDefProps or a ParameterAccess is only
supported for a DataPrototype of category ARRAY if the data type of the Ap-
plicationArrayElement also supports the specification of a swCalprmAxisSet.
swCalprmAxis/ SwAxisGrouped.swCalprmRef according to [constr_1289].
Thereby, multiple ApplicationArrayDataTypes might be nested to express mul-
tiple array dimensions. This rule shall be imposed at the time when the con-
tract phase generation is executed.c()

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[TPS_SWCT_01685] Specification of an array of group axes for an array of cat-

egory CURVE, MAP, CUBOID, CUBE_4, or CUBE_5 dFor DataPrototypes typed by an
array of elements of category CURVE, MAP, CUBOID, CUBE_4, or CUBE_5 the ap-
plied InstantiationDataDefProps or ParameterAccess may reference a Dat-
aPrototype typed by an ApplicationArrayDataType with the means of SwAx-
This expresses the semantic that the nth element in the CURVE, MAP, CUBOID, CUBE_4,
or CUBE_5 array uses the nth group axis in the COM_AXIS or RES_AXIS array for the
specific SwAxisGrouped.swAxisIndex.c()
Please note that in this case the two associated arrays needs to have same number of
dimensions and sizes of the dimensions.
[constr_1428] Consistency of array sizes for arrays of elements of category
CURVE, MAP, CUBOID, CUBE_4, or CUBE_5 arrays and used group axes arrays dThe
number of array dimension defined by ApplicationArrayDataTypes and the val-
ues of attribute maxNumberOfElements attributes for the array of elements of cate-
gory CURVE, MAP, CUBOID, CUBE_4, or CUBE_5 needs to be identical to the number
of array dimension and according value of the maxNumberOfElements of the Dat-
aPrototype referenced by SwAxisGrouped.swCalprmRef.arParameter at the
time when the contract phase generation is executed.c()

Figure 5.49: Each MAP in the array of CURVEs uses the identical COM_AXIS

[TPS_SWCT_01686] Specification of a single group axis for an array of elements

of category CURVE, MAP, CUBOID, CUBE_4, or CUBE_5 dFor DataPrototypes
typed by an array of elements of category CURVE, MAP, CUBOID, CUBE_4, or CUBE_-
5 the applied InstantiationDataDefProps or ParameterAccess may reference
a DataPrototype typed by a ApplicationPrimitiveDataTypes of category

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COM_AXIS or RES_AXIS with the means of SwAxisGrouped.swCalprmRef.arPa-

This expresses the semantic that each element in the CURVE, MAP, CUBOID, CUBE_4,
or CUBE_5 array uses the identical COM_AXIS or RES_AXIS for the specific SwAxis-

5.4.7 Specifying Data Dependencies

SwDataDependency allows dependent data elements to be specified. For exam-

ple, other ParameterDataPrototypes can be combined into one ParameterDat-
aPrototype whose consistent value is automatically derived by the measurement and
calibration system. Upon adjusting one of the parameters, the dependent parameter is
then also automatically adjusted according to the chosen formula.
Consider for example a rectangular triangle with a hypotenuse of length 1, where the
length of the other sides are the parameters A and B. Whenq adjusting parameter A,
the parameter B has to be adjusted accordingly to B = (1 − A ∗ A). Also, other
parameters might depend on B, e.g. B_AREA = B ∗ B or T RIAN GU LAR_AREA =
(A ∗ B)/2. This example is shown in listing 5.12.
A dependent parameter should not be adjustable by itself. The only way to influence
its value is through the adjustment of a parameter it depends on.
Listing 5.12: Data Dependency
<L-2 L="DE">The independent Parameter</L-2>
<L-2 L="DE">The dependent Parameter</L-2>

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<L-2 L="DE">The dependent Parameter</L-2>
<L-2 L="DE">The dependent Parameter</L-2>

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Class SwDataDependency
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::DataDefProperties
Note This element describes the interdependencies of data objects, e.g. variables and parameters.
Use cases:
• Calculate the value of a calibration parameter (by the MCD system) from the value(s) of other
calibration parameters.
• Virtual data - that means the data object is not directly in the ecu and this property describes
how the "virtual variable" can be computed from the real ones (by the MCD system).
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
swData SwDataDependency 0..1 aggr Specifies the arguments used in the data dependency.
Dependency Args Note that this is 0..1 since the aggregated class is a
Args container (atpMixed).
swData CompuGenericMath 0..1 aggr This element describes the formula with which the
Dependency dependencies between the participating objects are
Formula defined.

Table 5.66: SwDataDependency

Class <<atpMixed>> SwDataDependencyArgs

Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::DataDefProperties
Note This element specifies the elements used in a SwDataDependency.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
swCalprmRef SwCalprmRefProxy 0..1 aggr Specifies a calibration parameter as an input argument to
the dependency.
swVariable SwVariableRefProxy 0..1 aggr Specifies a variable as an input argument to the

Table 5.67: SwDataDependencyArgs

5.4.8 Precedence of data properties with respect to data elements, axis ele-
ments, computation methods, units

There are similar attributes defined in SwDataDefProps as well as in SwCalprmAxis

as well as in CompuMethod. Therefore, we need to define which attribute value wins
in the overall process from SWC-Description to MC-Support to ASAM-A2L.

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SwCalprmAxisTypeProps SwCalprmAxis +swCalprmAxis SwCalprmAxisSet

+ maxGradient: Float [0..1] + category: CalprmAxisCategoryEnum [0..1] 0..*
+ monotony: MonotonyEnum [0..1] 0..1 + displayFormat: DisplayFormatString [0..1]
+ swAxisIndex: AxisIndexType [0..1] +swCalprmAxisSet 0..1
+ swCalibrationAccess:
SwCalibrationAccessEnum [0..1]


ARElement «atpVariation»
+dataConstr AtpBlueprint +dataConstr SwDataDefProps
«atpVariation» 0..1
0..1 DataConstr + additionalNativeTypeQualifier:
+ swMaxAxisPoints: Integer [0..1]
NativeDeclarationString [0..1]
+ swMinAxisPoints: Integer [0..1]
+ displayFormat: DisplayFormatString [0..1]
+ displayPresentation:
DisplayPresentationEnum [0..1]
ARElement + stepSize: Float [0..1]
AtpBlueprint + swAlignment: AlignmentType [0..1]
AtpBlueprintable +compuMethod + swCalibrationAccess:
+compuMethod SwCalibrationAccessEnum [0..1]
+ swImplPolicy: SwImplPolicyEnum [0..1]
0..1 0..1 + swIntendedResolution: Numerical [0..1]
+ displayFormat:
DisplayFormatString [0..1] + swInterpolationMethod: Identifier [0..1]
+ swIsVirtual: Boolean [0..1]
+unit 0..1 + swValueBlockSize: Numerical [0..1]
+ swValueBlockSizeMult: Numerical [0..*]
ARElement {ordered}
+unit +unit

0..1 + factorSiToUnit: Float [0..1] 0..1

+ offsetSiToUnit: Float [0..1]

ARElement +swDataDefProps
AutosarDataType 0..1


ApplicationPrimitiveDataType +valueAxisDataType


Figure 5.50: Various Attributes in the Context of SwDataDefProps

Figure 5.50 illustrates the fact that some attributes in SwDataDefProps can also be
expressed in sub-elements respectively in referenced elements.
[TPS_SWCT_01496] General precedence rule for attributes of SwDataDefProps
dThe general precedence rule is that
• SwDataDefProps wins over valueAxisDataType (exception: compuMethod
and unit).
• SwDataDefProps wins over compuMethod.
• SwDataDefProps wins over swCalprmAxisSet.
• SwDataDefProps.swCalprmAxisSet wins over swCalprmAxisSet.swCal-
or SwAxisIndividual.inputVariableType.

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• SwAxisIndividual.inputVariableType wins over SwAxisIndividual.

compuMethod, SwAxisIndividual.unit, but not over SwAxisIndividual.
The following examples illustrate particular cases (the highest precedence comes first):
• [TPS_SWCT_01497] Precedence of the unit of value axis dFor the usage of
unit of value axis the following precedence rule is defined:
– SwDataDefProps.valueAxisDataType.swDataDefProps.unit
– SwDataDefProps.valueAxisDataType.swDataDefProps.com-
– SwDataDefProps.unit
– SwDataDefProps.compuMethod.unit
[constr_2550] Units of value axis shall be consistent dThe units specified in
the context of value axis shall be the same, even if there is a precedence rule.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()
In particular, [constr_2550] reflects the fact that a Unit may be specified in dif-
ferent phases of the development process but finally need to be consistent.
• [TPS_SWCT_01498] Precedence of the DataConstr of value axis dFor the
usage of DataConstr of value axis the following precedence rule is defined:
– SwDataDefProps.dataConstr
– SwDataDefProps.valueAxisDataType.swDataDefProps.dataCon-
[constr_2548] Data constraint of value axis shall match dThe values compli-
ant to SwDataDefProps.dataConstr shall also be compliant to SwDataDef-
In other words SwDataDefProps.dataConstr win over but are not allowed to
relax SwDataDefProps.valueAxisDataType.swDataDefProps.dataCon-
str but are not allowed.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()
• [TPS_SWCT_01499] Precedence of the CompuMethod of value axis dFor the
usage of CompuMethod of value axis the following precedence rule is defined:

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– SwDataDefProps.valueAxisDataType.swDataDefProps.com-
– SwDataDefProps.compuMethod
• [TPS_SWCT_01500] Precedence of the display format of value axis dFor the
usage of display format of value axis the following precedence rule is defined:
– SwDataDefProps.displayFormat
– SwDataDefProps.valueAxisDataType.swDataDefProps.display-
– SwDataDefProps.valueAxisDataType.swDataDefProps.com-
– SwDataDefProps.compuMethod.displayFormat
Note that this deviates from the general rule since displayFormat is not an
essential property. The last item in the list above is the consequence of the fact
that if there is a valueAxisDataType it supersedes the compuMethod
• [TPS_SWCT_01501] Precedence of the calibration access of value axis dFor
the usage of calibration access of value axis the following precedence rule is
– SwDataDefProps.swCalibrationAccess
– SwDataDefProps.valueAxisDataType.swDataDefProps.swCali-
Note that this deviates from the general rule since swCalibrationAccess is
not such an essential property.
• [TPS_SWCT_01502] Precedence of the Unit of the input axis dFor the usage
of Unit of the input axis the following precedence rule is defined:
– SwAxisIndividual.unit
– SwAxisIndividual.compuMethod.unit
– SwAxisIndividual.inputVariableType.swDataDefProps.unit
– SwAxisIndividual.swVariableRef.autosarVariable.autosar-
– SwAxisIndividual.swVariableRef.autosarVariable.autosar-

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[constr_2549] Units of input axis shall be consistent dThe units specified in

the context of an input axis shall be compatible, even if there is a precedence
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()
[constr_2549] reflects the fact that unit may be specified in different phases of
the development process but finally need to be consistent.
• [TPS_SWCT_01503] Precedence of the DataConstr of the input axis dFor
the usage of DataConstr of the input axis the following precedence rule is de-
– SwAxisIndividual.dataConstr
– SwAxisIndividual.inputVariableType.swDataDefProps.data-
– SwAxisIndividual.swVariableRef.type.swDataDefProps.data-
Please note that the attribute SwAxisIndividual.inputVariableType.sw-
DataDefProps.dataConstr represents the input value, not the axis itself. For
this reason, there is no specific constraint defined that the dataConstr needs
to fulfill.
• [TPS_SWCT_01504] Precedence of the display format of the input axis dFor
the usage of display format of the input axis the following precedence rule is
– SwCalprmAxis.displayFormat
– SwCalprmAxis.swCalprmAxisTypeProps.compuMethod.display-
– SwCalprmAxis.swCalprmAxisTypeProps.inputVariableType.
– SwCalprmAxis.swCalprmAxisTypeProps.inputVariableType.
– SwCalprmAxis.swCalprmAxisTypeProps.swVariableRef.type.
– SwCalprmAxis.swCalprmAxisTypeProps.swVariableRef.type.

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Please note that SwAxisIndividual.inputVariableType.swDataDef-

Props.dataConstr represent the input value and not the axis itself. For this
reason there is no specific constraint that displayFormat needs to match.
• [TPS_SWCT_01505] Precedence of calibration access along structure hier-
archies in complex types dFor the usage of calibration access along structure
hierarchies in complex types the precedence rule is defined in table 5.68.c()
The interpretation of table 5.68 is that it lists possible combinations of values of
SwCalibrationAccessEnum for outer and inner elements of a complex data
type and the (in the column "result") indicates value of SwCalibrationAc-
cessEnum applicable for this specific combination.
• [TPS_SWCT_01506] Precedence of the calibration access of input axis dFor
the usage of calibration access of input axis the following precedence rule is
– SwDataDefProps.swCalibrationAccess
– SwCalprmAxis.swCalibrationAccess
Note that the swCalibrationAccess defined on a Compound Primitive
Data Type (see [TPS_SWCT_01179]) reflects the entire curve or map.
Therefore, if the entire curve or map cannot be accessed by the measurement
calibration diagnostic system (MCD-System), the axis can also not be accessed.
On the other hand it might be that access is granted for the value axis only but
not for the axis points.
outer inner result
notAccessible * notAccessible
readOnly readOnly readOnly
readOnly readWrite readOnly
readOnly notAccessible notAccessible
readWrite notAccessible notAccessible
readWrite readOnly readOnly
readWrite readWrite readWrite
Table 5.68: Precedence of swCalibrationAccess along structure hier-

5.5 Elements used in Properties of Data Definitions

This section describes further elements which are attached to SwDataDefProps via

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5.5.1 Computation Methods

[TPS_SWCT_01276] Computation methods dAn important part of semantics is the

specification of a so-called computation method which specifies the conversion be-
tween the physical and the internal representation of data. This usually makes sense
only for primitive data types.c()
An ApplicationCompositeDataType cannot be given a particular semantic mean-
ing as a whole but it is obviously possible to specify the semantics of all or a part of the
contained elements, i.e. the ApplicationPrimitiveDataTypes.
Class CompuMethod
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::ComputationMethod
Note This meta-class represents the ability to express the relationship between a physical value and the
mathematical representation.
Note that this is still independent of the technical implementation in data types. It only specifies the
formula how the internal value corresponds to its physical pendant.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, CollectableElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
compuInternal Compu 0..1 aggr This specifies the computation from internal values to
ToPhys physical values.
compuPhysTo Compu 0..1 aggr This represents the computation from physical values to
Internal the internal values.
displayFormat DisplayFormatString 0..1 attr This property specifies, how the physical value shall be
displayed e.g. in documents or measurement and
calibration tools.
unit Unit 0..1 ref This is the physical unit of the Physical values for which
the CompuMethod applies.

Table 5.69: CompuMethod

This meta-class CompuMethod was actually taken from the ASAM standard’s harmo-
nized data objects. This is also indicated by the green color of the meta-classes in the
Some categorys of CompuMethod cannot be successfully converted to A2L [26] be-
cause A2L does not provide an equivalent semantics that comes close to the respective
AUTOSAR semantics.
A prominent example for such a case is a CompuMethod of category SCALE_LIN-
EAR_AND_TEXTTABLE that actually has more than one linear interval and a texttable
[constr_1142] category of CompuMethod shall not be extended dIn contrast to the
general rule that category can be extended by user-specific values it is not allowed

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to extend the meaning of the attribute category of meta-class CompuMethod at any

time in the workflow.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01277] Computation methods are used for the conversion of inter-
nal values into their physical representation and vice versa dCompuMethods are
used for the conversion of internal values into their physical representation and vice
versa. The direction of the conversion depends on the origin of the value to be con-
• If the value is provided by the ECU, then the conversion direction is from internal
to physical.
• If a physical value is provided by the tester, it is converted to internal values before
being sent to the ECU
[TPS_SWCT_01548] Limits of a CompuMethod dIn case CompuScale.lowerLimit
and CompuScale.upperLimit are used to constrain the applicable range of the con-
version of a CompuMethod, they logically represent the limiting values before the con-
version is applied.c()
In other words, the limits are applied on the source end of the conversion rather than
to the result that comes out at the other end of the conversion.
This is obviously a lot safer than the opposite approach where a given physical/internal
value would first be converted to its internal/physical equivalent and then, after the con-
version is finished there would be (as a second step) the obligation to check whether
the result of the conversion is actually valid in terms of the applicable limits.
ARElement +compuContent
+compuPhysToInternal Compu CompuContent
AtpBlueprintable 0..1
+ displayFormat: DisplayFormatString [0..1]
0..1 CompuScales

+unit 0..1
ARElement ARElement «atpVariation»
Unit PhysicalDimension +compuScale 0..* {ordered}
+ factorSiToUnit: Float [0..1] 0..1 + currentExp: Numerical [0..1]  !"! #$!!
+ offsetSiToUnit: Float [0..1] + lengthExp: Numerical [0..1]  %&'($&
+ luminousIntensityExp: Numerical [0..1] + mask: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ massExp: Numerical [0..1] + shortLabel: Identifier [0..1]
+ molarAmountExp: Numerical [0..1] + symbol: CIdentifier [0..1]
+ temperatureExp: Numerical [0..1]
+ timeExp: Numerical [0..1]
+ lowerLimit: Limit [0..1]
+ upperLimit: Limit [0..1]

Figure 5.51: A CompuMethod and its attributes define data semantics

[TPS_SWCT_01278] CompuMethods can also be used to assign symbolic names

to internal values dCompuMethods can also be used to assign symbolic names to
internal values (like an enumeration in C) or to ranges of internal values or to single
bits (like a bitfield in C).

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This is also considered as a conversion between internal numbers and a semantical

representation. Some examples are given below.c()
Actually, the preferred conversion direction depends on the use case.

CompuScaleContents + mask: PositiveInteger [0..1] CompuConst

+compuScaleContents + shortLabel: Identifier [0..1] +compuInverseValue
+ symbol: CIdentifier [0..1]
0..1 0..1
+ lowerLimit: Limit [0..1]
+ upperLimit: Limit [0..1] +compuConst 0..1

CompuScaleRationalFormula CompuNominatorDenominator CompuScaleConstantContents

+ v: Numerical [0..*] {ordered}

+compuNumerator 0..1 +compuDenominator


0..1 +compuRationalCoeffs


Figure 5.52: A CompuScale and its attributes define data semantics

In the following, the internal-to-physical conversion direction is used as the default.

Usually a CompuMethod is defined for one conversion direction only even if it is used
in both directions.
For simple functions like identical (1:1 conversion) or linear functions this is sufficient
because the inverse function can be derived quite easily from the defined function. In
this case also the limits for the reverse direction can be gained by applying the forward
function to the forward limits.
For more complex functions (e.g. rational functions) it is usually not possible to com-
pute the inverse function automatically. More seriously, the inversion yields ambiguous
results if the function is not monotonic. To deal with such possible ambiguities directly,
an inverse value can be provided explicitly for the function or for each of its parts re-
[constr_1022] Limits shall be defined for each direction of CompuMethod dIn
case that both domains are specified in the CompuMethod both shall have explicitly
defined limits at the time when the contract phase generation is ex-
[TPS_SWCT_01280] CompuMethod applied to values outside of its limits dIf a
CompuMethod is applied to values outside its limits, it is up to the MCD-tool (Mea-
surement, Calibration, Diagnostic tool) to indicate this to the user. In this case the
CompuMethod shall not be applied at all.c()
[constr_1175] Depending on its category, CompuMethod shall refer to a unit
dAs a CompuMethod specifies the conversion between the physical world and the nu-
merical values, it shall refer to a unit unless the CompuMethod’s category is one of

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This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_1175] does not imply that CompuMethods where the category is one of
TEXTTABLE, BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE, or IDENTICAL are not allowed to refer to a
unit. They may still refer to a unit, but according to [constr_1175] this relation is not
A further implication is that the unit itself may not have a dimension, i.e. all exponents
of SI units are 0.
Figure 5.51 sketches a conceptual overview of CompuMethod. It consists of the fol-
lowing attributes:
• [TPS_SWCT_01281] Unit associated with a PhysicalDimension dA unit
(described in next section) can be associated with a PhysicalDimension.c()
Note that quantities like “%” are not derived from SI units. However, they have a
meaning in the physical world and need to be represented in form of data types.
Therefore, a CompuMethod also applies in those cases.
• [TPS_SWCT_01430] Conversion specification from internal to physical val-
ues as well as the reverse conversion dA conversion specification from internal
to physical values, as well as the reverse conversion. Both of them in turn con-
sist of an abstract CompuContent. Derived classes allow the specification of a
conversion formula in two different ways.c()
[constr_1024] Stepwise definition of CompuMethods dIn a bound model, the
intervals (i.e. determined by attributes CompuScale.lowerLimit and CompuS-
cale.upperLimit) defined by CompuScales used in the context of a given
CompuMethod of all values of category except BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE shall
not overlap.
For CompuMethods of category BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE, the combination
of the interval created by attributes CompuScale.upperLimit, CompuScale.
lowerLimit and CompuScale.mask shall be unique in the context of the en-
closing CompuMethod.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()
The possible values of CompuMethod.category are listed in Table 5.80.
[TPS_SWCT_01667] Avoidance of overlapping of directly adjacent intervals
within CompuMethods dIntervals of a given CompuMethod may be located di-
rectly adjacent to each other.
This means that the upperLimit of one CompuScale has the same numerical
value as the lowerLimit of another CompuScale defined within the context of
the CompuMethod.

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In this case, it is necessary to properly set the attribute CompuScale.lower-

Limit.intervalType or CompuScale.upperLimit.intervalType in order
to avoid an overlapping.
Specifically, one of the interval boundaries shall be set to intervalType.open
in order to avoid an overlapping.c()
• [TPS_SWCT_01282] Number of intervals in which a given conversion ap-
plies dCompuScales is a number of intervals (called CompuScale) within which
a certain conversion applies. The respective interval is given in terms of upper
and lower limit.
Within each CompuScale we have the abstract CompuScaleContents. To deal
with possible ambiguities directly, an inverse value can be provided explicitly for
that particular scale (compuInverseValue).c()
Please note that limits are explained in more detail in chapter
• As the diagram shows, CompuScaleContents is an abstract meta-class. A
number of derived meta-classes allow the specification of a conversion formula
in a variety of ways, including:
– mapping the whole interval to a constant (CompuConst)
– providing rational coefficients of the conversion formula (CompuRational-
• [TPS_SWCT_01283] Rational function dThe rational function is specified as
rational coefficients for the numerator (compuNumerator) and the denominator
(compuDenominator). CompuNominatorDenominator can have as many V
elements as needed for the rational function.
The sequence of the values V carries the information for the exponents, that
means the first V is the coefficient for x0, the second V is the coefficient for x1,
etc. With this sequence the values of the exponents can be entirely represented.c
[constr_1025] Avoid division by zero in rational formula dThe rational formula
shall not yield any division by zero at any time in the workflow.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01284] CompuScale might require a representation in the generated
RTE C code dA CompuScale might require a representation in the generated RTE C
code. For this purpose it is necessary to identify a property that controls how to symbol
used for the CompuScale in the C code is created.
The symbol itself can be created out of different sources according to a standardized
precedence schema.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01569] Definition of CompuScale Code Symbolic Name dIn C
code, a CompuScale is represented by an identifier that is, as far as AUTOSAR mod-
eling is concerned, called a CompuScale Symbolic Name.

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The CompuScale Code Symbolic Name may be taken from CompuScale.sym-

bol, CompuConstTextContent.vt, or CompuScale.shortLabel. The details are
explained in [TPS_SWCT_01431].c()
[TPS_SWCT_01431] Finding the symbol for the representation of a CompuScale
with a point-range in C code dIn general, the value of the attributes symbol, vt, and
shortLabel can be taken as the source for naming the symbol that represents the
CompuScale in the C code.
The following rule applies (lower values indicate higher priority) for all CompuScales
with a point-range:
1. Take the value of symbol if this attribute exists.
2. Take the value of vt if it makes a valid C identifier.
3. Take the value of shortLabel if it exists.
Fail if none of the possible options apply.
[TPS_SWCT_01695] Relation between ValueSpecification and the defini-
tion of CompuScales dIn order to find a match between the content of a Val-
ueSpecification and a CompuScale the content of the ValueSpecification
shall be checked against the CompuScale Value Symbolic Names according to
If no matching CompuScale Value Symbolic Names can be found then the Val-
ueSpecification shall be considered unusable in the context of the CompuMethod
that is subject to [constr_1146].c()
[TPS_SWCT_01696] CompuScale Value Symbolic Name dThe value of the Com-
puScale Value Symbolic Name of a given CompuScale shall be obtained by tak-
ing the values of the following attributes according to the following priority (lower values
indicate higher priority):
1. Take the value of symbol if this attribute exists.
2. Take the value of vt if this attribute exists.
3. Take the value of shortLabel if it exists.
Just to be sure, the (obvious) difference between a CompuScale Value Symbolic
Name and a CompuScale Code Symbolic Name is that the former is not required
to pass as a valid C identifier.

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[constr_1434] CompuScales shall not have identical CompuScale Value Sym-

bolic Names dIn a CompuMethod that is subject to [constr_1146], no two Com-
puScales shall have identical CompuScale Value Symbolic Names (accord-
ing to [TPS_SWCT_01696]) at the time when the contract phase gener-
ation is executed.c()
[constr_1146] Applicability of a symbol for a CompuScale in C code dThe sym-
bol attribute shall only be provided for CompuScales where the category of the
enclosing CompuMethod is one of the following:
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
Class Compu
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::ComputationMethod
Note This meta-class represents the ability to express one particular computation.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
compuContent CompuContent 0..1 aggr This specifies the details of the computation.
compuDefault CompuConst 0..1 aggr This property can be used to specify an output value for a
Value conversion formula, if the value to be converted lies
outside the plausibility limit. Although this is possible for
all conversion formulae, it is especially valid for variables
with tabular conversion formulae.

Table 5.70: Compu

Class CompuContent (abstract)

Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::ComputationMethod
Note This abstract meta-class represents the various definition means of a computation method.
Base ARObject
Subclasses CompuScales
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 5.71: CompuContent

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Class CompuScale
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::ComputationMethod
Note This meta-class represents the ability to specify one segment of a segmented computation method.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
compuInverse CompuConst 0..1 aggr This is the inverse value of the constraint. This supports
Value the case that the scale is not reversible per se.
compuScale CompuScaleContents 0..1 aggr This represents the computation details of the scale.
desc MultiLanguageOverview 0..1 aggr <desc> represents a general but brief description of the
Paragraph object in question.
lowerLimit Limit 0..1 attr This specifies the lower limit of the scale.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
mask PositiveInteger 0..1 attr In difference to all the other computational methods every
COMPU-SCALE will be applied including the bit MASK.
Therefore it is allowed for this type of COMPU-METHOD,
that COMPU-SCALES overlap.
To calculate the string reverse to a value, the string has to
be split and the according value for each substring has to
be summed up. The sum is finally transmitted.
The processing has to be done in order of the
COMPU-SCALE elements.
shortLabel Identifier 0..1 attr This element specifies a short name for the particular
scale. The name can for example be used to derive a
programming language identifier.
symbol CIdentifier 0..1 attr The symbol, if provided, is used by code generators to get
a C identifier for the CompuScale. The name will be used
as is for the code generation, therefore it needs to be
unique within the generation context.
upperLimit Limit 0..1 attr This specifies the upper limit of a of the scale.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table 5.72: CompuScale

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Class CompuScales
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::ComputationMethod
Note This meta-class represents the ability to stepwise express a computation method.
Base ARObject, CompuContent
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
compuScale CompuScale * aggr This represents one scale within the compu method. Note
(ordered) that it contains a Variationpoint in order to support
blueprints of enumerations.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table 5.73: CompuScales

Class CompuScaleContents (abstract)

Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::ComputationMethod
Note This abstract meta-class represents the content of one particular scale.
Base ARObject
Subclasses CompuScaleConstantContents, CompuScaleRationalFormula
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 5.74: CompuScaleContents

Class CompuRationalCoeffs
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::ComputationMethod
Note This meta-class represents the ability to express a rational function by specifying the coefficients of
nominator and denominator.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
compu CompuNominator 0..1 aggr This is the denominator of the expression.
Denominator Denominator
compu CompuNominator 0..1 aggr This is the numerator of the rational expression.
Numerator Denominator

Table 5.75: CompuRationalCoeffs

[constr_1913] Existence of attribute CompuRationalCoeffs.compuDenomina-

tor dFor each CompuRationalCoeffs, the attribute compuDenominator shall ex-
ist at the time when the contract phase generation is executed.c()
[constr_1914] Existence of attribute CompuRationalCoeffs.compuNumerator
dFor each CompuRationalCoeffs, the attribute compuNumerator shall exist at
the time when the contract phase generation is executed.c()

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Class CompuConst
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::ComputationMethod
Note This meta-class represents the fact that the value of a computation method scale is constant.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
compuConst CompuConstContent 0..1 aggr This is the actual content of the constant compu method
ContentType scale.

Table 5.76: CompuConst

Class CompuScaleRationalFormula
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::ComputationMethod
Note This meta-class represents the fact that the computation in this scale is represented as rational term.
Base ARObject, CompuScaleContents
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
compuRational CompuRationalCoeffs 0..1 aggr This specifies the coefficients of the rational formula.

Table 5.77: CompuScaleRationalFormula

Class CompuScaleConstantContents
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::ComputationMethod
Note This meta-class represents the fact that a particular scale of the computation method is constant.
Base ARObject, CompuScaleContents
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
compuConst CompuConst 0..1 aggr This represents the fact that the scale is a constant. The
use case is mainly a non interpolated scale. It is a
simplification of the fact that a constant scale can also be
expressed as rational function of order 0.

Table 5.78: CompuScaleConstantContents

Class CompuNominatorDenominator
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::ComputationMethod
Note This class represents the ability to express a polynomial either as Nominator or as Denominator.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

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Class CompuNominatorDenominator
v (ordered) Numerical * attr this is the list of polynomial factors. Note that the first vf
represents the power=0. The polynomial is v[0] * xˆ0 +
v[1] * xˆ1 ...
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table 5.79: CompuNominatorDenominator

Please note that the values of coefficients within a rational formula are not restricted
to integer values. It is possible to use floating-point values as well.
The values of exponents cannot be set arbitrarily but are implicitly defined by the
appearance of coefficients in CompuNominatorDenominator.v, i.e. the first value in
the ordered list of CompuNominatorDenominator.v represents the exponent 0, the
second CompuNominatorDenominator.v represents the exponent 1, and so on. Category Values in the context of a CompuMethod

For a detailed description of CompuMethods, please refer to the ASAM MCD 2 Har-
monized Data Objects [27].
Table 5.80 contains a definition of possible values for the attribute category.
ASAM Category Meaning Specific properties
This CompuMethod just hands Only the base elements are allowed and unit, physCon-
IDENTICAL over the internal value with an strs and internalConstrs are optional. This is the sim-
optional unit. plest type of a CompuMethod.
A linear conversion can be per- Exactly one CompuScale, with two v in compuNumerator
formed in two steps: The inter- and one v in compuDenominator.
LINEAR nal value is multiplied with a fac-
tor; after that, an offset is added
to the result of the multiplication.
Used for a piecewise linear con- More than one compuScale can be defined. Additionally
version. there have to be the upperLimit and lowerLimit ele-
ments which define the region of validity for the linear func-
tion. The boundaries of the regions shall not overlap.
Used for piecewise definition of Properties depend on the used scale function. For de-
SCALE_LINEAR_AND_ one or more linear and several tails see definition of SCALE_LINEAR and TEXTTABLE. The
TEXTTABLE texttable scales. scales shall each provide lowerLimit and upperLimit

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ASAM Category Meaning Specific properties
The rational function type is sim- It can have as many v elements as needed for the rational
ilar to the linear type without function. The sequence of the values v carries the informa-
the restrictions for the com- tion for the exponents, that means the first v is the coefficient
puNumerators and compuDe- for x0, the second v is the coefficient for x1, etc.
RAT_FUNC nominators.
With this sequence the values of the exponents can be en-
tirely represented. A rational function is only applicable for
conversions in the direction that it is defined for, i.e. the auto-
matic calculation of the inverse function is not supported by
the MCD system.
Used for piecewise defined ra-
tional conversion.
Used for piecewise definition of Properties depend on the used scale function. For details
SCALE_RATIONAL_AND_ one rational and several text- see definition of SCALE_RAT_FUNC and TEXTTABLE. The
TEXTTABLE table scales. scales shall each provide lowerLimit and upperLimit
The type TEXTTABLE is used The result is placed in the vt member of CompuConst. The
for transformations of the inter- compuDefaultValue is optional. If the reverse calculation
nal value into textual elements. is needed then for each scale the compuInverseValue can
be used to define the reverse calculation result.
TEXTTABLE If no inverse value is explicitly defined then the smallest pos-
sible value of the scale will be used as result of the reverse
[constr_1134] applies!
Similar to TEXTTABLE, but for The values per scale are defined in CompuConst.
numerical values.
Similar to TEXTTABLE but for bit BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE is derived from TEXTTABLE. The
fields. main difference is that TEXTTABLE results to a single value
while BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE results to a concatenated
value set.
In difference to all the other computational methods every
CompuScale will be applied including the bit mask speci-
BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE fied in mask. Therefore it is allowed for this type of Com-
puMethod, that CompuScales overlap.
To calculate the string reverse to a value, the string has to
be split and the according value for each substring has to be
summed up. The sum is finally transmitted. The processing
has to be done in order of the CompuScale elements.
[constr_1135] applies!

Table 5.80: ASAM compuMethod

[constr_1134] Allowed structure of TEXTTABLE dThe existence of physConstrs is

not allowed and compuInternalToPhys shall exist with compuScales consisting of
upperLimit and lowerLimit at any time in the workflow.c()
[constr_1135] Limit of vt in BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE dThe separator for splitting the
string representing the value is “|” and is therefore forbidden to appear in vt at any
time in the workflow.c() Applicability of Attributes in the context of a CompuMethod

This section summarizes the applicability of CompuMethod in terms of which attributes

of CompuMethod and related meta-classes (e.g. CompuScale, CompuConst) shall be

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used depending on the nature of the CompuMethod, expressed by means of the value
of attribute category.
[constr_1375] Existence of attributes of CompuMethod and related meta-classes
dThe existence of attributes of CompuMethod and related meta-classes depending on
the value of the category shall follow the restrictions documented in Table 5.81.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
Attribute Existence per Category




Attributes of CompuMethod
compuInternalToPhys N/A D(1) D(1) D(2) D(2) D D D(8) D(2) D
compuPhysToInternal N/A D(1) D(1) D(2) D(2) N/A N/A N/A D(2,3) N/A
Attributes of meta-classes related to CompuMethod
compuDefaultValue N/A O(6) O(6) O(6) O(6) O(6) O(6) O(6) O(6) O(6)
CompuScale N/A D/1..1 D/1..n D/1..1 D/1..n D/1..n D/1..n D/1..n D/1..n D/1..n
CompuScale.compuInverseValue N/A N/A N/A O(2) O(2) O(5) N/A O(2,5) O(2,5) O(5)
CompuScale.lowerLimit N/A O D D(4) D(4) D D D D(4) D
CompuScale.mask N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A D N/A N/A N/A
CompuScale.shortLabel N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A O(7) O(7) O(7) O(7) N/A
CompuScale.symbol N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A O(7) O(7) O(7) O(7) N/A
CompuScale.upperLimit N/A O D D(4) D(4) D D D D(4) D
CompuConst N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A D/vt D/vt D/vt D/vt D/vt or vf
CompuRationalCoeffs N/A D D D D N/A N/A D D N/A
CompuRationalCoeffs.compuDenominator N/A D/1v D/1v D D N/A N/A D/1v D N/A
CompuRationalCoeffs.compuNumerator N/A D/2v D/2v D D N/A N/A D/2v D N/A

Table 5.81: Allowed Attributes vs. category for CompuMethods

For clarification, the first two rows of Table 5.81 define the applicability of the imme-
diate attributes of meta-class CompuMethod, the remainder of the table then goes
into further detail regarding the usage of the attributes of related meta-classes (e.g.
CompuScale, CompuConst).
Please note that annotations apply to the individual cell values. These annotations are
formulated by means of a numerical value in parentheses, e.g. (1).
The legend for the individual annotations can be found below Table 5.81.
The following legend applies to the cells in table 5.81:

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D Define the attribute.

N/A Attribute is not applicable for usage in the scope of this element.
O Optionally define the attribute.
In addition to the primary cell legend the following annotations apply to the cells in
table 5.81:
(1) In this case either compuPhysToInternal or compuInternalToPhys shall be
(2) In this case both compuPhysToInternal and compuInternalToPhys shall
be defined unless compuInverseValue exists (see [TPS_SWCT_01282]). In
other words, if the explicit definition of a compuInverseValue exists then there
is no need to define conversions from internal to physical and vice versa.
(3) Not applicable for CompuScales where attribute compuScaleContents.compu-
Const exists.
(4) Limits shall be defined according to [constr_1022].
(5) Restrictions on the structure of the CompuMethod according to [constr_1134] ap-
(6) Specify an output value for a conversion formula if the value to be converted yields
outside the plausibility limit (for more information, please refer to the class table
of Compu).
(7) Restricted applicability for the attribute CompuScale.symbol, see [constr_1146].
(8) Mandatory for CompuConst; enforced for CompuRationalCoeffs. CompuMethod and AutosarDataType

This chapter clarifies the applicability of CompuMethod for the relevant concrete sub-
classes of AutosarDataType. CompuMethod and ApplicationDataType

For ApplicationDataType, there are (see Table 5.7) a number values of cate-
gory that allow for the definition of a ApplicationDataType.swDataDefProps.
Table 5.82 visualizes the allowed combinations of ApplicationDataType.cate-
gory vs. CompuMethod.category.

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VALUE x x x x x x x x x
VAL_BLK x x x x x x x x x
BOOLEAN n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a x n/a n/a
CURVE x x x x x x x x x
MAP x x x x x x x x x
CUBOID x x x x x x x x x
CUBE_4 x x x x x x x x x
CUBE_5 x x x x x x x x x

Table 5.82: ApplicationDataType.category vs. Com-


The rows of Table 5.82 represent values of category for ApplicationDataType

that are cleared for the definition of a CompuMethod according to Table 5.7.
The columns of Table 5.82 represent values of category for CompuMethod.
[constr_1634] Allowed combinations of ApplicationDataType.category vs.
CompuMethod.category dThe allowed combinations of ApplicationDataType.
category vs. CompuMethod.category at the time when the contract
phase generation is executed are described by Table 5.82.c() CompuMethod and ImplementationDataType

For ImplementationDataType, there are (see Table 5.17) only two values of cat-
egory that allow for the definition of a ImplementationDataType.swDataDef-
[constr_1158] Applicable categorys for attribute ImplementationDataType.
swDataDefProps.compuMethod dThe definition of the reference Implementa-
tionDataType.swDataDefProps.compuMethod is restricted to a CompuMethod of
either category BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE or category TEXTTABLE (these might be
seen as implementation specific in certain cases).
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
The statement made by [constr_1158] is further visualized by Table 5.83.

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VALUE n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a x n/a x

TYPE_REFERENCE n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a x n/a x

Table 5.83: ImplementationDataType.category vs. Com-


The rows of Table 5.83 represent values of category for Implementation-

DataType that are cleared for the definition of a CompuMethod according to Table
The columns of Table 5.83 represent values of category for CompuMethod. Example for Enumeration

The following example illustrates how an enumeration is specified using Com-

Listing 5.13: example for enumeration

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AUTOSAR CP R21-11 Example for Linear Conversion

The following examples illustrate how a linear conversion is specified using Com-

F[km/h] = 30[km/h] + 2[km/h] ∗ x

Listing 5.14: example for linear CompuMethod

</COMPU-METHOD> Example for Linear Conversion with texttable

The following example illustrates how a linear conversion with a texttable is specified
using CompuMethod.
Listing 5.15: example for linear and texttable CompuMethod

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</COMPU-METHOD> Example for conversion specified by a rational function

The semantics of rational function is:

v0 ∗ phys0 + v1 ∗ phys1 + v2 ∗ phys2 + ...

Internal =
v0 ∗ phys0 + v1∗ phys1 + v2 ∗ phys2 + ...

The following example illustrates a reciprocal conversion.

60 + 2[K −1 ] ∗ P[K]

Listing 5.16: example for rational CompuMethod


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The following example shows how a CompuMethod of category BITFIELD_TEXT-

TABLE can be used to assign a special meaning to each bit of an AutosarDataType
of category VALUE:
Bit 0 front left 0(0) = no, 1(1) = yes
Bit 1 front right 0(0) = no, 1(2) = yes
Bit 2 rear left 0(0) = no, 1(4) = yes
Bit 3 rear right 0(0) = no, 1(8) = yes
00(00) = flat tire
01(16) = low pressure
Bit 4-5 problem
10(32) = unbalanced
11(48) = unknown
All Bits error 11111111 = invalid value
Table 5.84: Example Bitfield

Note that this example is somehow tricky. Bit 6+7 are not used for valid data, but are
part of the mask. By this the error can safely be masked out.
Internal: 28

28 = 0b0001_1100
Bit 7654 3210

“problem = low pressure | rear right = yes | rear left = yes | front right = no | front left = no”
Listing 5.17: example for bit field text table CompuMethod
<!-- problem -->

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<VT>flat tire</VT>
<VT>low pressure</VT>
<!-- rear right -->

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Software Component Template

<!-- rear left -->
<!-- front right -->
<!-- front left -->

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Class CompuConstTextContent
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::ComputationMethod
Note This meta-class represents the textual content of a scale.
Base ARObject, CompuConstContent
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
vt VerbatimString 0..1 attr This represents a textual constant in the computation
Table 5.85: CompuConstTextContent

Class CompuConstNumericContent
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::ComputationMethod
Note This meta-class represents the fact that the constant value of the computation method is a numerical
value. It is separated from CompuConstFormulaContent to support compatibility with ASAM HDO.
Base ARObject, CompuConstContent
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
v Numerical 0..1 attr This represents the numerical value.

Table 5.86: CompuConstNumericContent

5.5.2 Physical Units, Physical Dimensions and Unit Groups

[TPS_SWCT_01285] Physical dimension dAnother important part of the semantics

associated with a data type is its physical dimension. Units are used to augment the
value with additional information like m/s or liter. This is necessary for a correct inter-
pretation of the physical value for input and output processes.
The conversion of values into other units like km/h into miles/h is also possible. There-
fore, the unit involves information about its physical dimensions.c()

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[TPS_SWCT_01056] Physical dimension dThe substructure of physical dimensions

defines all used quantities in the SI-System18 (e.g. velocity as length/time corresponds
to m/s).c(RS_SWCT_02100)
[TPS_SWCT_01057] Unit references one physical dimension dThe unit references
one physical dimension. If the physical dimensions of two units are identical, a conver-
sion between them is basically possible.c(RS_SWCT_02100)
Class Unit
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::Units
Note This is a physical measurement unit. All units that might be defined should stem from SI units. In order to
convert one unit into another factor and offset are defined.
For the calculation from SI-unit to the defined unit the factor (factorSiToUnit ) and the offset (offsetSiTo
Unit ) are applied as follows:
x [{unit}] := y * [{siUnit}] * factorSiToUnit [[unit]/{siUnit}] + offsetSiToUnit [{unit}]
For the calculation from a unit to SI-unit the reciprocal of the factor (factorSiToUnit ) and the negation of
the offset (offsetSiToUnit ) are applied.
y {siUnit} := (x*{unit} - offsetSiToUnit [{unit}]) / (factorSiToUnit [[unit]/{siUnit}]
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
displayName SingleLanguageUnit 0..1 aggr This specifies how the unit shall be displayed in
Names documents or in user interfaces of tools.The displayName
corresponds to the Unit.Display in an ASAM MCD-2MC
factorSiToUnit Float 0..1 attr This is the factor for the conversion from SI Units to units.
The inverse is used for conversion from units to SI Units.
offsetSiToUnit Float 0..1 attr This is the offset for the conversion from and to siUnits.
physical PhysicalDimension 0..1 ref This association represents the physical dimension to
Dimension which the unit belongs to. Note that only values with units
of the same physical dimensions might be converted.

Table 5.87: Unit

[TPS_SWCT_01058] UnitGroup dThe UnitGroups determine if such a conversion

is appropriate.c(RS_SWCT_02100)
Figure 5.53 depicts the concept how units are defined.
For a detailed description of these elements please refer to the [27]. Standard units
are already predefined for AUTOSAR in form of a description file.
[TPS_SWCT_01736] Default values for Unit.physicalDimension dIf a Unit
does not define the attribute Unit.physicalDimension, the default Physi-
calDimension with the shortName NoDimension applies where all physical ex-
ponents are set to 0.c(RS_SWCT_02100)
For the definition of what SI units are, see http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/

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Software Component Template

ARElement ARElement ARElement

UnitGroup +unit Unit +physicalDimension PhysicalDimension

0..* + factorSiToUnit: Float [0..1] 0..1 + currentExp: Numerical [0..1]

+ offsetSiToUnit: Float [0..1] + lengthExp: Numerical [0..1]
+ luminousIntensityExp: Numerical [0..1]
+ massExp: Numerical [0..1]
+displayName 0..1 + molarAmountExp: Numerical [0..1]
+ temperatureExp: Numerical [0..1]
MixedContentForUnitNames + timeExp: Numerical [0..1]

Figure 5.53: Definition of SI based units

[TPS_SWCT_01059] Exponent for each of the seven fundamental dimensions

dFor basing a new unit directly upon SI units an exponent for each of the seven funda-
mental dimensions and its corresponding SI unit needs to be specified.c(RS_SWCT_-
[TPS_SWCT_01737] Default values for physical exponents dThe default value
of attributes currentExp, lengthExp, luminousIntensityExp, massExp, mo-
larAmountExp, temperatureExp, timeExp is 0.c(RS_SWCT_02100)
[TPS_SWCT_01060] Negative exponents dNegative exponents are allowed.c(RS_-
Note that quantities like "%" are not derived from SI units and therefore have no asso-
ciation to a physical dimension.
Class PhysicalDimension
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::Units
Note This class represents a physical dimension. If the physical dimension of two units is identical, then a
conversion between them is possible. The conversion between units is related to the definition of the
physical dimension.
Note that the equivalence of the exponents does not per se define the convertibility. For example Energy
and Torque share the same exponents (Nm).
Please note further the value of an exponent does not necessarily have to be an integer number. It is
also possible that the value yields a rational number, e.g. to compute the square root of a given physical
quantity. In this case the exponent value would be a rational number where the numerator value is 1 and
the denominator value is 2.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
currentExp Numerical 0..1 attr This attribute represents the exponent of the physical
dimension "electric current".
lengthExp Numerical 0..1 attr The exponent of the physical dimension "length".
luminous Numerical 0..1 attr The exponent of the physical dimension "luminous
IntensityExp intensity".
massExp Numerical 0..1 attr The exponent of the physical dimension "mass".

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Class PhysicalDimension
molarAmount Numerical 0..1 attr The exponent of the physical dimension "quantity of
Exp substance".
temperatureExp Numerical 0..1 attr The exponent of the physical dimension "temperature".
timeExp Numerical 0..1 attr The exponent of the physical dimension "time".

Table 5.88: PhysicalDimension

AUTOSAR provides the ability to map two PhysicalDimensions onto each other
with the implication that the two mapped PhysicalDimensions shall be considered
compatible (for more explanation please refer to [constr_1053]).
ARElement ARElement
PhysicalDimensionMappingSet PhysicalDimension

+ currentExp: Numerical [0..1]

+ lengthExp: Numerical [0..1]
+physicalDimensionMapping 0..* + luminousIntensityExp: Numerical [0..1]
+ massExp: Numerical [0..1]
PhysicalDimensionMapping 0..1 + molarAmountExp: Numerical [0..1]
+secondPhysicalDimension + temperatureExp: Numerical [0..1]
+ timeExp: Numerical [0..1]

Figure 5.54: Modeling of PhysicalDimensionMapping

PhysicalDimensionMappings are aggregated in form of PhysicalDimension-

MappingSets. This allows for gathering semantically related PhysicalDimension-
Mappings into the same PhysicalDimensionMappingSet.
Class PhysicalDimensionMappingSet
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::Units
Note This class represents a container for a list of mappings between PhysicalDimensions.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
physical PhysicalDimension * aggr This aggregation represents a concrete collections of
Dimension Mapping PhysicalDimensionMappings in the context of one
Mapping PhysicalDimensionMappingSet.

Table 5.89: PhysicalDimensionMappingSet

Class PhysicalDimensionMapping
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::Units
Note This class represents a specific mapping between two PhysicalDimensions.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

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Class PhysicalDimensionMapping
firstPhysical PhysicalDimension 0..1 ref This represents the first PhysicalDimension of the
Dimension enclosing PhysicalDimensionMapping.
secondPhysical PhysicalDimension 0..1 ref This represents the first PhysicalDimension of the
Dimension enclosing PhysicalDimensionMapping.

Table 5.90: PhysicalDimensionMapping

[constr_1915] Existence of attribute PhysicalDimensionMapping.firstPhys-

icalDimension dFor each PhysicalDimensionMapping, attribute firstPhys-
icalDimension shall exist at the time when the contract phase gener-
ation is executed.c()
[constr_1916] Existence of attribute PhysicalDimensionMapping.second-
PhysicalDimension dFor each PhysicalDimensionMapping, attribute sec-
ondPhysicalDimension shall exist at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()
In the following example, the units “km” and “m” and their physical dimension named
“Len1” are specified. The SI base unit is “m” (Meter).
The default value of attribute Unit.offsetSiToUnit is 0, the default of Unit.fac-
torSiToUnit is 1 (see [TPS_SWCT_01492]).
Given the equality 1 km == 1000 m, the following equation applies:

x[km] := y ∗ [m] ∗ 0.001[km/m] + 0[km]

This correlation is reflected in the example ARXML contained in Listing 5.18.

Listing 5.18: Example for Unit and PhysicalDimension
<L-4 L="EN">Kilo Meter</L-4>

<L-4 L="EN">Meter</L-4>

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<L-4 L="EN">Length 1</L-4>

[constr_1026] Compatibility of Units dFor data types or prototypes, units should

be referenced from within the associated CompuMethod. But if it is referenced from
within SwDataDefProps and/or PhysConstrs (for exceptional use cases) it shall be
compatible (for more details please refer to [constr_1052]) to the ones referenced from
the referred CompuMethod.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
Please note that for the sake of model consistency, it is also possible to define a mean-
ingless Unit for all the pieces of data that conceptually do not really have a Unit at-
tached to them (e.g. ApplicationPrimitiveDataTypes of category BOOLEAN).
By looking at the model, it becomes clear that the subject of whether to assign a
Unit has been given a thought and the lack of a Unit is not simply the result of
an oversight. For example, the AUTOSAR General Blueprints [28] define the Unit
NoUnit for exactly this purpose.
[constr_1255] ApplicationPrimitiveDataTypes of category BOOLEAN and
STRING dIf a Unit is referenced from within SwDataDefProps and/or PhysCon-
strs owned by an ApplicationPrimitiveDataTypes of category BOOLEAN
and STRING it is required that this Unit represents a meaningless unit, i.e. the ref-
erenced physicalDimension shall not define any exponent value other than 0 at
any time in the workflow.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01068] Units can be grouped with the help of UnitGroup dUnits
can be grouped with the help of UnitGroup. This grouping is intended as a logical
grouping which allows for example an MCD (Measurement Calibration Diagnostic) de-
vice to present different unit systems to the user such that he can choose the most
appropriate one.c(RS_SWCT_02100)
ARElement ARElement
AtpBlueprint +unitGroup UnitGroup
AtpType 0..*

Figure 5.55: Relation of SwComponentType to UnitGroup

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Class UnitGroup
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::Units
Note This meta-class represents the ability to specify a logical grouping of units.The category denotes the unit
system that the referenced units are associated to.
In this way, e.g. country-specific unit systems (CATEGORY="COUNTRY") can be defined as well as
specific unit systems for certain application domains.
In the same way a group of equivalent units, can be defined which are used in different countries, by
setting CATEGORY="EQUIV_UNITS". KmPerHour and MilesPerHour could such be combined to one
group named "vehicle_speed". The unit MeterPerSec would not belong to this group because it is
normally not used for vehicle speed. But all of the mentioned units could be combined to one group
named "speed".
Note that the UnitGroup does not ensure the physical compliance of the units. This is maintained by the
physical dimension.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
unit Unit * ref This represents one particular unit in the UnitGroup.

Table 5.91: UnitGroup

The association from SwComponentType to UnitGroup (beside the obvious use case
to allow for the specification of unitGroups relevant for the enclosing SwComponent-
Type in particular) is supposed to support the identification of UnitGroups relevant
for the enclosing System. This aspect facilitates the creation of ASAM MCD2 files for
a concrete ECU.
According to [27] the following three values for categorys are recommended in the
context of UnitGroup:
• COUNTRY collects units which are common in a particular country, denoted by the
shortName / longName of the UnitGroup
• CALCULATION refers to specific units intended for the creation of data types. In
this category of UnitGroup, several Units may refer to the same Physi-
calDimension as well as to different PhysicalDimension.
• EQUIV_UNITS define a group of equivalent units, which are used for example in
different countries.
Additional values for category may be mutually agreed between the stakeholders.
In the example shown in Figure 5.56, Units are classified by country and use.
[TPS_SWCT_01061] Conversion of units dIf a unit has to be converted according to
the chosen country code, the physicalDimension of both units shall be the same.
If another unit shares the same UnitGroup with a category of EQUIV_UNITS it is
preferred as target of the conversion.c(RS_SWCT_02100)
Assume "MilesPerHour" should be converted to a European unit: Based on the phys-
icalDimension a conversion to "MeterPerSec" as well as "KmPerHour" is possible.

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In this case "KmPerHour" is preferred because "MilesPerHour" and "KmPerHour" are

both members of the UnitGroup named "VehicleSpeed".
In contrast to this, "MeterPerSec" is not considered as appropriate for "VehicleSpeed"
in this specific example.

Figure 5.56: Example for units and unit groups

5.5.3 Data Constraints

Section already shows an example on how to define constraints for the physical
range of a data type, see Figure 5.4.
[TPS_SWCT_01286] DataConstr dIn general, the meta-class DataConstr can be
aggregated (via SwDataDefProps.dataConstr) to define various constraints for the
possible values of a data type. This includes limits for the physical and internal range,
as well as special constraints (monotony) for the setup of axis definition.c()
Figure 5.57 and the following class tables show the meta-classes involved in the defi-
nition of constraints.
A more detailed documentation of these meta-classes can be found in [27]. As refine-
ment of these definitions, the following values apply for constrLevel:
[constr_2561] Application of DataConstrRule.constrLevel dDataConstr-
Rule.constrLevel is limited to
0: This represents so called “hard limits”. They shall always be specified.
1: This represents so called “soft limits”. Soft limits may be violated after confirmation
by the user of an MCD-System.
This rule applies at any time in the workflow. Other values may exist, but the
semantics is outside the AUTOSAR scope.

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[TPS_SWCT_01287] Standard limits and extended limits in the ASAM-MCD2
(ASAP2) specification dThe ASAM-MCD2 (ASAP2) specification [26] defines stan-
dard limits and extended limits. If extended limits exist, the standard limits may be
violated upon user confirmation. Note that in consequence, of this definition, the fol-
lowing approach applies for A2L generation:
• If only one DataConstrRule with constrLevel set to 0 is specified, it repre-
sents the standard limits in A2L. No extended limits are generated.
• If two DataConstrRule exist, then:
– the one with constrLevel set to 0 represents to the extended limits
– the one with constrLevel set to 1 represents to the standard limits
Note that even if this is somehow counter-intuitive (since the one with constrLevel
set to 0 changes its role), it matches the best to the definitions in ASAM-MCD2.c()
«atpVariation» ARElement
SwDataDefProps +dataConstr AtpBlueprint
0..1 DataConstr          


+unit 0..1 +dataConstrRule 0..*

+ constrLevel: Integer [0..1]
+ factorSiToUnit: Float [0..1]
+ offsetSiToUnit: Float [0..1]

+unit 0..1

+physConstrs 0..1 +internalConstrs 0..1

PhysConstrs ScaleConstr InternalConstrs

+ maxDiff: Numerical [0..1] + shortLabel: Identifier [0..1] + maxDiff: Numerical [0..1]

+ maxGradient: Numerical [0..1] + validity: ScaleConstrValidityEnum [0..1] +scaleConstr + maxGradient: Numerical [0..1]
+ monotony: MonotonyEnum [0..1] 0..* «atpVariation» + monotony: MonotonyEnum [0..1]
«atpVariation» {ordered} + lowerLimit: Limit [0..1] «atpVariation»
+ lowerLimit: Limit [0..1] + upperLimit: Limit [0..1] + lowerLimit: Limit [0..1]
+ upperLimit: Limit [0..1] + upperLimit: Limit [0..1]

Figure 5.57: Meta-model for defining Data Constraints

Class DataConstr
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::Constraints::GlobalConstraints
Note This meta-class represents the ability to specify constraints on data.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, CollectableElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

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Class DataConstr
dataConstrRule DataConstrRule * aggr This is one particular rule within the data constraints.

Table 5.92: DataConstr

Class DataConstrRule
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::Constraints::GlobalConstraints
Note This meta-class represents the ability to express one specific data constraint rule.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
constrLevel Integer 0..1 attr This attribute describes the category of a constraint. One
of its functions is in the area of constraint violation, where
it can be used from a certain level, to produce error
The lower the level, the more stringent the check.
Used to distinguish hard or soft limits.
internalConstrs InternalConstrs 0..1 aggr Describes the limitations applicable on the internal
domain (as opposed to the physical domain).
physConstrs PhysConstrs 0..1 aggr Describes the limitations applicable on the physical
domain (as opposed to the internal domain).

Table 5.93: DataConstrRule

Class PhysConstrs
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::Constraints::GlobalConstraints
Note This meta-class represents the ability to express physical constraints. Therefore it has (in opposite to
InternalConstrs) a reference to a Unit.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
lowerLimit Limit 0..1 attr This specifies the lower limit of the constraint.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
maxDiff Numerical 0..1 attr Maximum difference that is permitted between two
consecutive values if the constraint is applied to an axis.
maxGradient Numerical 0..1 attr This element specifies the maximum slope that may be
used in curves and maps.

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Class PhysConstrs
monotony MonotonyEnum 0..1 attr This specifies the monotony constraints on the data
object. Note that this applies only to curves and maps.
scaleConstr ScaleConstr * aggr This is one particular scale which contributes to the data
(ordered) constraints.
unit Unit 0..1 ref This is the unit to which the physical constraints relate to.
In particular, it is the physical unit of the specified limits.
upperLimit Limit 0..1 attr This specifies the upper limit of the constraint.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table 5.94: PhysConstrs

Class InternalConstrs
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::Constraints::GlobalConstraints
Note This meta-class represents the ability to express internal constraints.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
lowerLimit Limit 0..1 attr This specifies the lower limit of the constraint.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
maxDiff Numerical 0..1 attr Maximum difference that is permitted between two
consecutive values if the constraint is applied to an axis.
maxGradient Numerical 0..1 attr This element specifies the maximum slope that may be
used in maps and curves.
monotony MonotonyEnum 0..1 attr This element specifies the monotony characteristics of
the current internal or physical limits. The following table
shows the monotony characteristics which are to be filled
through the corresponding values.
If the element has no contents or if it is omitted, "no
Monotony" is the default content.

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Class InternalConstrs
scaleConstr ScaleConstr * aggr This is one particular scale which contributes to the data
(ordered) constraints.
upperLimit Limit 0..1 attr This specifies the upper limit defined by the constraint.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table 5.95: InternalConstrs

Class ScaleConstr
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::Constraints::GlobalConstraints
Note This meta-class represents the ability to specify constraints as a list of intervals (called scales).
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
desc MultiLanguageOverview 0..1 aggr <desc> represents a general but brief description of the
Paragraph object in question.
lowerLimit Limit 0..1 attr This specifies the lower limit of the scale.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
shortLabel Identifier 0..1 attr This element specifies a short name for the scaleConstr.
This can for example be used to create more specific
messages of a constraint checker. The constraints cannot
be associated in the meta-model, therefore shortLabel is
somehow a substitute for shortName.
upperLimit Limit 0..1 attr This specifies the upper limit of a the scale.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
validity ScaleConstrValidity 0..1 attr Specifies if the values defined by the scales are
Enum considered to be valid. If the attribute is missing then the
default value is "VALID".

Table 5.96: ScaleConstr

Enumeration ScaleConstrValidityEnum
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::Constraints::GlobalConstraints
Note This enumerator specifies the possible values of a scale.
Literal Description

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Enumeration ScaleConstrValidityEnum
notAvailable Currently invalid area The value usually is presented by the ECU but can currently not be performed
due to e.g. initialization or temporary problems. Please note, that this behavior appears during
runtime and cannot be handled while data is edited.
notDefined Indicates an area which is marked in a specification (e.g. as reserved) Shall usually not be set by the
ECU but is used by a tester to verify correct ECU.
notValid The ECU cannot process the requested data.
valid Current value is within a valid range and can be presented to user as is.

Table 5.97: ScaleConstrValidityEnum

Primitive Limit
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::PrimitiveTypes
Note This class represents the ability to express a numerical limit. Note that this is in fact a NumericalVariation
Point but has the additional attribute intervalType.
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
intervalType IntervalTypeEnum 0..1 attr This specifies the type of the interval. If the attribute is
missing the interval shall be considered as "CLOSED".

Table 5.98: Limit

Enumeration MonotonyEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::PrimitiveTypes
Note This enumerator denotes the values for specification of monotony for e.g. curves.
Literal Description
decreasing This indicates that the related curve needs to be monotony decreasing.
increasing This indicates that the related curve needs to be monotony increasing.
monotonous This indicates that the values shall be monotonously decreasing or increasing, depending on the
trend set by the first values of the series.
noMonotony This indicates that the related curve needs not to be monotony.
strictlyDecreasing This indicates that the related curve needs to be strictly monotony decreasing.
strictlyIncreasing This indicates that the related curve needs to be strictly monotony increasing.

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Enumeration MonotonyEnum
strictMonotonous This indicates that the values shall be strict monotonously decreasing or increasing, depending on
the trend set by the first values of the series.

Table 5.99: MonotonyEnum

[TPS_SWCT_01288] Interpretation of PhysConstrs and InternalConstrs by

tools dDataConstr is an ARElement which can be reused by several data type
specifications. Especially an ImplementationDataType and an Application-
DataType which are mapped to each other, can refer to the same constraints, or they
can define their own constraints.
To avoid conflicts, in both cases PhysConstrs shall be interpreted by tools only with
respect to application data types while InternalConstrs shall be interpreted only
with respect to implementation data types.
If only PhysConstrs are provided to ApplicationDataTypes the CompuMethod
can be used to compute the InternalConstrs.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01289] Semantics of Limit dTechnically, a Limit specifies a bound-
ary of the interval of valid values for a given context (i.e. a data type). Please note that
the boundary might or might not be part of the interval itself, i.e. the interval might be
open or closed. From the formal point of view, the range represents all real numbers
defined by:

range = {x ∈ < k lowerLimit.value < x < upperLimit.value}

∪{lowerLimit.value k lowerLimit.intervalT ype == “CLOSED00 }
∪{upperLimit.value k upperLimit.intervalT ype == “CLOSED00 }

Please note that Limit inherits from AbstractNumericalVariationPoint. This
means it is a number which may be subject to variability. For this reason, it is not
possible to constrain the content already in the xml schema.
[constr_1191] Value of Limit shall yield a numerical value dAfter all variability is
bound, the content obtained from a limit shall yield a numerical value at any time
in the workflow.c()
Nevertheless, it is not possible to distinguish on this level between float and integer
values. Consequently, [constr_1191] will not take the burden from an AUTOSAR tool
to decide whether the value provided as a limit actually makes sense in any of the given

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Enumeration IntervalTypeEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::PrimitiveTypes
Note This enumerator specifies the type of an interval.
Literal Description
closed The area is limited by the value given. The value itself is included.
open The area is limited by the value given. The value itself is not included.

Table 5.100: IntervalTypeEnum Physical Limits

Physical limits can be given at various palaces in the AUTOSAR Meta-Model, e.g. in
context of ApplicationDataTypes, DataPrototypes but also without the usage of
the type prototype pattern in Compound Primitive Data Types (e.g SwAxisIn-
Nevertheless, the usage of PhysConstrs requires a CompuMethod for the calculation
of the numerical limits, which cannot be applied for textual conversions. For this reason
following definition applies:
[TPS_SWCT_01761] Physical limits of pure textual conversions dIt is not possible
to define the lower or upper limit of a set of textual labels. Therefore, it is not possible
to define limits for an object that can only take elements of a set of textual labels as the
Please note, as a consequence of [TPS_SWCT_01761] for data defined by means of a
CompuMethod of category TEXTTABLE or BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE and additionally
a DataConstr with a dataConstrRule.physConstrs the given physConstrs has
no meaning.
[TPS_SWCT_01762] Physical limits of mixed textual conversions dThe defini-
tion of the physical limits of a piece of data described by a CompuMethod of cat-
can only be specified for the linear or rational part.
In addition, the defined textual labels can be used for the conversion.c()
For clarification, [TPS_SWCT_01761] and [TPS_SWCT_01762] do not limit the usage
of DataConstr.dataConstrRule.internalConstrs which may define further and
even tighter constraints on implementation level.
Those internalConstrs might be even given in context of a Compound Primi-
tive Data Type (for example, in the context of an SwAxisIndividual.input-
VariableType or SwAxisIndividual.dataConstr).

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5.5.4 Addressing Methods

In an ECU there might be various methods to access a particular object (e.g. mea-
surement or calibration parameter) according to a given address. This variety might
come from different kind of memory (near, far, . . .) but also from indirections which are
introduced by the compiler.
[TPS_SWCT_01290] SwAddrMethod dIn order to allow a measurement and calibra-
tion system to access such objects SwAddrMethods are specified. Another purpose
of this feature is to support the definition of abstract memory sections, i.e. to specify
which variables shall be put together in the same sections in case of generated code
(especially for data allocated by the RTE).
SwAddrMethod will be used to group data, for example, to cover the fact that some-
times it is required that one or more calibration parameters out of the overall collection
of calibration parameters of a SwComponentPrototype respectively an AUTOSAR
software component shall be placed in another memory location than the other param-
eters of the SwComponentPrototype respectively the AUTOSAR software compo-
[TPS_SWCT_01291] Association of MemorySection with SwAddrMethod dIn
Implementation the particular MemorySection is associated with the SwAd-
drMethod. This association indicates that all objects of the associated addressing
method shall be placed in the given memory section.c()
Class MemorySection
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ResourceConsumption::MemorySectionUsage
Note Provides a description of an abstract memory section used in the Implementation for code or data. It shall
be declared by the Implementation Description of the module or component, which actually allocates the
memory in its code. This means in case of data prototypes which are allocated by the RTE, that the
generated Implementation Description of the RTE shall contain the corresponding MemorySections.
The attribute "symbol" (if symbol is missing: "shortName") defines the module or component specific
section name used in the code. For details see the document "Specification of Memory Mapping".
Typically the section name is build according the pattern:
<SwAddrMethod shortName>[_<further specialization nominator>][_<alignment>]
• [<SwAddrMethod shortName>] is the shortName of the referenced SwAddrMethod
• [_<further specialization nominator>] is an optional infix to indicate the specialization in the
case that several MemorySections for different purpose of the same Implementation Description
referring to the same or equally named SwAddrMethods.
• [_<alignment>] is the alignment attributes value and is only applicable in the case that the
memoryAllocationKeywordPolicy value of the referenced SwAddrMethod is set to addrMethod
MemorySection used to Implement the code of RunnableEntitys and BswSchedulableEntitys shall have a
symbol (if missing: shortName) identical to the referred SwAddrMethod to conform to the generated RTE
header files.
In addition to the section name described above, a prefix is used in the corresponding macro code in
order to define a name space. This prefix is by default given by the shortName of the BswModule
Description resp. the SwComponentType. It can be superseded by the prefix attribute.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable

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Class MemorySection
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
alignment AlignmentType 0..1 attr The attribute describes the typical alignment of objects
within this memory section.
executableEntity ExecutableEntity * ref Reference to the ExecutableEntitites located in this
section. This allows to locate different Executable
Entitities in different sections even if the associated Sw
Addrmethod is the same.
This is applicable to code sections only.
memClass CIdentifier 0..1 attr Defines a specific symbol in order to generate the
Symbol compiler abstraction "memclass" code for this Memory
Section. The existence of this attribute supersedes the
usage of swAddrmethod.shortName for this purpose.
The complete name of the "memclass" preprocessor
symbol is constructed as <prefix>_<memClassSymbol>
where prefix is defined in the same way as for the
enclosing MemorySection. See also AUTOSAR_SWS_
CompilerAbstraction SWS_COMPILER_00040.
option Identifier * attr This attribute introduces the ability to specify further
intended properties of this MemorySection. The following
two values are standardized (to be used for code sections
only and exclusively to each other):
• INLINE - The code section is declared with the
compiler abstraction macro INLINE.
• LOCAL_INLINE - The code section is declared
with the compiler abstraction macro LOCAL_
In both cases (INLINE and LOCAL_INLINE) the inline
expansion depends on the compiler specific
implementation of these macros. Depending on this, the
code section either corresponds to an actual section in
memory or is put into the section of the caller. See
AUTOSAR_SWS_CompilerAbstraction for more details.
prefix SectionNamePrefix 0..1 ref The prefix used to set the memory section’s namespace
in the code. The existence of a prefix element
supersedes rules for a default prefix (such as the Bsw
ModuleDescription’s shortName). This allows the user to
define several name spaces for memory sections within
the scope of one module, cluster or SWC.
size PositiveInteger 0..1 attr The size in bytes of the section.
swAddrmethod SwAddrMethod 0..1 ref This association indicates that this module specific
(abstract) memory section is part of an overall SwAddr
Method, referred by the upstream declarations (e.g.
calibration parameters, data element prototypes, code
entities) which share a common addressing strategy. This
can be evaluated for the ECU configuration of the build
This association shall always be declared by the
Implementation description of the module or component,
which allocates the memory in its code. This means in
case of data prototypes which are allocated by the RTE,
that the software components only declare the grouping
of its data prototypes to SwAddrMethods, and the
generated Implementation Description of the RTE actually
sets up this association.

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Class MemorySection
symbol Identifier 0..1 attr Defines the section name as explained in the main
description. By using this attribute for code generation
(instead of the shortName) it is possible to define several
different MemorySections having the same name - e.g.
symbol = CODE - but using different sectionName
Table 5.101: MemorySection

[constr_10033] Existence of MemorySection.swAddrmethod dFor each Memory-

Section, attribute swAddrmethod shall exist at the time when the contract
phase generation is executed.c()
[constr_10034] Existence of MemorySection.alignment dFor each MemorySec-
tion, attribute alignment shall exist at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed if the attribute MemorySection.swAddrmethod.mem-
oryAllocationKeywordPolicy is set to MemoryAllocationKeywordPolicy-
Rationale for the existence of [constr_10033]: If the MemorySection is configured
such that MemorySection.swAddrmethod.memoryAllocationKeywordPolicy
is set to MemoryAllocationKeywordPolicyType.addrMethodShortNameAn-
dAlignment, then the alignment attribute is mandatory because the implemen-
tation of the memory mapping shall be able to formally consider the alignment for the
choice of memory sections.
Class SwAddrMethod
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::AuxillaryObjects
Note Used to assign a common addressing method, e.g. common memory section, to data or code objects.
These objects could actually live in different modules or components.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, CollectableElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
memory MemoryAllocation 0..1 attr Enumeration to specify the name pattern of the Memory
Allocation KeywordPolicyType Allocation Keyword.
option Identifier * attr This attribute introduces the ability to specify further
intended properties of the MemorySection in with the
related objects shall be placed.
These properties are handled as to be selected. The
intended options are mentioned in the list.
In the Memory Mapping configuration, this option list is
used to determine an appropriate MemMapAddressing

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Class SwAddrMethod
section SectionInitialization 0..1 attr Specifies the expected initialization of the variables
Initialization PolicyType (inclusive those which are implementing VariableData
Policy Prototypes). Therefore this is an implementation
constraint for initialization code of BSW modules
(especially RTE) as well as the start-up code which
initializes the memory segment to which the AutosarData
Prototypes referring to the SwAddrMethod’s are later on
If the attribute is not defined it has the identical semantic
as the attribute value "INIT"
sectionType MemorySectionType 0..1 attr Defines the type of memory sections which can be
associated with this addresssing method.

Table 5.102: SwAddrMethod

[TPS_SWCT_01456] Predefined values for MemorySection.option and SwAd-

drMethod.option dThe following values of MemorySection.option and SwAd-
drMethod.option are predefined by AUTOSAR:
resetSafe This corresponds to variables of ECU-functions which values shall endure
a ECU reset.
protected This corresponds to variables, constants, and code which shall not be
accessible and modifiable from the outside without a security mechanism.
offline This corresponds to calibration parameters which shall not be modifiable
during ECU operation.
coreGlobal This corresponds to variables, constants, and code which have to be
accessible by any core in case of multi-core ECUs.
coreLocal This corresponds to variables, constants, and code which have to be ac-
cessible by one core in case of multi-core ECUs.
nvData This corresponds to variables of ECU-functions which shall be stored in non-
volatile data. This option is applicable for memory used as a RAM Block man-
aged by the NvM.
safetyQM This corresponds to variables, constants, and code without any safety in-
tegrity level and therefore having a QM rating.
safetyAsilA This corresponds to variables, constants, and code with the safety in-
tegrity level A.
safetyAsilB This corresponds to variables, constants, and code with the safety in-
tegrity level B.
safetyAsilC This corresponds to variables, constants, and code with the safety in-
tegrity level C.
safetyAsilD This corresponds to variables, constants, and code with the safety in-
tegrity level D.

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configClassPreBuild This corresponds to config data which is assigned at pre-

compile or link time.
configClassPostBuild This corresponds to config data which is assigned at post-
build time.
Obviously, the multiplicity of both the attribute MemorySection.option and SwAd-
drMethod.option allows for the appearance of more than one value. For example,
a combination of the values resetSafe, protected, and safetyAsilC makes per-
fect sense on a particular list and can be used to express a meaning that combines the
semantics of both values with each other.
However, this combination of values is not arbitrarily possible. It is therefore necessary
to formulate a constraint that regulates the appearance of the safety-related values
mentioned in [TPS_SWCT_01456].
In other words, it would not make any sense to attribute a given memory object with
two different ASIL [29] values appearing on the same list.
If these values were combined on a particular list, the intended semantics would be
ambiguous and could not clearly be determined. Therefore, [constr_1311] applies.
[constr_1311] Appearance of safety-related possible values of MemorySec-
tion.option or SwAddrMethod.option dAny given collection of values stored
in the attributes MemorySection.option or SwAddrMethod.option according to
[TPS_SWCT_01456] shall at most include a single value out of the following list at
the time when the RTE is generated:
• safetyQM
• safetyAsilA
• safetyAsilB
• safetyAsilC
• safetyAsilD
[constr_1381] Appearance of core-related possible values of MemorySec-
tion.option or SwAddrMethod.option dAny given collection of values stored
in the attributes MemorySection.option or SwAddrMethod.option according to
[TPS_SWCT_01456] shall at most include a single value out of the following list at
the time when the RTE is generated:
• coreGlobal
• coreLocal

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[TPS_SWCT_01294] Missing SwDataDefProps.swAddrMethod dIf the association

SwDataDefProps.swAddrMethod is missing the object can be placed anywhere
without restriction, e.g. using a default behavior of the RTE generator. Contradict-
ing specifications (e.g. two different component types request different associations for
one particular SwAddrMethod) shall be flagged as an error.c()
Figure 5.59 illustrates the usage of SwAddrMethod in the context of a DataProto-
[TPS_SWCT_01292] Usage of SwAddrMethod in the context of a DataPrototype
dThe software component which defines the DataPrototype will in general not be
the same to which the Implementation that actually contains the description of the
MemorySection belongs.
The reason for this is that the resources for data allocated by the RTE will be described
in the Implementation of the RTE. The indirection via SwAddrMethod makes this
[TPS_SWCT_01293] RTE Generator has to derive the Memory Allocation Key-
word dPlease note that the RTE Generator has to derive the Memory Allocation Key-
word used for RunnableEntitys and BswSchedulableEntitys from the short-
Name of the SwAddrMethod only because the alignment defined in MemorySection
is not known at contract phase.c()
[constr_2034] SwAddrMethod referenced by RunnableEntitys, BswCalledEn-
titys, or BswSchedulableEntitys dRunnableEntitys, BswCalledEntitys,
and BswSchedulableEntitys shall not reference a SwAddrMethod which at-
tribute memoryAllocationKeywordPolicy is set to addrMethodShortNameAn-
dAlignment at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
AtpBlueprintable «atpVariation»
SwAddrMethod +swAddrMethod SwDataDefProps

+ memoryAllocationKeywordPolicy: MemoryAllocationKeywordPolicyType [0..1] 0..1

+ option: Identifier [0..*]
+ sectionInitializationPolicy: SectionInitializationPolicyType [0..1]
+ sectionType: MemorySectionType [0..1]

+swAddrmethod 0..1 +swAddrMethod 0..1

Identifiable Identifiable AtpStructureElement

MemorySection ExecutableEntity RunnableEntity
+ alignment: AlignmentType [0..1] + minimumStartInterval: + canBeInvokedConcurrently: Boolean [0..1]
+ memClassSymbol: CIdentifier [0..1] TimeValue [0..1] + symbol: CIdentifier [0..1]
+ option: Identifier [0..*] + reentrancyLevel:
+ size: PositiveInteger [0..1] ReentrancyLevelEnum [0..1]
+ symbol: Identifier [0..1]

Figure 5.58: SwAddrMethod

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[constr_1402] Applicability of core-related possible values of MemorySection.

option or SwAddrMethod.option related to SwAddrMethod.sectionInitial-
izationPolicy dIf the attribute SwAddrMethod.option or MemorySection.op-
tion is set to coreLocal then the attribute SwAddrMethod.sectionInitializa-
tionPolicy of the same SwAddrMethod respectively the MemorySection.swAd-
drmethod shall be either set to INIT or CLEARED at the time when the RTE
is generated.c()
The purpose of [constr_1402] is a reduction of the complexity of memory layouts and
reduce the amount of memory gaps due to allocation restrictions.
Primitive SectionInitializationPolicyType
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::PrimitiveTypes
Note SectionInitializationPolicyType describes the intended initialization of MemorySections. The following
values are standardized in AUTOSAR Methodology:
• INIT: To be used for (explicitly or not explicitly) initialized variables.
• CLEARED: To be used for not explicitly initialized variables.
• POWER-ON-CLEARED: To be used for variables that are not explicitly initialized (cleared)
during normal start-up. Instead these are cleared only after power on reset.
Please note that the values are defined similar to the representation of enumeration types in the XML
schema to ensure backward compatibility.

Table 5.103: SectionInitializationPolicyType

[constr_10068] Standardized values for SectionInitializationPolicyType

dThe following values for SectionInitializationPolicyType are reserved by
the AUTOSAR standard:
INIT To be used for (explicitly or not explicitly) initialized variables.
CLEARED To be used for (explicitly or not explicitly) initialized variables.
POWER-ON-CLEARED To be used for variables that are not explicitly initialized
(cleared) during normal start-up. Instead these are cleared only after power on
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
Please note that custom values of SectionInitializationPolicyType are cur-
rently not supported.
Enumeration MemorySectionType
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::AuxillaryObjects
Note Enumeration to specify the essential nature of the data which can be allocated in a common memory
class by the means of the AUTOSAR Memory Mapping.
Literal Description

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Enumeration MemorySectionType
calibrationVariables This memory section is reserved for "virtual variables" that are computed by an MCD system during a
measurement session but do not exist in the ECU memory.
calprm To be used for calibratable constants of ECU-functions.
code To be used for mapping code to application block, boot block, external flash etc.
configData Constants with attributes that show that they reside in one segment for module configuration.
const To be used for global or static constants.
excludeFromFlash This memory section is reserved for "virtual parameters" that are taken for computing the values of
so-called dependent parameter of an MCD system. Dependent Parameters that are not at the same
time "virtual parameters" are allocated in the ECU memory.
Virtual parameters, on the other hand, are not allocated in the ECU memory. Virtual parameters exist
in the ECU Hex file for the purpose of being considered (for computing the values of dependent
parameters) during an offline-calibration session.
var To be used for global or static variables. The expected initialization is specified with the attribute

Table 5.104: MemorySectionType

Enumeration MemoryAllocationKeywordPolicyType
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::AuxillaryObjects
Note Enumeration to specify the name pattern of the Memory Allocation Keyword.
Literal Description
addrMethodShort The MemorySection shortNames of referring MemorySections and therefore the belonging Memory
Name Allocation Keywords in the code are build with the shortName of the SwAddrMethod. This is the
default value if the attribute does not exist.
addrMethodShort The MemorySection shortNames of referring MemorySections and therefore the belonging Memory
NameAndAlignment Allocation Keywords in the code are build with the shortName of the SwAddrMethod and a variable
alignment postfix.
Thereby the alignment postfix needs to be consistent with the alignment attribute of the related

Table 5.105: MemoryAllocationKeywordPolicyType

Primitive AlignmentType
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::PrimitiveTypes

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Primitive AlignmentType
Note This primitive represents the alignment of objects within a memory section. The value is in number of bits
or UNKNOWN (deprecated), 8 , 16, 32 UNSPECIFIED, BOOLEAN, or PTR. Typical values for numbers
are 8, 16, 32.

Table 5.106: AlignmentType

For more information on the specification of a MemorySection refer to [6].

«enumeration» AtpPrototype ARElement
MemoryAllocationKeywordPolicyType DataPrototype Implementation


+/swDataDefProps 0..1 +resourceConsumption 0..1

«atpVariation» Identifiable
SwDataDefProps    ResourceConsumption
var «atpVariation,atpSplitable»
+swAddrMethod 0..1 +memorySection 0..*
calprm ARElement Identifiable
configData AtpBlueprint MemorySection
excludeFromFlash AtpBlueprintable
calibrationVariables +swAddrmethod + alignment: AlignmentType [0..1]
+ memClassSymbol: CIdentifier [0..1]
+ memoryAllocationKeywordPolicy: + option: Identifier [0..*]
MemoryAllocationKeywordPolicyType [0..1] + size: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ option: Identifier [0..*] + symbol: Identifier [0..1]
+ sectionInitializationPolicy:
SectionInitializationPolicyType [0..1]
+ sectionType: MemorySectionType [0..1]

Figure 5.59: Assigning an address method to a memory section

5.5.5 Record Layouts

[TPS_SWCT_01295] SwRecordLayout dThe SwRecordLayout describes how data

is serialized in the memory of an ECU. This information is important with respect to the
following aspects:
• to inform a measurement and calibration system how the data is serialized in the
memory of an ECU
• to make sure that the software development results in the intended data struc-
• to identify the proper interpolation routines
Via the SwDataDefProps, a record-layout can be associated to a data entity. If the
very same serialization approach is used for multiple ApplicationDataTypes all of

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these may refer to the same SwRecordLayout even if the size of the data is different.c
(RS_SWCT_03215) Specifying Record Layouts

As mentioned above, the purpose of record layout is to specify how an object (e.g. a
calibration parameter) is serialized in memory of an ECU. The canonical approach for
this is to define nested groups (SwRecordLayoutGroup).
These groups indicate the structure of the corresponding Implementation-
DataType. The serialization is then executed by iterating over the axes of a curve,
a map, or iterating along a string. The contents of such a record layout group (
SwRecordLayoutGroupContent) is a mixture of (thus nested) groups and values
These values refer to particular properties of the object (e.g. value, count, . . .). By
application of this pattern, the serialization of any complex object can be specified.
«primitive» ARElement
AxisIndexType SwRecordLayout
+ category: AsamRecordLayoutSemantics [0..1]
tags + shortLabel: Identifier [0..1]
xml.xsd.customType = AXIS-INDEX-TYPE + swRecordLayoutComponent: Identifier [0..1] +swRecordLayoutGroup
xml.xsd.pattern = [0-9]+|STRING|ARRAY + swRecordLayoutGroupAxis: AxisIndexType [0..1]
xml.xsd.type = string + swRecordLayoutGroupFrom: 0..1
RecordLayoutIteratorPoint [0..1]
+ swRecordLayoutGroupIndex: NameToken [0..1]
+ swRecordLayoutGroupStep: Integer [0..1]
+ swRecordLayoutGroupTo:
RecordLayoutIteratorPoint [0..1]

+swRecordLayoutGroup 0..1
0..1 +swRecordLayoutGroupContentType
AsamRecordLayoutSemantics «atpMixed»
tags +swRecordLayout
xml.xsd.type = NMTOKEN 0..1

+swRecordLayoutV 0..1

tags + category: AsamRecordLayoutSemantics [0..1]

xml.xsd.customType = RECORD-LAYOUT-ITERATOR-POINT + shortLabel: Identifier [0..1]
xml.xsd.pattern = -?([0-9]+|MAX-TEXT-SIZE|ARRAY-SIZE) + swRecordLayoutVAxis: AxisIndexType [0..1]
xml.xsd.type = string + swRecordLayoutVFixValue: Integer [0..1]
+ swRecordLayoutVIndex: NameTokens [0..1]
+ swRecordLayoutVProp: NameToken [0..1]

+desc 0..1 +desc 0..1 +baseType 0..1 +swGenericAxisParamType 0..1

AtpBlueprint Identifiable
AtpBlueprintable SwGenericAxisParamType

Figure 5.60: Specification of a record layout

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Class SwRecordLayout
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::RecordLayout
Note Defines how the data objects (variables, calibration parameters etc.) are to be stored in the ECU
memory. As an example, this definition specifies the sequence of axis points in the ECU memory.
Iterations through axis values are stored within the sub-elements swRecordLayoutGroup.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
swRecord SwRecordLayoutGroup 0..1 aggr This is the top level record layout group.

Table 5.107: SwRecordLayout

Class SwRecordLayoutV
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::RecordLayout
Note This element specifies which values are stored for the current SwRecordLayoutGroup. If no baseType is
present, the SwBaseType referenced initially in the parent SwRecordLayoutGroup is valid. The
specification of swRecordLayoutVAxis gives the axis of the values which shall be stored in accordance
with the current record layout SwRecordLayoutGroup. In swRecordLayoutVProp one can specify the
information which shall be stored.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
baseType SwBaseType 0..1 ref This association allows to refer to a base type in case a
specific encoding is intended. If no base type is referred,
the base type referenced initially in the corresponding
DataPrototype is to be used.
category AsamRecordLayout 0..1 attr This attribute denotes the semantics in particular in terms
Semantics of the corresponding A2L-Keyword. This is to support the
mapping of the more general record layouts in AUTOSAR/
MSR to the specific A2l keywords. It is possible to
express the specific semantics of A2l RecordLayout
keywords in swRecordlayoutGroup but not always vice
versa. Therefore the mapping is provided in this optional
desc MultiLanguageOverview 0..1 aggr This aggregation allows for a brief description about the
Paragraph particular record layout value which can help to identify
the entry. In-depth documentation should be added to the
introduction of the surrounding record layout.
shortLabel Identifier 0..1 attr This attribute specifies a name which can be used e.g.
when ECU code is generated from the record layout

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Class SwRecordLayoutV
swGenericAxis SwGenericAxisParam 0..1 ref This association supports the case that a value from a
ParamType Type generic axis definition shall be stored. This value is
denoted by a particular generic axis parameter type.
swRecord AxisIndexType 0..1 attr This attribute gives the index of the axis of which values
LayoutVAxis that are stored in the record. swRecordVIndex refers to
the symbolic names of the iterators for which the axis
value shall be stored in the record.
In case of nested iterators (mainly for multidimensional
objects) the iterator names are specified as
whitespace-separated names.
These symbolic names relate to swRecordLayoutGroup
Index. The iterators are processed from left to right in
such a manner that they symbolize the loop index from
the outside to the inside.
It is considered an error if more components are specified
than axes exist in the related ApplicationDataType.
swRecord Integer 0..1 attr This attribute specifies the filler character for the current
LayoutVFix record layout, in the form of hex digits. It is also used to
Value specify the fix value for e.g. FIXRIGHTDIFF.
swRecord NameTokens 0..1 attr The symbolic value for iteration, or the symbolic values
LayoutVIndex separated by whitespaces, refer to the symbolic values
given in swRecordLayoutGroupIndex .
The iterators are processed from left to right, in such a
manner that they symbolize the loop index from the
outside to the inside.
It is considered an error if the record layout is referenced
by an entity which has less number of axes than index
names referenced here.
swRecord NameToken 0..1 attr This attribute describes the kind of values to be stored.
LayoutVProp More details see below. The standardized values
foreseen for this attribute are defined in

Table 5.108: SwRecordLayoutV

Class SwRecordLayoutGroup
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::RecordLayout
Note Specifies how a record layout is set up. Using SwRecordLayoutGroup it recursively models iterations
through axis values. The subelement swRecordLayoutGroupContentType may reference other Sw
RecordLayouts, SwRecordLayoutVs and SwRecordLayoutGroups for the modeled record layout.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

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Class SwRecordLayoutGroup
category AsamRecordLayout 0..1 attr This attribute denotes the semantics in particular in terms
Semantics of the corresponding A2L-Keyword. This is to support the
mapping of the more general record layouts in AUTOSAR/
MSR to the specific A2l keywords.
It is possible to express the specific semantics of A2l
recordlayout keywords in swRecordlayoutGroup but not
always vice versa. Therefore the mapping is provided in
this optional attribute.
desc MultiLanguageOverview 0..1 aggr This aggregation allows a brief description about the
Paragraph particular record layout group which can help to identify
the entry. In-depth documentation should be added to the
introduction of the surrounding record layout.
shortLabel Identifier 0..1 attr This attribute specifies a name which can be used e.g.
when ECU code is generated from the record layout
swGenericAxis SwGenericAxisParam 0..1 ref This association allows to specify record layout groups to
ParamType Type iterate over generic axis parameters. For example, if the
generic axis parameter is an array, the record layout
group will iterate over this array.
Obviously, the axis referred to by swRecordLayoutGroup
Axis shall be a generic axis in which the referenced Sw
GenericAxisType is aggregated.
swRecord Identifier 0..1 attr This attribute is used to denote the component to which
Layout the group in question applies. Thus, the record layout
Component supports structured objects.
This secures independence from the sequence of
components, because they can be referred to via name.
swRecord AxisIndexType 0..1 attr This attribute specifies the iteration axis number for a Sw
LayoutGroup RecordLayoutGroup. The current record layout group
Axis then refers exactly to the axis with this number. This
means that the values are taken by iterating along the
thus referenced axis.
swRecord SwRecordLayoutGroup 0..1 aggr This is the contents of the recordLayout which is
LayoutGroup Content produced for every step of iteration.
swRecord RecordLayoutIterator 0..1 attr This attribute specifies the iterator index for the point in
LayoutGroup Point the axis from which a record layout group is commenced.
Negative values are also possible, i.e. the value -4 counts
from the fourth value from the end. If this property is
missing, the iteration starts with ’1’.

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Class SwRecordLayoutGroup
swRecord NameToken 0..1 attr This attribute attributes a symbolic name to the iterator of
LayoutGroup the superimposed record layout group. This can be
Index referenced as a loop index in contained SwRecordLayout
V elements.
swRecord Integer 0..1 attr This attribute specifies the step width for the iterator index
LayoutGroup that is used for the current record layout group.
Note that negative values are also possible, in case of the
starting point is higher than the endpoint. If the property
is missing, the step width is "1".
swRecord RecordLayoutIterator 0..1 attr This attribute specifies the end point for the iteration.
LayoutGroupTo Point Negative values are also possible, i.e. the value -4 counts
up to the fourth value from the end. If this property is not
there, the iteration ends at "-1" which is the last element.
Note that depending on the arraySizeSemantics of Sw
TextProps the iteration ends at the value specified in sw

Table 5.109: SwRecordLayoutGroup

Class <<atpMixed>> SwRecordLayoutGroupContent

Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::RecordLayout
Note This is the contents of a RecordLayout which is inserted for every iteration. Note that since this is atp
Mixed, multiple properties can be inserted for each iteration.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
swRecord SwRecordLayout 0..1 ref This association allows to support reusable "sub"-record
Layout layouts. In particular, the contents of the referenced
record layout shall be used as if the record layout group in
the referenced record layout was aggregated in the
current record layout group.
So, semantically it would be equivalent to replace the
particular association with an aggregation of the sw
RecordLayoutGroup of the referenced SwRecordLayout.
swRecord SwRecordLayoutGroup 0..1 aggr This aggregation provides support for nested iterations.
LayoutGroup For example, if a map is to be handled, then we might
have two nested SwRecordLayoutGroups, one for the
x-axis and one for the y-axis. The inner iteration runs
swRecord SwRecordLayoutV 0..1 aggr Particular Value specification for this record layout group.

Table 5.110: SwRecordLayoutGroupContent

[constr_1264] Iteration along output axis is only supported for VALUE and VAL_-
BLK dswRecordLayoutVIndex in SwRecordLayoutV cannot be 0 for any value of
SwRecordLayoutV.category other than VALUE and VAL_BLK.

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This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
For CURVE, MAP, etc. the iteration shall be performed along the input axis.
Primitive AxisIndexType
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::RecordLayout
Note This meta-class specifies an axis in a curve/map data object. The index satisfies the following convention:
• 0 output "axis"
• 1 input axis 1 (X input axis e.g. of a CURVE)
• 2 input axis 2 (Y input axis e.g. of a MAP)
• 3 input axis 3 (Z input axis e.g. of a CUBOID)
• 4 input axis 3 (Z4 input axis e.g. of a CUBE_4)
• 5 input axis 3 (Z5 input axis e.g. of a CUBE_5)
• 6..9 etc.
The output "axis" provides access to the output value of the parameter. Note that this access is usually
performed via an index according to the input axis.
In addition to this, the Values STRING and ARRAY support specific iterations.

Table 5.111: AxisIndexType

Primitive RecordLayoutIteratorPoint
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::RecordLayout
Note This meta-class denotes a start / endpoint for the iteration of a SwRecordLayoutGroup. It can be an
integer or one of the keywords MAX-TEXT-SIZE|ARRAY-SIZE. Note that negative numbers are counted
backwards. Therefore e.g. -1 refers to the last value.

Table 5.112: RecordLayoutIteratorPoint

[TPS_SWCT_01489] Standardized values of SwRecordLayoutV.swRecordLay-

outVProp dSwRecordLayoutV.swRecordLayoutVProp describes the type of val-
ues to be stored. The standardized values for SwRecordLayoutV.swRecordLay-
outVProp are listed in Table 5.113.c(RS_SWCT_03215)
Property Description
The value of the axis for the current iterator point. This is e.g. the particular point on an input-axis, but
also the particular character in a string.
COUNT The amount of values of the axis.
LEFTDIFF The difference to the previous axis point.
RIGHTDIFF The difference to the next axis point.
DIST The distance value of this axis in case of a fixed axis with distance specification.

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SHIFT The shift value of this axis in case of a fixed axis with shift/offset.
OFFSET The offset value of this axis in case of a fixed axis with shift/offset.
SOURCE-ADR The address of the source of this axis (Note that this does not apply to the value axis).
RESULT-ADR The address of the result for this axis (note that this does not apply to input axis).
ADDRESS The address of the axis point.
FILL Fill with the hex value specified as contents of swRecordLayoutVFixValue.
FIXLEFTDIFF Difference between this and a fixed left-hand value specified in swRecordLayoutVFixValue.
FIXRIGHTDIFF Difference between this and a fixed right-hand value specified in swRecordLayoutVFixValue.

Table 5.113: swRecordLayoutVProp

Figure 5.61 and Figure 5.62 illustrate most of these properties.

Current point




1 2 3 4

Figure 5.61: Values for swRecordLayoutVProp for individual axis

Value = OFFSET + n * 2^SHIFT

Value = OFFSET + n * DIST


Figure 5.62: Values for swRecordLayoutVProp for fixed axis

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[TPS_SWCT_01296] Different approaches of ASAM MCD-2MC and AUTOSAR

with respect to SwRecordLayout dASAM MCD-2D specification (also known as
A2L, or ASAP) uses keywords in record layouts where MSR/AUTOSAR uses the more
generic approach specified here.
It may happen that this generic approach cannot always be safely mapped to the A2L
keywords. Therefore, SwRecordLayoutV.category as well as SwRecordLayout-
Group.category can assist the conversion to the current A2L format.c(RS_SWCT_-
Primitive AsamRecordLayoutSemantics
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::RecordLayout
Note This meta-class is used to denote the semantics in particular in terms of the corresponding
A2L-Keyword. This is to support the mapping of the more general record layouts in AUTOSAR/MSR to
the specific A2L keywords.
It is possible to express the specific semantics of A2l RecordLayout keywords in SwRecordlayoutGroup
but not always vice versa. Therefore the mapping is provided in this optional attribute.
It is specified as NMTOKEN to reduce the direct dependency of ASAM an AUTOSAR standards.

Table 5.114: AsamRecordLayoutSemantics

The values of SwRecordLayoutV.category or SwRecordLayoutGroup.category

can, for example, be taken from the ASAM MCD 2D specification provided in [26].
Examples are:
The consistency of these values of SwRecordLayoutV.category or SwRecordLay-
outGroup.category with the structure of the SwRecordLayout shall be ensured by
the author of the SwRecordLayout.
Note that there are keywords in A2L bound to a calibration parameter which in
MSR/AUTOSAR are represented by the SwRecordLayout (DEPOSIT etc.).
The following XML fragment provides an example for a SwRecordLayout for a curve.
Note that in this case recognizing the patterns represented by the A2L-Keywords
(shown in XML-Comment) is pretty straight forward, even if the keywords were not
provided in the SwRecordLayoutV.category as well as SwRecordLayoutGroup.

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Listing 5.19: Example for RecordLayout of a curve

</SW-RECORD-LAYOUT> RecordLayouts and DataTypes

[TPS_SWCT_01837] Types for record layouts dBecause ParameterDataProto-

types have a isOfType-relation to ApplicationDataTypes or Implementa-
tionDataTypes, the related data types shall properly match to the details as specified
in swDataDefProps.c(RS_SWCT_03215)
This is exemplified in figure 5.63.

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Software Component Template

:ApplicationDataType element: DataTypeMap :ImplementationDatatype

:SwDataDefProps :SwRecordLayout :SwBaseType

category = FIXED_LENGTH

Figure 5.63: Dependency of AutosarDataTypes and SwRecordLayouts

[TPS_SWCT_01297] Compliance of ApplicationDataTypes or Implementa-

tionDataTypes to swDataDefProps dIn order to maintain this compliance the fol-
lowing options exist:
• Manually create ImplementationDataTypes from corresponding Applica-
tionDataTypes and the referenced SwRecordLayouts
• Automatically create ImplementationDataTypes according to the existing
definition of SwRecordLayouts. This could be performed by a model trans-
formation according to the algorithm shown below.
[TPS_SWCT_01298] Computing SwRecordLayout from Implementation-
DataTypes is not possible dNote that computing SwRecordLayouts from Imple-
mentationDataTypes is not really possible because the particular semantics of the
components is not available (swRecordLayoutVProp).c(RS_SWCT_03215)
Figures 5.64, 5.65, 5.66, 5.67, and 5.69 illustrate how data types can be derived from
SwRecordLayouts. Please note that the figures simplify some aspects of the actual
modeling. In particular, aggregations of SwDataDefProps are left out for the sake of
visual clarity.
Note that in each of these diagrams, the “blue” data types are derived from the record
These diagrams illustrate in particular the fact that on the level of Application-
DataType even complex entities such as curves and maps appear primitive data
types. The inner details of such entities are handled e.g. by service libraries.

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Software Component Template

:ApplicationPrimitiveDataType element: DataTypeMap

shortName = Curve1
category = CURVE

:SwDataDefProps element: SwBaseType +baseType :

category = FIXED_LENGTH
shortName = uint16 shortName = uint16
category = VALUE
+baseType +baseType
+swRecordLayout +implementationDataType


element: SwRecordLayout element: ImplementationDataType

shortName = IntCur_u16_u8 category = STRUCTURE

shortName = Curve1Impl

:SwRecordLayoutV subElement: ImplementationDataTypeElement

swRecordLayoutVAxis = 1 category = TYPE_REFERENCE

shortLabel = N shortName = noOfAxisPts
swRecordLayoutVProp = COUNT


swRecordLayoutGroupAxis = 1
shortLabel = X subElement: ImplementationDataTypeElement
category = INDEX_INCR
swRecordLayoutGroupIndex = X category = ARRAY
swRecordLayoutGroupFrom = 1 shortName = inputValues
swRecordLayoutGroupTo = -1

:SwRecordLayoutV subElement: ImplementationDataTypeElement

swRecordLayoutVAxis = 1 category = TYPE_REEFRENCE

shortLabel = value arraySize = swMaxAxisPoints
swRecordLayoutVProp = VALUE shortName = value


swRecordLayoutGroupAxis = 0 subElement: ImplementationDataTypeElement

shortLabel = Val
category = COLUMN_DIR category = ARRAY
swRecordLayoutGroupFrom = 1 shortName = outputValues
swRecordLayoutGroupTo = -1 shortLabel = Val

:SwRecordLayoutV subElement: ImplementationDataTypeElement

swRecordLayoutVAxis = 0 category = TYPE_REFERENCE

shortLabel = value arraySize = swMaxAxisPoints
swRecordLayoutVProp = VALUE shortName = value
swRecordLayoutVIndex = X

+baseType +implementationDataType

:SwAxisIndividual +baseType element: SwBaseType +baseType :

swMaxAxisPoints = 16 category = FIXED_LENGTH
shortName = uint8 shortName = uint8
category = VALUE

Figure 5.64: Curve implemented as two consecutive arrays

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Software Component Template

:ApplicationPrimitiveDataType element: DataTypeMap

shortName = Curve1
category = CURVE


element: SwRecordLayout
element: ImplementationDataType
shortName = IntCurPair_u16_u8
category = STRUCTURE
shortName = Curve1Impl

subElement: ImplementationDataTypeElement
swRecordLayoutVProp = COUNT shortName = COUNT

subElement: ImplementationDataTypeElement
category = ARRAY
swRecordLayoutGroupAxis = 1 shortName = values

subElement: ImplementationDataTypeElement
category = STRUCTURE
arraySize = swMaxAxisPoints
shortName = values

subElement: ImplementationDataTypeElement
swRecordLayoutVAxis = 1 shortName = Xvalue

:SwRecordLayoutV subElement: ImplementationDataTypeElement

swRecordLayoutVAxis = 0 category = TYPE_REFERENCE

shortName = Yvalue


element: SwBaseType +baseType :

category = FIXED_LENGTH
shortName = uint16 shortName = uint16
category = VALUE

element: SwBaseType :
+baseType ImplementationDataType
category = FIXED_LENGTH
shortName = uint8 shortName = uint8
+baseType category = VALUE

swMaxAxisPoints = 16

Figure 5.65: Curve implemented as array of value pairs

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Software Component Template

:ApplicationPrimitiveDataType +applicationDataType element: DataTypeMap

category = MAP
shortName = Map1


:SwDataDefProps element: ImplementationDataType

category = STRUCTURE
shortName = Map1Impl

subElement: ImplementationDataTypeElement

shortName = noOfAxisPointsX

subElement: ImplementationDataTypeElement

shortName = noOfAxisPointsY

subElement: ImplementationDataTypeElement

category = ARRAY
shortName = pointsAxis_1

subElement: ImplementationDataTypeElement

:SwAxisIndividual category = TYPE_REFERENCE

arraySize = 16 (swMaxAxisPoints[axis_1])
swMaxAxisPoints = 16 shortName = Xvalue

subElement: ImplementationDataTypeElement

:SwAxisIndividual category = ARRAY

shortName = pointsAxis_2
swMaxAxisPoints = 10

subElement: ImplementationDataTypeElement
element: SwRecordLayout arraySize = 10 (swMaxAxisPoints[axis_2])
shortName = Yvalue
shortName = IntMap_u8u8_u16

subElement: ImplementationDataTypeElement

category = ARRAY
shortName = values

element: SwBaseType subElement: ImplementationDataTypeElement

category = FIXED_LENGTH category = ARRAY

shortName = uint16 shortName = lines
arraySize = 16 (swMaxAxisPoints[axis_1])

subElement: ImplementationDataTypeElement
ImplementationDataType +implementationDataType category = TYPE_REFERENCE
arraySize = 10 (swMaxAxisPoints[axis_2])
shortName = value
shortName = uint16
category = VALUE

+baseType +baseType :
element: SwBaseType
+baseType shortName = uint8
category = FIXED_LENGTH category = VALUE
shortName = uint8

Figure 5.66: Record layout and data type for a map

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Software Component Template

:ApplicationPrimitiveDataType +applicationDataType :DataTypeMap

shortName = ComAxis1
category = COM_AXIS


:SwDataDefProps :SwRecordLayout element: ImplementationDataType

shortName = Distr_u8        shortName = uint8_noOfAxisPts_Distr_u8
   category = ARRAY

:SwCalprmAxisSet :SwRecordLayoutV subElement: ImplementationDataTypeElement

swRecordLayoutVAxis = 1 +0 element shortName = uint8_noOfAxisPts_Distr_u8

shortLabel = N category = TYPE_REEFRENCE
swRecordLayoutVProp = COUNT arraySize = noOfAxisPts+1

+1..n element
+baseType +implementationDataType

:SwAxisIndividual :SwRecordLayoutGroup :SwBaseType :

category = COM_AXIS swRecordLayoutGroupAxis = 1 category = FIXED_LENGTH
swAxisIndex = 1 shortLabel = X shortName = uint8 shortName = uint8
swMaxAxisPoints = noOfAxisPts category = INDEX_INCR category = VALUE
swMinAxisPoints = noOfAxisPts swRecordLayoutGroupFrom = 1 +baseType
swRecordLayoutGroupTo = -1


swRecordLayoutVAxis = 1
swRecordLayoutVProp = VALUE

Figure 5.67: Record layout for the definition of a group axis

The algorithm to generate the desired data types is illustrated in the following two
We create an ImplementationDataType for each ApplicationDataType. Fig-
ure 5.68 illustrates how to map the details.

«iterative» for all ApplicationDataTypes

CreateType create subElement



Figure 5.68: algorithm to map the details of an application data type to the corresponding
implementation data type according to the record layout

[TPS_SWCT_01299] Relation of swRecordLayoutGroup to subElement dFor

each swRecordLayoutGroup an appropriate subElement shall be created.
The algorithm shall be recursively applied to the newly created Implementation-
DataTypeElements. As the record layout groups are nested, this recursion yields
the complete structure in the ImplementationDataType.c(RS_SWCT_03215)

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Software Component Template

:ApplicationPrimitiveDataType :DataTypeMap
shortName = Map2
category = MAP


:SwDataDefProps +swRecordLayout :SwRecordLayout :ImplementationDataType

shortName = Map_u16 shortName = uint16_noOfAxisPtsX_noOfAxisPtsY_Map_u16

category = ARRAY

:SwRecordLayoutGroup :ImplementationDataTypeElement

swRecordLayoutGroupAxis = 1 shortName = DimX

shortLabel = Val category = ARRAY
category = COLUMN_DIR arraySize = noOfAxisPtsX
swRecordLayoutGroupIndex = X
swRecordLayoutGroupFrom = 1
swRecordLayoutGroupTo = -1

:SwCalprmAxisSet :SwRecordLayoutGroup :ImplementationDataTypeElement

swRecordLayoutGroupAxis = 2 shortName = DimY

swRecordLayoutGroupIndex = Y category = TYPE_REFERENCE
swRecordLayoutGroupFrom = 1 arraySize = noOfAxisPtsY
swRecordLayoutGroupTo = -1


:SwAxisGrouped :SwAxisGrouped :SwRecordLayoutV :

swAxisIndex = 1 swAxisIndex = 2 swRecordLayoutVAxis = 0
swRecordLayoutVProp = VALUE
swRecordLayoutVIndex = X Y shortName = uint16
category = VALUE

+sharedAxisType +sharedAxisType +baseType +baseType

:ApplicationPrimitiveDataType :ApplicationPrimitiveDataType element: SwBaseType

category = COM_AXIS category = COM_AXIS category = FIXED_LENGTH

shortName = ComAxis1 shortName = ComAxis2 shortName = uint16

Figure 5.69: Record layout for the definition of a map implemented by an array data type

Please note that the refinement of the sub element happens according to the approach
sketched in figure 5.70.
ImplementationDataType Or [RecordLayoutValue]

[has exactly one value]

[has no iterator]
[has SwRecordLayoutFrom] set
set category to MaxNumberOfElements
set category to ARRAY

create subElement set category to VALUE and set

get RecordLayoutGroup or dataDefProperties

«iterative» process subElements of RecordLayoutGroup

create subElement ImplementationDataTypeElement


Figure 5.70: refining subElements

438 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template
AUTOSAR CP R21-11 Record Layouts and Interpolation Routines

[TPS_SWCT_01300] Relationship between record layouts and interpolation rou-

tines dThe relationship between record layouts and interpolation routines can be spec-
ified in InterpolationRoutineMappingSet.
The interpolation routine is represented as BswModuleEntry and implements a par-
ticular interpolation method which is denoted in the value of InterpolationRou-
The intended interpolation method is denoted in the value of attribute SwDataDef-

+interpolationRoutineMapping 0..* ARElement

InterpolationRoutineMapping AtpBlueprintable

+ bswEntryKind: BswEntryKindEnum [0..1]

+ callType: BswCallType
+ executionContext: BswExecutionContext
+swRecordLayout 0..1 +interpolationRoutine 0..* + functionPrototypeEmitter: NameToken [0..1]
ARElement + isReentrant: Boolean
InterpolationRoutine + isSynchronous: Boolean
SwRecordLayout +interpolationRoutine +
+ isDefault: Boolean [0..1] role: Identifier [0..1]
+ shortLabel: Identifier [0..1] 0..1 + serviceId: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ swServiceImplPolicy: SwServiceImplPolicyEnum

Figure 5.71: Mapping of Record Layouts and Interpolation Routines

Class InterpolationRoutineMappingSet
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::MeasurementAndCalibration::InterpolationRoutine
Note This meta-class specifies a set of interpolation routine mappings.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
interpolation InterpolationRoutine * aggr This specifies one particular mapping of recordlayout and
Routine Mapping its matching interpolationRoutines.

Table 5.115: InterpolationRoutineMappingSet

Class InterpolationRoutineMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::MeasurementAndCalibration::InterpolationRoutine
Note This meta-class provides a mapping between one record layout and its matching interpolation routines.
This allows to formally specify the semantics of the interpolation routines.
The use case is such that the curves/Maps define an interpolation method. This mapping table specifies
which interpolation routine implements methods for a particular record layout. Using this information, the
implementer of a software-component can select the appropriate interpolation routine.

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Software Component Template

Class InterpolationRoutineMapping
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
interpolation InterpolationRoutine * aggr This is one particular interpolation routine which is
Routine mapped to the record layout.
swRecord SwRecordLayout 0..1 ref This refers to the record layout which is mapped to
Layout interpolation routines.

Table 5.116: InterpolationRoutineMapping

Class InterpolationRoutine
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::MeasurementAndCalibration::InterpolationRoutine
Note This represents an interpolation routine taken to evaluate the contents of a curve or map against a
specific input value.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
interpolation BswModuleEntry 0..1 ref This specifies a BswModuleEntry which implements the
Routine current interpolation method for the given record layout.
isDefault Boolean 0..1 attr This attribute specifies whether the enclosing
InterpolationRoutine is considered the default in the
context (defined by the System Template) of a given
collection InterpolationRoutineMapping that owns the
enclosing InterpolationRoutine.
shortLabel Identifier 0..1 attr This is the name of the interpolation method which is
implemented by the referenced bswModuleEntry. It
corresponds to swInterpolationMethod in SwDataDef

Table 5.117: InterpolationRoutine

5.5.6 Display Presentation

[TPS_SWCT_01756] Semantics of SwDataDefProps.displayPresentation

dThe attribute SwDataDefProps.displayPresentation is used to control the pre-
sentation of data within measurement and calibration tools.
When such a tool displays a series of measurement values its useful to indicate to the
displaying tool whether the series of measurement values can be seen as a continuous
graph or as a set of discrete values, i.e. step-wise.
For instance, a continuous graph is appropriate for the case that the values do not
bounce arbitrarily within one measurement cycle, e.g. a temperature variable.c()
On the other hand, a discrete handling is correct if each value of the measured variable
has a distinct meaning and therefore may arbitrarily change within one measurement
cycle, e.g. a state variable.

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Software Component Template

Another use case is the indication of how an ECU utilizes a DataPrototype of cate-
gory CURVE, MAP, or CUBOID to determine a single value out of one or several working
points in axis.
This can be either done via interpolation between the sampling points on each axis or
without interpolation by taking the nearest sampling point.
The first option requires the continuous representation for the determined value in the
displaying tool whereas the second option expects a discrete handling of the deter-
mined value.
[constr_1592] Definition of SwDataDefProps.displayPresentation depend-
ing on the capabilities of the data type dThe definition of a SwDataDefProps.dis-
playPresentation according to [constr_1288] and [constr_1289] shall only be ap-
plied for a DataPrototype of category ARRAY if the corresponding Application-
ArrayDataType or ImplementationDataType of category ARRAY supports the
specification of a SwDataDefProps.displayPresentation.
This rule shall be imposed at any time in the workflow.c()
[constr_1602] Definition of SwDataDefProps.displayPresentation depend-
ing on the capabilities of the element dThe definition of a SwDataDefProps.
displayPresentation according to [constr_1007] and [constr_1009] is only sup-
ported for an ApplicationArrayDataType or an ImplementationDataType of
category ARRAY if the aggregated ApplicationArrayDataType.element or
ImplementationDataType.subElement also supports the specification of a Sw-
This rule shall be imposed at any time in the workflow.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01757] Not-applicable scenario for presentationContinuous dIf
the semantics of the DataPrototype is described by means of a CompuMethod of
category TEXTTABLE, BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE or TAB_NOINTP the option to set
attribute displayPresentation is meaningless because the step-wise change of
data is an intrinsic property of the data object.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01758] Applicable value range of SwDataDefProps.displayPre-
sentation dIf the semantics of a DataPrototype is described by means of a Com-
puMethod of category IDENTICAL, LINEAR, RAT_FUNC the attribute SwDataDef-
Props.displayPresentation describes the presentation of data for the complete
value range.
If the semantics of a DataPrototype is described by means of a CompuMethod of cat-
the attribute SwDataDefProps.displayPresentation describes the presentation
of data only for the value range outside the TEXTTABLE values.c()

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Software Component Template

Enumeration DisplayPresentationEnum
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::DataDefProperties
Note This meta-class represents the ability to provide values for controlling the presentation of data within
measurement and calibration tools.
Literal Description
presentation The presentation of data shall form a continuous graph between data points.
presentation The presentation of data shall be step-shaped between data points.

Table 5.118: DisplayPresentationEnum

5.6 Specification of Constant Values

5.6.1 Overview

[TPS_SWCT_01177] Assignment of constant values dConstant values can be as-

signed to a meta-class by aggregating the meta-class ValueSpecification. This
aggregation can be used in two ways:
1. by referencing to a reusable ConstantSpecification which contains another
2. or through an inline aggregation of a value specification of various kind.
Class ConstantSpecification
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note Specification of a constant that can be part of a package, i.e. it can be defined stand-alone.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
valueSpec ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr Specification of an expression leading to a value for this
Table 5.119: ConstantSpecification

[constr_1917] Existence of ConstantSpecification.valueSpec dFor each

ConstantSpecification, the aggregation of ValueSpecification in the role
valueSpec shall exist at the time when the contract phase generation
is executed.c()

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Software Component Template

Class ValueSpecification (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note Base class for expressions leading to a value which can be used to initialize a data object.
Base ARObject
Subclasses AbstractRuleBasedValueSpecification, ApplicationValueSpecification, CompositeValueSpecification,
ConstantReference, NotAvailableValueSpecification, NumericalValueSpecification, ReferenceValue
Specification, TextValueSpecification
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
shortLabel Identifier 0..1 attr This can be used to identify particular value specifications
for human readers, for example elements of a record type.

Table 5.120: ValueSpecification

Class CompositeValueSpecification (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note This abstract meta-class acts a base class for ValueSpecifications that have a composite form.
Base ARObject, ValueSpecification
Subclasses ArrayValueSpecification, RecordValueSpecification
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 5.121: CompositeValueSpecification

Class ArrayValueSpecification
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note Specifies the values for an array.
Base ARObject, CompositeValueSpecification, ValueSpecification
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
element ValueSpecification * aggr The value for a single array element. All Value
(ordered) Specifications aggregated by ArrayValueSpecification
shall have the same structure.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
intendedPartial PositiveInteger 0..1 attr This attribute shall only have a meaning for dynamic
Initialization arrays and shall be taken as a sanity check: the number
Count filled in the attribute shall be identical to the number of
If the attribute does not exist it means that no partial
initialization is intended.
Table 5.122: ArrayValueSpecification

Class RecordValueSpecification
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note Specifies the values for a record.
Base ARObject, CompositeValueSpecification, ValueSpecification
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

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Software Component Template

Class RecordValueSpecification
field (ordered) ValueSpecification * aggr The value for a single record field. This could also be
mapped explicitly to a record element of the data type
using the shortName of the ValueSpecification. But this
would introduce a relationship to the data type that is too
strong. As of now, it is only important that the structure of
the data type matches the structure of the Value
Specification independently of the shortNames.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table 5.123: RecordValueSpecification

[constr_1918] Existence of RecordValueSpecification.field dFor each

RecordValueSpecification, the aggregation of ValueSpecification in the
role field shall exist at the time when the contract phase generation
is executed.c()
Class TextValueSpecification
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note The purpose of TextValueSpecification is to define the labels that correspond to enumeration values.
Base ARObject, ValueSpecification
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
value VerbatimString 0..1 attr This is the value itself.
Note that vt uses the | operator to separate the values for
the different bitfield masks in case that the semantics of
the related DataPrototype is described by means of a
BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE in the associated CompuMethod.

Table 5.124: TextValueSpecification

[constr_1919] Existence of TextValueSpecification.value dFor each

TextValueSpecification, attribute value shall exist at the time when the
contract phase generation is executed.c()
Class NumericalValueSpecification
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note A numerical ValueSpecification which is intended to be assigned to a Primitive data element. Note that
the numerical value is a variant, it can be computed by a formula.
Base ARObject, ValueSpecification
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
value Numerical 0..1 attr This is the value itself.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table 5.125: NumericalValueSpecification

[constr_1920] Existence of NumericalValueSpecification.value dFor each

NumericalValueSpecification, attribute value shall exist at the time when
the contract phase generation is executed.c()

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Software Component Template

Class ReferenceValueSpecification
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note Specifies a reference to a data prototype to be used as an initial value for a pointer in the software.
Base ARObject, ValueSpecification
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
referenceValue DataPrototype 0..1 ref The referenced data prototype.

Table 5.126: ReferenceValueSpecification

[constr_1921] Existence of ReferenceValueSpecification.referenceValue

dFor each ReferenceValueSpecification, attribute referenceValue shall exist
at the time when the contract phase generation is executed.c()
Figure 5.72 shows the specialized subclasses of ValueSpecification which allow
defining values for different use cases.
[TPS_SWCT_01178] Specialized subclasses of ValueSpecification dThe use
case for specialized subclasses of ValueSpecification are:
• Reference to a constant (which is actually a reusable value specification) by
means of a ConstantReference.
• TextValueSpecification
• NumericalValueSpecification
• ArrayValueSpecification
• RecordValueSpecification
• ApplicationValueSpecification: this can be used to specify the value
of Compound Primitive Data Types (see [TPS_SWCT_01179]) such as
curves and maps. It is also possible to use this in general (e.g. for a primitive
calibration value) for the specification of a value of a DataPrototype typed by
an ApplicationDataType.
Note that ApplicationValueSpecification is modeled along the example
of ASAM CDF (for more information please refer to [30]).
• reference to a DataPrototype: this can be used to describe initial values for
pointer variables in the basic software. One use case is the exchange of data de-
scriptions used to access calibration data for software emulation methods (see [6]
for details).
• ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification, inside an ArrayValue-
Specification, see [constr_1779].
• NumericalRuleBasedValueSpecification, inside an ArrayValueSpec-
ification, see [constr_1779].
• CompositeRuleBasedValueSpecification, inside an ArrayValueSpec-
ification, see [constr_1779].

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Software Component Template

It’s important to understand that although the name of the meta-class TextValue-
Specification suggests that it is the preferred way for the definition of an in-
validValue or initValue of a VariableDataPrototype/ParameterDataPro-
totype typed by an ApplicationPrimitiveDataType of category STRING the
TextValueSpecification actually has a different purpose (as defined by [con-
+valueSpec ValueSpecification
0..1 + shortLabel: Identifier [0..1]

+constant 0..1 +element 0..* {ordered} +field 0..*


ConstantReference CompositeValueSpecification NumericalValueSpecification
+ category: Identifier [0..1]
+ value: Numerical [0..1]

0..* {ordered} «atpVariation»

ReferenceValueSpecification TextValueSpecification RecordValueSpecification  
+ value: VerbatimString [0..1]

ArrayValueSpecification AbstractRuleBasedValueSpecification

+ intendedPartialInitializationCount: PositiveInteger [0..1]

0..1 +referenceValue

AtpPrototype CompositeRuleBasedValueArgument
NumericalRuleBasedValueSpecification CompositeRuleBasedValueSpecification
DataPrototype ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification
+ maxSizeToFill: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ rule: Identifier [0..1] + category: Identifier [0..1]

Figure 5.72: Summary of ValueSpecification

[constr_1284] Limitation of the use of TextValueSpecification dTextValue-

Specification shall only be used in the context of an AutosarDataType that
references a CompuMethod in the role ImplementationDataType.swDataDef-
Props.compuMethod of category TEXTTABLE and BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
In other words, the purpose of TextValueSpecification is to define the labels that
correspond to enumeration values.
The constraints [constr_1225] and [constr_1284] correspond to each other such that
[constr_1225] demands the usage of TextValueSpecification for the definition of
labels for enumeration values while [constr_1284] says that the definition of labels for
enumeration values is the only use case for TextValueSpecification.

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Software Component Template

Note that ValueSpecification does not inherit from any data type. This would
cause a redundancy19 in the meta-model since the intended data type of a given
ValueSpecification is already determined by the context in which it is aggregated.
Nonetheless, the intended data type imposes a certain constraint on the content of a
[TPS_SWCT_01838] ValueSpecification shall fit into data type dAn instance of
ValueSpecification which is used to assign a value to a software object typed by
an AutosarDataType shall fit into this AutosarDataType without losing informa-
For example, it is not allowed to assign the numerical value “1.5” as initial value to a
data prototype typed by an ImplementationDataType which has an integer base
[constr_1271] RecordValueSpecification.fields shall be identical to the
number of ApplicationRecordDataType.elements dThe initialization of an Dat-
aPrototype typed by an ApplicationRecordDataType by means of a Record-
ValueSpecification shall exactly match the structure of the Application-
For this means, it is required that the number of RecordValueSpecification.
fields shall be identical to the number of ApplicationRecordDataType.ele-
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_1272] RecordValueSpecification.fields shall be identical to the
number of subElements of ImplementationDataType of category STRUCTURE
dThe initialization of an DataPrototype typed by an ImplementationDataType of
category STRUCTURE by means of a RecordValueSpecification shall exactly
match the structure of the ImplementationDataType of category STRUCTURE.
For this means, it is required that the number of RecordValueSpecification.
fields shall be identical to the number of ImplementationDataType.subEle-
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
If the corresponding ApplicationRecordElement is typed by an Application-
RecordDataType then the comparison of structural compliance between Applica-
tionRecordDataType and ValueSpecification shall continue beyond the en-
countered NotAvailableValueSpecification.

For example, “1” can be taken as a constant value for many data types. If the ValueSpecifica-
tion were instead referring to a specific AutosarDataType it would be necessary to define a “1” for
every single AutosarDataType this value is supposed to be used in combination with.

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Software Component Template

Class NotAvailableValueSpecification
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note This meta-class provides the ability to specify a ValueSpecification to state that the respective element is
not available. This ability is needed to support the existence of ApplicationRecordElements where
attribute isOptional ist set to the value True.
Base ARObject, ValueSpecification
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
defaultPattern PositiveInteger 0..1 attr The content of this attribute shall be used to initialize gaps
in the memory occupied by a structured data type in the
case that an NotAvailableValueSpecification is used. Note
that this pattern is only applied during initialization!

Table 5.127: NotAvailableValueSpecification

For deeply nested composite data types (including ImplementationDataTypes cre-

ated in response to the existence of a Compound Primitive Data Type) [con-
str_1271], [constr_1272], and [constr_1273] shall be applied recursively according to
the nature of the given nesting levels. For the “leaf” elements [TPS_SWCT_01838]
Please find more information about the creation of rule-based ValueSpecifica-
tions in section 5.6.6.

5.6.2 Reference to Constant

Note the specific meaning of ConstantReference: it passes the definition of the

value on to a ConstantSpecification that is defined as part of an AUTOSAR
Class ConstantReference
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note Instead of defining this value inline, a constant is referenced.
Base ARObject, ValueSpecification
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
constant ConstantSpecification 0..1 ref The referenced constant.

Table 5.128: ConstantReference

[constr_1930] Existence of ConstantReference.constant dFor each Con-

stantReference, attribute constant shall exist at the time when the con-
tract phase generation is executed.c()

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Software Component Template

5.6.3 Values for Variable-Size Array

Variable-size data types have the ability to change the number of valid elements at
run-time. However, in many situations it is necessary to define an ArrayValueSpec-
ification for such a data type.
An ArrayValueSpecification that can be used for a variable-size array data type
needs to be able to handle the following cases:
• Full initialization of the entire array-data type. This case is identical to the creation
of a ArrayValueSpecification for a fixed-size array data type.
• Provision of values for the first n elements of the variable-size array. This case
is also known as partial initialization.
• Creation of an empty ArrayValueSpecification, i.e. an ArrayValueSpec-
ification carries the semantics of intentionally initializing 0 elements of a
variable-size array. Note the semantical difference between not initializing at all
and intentionally initializing 0 elements of the variable-size array.
All the described cases shall be supported by AUTOSAR. As already described, the
existence of an ArrayValueSpecification with the full number of elements is iden-
tical to the fixed size case. The "empty" case could be seen as a subset of the partial
The partial initialization of variable-size array s has two facets:
[TPS_SWCT_01793] Initialization of a variable-size array typed by an Implemen-
tationDataType dA variable-size array that is modeled by means of an Implemen-
tationDataType is actually existing as a structure consisting of a size indicator and
an array that carries the payload.
Therefore, the partial initialization shall be implemented by explicitly initializing the size
indicator to a value between 0 and the applicable ImplementationDataTypeEle-
ment.arraySize and provide the corresponding number of ValueSpecifications
for the payload.c(RS_SWCT_03175, RS_SWCT_03181)
[TPS_SWCT_01794] Initialization of a variable-size array typed by an Applica-
tionArrayDataType dA variable-size array that is modeled by means of an Ap-
plicationArrayDataType where attribute arraySizeSemantics is set to vari-
ableSize does not contain any size-indicator element and therefore requires a differ-
ent approach for partial initialization.
For this purpose, ArrayValueSpecification.intendedPartialInitializa-
tionCount shall be used for the specification of the number of elements that shall be
initialized.c(RS_SWCT_03175, RS_SWCT_03181)
The applicability of attribute ArrayValueSpecification.intendedPartialIni-
tializationCount is limited to the use case of initializing a variable-size array typed
by an ApplicationArrayDataType. AUTOSAR does not foresee any other use
case for this attribute.

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Software Component Template

[constr_1712] Existence of attribute ArrayValueSpecification.intended-

PartialInitializationCount dAn ArrayValueSpecification where at-
tribute intendedPartialInitializationCount exists shall only be applied for
the initialization of an ApplicationArrayDataType where attribute arraySize-
Semantics is set to variableSize.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_1273] Rules for the initialization of ApplicationArrayDataType by
means of ArrayValueSpecification dThe following rules apply for the initializa-
tion of a DataPrototype typed by an ApplicationArrayDataType by means of
an ArrayValueSpecification:
• If the attribute ApplicationArrayDataType.element.arraySizeSeman-
tics is set to fixedSize then the ArrayValueSpecification shall exactly
match the structure of the ApplicationArrayDataType.
This means that the number of ArrayValueSpecification.elements shall
be identical to the value of ApplicationArrayDataType.element.maxNum-
• If the attribute ApplicationArrayDataType.element.arraySizeSeman-
tics is set to variableSize and the ArrayValueSpecification does not
define attribute intendedPartialInitializationCount then ArrayVal-
ueSpecification shall exactly match the structure of the ApplicationAr-
This means that the number of ArrayValueSpecification.elements shall
be identical to the value of ApplicationArrayDataType.element.maxNum-
• If the attribute ApplicationArrayDataType.element.arraySizeSeman-
tics is set to variableSize and the ArrayValueSpecification spec-
ifies a value for attribute intendedPartialInitializationCount then
ArrayValueSpecification shall contain exactly intendedPartialIni-
tializationCount elements.
This includes the case that the value of intendedPartialInitialization-
Count is set to 0 (i.e. "empty" initialization) and the case that the intended-
PartialInitializationCount is set to the value of the respective Appli-
cationArrayElement.maxNumberOfElements (i.e. "full" initialization).
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_1274] Rules for the initialization of array-shaped Implementation-
DataType with a fixed size by means of ArrayValueSpecification dThe follow-
ing rule applies for the initialization of a DataPrototype typed by an Implementa-
tionDataType of category ARRAY where attribute ImplementationDataType.

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subElement.arraySizeSemantics is set to fixedSize by means of an Array-

ValueSpecification: the ArrayValueSpecification shall exactly match the
structure of the ImplementationDataType.
This means that the number of ArrayValueSpecification.elements shall be
identical to the value of ImplementationDataType.subElement.arraySize.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
Please note that the initialization of an ImplementationDataType that represents a
variable-size array is clarified in [TPS_SWCT_01793].
More details can be found in section 5.6.6.

5.6.4 Values for Compound Primitive Data Types

[TPS_SWCT_01180] Maximum possible size of Compound Primitive Data

Type dNote that if the size of the Compound Primitive Data Type (see
[TPS_SWCT_01179]) (curve/map) is defined using an AttributeValueVaria-
tionPoint (in other words swMaxAxisPoints, swValueBlockSize, swValue-
BlockSizeMult dependent on the value of SwSystemconst) the initValue shall
provide the maximum possible amount of values.c(RS_SWCT_03216)
In this case it is the responsibility of model author to ensure that the size of the specified
init values matches the range of the involved system constants.
Class SwSystemconst
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::SystemConstant
Note This element defines a system constant which serves an input to select a particular variation point. In
particular a system constant serves as an operand of the binding function (swSyscond) in a Variation
Note that the binding process can only happen if a value was assigned to to the referenced system
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpDefinition, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
swDataDef SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr This denotes the data definition properties of the system
Props constant. This supports to express the limits and
optionally a conversion within the internal to physical
values by a compu method.

Table 5.129: SwSystemconst

[TPS_SWCT_01839] Size of Compound Primitive Data Type is variant dFor

Compound Primitive Data Types (see [TPS_SWCT_01179]) where the size is
subject to variation the size of the specified initValues shall match the range of the
involved SwSystemconst.c(RS_SWCT_03216, RS_SWCT_03148)

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[TPS_SWCT_01181] Bound model specifies a primitive which is smaller than the

maximum defined by the range of the involved SwSystemconst dThe processing
tools shall take the lower part of the initValues in case the bound model specifies
a primitive which is smaller than the maximum defined by the range of the involved
SwSystemconst.c(RS_SWCT_03216, RS_SWCT_03148)
The consequences of [TPS_SWCT_01181] are exemplified by Figure 5.73.

Figure 5.73: Explanation of swMaxAxisPoints

[constr_2050] Mandatory information of a SwAxisCont dIf the attribute swAxis-

Cont is defined for an ApplicationValueSpecification the SwAxisCont shall
define one swAxisIndex value and one swArraysize value per dimension, even
in the case when the owning ApplicationValueSpecification defines only the
content of a single dimensional object like a CURVE.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_2051] Mandatory information of a SwValueCont dIf the attribute swVal-
ueCont is defined for an ApplicationValueSpecification the SwValueCont

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shall always define the attribute swArraysize if the ApplicationValueSpecifi-

cation is of category CURVE, MAP, CUBOID, CUBE_4, CUBE_5, COM_AXIS, RES_-
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
Please note that for multidimensional Compound Primitive Data Types (e.g.
MAP) it is necessary to know the dimensions in order to be able to process the SwVal-
ues. [constr_2050] and [constr_2051] shall support a consistent handling of single and
multidimensional Compound Primitive Data Types.

+ category: Identifier [0..1]

+swAxisCont 0..* {ordered} Unit +swValueCont 0..1
+unit +unit
SwAxisCont + factorSiToUnit: Float [0..1] SwValueCont
0..1 + offsetSiToUnit: Float [0..1]
+ category: CalprmAxisCategoryEnum [0..1] 0..1
+ swAxisIndex: AxisIndexType [0..1]

+swArraysize + v: Numerical [0..1] +swArraysize

0..1 «atpVariation»
+ vf: Numerical [0..*] {ordered}

+swValuesPhys 0..1 +swValuesPhys 0..1


+ v: Numerical [0..1]
+ vt: VerbatimString [0..1]
+ vf: Numerical [0..1]

+vgContents 0..1
+vg 0..1       «atpVariation»
stdAxis +vtf 0..1
ValueGroup fixAXIS
comAxis NumericalOrText
+ vt: String [0..1]
+label 0..1
+ vf: Numerical [0..1]


Figure 5.74: Definition of an ApplicationValueSpecification

[constr_2052] Values of swArraysize and the number of values provided by

swValuesPhys shall be consistent. dswValuesPhys shall define as many values
as the attribute swArraysize (if this attribute exists) defines.
In other words, in the bound model the number of descendants (v, or vf, or vt, or vtf)
shall be identical to the number of elements of the related DataPrototype typed by
an ApplicationPrimitiveDataType.
If several swArraysize values are provided, the values have to be multiplied in order
to get the total number of swValuesPhys values.

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This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
Please note that case of Compound Primitive Data Types typically the attribute
swValuesPhys defines more than one value. [constr_2051] and [constr_2052] shall
enable a consistent handling of the swValuesPhys values regardless how many di-
mensions the related Compound Primitive Data Type defines.
If the ApplicationValueSpecification defines values for a Compound Prim-
itive Data Type with more than one input axis the swArraysize gets mandatory
to ensure the correct processing of the swValuesPhys values independent of the ex-
istence of SwValues.vg.
[TPS_SWCT_02001] Values of SwAxisCont with the category COM_AXIS, RES_-
AXIS are for display only dIn case of ApplicationValueSpecifications of
category MAP, CUBOID, CUBE_4, CUBE_5, and CURVE it is possible that the SwAx-
isCont of axes can be omitted if the axis is of category COM_AXIS or RES_AXIS.
If SwAxisCont values exists in such cases for the axes these are for display purpose
only because the related DataPrototype of the MAP, CUBOID, CUBE_4, CUBE_-
5, or CURVE does not hold the values of such axes. These are properties of the
DataPrototype of the COM_AXIS or RES_AXIS.c()
Hence, values of the COM_AXIS itself are described by SwValueCont.
[constr_1243] NumericalOrText shall either define vf or vt dWithin the context
of one NumericalOrText, either the attribute vf or the attribute vt shall be defined.
The existence of both attributes at the same time is not permitted.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
Attribute Existence per Category







Attribute of ApplicationValueSpecification
swValueCont D D D D D D D D D D
swValueCont.unit O O O O O O O O O O
swValueCont.swValuesPhys D D D D D D D D D D
swValueCont.swArraysize N/A N/A N/A D D D D D D D
swAxisCont N/A N/A N/A N/A D D D D D D
swAxisCont.unit N/A N/A N/A N/A O O O O O O
swAxisCont.category N/A N/A N/A N/A D D D D D D
swAxisCont.swAxisIndex N/A N/A N/A N/A D D D D D D
swAxisCont.swArraysize N/A N/A N/A N/A D D D D D D
swAxisCont.swValuesPhys N/A N/A N/A N/A D O(1) O(1) O(1) O(1) O(1)

Table 5.130: Allowed Attributes vs. category for ApplicationValueSpecification

The following legend applies to the cells in table 5.130:

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D Define the attribute.

N/A Attribute is not applicable for usage in the scope of this element.
O Optionally define the attribute.
In addition to the primary cell legend the following annotations apply to the cells in
table 5.81:
(1) Optional if COM_AXIS or RES_AXIS is used, otherwise attribute shall exist.
[constr_1519] Existence of attributes vs. category of ApplicationValue-
Specification dThe existence of attributes of meta-class ApplicationValue-
Specification vs. the value of category is regulated by Table 5.130.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
Class ApplicationValueSpecification
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note This meta-class represents values for DataPrototypes typed by ApplicationDataTypes (this includes in
particular compound primitives).
For further details refer to ASAM CDF 2.0. This meta-class corresponds to some extent with
Base ARObject, CompositeRuleBasedValueArgument, ValueSpecification
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
category Identifier 0..1 attr Specifies to which category of ApplicationDataType this
ApplicationValueSpecification can be applied (e.g. as an
initial value), thus imposing constraints on the structure
and semantics of the contained values, see [constr_1006]
and [constr_2051].
swAxisCont SwAxisCont * aggr This represents the axis values of a Compound Primitive
(ordered) Data Type (curve or map).
The first swAxisCont describes the x-axis, the second sw
AxisCont describes the y-axis, the third swAxisCont
describes the z-axis. In addition to this, the axis can be
denoted in swAxisIndex.
swValueCont SwValueCont 0..1 aggr This represents the values of a Compound Primitive Data

Table 5.131: ApplicationValueSpecification

Class SwAxisCont
Package M2::MSR::CalibrationData::CalibrationValue
Note This represents the values for the axis of a compound primitive (curve, map).
For standard and fix axes, SwAxisCont contains the values of the axis directly.
The axis values of SwAxisCont with the category COM_AXIS, RES_AXIS are for display only. For editing
and processing, only the values in the related GroupAxis are binding.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

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Class SwAxisCont
category CalprmAxisCategory 0..1 attr This category specifies the particular axis types:
• RES_AXIS (swArraysize necessary)
swArraysize ValueList 0..1 aggr For multidimensional compound primitivies (curve, map
...) it is necessary to know the dimensions.They are
specified using swArraySize.
swAxisIndex AxisIndexType 0..1 attr This property allows to explicitly assign the axis contents
to a particular axis. It is specified by numbers where 1
corresponds to the x-axis. It is also possible to derive the
axis association from the sequence of the parent.
swValuesPhys SwValues 0..1 aggr swValuesPhys represents the values in the physical
unit Unit 0..1 ref This represents the physical unit of the provided values.
unitDisplay SingleLanguageUnit 0..1 aggr This represents the display name which is used for the
Name Names physical unit of the axis.

Table 5.132: SwAxisCont

[constr_10017] Existence of attribute SwAxisCont.category dFor each SwAxis-

Cont, attribute category shall exist at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()
[constr_10040] Value of ApplicationValueSpecification.swAxisCont.cat-
egory dThe value of attribute ApplicationValueSpecification.swAxisCont.
category shall not be set to fixAXIS at the time when the contract
phase generation is executed.c()
Rationale for the existence of [constr_10040]: the value fixAXIS for category indi-
cates that the respective axis that is calculated out of the value of calibration parame-
ters. Obviously, it does not make sense to initialize an axis of this kind and therefore it
is excluded from the usage inside an ApplicationValueSpecification.
[constr_10018] Existence of attribute SwAxisCont.swAxisIndex dFor each
SwAxisCont, attribute swAxisIndex shall exist at the time when the con-
tract phase generation is executed.c()
[constr_10019] Existence of attribute SwAxisCont.swValuesPhys dFor each
SwAxisCont, attribute swValuesPhys shall exist at the time when the con-
tract phase generation is executed.c()

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Class SwValueCont
Package M2::MSR::CalibrationData::CalibrationValue
Note This metaclass represents the content of one particular SwInstance.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
swArraysize ValueList 0..1 aggr This attribute defines the size of each dimension for
compound primitives CURVE, MAP, CUBOID, CUBE_4,
For each dimension one value has to be defined, e.g. one
in case of COM_AXIS and two or more in case of MAP.
swValuesPhys SwValues 0..1 aggr swValuesPhys represents the values in the physical
unit Unit 0..1 ref This represents the physical unit of the provided values.
unitDisplay SingleLanguageUnit 0..1 aggr This specifies how the physical units of the current value
Name Names set shall be displayed in documents or in user interfaces
of tools.

Table 5.133: SwValueCont

Class <<atpMixed>> SwValues

Package M2::MSR::CalibrationData::CalibrationValue
Note This meta-class represents a list of values. These values can either be the input values of a curve
(abscissa values) or the associated values (ordinate values).
In case of multidimensional structures, the values are ordered such that the lowest index runs the fastest.
In particular for maps and cuboids etc. the resulting long value list can be subsectioned using Value
Group. But the processing needs to be done as if vg is not there.
Note that numerical values and textual values should not be mixed.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
v Numerical 0..1 attr This is a non variant Value. It is provided for sake of
Compatibility to ASAM CDF.
vf Numerical 0..1 attr This allows to specify the value as VariationPoint. It is
distinguished to non variant for sake of compatibility to
Stereotypes: atpVariation
vg ValueGroup 0..1 aggr This allows to have intersections in the values in order to
support specific rendering (eg. using stylesheets). For
tools it is important that the v values are always
processed in the same (flattened) order and the tool is
able to interpret it without respecting vg.

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Class <<atpMixed>> SwValues
vt VerbatimString 0..1 attr This represents the values of textual data elements
(Strings). Note that vt uses the | to separate the values for
the different bitfield masks in case that the semantics of
the related DataPrototype is described by means of a
BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE in the associated CompuMethod.
vtf NumericalOrText 0..1 aggr This aggregation represents the ability to provide a value
that is either numerical or text which existence is subject
to variability.
From the formal point of view, the aggregation needs to
have the multiplicity 1 because SwValues is modelled with
stereotype <<atpMixed>>. Nevertheless, the existence of
vtf is optional and subject to constraints.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table 5.134: SwValues

Class ValueGroup
Package M2::MSR::CalibrationData::CalibrationValue
Note This element enables values to be grouped. It can be used to perform row and column-orientated
groupings, so that these can be rendered properly e.g. as a table.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
label MultilanguageLong 0..1 aggr This label allows to give the valueGroup a particular
Name name. It can be used if the Values are rendered as a
vgContents SwValues 0..1 aggr This represents the contents of the value group.

Table 5.135: ValueGroup

Class <<atpMixed>> ValueList

Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::DataDefProperties
Note This is a generic list of numerical values.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
v Numerical 0..1 attr This is a particular numerical value without variation.

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Class <<atpMixed>> ValueList
vf (ordered) Numerical * attr This is one entry in the list of numerical values
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table 5.136: ValueList

Class NumericalOrText
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note This meta-class represents the ability to yield either a numerical or a string. A typical use case is that two
or more instances of this meta-class are aggregated with a VariationPoint where some instances yield
strings while other instances yield numerical depending on the resolution of the binding expression.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
vf Numerical 0..1 attr This attribute represents the ability to provide a numerical
value. The latest binding time of the VariationPoint shall
be preCompileTime.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
vt String 0..1 attr This attribute represents the ability to provide a textual

Table 5.137: NumericalOrText


A CompuMethod of category BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE effectively defines a data type

where single bits or a set of single bits have an individual meaning.
In other words, the definition of a ValueSpecification according to a Com-
puMethod of category BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE translates into the statement: “each
unique value of attribute CompuScale.mask (because this is how the single bits or
sets of single bits are identified) in the context of the enclosing CompuMethod delivers
one contribution to the definition of the ValueSpecification”.
[TPS_SWCT_01792] Initialization of a DataPrototype associated with a Com-
puMethod of category BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE dThe initialization of a DataPro-
totype associated with a CompuMethod of category BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE re-
quires the simultaneous initialization of all single bits or sets of bits represented by the
respective definition of bitmask.

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Access to the elements is possible by using bit-operations, therefore the initialization

needs to be defined in a way that bit-operations can be used to apply the provided
In other words, the overall value shall be created out of bitwise or-ing (represented by
the usage of the “|” symbol) contributions from the individual subsets.c()
Listing 5.20 shows the definition of an ApplicationValueSpecification that can
be taken e.g. for the initialization of a DataPrototype typed by an Application-
DataType that refers to a CompuMethod of category BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE.
Listing 5.20: Example for the definition of an ApplicationValueSpecification for

Listing 5.21 shows the definition of an TextValueSpecification that can be

taken e.g. for the initialization of a DataPrototype typed by an Implementation-
DataType that refers to a CompuMethod of category BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE.
Listing 5.21: Example for the definition of a TextValueSpecification for BITFIELD_-

Listing 5.22 shows the definition of an NumericalValueSpecification that can be

taken e.g. for the initialization of a DataPrototype typed by an Implementation-
DataType that refers to a CompuMethod of category BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE.
Listing 5.22: Example for the definition of a NumericalValueSpecification for BIT-

Please note that areas of the initialized DataPrototype that are not covered by the
bit-masks may contain arbitrary values. If this needs to be avoided, it is necessary
to add “dummy” bit-masks to the semantically not relevant parts of the value of the

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5.6.6 Specification of Values based on Rules Support for primitive Data Types

[TPS_SWCT_01484] Meaning of ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification

dThe purpose of the ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification is to provide
means for a compact provision of values for DataPrototypes that otherwise would
require a high volume (in terms of serialized ARXML) of e.g. initialization data.
ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification may be used for Application-
ArrayDataType, and also (if applicable) to the so-called Compound Primitive
Data Types.c(RS_SWCT_03260)
For example, an ApplicationArrayDataType that has 100 elements would need
to be initialized such that for each element a dedicated initial value is provided.
In the most prominent cases the majority of these elements are initialized with an iden-
tical value (e.g. 0) and only the first few elements differ in terms of initialization values.
Please note that ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification applies for arrays
typed by a primitive data type. Rule-based value specification of arrays of a composite
data type is done by means of the CompositeRuleBasedValueSpecification.
Class AbstractRuleBasedValueSpecification (abstract)
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note This represents an abstract base class for all rule-based value specifications.
Base ARObject, ValueSpecification
Subclasses ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification, CompositeRuleBasedValueSpecification, NumericalRuleBased
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 5.138: AbstractRuleBasedValueSpecification

[constr_1779] Scope of the definition of an AbstractRuleBasedValueSpeci-

fication dAn AbstractRuleBasedValueSpecification shall only be defined
in the context of an ArrayValueSpecification or a ConstantSpecification.
If the AbstractRuleBasedValueSpecification is defined in the context of a
ConstantSpecification then a reference to this ConstantSpecification shall
only be created in the context of an ArrayValueSpecification.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
Class ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants

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Class ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification
Note This meta-class represents rule based values for DataPrototypes typed by ApplicationDataTypes
(ApplicationArrayDataType or a compound ApplicationPrimitiveDataType which also boils down to an
Base ARObject, AbstractRuleBasedValueSpecification, CompositeRuleBasedValueArgument, Value
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
category Identifier 0..1 attr This represents the category of the RuleBasedValue
swAxisCont RuleBasedAxisCont * aggr This represents the axis values of a Compound Primitive
(ordered) Data Type (curve or map).
The first swAxisCont describes the x-axis, the second sw
AxisCont describes the y-axis, the third swAxisCont
describes the z-axis. In addition to this, the axis can be
denoted in swAxisIndex.
swValueCont RuleBasedValueCont 0..1 aggr This represents the values of an array or Compound
Primitive Data Type.

Table 5.139: ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification

[constr_1922] Existence of ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification.

category dFor each ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification, attribute
category shall exist at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
Please note that attribute ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification.cate-
gory is mentioned in [constr_2058], which would fail if the attribute does not exist.
[constr_10041] Value of ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification.swAx-
isCont.category dThe value of ApplicationValueSpecification.swAxis-
Cont.category shall not be set to fixAXISc()
Rationale for the existence of [constr_10041]: the value fixAXIS of attribute cate-
gory indicates that the respective axis that is calculated out of the value of calibration
parameters. Obviously, it does not make sense to initialize an axis of this kind and
therefore it is excluded from the usage inside an ApplicationRuleBasedValue-
Class RuleBasedAxisCont
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note This represents the values for the axis of a compound primitive (curve, map).
For standard and fix axes, SwAxisCont contains the values of the axis directly.
The axis values of SwAxisCont with the category COM_AXIS, RES_AXIS are for display only. For editing
and processing, only the values in the related GroupAxis are binding.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

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Class RuleBasedAxisCont
category CalprmAxisCategory 0..1 attr This category specifies the particular axis types:
• RES_AXIS (swArraysize necessary)
ruleBased RuleBasedValue 0..1 aggr This represents the rule based value specification for the
Values Specification axis of a compound primitive (curve, map).
swArraysize ValueList 0..1 aggr For multidimensional compound primitives (curve, map ...)
it is necessary to know the dimensions.They are specified
using swArraySize.
swAxisIndex AxisIndexType 0..1 attr This property allows to explicitly assign the axis contents
to a particular axis. It is specified by numbers where 1
corresponds to the x-axis. It is also possible to derive the
axis association from the sequence of the parent.
unit Unit 0..1 ref This represents the physical unit of the provided values.

Table 5.140: RuleBasedAxisCont

[constr_1923] Existence of RuleBasedAxisCont.ruleBasedValues dFor each

RuleBasedAxisCont, attribute ruleBasedValues shall exist at the time when
the contract phase generation is executed.c()
Class RuleBasedValueCont
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note This represents the values of a compound primitive (CURVE, MAP, CUBOID, CUBE_4, CUBE_5, VAL_
BLK) or an array.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
ruleBased RuleBasedValue 0..1 aggr This represents the rule based value specification for the
Values Specification array or compound primitive (CURVE, MAP, CUBOID,
swArraysize ValueList 0..1 aggr This attribute defines the size of each dimension for
compound primitives CURVE, MAP, CUBOID, CUBE_4,
For each dimension one value has to be defined, e.g. one
in case of COM_AXIS and two or more in case of MAP.

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Class RuleBasedValueCont
unit Unit 0..1 ref This represents the physical unit of the provided values.

Table 5.141: RuleBasedValueCont

[constr_1924] Existence of RuleBasedValueCont.ruleBasedValues dFor each

RuleBasedValueCont, attribute ruleBasedValues shall exist at the time
when the contract phase generation is executed.c()
In case the ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification is applied to Com-
pound Primitive Data Types basically the same rules apply for Application-
RuleBasedValueSpecification as defined for ApplicationValueSpecifi-
[constr_2057] Mandatory information of a RuleBasedAxisCont dIf the attribute
swAxisCont is defined for an ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification the
RuleBasedAxisCont shall define one swAxisIndex value and one swArraysize
value per dimension, even in the case when the owning ApplicationRuleBased-
ValueSpecification defines only the content of a single dimensional object like a
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_2058] Mandatory information of a RuleBasedValueCont dIf the attribute
swValueCont is defined for an ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification
the RuleBasedValueCont shall always define the attribute swArraysize if the
ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification is of category CURVE, MAP,
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
Please note that the definition of attribute swArraysize is not required for an Appli-
cationRuleBasedValueSpecification of category ARRAY because the appli-
cable size can typically be derived from the context.
Please note further that for multidimensional Compound Primitive Data Types
(e.g. MAP) it is necessary to know the dimensions in order to be able to process the
SwValues. [constr_2057] and [constr_2058] shall support a consistent handling of
single and multidimensional Compound Primitive Data Types.
If the ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification defines values for a Com-
pound Primitive Data Type with more than one input axis the swArraysize
gets mandatory to ensure the correct processing of the values calculated by rule.

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+ category: Identifier [0..1]

+swAxisCont 0..* {ordered} Unit +swValueCont 0..1
+unit +unit
RuleBasedAxisCont + factorSiToUnit: Float [0..1] RuleBasedValueCont
0..1 + offsetSiToUnit: Float [0..1] 0..1
+ category: CalprmAxisCategoryEnum [0..1]
+ swAxisIndex: AxisIndexType [0..1]
+swArraysize +swArraysize
+ v: Numerical [0..1]
0..1 0..1
+ vf: Numerical [0..*] {ordered}

+ruleBasedValues 0..1 +ruleBasedValues 0..1


+ maxSizeToFill: Integer [0..1]

+ rule: Identifier [0..1]

+arguments 0..1    
+ v: Numerical [0..1] +vtf
+ vt: VerbatimString [0..1] + vt: String [0..1]
«atpVariation» «atpVariation» 0..1 «atpVariation»
+ vf: Numerical [0..1] + vf: Numerical [0..1]

Figure 5.75: Definition of an ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification

[TPS_SWCT_02053] Values of RuleBasedAxisCont with the category COM_-

AXIS, RES_AXIS are for display only dIn case of ApplicationRuleBasedValue-
Specifications of category MAP, CUBOID, CUBE_4, CUBE_5 or CURVE it is pos-
sible that the RuleBasedAxisCont of axes can be omitted if the axis is of category
If RuleBasedAxisCont values exists in such cases for the axes these are for display
purpose only because the related DataPrototype of the MAP or CURVE does not
hold the values of such axes. These are properties of the DataPrototype of the
Hence, values of the COM_AXIS itself are described by RuleBasedValueCont.
[TPS_SWCT_01528] Meaning of NumericalRuleBasedValueSpecification
dThe purpose of the NumericalRuleBasedValueSpecification is to provide
means for a compact provision of values for DataPrototypes that otherwise would
require a high volume (in terms of serialized ARXML) of e.g. initialization data. Numer-
icalRuleBasedValueSpecification may used for DataPrototypes typed by
ImplementationDataTypes of category ARRAY or Compound Primitive Data
Types mapped to ImplementationDataTypes of category ARRAY.c(RS_SWCT_-
Concerning initValues for Compound Primitive Data Types please note as
well [TPS_SWCT_01185].

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Class NumericalRuleBasedValueSpecification
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note This meta-class is used to support a rule-based initialization approach for data types with an array-nature
(ImplementationDataType of category ARRAY).
Base ARObject, AbstractRuleBasedValueSpecification, ValueSpecification
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
ruleBased RuleBasedValue 0..1 aggr This represents the rule based value specification for the
Values Specification array.

Table 5.142: NumericalRuleBasedValueSpecification

[constr_1925] Existence of NumericalRuleBasedValueSpecification.rule-

BasedValues dFor each NumericalRuleBasedValueSpecification, attribute
ruleBasedValues shall exist at the time when the contract phase gen-
eration is executed.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01495] Standardized value of RuleBasedValueSpecification.
rule dAUTOSAR reserves a dedicated value of RuleBasedValueSpecification.
rule and CompositeRuleBasedValueSpecification.rule in a standardized
The meaning of this value of rule is explained in [TPS_SWCT_01494] and
[TPS_SWCT_01609].c(RS_SWCT_03260, RS_SWCT_03181)
[TPS_SWCT_01485] The order of RuleArguments arguments shall be respected
dThe order of arguments in RuleArguments corresponds to the order of elements in
the array, i.e. the first argument corresponds to the first element of the array, the second
argument corresponds to the second element of the array, and so on.c(RS_SWCT_-
+ruleBasedValues NumericalRuleBasedValueSpecification
+ maxSizeToFill: Integer [0..1]
+ rule: Identifier [0..1] 0..1

+arguments 0..1

+ v: Numerical [0..1] +vtf
+ vt: VerbatimString [0..1] «atpVariation» 0..1 + vt: String [0..1]
«atpVariation» «atpVariation»
+ vf: Numerical [0..1] + vf: Numerical [0..1]

Figure 5.76: Definition of an NumericalRuleBasedValueSpecification

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Please note that a single argument can be defined by the attributes

• RuleArguments.v
• RuleArguments.vf
• RuleArguments.vt
• RuleArguments.vtf.vf
• RuleArguments.vtf.vt
[TPS_SWCT_01493] The number of RuleBasedValueSpecification.argu-
ments shall not exceed the array size dIf the number of RuleBasedValueSpeci-
fication.arguments exceeds the number of elements of an array that it is applied
to then the RuleBasedValueSpecification.arguments that go beyond the last
element of the array shall be ignored.c(RS_SWCT_03260)
[TPS_SWCT_01494] A RuleBasedValueSpecification of rule FILL_UNTIL_
END shall fill the value of the last RuleBasedValueSpecification.arguments
until the last element of the array dThe following rule applies to RuleBasedValue-
Specifications of rule FILL_UNTIL_END:
If the number of RuleBasedValueSpecification.arguments is smaller than the
number of elements of the array it is applied to then the value of the last RuleBased-
ValueSpecification.arguments shall be applied to any following element of the
array until the last element of the array.c(RS_SWCT_03260)
[TPS_SWCT_01609] A RuleBasedValueSpecification of rule FILL_UNTIL_
MAX_SIZE shall fill the value of the last RuleBasedValueSpecification.argu-
ments until the number of elements specified in maxSizeToFill dThe following
rule applies to RuleBasedValueSpecifications of rule FILL_UNTIL_MAX_-
If the number of RuleBasedValueSpecification.arguments is smaller than the
number of elements of the array it is applied to and smaller than maxSizeToFill, then
the value of the last RuleBasedValueSpecification.arguments shall be applied
to so many of the following elements that the first maxSizeToFill elements of the
array are filled.c(RS_SWCT_03260)
Class RuleBasedValueSpecification
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note This meta-class is used to support a rule-based initialization approach for data types with an array-nature
(ApplicationArrayDataType and ImplementationDataType of category ARRAY) or a compound Application
PrimitiveDataType (which also boils down to an array-nature).
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

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Class RuleBasedValueSpecification
arguments RuleArguments 0..1 aggr This represents the arguments for the RuleBasedValue
Stereotypes: atpVariation
maxSizeToFill Integer 0..1 attr If a rule is chosen which does not fill until the end, this
determines until which size the rule shall fill the values.
rule Identifier 0..1 attr This denotes the name of the rule of the RuleBasedValue
Specification. The rule determines the calculation
specification according which the arguments are used to
calculated the values.

Table 5.143: RuleBasedValueSpecification

[constr_1926] Existence of RuleBasedValueSpecification.rule dFor each

RuleBasedValueSpecification, attribute rule shall exist at the time when
the contract phase generation is executed.c()
[constr_1927] Existence of RuleBasedValueSpecification.arguments dFor
each RuleBasedValueSpecification, the aggregation of RuleArguments in the
role arguments shall exist at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
Class <<atpMixed>> RuleArguments
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note This represents the arguments for a rule-based value specification.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
v Numerical 0..1 attr This represents a numerical value for the RuleBased
vf Numerical 0..1 attr This represents a numerical value for the RuleBased
ValueSpecification which may subject to variability. The
latest binding time of the VariationPoint shall be pre
Stereotypes: atpVariation
vt VerbatimString 0..1 attr This represents a textual value for the RuleBasedValue
vtf NumericalOrText 0..1 aggr This aggregation represents the ability to provide a value
that is either numerical or text which existence is subject
to variability.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table 5.144: RuleArguments

As an example for the application of a RuleBasedValueSpecification, consider

the following scenario:

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1 0 0

Figure 5.77: Value specification for a simple array

The sketched array depicted in Figure 5.77 corresponds to the modeling exemplified in
Listing 5.23.
Listing 5.23: Value specification for a simple array

Please note that it is not foreseen that an ArrayValueSpecification consist of a

collection of ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecifications or even a mixture of
ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification with another kind of ValueSpec-
[constr_10009] Aggregation of ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification
dEach ArrayValueSpecification shall only aggregate at most one Applica-
tionRuleBasedValueSpecification in the role element.
If one ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification is aggregated then it shall
be the only aggregated element, i.e. no further ValueSpecification shall exist in
the same aggregation where an ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification is
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
Please note that it is not foreseen that an ArrayValueSpecification consist of
a collection of NumericalRuleBasedValueSpecification or even a mixture of

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NumericalRuleBasedValueSpecification with another kind of ValueSpeci-

[constr_1754] Aggregation of NumericalRuleBasedValueSpecification
dEach ArrayValueSpecification shall only aggregate at most one Numerical-
RuleBasedValueSpecification in the role element.
If one NumericalRuleBasedValueSpecification is aggregated then it shall be
the only aggregated element, i.e. no further ValueSpecification shall exist in the
same aggregation where an NumericalRuleBasedValueSpecification is ag-
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c() Support for composite Data Types

[TPS_SWCT_01692] Meaning of CompositeRuleBasedValueSpecification

dThe rule-based initialization of arrays of a composite data type is modeled by means
of the CompositeRuleBasedValueSpecification.c(RS_SWCT_03260)
Class CompositeRuleBasedValueSpecification
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note This meta-class represents rule-based values for DataPrototypes typed by composite AutosarDataTypes.
Base ARObject, AbstractRuleBasedValueSpecification, ValueSpecification
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
argument CompositeValue * aggr This represents the collection of aggregated Value
(ordered) Specification Specifications. The last ValueSpecification in the
collection shall be taken to execute the filling rule.
compound CompositeRuleBased * aggr This represents the collection of aggregated Value
Primitive ValueArgument Specifications for compound primitive data type. The last
Argument ValueSpecification in the collection shall be taken to
(ordered) execute the filling rule.
maxSizeToFill PositiveInteger 0..1 attr If a rule is chosen which does not fill until the end, this
determines until which size the rule shall fill the values.
rule Identifier 0..1 attr This denotes the name of the rule of the RuleBasedValue
Specification. The rule determines the calculation
specification according which the arguments are used to
calculated the values.

Table 5.145: CompositeRuleBasedValueSpecification

[constr_1928] Existence of CompositeRuleBasedValueSpecification.rule

dFor each CompositeRuleBasedValueSpecification, attribute rule shall exist
at the time when the contract phase generation is executed.c()

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[constr_1929] Existence of CompositeRuleBasedValueSpecification.argu-

ment dFor each CompositeRuleBasedValueSpecification, the aggregation of
CompositeValueSpecification in the role argument shall exist at the time
when the contract phase generation is executed.c()

+ shortLabel: Identifier [0..1]

+field 0..* {ordered} +element 0..* {ordered}


AbstractRuleBasedValueSpecification CompositeValueSpecification
+argument 0..* {ordered}

RecordValueSpecification ArrayValueSpecification

+ intendedPartialInitializationCount: PositiveInteger [0..1]


+ maxSizeToFill: PositiveInteger [0..1]

+ rule: Identifier [0..1]

Figure 5.78: Rule-based value specification of arrays of a composite data type

As an example of how the rule-based initialization of composite data structures works,

please consider the composite structure sketched in Figure 5.79. In simple terms, it
describes an array consisting of elements that themselves are typed by a structure of
two primitive elements.

Figure 5.79: Example for the explanation of rule-based composite value-specification

In this example, the element “a” of the first structure shall be initialized with the value 1,
the corresponding “b” element shall be assigned a 10. All other values in all following
elements shall be set to 0. This is also indicated by the numbers in ellipses in Figure
The implementation of the example in ARXML is illustrated in Listing 5.24. As already
explained before, the last (in the order of appearance) ValueSpecification in the
context of an AbstractRuleBasedValueSpecification is taken to execute the
rule (as described above).

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Listing 5.24: Example for composite rule-based value specification


A more complicated example is sketched in Figure 5.80. Here, a deeply nested com-
posite data structure is described: an array of structures that in turn contain an array.
To keep the ARXML listing as simple as possible, the example assumes that all (as
opposed to the initialization of the first, and then of all other elements) “struct” elements
shall be initialized with the same value.

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Figure 5.80: Value specification for a deeply nested array

The deeply nested “array” is initialized by means of an ApplicationRuleBased-

Listing 5.25: Value specification for a deeply nested array

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Please note that it is not foreseen that an ArrayValueSpecification consist of

a collection of CompositeRuleBasedValueSpecification or even a mixture of
CompositeRuleBasedValueSpecification with another kind of ValueSpeci-
[constr_1755] Aggregation of CompositeRuleBasedValueSpecification
dEach ArrayValueSpecification shall only aggregate at most one Compos-
iteRuleBasedValueSpecification in the role element.
If one CompositeRuleBasedValueSpecification is aggregated then it shall be
the only aggregated element, i.e. no further ValueSpecification shall exist in the
same aggregation where an CompositeRuleBasedValueSpecification is ag-
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()

0 0 0
a14 a24 a34
0 0 0
a13 a23 a33
1 0 0
a12 a22 a32
2 1 1
a11 a21 a31
nd nd
yDim (2nd dim) yDim (2 dim) yDim (2 dim)

xDim (1st dim)

Figure 5.81: Rule-based Value specification for a 2-dimensional array

As another variation of the theme, the rule-based initialization of multi-dimensional

arrays shall be discussed.
Consequently, the following example extends the one-dimensional rule-based Value-
Specification (see Figure 5.77) to a second dimension. The general layout is sketched
in the following figure:

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For the sake of clarity, the picture has been drawn to align the first dimension (the x-
axis) of the two-dimensional array with the horizontal direction an the second dimension
(the y-axis) with the vertical direction.
The direction index values of each array element are visible as subscript on the bottom
right of the element, i.e. a12 indicates that the element is part of the first element on the
x-axis and represents the second element of the y-axis. The initial value of element a12
shall be 1.
As indicated by the sketch in Figure 5.81, the second element (i.e. the “vertical” array,
i.e. everything from a21 to a24 ) and all following (i.e. everything from a31 to a34 ) shall
have the identical initial values. The first element deviates from the second in terms of
initial values.
The creation of the ArrayValueSpecification for this example is based on the
definition of a CompositeRuleBasedValueSpecification with two arguments:
• an ArrayValueSpecification that carries an ApplicationRuleBased-
ValueSpecification for the first element (that itself is an array) on the x-
dimension and
• an ArrayValueSpecification that carries an ApplicationRuleBased-
ValueSpecification for each of the remaining elements (that itself are ar-
rays) on the x-dimension.
Listing 5.26: Value specification for a 2-dimensional array

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The next example adds one dimension to the array structure, i.e. it describes a three-
dimensional array, as sketched in Figure 5.82.
In this case the x-axis has again been aligned in the horizontal direction, why the y-axis
is drawn vertically. The z-axis, finally, goes horizontal again.

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
a141 a142 a143 a241 a242 a243 a341 a342 a343
zDim (3rd dim) zDim (3rd dim) zDim (3rd dim)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
a131 a132 a133 a231 a232 a233 a331 a332 a333
zDim (3rd dim) zDim (3rd dim) zDim (3rd dim)

2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0
a121 a122 a123 a221 a222 a223 a321 a322 a323
zDim (3rd dim) zDim (3rd dim) zDim (3rd dim)

3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
a111 a112 a113 a211 a212 a213 a311 a312 a313
zDim (3rd dim) zDim (3rd dim) zDim (3rd dim)

yDim (2nd dim) yDim (2nd dim) yDim (2nd dim)

xDim (1st dim)
Figure 5.82: Rule-based Value specification for a 3-dimensional array

The principal structure of this example is similar to the previous example.

The first array element in the x-dimension (which includes everything from a111 to a143 )
defines a different initial value than the other elements.

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Please note that the initial values of the second and third element in x-direction are
Listing 5.27: Value specification for a 3-dimensional array

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</ARRAY-VALUE-SPECIFICATION> Support for compound primitive Data Types

Please note that the CompositeRuleBasedValueSpecification also supports

the rule-based initialization of arrays20 that are typed by a Compound Primitive
Data Type, e.g. of category CURVE.
[TPS_SWCT_01836] Attributes of CompositeRuleBasedValueSpecification
dMeta-class CompositeRuleBasedValueSpecification can be used to fulfill two
distinct use cases:
• Definition of a rule-based value specification for an array of composite data type
based on the aggregation of CompositeValueSpecification in the role ar-
• Definition of a rule-based value specification for an array of Compound Prim-
itive Data Type based on the aggregation of CompositeRuleBasedVal-
ueArgument in the role compoundPrimitiveArgument.

Of course, this capability is restricted to ApplicationArrayDataType. On the level of Imple-
mentationDataType, ValueSpecifications that reflect the structure of the respective Imple-
mentationDataType are used.

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[constr_10075] Existence of CompositeRuleBasedValueSpecification.ar-

gument vs. compoundPrimitiveArgument dFor every CompositeRuleBased-
ValueSpecification, at most one of the aggregations
• argument
• compoundPrimitiveArgument
shall exist at the time when the contract phase generation is exe-
ValueSpecification CompositeRuleBasedValueSpecification
+argument +compoundPrimitiveArgument CompositeRuleBasedValueArgument
CompositeValueSpecification + maxSizeToFill: PositiveInteger [0..1]
0..* {ordered} + rule: Identifier [0..1] 0..* {ordered}

AbstractRuleBasedValueSpecification ValueSpecification
RecordValueSpecification ArrayValueSpecification
ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification ApplicationValueSpecification
+ intendedPartialInitializationCount:
PositiveInteger [0..1] + category: Identifier [0..1] + category: Identifier [0..1]

Figure 5.83: Rule-based value specification for compound primitive data objects

Class CompositeRuleBasedValueArgument (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note This meta-class has the ability to serve as the abstract base class for ValueSpecifications that can be
used for compound primitive data types.
Base ARObject
Subclasses ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification, ApplicationValueSpecification
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 5.146: CompositeRuleBasedValueArgument

Please find a simplified example for the rule-based initialization of an array of an

ApplicationPrimitiveDataType of category CURVE with an integrated axis in

5.6.7 Examples Example for Constant Specification for CURVE

The following example illustrates how a ConstantSpecification is specified for a

CURVE. Please note, that in this example the vf attribute is used for the swArraysize
as well as for the swValuesPhys.
The basic intention of vf is the usage for variant rich models but it is valid as well if vf
contains invariant values.
Listing 5.28: Example for Constant Specification for CURVE

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<L-2 L="EN">This example shows a ConstantSpecification for a CURVE where
the axis is a STD_AXIS</L-2>
</CONSTANT-SPECIFICATION> Example for Constant Specification for MAP

The following example illustrates how an ConstantSpecification is specified for

a MAP. In this case one axis of the MAP is a STD_AXIS and the second one is a
Please note that in this example the v attribute is used for the swArraysize as well
as for the swValuesPhys.
This is possible because the example contains only invariant values.
Listing 5.29: Example for Constant Specification for MAP

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<L-2 L="EN">This example shows a ConstantSpecification for a MAP where
the first axis is a STD_AXIS and the second axis is a COM_AXIS</L-2>
<L-4 L="EN">Values for axis index 2 equals 0</L-4>
<L-4 L="EN">Values for axis index 2 equals 1</L-4>

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AUTOSAR CP R21-11 Example for Constant Specification for MAP with two STD_AXIS

The example contained in this sub-chapter illustrates the creation of the Con-
stantSpecification for a MAP that (in contrast to the previous example sketched
in Listing 5.29) consists of two STD_AXIS.
Like in the previous example, the v attribute is used for the swArraysize as well as
for the swValuesPhys.
Listing 5.30: Example for Constant Specification for STD_AXIS
<L-4 L="EN">Values for 10</L-4>

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<L-4 L="EN">Values for 11</L-4>
</CONSTANT-SPECIFICATION> Example for Constant Specification for COM_AXIS

The following example illustrates how an ConstantSpecification is specified for

Listing 5.31: Example for Constant Specification for COM_AXIS
<L-2 L="EN">This example shows a ConstantSpecification for a COM_AXIS</L

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AUTOSAR CP R21-11 Example for Constant Specification for an Array of compound primitive


The example starts with the definition of the data type for the input value for the curve
see Listing 5.32. This data type is used for the definition of the actual curve data type
in Listing 5.34.
Listing 5.32: Definition of curve input value data type

The next step is the definition of the data type for the result of the interpolation. This
part is sketched in Listing 5.33. This data type is used for the definition of the actual
curve data type in Listing 5.34.
Listing 5.33: Definition of data type for the result of the interpolation

Finally, the data type for the actual curve is defined, see Listing 5.34.
Listing 5.34: Definition of curve data type

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The ApplicationPrimitiveDataType of category CURVE defined in the listing

above may be used as the element type (ApplicationArrayElement.type) of an
ApplicationArrayDataType. The definition of this array data type is not part of the
The initialization of a DataPrototype typed by such an ApplicationArray-
DataType is sketched in the listing below:
Listing 5.35: Definition of constant to initialize an array of curve data type

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5.7 Initial Values

5.7.1 Overview

[TPS_SWCT_01301] Importance of initial values dIf the value of a VariableDat-

aPrototype/ParameterDataPrototype has not properly been set by a piece of
software, it can still happen that another piece of software tries to access the value of
the VariableDataPrototype/ParameterDataPrototype.
For various reasons it is therefore advised to be able to specify an initial value for a
VariableDataPrototype/ParameterDataPrototype in case the value has not
been assigned in a controlled manner. However, the definition of an initial value in
many cases depends on a context in which the value is accessed.c()
Therefore, the AUTOSAR standard foresees means for defining initial values for Vari-
ableDataPrototypes/ParameterDataPrototypes on different conceptual levels.
That is, although defined for the same VariableDataPrototype/ParameterDat-
aPrototype, an initial value defined on one conceptual level can “supersede” the
definition of another initial value on a different conceptual level provided that the prior-
ity of the first is higher than the priority of the latter.
The meaning of “supersede” in this context is that the definition of an initial value on a
specific conceptual level is the only relevant definition of an initial value on that level.

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[TPS_SWCT_01518] Priority of initial value definition with respect to conceptual

levels dAny initial value defined in the context of a conceptual level of lower priority is
[constr_1706] Definition of initial value for data transmission dInitial values for
data transmission shall only be defined by means of NonqueuedSenderComSpec.
initValue resp. NonqueuedReceiverComSpec.initValue. Any definition of an
initValue defined in the context of VariableDataPrototype shall be ignored.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01182] Conceptual levels for the definition of initial values dThe fol-
lowing conceptual levels for the definition of initial values exist:
1. It is possible to aggregate an initValue directly at the definition of any
VariableDataPrototype/ParameterDataPrototype. A restriction ap-
plies, please consult with [constr_1706].
2. It is possible to aggregate an initValue at the level of a ComSpec, namely:
• NonqueuedSenderComSpec
• NonqueuedReceiverComSpec
• ParameterProvideComSpec
• ParameterRequireComSpec
• NvRequireComSpec
• NvProvideComSpec
3. It is possible to aggregate a implInitValue and an applInitValue at the
definition of a CalibrationParameterValue.
The priority of one definition of an initial value over another is reflected by the numerical
order of the above enumeration, e.g. a definition on level 3 supersedes a definition on
level 2.c()

5.7.2 Initial Value Representation

[TPS_SWCT_01183] Actual value of an initValue shall be interpreted according

to the AutosarDataType dA DataPrototype can be typed by either an Applica-
tionDataType or else an ImplementationDataType. Therefore, the actual value
of an initValue shall be interpreted according to the AutosarDataType that types
the DataPrototype.
That is, if the DataPrototype is typed by an ApplicationDataType, the value
shall be interpreted as a physical value while, if the DataPrototype is typed by an

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ImplementationDataType, the value is to be interpreted as the direct numerical

representation.c(RS_SWCT_03216, RS_SWCT_03217)
[TPS_SWCT_01184] ApplicationPrimitiveDataTypes with category VALUE
dIn case of ApplicationPrimitiveDataTypes with category VALUE it is suffi-
cient if the initValues are provided as physical values only because the RTE Gener-
ator should be able to evaluate the related CompuMethod appropriately.c(RS_SWCT_-
03216, RS_SWCT_03217)
Please note that DataPrototypes that refer to CompuMethods of category SCALE_-
LINEAR_AND_TEXTTABLE (or similar) shall be initialized by means of the definition of
several ApplicationValueSpecification.swValueCont.swValuesPhys.vtf.
Depending on the evaluation of the binding expression either a numerical value or a
string is taken to initialize the DataPrototype.
[TPS_SWCT_01185] initValues for Compound Primitive Data Types dThe
definition of initValues in the numerical representation for Compound Primitive
Data Type is done such that the initValues have to be provided as a Record-
ValueSpecification respectively an ArrayValueSpecification or Numeri-
calRuleBasedValueSpecification matching to the related Implementation-
DataType. The additional representation can be provided and associated by means
of a ConstantSpecificationMapping.c(RS_SWCT_03216)
Please note that the definition of Compound Primitive Data Type can be found
in section 5.6.
[constr_1221] DataPrototype is typed by an ApplicationPrimitive-
DataType dIf a DataPrototype is typed by an ApplicationPrimitive-
DataType, its initValue shall be provided by an ApplicationValueSpecifi-
If the underlying ApplicationPrimitiveDataType represents an enumeration, the
value provided shall match to one of the applicable text values (vt, shortLabel,
symbol) defined by the applicable CompuScales.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
Please note that several attributes of meta-class CompuScale can be taken to describe
the actual value. It is therefore necessary to clarify what happens if several of these
attributes exist within the context of one CompuScale. This clarification can be found
in [TPS_SWCT_01696].
[constr_1385] DataPrototype is typed by an ImplementationDataType dIf a
DataPrototype is typed by an ImplementationDataType, its initValue shall
not be provided by an ApplicationValueSpecification.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()

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[constr_1222] category of an AutosarDataType used to type a DataProto-

type is set to STRING dIf the category of an AutosarDataType used to type a
DataPrototype is set to STRING, the ApplicationValueSpecification used
to initialize the DataPrototype shall be of category STRING.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_1223] DataPrototype is typed by an ApplicationRecordDataType dIf
a DataPrototype is typed by an ApplicationRecordDataType, the correspond-
ing initValue shall be provided by a RecordValueSpecification.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_1224] DataPrototype is typed by an ApplicationArrayDataType dIf a
DataPrototype is typed by an ApplicationArrayDataType, the corresponding
initValue shall be provided by an ArrayValueSpecification (that may contain
an ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification).
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()

5.7.3 Constant Specification Mapping

[TPS_SWCT_01186] ConstantSpecificationMapping dThe ConstantSpeci-

ficationMapping is used to associate ValueSpecifications defined in the im-
plementation domain with corresponding ValueSpecifications defined in the ap-
plication domain.
To make this possible the ValueSpecification actually needs to be a Con-
The ConstantSpecification referenced by the ConstantReference is also the
target of the references owned by ConstantSpecificationMapping.c()
[constr_1029] ConstantSpecificationMapping and ConstantSpecifica-
tion dIt is required that one ConstantSpecification referenced from a Con-
stantSpecificationMapping needs to be defined in the application domain (ap-
plConstant) and the other referenced ConstantSpecification needs to be de-
fined in the implementation domain (implConstant).
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()

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[TPS_SWCT_01187] ConstantSpecificationMappingSet referenced by the

InternalBehavior dIn most cases the meta-class ConstantSpecification-
MappingSet will be referenced by the InternalBehavior. This ConstantSpec-
ificationMappingSet contains the applicable ConstantSpecificationMap-
However, in some specializations the software-components will not have an Inter-
• [TPS_SWCT_01840] A ParameterSwComponentType references a Con-
stantSpecificationMappingSet dParameterSwComponentType: here,
the ConstantSpecificationMappingSet is directly associated by the Pa-
• [TPS_SWCT_01841] A NvBlockSwComponentType references a Con-
stantSpecificationMappingSet dNvBlockSwComponentType: in this
case, the ConstantSpecificationMappingSet is associated with the ag-
gregated NvBlockDescriptor.c()
ARElement +implConstant ARElement
ConstantSpecification +mapping ConstantSpecificationMappingSet
+applConstant 0..*


Figure 5.84: Constant Mapping

Class ConstantSpecificationMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note This meta-class is used to create an association of two ConstantSpecifications. One Constant
Specification is supposed to be defined in the application domain while the other should be defined in the
implementation domain.
Hence the ConstantSpecificationMapping needs to be used where a ConstantSpecification defined in
one domain needs to be associated to a ConstantSpecification in the other domain.
This information is crucial for the RTE generator.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
applConstant ConstantSpecification 0..1 ref A ConstantSpecification defined in the application
implConstant ConstantSpecification 0..1 ref A ConstantSpecification defined in the implementation
Table 5.147: ConstantSpecificationMapping

[constr_1931] Existence of ConstantSpecificationMapping.applConstant

dFor each ConstantSpecificationMapping, the reference to meta-class Con-
stantSpecification in the role applConstant shall exist at the time when
the contract phase generation is executed.c()
[constr_1932] Existence of ConstantSpecificationMapping.implConstant
dFor each ConstantSpecificationMapping, the reference to meta-class Con-
stantSpecification in the role implConstant shall exist at the time when
the contract phase generation is executed.c()

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AtpStructureElement «atpSplitable» +constantValueMapping ARElement

InternalBehavior ConstantSpecificationMappingSet
ParameterSwComponentType +constantMapping

«atpSplitable» 0..*
+constantValueMapping 0..*
+dataTypeMapping 0..* +dataTypeMapping 0..*

ARElement AtpStructureElement
AtpBlueprint Identifiable
AtpBlueprintable NvBlockDescriptor
DataTypeMappingSet 0..* «atpSplitable»
+ supportDirtyFlag: Boolean [0..1]

Figure 5.85: Relation between data type mapping and constant mapping

Class ConstantSpecificationMappingSet
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note This meta-class represents the ability to map two ConstantSpecifications to each others. One Constant
Specification is supposed to be described in the application domain and the other should be described in
the implementation domain.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
mapping ConstantSpecification * aggr ConstantSpecificationMappings owned by the Constant
Mapping SpecificationMappingSet.

Table 5.148: ConstantSpecificationMappingSet

5.7.4 Initial Values For CalibrationParameters

[TPS_SWCT_01188] Definition of calibration data sets through RTE-generator

and compiler dIt is possible to provide sets of initial values for calibration parameters
which are instance specific, thus overriding any initial values predefined by a Param-
eterDataPrototype, ParameterRequireComSpec or a ParameterProvide-
This allows to create the calibration data sets through RTE-generator and compiler.
These initial values are specified in CalibrationParameterValueSet and Cali-
brationParameterValue. The latter aggregates a ValueSpecification in two
different roles:
• applInitValue for data structured according to ApplicationDataType. In
this case the values are defined in the physical domain.
• implInitValue for data structured according to ImplementationDataType.
In this case the values are defined in the numerical domain.
Anyhow, these initial values can be imported from e.g. an ASAM CDF file.

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Class CalibrationParameterValueSet
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::MeasurementAndCalibration::CalibrationParameter
Note Specification of a constant that can be part of a package, i.e. it can be defined stand-alone.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
calibration CalibrationParameter * aggr This represents single CalibrationParameterValues in the
ParameterValue Value CalibrationParameterValueSet.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table 5.149: CalibrationParameterValueSet

ARElement AtpPrototype
CalibrationParameterValueSet +calibrationParameterValueSet Identifiable
   0..* «atpSplitable» RootSwCompositionPrototype

+calibrationParameterValue 0..*
+applInitValue Identifiable
ValueSpecification CalibrationParameterValue +initializedParameter
0..1 FlatInstanceDescriptor
+ shortLabel: Identifier [0..1]
+implInitValue 0..1 + role: Identifier [0..1]


Figure 5.86: Calibration Parameter Values

Class CalibrationParameterValue
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::MeasurementAndCalibration::CalibrationParameter
Note Specifies instance specific calibration parameter values used to initialize the memory objects
implementing calibration parameters in the generated RTE code.
RTE generator will use the implInitValue to override the initial values specified for the DataPrototypes of a
component type.
The applInitValue is used to exchange init values with the component vendor not publishing the
transformation algorithm between ApplicationDataTypes and ImplementationDataTypes or defining an
instance specific initialization of components which are only defined with ApplicationDataTypes.
Note: If both representations of init values are available these need to represent the same content.
Note further that in this case an explicit mapping of ValueSpecification is not implemented because
calibration parameters are delivered back after the calibration phase.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
applInitValue ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr This is the initial value specification structured according
to the ApplicationDataType
implInitValue ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr This is the initial value specification structured according
to the ImplementationDataType
initialized FlatInstanceDescriptor 0..1 ref This represents the parameter that is initialized by the
Parameter CalibrationParameterValue.

Table 5.150: CalibrationParameterValue

[constr_1933] Existence of CalibrationParameterValue.initializedPa-

rameter dFor each CalibrationParameterValue, the reference to meta-class

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ConstantSpecification in the role initializedParameter shall exist at the

time when the contract phase generation is executed.c()

5.7.5 Initial Value for optional Element

The existence of optional elements in a given AutosarDataType needs to be properly

considered for the definition of an initial value. Initial Value for optional ApplicationRecordElement

The initial value for a given DataPrototype typed by an ApplicationRecord-

DataType is defined by means of a RecordValueSpecification.
[TPS_SWCT_01823] Definition of ValueSpecification for an Application-
RecordDataType with unavailable optional elements dIf an Application-
RecordDataType contains ApplicationRecordElements where attribute isOp-
tional is set to True, it is still necessary the corresponding RecordValueSpec-
ifications fulfill [constr_1271], i.e. a ValueSpecification shall be provided for
optional elements that are unavailable as far as the ValueSpecification is con-
The canonical approach to fulfill [constr_1271] is to fill the place in the structure that
represents a non-available optional element of the structure with a special kind of
ValueSpecification (the NotAvailableValueSpecification) in order to un-
ambiguously convey the information that this element is not available for the specific
DataPrototype, as far as the initial value is concerned.c(RS_SWCT_03320)
[TPS_SWCT_01821] Semantics of attribute NotAvailableValueSpecifica-
tion.defaultPattern dThe usage of NotAvailableValueSpecification ex-
plicitly defines that no specific initialization value shall be defined for an optional ele-
The memory area occupied by the NotAvailableValueSpecification shall how-
ever be filled with a deterministic pattern during initialization.
The content of defaultPattern shall be used to fill the gap in the memory occu-
pied by an optional element with NotAvailableValueSpecification initializa-
[TPS_SWCT_01822] Application of attribute NotAvailableValueSpecifica-
tion.defaultPattern happens only during initialization dThe value of No-
tAvailableValueSpecification.defaultPattern is applied only during the
initialization of the respective DataPrototype.

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Therefore, if the optional element is not received during a specific reception, the mem-
ory area is untouched. It is the duty of the application to check whether that optional
element has actually been received.c(RS_SWCT_03320)
[constr_10005] Existence of attribute NotAvailableValueSpecification.de-
faultPattern dFor each NotAvailableValueSpecification, attribute de-
faultPattern shall exist at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_10006] Valid interval of attribute NotAvailableValueSpecification.
defaultPattern dThe valid interval for attribute NotAvailableValueSpecifi-
cation.defaultPattern at the time when the contract phase gener-
ation is executed is 0..255.c() Initial Value for optional ImplementationDataTypeElement

[TPS_SWCT_01785] Initial value for ImplementationDataType of category

STRUCTURE where attribute isStructWithOptionalElement set to the value
True dIf an initial value is to be provided for an ImplementationDataType of
category STRUCTURE where attribute isStructWithOptionalElement set to
the value True then an initial value shall be defined for all Implementation-
DataTypeElements including the first ImplementationDataTypeElement where
the shortName is set to the value availabilityBitfield.c(RS_SWCT_03320)
[TPS_SWCT_01786] Initial value for the ImplementationDataTypeElement
where the shortName is set to the value availabilityBitfield dThe initial
value for the ImplementationDataTypeElement where the shortName is set to
the value availabilityBitfield shall be defined in a way that the bit that repre-
sents the existence of a given element is set to True if the element shall initially be
If the corresponding element shall not be initially available then the respective bit shall
be set to False.c(RS_SWCT_03320)
[TPS_SWCT_01787] Initialization of not-available ImplementationDataType-
Element dIf a given ImplementationDataTypeElement is not available in the con-
text of the definition of an initial value then a “dummy” initial value shall be defined
anyway for the element in order to not break [constr_1272].
The provided ValueSpecification shall be considered as “don’t care”.c()
Form the perspective of performance, it is recommended to use the value 0 for an
initialization according to [TPS_SWCT_01787] of non-available Implementation-

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6 Compatibility

6.1 Introduction
In order to connect PortPrototypes of SwComponentTypes, the compatibility of
PortPrototypes needs to be verified. This section defines the basic rules for formal
compatibility of PortPrototypes.
Compatibility will be defined bottom-up, i.e. first the rules for compatible Autosar-
DataTypes are set up, then the rules for the different types of PortInterfaces are
Another aspect of compatibility is whether two model-elements (e.g. Application-
DataType vs. ImplementationDataType) can be mapped to each other.
For the compatibility of PortInterfaces basically two options apply:
1. finding of matching pairs of elements of PortInterfaces is based on matching
shortName plus the application of compatibility rules for their attributes.
2. a PortInterfaceMapping can be taken to declare two elements of PortPro-
totypes as compatible without applying further formal checks.

6.2 Compatibility of Data Types

The AUTOSAR meta-model defines a number of meta-classes (e.g. Application-
PrimitiveDataType) that eventually refer to a set of attributes (e.g. a lower bound-
ary for its values) relevant for compatibility checking.
Instantiating a data-type related meta-class defines a data type on M1 level (e.g. tem-
peratureType). In other words: ApplicationPrimitiveDataType is an M2 artifact;
it is taken as the template for creating a corresponding M1 artifact temperatureType.
In this context, the issue of compatibility refers to the M1 objects, i.e. the instances
of sub-classes of AutosarDataType need to be considered. For this purpose the
relevant part of the AUTOSAR meta-model need to be fully explored with respect to

6.2.1 ApplicationDataType ApplicationPrimitiveDataType

[constr_1047] Compatibility of ApplicationPrimitiveDataTypes dInstances

of ApplicationPrimitiveDataType are compatible at the time when the
RTE is generated if and only if one of the following conditions applies:
1. All the following sub conditions apply:

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(a) They have the same category.

(b) The swDataDefProps attached to the M1 data types are compatible.
2. In the context of using the ApplicationPrimitiveDataType, a DataPro-
totypeMapping exists that refers to a DataPrototype typed by one of the
ApplicationPrimitiveDataTypes in the role firstDataPrototype and
to another DataPrototype typed by the other ApplicationPrimitive-
DataType in the role secondDataPrototype.
3. In the context of using the ApplicationPrimitiveDataType, a DataPro-
totypeMapping exists that refers to a DataPrototype typed by the Appli-
cationPrimitiveDataType in the role secondDataPrototype and to an-
other DataPrototype typed by an ApplicationCompositeDataType in the
role firstDataPrototype and additionally for the side of the Application-
CompositeDataType a corresponding ApplicationCompositeDataType-
SubElementRef exists in the role firstElement that in turn references an
Please note that the meaning of “swDataDefProps attached to the M1 data types are
compatible” is explained in section 6.2.4.
Please note further that it is not required that the shortNames of two data types shall
be identical in order to consider the two data types as compatible. ApplicationCompositeDataType

An instance of an ApplicationRecordDataType is never compatible to an instance

of an ApplicationArrayDataType unless a PortInterfaceMapping exists that
details the terms of compatibility (see [TPS_SWCT_01543]).
[constr_1048] Compatibility of ApplicationRecordDataTypes dInstances of
ApplicationRecordDataTypes are compatible at the time when the RTE
is generated if and only if one of the following conditions applies:
1. All elements at the same record position are of compatible Autosar-
DataTypes (either ApplicationCompositeDataTypes or Application-
2. For each ApplicationRecordDataType.element, the attribute isOptional
shall either
• not exist on both sides or
• be set to the value False if it only exists on one side or
• have the identical value on both sides.

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3. In the context of a DataPrototypeMapping, for each Application-

RecordElement of the required ApplicationRecordDataType a SubEle-
mentMapping exists such that a ApplicationCompositeDataType-
SubElementRef in the role firstElement or secondElement exists that
references the required ApplicationRecordElement and a corresponding
ApplicationCompositeDataTypeSubElementRef exists in the other role
(i.e. secondElement or firstElement) that in turn references an Applica-
tionRecordElement of the provided ApplicationRecordDataType.
[constr_1049] Compatibility of ApplicationArrayDataTypes dInstances of
ApplicationArrayDataType are compatible at the time when the RTE is
generated if and only if one of the following conditions applies:
1. All the following sub conditions apply:
(a) Their elements are of a compatible AutosarDataTypes (either
ApplicationCompositeDataTypes or ApplicationPrimitive-
(b) The attributes maxNumberOfElements and arraySizeSemantics
(given the existence) have identical values.
2. In the context of a DataPrototypeMapping, for the ApplicationArrayEle-
ment of the required ApplicationArrayDataType a SubElementMapping
exists such that a ApplicationCompositeDataTypeSubElementRef in the
role firstElement or secondElement exists that references the required Ap-
plicationArrayElement and a corresponding ApplicationComposite-
DataTypeSubElementRef exists in the other role (i.e. secondElement or
firstElement) that in turn references an ApplicationArrayElement of the
provided ApplicationArrayDataType.

6.2.2 ImplementationDataType

[constr_1050] Compatibility of ImplementationDataTypes dInstances of

ImplementationDataType are compatible at the time when the RTE is
generated if and only if after all type-references are resolved one of the following
rules apply:
1. All the following sub conditions apply:
(a) They have the same category.
(b) They have the identical structure (this refers to Implementation-
DataTypeElement and their subElements).

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(c) The attributes arraySize and arraySizeSemantics have (given the ex-
istence) identical values.
(d) For each ImplementationDataType.subElement, the attribute isOp-
tional shall either
• not exist on both sides or
• be set to the value False if it only exists on one side or
• have the identical value on both sides.
(e) The swDataDefProps attached to the M1 data types are compatible.
2. In the context of using the ImplementationDataType, a DataProto-
typeMapping exists that refers to a DataPrototype typed by one of the Im-
plementationDataTypes in the role firstDataPrototype and to another
DataPrototype typed by the other ImplementationDataType in the role
3. In the context of using the ImplementationDataType, a DataProto-
typeMapping exists that refers to a DataPrototype typed by the Implemen-
tationDataTypes in the role secondDataPrototype and to another Dat-
aPrototype typed by an ImplementationDataType with a subElement in
the role firstDataPrototype and additionally for the side of the Implemen-
tationDataType with a subElement a corresponding Implementation-
DataTypeSubElementRef exists in the role firstElement that in turn ref-
erences an ImplementationDataTypeElement.
Please note that the meaning of “swDataDefProps attached to the M1 data types are
compatible” is explained in section 6.2.4.
Please note that it is not required that the shortNames of two data types shall be
identical in order to consider the two data types as compatible.
The following constraint applies for the case that mode manager and mode user are
using different ImplementationDataTypes. From the point of view of the RTE there
is only the necessity that all possible numbers used to represent ModeDeclarations
of the mode manager has to fit into the range of the data type used for the mode user.
[constr_1168] Compatibility of ImplementationDataTypes used in the Mod-
eRequestTypeMap dBoth ImplementationDataTypes shall fulfill [constr_1167].
In addition to that, the possible numbers used for representing ModeDeclarations
on the side of the mode manager shall match the supported range of the Imple-
mentationDataType used for representing ModeDeclarations on the side of the
mode user (see [constr_1075]).
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()

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6.2.3 Compatibility of SwBaseType

[constr_1220] Compatibility of SwBaseType dTwo SwBaseTypes are compatible at

the time when the RTE is generated if and only if attributes
• baseTypeSize respectively
• byteOrder,
• memAlignment,
• baseTypeEncoding, and
• nativeDeclaration
have identical values at the time when the RTE is generated.c()

6.2.4 Compatibility of SwDataDefProps

[constr_1051] Compatibility of SwDataDefProps dSwDataDefProps are compati-

ble at the time when the RTE is generated if and only if:
1. They refer to compatible Unit definitions, or neither of them has an associated
2. They refer to compatible conversion methods or neither of them associates such
a method.
3. They both aggregate a ValueSpecification in the role invalidValue or
neither of them aggregates a ValueSpecification in the role invalid-
4. If existent (see previous condition), one of the following conditions apply to
ValueSpecifications aggregated in the role invalidValue for being con-
sidered compatible (after following and resolving indirections created by Con-
(a) both are ApplicationValueSpecifications and the values are com-
patible according to [TPS_GST_02501].
(b) both are NumericalValueSpecifications and the values are compati-
ble according to [TPS_GST_02501].
(c) both are TextValueSpecifications and the values are identical.
(d) both are ArrayValueSpecifications and the values are effectively
identical, e.g. if one ArrayValueSpecification specifies all values ex-
plicitly and the other ArrayValueSpecification specifies values based
on a rule then the yield of both ArrayValueSpecifications (i.e. element
for element) shall be identical.
(e) both are RecordValueSpecifications and the values are identical.

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(f) if one is a NumericalValueSpecification and the other one is an

ApplicationValueSpecification then the check for compatibility shall
apply the CompuMethod on the physical value such that a comparison on
the implementation level becomes possible. [TPS_GST_02501] applies1 .
5. They refer to compatible data constraints dataConstr.
6. They refer to compatible swRecordLayouts
All other attributes (e.g. swCalibrationAccess do not affect compatibility).c()
Please note that compatible conversion methods are described in chapter Compatibility of Units

[constr_1052] Compatibility of Units dTwo Unit definitions are compatible at the

time when the RTE is generated if and only if:
1. They have compatible (see [TPS_GST_02501]) values of attributes factorSi-
ToUnit and offsetSiToUnit.
2. They either refer to identical definitions of PhysicalDimension or neither of
them associates a PhysicalDimension.
Please note that it is not required that the shortNames of two Units shall be identical
in order to consider the two units as compatible.
[TPS_SWCT_01492] Default values for factorSiToUnit and offsetSiToUnit
dThe default value of attribute Unit.factorSiToUnit is 1.
The default value of attribute Unit.offsetSiToUnit is 0.c()
Further constraints apply specifically for the handling of Units in the context of assign-
ing a ValueSpecification to a given AutosarDataPrototype:
[constr_1391] Compatibility of Units in the context of assignment using an Ap-
plicationValueSpecification dIf an ApplicationValueSpecification is
used in the context of an assignment to an AutosarDataPrototype, then the Ap-
plicationValueSpecification.swValueCont.unit shall be compatible to the
Unit used in the definition of the given AutosarDataPrototype, i.e. Autosar-
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()

if one is a NumericalValueSpecification and the other one is an ApplicationValueSpec-
ification and the application of the CompuMethod on the side of the ApplicationValueSpeci-
fication does not yield a valid number a comparison is not possible.

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[constr_1392] Compatibility of Units in the context of assignment using an Ap-

plicationRuleBasedValueSpecification dIf an ApplicationRuleBased-
ValueSpecification is used in the context of an assignment to an AutosarDat-
aPrototype then the ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification.swValue-
Cont.unit shall be compatible to the Unit used in the definition of the given Au-
tosarDataPrototype, i.e. AutosarDataType.swDataDefProps.unit.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_1393] Existence of RuleBasedValueCont.unit dFor every RuleBased-
ValueCont, the reference unit shall exist at the time when the contract
phase generation is executed .c()
[constr_1771] Existence of SwValueCont.unit dFor every SwValueCont, the
reference unit shall exist at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed .c() Compatibility of PhysicalDimensions

[constr_1053] Compatibility of PhysicalDimensions dTwo PhysicalDimen-

sion definitions are compatible if and only if the values of
• lengthExp
• massExp
• timeExp
• currentExp
• temperatureExp
• molarAmountExp
• luminousIntensityExp
are identical and either the shortNames are identical or a PhysicalDimension-
Mapping exists that maps one of the PhysicalDimensions in the role first-
PhysicalDimension and the other PhysicalDimension in the role secondPhys-
The imposition time of this constraint depends on the context:
• If the compatibility of PhysicalDimensions is evaluated in the context of the
creation of a SwConnector, then the rule shall be imposed at the time
when the RTE is generated.
• If the context is the creation of an ApplicationValueSpecification, then
the rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase gen-
eration is executed.

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For clarification, there are some physical dimensions around that share the identical
values for the exponents but still have a completely different meaning and shall there-
fore not be considered compatible. For precisely this reason [constr_1053] requires
the shortNames of two PhysicalDimensions to be identical as a prerequisite for
For example, there are at least two physical dimensions that share the values of
• lengthExp = 2
• massExp = 1
• timeExp = -2
• currentExp = 0
• temperatureExp = 0
• molarAmountExp = 0
• luminousIntensityExp = 0
The unit described by this set of exponents is usually referred to as “Nm” for newton-
meter and it can be used for torque just as well as for energy. Obviously, two Units
shall never be considered compatible if one refers to torque and the other one refers
to energy. Compatibility of Data Constraints

The compatibility of two DataConstrs depends on the context in which the owning
data elements are connected:
[constr_1126] Compatibility of DataConstrs dThe DataConstr (e.g. the limits)
defined by the type of the providing data element shall be within the constraints defined
by the type of the requiring data element.
For client-server communication, the following rules apply:
• For arguments with attribute direction set to the value in, the client shall
take the role of the provider and the server shall take the role of the requiring
• For arguments with attribute direction set to the value inoutthe DataCon-
str shall be equal on both sides.
• For arguments with attribute direction set to the value out, the server shall
take the role of the provider and the client shall take the role of the requiring side.
This rule shall be applied at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
In addition, it is always allowed that the requiring element defines no constraints.

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[constr_1278] PhysConstrs references a Unit dDataConstrs are only com-

patible if the DataConstr.dataConstrRule.physConstrs.unit are compatible
or neither DataConstr.dataConstrRule.physConstrs.unit exist at the time
when the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1054] No DataConstr available at the provider dIf the provider defines no
constraints, it is only compatible with a receiver which also defines no constraints at all
at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
In other words, this is not a compatibility rule for the types but for the data prototypes. Compatibility in case of ImplementationDataType

If the SwDataDefProps are owned by an ImplementationDataType, further con-

ditions shall be met to ensure compatibility.
Note that depending on the category of the ImplementationDataType, at most
one of these four constraints is actually relevant:
1. category VALUE: [constr_1055] ImplementationDataType has cate-
gory VALUE dThe attributes baseType shall refer to a compatible SwBase-
Type at the time when the contract phase generation is exe-
cuted.c() (see explanation in the following rule). The rules regarding the com-
patibility of SwBaseTypes are covered by [constr_1220].
2. category TYPE_REFERENCE: [constr_1056] ImplementationDataType
has category TYPE_REFERENCE dThe ImplementationDataTypes ref-
erenced by the attributes SwDataDefProps.implementationDataType
shall be compatible at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
3. category DATA_REFERENCE: [constr_1057] ImplementationDataType
has category DATA_REFERENCE dThe attributes SwDataDefProps.sw-
PointerTargetProps shall have identical targetCategory and shall refer to
SwDataDefProps where all attributes are identical at the time when the
contract phase generation is executed.c() (in other words, the target
types of the pointers shall be identical, not only compatible).
4. category FUNCTION_REFERENCE: [constr_1058] Implementation-
DataType has category FUNCTION_REFERENCE dThe attributes Sw-
shall refer to BswModuleEntrys which each resolve to the same function
signature at the time when the contract phase generation is
Please note that the term “same signature” refers to the following predicates:
• same number of arguments

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• return values and arguments shall have identical - not only compatible -
data types
Two SwBaseTypes are compatible (in the sense of allowing a connection of ports via
the RTE) if a simple conversion rule exists between the two types in the underlying
programming language.
Admittedly, this is a rather weak condition. But because the definition of SwBase-
Types can contain a nativeDeclaration it is not possible to state this rule more
However, conversion between base types is considered as a less common use case
than the simple case that the connected types just contain two identical SwBaseTypes
(which is of course included in the rule).
Please note that, in addition, the existence of ApplicationDataTypes also con-
straints the possible SwBaseTypes via the compatibility rules for the mapping between
ApplicationDataTypes and ImplementationDataType as will be explained in
more detail in chapter 6.2.5. Compatibility of CompuMethods

[constr_1163] Compatibility of CompuMethods dTwo CompuMethod definitions are

compatible at the time when the RTE is generated if and only if all at-
tributes except
• shortName
• desc
• introduction
• longName
• adminData
• annotation
• displayFormat
are identical and the compuScales and units are compatible.c()
[constr_1153] Applicability of compatibility requirements for CompuScales
dCompatibility requirements for CompuScales shall only apply for CompuScales
where the category of the enclosing CompuMethod is one of the following:

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This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1154] Compatibility of CompuScales for sender-receiver communication
and similar use cases dFor sender-receiver communication and similar use cases, it
is required that the set of CompuScales defined in the CompuMethod of the provider
of the communication (i.e. on the side of the PPortPrototype) shall be a subset of
the set of CompuScales defined in the CompuMethod on the required side (i.e. on the
side of the RPortPrototype) at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1155] Compatibility of CompuScales for client-server communication
dFor client-server communication, the following rules apply at the time when the
RTE is generated:
For arguments of direction IN the CompuScales defined in the CompuMethod of
the client (i.e. on the side of the RPortPrototype) shall be a subset of the set of
CompuScales defined in the CompuMethod supported at the server (i.e. on the side
of the PPortPrototype).
For arguments of the direction OUT the set of CompuScales defined in the Com-
puMethod of the server (i.e. on the side of the PPortPrototype) shall be a subset
of the set of CompuScales defined in the CompuMethod supported at the client (i.e.
on the side of the RPortPrototype).
For arguments of direction INOUT the set of CompuScales defined in the Com-
puMethod of server and client shall be identical.c()
[constr_1156] Relevance of “names” of CompuScales dCompuScales which con-
tribute to tabular conversion by having a compuConst are compatible if and only if
the “names” of the compuScales, (namely shortLabel, vt and symbol, according
to the priority rules communicated in [TPS_SWCT_01431]) are equal.
If the scale has no compuConst, “names” of CompuScales are not relevant for com-
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01842] Applicability of constraints of CompuScales dThe constraints
[constr_1154], [constr_1155], and [constr_1156] shall only apply in the absence of
a TextTableMapping which shall take precedence regarding the compatibility if it

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[constr_1176] Compatibility of CompuScales of category LINEAR and RAT_-

FUNC dCompuScales of category LINEAR and RAT_FUNC are considered compat-
ible at the time when the RTE is generated if they yield the same conver-
n0 +n1 ∗phys N0 +N1 ∗phys
For example, d0 +d1 ∗phys
is compatible to D0
if n0 ∼ N0 && n1 ∼ N1 && d0 ∼ D0
&& d1 ∼ 0.
Note that ∼ indicates compatibility of numerical values according to [TPS_GST_-
[constr_1192] Compatibility of “IDENTICAL” to “RAT_FUNC” or “LINEAR” dSimilar
to [constr_1176], a CompuScale where the category of the enclosing CompuMethod
is set to IDENTICAL is – at the time when the RTE is generated – con-
sidered compatible to a CompuScale where the category of the enclosing Com-
puMethod is set to RAT_FUNC or LINEAR if the following rule applies:
N0 +N1 ∗phys+Ni ∗physi
int = D0 +D1 ∗phys+Di ∗physi
= phys
For example, this is the case for
N0 ∼ 0 && D0 ∼ 1 && N1 ∼ 1 && D1 ∼ 0 && Ni ∼ Di ∼ 0 ∀i > 1.
Please note that the compatibility does not depend on the direction (compuInternal-
ToPhys vs. compuPhysToInternal) of CompuMethods of category LINEAR. Compatibility of Record Layouts

[constr_1162] Compatibility of SwRecordLayouts dTwo SwRecordLayout defini-

tions are compatible at the time when the RTE is generated if and only if all
attributes except
• shortName
• desc
• introduction
• longName
• adminData
• annotation
are identical.c()

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6.2.5 Compatibility of ApplicationDataType and ImplementationDataType

The usage of ApplicationDataTypes implies that also a corresponding Imple-

mentationDataType exists at a certain point in time. The Implementation-
DataType is required as the basis for configuring and generating the RTE and/or
contract phase header files.
[TPS_SWCT_01461] Existence of ImplementationDataType dThe existence of
ImplementationDataTypes is not required until the methodology step of generat-
ing an RTE or executing the RTE contract phase. Before arriving at this step in the
methodology, it is perfectly feasible to use only ApplicationDataTypes for describ-
ing the semantics of software-components.c()
As a consequence, it is necessary to define compatibility rules that unambiguously
clarify the conformance of an ApplicationDataType with an Implementation-
DataType and vice versa.
Please note that this kind of compatibility also supports situations where e.g.
a dataElement typed by an ApplicationDataType without a corresponding
ImplementationDataType in a PPortPrototype should be connected to a
dataElement typed by an ImplementationDataType in an RPortPrototype.
In general, the compatibility rules for allowing a data type mapping are the same as the
rules for connections. Exceptions are explicitly stated in the rules below.
Several rules depend on the category of the data types:
1. As a general rule, if an ImplementationDataType of category TYPE_REF-
ERENCE is targeted by a type mapping or port connection, all the rules given be-
low apply to the ImplementationDataType which is finally valid after resolving
all such references.
This is not repeated in all rules. As an example, if we say that something can
be mapped/connected to an ImplementationDataType of category VALUE,
then this shall include the possibility of mapping/connecting to an Implementa-
tionDataType of category TYPE_REFERENCE which refers to another Im-
plementationDataType of category VALUE.
2. [constr_1059] Compatibility of data types with category VALUE dAn Appli-
cationDataType of category VALUE shall (after all indirections created by
ImplementationDataTypes of category TYPE_REFERENCE are resolved)
only be mapped/connected to an ImplementationDataType which also has
category VALUE.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()
In this case, the ImplementationDataType.baseType shall be able to ex-
press all the numerical values required by the ApplicationDataType, see
Figure 5.6.

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This condition is fulfilled if the numerical range which can be expressed by the
SwBaseType at least covers the range defined by the limits in Application-
DataType.swDataDefProps.dataConstr (which are either internal limits or
physical limits to be converted via the CompuMethod which also has to be pro-
vided by the ApplicationDataType).
Note that for sender-receiver communication of a data element via a network
there is the possibility to reduce the numerical range against what has been de-
fined via the corresponding data type. However, this is not achieved via mapping
to another ImplementationDataType at the data element itself but via the
networkRepresentation of the ComSpec (for further explanation of this as-
pect see section 4.5.1).
3. [constr_1060] Compatibility of data types with category ARRAY, VAL_BLK
dAn ApplicationDataType of category ARRAY, VAL_BLK shall (after all in-
directions created by ImplementationDataTypes of category TYPE_REF-
ERENCE are resolved) only be mapped/connected to
• an ImplementationDataType of category ARRAY or
• an ImplementationDataType that represents a Variable-Size Ar-
ray Data Type (see [TPS_SWCT_01610]).
The specific rules are documented in Table 6.1. This constraint shall be im-
posed at the time when the contract phase generation is exe-
In this case, the array size, the arraySizeSemantics (given that it exists) and
the type of the array elements of the ImplementationDataType shall be such
that they can be mapped/transferred 1:1 by order to the corresponding application
data and vice versa.
Note that in case of mapping between arrays it is not required that a
DataTypeMap exists between the data types of the array elements or that the
respective shortNames are identical.
4. [constr_1061] Compatibility of data types with category STRUCTURE dAn
ApplicationDataType of category STRUCTURE shall (after all indirections
created by ImplementationDataTypes of category TYPE_REFERENCE are
resolved) only be mapped/connected to an ImplementationDataType of
category STRUCTURE.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()
This means, that the corresponding pairs of elements shall also have compatible
types. Note that it is not required that the data types of the single elements
have identical shortNames or that a DataTypeMap exists for each pair of single

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5. [constr_1662] Compatibility of ApplicationRecordDataType and Imple-

mentationDataType that both represent an Optional Element Struc-
ture dAn ApplicationRecordDataType that represents an Optional El-
ement Structure shall (after all indirections created by Implementation-
DataTypes of category TYPE_REFERENCE are resolved) only be mapped/-
connected to an ImplementationDataType of category STRUCTURE that
represents an Optional Element Structure if corresponding pairs of ele-
ments have the same value of the attribute isOptional.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()
6. [constr_1063] Compatibility of data types with category BOOLEAN dAn Ap-
plicationDataType of category BOOLEAN shall (after all indirections cre-
ated by ImplementationDataTypes of category TYPE_REFERENCE are re-
solved) only be mapped/connected to an ImplementationDataType of cat-
egory VALUE.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()
7. [constr_1064] Compatibility of data types with category COM_AXIS, RES_-
AXIS, CURVE, MAP, CUBOID, CUBE_4, or CUBE_5 dAn ApplicationDataType
of category
• MAP,
• CUBE_4, or
• CUBE_5
shall (after all indirections created by ImplementationDataTypes of cate-
gory TYPE_REFERENCE are resolved) only be mapped/connected to an Im-
plementationDataType of category
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()
There are several possibilities how to express these types via plain or nested
arrays and/or structures on implementation level.

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Some examples are given in 5.4.4. In any case, the primitive elements of the
implementation type shall fit (by their order in memory) to the corresponding
It is not required, to define DataTypeMaps for the sub-elements or both repre-
8. [constr_1066] Forbidden mappings to ImplementationDataType dAn Ap-
plicationDataType shall never be mapped to
• an ImplementationDataType of category
• or to an ImplementationDataType that contains subElements of cat-
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()
Array of uint8 Array of other
ApplicationArrayDataType, ImplementationDataType of ImplementationDataType of
arraySizeSemantics = category ARRAY, with Implemen- category ARRAY, with Implemen-
fixedSize tationDataTypeElement with tationDataTypeElement with
arraySizeSemantics = arraySizeSemantics =
fixedSize fixedSize
ApplicationArrayDataType, ImplementationDataType of Variable-Size Array Data
arraySizeSemantics = category ARRAY, with Implemen- Type
variableSize tationDataTypeElement with
arraySizeSemantics =
variableSize or Variable-Size
Array Data Type

Table 6.1: Rules for compatibility of old and new world variable-size arrays

Concerning the SwDataDefProps of an ApplicationDataType instance or an

ImplementationDataType instance which shall be mapped/connected on M1, we
refer to the table shown in figure 5.43. The following rules apply:
1. The cases where the ImplementationDataType is not allowed to set a prop-
erty but only “inherits” it from the ApplicationDataType are not relevant for
compatibility. These attributes are simply not allowed in the Implementation-

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2. In case that only the ImplementationDataType may “define” the property this
definition shall fit into the semantical requirements given by the Application-
DataType in order to make the two types compatible.
This is namely important for the attribute baseType and is explained above in
the rule for types of category VALUE.
3. In case the ImplementationDataType may “add” a property it may only add
but not change a property defined by the ApplicationDataType (namely
note, displayFormat, and swImplPolicy) in order to be compatible.
This means that the respective computation methods can be defined in only one
of the types in order to be compatible. In all other cases, only the Applica-
tionDataType may define the computation method.
4. For the compatibility with respect to connectors there are some additional rules
for the values of the attribute swImplPolicy which are considered general rules
on the level of DataPrototypes and PortInterfaces.
Therefore, these additional rules are explained in chapter 6.3 and chapter 6.4.4.
5. The case that an ImplementationDataType may “redefine” a property which
is already set by the ApplicationDataType is not considered as relevant for
the compatibility with respect to mapping of the types in general but of course
there may be project specific rules as to which redefinition is allowed (e.g. for
swAddrMethod or dataConstr). See also 5.5.3 about data constraints.
6. For the compatibility with respect to connectors the attribute dataConstr shall
be treated in the same way as for compatibility of data types in general, for more
details please refer to 6.2.4.

6.3 Compatibility of Variable Data Prototypes and Parameter Data

[constr_1068] Compatibility of VariableDataPrototypes or ParameterDat-
aPrototypes typed by primitive data types dTwo VariableDataPrototypes or
ParameterDataPrototypes of ApplicationPrimitiveDataTypes or Imple-
mentationDataTypes of category VALUE, BOOLEAN, or STRING are compatible
at the time when the RTE is generated if and only if one of the following
conditions applies:
1. All the following subconditions apply:
(a) They are typed by (read “refer to”) compatible AutosarDataTypes
(b) The two VariableDataPrototypes or ParameterDataPrototypes
have identical shortNames. This is required to map VariableDataPro-
totypes in unordered SenderReceiverInterfaces, NvDataInter-
faces and ParameterInterfaces.

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(c) The attribute swImplPolicy is either set to queued for both or none of the
2. In the context of a DataPrototypeMapping, one of the applicable Variable-
DataPrototypes or ParameterDataPrototypes is referenced by the Dat-
aPrototypeMapping in the role firstDataPrototype and the other Vari-
ableDataPrototypes or ParameterDataPrototypes is referenced by the
same DataPrototypeMapping in the role secondDataPrototype.
[constr_1187] Compatibility of VariableDataPrototypes or ParameterDat-
aPrototypes typed by composite data types d
DataPrototypes of ApplicationCompositeDataTypes or Implementation-
DataTypes of category STRUCTURE or ARRAY are compatible at the time when
the RTE is generated if one of the following conditions evaluates to true:
1. The underlying ApplicationCompositeDataTypes or Implementation-
DataTypes of category STRUCTURE or ARRAY are identical
2. The underlying ApplicationCompositeDataTypes or Implementation-
DataTypes of category STRUCTURE or ARRAY fulfill the following condition:
• They consist of the same number of elements and
• They are composed of compatible AutosarDataTypes (either Applica-
tionCompositeDataTypes or ImplementationDataTypes of cate-
gory STRUCTURE or ARRAY OR ApplicationPrimitiveDataTypes or
ImplementationDataTypes of category VALUE, BOOLEAN, or STRING)
in the same order and
• All attributes match exactly, except for the shortName of the M1 Autosar-
3. In the context of a DataPrototypeMapping, for each ApplicationCom-
positeElementDataPrototype of the required DataPrototype a SubEle-
mentMapping exists such that a ApplicationCompositeDataType-
SubElementRef in the role firstElement or secondElement exists that ref-
erences the required ApplicationCompositeElementDataPrototype and
a corresponding ApplicationCompositeDataTypeSubElementRef exists
in the other role (i.e. secondElement or firstElement) that in turn refer-
ences an ApplicationCompositeElementDataPrototype of the provided
4. If and only if the DataPrototype is not typed by an ApplicationDataType
but by an ImplementationDataType: in the context of a DataProto-
typeMapping, for each ImplementationDataTypeElement of the required
DataPrototype a SubElementMapping exists such that a Implementa-
tionDataTypeSubElementRef in the role firstElement or secondEle-
ment exists that references the required ImplementationDataTypeElement

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and a corresponding ImplementationDataTypeSubElementRef exists in

the other role (i.e. secondElement or firstElement) that in turn references
an ImplementationDataTypeElement of the provided Implementation-

6.4 Compatibility of Sender Receiver Interfaces, Parameter Inter-

faces and Non Volatile Data Interfaces
Please note that this compatibility requirement only satisfies static correctness which
means that logical consistency is not assured (e.g. that a receiver shall process a
certain data value to correctly interpret the following values).

6.4.1 Connection of Required and Provided Port via AssemblySwConnector

The compatibility of SenderReceiverInterfaces, NvDataInterfaces and Pa-

rameterInterfaces are considered for connecting of PortPrototypes with an
[constr_1069] Compatibility of PortPrototypes of different DataInterfaces in
the context of AssemblySwConnectors dPortPrototypes of different DataIn-
terfaces are compatible at the time when the RTE is generated if and
only if
1. One of the following conditions applies:
(a) For each VariableDataPrototype or ParameterDataPrototype de-
fined in the context of the DataInterface of the required PortProto-
type a compatible (see [constr_1068]) VariableDataPrototype or Pa-
rameterDataPrototype exists in the DataInterface of the provided
The shortNames of VariableDataPrototypes and ParameterDat-
aPrototypes are used to identify the pair.
(b) A VariableAndParameterInterfaceMapping.dataMapping exists
for which the following conditions apply:
i. It is referenced by the corresponding SwConnector.
ii. It references one of the two VariableDataPrototypes or Param-
eterDataPrototypes in the role firstDataPrototype and the
other in the role secondDataPrototype.
2. For each such pair, the values of their isService attributes are identical.

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The table 6.2 defines which PortInterface elements are compatible depending on
the PortInterface type and the swImplPolicy attributes of the PortInterface

6.4.2 Connection of Inner and Outer Port via DelegationSwConnector

The compatibility of SenderReceiverInterfaces, NvDataInterfaces and Pa-

rameterInterfaces is considered for connecting of PortPrototypes with a Del-
[constr_1070] Compatibility of PortPrototypes of different DataInterfaces
in the context of DelegationSwConnectors dPortPrototypes of different
DataInterfaces are compatible at the time when the RTE is generated
if and only if
1. One of the following conditions applies:
(a) For each VariableDataPrototype or ParameterDataPrototype de-
fined in the context of the DataInterface of the required inner Port-
Prototype a compatible VariableDataPrototype or ParameterDat-
aPrototype exists in the DataInterface of the required outer Port-
The shortName of VariableDataPrototypes and ParameterDat-
aPrototypes are used to identify the pair.
[constr_1071] defines which PortInterface elements are compatible de-
pending on the PortInterface type and the swImplPolicy attributes of
the PortInterface elements.
(b) A VariableAndParameterInterfaceMapping.dataMapping exists
for which the following conditions apply:
i. It is referenced by the corresponding SwConnector.
ii. It references one of the two VariableDataPrototypes or Param-
eterDataPrototypes in the role firstDataPrototype and the
other in the role secondDataPrototype.
2. One of the following conditions applies:
(a) For at least one VariableDataPrototype or ParameterDataProto-
type defined in the context of the SenderReceiverInterface, Nv-
DataInterface or ParameterInterface of the provided inner Port-
Prototype a compatible VariableDataPrototype or ParameterDat-
aPrototype exists in the SenderReceiverInterface, NvDataInter-
face or ParameterInterface of the provided outer PortPrototype.
The shortNames of VariableDataPrototypes and ParameterDat-
aPrototypes are used to identify the pair.

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[constr_1071] defines which PortInterface elements are compatible de-

pending on the PortInterface type and the swImplPolicy attributes of
the PortInterface elements.
(b) A VariableAndParameterInterfaceMapping.dataMapping exists
for which the following conditions apply:
i. It is (if a corresponding SwConnector already exists) referenced by the
corresponding SwConnector.
ii. It references one of the two VariableDataPrototypes or Param-
eterDataPrototypes in the role firstDataPrototype and the
other in the role secondDataPrototype.
3. For each such pair, the values of their isService attributes are identical.

6.4.3 Connection of Required and Provided Port via PassThroughSwConnector

[constr_1248] Compatibility of PortPrototypes of different DataInterfaces

in the context of a PassThroughSwConnector dPortPrototypes of different
DataInterfaces are considered compatible at the time when the RTE is
generated if and only if
1. For at least one VariableDataPrototype or ParameterDataPrototype
defined in the context of the DataInterface of the required outer PortPro-
totype a compatible VariableDataPrototype or ParameterDataProto-
type exists in the DataInterface of the provided outer PortPrototype.
Either the shortName of VariableDataPrototypes and ParameterDat-
aPrototypes are used to identify the pair or a PortInterfaceMapping ex-
ists that defines which differently named elements of PortInterfaces correlate
with each other.
2. For each such pair, the values of the PortInterface.isService attributes are
The table 6.2 defines which elements of PortInterface are considered compatible
depending on the type of PortInterface as well as the attribute swImplPolicy of
the elements of PortInterfaces.

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6.4.4 Compatibility of ParameterDataPrototype and VariableDataPrototype de-

pending on PortInterface Type

Table 6.2 contains a comprehensive description of which combinations of Parameter-

DataPrototype and VariableDataPrototype used in PortPrototypes typed
by various kinds of PortInterfaces are considered compatible.
[constr_1071] compatibility of ParameterDataPrototype and VariableDat-
aPrototype dCombinations of ParameterDataPrototype and VariableDat-
aPrototype used in PortPrototypes typed by various kinds of PortInterfaces
shall only be allowed at the time when the RTE is generated where Table
6.2 contains the value “yes”.c()
The following legend applies for the abbreviations used in table 6.2:
Interface Element i.e. elements of PortInterface
PDP ParameterDataPrototype
VDP VariableDataPrototype
Port Interface i.e. kind of PortInterface
Prm ParameterInterface
S/R SenderReceiverInterface
NvD NvDataInterface
Provided Port
Required Outer Port
Required Port / Required Inner Port / Provided Outer Port / Provided Outer Port
Provided Inner Port
Required Outer Port
PortInterface Prm S/R NvD
Interface Element PDP VDP VDP
SwImplPolicyEnum fixed const standard standard queued standard
fixed yes yes yes yes no yes
Prm PDP const no yes yes yes no yes
standard no no yes yes no yes
standard no no no yes no yes
queued no no no no yes no
NvD VDP standard no no no yes no yes

Table 6.2: Overview of compatibility of ParameterDataPrototype and VariableDat-


[constr_1071] defines which PortInterface elements are compatible depending on

the kind of PortInterface and the swImplPolicy attributes of the PortInter-
face elements.
[constr_1287] Compatibility of SenderReceiverInterfaces with respect to
invalidationPolicy dVariableDataPrototypes defined in the context of the

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SenderReceiverInterface are only compatible if the invalidationPolicys

have the same value.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01567] Default behavior for invalidationPolicy dFor Variable-
DataPrototypes and ParameterDataPrototypes in the context of NvDataIn-
terface respectively ParameterInterface, the invalidationPolicy is treated
like “Invalidation is switched off” (dontInvalidate).c(RS_SWCT_00200)

6.5 Compatibility of Mode Switch Interfaces

Please note that this compatibility requirement only satisfies static correctness which
means that logical consistency is not assured (e.g. that a receiver shall process a
certain data value to correctly interpret the following values).
Note that concerning the compatibility of ModeSwitchInterfaces it is necessary
to distinguish between the context of an AssemblySwConnector, the context of an
DelegationSwConnector, and the context of a PassThroughSwConnector.

6.5.1 Connection of Required and Provided Port via AssemblySwConnector

Here, the compatibility of ModeSwitchInterfaces is considered for the context of

an AssemblySwConnector.
[constr_1072] Compatibility of ModeSwitchInterfaces in the context of an As-
semblySwConnector dPortPrototypes of different ModeSwitchInterfaces are
compatible at the time when the RTE is generated if and only if
1. One of the following conditions applies:
(a) For the ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype defined in the context of the
ModeSwitchInterface of the required PortPrototype a compatible
ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype exists in the ModeSwitchInter-
face of the provided PortPrototype.
(b) A ModeInterfaceMapping.modeMapping exists for which the following
conditions apply:
i. It is referenced by the corresponding SwConnector.
ii. It references one of the two ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes
in the role firstModeGroup and the other in the role secondMod-
2. For each such pair, the values of their isService attributes are identical.

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6.5.2 Connection of Inner and Outer Port via DelegationSwConnector

Here, the compatibility of ModeSwitchInterfaces is considered for the context of a

[constr_1073] Compatibility of ModeSwitchInterfaces in the context of an
DelegationSwConnector dPortPrototypes of different ModeSwitchInter-
faces are compatible at the time when the RTE is generated if and only
1. One of the following conditions applies:
(a) For the ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype defined in the context of the
ModeSwitchInterface of the inner PortPrototype a compatible Mod-
eDeclarationGroupPrototype exists in the ModeSwitchInterface
of the outer PortPrototype.
(b) A ModeInterfaceMapping.modeMapping exists for which the following
conditions apply:
i. It is referenced by the corresponding SwConnector.
ii. It references one of the two ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes
in the role firstModeGroup and the other in the role secondMod-
2. For each such pair, the values of their isService attributes are identical.

6.5.3 Connection of Outer and Outer Port via PassThroughSwConnector

[constr_1249] Compatibility of ModeSwitchInterfaces in the context of a

PassThroughSwConnector dPortPrototypes of different ModeSwitchInter-
faces are considered compatible at the time when the RTE is generated
if and only if
1. For the ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype defined in the context of the Mod-
eSwitchInterface of the required outer PortPrototype a compatible Mod-
eDeclarationGroupPrototype exists in the ModeSwitchInterface of the
provided outer PortPrototype.
Either the shortNames of the ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes are used
to identify the pair or a ModeInterfaceMapping exists that maps the corre-
sponding ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes.
2. For each such pair, the values of the PortInterface.isService attributes are

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6.6 Compatibility of Mode Declaration Group Prototypes

[constr_1074] Compatibility of ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes d
ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes are compatible at the time when the
RTE is generated if and only if one of the following conditions applies:
1. They are typed by (read “refer to”) compatible ModeDeclarationGroups.
2. A ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypeMapping exists that identifies the dif-
ferently named ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes that correlate with each
other. [constr_1210] applies.

6.7 Compatibility of Mode Declaration Groups

[constr_1075] Compatibility of ModeDeclarationGroups dModeDeclara-
tionGroups are compatible at the time when the RTE is generated if and
only if one of the following conditions applies:
1. All the following subconditions apply:
(a) They define an identical number of ModeDeclarations.
(b) Each ModeDeclaration on the required side corresponds to a ModeDec-
laration on the provided side with an identical shortName.
(c) The initialModes on both sides refer to ModeDeclarations with iden-
tical shortNames.
(d) The attribute ModeDeclarationGroup.modeUserErrorBehavior.er-
rorReactionPolicy has identical values on both sides.
(e) The attribute ModeDeclarationGroup.modeManagerErrorBehavior.
errorReactionPolicy has identical values on both sides.
(f) The attribute ModeDeclarationGroup.modeUserErrorBehavior.de-
faultMode either does not exist on both sides or refers on both sides to
ModeDeclarations with identical shortNames.
(g) The attribute ModeDeclarationGroup.modeManagerErrorBehavior.
defaultMode either does not exist on both sides or refers on both sides
to ModeDeclarations with identical shortNames.
(h) one of the following subconditions applies:
• the attribute category has the value ALPHABETIC_ORDER on both

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• the attribute category has the value EXPLICIT_ORDER on both sides

and the matching ModeDeclarations according to 1(b) have the iden-
tical values of the attributes ModeDeclaration.value and also the
value of ModeDeclarationGroup.onTransitionValue matches on
both sides.
2. A ModeDeclarationMapping is applied which identifies the corresponding
In addition, the compatibility of corresponding ModeTransitions shall be checked,
i.e. [constr_1194] and [constr_1245] apply.c()
[constr_1245] Consideration of ModeTransitions for the compatibility of Mod-
eDeclarationGroups dOne of the following conditions for the consideration of
ModeTransitions for the compatibility of ModeDeclarationGroups shall apply
at the time when the RTE is generated:
• Either the mode provider or the mode user define ModeTransitions.
• The ModeTransitions defined in the context of the mode provider are iden-
tical to the ModeTransitions defined in the context of the mode user or a
ModeDeclarationMapping mapping is applied.
[constr_1194] Identical ModeTransitions dTwo ModeDeclarationGroups con-
tain identical modeTransitions at the time when the RTE is generated if
and only if
1. For each ModeTransition defined in the context of the mode provider one
ModeTransition with the same shortName is defined in the context of the
mode user.
2. Each pair of ModeTransitions in both ModeDeclarationGroups identified
by their respective shortName have identical targets (in terms of the shortName
of the referenced ModeDeclaration) of the references enteredMode and

6.8 Compatibility of Argument Prototypes

[constr_1076] Compatibility of ArgumentDataPrototypes dTwo ArgumentDat-
aPrototypes are compatible at the time when the RTE is generated if
and only if
1. They are typed by compatible AutosarDataTypes or a ClientServerOper-
ationMapping.argumentMapping exists that references one ArgumentDat-
aPrototype in the role firstDataPrototype and the other ArgumentDat-
aPrototype in the role secondDataPrototype.

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2. They have the same value of the argument direction (in, out or inout), i.e.
[constr_1268] applies.

6.9 Compatibility of Application Errors

[constr_1077] Compatibility of ApplicationErrors dTwo ApplicationErrors
are compatible at the time when the RTE is generated if and only if one of
the following conditions applies:
1. All the following subconditions apply:
(a) They have the same shortName.
(b) They have the same attributes. Especially the errorCode shall be identical
in both ApplicationErrors.
2. A ClientServerInterfaceMapping.errorMapping exists that references
one of the ApplicationErrors in the role firstApplicationError and
the other ApplicationErrors in the role secondApplicationError.

6.10 Compatibility of Client/Server Operations

[constr_1078] Compatibility of ClientServerOperations dTwo
ClientServerOperations are considered compatible at the time when
the RTE is generated if their signatures match. In particular, they are compatible
if and only if
1. They have the same number of ArgumentDataPrototypes.
2. The n-th arguments of both ClientServerOperations are compatible. This
implies ordering of ArgumentDataPrototypes.
3. They have identical values of attribute diagArgIntegrity or the attribute di-
agArgIntegrity does not exist on both sides.
4. They have the same shortName (again allows for mapping in PortInter-
5. The required ClientServerOperation specifies a compatible Applica-
tionError for each ApplicationError that is possibly raised by the pro-
vided ClientServerOperation, maybe more. Thereby, ClientServerOp-
erations that refer to a possibleError that represents the value E_OK are
compatible to ClientServerOperations that do refer to possibleErrors
where none of them represents the value E_OK.

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6.11 Compatibility of Client Server Interfaces

Please note that this compatibility requirement only satisfies static correctness which
means that logical consistency is not assured (e.g. that a client shall call a certain
operation to allow the server to work correctly).

6.11.1 Connection of Required and Provided Port via AssemblySwConnector

[constr_1079] Compatibility of ClientServerInterfaces in the context of

an AssemblySwConnector dClientServerInterfaces are compatible at the
time when the RTE is generated if and only if
1. One of the following conditions applies:
(a) For each ClientServerOperation defined in the context of the
ClientServerInterface of the required PortPrototype a compati-
ble ClientServerOperation exists in the ClientServerInterface
of the provided PortPrototype. The shortNames of ClientServer-
Operations are used to identify the pair.
(b) A ClientServerInterfaceMapping.operationMapping exists for
which the following conditions apply:
i. It is referenced by the corresponding SwConnector.
ii. It references one of the two ClientServerOperations in the role
firstOperation and the other in the role secondOperation.
2. For each such pair, the values of their isService attributes are identical.

6.11.2 Connection of Inner and Outer Port via DelegationSwConnector

[constr_1080] Compatibility of ClientServerInterfaces in the context of an

DelegationSwConnector dClientServerInterfaces are compatible at the
time when the RTE is generated if and only if
1. One of the following conditions applies:

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(a) For each ClientServerOperation defined in the context of the

ClientServerInterface of the required inner PortPrototype a com-
patible ClientServerOperation exists in the ClientServerInter-
face of the required outer PortPrototype. The shortNames of
ClientServerOperations are used to identify the pair.
(b) A ClientServerInterfaceMapping.operationMapping exists for
which the following conditions apply:
i. It is referenced by the corresponding SwConnector.
ii. It references one of the two ClientServerOperations in the role
firstOperation and the other in the role secondOperation.
2. One of the following conditions applies:
(a) For at least one ClientServerOperation defined in the context of
the ClientServerInterface of the provided inner PortPrototype a
compatible ClientServerOperation exists in the ClientServerIn-
terface of the provided outer PortPrototype. The shortNames of
ClientServerOperations are used to identify the pair.
(b) A ClientServerInterfaceMapping.operationMapping exists for
which the following conditions apply:
i. It is referenced by the corresponding SwConnector.
ii. It references one of the two ClientServerOperations in the role
firstOperation and the other in the role secondOperation.
3. For each such pair, the values of their isService attributes are identical.

6.11.3 Connection of Outer and Outer Port via PassThroughSwConnector

[constr_1250] Compatibility of ClientServerInterfaces in the context of

a PassThroughSwConnector dPortPrototypes of different ClientServerIn-
terfaces are considered compatible at the time when the RTE is gener-
ated if and only if
1. For at least one ClientServerOperation defined in the context of the
ClientServerInterface of the provided outer PortPrototype a compat-
ible ClientServerOperation exists in the ClientServerInterface of the
required outer PortPrototype.
Either the shortNames of the ClientServerOperations are used to identify
the pair or a ClientServerInterfaceMapping exists that maps the corre-
sponding ClientServerOperations.

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2. For each such pair, the values of the PortInterface.isService attributes are

6.12 Compatibility of Trigger Interfaces

Please note that this compatibility requirement only satisfies static correctness which
means that logical consistency is not assured (e.g. that a client shall call a certain
operation to allow the server to work correctly).

6.12.1 Connection of Required and Provided Port via AssemblySwConnector

[constr_1081] Compatibility of TriggerInterfaces in the context of an As-

semblySwConnector dTriggerInterfaces are compatible at the time when
the RTE is generated if and only if
1. One of the following conditions applies:
(a) For each Trigger defined in the context of the TriggerInterface of
the required PortPrototype a compatible Trigger exists in the Trig-
gerInterface of the provided PortPrototype. The shortNames of
Trigger are used to identify the pair.
(b) A TriggerInterfaceMapping.triggerMapping exists for which the
following conditions apply:
i. It is referenced by the corresponding SwConnector.
ii. It references one of the two Triggers in the role firstTrigger and
the other in the role secondTrigger.
2. For each such pair, the values of their isService attributes are identical.

6.12.2 Connection of Inner and Outer Port via DelegationSwConnector

[constr_1082] Compatibility of TriggerInterfaces in the context of an Dele-

gationSwConnector dTriggerInterfaces are compatible at the time when
the RTE is generated if and only if all the following conditions apply:
1. One of the following subconditions applies:

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(a) For each Trigger defined in the context of the TriggerInterface of the
required inner PortPrototype a compatible Trigger exists in the Trig-
gerInterface of the required outer PortPrototype. The shortNames
of Trigger are used to identify the pair.
(b) For at least one Trigger defined in the context of the TriggerInterface
of the provided outer PortPrototype a compatible Trigger exists in
the TriggerInterface of the provided inner PortPrototype. The
shortNames of Trigger are used to identify the pair.
(c) A TriggerInterfaceMapping.triggerMapping exists for which all the
following conditions apply:
i. It is referenced by the corresponding SwConnector.
ii. It references one of the two Triggers in the role firstTrigger and
the other in the role secondTrigger.
2. For each such pair, the values of their isService attributes are identical.

6.12.3 Connection of Outer and Outer Port via PassThroughSwConnector

[constr_1251] Compatibility of PortPrototypes of TriggerInterfaces in the

context of a PassThroughSwConnector dPortPrototypes of different Trigger-
Interfaces are considered compatible at the time when the RTE is gen-
erated if and only if
1. For at least one Trigger defined in the context of the TriggerInterface of
the required outer PortPrototype a compatible Trigger exists in the Trig-
gerInterface of the provided outer PortPrototype.
Either the shortName of Triggers are used to identify the pair or a Trig-
gerInterfaceMapping exists that refers to one of the Triggers in the role
firstTrigger and to the other in the role secondTrigger.
2. For each such pair, the values of the PortInterface.isService attributes are

6.13 Compatibility of Trigger

[constr_1083] Compatibility of Triggers dTriggers are compatible at the
time when the RTE is generated if they have an identical shortName.c()

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6.14 Entire Delegation of a Provided Port Prototype

[constr_1084] delegation of a provided outer PortPrototype dThe delegation of a
provided outer PortPrototype is properly defined if the following criteria are fulfilled:
1. For each VariableDataPrototype or ParameterDataPrototype present
in the SenderReceiverInterface, NvDataInterface, or Parameter-
Interface of the provided outer PortPrototype at least one connec-
tion via DelegationSwConnector to a provided inner PortPrototype or
PassThroughSwConnector to a required outer PortPrototype with a com-
patible VariableDataPrototype or ParameterDataPrototype in the
SenderReceiverInterface NvDataInterface or ParameterInterface
of the provided inner PortPrototype or required outer PortPrototype ex-
Either the shortNames of VariableDataPrototypes or ParameterDat-
aPrototypes are used to identify the pair or a PortInterfaceMapping de-
fines which differently named PortInterface elements correlate with each
2. For each VariableDataPrototype provided by a PRPortPrototype that is
typed by a SenderReceiverInterface or NvDataInterface and that is ref-
erenced in the role outerPort by a DelegationSwConnector a correspond-
ing VariableDataPrototype owned by an innerPort shall be provided by
either a PPortPrototype or a PRPortPrototype.
Either the shortNames of VariableDataPrototypes are used to identify the
pair or a PortInterfaceMapping defines which differently named PortIn-
terface elements correlate with each other.
3. For the ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype present in the ModeSwitch-
Interface of the provided outer PortPrototype exactly one connection
via DelegationSwConnector to a provided inner PortPrototype or
PassThroughSwConnector to a required outer PortPrototype with a com-
patible ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype in the ModeSwitchInterface
of the provided inner PortPrototype or required outer PortPrototype ex-
Either the shortNames of ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes are used to
identify the pair or a PortInterfaceMapping defines which differently named
PortInterface elements correlate with each other.
4. For each ClientServerOperation present in the ClientServerInter-
face of the provided outer PortPrototype exactly one connection via Dele-
gationSwConnector to a provided inner PortPrototype or PassThrough-
SwConnector to a required outer PortPrototype with a compatible
ClientServerOperation in the ClientServerInterface of the provided
inner PortPrototype or required outer PortPrototype exists.

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Either the shortNames of ClientServerOperations are used to identify the

pair or a PortInterfaceMapping defines which differently named PortIn-
terface elements correlate with each other.
5. For each Trigger present in the TriggerInterface of the provided outer
PortPrototype exactly one connection via DelegationSwConnector to a
provided inner PortPrototype or PassThroughSwConnector to a required
outer PortPrototype with a compatible Trigger in the TriggerInterface
of the provided inner PortPrototype or required outer PortPrototype ex-
Either the shortNames of Triggers are used to identify the pair or a PortIn-
terfaceMapping defines which differently named PortInterface elements
correlate with each other.
This constraint is associated with two possible imposition times:
• at the time when the RTE is generated
• at the time when the creation of the CompositionSwCompo-
nentType is finished
Table 6.2 defines which PortInterface elements are compatible depending on the
kind of PortInterface and the swImplPolicy attributes of the PortInterface

6.14.1 Split and Merge of PortInterface Elements

With the definition of compatibility rules in chapter 6.4, 6.11, and 6.12, it is possible
to split and distribute elements of a PortPrototype typed by a PortInterface
containing a superset of PortInterface elements to PortPrototypes of type of
PortInterfaces containing subsets of PortInterface elements.
Please find examples that explain the usage of splitting and merging in section 6.16.2.

6.15 Compatibility in Case of a Flat ECU Extract

Please note that in the case of a flat ECU extract of software-components specific com-
patibility rules apply. To some extent, these rules contradict the rules existing for the
pure VFB approach (see chapter 6). That is, if the split-and-merge pattern has been
applied on the creation of DelegationSwConnectors it might happen that compati-
bility rules defined in chapter 6 are violated.
However, given that the flattened ECU extract has been created out of a valid Compo-
sitionSwComponentType the flattened ECU extract does not become invalid in this

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case. In other words, the transformation does not create an invalid model out of a valid
However, to support this statement it is necessary to define additional compatibility
rules that properly cover this case and allow for a successful validation of the flattened
ECU extract.
For the flat ECU extract the compatibility of SenderReceiverInterfaces, Nv-
DataInterfaces, and ParameterInterfaces is considered for connecting of
PortPrototypes with a DelegationSwConnector.
[constr_1085] Compatibility in the case of a flat ECU extract dPortPrototypes
of different SenderReceiverInterfaces, NvDataInterfaces, and Parameter-
Interfaces are compatible if and only if for at least one VariableDataPrototype
or ParameterDataPrototype defined in the context of the SenderReceiverIn-
terface, NvDataInterface, or ParameterInterface of the RPortPrototype
a compatible VariableDataPrototype or ParameterDataPrototype exists in
the SenderReceiverInterface, NvDataInterface, or ParameterInterface
of the provided PortPrototype.
The compatibility of PortInterface elements depends on the kind of PortInter-
face and the swImplPolicy attributes of the PortInterface elements.
Either the shortNames of VariableDataPrototypes and ParameterDataPro-
totypes are used to identify the pair or a PortInterfaceMapping defines which
differently named PortInterface elements correlate with each other.c()
For clarification, table 6.2 defines which PortInterface elements are compatible
depending on the kind of PortInterface and the swImplPolicy attributes of the
PortInterface elements.
Please note that in case of the flat ECU extract it might happen that AssemblySwCon-
nectors that connect to a specific RPortPrototype also connect to PPortProto-
types that do not fulfill the compatibility rule specified in 6.4.1.
In particular, the dataElements might correspond to dataElements defined in the
scope of different PPortPrototypes. In other words, in the flat ECU extract it is
possible to merge dataElements from different providers.

6.16 Compatibility Examples

This section provides some examples that may explain the compatibility of PortPro-

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6.16.1 Compatibility on Assembly Level

The rules for compatibility with respect to the connection of dataElements by means
of AssemblySwConnectors are perhaps easier to digest than the delegation case
but nonetheless it seems appropriate to provide a set of examples that illustrate the
compatibility issue. Legal Use

One of the less trivial examples of this kind is the case of sender/receiver n:1 commu-
nication. Figure 6.1 sketches a case where both sender software-components provide
the full set of dataElements that are required by the RPortPrototype of the receiv-
ing software-component.



Figure 6.1: legal n:1 communication

The next case (exemplified by Figure 6.2) implements a situation where one sender
provides two dataElements {A, B} while the other sender provides only as subset of
these, i.e. {B}.
As the RPortPrototype of the receiving software-component requires only the
dataElement {B} compatibility issues will not occur because for every required
dataElement a compatible dataElement is provided.


Figure 6.2: legal n:1 communication

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AUTOSAR CP R21-11 Illegal Use

On possible example for an illegal configuration of a sender/receiver communication is

the scenario sketched in Figure 6.3. Although the sender software-components in total
provide the set of required dataElements the individual AssemblySwConnectors
create incompatible connections between sender and receiver.



Figure 6.3: illegal n:1 communication

6.16.2 Compatibility on Delegation Level

The rules for compatibility with respect to the delegation of dataElements perhaps
require some explanation in terms of examples. The first example 6.4 describes a legal
situation where two DelegationSwConnectors split the dataElements contained
in the RPortPrototype owned by a CompositionSwComponentType. Legal Use

The examples explain the usage of DelegationSwConnectors in different configu-

rations and different values of DelegatedPortAnnotation. Please note that the
DelegatedPortAnnotation is usually defined before the internal structure of a
CompositionSwComponentType is fully clarified.
At a later point in time it has to be consistent or can be removed. Decorating the
example with applicable values of DelegatedPortAnnotation should facilitate the
understanding of the meaning of the DelegatedPortAnnotation.



Figure 6.4: Legal split of delegation connector

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All required dataElements are provided by the DelegationSwConnectors at-

tached to the delegation RPortPrototype. The fact that dataElement D is not
conveyed to any of the RPortPrototypes owned by the SwComponentPrototypes
does not have any impact on the compatibility.
In other words: the RPortPrototype at the CompositionSwComponentType ac-
tually contains the superset of dataElements {A, B, C, D}. The two required inner
PortPrototypes of the SwComponentPrototypes contain the subsets of Vari-
ableDataPrototypes {A, B} and {B, C}. In this case the resulting communication
pattern on the VFB for B would be 1:n.
This requires the value of the attribute signalFan of DelegatedPortAnnotation
to be set to the value nfold.
In the next example, the RPortPrototype of the CompositionSwComponentType
contains the superset of dataElements {A, B}. The two RPortPrototypes of the
SwComponentPrototypes contain different subsets, i.e. {A} and {B}.



Figure 6.5: Legal split of delegation connector

In this case, the resulting communication pattern on the VFB would be n:1. In this case
the value of the attribute signalFan of DelegatedPortAnnotation should be set
to single.
The next example is about the merge of DelegationSwConnectors. The PPort-
Prototype owned by the CompositionSwComponentType contains a superset of
dataElements {A, B}. The two PPortPrototypes of the SwComponentProto-
types contain a disjoint subset each, i.e. {A} and {B}.



Figure 6.6: Legal merge of delegation connector

In this case, the resulting communication pattern on the VFB would be 1:x, with x taking
values between 0 and n. In this case the value of the attribute signalFan of Dele-
gatedPortAnnotation should be set to single. All VariableDataPrototypes

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of the provided outer PortPrototypes are provided by exactly one provided inner
As a variation of this theme, the next example features a PPortPrototype owned by
a CompositionSwComponentType that contains the superset of dataElements {A,
B, C}.
The PPortPrototypes of the SwComponentPrototypes in turn contain subsets of
dataElements, i.e. {A, B} and {B, C}. In this case the resulting communication pattern
on the VFB for {B} would be n:1.

{A,B} {A,B,C}



Figure 6.7: Legal merge of delegation connector

This would require the value of the attribute signalFan of DelegatedPortAnno-

tation to be set to nfold. All dataElements of the delegation PPortPrototype
are provided by at least one PPortPrototype of the SwComponentPrototypes.
Therefore, the criteria of entire delegation defined in chapter 6.14 are fulfilled.
The next example looks very similar. However, the subtle difference is that the second
SwComponentPrototype provides dataElements {C, D} rather than {B, C}.

{A,B} {A,B,C}



Figure 6.8: Legal merge of delegation connector

Although dataElement {D} does not appear in the delegation PPortPrototype, the
compatibility rules are fully satisfied with this scenario.
The next example shows a valid delegation of SwConnectors that goes end-to-end
via CompositionSwComponentTypes to included SwComponentPrototypes.

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{A,B} {A}


Figure 6.9: Valid delegation of SwConnectors that goes end-to-end Illegal Use

The first example for an illegal use of splitting of dataElements suffers from the fact
that not all dataElements owned by the RPortPrototypes of the SwComponent-
Prototypes are available from the connected RPortPrototypes owned by the
Although dataElements the connections in total match ({A} and {B} are connected
to a PortPrototype requiring {A, B}) the compatibility rules are not fulfilled because
they apply separately for each SwConnector

{A} {A,B}



Figure 6.10: Illegal split of delegation connector

In the next example compatibility is also not fulfilled because the required dataEle-
ment {E} is not provided by the delegation RPortPrototype.



Figure 6.11: Illegal split of delegation connector

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An incompatible merge of DelegationSwConnectors is sketched in Figure 6.12.

In this case the dataElement {E} is not provided by one of the PPortPrototypes
owned by the SwComponentPrototypes inside the CompositionSwComponent-

{A,B} {A,C,E}


Figure 6.12: Illegal merge of delegation connector

The next example shows an invalid delegation of SwConnectors that goes end-to-end
via CompositionSwComponentTypes to included SwComponentPrototypes.
Similar to the example sketched in Figure 6.12, the dataElement {E} is not provided
by one of the PPortPrototypes owned by the SwComponentPrototypes inside
the CompositionSwComponentType.

{A,B} {A}

{B,C} {C,E}

Figure 6.13: Invalid delegation of SwConnectors that goes end-to-end

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7 Internal Behavior

7.1 Introduction
[TPS_SWCT_01075] SwcInternalBehavior dSwcInternalBehavior provides
means for formally defining the behavior of an AtomicSwComponentType.c(RS_-
This chapter focuses on the description of the SwcInternalBehavior meta-class
and the various meta-classes it aggregates. An overview of the meta-class is sketched
in Figure 7.2. Please note that SwcInternalBehavior inherits from InternalBe-
The role of SwcInternalBehavior in the context of an AUTOSAR software-
component is depicted in Figure 7.1. As mentioned in section 3.2, the reason to
make the aggregation of SwcInternalBehavior to AtomicSwComponentType
atpSplitable is to allow for the development of SwcInternalBehavior in
a later process step (e.g. after the VFB view has been completed).
SwComponentType InternalBehavior Implementation
AtomicSwComponentType +internalBehavior SwcInternalBehavior +behavior SwcImplementation
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..1 0..1


Figure 7.1: The “big picture” of SwcInternalBehavior

Class InternalBehavior (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::InternalBehavior
Note Common base class (abstract) for the internal behavior of both software components and basic software
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Subclasses BswInternalBehavior, SwcInternalBehavior
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
constant ParameterData * aggr Describes a read only memory object containing
Memory Prototype characteristic value(s) implemented by this Internal
The shortName of ParameterDataPrototype has to be
equal to the ”C’ identifier of the described constant.
The characteristic value(s) might be shared between Sw
ComponentPrototypes of the same SwComponentType.
The aggregation of constantMemory is subject to
variability with the purpose to support variability in the
software component or module implementations.
Typically different algorithms in the implementation are
requiring different number of memory objects.

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Class InternalBehavior (abstract)
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=constantMemory.shortName, constant
constantValue ConstantSpecification * ref Reference to the ConstantSpecificationMapping to be
Mapping MappingSet applied for the particular InternalBehavior
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
dataType DataTypeMappingSet * ref Reference to the DataTypeMapping to be applied for the
Mapping particular InternalBehavior
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
exclusiveArea ExclusiveArea * aggr This specifies an ExclusiveArea for this InternalBehavior.
The exclusiveArea is local to the component resp.
module. The aggregation of ExclusiveAreas is subject to
variability. Note: the number of ExclusiveAreas might vary
due to the conditional existence of RunnableEntities or
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=exclusiveArea.shortName, exclusive
exclusiveArea ExclusiveAreaNesting * aggr This represents the set of ExclusiveAreaNestingOrder
NestingOrder Order owned by the InternalBehavior.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
staticMemory VariableDataPrototype * aggr Describes a read and writeable static memory object
representing measurerment variables implemented by
this software component. The term "static" is used in the
meaning of "non-temporary" and does not necessarily
specify a linker encapsulation. This kind of memory is
only supported if supportsMultipleInstantiation is FALSE.
The shortName of the VariableDataPrototype has to be
equal with the ”C’ identifier of the described variable.
The aggregation of staticMemory is subject to variability
with the purpose to support variability in the software
component’s implementations.
Typically different algorithms in the implementation are
requiring different number of memory objects.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=staticMemory.shortName, static

Table 7.1: InternalBehavior

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Class SwcInternalBehavior
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior
Note The SwcInternalBehavior of an AtomicSwComponentType describes the relevant aspects of the
software-component with respect to the RTE, i.e. the RunnableEntities and the RTEEvents they respond
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, InternalBehavior , Multilanguage
Referrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
arTypedPer VariableDataPrototype * aggr Defines an AUTOSAR typed memory-block that needs to
Instance be available for each instance of the SW-component.
This is typically only useful if supportsMultipleInstantiation
is set to "true" or if the component defines NVRAM
access via permanent blocks.
The aggregation of arTypedPerInstanceMemory is subject
to variability with the purpose to support variability in the
software component’s implementations. Typically different
algorithms in the implementation are requiring different
number of memory objects.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=arTypedPerInstanceMemory.shortName, ar
event RTEEvent * aggr This is a RTEEvent specified for the particular Swc
The aggregation of RTEEvent is subject to variability with
the purpose to support the conditional existence of RTE
events. Note: the number of RTE events might vary due
to the conditional existence of PortPrototypes using Data
ReceivedEvents or due to different scheduling needs of
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=event.shortName, event.variationPoint.short
exclusiveArea SwcExclusiveArea * aggr Options how to generate the ExclusiveArea related APIs.
Policy Policy When no SwcExclusiveAreaPolicy is specified for an
ExclusiveArea the default values apply.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=exclusiveAreaPolicy, exclusiveArea
explicitInter VariableDataPrototype * aggr Implement state message semantics for establishing
Runnable communication among runnables of the same
Variable component. The aggregation of explicitInterRunnable
Variable is subject to variability with the purpose to
support variability in the software components
implementations. Typically different algorithms in the
implementation are requiring different number of memory
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation

538 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class SwcInternalBehavior
handle HandleTerminationAnd 0..1 attr This attribute controls the behavior with respect to
TerminationAnd RestartEnum stopping and restarting. The corresponding AtomicSw
Restart ComponentType may either not support stop and restart,
or support only stop, or support both stop and restart.
implicitInter VariableDataPrototype * aggr Implement state message semantics for establishing
Runnable communication among runnables of the same
Variable component. The aggregation of implicitInterRunnable
Variable is subject to variability with the purpose to
support variability in the software components
implementations. Typically different algorithms in the
implementation are requiring different number of memory
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
includedData IncludedDataTypeSet * aggr The includedDataTypeSet is used by a software
TypeSet component for its implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
includedMode IncludedMode * aggr This aggregation represents the included Mode
Declaration DeclarationGroupSet DeclarationGroups
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
instantiation InstantiationDataDef * aggr The purpose of this is that within the context of a given
DataDefProps Props SwComponentType some data def properties of individual
instantiations can be modified. The aggregation of
InstantiationDataDefProps is subject to variability with the
purpose to support the conditional existence of Port
Prototypes and component local memories like "per
InstanceParameter" or "arTypedPerInstanceMemory".
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=instantiationDataDefProps, instantiationData
perInstance PerInstanceMemory * aggr Defines a per-instance memory object needed by this
Memory software component. The aggregation of PerInstance
Memory is subject to variability with the purpose to
support variability in the software components
implementations. Typically different algorithms in the
implementation are requiring different number of memory
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=perInstanceMemory.shortName, perInstance

539 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class SwcInternalBehavior
perInstance ParameterData * aggr Defines parameter(s) or characteristic value(s) that needs
Parameter Prototype to be available for each instance of the
software-component. This is typically only useful if
supportsMultipleInstantiation is set to "true". The
aggregation of perInstanceParameter is subject to
variability with the purpose to support variability in the
software components implementations. Typically different
algorithms in the implementation are requiring different
number of memory objects.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=perInstanceParameter.shortName, per
portAPIOption PortAPIOption * aggr Options for generating the signature of port-related calls
from a runnable to the RTE and vice versa. The
aggregation of PortPrototypes is subject to variability with
the purpose to support the conditional existence of ports.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=portAPIOption, portAPIOption.variation
runnable RunnableEntity * aggr This is a RunnableEntity specified for the particular Swc
The aggregation of RunnableEntity is subject to variability
with the purpose to support the conditional existence of
RunnableEntities. Note: the number of RunnableEntities
might vary due to the conditional existence of Port
Prototypes using DataReceivedEvents or due to different
scheduling needs of algorithms.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=runnable.shortName, runnable.variation
service SwcService * aggr Defines the requirements on AUTOSAR Services for a
Dependency Dependency particular item.
The aggregation of SwcServiceDependency is subject to
variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of ports as well as the conditional existence of
The SwcServiceDependency owned by an SwcInternal
Behavior can be located in a different physical file in order
to support that SwcServiceDependency might be
provided in later development steps or even by different
expert domain (e.g OBD expert for Obd related Service
Needs) tools. Therefore the aggregation is <<atp
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=serviceDependency.shortName, service

540 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class SwcInternalBehavior
shared ParameterData * aggr Defines parameter(s) or characteristic value(s) shared
Parameter Prototype between SwComponentPrototypes of the same Sw
ComponentType The aggregation of sharedParameter is
subject to variability with the purpose to support variability
in the software components implementations. Typically
different algorithms in the implementation are requiring
different number of memory objects.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=sharedParameter.shortName, shared
supports Boolean 0..1 attr Indicate whether the corresponding software-component
Multiple can be multiply instantiated on one ECU. In this case the
Instantiation attribute will result in an appropriate component API on
programming language level (with or without instance
variationPoint VariationPointProxy * aggr Proxy of a variation points in the C/C++ implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable

Table 7.2: SwcInternalBehavior

[constr_1934] Existence of attribute SwcInternalBehavior.handleTermina-

tionAndRestart dFor each SwcInternalBehavior, attribute handleTermina-
tionAndRestart shall exist at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1935] Existence of attribute SwcInternalBehavior.supportsMulti-
pleInstantiation dFor each SwcInternalBehavior, attribute supportsMul-
tipleInstantiation shall exist at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()
Enumeration HandleTerminationAndRestartEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior
Note Controls the behavior of an AtomicSwComponentType with respect to stop and restart.
Literal Description
canBeTerminated Supports termination.
canBeTerminated Supports termination and restarting.
noSupport Stop and restart is not supported at all.

Table 7.3: HandleTerminationAndRestartEnum

541 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Identifiable +exclusiveArea AtpStructureElement +constantMemory AutosarDataPrototype

ExclusiveArea InternalBehavior ParameterDataPrototype
0..* «atpVariation,atpSplitable» «atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*

+perInstanceParameter 0..* +sharedParameter 0..*


VariableDataPrototype 0..* «atpVariation,atpSplitable»

0..* «atpVariation,atpSplitable»
0..* «atpVariation,atpSplitable»  

0..* «atpVariation,atpSplitable»

«atpVariation,atpSplitable» «atpVariation,atpSplitable»
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» «atpVariation,atpSplitable»
   +perInstanceMemory 0..* +portAPIOption 0..* +runnable 0..* +event 0..*
    AtpStructureElement AtpStructureElement AbstractEvent
Identifiable ExecutableEntity AtpStructureElement
PerInstanceMemory RunnableEntity RTEEvent

Figure 7.2: SwcInternalBehavior

7.2 Runnable Entity

The concept of RunnableEntity (more details can be found in Figure 7.3) is defined
in the specification of the Virtual Function Bus [3].
[TPS_SWCT_01030] RunnableEntity dRunnableEntitys are the smallest code-
fragments that are provided by a software-component and are (at least indirectly) a
subject for scheduling by the underlying operating system or else (in rare cases) for
execution in ISR context.c(RS_SWCT_03040, RS_SWCT_00070, RS_SWCT_00090,
[TPS_SWCT_01097] CompositionSwComponentType cannot have
RunnableEntitys dIt is intentionally not possible for CompositionSwComponent-
Type to define a SwcInternalBehavior. Consequently, CompositionSwCom-
ponentTypes don’t have RunnableEntitys by themselves.c(RS_SWCT_00070,
RS_SWCT_00090, RS_SWCT_03050)
[TPS_SWCT_01098] Only AtomicSwComponentType can have RunnableEn-
titys dOnly the AtomicSwComponentType that are populating a Composition-
SwComponentType as SwComponentPrototypes may have RunnableEntitys.c
(RS_SWCT_03040, RS_SWCT_00070, RS_SWCT_00090, RS_SWCT_03050)
This correlation is depicted in Figure 7.4.

542 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template


+ handleTerminationAndRestart: HandleTerminationAndRestartEnum [0..1]

+ supportsMultipleInstantiation: Boolean [0..1]

+accessedParameter 0..1

+runnable 0..*

AtpStructureElement +parameterAccess AbstractAccessPoint

ExecutableEntity AtpStructureElement
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..* Identifiable
+ canBeInvokedConcurrently: Boolean [0..1]
+ symbol: CIdentifier [0..1]
+serverCallPoint AtpStructureElement
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..* ServerCallPoint

   + timeout: TimeValue [0..1]

    +asynchronousServerCallResultPoint AtpStructureElement
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*

+ timeout: TimeValue [0..1]

+externalTriggeringPoint ExternalTriggeringPoint

«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*

+internalTriggeringPoint Identifiable
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..* InternalTriggeringPoint

+ swImplPolicy: SwImplPolicyEnum [0..1]

+dataReceivePointByValue AbstractAccessPoint
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..* Identifiable

+dataReceivePointByArgument VariableAccess
   + scope: VariableAccessScopeEnum [0..1]
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*

«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*

«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*

«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*

«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*



Figure 7.3: Details of RunnableEntity

Please note that RunnableEntitys exist in several categories that have different
properties. Please find more explanation about categories of RunnableEntitys in

543 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

AtpPrototype ARElement
SwComponentPrototype AtpBlueprint
«isOfType» +type AtpBlueprintable
{redefines atpType}

+component 0..*

CompositionSwComponentType AtomicSwComponentType


+internalBehavior 0..1
AtpStructureElement InternalBehavior
ExecutableEntity +runnable SwcInternalBehavior
0..* «atpVariation,atpSplitable»

Figure 7.4: Only AtomicSwComponentTypes may have RunnableEntitys

Class RunnableEntity
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior
Note A RunnableEntity represents the smallest code-fragment that is provided by an AtomicSwComponent
Type and are executed under control of the RTE. RunnableEntities are for instance set up to respond to
data reception or operation invocation on a server.
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, ExecutableEntity , Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
argument RunnableEntity * aggr This represents the formal definition of a an argument to
(ordered) Argument a RunnableEntity.
asynchronous AsynchronousServer * aggr The server call result point admits a runnable to fetch the
ServerCall CallResultPoint result of an asynchronous server call.
The aggregation of AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint
is subject to variability with the purpose to support the
conditional existence of client server PortPrototypes and
the variant existence of server call result points in the
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
Name, asynchronousServerCallResultPoint.variation
canBeInvoked Boolean 0..1 attr If the value of this attribute is set to "true" the enclosing
Concurrently RunnableEntity can be invoked concurrently (even for one
instance of the corresponding AtomicSwComponent
Type). This implies that it is the responsibility of the
implementation of the RunnableEntity to take care of this
form of concurrency.

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Software Component Template

Class RunnableEntity
dataRead VariableAccess * aggr RunnableEntity has implicit read access to dataElement
Access of a sender-receiver PortPrototype or nv data of a nv data
The aggregation of dataReadAccess is subject to
variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of sender receiver ports or the variant existence
of dataReadAccess in the implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=dataReadAccess.shortName, dataRead
dataReceive VariableAccess * aggr RunnableEntity has explicit read access to dataElement
PointBy of a sender-receiver PortPrototype or nv data of a nv data
Argument PortPrototype. The result is passed back to the
application by means of an argument in the function
The aggregation of dataReceivePointByArgument is
subject to variability with the purpose to support the
conditional existence of sender receiver PortPrototype or
the variant existence of data receive points in the
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
dataReceive VariableAccess * aggr RunnableEntity has explicit read access to dataElement
PointByValue of a sender-receiver PortPrototype or nv data of a nv data
The result is passed back to the application by means of
the return value. The aggregation of dataReceivePointBy
Value is subject to variability with the purpose to support
the conditional existence of sender receiver ports or the
variant existence of data receive points in the
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=dataReceivePointByValue.shortName, data
dataSendPoint VariableAccess * aggr RunnableEntity has explicit write access to dataElement
of a sender-receiver PortPrototype or nv data of a nv data
The aggregation of dataSendPoint is subject to variability
with the purpose to support the conditional existence of
sender receiver PortPrototype or the variant existence of
data send points in the implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=dataSendPoint.shortName, dataSend

545 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class RunnableEntity
dataWrite VariableAccess * aggr RunnableEntity has implicit write access to dataElement
Access of a sender-receiver PortPrototype or nv data of a nv data
The aggregation of dataWriteAccess is subject to
variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of sender receiver ports or the variant existence
of dataWriteAccess in the implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=dataWriteAccess.shortName, dataWrite
external ExternalTriggeringPoint * aggr The aggregation of ExternalTriggeringPoint is subject to
TriggeringPoint variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of trigger ports or the variant existence of
external triggering points in the implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
internal InternalTriggeringPoint * aggr The aggregation of InternalTriggeringPoint is subject to
TriggeringPoint variability with the purpose to support the variant
existence of internal triggering points in the
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=internalTriggeringPoint.shortName, internal
modeAccess ModeAccessPoint * aggr The runnable has a mode access point. The aggregation
Point of ModeAccessPoint is subject to variability with the
purpose to support the conditional existence of mode
ports or the variant existence of mode access points in
the implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=modeAccessPoint.ident.shortName, mode
modeSwitch ModeSwitchPoint * aggr The runnable has a mode switch point. The aggregation
Point of ModeSwitchPoint is subject to variability with the
purpose to support the conditional existence of mode
ports or the variant existence of mode switch points in the
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=modeSwitchPoint.shortName, modeSwitch

546 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class RunnableEntity
parameter ParameterAccess * aggr The presence of a ParameterAccess implies that a
Access RunnableEntity needs read only access to a Parameter
DataPrototype which may either be local or within a Port
The aggregation of ParameterAccess is subject to
variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of parameter ports and component local
parameters as well as the variant existence of Parameter
Access (points) in the implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=parameterAccess.shortName, parameter
readLocal VariableAccess * aggr The presence of a readLocalVariable implies that a
Variable RunnableEntity needs read access to a VariableData
Prototype in the role of implicitInterRunnableVariable or
The aggregation of readLocalVariable is subject to
variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of implicitInterRunnableVariable and explicit
InterRunnableVariable or the variant existence of read
LocalVariable (points) in the implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=readLocalVariable.shortName, readLocal
serverCallPoint ServerCallPoint * aggr The RunnableEntity has a ServerCallPoint. The
aggregation of ServerCallPoint is subject to variability with
the purpose to support the conditional existence of client
server PortPrototypes or the variant existence of server
call points in the implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=serverCallPoint.shortName, serverCall
symbol CIdentifier 0..1 attr The symbol describing this RunnableEntity’s entry point.
This is considered the API of the RunnableEntity and is
required during the RTE contract phase.
waitPoint WaitPoint * aggr The WaitPoint associated with the RunnableEntity.
writtenLocal VariableAccess * aggr The presence of a writtenLocalVariable implies that a
Variable RunnableEntity needs write access to a VariableData
Prototype in the role of implicitInterRunnableVariable or
The aggregation of writtenLocalVariable is subject to
variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of implicitInterRunnableVariable and explicit
InterRunnableVariable or the variant existence of written
LocalVariable (points) in the implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=writtenLocalVariable.shortName, written

Table 7.4: RunnableEntity

547 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

[TPS_SWCT_01302] Semantics of minimumStartInterval dThe attribute Exe-

cutableEntity.minimumStartInterval defines the time interval that the RTE
will guarantee to not go below between scheduling two consecutive executions of the
corresponding RunnableEntity.c(RS_SWCT_03040)
[constr_1936] Existence of attribute RunnableEntity.symbol dFor each
RunnableEntity, attribute symbol shall exist at the time when the con-
tract phase generation is executed.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01303] symbol attribute describes the RunnableEntity’s entry
point dThe RunnableEntity.symbol attribute is describing the RunnableEntity’s
entry point.c(RS_SWCT_03040)
The implication RunnableEntity.symbol on the uniqueness of symbols in the scope
of one EcuInstance is described in [constr_2025] [10].
A RunnableEntity inherits several attributes from its base class ExecutableEn-
tity due to the fact that these are also used in the Basic Software Module Description
Template [6]. Here the following constraint applies:
[constr_4082] RunnableEntity.reentrancyLevel shall not be set. dThe op-
tional attribute reentrancyLevel shall not be set for a RunnableEntity. This
attribute would define more specific reentrancy features than the mandatory attribute
canBeInvokedConcurrently. These features are currently only supported for Ba-
sic Software.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
Please note that the formal definition of the semantics of a RunnableEntity has
strong relations to the specification of the AUTOSAR RTE [2]. The definition of the
RTE semantics, however, is not in the scope of this document.
However, the formal definition requires some background discussion that can’t be com-
pletely left out of this document. Otherwise, the meaning of specific model elements
could not be understood properly.
Please note further that there are legitimate use cases for software-components with-
out any RunnableEntitys, e.g. in following situations:
• An NvBlockSwComponentType does not require any RunnableEntity if
there is no need to proxy any PortPrototype typed by either of the
ClientServerInterfaces NvMService or NvMAdmin.
• A ServiceSwComponentType runs in a reduced configuration and does not
have to offer any PortPrototype to any service-using application software-
• A software-component is configured in a reduced configuration where none of
the functionality is selected. In this case, it’s simpler to keep the empty software-
component instead of adding further VariationPoints at many other ele-
ments, e.g. SwComponentPrototype.

548 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

On top of that, a variation-based approach would require the conditional existence

of other ARElements which are not yet supported, e.g. a SwcImplementation
that references the AtomicSwComponentType.

7.2.1 Concurrency and Reentrancy of a RunnableEntity that cannot be Invoked


This section applies to the case that the value of the attribute canBeInvokedCon-
currently is false. During runtime, each RunnableEntity of each instance of
an AtomicSwComponentType is in a specific run-time state.
The details of the definition and semantics of run-time states can be found in [2]. Nev-
ertheless, this chapter contains a brief description of the fundamental concepts in order
to properly being able to discuss the formal modeling of RunnableEntitys.
[TPS_SWCT_01313] Conditions for a transition from suspended to to be
started dThe SwcInternalBehavior describes for each RunnableEntity the
conditions for a transition from suspended to to be started should occur. This is
done using the concept of an RTEEvent.c(RS_SWCT_03040)
When a RunnableEntity is in state to be started, the RTE can decide to
start running the RunnableEntity. The delay between entering the state to be
started (e.g. a message has been received in response to which the RunnableEn-
tity should run) and moving into the state running (the first instruction of the
RunnableEntity has been executed) depends on the scheduling strategy of the
RTE, i.e. the mapping of RunnableEntitys on AUTOSAR OS tasks.
The transition from the state running into the state suspended is in the hands of the
RunnableEntity: the transition occurs when the RunnableEntity returns (thereby
handing over control to the AUTOSAR OS [31]). Some RunnableEntitys (like cat. 2
RunnableEntitys) might never return to the suspended state once they entered the
running state.
They might enter the preempted state when being preempted. The same applies if a
RunnableEntity needs to wait for a WaitPoint to be unblocked.
[TPS_SWCT_01304] Cat. 1A and 1B RunnableEntitys will eventually terminate
dCat. 1A and 1B RunnableEntitys will eventually return after having executed a
specific finite algorithm (the execution time of which might be provided).c(RS_SWCT_-
[TPS_SWCT_01305] RunnableEntity as one that cannot be invoked concur-
rently dIn case the SwcInternalBehavior defines a RunnableEntity as one
that cannot be invoked concurrently it is the responsibility of the RTE to make sure
that the RunnableEntity is never started concurrently (for example, in two different
AUTOSAR OS tasks). This implies that the implementation of the AtomicSwCompo-
nentType does not need to worry about concurrency issues.c(RS_SWCT_03040)

549 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

For example: The internal behavior of an AtomicSwComponentType MyComponent-

Type describes a RunnableEntity R1 which should be enabled when an opera-
tion on a client-server PPortPrototype of the AtomicSwComponentType is in-
voked. The AtomicSwComponentType specifies that the RunnableEntity R1 can-
not be invoked concurrently.
The AtomicSwComponentType MyComponentType is instantiated on an ECU. When
a call of the operation is received, the corresponding instance of the RunnableEn-
tity R1 is enabled and the RTE will start executing the RunnableEntity (the
RunnableEntity is in state running) in a task eventually managed by the
If another call of the operation is received while the RunnableEntity is in state
running, it is not allowed that the RTE runs the RunnableEntity again in a second
task. Rather, the RTE has to wait (and maybe queue the second incoming request)
until the RunnableEntity has returned and has moved to the suspended state.

7.2.2 Concurrency and Reentrancy of a RunnableEntity that can be Invoked


This section applies to the case that the value of the attribute canBeInvokedCon-
currently is set to true.
In this case, it is allowed that the same RunnableEntity is running several times
concurrently in different AUTOSAR OS tasks. This implies that the state machine de-
fined in [2] is not the state of the RunnableEntity anymore, but can be cloned an
arbitrary number of times.
[TPS_SWCT_01306] Software-component description itself does not put any
bounds on the number of concurrent invocations of a RunnableEntity dThe
software-component description itself does not put any bounds on the number of con-
current invocations of the RunnableEntity that are allowed.
The software-component description only specifies whether the RunnableEntity
can be invoked concurrently or not.
Allowing concurrent invocation of a RunnableEntity implies that the implementa-
tion of the AtomicSwComponentType needs to take care of this additional form of
For example: The SwcInternalBehavior of a component-type MyComponentType
describes a RunnableEntity R1 which should be enabled when a ClientServer-
Operation on a PPortPrototype typed by a ClientServerInterface of the
AtomicSwComponentType is invoked.
The AtomicSwComponentType specifies that the RunnableEntity R1 can be in-
voked concurrently. The AtomicSwComponentType MyComponentType is instanti-
ated on an ECU.

550 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

When a call of the ClientServerOperation is received the corresponding in-

stance of the RunnableEntity R1 is enabled and the RTE will start executing the
RunnableEntity (the RunnableEntity is in state running) in a task eventually
managed by the AUTOSAR OS.
If another call of the ClientServerOperation is received, it is allowed that the same
RunnableEntity is started again in a different task.
A typical use-case of concurrent RunnableEntitys is the implementation of
AUTOSAR services. The AUTOSAR services will typically take care of concurrency
internally: several software-components can directly use the services in parallel.
The ECU-integrator could then decide that the RunnableEntity implementing the
AUTOSAR service runs directly in the context (in the task) of the AtomicSwCompo-
nentType invoking the service.
This is a very efficient and direct coupling between the client and the server: the con-
nector between the client and the server is reduced to a local function-call.

7.2.3 Timed Activation of Runnable Entities

In many cases, RunnableEntitys need to be activated in response to timing events

rather than related to communication (e.g. the reception of a response to an asyn-
chronous operation invocation). Many RunnableEntitys will need to run cyclically
with a fixed rate.
The approach taken in the software-component description is to define so-called
TimingEvents (please find more details in Figure 7.5) as special kinds of RTEEvents.
So far, only one kind of timing-related RTEEvent has been defined: a simple periodic
AbstractEvent AtpStructureElement
AtpStructureElement ExecutableEntity
+ offset: TimeValue [0..1] RTEEvent RunnableEntity
+ period: TimeValue [0..1] 0..1
+ canBeInvokedConcurrently: Boolean [0..1]
+ symbol: CIdentifier [0..1]

Figure 7.5: Periodic activation of RunnableEntities

[TPS_SWCT_01519] RTE executes certain RunnableEntity periodically dIf the

SwcInternalBehavior of an AtomicSwComponentType requires that the RTE
executes certain RunnableEntitys periodically, the description needs to define a
TimingEvent with the desired period.
This TimingEvent then contains a reference to the RunnableEntity that needs to
be executed with this period.c(RS_SWCT_03040)
[constr_2031] Period of TimingEvent shall be greater than 0 dThe value of the
attribute period of TimingEvent shall be greater than 0 at the time when the
RTE is generated.c()

551 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Note that it is possible to override the attribute period on the level of instantiation.
See [TPS_SWCT_02507] for more details.
Class TimingEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note This event is used to start RunnableEntities that shall be executed periodically.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, RTEEvent, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
offset TimeValue 0..1 attr The value makes an assumption about the time offset of
the first activation of the RunnableEntity triggered by the
mapped TimingEvent relative to the periodic activation of
the time base of this TimingEvent. Unit: second.
period TimeValue 0..1 attr Period of timing event in seconds. The value of this
attribute shall be greater than zero.

Table 7.5: TimingEvent

[constr_1937] Existence of attribute TimingEvent.period dFor each

TimingEvent, attribute period shall exist at the time when the RTE is
[constr_1622] Value of TimingEvent.offset vs. TimingEvent.period dIf a
value is defined for attribute TimingEvent.offset then this value shall be greater
than 0 and less or equal than the value of attribute TimingEvent.period of the re-
spective TimingEvent at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
The motivation for the existence of [constr_1622] is that the mapped TimingEvent
could not be implemented with the given period if the activation offset is greater
than the period of the TimingEvent.

7.2.4 Additional Remarks and Clarifications Reentrancy and Multiple Instantiation

This chapter is emphasizing on the specific meanings of combinations of the attributes

SwcInternalBehavior.supportsMultipleInstantiation and RunnableEn-
[TPS_SWCT_01307] supportsMultipleInstantiation vs. canBeInvoked-
Concurrently dThe semantics of combining the attributes supportsMultiple-
Instantiation and canBeInvokedConcurrently is summarized in Table 7.6.c
In case the implementation of a AtomicSwComponentType decides to map several
RunnableEntitys to the same symbol there are reentrancy problems to be sorted
out. However, this scenario is not supported by RTE [2] anyway and shall therefore be

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supportsMultipleIn- canBeInvokedCon- Implication for an implementation of a RunnableEntity

stantiation currently
This implies that the implementation of the RunnableEntity will never be
invoked concurrently from several tasks. The implementation does not need
false false
to care about reentrancy issues and can typically use static variables
to store state.
In case there are several instances of the same AtomicSwComponentType
on the local ECU, the implementation of the RunnableEntity can still be
invoked concurrently from several tasks.
true false
However, there will be no concurrent invocations of the implementation with
the same instance handle. To ensure that this is safe, the implementation
will typically use per-instance memory.
In this case the RunnableEntity can be invoked concurrently from several
true true
tasks, even with the same instance handle.

Table 7.6: supportsMultipleInstantiation vs. canBeInvokedConcurrently Reentrancy and “Library Functions”

Note that all code that is called by different RunnableEntitys (like e.g. library rou-
tines, etc.) shall obviously be reentrant. A filter algorithm implemented in C, for exam-
ple, is not allowed to store values from previous runs by means of static variables or
variables with external binding. Compatibility of ClientServerOperations triggering the same


[TPS_SWCT_01309] signature of a RunnableEntity depends on the connected

RTEEvent dThe signature of a RunnableEntity depends on the connected
Multiple OperationInvokedEvents that trigger the same RunnableEntity are
only supported if all referenced ClientServerOperations would result in the same
RunnableEntity signature for the server RunnableEntity.c(RS_SWCT_03040)
[constr_2000] Compatibility of ClientServerOperations triggering the same
RunnableEntity dThe ClientServerOperations are considered compatible at
the time when the contract phase generation is executed if
• the number of arguments (which can be ArgumentDataPrototypes or related
PortDefinedArgumentValues) is equal and
• the corresponding arguments (i.e. first argument on both sides, second ar-
gument on both sides, etc.) are compatible or both are typed by "new-world"
Variable-Size Array Data Types where the data types of the array ele-
ments are compatible (but the array sizes may differ).
• and the respective values of PortAPIOption.errorHandling are identical.

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In particular, this means that:

• for combinations of ArgumentDataPrototypes and ArgumentDataProto-
types where the serverArgumentImplPolicy is set to useArgumentType
the referred ImplementationDataTypes shall be compatible.
In case of data types of category STRUCTURE all by order matching Imple-
mentationDataTypeElements shall be named equally.
• for combinations of PortDefinedArgumentValues and ArgumentDataPro-
totypes where the serverArgumentImplPolicy is set to useArgument-
Type the referred ImplementationDataTypes shall be compatible.
In case of ImplementationDataTypeElements of category STRUCTURE all
by order matching ImplementationDataTypeElements of the structure shall
be named equally.
• for ArgumentDataPrototypes where the serverArgumentImplPolicy is
set to useVoid an arbitrary ImplementationDataType is referred to.
In addition, it is required that the return value defined on both sides shall match (in
terms of Std_ReturnType vs. void) and also the possibleErrors are compati-
[TPS_SWCT_01520] Implication of the existence of possibleError on com-
patibility of ClientServerOperations dAn implication of [constr_2000] is that a
ClientServerOperation that defines any possibleError is not compatible with
a ClientServerOperation that defines no possibleError at all because this
configuration leads to different data type of the return value of the C function that im-
plements the applicable RunnableEntity.c(RS_SWCT_03040) Categories of Runnable Entities

[TPS_SWCT_01310] Categories of RunnableEntitys dRunnableEntitys are

subdivided into the following categories:
Category 1 RunnableEntitys of Category 1 do not have WaitPoints and are re-
quired to terminate in a finite amount of time. Category 1 is divided into two
subcategories: Category 1A and Category 1B.
Category 1A RunnableEntitys are only allowed to use implicit APIs.
Category 1B RunnableEntitys are additionally allowed to invoke a server, to
use explicit APIs, to issue triggers, to switch modes and to use Exclu-
Category 2 In contrast to Category 1, RunnableEntitys, RunnableEntitys of
Category 2 always aggregate at least one WaitPoint1 . Typically, such a
Category 2 RunnableEntitys usually have to be mapped to Extended Tasks, because only ex-
tended tasks provide the task state WAITING.

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RunnableEntity implements an internal loop where one iteration through the

loop is triggered whenever a WaitPoint is resolved.
For more details regarding details of the modeling of meta-class RunnableEntity,
please refer to Figure 7.3.
The resource need of a RunnableEntity in its later integration usually depends on
the used features of the Runtime Environment.
In the AUTOSAR Methodology, the ECU integrator is required to map various
RunnableEntitys to a limited amount of OS Tasks in a specific order.
The RunnableEntity categories are useful to indicate the later integration effort and
resource need on the basis of the RunnableEntity’s design.
Thereby Category 1A RunnableEntitys do not utilize RTE features which are block-
ing or delaying the execution of the RunnableEntity. As long as the RunnableEn-
tity implementation guaranties stable execution times it’s rather simple and reliable
to integrate them in a calculation chain.
As opposed to Category 1A, the scheduling behavior of Category 2 RunnableEn-
titys at runtime depends on the interaction with the interfaces of the enclosing soft-
ware component.
For instance, the suspend-times of the OS Task, where the RunnableEntity is
mapped to, may depend on actual data reception and/or occurrence of timeouts.
Moreover, it’s usually not possible to map more than one RunnableEntity to an
OS Task when the RunnableEntity implements an infinite internal loop, triggered
whenever a WaitPoint is resolved.
In case of Category 1B, additional side conditions impact the schedule behavior and
required OS features. For instance, a server call might be simply implemented as direct
function call in case of intra partition communication or might require a more complex
implementation in case of inter-ECU communication. Arguments of a Runnable Entity

In many cases an RTE generator will be able to figure out not only the number and
data type of arguments to a RunnableEntity but also the name of the arguments.
In some cases, however, formal support from the upstream templates is required to
facilitate this task.
[TPS_SWCT_01311] Name of an operation argument dThis support is available by
means of the meta-class RunnableEntityArgument that contributes the name of
the argument by means of the value of the attribute symbol.

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As a RunnableEntity might need to define many arguments the aggregation of

RunnableEntityArgument at RunnableEntity in the role argument has the mul-
tiplicity 0..* and as the order of these arguments is significant the meta-model defines
the aggregation as ordered2 .c()
[constr_1164] Number of arguments owned by a RunnableEntity dIf a given
RunnableEntity owns RunnableEntityArguments in the role argument, then
the number of these RunnableEntityArguments shall be identical to the number
of applicable portArgValues of the PortAPIOption that references the Port-
Prototype that in turn is referenced by the OperationInvokedEvent that ref-
erences the RunnableEntity plus the number of ArgumentDataPrototypes
aggregated in the role argument by the ClientServerOperation referenced
by said OperationInvokedEvent at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()
[constr_1165] Applicability of RunnableEntityArgument dThe existence of
a RunnableEntityArgument is limited to RunnableEntitys triggered by a
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01312] RunnableEntity has a mapping to BswModuleEntry dThe
existence of RunnableEntityArguments in the role argument owned by a
RunnableEntity shall be ignored by an RTE generator if a mapping to a BswMod-
uleEntry exists.
In this case the name of arguments to the RunnableEntity shall be derived from the
applicable SwServiceArgs owned by the mapped BswModuleEntry.c(RS_SWCT_-
RunnableEntity + symbol: CIdentifier [0..1]
+ canBeInvokedConcurrently: Boolean [0..1]
+ symbol: CIdentifier [0..1]

Figure 7.6: Arguments of a RunnableEntity

Class RunnableEntityArgument
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RunnableEntity
Note This meta-class represents the ability to provide specific information regarding the arguments to a
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

as the arguments are ordered they do not need to be Referrable in order to be able to identify
individual arguments

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Class RunnableEntityArgument
symbol CIdentifier 0..1 attr This represents the symbol to be generated into the
actual signature on the level of the C programming

Table 7.7: RunnableEntityArgument

[constr_1938] Existence of attribute RunnableEntityArgument.symbol dFor

each RunnableEntityArgument, attribute symbol shall exist at the time when
the contract phase generation is executed.c()

7.2.5 Activation Reason of a Runnable Entity

It is feasible to activate a given RunnableEntity by means of several RTEEvents.

In many cases, it is therefore necessary to retrieve the information about the activating
RTEEvent from within the implementation of the RunnableEntity.
As a typical use case, consider a RunnableEntity that is cyclically activated (by
means of a TimingEvent) and in addition it shall also be executed sporadically, e.g.
in response to the reception (DataReceivedEvent) of a dataElement.
ImplementationProps Identifiable
ExecutableEntityActivationReason ExecutableEntity
+ bitPosition: PositiveInteger [0..1] + minimumStartInterval: TimeValue [0..1]
+ reentrancyLevel: ReentrancyLevelEnum [0..1]

0..1 +activationReasonRepresentation

Identifiable AtpStructureElement AtpStructureElement

AbstractEvent RTEEvent +startOnEvent RunnableEntity

0..1 + canBeInvokedConcurrently: Boolean [0..1]

+ symbol: CIdentifier [0..1]

Figure 7.7: ExecutableEntityActivationReason and RunnableEntity

[TPS_SWCT_01469] RTE API for retrieving the current activation reason dThe
aggregation of a ExecutableEntityActivationReason allows for the RTE gen-
erator to create an RTE API for retrieving the current activation reason.c(RS_SWCT_-
03040, RS_SWCT_03045)
For details about the implementation of this feature, please refer to the specification of
the RTE [2]
[constr_1226] Applicable range for ExecutableEntityActivationReason.
bitPosition dThe value of attribute ExecutableEntityActivationReason.
bitPosition shall be in the range of 0 .. 31 at the time when the contract
phase generation is executed.c()

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[constr_1227] Value of attribute ExecutableEntityActivationReason.bit-

Position shall be unique dThe value of attributes ExecutableEntityActiva-
tionReason.bitPosition and ExecutableEntityActivationReason.sym-
bol shall be unique in the context of the enclosing RunnableEntity at the time
when the contract phase generation is executed.c()
[constr_1228] RTEEvent that is referenced by a WaitPoint in the role trig-
ger shall not reference ExecutableEntityActivationReason dAn RTEEvent
that is referenced by a WaitPoint in the role trigger shall not reference Exe-
cutableEntityActivationReason in the role activationReasonRepresen-
tation at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
The rationale for the existence of [constr_1228] is obviously that in the described
situation the RunnableEntity is already activated and therefore the mentioned
RTEEvent does not deliver any information related to the activation reason of said
Class ExecutableEntity (abstract)
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::InternalBehavior
Note Abstraction of executable code.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Subclasses BswModuleEntity , RunnableEntity
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
activation ExecutableEntity * aggr If the ExecutableEntity provides at least one activation
Reason ActivationReason Reason element the RTE resp. BSW Scheduler shall
provide means to read the activation vector of this
executable entity execution.
If no activationReason element is provided the feature of
being able to determine the activating RTEEvent is
disabled for this ExecutableEntity.
canEnter ExclusiveArea * ref This means that the executable entity can enter/leave the
referenced exclusive area through explicit API calls.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
canEnter ExclusiveArea * ref This means that the executable entity can enter/leave the
ExclusiveArea referenced exclusive area through explicit API calls.
exclusiveArea ExclusiveAreaNesting * ref This represents the set of ExclusiveAreaNestingOrders
NestingOrder Order recognized by this ExecutableEntity.
minimumStart TimeValue 0..1 attr Specifies the time in seconds by which two consecutive
Interval starts of an ExecutableEntity are guaranteed to be
reentrancyLevel ReentrancyLevelEnum 0..1 attr The reentrancy level of this ExecutableEntity. See the
documentation of the enumeration type ReentrancyLevel
Enum for details.
Please note that nonReentrant interfaces can have also
reentrant or multicoreReentrant implementations, and
reentrant interfaces can also have multicoreReentrant

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Class ExecutableEntity (abstract)
runsInside ExclusiveArea * ref The executable entity runs completely inside the
referenced exclusive area.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
runsInside ExclusiveArea * ref The executable entity runs completely inside the
ExclusiveArea referenced exclusive area.
swAddrMethod SwAddrMethod 0..1 ref Addressing method related to this code entity. Via an
association to the same SwAddrMethod, it can be
specified that several code entities (even of different
modules or components) shall be located in the same
memory without already specifying the memory section
Table 7.8: ExecutableEntity

Class ExecutableEntityActivationReason
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::InternalBehavior
Note This meta-class represents the ability to define the reason for the activation of the enclosing Executable
Base ARObject, ImplementationProps, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
bitPosition PositiveInteger 0..1 attr This attribute allows for defining the position of the
enclosing ExecutableEntityActivationReason in the
activation vector.
Table 7.9: ExecutableEntityActivationReason

[constr_1939] Existence of attribute ExecutableEntityActivationReason.

bitPosition dFor each ExecutableEntityActivationReason, attribute bit-
Position shall exist at the time when the contract phase generation
is executed.c()
Please note that the attribute ExecutableEntityActivationReason.symbol is
needed for the generation of a unique identifier that represents the specific activation
reason in the RTE code.

7.2.6 Runnable Entity for Initialization Purpose

One way to make sure that certain initializations are applied before a software-
component enters its state of normal operation is to use the AUTOSAR mode-
management, in particular by defining a ModeDeclarationGroup that contains a
specific ModeDeclaration with the semantics of representing a mode that is exclu-
sively used for setting up and initializing a software-component.
However, this approach comes with a certain amount of footprint that may be accept-
able in some cases but there may also be cases where a simpler approach comes in
handy. The simple approach to initialization consists of a RunnableEntity that is
triggered by a special kind of RTEEvent, i.e. the so-called InitEvent.

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[TPS_SWCT_01525] InitEvent references a RunnableEntity in the role star-

tOnEvent dIn addition to using a mode-based approach for executing initialization
RunnableEntitys it is also possible to let an InitEvent reference a RunnableEn-
tity in the role startOnEvent.
This approach to the initialization of software-components is orthogonal to the mode-
based approach. Especially, the RunnableEntitys triggered by an InitEvent are
expected to be executed after the RTE has been fully initialized. This means restrictions
regarding the availability of RTE APIs during the ECU initialization are not relevant for
RunnableEntitys triggered by an InitEvent.c(RS_SWCT_03290)
[constr_1257] No WaitPoints allowed dA RunnableEntity referenced by an
InitEvent in the role startOnEvent shall not aggregate a WaitPoint at the
time when the RTE is generated.c()
Rationale: a WaitPoint may indefinitely defer the completion of the RunnableEn-
titys triggered by an InitEvent and therefore contradict the semantics of the
[constr_1258] Value of minimumStartInterval for RunnableEntitys trig-
gered by an InitEvent dThe value of the attribute ExecutableEntity.minimum-
StartInterval for a RunnableEntitys that is triggered by an InitEvent shall
always be set to 0 at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
Rationale: it does not make sense to talk about intervals of activating RunnableEn-
titys triggered by an InitEvent as these are not supposed to be executed repeat-
[constr_1259] Aggregation of AsynchronousServerCallPoint and Asyn-
chronousServerCallResultPoint dA RunnableEntity referenced by an
InitEvent in the role startOnEvent may aggregate an AsynchronousServer-
CallPoint but it shall not aggregate an AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint
at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
Rationale: as mentioned before WaitPoints shall not be aggregated by a
RunnableEntitys triggered by an InitEvent in the role startOnEvent. It is al-
lowed (although considered unlikely to happen) to have an AsynchronousServer-
CallPoint but it is not allowed to fetch the result of the call within the same
A RunnableEntity triggered by an InitEvent in the role startOnEvent may ag-
gregate a SynchronousServerCallPoint but the usage of this configuration is dis-
[constr_1260] No mode disabling for InitEvents dAn InitEvent shall not have
a reference to a ModeDeclaration in the role disabledMode at the time when
the RTE is generated.c()
Rationale: the concept of RunnableEntity triggered by an InitEvent is (as men-
tioned before) orthogonal to the mode concept and therefore shall be implemented
independent of modes.

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7.3 RTEEvent
During execution, several RTEEvents will occur, such as the reception of a remote
invocation of a ClientServerOperation on a PPortPrototype or a timeout on
an RPortPrototype that is not receiving the VariableDataPrototypes it expects
to receive.
[TPS_SWCT_01314] RTEEvent dAn RTEEvent defines:
• what the trigger for the occurrence of that RTEEvent is
• whether specific ModeDeclarations disable the processing of this RTEEvent
• which RunnableEntity shall be started when this RTEEvent occurs.
Class AbstractEvent (abstract)
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::InternalBehavior
Note This meta-class represents the abstract ability to model an event that can be taken to implement
application software or basic software in AUTOSAR.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Subclasses BswEvent, RTEEvent
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
activation ExecutableEntity 0..1 ref If the activationReasonRepresentation is referenced from
Reason ActivationReason the enclosing AbstractEvent this shall be taken as an
Representation indication that the latter contributes to the activating
vector of this ExecutableEntity that owns the referenced

Table 7.10: AbstractEvent

Class RTEEvent (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note Abstract base class for all RTE-related events
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, Referrable
Subclasses AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent, BackgroundEvent, DataReceiveErrorEvent, DataReceivedEvent,
DataSendCompletedEvent, DataWriteCompletedEvent, ExternalTriggerOccurredEvent, InitEvent,
InternalTriggerOccurredEvent, ModeSwitchedAckEvent, OperationInvokedEvent, OsTaskExecutionEvent,
SwcModeManagerErrorEvent, SwcModeSwitchEvent, TimingEvent, TransformerHardErrorEvent
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
disabledMode ModeDeclaration * iref Reference to the Modes that disable the Event.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
Tags:atp.Splitkey=disabledMode.contextPort, disabled
Mode.contextModeDeclarationGroupPrototype, disabled
InstanceRef implemented by:RModeInAtomicSwc
startOnEvent RunnableEntity 0..1 ref The referenced RunnableEntity starts when the
corresponding RTEEvent is raised.

Table 7.11: RTEEvent

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Class AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note This event is raised when an asynchronous server call is finished.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, RTEEvent, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
eventSource AsynchronousServer 0..1 ref The referenced AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint
CallResultPoint raises this AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent when
the asynchronous server call returns.

Table 7.12: AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent

[constr_1940] Existence of attribute AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent.

eventSource dFor each AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent, attribute
eventSource shall exist at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed .c()
Class DataSendCompletedEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note This event is raised when the referenced explicit data element has been sent or an error occurred.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, RTEEvent, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
eventSource VariableAccess 0..1 ref The referenced VariableAccess raises this DataSend
CompletedEvent when the explicit write access was
successful or an error occurred.
Table 7.13: DataSendCompletedEvent

[constr_1941] Existence of attribute DataSendCompletedEvent.eventSource

dFor each DataSendCompletedEvent, attribute eventSource shall exist at the
time when the contract phase generation is executed .c()
Class DataWriteCompletedEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note This event is raised when an implicit write access was successful or an error occurred.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, RTEEvent, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
eventSource VariableAccess 0..1 ref The referenced VariableAccess raises this DataWrite
CompletedEvent when the implicit write access was
successful or an error occurred.
Table 7.14: DataWriteCompletedEvent

[constr_1942] Existence of attribute DataWriteCompletedEvent.eventSource

dFor each DataWriteCompletedEvent, attribute eventSource shall exist at the
time when the contract phase generation is executed .c()

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Class DataReceivedEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note This event is raised when the referenced data element is received.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, RTEEvent, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
data VariableDataPrototype 0..1 iref The referenced VariableDataPrototype raises this Data
ReceivedEvent when the data has been received.
InstanceRef implemented by:RVariableInAtomicSwc
Table 7.15: DataReceivedEvent

[constr_1943] Existence of attribute DataReceivedEvent.data dFor each

DataReceivedEvent, attribute data shall exist at the time when the con-
tract phase generation is executed .c()
Class DataReceiveErrorEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note This event is raised when the Com layer detects and notifies an error concerning the reception of the
referenced ValiableDataPrototype.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, RTEEvent, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
data VariableDataPrototype 0..1 iref The referenced VariableDataPrototype raises this Data
ReceiveErrorEvent when there was an error during the
InstanceRef implemented by:RVariableInAtomicSwc
Table 7.16: DataReceiveErrorEvent

[constr_1944] Existence of attribute DataReceiveErrorEvent.data dFor each

DataReceiveErrorEvent, attribute data shall exist at the time when the
contract phase generation is executed .c()
Class OperationInvokedEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note This event is raised when the ClientServerOperation referenced in OperationInvokedEvent.operation
shall be invoked.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, RTEEvent, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
operation ClientServerOperation 0..1 iref This represents the ClientServerOperation which shall be
InstanceRef implemented by:POperationInAtomicSwc
Table 7.17: OperationInvokedEvent

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[constr_1945] Existence of attribute OperationInvokedEvent.operation dFor

each OperationInvokedEvent, attribute operation shall exist at the time
when the contract phase generation is executed .c()
[constr_1523] No mode disabling for OperationInvokedEvents dAn Opera-
tionInvokedEvent shall not have a reference to a ModeDeclaration in the role
disabledMode at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
Rationale for the existence of [constr_1523]:
The RTE does not support the disabling of server RunnableEntitys by modes. In-
stead, the server shall respond with an explicit error code if the execution of the server
operation is not possible in specific side conditions.
For more explanation about the semantics of meta-class TimingEvent, please refer
to section 7.2.3.
Class BackgroundEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note This event is used to start RunnableEntities that are supposed to be executed in the background.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, RTEEvent, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 7.18: BackgroundEvent

Class SwcModeSwitchEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note This event is raised when the specified mode change occurs.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, RTEEvent, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
activation ModeActivationKind 0..1 attr Specifies if the event is raised on entering or exiting a
specific mode or is raised on the transition between two
mode (ordered) ModeDeclaration 0..2 iref The referenced mode or the transition between two
modes raises this SwcModeSwitchEvent.
InstanceRef implemented by:RModeInAtomicSwc
Table 7.19: SwcModeSwitchEvent

[constr_1946] Existence of attribute SwcModeSwitchEvent.activation dFor

each SwcModeSwitchEvent, attribute activation shall exist at the time when
the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1947] Existence of reference SwcModeSwitchEvent.mode dFor each
SwcModeSwitchEvent, the reference to ModeDeclaration in the role mode shall
exist at the time when the RTE is generated.c()

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Enumeration ModeActivationKind
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ModeDeclaration
Note Kind of mode switch condition used for activation of an event, as further described for each
enumeration field.
Literal Description
onEntry On entering the referred mode.
onExit On exiting the referred mode.
onTransition On transition of the 1st referred mode to the 2nd referred mode.

Table 7.20: ModeActivationKind

Class ModeSwitchedAckEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note This event is raised when the referenced ModeSwitchPoint has been processed or an error occurred.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, RTEEvent, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
eventSource ModeSwitchPoint 0..1 ref The referenced ModeSwitchPoint raises this Mode
SwitchedAckEvent when the ModeSwitchPoint has been

Table 7.21: ModeSwitchedAckEvent

[constr_1948] Existence of attribute ModeSwitchedAckEvent.eventSource

dFor each ModeSwitchedAckEvent, attribute eventSource shall exist at the
time when the RTE is generated.c()
Class ExternalTriggerOccurredEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note This event is raised when the referenced Trigger has occurred.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, RTEEvent, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
trigger Trigger 0..1 iref The referenced Trigger raises this ExternalTrigger
InstanceRef implemented by:RTriggerInAtomicSwc
Table 7.22: ExternalTriggerOccurredEvent

[constr_1949] Existence of attribute ExternalTriggerOccurredEvent.trig-

ger dFor each ExternalTriggerOccurredEvent, attribute trigger shall exist
at the time when the RTE is generated.c()

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Class InternalTriggerOccurredEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note This event is raised when the referenced InternalTriggeringPoint has occurred.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, RTEEvent, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
eventSource InternalTriggeringPoint 0..1 ref The referenced InternalTriggeringPoint raises this Internal

Table 7.23: InternalTriggerOccurredEvent

[constr_1950] Existence of attribute InternalTriggerOccurredEvent.

eventSource dFor each InternalTriggerOccurredEvent, the attribute
eventSource shall exist at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
Class InitEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note This RTEEvent is supposed to be used for initialization purposes, i.e. for starting and restarting a
partition. It is not guaranteed that all RunnableEntities referenced by this InitEvent are executed before
the ’regular’ RunnableEntities are executed for the first time. The execution order depends on the task
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, RTEEvent, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 7.24: InitEvent

Class TransformerHardErrorEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note This event is raised when data are received which should trigger a Client/Server operation or an external
Trigger but during transformation of the data a hard transformer error occurred.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, RTEEvent, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
operation ClientServerOperation 0..1 iref This represents the ClientServerOperation for which the
transformer can raise this TransformerHardErrorEvent.
InstanceRef implemented by:POperationInAtomicSwc
requiredTrigger Trigger 0..1 iref This represents the Trigger for which the transformer can
raise this TransformerHardErrorEvent.
InstanceRef implemented by:RTriggerInAtomicSwc
Table 7.25: TransformerHardErrorEvent

[constr_1397] Existence of attributes of TransformerHardErrorEvent dFor

any given TransformerHardErrorEvent, either the attribute TransformerHard-
ErrorEvent.operation or TransformerHardErrorEvent.requiredTrigger
shall exist at the time when the contract phase generation is exe-

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In other words, the attributes operation and requiredTrigger of meta-class

TransformerHardErrorEvent shall be used mutually exclusive.
[TPS_SWCT_01315] Interaction of RunnableEntity with RTEEvent dAs de-
scribed in the Virtual Functional Bus specification [3], the RunnableEntitys of an
AtomicSwComponentType can interact with the occurrence of such RTEEvents in
two ways:
• the RTE can be instructed to enable a specific RunnableEntity when the
RTEEvent occurs
• the RTE can provide WaitPoints, that allow a RunnableEntity to block until
an RTEEvent in a set of RTEEvents occurs.
Class OsTaskExecutionEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note This RTEEvent is supposed to execute RunnableEntities which have to react on the execution of specific
OsTasks. Therefore, this event is unconditionally raised whenever the OsTask on which it is mapped is
executed. The main use case for this event is scheduling of Runnables of Complex Drivers which have to
react on task executions.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, RTEEvent, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 7.26: OsTaskExecutionEvent

[constr_10016] Applicability of OsTaskExecutionEvent dAn OsTaskExecu-

tionEvent is only applicable for a SwcInternalBehavior in the context of a Com-
plexDeviceDriverSwComponentType, EcuAbstractionSwComponentType, or
ServiceSwComponentType at any time in the workflow.c()

7.3.1 Defining an Event

The description of the SwcInternalBehavior includes a description of all

RTEEvents that the SwcInternalBehavior of the AtomicSwComponentType re-
lies on.
[TPS_SWCT_01316] Abstract base class RTEEvent dThe meta-class RTEEvent
shows up as an “abstract” base-class in the meta-model: the exact attributes of the
RTEEvent depend on the specific sub-class of RTEEvent that is used for the pur-

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DataWriteCompletedEvent DataSendCompletedEvent DataReceivedEvent DataReceiveErrorEvent

«instanceRef» «instanceRef»

+eventSource 0..1 +eventSource 0..1 +data 0..1 +data 0..1

AbstractAccessPoint AutosarDataPrototype
AtpStructureElement VariableDataPrototype

+ scope: VariableAccessScopeEnum [0..1]

Figure 7.8: RTEEvents used in the context of sender/receiver communication


AbstractAccessPoint ClientServerOperation
Identifiable + diagArgIntegrity:
AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint +eventSource AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent OperationInvokedEvent +operation Boolean [0..1]

0..1 «instanceRef» 0..1

Figure 7.9: RTEEvents used in the context of client/server communication

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Software Component Template

AbstractEvent AtpStructureElement
AtpStructureElement ExecutableEntity
RTEEvent RunnableEntity
+ canBeInvokedConcurrently: Boolean [0..1]
+ symbol: CIdentifier [0..1]

SwcModeSwitchEvent SwcModeManagerErrorEvent ModeSwitchedAckEvent

+ activation: ModeActivationKind [0..1]

«instanceRef» «atpVariation,atpSplitable»
0..* +mode 0..2 {ordered} +eventSource 0..1 +modeSwitchPoint *

AtpStructureElement AbstractAccessPoint
Identifiable AtpStructureElement
ModeDeclaration Identifiable
+ value: PositiveInteger [0..1]    «instanceRef»
+defaultMode 0..1 +initialMode 0..1 0..* +modeDeclaration   

+modeGroup 0..1 +modeGroup 0..1

ARElement AtpPrototype
AtpBlueprint ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype
AtpBlueprintable +type
AtpType «isOfType» + swCalibrationAccess: SwCalibrationAccessEnum [0..1]
ModeDeclarationGroup 0..1
+ onTransitionValue: PositiveInteger [0..1]

+modeUserErrorBehavior 0..1 +modeManagerErrorBehavior 0..1

ModeErrorBehavior ModeErrorReactionPolicyEnum
+ errorReactionPolicy: ModeErrorReactionPolicyEnum [0..1] lastMode

Figure 7.10: RTEEvents used in the context of mode communication

Please note that more explanation about the semantics of the meta-classes SwcMode-
ManagerErrorEvent and ModeErrorBehavior can be found in section 9.4.


«instanceRef» «instanceRef»
+operation 0..1 +requiredTrigger 0..1

AtpStructureElement AtpStructureElement
Identifiable Identifiable
ClientServerOperation Trigger

+ diagArgIntegrity: Boolean [0..1] + swImplPolicy: SwImplPolicyEnum [0..1]

Figure 7.11: RTEEvent used in the context of data transformation

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ExternalTriggerOccurredEvent TimingEvent InitEvent BackgroundEvent InternalTriggerOccurredEvent

+ offset: TimeValue [0..1]

+ period: TimeValue [0..1]

+trigger 0..1 +eventSource 0..1

AtpStructureElement AbstractAccessPoint
Identifiable AtpStructureElement
Trigger Identifiable
+ swImplPolicy: SwImplPolicyEnum [0..1]
+ swImplPolicy: SwImplPolicyEnum [0..1]

Figure 7.12: RTEEvents for purposes other than communication

The details of the various kinds of concrete RTEEvents (such as the TimingEvent,
DataSendCompletedEvent, etc.), is described in chapters 7.5.1, 7.5.2 and 7.2.3.

7.3.2 Defining how to Respond to an Event

[TPS_SWCT_01317] RTE triggers RunnableEntity in response to occurring

RTEEvent dIf the software-component description contains a reference from an
RTEEvent to a RunnableEntity in the role startOnEvent, it is the responsibil-
ity of the RTE to trigger the execution of the corresponding RunnableEntity when
the RTEEvent occurs.c(RS_SWCT_03040)
[TPS_SWCT_01318] RunnableEntity and WaitPoint dIn case the RunnableEn-
tity wants to block and wait for RTEEvents (which makes the RunnableEntity into
a cat. 2 RunnableEntity), the description of the RunnableEntity may include the
definition of a WaitPoint.
Such a WaitPoint contains a reference to an RTEEvent that can unblock the spe-
cific WaitPoint. In other words: the WaitPoint will block until the referenced
RTEEvents occurs or the period specified in the attribute timeout expires.c(RS_-
Figure 7.13 gives an overview of the modeling of WaitPoint.

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+ handleTerminationAndRestart: HandleTerminationAndRestartEnum [0..1]

+ supportsMultipleInstantiation: Boolean [0..1]

«atpVariation,atpSplitable»       «atpVariation,atpSplitable»
+runnable 0..* +event 0..*

AtpStructureElement AbstractEvent
ExecutableEntity +startOnEvent AtpStructureElement
RunnableEntity RTEEvent
+ canBeInvokedConcurrently: Boolean [0..1]
+ symbol: CIdentifier [0..1]

+trigger 0..1

+waitPoint 0..*


+ timeout: TimeValue [0..1]

Figure 7.13: Description of the interaction between an RTEEvent and RunnableEntitys

[constr_1090] WaitPoint and RunnableEntity dA single RunnableEntity can

actually wait only at a single WaitPoint provided that the RunnableEntity can only
be scheduled a single time3 .c()
[constr_1091] RTEEvents that can unblock a WaitPoint dThe only RTEEvents
that are qualified for unblocking a WaitPoint are:
• DataReceivedEvent
• DataSendCompletedEvent
• ModeSwitchedAckEvent
• AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent
[TPS_SWCT_01319] RTEEvent can be used to trigger WaitPoints in different
RunnableEntitys dIt is in general possible that a single RTEEvent can be used to
trigger WaitPoints in different RunnableEntitys.c()
Concerning DataReceivedEvents consider as well [constr_2021].
Class WaitPoint
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note This defines a wait-point for which the RunnableEntity can wait.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

This constraint is valid at least in the ISO 17356-3 [32] standard where an extended task (that can
have wait points) can only exist a single time in the context of the scheduler.

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Class WaitPoint
timeout TimeValue 0..1 attr Time in seconds before the WaitPoint times out and the
blocking wait call returns with an error indicating the
trigger RTEEvent 0..1 ref This is the RTEEvent this WaitPoint is waiting for.

Table 7.27: WaitPoint

[constr_1951] Existence of attribute WaitPoint.timeout dFor each WaitPoint,

attribute timeout shall exist at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1952] Existence of reference WaitPoint.trigger dFor each WaitPoint,
the reference to RTEEvent in the role trigger shall exist at the time when the
contract phase generation is executed.c()
[constr_1096] SwcModeSwitchEvent and WaitPoint dA RunnableEntity that
has a WaitPoint shall not be referenced by a SwcModeSwitchEvent at the
time when the contract phase generation is executed.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01320] RunnableEntitys of category 2 dRunnableEntitys that
aggregate a WaitPoint are by definition of category 2 and therefore are not required
to terminate ever. It is therefore difficult to let a RunnableEntity of category 2 im-
plement a mode switch.c(RS_SWCT_03040)
[constr_1097] RunnableEntity that has a WaitPoint dA RunnableEntity that
has a WaitPoint shall not be referenced by an RTEEvent that has a reference in the
role disabledMode at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01324] Mode switches need to be completed in finite time dMode
switches need to be completed in finite time and a RunnableEntity that has a
WaitPoint can never guarantee that the WaitPoint is resolved within finite time.c
In addition to this, the RunnableEntity with a WaitPoint that would be affected by
a mode disabling would typically already run when the mode disabling applies. It could
not be terminated at this point in time.

7.4 Communication among Runnable Entities

It is taken for granted that particular RunnableEntitys within a specific Atomic-
SwComponentType will need to communicate among each other.
[TPS_SWCT_01321] Communication among RunnableEntitys dThe RTE needs
to provide synchronization mechanisms to the RunnableEntitys such that safe (in
the multi-threading sense) exchange of data is possible.
In this case, the use of PortPrototypes is (although technically feasible) not required
for the purpose.c(RS_SWCT_00120)

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[TPS_SWCT_01592] Communication among RunnableEntitys of different in-

stances of the same AtomicSwComponentType dThe communication among
RunnableEntitys of different instances of the same AtomicSwComponentType is
only supported via PortPrototypes.c(RS_SWCT_00120)
Several concepts for implementing communication among RunnableEntitys can be
As an introduction, the section 2.3.1 describes the various techniques that the RTE
might use to provide efficient interaction between RunnableEntitys within one
Two possible approaches for formal specification of this kind of communication are
• Specifying that several RunnableEntitys belong in a specific Exclu-
• Specifying the data exchanged between the RunnableEntitys

7.4.1 Description Possibility 1: Exclusive Area

This section describes how the concept of ExclusiveAreas can be used in the de-
scription of the SwcInternalBehavior of an AtomicSwComponentType.
Please note that ExclusiveAreas are actually owned by the base class of SwcIn-
ternalBehavior, i.e. InternalBehavior. These ExclusiveAreas do not imply
a specific implementation (e.g. with mutual-exclusion semaphores).
Class ExclusiveArea
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::InternalBehavior
Note Prevents an executable entity running in the area from being preempted.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 7.28: ExclusiveArea

[TPS_SWCT_01031] ExclusiveArea dAn ExclusiveArea merely specifies a con-

straint on the scheduling policy and configuration of the RTE:
If two or more RunnableEntitys refer to the same ExclusiveArea only one of
these RunnableEntitys is allowed to be executed while being inside that Exclu-
siveArea.c(RS_SWCT_00120, RS_SWCT_02090)
In other words: these RunnableEntitys shall not run concurrently (preempt each
other) while executing inside the ExclusiveArea.
Please find more details about the formal definition of meta-class ExclusiveArea in
Figure 7.14.

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+ handleTerminationAndRestart: HandleTerminationAndRestartEnum [0..1]
+ supportsMultipleInstantiation: Boolean [0..1]

«atpVariation,atpSplitable» «atpVariation,atpSplitable»
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» +exclusiveAreaPolicy 0..* +exclusiveArea 0..*

+exclusiveArea ExclusiveArea
+ apiPrinciple: ApiPrincipleEnum [0..1]

+runsInside 0..* +canEnter 0..*

   «atpVariation» «atpVariation»

+runnable 0..*
AtpStructureElement   Identifiable
RunnableEntity ExecutableEntity

+ canBeInvokedConcurrently: Boolean [0..1] + minimumStartInterval: TimeValue [0..1]

+ symbol: CIdentifier [0..1] + reentrancyLevel: ReentrancyLevelEnum [0..1]

Figure 7.14: Description of logical exclusive areas

[TPS_SWCT_01049] Two ways to use the ExclusiveAreas dThere are in general

two ways to use the ExclusiveAreas. During its execution, a RunnableEntity can
enter and exit an ExclusiveArea (in which case ExecutableEntity.canEnter
shall exist).
As an alternative, it can be specified that the entire execution of a given RunnableEn-
tity shall be guarded by an ExclusiveArea (this requires the existence of Exe-
cutableEntity.runsInside).c(RS_SWCT_00120, RS_SWCT_02090)
Please note that the options for entering an ExclusiveArea are documented in sec-
tion and section

«atpVariation,atpSplitable»   «atpVariation,atpSplitable»

+exclusiveArea 0..* +exclusiveAreaNestingOrder 0..*

Identifiable Referrable
ExclusiveArea +exclusiveArea ExclusiveAreaNestingOrder

+runsInside 0..* +canEnter 0..* 0..* +exclusiveAreaNestingOrder
«atpVariation» «atpVariation»  


+ minimumStartInterval: TimeValue [0..1]

+ reentrancyLevel: ReentrancyLevelEnum [0..1]

Figure 7.15: Description of nested usage of ExclusiveArea

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[TPS_SWCT_01457] ExclusiveAreaNestingOrder dThe optional Exclu-

siveAreaNestingOrders shall (if used at all) describe possible nesting orders
(including single ExclusiveAreas) which can occur in the RunnableEntity.
Each possible locking situation requires its own ExclusiveAreaNestingOrder.c
[TPS_SWCT_01458] Indicate that the locking behavior is fully described for
RunnableEntity dAll ExclusiveAreas which are configured in the InternalBe-
havior should be referenced by an ExclusiveAreaNestingOrder to indicate that
the locking behavior is fully described for this RunnableEntity.c(RS_SWCT_03055)
[TPS_SWCT_01459] Locking behavior is not described for this RunnableEntity
dIf ExclusiveAreas are not referenced by any ExclusiveAreaNestingOrder
(this is the default scenario), this means that the locking behavior is not described for
this RunnableEntity and the provided information might be incomplete and cannot
be used for a global offline analysis of locking behavior.c(RS_SWCT_03055)
An ExclusiveAreaNestingOrder is aggregated by the InternalBehavior that
in turn also owns RunnableEntity.
AbstractAccessPoint +calledFromWithinExclusiveArea Referrable
AtpStructureElement ExclusiveAreaNestingOrder
Identifiable 0..1

+ timeout: TimeValue [0..1]

+serverCallPoint 0..* +exclusiveAreaNestingOrder

+ minimumStartInterval: TimeValue [0..1]

+ reentrancyLevel: ReentrancyLevelEnum [0..1]
«atpVariation,atpSplitable»    «atpVariation,atpSplitable»

RunnableEntity AtpStructureElement
+runnable InternalBehavior
+ canBeInvokedConcurrently: + handleTerminationAndRestart:
Boolean [0..1] 0..* HandleTerminationAndRestartEnum [0..1]
+ symbol: CIdentifier [0..1] «atpVariation,atpSplitable» + supportsMultipleInstantiation: Boolean [0..1]

Figure 7.16: Nested usage of ExclusiveArea and the impact on SynchronousServer-


Class ExclusiveAreaNestingOrder
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::InternalBehavior
Note This meta-class represents the ability to define a nesting order of ExclusiveAreas. A nesting order (that
may occur in the executable code) is formally defined to be able to analyze the resource locking behavior.
Base ARObject, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
exclusiveArea ExclusiveArea * ref This represents a specific scenario of how Exclusive
(ordered) Areas can be used in terms of the nesting order.

Table 7.29: ExclusiveAreaNestingOrder

[TPS_SWCT_01460] Relation of SynchronousServerCallPoint to Exclu-

siveAreaNestingOrder dIn case other RunnableEntitys are invoked syn-
chronously from within the RunnableEntity the ExclusiveAreaNestingOrder

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can then be referenced by one or several SynchronousServerCallPoints to spec-

ify the calling environment of the invoked server with regard to ExclusiveAreas.c
The purpose of this configuration is to analyze the resource locking behavior for com-
plete call trees. Entire Runnable Runs in the Exclusive Area

[TPS_SWCT_01050] RunnableEntity always runs inside an ExclusiveArea dIn

the first approach, the formal description specifies that certain RunnableEntitys
always run inside an ExclusiveArea.c(RS_SWCT_00120, RS_SWCT_02090)
For example, if the formal description specifies that both RunnableEntity ’r1’ and
RunnableEntity ’r2’ run within ExclusiveArea ’s1’, the RTE shall make sure that
RunnableEntitys ’r1’ and ’r2’ never run concurrently; the scheduler should never
preempt ’r1’ to run ’r2’.
Note that this pattern does not force the RTE to implement this by using semaphores
or mutexes that are taken before the RunnableEntity starts and given when
the RunnableEntity returns. It only obliges the RTE to make sure that both
RunnableEntitys are never running concurrently.
This requirement could be implemented by several of the implementation strategies
described above. For example:
1. Scheduling strategy: if, for example, RunnableEntitys ’r1’ and ’r2’ are mapped
to the same task, the criterion is automatically satisfied. For this purpose it is
necessary to make sure that the OS can only execute a single instance of the
task into which the RunnableEntitys are put.
2. Mutual exclusion semaphores: in case ’r1’ and ’r2’ are mapped to different tasks
(’T1’, respectively ’T2’), the OS shall make sure that while ’T1’ is executing ’r1’,
’T2’ running ’r2’ can never preempt it and vice-versa. This could be implemented
by taking a mutual-exclusion semaphore before executing ’r1’ (or ’r2’) in the con-
text of ’t1’ (or ’t2’) and returning the semaphore on exiting the RunnableEntity. Runnable would Dynamically Enter and Leave the Exclusive Area

[TPS_SWCT_01051] RunnableEntity explicitly enters and leaves a specific Ex-

clusiveArea dIn the second approach, the RunnableEntity would explicitly make
API-calls to the RTE within the implementation of the RunnableEntity to enter and
leave a specific ExclusiveArea.c(RS_SWCT_00120, RS_SWCT_02090)
This could, for example, be implemented by means of the priority ceiling concept de-
scribed in chapter

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Additionally, it is possible to define the execution time the RunnableEntity will spend
in this ExclusiveArea segment. Please note that although this aspect is described
in [6] the concept can be applied to software-components as well. Configuration of API Generation

For certain usage scenarios of ExclusiveAreas it is considered advantageous if

each RunnableEntity uses a distinct set of enter and exit APIs.
This distinct set of APIs support ExclusiveArea implementations where for the
RunnableEntity(s) with the highest priority the lock is omitted.
This is possible when the RunnableEntity(s) with the highest priority can’t be inter-
rupted by RunnableEntitys scheduled with lower priority.
To support this kind of implementation, the software-component description has
to state (by means of attribute SwcInternalBehavior.exclusiveAreaPolicy.
apiPrinciple) that it requests APIs individually for each RunnableEntity refer-
encing an ExclusiveArea in the role canEnter.
Class SwcExclusiveAreaPolicy
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior
Note Options how to generate the ExclusiveArea related APIs. If no SwcExclusiveAreaPolicy is specified for
an ExclusiveArea the default values apply.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
apiPrinciple ApiPrincipleEnum 0..1 attr Specifies for this ExclusiveArea if either one common set
of Enter and Exit APIs for the whole software component
is requested from the Rte or if the set of Enter and Exit
APIs is expected per RunnableEntity. The default value is
exclusiveArea ExclusiveArea 0..1 ref This reference represents the ExclusiveArea for which the
policy applies.

Table 7.30: SwcExclusiveAreaPolicy

[constr_1953] Existence of attribute SwcExclusiveAreaPolicy.apiPrinciple

dFor each SwcExclusiveAreaPolicy that refers to an exclusiveArea, attribute
apiPrinciple shall exist at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
Enumeration ApiPrincipleEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::InternalBehavior
Note This enumeration represents the ability to control the granularity of API generation.
Literal Description
common The Rte or SchM API is provided for the whole software component / BSW Module

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Enumeration ApiPrincipleEnum
perExecutable The Rte or SchM API is provided for a specific ExecutableEntity of a software component / BSW

Table 7.31: ApiPrincipleEnum

[TPS_SWCT_01713] ExclusiveArea is entered and exited by a common set of

APIs dIf the value of attribute SwcExclusiveAreaPolicy.apiPrinciple is set to
ApiPrincipleEnum.common then the RTE provides one set of enter and exit APIs
to be shared among all RunnableEntitys of the whole software-component.c(RS_-
SWCT_00120, RS_SWCT_02090)
In this case, the same enter and exit code is executed by all affected RunnableEn-
titys and there is no way to have a special treatment for the RunnableEntity(s)
executed in the context with the highest priority.
[TPS_SWCT_01714] ExclusiveArea is entered and exited by an individual set
of APIs dIf the value of attribute SwcExclusiveAreaPolicy.apiPrinciple is set
to ApiPrincipleEnum.perExecutable then the RTE provides individual sets of
APIs for entering and exiting ExclusiveAreas for each affected RunnableEntity.c
(RS_SWCT_00120, RS_SWCT_02090)
In this case, the implementation of enter and exit code for the RunnableEntity executed
in the execution context with the highest priority can be left empty.
In order to avoid the existence of contradicting settings of SwcExclusiveAreaPol-
icys for one ExclusiveArea [constr_1468] applies.
[constr_1468] Limitation on the number of SwcExclusiveAreaPolicys dAn Ex-
clusiveArea shall only be referenced by at most one SwcExclusiveAreaPolicy
at the time when the contract phase generation is executed.c()

7.4.2 Description Possibility 2: Inter-Runnable Variable

For certain cases the ExclusiveArea concept does not provide enough information
to configure the RTE correctly. In these cases it may be advised to opt for a different
approach that is based on the guarded access to variables protected by the RTE.
For the purpose of identifying pieces of data that shall be accessed concurrently from
different RunnableEntitys formal support is required. In AUTOSAR, this aspect is
summarized under the term "inter-runnable variable".
[TPS_SWCT_01052] Inter-runnable variable dThese so-called "inter-runnable vari-
ables" are described with the element VariableDataPrototype aggregated in
the role explicitInterRunnableVariable or implicitInterRunnableVari-
able.c(RS_SWCT_00120, RS_SWCT_02090)

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[TPS_SWCT_01053] Relationship of interchanged data with RunnableEntitys

dFurthermore, the relationship of these data with RunnableEntitys shall be speci-
For this specific purpose, RunnableEntity aggregates VariableAccess in the
roles readLocalVariable and writtenLocalVariable.
Also, SwcInternalBehavior aggregates VariableDataPrototype in the roles
explicitInterRunnableVariable and implicitInterRunnableVariable.
The connection between RunnableEntity and the explicitInterRunnable-
Variable and implicitInterRunnableVariable is created if the reference Au-
tosarVariableRef.localVariable to the respective VariableDataPrototype
exists.c(RS_SWCT_00120, RS_SWCT_02090)
[TPS_SWCT_01521] Use AutosarVariableRef.localVariable for referencing
inter-runnable variables dA RunnableEntity that defines a VariableAccess in
role writtenLocalVariable and readLocalVariable shall make use of Au-

+ handleTerminationAndRestart: HandleTerminationAndRestartEnum [0..1]

+ supportsMultipleInstantiation: Boolean [0..1]

    «atpVariation,atpSplitable» «atpVariation,atpSplitable»
+implicitInterRunnableVariable 0..* +explicitInterRunnableVariable 0..*

«atpVariation,atpSplitable» +initValue VariableDataPrototype
+ shortLabel: Identifier [0..1]

+localVariable 0..1
+runnable 0..*
AtpStructureElement AbstractAccessPoint
ExecutableEntity «atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..* AtpStructureElement +accessedVariable
RunnableEntity Identifiable
VariableAccess 0..1
+ canBeInvokedConcurrently: +readLocalVariable
Boolean [0..1] + scope:
+ symbol: CIdentifier [0..1] «atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..* VariableAccessScopeEnum

Figure 7.17: implicitInterRunnableVariable vs. explicitInterRunnableVari-


[constr_2026] Referenced VariableDataPrototype from AutosarVari-

ableRef of VariableAccess in role writtenLocalVariable and readLocal-
Variable dA VariableDataPrototype in the localVariable reference needs
to be owned by the same SwcInternalBehavior as this RunnableEntity belongs
to, and the referenced VariableDataPrototype has to be defined in the role im-
plicitInterRunnableVariable or explicitInterRunnableVariable.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()

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Software Component Template

Obviously, the data-type of an implicitInterRunnableVariable or explicit-

InterRunnableVariable is described by the data type of the VariableDataPro-
totype (which is derived from DataPrototype).
[TPS_SWCT_01637] Initial value for a specific implicitInterRunnableVari-
able or explicitInterRunnableVariable dIt is possible (but not mandatory) to
define an initial value for a specific implicitInterRunnableVariable or explic-
For this purpose the VariableDataPrototype in the role of explicitInter-
RunnableVariable or implicitInterRunnableVariable is able to aggregate
a ValueSpecification in the role initValue.c(RS_SWCT_02090)
The statement made by [TPS_SWCT_01637] is reflected by Figure 7.17
[TPS_SWCT_01522] No initial value is specified for implicitInterRunnable-
Variable or explicitInterRunnableVariable dPlease note that the behavior
is undefined if no initial value is specified and a RunnableEntity reads an implic-
itInterRunnableVariable or explicitInterRunnableVariable before it is
actually written to by another RunnableEntity.c(RS_SWCT_03040)
As already mentioned before, the concept of an "inter-runnable variable" can be used
in two different flavors This is indicated by the two different roles explicitInter-
RunnableVariable or implicitInterRunnableVariable in which the Vari-
ableDataPrototype serving as the "inter-runnable variable" is aggregated.
These resemble the communication principles applied for the communication on the
level of SwComponentTypes.
Please note that the two different kinds of inter-runnable variables are accessed via
different RTE [2] API calls.
[TPS_SWCT_01054] Semantics of the explicitInterRunnableVariable dThe
semantics of the explicitInterRunnableVariable is that explicit implies the di-
rect access to the value of a VariableDataPrototype used in the role explicit-
By this means it is possible to get different values for a specific VariableDataPro-
totype each time the corresponding API call is executed.c(RS_SWCT_00120, RS_-
[TPS_SWCT_01055] Semantics of implicitInterRunnableVariable dThe
implicitInterRunnableVariable corresponds to an execution model where
the value of an VariableDataPrototype does not change (for the reading
RunnableEntity, obviously) during the runtime of a RunnableEntity.c(RS_-
SWCT_00120, RS_SWCT_02090)
This approach is in detail described in chapter

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[constr_1296] DataPrototypes used as explicitInterRunnableVariable or

implicitInterRunnableVariable and category DATA_REFERENCE dA Vari-
ableDataPrototype shall not be aggregated by SwcInternalBehavior in either
the role:
• explicitInterRunnableVariable, or
• implicitInterRunnableVariable
if the VariableDataPrototype (after potential indirections via TYPE_REFERENCE
are resolved) is either typed by, or mapped to, an:
• ImplementationDataType of category DATA_REFERENCE, or
• ImplementationDataType that contains subElements that (after potential
indirections via TYPE_REFERENCE are resolved) are of category DATA_REF-
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()

7.4.3 Inter Runnable Triggering

The concept of inter-runnable triggering allows one RunnableEntity to trigger an-

other RunnableEntity within an AtomicSwComponentType. This approach con-
ceptually supports the decoupling of calculation and processing sequences inside a
By mappings of the InternalTriggerOccurredEvents to OS Tasks running at
different priorities the triggered RunnableEntitys are in turn executed with a different
priority as the triggering RunnableEntity.

«atpVariation,atpSplitable»    «atpVariation,atpSplitable»

+runnable 0..*     +event 0..*
AtpStructureElement AbstractEvent
ExecutableEntity +startOnEvent AtpStructureElement
RunnableEntity 0..1 RTEEvent

+internalTriggeringPoint 0..*

AtpStructureElement +eventSource InternalTriggerOccurredEvent
Identifiable 0..1

Figure 7.18: Model of software-component Inter Runnable Triggering

For example, a cyclically triggered RunnableEntity which shall not exceed a cer-
tain worst case execution time (WCET) activates a second RunnableEntity if an

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Software Component Template

error occurred in order to be able to execute a (potentially) time-consuming exception-

handling on a lower level of priority.
As illustrated in Figure 7.18, the triggering RunnableEntity needs an Internal-
The activation of RunnableEntitys in the same software-component instance is af-
fected through the generic event-handling mechanism.
[TPS_SWCT_01523] Internal trigger event dA RunnableEntity that shall be ac-
tivated at the occurrence of an internal trigger event is defined by means of an In-
ternalTriggerOccurredEvent which references the particular InternalTrig-
geringPoint and additionally the to-be-activated RunnableEntity.c(RS_SWCT_-
[TPS_SWCT_01022] Queued processing of internal trigger dThe attribute In-
ternalTriggeringPoint.swImplPolicy can be used to specify a requirement
whether the internal triggering of the enclosing RunnableEntity using the given
InternalTriggeringPoint shall be queued.c(RS_SWCT_03040)
[constr_1182] Allowed values for InternalTriggeringPoint.swImplPolicy
dThe only allowed values for the attribute swImplPolicy of meta-class Internal-
TriggeringPoint are either STANDARD (in which case the processing of the internal
triggering does not use a queue) or QUEUED (in which case the processing of internal
triggering positively uses a queue).
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
Class InternalTriggeringPoint
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::Trigger
Note If a RunnableEntity owns an InternalTriggeringPoint it is entitled to trigger the execution of Runnable
Entities of the corresponding software-component.
Base ARObject, AbstractAccessPoint, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable,
MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
swImplPolicy SwImplPolicyEnum 0..1 attr This attribute, when set to value queued, allows for a
queued processing of Triggers.

Table 7.32: InternalTriggeringPoint

The description of the corresponding external trigger communication is contained in

chapter 7.5.3.

7.5 Data Access of RunnableEntities

This section describes the communication properties of an AtomicSwComponent-
Type. This is done mainly from the point of view of a RunnableEntity (the concept
of a RunnableEntity is introduced in chapter 7.2).

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Software Component Template

However, the usage of a PortPrototype in a specific role within an AtomicSwCom-

ponentType also has an impact on communication behavior.
AtpStructureElement «enumeration»
AbstractAccessPoint RteApiReturnValueProvisionEnum

+ returnValueProvision: RteApiReturnValueProvisionEnum [0..1] returnValueProvided


AtpStructureElement AtpStructureElement AtpStructureElement AtpStructureElement

Identifiable Identifiable Identifiable Identifiable
ParameterAccess AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint ServerCallPoint ModeSwitchPoint

+ timeout: TimeValue [0..1]

AtpStructureElement IdentCaption IdentCaption AtpStructureElement

Identifiable ModeAccessPointIdent ExternalTriggeringPointIdent Identifiable
VariableAccess InternalTriggeringPoint

+ scope: VariableAccessScopeEnum [0..1] + swImplPolicy: SwImplPolicyEnum [0..1]

Figure 7.19: Modeling of the AbstractAccessPoint

Access of RunnableEntitys to the different elements in PortInterfaces or the

InternalBehavior are modeled by a set of meta-classes specific to the communi-
cation pattern and the kind of access.
Nevertheless, all of those meta-classes inherit from AbstractAccessPoint in order
to enable the ability to be referenced in a harmonized way to by additional descriptions.
Class AbstractAccessPoint (abstract)
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::AccessCount
Note Abstract class indicating an access point from an ExecutableEntity.
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Subclasses AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint, ExternalTriggeringPointIdent, InternalTriggeringPoint, ModeAccess
PointIdent, ModeSwitchPoint, ParameterAccess, ServerCallPoint, VariableAccess
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
returnValue RteApiReturnValue 0..1 attr This attribute controls the provision of return values for
Provision ProvisionEnum RTE APIs that correspond to the enclosing access point.

Table 7.33: AbstractAccessPoint

Enumeration RteApiReturnValueProvisionEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::AccessCount
Note This meta-class provides values to control how return values from RTE APIs are provided.
Literal Description
noReturnValue The RTE API shall not provide a return value.
returnValue The RTE API shall provide a return value.

Table 7.34: RteApiReturnValueProvisionEnum

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Software Component Template

RunnableEntity that access DataPrototypes in the context of PortPrototypes

are not allowed to extend the data access to sub-elements of the respective Dat-
For example, assume a DataPrototype that effectively implements a structure of two
elements A and B. It is not supported to only send or receive only element A or B of
the structure.
This assertion leads to the existence of [constr_1429] and, by extension, [constr_1430].
[constr_1429] Access to data within PortPrototypes from within RunnableEn-
titys dFor a VariableAccess that is aggregated in the roles
• RunnableEntity.dataWriteAccess
• RunnableEntity.dataReadAccess
• RunnableEntity.dataSendPoint
• RunnableEntity.dataReceivePointByArgument
• RunnableEntity.dataReceivePointByValue
the existence of the following attributes is not allowed:
• VariableAccess.accessedVariable.autosarVariable.contextDat-
• VariableAccess.accessedVariable.autosarVariable.rootVari-
• VariableAccess.accessedVariable.autosarVariableInImpl-
• VariableAccess.accessedVariable.localVariable
In other words: in this case, only the references
• VariableAccess.accessedVariable.autosarVariable.portProto-
type and
• VariableAccess.accessedVariable.autosarVariable.targetDat-
shall exist and the latter shall exclusively refer to a VariableDataPrototype that
is aggregated as either
• SenderReceiverInterface.dataElement or
• NvDataInterface.nvData.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_1430] Access to local data from within RunnableEntitys dFor Vari-
ableAccess that is aggregated in the roles

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• RunnableEntity.writtenLocalVariable
• RunnableEntity.readLocalVariable
the existence of the following attributes is not allowed:
• VariableAccess.accessedVariable.autosarVariableInImpl-
• VariableAccess.accessedVariable.autosarVariable
In other words, only the reference VariableAccess.accessedVariable.local-
Variable shall be used in this case.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_1431] Access to parameters from within RunnableEntitys dFor a Pa-
rameterAccess that is aggregated in the role RunnableEntity.parameterAc-
cess the existence of the following attributes is not allowed:
• ParameterAccess.accessedParameter.autosarParameter.context-
• ParameterAccess.accessedParameter.autosarParameter.rootPa-
In other words: in this case, one of the following alternatives is allowed to exist:
• a combination of
– ParameterAccess.accessedParameter.autosarParameter.port-
Prototype and
– ParameterAccess.accessedParameter.autosarParameter.tar-
getDataPrototype that exclusively refers to a ParameterDataPro-
totype aggregated by a ParameterInterface in the role parameter.
• ParameterAccess.accessedParameter.localParameter that refers to a
ParameterDataPrototype that is either aggregated as
– InternalBehavior.constantMemory or
– SwcInternalBehavior.perInstanceParameter or
– SwcInternalBehavior.sharedParameter.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()

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Software Component Template

7.5.1 RunnableEntities and Sender Receiver Communication

This section describes aspects relevant for the sender-receiver communication of a

software-component. These mainly influence the behavior and API of the AUTOSAR
[TPS_SWCT_01322] Interaction patterns for the application of the sender-
receiver paradigm dThe possible interaction patterns for the application of the sender-
receiver paradigm are explained, namely:
1. Data-access in a cat. 1 RunnableEntity,
2. explicit sending,
3. the DataSendCompletedEvent: dealing with the success/failure of an explicit
send, and
4. the DataReceivedEvent: responding to the reception of data
5. the DataReceiveErrorEvent: notifying an error concerning the reception of
c(RS_SWCT_00200) Terminology

The AUTOSAR meta-model foresees two different approaches for sender-receiver

communication. These are described in detail in chapters and How-
ever, it turned out that it is rather cumbersome to discuss issues of communication
approaches directly on the basis of meta-classes and their attributes.
Therefore, it seems appropriate to introduce a dedicated terminology for this purpose.
The approach eventually selected was originally introduced by the contributors to the
RTE specification.
This terminology proposes to use the term “implicit” for communication based on data-
access (for more information about details of this approach please consult chapter and “explicit” for communication based on so-called data-points (please refer
to chapter
The motivation for the differentiation between “implicit” and “explicit” was originally the
characteristics of the RTE specification that foresaw an API for handling a dataSend-
Point or dataReceivePointByValue in contrast to the data-access that was sup-
posed to be part of the function signature (therefore, no API was required) of a specific
Although the specification of the RTE changed in the meantime (and the original mo-
tivation no longer applies) it turned out that the terminology based on “implicit” and
“explicit” communication was already widely used within AUTOSAR.

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Software Component Template

As no consensus could be reached over alternative proposals this terminology ap-

proach is taken over by this document as well. Data Access

[TPS_SWCT_01323] Read and write access to a dataElement dThe SwcInter-

nalBehavior may specify that a RunnableEntity needs read-access (respectively
write-access) to the VariableDataPrototypes in the role dataElement of an
RPortPrototype (respectively PPortPrototype, or PRPortPrototype).c(RS_-
InternalBehavior SwComponentType «atpVariation»
SwcInternalBehavior AtomicSwComponentType SwDataDefProps
0..1 «atpVariation,atpSplitable»

+swDataDefProps 0..1

+runnable 0..*  

AtpStructureElement +parameterAccess AbstractAccessPoint

ExecutableEntity AtpStructureElement
RunnableEntity «atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..* Identifiable

«enumeration» +accessedParameter 0..1


«atpVariation,atpSplitable» AtpStructureElement
+dataReadAccess Identifiable
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*
+ scope: VariableAccessScopeEnum [0..1]


«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*


«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*


«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*


«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*


«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*

+accessedVariable 0..1


Figure 7.20: DataReadAccess and DataWriteAccess

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[TPS_SWCT_01325] Read and write access is only applicable for RunnableEn-

titys of category 1 dThe usage of the data-access mechanism to the Variable-
DataPrototypes is appropriate for cat. 1 RunnableEntitys only because it by
concept guarantees finite response time (as opposed to e.g. unlimited blocking wait
for some data).c(RS_SWCT_00200)
For more explanation, let’s suppose a cat. 2 RunnableEntity would have a
dataReadAccess and a dataWriteAccess. The received dataElement would
be updated before the RunnableEntity actually starts being executed and even if
the RunnableEntity runs for a very long time the value of the dataElement would
remain as is and never change.
On the other hand, the RunnableEntity might use its dataWriteAccess to per-
form a write access on the dataElement but the actual value might never make it
beyond the RunnableEntity because
1. the latter is not required to terminate ever and
2. the actual write access is executed after the RunnableEntity terminates.
Class VariableAccess
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::DataElements
Note The presence of a VariableAccess implies that a RunnableEntity needs access to a VariableData
The kind of access is specified by the role in which the class is used.
Base ARObject, AbstractAccessPoint, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable,
MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
accessed AutosarVariableRef 0..1 aggr This denotes the accessed variable.
scope VariableAccessScope 0..1 attr This attribute allows for constraining the scope of the
Enum corresponding communication. For example, it possible to
express whether the communication is intended to cross
the boundary of an ECU or whether it is intended not to
cross the boundary of a single partition.

Table 7.35: VariableAccess

[constr_1954] Existence of attribute VariableAccess.accessedVariable dFor

each VariableAccess, attribute accessedVariable shall exist at the time
when the contract phase generation is executed.c()
Enumeration VariableAccessScopeEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::DataElements
Note This enumeration defines scopes for communication.
Literal Description
communicationInter This case is foreseen to express that the corresponding communication shall be considered
Ecu inter-ECU, i.e. it will cross the ECU boundary. This is considered the default case.

588 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

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Enumeration VariableAccessScopeEnum
communicationIntra This case is foreseen to express that the corresponding communication shall not cross the boundary
Partition of a partition.
interPartitionIntra In this case the communication shall cross the boundaries of partitions within one ECU but it shall not
Ecu cross the boundaries of the ECU itself.

Table 7.36: VariableAccessScopeEnum

[TPS_SWCT_01326] Constrain the scope of a specific communication dThe pur-

pose of the attribute scope of meta-class VariableAccess is to constrain the scope
of the corresponding communication.
The main use-case for this ability is the development of a software-component where
certain end-points of communication from or to the software-component are known to
fulfill a certain constraint, e.g. execute within the same partition.c(RS_SWCT_00200)
[TPS_SWCT_01328] Default value of attribute scope dThe default value of attribute
scope is set to communicationInterEcu.c(RS_SWCT_00200)
[constr_1141] Applicability of the scope attribute d
The attribute scope of meta-class VariableAccess shall only be applied with re-
spect to the aggregation of VariableAccess in the following roles:
• dataReadAccess
• dataWriteAccess
• dataSendPoint
• dataReceivePointByValue
• dataReceivePointByArgument
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
This aspect is depicted in Figure 7.20. Explicit Sending and Receiving

[TPS_SWCT_01330] RunnableEntity can also have dataSendPoints dA

RunnableEntity can also have dataSendPoints (i.e. aggregate VariableAc-
cess in the role dataSendPoint).
Using an instanceRef association, these eventually reference a VariableDat-
aPrototype in the context of an AbstractProvidedPortPrototype, owned by
the AtomicSwComponentType that is associated with the RunnableEntity that in
turn owns the dataSendPoint.c(RS_SWCT_00200)

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[constr_2004] Referenced VariableDataPrototype from AutosarVari-

ableRef of VariableAccess in role dataSendPoint dA VariableAccess in the
role dataSendPoint shall refer to a PPortPrototype or PRPortPrototype that
is typed by either a SenderReceiverInterface or a NvDataInterface at the
time when the contract phase generation is executed.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01331] dataWriteAccess vs. dataSendPoint dAs opposed to the
• Using the dataSendPoint, the RunnableEntity needs to explicitly “send”
through an API; when using a dataWriteAccess, the RunnableEntity only
needs to modify the value of certain variables.
• Using dataSendPoint, the Runnable can decide to “send” an arbitrary number
of times; when using dataWriteAccess the new value of the VariableDat-
aPrototype is only made available after the RunnableEntity terminates.
• The presence of a dataSendPoint per definition lets the corresponding
RunnableEntity attain cat. 1B.
[constr_1773] Value of attribute dataSendPoint.returnValueProvision dAll
RunnableEntity.dataSendPoint that refer to the same accessedVariable
shall define the identical value for attribute returnValueProvision at the time
when the contract phase generation is executed.c()
Rationale for the existence of [constr_1773]: different RunnableEntitys could ag-
gregate VariableAccess in the role dataSendPoint with a different configuration
of attribute returnValueProvision.
However, in such a case it would not be possible to generate the corresponding RTE
API because the API exists once per software-component and it is therefore indispens-
able to have all affected VariableAccess aggregated in the role dataSendPoint
agree on the configuration of attribute returnValueProvision.
This relation is sketched in Figure 7.21.

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Software Component Template


RunnableEntity A
dataSendPoint dspA

returnValueProvision = noReturnValueProvided PPortPrototype


RunnableEntity B
dataSendPoint dspB

returnValueProvision = noReturnValueProvided

Figure 7.21: Modeling of attribute dataSendPoint.returnValueProvision

[TPS_SWCT_01663] dataReadAccess vs. dataReceivePointByValue or

dataReceivePointByArgument dAs opposed to the dataReadAccess:
• Using the dataReceivePointByValue or dataReceivePointByArgument,
the RunnableEntity always “receives” the latest value of the dataElement
fore each call to the respective API during the execution of the RunnableEn-
• When using a dataReadAccess, the value of the respective dataElement is
received before the RunnableEntity starts and does not change during the
execution of the RunnableEntity independently of the number of API calls for
implicit reception.
• The presence of a dataReceivePointByValue or dataReceivePointB-
yArgument per definition lets the corresponding RunnableEntity attain cat.
For more details, please refer to section 4.9.

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Software Component Template

ARElement +port AtpBlueprintable

AtpBlueprint AtpPrototype
AtpBlueprintable «atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..* PortPrototype


  ! DataPrototype
  +autosarVariable 0..1
0..1 +internalBehavior «instanceRef»

InternalBehavior +event AbstractEvent

DataSendCompletedEvent AutosarVariableRef
SwcInternalBehavior AtpStructureElement

+accessedVariable 0..1

«atpVariation,atpSplitable» +eventSource 0..1

  +dataSendPoint 0..*
+runnable 0..* +startOnEvent 0..1


Figure 7.22: DataSendPoint

[TPS_SWCT_01332] dataReceivePointByValue vs. dataReceivePointB-

yArgument dIn analogy to explicitly sending data it is also possible to define explicit
polling for new available data through a dataReceivePointByValue or dataRe-
This aspect is visualized in Figure 7.23.
[constr_1277] SwDataDefProps.swImplPolicy of a VariableDataPrototype
referenced by a VariableAccess aggregated in the role dataReceivePoint-
ByValue dThe SwDataDefProps.swImplPolicy of a VariableDataPrototype
referenced by a VariableAccess aggregated in the role dataReceivePoint-
ByValue shall not be set to queued at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed .c()
Rationale for [constr_1277]: when using the return value of the applicable RTE API
function to return the value of a VariableDataPrototype there is no way4 to provide
an indication that the queue is empty. Therefore, the only safe approach is to not permit
this scenario at all, hence the constraint.

That is, other than to use a function argument to return the status of the queue but that would
obviously beat the purpose of the API function.

592 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

ARElement AtpBlueprintable
+port AbstractRequiredPortPrototype
AtpBlueprint AtpPrototype
AtpBlueprintable «atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..* PortPrototype

!   ! !
" # $ +autosarVariable 0..1
& !    «instanceRef»
& !

+accessedVariable 0..1
+internalBehavior 0..1

InternalBehavior    AbstractAccessPoint


+dataReceivePointByArgument 0..* +dataReceivePointByValue 0..*

«atpVariation,atpSplitable» «atpVariation,atpSplitable»
+runnable 0..*


Figure 7.23: Definition of an explicit request to receive data

[TPS_SWCT_01333] dataReceivePointByValue/dataReceivePointByArgu-
ment vs. dataReadAccess dBy using a dataReceivePointByValue or dataRe-
ceivePointByArgument instead of dataReadAccess the constraining access
to the referenced VariableDataPrototype (other RunnableEntitys shall not
change the VariableDataPrototype during the read execution) is limited to a short,
well-defined amount of time.c(RS_SWCT_00200)
[TPS_SWCT_01334] RunnableEntitys of category 1 may have dataRe-
ceivePointByValues/dataReceivePointByArguments dTherefore, category 1
RunnableEntitys may also have dataReceivePointByValues/dataReceive-
PointByArguments and consequently become RunnableEntitys of category 1Bc
Please note that the categories of RunnableEntity are explained in section
Similar to the dataReadAccess, constraints apply to the reference target of the Au-
tosarVariableRef of VariableAccess in role dataReceivePointByValue or
[constr_1774] Value of attribute dataReceivePointByArgument.returnVal-
ueProvision dAll RunnableEntity.dataReceivePointByArgument that refer
to the same accessedVariable shall define the identical value for attribute
returnValueProvision at the time when the contract phase gener-
ation is executed.c()
Rationale for the existence of [constr_1774]: different RunnableEntitys could aggre-
gate VariableAccess in the role dataReceivePointByArgument with a different
configuration of attribute returnValueProvision.

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Software Component Template

However, in such a case it would not be possible to generate the corresponding RTE
API because the API exists once per software-component and it is therefore indis-
pensable to have all affected VariableAccess aggregated in the role dataRe-
ceivePointByArgument agree on the configuration of attribute returnValuePro-
This relation is exemplarily (for the case of dataSendPoint.returnValueProvi-
sion) sketched in Figure 7.21.
[constr_2005] Referenced VariableDataPrototype from AutosarVari-
ableRef of VariableAccess in role dataReceivePointByValue or dataRe-
ceivePointByArgument dA VariableAccess in the role dataReceivePoint-
ByValue or dataReceivePointByArgument shall refer to an RPortProto-
type or PRPortPrototype that is typed by either a SenderReceiverInterface
or an NvDataInterface at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01335] Combine dataReceivePointByValue or dataReceive-
PointByArgument with a WaitPoint dIn general, it is possible to combine a
dataReceivePointByValue or dataReceivePointByArgument with a Wait-
Point in the scope of a particular RunnableEntity.
This allows for a call to a blocking receive routine implemented by the RTE. The time-
out attribute of meta-class WaitPoint can be used to specify the time until the block-
ing call expires.
But in case of non-queued communication it is not supported that a DataRe-
ceivedEvent is used in combination with a WaitPoint (see [constr_2021]). This
contradicts the approach of the last-is-best semantics.c(RS_SWCT_00200)
[constr_2021] WaitPoint referencing a DataReceivedEvent can not be used
for non-queued communication dA WaitPoint referencing a DataReceivedE-
vent is permitted if and only if the swImplPolicy of the VariableDataProto-
type referenced by this DataReceivedEvent is set to queued.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
Please note however, that in this case (in response to the presence of a WaitPoint)
the RunnableEntity becomes category 2. Implicit Sending and Receiving

Implicit sending and receiving aims at the optimization of computation effort for sender-
receiver communication.
Instead of executing the full amount of functionality for each call to a send-API or
receive-API the implicit communication only receives implicitly received values latest

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before the start of the execution of a RunnableEntity and sends implicitly sent values
earliest after termination of the RunnableEntity.
[TPS_SWCT_01329] Access to specific data is implemented by means of aggre-
gating the meta-class VariableAccess in specific roles dPlease note that from the
formal point of view access to specific data is implemented by means of aggregating
the meta-class VariableAccess in specific roles.
This means that dataReadAccess for a read-access while the write-access is defined
by means of aggregating VariableAccess in the role dataWriteAccess.c(RS_-
This aspect is depicted in Figure 7.19.
The following constraints apply to the reference target of the AutosarVariableRef
of VariableAccess in role dataReadAccess or dataWriteAccess.
[constr_2002] Referenced VariableDataPrototype from AutosarVari-
ableRef of VariableAccess in role dataReadAccess dA VariableAccess in
the role dataReadAccess shall refer to an RPortPrototype or PRPortPrototype
that is typed by either a SenderReceiverInterface or a NvDataInterface.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_2003] Referenced VariableDataPrototype from AutosarVari-
ableRef of VariableAccess in role dataWriteAccess dA VariableAccess in
the role dataWriteAccess shall refer to a PPortPrototype or PRPortPrototype
that is typed by either a SenderReceiverInterface or a NvDataInterface.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
By access with VariableAccess in the dataReadAccess role always the last value
of the VariableDataPrototype buffered before the RunnableEntity starts will
be read during the execution of the RunnableEntity.
It would therefore not make any sense to provide a queue of values for the purpose of
accessing a dataElement in the role dataReadAccess.
[constr_2020] dataReadAccess can not be used for queued communication
dThe swImplPolicy of the VariableDataPrototype referenced by a Vari-
ableAccess in role dataReadAccess shall not be set to queued at the time
when the contract phase generation is executed.c()
[constr_1256] Acknowledgement feedback in n:1 writer case dWithin the scope
of one SwcInternalBehavior, it is not allowed that two or more aggregated
RunnableEntitys own either dataSendPoints or dataWriteAccesss that in turn
point to the identical accessedVariable.autosarVariable.targetDataProto-
type if the attribute transmissionAcknowledge exists in the context of the

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SenderComSpec owned by the dataSendPoint.accessedVariable.autosar-

Variable.portPrototype (or the respective construct for dataWriteAccess) that
also refers to said dataElement.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
The background of [constr_1256] is that if two or more RunnableEntitys exist
that can write to the identical dataElement it may happen that more than one
RunnableEntity actually write to the respective dataElement before the “first” ac-
knowledgement is received. In this case it will never be possible to determine exactly
which transmission has been acknowledged.
The difference between implicit and explicit sender/receiver communication is ex-
plained in [TPS_SWCT_01331] and [TPS_SWCT_01663]. DataSendCompletedEvent

[TPS_SWCT_01336] dataSendPoint also allows for the definition of a

DataSendCompletedEvent dThe dataSendPoint also allows for the definition of
a DataSendCompletedEvent. This RTEEvent occurs when the data has been suc-
cessfully sent or when an error has occurred during sending.c(RS_SWCT_00200)
Please note that this feature can only be used if the AtomicSwComponentType de-
scribes the meaning of success or failure of the send-operation.
In particular, via a SenderComSpec class different acknowledgement requests (in this
case: successful transmission) can be attached to a PPortPrototype or PRPort-
Prototype, as is shown in Figure 4.36.
This will configure the RTE such that when data is sent the RTE will try to obtain the
specified acknowledgement; possibly by waiting a certain timeout period.
[constr_2033] Timeout of DataSendCompletedEvent dThe timeout value of a
WaitPoint associated with a DataSendCompletedEvent shall have the same
value as the corresponding value of TransmissionAcknowledgementRequest.
timeout at the time when the RTE is generated.c() DataWriteCompletedEvent

[TPS_SWCT_01557] dataWriteAccess also allows for the definition of a

DataWriteCompletedEvent dThe dataWriteAccess also allows for the definition
of a DataWriteCompletedEvent. This RTEEvent occurs when the data has been
successfully sent or when an error has occurred during sending.c(RS_SWCT_00200)
Please note that this feature can only be used if the AtomicSwComponentType de-
scribes the meaning of success or failure of the send-operation.

596 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

In particular, via a SenderComSpec class different acknowledgement requests (in this

case: successful transmission) can be attached to a PPortPrototype or PRPort-
Prototype, as is shown in Figure 4.36.
[TPS_SWCT_01558] DataWriteCompletedEvent cannot be combined with a
WaitPoint dPlease note that a DataWriteCompletedEvent cannot be associated
with a WaitPoint, see [constr_1091].c(RS_SWCT_00200)
However, it is possible to configure the RTE such that when data is sent, the RTE will
try to obtain the specified acknowledgement; possibly by waiting a certain timeout
ARElement AtpBlueprintable
+port AbstractProvidedPortPrototype
AtpBlueprint AtpPrototype
AtpBlueprintable «atpVariation,atpSplitable» PortPrototype

AtomicSwComponentType   !
#   +autosarVariable 0..1


+accessedVariable 0..1
+internalBehavior 0..1

InternalBehavior +event AbstractEvent AbstractAccessPoint

SwcInternalBehavior 0..* AtpStructureElement +eventSource AtpStructureElement
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» RTEEvent Identifiable
0..1 VariableAccess

+dataWriteAccess 0..*

+runnable 0..* +startOnEvent 0..1


Figure 7.24: DataWriteAccess DataReceivedEvent

[TPS_SWCT_01337] DataReceivedEvent dA receiver is notified through the same

event mechanism when a VariableDataPrototype is received. The DataRe-
ceivedEvent is directly associated with the corresponding VariableDataProto-

597 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

ARElement AtpBlueprintable
+port AbstractRequiredPortPrototype
AtpBlueprint AtpPrototype
AtpBlueprintable «atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..* PortPrototype



!   ! !  +data 0..1
AtomicSwComponentType     " # $

+internalBehavior 0..1

InternalBehavior +event
SwcInternalBehavior AbstractEvent
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..* AtpStructureElement

+runnable 0..*

RunnableEntity +startOnEvent


Figure 7.25: Receiver is notified by an event when new data has arrived DataReceiveErrorEvent

[TPS_SWCT_01338] DataReceiveErrorEvent dA receiver is notified of DataRe-

ceiveErrorEvent through the activation of its RunnableEntity which is refer-
enced by this RTEEvent.
A DataReceiveErrorEvent includes a reference to a VariableDataPrototype
and is raised by the RTE when an error concerning the reception of the referenced
data is detected by the COM 5 layer.
The following cases present some situations which will cause the RTE to raise a
• the RTE receives a signal-outdated notification from the COM layer when a mon-
itored periodic signal is not received in time. The COM layer monitors the validity
of the signal’s value based on the value of the aliveTimeout attribute of Re-
ceiverComSpec referencing the VariableDataPrototype associated with
the signal. If the time elapsed since the last update of a signal’s value exceeds its
aliveTimeout then the COM layer notifies the RTE of a signal outdated error.
• The RTE receives a signal invalid notification from the COM layer when the COM
layer detects that an incoming signal has the predefined “invalid” value.

In case of internal communication the RTE is not enforced to use the COM layer. It is also possible
to implement the required behavior directly in the RTE.

598 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

[constr_10073] Existence of DataReceiveErrorEvent dA DataReceiveEr-

rorEvent shall only exist if it latest at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed refers to a given VariableDataPrototype in the role
data where either
• the VariableDataPrototype is referenced from a NonqueuedReceiver-
ComSpec in the role dataElement and the attribute aliveTimeout of the
NonqueuedReceiverComSpec exists and is set to a value > 0 or
• the VariableDataPrototype is aggregated by a SenderReceiverInter-
face where attribute invalidationPolicy.handleInvalid exists and is set
to the value keep.
[TPS_SWCT_01339] RTE activates RunnableEntity in response to DataRe-
ceiveErrorEvent dA DataReceiveErrorEvent is used by the RTE to activate
a RunnableEntity that is supposed to handle the above-mentioned errors.
The error code will be made available to the activated RunnableEntity through the
appropriate RTE API function.c(RS_SWCT_00200)
[TPS_SWCT_01340] DataReceiveErrorEvent cannot be combined with a
WaitPoint dPlease note that a DataReceiveErrorEvent cannot be associated
with a WaitPoint, see [constr_1091].
It can only be used for the receiver software-component in a sender-receiver commu-
nication and its data reference is restricted to VariableDataPrototypes with their
swImplPolicy attribute not set to queued.c(RS_SWCT_00200)
InternalBehavior +event AbstractEvent
SwcInternalBehavior AtpStructureElement
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*

+runnable 0..*  
RunnableEntity 0..1

DataInterface AutosarDataPrototype
+data DataReceiveErrorEvent
SenderReceiverInterface +dataElement VariableDataPrototype
0..1 «instanceRef»

Figure 7.26: DataReceiveErrorEvent references a Runnable and a VariableDataPrototype

[TPS_SWCT_01341] DataReceiveErrorEvent is directly associated with the

corresponding VariableDataPrototype dThe DataReceiveErrorEvent is di-
rectly associated with the corresponding VariableDataPrototype and references
the RunnableEntity that is activated due to the occurrence of this RTEEvent.c(RS_-
This aspect is depicted in Figure 7.26.

599 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

7.5.2 RunnableEntities and Client Server Communication Invoking an Operation

[TPS_SWCT_01342] Invocation of a server operation dA RunnableEntity in-

vokes a server operation formally defined as a ClientServerOperation via an
RPortPrototype of the enclosing SwComponentPrototype typed by a particular
[TPS_SWCT_01343] Synchronous vs. asynchronous invocation dA
ClientServerOperation itself can be invoked either “synchronously” or “asyn-
In the majority of cases the ClientServerOperation will be invoked at a dif-
ferent SwComponentPrototype but in general it would be possible to invoke a
ClientServerOperation on the same SwComponentPrototype as well.
The decision whether a specific ClientServerOperation is called synchronously
or asynchronously needs to be specified in the formal description of the corresponding
AtomicSwComponentType, namely in the context of an SwcInternalBehavior
(see Figure 7.27 for more details).
But it is not supported to invoke the same instance of a ClientServerOperation
synchronously and asynchronously together.
[constr_2022] Mutually exclusive use of SynchronousServerCallPoints and
AsynchronousServerCallPoints dA ClientServerOperation of a particu-
lar RPortPrototype shall be mutually exclusive referenced by either a Syn-
chronousServerCallPoints or an AsynchronousServerCallPoints at the
time when the contract phase generation is executed.c()
[constr_1775] Value of attribute serverCallPoint.returnValueProvision dAll
RunnableEntity.serverCallPoint that refer to the same operation shall de-
fine the identical value of attribute returnValueProvision at the time when
the contract phase generation is executed.c()
Rationale for the existence of [constr_1775]: different RunnableEntitys could ag-
gregate ServerCallPoint with a different configuration of attribute returnValue-
However, in such a case it would not be possible to generate the corresponding RTE
API because the API exists once per software-component and it is therefore indispens-
able to have all affected ServerCallPoints agree on the configuration of attribute
This relation is exemplarily (for the case of dataSendPoint.returnValueProvi-
sion) sketched in Figure 7.21.
[constr_2023] Consistency of timeout values dThe timeout values of all
ServerCallPoints referencing the same instance of ClientServerOperation

600 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

in a RPortPrototype shall be identical at the time when the RTE is gen-

[TPS_SWCT_01345] Synchronous operation invocation dIn case of a syn-
chronous operation invocation the particular RunnableEntity merely needs a Syn-
More information can be found in Figure 7.27.
InternalBehavior +internalBehavior SwComponentType AtpStructureElement
SwcInternalBehavior 0..1 «atpVariation,atpSplitable» AtomicSwComponentType Identifiable
+ handleTerminationAndRestart:
HandleTerminationAndRestartEnum [0..1] + diagArgIntegrity: Boolean [0..1]
+ supportsMultipleInstantiation: Boolean [0..1]   
     +operation 0..1
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» +runnable 0..*  
AtpStructureElement AbstractAccessPoint
ExecutableEntity AtpStructureElement
+serverCallPoint Identifiable
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..* ServerCallPoint
+ canBeInvokedConcurrently: Boolean [0..1]
+ symbol: CIdentifier [0..1] + timeout: TimeValue [0..1]

+startOnEvent 0..1

+event 0..*   
AbstractEvent     SynchronousServerCallPoint AsynchronousServerCallPoint

+asynchronousServerCallPoint 0..1
+asynchronousServerCallResultPoint 0..*

AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent AbstractAccessPoint
0..1 Identifiable

Figure 7.27: Model of a server call point.

[TPS_SWCT_01346] Asynchronous operation invocation dAsynchronous invoca-

tion is a bit more complex because it is necessary to specify how to respond to a
notification about the completion of the corresponding operation.
This is done using the generic RTEEvent mechanism: the notification about an
asynchronously executed operation having completed is implemented as an Asyn-
Therefore, if an AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent is raised the RTE can
either trigger the execution of a specific RunnableEntity or the AtomicSwCom-
ponentType can implement a WaitPoint that blocks the execution of the calling
RunnableEntity until the AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent is recog-
For example, let’s consider the case of an asynchronous call to a remote operation
where the RTE is supposed to trigger a specific RunnableEntity when the opera-
tion completes. The description of the corresponding AtomicSwComponentType would
typically contain the following elements:

601 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

1. The AtomicSwComponentType contains an RPortPrototype ‘myPort’ typed

by a PortInterface that in turn contains the definition of an ClientServer-
Operation ‘remoteOperation’.
2. The AtomicSwComponentType’s SwcInternalBehavior contains at least
two RunnableEntitys: the RunnableEntity ‘main’ is supposed to invoke
the operation; the RunnableEntity ‘callback’ is the one that should be called
when the operation completes.
3. The description of the RunnableEntity ‘main’ contains an Asyn-
chronousServerCallPoint ‘invokeMyOperation’ referencing the respective
ClientServerOperation in the PortInterface used to type the PortPro-
totype ‘myPort’. This implies that the RunnableEntity is allowed to invoke
this operation asynchronously.
4. The description of the RunnableEntity ‘callback’ contains an Asyn-
chronousServerCallResultPoint ‘fetchMyOperationResults’ referencing
the respective AsynchronousServerCallPoint ‘invokeMyOperation’. This
implies that the RunnableEntity is allowed to fetch the results of the asyn-
chronously invoked operation.
5. The description of the SwcInternalBehavior includes an Asyn-
chronousServerCallReturnsEvent ‘myOperationReturns’ which refer-
ences the previously defined AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint
6. The description of the AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent ‘myOper-
ationReturns’ references the RunnableEntity ‘callback’, indicating that the
RTE should trigger the execution of this Runnable when ‘myOperationReturns’
is raised.
[constr_1776] Value of attribute asynchronousServerCallResultPoint.re-
turnValueProvision dAll RunnableEntity.asynchronousServerCallRe-
sultPoint that refer to the same AsynchronousServerCallPoint.operation
shall define the identical value of attribute returnValueProvision at the time
when the contract phase generation is executed.c()
Rationale for the existence of [constr_1776]: different RunnableEntitys could ag-
gregate AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint with a different configuration of
attribute returnValueProvision.
However, in such a case it would not be possible to generate the corresponding RTE
API because the API exists once per software-component and it is therefore indis-
pensable to have all affected AsynchronousServerCallResultPoints agree on
the configuration of attribute returnValueProvision.
This relation is exemplarily (for the case of dataSendPoint.returnValueProvi-
sion) sketched in Figure 7.21.

602 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class ServerCallPoint (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::ServerCall
Note If a RunnableEntity owns a ServerCallPoint it is entitled to invoke a particular ClientServerOperation of a
specific RPortPrototype of the corresponding AtomicSwComponentType
Base ARObject, AbstractAccessPoint, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable,
MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Subclasses AsynchronousServerCallPoint, SynchronousServerCallPoint
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
operation ClientServerOperation 0..1 iref The operation that is called by this runnable.
InstanceRef implemented by:ROperationInAtomicSwc
timeout TimeValue 0..1 attr Time in seconds before the server call times out and
returns with an error message. It depends on the call type
(synchronous or asynchronous) how this is reported.

Table 7.37: ServerCallPoint

[constr_1955] Existence of attribute ServerCallPoint.operation dFor each

ServerCallPoint, attribute operation shall exist at the time when the
contract phase generation is executed.c()
[constr_1956] Existence of attribute ServerCallPoint.timeout dFor each
ServerCallPoint, attribute timeout shall exist at the time when the RTE
is generated.c()
Class SynchronousServerCallPoint
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::ServerCall
Note This means that the RunnableEntity is supposed to perform a blocking wait for a response from the
Base ARObject, AbstractAccessPoint, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable,
MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServerCallPoint
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
calledFrom ExclusiveAreaNesting 0..1 ref This indicates that the call point is located at the deepest
WithinExclusive Order level inside one or more ExclusiveAreas that are nested
Area in the given order.

Table 7.38: SynchronousServerCallPoint

[constr_1957] Existence of attribute AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint.

asynchronousServerCallPoint dFor each AsynchronousServerCallRe-
sultPoint, the reference to AsynchronousServerCallPoint in the role asyn-
chronousServerCallPoint shall exist at the time when the contract
phase generation is executed.c()
Class AsynchronousServerCallPoint
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::ServerCall

603 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class AsynchronousServerCallPoint
Note An AsynchronousServerCallPoint is used for asynchronous invocation of a ClientServerOperation.
IMPORTANT: a ServerCallPoint cannot be used concurrently. Once the client RunnableEntity has made
the invocation, the ServerCallPoint cannot be used until the call returns (or an error occurs!) at which
point the ServerCallPoint becomes available again.
Base ARObject, AbstractAccessPoint, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable,
MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServerCallPoint
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 7.39: AsynchronousServerCallPoint

Class AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::ServerCall
Note If a RunnableEntity owns a AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint it is entitled to get the result of the
referenced AsynchronousServerCallPoint. If it is associated with AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent,
this RTEEvent notifies the completion of the required ClientServerOperation or a timeout. The
occurrence of this event can either unblock a WaitPoint or can lead to the invocation of a RunnableEntity.
Base ARObject, AbstractAccessPoint, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable,
MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
asynchronous AsynchronousServer 0..1 ref The referenced Asynchronous Server Call Point defines
ServerCallPoint CallPoint the asynchronous server call from which the results are
Table 7.40: AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint

[constr_2006] Number of AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint referenc-

ing to one AsynchronousServerCallPoint dThe AsynchronousServer-
CallPoint may be referenced by at most one AsynchronousServerCallRe-
sultPoint at the time when the contract phase generation is ex-
If the reference exists, this means that only the RunnableEntity with this Asyn-
chronousServerCallResultPoint can fetch the result of the asynchronous
server invocation of this particular AsynchronousServerCallPoint.c()
Please note that if an AsynchronousServerCallPoint is not referenced by an
AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint this means that there is no operation re-
sult to fetch or the caller is not interested in the result.
This information might be used by the RTE generator to optimize the data consistency
[TPS_SWCT_01347] Blocking access to operation result in an asynchronous
operation invocation dIf the call of the RTE fetching the operations results
shall block until the server returns, the RunnableEntity with the Asyn-
chronousServerCallResultPoint needs additional a WaitPoint referencing
the AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent which is associated with the Asyn-
chronousServerCallResultPoint representing the operations results access.

604 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

In this case the AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent shall not define a star-

tOnEvent reference to a RunnableEntity.c(RS_SWCT_00200)
[constr_2030] AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint combined with Wait-
Point shall belong to the same RunnableEntity dA WaitPoint referencing a
AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent as well as a AsynchronousServer-
CallResultPoint referenced by said AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEv-
ent shall be aggregated by the same RunnableEntity at the time when the
contract phase generation is executed.c()
[constr_1521] Reference from AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent to
AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint dIn the context of a RunnableEntity,
a given AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint shall only be referenced by
one AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent in the role eventSource at the
time when the contract phase generation is executed.c() Providing an Implementation of an Operation

A software-component can define an OperationInvokedEvent for each opera-

tion inside one of the server AbstractProvidedPortPrototypes. This way a
RunnableEntity may respond to such an invocation through the generic event han-
dling mechanisms described above (as formally expressed in Figure 7.28).
ARElement +port AtpBlueprintable
AtpBlueprint AtpPrototype
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*
AtpBlueprintable PortPrototype

ARElement +providedInterface
AtpBlueprint «isOfType»
    AtpBlueprintable 0..1
AtomicSwComponentType AtpType {redefines atpType}
+internalBehavior 0..1

InternalBehavior «atpVariation,atpSplitable»
+operation AtpStructureElement
SwcInternalBehavior ClientServerInterface
«atpVariation» 0..* Identifiable

«atpVariation,atpSplitable» +operation 0..1

+event 0..*
+runnable 0..* «instanceRef»
AtpStructureElement +startOnEvent AtpStructureElement
ExecutableEntity RTEEvent OperationInvokedEvent
RunnableEntity 0..1

Figure 7.28: The OperationInvokedEvent references the operation that was called by
a client.

605 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template
AUTOSAR CP R21-11 Reacting on Data Transformation Errors

[TPS_SWCT_01624] Hard error occurs during the execution of a transformer

chain dIf a hard error occurs during the execution of a transformer chain which is
• on the server side of a client/server communication and re-transforms the data
which trigger a server RunnableEntity or
• on the trigger sink side of an inter-ECU external trigger communication,
this server RunnableEntity or trigger sink RunnableEntity cannot be started be-
cause the re-transformed data are not available.c(RS_SWCT_03222)
This might be a problem for the software-component if the software-component wants
to react on transformer errors.
[TPS_SWCT_01616] Semantics of TransformerHardErrorEvent dA software-
component can define a TransformerHardErrorEvent
• for each ClientServerOperation inside one of the server PPortProto-
types (i.e. typed by a ClientServerInterface) or
• for each Trigger in trigger sink RPortPrototypes (i.e. typed by a Trigger-
This way, a given RunnableEntity may define its response to a transformer error.c

7.5.3 RunnableEntities and External Trigger Event Communication Trigger Source

[TPS_SWCT_01348] Trigger source dA RunnableEntity of the triggering software-

component raises an external trigger event via an AbstractProvidedPortPro-
totype of the enclosing SwComponentPrototype typed by a particular Atomic-
For this purpose the particular RunnableEntity needs an ExternalTriggering-
Point that references the particular instance of the trigger in a PPortPrototype.c
[constr_1777] Value of attribute externalTriggeringPoint.returnValue-
Provision dAll RunnableEntity.externalTriggeringPoint that refer to the
same trigger shall define the identical value of attribute returnValueProvision
at the time when the contract phase generation is executed.c()
Rationale for the existence of [constr_1777]: different RunnableEntitys could ag-
gregate ExternalTriggeringPoints with a different configuration of attribute re-

606 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

However, in such a case it would not be possible to generate the corresponding RTE
API because the API exists once per software-component and it is therefore indispens-
able to have all affected ExternalTriggeringPoints agree on the configuration of
attribute returnValueProvision.
This relation is exemplarily (for the case of dataSendPoint.returnValueProvi-
sion) sketched in Figure 7.21.
ARElement AtpBlueprintable
AtpBlueprint +port AtpPrototype AbstractProvidedPortPrototype
AtpBlueprintable PortPrototype
AtpType «atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*
+providedInterface PPortPrototype
PortInterface «isOfType»
{redefines atpType}

   +trigger AtpStructureElement

AtomicSwComponentType TriggerInterface
  0..* Trigger

+trigger 0..1
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» «instanceRef»
0..1 +internalBehavior
InternalBehavior AtpStructureElement +externalTriggeringPoint ExternalTriggeringPoint
SwcInternalBehavior +runnable ExecutableEntity
RunnableEntity «atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*

Figure 7.29: Model structure of a trigger source.

Class ExternalTriggeringPoint
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::Trigger
Note If a RunnableEntity owns an ExternalTriggeringPoint it is entitled to raise an ExternalTriggerOccurred
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
ident ExternalTriggeringPoint 0..1 aggr The aggregation in the role ident provides the ability to
Ident make the ExternalTriggeringPoint identifiable.
From the semantical point of view, the ExternalTriggering
Point is considered a first-class Identifiable and therefore
the aggregation in the role ident shall always exist (until it
may be possible to let ModeAccessPoint directly inherit
from Identifiable).
Stereotypes: atpIdentityContributor
trigger Trigger 0..1 iref The trigger taken for the ExternalTriggeringPoint.
InstanceRef implemented by:PTriggerInAtomicSwcType
Table 7.41: ExternalTriggeringPoint

607 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template
AUTOSAR CP R21-11 Trigger Sink

The activation of RunnableEntitys in the trigger sink is effected through the generic
event handling mechanism.
ARElement AtpBlueprintable
+port AbstractRequiredPortPrototype
AtpBlueprint AtpPrototype
AtpBlueprintable «atpVariation,atpSplitable» PortPrototype

«isOfType» AtpBlueprint
0..1 AtpBlueprintable
   {redefines AtpType
    atpType} PortInterface

+trigger 0..*

+event AbstractEvent AtpStructureElement

AtpStructureElement Identifiable
0..* RTEEvent Trigger
+trigger 0..1
+internalBehavior 0..1 +startOnEvent 0..1 «instanceRef»

InternalBehavior AtpStructureElement
SwcInternalBehavior +runnable ExecutableEntity
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*

Figure 7.30: Model structure of a trigger sink

[TPS_SWCT_01349] Trigger sink dThe fact that a RunnableEntity shall be ac-

tivated on occurrence of an external trigger event is formally defined by means of
ExternalTriggerOccurredEvent that references a particular instance of the trig-
ger in a RPortPrototype and additionally the RunnableEntity to be executed in
response to the event.c(RS_SWCT_00200)

7.5.4 RunnableEntities and Parameter Access

There are several ways a Calibration Parameter is provided within a software compo-
[TPS_SWCT_01350] Calibration Parameters shared among several SwCompo-
nentTypes dAs mentioned above, if Calibration Parameters are shared among sev-
eral SwComponentTypes a dedicated PortInterface in a PortPrototype will be
The designer of a software-component can use this access mechanism when design-
ing a RunnableEntity using, as input value, a DataPrototype
• from an arbitrary RPortPrototype associated with a ClientServerInter-
face, SenderReceiverInterface or a NvDataInterface,
• VariableDataPrototype in the context of an SwcInternalBehavior
This input value will be fed to an interpolation routine whose result can be used in-
ternally or transferred to an adjacent SwComponentPrototype via dedicated Port-

608 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

ARElement AbstractRequiredPortPrototype
AutosarVariableRef SwAxisIndividual
AtpBlueprint RPortPrototype
AtpType +autosarVariable 0..1
SwComponentType 0..*

SwVariableRefProxy SwCalprmAxisTypeProps
+swComparisonVariable !    " 
0..* +swCalprmAxisTypeProps 0..1

AtomicSwComponentType SwCalprmAxis

+swCalprmAxis 0..* +localParameter 0..1 +autosarParameter 0..1


    SwCalprmAxisSet AutosarParameterRef

+swCalprmAxisSet 0..1 +accessedParameter 0..1

+internalBehavior 0..1

InternalBehavior «atpVariation» AbstractAccessPoint

+swDataDefProps AtpStructureElement
SwcInternalBehavior SwDataDefProps

+parameterAccess 0..*
+runnable 0..*


Figure 7.31: Runnable Access to a Calibration Port

Typically, there will be a dedicated RunnableEntity (with “ReceiveMode” set to “acti-

vation_of_runnable_entity”) that itself calls the interpolation routine with the appropriate
input value and the appropriate ParameterDataPrototype.
Note that the ParameterAccess also allows to set input values or shared axis through
SwDataDefProps which are specific to the access point.
The result of this interpolation routine call is provided as an ArgumentDataProto-
type with direction being either set to out or inout in a ClientServerInter-
Class ParameterAccess
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::DataElements
Note The presence of a ParameterAccess implies that a RunnableEntity needs access to a ParameterData
Base ARObject, AbstractAccessPoint, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable,
MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
accessed AutosarParameterRef 0..1 aggr Reference to the accessed calibration parameter.
swDataDef SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr This allows denote instance and access specific
Props properties, mainly input values and common axis.

Table 7.42: ParameterAccess

609 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

[constr_1958] Existence of attribute ParameterAccess.accessedParameter

dFor each ParameterAccess, attribute accessedParameter shall exist at the
time when the contract phase generation is executed.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01351] Access to a ParameterDataPrototype dThe access to a
ParameterDataPrototype will be indicated
• by the ParameterAccess entity if the RunnableEntity wants to access it
from a RPortPrototype.
• by defining the ParameterAccess association from a RunnableEntity to the
ParameterDataPrototype in the roles sharedParameter or perInstan-
Please find more information about the topic of [TPS_SWCT_01351] in Figure 7.31 as
well as in Figure 2.3 in the lower association from RunnableEntity to Parameter-
Note: A ParameterDataPrototype in the roles constantMemory is not provided
by the RTE and therefore the ParameterAccess association is not required to control
the RTE API generation. InstantiationDataDefProps

Typically, the accessibility and further information like alias names for a particular piece
of data is modeled on the level of DataPrototypes (especially VariableDataPro-
totypes, ParameterDataPrototypes).
But due to the recursive structure of the meta-model concerning data types (an Appli-
cationCompositeDataType consists of DataPrototypes), a part of the relevant
MCD information is described directly in the data type (in case of a Application-
This is a strong restriction in the re-use of data types because the ApplicationCom-
positeDataType should be re-used for different VariableDataPrototypes and
ParameterDataPrototypes to guarantee type compatibility on C-implementation
level (e.g. data of a PortPrototype is stored in a PIM or a ParameterDataPro-
totype used as ROM Block and shall be typed by the same data type as NVRAM
This restriction is overcome by InstantiationDataDefProps as shown in figure

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InternalBehavior «atpVariation»
SwcInternalBehavior SwDataDefProps

+ handleTerminationAndRestart: HandleTerminationAndRestartEnum [0..1] + additionalNativeTypeQualifier: NativeDeclarationString [0..1]

+ supportsMultipleInstantiation: Boolean [0..1] + displayFormat: DisplayFormatString [0..1]
+ displayPresentation: DisplayPresentationEnum [0..1]
+ stepSize: Float [0..1]
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» + swAlignment: AlignmentType [0..1]
+ swCalibrationAccess: SwCalibrationAccessEnum [0..1]
+ swImplPolicy: SwImplPolicyEnum [0..1]
0..* +instantiationDataDefProps  
+ swIntendedResolution: Numerical [0..1]
+ swInterpolationMethod: Identifier [0..1]
InstantiationDataDefProps +swDataDefProps + swIsVirtual: Boolean [0..1]

0..1 +
swValueBlockSize: Numerical [0..1]
+ swValueBlockSizeMult: Numerical [0..*] {ordered}

+parameterInstance 0..1
AutosarParameterRef «instanceRef» 0..1
0..1 +variableInstance 0..1
«instanceRef» 0..1

Figure 7.32: applying instantiation specific data definition properties

Class InstantiationDataDefProps
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::InstantiationDataDefProps
Note This is a general class allowing to apply additional SwDataDefProps to particular instantiations of a Data
Typically the accessibility and further information like alias names for a particular data is modeled on the
level of DataPrototypes (especially VariableDataPrototypes, ParameterDataPrototypes). But due to the
recursive structure of the meta-model concerning data types (a composite (data) type consists out of
data prototypes) a part of the MCD information is described in the data type (in case of Application
This is a strong restriction in the reuse of data typed because the data type should be re-used for
different VariableDataPrototypes and ParameterDataPrototypes to guarantee type compatibility on
C-implementation level (e.g. data of a Port is stored in PIM or a ParameterDataPrototype used as ROM
Block and shall be typed by the same data type as NVRAM Block).
This class overcomes such a restriction if applied properly.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
parameter AutosarParameterRef 0..1 aggr This is the particular ParameterDataPrototypes on which
Instance the swDataDefProps shall be applied.
swDataDef SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr These are the particular data definition properties which
Props shall be applied
variableInstance AutosarVariableRef 0..1 aggr This is the particular VariableDataPrototypes on which
the swDataDefProps shall be applied.

Table 7.43: InstantiationDataDefProps

[constr_1959] Existence of attribute InstantiationDataDefProps.sw-

DataDefProps dFor each InstantiationDataDefProps, attribute swDataDef-
Props shall exist at the time when the contract phase generation is

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7.5.5 RunnableEntities and Mode Communication

For the communication of modes between RunnableEntitys we have to distinguish

between two use cases.
[TPS_SWCT_01352] Requested mode is just sent and received as an ordinary
data value dIn the first case, a requested mode is just sent and received as an ordinary
data value without specifying the details of mode switching in the corresponding port
This mechanism is used if the receiving RunnableEntity is not directly implementing
a mode switch but does further processing of the mode request. This is especially
needed to transfer mode requests between ECUs.
In this case, the mode is transferred via sender-receiver communication so that the
involved RunnableEntitys just need the same type of APIs against the RTE as for
sender-receiver communication.
This is possible, because ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes can be mapped to
an ImplementationDataTypes.c(RS_SWCT_00200)
This concept and the meta-classes needed for the mapping are further explained in
chapter 4.2.5.
[TPS_SWCT_01353] RunnableEntitys react on a mode request via a corre-
sponding RTEEvent dIn the second case, one RunnableEntity “sends” a mode
request and one or more other RunnableEntitys react on the request via a corre-
sponding RTEEvent or by being suppressed from being triggered any longer by other
In this case, special APIs against the RTE are required and the RTE has to implement
the actual mode switch. This kind of communication is only possible between software-
components on the same ECU.c(RS_SWCT_00200, RS_SWCT_03202)
For further explanation of the general concept refer to chapter 4.2.5 and for the details
of the meta-model for mode switches refer to chapter 9.

7.6 Port API Options

[TPS_SWCT_01354] PortAPIOption dThe RTE Generator needs additional options
per PortPrototype to choose the proper generation schema. These are subsumed
in the PortAPIOption element.c(RS_SWCT_03040)
Please note that meta-class PortAPIOption is depicted in Figure 7.33.

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Class PortAPIOption
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::PortAPIOptions
Note Options how to generate the signatures of calls for an AtomicSwComponentType in order to
communicate over a PortPrototype (for calls into a RunnableEntity as well as for calls from a Runnable
Entity to the PortPrototype).
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
enableTake Boolean 0..1 attr If set to true, the software-component is able to use the
Address API reference for deriving a pointer to an object.
errorHandling DataTransformation 0..1 attr This specifies whether a RunnableEntity accessing a Port
ErrorHandlingEnum Prototype that is referenced by this PortAPIOption shall
specifically handle transformer errors or not.
indirectAPI Boolean 0..1 attr If set to true this attribute specifies an "indirect API" to be
generated for the associated port which means that the
software-component is able to access the actions on a
port via a pointer to an object representing a port. This
allows e.g. iterating over ports in a loop. This option has
no effect for PPortPrototypes of client/server interfaces.
port PortPrototype 0..1 ref The option is valid for generated functions related to
communication over this port
portArgValue PortDefinedArgument * aggr An argument value defined by this port.
(ordered) Value
supported SwcSupportedFeature * aggr This collection specifies which features are supported by
Feature the RunnableEntitys which access a PortPrototype that it
referenced by this PortAPIOption.
transformer DataTransformation 0..1 attr This specifies whether a RunnableEntity accessing a Port
Status StatusForwardingEnum Prototype that is referenced by this PortAPIOption shall
Forwarding be able to forward a status to the transformer chain.

Table 7.44: PortAPIOption

InternalBehavior «enumeration» «enumeration»

SwcInternalBehavior DataTransformationStatusForwardingEnum DataTransformationErrorHandlingEnum

noTransformerStatusForwarding noTransformerErrorHandling
   transformerStatusForwarding transformerErrorHandling
+portAPIOption 0..*

+ enableTakeAddress: Boolean [0..1] PortPrototype
+ errorHandling: DataTransformationErrorHandlingEnum [0..1] 0..1
+ indirectAPI: Boolean [0..1]
+ transformerStatusForwarding: DataTransformationStatusForwardingEnum [0..1]

0..* +supportedFeature +portArgValue 0..* {ordered}

«enumeration» AbstractImplementationDataType
SwcSupportedFeature PortDefinedArgumentValue
SupportBufferLockingEnum +valueType ImplementationDataType

supportsBufferLocking «isOfType» 0..1 + dynamicArraySizeProfile: String [0..1]

doesNotSupportBufferLocking + isStructWithOptionalElement: Boolean [0..1]
+ typeEmitter: NameToken [0..1]

+value 0..1

CommunicationBufferLocking ValueSpecification

+ supportBufferLocking: SupportBufferLockingEnum [0..1] + shortLabel: Identifier [0..1]

Figure 7.33: Port API Options.

[constr_1960] Existence of attribute PortAPIOption.port dFor each PortA-

PIOption, attribute port shall exist at the time when the contract phase
generation is executed.c()

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[TPS_SWCT_01626] Error notification of data transformer errors dIf the attribute

PortAPIOption.errorHandling is set to transformerErrorHandling then all
RunnableEntitys accessing the PortPrototype referenced by port shall handle
the extended transformer error notification.c(RS_SWCT_03222, RS_SWCT_03221)
[TPS_SWCT_03500] Status forwarding to data transformer dIf the attribute PortA-
PIOption.transformerStatusForwarding is set to transformerStatusFor-
warding then all RunnableEntitys accessing the PortPrototype referenced by
port shall provide the to be forwarded transformer status.c(RS_SWCT_03040, RS_-
Enumeration DataTransformationErrorHandlingEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::PortAPIOptions
Note This enumeration defines different ways how a RunnableEntity shall handle transformer errors.
Literal Description
noTransformerError A runnable does not handle transformer errors.
transformerError The runnable implements the handling of transformer errors.

Table 7.45: DataTransformationErrorHandlingEnum

[TPS_SWCT_03501] Applicability of status forwarding to data transformer dThe

attribute PortAPIOption.transformerStatusForwarding shall only be set to
transformerStatusForwarding if the transported data is originating from a trans-
formed source and is not altered.c(RS_SWCT_03040, RS_SWCT_03221)
The restriction of [TPS_SWCT_03501] is especially necessary in case of E2E pro-
tected data routing where the source of the data is received with a transformer error
using PortAPIOption.errorHandling = transformerErrorHandling.
Enumeration DataTransformationStatusForwardingEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::PortAPIOptions
Note This enumeration defines different ways how a RunnableEntity shall be able to forward status into the
transformer chain.
Literal Description
noTransformer The runnable is not able to forward a transformer status.
transformerStatus The runnable is able to forward a transformer status.

Table 7.46: DataTransformationStatusForwardingEnum

7.6.1 Enable to Take Address

[TPS_SWCT_01355] enableTakeAddress = true dIf the attribute enableTakeAd-

dress = true the generated API functions related to this PortPrototype shall be

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implemented by means of true/native C functions (as opposed to function-like prepro-

cessor macros) so that it is possible to access the API functions via their address (by
means of function-pointers).c(RS_SWCT_03040)
The main focus of the feature is support for configuration of AUTOSAR Services which
are limited to single instances.
[constr_2024] enableTakeAddress is restricted to single instantiation dThe def-
inition of a PortAPIOption with enableTakeAddress set to true is only permit-
ted for software-components where the attribute SwcInternalBehavior.support-
sMultipleInstantiation is set to false at the time when the contract
phase generation is executed.c()

7.6.2 Indirect API Generation

[TPS_SWCT_01356] indirectAPI option switches the generation of the RTE’s

indirect API functionality dThe indirectAPI option switches the generation of the
RTE’s indirect API functionality for a certain PortPrototype. The generated indirect
API does allow iterating over ports within the SW-Component.c(RS_SWCT_03040)

7.6.3 Port Defined Argument Value

[TPS_SWCT_01357] Definition of implicit values that are passed by the RTE to

the server’s entry point dIn addition to the formal parameters of a client/server invo-
cation that are defined as part of the server’s PortInterface, it is possible to specify
a number of implicit values that are passed by the RTE to the server’s entry point.c
The initial need for this feature arises in the context of basic software services - al-
though it is not limited to those.
For a service like the NVRAM manager, every accessing port is in addition to its logical
identity - as a sequence of shortNames - uniquely identified through a NVRAM specific
memory block id. This block id shall be defined in the context of ECU integration and
not by the client components.
Instead of exposing this mechanism on the logical ClientServerInterface level
in form of a formal argument, one or more PortDefinedArgumentValues can be
[TPS_SWCT_01358] Values are hidden from the client components dBecause
these values are specified in the context of the provide-port only they are hidden from
the client components keeping their design and code independent of the server com-
ponent details.c(RS_SWCT_03040)
In the example of the NVRAM manager, this allows to define the block id in the context
of ECU integration and not by the client components.

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Figure 7.33 shows the meta-model of Port API Options and the portArgValue.
[constr_1150] Usage of valueType for PortDefinedArgumentValue dThe val-
ueType (typically this boils down to integer values used to specify an “id”) associated
with PortDefinedArgumentValue shall be of category VALUE or TYPE_REFER-
ENCE. The latter case is only supported if the value of category of the target data
type is set to VALUE.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
In case of a PPortPrototype of the NVRAM example this list would have just one
value of type int8 or int16 holding the memory block id.
[constr_1386] PortDefinedArgumentValue shall only be defined for Ab-
stractProvidedPortPrototype dA PortAPIOption which aggregates at least
one PortDefinedArgumentValue in the role portArgValue shall reference an
AbstractProvidedPortPrototype typed by a ClientServerInterface in the
role port at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
To be clear, this means that PortDefinedArgumentValues may not be used to-
gether with RPortPrototypes.
Class PortDefinedArgumentValue
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::PortAPIOptions
Note A PortDefinedArgumentValue is passed to a RunnableEntity dealing with the ClientServerOperations
provided by a given PortPrototype. Note that this is restricted to PPortPrototypes of a ClientServer
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
value ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr Specifies the actual value.
valueType ImplementationData 0..1 tref The implementation type of this argument value. It should
Type not be composite type or a pointer.
Stereotypes: isOfType

Table 7.47: PortDefinedArgumentValue

[constr_1961] Existence of attribute PortDefinedArgumentValue.value dFor

each PortDefinedArgumentValue, attribute value shall exist at the time
when the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1962] Existence of attribute PortDefinedArgumentValue.valueType
dFor each PortDefinedArgumentValue, attribute valueType shall exist at the
time when the RTE is generated.c()

7.6.4 Supported Features

Historically, the PortAPIOption has undergone a number of extensions that usually

ended up in additional primitive or composite attributes.

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As further requests for extensions keep coming in, focus was put on limiting the com-
plexity of the overall modeling of PortAPIOption. In response to this, a new exten-
sion approach has been defined to keep the surroundings of PortAPIOption man-
In particular, PortAPIOption aggregates the abstract meta-class SwcSupported-
Feature in the role supportedFeature (see Figure 7.33).
The actual aggregation of supportedFeature will consist of concrete sub-classes of
It will be possible to add further sub-classes of SwcSupportedFeature to add further
functionality without increasing the modeling complexity of PortAPIOption, at the
expense of having to formulate additional constraints.
Class SwcSupportedFeature (abstract)
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::PortAPIOptions
Note This meta-class represents a abstract base class for features that can be supported by a RunnableEntity.
Base ARObject
Subclasses CommunicationBufferLocking
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 7.48: SwcSupportedFeature Buffer Locking

[TPS_SWCT_01687] Support of locked communication buffers dIf a Communi-

cationBufferLocking where attribute supportBufferLocking is set to value
supportsBufferLocking is aggregated in the role PortAPIOption.supported-
Feature then all RunnableEntitys accessing the enclosing PortPrototype shall
be able to support the return value RTE_E_COM_BUSY.c(RS_SWCT_03040)
[constr_1432] Multiplicity of CommunicationBufferLocking dIn a concrete ag-
gregated set of PortAPIOption.supportedFeature, CommunicationBuffer-
Locking shall exist at most once at the time when the RTE is gener-
Class CommunicationBufferLocking
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::PortAPIOptions
Note The aggregation of this meta-class specifies that a RunnableEntity supports locked communication
buffers supplied by the RTE. It is able to cope with the error RTE_E_COM_BUSY.
Base ARObject, SwcSupportedFeature
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
supportBuffer SupportBufferLocking 0..1 attr This attribute is used to indicate the intended buffer
Locking Enum locking behavior.

Table 7.49: CommunicationBufferLocking

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Software Component Template

[constr_1963] Existence of attribute CommunicationBufferLocking.support-

BufferLocking dFor each CommunicationBufferLocking, attribute support-
BufferLocking shall exist at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
Enumeration SupportBufferLockingEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::PortAPIOptions
Note This enumeration represents the ability to define the buffer locking behavior.
Literal Description
doesNotSupport Buffer locking is not supported.
supportsBuffer Buffer locking is supported.

Table 7.50: SupportBufferLockingEnum

7.7 PerInstanceMemory
[TPS_SWCT_01359] Private memory per instance dAtomicSwComponentTypes
that support multiple instantiation (attribute supportsMultipleInstantiation ==
true) will typically need a given amount of private memory per instance. It is the re-
sponsibility of the RTE to provide a mechanism with which each instance of an Atom-
icSwComponentType can access its own instance-specific memory.c(RS_SWCT_-
InternalBehavior DataPrototype
SwcInternalBehavior AutosarDataPrototype

+ handleTerminationAndRestart: HandleTerminationAndRestartEnum [0..1]

+ supportsMultipleInstantiation: Boolean [0..1]

«atpVariation,atpSplitable»    «atpVariation,atpSplitable»

+perInstanceMemory 0..*    +arTypedPerInstanceMemory 0..*
AtpStructureElement   VariableDataPrototype

+ initValue: String [0..1] «isOfType»

   +initValue 0..1
+ type: CIdentifier [0..1]      
+ typeDefinition: String [0..1] ValueSpecification
0..1 +perInstanceMemory
+ shortLabel: Identifier [0..1]

+invalidValue 0..1

+swDataDefProps 0..1
PerInstanceMemorySize «atpVariation» +type
{redefines atpType}
+ alignment: PositiveInteger [0..1] ARElement
+ size: PositiveInteger [0..1] 0..1 AutosarDataType

Figure 7.34: PerInstanceMemory

[TPS_SWCT_01360] Arbitrary number of per-instance memory blocks dAn

AtomicSwComponentType can define an arbitrary number of per-instance memory

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[TPS_SWCT_01361] attribute supportsMultipleInstantiation == false d

AtomicSwComponentTypes that do not support multiple instantiation (attribute sup-
portsMultipleInstantiation == false) do not necessarily need to use the
PerInstanceMemory: because there will only be a single instance of the Atomic-
SwComponentType on an ECU, the AtomicSwComponentType can use static vari-
ables to store the AtomicSwComponentType’s internal state.
However, the usage of PerInstanceMemory is also allowed in this case.c(RS_-
[TPS_SWCT_01362] Initialization of PerInstanceMemory dNote that the PerIn-
stanceMemory is not initialized by the RTE if no initValue is defined. In this case, it
is the responsibility of the AtomicSwComponentType to initialize the PerInstance-

7.7.1 PerInstanceMemory typed by “C” Data Types

[TPS_SWCT_01363] PerInstanceMemory typed by “C” Data Types dFor each

such memory block, the software-component description shall provide the name of
the data type (the “C”-type) it needs to store in the memory block in the attribute type.
This attribute allows for the RTE to generate an API function that provides a convenient
and type-safe access to the data item.
In addition, the software-component description shall define the data type in the at-
tribute typeDefinition. This attribute is supposed to contain a C typedef of the
data type in valid C-syntax.c(RS_SWCT_03040)
In other words, this typeDefinition shall be formulated such that it can be included
verbatim in a C header file.
[constr_2007] Consistency of typeDefinition attribute dAll PerInstanceMem-
orys of the same SwcInternalBehavior with identical type attribute shall define
an identical typeDefinition attribute as well.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01364] Initial value of a PerInstanceMemory typed by “C” Data
Types dThe initValue is a comma separated list which can be used verbatim by the
RTE generator as constant initializer.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01574] PerInstanceMemory.typeDefinition shall not contain a
function pointer dThe attribute PerInstanceMemory.typeDefinition is not al-
lowed to contain a function pointer.c()
Please note that, although [TPS_SWCT_01574] is formulated like a constraint and
the statement that it makes certainly has a constraint-ish nature, there is hardly a

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way to actually enforce the regulation because the content of PerInstanceMemory.

typeDefinition is non-formal (modeled by the non-specific i.e. String).
Therefore, a specification item has been used for the description of the respective
semantics rather than a constraint.
More details on the use of these attributes in the generation of software-component
header-files can be found in the RTE specification [2].
Class PerInstanceMemory
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::PerInstanceMemory
Note Defines a ’C’ typed memory-block that needs to be available for each instance of the SW-component.
This is typically only useful if supportsMultipleInstantiation is set to "true" or if the software-component
defines NVRAM access via permanent blocks.
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
initValue String 0..1 attr Specifies initial value(s) of the PerInstanceMemory
swDataDef SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr This represents the ability to to allocate RAM at specific
Props memory sections, for example, to support the RAM Block
recovery strategy by mapping to uninitialized RAM.
type CIdentifier 0..1 attr The name of the "C"-type
typeDefinition String 0..1 attr A definition of the type with the syntax of a ’C’ typedef.

Table 7.51: PerInstanceMemory

[constr_1964] Existence of attribute PerInstanceMemory.type dFor each

PerInstanceMemory, attribute type shall exist at the time when the con-
tract phase generation is executed.c()
[constr_1965] Existence of attribute PerInstanceMemory.typeDefinition
dFor each PerInstanceMemory, attribute typeDefinition shall exist at the
time when the contract phase generation is executed.c()

7.7.2 PerInstanceMemory typed by AUTOSAR Data Types

[TPS_SWCT_01365] PerInstanceMemory typed by AUTOSAR Data Types dA

PerInstanceMemory typed with AUTOSAR data types is defined by a Variable-
DataPrototype in the role arTypedPerInstanceMemory.
VariableDataPrototype is derived from DataPrototype which has an associa-
tion to an AutosarDataType.c()
This defines the data type of the AUTOSAR-typed PerInstanceMemory.
[TPS_SWCT_01366] Initial value of a PerInstanceMemory typed by AUTOSAR
Data Types dThe initValue is described with a ValueSpecificationc(RS_-

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[TPS_SWCT_01367] Typed by AUTOSAR data type vs. typed by C data type

dIn difference to the “C” typed PerInstanceMemory the AUTOSAR-typed PerIn-
stanceMemory is able to define information controlling the visibility in an MCD system
via a SwDataDefProps for the purpose of measurement or defining an input value of
an axis.c(RS_SWCT_03040)
For more information about the relevance for measurement please refer to chapter
5.4.3. The aspect of defining an input value of an axis is explained in chapter 5.4.5.
Note: Due to the use of AutosarDataType the AUTOSAR-typed PerInstanceMem-
ory can not support C++ specific types or pointer types directly.

7.8 Static Memory and Constant Memory

[TPS_SWCT_01368] Describe static and constant memory dStatic memory (formal-
ized by means of InternalBehavior.staticMemory) and constant memory (for-
malized by means of InternalBehavior.constantMemory) can be used whenever
AutosarDataTypes should be used in the implementation of an AtomicSwCompo-
nentType but no involvement of the RTE (for memory allocation and management) is
This includes special cases of measurement and calibration but also debugging.
[TPS_SWCT_01483] Use static and constant memory to support Measurement
and Calibration dThe information about these characteristic values and variables is
given with the purpose to support Measurement and Calibration and has to be taken
into account for the generation of A2L files.
A proprietary generator shall take care of these data for the purpose of generating
Please note that the topic “measurement and calibration” is discussed in chapter 2.2.

+staticMemory 0..* +constantMemory 0..*

AutosarDataPrototype AutosarDataPrototype
VariableDataPrototype ParameterDataPrototype

Figure 7.35: Static Memory and Constant Memory

[TPS_SWCT_01369] Static and constant memory is not instantiated by the RTE

dIn contrast to the other kinds of memory like implicitInterRunnableVariable,
implicitInterRunnableVariable, PerInstanceMemory, sharedParameter

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or perInstanceParameter the staticMemory and constantMemory are not in-

stantiated by the RTE.c(RS_SWCT_03040)
This allows for more efficient implementations (especially for software-components
provided as object code) by avoidance of the additional indirection caused by the RTE’s
component data structure.
Further on, this kind of memory reduces the dependencies of the software-component
implementation to generated RTE code which is appreciated for safety related func-
Due to the instantiation of the memory by the software-component’s implementation
the constantMemory behaves like a sharedParameter (see chapter
[constr_2028] staticMemory is restricted to single instantiation dThe stat-
icMemory is only supported if the attribute supportsMultipleInstantiation of
the owning SwcInternalBehavior is set to false at the time when the RTE
is generatedc()
This constraint prevents hidden communication between SwComponentPrototypes
of the same SwComponentType.
[constr_2029] shortName of constantMemory and staticMemory dThe short-
Name of a VariableDataPrototype in role staticMemory or a ParameterDat-
aPrototype in role constantMemory has to be equal with the ’C’ identifier of the
described variable or constant.c()

7.9 Included AUTOSAR Data Types

[TPS_SWCT_01155] IncludedDataTypeSet dAn IncludedDataTypeSet de-
clares that a set of AutosarDataTypes are used for the C / C++ implementation
of the software component. The AutosarDataTypes become part of the contract.c
[TPS_SWCT_01156] Required if the AutosarDataType is not used for any Dat-
aPrototype dThis information is required if the AutosarDataType is not used for
any DataPrototype owned by this software component or if a prefix for C language
identifiers belonging to AutosarDataTypes shall be defined.c(RS_SWCT_03040)
InternalBehavior ARElement
SwcInternalBehavior +dataType AtpType
+ literalPrefix: Identifier [0..1] AutosarDataType
+ handleTerminationAndRestart: 0..*
«atpSplitable» 0..*
HandleTerminationAndRestartEnum [0..1]
+ supportsMultipleInstantiation: Boolean [0..1]

Figure 7.36: Included AUTOSAR Data Types

This supports the common usage of the AUTOSAR data type system for RTE provided
memory objects and memory objects declared by the software component implemen-

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Further on, this enables the generation of the RTE Application Types Header File for
AUTOSAR services containing the required data types for the C-API before the data
type usage in dedicated ports for an ECU is known.
Class IncludedDataTypeSet
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::IncludedDataTypes
Note An includedDataTypeSet declares that a set of AutosarDataType is used by a basic software module or a
software component for its implementation and the AutosarDataType becomes part of the contract.
This information is required if the AutosarDataType is not used for any DataPrototype owned by this
software component or if the enumeration literals, lowerLimit and upperLimit constants shall be
generated with a literalPrefix.
The optional literalPrefix is used to add a common prefix on enumeration literals, lowerLimit and upper
Limit constants created by the RTE.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dataType AutosarDataType * ref AutosarDataType belonging to the includedDataTypeSet
literalPrefix Identifier 0..1 attr LiteralPrefix defines a common prefix for all AutosarData
Types of the includedDataTypeSet to be added on
enumeration literals, lowerLimit and upperLimit constants
created by the RTE.

Table 7.52: IncludedDataTypeSet

[TPS_SWCT_01157] Attribute literalPrefix of IncludedDataTypeSet dIn ad-

dition, the literalPrefix might be used to separate the namespace of C language
identifiers belonging to equally named AutosarDataTypes used for the same soft-
ware component C implementation.c(RS_SWCT_03040)

7.10 Included Mode Declaration Groups

[TPS_SWCT_01153] IncludedModeDeclarationGroupSet dSimilar to the con-
sideration of data types using IncludedDataTypeSet, SwcInternalBehavior ag-
gregates IncludedModeDeclarationGroupSet that in turn allows for referencing
ModeDeclarationGroups with the intent to express that the referenced ModeDec-
larationGroups are used in the context of the enclosing AtomicSwComponent-
Type.c(RS_SWCT_03040, RS_SWCT_03110)
+includedModeDeclarationGroupSet IncludedModeDeclarationGroupSet
«atpSplitable» 0..* + prefix: Identifier [0..1]
+ handleTerminationAndRestart:
HandleTerminationAndRestartEnum [0..1]
+ supportsMultipleInstantiation: Boolean [0..1]

+modeDeclarationGroup 0..*


+ onTransitionValue: PositiveInteger [0..1]

Figure 7.37: Included ModeDeclarationGroups

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Software Component Template

Class IncludedModeDeclarationGroupSet
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::ModeDeclarationGroup
Note An IncludedModeDeclarationGroupSet declares that a set of ModeDeclarationGroups used by the
software component for its implementation and consequently these ModeDeclarationGroups become
part of the contract.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
mode ModeDeclarationGroup * ref This represents the referenced ModeDeclarationGroup.
prefix Identifier 0..1 attr The prefix shall be used by the RTE generator as a prefix
for the creation of symbols related to the referenced
ModeDeclarationGroups, e.g RTE_TRANSITION_<Mode

Table 7.53: IncludedModeDeclarationGroupSet

[TPS_SWCT_01154] Attribute prefix of IncludedModeDeclarationGroupSet

dThe optional attribute prefix of IncludedModeDeclarationGroupSet can be
used to define a prefix that the RTE generator shall use to define symbols related to the
included ModeDeclarationGroups with the intent to avoid potential name clashes.c
(RS_SWCT_03040, RS_SWCT_03110)
Rationale: If the attribute prefix is required, changes to software-component source
code may be necessary.

7.11 Service Needs

7.11.1 Overview

[TPS_SWCT_01043] ApplicationSwComponentTypes are independent from ac-

tual ECU Hardware dApplicationSwComponentTypes are designed to be inde-
pendent of their mapping to actual ECU Hardware.c(RS_SWCT_02060)
However, each software-component might need services which are provided by the
ECU Basic Software through AUTOSAR Services.
[TPS_SWCT_01044] ServiceNeeds dThe ServiceNeeds are used to provide de-
tailed information what the software-component expects from the AUTOSAR Services
when integrated on an actual ECU.
Note that only AtomicSwComponentTypes and NvBlockSwComponentTypes can
be connected to AUTOSAR Services.c(RS_SWCT_02060)
Please note that some ServiceNeeds are on display in Figures 7.38, 13.9, 13.6, and
[TPS_SWCT_01045] Actual values of ECU configuration parameters fulfill the re-
quirements given by the ServiceNeeds dWhen integrating application software-
components on an ECU, the actual values of ECU configuration parameters shall be

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Software Component Template

chosen so that they fulfill the requirements given by the ServiceNeeds of all the inte-
grated AtomicSwComponentTypes.c(RS_SWCT_02060)
Note that the actual values of configuration parameters will in addition depend on the
properties of the basic software and the hardware of that specific ECU, see also chap-
ter 11.
For further information about the relation between the ServiceNeeds and the ECU
configuration parameters see [33].
The meta-class ServiceNeeds and the sub-classes for several Services are located
in the CommonStructure package of the meta-model because they are also used in
the Basic Software Module Description Template [6].
CryptoServiceJobNeeds GlobalSupervisionNeeds

DltUserNeeds SupervisedEntityNeeds

+ activateAtStart: Boolean [0..1]

+ enableDeactivation: Boolean [0..1]
+ expectedAliveCycle: TimeValue [0..1]
+ maxAliveCycle: TimeValue [0..1]
+ minAliveCycle: TimeValue [0..1]
+ toleratedFailedCycles: PositiveInteger [0..1]



+ algorithmFamily: String [0..1]

+ algorithmMode: String [0..1]
DoIpServiceNeeds + cryptoKeyDescription: String [0..1]
+ maximumKeyLength: PositiveInteger [0..1]

SecureOnBoardCommunicationNeeds ComMgrUserNeeds
+ verificationStatusIndicationMode: + maxCommMode: MaxCommModeEnum [0..1]
VerificationStatusIndicationModeEnum [0..1]

«enumeration» «enumeration»
VerificationStatusIndicationModeEnum MaxCommModeEnum

failureOnly none
failureAndSuccess silent

Figure 7.38: Meta-class ServiceNeeds and some of its specializations

The semantics of sub-classes of ServiceNeeds is explained in the respective sub-

chapters of chapter 13.
Class ServiceNeeds (abstract)
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This expresses the abstract needs that a Software Component or Basic Software Module has on the
configuration of an AUTOSAR Service to which it will be connected. "Abstract needs" means that the
model abstracts from the Configuration Parameters of the underlying Basic Software.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable

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Software Component Template

Class ServiceNeeds (abstract)
Subclasses BswMgrNeeds, ComMgrUserNeeds, CryptoKeyManagementNeeds, CryptoServiceJobNeeds, Crypto
ServiceNeeds, DiagnosticCapabilityElement, DltUserNeeds, DoIpServiceNeeds, EcuStateMgrUser
Needs, ErrorTracerNeeds, FunctionInhibitionAvailabilityNeeds, FunctionInhibitionNeeds, Global
SupervisionNeeds, HardwareTestNeeds, IdsMgrCustomTimestampNeeds, IdsMgrNeeds, IndicatorStatus
Needs, J1939DcmDm19Support, J1939RmIncomingRequestServiceNeeds, J1939RmOutgoingRequest
ServiceNeeds, NvBlockNeeds, SecureOnBoardCommunicationNeeds, SupervisedEntityCheckpoint
Needs, SupervisedEntityNeeds, SyncTimeBaseMgrUserNeeds, V2xFacUserNeeds, V2xMUserNeeds,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 7.54: ServiceNeeds

Please note that the vast majority of the subclasses of meta-class ServiceNeeds
are associated with standardized behavior of AUTOSAR services. However, there are
cases where a user-specific behavior is required and for this purpose a specific flavor
of ServiceNeeds is available.
[TPS_SWCT_01693] Usage of VendorSpecificServiceNeeds dIt is possible to
define VendorSpecificServiceNeeds for the purpose of implementing a vendor-
specific, i.e. non-standardized, service. VendorSpecificServiceNeeds does not
provide any attributes and its meaning shall be described by means of the category
Class VendorSpecificServiceNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This represents the ability to define vendor-specific service needs.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 7.55: VendorSpecificServiceNeeds

7.11.2 Assignment of Service Needs to Ports and Data

[TPS_SWCT_01046] ServiceNeeds are defined in the scope of the SwcInter-

nalBehavior dServiceNeeds specified by AtomicSwComponentTypes are de-
fined in the scope of the SwcInternalBehavior because in several cases they need
associations to other parts of the SwcInternalBehavior.
In most cases they are related to certain PortPrototypes belonging to the Atom-
icSwComponentTypes because AtomicSwComponentTypes communicate with
AUTOSAR Services via these PortPrototypes.c(RS_SWCT_02060)
In addition, a ServiceNeeds element can also have relations to some data declared
within the same SwcInternalBehavior, namely some use cases of the NVRAM
Service, require a Permanent RAM Block and/or ROM Block declared in the con-
text of the single software component.

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Software Component Template

A further use case requires that a ServiceNeeds element is linked to a PortGroup.

Especially, a ServiceNeeds can represent a group of PortPrototypes as input to
configure the communication manager in order to handle the communication state of
those PortPrototypes.
These relationships to PortPrototypes, data and PortGroups are required as in-
put for tools in order to generate the XML descriptions and configurations of the basic
software which implements the Service according to the needs of several Atomic-
SwComponentTypes are integrated on an ECU, see chapter 11.
The relationship to PortPrototypes is defined via the meta-class RoleBasedPor-
tAssignment and the relationship to data is defined via the meta-class RoleBased-
Class RoleBasedPortAssignment
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::ServiceMapping
Note This class specifies an assignment of a role to a particular service port (RPortPrototype or PPort
Prototype) of an AtomicSwComponentType. With this assignment, the role of the service port can be
mapped to a specific ServiceNeeds element, so that a tool is able to create the correct connector.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
portPrototype PortPrototype 0..1 ref Service PortPrototype used in the assigned role. This
PortPrototype shall either belong to the same AtomicSw
ComponentType as the SwcInternalBehavior which owns
the ServiceDependency or to the same NvBlockSw
ComponentType as the NvBlockDescriptor.
role Identifier 0..1 attr This is the role of the assigned Port in the given context.
The value shall be a shortName of the Blueprint of a Port
Interface as standardized in the Software Specification of
the related AUTOSAR Service.

Table 7.56: RoleBasedPortAssignment

Both are aggregating an attribute role which allows to define the role of the Port-
Prototypes or data in the specific context.
[constr_2027] SwcServiceDependency shall be defined for service ports only dA
PortPrototype that is referenced by a SwcServiceDependency via assigned-
Port or via assignedData shall be typed by a PortInterface that has isSer-
vice set to true at the time when the RTE is generated.
This rule does not apply to PortPrototypes referenced by a RoleBasedPortAs-
signment where the attribute role is set to any of the following values:
• NvMService
• NvMNotifyJobFinished
• NvMNotifyInitBlock
• NvMAdmin
• NvMMirror
• NvDataPort

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Software Component Template

Furthermore, the rule does not apply to the case described in [TPS_SWCT_01579],
[TPS_SWCT_01831], [TPS_SWCT_01580], and [TPS_SWCT_01572].c()
ImplementationProps +symbolicNameProps
0..1 + diagnosticRelevance: ServiceDiagnosticRelevanceEnum [0..1]


«atpVariation,atpSplitable» «atpVariation» «atpVariation» «atpVariation,atpSplitable»

+assignedPort 0..* 0..* +assignedData +assignedData 0..* +assignedEntryRole 0..*

RoleBasedPortAssignment RoleBasedDataAssignment RoleBasedBswModuleEntryAssignment

+ role: Identifier [0..1] + role: Identifier [0..1] + role: Identifier

+representedPortGroup 0..1 0..1 +serviceNeeds +serviceNeeds 1

AtpStructureElement Identifiable +callbackHeader Identifiable
Identifiable ServiceNeeds Code
PortGroup 0..*

Figure 7.39: ServiceDependency is the abstract base class of SwcServiceDependency

The actual mapping between the ServiceNeeds element and its various relationships
is provided by the meta-class SwcServiceDependency as shown in figure 7.40.
RoleBasedDataTypeAssignment +assignedDataType ServiceDependency

+ role: Identifier [0..1] 0..1 «atpVariation» + diagnosticRelevance:

ServiceDiagnosticRelevanceEnum [0..1]

InternalBehavior +serviceDependency AtpStructureElement
SwcInternalBehavior Identifiable
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..* SwcServiceDependency

0..1 +internalBehavior RoleBasedDataAssignment +assignedData

+ role: Identifier [0..1] 0..* «atpVariation»

+ role: Identifier [0..1]
0..* «atpVariation,atpSplitable»

+portPrototype 0..1 +representedPortGroup 0..1 0..1 +serviceNeeds

AtpBlueprintable +outerPort AtpStructureElement Identifiable

AtpPrototype Identifiable ServiceNeeds
PortPrototype «atpVariation» PortGroup
+port 0..* +portGroup 0..*
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» «atpVariation»
AtomicSwComponentType isRelevant
AtpBlueprintable isNotRelevant

Figure 7.40: SwcServiceDependency in the SwcInternalBehavior

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Software Component Template

Note the difference between the associations to PortPrototypes and to Port-

Groups: While the RoleBasedPortAssignment is part of the SwcInternalBe-
havior a PortGroup is defined for the SwComponentType (thus belongs to the VFB
level) and it is linked to the PortGroups of other SwComponentTypes.
This means a PortGroup represents a system feature, whereas the RoleBasedPor-
tAssignment is a local feature for the purpose of communication with the AUTOSAR
InternalBehavior AtpStructureElement
+serviceDependency +assignedData RoleBasedDataAssignment
SwcInternalBehavior Identifiable
ServiceDependency «atpVariation»0..* + role: Identifier [0..1]
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*

«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..* +usedPim
+ initValue: String [0..1]
+ type: CIdentifier [0..1] 0..1
+ typeDefinition: String [0..1]

+usedParameterElement 0..1
DataPrototype 0..1 «instanceRef»




«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..* ParameterDataPrototype   

«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*

+usedDataElement 0..1
+arTypedPerInstanceMemory +localVariable
VariableDataPrototype AutosarVariableRef
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..* 0..1

Figure 7.41: Details of RoleBasedDataAssignment for local data

Class RoleBasedDataAssignment
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This class specifies an assignment of a role to a particular data object in either
• the SwcInternalBehavior of a software component (or in the BswInternalBehavior of a BSW
module or BSW cluster) in the context of an AUTOSAR Service or
• an NvBlockDescriptor to sort out the assignment of event-based writing strategies to data
elements in a PortPrototype.
With this assignment, the role of the data can be mapped to a DataPrototype that is used in the context
of the definition of a specific ServiceNeeds or NvBlockDescriptor, so that a tool is able to create the
correct access or writing strategy.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
role Identifier 0..1 attr This is the role of the assigned data in the given context,
for example for an NVRAM Block it is used to distinguish
between an mirror block and a ROM default block.
Possible values need to be specified on M1 level.

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Software Component Template

Class RoleBasedDataAssignment
This also is intended to support the so called "Signal
based Approach" of the DCM. In this use case the name
of the involved data element is required. This name shall
be taken from the DataElement referenced by the
property usedDataElement.
The following values are standardized:
• ramBlock indicates data to be used as a mirror
for an NVRAM Block.
• defaultValue indicates constant data to be used
as default in the context of this ServiceNeeds,
e.g. for an NVRAM Block.
• signalBasedDiagnostics indicates the Role
BasedDataAssignment shall be used for signal
based diagnostics.
usedData AutosarVariableRef 0..1 aggr The VariableDataPrototype used in this role, e.g.
• Permanent RAM Block of an NVRAM Block
which shall belong to the same SwcInternal
Behavior or BswInternalBehavior.
• In the role signalBasedDiagnostics it has to refer
to a VariableDataPrototype in a SenderReceiver
Interface or a NvDataInterface.
usedParameter AutosarParameterRef 0..1 aggr The ParameterDataPrototype used in this role, e.g.
• ROM Block of an NVRAM Block. It shall belong
to the same SwcInternalBehavior or Bsw
• In the role signalBasedDiagnostics it has to refer
to a ParameterDataPrototype in a Parameter
usedPim PerInstanceMemory 0..1 ref The (untyped) PerInstanceMemory used in this role (e.g.
as a Permanent RAM Block for an NVRAM Block).

Table 7.57: RoleBasedDataAssignment

[TPS_SWCT_01556] Rule for setting RoleBasedPortAssignment.role dThe

value of RoleBasedPortAssignment.role cannot arbitrarily set but shall to equal
to the shortName of the applicable PortInterface taken from the standardized
AUTOSAR Service Interface model (this implies that the category of the
ARPackage that owns the PortInterface is set to BLUEPRINT6 and the top-most
ARPackage.shortName is set to AUTOSAR, see also [28]).c(RS_SWCT_02060)
[TPS_SWCT_01660] Values of SwcServiceDependency.category reserved by
the standard dThe following values of SwcServiceDependency.category are re-
served by the AUTOSAR standard:
SERVICE : this applies for all the cases where SwcServiceDependency is intended
to be used for the design of ServiceSwComponentTypes.
NV_BLOCK_COMPONENT : this applies if the SwcServiceDependency is intended to
be used for the design of an NvBlockSwComponentType.
see [TPS_STDT_00033]

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Software Component Template

RoleBasedDataAssignment AutosarVariableRef
+autosarVariable DataPrototype

0..1 «instanceRef» 0..1

Figure 7.42: Details of RoleBasedDataAssignment for accessing DataPrototypes in


Class SwcServiceDependency
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::ServiceMapping
Note Specialization of ServiceDependency in the context of an SwcInternalBehavior. It allows to associate
ports, port groups and (in special cases) data defined for an atomic software component to a given
ServiceNeeds element.
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Referrable, ServiceDependency
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
assignedData RoleBasedData * aggr Defines the role of an associated data object of the same
Assignment component.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
assignedPort RoleBasedPort * aggr Defines the role of an associated port of the same
Assignment component.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=assignedPort, assignedPort.variation
representedPort PortGroup 0..1 ref This reference specifies an association between the
Group ServiceNeeeds and a PortGroup, for example to request
a communication mode which applies for communication
via these ports. The referred PortGroup shall be local to
this atomic SWC, but via the links between the Port
Groups, a tool can evaluate this information such that all
the ports linked via this port group on the same ECU can
be found.
serviceNeeds ServiceNeeds 0..1 aggr The associated ServiceNeeds.

Table 7.58: SwcServiceDependency

Class ServiceDependency (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note Collects all dependencies of a software module or component on an AUTOSAR Service related to a
specific item (e.g. an NVRAM Block, a diagnostic event etc.). It defines the quality of service (Service
Needs) of this item as well as (optionally) references to additional elements.
This information is required for tools in order to generate the related basic software configuration and
Base ARObject
Subclasses BswServiceDependency, SwcServiceDependency
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
assignedData RoleBasedDataType 0..1 aggr This is the role of the assignment data type in the given
Type Assignment context.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

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Software Component Template

Class ServiceDependency (abstract)
diagnostic ServiceDiagnostic 0..1 attr If this attribute indicates a relevance for diagnostics then
Relevance RelevanceEnum the integrator has a much easier time identifying the
candidates for the configuration of the diagnostic stack.
Example: identification of mode conditions (e.g.
communication between application and BswM) relevant
for the Dcm.
symbolicName SymbolicNameProps 0..1 aggr This attribute can be taken to contribute to the creation of
Props symbolic name values.

Table 7.59: ServiceDependency

Enumeration ServiceDiagnosticRelevanceEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This enumeration provides values to describe the diagnostic relevance of a SwcServiceDependency
(specifically if the aggregated ServiceNeeds itself does not indicate a relevance for diagnostics).
Literal Description
isNotRelevant This value indicates that a relevance for diagnostics does not exist.
isRelevant This value indicates a relevance for diagnostics.

Table 7.60: ServiceDiagnosticRelevanceEnum

Class SymbolicNameProps
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This meta-class can be taken to contribute to the creation of symbolic name values.
Base ARObject, ImplementationProps, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 7.61: SymbolicNameProps

[TPS_SWCT_01661] Default value of SwcServiceDependency.category dIf the

attribute SwcServiceDependency.category does not exist then the value SERVICE
shall be assumed for SwcServiceDependency.category.c(RS_SWCT_02060)

+ diagnosticRelevance: ServiceDiagnosticRelevanceEnum [0..1]

AbstractImplementationDataType «atpVariation»
ImplementationDataType +assignedDataType 0..1

+ dynamicArraySizeProfile: String [0..1] AtpStructureElement

+usedImplementationDataType RoleBasedDataTypeAssignment
+ isStructWithOptionalElement: Boolean [0..1] Identifiable
+ typeEmitter: NameToken [0..1] 0..1 + role: Identifier [0..1] SwcServiceDependency

Figure 7.43: Details of RoleBasedDataTypeAssignment for local data

632 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class RoleBasedDataTypeAssignment
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::ServiceMapping
Note This class specifies an assignment of a role to a particular data type of a software component (or in the
BswModuleBehavior of a module or cluster) in the context of an AUTOSAR Service.
With this assignment, the role of the data type can be mapped to a specific ServiceNeeds element, so
that a tool is able to create the correct access.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
role Identifier 0..1 attr This is the role of the associated data type in the given
used ImplementationData 0..1 ref This represents the associated ImplementationDataType.
Implementation Type

Table 7.62: RoleBasedDataTypeAssignment

[constr_10020] Existence of attribute RoleBasedDataTypeAssignment.used-

ImplementationDataType dFor each RoleBasedDataTypeAssignment, at-
tribute usedImplementationDataType shall exist at the time when the RTE
is generated.c()
Please note that there are cases where the granularity of existing ServiceInterfaces
does not match the granularity of existing SwcServiceDependency.serviceNeeds.
In other words, there are Service Interfaces that cover the semantics of different
kinds of ServiceNeeds. One example is the ClientServerInterface DataSer-
vices_{Data} which basically supports the access to diagnostic values as well as
I/O control of the same value.
Figure 7.44 provides a graphical sketch of how the modeling for this case is foreseen.
[TPS_SWCT_01689] Relation between SwcServiceDependencys and PortPro-
totypes dIt is positively possible to create a model where two or more SwcSer-
viceDependencys, by way of the RoleBasedPortAssignment or RoleBased-
DataAssignment, refer to a single PortPrototype.c(RS_SWCT_02060)
As indicated by Figure 7.44, there are two potentially competing SwcServiceDepen-
dencys that could be taken to contribute their shortName for filling in the suffix of the
In this case, it is actually necessary to settle the “over-supply of shortNames” by
regulation of the AUTOSAR standard. [TPS_SWCT_01691] has been created for this
Another realistic example where [TPS_SWCT_01689] applies is an AtomicSwCompo-
nentType that exposes a PPortPrototype typed by a SenderReceiverInter-
face and the dataElement(s) within the PPortPrototype are both accessed as
diagnostic values (see chapter and are used to send mode requests to the
BswM (see chapter 13.6.4).

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Software Component Template

Note that in this case a regulation regarding the shortNames of the affected SwcSer-
viceDependencys is not required because the applicable SenderReceiverInter-
face is not standardized and does not require the assignment of a name suffix from
the existing model.

SwComponentPrototype typed by ApplicationSwComponentType

DiagnosticValueNeeds „DataServices_X“
SwcServiceDependency „DataServicesX“

role: „DataServices“

role: „DataServices“

SwcServiceDependency DiagnosticIOControlNeeds
„X“ „DataServicesX“

Figure 7.44: Two SwcServiceDependencys referencing one PortPrototype

[TPS_SWCT_01005] Usage of SwcServiceDependencys for vendor-specific ser-

vices dSwcServiceDependencys can also be used for vendor-specific services. In
this case the SwcServiceDependency shall not contain any of the standardized
ServiceNeeds. For this purpose the VendorSpecificServiceNeeds is avail-
[TPS_SWCT_01833] Semantics of ServiceDependency.diagnosticRelevance
dThe attribute ServiceDependency.diagnosticRelevance can be used to indi-
cate a diagnostic relevance of the ServiceDependency, especially for ServiceDe-
pendencys that are not related to diagnostics, but which are still required for the inte-
gration of the diagnostic stack.c(RS_SWCT_02060)
One example for the usage of ServiceDependency.diagnosticRelevance would
be the communication between the application software and the BswM, i.e. in the con-
text of a SwcServiceDependency that aggregates a BswMgrNeeds. This communi-
cation may be relevant for the configuration of so-called "mode conditions" in the Dcm.
Please note that the modeling of attribute is very general and can be applied to every
foreseeable service configuration. However, the only know use case that is actually
relevant is the mentioned communication between application software and the BswM.
In order to not open the door for the uncontrolled usage of uncharted territory (that
may nevertheless later be explored, use case by use case), restrictions apply for the
usage of ServiceDependency.diagnosticRelevance, as documented in [con-

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Software Component Template

[constr_10032] Restrictions for the usage of ServiceDependency.diagnos-

ticRelevance dThe attribute ServiceDependency.diagnosticRelevance shall
only be used for a SwcServiceDependency that aggregates a BswMgrNeeds at
the time when the RTE is generated.c()

7.12 Variation Point Proxy

[TPS_SWCT_01370] VariationPointProxy dVariability inside a software-
component may exist in two different levels of abstraction:
• A structural variation point affects the existence or non-existence of structural
model elements. A structural variation point is modeled by means of the meta-
class VariationPoint.
• A functional variation point affects solely the functionality in the implementation
(read: source code) of the software-component. A functional variation point is
modeled by means of the meta-class VariationPointProxy.
In other words, this enables the developer of a software-component to implement vari-
ability that is limited to the software-component’s functionality. This kind of variability is
• by a code generator (bindingTime = codeGenerationTime)
• by the preprocessor (bindingTime = preCompileTime).
• as a post-build value evaluation (in this case postBuildValueAccess and
postBuildVariantCondition shall exist).
Please note that in the first two cases of the second bullet list in [TPS_SWCT_01370]
the evaluation of conditionAccess shall replace the formula by the result.
The name VariationPointProxy was motivated by the fact that it represents a
model element that is not directly related to the structure but to the code and from this
point of view acts as a proxy to the functional variation existing in the code.
The consequence of the two levels of abstraction is that (from a model processing point
of view) it would be possible to bind all structural variation points entirely while keeping
some or all of the functional variation points unbound. This is an explanation for the
existence of [TPS_SWCT_01371].
[TPS_SWCT_01371] VariationPointProxy vs. VariationPoint dThe differ-
ence between a VariationPoint and a VariationPointProxy is that if during
the process of binding the formula evaluates to 0 the VariationPointProxy re-
mains in the model while the VariationPoint as well as its owner is removed from
the model.c(RS_SWCT_03100)

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Software Component Template

Nevertheless, the binding of the variability is described by the means of SwSystem-

constantValueSets and PostBuildVariantCriterionValueSets.
[TPS_SWCT_01448] Pre-defined values for the category of VariationPoint-
Proxy dAUTOSAR pre-defines two possible values for the category of Variation-
PointProxy. The meaning of the values, however, depends on the particular model-
ing of individual VariationPointProxys, see [TPS_SWCT_01370].
VALUE In the “pre-build” case this means that valueAccess shall yield an integer
literal. In the “post-build” case, on the other hand, this means that postBuild-
ValueAccess shall yield an integer value conform with the implementation-
In this context, [constr_1388] applies.
CONDITION In this case it is possible (though not mandatory) to define a Varia-
tionPointProxy that actually works in a combination of the “pre-build” and
“post-build” scenario.
In other words, in the “pre-build” case conditionAccess shall yield a boolean
value and in the “post-build” case postBuildVariantCondition shall also
yield a boolean value.
An and operator shall be applied to all boolean values returned by condi-
tionAccess and the collection of postBuildVariantCondition in order to
yield the actual result of the condition. [TPS_GST_00259] and [SWS_Rte_08069]
For the postBuildVariantCondition an implicit reference to the Platform
Data Type boolean shall be assumed.
In contrast to the value VALUE it is possible to define a VariationPointProxy
that uses both conditionAccess and postBuildVariantCondition.
[constr_1388] VariationPointProxy of category VALUE shall not mix “pre-
build” and “post-build” use-cases dIf the value of category of the Variation-
PointProxy is set to VALUE then there can only be one value yield from the evalu-
ation of a VariationPointProxy. In other words, a VariationPointProxy of
category VALUE shall not mix the “pre-build” and “post-build” use-cases.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_1389] Restriction regarding the value of category of VariationPoint-
Proxy.implementationDataType dVariationPointProxy.implementation-
DataType shall not be of category STRUCTURE, ARRAY, UNION, FUNCTION_REF-

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Software Component Template

The VariationPointProxy.implementationDataType shall be of category

VALUE or TYPE_REFERENCE that, after all references are resolved, yields an Imple-
mentationDataType of category VALUE.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01372] bindingTime = preCompileTime dIn case of bindingTime
= preCompileTime the RTE provides macro definitions that can be used for pre-
processor directives to implement preCompileTime variability in C/C++ code.c(RS_-
[TPS_SWCT_01373] RTE generator shall evaluate the SwSystemconstDepen-
dentFormula dIt is in the scope of the RTE generator to evaluate the SwSystem-
constDependentFormula which has a higher precedence than the standard C Pre-
processor and to provide the resulting values to the software-component’s implemen-
{subsets atpReference}
ARElement FormulaExpression
AtpDefinition SwSystemconstDependentFormula

{subsets atpStringReference}

AttributeValueVariationPoint ConditionByFormula
+ bindingTime: BindingTimeEnum [0..1] + bindingTime: BindingTimeEnum
+ blueprintValue: String [0..1]
+ sd: String [0..1]
+ shortLabel: PrimitiveIdentifier [0..1]

+valueAccess 0..1 +conditionAccess 0..1


0..* +variationPointProxy


0..1 +implementationDataType 0..1 +postBuildValueAccess +postBuildVariantCondition 0..*

AtpBlueprint ARElement
AtpBlueprintable AtpDefinition +matchingCriterion
AutosarDataType PostBuildVariantCriterion «atpVariation»
AbstractImplementationDataType + value: Integer

Figure 7.45: VariationPointProxy

For further details (beyond the statements made in [TPS_SWCT_01372] and

[TPS_SWCT_01373]) about the impact of the existence of a VariationPointProxy
on the RTE please refer to [2].
Please note that the usage of attributes of meta-class VariationPointProxy is not
arbitrarily possible but subject to conditions. In particular, there are certain use-cases
that dictate how and with which multiplicity attributes of VariationPointProxy shall
be used.

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Software Component Template

In particular, the applicable use-cases are defined by a combination of the binding

time, i.e. PreBuild (all pre-build binding times are summarized as PreBuild) vs. Post-
Build, and the value of VariationPointProxy.category (the details are explained
in table 7.64 or [constr_1253], respectively).
Class VariationPointProxy
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::VariantHandling
Note The VariationPointProxy represents variation points of the C/C++ implementation. In case of bindingTime
= compileTime the RTE provides defines which can be used for Pre Processor directives to implement
compileTime variability.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
conditionAccess ConditionByFormula 0..1 aggr This condition acts as Binding Function for the Variation
implementation AbstractImplementation 0..1 ref This association to ImplementationDataType shall be
DataType DataType taken as an implementation hint by the RTE generator.
postBuildValue PostBuildVariant 0..1 ref This represents the applicable PostBuildVariantCriterion
Access Criterion in the context of a VariationPointProxy.
Note that the technical details how to access the
particular postBuildValueAccess are still considered
internal to the RTE and are consequently not
postBuildVariant PostBuildVariant * aggr This represents that applicable PostBuoldVariant
Condition Condition Condition in the context of aVariationPointProxy.
valueAccess AttributeValueVariation 0..1 aggr This value acts as Binding Function for the VariationPoint.
Table 7.63: VariationPointProxy

[constr_1253] Supported usage of VariationPointProxy dThe allowed multiplic-

ities for attributes of VariationPointProxy depending on the applicable binding
time and the value of VariationPointProxy.category are documented in Table
For clarification, the multiplicities of attributes of meta-class VariationPointProxy
that are not explicitly mentioned in a given row of table 7.64 shall be interpreted as [0].
This rule shall be applied at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
BindingTime category Allowed Attribute Multiplicity
VALUE valueAccess [1]
CONDITION conditionAccess [1]
VALUE postBuildValueAccess [1], implementationDataType [1]
CONDITION postBuildVariantCondition [1..*], conditionAccess [0..1]

Table 7.64: Supported usage of VariationPointProxy

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Software Component Template

Class <<atpMixedString>> ConditionByFormula

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::VariantHandling
Note This class represents a condition which is computed based on system constants according to the
specified expression. The expected result is considered as boolean value.
The result of the expression is interpreted as a condition.
• "0" represents "false";
• a value other than zero is considered "true"
Base ARObject, FormulaExpression, SwSystemconstDependentFormula
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
bindingTime BindingTimeEnum 1 attr This attribute specifies the point in time when condition
may be evaluated at earliest. At this point in time all
referenced system constants shall have a value.

Table 7.65: ConditionByFormula

Class <<atpMixedString>> AttributeValueVariationPoint (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::VariantHandling::AttributeValueVariationPoints
Note This class represents the ability to derive the value of the Attribute from a system constant (by Sw
SystemconstDependentFormula). It also provides a bindingTime.
Base ARObject, FormulaExpression, SwSystemconstDependentFormula
Subclasses AbstractEnumerationValueVariationPoint, AbstractNumericalVariationPoint, BooleanValueVariationPoint,
FloatValueVariationPoint, IntegerValueVariationPoint, PositiveIntegerValueVariationPoint, TimeValue
ValueVariationPoint, UnlimitedIntegerValueVariationPoint
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
bindingTime BindingTimeEnum 0..1 attr This is the binding time in which the attribute value needs
to be bound.
If this attribute is missing, the attribute is not a variation
point. In particular this means that It needs to be a single
value according to the type specified in the pure model. It
is an error if it is still a formula.
blueprintValue String 0..1 attr This represents a description that documents how the
value shall be defined when deriving objects from the
sd String 0..1 attr This special data is provided to allow synchronization of
Attribute value variation points with variant management
systems. The usage is subject of agreement between the
involved parties.
shortLabel PrimitiveIdentifier 0..1 attr This allows to identify the variation point. It is also
intended to allow RTE support for CompileTime Variation

Table 7.66: AttributeValueVariationPoint

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Software Component Template

Class PostBuildVariantCriterion
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::VariantHandling
Note This class specifies one particular PostBuildVariantSelector.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpDefinition, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
compuMethod CompuMethod 1 ref The compuMethod specifies the possible values for the
variant criterion serving as an enumerator.

Table 7.67: PostBuildVariantCriterion

Class PostBuildVariantCondition
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::VariantHandling
Note This class specifies the value which shall be assigned to a particular variant criterion in order to bind the
variation point. If multiple criterion/value pairs are specified, they shall all match to bind the variation
In other words binding can be represented by
(criterion1 == value1) && (condition2 == value2) ...
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
matching PostBuildVariant 1 ref This is the criterion which needs to match the value in
Criterion Criterion order to make the PostbuildVariantCondition to be true.
value Integer 1 attr This is the particular value of the post-build variant
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table 7.68: PostBuildVariantCondition

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Software Component Template

8 Implementation
Previous versions of this document contained a comprehensive description of the
meta-class Implementation. This meta-class still exists but the description of most
of its content has been moved to another document, in particular the specification of
the Basic Software Module Description Template [6].
ARElement Identifiable
Implementation ResourceConsumption
«atpSplitable» 0..1
+ programmingLanguage:
ProgramminglanguageEnum [0..1] +codeDescriptor
+ swVersion: RevisionLabelString [0..1] Identifiable
+ usedCodeGenerator: String [0..1] 0..* Code
+ vendorId: PositiveInteger [0..1] +artifactDescriptor
AutosarEngineeringObject 0..*

0..1 DependencyOnArtifact
«atpVariation» +requiredGeneratorTool
«atpVariation» +requiredArtifact

«atpVariation» +generatedArtifact

      + name: String [0..1]
+compiler + options: String [0..1]
+ vendor: String [0..1]
0..* + version: String [0..1]

SwcImplementation +behavior PerInstanceMemorySize
+ requiredRTEVendor: String [0..1] 0..1 + alignment: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+perInstanceMemorySize «atpVariation»
+ size: PositiveInteger [0..1]
«atpVariation» *

Figure 8.1: Implementation part specific to the Software Component Template

Please note that the Software Component Template and the Basic Software
Module Description Template share the content of Implementation. How-
ever, the semantics of Implementation is closer to the Basic Software Module
Description Template.
Nevertheless, there is still content strictly related to the Software Component Tem-
plate. This part of Implementation consisting of SwcImplementation (see Fig-
ure 8.1) remains in this document.
Class Implementation (abstract)
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Implementation
Note Description of an implementation a single software component or module.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Subclasses BswImplementation, SwcImplementation
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

641 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class Implementation (abstract)
buildAction BuildActionManifest 0..1 ref A manifest specifying the intended build actions for the
Manifest software delivered with this implementation.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
codeDescriptor Code * aggr Specifies the provided implementation code.
compiler Compiler * aggr Specifies the compiler for which this implementation has
been released
generated DependencyOnArtifact * aggr Relates to an artifact that will be generated during the
Artifact integration of this Implementation by an associated
generator tool. Note that this is an optional information
since it might not always be in the scope of a single
module or component to provide this information.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
hwElement HwElement * ref The hardware elements (e.g. the processor) required for
this implementation.
linker Linker * aggr Specifies the linker for which this implementation has
been released.
mcSupport McSupportData 0..1 aggr The measurement & calibration support data belonging to
this implementation. The aggregtion is <<atpSplitable>>
because in case of an already exisiting BSW
Implementation model, this description will be added later
in the process, namely at code generation time.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
programming Programminglanguage 0..1 attr Programming language the implementation was created
Language Enum in.
requiredArtifact DependencyOnArtifact * aggr Specifies that this Implementation depends on the
existance of another artifact (e.g. a library). This
aggregation of DependencyOnArtifact is subject to
variability with the purpose to support variability in the
implementations. Different algorithms in the
implementation might cause different dependencies, e.g.
the number of used libraries.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
required DependencyOnArtifact * aggr Relates this Implementation to a generator tool in order to
GeneratorTool generate additional artifacts during integration.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
resource ResourceConsumption 0..1 aggr All static and dynamic resources for each implementation
Consumption are described within the ResourceConsumption class.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
swcBsw SwcBswMapping 0..1 ref This allows a mapping between an SWC and a BSW
Mapping behavior to be attached to an implementation description
(for AUTOSAR Service, ECU Abstraction and Complex
Driver Components). It is up to the methodology to define
whether this reference has to be set for the Swc- or Bsw
Implementtion or for both.
swVersion RevisionLabelString 0..1 attr Software version of this implementation. The numbering
contains three levels (like major, minor, patch), its values
are vendor specific.
usedCode String 0..1 attr Optional: code generator used.

642 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class Implementation (abstract)
vendorId PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Vendor ID of this Implementation according to the
AUTOSAR vendor list

Table 8.1: Implementation

[constr_1966] Existence of attribute Implementation.swVersion dFor each Im-

plementation, attribute swVersion shall exist at the time when the RTE is
[constr_1967] Existence of attribute Implementation.vendorId dFor each Im-
plementation, attribute vendorId shall exist at the time when the RTE is
[constr_1968] Existence of attribute Implementation.codeDescriptor dFor
each Implementation, at least one aggregation of Code in the role codeDescrip-
tor shall exist at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
Class Code
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Implementation
Note A generic code descriptor. The type of the code (source or object) is defined via the category attribute of
the associated engineering object.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
artifact AutosarEngineering * aggr Refers to the artifact belonging to this code descriptor.
Descriptor Object
callbackHeader ServiceNeeds * ref The association callbackHeader describes in which
header files the function declarations of callback functions
are provided to a service module. With this information
the service module can include the appropriate header
files in its configuration files.

Table 8.2: Code

Class SwcImplementation
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcImplementation
Note This meta-class represents a specialization of the general Implementation meta-class with respect to the
usage in application software.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, Implementation, MultilanguageReferrable,
PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
behavior SwcInternalBehavior 0..1 ref The internal behavior implemented by this

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Software Component Template

Class SwcImplementation
perInstance PerInstanceMemory * aggr Allows a definition of the size of the per-instance memory
MemorySize Size for this implementation. The aggregation of PerInstance
MemorySize is subject to variability with the purpose to
support variability in the software components
implementations. Typically different algorithms in the
implementation are requiring different number of memory
objects, in this case PerInstanceMemory.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
required String 0..1 attr Identify a specific RTE vendor. This information is
RTEVendor potentially important at the time of integrating (in
particular: linking) the application code with the RTE. The
semantics is that (if the association exists) the
corresponding code has been created to fit to the
vendor-mode RTE provided by this specific vendor.
Attempting to integrate the code with another RTE
generated in vendor mode is in general not possible.

Table 8.3: SwcImplementation

[constr_1969] Existence of attribute SwcImplementation.behavior dFor each

SwcImplementation, attribute behavior shall exist at the time when the
RTE is generated.c()
Class PerInstanceMemorySize
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcImplementation
Note Resources needed by the allocation of PerInstanceMemory for each SWC instance. Note that these
resources are not covered by an ObjectFileSection, because they are supposed to be allocated by the
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
alignment PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Required alignment (1,2,4,...) of the referenced Per
InstanceMemory. Unit: byte.
perInstance PerInstanceMemory 0..1 ref This represents the referenced PerInstanceMemory.
size PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Size (in bytes) of the reference perInstanceMemory. The
aggregation of PerInstanceMemorySize is subject to
variability with the purpose to support variability in the
software components implementations. Different
algorithms in the implementation might require a different
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table 8.4: PerInstanceMemorySize

[constr_1970] Existence of attribute PerInstanceMemorySize.alignment dFor

each PerInstanceMemorySize, attribute alignment shall exist at the time
when the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1971] Existence of attribute PerInstanceMemorySize.perInstance-
Memory dFor each PerInstanceMemorySize, the reference to PerInstanceMem-
ory in the role perInstanceMemory shall exist at the time when the RTE is

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Software Component Template

[constr_1972] Existence of attribute PerInstanceMemorySize.size dFor each

PerInstanceMemorySize, attribute size shall exist at the time when the
RTE is generated.c()

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Software Component Template

9 Mode Management
In general, the Software Component Template doesn’t define the kind of modes
that shall be supported by State Managers or software-components explicitly. How-
ever the Software Component Template provides generic mechanisms for describing
In this section the general relationship between modes, interfaces, and software-
components is discussed.
The assumption from the software-component point of view is that State Managers are
using a Standardized AUTOSAR PortInterface1 to influence the SwComponent-
Type and also provide a PortInterface to get requests and confirmations from the
They will be implemented as AUTOSAR services and be part of the Basic Software
on each ECU. The actual modes a State Manager provides will have to be standardized
as well to allow compatibility between software-components.
It is also possible to define a mode manager in the Application Software and the same
functionality is supported as for mode managers implemented in the Basic Software.
[TPS_SWCT_01581] Communication patterns for mode-related communication
dMode-related communication shall implement a 1:1 or 1:n scenario but the creation
of an n:1 configuration shall be considered invalid.c(RS_SWCT_03200, RS_SWCT_-
As a consequence of [TPS_SWCT_01581], [constr_1101] is formulated.
[constr_1101] Mode-related communication dAn RPortPrototype typed by Mod-
eSwitchInterface shall not be referenced by more than one SwConnector at
the time when the RTE is generated.c()

9.1 Declaration of Modes

The SW-Component Template provides some simple means to define collections of
[TPS_SWCT_01071] ModeDeclaration dThe name of the mode is the most impor-
tant attribute that has to be provided for each ModeDeclaration. The ModeDecla-
rations are grouped together within the ModeDeclarationGroup.c(RS_SWCT_-
03200, RS_SWCT_03110)
[TPS_SWCT_01067] Initial mode dThe initialMode is active before any mode
switches occurred.c(RS_SWCT_03200)
This is shown in Figure 9.1

See also AUTOSAR Glossary for “Standardized AUTOSAR Interface”.

646 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

ARElement AtpStructureElement
«atpVariation» 0..*
AtpBlueprint Identifiable
AtpBlueprintable ModeDeclaration
ModeDeclarationGroup    + value: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ onTransitionValue: PositiveInteger [0..1]   


+type 0..1 0..1

{redefines atpType}

«enumeration» «enumeration»
ModeErrorReactionPolicyEnum SwCalibrationAccessEnum
ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype lastMode readOnly
defaultMode notAccessible
+ swCalibrationAccess: SwCalibrationAccessEnum [0..1] readWrite

Figure 9.1: ModeDeclaration

The class ModeDeclarationGroup has been introduced to support the grouping of

modes and (on M1 level) to provide predefined sets of modes that could be standard-
ized and re-used. The set of modes eventually defines a flat (i.e. no hierarchical states)
state-machine where only one mode can be active at a given point in time.
Again, please note that the actual definition of modes and their relationship is not in
the responsibility of this document. In other words: the definition of modes represents
M1 artifacts whereas this document is limited to describing M2 model elements.
Both ModeDeclaration and ModeDeclarationGroup own attributes that facilitate
the generation of C source code from the formal definition.
[TPS_SWCT_01008] Definition of positive integer values that are directly taken
over by the RTE generator for creating the programmatic representations of the
ModeDeclaration dThe attributes ModeDeclaration.value and ModeDeclara-
tionGroup.onTransitionValue allow for the definition of positive integer values
that are directly taken over by the RTE generator for creating the programmatic rep-
resentations of the ModeDeclaration and ModeDeclarationGroup in the source
[constr_1399] Standardized values of ModeDeclarationGroup.category dThe
AUTOSAR standard defines the following values of the attribute ModeDeclara-
tionGroup.category with a standardized meaning:
[TPS_SWCT_01010] defines the meaning of these values.
It is not allowed to define any custom or project-specific value of the attribute Mod-
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()

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Software Component Template

As the attributes ModeDeclaration.value and ModeDeclarationGroup.on-

TransitionValue are optional the following rule applies:
[constr_1298] Existence of attributes if category of a ModeDeclarationGroup
is set to EXPLICIT_ORDER dThe attributes ModeDeclarationGroup.onTransi-
tionValue and ModeDeclaration.value (for each ModeDeclaration) shall be
set if the category of a ModeDeclarationGroup is set to EXPLICIT_ORDER.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the contract phase genera-
tion is executed.c()
[constr_1299] Existence of attributes if category of a ModeDeclarationGroup
is set to other than EXPLICIT_ORDER dThe attributes ModeDeclarationGroup.
onTransitionValue or ModeDeclaration.value (for any ModeDeclaration)
shall not be set if the category of a ModeDeclarationGroup is set to any value
other than EXPLICIT_ORDER at the time when the contract phase gen-
eration is executed.c()
[constr_1181] Numerical values used in ModeDeclaration.value and Mod-
eDeclarationGroup.onTransitionValue dThe numerical values used to define
the value attributes and the onTransitionValue attribute of a ModeDeclara-
tionGroup shall not overlap at the time when the contract phase gen-
eration is executed.c()
In other words, it is not allowed that the values of two value attributes within one
ModeDeclarationGroup have the same numerical value. Neither is it allowed that
the numerical value of the ModeDeclarationGroup.onTransitionValue attribute
and the numerical value of one of the corresponding value attributes are identical.
[TPS_SWCT_01009] The numerical values used to define the values of ModeDec-
laration.value and ModeDeclarationGroup.onTransitionValue can be ar-
bitrarily defined dAs long as the constraints [constr_1181], [constr_1298], and [con-
str_1299] are fulfilled, the numerical values used to define the values of ModeDec-
laration.value and ModeDeclarationGroup.onTransitionValue can be ar-
bitrarily defined. The numerical values are not required to be consecutive. Gaps are
positively allowed.c(RS_SWCT_03200)
Example: the following example of a set of numerical values fulfills all requirements on
the definition of ModeDeclaration.value and ModeDeclarationGroup.onTran-
sitionValue: {1,2, 5, 100}.
Please note that the ability to define ModeDeclaration.value and ModeDeclara-
tionGroup.onTransitionValue introduces second heuristics for “ordering” Mod-
eDeclarations. If ModeDeclaration.value and ModeDeclarationGroup.on-
TransitionValue are not defined the assignment of numerical values to the repre-
sentations of individual ModeDeclarations it is up to the RTE generator to come up
with the applicable numerical values.
[TPS_SWCT_01010] categorys for the definition of a ModeDeclarationGroup
dIn order to support a clear separation between the two possible ways to influence the

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Software Component Template

definition of the programmatic representation of ModeDeclarations two categorys

shall be defined for the definition of a ModeDeclarationGroup.
• The value of category of a ModeDeclarationGroup shall be set to EX-
PLICIT_ORDER if it is intended to control the source code generation by means
of the values of the attributes ModeDeclaration.value and ModeDeclara-
• The value of category of a ModeDeclarationGroup shall be set to ALPHA-
BETIC_ORDER if it is intended to let the RTE generator control the source code
generation according to the alphabetical sorting.
More information regarding this aspect can be found in [SWS_Rte_02568].
[TPS_SWCT_01011] Default category of a ModeDeclarationGroup dFor rea-
sons of backwards-compatibility with previous releases of AUTOSAR the default value
of the category of a ModeDeclarationGroup shall be ALPHABETIC_ORDER.c
Class ModeDeclaration
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ModeDeclaration
Note Declaration of one Mode. The name and semantics of a specific mode is not defined in the meta-model.
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
value PositiveInteger 0..1 attr The RTE shall take the value of this attribute for
generating the source code representation of this Mode
Table 9.1: ModeDeclaration

Class ModeDeclarationGroup
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ModeDeclaration
Note A collection of Mode Declarations. Also, the initial mode is explicitly identified.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, CollectableElement,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
initialMode ModeDeclaration 0..1 ref The initial mode of the ModeDeclarationGroup. This
mode is active before any mode switches occurred.
mode ModeDeclaration * aggr The ModeDeclarations collected in this ModeDeclaration
Declaration Group.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
modeManager ModeErrorBehavior 0..1 aggr This represents the ability to define the error behavior
ErrorBehavior expected by the mode manager in case of errors on the
mode user side (e.g. terminated mode user).
modeTransition ModeTransition * aggr This represents the avaliable ModeTransitions of the

649 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class ModeDeclarationGroup
modeUserError ModeErrorBehavior 0..1 aggr This represents the definition of the error behavior
Behavior expected by the mode user in case of errors on the mode
manager side (e.g. terminated mode manager).
onTransition PositiveInteger 0..1 attr The value of this attribute shall be taken into account by
Value the RTE generator for programmatically representing a
value used for the transition between two statuses.
Table 9.2: ModeDeclarationGroup

[constr_1973] Existence of attribute ModeDeclarationGroup.initialMode

dFor each ModeDeclarationGroup, the reference to ModeDeclaration in the
role initialMode shall exist at the time when the contract phase gen-
eration is executed.c()
[constr_1974] Existence of attribute ModeDeclarationGroup.modeDeclara-
tion dFor each ModeDeclarationGroup, at least one ModeDeclaration shall
be aggregated in the role modeDeclaration at the time when the contract
phase generation is executed.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01450] Semantics of a ModeTransition dIn addition to the ability to
specify ModeDeclarations within a ModeDeclarationGroup it is also feasible to
define possible transitions between ModeDeclarations within the given ModeDec-
larationGroup. This can be done by means of aggregation ModeTransition at
ModeDeclarationGroup in the role modeTransition.c(RS_SWCT_03200)
More details are explained in Figure 9.2.
[TPS_SWCT_01451] Relations between ModeTransition and ModeDeclara-
tion dModeTransition has two associations with the multiplicity 1 to ModeDec-
• The reference enteredMode denotes a ModeDeclaration that can be entered
as part of the enclosing ModeTransition.
• The reference exitedMode denotes a ModeDeclaration that can be exited
as part of the enclosing ModeTransition.
ARElement AtpStructureElement
AtpBlueprint 0..1 Identifiable
AtpBlueprintable ModeDeclaration
AtpType +modeDeclaration
ModeDeclarationGroup + value: PositiveInteger [0..1]
«atpVariation» 0..*
+ onTransitionValue: PositiveInteger [0..1]

+modeTransition 0..*

AtpStructureElement +enteredMode
ModeTransition +exitedMode


Figure 9.2: ModeTransition

650 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

[constr_1193] ModeDeclaration shall be referenced by at least one ModeTran-

sition in the role enteredMode dFor each ModeDeclaration at least one Mod-
eTransition shall reference the ModeDeclaration in the role enteredMode.
This constraint shall apply at the time when the RTE is generated only if
there is at least one ModeTransition defined in the context of the enclosing Mod-
eDeclarationGroup and it shall not apply to the initialMode.c()
For clarification, the ModeDeclarationGroup.initialMode does not need to be
referenced by an enteredMode because by identifying this ModeDeclaration in
the role initialMode it is clear that the ModeDeclaration will be entered at least
Class ModeTransition
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ModeDeclaration
Note This meta-class represents the ability to describe possible ModeTransitions in the context of a Mode
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
enteredMode ModeDeclaration 0..1 ref This represents the entered model of the ModeTransition.
exitedMode ModeDeclaration 0..1 ref This represents the exited mode of the ModeTransition

Table 9.3: ModeTransition

[constr_1975] Existence of attribute ModeTransition.enteredMode dFor each

ModeTransition, the reference to ModeDeclaration in the role enteredMode
shall exist at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1976] Existence of attribute ModeTransition.exitedMode dFor each
ModeTransition, the reference to ModeDeclaration in the role exitedMode
shall exist at the time when the RTE is generated.c()

9.2 Modes and Events

[TPS_SWCT_01376] Software-components need to be capable of reacting to
state changes dSoftware-components need to be capable of reacting to state changes
issued by some Mode Manager and adopt their behavior to the new situation.c(RS_-
Such a mode dependent software-component is shown in Figure 9.3.
[TPS_SWCT_01077] Configure the response to mode changes dSince the behav-
ior of AtomicSwComponentTypes is mainly determined by the RunnableEntitys
contained in the SwcInternalBehavior, it is necessary to configure the response
to mode changes on the level of RunnableEntitys.c(RS_SWCT_03120)

651 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Software-Component 1
Runnable Entity 1a

Runnable Entity 1b

Runnable Entity 1c

Runnable Entity 1c

Mode Manager

Figure 9.3: State Managers and software-components

Figure 9.4 shows an excerpt of the meta-model illustrating how the relationship be-
tween the current mode and the SwcInternalBehavior of the AtomicSwCompo-
nentType can be described.
AtpStructureElement AbstractEvent AtpStructureElement
ExecutableEntity +startOnEvent AtpStructureElement +disabledMode Identifiable
RunnableEntity RTEEvent ModeDeclaration
«instanceRef» 0..*
+ canBeInvokedConcurrently: Boolean [0..1] 0..1 + value: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ symbol: CIdentifier [0..1]

+mode 0..2 {ordered}

«enumeration» «instanceRef»

onEntry SwcModeSwitchEvent
onExit + activation: ModeActivationKind [0..1]

Figure 9.4: Modes and events

[TPS_SWCT_01377] Two mechanisms to define how SwcInternalBehavior

should interact with the mode management dA AtomicSwComponentType can
use two mechanisms to define how its SwcInternalBehavior should interact with
the mode management.c(RS_SWCT_03110)
Both mechanisms are visible in Figure 9.4.
[TPS_SWCT_01378] AtomicSwComponentType can define an SwcMod-
eSwitchEvent to execute RunnableEntity dUsing the first mechanism, an
AtomicSwComponentType can define an SwcModeSwitchEvent to specify that a
particular RunnableEntity shall be started whenever a mode is entered, exited, or
a transition between two specified modes occurs.c(RS_SWCT_03110)
[constr_4003] Semantics of SwcModeSwitchEvent dIf the value of SwcMod-
eSwitchEvent.activation is onTransition, then SwcModeSwitchEvent shall
refer to two different ModeDeclarations belonging to the same instance of Mod-
Their order defines the direction of the transition from one mode into another. In all
other cases SwcModeSwitchEvent shall refer to exactly one ModeDeclaration.

652 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1195] SwcModeSwitchEvent and the definition of ModeTransition dFor
each pair of ModeDeclarations referenced by a SwcModeSwitchEvent with at-
tribute activation set to onTransition a ModeTransition shall be defined in
the corresponding direction (i.e. from exitedMode to enteredMode). This constraint
shall only apply at the time when the RTE is generated if the respective
ModeDeclarationGroup defines at least one modeTransition.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01379] AtomicSwComponentType can indicate whether an
RTEEvent that starts an associated RunnableEntity is disabled in a certain
mode dUsing the second mechanism, the AtomicSwComponentType can indicate
whether an RTEEvent that starts an associated RunnableEntity is disabled in a
certain mode.
That is, RTEEvents without an association in the role disabledMode are processed
regularly according to their definition.
RTEEvents with the optional association disabledMode have the additional limitation
that the associated RunnableEntity is not started when the ModeDeclaration
referenced as disabledMode is active.c(RS_SWCT_03110)
The mechanisms discussed so far have to be applied for the SwcInternalBehav-
ior on the receiver side of mode switches. Since mode switches are received via
PortPrototypes the following constraints apply:
[TPS_SWCT_01380] Mode management behavior on the sender side dOn the
sender side, a RunnableEntity shall have ModeSwitchPoints that eventually as-
sociate a RunnableEntity with the specific ModeDeclarationGroups which it
For more information, please refer to Figure 9.5.

+ swCalibrationAccess: SwCalibrationAccessEnum [0..1]


+modeGroup 0..1


RTEEvent AbstractAccessPoint AtpStructureElement

ModeSwitchedAckEvent +eventSource AtpStructureElement +modeSwitchPoint ExecutableEntity
Identifiable RunnableEntity
ModeSwitchPoint * «atpVariation,atpSplitable»

Figure 9.5: ModeSwitchPoint

[constr_1778] Value of attribute modeSwitchPoint.returnValueProvision dAll

RunnableEntity.modeSwitchPoint that refer to the same modeGroup shall de-
fine the identical value of attribute returnValueProvision at the time when
the contract phase generation is executed.c()

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Software Component Template

Rationale for the existence of [constr_1778]: different RunnableEntitys could ag-

gregate ModeSwitchPoints with a different configuration of attribute returnVal-
However, in such a case it would not be possible to generate the corresponding RTE
API because the API exists once per software-component and it is therefore indispens-
able to have all affected ModeSwitchPoints agree on the configuration of attribute
This relation is exemplarily (for the case of dataSendPoint.returnValueProvi-
sion) sketched in Figure 7.21.
Class ModeSwitchPoint
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::ModeDeclarationGroup
Note A ModeSwitchPoint is required by a RunnableEntity owned a Mode Manager. Its semantics implies the
ability to initiate a mode switch.
Base ARObject, AbstractAccessPoint, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable,
MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
modeGroup ModeDeclarationGroup 0..1 iref The mode declaration group that is switched by this
Prototype runnable.
InstanceRef implemented by:PModeGroupInAtomic

Table 9.4: ModeSwitchPoint

[TPS_SWCT_01383] ModeSwitchPoint dThe ModeSwitchPoint also allows for

the definition of a ModeSwitchedAckEvent if this is requested by the definition of the
PPortPrototype. This RTEEvent is eventually owned by a mode manager to allow
for getting confirmation of a mode change.c(RS_SWCT_03110)
[TPS_SWCT_01555] ModeSwitchedAckEvent is triggered by the RTE regardless
dThe ModeSwitchedAckEvent is triggered by the RTE (for more details please refer
to [2]) regardless which RunnableEntity has requested the mode switch notifica-
tion, even if the Meta-Model implies a reference from ModeSwitchedAckEvent to a
specific ModeSwitchPoint in the role eventSource.c(RS_SWCT_03110)
AtpPrototype AtpStructureElement
ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype Identifiable
    + swCalibrationAccess: SwCalibrationAccessEnum [0..1]
+modeGroup 0..1

AtpStructureElement +modeAccessPoint +ident AbstractAccessPoint

ExecutableEntity ModeAccessPointIdent
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» * «atpIdentityContributor»
RunnableEntity 0..1

Figure 9.6: ModeAccessPoint

[constr_4012] Timeout of ModeSwitchedAckEvent dThe timeout value of a

WaitPoint associated with a ModeSwitchedAckEvent shall be equal to the cor-
responding ModeSwitchedAckRequest.timeout at the time when the RTE
is generated.c()

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Software Component Template

[TPS_SWCT_01381] Read the currently active mode dFor Mode Manager and
Mode User it might additionally be required to read the currently active mode. For
that purpose, a RunnableEntity that requires read-access to the ModeDeclara-
tionGroupPrototype’s current mode has to define a ModeAccessPoint.c(RS_-
Class ModeAccessPoint
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::ModeDeclarationGroup
Note A ModeAccessPoint is required by a RunnableEntity owned by a Mode Manager or Mode User. Its
semantics implies the ability to access the current mode (provided by the RTE) of a ModeDeclaration
GroupPrototype’s ModeDeclarationGroup.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
ident ModeAccessPointIdent 0..1 aggr The aggregation in the role ident provides the ability to
make the ModeAccessPoint identifiable.
From the semantical point of view, the ModeAccessPoint
is considered a first-class Identifiable and therefore the
aggregation in the role ident shall always exist (until it
may be possible to let ModeAccessPoint directly inherit
from Identifiable).
Stereotypes: atpIdentityContributor
modeGroup ModeDeclarationGroup 0..1 iref The mode declaration group that is accessed by this
Prototype runnable.
InstanceRef implemented by:ModeGroupInAtomicSwc
Table 9.5: ModeAccessPoint

[TPS_SWCT_01382] Mode switch requests are handled asynchronously by the

RTE dMode switch requests are handled asynchronously by the RTE. Therefore, Mode
Manager s implementation might require reading back the current active mode to syn-
chronize internally to the RTE. A ModeSwitchPoint does not automatically pro-
vide read access to the ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype’s current mode.c(RS_-
[constr_1098] Mode switch and mode disabling dA SwcModeSwitchEvent shall
not simultaneously reference to the same ModeDeclaration in both the roles mode
and disabledMode at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
If [constr_1098] would not apply, it might happen that a RunnableEntity would be
triggered by a SwcModeSwitchEvent and, at the same time, it would be suppressed
by the mode disabling.

9.3 Initialization / Finalization

The AUTOSAR standard shall support the execution of initialization code for every

655 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

[TPS_SWCT_01384] Execution of initialization code for software-components

dMost AtomicSwComponentTypes will need to initialize by executing specific code;
this code shall complete before any other code in the component is executed. Data will
be initializing to specific values before the "normal" application software is running.c
[TPS_SWCT_01385] Execution of finalization code for software-components
dMost AtomicSwComponentTypes will need to finalize by calling specific code; this
code shall complete before the functionality of the application software shut down (e.g.
a motor drive in a start or end position).c(RS_SWCT_03110)
[TPS_SWCT_01388] Initial modes of AtomicSwComponentTypes are defined by
the initialMode dThe initial modes of AtomicSwComponentTypes are defined
by the initialMode references of the required ModeDeclarationGroups. These
modes are activated before any other mode activation has occurred. It is the responsi-
bility of the RTE to activate all initial modes on a certain ECU.c(RS_SWCT_03110)
For more details please refer to the specification of the SWS RTE [2].

9.4 Mode Error Behavior

With the advent of partitions in the AUTOSAR standard, it is important to consider the
behavior of mode management with respect to the following scenarios:
• The partition of the mode manager is terminated.
• The partition of the mode user is terminated.
Whenever one of the two scenarios becomes reality, it is important to implement a
stable reaction of both mode manager and mode user to the event. In addition, mode
manager and mode user should be able to synchronize in terms of which mode shall
apply as fast and seamless as possible.
For this purpose, additional modeling support has been defined such that the applica-
ble ModeDeclarationGroup (which is part of the contract between mode manager
and mode user) becomes the place where the policy towards a reaction to e.g. a parti-
tion restart is defined.
[TPS_SWCT_01530] Error behavior of mode manager and mode user dThe be-
havior in response to a mode manager getting out of sync with a mode user (because
the partition of the mode user has been terminated) or vice versa (because the par-
tition of the mode manager has been terminated) can be defined for the mode man-
ager by means of the attribute ModeDeclarationGroup.modeManagerErrorBe-
havior and for the mode user by means of the attribute ModeDeclarationGroup.
[TPS_SWCT_01531] The semantics of ModeErrorReactionPolicyEnum dThe at-
tribute ModeErrorBehavior.errorReactionPolicy shall be used to specify the
behavior in the event of a mode error:

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Software Component Template

lastMode The last mode applicable before the event shall be assumed.
defaultMode This represents the ability to specify a dedicated mode that shall be
made applicable. The identified ModeDeclaration could be identical to the
ModeDeclarationGroup.initialMode but it can just as well be any other
ModeDeclaration defined in the context of the enclosing ModeDeclara-
[TPS_SWCT_01532] The role of ModeErrorBehavior.defaultMode dThe at-
tribute ModeErrorBehavior.defaultMode shall be used to identify the particular
ModeDeclaration if ModeErrorBehavior.errorReactionPolicy is set to de-
[constr_1263] Existence of ModeErrorBehavior.defaultMode dThe optional at-
tribute ModeErrorBehavior.defaultMode shall exist if the value of the attribute
ModeErrorBehavior.errorReactionPolicy is set to defaultMode.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
Please note that the modeling of the ModeErrorBehavior is depicted in Figure 7.10.
[TPS_SWCT_01533] ModeDeclarationGroup.initialMode shall be assumed
in the absence of ModeDeclarationGroup.modeManagerErrorBehavior dIf the
attribute ModeDeclarationGroup.modeManagerErrorBehavior is not defined it
shall be assumed that the ModeDeclarationGroup.initialMode becomes appli-
cable in case of the mode manager getting out of sync with a mode user (because the
partition of the mode user has been terminated).c(RS_SWCT_03110)
[TPS_SWCT_01534] ModeDeclarationGroup.initialMode shall be assumed
in the absence of ModeDeclarationGroup.modeUserErrorBehavior dIf the at-
tribute ModeDeclarationGroup.modeUserErrorBehavior is not defined it shall
be assumed that the ModeDeclarationGroup.initialMode becomes applicable
in case of the mode user getting out of sync with a mode manager (because the parti-
tion of the mode manager has been terminated).c(RS_SWCT_03110)
Class ModeErrorBehavior
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ModeDeclaration
Note This represents the ability to define the error behavior in the context of mode handling.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
defaultMode ModeDeclaration 0..1 ref This represents the ModeDeclaration that is considered
the error mode in the context of the enclosing Mode
errorReaction ModeErrorReaction 0..1 attr This represents the ability to define the policy in terms of
Policy PolicyEnum which default model shall apply in case an error occurs.

Table 9.6: ModeErrorBehavior

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Software Component Template

[constr_1977] Existence of attribute ModeErrorBehavior.errorReactionPol-

icy dFor each ModeErrorBehavior, the attribute errorReactionPolicy shall
exist at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
Enumeration ModeErrorReactionPolicyEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ModeDeclaration
Note This represents the ability to specify the reaction on a mode error.
Literal Description
defaultMode This represents the ability to switch to the defaultMode in case of a mode error.
lastMode This represents the ability to keep the last mode in case of a mode error.

Table 9.7: ModeErrorReactionPolicyEnum

[TPS_SWCT_01535] Mode manager reacts on mode error dIf the mode manager
is getting out of sync with a mode user (because the partition of the mode user has
been terminated) or vice versa (because the partition of the mode manager has been
terminated) it shall be possible for the mode manager to react on such an event.
For this purpose the formal SwcModeManagerErrorEvent is defined that can be
taken to e.g. trigger the execution of a RunnableEntity in response to an error with
respect to mode switch communication.c(RS_SWCT_03110)
Class SwcModeManagerErrorEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note This event is raised when an error occurred during the handling of the referenced ModeDeclarationGroup
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, RTEEvent, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
modeGroup ModeDeclarationGroup 0..1 iref This represents the ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype for
Prototype which this SwcModeManagerErrorEvent is raised in case
of an error.
InstanceRef implemented by:PModeGroupInAtomic

Table 9.8: SwcModeManagerErrorEvent

[constr_1978] Existence of attribute SwcModeManagerErrorEvent.modeGroup

dFor each SwcModeManagerErrorEvent, the instance reference to ModeDeclara-
tion in the role modeGroup shall exist at the time when the RTE is gener-
As mentioned in [constr_1075], it is possible to overrule the default compatibility rules
by the definition of a PortInterfaceMapping.
In this case the demand for having identical definitions of ModeDeclarationGroup.
modeUserErrorBehavior and ModeDeclarationGroup.modeManagerError-
Behavior is no longer valid.

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Software Component Template

However, there is one additional caveat to observe in this case. This affects the imple-
mentation of error behavior in case that several mode users are connected to a mode
[TPS_SWCT_01536] Coherent behavior of all mode users in case of errors in the
mode switch communication dThe behavior in case of errors with the communication
of mode switches needs to be coherent for all connected mode users especially if the
individual SwConnectors are legitimized by the existence of a PortInterfaceMap-
[TPS_SWCT_01541] Preferential selection of modeUserErrorBehavior dThe
definition of mode error behavior on the provided side of shall be considered domi-
nant over the definition of mode error behavior on the required side.
This means that a ModeSwitchInterface.modeGroup.type.modeUserErrorBe-
havior used to type an AbstractProvidedPortPrototype shall be considered
dominant over the definition of a corresponding modeUserErrorBehavior and de-
fined in the context of an AbstractRequiredPortPrototype.c(RS_SWCT_03110)
[TPS_SWCT_01542] Preferential selection of modeManagerErrorBehavior dThe
definition of mode error behavior on the provided side of shall be considered dominant
over the definition of mode error behavior on the required side.
This means that a ModeSwitchInterface.modeGroup.type.modeManager-
ErrorBehavior used to type an AbstractProvidedPortPrototype shall be
considered dominant over the definition of a corresponding modeManagerError-
Behavior defined in the context of an AbstractRequiredPortPrototype.c(RS_-
The consequence of [TPS_SWCT_01541] and [TPS_SWCT_01542] is that the mode
manager shall be considered the master of the definition of mode error behavior.
Please note that the statements made in [TPS_SWCT_01541] is further underlined by
[SWS_Rte_06795] and the statement made by [TPS_SWCT_01542] is further under-
lined by [SWS_Rte_06795].
The details of how the run-time behavior of mode manager and mode user shall look
like in the event of the mode manager getting out of sync with a mode user (because the
partition of the mode user has been terminated) or vice versa (because the partition
of the mode manager has been terminated) as well as the applicable RTE APIs are
explained in [2].

9.5 Summary Meta-Model Excerpt Related to Modes

Figure 9.7 provides an overview of all meta-model elements that have a direct relation-
ship to the meta-classes involved in the modeling of mode switches.

659 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

To get the complete picture, it should be noted that also the concepts of PortGroups
(see 4.6) and ServiceProxySwComponentType (see 11.4) have a semantical rela-
tionship to mode management, though this is not expressed via relations in the meta-
Component and Port
AtpBlueprintable +port ARElement
AtpPrototype AtpBlueprint
PortPrototype 0..* «atpVariation,atpSplitable» AtpBlueprintable

AbstractProvidedPortPrototype AbstractRequiredPortPrototype

PPortPrototype PRPortPrototype RPortPrototype AtomicSwComponentType


«isOfType» «isOfType» «atpVariation,atpSplitable»


Interface InternalBehavior and Runnables

0..1 0..1 0..1
+internalBehavior 0..1
{redefines {redefines {redefines
atpType} atpType} atpType} InternalBehavior
ARElement SwcInternalBehavior
PortInterface «atpVariation,atpSplitable» «atpVariation,atpSplitable»
+event 0..* +runnable 0..*

AbstractEvent AtpStructureElement
AtpStructureElement ExecutableEntity
RTEEvent 0..1 RunnableEntity

+modeGroup 0..1

SwcModeSwitchEvent ModeSwitchedAckEvent

«isOfType» «instanceRef»

0..1 ModeDeclaration
+type {redefines atpType} +mode 0..2 {ordered} +disabledMode 0..*

ARElement +modeDeclaration AtpStructureElement

AtpBlueprint Identifiable
AtpBlueprintable «atpVariation» 0..* ModeDeclaration
AtpType +initialMode
+enteredMode 0..1 +exitedMode 0..1
+modeTransition 0..*


Figure 9.7: Summary meta-model excerpt related to modes

660 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

10 ECU Abstraction and Complex Drivers

10.1 Introduction
During the design of embedded systems there is one crucial point where the hard-
ware and software have to be related. In AUTOSAR the ECU Resource Template
describes the provided hardware resources.
On the other hand, the Software Component Template describes software gen-
erally without specific hardware in mind. But there are some places where both have
to meet and fit.
One interface between hardware and software is discussed in the memory and execu-
tion time section of [6]. In this chapter the overall system view of the interface between
sensors/actuators and software is described and the consequences for the Software
Component Template are derived.

10.2 High Level Hardware and Software Architecture

The AUTOSAR concept defines a software architecture (see Figure 10.1) and within
this layered architecture the interfaces between the hardware and the software are
explicitly modeled.

Figure 10.1: AUTOSAR ECU Software Architecture

661 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

The signal1 flow from a hardware to software and vice versa will be described in the
following sections.
A sensor2 is converting a physical value (1) in Figure 10.2 (e.g. temperature, force, light
intensity) into an electrical signal (2) which can be either a current or a voltage.
Inside the ECU generally there will be some electronics to enhance the electrical signal
provided by the sensor. In AUTOSAR this is called ECU Electronics. This electron-
ics device is also responsible for the conversion of the electrical signal into a micro-
controller compatible form (3), usually a voltage.
After the electrical signal has been enhanced and converted it will be captured by the
micro-controller. This can either be done by a simple digital input, an analogue to digital
converter or maybe a pulse-width demodulation module. Now the electrical signal is
available as a software data value (4).
This signal flow is sketched in the top part of Figure 10.2.

Physical Interface: Electrical Interface: Electrical Interface:

car velocity Isensor [0..200mA] UECU [0..5V]
Car ECU µC
1 Sensor 2 3
environment Electronics Peripherals

get_v() get_I_sensor() DIO_set()

Application Sensor ECU
6 5 4 MCAL
SW-C SW-C Abstraction

Figure 10.2: Interfaces between hardware and software

The interaction shown in Figure 10.2 shows an exemplary scenario. The usage of
ClientServerInterface is just an example for the interaction pattern.
This signal chain is represented one-to-one in the AUTOSAR software architecture and
depicted in the lower part of Figure 10.2.
In an implementation of AUTOSAR, only the micro-controller Abstraction (MCAL) has
direct access to the peripheral hardware. This layer is going to be standardized and all
hardware access should go through this layer. The idea of the AUTOSAR signal flow
is to map the hardware to the corresponding software modules.

The term “signal” is not going to be used here at its own but more specific terms will be used for the
different abstractions of signals at the different stages of the signal flow.
For the sake of simplicity this discussion is limited to the sensor aspects. Nevertheless, the same
applies also for actuators.

662 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

So if an electrical current is the input to the micro-controller peripheral, the MCAL will
deliver a data value that represents this current. As the ECU Electronics has enhanced
and converted the electrical signal prior to the micro-controller, the corresponding soft-
ware entity is reversing this conversion. This is performed in the ECU Abstraction layer.
So if the input to the ECU is an electrical current and the ECU Electronics has con-
verted this current into a voltage (from 2 to 3), the ECU Abstraction will convert the
data value voltage into an AUTOSAR signal representing a current (from 4 to 5). This
AUTOSAR signal represents the actual current that was provided by the sensor (2).
Now the first step in the conversion has to be reversed: the sensor has converted a
physical value into an electrical signal. And so the Sensor Software Component has
to reverse this again. The Sensor Software Component will read the AUTOSAR signal
representing the electrical value and transform it into an AUTOSAR signal representa-
tion of the physical value (from 5 to 6).
Now this physical value is available on the RTE and can be consumed or read by other
SW-Components. Although the interface between the ECU Abstraction and the Sen-
sor Software Component is also an AUTOSAR interface and could be routed through
some communication-bus, it will not be practical to separate the ECU Abstraction and
the corresponding SensorActuatorSwComponentType due to potentially high com-
munication effort.
In Figure 10.3 a complete signal flow from a sensor input to an actuator output is
Physical Interface Electrical Interface Electrical Interface
Isensor [0..200mA] UECU [0..5V]
e.g. ECU µC
Car velocity Sensor Hardware
Electronics Peripherals

get_v() get_I_ECU(velocity_sensor) DIO_get()

Application Sensor
set_lamp() set_I_ECU(light_actuator) DIO_set() (MCAL
Application Actuator ECU Driver)
SW-C 2 SW-C Abstraction

e.g. ECU µC Hardware

Car light Electronics Peripherals
IECU [0..2A] UµC [0..5V]

Figure 10.3: Sensor and Actuator Signal Flow

The interaction shown in Figure 10.3 shows an exemplary scenario. The usage of
ClientServerInterface is just an example for the interaction pattern.

663 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

In the next section the interfaces between the involved software modules are dis-

10.3 Interfaces and APIs

Two fundamentally different interfaces are involved when converting from sensors/ac-
tuators to software components, see markers “4” and “5” in Figure 10.2.
The interface between the micro-controller Abstraction and the ECU Abstraction is a
Standardized Interface (see AUTOSAR Glossary [34]). This interface is not visible on
the Virtual Function Bus and therefore the MCAL and ECU Abstraction have to be
present on the same ECU.
For further description of this interface please refer to the ECU Resource Template
The interface to the SensorActuatorSwComponentTypes is visible on the Virtual
Function Bus. In general the SensorActuatorSwComponentType should be on
the same ECU as the ECU hardware abstraction.
Also, the interface between the SensorActuatorSwComponentTypes and the actual
AtomicSwComponentTypes representing the application is visible on the VFB. To de-
scribe the data that is going to be exchanged via this interface the standard AUTOSAR
Interface description mechanisms are used (see chapter 3.4).

10.3.1 ECU Abstraction and its AUTOSAR Interfaces

Since the AUTOSAR standard is designed with the focus on the integration of software-
components coming from different contractors, the interfaces between the different
software-components obviously have to be compatible.
In the case of the sensors and actuators the interface is gathered in the ECU Abstrac-
tion. For each sensor and actuator there is one AUTOSAR PortPrototype that rep-
resents the AUTOSAR Signal that is delivered by the sensor or the AUTOSAR Signal
that is consumed by the actuator. This relationship is depicted in Figure 10.4.
The interaction shown in Figure 10.4 shows an exemplary scenario. The usage of
ClientServerInterface is just an example for the interaction pattern.
Each sensor and actuator has an AUTOSAR PortPrototype at the ECU Abstraction.
Connected to this port is the SensorActuatorSwComponentType.
The SensorActuatorSwComponentType has one PortPrototype (i.e. IF_2) to
the ECU Abstraction (which provides the values via IF_1) where it gets the AUTOSAR
signals from the hardware, and one PortPrototype (i.e. IF_3) to AtomicSwCompo-
nentTypes where it provides the actual physical value to the rest of AUTOSAR on the

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Software Component Template

Figure 10.4: Interfaces of signals in software

In addition, the Interfaces between the ECU Abstraction and the SensorActuator-
SwComponentType have to be compatible like defined in chapter 6.

10.4 Sensors/Actuators
In the layered software architecture described in [5] each hardware sensor/actuator is
coupled to a SensorActuatorSwComponentType (see Figure 10.5).
[TPS_SWCT_01047] Reference from the software representation of a sensor/ac-
tuator to the actual hardware element dSince the Software Component Tem-
plate is going to be used to describe the SensorActuatorSwComponentType as
well, there is also a reference needed from the software representation of a sensor/ac-
tuator to the actual hardware element described in the ECU Resource description.c
(RS_SWCT_02080, RS_SWCT_03090)

Figure 10.5: Shipment of a sensor

So each time a sensor/actuator is selected to be connected to an ECU also the corre-

sponding SensorActuatorSwComponentType is available.

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Software Component Template

[constr_1144] SensorActuatorSwComponentType, EcuAbstractionSwCompo-

nentType, and ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponentType may only reference a
HwType dThe attribute sensorActuator of SensorActuatorSwComponentType,
the attribute hardwareElement of EcuAbstractionSwComponentType, and the
attribute hardwareElement of ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponentType may
only reference a HwType. References to other subclasses of HwDescriptionEn-
tity are not allowed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
Figure 10.6 depicts the reference of SensorActuatorSwComponentType designed
as a specialization of an AtomicSwComponentType with an additional reference to a
AtomicSwComponentType Referrable ARElement
SensorActuatorSwComponentType HwDescriptionEntity 0..1 HwType

Figure 10.6: Sensor/actuator to Hardware Relationship

[constr_1109] Mapping of SwComponentPrototypes typed by a SensorActu-

atorSwComponentType dA SwComponentPrototype typed by a SensorActua-
torSwComponentType needs to be mapped and run on exactly that ECU that con-
tains the HwElement corresponding to the HwType that its SensorActuatorSwCom-
ponentType refers to in case it accesses the hardware via the I/O hardware abstrac-
tion layer.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01048] SensorActuatorSwComponentType may use the I/O hard-
ware abstraction directly dIn contrast to an ApplicationSwComponentType, a
SensorActuatorSwComponentType may use the I/O hardware abstraction directly
(via ports/connectors).c(RS_SWCT_02080, RS_SWCT_03090)
In case the sensor/actuator hardware is accessed via bus communication, e.g. is lo-
cated on a LIN slave, no such mapping constraints apply (note that this is not handled
via the IO hardware abstraction layer).
Class SensorActuatorSwComponentType
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note The SensorActuatorSwComponentType introduces the possibility to link from the software representation
of a sensor/actuator to its hardware description provided by the ECU Resource Template.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtomicSwComponentType, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , Atp
Type, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable, Sw
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
sensorActuator HwDescriptionEntity 0..1 ref Reference from the Sensor Actuator Software Component
Type to the description of the actual hardware.

Table 10.1: SensorActuatorSwComponentType

666 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

10.5 I/O Hardware Abstraction

[TPS_SWCT_01389] I/O Hardware Abstraction interfaces MCAL drivers
dThe I/O Hardware Abstraction interfaces on one side the MCAL drivers via
Standardized Interfaces and on the other side the Sensor Actuator Software
Component via AUTOSAR Interfaces. On the VFB[3] the I/O Hardware Ab-
straction is represented by the EcuAbstractionSwComponentType.c()
SwComponentType BswModuleDescription
+ moduleId: PositiveInteger [0..1]

«atpVariation,atpSplitable» «atpSplitable»
0..* +hardwareElement +internalBehavior 0..1 0..* +internalBehavior
Referrable     InternalBehavior InternalBehavior
HwDescriptionEntity   SwcInternalBehavior BswInternalBehavior

+swcBehavior 0..1 +bswBehavior 0..1

+hwType 0..1

ARElement ARElement
HwType AtpStructureElement

Figure 10.7: EcuAbstractionSwComponentType

[TPS_SWCT_01390] I/O Hardware Abstraction might have sub-structures

dDepending on the complexity of an ECU, the I/O Hardware Abstraction might
have sub-structures. In this case the I/O Hardware Abstraction Layer is de-
scribed by several EcuAbstractionSwComponentTypes on M1.c()
Class EcuAbstractionSwComponentType
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note The ECUAbstraction is a special AtomicSwComponentType that resides between a software-component
that wants to access ECU periphery and the Microcontroller Abstraction. The EcuAbstractionSw
ComponentType introduces the possibility to link from the software representation to its hardware
description provided by the ECU Resource Template.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtomicSwComponentType, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , Atp
Type, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable, Sw
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
hardware HwDescriptionEntity * ref Reference from the EcuAbstractionComponentType to the
Element description of the used HwElements.

Table 10.2: EcuAbstractionSwComponentType

[TPS_SWCT_01391] I/O Hardware Abstraction abstracts from the location

of peripheral I/O devices dThe I/O Hardware Abstraction abstracts from the
location of peripheral I/O devices (on-chip or on- board) and the ECU hardware layout
and has therefore dependencies to ECU Hardware described by HwElements. In ad-
dition, the EcuAbstractionSwComponentType is a hybrid concept sharing features
of both software-components and basic software modules.c()

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Software Component Template

[TPS_SWCT_01392] Mapping between the EcuAbstractionSwComponentType

and the corresponding BswModuleDescription dThe BSW part is described by
the means of the Basic Software Module Template. The mapping between the
EcuAbstractionSwComponentType and the corresponding BswModuleDescrip-
tion is provided by the class SwcBswMapping which in addition also maps the two
corresponding InternalBehaviors. This mechanism is further explained in [6].c()

10.6 Complex Driver

[TPS_SWCT_01393] Complex Driver dA Complex Driver implements complex
sensor evaluation and actuator control with direct access to the micro-controller us-
ing specific interrupts and/or complex micro-controller peripherals to fulfill the special
functional and timing requirements.
In addition, it might be used to implement enhanced services / protocols or encapsu-
lates legacy functionality of a non-AUTOSAR system.c()
See also document [3].
[TPS_SWCT_01394] Complex Driver is represented by the ComplexDe-
viceDriverSwComponentType dOn the VFB the Complex Driver is represented
by the ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponentType. An ECU might have zero to
many ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponentTypes.c()
Class ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponentType
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note The ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponentType is a special AtomicSwComponentType that has direct
access to hardware on an ECU and which is therefore linked to a specific ECU or specific hardware. The
ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponentType introduces the possibility to link from the software
representation to its hardware description provided by the ECU Resource Template.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtomicSwComponentType, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , Atp
Type, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable, Sw
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
hardware HwDescriptionEntity * ref Reference from the ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponent
Element Type to the description of the used HwElements.

Table 10.3: ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponentType

[TPS_SWCT_01395] ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponentType has dependen-

cies to ECU Hardware dSimilar to EcuAbstractionSwComponentType the Com-
plexDeviceDriverSwComponentType has dependencies to ECU Hardware de-
scribed by HwElements and is a hybrid between Software Component and Basic
Software Module.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01396] Mapping between the ComplexDeviceDriverSwCompo-
nentType and the corresponding BswModuleDescription dThe BSW part is de-
scribed by the means of the Basic Software Module Template.

668 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

The mapping between the ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponentType and the cor-

responding BswModuleDescription is provided by the class SwcBswMapping
which in addition also maps the two corresponding InternalBehaviors.
This mechanism is further explained in [6].c()
SwComponentType BswModuleDescription
+ moduleId: PositiveInteger [0..1]

«atpVariation,atpSplitable» «atpSplitable»
+hardwareElement 0..*    +internalBehavior 0..1 0..* +internalBehavior
Referrable   InternalBehavior InternalBehavior
HwDescriptionEntity SwcInternalBehavior BswInternalBehavior

+swcBehavior 0..1 +bswBehavior 0..1

+hwType 0..1

ARElement ARElement
HwType AtpStructureElement

Figure 10.8: ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponentType

[constr_1979] Existence of the reference SwcBswMapping.bswBehavior dFor

each SwcBswMapping, the reference to BswInternalBehavior in the role bswBe-
havior shall exist at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1980] Existence of the reference SwcBswMapping.swcBehavior dFor
each SwcBswMapping, the reference to BswInternalBehavior in the role swcBe-
havior shall exist at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
Class BswInternalBehavior
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note Specifies the behavior of a BSW module or a BSW cluster w.r.t. the code entities visible by the BSW
Scheduler. It is possible to have several different BswInternalBehaviors referring to the same BswModule
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, InternalBehavior , Multilanguage
Referrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
arTypedPer VariableDataPrototype * aggr Defines an AUTOSAR typed memory-block that needs to
Instance be available for each instance of the Basic Software
Memory Module. The aggregation of arTypedPerInstanceMemory
is subject to variability with the purpose to support
variability in the Basic Software Module’s
implementations. Typically different algorithms in the
implementation are requiring different number of memory
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=arTypedPerInstanceMemory.shortName, ar

669 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class BswInternalBehavior
bswPerInstance BswPerInstance * aggr Policy for a arTypedPerInstanceMemory The policy
MemoryPolicy MemoryPolicy selects the options of the Schedule Manager API
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=bswPerInstanceMemoryPolicy, bswPer
clientPolicy BswClientPolicy * aggr Policy for a requiredClientServerEntry. The policy selects
the options of the Schedule Manager API generation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=clientPolicy, clientPolicy.variationPoint.short
distinguished BswDistinguished * aggr Indicates an abstract partition context in which the
Partition Partition enclosing BswModuleEntity can be executed.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
entity BswModuleEntity * aggr A code entity for which the behavior is described
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=entity.shortName, entity.variationPoint.short
event BswEvent * aggr An event required by this module behavior.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=event.shortName, event.variationPoint.short
exclusiveArea BswExclusiveArea * aggr Policy for an ExclusiveArea in this BswInternalBehavior.
Policy Policy The policy selects the options of the Schedule Manager
API generation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=exclusiveAreaPolicy, exclusiveArea
includedData IncludedDataTypeSet * aggr The includedDataTypeSet is used by a basic software
TypeSet module for its implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
includedMode IncludedMode * aggr This aggregation represents the included Mode
Declaration DeclarationGroupSet DeclarationGroups
Stereotypes: atpSplitable

670 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class BswInternalBehavior
internal BswInternalTriggering * aggr An internal triggering point.
TriggeringPoint Point
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=internalTriggeringPoint.shortName, internal
internal BswInternalTriggering * aggr Policy for an internalTriggeringPoint in this BswInternal
TriggeringPoint PointPolicy Behavior.. The policy selects the options of the Schedule
Policy Manager API generation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=internalTriggeringPointPolicy, internal
modeReceiver BswModeReceiver * aggr Implementation policy for the reception of mode switches.
Policy Policy
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=modeReceiverPolicy, modeReceiver
modeSender BswModeSenderPolicy * aggr Implementation policy for providing a mode group.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=modeSenderPolicy, modeSender
parameterPolicy BswParameterPolicy * aggr Policy for a perInstanceParameter in this BswInternal
Behavior. The policy selects the options of the Schedule
Manager API generation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=parameterPolicy, parameterPolicy.variation
perInstance ParameterData * aggr Describes a read only memory object containing
Parameter Prototype characteristic value(s) needed by this BswInternal
Behavior. The role name perInstanceParameter is chosen
in analogy to the similar role in the context of SwcInternal
In contrast to constantMemory, this object is not allocated
locally by the module’s code, but by the BSW Scheduler
and it is accessed from the BSW module via the BSW
Scheduler API. The main use case is the support of
software emulation of calibration data.
The aggregation is subject to variability with the purpose
to support implementation variants.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=perInstanceParameter.shortName, per

671 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class BswInternalBehavior
receptionPolicy BswDataReception * aggr Data reception policy for inter-partition and/or inter-core
Policy communication.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=receptionPolicy, receptionPolicy.variation
releasedTrigger BswReleasedTrigger * aggr Policy for a releasedTrigger. The policy selects the
Policy Policy options of the Schedule Manager API generation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=releasedTriggerPolicy, releasedTrigger
schedulerName BswSchedulerName * aggr Optional definition of one or more prefixes to be used for
Prefix Prefix the BswScheduler.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=schedulerNamePrefix.shortName, scheduler
sendPolicy BswDataSendPolicy * aggr Policy for a providedData. The policy selects the options
of the Schedule Manager API generation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=sendPolicy, sendPolicy.variationPoint.short
service BswService * aggr Defines the requirements on AUTOSAR Services for a
Dependency Dependency particular item.
The aggregation is subject to variability with the purpose
to support the conditional existence of ServiceNeeds.
The aggregation is splitable in order to support that
ServiceNeeds might be provided in later development
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
triggerDirect BswTriggerDirect * aggr Specifies a trigger to be directly implemented via OS
Implementation Implementation calls.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=triggerDirectImplementation, triggerDirect
variationPoint VariationPointProxy * aggr Proxy of a variation points in the C/C++ implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable

Table 10.4: BswInternalBehavior

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Software Component Template

11 Services

11.1 Overview: Generation of Service-related Model Elements

This chapter covers the description and handling of AUTOSAR Service configuration.
[TPS_SWCT_01397] Hybrid concept between Basic Software Modules and a
SwComponentType dAUTOSAR Services can be seen as a hybrid concept between
Basic Software Modules and a SwComponentType. AUTOSAR Services ac-
tually provide access to low-level and ECU-wide “standard functionalities” commonly
referred to as “service”.
AtomicSwComponentTypes that require AUTOSAR Services use Standardized
AUTOSAR Interfaces to communicate with these. The connection of PortProto-
types of the ServiceSwComponentTypes and PortPrototypes of the Atomic-
SwComponentTypes implement several communication patterns.c()
A 1..n PPort:RPort Distribution of data or modes to n software-components, e.g. used for ECU mode.
A* 1..n RPort:PPort Currently not used, not supported for client-server communication.
A** 1..n PRPort:RPort Distribution of data or modes to n software-components, e.g. used for ECU mode.
B 1..1 PPort:RPort Software-component acts as Server, used for so called “call-backs”.
B 1..1 RPort:PPort Service acts as Server, typical Service usage.
C* n..1 PPort:RPort Conceptually not used to support index abstraction via PortDefinedArgumentValues.
Software-component acts as Server, used for so called “call-backs” invoked by more than
C n..1 RPort:PPort
one Service.
D 1..1 I/O control data.
Table 11.1: ServiceConnectorPattern

Legend for Table 11.1:

I Pattern name
II Communication pattern (client/server, sender/receiver)
III Kind of PortPrototype at service : software-component
IV Description, use case
[TPS_SWCT_01398] Communication patterns for AUTOSAR services dThe com-
munication patterns for AUTOSAR services are summarized in Table 11.1.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01403] Impact of AUTOSAR services on the methodology dDue to
this special nature, such AUTOSAR Services need to be handled with particular at-
tention in the methodology [4]. That is, a number of elements need to be generated
during ECU integration.c()
The following list of paragraphs presents a short overview over the steps required for
the configuration of AUTOSAR Services.

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Software Component Template

Note that most of these steps are performed by tools and the model elements being
created in these steps are rather specific to Service configuration and are not to be
modeled manually within AUTOSAR authoring tools.
In particular, the following requirements apply:
• [TPS_SWCT_01399] Dependency is modeled by aggregating required and
provided PortPrototypes dThe dependency of an AtomicSwComponent-
Type (or more precisely, one of its non-abstract derived meta-classes) from an
AUTOSAR Service is modeled by aggregating required and provided Port-
[TPS_SWCT_01400] PortInterface selected from the set of standard-
ized Service Interfaces dThe PortInterface being implemented by the
PortPrototypes needs to be one of a number of standardized Service In-
terfaces which is indicated by having its isService attribute set to true and
is (via several levels of indirection) finally referenced by ServiceNeeds.c()
Additionally, the software components and Basic Software Modules shall
specify ServiceNeeds containing further input information for the later Ser-
vice configuration step.
• [TPS_SWCT_01401] Form a top-level RootSwCompositionPrototype
dWhen defining a software system, the AtomicSwComponentType is used in
the form of SwComponentPrototypes within a CompositionSwComponent-
Type. In this step, the non-service ports of all required interfaces are being con-
nected using AssemblySwConnectors and DelegationSwConnectors in or-
der to eventually form a top-level RootSwCompositionPrototype which can
be referenced in an AUTOSAR System.c()
• [TPS_SWCT_01402] Mapping of all AtomicSwComponentType instances
to EcuInstances dIn System Configuration Phase, the mapping of all
AtomicSwComponentType instances to EcuInstances is done (for the speci-
fication of EcuInstance see [10]). The ServiceNeeds may be used by tools
to check for available resources on the targeted ECUs.c()
• [TPS_SWCT_01404] Creation of the Ecu Extract dThe ECU Extract is ex-
tracted from the System Configuration for each ECU. As explained in the
AUTOSAR System Template [10], this contains an ECU-centric view onto the
system description.
This includes a reduced version of the system’s RootSwCompositionProto-
type where SwComponentPrototypes not being mapped to the ECU are being
left out and all Compositions are stripped off, so that in the ECU Extract only
one instance of CompositionSwComponentType remains which aggregates all
SwComponentPrototypes on the ECU in a flat manner.c()

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Software Component Template

• [TPS_SWCT_01405] Creation of the ServiceSwComponentTypes dIn ECU

Configuration, for each Service required on the ECU exactly one Ser-
viceSwComponentType is created based on the needs from the Atomic-
SwComponentTypes: An adequate number of PortPrototypes are created on
this ServiceSwComponentType for each needed port at the AtomicSwCom-
Thereby the specified communication pattern A, B, C or D for a specific kind of
ServicePort has to be considered.c()
See also chapter 11.3 and table 11.1.
• [TPS_SWCT_01406] Creation of SwComponentPrototype typed by a Ser-
viceSwComponentType dPer Service exactly one SwComponentProto-
type typed by a ServiceSwComponentType is created based on the Ser-
viceSwComponentType. Additionally, the connectors are constructed that con-
nect the pairs of PortPrototypes belonging to the SwComponentPrototypes
requiring services and those belonging to the actual services.c()
• [TPS_SWCT_01407] Creation of InternalBehavior typed by a Ser-
viceSwComponentType dFor each ServiceSwComponentType an SwcIn-
ternalBehavior is created or extended providing the information about Port-
DefinedArgumentValues, RunnableEntitys and RTEEvents necessary for
RTE generation.c()
Further, detailing of the service ports by filling in these PortDefinedArgu-
mentValues is also done in ECU Configuration phase. See also chapter 7.6.3.
• [TPS_SWCT_01408] Creation of SwcBswMapping dFor the RTE module con-
figuration an implementation of the AUTOSAR Service described by a Basic
Software Module Description needs to be selected. The SwcBswMap-
ping to the corresponding SwComponentPrototype needs to be created ac-
For each SwcInternalBehavior one SwcImplementation is being created.
The information for SwcImplementation should be generated based on the
available information of BswImplementation1 .c()
• [TPS_SWCT_01409] Update of PortDefinedArgumentValues dDepending
on the configuration of the Service BSW it might be necessary to update the Val-
ueSpecifications belonging to the PortDefinedArgumentValues gener-
ated in a previous step.c()

This step does in general not require copying any attributes or elements aggregated in BswImple-
mentation into the generated instance of SwcImplementation since the only mandatory information
for the RTE configuration is the reference from SwcImplementation to the selected SwcInternal-

675 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class SwcBswMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::SwcBswMapping
Note Maps an SwcInternalBehavior to an BswInternalBehavior. This is required to coordinate the API
generation and the scheduling for AUTOSAR Service Components, ECU Abstraction Components and
Complex Driver Components by the RTE and the BSW scheduling mechanisms.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, CollectableElement,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
bswBehavior BswInternalBehavior 0..1 ref The mapped BswInternalBehavior
runnable SwcBswRunnable * aggr A mapping between a pair of SWC and BSW runnables.
Mapping Mapping
Stereotypes: atpVariation
swcBehavior SwcInternalBehavior 0..1 ref The mapped SwcInternalBehavior.
synchronized SwcBswSynchronized * aggr A pair of SWC and BSW mode group prototypes to be
ModeGroup ModeGroupPrototype synchronized by the scheduler.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
synchronized SwcBswSynchronized * aggr A pair of SWC and BSW Triggers to be synchronized by
Trigger Trigger the scheduler.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table 11.2: SwcBswMapping

11.2 Extending the ECU Software Composition

As explained in chapter 11.1, Service Configuration takes place in ECU Config-
uration phase. In the ECU extract of the System, the Software Components and their
ECU-internal connectors are represented as a flat set aggregated by RootSwCompo-
sitionPrototype as indicated in Figure 11.1.
ECU Configuration extends this aggregation by adding SwComponentPrototypes
(each typed by a specific ServiceSwComponentType) and the required Assem-
blySwConnectors to the RootSwCompositionPrototype. This is possible with-
out changing the initial artifacts of the ECU extract, because these aggregations are
stereotyped as atpSplitable in the meta-model.
After this step, the RootSwCompositionPrototype (denoted by EcucValueCol-
lection.ecuExtract.rootSoftwareComposition) represents the whole Soft-
ware Composition on the given ECU. This collection includes both the software compo-
nents mapped to the ECU and the necessary service components represented as one
SwComponentPrototype for each AUTOSAR Service utilized on the given ECU.

676 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

AtpPrototype ARElement +ecuExtract ARElement

Identifiable AtpStructureElement EcucValueCollection
RootSwCompositionPrototype 0..1 System 0..1

1 ARElement
+softwareComposition AtomicSwComponentType
{redefines atpType} AtpBlueprint
AtpPrototype AtpBlueprintable
CompositionSwComponentType +component
«isOfType» +type AtpType
«atpVariation,atpSplitable»0..* SwComponentType
{redefines atpType}
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» ServiceSwComponentType
+connector 0..* +port 0..*
AtpStructureElement     AtpBlueprintable
SwConnector  AtpPrototype

AssemblySwConnector AbstractRequiredPortPrototype

«instanceRef» 0..1

Figure 11.1: Usage of RootSwCompositionPrototype on an ECU

11.3 Service Software Component Type

As mentioned in [TPS_SWCT_01405], AUTOSAR Services are represented by a
meta-model class of their own, the ServiceSwComponentType. As can be seen
in Figure 11.2, ServiceSwComponentType is a specialization of AtomicSwCompo-
Like any other SwComponentType they can aggregate PortPrototypes.
[constr_2019] ServiceSwComponentType shall have service ports only dIn the
case of ServiceSwComponentType, all aggregated PortPrototypes need to have
an isOfType relationship to a PortInterface which has its isService at-
tribute set to true at the time when the RTE is generated.
The exceptions described in
• [TPS_SWCT_01572],
• [TPS_SWCT_01579],
• [TPS_SWCT_01831] and
• [TPS_SWCT_01580]
[TPS_SWCT_01579] Dcm can directly access SenderReceiverInterface.
dataElements, NvDataInterface.nvDatas, or ParameterInterface.param-
eters in AbstractProvidedPortPrototype dAn exception to the rule described
in [constr_2019] applies: the Dcm can directly access SenderReceiverInterface.

677 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

dataElements, NvDataInterface.nvDatas, or ParameterInterface.parame-

ters in AbstractProvidedPortPrototypes (PPortPrototype in case of Pa-
rameterInterface.parameter) as long as [constr_1071] is fulfilled.
For this purpose, the ServiceSwComponentType that represents the Dcm functional-
ity can have AbstractRequiredPortPrototypes typed by a compatible Sender-
ReceiverInterface that may set attribute isService to FALSE.c()
Please note that the inclusion of ParameterInterface.parameters in
[TPS_SWCT_01579] is done under the assumption that the ServiceSwCompo-
nentType that represents the Dcm would connect to a PPortPrototype owned by
a ParameterSwComponentType.
[TPS_SWCT_01831] Dcm can directly access SenderReceiverInterface.
dataElements or NvDataInterface.nvDatas in AbstractRequiredPortPro-
totypes dAn exception to the rule described in [constr_2019] applies: the Dcm can di-
rectly access SenderReceiverInterface.dataElements or NvDataInterface.
nvDatas in AbstractRequiredPortPrototypes as long as [constr_1071] is ful-
For this purpose, the ServiceSwComponentType that represents the Dcm functional-
ity can have AbstractProvidedPortPrototypes typed by a compatible Sender-
ReceiverInterface that may set attribute isService to FALSE.c()
Please note that the exclusion of ParameterInterface.parameters from
[TPS_SWCT_01831] is a direct consequence of [constr_1137], i.e. the Ser-
viceSwComponentType that represents the Dcm is not allowed to expose a PPort-
Prototype typed by a ParameterInterface.
[TPS_SWCT_01580] Dem can directly access SenderReceiverInterface.
dataElements, NvDataInterface.nvDatas, or ParameterInterface.param-
eters in PPortPrototypes dAn exception to the rule described in [constr_2019]
applies: the Dem can directly access SenderReceiverInterface.dataEle-
ments, NvDataInterface.nvDatas, or ParameterInterface.parameters in
AbstractProvidedPortPrototypes (PPortPrototype in case of Parameter-
Interface.parameter) as long as [constr_1071] is fulfilled.
For this purpose, the ServiceSwComponentType that represents the Dem function-
ality can have RPortPrototypes typed by a compatible SenderReceiverInter-
face that may set attribute isService to FALSE.c()
Please note that the inclusion of ParameterInterface.parameters in
[TPS_SWCT_01580] is done under the assumption that the ServiceSwCompo-
nentType that represents the Dem would connect to a PPortPrototype owned by
a ParameterSwComponentType.
[TPS_SWCT_01411] Use cases for a ServiceSwComponentType to express
ServiceNeeds dThere are valid use cases for a ServiceSwComponentType to

678 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

express ServiceNeeds2 . This leads to a situation where ServiceSwComponent-

Types are iteratively created in response to ServiceNeeds expressed by other Ser-
viceSwComponentTypes. Please refer to the AUTOSAR methodology [4] for more
details about how this shall be implemented into the workflow.c()
Similar to an EcuAbstractionSwComponentType and a ComplexDeviceDriver-
SwComponentType, the ServiceSwComponentType represents a hybrid concept
between Software Component and Basic Software Module. The BSW part is
described by the means of the BSW Module Description Template [6].
The mapping between the ServiceSwComponentType and the corresponding
BswModuleDescription is provided by the class SwcBswMapping which in addition
also maps the two corresponding InternalBehaviors (see [TPS_SWCT_01408]).
This mechanism is further explained in [6].
[TPS_SWCT_01412] ServiceSwComponentType shall be added in ECU Config-
uration phase dServiceSwComponentType shall not be used when modeling ap-
plication software using CompositionSwComponentType; they are only added in
ECU Configuration phase where exactly one SwComponentPrototype per Ser-
viceSwComponentType per ECU is added to the ECU Description model.
The Base ECU Config Generator tool needs to take care that for all service ports
of SwComponentPrototypes mapped to the ECU service ports at the appropriate
ServiceSwComponentTypes are created.
In case of pattern A for each different type of service port one port on the Ser-
viceSwComponentType is created.
In case of pattern B and C for each service port of a SwComponentPrototype one
port on the ServiceSwComponentType is created.
More explicitly, all instances of AtomicSwComponentType need to be checked for
PortPrototypes of PortInterfaces with isService attribute set to true and
referenced by ServiceNeeds and for each of these PortInterface instances be-
longing to the AUTOSAR Service to be configured one PortPrototype implement-
ing the same or a compatible PortInterface needs to be created on the Ser-
SwComponentType ARElement
AtomicSwComponentType AtpBlueprint
  + moduleId: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+internalBehavior 0..1 +internalBehavior 0..*

InternalBehavior +swcBehavior ARElement +bswBehavior InternalBehavior

SwcInternalBehavior AtpStructureElement BswInternalBehavior
0..1 SwcBswMapping 0..1

Figure 11.2: ServiceSwComponentType

Thereby the previously existing constraint 1127 becomes invalid.

679 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class ServiceSwComponentType
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note ServiceSwComponentType is used for configuring services for a given ECU. Instances of this class are
only to be created in ECU Configuration phase for the specific purpose of the service configuration.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtomicSwComponentType, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , Atp
Type, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable, Sw
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 11.3: ServiceSwComponentType

In the process of creating PortPrototypes the specified communication pattern A,

B, or C for a specific kind of service port has to be considered, see table 11.1.
[TPS_SWCT_02500] Roles on Application/Service Components need to Match
dThe roles of the PortPrototypes (required/provided) on the Application Compo-
nent and the Service Component side obviously need to match. For example an
RPortPrototype attached to an application AtomicSwComponentType matches a
PPortPrototype attached to a ServiceSwComponentType.c()

11.4 Service Proxy Component Type

[TPS_SWCT_01413] Local communication with services dApplication software
components may communicate with an instance of a ServiceSwComponentType
only locally on an ECU.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01414] Mode manager needs to communicate with application soft-
ware components located on other ECUs dThere are however use cases for the
application and vehicle mode management, where a mode manager (namely the Ba-
sic Software Mode Manager, see [21]) is part of the basic software but conceptu-
ally still needs to communicate with application software components located on other
In order to make this communication possible, the ServiceProxySwComponentType
is used.
For the application software and the RTE it behaves like a “normal” AtomicSwCompo-
nentType, but it is actually a proxy for an AUTOSAR Service.c()
The concept of mode requests across ECU boundaries is exemplified in Figure 11.3.
[TPS_SWCT_01415] Interfaces of ServiceProxySwComponentType dThis means
that on the one side it has to communicate over service ports with the ECU-local
ServiceSwComponentType it represents. On the other side it has to offer the corre-
sponding PortPrototypes to the ApplicationSwComponentTypes.c()

680 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

VCC: VCP: App1: App2:

VehicleClampControl VehicleClampProxy Application1 Application2



VCC: VCP: App1: VCP: App2:

VehicleClampControl VehicleClampProxy Application1 VehicleClampProxy Application2


BswM Service BswM Service


Figure 11.3: Mode request over the network [3]

In the meta-model, the ServiceProxySwComponentType does not differ from an

ApplicationSwComponentType except by its class. It is up to the implementer to
meet the restrictions imposed by the semantics as a proxy.
[TPS_SWCT_01416] Difference between a ServiceProxySwComponentType and
an ApplicationSwComponentType dThe main difference between a Service-
ProxySwComponentType and an ApplicationSwComponentType is on system
A prototype of a ServiceProxySwComponentType can be mapped to several ECUs
even if it appears only once in the VFB system, because such a prototype is required
on each ECU, where it has to address a local ServiceSwComponentType.
As a result of this, a ServiceProxySwComponentType can only receive but not send
signals over the network. More details are explained in the class table below.c()
[constr_2016] Connections between SwComponentPrototypes of type Servi-
ceProxySwComponentType dA connection between PortPrototypes belonging to
SwComponentPrototypes where both are typed by ServiceProxySwComponent-
Type is not permitted at the time when the RTE is generated.c()

681 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class ServiceProxySwComponentType
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note This class provides the ability to express a software-component which provides access to an internal
service for remote ECUs. It acts as a proxy for the service providing access to the service.
An important use case is the request of vehicle mode switches: Such requests can be communicated via
sender-receiver interfaces across ECU boundaries, but the mode manager being responsible to perform
the mode switches is an AUTOSAR Service which is located in the Basic Software and is not visible in
the VFB view. To handle this situation, a ServiceProxySwComponentType will act as proxy for the mode
manager. It will have R-Ports to be connected with the mode requestors on VFB level and Service-Ports
to be connected with the local mode manager at ECU integration time.
Apart from the semantics, a ServiceProxySwComponentType has these specific properties:
• A prototype of it can be mapped to more than one ECUs in the system description.
• Exactly one additional instance of it will be created in the ECU-Extract per ECU to which the
prototype has been mapped.
• For remote communication, it can have only R-Ports with sender-receiver interfaces and 1:n
• There shall be no connectors between two prototypes of any ServiceProxySwComponentType.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtomicSwComponentType, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , Atp
Type, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable, Sw
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 11.4: ServiceProxySwComponentType

[constr_2017] Ports of ServiceProxySwComponentTypes dServiceProx-

ySwComponentType is only permitted to define
• RPortPrototypes that are typed by SenderReceiverInterface or
• PortPrototypes that are typed by a PortInterface where the isService
attribute is set to true.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_2018] Supported remote communication of a ServiceProxySwCom-
ponentType dFor remote communication, ServiceProxySwComponentType can
have only RPortPrototypes typed by SenderReceiverInterfaces in a 1:n com-
munication scenario.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()

11.5 Non Volatile Memory

11.5.1 Introduction

The AUTOSAR Architecture defines two alternatives how a software component can
access non-volatile memory.

682 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

• The first option is that the software component defines in its InternalBehavior
a PerInstanceMemory and a NvBlockNeeds referring to the PerInstance-
Memory via a RoleBasedDataAssignment.
In this case the NVRAM Block is exclusively accessed by this software compo-
nent and the NvM [35]. Therefore, the nv data is encapsulated inside the software
component and can not be accessed directly by other software components.
The PerInstanceMemory can be typed with AutosarDataTypes in the case
of arTypedPerInstanceMemory or with C data types in the case of perIn-
stanceMemory. For further information see section 7.7 and 13.
• The second option is that the software component uses communication based
on PortPrototypes to access nv data provided by a NvBlockSwComponent-
In this case it is possible that nv data used by different AtomicSwComponent-
Types is packed in one larger NVRAM Block to reduce the NVRAM Block man-
agement overhead or that the same nv data used by several software compo-
nents with a reduced RAM overhead. The nv data of a NvBlockSwComponent-
Type is typed with AutosarDataTypes.
More details regarding particular scenarios of interacting with the NvM [35] can be
found in section 13.2.

11.5.2 NvBlockComponent

[TPS_SWCT_01142] non-volatile data are provided by a specialized Atomic-

SwComponentType dOn the VFB [3], the non-volatile data are provided by a spe-
cialized AtomicSwComponentType, the NvBlockSwComponentType.
An NvBlockSwComponentType can represent one or more NVRAM Blocks man-
aged by the NVRAM Manager. The nv data PortPrototypes of the NvBlock-
SwComponentType are exclusively typed by NvDataInterfaces.c(RS_SWCT_-
[TPS_SWCT_01143] Non-volatile data represented by an NvBlockSwComponent-
Type can be read and written dThe non-volatile data represented by an NvBlock-
SwComponentType can be read and written. For this purpose the NvBlockSwCom-
ponentType is allowed to have PPortPrototypes and RPortPrototypes.c(RS_-
Additionally, the NvBlockSwComponentType might have client server PortProto-
types to offer the block-related services, administrative services or notifications.
[constr_2009] Supported kinds of PortPrototypes of a NvBlockSwComponent-
Type dWith respect to external communication, NvBlockSwComponentType is lim-
ited to the definition of the following kinds of PortPrototype:

683 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

• PortPrototypes typed by either NvDataInterfaces or ClientServerIn-

• RPortPrototypes typed by ModeSwitchInterfaces
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
PortInterface DataPrototype
DataInterface AutosarDataPrototype

NvDataInterface +nvData VariableDataPrototype


Figure 11.4: NvDataInterface

[constr_2010] Connections between SwComponentPrototypes of type

NvBlockSwComponentType dThe existence of SwConnectors that refer to Port-
Prototypes belonging to SwComponentPrototypes where both are typed by
NvBlockSwComponentType is not permitted at the time when the RTE is
Class NvBlockSwComponentType
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note The NvBlockSwComponentType defines non volatile data which data can be shared between Sw
ComponentPrototypes. The non volatile data of the NvBlockSwComponentType are accessible via
provided and required ports.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtomicSwComponentType, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , Atp
Type, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable, Sw
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
bulkNvData BulkNvDataDescriptor * aggr This aggregation formally defines the bulk Nv Blocks that
Descriptor are provided to the application software by the enclosing
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=bulkNvDataDescriptor.shortName, bulkNv
nvBlock NvBlockDescriptor * aggr Specification of the properties of exactly one NVRAM
Descriptor Block.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=nvBlockDescriptor.shortName, nvBlock

Table 11.5: NvBlockSwComponentType

Class NvDataInterface
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface

684 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class NvDataInterface
Note A non volatile data interface declares a number of VariableDataPrototypes to be exchanged between non
volatile block components and atomic software components.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, CollectableElement,
DataInterface, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, PortInterface, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
nvData VariableDataPrototype * aggr The VariableDataPrototype of this nv data interface.

Table 11.6: NvDataInterface

11.5.3 Software-Components using NVRAM data of NvBlockComponents

[TPS_SWCT_01141] AtomicSwComponentType may have AbstractRequired-

PortPrototypes typed by an NvDataInterface dAn AtomicSwComponentType
may have AbstractRequiredPortPrototypes typed by an NvDataInterface.
If such an AbstractRequiredPortPrototype remains unconnected the nvData
still need to have reasonable value3 .c(RS_SWCT_03225)
[constr_2011] Connections between SwComponentPrototypes typed by
NvBlockSwComponentType and SwComponentPrototypes typed by other
AtomicSwComponentTypes dThe nv data PortPrototypes of the SwComponent-
Prototype typed by an NvBlockSwComponentType are either connected with
PortPrototypes typed by NvDataInterfaces or SenderReceiverInterfaces
of other AtomicSwComponentType.c()
[constr_1148] PortInterfaces of PortPrototypes used to connect to
NvBlockSwComponentTypes dPortInterfaces of PortPrototypes used to con-
nect to NvBlockSwComponentTypes as well as the PortInterfaces used in the
context of NvBlockSwComponentTypes shall always set the value of the attribute
isService to false at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1149] PortPrototypes used for NV data management dA PortProto-
type typed by a ClientServerInterface used for NV data management, i.e.
the interaction of ApplicationSwComponentTypes with NvBlockSwComponent-
Types, shall be typed by ClientServerInterfaces that are compatible to the par-
ticular ClientServerInterfaces derived from MOD_GeneralBlueprints [28]. [con-
str_1148] applies.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
For details see chapter 6.4.4.

Note that it is assumed that only a subset of meta-classes that inherit from AtomicSwComponent-
Type will actually apply for the definition of initial values for nvData. Most likely the Application-
SwComponentType and the SensorActuatorSwComponentType will be candidates for using this
feature but it will obviously not be reasonable for e.g. NvBlockSwComponentType.

685 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Note: In case of nv data which is read and written and shared between several SwCom-
ponentPrototypes the NvBlockSwComponentType establishes a not directly ob-
vious kind of communication.
ARElement AtpBlueprintable       !   
AtpBlueprint +port AtpPrototype    
AtpBlueprintable «atpVariation,atpSplitable»
0..* PortPrototype !"#   
SwComponentType      ! $  %% 
0..1        !   
   &'( (  


+assignedPort 0..*

«atpVariation,atpSplitable» «atpVariation,atpSplitable»
+internalBehavior 0..1

InternalBehavior AtpStructureElement Identifiable

SwcInternalBehavior +serviceDependency Identifiable +serviceNeeds ServiceNeeds
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..* SwcServiceDependency 0..1

Figure 11.5: NvBlockNeeds for nv data PortPrototypes

Nevertheless, this is intentionally supported and it is under responsibility of the VFB

designer to take care that only nv data is shared where the functionality of the software
components is not impaired.
To determine for an VFB designer which nv data can be potentially by mapped into the
same NVRAM Block a software-component can specify further attributes for its nv data
PortPrototypes by the definition of SwcServiceDependency(s) with NvBlock-
In this case the role attribute of the assignedPort has to be set to the value NvDat-
aPort. This aspect is also explained in section 13.2.4.
In contrast to the NvBlockNeeds that describe the expected configuration of a whole
NVRAM Block, the NvBlockNeeds for nv data PortPrototypes defines only the
attributes which are required from the point of view of a software-component to ensure
its functionality.
This means an empty attribute has the semantic of “don’t care”.
Further on the VFB designer has got the freedom to specify how the requested NVRAM
Block attributes are fulfilled by the created NvBlockDescriptor.
For instance, nv data with different writingFrequency might be mapped to one
NVRAM Block. In this case the NvBlockNeeds of the NvBlockDescriptor has to
indicate the worst case which is the higher frequency.
[TPS_SWCT_01675] Recommendations for attributes of NvBlockNeeds or for
NvBlockDescriptor dThe formal modeling of a NvBlockDescriptor should fol-
low the recommendations given in table 11.7.c(RS_SWCT_03225)
But please note that table 11.7 does not represent a binding constraint.

686 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Attribute of NvBlockNeeds NvBlockNeeds of different nv data Port- NvBlockNeeds of NvBlockDescriptor

Prototypes of software-components
Recommended to match for all connected nv Recommended to be identical as requested
data PortPrototypes if specified. by nv data PortPrototypes.
Recommended to be set to the highest relia-
reliability Can be different. bility class request by any mapped nv data
Recommended to match for all connected nv Recommended to be identical as requested
data PortPrototypes if specified. by nv data PortPrototypes.
Recommended to match for all connected nv Recommended to be identical as requested
restoreAtStart by nv data PortPrototypes.
data PortPrototypes if specified.
Recommended to match for all connected nv Recommended to be identical as requested
storeAtShutdown by nv data PortPrototypes.
data PortPrototypes if specified.
Recommended to match for all connected nv Recommended to be identical as requested
data PortPrototypes if specified. by nv data PortPrototypes.
Recommended to be set to the highest re-
writingFrequency Can be different. quested frequency of the mapped nv data
Recommended to be set to the highest re-
writingPriority Can be different. quested priority of the mapped nv data Port-
Recommended to set to true if any of the nv
writeVerification Can be different. data PortPrototypes requests a write ver-
Recommended to set to true if any of the nv
calcRamBlockCrc Can be different. data PortPrototypes requests a CRC cal-
Recommended to set to true if any of the nv
checkStaticBlockId Can be different. data PortPrototypes requests a check of
the static block ID.
Recommended to set to RamBlockStatus-
ControlEnum.api if any of the nv data
ramBlockStatusControl Can be different. PortPrototypes requests a use of the API
for accessing the block.
Recommended to set to true if any of the nv
storeCyclic Can be different. data PortPrototypes requests cyclic writ-
Recommended to set to true if any of the nv
storeEmergency Can be different. data PortPrototypes requests emergency
Recommended to set to true if any of the nv
storeImmediate Can be different. data PortPrototypes requests immediate
Recommended to set to true if any of the nv
storeOnChange Can be different. data PortPrototypes requests on-change
selectBlockForFirs- Recommended to match for all connected nv Recommended to be identical as requested
tInitAll data PortPrototypes if specified. by nv data PortPrototypes.

Table 11.7: NvBlockNeeds dependencies

With respect to the completeness of table 11.7 (which intentionally doesn’t contain
a remark regarding the value of cyclicWritingPeriod), it should be noted that
(according to [TPS_SWCT_01585]) the value of NvBlockDescriptor.nvBlock-
Needs.cyclicWritingPeriod shall be ignored in favor of NvBlockDescriptor.

687 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Therefore, the missing statement for cyclicWritingPeriod in the spirit of table

11.7 is that the values of SwcServiceDependency.serviceNeeds.cyclicWrit-
ingPeriod can be different from the value of NvBlockDescriptor.timingEvent.
It is recommended that the value of NvBlockDescriptor.timingEvent.period
shall be set to the lowest requested time value of the mapped nv data PortProto-
types (implemented by SwcServiceDependency.serviceNeeds.cyclicWrit-

11.5.4 Software-Components connected to NvBlockComponents

Please note that restrictions apply on the creation of AssemblySwConnectors be-

tween NvBlockSwComponentType and other AtomicSwComponentTypes.
In particular ApplicationSwComponentTypes communicating with each other used
buffers generated and controlled by the RTE to exchange data. An NvBlockSwCom-
ponentType, however, maintains its own buffer in form of the ramBlock.
Thus, an ApplicationSwComponentType that reads a dataElement that may be
provided by either another ApplicationSwComponentType or an NvBlockSwCom-
ponentType could not actually access the dataElement because it cannot decide
whether it needs to access the buffer provided by the RTE or the ramBlock.
Therefore, scenarios like this are considered invalid by regulation of the AUTOSAR



Read Access
B RunnableEntity


Write Access


Figure 11.6: Example invalid connection between software-components (a)

[constr_1417] Invalid connection between NvBlockSwComponentType and other

AtomicSwComponentType (I) dA configuration where an RPortPrototype owned

688 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

by an AtomicSwComponentType is simultaneously and directly connected to Ab-

stractProvidedPortPrototypes of a collection of AtomicSwComponentTypes
where at least one in the collection is an NvBlockSwComponentType for a matching
set of dataElements in all these PortPrototypes shall be considered invalid at
the time when the RTE is generated.c()
The scenario covered by [constr_1417] is depicted in Figures 11.6 and 11.7.


Read Access


Write Access


Figure 11.7: Example invalid connection between software-components (b)


Write Access
Read Access





Figure 11.8: Example invalid connection between software-components (c)

[constr_1418] Invalid connection between NvBlockSwComponentType and other

AtomicSwComponentType (II) dA configuration where a PRPortPrototype owned
by an AtomicSwComponentType is connected to a PPortPrototype owned by an

689 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

NvBlockSwComponentType for a matching set of dataElements in all these Port-

Prototypes shall be considered invalid at the time when the RTE is gen-
The scenario covered by [constr_1418] is depicted in Figure 11.8.

11.5.5 NvBlockDescriptor

[TPS_SWCT_01144] NvBlockDescriptor specifies the properties of exactly

one NVRAM Block dA NvBlockDescriptor specifies the properties of exactly one
NVRAM Block of a NvBlockSwComponentType.
It contains information about the requested NVRAM Block configuration of the NVRAM
Manager, ramBlock and romBlock, the mapping between the PortPrototypes of
the NvBlockSwComponentType and the data inside a ramBlock as well as the role
of the clientServerPorts expressed in terms of RoleBasedPortAssignment.c
Class NvBlockDescriptor
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::NvBlockComponent
Note Specifies the properties of exactly on NVRAM Block.
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
clientServerPort RoleBasedPort * aggr The RoleBasedPortAssignement defines which client
Assignment server port of the NvBlockSwComponentType serves for
which kind of service or notification. In case of
notifications one common callback function is provided by
the RTE for each individual kind of notification defined by
the "role".
The aggregation of RoleBasedPortAssignment is subject
to variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of ports.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
constantValue ConstantSpecification * ref Reference to the ConstantSpecificationMapping to be
Mapping MappingSet applied for the particular NVRAM Block
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
dataType DataTypeMappingSet * ref Reference to the DataTypeMapping to be applied for the
Mapping particular NVRAM Block.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable

690 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class NvBlockDescriptor
instantiation InstantiationDataDef * aggr The purpose of InstantiationDataDefProps are the
DataDefProps Props refinement of some data def properties of individual
instantiations within the context of a NvBlockSw
The aggregation of InstantiationDataDefProps is subject
to variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of ports, component internal memory objects
and those attributes.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
modeSwitch ModeSwitchEvent * aggr This represents the collection of ModeSwitchEvent
EventTriggered TriggeredActivity TriggeredActivities related to the enclosing NvBlock
Activity Descriptor.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=modeSwitchEventTriggeredActivity, mode
nvBlockData NvBlockDataMapping * aggr Defines the mapping between the VariableData
Mapping Prototypes in the NvBlockComponents ports and the
VariableDataPrototypes of the RAM Block.
The aggregation of NvBlockDataMapping is subject to
variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of nv data ports.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
nvBlockNeeds NvBlockNeeds 0..1 aggr Specifies the abstract needs on the configuration of the
NVRAM Manager for the single NVRAM Block described
by this NvBlockDescriptor.
In addition, it may define requirements for writing
strategies in an implementation of an NvBlockSw
ComponentType by the RTE.
Please note that the attributes nDataSets and nRom
Blocks are not relevant for this aggregation because the
RTE will allocate just one block anyway. In a different
context, however, they do make sense.
ramBlock VariableDataPrototype 0..1 aggr Defines the RAM Block of the NVRAM Block provided by
romBlock ParameterData 0..1 aggr Defines the ROM Block of the NVRAM Block provided by
Prototype NvBlockSwComponentType.
supportDirty Boolean 0..1 attr Specifies whether calling of NvM functions for writing and/
Flag or status control of potentially modified RAM Blocks to NV
memory shall be controlled by the RTE.
timingEvent TimingEvent 0..1 ref this reference can be taken to identify the TimingEvent to
be used by the RTE for implementing a cyclic writing
strategy for this block
writingStrategy RoleBasedData * aggr This attribute allows for assigning a specific writing
Assignment strategy for an incoming AutosarDataPrototype.

Table 11.8: NvBlockDescriptor

[constr_1981] Existence of attribute NvBlockDescriptor.nvBlockNeeds dFor

each NvBlockDescriptor, attribute nvBlockNeeds shall exist at the time
when the RTE is generated.c()

691 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

For more explanation about the semantics of the attribute NvBlockDescriptor.sup-

portDirtyFlag please refer to the SWS RTE [2].

+nvBlockDescriptor 0..*


+ supportDirtyFlag: Boolean [0..1]

+nvBlockNeeds 0..1 +ramBlock 0..1 +romBlock 0..1 +timingEvent 0..1

ServiceNeeds AutosarDataPrototype AutosarDataPrototype RTEEvent

NvBlockNeeds VariableDataPrototype ParameterDataPrototype TimingEvent

+ calcRamBlockCrc: Boolean [0..1] + offset: TimeValue [0..1]

+ checkStaticBlockId: Boolean [0..1] + period: TimeValue [0..1]
+ cyclicWritingPeriod: TimeValue [0..1]
+ nDataSets: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ nRomBlocks: PositiveInteger [0..1] +initValue 0..1 +initValue 0..1
+ ramBlockStatusControl: RamBlockStatusControlEnum [0..1]
+ readonly: Boolean [0..1] ValueSpecification
+ reliability: NvBlockNeedsReliabilityEnum [0..1]
+ resistantToChangedSw: Boolean [0..1] + shortLabel: Identifier [0..1]
+ restoreAtStart: Boolean [0..1]
+ selectBlockForFirstInitAll: Boolean [0..1]
+ storeAtShutdown: Boolean [0..1] «enumeration» «enumeration»
+ storeCyclic: Boolean [0..1] NvBlockNeedsReliabilityEnum NvBlockNeedsWritingPriorityEnum
+ storeEmergency: Boolean [0..1]
noProtection low
+ storeImmediate: Boolean [0..1]
errorDetection medium
+ storeOnChange: Boolean [0..1]
errorCorrection high
+ useAutoValidationAtShutDown: Boolean [0..1]
+ useCRCCompMechanism: Boolean [0..1]
+ writeOnlyOnce: Boolean [0..1] «enumeration»
+ writeVerification: Boolean [0..1] RamBlockStatusControlEnum
+ writingFrequency: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ writingPriority: NvBlockNeedsWritingPriorityEnum [0..1] api

Figure 11.9: NvBlockSwComponentType and NvBlockDescriptor

[constr_1095] Values of nDataSets vs. reliability dIf the value of nDataSets

is greater than 0, the value of reliability shall not be set to errorCorrection
at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
The reason for the existence of [constr_1095] is that the AUTOSAR NvM [35] does not
support error correction for NV data sets.
If the value of nDataSets is equal to 0, the value of reliability can take any value
out of NvBlockNeedsReliabilityEnum. Writing Strategies

[TPS_SWCT_01586] Writing strategies for nv data dBy setting certain attributes in

the meta-class NvBlockDescriptor it is possible to configure different writing strate-
gies for the values of an RAM Block to the NVRAM storage. [constr_1310] applies.
The following use cases are supported:

692 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

• Write data cyclically. This use case requires the existence of attribute NvBlock-
Descriptor.nvBlockNeeds.storeCyclic with the value true and also at-
tribute NvBlockDescriptor.nvBlockNeeds.cyclicWritingPeriod needs
to exist and have a reasonable value.
In the context of using the attribute NvBlockDescriptor.nvBlockNeeds.
cyclicWritingPeriod the constraints [constr_1308] and [constr_1309] apply.
• Write data immediately. This means that data send to the NvBlockSwCompo-
nentType will be written immediately to NVRAM storage.
This use case corresponds to setting the value of attribute NvBlockDescrip-
tor.nvBlockNeeds.storeImmediate to the value true.
• Write on emergency. With this setting, data shall be written to NVRAM storage
if the ECU fails in some way.
This use case corresponds to setting the value of attribute NvBlockDescrip-
tor.nvBlockNeeds.storeEmergency to true.
As explained in [TPS_SWCT_01589], setting the value of this attribute is not
sufficient to achieve the intended semantics.
• Write at shutdown. Here, the data is written to NVRAM storage when the ECU
shuts down.
This use case corresponds to setting the value of attribute NvBlockDescrip-
tor.nvBlockNeeds.storeAtShutdown to true.
• Write on mode switch. Here, the data is written to NVRAM in response to a
mode switch configured to trigger the writing.
This use case corresponds to the existence of attribute NvBlockDescriptor.
• Write on change. Here, the data is written to NVRAM if the value is different than
the respective value in the ramMirror.
This use case corresponds to setting the value of attribute NvBlockDescrip-
tor.nvBlockNeeds.storeOnChange to true.
Please refer to [TPS_SWCT_01587] and Figure 11.10 for more information about how
the use case to write data cyclically can be configured.
Please refer to [TPS_SWCT_01588] and Figure 11.11 for more information about how
the use case to write data immediately can be configured.
Of course, the actual implementation of the different writing strategies goes beyond
setting the value of attributes and requires the existence of dedicated RunnableEn-
titys in the SwcInternalBehavior of the enclosing NvBlockSwComponentType
that are triggered in response to RTEEvents applicable for the particular use case.

693 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

[TPS_SWCT_01587] The cyclic writing of nv data requires the existence of a

TimingEvent dThe implementation of cyclic writing of nv data requires the existence
of a TimingEvent that can be taken to trigger a corresponding RunnableEntity
that in turn takes care of calling the respective APIs for writing the data.c(RS_SWCT_-
This aspect is depicted in Figure 11.10.
NvBlockSwComponentType Identifiable
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» NvBlockDescriptor
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*
+ supportDirtyFlag: Boolean [0..1]
+internalBehavior 0..1

InternalBehavior AbstractEvent
SwcInternalBehavior +event AtpStructureElement
+ handleTerminationAndRestart: HandleTerminationAndRestartEnum [0..1] «atpVariation,atpSplitable»
+ supportsMultipleInstantiation: Boolean [0..1]

+runnable 0..*  
AtpStructureElement +timingEvent 0..1
ExecutableEntity 0..1
RunnableEntity TimingEvent

+ canBeInvokedConcurrently: Boolean [0..1] + offset: TimeValue [0..1]

+ symbol: CIdentifier [0..1] + period: TimeValue [0..1]

Figure 11.10: How to model a cyclic writing strategy for nv data

[TPS_SWCT_01588] DataReceivedEvent for storing nv data immediately dThe

approach to store data immediately after reception by an NvBlockSwComponent-
Type requires the activation of a RunnableEntity by a DataReceivedEvent.c
This approach is depicted in Figure 11.11.
[TPS_SWCT_01589] Implementation of emergency storing of nv data dThe use
case for storeEmergency can only be implemented by means of a Complex
In particular, the Complex Driver is responsible for the detection of an ECU failure. If
a relevant error occurs the Complex Driver should call the NvM write block operation
for the emergency blocks directly.c(RS_SWCT_03225)
This consequently means that the NvM shall react to write operations coming from the
Complex Driver by giving them the highest priority (re-queuing of NvM write block
Please note that the behavior described in [TPS_SWCT_01587] in general is sup-
ported by AUTOSAR by requiring that NVRAM Blocks shall have to be configured
with “immediate priority”. The technical implications are explained in the respective
SWS [35], e.g. in [SWS_NvM_00182] and [SWS_NvM_00300].

694 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

SwComponentType AbstractRequiredPortPrototype
AtomicSwComponentType RPortPrototype

+ mayBeUnconnected: Boolean [0..1]

+requiredInterface {redefines atpType}
0..1 +internalBehavior AtpBlueprintable
InternalBehavior AtpType
SwcInternalBehavior PortInterface

+ handleTerminationAndRestart: HandleTerminationAndRestartEnum [0..1] + isService: Boolean [0..1]

+ supportsMultipleInstantiation: Boolean [0..1] + serviceKind: ServiceProviderEnum [0..1]

«atpVariation,atpSplitable» «atpVariation,atpSplitable»

      DataInterface SenderReceiverInterface

+runnable 0..*
+event 0..*
ExecutableEntity AbstractEvent
RunnableEntity AtpStructureElement +dataElement 0..*
+startOnEvent RTEEvent
+ canBeInvokedConcurrently: AutosarDataPrototype
0..1 DataReceivedEvent +data
Boolean [0..1] VariableDataPrototype
+ symbol: CIdentifier [0..1] «instanceRef» 0..1

Figure 11.11: How to model an immediate writing strategy for nv data

[TPS_SWCT_01590] Combination of writing strategies for nv data is possible

dAUTOSAR positively supports the configuration of a combination of writing strategies
for nv data.c(RS_SWCT_03225)
In other words, in consequence of [TPS_SWCT_01590] it is possible that (for exam-
ple) both NvBlockDescriptor.nvBlockNeeds.storeImmediate and NvBlock-
Descriptor.nvBlockNeeds.storeCyclic may exist and set to true in the context
of the same NvBlockNeeds.
[TPS_SWCT_01665] Usage of SwcModeSwitchEvent for triggering a write proce-
dure of nv data dThe approach to manage data of an NvBlockSwComponentType
in response to a mode switch notification received from a mode manager requires the
activation of a RunnableEntity by a SwcModeSwitchEvent.c(RS_SWCT_03225)
[TPS_SWCT_01666] Semantics of ModeSwitchEventTriggeredActivity.role
dIf the role ModeSwitchEventTriggeredActivity.role is set to the value
WriteBlock then NvM gets requested to write the nv data block after the correspond-
ing SwcModeSwitchEvents occurs.c(RS_SWCT_03225)

+ supportDirtyFlag: Boolean [0..1]

+modeSwitchEventTriggeredActivity 0..*   

+swcModeSwitchEvent SwcModeSwitchEvent
+ role: Identifier [0..1]
0..1 + activation: ModeActivationKind [0..1]

Figure 11.12: Usage of mode switch notification for the activation of a write-procedure
of nv data

695 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

[constr_1415] Supported values of ModeSwitchEventTriggeredActivity.

role dThe only supported value of ModeSwitchEventTriggeredActivity.role
at the time when the RTE is generated is WriteBlock.c()
Class ModeSwitchEventTriggeredActivity
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::NvBlockComponent
Note This meta-class defines an activity of the NvBlockSwComponentType for a specific NvBlock which is
triggered by a ModeSwitchEvent.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
role Identifier 0..1 attr This attribute indicates which service of the NvM for the
NvBlock shall be requested.
swcModeSwitch SwcModeSwitchEvent 0..1 ref This reference identifies the SwcModeSwitchEvent that
Event triggers the activity.

Table 11.9: ModeSwitchEventTriggeredActivity

[constr_1982] Existence of attribute ModeSwitchEventTriggeredActivity.

role dFor each ModeSwitchEventTriggeredActivity, attribute role shall ex-
ist at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1983] Existence of attribute ModeSwitchEventTriggeredActivity.
swcModeSwitchEvent dFor each ModeSwitchEventTriggeredActivity, at-
tribute swcModeSwitchEvent shall exist at the time when the RTE is gen-
erated.c() Existence of multiple event-driven Writing Strategies

A use case might exist where (potentially in addition to a cyclic writing strategy) multiple
event-based writing strategies to NvRam exist at the same time.
Writing strategies are typically implemented by means of different RunnableEntitys
that need to be triggered by the arrival of data at the NvBlockSwComponentType. In
this case, however, it is necessary to be able to assign the relation between incoming
data and the RunnableEntity that applies the fitting writing strategy.
In the example scenario depicted in Figure 11.13, two dataElements are received
by the NvBlockSwComponentType. One dataElement shall be associated with the
writing strategy to store at shutdown and the other dataElement shall be associated
with an immediate storage.
Two DataReceivedEvents exist that can be taken to trigger RunnableEntitys. But
without further formal specification, it is up to speculation which DataReceivedEvent
shall be associated with which RunnableEntity.
To remove this degree of uncertainty, it is possible to use standardized values for the
attribute RoleBasedDataAssignment.role and let the RoleBasedDataAssign-
ment itself refer to the respective dataElement.

696 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template


NvBlockDataMapping DE1

? ?
"nvBlock" RunnableEntity RunnableEntity
"Immediate" "Shutdown"

? ?
NvBlockNeeds DataReceivedEvent
"nvBlock" "Y"

Figure 11.13: Existence of several event-based writing strategies for the same NvBlock-

The approach is sketched in Figure 11.14 and its application to the depicted scenario
is sketched in Figure 11.15.
RoleBasedDataAssignment AutosarVariableRef
+writingStrategy +usedDataElement
NvBlockDescriptor + role: Identifier [0..1]
0..* 0..1
+ supportDirtyFlag: Boolean [0..1]

Figure 11.14: Modeling of RoleBasedDataAssignment in the context of NvBlockDe-


[TPS_SWCT_01795] Further specification to facilitate the association of writing

strategies to the corresponding RunnableEntity dNvBlockDescriptor may
aggregate RoleBasedDataAssignment in the role writingStrategy and the at-
tribute NvBlockDescriptor.writingStrategy.role can be used to assign a writ-
ing strategy to an AutosarDataPrototype (referenced by means of NvBlockDe-
scriptor.writingStrategy.usedDataElement) in the context of a PortProto-
[constr_1713] NvBlockDescriptor.writingStrategy.usedDataElement
shall refer to AutosarDataPrototype dThe reference NvBlockDescriptor.
writingStrategy.usedDataElement shall only refer to an AutosarDataPro-
totype at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
Rationale: the activation of a RunnableEntity that implements the respective writing
strategy is triggered by the reception of an entire AutosarDataPrototype. The
ability to refer to a DataPrototype inside the AutosarDataPrototype might give
a false impression.

697 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

[constr_1714] AutosarDataPrototype shall only be referenced by a single

NvBlockDescriptor.writingStrategy dIf an AutosarDataPrototype in the
context of a PortPrototype is referenced from a NvBlockDescriptor.writ-
ingStrategy then this AutosarDataPrototype shall not be referenced from any
other NvBlockDescriptor.writingStrategy.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()


NvBlockDataMapping DE1




NvBlockNeeds NvBlockDataMapping
"nvBlock" "Y"
storeImmediately=True DataReceivedEvent

Figure 11.15: Solution for the existence of several event-based writing strategies for the
same NvBlockDescriptor

[constr_1715] Possible values of attribute NvBlockDescriptor.writingStrat-

egy.role dThe attribute NvBlockDescriptor.writingStrategy.role shall only
have one of the following values at the time when the RTE is generated
(see [TPS_SWCT_01586]):
• storeAtShutdown
• storeImmediate
• storeOnChange
[constr_1716] Consistency of attribute NvBlockDescriptor.writingStrat-
egy.role set to storeAtShutdown dThe existence of NvBlockDescriptor.
writingStrategy where attribute role is set to storeAtShutdown is only sup-
ported if NvBlockDescriptor.nvBlockNeeds.storeAtShutdown exists and is set
to True at the time when the RTE is generated.c()

698 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

[constr_1717] Consistency of attribute NvBlockDescriptor.writingStrat-

egy.role set to storeImmediate dThe existence of NvBlockDescriptor.writ-
ingStrategy where attribute role is set to storeImmediate is only supported if
NvBlockDescriptor.nvBlockNeeds.storeImmediate exists and is set to True
at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_10074] Consistency of attribute NvBlockDescriptor.writingStrat-
egy.role set to storeOnChange dThe existence of NvBlockDescriptor.writ-
ingStrategy where attribute role is set to storeOnChange is only supported if
NvBlockDescriptor.nvBlockNeeds.storeOnChange exists and is set to True
at the time when the RTE is generated.c() NvBlockNeeds

The requested NVRAM Block configuration of the NVRAM Manager is described by

the NvBlockNeeds of the NvBlockDescriptor.
This information can be evaluated during ECU configuration similar to the NvBlock-
Needs of an atomic software component or a BSW module. For further details see
section 13.

«enumeration» NvBlockNeeds
+ calcRamBlockCrc: Boolean [0..1]
noProtection + checkStaticBlockId: Boolean [0..1]
errorDetection + cyclicWritingPeriod: TimeValue [0..1]
errorCorrection + nDataSets: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ nRomBlocks: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ ramBlockStatusControl: RamBlockStatusControlEnum [0..1]
+ readonly: Boolean [0..1]
«enumeration» + reliability: NvBlockNeedsReliabilityEnum [0..1]
NvBlockNeedsWritingPriorityEnum + resistantToChangedSw: Boolean [0..1]
low + restoreAtStart: Boolean [0..1]
medium + selectBlockForFirstInitAll: Boolean [0..1]
+ storeAtShutdown: Boolean [0..1]
+ storeCyclic: Boolean [0..1]
+ storeEmergency: Boolean [0..1]
+ storeImmediate: Boolean [0..1]
«enumeration» + storeOnChange: Boolean [0..1]
NvBlockComponent:: + useAutoValidationAtShutDown: Boolean [0..1]
RamBlockStatusControlEnum + useCRCCompMechanism: Boolean [0..1]
+ writeOnlyOnce: Boolean [0..1]
api + writeVerification: Boolean [0..1]
nvRamManager + writingFrequency: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ writingPriority: NvBlockNeedsWritingPriorityEnum [0..1]

Figure 11.16: NvBlockNeeds

[constr_1308] Existence of NvBlockNeeds.cyclicWritingPeriod dThe attribute

NvBlockNeeds.cyclicWritingPeriod shall exist if and only if the attribute
NvBlockNeeds.storeCyclic exists and its value is set to true.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generatedc()

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Software Component Template

Class NvBlockNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note Specifies the abstract needs on the configuration of a single NVRAM Block.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
calcRamBlock Boolean 0..1 attr Defines if CRC (re)calculation for the permanent RAM
Crc Block is required.
checkStatic Boolean 0..1 attr Defines if the Static Block Id check shall be enabled.
cyclicWriting TimeValue 0..1 attr This represents the period for cyclic writing of NvData to
Period store the associated RAM Block.
nDataSets PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Number of data sets to be provided by the NVRAM
manager for this block. This is the total number of ROM
Blocks and RAM Blocks.
nRomBlocks PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Number of ROM Blocks to be provided by the NVRAM
manager for this block. Please note that these multiple
ROM Blocks are given in a contiguous area.
ramBlockStatus RamBlockStatusControl 0..1 attr This attribute defines how the management of the RAM
Control Enum Block status is controlled.
readonly Boolean 0..1 attr True: data of this NVRAM Block are write protected for
normal operation (but protection can be disabled)
false: no restriction
reliability NvBlockNeeds 0..1 attr Reliability against data loss on the non-volatile medium.
resistantTo Boolean 0..1 attr Defines whether an NVRAM Block shall be treated
ChangedSw resistant to configuration changes (true) or not (false). For
details how to handle initialization in the latter case,
please refer to the NVRAM specification.
restoreAtStart Boolean 0..1 attr Defines whether the associated RAM Block shall be
implicitly restored during startup by the basic software.
selectBlockFor Boolean 0..1 attr If this attribute is set to true the NvM shall process this
FirstInitAll block in the NvM_FirstInitAll() function.
storeAt Boolean 0..1 attr Defines whether or not the associated RAM Block shall be
Shutdown implicitly stored during shutdown by the basic software.
storeCyclic Boolean 0..1 attr Defines whether or not the associated RAM Block shall
be implicitly stored periodically by the basic software.
store Boolean 0..1 attr Defines whether or not the associated RAM Block shall
Emergency be implicitly stored in case of ECU failure (e.g. loss of
power) by the basic software. If the attribute store
Emergency is set to true the associated RAM Block shall
be configured to have immediate priority.
storeImmediate Boolean 0..1 attr Defines whether or not the associated RAM Block shall
be implicitly stored immediately during or after execution
of the according SW-C RunnableEntity by the basic
storeOnChange Boolean 0..1 attr This attribute defines whether the associated RAM Block
shall be stored immediately if the written value is different
to the value stored in the associated RAM Block(s) during
or after execution of the according SW-C RunnableEntity.
useAuto Boolean 0..1 attr If set to true the RAM Block shall be auto validated during
ValidationAt shutdown phase.
useCRCComp Boolean 0..1 attr If set to true the CRC of the RAM Block shall be
Mechanism compared during a write job with the CRC which was
calculated during the last successful read or write job in
order to skip unnecessary NVRAM writings.

700 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class NvBlockNeeds
writeOnlyOnce Boolean 0..1 attr Defines write protection after first write:
true: This block is prevented from being changed/erased
or being replaced with the default ROM data after first
initialization by the software-component.
false: No such restriction.
writeVerification Boolean 0..1 attr Defines if Write Verification shall be enabled for this
NVRAM Block.
writing PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Provides the amount of updates to this block from the
Frequency application point of view. It has to be provided in "number
of write access per year".
writingPriority NvBlockNeedsWriting 0..1 attr Requires the priority of writing this block in case of
PriorityEnum concurrent requests to write other blocks.

Table 11.10: NvBlockNeeds

Enumeration NvBlockNeedsReliabilityEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note Reliability against data loss on the non-volatile medium. These requirements give only a relative
indication, for example on the required degree of redundancy for storage.
They do, however, not specify by which means (e.g. software or hardware) the reliability is actually
Literal Description
errorCorrection Errors shall be corrected
errorDetection Errors shall be detected
noProtection Data need not to be handled with protection

Table 11.11: NvBlockNeedsReliabilityEnum

[constr_1310] Existence of attributes of meta-class NvBlockNeeds dIf in the con-

text of an ApplicationSwComponentType the attribute SwcServiceDependency.
serviceNeeds is implemented by an NvBlockNeeds then the following attributes
• NvBlockNeeds.storeCyclic
• NvBlockNeeds.cyclicWritingPeriod
• NvBlockNeeds.storeEmergency
• NvBlockNeeds.storeImmediate
• NvBlockNeeds.storeOnChange
shall only exist if in the context of the same SwcServiceDependency a SwcSer-
viceDependency.assignedPort exists that has the attribute role set to the value
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()

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Software Component Template
AUTOSAR CP R21-11 RAM Block and ROM Block

[TPS_SWCT_01145] ramBlock and the romBlock are described by a Vari-

ableDataPrototype and a ParameterDataPrototype dThe ramBlock and the
romBlock are described by a VariableDataPrototype and a ParameterDat-
aPrototype which are typed by an AutosarDataType.c()
[TPS_SWCT_01146] romBlock is optional dThe romBlock is optional. If a
romBlock is configured, the RTE copies the romBlock constants into the RAM Block
in case of a block initialization notification (NvMNotifyInitBlock ).c()
[TPS_SWCT_01147] No romBlock is configured dIf there is no romBlock config-
ured the connected software components are either required to offer this functionality
by a proper implementation of block initialization notification or the NVRAM Block has
to be configured, that no ROM Block is needed.c()
As a mitigation against a failed read operation from NV memory, it is recommended to
always define a romBlock with suitable initial values to ensure the proper initialization
of the corresponding ramBlock.
In particular, for software-components that don’t define a PortPrototype typed
by the ClientServerInterface with the standardized shortName NotifyInit-
Block [35] it may happen that the ramBlock might not be properly initialized in case
of failure.
[constr_2012] Compatibility of ImplementationDataTypes used for ramBlock
and romBlock dThe ramBlock and the romBlock shall have compatible Imple-
mentationDataTypes to ensure at the time when the RTE is generated,
that the NVRAM Block default values in the ROM Block can be copied into the RAM
Additionally, it is possible that RAM Block and ROM Block are defined to be able
to calibrate or measurable. Preceding SwDataDefProps might be defined with the
means of an InstantiationDataDefProps. NvBlockDataMapping

[TPS_SWCT_01148] NvBlockDataMapping dThe meta-class NvBlockDataMap-

ping specifies the mapping of (bits of) DataPrototypes of the NvBlockSwCompo-
nentType’s PPortPrototypes resp. RPortPrototypes to (bits of) DataProto-
types inside the RAM Block.c()
This ensures a flexible but deterministic NVRAM Block memory structure given by the
ImplementationDataType of the ramBlock and romBlock and its association to
the PortPrototypes of the NvBlockSwComponentType.
[constr_2013] Compatibility of ImplementationDataTypes for NvBlock-
DataMapping dUnless both the attribute bitfieldTextTableMaskNvBlockDe-
scriptor and attribute bitfieldTextTableMaskPortPrototype is defined in

702 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

the context of a given NvBlockDataMapping, the NvBlockDataMapping is only

valid if the ImplementationDataType of the referenced VariableDataProto-
type or ImplementationDataTypeElement in the role nvRamBlockElement is
compatible to the ImplementationDataType used to type the DataPrototype ag-
gregated by NvBlockDataMapping in the role writtenNvData, writtenReadNv-
Data, or readNvData.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1285] Applicability of roles vs. PortPrototypes dThe aggregation of
AutosarVariableRef aggregated by NvBlockDataMapping in the roles writ-
tenNvData, writtenReadNvData, or readNvData is subject to limitation at the
time when the RTE is generated, depending on the applicable subclass of
• The role writtenNvData shall only be used if the corresponding PortProto-
type is a RPortPrototype
• The role writtenReadNvData shall only be used if the corresponding Port-
Prototype is a PRPortPrototype
• The role readNvData shall only be used if the corresponding PortPrototype
is a PPortPrototype
But nevertheless it is valid, that not all ImplementationDataTypeElements within
the VariableDataPrototype aggregated by NvBlockDescriptor in the role
ramBlock are mapped to a VariableDataPrototype located in a PortProto-
This enables to have fill elements or logistic data in the NVRAM Block which are not
accessed by software components. This is exemplified by the element x in Figure
Please note that the VariableDataPrototype located in the PortPrototype, in
the vast majority of cases, will be typed by an ApplicationDataType which in turn
(at least before the actual code generation starts) finally shall have a mapping to an
ImplementationDataType. This aspect is explained in chapter 5.2.2.
[TPS_SWCT_01659] Mapping of VariableDataPrototype to a NvBlockDe-
scriptor dThere are three ways to map a VariableDataPrototype (i.e. Nv-
DataInterface.nvData in the context of a specific PortPrototype) to either an
NvBlockDescriptor.ramBlock or a sub-element thereof:
• NvDataInterface.nvData is directly and completely mapped, i.e. Autosar-
VariableRef.autosarVariable shall exist and autosarVariable.tar-
getDataPrototype shall refer to the NvDataInterface.nvData.
• Every leaf element of NvDataInterface.nvData is mapped individually. This
means that either

703 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

– AutosarVariableRef.autosarVariableInImplDatatype shall exist

and autosarVariableInImplDatatype.targetDataPrototype shall
refer to the respective leaf element of NvDataInterface.nvData.
– AutosarVariableRef.autosarVariable shall exist and autosar-
Variable.targetDataPrototype shall refer to the respective leaf ele-
ment of NvDataInterface.nvData.
In other words: the mapping shall be defined either via the used Implementa-
tionDataType or else via the used ApplicationDataType.
• A sub-element of NvDataInterface.nvData - which is not a leaf element -
may be directly mapped and consequently all the leaf elements of the respec-
tive sub-element of NvDataInterface.nvData are indirectly mapped as well.
This means that
– AutosarVariableRef.autosarVariableInImplDatatype shall exist
and autosarVariableInImplDatatype.targetDataPrototype shall
refer to the sub-element element of NvDataInterface.nvData.
– AutosarVariableRef.autosarVariable shall exist and autosar-
Variable.targetDataPrototype shall refer to the sub-element element
of NvDataInterface.nvData.
In other words: the mapping shall be defined either via the used Implementa-
tionDataType or else via the used ApplicationDataType.
Please note that a mixing of mutually exclusive mappings for entire sub-elements
or leaf elements as described by [TPS_SWCT_01659] is positively supported (see
Figure 11.17).
[constr_1395] NvBlockDataMapping shall be complete dIf an NvBlockDataMap-
ping refers to sub-elements or leaf elements of the NvDataInterface.nvData in
the context of a particular PortPrototype, then all remaining sub-elements or leaf
elements shall effectively be mapped according to [TPS_SWCT_01659] by means of
a collection of NvBlockDataMappings at the time when the RTE is gen-
[constr_1403] NvBlockDataMappings to a given nvData shall be unambiguous
dIf an NvBlockDataMapping exists that directly and completely maps a specific
NvDataInterface.nvData in the context of a particular PortPrototype, then no
other NvBlockDataMapping which maps sub-elements of the NvDataInterface.
nvData shall exist at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
The interaction with AUTOSAR services is centrally defined in the context of the Swc-
ServiceDependency. The latter gathers a collection of PortPrototypes by means
of RoleBasedPortAssignments that implement a closely related service functional-

704 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

<<NvDataInterface>> NvBlockSwComponent

a : uint8 ramBlock:
b : uint32 {
g : { b : uint32
- h : uint16 s : {
- j : uint8 - u : uint32
- s : { - w : uint8
- u : uint32 }
- w : uint8 x : uint8
} h : uint16
a : uint8
nvData root element: j : uint8
- a, b, g
Example NvDataMapping
leaf element:
- a, b, h, j, u, w nvData ramBlock mapping kind
a a nvData root
sub-element which is b b nvData root
not a leaf element:
h h leaf element
- s
j j leaf element
s s sub-element

Figure 11.17: Example NvBlockDataMapping to explain the three ways to map a Vari-
ableDataPrototype to either an NvBlockDescriptor.ramBlock or a sub-element

SwComponentPrototype typed by ApplicationSwComponentType SwComponentPrototype typed by

„DataX1“ «isOfType»


role: „NvDataPort“ «isOfType»

«isOfType» ramBlock
NvBlockNeeds VariableDataPrototype
„DataX“ „ramBlockY“
role: „NvMNotifyJobFinished“

role: „NvDataPort“
NvDataDataInterface «isOfType» „DataY2“

Figure 11.18: Visualization of the statement made by [constr_1404]

705 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

In the specific case of interaction between AtomicSwComponentType and NvBlock-

SwComponentType (as described by [TPS_SWCT_02503]), there are PortProto-
types referenced by a RoleBasedPortAssignment with attribute RoleBasedPor-
tAssignment.role set to NvDataPort. These PortPrototypes contain the col-
lected Nv Data of the service use case.
Furthermore, there is the possibility to receive notifications when the writing of the
mapped NV Block to the NvRam is finished.
ARElement AtpBlueprint
AtpType AtpBlueprintable
AutosarDataType AbstractImplementationDataType

+type 0..1
{redefines atpType}

AtomicSwComponentType DataInterface DataPrototype

NvBlockSwComponentType NvDataInterface AutosarDataPrototype

«atpVariation,atpSplitable» «atpVariation»
+nvBlockDescriptor 0..* +nvData 0..* +subElement 0..* {ordered}

+ramBlock VariableDataPrototype ImplementationDataTypeElement
NvBlockDescriptor 0..1




«atpVariation» «atpVariation» AbstractImplementationDataTypeElement

+targetDataPrototype 0..1 +contextDataPrototype 0..*

+instantiationDataDefProps 0..*

InstantiationDataDefProps ArVariableInImplementationDataInstanceRef

+autosarVariable 0..1 0..1 +autosarVariableInImplDatatype

0..* 0..1 +variableInstance
NvBlockDataMapping AutosarVariableRef




Figure 11.19: NvBlockDataMapping and InstantiationDataDefProps

In order to be able to properly assign such a notification to the content of the related
Nv Data PortPrototypes in the scope of the same SwcServiceDependency it is
necessary that the Nv Data of all these PortPrototypes is mapped to the same Nv
Block (because the notifications are created per block).
This aspect represents one motivation for the existence of [constr_1404]:
[constr_1404] All NvDataInterface.nvData of PortPrototypes in the context
of a specific SwcServiceDependency shall be mapped to the same NvBlock-
Descriptor dIn the context of a given SwcServiceDependency (which, in turn, is

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Software Component Template

owned by an AtomicSwComponentType), all NvDataInterface.nvData of Port-

Prototypes referenced by a RoleBasedPortAssignment with attribute Role-
BasedPortAssignment.role set to NvDataPort shall be connected (either di-
rectly or via the definition of suitable PortInterfaceMappings) to NvDataInter-
face.nvData (on the side of the NvBlockSwComponentType) that are completely
mapped (via NvBlockDataMappings) to the identical NvBlockDescriptor.ram-
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
The statement made by [constr_1404] is visualized in Figure 11.18. The context-
defining model elements, i.e. SwcServiceDependency owned by the Atomic-
SwComponentType as well as NvBlockDescriptor owned by the NvBlockSwCom-
ponentType, are colored in light orange.
The diagram is focused on the NvBlockDescriptor.ramBlock. As stressed by
[constr_1404], all Nv Data provided by the PortPrototypes referenced by the spe-
cific SwcServiceDependency finally ends up in the one depicted ramBlock (colored
in blue).
Please note that the graphical representation of the NvBlockDataMapping in Figure
11.18 has been simplified for the sake of clarity.
In summary, there is in fact a whole list of motivations that lead to the creation of
• The handling of the dirty-flag within the RTE is done in the context of a Port-
• The currently implemented approach allows for an easy understanding of the
relation of data in the application to data in NV-RAM.
• All data in the context of one SwcServiceDependency have the identical stor-
age life cycle.
• Jobs triggered in the NvM via operations in the NvMService (see [SWS_NvM_-
00734]) interface belong to exactly one NvBlockDescriptor.
• As already mentioned, notifications of the NvM towards software components
(e.g. NvMNotifyJobFinished as described in [SWS_NvM_00735] or NvMNo-
tifyInitBlock, see [SWS_NvM_00736]) belong to exactly one NvBlockDe-
[constr_1984] Existence of instance reference NvBlockDataMapping.nvRam-
BlockElement dFor each NvBlockDataMapping, the instance reference to Mod-
eDeclaration in the role nvRamBlockElement shall exist at the time when
the RTE is generated.c()
Please note that are use cases for numerous fine-grained (e.g. single bits) data in non-
volatile RAM. For this purpose, it would be very inefficient to copy the value of a whole
DataPrototype that is at least 8 bits long into the non-volatile RAM.

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Software Component Template

A much better approach is to allow for the mapping of single bits or bit-fields inside a
DataPrototype in a PortPrototype to the ramBlock of an NvBlockDescrip-
tor directly.
For this purpose the NvBlockDataMapping provides the attributes bitfield-
TextTableMaskNvBlockDescriptor and bitfieldTextTableMaskPortPro-
AtpStructureElement +nvBlockDescriptor AtomicSwComponentType
Identifiable NvBlockSwComponentType
0..* «atpVariation,atpSplitable»

+ supportDirtyFlag: Boolean [0..1]

+instantiationDataDefProps 0..*
InstantiationDataDefProps AutosarVariableRef
+nvBlockDataMapping 0..*
+ bitfieldTextTableMaskNvBlockDescriptor: PositiveInteger [0..1] +writtenNvData
+ bitfieldTextTableMaskPortPrototype: PositiveInteger [0..1]




Figure 11.20: Attributes of NvBlockDataMapping




bitfieldTextTableMaskNvBlockDescriptor = 0x10
bitfieldTextTableMaskNvBlockDescriptor = 0x02
bitfieldTextTableMaskPortPrototype = 0x01 RPortPrototype bitfieldTextTableMaskPortPrototype = 0x01



Figure 11.21: Visualization of the approach to map bit-fields inside an NvBlockSwCom-


[TPS_SWCT_01799] Mapping of bit-fields between NvBlockDescriptor and

PortPrototype dIt is possible to map a bitfield contained in the DataPrototype
representing the ramBlock to a bitfield contained in a DataPrototype defined in

The alternative to this approach would have been to shift this "distillation process" into the connec-
tion between e.g. an ApplicationSwComponentType and an NvBlockSwComponentType.

Such an approach comes with considerably heavier side effects and complexity (usage in Dele-
gationSwConnectors or as part of a network connection) and is therefore not supported.

708 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

the context of a PortPrototype on the surface of the enclosing NvBlockSwCom-

ponentType by means of the definition of attributes NvBlockDataMapping.bit-
fieldTextTableMaskNvBlockDescriptor and NvBlockDataMapping.bit-
In this case [constr_2013] is not applicable.c()
The general approach for mapping bit-fields onto each other in the context of an
NvBlockSwComponentType is sketched in Figure 11.21.
Class NvBlockDataMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::NvBlockComponent
Note Defines the mapping between the VariableDataPrototypes in the NvBlockComponents ports and the
VariableDataPrototypes of the RAM Block.
The data types of the referenced VariableDataPrototypes in the ports and the referenced sub-element
(inside a CompositeDataType) of the VariableDataPrototype representing the RAM Block shall be
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
bitfieldTextTable PositiveInteger 0..1 attr This attribute identifies the applicable bit mask on the side
MaskNvBlock of the Nv Block.
bitfieldTextTable PositiveInteger 0..1 attr This attribute identifies the applicable bit mask on the side
MaskPort of the PortPrototype.
nvRamBlock AutosarVariableRef 0..1 aggr Reference to a VariableDataPrototype of a RAM Block.
readNvData AutosarVariableRef 0..1 aggr Reference to a VariableDataPrototype of a pPort of the
NvBlockComponent providing read access to the RAM
Block.If there is no PortPrototype providing read access
(write-only) the reference can be omitted.
writtenNvData AutosarVariableRef 0..1 aggr Reference to a VariableDataPrototype of a rPort of the Nv
BlockComponent providing write access to the RAM
Block. If there is no port providing write access
(read-only) the reference can be omitted.
writtenReadNv AutosarVariableRef 0..1 aggr Reference to a VariableDataPrototype of a PRPort
Data Prototype of the NvBlockSwComponentType providing
write and read access to the RAM Block.
Table 11.12: NvBlockDataMapping Client Server Ports

[TPS_SWCT_01149] RoleBasedPortAssignment of NvBlockDescriptor dThe

clientServerPort of the NvBlockDescriptor describes which client/server
PortPrototype of the NvBlockSwComponentType serves for which purpose. The
role specifies if the port serves for block-related services, administrative services or
[constr_2014] Limitation of RoleBasedPortAssignment.role in NvBlockDe-
scriptors dThe role has to be set to a valid name of the Standardized AUTOSAR
Interface used for the NVRAM Manager e.g. NvMNotifyJobFinished or NvMNotifyInit-

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Software Component Template

In case of notifications one common callback function is provided by the RTE for each
individual kind of notification defined by the attribute role.
The PPortPrototypes related to a given NvBlockDescriptor need to be provided
with the same value for a PortDefinedArgumentValue in order to make the soft-
ware work correctly. The provision of the PortDefinedArgumentValue is heuristic,
but with a further “trick” the reliability of this operation can be much improved.
For all NvBlockDescriptor.clientServerPort of a given NvBlockDescriptor
where attribute role is set to the value NvMService or NvMAdmin collect the Port-
Prototype if it is a PPortPrototype. The resulting collection of PortPrototypes
need to be provided with the same value (of PortDefinedArgumentValue).
In this case it is no longer necessary to explicitly model the existence of PortDe-
finedArgumentValues for these PortPrototypes since the applicable id value of
the NvM can be derived by RTE configuration.
To make this approach work the role value needs to be standardized, see [con-
ARElement AtpBlueprintable
AtpBlueprint +port AtpPrototype
AtpBlueprintable PortPrototype
AtpType «atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*
SwComponentType 0..1

AtomicSwComponentType AbstractProvidedPortPrototype AbstractRequiredPortPrototype

PPortPrototype PRPortPrototype RPortPrototype

   «isOfType» «isOfType»
+nvBlockDescriptor 0..*

{redefines atpType}
{redefines atpType}

{redefines atpType}


+ supportDirtyFlag: Boolean [0..1]   


«atpVariation» AtpBlueprint
+clientServerPort 0..* AtpType
+ isService: Boolean [0..1]
+ role: Identifier [0..1]
+ serviceKind: ServiceProviderEnum [0..1]

Identifiable 0..* «atpVariation»

+ diagArgIntegrity: Boolean [0..1]   


Figure 11.22: NvBlockNotification

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Software Component Template

11.5.6 BulkNvDataDescriptor

There is a strong use case where application software gets read-only access to data of
significant size located in non-volatile memory. The actual data is created or updated
e.g. at the end of the production line or maybe during maintenance in a garage.
AtomicSwComponentType +bulkNvDataDescriptor AtpStructureElement
+nvBlockDataMapping NvBlockDataMapping
NvBlockSwComponentType BulkNvDataDescriptor
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..* «atpVariation» 0..* + bitfieldTextTableMaskNvBlockDescriptor:
PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ bitfieldTextTableMaskPortPrototype:
PositiveInteger [0..1]
+bulkNvBlock 0..1 +nvRamBlockElement +writtenNvData 0..1 +readNvData 0..1

+initValue AutosarDataPrototype AutosarVariableRef

PPortPrototype ValueSpecification
+ shortLabel: Identifier [0..1] 0..1

+rootVariableDataPrototype 0..1
{subsets atpContextElement}
+autosarVariable 0..1

AtpBlueprintable +portPrototype AtpInstanceRef

AtpPrototype VariableInAtomicSWCTypeInstanceRef
PortPrototype 0..1

Figure 11.23: NvBlockSwComponentType and BulkNvDataDescriptor

If such a scenario were to be implemented using an NvBlockDescriptor then the

creation of a RAM mirror of the data in the non-volatile memory would be obligatory.
But as described before, the existence of a RAM mirror would not be necessary at
all in this use case and would only waste a significant amount of precious resources.
It is therefore necessary to be clearly separate the use case for utilizing an NvBlock-
Descriptor from the direct read-only access to non-volatile memory in the meta-
For this purpose, model support is provided by the existence of meta-class BulkNv-
DataDescriptor, aggregated at NvBlockSwComponentType in the role bulkNv-
DataDescriptor. This modeling is depicted in Figure 11.23.
[TPS_SWCT_01805] Semantics of the aggregation NvBlockSwComponentType.
bulkNvDataDescriptor dThe existence of an aggregation at meta-class NvBlock-
SwComponentType in the role bulkNvDataDescriptor indicates that read-only ac-
cess to a block of data in non-volatile memory shall be provided.
Access to this block of data is provided directly from non-volatile memory as op-
posed to via a RAM mirror.c(RS_SWCT_03225)
[TPS_SWCT_01806] Simultaneous aggregation of NvBlockSwComponentType.
bulkNvDataDescriptor and NvBlockSwComponentType.nvBlockDescriptor
dThe simultaneous existence of aggregations in the roles bulkNvDataDescriptor
and nvBlockDescriptor in the context of the same NvBlockSwComponentType
is positively supported.c(RS_SWCT_03225)

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[TPS_SWCT_01807] Application of NvBlockDataMapping on BulkNvDataDe-

scriptor dVia the aggregation of NvBlockDataMapping in the role nvBlock-
DataMapping it is possible to make the content of the BulkNvDataDescriptor
available to a PPortPrototype on the surface of the enclosing NvBlockSwCompo-
It is also supported to make only a subset of the content of the BulkNvDataDescrip-
tor available at the PPortPrototype.c(RS_SWCT_03225)
[constr_1735] Limitation of the aggregation of AutosarVariableRef in the con-
text of an NvBlockDataMapping owned by a BulkNvDataDescriptor dAny
NvBlockDataMapping owned by a BulkNvDataDescriptor shall only aggregate
an AutosarVariableRef in the role readNvData and nvRamBlockElement (that
in turn refers to the BulkNvDataDescriptor.bulkNvBlock) at the time when
the RTE is generated.c()
Of course, [constr_1285] also applies for the usage of BulkNvDataDescriptor.
Class BulkNvDataDescriptor
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::NvBlockComponent
Note This meta-class represents one bulk NV Data Block that is read-only for the application software. The
purpose of a bulk NV Data Block is to provide access to information uploaded to the vehicle at e.g. the
end of the production line.
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
bulkNvBlock VariableDataPrototype 0..1 aggr This aggregation represents the actual bulk NVBlock.
nvBlockData NvBlockDataMapping * aggr Defines the mapping between the VariableData
Mapping Prototypes in the NvBlockComponents ports and the
VariableDataPrototypes of the non-volatile memory.
The aggregation of NvBlockDataMapping is subject to
variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of nv data ports.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table 11.13: BulkNvDataDescriptor

11.5.7 SwcInternalBehavior of an NvBlockSwComponentType

[TPS_SWCT_01150] InternalBehavior of a NvBlockSwComponentType to en-

able access to the NVRAM Block management API dIn general, the InternalBe-
havior of a NvBlockSwComponentType is only used for a limited scope.
The main use case is that the NvBlockSwComponentType defines PPortProto-
types typed by a ClientServerInterface to enable access to the NVRAM Block
management API.
To enable the configuration of the server invocation in the RTE’s ECU configuration,
the NvBlockSwComponentType needs to provide the following model elements:

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Software Component Template

• OperationInvokedEvents
• server RunnableEntity
• PortDefinedArgumentValues to define the NVRAM Block ID which has to
be passed to the NvM
In addition to the above list further model elements may qualify; the details are ex-
plained in [TPS_SWCT_01584].c()
ARElement +port AtpBlueprintable
AtpBlueprint AtpPrototype
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*
AtpBlueprintable PortPrototype
+port 0..1

AtomicSwComponentType "

+ isService: Boolean [0..1]

   + serviceKind: ServiceProviderEnum [0..1]

+nvBlockDescriptor 0..*


+ supportDirtyFlag: Boolean [0..1]

+operation 0..*    
«atpVariation» AtpStructureElement #! $ 
   +clientServerPort 0..* Identifiable
  + diagArgIntegrity: Boolean [0..1]
+ role: Identifier [0..1]

+operation 0..1

+internalBehavior «instanceRef»

InternalBehavior AtpStructureElement
OperationInvokedEvent PortDefinedArgumentValue
SwcInternalBehavior ExecutableEntity

+runnable 0..* 0..1 +startOnEvent +portArgValue 0..* {ordered}

«atpVariation,atpSplitable» AbstractEvent
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..* RTEEvent


«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*

Figure 11.24: NvBlockSwComponentType and SwcInternalBehavior

[TPS_SWCT_01152] InternalBehavior does not have further attributes dIt is

not expected, that such InternalBehavior do have further attributes like Exclu-
siveAreas, per-instance memory or inter-runnable variables, etc.c()

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Software Component Template

[TPS_SWCT_01584] InternalBehavior of a NvBlockSwComponentType for im-

plementing a writing strategy dFor the use case that NvBlockDescriptors ex-
ists that aggregate NvBlockNeeds which, in turn, define particular NV data writ-
ing strategies (by defining any of the attributes storeAtShutdown, storeImmedi-
ate, storeEmergency, or storeCyclic) the InternalBehavior of a NvBlock-
SwComponentType needs to support further model elements.
Particularly, In addition to the model elements listed in [TPS_SWCT_01150], the fol-
lowing list of model elements can be used in the InternalBehavior of a NvBlock-
SwComponentType for implementing writing strategies:
• TimingEvents (which may include references to ModeDeclarations in the
role disabledMode)
• DataReceivedEvents (which may include references to ModeDeclarations
in the role disabledMode)
• SwcModeSwitchEvents
• RunnableEntitys
[TPS_SWCT_01151] RunnableEntitys do not have further attributes dThe same
condition exists for the RunnableEntitys of such InternalBehavior which shall
not define further attributes, e.g. data access points (implemented by means of
references from SwcInternalBehavior to VariableAccess) or ServerCall-
[constr_1234] Value of RunnableEntity.symbol dThe value of a RunnableEn-
tity.symbol owned by an NvBlockSwComponentType that is triggered by an Op-
erationInvokedEvent shall only be taken from the set of API names associated
with the NvM.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
For example, RunnableEntity.symbol owned by an NvBlockSwComponentType
could rightfully be set to NvM_ReadBlock [35] but an arbitrary value like ReadThis-
Block is not permitted.
The rationale for [constr_1234] is that the RunnableEntitys that are triggered by an
OperationInvokedEvent are not existing as such but are mapped to the respective
function calls of the NvM. For more details of how this mapping can be achieved please
refer to [6].
Please note that no restriction applies for the value of attribute RunnableEntity.
symbol of any RunnableEntity owned by an NvBlockSwComponentType that is
triggered by an RTEEvent other than OperationInvokedEvent.
[constr_2015] Limitation of SwcInternalBehavior of a NvBlockSwComponent-
Type dThe SwcInternalBehavior of a NvBlockSwComponentType is only per-
mitted to define

714 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

• OperationInvokedEvents
• RunnableEntitys triggered by OperationInvokedEvents (server
• RunnableEntitys which defines only the mandatory attributes symbol and
• PortAPIOptions defining PortDefinedArgumentValues
• TimingEvents (which may include references to ModeDeclarations in the
role disabledMode)
• DataReceivedEvents (which may include references to ModeDeclarations
in the role disabledMode)
• SwcModeSwitchEvents
• RunnableEntitys triggered by TimingEvents
• RunnableEntitys triggered by DataReceivedEvents
• RunnableEntitys triggered by SwcModeSwitchEvents
• DataTypeMappingSet
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1309] Existence of NvBlockDescriptor.timingEvent dThe attribute
NvBlockDescriptor.timingEvent shall exist at the time when the RTE
is generated if and only if the NvBlockDescriptor.nvBlockNeeds.store-
Cyclic exists and is set to the value true.c()
Note that there is a conceptual connection between the values of the two attributes
NvBlockDescriptor.timingEvent.period and SwcServiceDependency.ser-
Specifically, the SwcServiceDependency.serviceNeeds.cyclicWritingPe-
riod represents a requirement and the NvBlockDescriptor.timingEvent.pe-
riod is supposed to fulfill the requirement.
[TPS_SWCT_01585] Relevance of NvBlockDescriptor.timingEvent.period
dFor any given NvBlockDescriptor, the value of the attribute NvBlockDescrip-
tor.nvBlockNeeds.cyclicWritingPeriod shall be ignored and the value of
NvBlockDescriptor.timingEvent.period shall be taken to specify the effective
writing frequency for cyclic storage.c(RS_SWCT_03225)
[TPS_SWCT_01662] Applicability of DataTypeMappingSets inside an NvBlock-
SwComponentType dThe DataTypeMappingSets to be applied for a given
NvBlockDescriptor is the superset of NvBlockDescriptor.dataTypeMapping
and InternalBehavior.dataTypeMapping.c(RS_SWCT_03225)

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Software Component Template

12 Software Component Documentation

AUTOSAR supports documentation of software component types by adopting the prin-
ciples of ASAM-FSX [36] Standard to AUTOSAR.
With AUTOSAR Release 4.0, the AUTOSAR XML schema provides support for inte-
grated and well-structured documentation.
More details about the AUTOSAR Documentation Support Concept can be found in
the AUTOSAR Generic Structure Template [11].
[TPS_SWCT_01062] Documentation of software-components dThe documentation
of a SwComponentType is composed of several Chapters.
Some Chapters are predefined, describing the component from the perspective of
different activities performed on the component, like:
• testing it (swTestDesc)
• maintaining it (swMaintenanceNotes)
• calibrating it (swCalibrationNotes)
• performing diagnostic (swDiagnosticsNotes)
c(RS_SWCT_02110, RS_SWCT_03230)
The documentation of a SwComponentType is shown in figure 12.1.
Two other predefined Chapters describe the component (swFeatureDesc) and de-
fine its physical functionality (swFeatureDef).
In order to describe additional aspects of a software component, an arbitrary number
of free Chapters can be defined.
«atpVariation» 0..* Paginateable
+swFeatureDesc Chapter

   0..1 + helpEntry: String [0..1]


ARElement +swCalibrationNotes
AtpBlueprint +swComponentDocumentation
AtpBlueprintable 0..1
AtpType «atpSplitable,atpVariation» 0..1 +swCarbDoc


Figure 12.1: Software component documentation

The predefined Chapters typically provide informal guideline (e.g. recommendation)

or documentation.

716 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Formal information can be captured using special data groups [11] or annotating doc-
umentation construct with semantic information. This could be used to extend the
predefined Chapters or in separate free Chapters.
Note that the documentation of a software component can be stored in a different file
than the component itself (i.e., it is atpSplitable from the component).
Each of the predefined and free Chapters follows the atpVariation stereotype
to support variant handling (see [11]) on the documentation at the Chapter level.
These VariationPoints set the latest binding time to the value AdditionalBind-
ingTimeEnum.postBuild because the decision to include or exclude a Chapter as
well as the decision which variant of this Chapter should be included can be made
when the component has been built.
Class SwComponentDocumentation
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SoftwareComponentDocumentation
Note This class specifies the ability to write dedicated documentation to a component type according to ASAM
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
chapter Chapter * aggr These chapters provide additional information about the
software component that do not fit in the other chapters.
Note that this is subject to variation because Chapter
aggregations in the role chapter are variant within the
documentation in general.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
swCalibration Chapter 0..1 aggr This element contains calibration instructions and hints
Notes for a calibration engineer.
swCarbDoc Chapter 0..1 aggr This element records the documentation requested by
swDiagnostics Chapter 0..1 aggr This element contains general information about
Notes diagnostics issues within the component.

717 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class SwComponentDocumentation
swFeatureDef Chapter 0..1 aggr This element contains the definition of the physical
functionality of this software component. This definition is
more or less formal and is intended to be delivered from
modeling tools.
swFeatureDesc Chapter 0..1 aggr This element contains the textual description of the
software functionality of this software component. Expert
should write this description.
swMaintenance Chapter 0..1 aggr This element contains information regarding the software
Notes maintenance of the component.
swTestDesc Chapter 0..1 aggr This element contains suggestions and hints for the test
of the software functionality of this software component.

Table 12.1: SwComponentDocumentation

Class Chapter
Package M2::MSR::Documentation::Chapters
Note This meta-class represents a chapter of a document. Chapters are the primary structuring element in
Base ARObject, DocumentViewSelectable, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Paginateable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
chapterModel ChapterModel 1 aggr This represents the overall contents of the chapter.
helpEntry String 0..1 attr This specifies an entry point in an online help system to
be linked with the parent class. The syntax shall be
defined by the applied help system respectively help
system generator.
Maybe it is a concatenated Identifier, but as of now we
leave it as an arbitrary string.

Table 12.2: Chapter

718 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Enumeration AdditionalBindingTimeEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::VariantHandling
Note This enumeration specifies the additional binding times applicable for vh.latestBindingTime of
variation points.
Literal Description
blueprintDerivation The point in time when an object is created from a blueprint.
postBuild After the executable has been built.

Table 12.3: AdditionalBindingTimeEnum

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Software Component Template

13 Service Dependencies and Service Use Cases

13.1 Overview
Meta-class SwcServiceDependency represents a powerful concept to describe the
service-related capabilities of an AtomicSwComponentType.
It is still required to understand how to configure SwcServiceDependency and re-
lated meta-classes for specific service use cases.
This chapter contains a detailed description of the meta-classes related to SwcSer-
viceDependency in the context of specific service use cases, as well as modeling
hints for the configuration of the respective service use cases.

13.2 NvM Service Dependencies

The meta-class NvBlockNeeds is used to define requirements to configure the
NVRAM Manager Service. In addition, it may define requirements how the RTE shall
implement writing strategies of an NvBlockSwComponentType.
An SwcInternalBehavior may provide several SwcServiceDependencys that
in turn aggregate an NvBlockNeeds element where each defines the requirements
from one NVRAM Block (for more information on the AUTOSAR NVRAM Manager
see [35]).
A diagram that explains the modeling of ServiceNeeds for the NVRAM Manager
Service can be found in Figure 11.16.
There are several use cases how a software-component can interact with the NVRAM
Manager service. Each use case is discussed in a separate sub-chapter.
Enumeration RamBlockStatusControlEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::NvBlockComponent
Note This enumeration type defines options for how the management of the ramBlock status is controlled.
Literal Description
api The ramBlock status is controlled via service interface by usage of the SetRamBlockStatus operation.
nvRamManager The ramBlock status is controlled exclusively by the Nv Ram Manager.

Table 13.1: RamBlockStatusControlEnum

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Software Component Template

13.2.1 Nvm Use Case: Permanent RAM Block

Scenario: a AtomicSwComponentType is using an NVRAM Block with a Perma-

nent RAM Block implemented by a PerInstanceMemory section or a Variable-
DataPrototype in the role arTypedPerInstanceMemory. In either case, the re-
quired memory for the Permanent RAM Block is allocated by the RTE during ECU
In this case the following rules apply:
[TPS_SWCT_02501] Setup for Nvm Use Case: Permanent RAM Block d
For every used ClientServerInterface provided by the NvM it is necessary
to create a RoleBasedPortAssignment and set the value of the attribute role
of the RoleBasedPortAssignment to the name of the used standardized
ClientServerInterface. The following ClientServerInterfaces shall
(i.e. lower multiplicity > 0) or can (lower multiplicity = 0) be used in this context:
• NvmService [0 .. 1]
• NvMNotifyJobFinished [0 .. 1]
• NvMNotifyInitBlock [0 .. 1]
• NvMAdmin [0 .. 1]
RoleBasedDataAssignment shall be created that refers to either the PerIn-
stanceMemory in the role usedPim or to the VariableDataPrototype in
the role usedDataElement. The value of the attribute role of the Role-
BasedDataAssignment shall be set to ramBlock.

Optionally, it is possible to create an additional RoleBasedDataAssign-

ment to a ParameterDataPrototype in the role usedParameterElement.
The value of the ParameterDataPrototype is then taken as the initial or
default value for the NVRAM Block. In this case the value of the attribute role
of the RoleBasedDataAssignment shall be set to defaultValue.
Therefore, the following roles are applicable:
• ramBlock [1]
• defaultValue [0 .. 1]
For more information please refer to [SWS_NvM_00734], [SWS_NvM_00735], [SWS_-
NvM_00736], and [SWS_NvM_00737].

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Software Component Template

The same mechanism (see description of scenario) applies also for an NvBlock-
SwComponentType. For each NVRAM Block the NVRAM Manager can be config-
ured (with the help of SwcServiceDependency.assignedData) to use the same
Permanent RAM Block.
It is the responsibility of the NVRAM Manager to provide the content of the NVRAM
Block in this Permanent RAM Block during startup or on explicit request and to
write back the content to the storage medium during shut-down or on explicit request.

13.2.2 Nvm Use Case: Temporary RAM Block

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType is using some NVRAM Block with a Tem-

porary RAM Block.
In this case the AtomicSwComponentType is responsible for allocating the allocation
of sufficient memory. In other words, the AtomicSwComponentType shall provide a
memory area that is available to the API call to the NVRAM Manager for storage of the
NV data.
[TPS_SWCT_02502] Setup for Nvm Use Case: Temporary RAM Block d
This is mandatory for the described scenario. For every used ClientServer-
Interface provided by the Nvm it is necessary to create a RoleBasedPortAs-
signment and set the value of the attribute role of the RoleBasedPortAs-
signment to the name of the used ClientServerInterface. The following
ClientServerInterfaces shall (i.e. lower multiplicity > 0) or can (lower mul-
tiplicity = 0) be used in this context:
• NvmService [1]
• NvMNotifyJobFinished [0 .. 1]
• NvMNotifyInitBlock [0 .. 1]
• NvMAdmin [0 .. 1]
The usage of a RoleBasedDataAssignment with attribute role set to de-
faultValue is optional and depends on whether an initial value is required.
• defaultValue [0..1]
By this means it is possible to define the data-type of a Temporary RAM Block.
The data type information can be used to calculate the NVRAM Block size. [con-
str_1301] applies.
• temporaryRamBlock [0..1]

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Software Component Template

[constr_1301] Existence of RoleBasedDataTypeAssignment.role vs. Role-
BasedDataAssignment.role dThe usage of a RoleBasedDataTypeAssignment
with attribute role set to the value temporaryRamBlock is only allowed if no Role-
BasedDataAssignment defined with attribute role set to value defaultValue ex-
ists in the owning SwcServiceDependency.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
The rationale for [constr_1301] is that the existence of a RoleBasedDataAssign-
ment would already provide sufficient information for the intended purpose. The paral-
lel existence of a RoleBasedDataTypeAssignment is therefore fully redundant and
could only lead to potential inconsistencies.
For more information please refer to [SWS_NvM_00734], [SWS_NvM_00735], [SWS_-
NvM_00736], and [SWS_NvM_00737].

13.2.3 Nvm Use Case: RAM Block with explicit synchronization using Mirror

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType is using an NVRAM Block where the RAM

Block uses explicit synchronization by means of mirror interfaces. In this case the
RAM Block does not necessarily have to be formally described by means of a
PerInstanceMemory or a VariableDataPrototype in the role arTypedPerIn-
Consequently, the software-component itself is responsible for the allocation of mem-
ory. On the other hand, this can also mean that the software-component can use
several RAM Blocks instead of just one RAM Block.
[TPS_SWCT_02504] Setup for Nvm Use Case: RAM Block with explicit synchro-
nization using Mirror Interfaces d
This is mandatory for the described scenario. For every used ClientServer-
Interface provided by the Nvm it is necessary to create a RoleBasedPortAs-
signment and set the value of the attribute role of the RoleBasedPortAs-
signment to the name of the used ClientServerInterface. The following
ClientServerInterfaces shall (i.e. lower multiplicity > 0) or can (lower mul-
tiplicity = 0) be used in this context:
• NvMService [0..1]
• NvMNotifyJobFinished [0..1]
• NvMNotifyInitBlock [0..1]

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Software Component Template

• NvMAdmin [0..1]
• NvMMirror [1]
In this scenario the existence of a RoleBasedDataAssignment is optional. The
RoleBasedDataAssignment needs to reference a ParameterDataProto-
type aggregated by the enclosing SwcInternalBehavior in the role perIn-
stanceParameter or sharedParameter.
• defaultValue [0..1]
By this means it is possible to define the data-type of a temporary RAM Block
and used internal data structure in case of explicit synchronization with NvMMirror
interface respectively. The data type information can be used to calculate the
NVRAM Block size and minimum Permanent RAM Block size. [constr_1301]
• temporaryRamBlock [0..1]
For more information please refer to [SWS_NvM_00734], [SWS_NvM_00735], [SWS_-
NvM_00736], [SWS_NvM_00737], and [SWS_NvM_00738].

13.2.4 NVM Use Case: Software-Components using Nv Data provided by

NvBlockSwComponentType (not ServiceSwComponent of NvM)

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType is using an NVRAM Block managed by

an NvBlockSwComponentType (see section 11.5.2, as opposed to an NVRAM
Block provided by a ServiceSwComponentType). Constraints [constr_1148], [con-
str_1149], and [constr_2011] apply.
[TPS_SWCT_02503] Setup for NVM Use Case: Software-Components using Nv
Data provided by NvBlockSwComponentType d
This is mandatory for the described scenario. For every used ClientServer-
Interface provided by the NvM it is necessary to create a RoleBasedPor-
tAssignment and set the value of the attribute role of the RoleBasedPor-
tAssignment to the name of the used ClientServerInterface. The follow-
ing ClientServerInterfaces shall (i.e. lower multiplicity > 0) or can (lower
multiplicity = 0) be used in this context:
• NvMService [0..1]

724 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

• NvMNotifyJobFinished [0..1]
• NvMNotifyInitBlock [0..1]
• NvMAdmin [0..1]
For every PortPrototype of a software-component typed by an NvDataIn-
terface defining a SwcServiceDependency it is necessary to create a Role-
BasedPortAssignment and set the value of the attribute role of the attribute
assignedPort to the value NvDataPort:
• NvDataPort [1..*]
For supporting this use case the value of attribute SwcServiceDependency.cate-
gory shall be set to NV_BLOCK_COMPONENT.c(RS_SWCT_03225)
For more information please refer to [SWS_NvM_00734], [SWS_NvM_00735], [SWS_-
NvM_00736], and [SWS_NvM_00737]. Note that NvBlockNeeds (described in Chap-
ter 11.5.5) is not in the scope of this use case.

13.3 Watchdog Service Dependencies

The meta-class SupervisedEntityNeeds is used to define requirements to config-
ure the Watchdog Service. For the terms related to the AUTOSAR Watchdog Manager
see [37].

13.3.1 Watchdog Service use Case: Local Supervision

The service interaction with the Watchdog Manager consists of two aspects:
• supervised entity
• checkpoint
For each of the two aspects a separated ServiceNeeds is defined. However, the
SwcServiceDependencys that own these ServiceNeeds are semantically bound
and cannot be used independently of each other.
In other words, the usage of two kinds of SwcServiceDependency in concert creates
a higher-level semantics. Of course, in order to express this higher-level semantics a
reference between the SwcServiceDependencys has to be available.

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Software Component Template

However, since the SwcServiceDependency represents a generic concept the ac-

tual reference needs to be implemented on the level of specific subclass of Service-
Needs, in this case the SupervisedEntityNeeds and the SupervisedEntity-

SupervisedEntityNeeds SupervisedEntityCheckpointNeeds

+ activateAtStart: Boolean [0..1]

+ enableDeactivation: Boolean [0..1]
+ expectedAliveCycle: TimeValue [0..1] «atpVariation» 0..*
+ maxAliveCycle: TimeValue [0..1]
+ minAliveCycle: TimeValue [0..1]
+ toleratedFailedCycles: PositiveInteger [0..1]

Figure 13.1: Modeling of ServiceNeeds for the watchdog

The former refers to the latter in order to express the relation of a supervised entity to
its checkpoints.
Class SupervisedEntityNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note Specifies the abstract needs on the configuration of the Watchdog Manager for one specific Supervised
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
activateAtStart Boolean 0..1 attr True/false: supervision activation status of Supervised
Entity shall be enabled/disabled at start.
checkpoints SupervisedEntity * ref This reference indicates the checkpoints belonging to the
CheckpointNeeds Supervised Entity.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
enable Boolean 0..1 attr True: software-component shall be allowed to deactivate
Deactivation supervision of this SupervisedEntity
false: software-component shall be not allowed to
deactivate supervision of this SupervisedEntity
expectedAlive TimeValue 0..1 attr Expected cycle time of alive trigger of this Supervised
Cycle Entity (in seconds).
maxAliveCycle TimeValue 0..1 attr Maximum cycle time of alive trigger of this Supervised
Entity (in seconds).
minAliveCycle TimeValue 0..1 attr Minimum cycle time of alive trigger of this Supervised
Entity (in seconds).
toleratedFailed PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Number of consecutive failed alive cycles for this
Cycles SupervisedEntity which shall be tolerated until the
supervision status of the SupervisedEntity is set to
Note that this value has to be recalculated with respect to
the WdgM’s own cycle time for ECU configuration.

Table 13.2: SupervisedEntityNeeds

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Software Component Template

[constr_1985] Existence of the reference SupervisedEntityNeeds.tolerat-

edFailedCycles dFor each SupervisedEntityNeeds, the reference to BswIn-
ternalBehavior in the role toleratedFailedCycles shall exist at the time
when the RTE is generated.c()
Class SupervisedEntityCheckpointNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note Specifies the abstract needs on the configuration of the Watchdog Manager to support a Checkpoint for a
Supervised Entity.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.3: SupervisedEntityCheckpointNeeds

13.3.2 Watchdog Service use Case: Global Supervision Status notification

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType requires to receive the Global Supervision

Status that is combined from all individual Supervised Entities. In this case the follow-
ing setup applies:
[TPS_SWCT_02019] Setup for AtomicSwComponentType which requires Global
Supervision Status notification d
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• WdgM_GlobalMode [1]
For more information please refer to [SWS_WdgM_00336].

13.3.3 Watchdog Service use Case: Control global supervision or get global
supervision status

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType either controls the global operation of the

watchdog manager or gets information about the current operation status, requiring at
least one of the following use cases:
• Set the current mode of Watchdog Manager
• Get the current mode of the Watchdog Manager

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Software Component Template

• Get the global supervision status of the Watchdog Manager

• Identifier of the supervised entity that first reached the expired state
• Instruct the Watchdog Manager to cause a watchdog reset
For instance, the software-component sets the current mode of the Watchdog Manager
according to the operational state of the ECU or polls the global supervision status.
In this case the following setup applies:
[TPS_SWCT_01703] Setup for AtomicSwComponentType which sets or gets the
Global Supervision Status d
ServiceNeeds kind GlobalSupervisionNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• WdgM_GlobalSupervision [1]
Class GlobalSupervisionNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note Specifies the abstract needs on the configuration of the Watchdog Manager to get access on the Global
Supervision control and status interface.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.4: GlobalSupervisionNeeds

13.3.4 Watchdog Service use Case: Software-component wants to obtain the

status of a local supervision

Scenario: a software-component wants to obtain the status of a local supervision. For

this purpose, it exposes an RPortPrototype typed by ClientServerInterface
WdgM_LocalSupervisionStatus towards the WdgM.
[TPS_SWCT_01704] Definition of supervised entity d
ServiceNeeds kind : SupervisedEntityNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• WdgM_LocalSupervisionStatus [1]

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Software Component Template

Please note that an SwcInternalBehavior may provide several SupervisedEn-
tityNeeds elements where each defines the requirements in relation to one super-
vised entity.
Note that in this situation an AtomicSwComponentType contains several Checkpoints
that refer to a Supervised Entity.
In this case it is required that the Supervised Entity indicates to the Watchdog Man-
ager the existence this Checkpoint for configuration and at runtime that the Supervised
Entity has reached the Checkpoint.
For more information please refer to [SWS_WdgM_91004]

13.3.5 Watchdog Service use Case: Software-component wants to report a


Scenario: A software-component want to report a checkpoint to the WdgM. For this

purpose the software-component exposes an RPortPrototype to the WdgM.
[TPS_SWCT_01705] Definition of Checkpoints d
ServiceNeeds kind : SupervisedEntityCheckpointNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• WdgM_LocalSupervision [1]
Please note that this scenario covers the reporting of a single checkpoint. In many
cases, several checkpoints are reported in the context of a given supervised entity.
For more information please refer to [SWS_WdgM_00333].

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Software Component Template

13.4 COM Manager Service Needs

The meta-class ComMgrUserNeeds is used to define requirements to configure the
ComM Service.
An SwcInternalBehavior may provide several ComMgrUserNeeds elements
where each defines the requirements from one “user” of the ComM Service. Espe-
cially, it defines which PortGroup is associated with this “user”.
Class ComMgrUserNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note Specifies the abstract needs on the configuration of the Communication Manager for one "user".
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
maxComm MaxCommModeEnum 0..1 attr Maximum communication mode requested by this ComM
Mode user.
Table 13.5: ComMgrUserNeeds

13.4.1 ComM Use Case: read current ComM Mode

Scenario: a AtomicSwComponentType reads the current ComM mode.

In this case the following rules apply:
[TPS_SWCT_01019] AtomicSwComponentType reads the current ComM mode d
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• ComM_CurrentMode [1]
For more information please refer to [SWS_ComM_00847].

13.4.2 ComM Use Case: request ComM Mode

Scenario: a AtomicSwComponentType requests a ComM mode. It may also check

later whether the requested ComM mode has become effective.
In this case the following rules apply:

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Software Component Template

[TPS_SWCT_01020] AtomicSwComponentType requests a ComM mode. It may

also check later whether the requested ComM mode has become effective d
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• ComM_CurrentMode [1]
• ComM_UserRequest [1]
Reference to the applicable PortGroup [0..1]
For more information please refer to [SWS_ComM_00848].

13.4.3 ComM Use Case: Software-Component acts as a Mode Manager that

influences the ECU State

Scenario: a AtomicSwComponentType acts as a mode manager that influences the

ECU state.
In this case the following rules apply:
[TPS_SWCT_01021] AtomicSwComponentType acts as a mode manager that in-
fluences the ECU state d
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• ComM_CurrentMode [0..1]
• ComM_UserRequest [0..1]
• ComM_ECUModeLimitation [1]
For more information please refer to [SWS_ComM_00741].

13.4.4 Read PNC ComM Mode

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType reads the current PNC ComM mode.

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Software Component Template

[TPS_SWCT_01811] AtomicSwComponentType reads the current PNC ComM

mode d
ServiceNeeds kind : ComMgrUserNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• ComM_UserRequest [1]
Reference to the applicable PortGroup associated with the particular partial
For clarification, the difference between the two service use case descriptions
[TPS_SWCT_01019] and [TPS_SWCT_01811] is that the latter reads the ComM mode
in the context of a PNC definition while the former does not consider partial network-

13.5 ECU State Manager Service Needs

The meta-class EcuStateMgrUserNeeds is used to define the requirements to con-
figure the ECU State Manager Service.
An SwcInternalBehavior may provide several EcuStateMgrUserNeeds ele-
ments where each defines the requirements from one “user” of the EcuM Service (for
the terms related to the AUTOSAR ECU State Manager see [38]).
Class EcuStateMgrUserNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note Specifies the abstract needs on the configuration of the ECU State Manager for one "user". This class
currently contains no attributes. Its name can be regarded as a symbol identifying the user from the
viewpoint of the component or module which owns this class.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.6: EcuStateMgrUserNeeds

13.5.1 EcuM Use Case: select Shutdown Target

Scenario: a AtomicSwComponentType wants to select a shutdown target. This cor-

responds to the “select shutdown target” use case of the fix EcuM.
In this case the following rules apply:

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Software Component Template

[TPS_SWCT_01016] AtomicSwComponentType wants to select a shutdown tar-

get d
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• EcuM_ShutdownTarget [1]

13.5.2 EcuM Use Case: select Boot Target

Scenario: a AtomicSwComponentType wants to select a boot target.

In this case the following rules apply:
[TPS_SWCT_01017] AtomicSwComponentType wants to select a boot target d
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• EcuM_BootTarget [1]

13.5.3 EcuM Use Case: use Alarm Clock

Scenario: a AtomicSwComponentType wants to use an alarm clock.

In this case the following rules apply:
[TPS_SWCT_01018] AtomicSwComponentType wants to use an alarm clock d
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• EcuM_AlarmClock [1]

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Software Component Template


13.6 BswM
All use cases for interaction of an application software-component with the BswM re-
quire the aggregation in the role serviceNeeds of BswMgrNeeds, a subclass of
ServiceNeeds, at SwcServiceDependency.
Class BswMgrNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note Specifies the abstract needs on the configuration of the Basic Software Manager for one "user".
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.7: BswMgrNeeds

13.6.1 Partial Networking

One specific use case for the existence of a SwcServiceDependency with respect
to the interaction with the BswM is the support for partial networking, in particular the
association of a PortGroup and the associated PortPrototypes that act as VFC
control ports and VFC status ports.
For more details please refer to section 4.8.
In this case the following rules apply:
[TPS_SWCT_01126] Access to partial networking via BswM d
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• control [0 .. 1]
• status [0 .. 1]
Reference to the applicable PortGroup associated with the particular partial
c(RS_SWCT_03200, RS_SWCT_03201)
The multiplicities of the RoleBasedPortAssignments for this case have been de-
fined under the assumption that a given software-component may or may not have a

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Software Component Template

VFC control port. Also, it may have a VFC status port. Technically, there could be sev-
eral VFC status ports per software-component but most likely there is only one VFC
status port.

13.6.2 Mode Manager

A software-component that acts as a mode manager exposes a PPortPrototype

typed by a ModeSwitchInterface. By this means the mode manager communi-
cates changes of the particular mode to the connected mode users.
On the side of the BswM, an RPortPrototype typed by an ModeSwitchInterface
used to receive notifications of mode switches will have to be established (for more
details, please refer to [SWS_BswM_00200]).
In this case the following rules apply:
[TPS_SWCT_01552] Software-component acts as a mode manager d
ServiceNeeds kind BswMgrNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• AppModeInterface [1]
c(RS_SWCT_03110, RS_SWCT_03200, RS_SWCT_03203)
A slight variation of this use case exists if the Application Mode Manager serves mode
users that consist of both the BswM and other ApplicationSwComponentTypes.
[TPS_SWCT_01572] Application Mode Manager interacts with both BswM and
other ApplicationSwComponentTypes dIf an Application Mode Manager interacts
with both BswM and other ApplicationSwComponentTypes the following require-
ments on the modeling of this scenario shall be taken into account:
Mode Request For the configuration of mode requests two separate AbstractRe-
quiredPortPrototypes shall exist:
• One AbstractRequiredPortPrototype shall be typed by a Sender-
ReceiverInterface with attribute isService set to true. This Ab-
stractRequiredPortPrototype shall be connected to the SwCompo-
nentPrototype typed by a ServiceSwComponentType representing the

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Software Component Template

• One AbstractRequiredPortPrototype shall be typed by a Sender-

ReceiverInterface with attribute isService set to false. This Ab-
stractRequiredPortPrototype shall be connected to SwComponent-
Prototypes typed by ApplicationSwComponentTypes that request
model changes.
Mode Switch Notification An Application Mode Manager that sends mode switch
notifications to both BswM and other ApplicationSwComponentTypes shall
expose a single AbstractProvidedPortPrototype for sending the mode
switch notification to both the BswM and ApplicationSwComponentTypes.
The value of the attribute ModeSwitchInterface.isService shall be set to
c(RS_SWCT_03200, RS_SWCT_03202)
Rationale for [TPS_SWCT_01572]: technically, the existence of two separate Ab-
stractProvidedPortPrototype for sending the mode switch notification to both
the BswM and ApplicationSwComponentTypes would end up in two separate mode
machines in the RTE and it would be a tough challenge to keep both mode machines
perfectly synchronized.
Therefore, the exception regarding the usage of the attribute isService is justified to
mitigate this effect.
On the mode request side, however, the situation is entirely different because the mode
requests need arbitration by the Application Mode Manager anyway. This is completely
in the scope of the implementation of the Application Mode Manager and AUTOSAR
has no stakes in further standardizing this aspect.
Therefore, there is no motivation for a further exception with respect to the value of
[TPS_SWCT_01664] BswM acts as a mode requester towards an application
mode manager dThe SwcServiceDependency that covers this use case shall re-
fer to an RPortPrototype for the reception of the mode request and optionally to a
PPortPrototype for the sending of the mode switch notification.
ServiceNeeds kind BswMgrNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• AppModeInterface [0..1]
RoleBasedDataAssignment valid roles:
• AppModeRequestInterface [1]
c(RS_SWCT_03110, RS_SWCT_03200, RS_SWCT_03203)

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Software Component Template

[constr_1680] Existence of attribute RoleBasedDataAssignment.used-

DataElement.localVariable for RoleBasedDataAssignment.role = App-
ModeRequestInterface dIf the attribute RoleBasedDataAssignment.role is
set to the value AppModeRequestInterface then the reference RoleBased-
DataAssignment.usedDataElement.localVariable shall not exist at the
time when the RTE is generated.c()
For explanation of the existence of [constr_1680], it is not intended to provide access
to local variables inside the SwcInternalBehavior.

13.6.3 Mode User

A software-component that acts as a mode user exposes an RPortPrototype typed

by a ModeSwitchInterface. By this means the software-component can be notified
by mode switches executed at the mode manager (in this case the BswM).
On the side of the BswM, an PPortPrototype typed by an ModeSwitchInterface
used to send out notifications of mode switches will have to be established (for more
details, please refer to [SWS_BswM_00202]).
In this case the following rules apply:
[TPS_SWCT_01553] Software-component acts as a mode user d
ServiceNeeds kind BswMgrNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• AppModeInterface [1]
c(RS_SWCT_03110, RS_SWCT_03200, RS_SWCT_03203)

13.6.4 Mode Requester

A software-component that acts as a mode requester exposes an PPortPrototype

typed by a SenderReceiverInterface. By this means the software-component
can send mode requests towards the mode manager (in this case the BswM).
On the side of the BswM, an RPortPrototype typed by an SenderReceiverIn-
terface used to requests for mode switches will have to be established (for more
details, please refer to [SWS_BswM_00201]).
In this case the following rules apply:

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Software Component Template

[TPS_SWCT_01554] Software-component acts as a mode requester d

ServiceNeeds kind BswMgrNeeds
RoleBasedDataAssignment valid roles:
• AppModeRequestInterface [1]
c(RS_SWCT_03110, RS_SWCT_03200, RS_SWCT_03202)
Please note that [constr_1680] applies for this service use case.

13.7 Crypto Service Dependencies

13.7.1 Overview

The meta-classes CryptoServiceNeeds and CryptoServiceJobNeeds are used

to define requirements for the configuration of the CryptoServiceManager respectively
the crypto stack.
The usage of meta-class CryptoKeyManagementNeeds is described in section

CryptoServiceNeeds CryptoKeyManagementNeeds CryptoServiceJobNeeds

+ algorithmFamily: String [0..1]

+ algorithmMode: String [0..1]
+ cryptoKeyDescription: String [0..1]
+ maximumKeyLength: PositiveInteger [0..1]

Figure 13.2: Modeling of subclasses of ServiceNeeds for cryptographic use cases

Please note that there are cryptographic APIs that build upon the creation of jobs that
run asynchronously. The reason for this policy is that cryptographic operations - in
many cases by design - tend to run for comparatively long time for each call. This
behavior is visualized in Figure 13.3.

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Software Component Template

Task Activation n Task Activation n+1 Task Activation n+2

Synchronous Execution of KeyDerive()
breaks n+1 activation of Task


Figure 13.3: Cryptographic operation that requires a too-long execution time

Execution of these operations synchronously in the main function would block the re-
spective module intolerably and therefore the job API is an important measure to keep
the execution of software manageable. This behavior is visualized in Figure 13.4.

Task Activation n Task Activation n+1 Task Activation n+2

Asynchronous Execution of Key Derive runs in Background Task
and signals completion by calling CallbackNotification()
JobKeyDerive() CallbackNotification()


Figure 13.4: Execution of cryptographic operation using the job API

It is important to note that the asynchronous character of the execution is implemented

on the server side and has nothing to do with asynchronous calling behavior on the
client side (for more explanation about client-side calling behavior, please refer to sec-
Class CryptoServiceNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note Specifies the needs on the configuration of the CryptoServiceManager for one ConfigID (see
Specification AUTOSAR_SWS_CSM.doc). An instance of this class is used to find out which ports of a
software-component belong to this ConfigID.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
algorithmFamily String 0..1 attr This attribute represents a description of the family (e.g.
AES) of crypto algorithm implemented by the crypto
service use case.
algorithmMode String 0..1 attr This meta-class has the ability to represent a crypto
service use case.
cryptoKey String 0..1 attr This attribute allows for a verbal description of the
Description applicable cryptographic key. The goal is to pass a hint for
the integrator about how to treat the corresponding
service use case.
maximumKey PositiveInteger 0..1 attr The maximum length of a cryptographic key, that is used
Length by the software-component or module for this
configuration. Unit: bit.

Table 13.8: CryptoServiceNeeds

739 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class CryptoServiceJobNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This meta-class shall be taken to indicate that the service use case modeled with this kind of Service
Needs assumes the usage of the crypto job API.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.9: CryptoServiceJobNeeds

[TPS_SWCT_01727] Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface

for crypto PortInterfaces dThe _{Config} or (where applicable)_{Primitive} suffix
used for the resulting name of the PortInterface for the respective crypto service
shall be taken from the shortName of the applicable SwcServiceDependency.c()

13.7.2 Crypto Service Use Cases Crypto Service Use Case: Hash calculation

Scenario: a AtomicSwComponentType uses the hash calculation of the Crypto Ser-

vice. In this case the following setup applies:
[TPS_SWCT_02020] AtomicSwComponentType uses the hash calculation of the
Crypto Service d
ServiceNeeds kind : CryptoServiceNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• CsmHash [0..1]
• CsmHash_{Config} [0..1]
• CallbackNotification [0..1]
Please note that the resolution of the name fragment {Config} that appears in the
shortName of the ClientServerInterface CsmHash_{Config} is regulated by

740 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template
AUTOSAR CP R21-11 Crypto Service Use Case: MAC calculation

Scenario: a AtomicSwComponentType uses the message authentication code

(MAC) calculation of the Crypto Service. In this case the following setup applies:
[TPS_SWCT_02021] AtomicSwComponentType uses the message authentica-
tion code (MAC) calculation of the Crypto Service d
ServiceNeeds kind : CryptoServiceNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• CsmMacGenerate [0..1]
• CsmMacGenerate_{Config} [0..1]
• CallbackNotification [0..1]
Please note that the resolution of the name fragment {Config} that appears in the
shortName of the ClientServerInterface CsmMacGenerate_{Config} is reg-
ulated by [TPS_SWCT_01727]. Crypto Service Use Case: MAC verification

Scenario: a AtomicSwComponentType uses the message authentication code

(MAC) verification of the Crypto Service. In this case the following setup applies:
[TPS_SWCT_02022] AtomicSwComponentType uses the message authentica-
tion code (MAC) verification of the Crypto Service d
ServiceNeeds kind : CryptoServiceNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• CsmMacVerify [0..1]
• CsmMacVerify_{Config} [0..1]
• CallbackNotification [0..1]

741 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Please note that the resolution of the name fragment {Config} that appears in the
shortName of the ClientServerInterface CsmMacVerify_{Config} is regu-
lated by [TPS_SWCT_01727]. Crypto Service Use Case: generation of random numbers

Scenario: a AtomicSwComponentType uses the generation of random numbers of

the Crypto Service. In this case the following setup applies:
[TPS_SWCT_02024] AtomicSwComponentType uses the generation of random
numbers of the Crypto Service d
ServiceNeeds kind : CryptoServiceNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• CsmRandomGenerate [0..1]
• CsmRandomGenerate_{Config} [0..1]
• CallbackNotification [0..1]
Please note that the resolution of the name fragment {Config} that appears in the
shortName of the ClientServerInterface CsmRandomGenerate_{Config} is
regulated by [TPS_SWCT_01727]. Crypto Service Use Case: Encryption with Authenticated Encryption

with Associated Data (AEAD)

Scenario: a AtomicSwComponentType uses the Authenticated Encryption with As-

sociated Data (AEAD) of the Crypto Service. In this case the following setup applies:
[TPS_SWCT_02025] AtomicSwComponentType uses the Authenticated Encryp-
tion with Associated Data (AEAD) of the Crypto Service d
ServiceNeeds kind : CryptoServiceNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• CsmAEADEncrypt [0..1]

742 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

• CsmAEADEncrypt_{Config} [0..1]
• CallbackNotification [0..1]
Please note that the resolution of the name fragment {Config} that appears in the
shortName of the ClientServerInterface CsmAEADEncrypt_{Config} shall
be resolved according to [TPS_SWCT_01727]. Crypto Service Use Case: Decryption with Authenticated Encryption

with Associated Data (AEAD)

Scenario: a AtomicSwComponentType uses the Authenticated Encryption with As-

sociated Data (AEAD) of the Crypto Service. In this case the following setup applies:
[TPS_SWCT_02026] AtomicSwComponentType uses the Authenticated Encryp-
tion with Associated Data (AEAD) of the Crypto Service d
ServiceNeeds kind : CryptoServiceNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• CsmAEADDecrypt [0..1]
• CsmAEADDecrypt_{Config} [0..1]
• CallbackNotification [0..1]
Please note that the resolution of the name fragment {Config} that appears in the
shortName of the ClientServerInterface CsmAEADDecrypt_{Config} is reg-
ulated by [TPS_SWCT_01727]. Crypto Service Use Case: encryption

Scenario: a AtomicSwComponentType uses the encryption of the Crypto Service. In

this case the following setup applies:

743 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

[TPS_SWCT_02027] AtomicSwComponentType uses the encryption of the

Crypto Service d
ServiceNeeds kind : CryptoServiceNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• CsmEncrypt [0..1]
• CsmEncrypt_{Config} [0..1]
• CallbackNotification [0..1]
Please note that the resolution of the name fragment {Config} that appears in the
shortName of the ClientServerInterface CsmEncrypt_{Config} is regulated
by [TPS_SWCT_01727]. Crypto Service Use Case: decryption

Scenario: a AtomicSwComponentType uses the decryption of the Crypto Service. In

this case the following setup applies:
[TPS_SWCT_02028] AtomicSwComponentType uses the decryption of the
Crypto Service d
ServiceNeeds kind : CryptoServiceNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• CsmDecrypt [0..1]
• CsmDecrypt_{Config} [0..1]
• CallbackNotification [0..1]
Please note that the resolution of the name fragment {Config} that appears in the
shortName of the ClientServerInterface CsmDecrypt_{Config} is regulated
by [TPS_SWCT_01727].

744 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template
AUTOSAR CP R21-11 Crypto Service Use Case: signature generation

Scenario: a AtomicSwComponentType uses the signature generation of the Crypto

Service. In this case the following setup applies:
[TPS_SWCT_02031] AtomicSwComponentType uses the signature generation of
the Crypto Service d
ServiceNeeds kind : CryptoServiceNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• CsmSignatureGenerate [0..1]
• CsmSignatureGenerate_{Config} [0..1]
• CallbackNotification [0..1]
Please note that the resolution of the name fragment {Config} that appears
in the shortName of the ClientServerInterface CsmSignatureGener-
ate_{Config} is regulated by [TPS_SWCT_01727]. Crypto Service Use Case: signature verification

Scenario: a AtomicSwComponentType uses the signature verification of the Crypto

Service. In this case the following setup applies:
[TPS_SWCT_02032] AtomicSwComponentType uses the signature verification of
the Crypto Service d
ServiceNeeds kind : CryptoServiceNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• CsmSignatureVerify [0..1]
• CsmSignatureVerify_{Config} [0..1]
• CallbackNotification [0..1]

745 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Please note that the resolution of the name fragment {Config} that appears in the
shortName of the ClientServerInterface CsmSignatureVerify_{Config}
is regulated by [TPS_SWCT_01727]. Crypto Service Use Case: usage of key management

Scenario: a AtomicSwComponentType uses the key management of the Crypto Ser-

vice. In this case the following setup applies:
[TPS_SWCT_01726] AtomicSwComponentType uses the key management of the
Crypto Service d
ServiceNeeds kind : CryptoServiceNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• CsmKeyManagement_{Config} [1]
• CallbackNotification [0..1]
Please note that the resolution of the name fragment {Config} that appears in the
shortName of the ClientServerInterface CsmKeyManagement_{Config} is
regulated by [TPS_SWCT_01727].

13.7.3 Crypto Service Job Use Cases Crypto Service Use Case: usage of job API to set key valid

Scenario: a AtomicSwComponentType uses the job API of the Crypto Service to set
a key valid. In this case the following setup applies:
[TPS_SWCT_01776] AtomicSwComponentType uses the API of the Crypto Ser-
vice to set a key valid d
ServiceNeeds kind : CryptoServiceJobNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• CsmJobKeySetValid_{Primitive} [1]
• CallbackNotification [1]

746 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Please note that the resolution of the name fragment {Primitive} that ap-
pears in the shortName of the ClientServerInterface CsmJobKeySet-
Valid_{Primitive} is regulated by [TPS_SWCT_01727]. Crypto Service Use Case: usage of job API to create a random seed

Scenario: a AtomicSwComponentType uses the job API of the Crypto Service to

create a random seed. In this case the following setup applies:
[TPS_SWCT_01777] AtomicSwComponentType uses the API of the Crypto Ser-
vice to create a random seed d
ServiceNeeds kind : CryptoServiceJobNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• CsmJobRandomSeed_{Primitive} [1]
• CallbackNotification [1]
Please note that the resolution of the name fragment {Primitive} that appears in the
shortName of the ClientServerInterface CsmJobRandomSeed_{Primitive}
is regulated by [TPS_SWCT_01727]. Crypto Service Use Case: usage of job API to generate a key

Scenario: a AtomicSwComponentType uses the job API of the Crypto Service to

generate a key. In this case the following setup applies:
[TPS_SWCT_01778] AtomicSwComponentType uses the API of the Crypto Ser-
vice to generate a key d
ServiceNeeds kind : CryptoServiceJobNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:

747 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

• CsmJobKeyGenerate_{Primitive} [1]
• CallbackNotification [1]
Please note that the resolution of the name fragment {Primitive} that ap-
pears in the shortName of the ClientServerInterface CsmJobKeyGener-
ate_{Primitive} is regulated by [TPS_SWCT_01727]. Crypto Service Use Case: usage of job API to derive a key

Scenario: a AtomicSwComponentType uses the job API of the Crypto Service to

derive a key. In this case the following setup applies:
[TPS_SWCT_01779] AtomicSwComponentType uses the API of the Crypto Ser-
vice to derive a key d
ServiceNeeds kind : CryptoServiceJobNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• CsmJobKeyDerive_{Primitive} [1]
• CallbackNotification [1]
Please note that the resolution of the name fragment {Primitive} that appears in the
shortName of the ClientServerInterface CsmJobKeyDerive_{Primitive}
is regulated by [TPS_SWCT_01727]. Crypto Service Use Case: usage of job API to execute calculation of
the public value for key exchange

Scenario: a AtomicSwComponentType uses the job API of the Crypto Service to

execute calculation of the public value for key exchange. In this case the following
setup applies:

748 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

[TPS_SWCT_01780] AtomicSwComponentType uses the API of the Crypto Ser-

vice to execute calculation of the public value for key exchange d
ServiceNeeds kind : CryptoServiceJobNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• CsmJobKeyExchangeCalcPubVal_{Primitive} [1]
• CallbackNotification [1]
Please note that the resolution of the name fragment {Primitive} that appears in
the shortName of the ClientServerInterface CsmJobKeyExchangeCalcPub-
Val_{Primitive} is regulated by [TPS_SWCT_01727]. Crypto Service Use Case: usage of job API to execute calculation of
shared secret for key exchange

Scenario: a AtomicSwComponentType uses the job API of the Crypto Service to

execute calculation of shared secret for key exchange. In this case the following setup
[TPS_SWCT_01781] AtomicSwComponentType uses the API of the Crypto Ser-
vice to execute calculation of shared secret for key exchange d
ServiceNeeds kind : CryptoServiceJobNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• CsmJobKeyExchangeCalcSecret_{Primitive} [1]
• CallbackNotification [1]
Please note that the resolution of the name fragment {Primitive} that appears in
the shortName of the ClientServerInterface CsmJobKeyExchangeCalcSe-
cret_{Primitive} is regulated by [TPS_SWCT_01727].

749 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template
AUTOSAR CP R21-11 Crypto Service Use Case: usage of job API to execute certificate pars-

Scenario: a AtomicSwComponentType uses the job API of the Crypto Service to

execute certificate parsing. In this case the following setup applies:
[TPS_SWCT_01782] AtomicSwComponentType uses the API of the Crypto Ser-
vice to execute certificate parsing d
ServiceNeeds kind : CryptoServiceJobNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• CsmJobCertificateParse_{Primitive} [1]
• CallbackNotification [1]
Please note that the resolution of the name fragment {Primitive} that ap-
pears in the shortName of the ClientServerInterface CsmJobCertifi-
cateParse_{Primitive} is regulated by [TPS_SWCT_01727]. Crypto Service Use Case: usage of job API to execute certificate veri-

Scenario: a AtomicSwComponentType uses the job API of the Crypto Service to

execute certificate verification. In this case the following setup applies:
[TPS_SWCT_01783] AtomicSwComponentType uses the API of the Crypto Ser-
vice to execute certificate verification d
ServiceNeeds kind : CryptoServiceJobNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• CsmJobCertificateVerify_{Primitive} [1]
• CallbackNotification [1]

750 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Please note that the resolution of the name fragment {Primitive} that appears
in the shortName of the ClientServerInterface CsmJobCertificateVer-
ify_{Primitive} is regulated by [TPS_SWCT_01727].

13.7.4 Crypto Key Management Use Cases

The service use cases for cryptographic key management are indicated by the pres-
ence of a CryptoKeyManagementNeeds aggregated at SwcServiceDependency
in the role serviceNeeds.
Class CryptoKeyManagementNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This meta-class can be used to indicate a service use case for key management.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.10: CryptoKeyManagementNeeds KeyM Service Use Case: Software-Component wants check a certifi-

cate on KeyM

Scenario: A software-component wants check a certificate on KeyM. The software-

component sends the certificate to KeyM (SetCertificate) and then initiates a ver-
ification of the certificate (VerifyCertificate).
While the verification is still running it is possible to obtain the status of the verification
[TPS_SWCT_01813] Software-Component wants check a certificate on KeyM d
ServiceNeeds kind : CryptoKeyManagementNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• KeyM_Certificate [1]
• KeyMCertificateNotification [0..1]

751 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template
AUTOSAR CP R21-11 KeyM Service Use Case: Software-Component wants to retrieve a cer-

tificate from KeyM

Scenario: A software-component wants to retrieve a certificate on KeyM. The software-

component request the certificate by using GetCertificate. This step represents a syn-
chronous operation.
[TPS_SWCT_01814] AtomicSwComponentType wants to retrieve a certificate
from KeyM d
ServiceNeeds kind : CryptoKeyManagementNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• KeyM_Certificate [1]
c(RS_SWCT_00030) KeyM Service Use Case: Software-Component wants to retrieve ele-

ments of a certificate from KeyM

Scenario: A software-component wants to retrieve elements of a certificate on KeyM

(CertificateElementGet, CertificateElementGetByIndex, Certifica-
teElementGetCount). This step represents a synchronous operation.
[TPS_SWCT_01815] AtomicSwComponentType wants to retrieve elements of a
certificate from KeyM d
ServiceNeeds kind : CryptoKeyManagementNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• KeyMCertificateElement [1]

752 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template
AUTOSAR CP R21-11 KeyM Service Use Case: Software-Component wants to check the ex-
istence of a certificate from KeyM

Scenario: A software-component wants to check the existence of a certificate from

KeyM (GetStatus).
[TPS_SWCT_01816] AtomicSwComponentType wants to check the existence of
a certificate from KeyM d
ServiceNeeds kind : CryptoKeyManagementNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• KeyM_Certificate [1]
c(RS_SWCT_00030) KeyM Service Use Case: Software-Component wants to store a (de-

rived) key in KeyM

Scenario: A software-component wants to store a (derived) key in KeyM.

[TPS_SWCT_01817] AtomicSwComponentType wants to store a (derived) key in
KeyM d
ServiceNeeds kind : CryptoKeyManagementNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• KeyMCryptoKey [1]
• KeyMCryptoKeyNotification [0..1]

753 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template
AUTOSAR CP R21-11 KeyM Service Use Case: Software-Component wants to store a con-

tainer with (encrypted) keys in KeyM

Scenario: A software-component wants to store a container with (encrypted) keys in

KeyM. The processing of the container is done in the context of a session that enables
the usage of the Start and Finish operations.
By calling the Prepare operation the software-component passes the container to
the KeyM, which reads the content of the container and extracts the contained cryp-
tographic keys. The next step is that the KeyM updates every key extracted from the
[TPS_SWCT_01818] AtomicSwComponentType wants to store a container with
encrypted keys (e.g. She-keys) in KeyM d
ServiceNeeds kind : CryptoKeyManagementNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• KeyMCryptoKey [1]
• KeyMCryptoKeyNotification [0..1]
c(RS_SWCT_00030) KeyM Service Use Case: Software-Component wants to verify if cryp-

tographic operation was executed using a specific key

Scenario: A software-component wants to verify if cryptographic operation was exe-

cuted using a specific key (Verify).
[TPS_SWCT_01819] AtomicSwComponentType wants to verify if cryptographic
operation was executed using a specific key d
ServiceNeeds kind : CryptoKeyManagementNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• KeyMCryptoKey [1]
• KeyMCryptoKeyNotification [0..1]

754 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template


13.8 Diagnostic Service Dependency

This chapter describes the usage of the specific diagnostic meta-classes derived from
ServiceNeeds within an atomic software-component. An overview of common diag-
nostic service needs has already been introduced in figure 7.38 and can be divided
into four main parts:
• Function Inhibition Needs in chapter 13.8.2
• Diagnostic Event Needs in chapter 13.8.3
• Diagnostic Communication Needs in chapter 13.8.4
• Service Needs to fulfill the OBD related requirements in chapter 13.8.5
Please note that for the described use cases of the Diagnostic Services the following
rule applies:

[TPS_SWCT_01129] Express diagnostic capabilities dFor every used

ClientServerInterface it is necessary to create a RoleBasedPortAssign-
ment. Thereby the value of the attribute role of the RoleBasedPortAssignment
has to be set to the name of the used standardized ClientServerInterface.
The possible role attribute values and the multiplicity of the related PortPrototypes
are listed at the use case descriptions in the paragraph RoleBasedPortAssignment.c
(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
[constr_1640] No use of Optional Element Structure for interaction with the
diagnostic stack dAn SwcServiceDependency that aggregates a diagnostic-related
subclass of ServiceNeeds shall not refer to any PortPrototype by means of either
a RoleBasedPortAssignment or RoleBasedDataAssignment where the respec-
tive PortInterface contains any DataPrototype typed by an Optional Ele-
ment Structure.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()

13.8.1 Development Approach

AUTOSAR supports in many cases the implementation of a bottom-up or top-down

configuration for various aspects of the development workflow.
Before the advent of the Diagnostic Extract [39], AUTOSAR officially supported a
modeling approach where the configuration of an ApplicationSwComponentType

755 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

might contain contributions to the external configuration of the diagnostic stack. This
was considered an approach to implement a top-down configuration approach for di-
However, the development approach introduced with the Diagnostic Extract
turned out to be superior and less prone to mistakes and limitations in comparison
to the configuration that each developer contributed without necessarily having the
knowledge about the greater scope of diagnostic configuration.
Therefore, the usage of the Diagnostic Extract has become the canonical ap-
proach to the configuration of the external behavior of the AUTOSAR diagnostic stack
and the respective configuration attributes available in the scope of SwcServiceDe-
pendency have been removed from the AUTOSAR methodology in order to reduce
potential confusion in the audience.
In particular, a top-down approach using a Diagnostic Extract can be imple-
mented if the Diagnostic Extract also provides the mappings between diagnostic
elements and elements of the application model. If the mappings are not wanted or not
available, it is also possible to use the Diagnostic Extract to derive a bottom-up
configuration of the diagnostic stack without the relations to application software.

13.8.2 Function Inhibition Needs

The meta-class FunctionInhibitionNeeds is used to define requirements in order

to configure the Diagnostic Event Manager Service.
An SwcInternalBehavior may provide FunctionInhibitionNeeds as well as
FunctionInhibitionAvailabilityNeeds elements in the context of an Swc-
ServiceDependency. Each FunctionInhibitionNeeds and FunctionInhi-
bitionAvailabilityNeeds defines the requirements related to one function inhibi-
tion ID (for the terms related to the AUTOSAR Function Inhibition Manager, see [40]).
Class FunctionInhibitionNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note Specifies the abstract needs on the configuration of the Function Inhibition Manager for one Function
Identifier (FID). This class currently contains no attributes. Its name can be regarded as a symbol
identifying the FID from the viewpoint of the component or module which owns this class.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.11: FunctionInhibitionNeeds

Class FunctionInhibitionAvailabilityNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note Specifies the abstract needs on the configuration of the Function Inhibition Manager to provide the
control function for one Function Identifier (FID).

756 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class FunctionInhibitionAvailabilityNeeds
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
controlledFid FunctionInhibitionNeeds 0..1 ref This reference represents the controlled FID

Table 13.12: FunctionInhibitionAvailabilityNeeds

AtpStructureElement Identifiable
Identifiable ServiceNeeds
ServiceDependency 0..1


+ audience: DiagnosticAudienceEnum [0..*]

+ diagRequirement: DiagRequirementIdString [0..1]
+ securityAccessLevel: PositiveInteger [0..1]


+ prestoredFreezeframeStoredInNvm: Boolean [0..1]

+ usesMonitorData: Boolean [0..1]

FunctionInhibitionNeeds +deferringFid



Figure 13.5: Modeling of FunctionInhibitionNeeds and FunctionInhibition-

AvailabilityNeeds Function Inhibition Manager Service use Case: read function permis-

[TPS_SWCT_02505] Setup for Function Inhibition Manager Service use Case:

read function permission dScenario: a AtomicSwComponentType read the function
permission from FiM in order to enable or disable a functionality. In this case the
following setup apply:
ServiceNeeds kind FunctionInhibitionNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• FunctionInhibition [1]

757 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
For more information please refer to [SWS_Fim_00090]. Function Inhibition Manager Use Case: react on suppressed or un-

available events

[TPS_SWCT_01739] Function Inhibition Manager Use Case: react on suppressed

or unavailable events dScenario: an AtomicSwComponentType wants to react on
suppressed or unavailable events and disable the permission to run for a FID. In this
case, the following setup applies:
ServiceNeeds kind FunctionInhibitionAvailabilityNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• ControlFunctionAvailable [1]
c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
Note: for variant coding ClientServerInterface ControlFunctionAvailable
is used to deactivate a certain functionality (e.g. to set the FID to not available).
For more information, please refer to [SWS_Fim_00107].

13.8.3 Diagnostic Event Needs

The meta-classes DiagnosticEventManagerNeeds is used to define requirements

in order to configure the Diagnostic Event Manager Service.
An SwcInternalBehavior may provide several DiagnosticEventMan-
agerNeeds elements that define the mappings for the general diagnostic event
manager behavior (for the terms related to the AUTOSAR Diagnostic Event Manager
see [41]).
Class DiagnosticEventManagerNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note Specifies the general needs on the configuration of the Diagnostic Event Manager (Dem) which are not
related to a particular item.
Base ARObject, DiagnosticCapabilityElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, Service

758 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class DiagnosticEventManagerNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.13: DiagnosticEventManagerNeeds

The meta-class DiagnosticCapabilityElement is used to provide generic infor-

mation about diagnostic capabilities. Further on, the usage of DiagnosticCapabil-
ityElement indicates that all ServiceNeeds which inherit from DiagnosticCa-
pabilityElement express the following intentions:
• Need to interact with AUTOSAR Service Dem or Dcm.
• Provide services for the on-board diagnostics.
«enumeration» AtpStructureElement Identifiable
OperationCycleTypeEnum FunctionInhibitionNeeds
Identifiable +serviceNeeds ServiceNeeds
ignition 0..1
obdDcy SwcServiceDependency
power +deferringFid 0..*

DiagnosticEventManagerNeeds DiagnosticCapabilityElement DiagnosticEventNeeds

+ audience: + prestoredFreezeframeStoredInNvm: Boolean [0..1]

DiagnosticAudienceEnum [0..*] + usesMonitorData: Boolean [0..1]
DiagnosticEnableConditionNeeds + diagRequirement:
DiagRequirementIdString [0..1]
+ initialStatus: EventAcceptanceStatusEnum [0..1] + securityAccessLevel: PositiveInteger


+ initialStatus: StorageConditionStatusEnum [0..1]


DtcStatusChangeNotificationNeeds + obdDtcNumber: PositiveInteger [0..1]

+ udsDtcNumber: PositiveInteger [0..1]


+ operationCycle: OperationCycleTypeEnum [0..1]


«enumeration» «enumeration»
EventAcceptanceStatusEnum StorageConditionStatusEnum

eventAcceptanceEnabled eventStorageEnabled
eventAcceptanceDisabled eventStorageDisabled

Figure 13.6: General diagnostic event-handling related ServiceNeeds

Class DiagnosticCapabilityElement (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This class identifies the capability to provide generic information about diagnostic capabilities
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds

759 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class DiagnosticCapabilityElement (abstract)
Subclasses DiagnosticCommunicationManagerNeeds, DiagnosticComponentNeeds, DiagnosticControlNeeds,
DiagnosticEnableConditionNeeds, DiagnosticEventInfoNeeds, DiagnosticEventManagerNeeds,
DiagnosticEventNeeds, DiagnosticIoControlNeeds, DiagnosticOperationCycleNeeds, DiagnosticRequest
FileTransferNeeds, DiagnosticResponseOnEventNeeds, DiagnosticRoutineNeeds, DiagnosticStorage
ConditionNeeds, DiagnosticUploadDownloadNeeds, DiagnosticValueNeeds, DiagnosticsCommunication
SecurityNeeds, DtcStatusChangeNotificationNeeds, ObdControlServiceNeeds, ObdInfoServiceNeeds,
ObdMonitorServiceNeeds, ObdPidServiceNeeds, ObdRatioDenominatorNeeds, ObdRatioServiceNeeds,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
audience DiagnosticAudience * attr This specifies the intended audience for the diagnostic
Enum object. Note that this is not only for the documentation but
also subsequent audience specific implementation.
diag DiagRequirementId 0..1 attr This denotes the requirement identifier to which the object
Requirement String can be linked to.
Note that with the implementation of a generic tracing
concept in AUTOSAR this attribute might become
securityAccess PositiveInteger 0..1 attr This attribute denotes the level of security which is
Level touched by the diagnostic object. The higher the level the
more relevance for the security exists.
This level shall be mapped to the security level in the

Table 13.14: DiagnosticCapabilityElement

Enumeration DiagnosticAudienceEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note The possible values of the intended audience for a diagnostic object.
Literal Description
aftermarket The object is for free aftermarket service organizations.
afterSales The object is relevant for the OEM after-sales organization.
development The object is relevant for engineering only.
manufacturing The object is relevant for manufacturing.
supplier The object is relevant for the ECU-supplier aftermarket organization.

Table 13.15: DiagnosticAudienceEnum

The meta-classes DiagnosticEventNeeds is used to define requirements to config-

ure the Diagnostic Event Manager Service.
An SwcInternalBehavior may provide several DiagnosticEventNeeds ele-
ments where each defines all the requirements related to one diagnostic event (for
the terms related to the AUTOSAR Diagnostic Event Manager see [41]).
In addition, ObdPidServiceNeeds and ObdRatioServiceNeeds are required in
order to specify the needs for OBD diagnostic service calls.

760 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

The diagEventDebounceAlgorithm attribute defines the kind of expected de-

bouncing by the Diagnostic Event Manager or defines that the debouncing is imple-
mented by the software component.
The class DiagEventDebounceAlgorithm inherits from Identifiable in order
to allow further documentation of the debouncing algorithm as well as non formalized
description or non standardized description by the means of Sdg on expected configu-
ration of the DiagEventDebounceAlgorithm in the Diagnostic Event Manager.
[constr_1138] assignedPort and DiagEventDebounceMonitorInternal dThe
existence of an assignedPort in combination with a DiagEventDebounceAlgo-
rithm shall only be respected for the concrete subclass DiagEventDebounceMon-
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1139] assignedPort of DiagEventDebounceMonitorInternal shall
refer to an RPortPrototype dConcerning the debouncing, the software-component
acts as a client and thus the assignedPort defined with respect to a DiagEventDe-
bounceMonitorInternal may only refer to an RPortPrototype. The standard-
ized value of the role identifier of the assignedPort shall be CallbackGetFault-
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
Class DiagnosticEventNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note Specifies the abstract needs on the configuration of the Diagnostic Event Manager for one diagnostic
event. Its shortName can be regarded as a symbol identifying the diagnostic event from the viewpoint of
the component or module which owns this element.
In case the diagnostic event specifies a production error, the shortName shall be the name of the
production error.
Base ARObject, DiagnosticCapabilityElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, Service
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
deferringFid FunctionInhibitionNeeds * ref This reference contains the link to a function identifier
within the FiM which is used by the monitor before
delivering a result.
diagEvent DiagEventDebounce 0..1 aggr Specifies the abstract need on the Debounce Algorithm
Debounce Algorithm applied by the Diagnostic Event Manager.
prestored Boolean 0..1 attr If the Event uses a prestored freeze-frame (using the
Freezeframe operations PrestoreFreezeFrame and ClearPrestored
StoredInNvm FreezeFrame of the service interface DiagnosticMonitor)
this attribute indicates if the Event requires the data to be
stored in non-volatile memory. TRUE = Dem shall store
the prestored data in non-volatile memory, FALSE = Data
can be lost at shutdown (not stored in Nvm).
usesMonitor Boolean 0..1 attr This attribute defines whether additional monitor data
Data shall be added to the reporting of events.

Table 13.16: DiagnosticEventNeeds

761 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class DiagEventDebounceAlgorithm (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This class represents the ability to specify the pre-debounce algorithm which is selected and/or required
by the particular monitor.
This class inherits from Identifiable in order to allow further documentation of the expected or
implemented debouncing and to use the category for the identification of the expected / implemented
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Subclasses DiagEventDebounceCounterBased, DiagEventDebounceMonitorInternal, DiagEventDebounceTime
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.17: DiagEventDebounceAlgorithm

Class DiagEventDebounceCounterBased
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This meta-class represents the ability to indicate that the counter-based debounce algorithm shall be
used by the DEM for this diagnostic monitor.
This is related to set the ECUC choice container DemDebounceAlgorithmClass to DemDebounce
Base ARObject, DiagEventDebounceAlgorithm, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
counterBased Integer 0..1 attr Threshold to allocate an event memory entry and to
FdcThreshold capture the Freeze Frame.
counter Integer 0..1 attr This value shall be taken to decrement the internal
DecrementStep debounce counter.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
counterFailed Integer 0..1 attr This value defines the event-specific limit that indicates
Threshold the "failed" counter status.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
counter Integer 0..1 attr This value shall be taken to increment the internal
IncrementStep debounce counter.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
counterJump Boolean 0..1 attr This value activates or deactivates the counter
Down jump-down behavior.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
counterJump Integer 0..1 attr This value represents the initial value of the internal
DownValue debounce counter if the counting direction changes from
incrementing to decrementing.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
counterJumpUp Boolean 0..1 attr This value activates or deactivates the counter jump-up
Stereotypes: atpVariation

762 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class DiagEventDebounceCounterBased
counterJumpUp Integer 0..1 attr This value represents the initial value of the internal
Value debounce counter if the counting direction changes from
decrementing to incrementing.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
counterPassed Integer 0..1 attr This value defines the event-specific limit that indicates
Threshold the "passed" counter status.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table 13.18: DiagEventDebounceCounterBased

Class DiagEventDebounceTimeBased
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This meta-class represents the ability to indicate that the time-based pre-debounce algorithm shall be
used by the Dem for this diagnostic monitor.
This is related to set the EcuC choice container DemDebounceAlgorithmClass to DemDebounceTime
Base ARObject, DiagEventDebounceAlgorithm, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
timeBasedFdc TimeValue 0..1 attr Threshold to allocate an event memory entry and to
Threshold capture the Freeze Frame.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
timeFailed TimeValue 0..1 attr This value represents the event-specific delay indicating
Threshold the "failed" status.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
timePassed TimeValue 0..1 attr This value represents the event-specific delay indicating
Threshold the "passed" status.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table 13.19: DiagEventDebounceTimeBased

Class DiagEventDebounceMonitorInternal
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note "This meta-class represents the ability to indicate that no Dem pre-debounce algorithm shall be used for
this diagnostic monitor. The SWC might implement an internal debouncing algorithm and report qualified
(debounced) results to the Dem/DM.
Base ARObject, DiagEventDebounceAlgorithm, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.20: DiagEventDebounceMonitorInternal

763 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Identifiable +assignedPort
ServiceDependency + role: Identifier [0..1]
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*

+portPrototype 0..1

+serviceNeeds 0..1


+usedFid 0..1 +deferringFid 0..*

DiagnosticCapabilityElement ObdRatioServiceNeeds

+ audience: + connectionType: ObdRatioConnectionKindEnum [0..1]

DiagnosticAudienceEnum [0..*]
+ diagRequirement:
DiagRequirementIdString [0..1]
+ securityAccessLevel:
PositiveInteger [0..1]
+rateBasedMonitoredEvent 0..1

«enumeration» DiagnosticEventNeeds
+ prestoredFreezeframeStoredInNvm:
apiUse Boolean [0..1]
observer + usesMonitorData: Boolean [0..1]

Identifiable +diagEventDebounceAlgorithm

DiagEventDebounceCounterBased DiagEventDebounceMonitorInternal DiagEventDebounceTimeBased

+ counterBasedFdcThresholdStorageValue: Integer [0..1] «atpVariation»

«atpVariation» + timeBasedFdcThresholdStorageValue:
+ counterDecrementStepSize: Integer [0..1] TimeValue [0..1]
+ counterFailedThreshold: Integer [0..1] + timeFailedThreshold: TimeValue [0..1]
+ counterIncrementStepSize: Integer [0..1] + timePassedThreshold: TimeValue [0..1]
+ counterJumpDown: Boolean [0..1]
+ counterJumpDownValue: Integer [0..1]
+ counterJumpUp: Boolean [0..1]
+ counterJumpUpValue: Integer [0..1]
+ counterPassedThreshold: Integer [0..1]

Figure 13.7: Relationship of DiagnosticEventNeeds and FunctionInhibitionNeeds

The figure 13.7 shows the relationship of the class DiagnosticEventNeeds. The
given M2 structure support to express following properties of a diagnostic monitor in
addition to the basic set of attributes provided by DiagnosticCapabilityElement:
The used PortPrototype which has to be connected to the Function Inhibition Man-
agers is determined by the RoleBasedPortAssignment of the related Function-
InhibitionNeeds instance on M1.
The reference from a M1 instance of an ObdRatioServiceNeeds to an M1 instance
of a DiagnosticEventNeeds specifies that the related Diagnostic Monitor supports
Rate Based Monitoring. For further details see 13.8.5
[TPS_SWCT_01582] Semantics of DiagnosticEventNeeds.deferringFid
dDiagnostic monitor implementations use Function Identifiers (FID) to acquire
permission from FiM before executing the fault detection.

764 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Typically, the permission is not granted by FiM if other Events have already been re-
ported as FAILED, which would lead to a double-detection of the same failure.
In some cases (see [40]), diagnostic monitor implementations do not only shut down
completely in case of “no permission”, but fully compute their result and do just not
deliver it to Dem before further conditions are fulfilled.
Typically, such diagnostics can detect a coarse failure quickly. But it avoids reporting
FAIL early to give other Events a chance to deliver a more precise FAIL.
In such cases, the delivery of the result is only allowed when FiM grants a permis-
sion, with inhibitions on NOT_TESTED of other Events. These Function Inhibitions are
specified by means of the attribute DiagnosticEventNeeds.deferringFid.
c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
As a corresponding concept to DiagnosticEventNeeds, the Diagnos-
ticEventInfoNeeds represents the needs to a given software-component that is
interested to get information about specific DTCs.
Class DiagnosticEventInfoNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This meta-class represents the needs of a software-component interested to get information regarding
specific DTCs.
Base ARObject, DiagnosticCapabilityElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, Service
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
obdDtcNumber PositiveInteger 0..1 attr This represents a reasonable Diagnostic Trouble Code.
This allows to predefine the Diagnostic Trouble Code, e.g.
if the function developer has received a particular
requirement from the OEM or from a standardization
This attribute applies for the OBD diagnostics use case.
udsDtcNumber PositiveInteger 0..1 attr This represents a reasonable Diagnostic Trouble Code.
This allows to predefine the Diagnostic Trouble Code, e.g.
if the function developer has received a particular
requirement from the OEM or from a standardization
This attribute applies for the UDS diagnostics use case.

Table 13.21: DiagnosticEventInfoNeeds

Class DiagnosticOperationCycleNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This meta-class represents the needs of a software-component to provide information regarding the
operation cycle management to the Dem module.
Base ARObject, DiagnosticCapabilityElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, Service
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
operationCycle OperationCycleType 0..1 attr Operation cycles types for the Dem to be supported by
Enum cycle-state APIs.

Table 13.22: DiagnosticOperationCycleNeeds

765 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Enumeration OperationCycleTypeEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note The possible values of the operation cycles types for the Dem.
Literal Description
ignition Ignition ON / OFF cycle.
obdDcy OBD Driving cycle.
other Further operation cycle.
power Power ON / OFF cycle.
time Time based operation cycle.
warmup OBD Warm up cycle.

Table 13.23: OperationCycleTypeEnum

Class DiagnosticEnableConditionNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This meta-class represents the needs of a software-component to provide the capability to set an enable
Base ARObject, DiagnosticCapabilityElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, Service
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
initialStatus EventAcceptanceStatus 0..1 attr Defines the initial status for enable or disable of
Enum acceptance of event reports of a diagnostic event.

Table 13.24: DiagnosticEnableConditionNeeds

Enumeration EventAcceptanceStatusEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This enumerator specifies the initial status for enable or disable of acceptance of event reports of a
diagnostic event.
Literal Description
eventAcceptance Acceptance of a diagnostic event is disabled.
eventAcceptance Acceptance of a diagnostic event is enabled.

Table 13.25: EventAcceptanceStatusEnum

Class DiagnosticStorageConditionNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds

766 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class DiagnosticStorageConditionNeeds
Note This meta-class represents the needs of a software-component to provide the capability to set a storage
Base ARObject, DiagnosticCapabilityElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, Service
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
initialStatus StorageConditionStatus 0..1 attr Defines the initial status for enable or disable of storage
Enum of a diagnostic event.

Table 13.26: DiagnosticStorageConditionNeeds

Enumeration StorageConditionStatusEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This enumeration specifies the initial status for enable or disable of storage of a diagnostic event.
Literal Description
eventStorage Storage of a diagnostic event is disabled.
eventStorage Storage of a diagnostic event is enabled.

Table 13.27: StorageConditionStatusEnum

Class DtcStatusChangeNotificationNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This meta-class represents the needs of a software-component interested to get information regarding
any DTC status change.
Base ARObject, DiagnosticCapabilityElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, Service
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.28: DtcStatusChangeNotificationNeeds Dem Service Use Case: diagnostic monitor, debouncing by Dem

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType implements a Diagnostic Monitor. The de-

bouncing of the failure condition shall be configured and processed by the Dem. In this
case the following setup apply:
[TPS_SWCT_01028] AtomicSwComponentType implements a Diagnostic Moni-
tor d
ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticEventNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• DiagnosticMonitor [1]
• DiagnosticInfo [0..1]

767 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

• CallbackInitMonitorForEvent [0..1]
• CallbackEventUdsStatusChanged [0..1]
• CallbackClearEventAllowed [0..1]
c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
Please note that for the implementation of this scenario DiagEventDebounceCoun-
terBased or DiagEventDebounceTimeBased algorithm should be used as di-
agEventDebounceAlgorithm. Dem Service Use Case: diagnostic monitor, debouncing by SWC

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType implements a Diagnostic Monitor. The de-

bouncing of the failure condition shall be processed by the software component. In this
case the following setup applies:
[TPS_SWCT_01029] AtomicSwComponentType implements a Diagnostic Moni-
tor d
ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticEventNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• DiagnosticMonitor [1]
• DiagnosticInfo [0..1]
• CallbackInitMonitorForEvent [0..1]
• CallbackEventUdsStatusChanged [0..1]
• CallbackClearEventAllowed [0..1]
• CallbackGetFaultDetectCounter [0..1]
c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
Please note that for the implementation of this scenario DiagEventDebounceMoni-
torInternal algorithm should be used as diagEventDebounceAlgorithm.

768 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template
AUTOSAR CP R21-11 Dem Service Use Case: software-component provides information

about operation cycles

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType provides information about operating cy-

cles, e.g. ignition cycle or driving cycle.
[TPS_SWCT_01132] AtomicSwComponentType provides information about op-
erating cycles d
ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticOperationCycleNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• OperationCycle [1]
c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
For more information please refer to [SWS_Dem_00601]. Dem Service Use Case: software-component enables reporting of

DTCs in general

Scenario: a AtomicSwComponentType enables the reporting of DTCs in general.

[TPS_SWCT_01134] AtomicSwComponentType enables reporting of DTCs in
general d
ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticEnableConditionNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• EnableCondition [1]
c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
For more information please refer to [SWS_Dem_00604] and [ECUC_Dem_00656].

769 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template
AUTOSAR CP R21-11 Dem Service Use Case: software-component enables storage of sub-

sequent DTCs

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType enables the storage of subsequent DTCs.

[TPS_SWCT_01135] AtomicSwComponentType enables storage of subsequent
DTCs d
ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticStorageConditionNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• StorageCondition [1]
c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
For more information please refer to [SWS_Dem_00605].
The relevant DTCs shall be configured in ECUC because at the time the Atomic-
SwComponentType is designed the information about which DTCs are relevant is not
fully available. Dem Service Use Case: retrieve information of the lamp status

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType retrieves information of the lamp status.



+ type: DiagnosticIndicatorTypeEnum [0..1]

Figure 13.8: Modeling of IndicatorStatusNeeds

[TPS_SWCT_01136] AtomicSwComponentType retrieves information of the lamp

status d
ServiceNeedsKind IndicatorStatusNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• IndicatorStatus [1]

770 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
For more information please refer to [SWS_Dem_00606].
Class IndicatorStatusNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This meta-class shall be taken to signal a service use case that affects the indicator status.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
type DiagnosticIndicatorType 0..1 attr Defines the type of the indicator.
Table 13.29: IndicatorStatusNeeds

Enumeration DiagnosticIndicatorTypeEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::DiagnosticExtract::Dem::DiagnosticIndicator
Note Type of an indicator.
Literal Description
amberWarning Amber Warning Lamp
malfunction Malfunction Indicator Lamp
protectLamp Protect Lamp
redStopLamp Red Stop Lamp
warning Warning

Table 13.30: DiagnosticIndicatorTypeEnum Dem Service Use Case: DEM provides information that the fault stor-
age overflows

Please note that for this specific use case the application of a concrete ServiceNeeds
is not yet clarified.
Scenario: the Dem provides information that the fault storage overflows.
[TPS_SWCT_01137] Dem provides information that the fault storage overflows d
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• EvMemOverflowIndication [1]

771 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
For more information please refer to [SWS_Dem_00607]. Dem Service Use Case: software-component suppresses the storage

of DTCs

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType suppresses the storage of DTCs within the

[TPS_SWCT_01138] AtomicSwComponentType suppresses the storage of DTCs
within the Dem d
ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticEventManagerNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• DTCSuppression [1]
c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
For more information please refer to [SWS_Dem_00608]. Dem Service Use Case: software-component informs that the PTO is

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType informs the Dem that the PTO is active.

[TPS_SWCT_01139] AtomicSwComponentType informs the Dem that the PTO is
active d
ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticEventManagerNeeds
The following roles are applicable:
• PowerTakeOff [1]

772 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
For more information please refer to [SWS_Dem_00612]. Dem Service Use Case: software-component needs information

about any DTC status change

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType needs information about any DTC status

change. There is no limitation on the number of software-components requesting the
[TPS_SWCT_01140] AtomicSwComponentType needs information about spe-
cific DTC without being a diagnostic monitor d
ServiceNeeds kind DtcStatusChangeNotificationNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• CallbackDTCStatusChange [1]
c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
For more information please refer to [SWS_Dem_00617].
In the case the software-component needs notifications about different kinds of the
DTC status change, it is advised to create a SwcServiceDependency for each kind
of status change. Dem Service Use Case: call operation if the data of a given diagnostic
event changes (I)

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType provides a PPortPrototype typed by the

ClientServerInterface CallbackEventDataChanged. The service compo-
nent calls the ClientServerOperation EventDataChanged if the corresponding
diagnostic event changes in terms of the underlying data.
For each diagnostic events to which the AtomicSwComponentType is conceptually
connected it needs to provide one PPortPrototype towards the service component.

773 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

[TPS_SWCT_01425] AtomicSwComponentType provides one callback per event

if diagnostic event data change d
ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticEventInfoNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• CallbackEventDataChanged [1]
c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
For more information please refer to [SWS_Dem_00618]. Dem Service Use Case: call operation if the data or status of any
diagnostic event changes (II)

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType shall react on any diagnostic event status

change and/or any diagnostic event data change. For instance this may be used to
write a time stamp when any event status changes regardless of the event id.
In contrast to the scenario described in chapter or this case fore-
sees the existence of a single PPortPrototype that covers all relevant diagnostic
[TPS_SWCT_01426] AtomicSwComponentType provides callback if any diagnos-
tic event data and/or status changed d
ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticEventManagerNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• GeneralCallbackEventDataChanged [0..1]
• GeneralCallbackEventUdsStatusChange [0..1]
• GeneralDiagnosticInfo [0..1]
For more information please refer to [SWS_Dem_00616], [SWS_Dem_00619], and

774 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

In order to react on diagnostic event status changes the software component shall
provide a single PPortPrototype typed as a client server interface compatible to
In order to react on diagnostic event data changes the software component shall pro-
vide a single PPortPrototype typed as a client server interface compatible to Gen-
If the software-component additionally has to read further information of the specific
diagnostic event from Dem it shall provide a RPortPrototype typed as a client server
interface compatible to GeneralDiagnosticInfo. It shall also specify Diagnos-
ticEventInfoNeeds.c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190) Dem Service Use Case: software-component provides data for diag-
nostic purposes

Please note that for this specific use case the application of a concrete ServiceNeeds
is not yet clarified.
Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType provides data to be used for diagnostic pur-
poses. The provision of data can be done by means of PPortPrototypes typed by
either ClientServerInterfaces or SenderReceiverInterfaces. The usage of
the latter, however, is not further detailed in the applicable SWS [41] and therefore no
more details are to be provided in this document.
[TPS_SWCT_01427] AtomicSwComponentType provides data for diagnostic pur-
poses via ClientServerInterface d
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• DataServices [1]
c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
[TPS_SWCT_01634] Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface
for the Data Services dThe suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface
for the Data Services (DataServices_{Data}) shall be taken from the shortName of
the applicable SwcServiceDependency.c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
For more information please refer to [SWS_Dem_00621].

775 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template
AUTOSAR CP R21-11 Dem Service Use Case: software-component gets information about

a specific DTC

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType specifies DiagnosticEventInfoNeeds

in order to be able to get information about specific DTCs. This use case to some
extent is similar to [TPS_SWCT_01426] but does not replace that use case.
[TPS_SWCT_01453] Software-component gets information about a specific DTC
ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticEventInfoNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• DiagnosticInfo [1]
c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
For more information please refer to [SWS_Dem_00609]. Dem Service Use Case: Software-Component wants to be triggered

on Monitor Status Changes

Scenario: a software-component wants to be triggered on monitor status changes if

this is supported for the specific monitor status. Events reported from basic-software
modules cannot be considered in this service use case.
The Dem will not provide corresponding PortPrototypes for events reported by
basic-software modules.
This way, the service use case cannot be used for events reported by the basic-
However, for the creator of the service use case there is no way to find out whether the
event will be reported by basic software of application software-component.
[TPS_SWCT_01715] Software-Component wants to be triggered on Monitor Sta-
tus Changes d
ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticEventManagerNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• CallbackMonitorStatusChange [1]

776 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190) Dem Service Use Case: write parameter identifier by software-


Scenario: A software-component computes the PIDs, and pushes them to Dem for
storage and reporting to Dcm.
[TPS_SWCT_01766] Software-component computes the PIDs, and pushes them
to Dem for storage and reporting to Dcm d
ServiceNeeds kind ObdPidServiceNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• SetDataOfPID21 [1]
• SetDataOfPID4D [1]
• SetDataOfPID4E [1]
c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190) Dem Service Use Case: read parameter identifier by software-


Scenario: A software-component located on an OBD master ECU reads the PID

21, and sends the value around via “regular” sender-receiver communication to other
software-components located on OBD primary ECUs with the obligation to push the
PID value to their local Dems.
[TPS_SWCT_01767] Software-component located on an OBD master ECU reads
the PID 21, and sends the value around via “regular” sender-receiver communi-
cation d
ServiceNeeds kind ObdPidServiceNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:

777 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

• GetDataOfPID21 [1]
c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190) Dem Service Use Case: diagnostic monitor provides monitor data,
debouncing by Dem

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType implements a Diagnostic Monitor that is able

to provide monitor data. The debouncing of the failure condition shall be configured and
processed by the Dem. In this case the following setup applies:
[TPS_SWCT_01789] AtomicSwComponentType implements a Diagnostic Moni-
tor that provides monitor data, debouncing by Dem d
ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticEventNeeds (with attribute usesMonitorData
set to TRUE)
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• DiagnosticMonitor [0..1]
• DiagnosticMonitor_MonitorData [1]
• DiagnosticInfo [0..1]
• CallbackInitMonitorForEvent [0..1]
• CallbackEventStatusChange [0..1]
• CallbackClearEventAllowed [0..1]
c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
Please note that for the implementation of this scenario the sub-class DiagEvent-
DebounceCounterBased or DiagEventDebounceTimeBased algorithm should be
used as the value for attribute DiagnosticEventNeeds.diagEventDebounceAl-

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Software Component Template
AUTOSAR CP R21-11 Dem Service Use Case: diagnostic monitor provides monitor data,
debouncing by software-component

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType implements a Diagnostic Monitor that is able

to provide monitor data. The debouncing of the failure condition shall be configured
and processed by the software-component that implements the monitor. In this case
the following setup applies:
[TPS_SWCT_01790] AtomicSwComponentType implements a Diagnostic Moni-
tor that provides monitor data, debouncing by software-component d
ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticEventNeeds (with attribute usesMonitorData
set to TRUE)
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• DiagnosticMonitor [0..1]
• DiagnosticMonitor_MonitorData [1]
• DiagnosticInfo [0..1]
• CallbackInitMonitorForEvent [0..1]
• CallbackEventStatusChange [0..1]
• CallbackClearEventAllowed [0..1]
• CallbackGetFaultDetectCounter [1]
c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
Please note that for the implementation of this scenario the sub-class DiagEvent-
DebounceMonitorInternal should be used as the value for attribute Diagnos-
ticEventNeeds.diagEventDebounceAlgorithm. Dem Service Use Case: software-component checks whether an

event is suppressed

Scenario: a software-component representing a monitor of a given event needs to

check for the availability of the event in order to decide whether reporting of that event
is cleared by the Dem.
A typical use case for this ability is a scenario where actuators are moved to their limits
for testing purposes. During this phase the monitoring shall cease.

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Software Component Template

For this purpose the software component needs to expose an RPortPrototype to-
wards the Dem.
[TPS_SWCT_01808] Dem Service Use Case: software-component checks
whether an event is suppressed d
ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticEventInfoNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• DiagnosticInfo [1]
c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)

13.8.4 Diagnostic Communication Needs

The meta-class DiagnosticCommunicationManagerNeeds is used to define re-

quirements in order to configure the Diagnostic Communication Manager Service.
An SwcInternalBehavior may provide a DiagnosticCommunicationMan-
agerNeeds element which defines the mappings for the general diagnostic commu-
nication (for the terms related to the AUTOSAR Diagnostic Communication Manager
see [42]).
The meta-class DiagnosticRoutineNeeds is used to define requirements to config-
ure the Diagnostic Communication Manager Service. A PPortPrototype typed by a
ClientServerInterface1 may provide ClientServerOperations (for example,
“start”, “stop”, and “RequestResults”).
The PPortPrototype corresponds to the diagnostic service RoutineControl.
Within the SwcInternalBehavior up to three RunnableEntitys are defined for
implementing the ClientServerOperations mentioned before.
The enumeration parameter DiagnosticRoutineTypeEnum is used to define
whether the diagnostic server or client is responsible for stopping the routine.
Please note that [constr_1340] and [constr_1341] apply for the application of Diag-
nosticRoutineNeeds. These constraints are part of the specification of the Diag-
nostic Extract.

where isService shall be set to true

780 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class DiagnosticCommunicationManagerNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note Specifies the general needs on the configuration of the Diagnostic Communication Manager (Dcm) which
are not related to a particular item (e.g. a PID or DiagnosticRoutineNeeds). The main use case is the
mapping of service ports to the Dcm which are not related to a particular item.
Base ARObject, DiagnosticCapabilityElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, Service
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
serviceRequest DiagnosticService 0..1 attr This represents the ability to define whether the usage of
CallbackType RequestCallbackType PortInterface ServiceRequestNotification has the
Enum characteristics of being initiated by a manufacturer or by a

Table 13.31: DiagnosticCommunicationManagerNeeds

«enumeration» Identifiable +serviceNeeds AtpStructureElement «enumeration»

DiagnosticServiceRequestCallbackTypeEnum ServiceNeeds 0..1 Identifiable ObdRatioConnectionKindEnum
requestCallbackTypeManufacturer SwcServiceDependency apiUse
requestCallbackTypeSupplier observer

DiagnosticComponentNeeds DiagnosticCapabilityElement DiagnosticCommunicationManagerNeeds

+ audience: + serviceRequestCallbackType:
DiagnosticAudienceEnum [0..*] DiagnosticServiceRequestCallbackTypeEnum [0..1]
+ diagRequirement:
DiagRequirementIdString [0..1]
+ securityAccessLevel: DiagnosticValueNeeds
PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ dataLength: PositiveInteger [0..1]
DiagnosticControlNeeds + diagnosticValueAccess: DiagnosticValueAccessEnum [0..1]
+ fixedLength: Boolean [0..1]
+ processingStyle: DiagnosticProcessingStyleEnum [0..1]

DiagnosticRoutineNeeds +currentValue

+ diagRoutineType:
DiagnosticsCommunicationSecurityNeeds DiagnosticRoutineTypeEnum [0..1]


+ freezeCurrentStateSupported: Boolean [0..1]

+ resetToDefaultSupported: Boolean [0..1]
+ shortTermAdjustmentSupported: Boolean [0..1]

«enumeration» «enumeration» «enumeration»
DiagnosticRoutineTypeEnum DiagnosticValueAccessEnum DiagnosticProcessingStyleEnum
aftermarket synchronous readOnly processingStyleSynchronous
asynchronous readWrite processingStyleAsynchronous
writeOnly processingStyleAsynchronousWithError

Figure 13.9: General diagnostic service-related ServiceNeeds

Enumeration DiagnosticServiceRequestCallbackTypeEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This represents the ability to define whether a Service Request Notification was used in the role of a
manufacturer or a supplier.
Literal Description
requestCallback This represents the case that the usage of PortInterface ServiceRequestNotification has the
TypeManufacturer characteristics of being used by a manufacturer.

781 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Enumeration DiagnosticServiceRequestCallbackTypeEnum
requestCallback This represents the case that the usage of PortInterface ServiceRequestNotification has the
TypeSupplier characteristics of being used by a supplier.

Table 13.32: DiagnosticServiceRequestCallbackTypeEnum

Class DiagnosticRoutineNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note Specifies the general needs on the configuration of the Diagnostic Communication Manager (Dcm) which
are not related to a particular item (e.g. a PID). The main use case is the mapping of service ports to the
Dcm which are not related to a particular item.
Base ARObject, DiagnosticCapabilityElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, Service
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
diagRoutine DiagnosticRoutineType 0..1 attr This denotes the type of diagnostic routine which is
Type Enum implemented by the referenced server port.

Table 13.33: DiagnosticRoutineNeeds

[constr_1986] Existence of the reference DiagnosticRoutineNeeds.diagRou-

tineType dFor each DiagnosticRoutineNeeds, the reference to BswInternal-
Behavior in the role diagRoutineType shall exist at the time when the RTE
is generated.c()
Enumeration DiagnosticRoutineTypeEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This enumerator specifies the different types of diagnostic routines.
Literal Description
asynchronous This indicates that the diagnostic server is not blocked while the diagnostic routine is running.
synchronous This indicates that the diagnostic routine blocks the diagnostic server in the ECU while the routine is

Table 13.34: DiagnosticRoutineTypeEnum

The meta-class DiagnosticIoControlNeeds is used to define requirements to con-

figure the Diagnostic Communication Manager Service. The PPortPrototype corre-
sponds to the diagnostic service InputOutputControlByIdentifier. Within the
SwcInternalBehavior up to three RunnableEntitys are defined for implement-
ing the ClientServerOperations mentioned before.
Class DiagnosticIoControlNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds

782 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class DiagnosticIoControlNeeds
Note Specifies the general needs on the configuration of the Diagnostic Communication Manager (DCM)
which are not related to a particular item (e.g. a PID). The main use case is the mapping of service ports
to the Dcm which are not related to a particular item.
Base ARObject, DiagnosticCapabilityElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, Service
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
currentValue DiagnosticValueNeeds 0..1 ref Reference to the DiagnosticValueNeeds indicating the
access to the current value via signalBasedDiagnostics.
freezeCurrent Boolean 0..1 attr This attribute determines, if the referenced port supports
StateSupported temporary freezing of I/O value.
resetToDefault Boolean 0..1 attr This represents a flag for the existence of the ResetTo
Supported Default operation in the service interface.
shortTerm Boolean 0..1 attr This attribute determines, if the referenced port supports
Adjustment temporarily setting of I/O value to a specific value
Supported provided by the diagnostic tester.

Table 13.35: DiagnosticIoControlNeeds

The meta-class DiagnosticValueNeeds is used to define requirements in order to

configure the Diagnostic Communication Manager Service as well as the Diagnostic
Event Manager Service.
The DCM can access either local values via a ClientServerInterface or it may
access dataElements in a PPortPrototype typed by a SenderReceiverInter-
face. For this purpose, the DiagnosticValueNeeds require associations to local
values (i.e. inside InternalBehavior) or respectively dataElements.
The attribute DiagnosticValueNeeds.diagnosticValueAccess of type Diag-
nosticValueAccessEnum allows for distinguishing between current values to read
diagnostic information (readOnly) and data elements which are additionally classified
as configurable (readWrite).
[constr_1363] Existence of attributes of DiagnosticValueNeeds dif Diagnos-
ticValueNeeds is aggregated by a SwcServiceDependency in the role service-
Needs then the attributes
• DiagnosticValueNeeds.diagnosticValueAccess
• DiagnosticValueNeeds.dataLength
shall not exist at any time in the workflow.c()
[constr_1364] Existence of attributes of DiagnosticIoControlNeeds dif Diag-
nosticIoControlNeeds is aggregated by a SwcServiceDependency in the role
serviceNeeds then the attributes
• DiagnosticIoControlNeeds.freezeCurrentStateSupported
• DiagnosticIoControlNeeds.shortTermAdjustmentSupported
shall not exist at any time in the workflow.c()

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Software Component Template

For all intents and purposes, the statement made by [constr_1363] and [constr_1364]
boils down to the fact that these attributes can only be reasonably used in the context
of a BswServiceDependency.
Class DiagnosticValueNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note Specifies the general needs on the configuration of the Diagnostic Communication Manager (DCM)
which are not related to a particular item (e.g. a PID). The main use case is the mapping of service ports
to the DCM which are not related to a particular item.
In the case of using a sender receiver communicated value, the related value shall be taken via assigned
Data in the role "signalBasedDiagnostics".
In case of using a client/server communicated value, the related value shall be communicated via the
port referenced by asssignedPort. The details of this communication (e.g. appropriate naming
conventions) are specified in the related software specifications (SWS).
Base ARObject, DiagnosticCapabilityElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, Service
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dataLength PositiveInteger 0..1 attr This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValue
Needs is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute represents the length of data (in bytes)
provided for this particular PID signal.
diagnosticValue DiagnosticValueAccess 0..1 attr This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValue
Access Enum Needs is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute controls whether the data can be read and
written or whether it is to be handled read-only.
fixedLength Boolean 0..1 attr This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValue
Needs is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute controls whether the data length of the data
is fixed.
processingStyle DiagnosticProcessing 0..1 attr This attribute controls whether interaction requires the
StyleEnum software-component to react synchronously on a request
or whether it processes the request in background but still
the DCM has to issue the call again to eventually obtain
the result of the request.

Table 13.36: DiagnosticValueNeeds

Enumeration DiagnosticValueAccessEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note Defines the access of the configured diagnostic current values which will be used by the Dem or Dcm
Literal Description
readOnly The access to the data element is limited to read-only. This is typically used to read-out diagnostic
information (e.g. current values).
readWrite The value of the diagnostic data element is classified as configurable (read and write access is
writeOnly The access to the data element is limited to write-only. This supports the use case where the Dcm
just writes data to the application software without the intention to read it back,

Table 13.37: DiagnosticValueAccessEnum

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Software Component Template

Enumeration DiagnosticProcessingStyleEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This meta-class represents the ability to define the processing style of diagnostic requests.
Literal Description
processingStyle The software-component processes the request in background but still the Dcm has to issue the call
Asynchronous again to eventually obtain the result of the request.
processingStyle The software-component processes the request in background but still the Dcm has to issue the call
AsynchronousWith again to eventually obtain the result of the request or handle error code.
processingStyle The software-component is supposed to react synchronously on the request.

Table 13.38: DiagnosticProcessingStyleEnum

Class DiagnosticsCommunicationSecurityNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This meta-class represents the needs of a software-component to verify the access to security level via
diagnostic services.
Base ARObject, DiagnosticCapabilityElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, Service
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.39: DiagnosticsCommunicationSecurityNeeds Dcm Service Use Case: read/write current values by Client Server In-

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType offers a PPortPrototype typed by

ClientServerInterface to read/write current value via diagnostic services (e.g.
measurements, variant coding)
[TPS_SWCT_02002] AtomicSwComponentType offers a PPortPrototype typed
by ClientServerInterface to read/write current value via diagnostic services
ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticValueNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• DataServices [1]

785 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
[TPS_SWCT_01628] Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface
for the Data Services dThe suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface
for the Data Services (DataServices_{Data}) shall be taken from the shortName of
the applicable SwcServiceDependency.c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
For more information please refer to [SWS_Dcm_00686]. Dcm Service Use Case: read/write current values of specific DID by
Client Server Interface

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType offers a PPortPrototype typed by

ClientServerInterface to read/write current values via diagnostic services (e.g.
measurements, variant coding) where the applicable DID is passed as an argument to
the access functions. This use case applies mostly if the software-component provides
the information related to more than one DID.
[TPS_SWCT_01639] AtomicSwComponentType offers a PPortPrototype typed
by ClientServerInterface to read/write current value via diagnostic services
where the applicable DID is passed as an argument to the access functions d
ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticValueNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• DataServices_DIDRange [1]
c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
[TPS_SWCT_01640] Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface
for the Data Services dThe suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface
for the Data Services (DataServices_DIDRange_{Range}) shall be taken from the
shortName of the applicable SwcServiceDependency.c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_-
For more information please refer to [SWS_Dcm_00769]. Dcm Service Use Case: read/write current values by Sender Receiver
Interface or Nv Data Interface

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType offers PortPrototypes typed by

SenderReceiverInterfaces or NvDataInterfaces to read/write current values

786 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

via diagnostic services (e.g. measurements, variant coding) This is mainly used for
data which are available at ports anyhow used for other communication purpose.
Note: this scenario can be implemented as a regular sender/receiver communication
without the necessity to use a SwcServiceDependency. The description of a Swc-
ServiceDependency (even if it is technically not required) may help to advertise the
special role of the corresponding dataElement with respect to diagnostics.
[TPS_SWCT_02003] AtomicSwComponentType offers PortPrototypes typed
by SenderReceiverInterfaces or NvDataInterfaces to read/write current
values via diagnostic services d
ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticValueNeeds
RoleBasedDataAssignment valid roles:
• signalBasedDiagnostics [1..2]
To read the signal the AtomicSwComponentType shall offer an AbstractProvid-
edPortPrototype, to write the signal the AtomicSwComponentType shall offer an
AbstractRequiredPortPrototype.c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
For more information please refer to [TPS_SWCT_01579], [TPS_SWCT_01831] and
[constr_1679] Existence of attribute RoleBasedDataAssignment.used-
DataElement.localVariable for RoleBasedDataAssignment.role = sig-
nalBasedDiagnostics dIf the attribute RoleBasedDataAssignment.role is
set to the value signalBasedDiagnostics then the reference RoleBased-
DataAssignment.usedDataElement.localVariable shall not exist at the
time when the RTE is generated.c()
For explanation of the existence of [constr_1679], it is not intended to provide diagnos-
tic access to local variables inside the SwcInternalBehavior. Dcm Service Use Case: start/stop or request routine results

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType offers a PortPrototype typed by a

ClientServerInterface to start/stop or request routine results of diagnostic rou-
[TPS_SWCT_02004] AtomicSwComponentType offers a PortPrototype typed
by a ClientServerInterface to start/stop or request routine results of diag-
nostic routines d

787 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticRoutineNeeds

RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• RoutineServices [1]
c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
[TPS_SWCT_01632] Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface for
the Routine Services dThe suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface
for the Routine Services (RoutineServices_{RoutineName}) shall be taken from the
shortName of the applicable SwcServiceDependency.c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_-
For more information please refer to [SWS_Dcm_00690].
[constr_1724] Usage of attribute ClientServerOperation.diagArgIntegrity
dWith the exception of the context of a ServiceSwComponentType, the attribute
ClientServerOperation.diagArgIntegrity shall only have the value True if
the ClientServerInterface containing the respective ClientServerOpera-
tion is used to type a PPortPrototype that is referenced by a RoleBasedPor-
tAssignment aggregated by a SwcServiceDependency that in turn aggregates
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
In other words, on the level of application software the attribute diagArgIntegrity
shall only exist in the context of a PPortPrototype.
Obviously, the ServiceSwComponentType that is used to represent the Dcm will use
an RPortPrototype for the other end of the AssemblySwConnector that connects
to said PortPrototype in the application software. Dcm Service Use Case: IO control by Client Server Interface

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType offers a PortPrototype typed by a

ClientServerInterface to adjust the IO signal via diagnostic services.
[TPS_SWCT_02005] AtomicSwComponentType offers PortPrototypes typed
by ClientServerInterfaces to adjust the IO signal via diagnostic services
ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticIoControlNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:

788 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

• DataServices [1]
c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
[TPS_SWCT_01629] Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface
for the Data Services dThe suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface
for the Data Services (DataServices_{Data}) shall be taken from the shortName of
the applicable SwcServiceDependency.c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
For more information please refer to [SWS_Dcm_00686]. Dcm Service Use Case: IO control by Sender Receiver Interface

This use case represents an alternative to the use case described in chapter,
i.e. for the same purpose it is also possible to utilize a SenderReceiverInterface.
The essential idea behind the existence of I/O PortPrototypes typed by Sender-
ReceiverInterface is the possibility to have quick access to the dataElements
currently under control.
Especially cases where access to dataElements is required from different partitions
(for example in multi core systems) can benefit from this approach.
Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType offers an RPortPrototype typed by a
SenderReceiverInterface (in particular: IOControlRequest) to adjust the I/O
signal via diagnostic services and offers a PPortPrototype typed by a Sender-
ReceiverInterface (in particular: IOControlResponse) to provide the IO “oper-
ation response”.
In case of using IOControlRequest (which owns three dataElements) and IO-
ControlResponse the whole PortPrototype is related to exactly one IO control
and needs to be consistent.
Therefore, the usage of RoleBasedPortAssignment (instead of the RoleBased-
DataAssignment, which would otherwise typically be used for a sender/receiver-
based scenario) is required for avoiding modeling overhead.
[TPS_SWCT_01654] AtomicSwComponentType offers PortPrototypes typed
by SenderReceiverInterfaces to adjust the IO signal via diagnostic services
ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticIoControlNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:

789 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

• IOControlRequest [1]
• IOControlResponse [1]
• DataServices [1]
c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
The IOControl service requires in its diagnostic response the current value of the IO-
DID, which is identical to the current value represented by DiagnosticValueNeeds
of the ReadDataByIdentifer response.
[TPS_SWCT_01655] Reference from DiagnosticIoControlNeeds to Diagnos-
ticValueNeeds dIn the scenario described by [TPS_SWCT_01654], the Diagnos-
ticIoControlNeeds shall reference the DiagnosticValueNeeds which relates
to the access of the current value via diagnostic services (see [TPS_SWCT_02003]).c
(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
[TPS_SWCT_01656] Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface for
DataServices, IOControlRequest, and IOControlResponse dThe suffix used
for the resulting name of the PortInterface for the DataServices_{Data}, IO-
ControlRequest_{Data}, and IOControlResponse_{Data} shall be taken from the
shortName of the applicable SwcServiceDependency.c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_-
The service use case is visualized in Figure 13.10. The SwComponentPrototype
contains two SwcServiceDependencys, one for the I/O Control, and one for the
access of the dataElement with the shortName “IOx” by the Dcm.
Please note that, in this example, the SenderReceiverInterface used on the
PPortPrototype of the ApplicationSwComponentType has several dataEle-
ments (where the dataElement with the shortName “IOx” is one of them). This is a
perfectly valid configuration.
On the other hand, the SenderReceiverInterface used on the RPortProto-
type of the ServiceSwComponentType representing the Dcm can only have one
dataElement. This single dataElement shall (as far as the example is concerned)
be given the shortName “IOx”.
Note the reference from the DiagnosticIoControlNeeds to the DiagnosticVal-
ueNeeds. this reference explicitly expresses that access to a DID is combined with the
usage of I/O control.

790 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

SwComponentPrototype typed by ApplicationSwComponentType SwComponentPrototype

typed by Dcm
„IOControlRequest_IOx“ tor ServiceSwComponentType
role: „IOControlRequest“ SenderReceiverInterface
SwcServiceDependency „IOControlRequest_IOx“
role: „IOControlResponse“

«isOfType» «isOfType»

SwcServiceDependency RoleBasedDataAssignment
„Data_IOx“ role: „signalBasedDiagnostics“

currentValue „DataXY_IO“
„IOx“ „DataServices_Data_IOx“
„Data_IOx“ „IOx“

Figure 13.10: Visualization of the service use case

[TPS_SWCT_01657] NamingRule for RPortPrototype referenced by a Role-

BasedPortAssignment with attribute role set to “IOControlRequest” dThe
shortName of a RPortPrototype referenced by a RoleBasedPortAssignment
with attribute role set to “IOControlRequest” shall be created by concatenating the
prefix “IOControlRequest” and the SwcServiceDependency.shortName, separated
by a single underscore character (i.e. “_”).c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
For more information please refer to [SWS_Dcm_01308] and [SWS_Dcm_01309].
[constr_1741] Restriction to explicit sending semantics for the usage of
DataServices in the context of a SwcServiceDependency that aggregates Di-
agnosticValueNeeds that in turn is referenced by a DiagnosticIoControl-
Needs dA dataElement
• that is referenced by a RoleBasedDataAssignment (where the attribute role
is set to signalBasedDiagnostics) owned by a SwcServiceDependency
that aggregates DiagnosticValueNeeds that in turn is referenced by a Diag-
• shall also be referenced by a VariableAccess aggregated in the role
dataSendPoint by a given RunnableEntity that in turn belongs to the en-
closing SwcInternalBehavior.

791 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

• shall not be referenced by a VariableAccess aggregated in the role

dataWriteAccess by a given RunnableEntity that in turn belongs to the
enclosing SwcInternalBehavior.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
In other words, the data handled by the diagnostics transformer shall only be sent
explicitly. The usage of implicit sending of these data is not supported. Dcm Service Use Case: Access to protocol, session and security in-

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType offers a server port to get protocol, session

and security information or to request a Reset to Default Session.
[TPS_SWCT_02013] AtomicSwComponentType offers a server port to get proto-
col, session and security information or to request a Reset to Default Session
ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticCommunicationManagerNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• DCMServices [1]
c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
For more information please refer to [SWS_Dcm_00698] Dcm Service Use Case: Verify the access to security level

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType provides a server port to verify the access

to security level via diagnostic services.
[TPS_SWCT_02015] AtomicSwComponentType verifies the access to security
level via diagnostic services d
ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticsCommunicationSecurityNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• SecurityAccess [1]

792 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
[TPS_SWCT_01627] Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface
for the Security Access dThe suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInter-
face for the Security Access (SecurityAccess_{SecurityLevel}) shall be taken from the
shortName of the applicable SwcServiceDependency.c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_-
For more information please refer to [SWS_Dcm_00685] Dcm Service Use Case: multiple testers access one ECU

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType provides a server port to get information on

the status of the protocol communication. Further on the AtomicSwComponentType
may disallow a protocol.
[TPS_SWCT_02016] AtomicSwComponentType requires information on the sta-
tus of the protocol communication and may disallow a protocol d
ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticCommunicationManagerNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• CallbackDCMRequestServices [1]
c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
For more information please refer to [SWS_Dcm_00692] Dcm Service Use Case: Service Request Notification

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType provides a server port to get notified about

a Service Request via diagnostic services. This indicates the successful reception of
a new request to application.
Within this Service Request Notification this function application can examine the per-
mission of the diagnostic service / environment.
Please note that the Service Request Notification can be used in two char-
acteristics, i.e. as manufacturer ([TPS_SWCT_01577] applies) or as a supplier
([TPS_SWCT_01578] applies).

793 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

[TPS_SWCT_01577] AtomicSwComponentType requires the notification about a

Service Request via diagnostic services with manufacturer characteristics d
The attribute DiagnosticCommunicationManagerNeeds.serviceRequest-
CallbackType shall be set to the value requestCallbackTypeManufacturer.
ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticCommunicationManagerNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• ServiceRequestNotification [1]
[TPS_SWCT_01578] AtomicSwComponentType requires the notification about a
Service Request via diagnostic services with supplier characteristics d
The attribute DiagnosticCommunicationManagerNeeds.serviceRequest-
CallbackType shall be set to the value requestCallbackTypeSupplier.
ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticCommunicationManagerNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• ServiceRequestNotification [1]
For more information please refer to [SWS_Dcm_00694] Dcm Service Use Case: read/write and IOCtrl current values by Client
Server Interface

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType offers a PPortPrototype typed by

ClientServerInterface to read/write and IOCtrl current value via diagnostic ser-
vices (e.g. measurements, variant coding)
[TPS_SWCT_01690] AtomicSwComponentType offers a PPortPrototype typed
by ClientServerInterface to read/write and IOCtrl current value via diagnos-
tic services d

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Software Component Template

ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticValueNeeds, DiagnosticIoControlNeeds

RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• DataServices [1]
c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
[TPS_SWCT_01691] Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface for
the Data Services dThe suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface for
the Data Services (DataServices_{Data}) shall be taken from the shortName of
the SwcServiceDependency that aggregates the DiagnosticIoControlNeeds.c
(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190) Dcm Service Use Case: A software-component acts as a "file server"

to a diagnostic tester

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType acts as a "file server" to a diagnostic tester.

[TPS_SWCT_01791] AtomicSwComponentType acts as a "file server" to a diag-
nostic tester d
ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticRequestFileTransferNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• RequestFileTransfer [1]
c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
Class DiagnosticRequestFileTransferNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This meta-class indicates the existence of a service use case that involves UDS service 0x38, Request
File Transfer.
Base ARObject, DiagnosticCapabilityElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, Service
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.40: DiagnosticRequestFileTransferNeeds

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Software Component Template

13.8.5 OBD related Needs

The ObdRatioServiceNeeds describes further properties of the implementation of

the Rate Based Monitoring (e.g. connectionType) as well as the logical dependen-
cies relevant for the ECU configuration.
Class ObdRatioServiceNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note Specifies the abstract needs of a component or module on the configuration of OBD Services in relation
to a particular "ratio monitoring" which is supported by this component or module.
Base ARObject, DiagnosticCapabilityElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, Service
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
connectionType ObdRatioConnection 0..1 attr Defines how the DEM is connected to the component or
KindEnum module to perform the IUMPR (In use monitor
performance ratio) service.
rateBased DiagnosticEventNeeds 0..1 ref The rate based monitored Diagnostic Event.
usedFid FunctionInhibitionNeeds 0..1 ref This represents the primary Function Inhibition Identifier
used for the rate based monitor. This is an optional
Table 13.41: ObdRatioServiceNeeds

Class ObdControlServiceNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note Specifies the abstract needs of a component or module on the configuration of OBD Service 08 (request
control of on-board system) in relation to a particular test-Identifier (TID) supported by this component or
Base ARObject, DiagnosticCapabilityElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, Service
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.42: ObdControlServiceNeeds

Enumeration ObdRatioConnectionKindEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note Defines the way how the IUMPR service connection between the Dem and the client component or
module is handled (for details see the DEM Specification).
Literal Description
apiUse The IUMPR service (of the DEM) uses an explicit API to connect to the component or module.
observer The IUMPR service (of the Dem) uses no API but "observes" the associated diagnostic event.

Table 13.43: ObdRatioConnectionKindEnum

In addition, ObdPidServiceNeeds, ObdInfoServiceNeeds, ObdMonitorSer-

viceNeeds and ObdControlServiceNeeds are required in order to specify the
specific needs for OBD diagnostic service calls. Note that ObdPidServiceNeeds
is used for the Diagnostic Event Manager as well.

796 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

[constr_1520] Semantics of ObdRatioServiceNeeds.rateBasedMonitoredE-

vent dIn the context of an SwcServiceDependency, each DiagnosticEvent-
Needs referenced in the role rateBasedMonitoredEvent shall only be referenced
by at most a single ObdRatioServiceNeeds at the time when the RTE is
AtpStructureElement Identifiable
Identifiable +serviceNeeds ServiceNeeds
SwcServiceDependency 0..1

+deferringFid 0..* 0..1

+ prestoredFreezeframeStoredInNvm: Boolean [0..1]
+ audience: DiagnosticAudienceEnum [0..*] + usesMonitorData: Boolean [0..1]
+ diagRequirement: DiagRequirementIdString [0..1]
+ securityAccessLevel: PositiveInteger [0..1]

+eventNeeds 0..1 +rateBasedMonitoredEvent 0..1


+ unitAndScalingId: PositiveInteger [0..1]


+ connectionType: ObdRatioConnectionKindEnum [0..1]

ObdPidServiceNeeds «enumeration»




+ denominatorCondition: DiagnosticDenominatorConditionEnum [0..1]

Figure 13.11: ServiceNeeds: Diagnostic-related ServiceNeeds with emphasis on OBD

Class ObdPidServiceNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note Specifies the abstract needs of a component or module on the configuration of OBD Services in relation
to a particular PID (parameter identifier) which is supported by this component or module.
In case of using a client/server communicated value, the related value shall be communicated via the
port referenced by asssignedPort. The details of this communication (e.g. appropriate naming
conventions) are specified in the related software specifications (SWS).
Base ARObject, DiagnosticCapabilityElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, Service

797 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class ObdPidServiceNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.44: ObdPidServiceNeeds

Class ObdInfoServiceNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note Specifies the abstract needs of a component or module on the configuration of OBD Services in relation
to a given InfoType (OBD Service 09) which is supported by this component or module.
Base ARObject, DiagnosticCapabilityElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, Service
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.45: ObdInfoServiceNeeds

Class ObdMonitorServiceNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note Specifies the abstract needs of a component or module on the configuration of OBD Services in relation
to a particular on-board monitoring test supported by this component or module. (OBD Service 06).
Base ARObject, DiagnosticCapabilityElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, Service
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
applicationData ApplicationDataType 0..1 ref reference to an ApplicationDataType that describes the
Type scaling of the data reported by the software-component to
the Dem.
eventNeeds DiagnosticEventNeeds 0..1 ref This reference identifies the corresponding diagnostic
unitAndScaling PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Unit and scaling ID according to ISO 15031-5.
Table 13.46: ObdMonitorServiceNeeds Dem Service Use Case: In-Use-Monitor Performance Ratio calculation

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType implements a OBD system monitor with In-

Use-Monitor Performance Ratio (IUMPR) and offers client ports to provide the capabil-
ity to define the number of times a fault could have been found.
[TPS_SWCT_02007] AtomicSwComponentType implements a OBD system mon-
itor with In-Use-Monitor Performance Ratio d
ServiceNeeds kind ObdRatioServiceNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• IUMPRNumerator [0..1]
• IUMPRDenominator [0..1]

798 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
For more information please refer to [SWS_Dem_00610] and [SWS_Dem_00611].
[constr_2053] Consistency between role IUMPRNumerator and ObdRatioSer-
viceNeeds.connectionType dIf a SwcServiceDependency with a ObdRa-
tioServiceNeeds is defined and the attribute connectionType of the contained
ObdRatioServiceNeeds is set to ObdRatioConnectionKindEnum.apiUse, a
RoleBasedPortAssignment with the role value IUMPRNumerator shall be de-
If the attribute connectionType of the contained ObdRatioServiceNeeds is set to
ObdRatioConnectionKindEnum.observer, the role value IUMPRNumerator is
not applicable.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c() Dcm Service Use Case: read parameter identifier via diagnostic ser-
vices by Client Server Interface

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType offers a server port to read/write current

value via OBD services.
[TPS_SWCT_02008] AtomicSwComponentType offers a server port to read/write
current value via OBD services d
ServiceNeeds kind ObdPidServiceNeeds
The following roles are applicable:
• DataServices [1]
c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
[TPS_SWCT_01630] Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface
for the Data Services dThe suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface
for the Data Services (DataServices_{Data}) shall be taken from the shortName of
the applicable SwcServiceDependency.c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)

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Software Component Template

For more information please refer to [SWS_Dcm_00686]. Dcm Service Use Case: read parameter identifier via diagnostic ser-
vices by Sender Receiver Interface

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType offers sender receiver ports to read/write

current values via OBD services.
[TPS_SWCT_02009] AtomicSwComponentType offers sender receiver ports to
read/write current values via OBD services d
ServiceNeeds kind ObdPidServiceNeeds
The following roles are applicable:
• signalBasedDiagnostics [1..2]
To read the signal the AtomicSwComponentType shall offer an AbstractProvid-
edPortPrototype, to write the signal the AtomicSwComponentType shall offer an
AbstractRequiredPortPrototype.c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
For more information please refer to [SWS_Dcm_00687].
Please note that [constr_1679] applies for this service use case. Dcm Service Use Case: Request vehicle information

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType offers a server port to read vehicle informa-

tion values via OBD services.
[TPS_SWCT_02010] AtomicSwComponentType offers a server port to read vehi-
cle information values via OBD services d
ServiceNeeds kind ObdInfoServiceNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• InfotypeServices [1]

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Software Component Template

c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
[TPS_SWCT_01631] Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface for
the Infotype Services dThe suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface
for the Infotype Services (InfotypeServices_{VehInfoData}) shall be taken from the
shortName of the applicable SwcServiceDependency.c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_-
For more information please refer to [SWS_Dcm_00688]. Dem Service Use Case: Read DTR data from SW-C for OBD Service

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType exposes a client port to read DTR value.

[TPS_SWCT_02011] AtomicSwComponentType offers a client port to read DTR
value d
ServiceNeeds kind ObdMonitorServiceNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• DTRCentralReport [1]
c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)

+ audience: DiagnosticAudienceEnum [0..*]

+ diagRequirement: DiagRequirementIdString [0..1]
+ securityAccessLevel: PositiveInteger [0..1]

ObdMonitorServiceNeeds DiagnosticEventNeeds

+ unitAndScalingId: PositiveInteger [0..1] + prestoredFreezeframeStoredInNvm: Boolean [0..1]

+eventNeeds + usesMonitorData: Boolean [0..1]


+applicationDataType 0..1


Figure 13.12: Modeling of ObdMonitorServiceNeeds

801 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template
AUTOSAR CP R21-11 Dcm Service Use Case: request control of on-board system, test or

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType offers a server port for request control of

on-board system, test or component via OBD services.
[TPS_SWCT_02012] AtomicSwComponentType offers a server port for request
control of on-board system, test or component via OBD services d
ServiceNeeds kind ObdControlServiceNeeds
The following roles are applicable:
• RequestControlServices [1]
c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
[TPS_SWCT_01633] Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface
for the Request Control Services dThe suffix used for the resulting name of the
PortInterface for the Request Control Services (RequestControlServices_{Tid})
shall be taken from the shortName of the applicable SwcServiceDependency.c
(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
For more information please refer to [SWS_Dcm_00691]. Dem Service Use Case: In-Use-Monitoring Performance Ratio Denom-

inator interface

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType implements a denominator (or accesses a

ratio for transmission to other control units).
[TPS_SWCT_01765] Dem Service Use Case: In-Use-Monitoring Performance Ra-
tio Denominator interface d
ServiceNeeds kind ObdRatioDenominatorNeeds
The following roles are applicable:
• IUMPRDenominatorCondition [1]

802 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
For more information please refer to [SWS_Dem_00742].
Class ObdRatioDenominatorNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This meta-class shall be used to indicate that a software-component wants to access the
in-use-monitoring performance ration denominator.
Base ARObject, DiagnosticCapabilityElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, Service
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
denominator DiagnosticDenominator 0..1 attr This attribute indicates the applicable denominator
Condition ConditionEnum condition.

Table 13.47: ObdRatioDenominatorNeeds

Enumeration DiagnosticDenominatorConditionEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This enumeration contains valid denominator types.
Literal Description
_500miles Condition based on definition of 500miles conditions as defined for OBD2.
coldstart Condition based on definition of "cold start" as defined for EU5+
evap Condition based on definition of "EVAP" conditions as defined for OBD2.
individual condition based on definition of individual requirements.
obd Condition based on definition of OBD requirements.

Table 13.48: DiagnosticDenominatorConditionEnum

13.8.6 Diagnostics over IP

This chapter describes the usage of specific meta-classes to support the specification
of diagnostics over IP. For more details, please refer to ISO 13400 [43].

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Software Component Template



DoIpPowerModeStatusNeeds DoIpGidSynchronizationNeeds DoIpGidNeeds DoIpActivationLineNeeds

DoIpRoutingActivationConfirmationNeeds DoIpRoutingActivationAuthenticationNeeds FurtherActionByteNeeds

+ dataLengthRequest: PositiveInteger [0..1] + dataLengthRequest: PositiveInteger [0..1]

+ dataLengthResponse: PositiveInteger [0..1] + dataLengthResponse: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ routingActivationType: NameToken [0..1] + routingActivationType: NameToken [0..1]

Figure 13.13: Subclasses of ServiceNeeds for implementing diagnostics over IP

Class DoIpServiceNeeds (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This represents an abstract base class for ServiceNeeds related to DoIP.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds
Subclasses DoIpActivationLineNeeds, DoIpGidNeeds, DoIpGidSynchronizationNeeds, DoIpPowerModeStatus
Needs, DoIpRoutingActivationAuthenticationNeeds, DoIpRoutingActivationConfirmationNeeds, Further
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.49: DoIpServiceNeeds

Class DoIpGidNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note The DoIpGidNeeds indicates that the software-component owning this ServiceNeeds is providing the
GID number either after a GID Synchronisation or by other means like e.g. flashed EEPROM parameter.
This need can be used independent from DoIpGidSynchronizationNeeds and is necessary if the GID can
not be provided out of the DoIP configuration options.
Base ARObject, DoIpServiceNeeds, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.50: DoIpGidNeeds

Class DoIpGidSynchronizationNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note The DoIpGidSynchronizationNeeds indicates that the software-component owning this ServiceNeeds is
triggered by the DoIP entity to start a synchronization of the GID (Group Identification) on the DoIP
service 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0003 or before announcement via service 0x0004 according to ISO
13400-2:2012 if necessary. Note that this need is only relevant for DoIP synchronization masters.
Base ARObject, DoIpServiceNeeds, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

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Software Component Template

Class DoIpGidSynchronizationNeeds
– – – – –
Table 13.51: DoIpGidSynchronizationNeeds

Class DoIpPowerModeStatusNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note The DoIpPowerModeStatusNeeds indicates that the software-component owning this ServiceNeeds is
providing the PowerModeStatus for the DoIP service 0x4003 according to ISO 13400-2:2012.
Base ARObject, DoIpServiceNeeds, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.52: DoIpPowerModeStatusNeeds

Class DoIpRoutingActivationAuthenticationNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note DoIPRoutingActivationAuthenticationNeeds indicates that the software-component owning this Service
Needs will have an authentication required for a DoIP routing activation service (0x0005) according to
ISO 13400-2:2012.
Base ARObject, DoIpServiceNeeds, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dataLength PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Describes the length in byte of the additional information
Request for RA authentication that is needed by the software
entity. If the software entity is a software-component the
attribute does not need to exist as the information is
available via the length of the uint8 Array type. Otherwise
(i.e the software entity is a Complex Driver) this attribute
needs to be filled out if additional information is needed.
dataLength PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Describes the length in byte of the additional information
Response for RA authentication that is provided by the software
entity. If the software entity is a software-component the
attribute does not need to exist as the information is
available via the length of the uint8 Array type. Otherwise
(i.e the software entity is a Complex Driver) this attribute
needs to be filled in if additional information is provided.
routing NameToken 0..1 attr Describes the ISO 13400-2:2012 "routing activation
ActivationType request activation type" which is received via DoIP
service 0x0005. 0x00 is DEFAULT, 0x01 is WWH-OBD. If
neither of the specified values (0x00 or 0x01) is needed
the token shall contain RA_ + hex value representation of
the integer value shall be used (i.e: RA_0xE1).

Table 13.53: DoIpRoutingActivationAuthenticationNeeds

Class DoIpRoutingActivationConfirmationNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note DoIpRoutingActivationConfirmationNeeds indicates that the software-component that owns this Service
Needs will have a confirmation required for a DoIP routing activation service (0x0005) according to ISO
Base ARObject, DoIpServiceNeeds, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

805 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class DoIpRoutingActivationConfirmationNeeds
dataLength PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Describes the length in byte of the additional information
Request for RA confirmation that is needed by the software entity.
If the software entity is a software-component the
attribute does not need to exist as the information is
available via the length of the uint8 Array type. Otherwise
(i.e the software entity is a Complex Driver) this attribute
needs to be filled out if additional information is needed.
dataLength PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Describes the length in byte of the additional information
Response for RA confirmation that is provided by the software entity.
If the software entity is a software-component the
attribute does not need to exist as the information is
available via the length of the uint8 Array type. Otherwise
(i.e the software entity is a Complex Driver) this attribute
needs to be filled out if additional information is provided.
routing NameToken 0..1 attr Describes the ISO 13400-2:2012 "routing activation
ActivationType request activation type" which is received via DoIP
service 0x0005. 0x00 is DEFAULT, 0x01 is WWH-OBD. If
neither of the specified values (0x00 or 0x01) is needed
the token shall contain RA_ + hex value representation of
the integer value shall be used (i.e: RA_0xE1).

Table 13.54: DoIpRoutingActivationConfirmationNeeds

Class DoIpActivationLineNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note A DoIP entity needs to be informed when an external tester is attached or activated. The DoIpActivation
ServiceNeeds specifies the trigger for such an event. Examples would be a Pdu via a regular
communication bus, a PWM signal, or an I/O. For details please refer to the ISO 13400.
Base ARObject, DoIpServiceNeeds, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.55: DoIpActivationLineNeeds DoIP Service Use Case: GID synchronization can be necessary if the
ECU is DoIP Gid synchronization master

Scenario: on the event of connecting a tester to an ECU a GID synchronization can be

necessary if the ECU is DoIP Gid synchronization master. In this case, it is necessary
to define a DoIpGidSynchronizationNeeds.
[TPS_SWCT_01537] GID synchronization can be necessary if the ECU is DoIP
Gid synchronization master d
ServiceNeeds kind DoIpGidSynchronizationNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• CallbackTriggerGIDSynchronization [1]

806 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

c(RS_SWCT_03310, RS_SWCT_03190) DoIP Service Use Case: Vehicle information is broadcast or can be

requested by the tester

Scenario: vehicle information is broadcast or can be requested by the tester. In this

case, it is necessary to define a DoIpGidNeeds.
[TPS_SWCT_01538] Vehicle information is broadcast or can be requested by the
tester d
ServiceNeeds kind DoIpGidNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• CallbackGetGID [1]
c(RS_SWCT_03310, RS_SWCT_03190) DoIP Service Use Case: Tester could also request the power status
with respect to diagnostics

Scenario: before starting the diagnostics processing for the DoIP entity or sub-
networks connected via DoIP, the tester could also request the power status with re-
spect to diagnostics. To support this option it will be necessary to define a DoIpPow-
[TPS_SWCT_01539] Tester can also request before starting diagnostic process-
ing for the DoIP entity or sub-networks connected via DoIP the power status with
respect to diagnostics d
ServiceNeeds kind DoIpPowerModeStatusNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• CallbackGetPowerMode [1]

807 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

c(RS_SWCT_03310, RS_SWCT_03190) DoIP Service Use Case: Routing activation mechanism is used which
can lead to additional impact regarding authentication or confirmation

Scenario: to enable diagnostics of the tester to a different target address, the routing
activation mechanism is used which can lead to additional impact regarding authentica-
tion or confirmation. Here, the definition of DoIpRoutingActivationAuthentica-
tionNeeds and/or DoIpRoutingActivationConfirmationNeeds would be ap-
[TPS_SWCT_01544] prefix used for the actual name of the used PortInterface
for the routing activation dThe prefix used for the actual name of the used PortIn-
terface for the routing activation shall be taken from the shortName of the enclosing
SwcServiceDependency.c(RS_SWCT_03310, RS_SWCT_03190)
[TPS_SWCT_01540] Routing activation mechanism is used which can lead to
additional impact regarding authentication or confirmation d
ServiceNeeds kind

• DoIpRoutingActivationAuthenticationNeeds [0..1]
• DoIpRoutingActivationConfirmationNeeds [0..1]
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• RoutingActivation [1]
c(RS_SWCT_03190) DoIP Service Use Case: a DoIP entity needs to be informed when an
external tester is attached or activated.

Scenario: to enable diagnostics by connecting a tester to an ECU it is necessary that

the application software becomes aware of the tester’s presence.

808 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

For this purpose, the applicable ServiceSwComponentType is supposed to provide

a PPortPrototype typed by the ModeSwitchInterface named DoIPActiva-
tionLineStatus towards the application.
To trigger the existence of the PPortPrototype, DoIpActivationLineNeeds
shall be defined.
[TPS_SWCT_01546] Notification when an external tester is attached or activated
ServiceNeeds kind DoIpActivationLineNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• DoIPActivationLineStatus [1]
c(RS_SWCT_03310, RS_SWCT_03190) Service Use Case: Set and reset Warning Indicator Request bit

Scenario: In some cases (e.g. controlling a failsafe reaction in application) the “Warning
Indicator Request”-bit of a corresponding event in Dem shall be set/reset by a special
“failsafe software-component”.
The failsafe software-component has to ensure a proper status of the “Warning Indica-
tor Request”-bit (e.g. regarding ISO14229-1 or manufacture specific requirements).
Therefore, the failsafe SW-C can use existing Dem mechanism to get the information
about status changes of events in Dem (e.g. Callback EventStatusChanged).
For this purpose, the applicable ServiceSwComponentType is supposed to provide
a PPortPrototype typed by the ClientServerInterface named EventStatus
towards the application.
To trigger the existence of the PPortPrototype, WarningIndicatorRequested-
BitNeeds shall be defined.
[TPS_SWCT_01547] Ability to set and reset the Warning Indicator Request bit d
ServiceNeeds kind WarningIndicatorRequestedBitNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• EventStatus [1]

809 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

c(RS_SWCT_03310, RS_SWCT_03190)
Class WarningIndicatorRequestedBitNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This meta-class represents the ability to explicitly request the existence of the WarningIndicator
Base ARObject, DiagnosticCapabilityElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, Service
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.56: WarningIndicatorRequestedBitNeeds DoIP Service Use Case: Atomic Software-Component provides the fur-
ther action byte to the DoIP Service Component

Scenario: An AtomicSwComponentType provides the "further action byte" used in

vehicle identification/announcement message.
[TPS_SWCT_01746] Atomic Software-Component provides the further action
byte to the DoIP Service Component d
ServiceNeeds kind FurtherActionByteNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• CallbackGetFurtherActionByte [1]
c(RS_SWCT_03310, RS_SWCT_03190)
Class FurtherActionByteNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note The FurtherActionByteNeeds indicates that the software-component is able to provide the "further action
byte" to the DoIp Service Component.
Base ARObject, DoIpServiceNeeds, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.57: FurtherActionByteNeeds

810 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

13.8.7 Miscellaneous Diagnostic Service Use-Cases Dcm Service Use Case: DiagnosticSessionControl

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType offers an RPortPrototype typed by a

ModeSwitchInterface to get informed about the diagnostic session.
[TPS_SWCT_01706] AtomicSwComponentType supports DiagnosticSession-
Control to get informed about the diagnostic session d
ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticControlNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• Dcm_DiagnosticSessionControlModeSwitchInterface [1]
The role Dcm_DiagnosticSessionControlModeSwitchInterface is applicable
for an RPortPrototype typed by a ModeSwitchInterface.c(RS_SWCT_00170,
Class DiagnosticControlNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This meta-class indicates a service use-case for reporting the controlled status by diagnostic services.
Base ARObject, DiagnosticCapabilityElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, Service
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.58: DiagnosticControlNeeds Dcm Service Use Case: EcuReset

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType offers an RPortPrototype typed by a

ModeSwitchInterface to get informed about the current status of EcuReset ser-
[TPS_SWCT_01707] AtomicSwComponentType supports EcuReset service via
diagnostic services d
ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticControlNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• Dcm_EcuResetModeSwitchInterface [1]

811 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

The role Dcm_EcuResetModeSwitchInterface is applicable for an RPortProto-
type typed by a ModeSwitchInterface.c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190) Dcm Service Use Case: EcuReset ModeRapidPowerShutDown

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType offers an RPortPrototype typed by a

ModeSwitchInterface to get informed about the current status of the EcuReset
ModeRapidPowerShutDown service.
[TPS_SWCT_01708] AtomicSwComponentType supports EcuReset ModeRapid-
PowerShutDown service via diagnostic services d
ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticControlNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• Dcm_ModeRapidPowerShutDownModeSwitchInterface [1]
The role Dcm_ModeRapidPowerShutDownModeSwitchInterface is applicable for
an RPortPrototype typed by a ModeSwitchInterface.c(RS_SWCT_00170,
RS_SWCT_03190) Dcm Service Use Case: CommunicationControl

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType offers an RPortPrototype typed by a

ModeSwitchInterface to get informed about the current status of the Communica-
tionControl service per ComM Channel.
[TPS_SWCT_01709] AtomicSwComponentType supports CommunicationCon-
trol service via diagnostic services d
ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticControlNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• Dcm_CommunicationControlModeSwitchInterface [1]

812 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

The role Dcm_CommunicationControl is applicable for an RPortPrototype typed
by a ModeSwitchInterface.c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190) Dcm Service Use Case: ControlDTCSetting

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType offers an RPortPrototype typed by a

ModeSwitchInterface to get informed about the current status of the ControlDTC-
Setting service.
[TPS_SWCT_01711] AtomicSwComponentType supports ControlDTCSetting
service via diagnostic services d
ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticControlNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• Dcm_ControlDTCSettingModeSwitchInterface [1]
The role Dcm_ControlDTCSettingModeSwitchInterface is applicable for an
RPortPrototype typed by a ModeSwitchInterface.c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_-
SWCT_03190) Dcm Service Use Case: Response On Event via diagnostic services

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType offers a PPortPrototype typed by a

ClientServerInterface as well as an RPortPrototype typed by a Mod-
eSwitchInterface to support onChangeOfDataIdentifier Response On Event
(ROE) via diagnostic services.
[TPS_SWCT_02014] AtomicSwComponentType supports Response On Event
(ROE) via diagnostic services d
ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticResponseOnEventNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• Dcm_Roe [1]

813 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

• Dcm_ResponseOnEventModeSwitchInterface [1]
The role Dcm_ResponseOnEventModeSwitchInterface is applicable for an
RPortPrototype typed by a ModeSwitchInterface and the role Dcm_Roe is
applicable for an PPortPrototype typed by a ClientServerInterface.c(RS_-
SWCT_00170, RS_SWCT_03190)
Class DiagnosticResponseOnEventNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This meta-class indicates a service use-case for the diagnostic service ResponseOnEvent.
Base ARObject, DiagnosticCapabilityElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, Service
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.59: DiagnosticResponseOnEventNeeds Dcm Service Use Case: SecurityAccess

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType offers an RPortPrototype typed by a

ModeSwitchInterface to get informed about the current diagnostic security level.
[TPS_SWCT_01712] AtomicSwComponentType supports SecurityAccess to get
informed about the security level d
ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticControlNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• Dcm_SecurityAccessModeSwitchInterface [1]
The role Dcm_SecurityAccessModeSwitchInterface is applicable for an
RPortPrototype typed by a ModeSwitchInterface.c(RS_SWCT_00170, RS_-

814 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template
AUTOSAR CP R21-11 Service Use Case: Atomic Software-Component implements a Hard-

ware Shutdown

Scenario: if a hardware component is detected as being defective, the Dem shall in-
form the SwComponentPrototype typed by an AtomicSwComponentType which is
responsible for executing a hardware-shutdown.
[TPS_SWCT_01680] Dem Use Case: Atomic Software-Component implements a
Hardware Shutdown d
ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticComponentNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• CallbackComponentStatusChanged [1]
Class DiagnosticComponentNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This meta-class represents the ability to specify the service needs for the configuration of component
Base ARObject, DiagnosticCapabilityElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, Service
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.60: DiagnosticComponentNeeds Service Use Case: Upload and download of data

Scenario: a software-component implements the ability to accept data for upload

and/or provide data for download. For this purpose the software-component provides
a PPortPrototype that is supposed to be connected to the Dcm service component.
[TPS_SWCT_01769] Dcm Use Case: Upload and download of data d
ServiceNeeds kind DiagnosticUploadDownloadNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• UploadDownloadServices [1]

815 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class DiagnosticUploadDownloadNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This meta-class represents the ability to specify needs regarding upload and download by means of
diagnostic services.
Base ARObject, DiagnosticCapabilityElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, Service
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.61: DiagnosticUploadDownloadNeeds

13.9 Diagnostic Log and Trace Dependency

The meta-class DltUserNeeds is used together with the SwcServiceDependency
to define requirements in order to configure the Diagnostic Log and Trace module (for
the terms related to the AUTOSAR Specification of Module DLT see [44]).
Class DltUserNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This meta-class specifies the needs on the configuration of the Diagnostic Log and Trace module for one
This class currently contains no attributes.
An instance of this class is used to find out which PortPrototypes of an AtomicSwComponentType belong
to this SessionId in order to group the request and response PortPrototypes of the same SessionId.
The actual SessionId value is stored in the PortDefinedArgumentValue of the respective PortPrototype
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.62: DltUserNeeds

Please note that for the described use case of the Dlt Service the following rule applies:
For every used ClientServerInterface it is necessary to create a RoleBased-
Thereby the value of the attribute role of the RoleBasedPortAssignment has to
be set to the name of the used standardized ClientServerInterface.
The possible role attribute values and the multiplicity of the related PortPrototypes
are listed at the use case descriptions in the paragraph RoleBasedPortAssignment.

816 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

13.9.1 Dlt use Case:Application software component transmits debug informa-


Scenario: AtomicSwComponentType sends log messages. In this case the following

setup applies:
[TPS_SWCT_02506] Setup for Dlt use Case: Application software component
accesses the Dlt module d
ServiceNeeds kind : DltUserNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• DltControlService [1]
• LogTraceSessionControl [1]
• InjectionCallback [0..1]
• DltSwcMessageService [0..1]
For more information please refer to [SWS_Dlt_00495], [SWS_Dlt_00496], and
In this case the software-component has to provide one Client Port (DLTService) in
order to register and de-register the context and to send log or trace messages.

13.10 Synchronized Time-Base Manager Dependency

The meta-class SyncTimeBaseMgrUserNeeds is used together with the SwcSer-
viceDependency to define requirements in order to configure the Synchronized
Time-Base Manager module (for the terms related to the AUTOSAR Specification of
Module StbM see [45]).
Class SyncTimeBaseMgrUserNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note Specifies the needs on the configuration of the Synchronized Time-base Manager for one time-base.
This class currently contains no attributes. An instance of this class is used to find out which ports of a
software-component belong to this time-base in order to group the request and response ports of the
same time-base. The actual time-base value is stored in the PortDefinedArgumentValue of the respective
port specification.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds

817 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class SyncTimeBaseMgrUserNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.63: SyncTimeBaseMgrUserNeeds

Please note that for the described use cases of the StbM Service following rule ap-
For every used ClientServerInterface it is necessary to create a RoleBased-
Thereby the value of the attribute role of the RoleBasedPortAssignment has to
be set to the name of the used standardized ClientServerInterface.
The possible role attribute values and the multiplicity of the related PortPrototypes
are listed at the use case descriptions in the paragraph RoleBasedPortAssignment.
The general idea behind the time synchronization concept is that the role of global time
master and global time slave are partly implemented in the application software.
For this purpose, the application software provides PortPrototypes typed by the
standardized PortInterfaces GlobalTime_Master and GlobalTime_Slave.
In many cases both PortInterfaces GlobalTime_Master and Global-
Time_Slave will be used by the application software of one ECU. This means that
the ECU is a global time slave on one domain and a global time master on another
In terms of modeling, a given global time domain is represented by a SwcServiceDe-
If one software-component has to deal with different global time domains (e.g. because
it represents a slave in one domain and a master in another) then the corresponding
SwcInternalBehavior needs to define one SwcServiceDependency per global
time domain.

13.10.1 StbM Use Case: start timer and potentially get notified about its expira-

Scenario: a software-component wants to wind up a timer in the StbM with a given

expiration time. The software-component may want to receive a notification when the
timer expires. In this case the following setup applies:
[TPS_SWCT_01678] StbM use Case: start timer and potentially get notified about
its expiration d
ServiceNeeds Kind : SyncTimeBaseMgrUserNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:

818 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

• StartTimer [1]
• TimeNotification [0..1]
In this case the software-component needs to have an RPortPrototype typed by
the ClientServerInterface StartTimer and (if applicable) a PPortPrototype
typed by the ClientServerInterface TimeNotification.

13.10.2 StbM Use Case: Software-Components wants to get notifications of

status changes

Scenario: a software-component wants to receive events whenever the status of the

StbM changes. For this purpose, the software-component sports a sender/receiver
RPortPrototype. In this case the following setup applies:
[TPS_SWCT_01679] StbM use Case: Software-Components wants to get notifi-
cations of status changes d
ServiceNeeds Kind : SyncTimeBaseMgrUserNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• StatusNotification [1]
The events received from the StbM have a fixed structure. For more details, please
refer to [SWS_StbM_00284].

819 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

13.10.3 StbM Use Case: Process time snapshot obtained from global time slave
for diagnostics purposes

Scenario: a software-component provides a PPortPrototype onto which the global

time slave pushes snapshots of time synchronization records. This data is typically
used for diagnostic purposes.
[TPS_SWCT_01740] StbM use Case: Process time snapshot obtained from
global time slave for diagnostics purposes d
ServiceNeeds Kind : SyncTimeBaseMgrUserNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• MeasurementNotification [1]
Note that in this case the software-components acts as a server, the StbM implements
a client role!
[TPS_SWCT_01741] Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInter-
face for measurement notification dThe suffix used for the resulting name of
the PortInterface for the measurement notification MeasurementNotifica-
tion_{TB_Name} shall be taken from the shortName of the applicable SwcSer-

13.10.4 StbM Use Case: Software-component represents a global time master

Scenario: a software-component implements the application-software part of the global

time master role. For this purpose the software-component exposes an RPortPro-
totype that is supposed to be connected to the StbM service component.
[TPS_SWCT_01742] StbM use Case: Software-component represents a global
time master d
ServiceNeeds Kind : SyncTimeBaseMgrUserNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• GlobalTime_Master [1]
• StatusNotification [0..1]

820 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

• MeasurementNotification [0..1]
[TPS_SWCT_01743] Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface
for the global time master role dThe suffix used for the resulting name of the
PortInterface for the global time master role GlobalTime_Master_{Name} shall
be taken from the shortName of the applicable SwcServiceDependency.c(RS_-

13.10.5 StbM Use Case: Software-component represents a global time slave

Scenario: a software-component implements the application-software part of the global

time slave role. For this purpose the software-component exposes an RPortProto-
type that is supposed to be connected to the StbM service component.
[TPS_SWCT_01744] StbM use Case: Software-component represents a global
time slave d
ServiceNeeds Kind : SyncTimeBaseMgrUserNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• GlobalTime_Slave [1]
• StatusNotification [0..1]
• MeasurementNotification [0..1]

821 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

[TPS_SWCT_01745] Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface for
the global time slave role dThe suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInter-
face for the global time slave role GlobalTime_Slave_{Name} shall be taken from
the shortName of the applicable SwcServiceDependency.c(RS_SWCT_00030)

13.10.6 StbM Use Case: Software-component analyzes predictions about the

time synchronization process

Scenario: A Time Slave collects information on the time synchronization process, to

predict e.g. the sync ingress based on its local instance of the global time and check
whether master and slave agree upon the current time. The software-component ana-
lyzes the predictions to detect any impairments.
[TPS_SWCT_01810] Software-component analyzes predictions about the time
synchronization process d
ServiceNeeds Kind : SyncTimeBaseMgrUserNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• TimeBaseProviderNotification [1]
For this purpose, the analyzer software-component exposes a PPortProto-
type typed by the ClientServerInterface TimeBaseProviderNotifica-
tion_{bus}_{TimeBase} to the StbM service component.

13.11 Secure On-Board Communication

The meta-class SecureOnBoardCommunicationNeeds is used together with the
SwcServiceDependency to define requirements in order to configure the Secure On-
Board Communication module (for the terms related to the AUTOSAR Specification of
Module SecOc, see [46]).

822 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class SecureOnBoardCommunicationNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note Specifies the need for the existence of the SecOc module on the respective ECU. This class currently
contains no attributes. An instance of this class is used to find out which ports of a software-component
deal with the administration of secure communication in order to group the request and response ports.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
verification VerificationStatus 0..1 attr This attribute provides the ability to control the mode in
StatusIndication IndicationModeEnum which the application software is notified about the result
Mode of authentication attempts.

Table 13.64: SecureOnBoardCommunicationNeeds

Enumeration VerificationStatusIndicationModeEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This enumeration provides options for setting the mode of a verification status indication.
Literal Description
failureAndSuccess Verification attempts that came out "false" or "true" shall be forwarded to the application software.
failureOnly Only verification attempts that came out "false" shall be forwarded to the application software.

Table 13.65: VerificationStatusIndicationModeEnum

13.11.1 SecOc Use Case: obtain the verification status of secure communica-

In this scenario, the ApplicationSwComponentType wants to obtain the status of

secure communication.
It is not interested in the details (and would not be able to help anyway even if the
details were available).
The SwcServiceDependency shall aggregate a SecureOnBoardCommunica-
[TPS_SWCT_01668] SecOc Use Case: obtain the verification status of secure
communication d
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
RoleBasedDataAssignment valid roles:
• VerificationStatus [1]

823 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

[constr_1681] Existence of attribute RoleBasedDataAssignment.used-

DataElement.localVariable for RoleBasedDataAssignment.role = Veri-
ficationStatus dIf the attribute RoleBasedDataAssignment.role is set to
the value VerificationStatus then the reference RoleBasedDataAssignment.
usedDataElement.localVariable shall not exist at the time when the RTE
is generated.c()
For explanation of the existence of [constr_1681], it is not intended to provide access
to local variables inside the SwcInternalBehavior.

13.11.2 SecOc Use Case: software component retires from secure communica-
tion for a given period

In this scenario, the ApplicationSwComponentType undergoes a reconfiguration

period in which it is not able to process any security-related data. During this period,
the verification status shall always be set to “failed”.
The SwcServiceDependency shall aggregate a SecureOnBoardCommunica-
[TPS_SWCT_01672] SecOc Use Case: software component retires from secure
communication for a given period d
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• VerifyStatusConfiguration [1]
RoleBasedDataAssignment valid roles:

13.11.3 SecOc Use Case: deliver freshness to SecOC I

Scenario: a dedicated software-component computes and delivers the freshness to

SecOc. The freshness can optionally be truncated by the software-component.
For this purpose, the software-component exposes a PPortPrototype to SecOc.
This is used for sending a secured message by using the ClientServerOperation
GetTxFreshness or GetTxFreshnessTruncData.
[TPS_SWCT_01716] SecOc Use Case: deliver freshness to SecOC I d
ServiceNeeds kind SecureOnBoardCommunicationNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:

824 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

• FreshnessManagement [1]
RoleBasedDataAssignment valid roles:

13.11.4 SecOc Use Case: deliver freshness to SecOC II

Scenario: SecOc invokes transmit notification (SPduTxConfirmation) at freshness

manager. This information can be vital for the computation of the freshness.
[TPS_SWCT_01717] SecOc Use Case: deliver freshness to SecOC II d
ServiceNeeds kind SecureOnBoardCommunicationNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• FreshnessManagement [1]
RoleBasedDataAssignment valid roles:

13.11.5 SecOc Use Case: deliver freshness to SecOC III

Scenario: caused by out-of-sync freshness, SecOC cannot verify a MAC, and contacts
the freshness manager (software-component) again to obtain a recalculated freshness
Each recalculation of the freshness inside the freshness manager is counted. After a
given threshold of retries, SecOC has to drop the received message. For this purpose,
the ClientServerOperation GetRxFreshness or GetRxFreshnessAuthData
is used.
[TPS_SWCT_01718] SecOc Use Case: deliver freshness to SecOC III d
ServiceNeeds kind SecureOnBoardCommunicationNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• FreshnessManagement [1]

825 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

RoleBasedDataAssignment valid roles:


13.11.6 SecOc Use Case: enable the sending of Pdus even if computation of
the MAC is not possible

Scenario: there are cases where the ability to send authenticated messages associ-
ated with a given freshness id using a default-MAC is required, e.g. if an ECU has been
replaced but was not yet provided with cryptographic keys.
Receivers can distinguish this case from the regular authenticated data exchange by
looking at the MAC, i.e. a (configurable) default MAC is used in the described case.
[TPS_SWCT_01784] SecOc Use Case: enable the sending of Pdus even if com-
putation of the MAC is not possible d
ServiceNeeds kind SecureOnBoardCommunicationNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• SendDefaultAuthenticationInformation [1]
RoleBasedDataAssignment valid roles:

13.11.7 SecOc Use Case: Receive notification about an authentication attempt

Scenario: a software-component wants to receive a notification about the status of an

authentication attempt.
Such a notification can be used to continuously monitor the number of failed verification
attempts with the goal to set up a security management system/intrusion detection
system that is able to detect an attack that consists of a flood of authentication requests
and react with adequate dynamic counter-measures.
For this purpose, the software-component exposes a PPortPrototype that imple-
ments the notification handler. The handler may be interested in only failed attempts
or failed and passed attempts.

826 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

This aspect can be configured by means of attribute SecureOnBoardCommunica-

[TPS_SWCT_01832] SecOc Use Case: Receive notification about an authentica-
tion attempt d
ServiceNeeds kind SecureOnBoardCommunicationNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• VerificationStatusIndication [1]
RoleBasedDataAssignment valid roles:

13.12 J1939 Communication

The J1939-specific meta-classes J1939RmOutgoingRequestServiceNeeds and
J1939RmIncomingRequestServiceNeeds are used together with the SwcSer-
viceDependency to define requirements in order to configure the J1939 request
manager (for the terms related to the AUTOSAR Specification of Module J1939RM,
see [47]).

J1939RmOutgoingRequestServiceNeeds J1939DcmDm19Support J1939RmIncomingRequestServiceNeeds

Figure 13.14: ServiceNeeds: J1939-related ServiceNeeds

Class J1939RmOutgoingRequestServiceNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This meta-class shall be used to specify needs with respect to the configuration of the J1939Rm, in
particular for the case where an ApplicationSwComponentType needs to send a request to another
J1939 node.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.66: J1939RmOutgoingRequestServiceNeeds

827 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class J1939RmIncomingRequestServiceNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note "This meta-class shall be used to specify needs with respect to the configuration of the J1939Rm, in
particular for the case where an ApplicationSwComponentType needs to accept a request from another
J1939 node.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.67: J1939RmIncomingRequestServiceNeeds

13.12.1 J1939RM Use Case: AtomicSwComponentType sends requests to the


Scenario: An AtomicSwComponentType sends requests to the bus. In this case the

following setup applies:
To indicate the scenario described in this use case the SwcServiceDependency shall
aggregate a J1939RmOutgoingRequestServiceNeeds.
[TPS_SWCT_01673] Application Software Component sends requests using the
J1939Rm d
ServiceNeeds kind J1939RmOutgoingRequestServiceNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• AppSendRequest [1]
• AppAckIndication [1]
• AppRequestTimeoutIndication [0..1]
• AppCancelRequestTimeout [0..1]
RoleBasedDataAssignment valid roles:
For more information please refer to the following specification items: [SWS_-
J1939Rm_00104], [SWS_J1939Rm_00106], [SWS_J1939Rm_00108], and [SWS_-

828 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

13.12.2 J1939RM Use Case: AtomicSwComponentType accepts requests from

the bus

Scenario: An AtomicSwComponentType accepts requests from the bus. In this case

the following setup applies:
To indicate the scenario described in this use case the SwcServiceDependency shall
aggregate a J1939RmIncomingRequestServiceNeeds.
[TPS_SWCT_01674] Application Software Component accepts requests using
the J1939Rm d
ServiceNeeds kind J1939RmIncomingRequestServiceNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• AppRequestIndication [1]
• AppSendAck [1]
RoleBasedDataAssignment valid roles:
For more information please refer to the following specification items: [SWS_-
J1939Rm_00103] and [SWS_J1939Rm_00107].

13.12.3 J1939Dcm wants to retrieve calibration verification numbers from an

application software-component

Scenario: J1939Dcm wants to retrieve calibration verification numbers from an ap-

plication software-component. For this purpose, the software-component exposes a
PPortPrototype to the J1939Dcm
[TPS_SWCT_01809] J1939Dcm wants to retrieve calibration verification numbers
from an application software-component d
ServiceNeeds kind J1939DcmDm19Support
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• J1939Dcm_CalibrationInformation [1]
RoleBasedDataAssignment valid roles:

829 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class J1939DcmDm19Support
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note The software-component provides information about calibration verification numbers for inclusion in
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.68: J1939DcmDm19Support

13.13 Error Tracer

The meta-class ErrorTracerNeeds is used to define requirements in order to con-
figure the Default Error Tracer.
Identifiable +tracedFailure ServiceNeeds
TracedFailure ErrorTracerNeeds
0..* «atpVariation»
+ id: PositiveInteger [0..1]


DevelopmentError RuntimeError

Figure 13.15: Modeling of ErrorTracerNeeds

In particular, ErrorTracerNeeds provides the exhaustive list of all tracedFailure

implemented in the enclosing software-component and reported via the PortProto-
type referenced via RoleBasedPortAssignment.
Each tracedFailure relates to one ID, represented by attribute TracedFailure.
For more explanation, please consult with the specification of Default Error Tracer [48].
Class ErrorTracerNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note Specifies the need to report failures to the error tracer.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
tracedFailure TracedFailure * aggr list of traced failures
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table 13.69: ErrorTracerNeeds

830 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class TracedFailure (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note Specifies the ability to report a specific failure to the error tracer. The short name specifies the literal
applicable for the Default Error Tracer.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Subclasses DevelopmentError, RuntimeError, TransientFault
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
id PositiveInteger 0..1 attr ID of detected failure used in reporting API as error or
fault id.
Table 13.70: TracedFailure

Class DevelopmentError
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note The reported failure is classified as development error.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, TracedFailure
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.71: DevelopmentError

Class RuntimeError
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note The reported failure is classified as runtime error.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, TracedFailure
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.72: RuntimeError

13.13.1 Error Tracer Use Case: Default Error Tracer Service use Case: report

[TPS_SWCT_01694] Setup for Default Error Tracer Service use Case: develop-
ment errors or runtime error d
Scenario: a software-component reports development errors or runtime error to the
Default Error Tracer. In this case the following setup applies
ServiceNeeds kind ErrorTracerNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• DETService[1]
RoleBasedDataAssignment valid roles:

831 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

RoleBasedDataTypeAssignment valid roles:

[constr_1433] Transient faults are not applicable to software-components dAn
ErrorTracerNeeds aggregated in the context of a SwcInternalBehavior is - at
the time when the RTE is generated - not allowed to own a Transient-
Fault in the role ErrorTracerNeeds.tracedFailure.c()

13.14 Vehicle-2-X Facilities

The meta-class V2xFacUserNeeds is used together with the SwcServiceDepen-
dency to define requirements in order to configure the V2xFac module (for the terms
related to the AUTOSAR Specification of Module V2xFac see [49]).

V2xMUserNeeds V2xFacUserNeeds

Figure 13.16: Modeling of V2xFacUserNeeds

Class V2xFacUserNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This meta-class represents the ability to define service needs for V2x facilities.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.73: V2xFacUserNeeds

Please note that for the described use cases of the V2xFac Service following rule ap-
For every used SenderReceiverInterface it is necessary to create a Role-

832 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

13.14.1 V2xFac Use Case: Application software component provides Vehicle

specific data to the V2X-Stack for CAM transmission

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType autonomously calls the V2xFac, providing

vehicle data collected via the in-vehicle networks in the module. In this case the follow-
ing setup applies:
[TPS_SWCT_01728] V2xFac Use Case: Application software component pro-
vides Vehicle specific data to the V2X-Stack for CAM transmission d
RoleBasedDataAssignment valid roles:
• V2xFacVdp [1]
In this case the software component has to provide one Sender Port (V2xFacVdp) to
• provide the Vehicle Data
[constr_1682] Existence of attribute RoleBasedDataAssignment.used-
DataElement.localVariable for RoleBasedDataAssignment.role =
V2xFacVdp dIf the attribute RoleBasedDataAssignment.role is set to the value
V2xFacVdp then the reference RoleBasedDataAssignment.usedDataElement.
localVariable shall not exist at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
For explanation of the existence of [constr_1682], it is not intended to provide access
to local variables inside the SwcInternalBehavior.

13.14.2 V2xFac Use Case: V2xFac notifies application software component

about received messages

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType shall be informed by the V2xFac about re-

ceived CAM or DENM messages. In this case the following setup applies:
[TPS_SWCT_01729] V2xFac Use Case: V2xFac notifies application software
component about received messages d
RoleBasedDataAssignment valid roles:

833 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

• V2xApplRxIndicationCam [0..1]
• V2xApplRxIndicationDenm [0..1]
In this case the software-component has to provide one Receiver Port
(V2xApplRxIndicationCam) to receive the current value of the CAM message and
/ or one Receiver Port (V2xApplRxIndicationDenm) to receive the current DENM
Please note that at least one of the two possible RoleBasedDataAssignments shall
exist for this use case.
[constr_1683] Existence of attribute RoleBasedDataAssignment.used-
DataElement.localVariable for RoleBasedDataAssignment.role =
V2xApplRxIndicationCam dIf the attribute RoleBasedDataAssignment.
role is set to the value V2xApplRxIndicationCam then the reference Role-
BasedDataAssignment.usedDataElement.localVariable shall not exist at
the time when the RTE is generated.c()
For explanation of the existence of [constr_1683], it is not intended to provide access
to local variables inside the SwcInternalBehavior.

13.14.3 V2xFac Use Case: Application software component triggers transmis-

sion of DENM message

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType shall be able to trigger the transmission of

different DENM types. In this case the following setup applies:
[TPS_SWCT_01730] V2xFac Use Case: Application software component triggers
transmission of DENM message d
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• V2xFacDenBs [1]

834 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

In this case the software component has to provide one Client PortPrototype (typed
by the standardized ClientServerInterface V2xFacDenBs) to
• trigger new DENM message
• trigger updated DENM message
• trigger a cancellation of a DENM message

13.14.4 V2xFac Use Case: Application software component processes the MAP
(topology) Extended Message

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType shall be able to process the MAP (topology)

Extended Message. In this case the following setup applies:
[TPS_SWCT_01764] V2xFac Use Case: Application software component shall be
able to process the MAP (topology) Extended Message d
RoleBasedDataAssignment valid roles:
• V2xApplRxIndicationMapem [1]
In this case the software component has to provide one RPortPrototype (typed by
the standardized SenderReceiverInterface V2xApplRxIndicationMapem) to
process the MAP (topology) Extended Message (MAPEM).
[constr_1684] Existence of attribute RoleBasedDataAssignment.used-
DataElement.localVariable for RoleBasedDataAssignment.role =
V2xApplRxIndicationMapem dIf the attribute RoleBasedDataAssignment.
role is set to the value V2xApplRxIndicationMapem then the reference Role-
BasedDataAssignment.usedDataElement.localVariable shall not exist at
the time when the RTE is generated.c()
For explanation of the existence of [constr_1684], it is not intended to provide access
to local variables inside the SwcInternalBehavior.

835 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

13.14.5 V2xFac Use Case: Application software component processes Infras-

tructure to Vehicle Information Message

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType shall be able to process the Infrastructure

to Vehicle Information Message (IVIM). In this case the following setup applies:
[TPS_SWCT_01770] V2xFac Use Case: Application software component pro-
cesses Infrastructure to Vehicle Information Message d
RoleBasedDataAssignment valid roles:
• V2xApplRxIndicationIvim [1]
In this case the software component has to provide one RPortPrototype (typed
by the standardized SenderReceiverInterface V2xApplRxIndicationIvim)
to process the Infrastructure to Vehicle Information Message (IVIM).
[constr_1685] Existence of attribute RoleBasedDataAssignment.used-
DataElement.localVariable for RoleBasedDataAssignment.role =
V2xApplRxIndicationIvim dIf the attribute RoleBasedDataAssignment.
role is set to the value V2xApplRxIndicationIvim then the reference Role-
BasedDataAssignment.usedDataElement.localVariable shall not exist at
the time when the RTE is generated.c()
For explanation of the existence of [constr_1685], it is not intended to provide access
to local variables inside the SwcInternalBehavior.

13.14.6 V2xFac Use Case: Application software component processes Signal

Phase And Timing Extended Message

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType shall be able to process the Signal Phase

And Timing Extended Message (SPATEM). In this case the following setup applies:
[TPS_SWCT_01788] V2xFac Use Case: Application software component pro-
cesses Signal Phase And Timing Extended Message d
RoleBasedDataAssignment valid roles:

836 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

• V2xApplRxIndicationSpatem [1]
In this case the software component has to provide one RPortPrototype (typed by
the standardized SenderReceiverInterface V2xApplRxIndicationSpatem) to
process the Signal Phase And Timing Extended Message (SPATEM).
[constr_1686] Existence of attribute RoleBasedDataAssignment.used-
DataElement.localVariable for RoleBasedDataAssignment.role =
V2xApplRxIndicationSpatem dIf the attribute RoleBasedDataAssignment.
role is set to the value V2xApplRxIndicationSpatem then the reference Role-
BasedDataAssignment.usedDataElement.localVariable shall not exist at
the time when the RTE is generated.c()
For explanation of the existence of [constr_1686], it is not intended to provide access
to local variables inside the SwcInternalBehavior.

13.15 Vehicle-2-X Management

The meta-class V2xMUserNeeds is used together with the SwcServiceDependency
to define requirements in order to configure the V2X Manager module (for the terms
related to the AUTOSAR Specification of Module V2xM see [50]).
Class V2xMUserNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This meta-class represents the ability to express service needs for the V2x management.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.74: V2xMUserNeeds

Please note that for the described use cases of the V2xFac Service following rule ap-
For every used ClientServerInterface it is necessary to create a RoleBased-
Thereby the value of the attribute role of the RoleBasedPortAssignment has to
be set to the name of the used standardized ClientServerInterface.
The possible role attribute values and the multiplicity of the related PortPrototypes
are listed at the use case descriptions in the paragraph RoleBasedPortAssignment.

837 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

13.15.1 V2xM Use Case: Application software component provides Vehicle spe-
cific data to the V2X-Stack for Position and Time information

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType autonomously calls the V2X Manager, pro-

viding vehicle data collected via the in-vehicle networks in the module. In this case the
following setup applies:
[TPS_SWCT_01731] V2xM Use Case: Application software component provides
Vehicle specific data to the V2X-Stack for Position and Time information d
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• V2xM_Vdp [1]
In this case the software component has to provide one Client PortPrototype (typed
by the standardized ClientServerInterface V2xM_Vdp) to
• set the current time and position

13.15.2 V2xM Use Case: Application software component needs V2X specific
data from the V2X Manager

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType autonomously calls the V2X Manager, get-

ting information of V2X specific data in the module. In this case the following setup
[TPS_SWCT_01732] V2xM Use Case: Application software component needs
V2X specific data from the V2X Manager d
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• V2xM_Vdp [1]

838 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

In this case the software component has to provide one Client PortPrototype (typed
by the standardized ClientServerInterface V2xM_Vdp) to
• access the current time of the V2X-Stack, based on the system clock
• access the earliest date of expiration of a Long Term Certificate
• access the earliest date of expiration of a Pseudonym Certificate

13.15.3 V2xM Use Case: Application software component has soft-control over
Pseudonym-Change within V2X Manager

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType autonomously calls the V2X Manager, set-

ting the locked or unlocked state for pseudonym change. In this case the following
setup applies:
[TPS_SWCT_01733] V2xM Use Case: Application software component has soft-
control over Pseudonym-Change within V2X Manager d
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• V2xM_PseudonymChange [1]
In this case the software component has to provide one Client PortPrototype (typed
by the standardized ClientServerInterface V2xM_PseudonymChange) to
• set the state of the pseudonym change to locked
• set the state of the pseudonym change to unlocked

13.15.4 V2xM Use Case: Application software component has the ability to do

Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType autonomously calls the V2X Manager, au-

thenticating a previously received message. In this case the following setup applies:
[TPS_SWCT_01734] V2xM Use Case: Application software component has the
ability to do Verification-on-Demand d

839 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:

• V2xM_Sec [1]
In this case the software component has to provide one Client PortPrototype (typed
by the standardized ClientServerInterface V2xM_Sec) to
• verify a previously received message

13.15.5 V2xM Use Case: Application software component do location based


Scenario: an AtomicSwComponentType autonomously calls the V2X Manager, get-

ting results for geographical calculations. In this case the following setup applies:
[TPS_SWCT_01735] V2xM Use Case: Application software component do loca-
tion based calculations d
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• V2xM_GeoMath [1]
In this case the software component has to provide one Client PortPrototype (typed
by the standardized ClientServerInterface V2xM_GeoMath) to
• calculate the distance between two location tuples (latitude, longitude)
• calculate an allowed tolerance value between two heading values

840 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

13.16 Hardware Test Manager

The service use cases for the Hardware Test Manager are indicated by the usage of
meta-class HardwareTestNeeds in the role SwcServiceDependency.service-


Figure 13.17: Modeling of HardwareTestNeeds

Class HardwareTestNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This meta-class represents the ability to indicate that a software-component is interested in the results of
the hardware test and will establish a PortPrototype to query the hardware test manager.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.75: HardwareTestNeeds

13.16.1 HtssM Service Use Case: Query results of hardware tests

Scenario: A software-component wants to query the results of hardware tests con-

ducted by the HtssM. For this purpose, the software-component exposes an RPort-
Prototype that shall be connected to the HtssM.
[TPS_SWCT_01763] HtssM Service Use Case: Query results of hardware tests d
ServiceNeeds kind : HardwareTestNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• GetTestStatus [1]

841 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

13.17 Intrusion Detection System Manager

The interaction with the Intrusion Detection System Manager consists of the ability to
report security events.
For this purpose, two different kinds of ServiceNeeds are provided: IdsMgrNeeds
for the actual reporting of security events, and IdsMgrCustomTimestampNeeds for
the retrieval of a timestamp by the IdsM.

IdsMgrNeeds IdsMgrCustomTimestampNeeds

+ useSmartSensorApi: Boolean [0..1]

Figure 13.18: Modeling of ServiceNeeds for intrusion detection system management

Class IdsMgrNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This meta-class is used to indicate that the enclosing SwcServiceDependency represents a service use
case for the Intrusion Detection System Manager.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
useSmart Boolean 0..1 attr This attribute controls whether the reporting of the
SensorApi security event shall be done by means of the smart
sensor API.
Table 13.76: IdsMgrNeeds

Class IdsMgrCustomTimestampNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This meta-class is used to indicate that the enclosing SwcServiceDependency represents a service use
case for the retrieval of a custom timestamp by the Intrusion Detection System Manager.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 13.77: IdsMgrCustomTimestampNeeds

13.17.1 IdsM Service Use Case: AtomicSwComponentType reports security


Scenario: An AtomicSwComponentType reports a security event. It does not use the

so-called Smart Sensor API.

842 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

To indicate the scenario described in this use case the SwcServiceDependency shall
aggregate a IdsMgrNeeds.
[TPS_SWCT_01826]{DRAFT} Application Software Component reports security
event d
ServiceNeeds kind IdsMgrNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• IdsMService [1]
RoleBasedDataAssignment valid roles:
[TPS_SWCT_01827]{DRAFT} Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortIn-
terface for the IdsM Services dThe suffix used for the resulting name of the Port-
Interface for the Data Services (IdsMService_{EventName}) shall be taken from the
shortName of the applicable SwcServiceDependency.c(RS_SWCT_00030)

13.17.2 IdsM Service Use Case: AtomicSwComponentType reports security

event using Smart Sensor API

Scenario: An AtomicSwComponentType reports a security event. For this purpose,

the so-called Smart Sensor API is used.
To indicate the scenario described in this use case the SwcServiceDependency shall
aggregate a IdsMgrNeeds.
[TPS_SWCT_01828]{DRAFT} Application Software Component reports security
event using Smart Sensor API d
ServiceNeeds kind IdsMgrNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• IdsMSmartSensorService [1]
RoleBasedDataAssignment valid roles:
[TPS_SWCT_01829]{DRAFT} Suffix used for the resulting name of the Port-
Interface for the IdsM Services dThe suffix used for the resulting name of

843 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

the PortInterface for the Data Services (IdsMSmartSensorService_{EventName})

shall be taken from the shortName of the applicable SwcServiceDependency.c

13.17.3 IdsM Service Use Case: AtomicSwComponentType provides time

stamp to IdsM

Scenario: An AtomicSwComponentType exposes a PPortPrototype for providing

a time stamp to the IdsM.
To indicate the scenario described in this use case the SwcServiceDependency shall
aggregate a IdsMgrCustomTimestampNeeds.
[TPS_SWCT_01830]{DRAFT} Application Software Component provides time
stamp to IdsM d
ServiceNeeds kind IdsMgrCustomTimestampNeeds
RoleBasedPortAssignment valid roles:
• IdsMCustomTimestamp [1]
RoleBasedDataAssignment valid roles:

844 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

14 Rapid Prototyping Scenarios

14.1 Definition of Rapid Prototyping Scenario

A Rapid Prototyping Scenario consist out of two main aspects: The description of the
byPassPoints (see Figure 14.1) and the relation to a rptHook (see Figure 14.2).
ARElement «enumeration»
AtpStructureElement ByteOrderEnum
+ containerIPduHeaderByteOrder: ByteOrderEnum [0..1] + mostSignificantByteFirst
+ ecuExtractVersion: RevisionLabelString [0..1] + mostSignificantByteLast
+ pncVectorLength: PositiveInteger [0..1] + opaque
+ pncVectorOffset: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ systemVersion: RevisionLabelString

+hostSystem 0..1 +rptSystem 0..1


ARElement +rptProfile Identifiable

RapidPrototypingScenario «atpSplitable» RptProfile
+ maxServicePointId: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ minServicePointId: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ servicePointSymbolPost: CIdentifier [0..1]
   + servicePointSymbolPre: CIdentifier [0..1]
«atpVariation,atpSplitable»       + stimEnabler: RptEnablerImplTypeEnum [0..1]
+rptContainer 0..*
Identifiable +explicitRptProfileSelection

RptContainer «atpSplitable»


+rptExecutableEntityProperties + maxRptEventId: PositiveInteger [0..1]

+ minRptEventId: PositiveInteger [0..1]
0..1 + rptExecutionControl: RptExecutionControlEnum [0..1]
+ rptServicePoint: RptServicePointEnum [0..1]

+ rptHookAccess: RptAccessEnum [0..1]
0..1 + rptReadAccess: RptAccessEnum [0..1]
+ rptWriteAccess: RptAccessEnum [0..1]
+ rptEnablerImplType: RptEnablerImplTypeEnum [0..1]
0..1 + rptPreparationLevel: RptPreparationEnum [0..1]

+rptContainer 0..*


«enumeration» «enumeration» «enumeration» «enumeration» «enumeration»

RptAccessEnum RptEnablerImplTypeEnum RptPreparationEnum RptExecutionControlEnum RptServicePointEnum

none none none none none

protected rptEnablerRam rptLevel1 conditional enabled
enabled rptEnablerRom rptLevel2
rptEnablerRamAndRom rptLevel3

Figure 14.1: Rapid Prototyping Scenario

A Rapid Prototyping Scenario is structured by means of RptContainers. The correct

usage of RptContainer structure is described in 14.2.

845 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

+hostSystem + containerIPduHeaderByteOrder: ByteOrderEnum [0..1]
+ ecuExtractVersion: RevisionLabelString [0..1]
+ pncVectorLength: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+rptSystem + pncVectorOffset: PositiveInteger [0..1]
«atpSplitable» 0..1 + systemVersion: RevisionLabelString

+rptContainer 0..*  
Identifiable +byPassPoint AtpInstanceRef
RptContainer AnyInstanceRef
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*

+rptArHook 0..1

Sdg +sdg
+ gid: NameToken RptHook

+rptHook + codeLabel: CIdentifier [0..1]

+ mcdIdentifier: NameToken [0..1]
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..1
+rptContainer 0..*


Figure 14.2: Rapid Prototyping Hooks

Class RapidPrototypingScenario
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::RPTScenario
Note This meta-class provides the ability to describe a Rapid Prototyping Scenario. Such a Rapid Prototyping
Scenario consist out of two main aspects, the description of the byPassPoints and the relation to an rpt
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
hostSystem System 0..1 ref System which describes the software components of the
host ECU.
rptContainer RptContainer * aggr Top-level rptContainer definitions of this specific rapid
prototyping scenario.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=rptContainer.shortName, rpt
rptProfile RptProfile * aggr Defiens the applicable Rapid Prototyping profils which are
especially defining the smbol of the service functions and
the valid id range. The order of the RptProfiles determines
the order of the service function invocation by RTE.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
rptSystem System 0..1 ref System which describes the rapid prototyping algorithm in
the format of AUTOSAR Software Components.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable

Table 14.1: RapidPrototypingScenario

[constr_1987] Existence of instance reference RapidPrototypingScenario.

hostSystem dFor each RapidPrototypingScenario, the instance reference to

846 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

ModeDeclaration in the role hostSystem shall exist at the time when the
RTE is generated.c()
Class RptContainer
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::RPTScenario
Note This meta-class defines a byPassPoint and the relation to a rptHook.
Additionally it may contain further rptContainers if the byPassPoint is not atomic. For example a byPass
Point referencing to a RunnableEntity may contain rptContainers referring to the data access points of
the RunnableEntity.
The RptContainer structure on M1 shall follow the M1 structure of the Software Component Descriptions.
The category attribute denotes which level of the Software Component Description is annotated.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
byPassPoint AtpFeature * iref byPassPoint describes the required preparation of the
host ECU. At a byPassPoint the host ECU shall be
capable to communicate with a RPT System in order to
support the execution of the rapid prototyping algorithms
with the original data calculated by the host system and to
replace dedicated results of the host system by the
results of the rapid prototyping algorithm.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=byPassPoint.contextElement, byPass
Point.target, byPassPoint.variationPoint.shortLabel
InstanceRef implemented by:AnyInstanceRef
explicitRpt RptProfile * ref This attribute defines the applicable RptProfiles for the
ProfileSelection specific RptContainer. If not any references to a specific
RptProfile is defined, all RptProfiles defined in the Rapid
PrototypingScenario are applicable.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
rptContainer RptContainer * aggr Sub-level rptContainer definitions of this specific rapid
prototyping scenario.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=rptContainer.shortName, rpt
rptExecutable RptExecutableEntity 0..1 aggr Describes the required code preparation for rapid
EntityProperties Properties prototyping at ExecutableEntity invocation.
rptHook RptHook 0..1 aggr The rptHook describes the link between a byPassPoint
and the rapid prototyping algorithm.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=rptHook, rptHook.variationPoint.shortLabel
rptImplPolicy RptImplPolicy 0..1 aggr Describes the required code preparation for rapid
prototyping at data accesses.
rptSw RptSwPrototyping 0..1 aggr Describes the required accessibility of data and modes by
Prototyping Access the rapid prototyping tooling.
Table 14.2: RptContainer

847 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class RptHook
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::RPTScenario
Note This meta-class provide the ability to describe a rapid prototyping hook. This can either be described by
an other AUTOSAR system with the category RPT_SYSTEM or as a non AUTOSAR software.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
codeLabel CIdentifier 0..1 attr This attribute provides a code label which is used in the
implementation of the hook. For example this can be an C
function name or the name of data definition.
mcdIdentifier NameToken 0..1 attr This attribute provides an identifier which shall be used in
a MCD System to display the Rpt Hook.
rptArHook AtpFeature 0..1 iref This describes the hook with the means of another
AUTOSAR system.
InstanceRef implemented by:AnyInstanceRef
sdg Sdg * aggr This property allows to keep special data which is not
represented by the standard model. It can be utilized to
keep e.g. tool specific data.

Table 14.3: RptHook

[TPS_SWCT_02046] byPassPoint specifies the rapid prototyping capability

dThe byPassPoints are used to describe the preparation of the host ECU. At the
byPassPoints the host ECU shall be capable to communicate with an RPT System in
order to support the execution of the rapid prototyping algorithms with the original data
calculated by the host system and to replace dedicated results of the host system by
the results of the rapid prototyping algorithm.c(RS_SWCT_03280, RS_SWCT_03282)
[TPS_SWCT_02047] RptHook specifies the link to rapid prototyping algorithm
dThe rptHook describes the link between the byPassPoint and the rapid prototyping
algorithm. If the rapid prototyping algorithm is described as an AUTOSAR Software
Component the rptArHook reference is applicable. Otherwise, the definition of a
codeLabel and optionally mcdIdentifier shall be used.c(RS_SWCT_03280, RS_-
SWCT_03281, RS_SWCT_03282)
In order to describe an RPT system as AUTOSAR software component a System with
the category RPT_SYSTEM shall be defined.
[constr_2054] Valid targets of rptSystem dThe System referenced in the role rpt-
System shall be of category RPT_SYSTEM.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()

14.2 Usage of RptContainers on M1

The RptContainer structure on M1 shall follow the M1 structure of the Software
Component Descriptions. The category attribute denotes which level of the Software
Component Description is annotated.
The following values of the attribute category are predefined by the AUTOSAR stan-

848 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Category Meaning Specific properties

SW_COMPONENT Adds one SwComponentPrototype to an The byPassPoint and rptArHook shall refer-
_PROTOTYPE Rapid Prototyping Scenario. ence a SwComponentPrototypes.
Adds one instance of a DataPrototype to an The byPassPoint and rptArHook shall ref-
DATA_PROTOTYPE Rapid Prototyping Scenario. erence a DataPrototype instances in Port-
Adds one RunnableEntity to an Rapid Proto- The byPassPoint and rptArHook shall refer-
typing Scenario. ence a RunnableEntity instances.
Adds one VariableAccess, Parame- The byPassPoint and rptArHook shall refer-
terAccess, ServerCallPoint, Asyn- ence a VariableAccess, ParameterAccess,
chronousServerCallResultPoint, In- ServerCallPoint, AsynchronousServer-
ACCESS_POINTS ternalTriggeringPoint, ModeSwitch- CallResultPoint, InternalTriggering-
Point, ModeAccessPoint or External- Point, ModeSwitchPoint, ModeAccess-
TriggeringPoint to a Rapid Prototyping Point or ExternalTriggeringPoint in-
Scenario. stances.
Table 14.4: Category of RptContainers

[constr_2055] Valid targets of byPassPoint and rptHook reference dDepending

on the category value, the targets of byPassPoint and rptHook references are
restricted according table 14.4.
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
Hereby, the following semantic applies:
[TPS_SWCT_02048] Implicit SwComponentPrototype selection for Rapid Proto-
typing Scenario dIf a SwComponentPrototype is referenced in the role byPass-
Point by a RptContainer without further “Sub” rptContainer, all RTE Inter-
faces of the AtomicSwComponentType shall be able to support a connection to a
[TPS_SWCT_02049] Implicit RunnableEntity selection for Rapid Prototyping
Scenario dIf a RunnableEntity is referenced in the role byPassPoint by a
RptContainer without further “Sub” rptContainer, all RTE Interfaces of the
RunnableEntity shall be able to support a connection to a rptHook.c(RS_SWCT_-
[TPS_SWCT_02050] Explicit selection of access points for Rapid Prototyp-
ing Scenario dIf a VariableAccess, ParameterAccess, ServerCallPoint,
AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint, InternalTriggeringPoint, Mod-
eSwitchPoint, ModeAccessPoint or ExternalTriggeringPoint is referenced
in the role byPassPoint by a RptContainer, only RTE Interfaces related to the
specific access point are required be able to support a connection to a rptHook.c
[TPS_SWCT_02051] Explicit DataPrototype selection for Rapid Prototyping
Scenario dIf a DataPrototype instances in a PortPrototypes is referenced in
the role byPassPoint by a RptContainer, only RTE Interfaces related to the spe-
cific DataPrototype are required be able to support a connection to a rptHook.c

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[constr_2056] Consistency of RapidPrototypingScenario with respect to

rptSystem and rptArHook references dWithin one RapidPrototypingSce-
nario all rptSystem references shall point to instances in one and only one System,
and if existent, all rptArHook shall point to instances in one other and only one other
This rule shall be imposed at the time when the RTE is generated.c()

14.3 Usage of atpSplitable for RptContainers on M1

In order to support the later definition of the RptHooks, which may require as well
the detailed specification byPassPoints, the aggregation of RptContainer and
RptHook is atpSplitable.
[TPS_SWCT_02052] Definition of Rapid Prototyping Scenario is splittable dThe
aggregations in the roles rptContainer, byPassPoint, explicitRptPro-
fileSelection, and rptHook at RptContainer are decorated by stereotype
atpSplitable. By this means, it is possible to specify aspects of RptCon-
tainers in a later process step.c(RS_SWCT_03280)
Please note that the later specification of RptHooks may require additional byPass-
Points as well to show their relationship to lower level elements in a component de-
scription, such as VariableAccess, where in contrast the byPassPoints may only
be specified on higher level elements such as SwComponentPrototypes in a first

14.4 Modifications of the Meta-Model for supporting the RPT sce-

The implementation of the rapid-prototyping scenario implies the definition of access
points (see table 14.4). To be able to fulfill this role, the access points shall be repre-
sented by meta-classes derived from Referrable.
Most candidates for becoming access points are already inheriting from Referrable
and therefore do not require further treatment (see Figure 14.3). Two meta-classes in
this collection, however, are not derived from Referrable:
• ExternalTriggeringPoint
• ModeAccessPoint
It is not feasible to fix this issue by simply letting the two meta-classes inherit from
Referrable because this would break the backwards compatibility of the AUTOSAR
XML Schema1 .

Because in this case the shortName becomes mandatory.

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Therefore, a different approach (as sketched in Figure 14.3) has been implemented.
AbstractAccessPoint AtpStructureElement
AtpStructureElement 0..* «atpVariation,atpSplitable» ExecutableEntity +modeAccessPoint
Identifiable +dataReadAccess RunnableEntity «atpVariation,atpSplitable» *
0..* «atpVariation,atpSplitable»

0..* «atpVariation,atpSplitable» «atpIdentityContributor»

+writtenLocalVariable +ident 0..1

0..* «atpVariation,atpSplitable» AbstractAccessPoint

+dataReceivePointByArgument ModeAccessPointIdent

0..* «atpVariation,atpSplitable»

0..* «atpVariation,atpSplitable» AtpStructureElement

+dataSendPoint Identifiable
0..* «atpVariation,atpSplitable»
AtpStructureElement +parameterAccess
0..* «atpVariation,atpSplitable»
AtpStructureElement +serverCallPoint
Identifiable 0..* «atpVariation,atpSplitable» +ident 0..1

AtpStructureElement +internalTriggeringPoint +externalTriggeringPoint
0..* «atpVariation,atpSplitable» «atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*

AbstractAccessPoint AbstractAccessPoint
AtpStructureElement +modeSwitchPoint +asynchronousServerCallResultPoint AtpStructureElement
Identifiable Identifiable
* «atpVariation,atpSplitable» «atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*
ModeSwitchPoint AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint

Figure 14.3: Access Points used in the context of the Rapid Prototyping Scenario

A new meta-class IdentCaption is created that introduces the capabilities of the

meta-class Identifiable (that, in turn, inherits from Referrable) to its subclasses,
ModeAccessPointIdent and ExternalTriggeringPointIdent.
These, in turn, are optionally2 aggregated in the role ident by ModeAccessPoint,
or in the role ident by meta-class ExternalTriggeringPoint.
Class IdentCaption (abstract)
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::RPTScenario
Note This meta-class represents the caption. This allows having some meta-classes optionally identifiable.
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Subclasses BswServiceDependencyIdent, ExternalTriggeringPointIdent, ModeAccessPointIdent
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 14.5: IdentCaption

Again, the optional aggregation is a necessary prerequisite to not break the backwards compatibility
of the AUTOSAR XML schema.

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Class ModeAccessPointIdent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::RPTScenario
Note This meta-class has been created to introduce the ability to become referenced into the meta-class Mode
AccessPoint without breaking backwards compatibility.
Base ARObject, AbstractAccessPoint, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, IdentCaption,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 14.6: ModeAccessPointIdent

Class ExternalTriggeringPointIdent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::RPTScenario
Note This meta-class has been created to introduce the ability to become referenced into the meta-class
ExternalTriggeringPoint without breaking backwards compatibility.
Base ARObject, AbstractAccessPoint, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, IdentCaption,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table 14.7: ExternalTriggeringPointIdent

The following (simplified) listing 14.1 sketches the usage of the meta-class Ident-
Caption for the purpose of effectively allowing references to a ModeAccessPoint.
Listing 14.1: Example for the definition of an RPT scenario

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14.5 Extended Buffer Access Method

The Extended Buffer Access method enhances the support for rapid prototyping (RP)
to support the bypass use case where the RTE cannot be regenerated by the bypass
The goal is to ensure that all VariableDataPrototypes that are communicated
via RTE APIs are written to and read back from an RP global buffer that can be
modified by rapid prototyping tools (RPT).
The method applies to all RTE APIs and not just those for implicit access and hence is
termed the extended buffer access method.
Within the Extended buffer access method, a VariableDataPrototype can be
flagged for rapid prototyping at one of three levels depending on whether post-build
hooking is used. “Level 1” is intended for use by post-build hooking tools and “Level 2”
and “Level 3” by non post-build hooking.
Additional RP buffers and RP flags are created when using “Level 2” and “Level 3” and
the Extended Buffer Access method includes mechanisms for describing their creation
and use to RP tooling.
• RP global buffer – A buffer read/written by RP. The RP global buffer is con-
ceptually separated from the RTE managed buffer holding the variable data pro-
totype value.

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• RP global measurement buffer – A buffer used by RP to store the original variable

data prototype value for subsequent measurement purposes before replacement
by the RP generated value.
• RP enabler flag – A Boolean flag to permit run-time enabling/disabling bypass.

14.5.1 RP Preparation

The Extended Buffer Access method of Rapid Prototyping requires the definition of
preparation level (see table 14.4) to enable RPT-related code generation.
The RptProfile of category EXTENDED_BUFFER_ACCESS provides the common at-
tributes to implement the RPT support in the code.
An ECU may have to support multiple RptProfiles in parallel – for example, to sup-
port in one ECU the RPT tools of different suppliers.
Nevertheless, not all components might need to support all possible methods, for in-
stance an XCP based RPT method might not be applicable for hard real-time critical
functions, and therefore the RptProfile can be selected.
[TPS_SWCT_01719] Selection of applicable RptProfiles dThe reference Rpt-
Container.explicitRptProfileSelection provides a list of RptProfiles
which needs to be applied when the RPT support is implemented.
If the explicitRptProfileSelection is not defined, all RptProfiles defined in
the owing RapidPrototypingScenario are applicable.c(RS_SWCT_03280)
Class RptProfile
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::RPTScenario
Note The RptProfile describes the common properties of a Rapid Prototyping method.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
maxService PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Highest service point id useable for RTE generated
PointId service points.
minServicePoint PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Lowest service point id useable for RTE generated
Id service points.
servicePoint CIdentifier 0..1 attr Complete symbol of the function implementing the post
SymbolPost service point. This symbol is used for post-build hooking
servicePoint CIdentifier 0..1 attr Complete symbol of the function implementing the pre
SymbolPre service point. This symbol is used for post-build hooking
stimEnabler RptEnablerImplType 0..1 attr Defines if the service points support the stimulation
Enum enabler. If RptProfile.stimEnabler is "none" then no
stimulation enabler is passed to the service function.
Otherwise the stimulation enabler will be passed as a

Table 14.8: RptProfile

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[constr_1988] Existence of attribute RptProfile.maxServicePointId dFor each

RptProfile, attribute maxServicePointId shall exist at the time when the
RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1989] Existence of attribute RptProfile.minServicePointId dFor each
RptProfile, attribute minServicePointId shall exist at the time when the
RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1990] Existence of attribute RptProfile.servicePointSymbolPost
dFor each RptProfile, attribute servicePointSymbolPost shall exist at the
time when the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1991] Existence of attribute RptProfile.servicePointSymbolPre
dFor each RptProfile, attribute servicePointSymbolPre shall exist at the
time when the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1992] Existence of attribute RptProfile.stimEnabler dFor each Rpt-
Profile, attribute stimEnabler shall exist at the time when the RTE is
Class RptImplPolicy
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::RPTScenario
Note Describes the code preparation for rapid prototyping at data accesses.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
rptEnablerImpl RptEnablerImplType 0..1 attr For Level 2 or Level3 this property determines how the
Type Enum RTE implements the additional "RP enabler" flag.
rptPreparation RptPreparationEnum 0..1 attr Mandates RP preparation level for access to VariableData
Level Prototype within generated RTE implementation.

Table 14.9: RptImplPolicy

[constr_1993] Existence of attribute RptImplPolicy.rptEnablerImplType

dFor each RptImplPolicy, attribute rptEnablerImplType shall exist at the
time when the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1994] Existence of attribute RptImplPolicy.rptPreparationLevel
dFor each RptImplPolicy, attribute rptPreparationLevel shall exist at the
time when the RTE is generated.c()
Enumeration RptEnablerImplTypeEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::MeasurementCalibrationSupport::RptSupport
Note Describes the required / implemented usage of enabler flags for data access in the code.
Literal Description
none No "RP enabler" is implemented.
rptEnablerRam "RP enabler" is implemented as a RAM variable

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Enumeration RptEnablerImplTypeEnum
rptEnablerRamAnd The RTE generator implements both the RAM and ROM "RP enabler".
rptEnablerRom "RP enabler" is implemented as a calibrateable ROM variable.

Table 14.10: RptEnablerImplTypeEnum

Enumeration RptPreparationEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::MeasurementCalibrationSupport::RptSupport
Note Determines the RP preparation level for access to VariableDataPrototypes within the generated RTE
Literal Description
none No RP preparation for VariableDataPrototype.
rptLevel1 The RTE implementation uses an "RP global buffer" for measurement and post-build hooking
rptLevel2 As rpLevel1 but the RTE implementation also uses both "RP enabler flag" to permit RP overwrite at
rptLevel3 As rpLevel2 but the RTE implementation also uses "RP global measurement buffer" to record the
original ECU-generated value in addition to the RP value.

Table 14.11: RptPreparationEnum

[TPS_SWCT_01720] Preparation Levels dRptImplPolicy.rptPrepara-

tionLevel supports three preparation levels:
• Level 1 – If RptImplPolicy.rptPreparationLevel is set to rptLevel1
then the generated RTE uses a specific memory access pattern (a write-read
cycle within accessing code created by the RTE generator) suitable for access by
post-build hooking tools patch writes to buffers.
• Level 2 – If RptImplPolicy.rptPreparationLevel is set to rptLevel2
then in addition to the use of an RP global buffer (as for rptLevel1) the gen-
erated code also includes an RP enabler flag that is used to make update of the
RP global buffer conditional.
The RP enabler flag can be in either (calibratable) ROM or RAM based on Rpt-
• Level 3 – If RptImplPolicy.rptPreparationLevel is set to rptLevel3
then in addition to the requirements of rptLevel2, the generated code also
records the original ECU-generated value as well as the RP replacement value.

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[TPS_SWCT_01721] References from RptContainer dIf rptImplPolicy of a

RptContainer is used the RptContainer can reference:
• VariableDataPrototype – the preparation level applies to a single data item.
• ArgumentDataPrototype – the preparation level applies to a single operation
• ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype – the preparation level applies to a single
• operation – the preparation level applies to all operation ArgumentDataPro-
• RunnableEntity – the preparation level applies to all data items / arguments
accessed by the RunnableEntity.
• SwComponentPrototype – the preparation level applies to all RunnableEn-
titys (and hence all accessed data items and arguments) in the software com-
The generated RTE includes appropriate descriptions to enable RP tools to access the
generated RP buffers and RP enabler flags.
Class RptSwPrototypingAccess
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::MeasurementCalibrationSupport::RptSupport
Note Describes the accessibility of data and modes by the rapid prototyping tooling.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
rptHookAccess RptAccessEnum 0..1 attr The related data element can be modified using a
post-build hooking tool. An ENABLED VariableData
Prototype is implicitly READABLE/WRITABLE.
rptReadAccess RptAccessEnum 0..1 attr The related data element can be used as input for bypass
functionality by RP tool. If rptImplPolicy is not specified
then RTE generation shall ensure at least suitable MC
read points are created.
rptWriteAccess RptAccessEnum 0..1 attr The related data element can be used as output for
bypass functionality by RP tool. The data element shall
be prepared to rptLevel2 and related write service points
are present.

Table 14.12: RptSwPrototypingAccess

[constr_1995] Existence of attribute RptSwPrototypingAccess.rptHookAc-

cess dFor each RptSwPrototypingAccess, attribute rptHookAccess shall exist
at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1996] Existence of attribute RptSwPrototypingAccess.rptReadAc-
cess dFor each RptSwPrototypingAccess, attribute rptReadAccess shall exist
at the time when the RTE is generated.c()

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[constr_1997] Existence of attribute RptSwPrototypingAccess.rptWriteAc-

cess dFor each RptSwPrototypingAccess, attribute rptWriteAccess shall exist
at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
Enumeration RptAccessEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::MeasurementCalibrationSupport::RptSupport
Note Determines the access rights to a data object with respect to rapid prototyping.
Literal Description
enabled The related data element is accessible by RP tool.
none The related data element is not accessible by RP tool.
protected The data element is known to the RP tool however its usage for RP can be restricted. Use case:
limitation based on access rights

Table 14.13: RptAccessEnum

14.5.2 Service Points

Access to the RP global buffers and RP global measurement buffers can

be implemented by using a service based ECU interface in which an additional RP
Service Component, such as an “XCP on CAN” or “XCP on Ethernet” service, is
added to the ECU application.
An RP Service Component is an AUTOSAR or vendor specific BSW module pro-
viding an RP service, e.g. “XCP on CAN” or “XCP on Ethernet”.
It provides one or more RP Service Function where data is sampled and/or stim-
ulated at an RP Service Point. Each RP Service Function call is passed an
RP Service Point ID to identify the service point and enable different invocations
to be distinguished.
The integration of the service can be performed pre-build by means of source code
based integration, for example, by adding an XCP or custom BSW component, or
post-build by patching the binary code of an already compiled ECU image.
In a service based scenario data is sampled and/or stimulated at RP Service
Points. During either sampling or stimulation the data is read and/or written from the
memory associated with the VariableDataPrototype to/from a local buffer during
the execution of the RP Service Point and hence transferred to/from the RP tool.
Within the context of the RTE the data stimulated by the RP Service Points are the
RP global buffers and RP global measurement buffers however any data
that is measurable is potentially subject to reading.

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[TPS_SWCT_01722] Semantics of RP Service Point dAn RP Service Point

is simply a call of an RP Service Function that is provided by the RP Service
[TPS_SWCT_01723] Semantics of RP Service Function dThe RP Service
Function is responsible for sampling (reading) and stimulating (writing) the bypass
data. The action of sampling may then trigger the RP system to perform the bypass
(this may involve the communication of the sampled data to an external system for
computation) ready for reading when the stimulation occurs.c(RS_SWCT_03280)
Service points can be either “SWC Internal” (i.e. inserted by the SWC developer) or
“RTE assigned”. SWC Internal service points are included in the SWC description (us-
ing RapidPrototypingScenario, see below) whereas RTE assigned are created
by the RTE generator based on the specification of the SWC. Service Functions

The RP Service Function is responsible for sampling the required data. The sam-
pled data is not passed as parameters – the invocation of the RP Service Func-
tion passes an RP Service Point ID as the first parameter of the RP Service
Point which is used by the RP Service Component to identify the service point.
[TPS_SWCT_01724] Semantics of RapidPrototypingScenario dA RapidPro-
totypingScenario aggregates one or more RptContainers and one or more
• Each RptContainer instance specifies, by reference, one or more element(s)
applicable to the service-based access.
• Each RptProfile instance specifies both the name of the RP Service
Function (attributes servicePointSymbolPre and servicePointSym-
bolPost) and the applicable RP Service Point IDs (attributes minServi-
cePointId and maxServicePointId).
The cross-product of the information from the RptContainer and RptProfile within
a rapid prototyping scenario is used to construct the service function invocations.
Example: An RapidPrototypingScenario contains a single RptContainer that
references an RTEEvent instance, and a single RptProfile with service point sym-
bol attribute MyServiceFunction. As a result, the RTE generator then wraps in-
vocations of the RunnableEntity started by the event with calls to service function

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Class RptExecutableEntityProperties
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::RPTScenario
Note Describes the code preparation for rapid prototyping at ExecutableEntity invocation.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
maxRptEventId PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Highest RPT event id usable for RTE generated service
points. This attribute is relevant, if dedicated id range
shall be applied to the ExecutableEntitys of a software
component or specific ExecutableEntitys.
minRptEventId PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Lowest RPT event id usable for RTE generated service
points. This attribute is relevant, if dedicated id range
shall be applied to the ExecutableEntitys of a software
component or specific ExecutableEntitys.
rptExecution RptExecutionControl 0..1 attr This attribute specifies the rapid prototyping control of the
Control Enum executable
rptServicePoint RptServicePointEnum 0..1 attr Enables generation of service points by the RTE

Table 14.14: RptExecutableEntityProperties

[constr_1998] Existence of attribute RptExecutableEntityProperties.

maxRptEventId dFor each RptExecutableEntityProperties, attribute
maxRptEventId shall exist at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_1999] Existence of attribute RptExecutableEntityProperties.min-
RptEventId dFor each RptExecutableEntityProperties, attribute min-
RptEventId shall exist at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
[constr_10000] Existence of attribute RptExecutableEntityProperties.rp-
tExecutionControl dFor each RptExecutableEntityProperties, attribute
rptExecutionControl shall exist at the time when the RTE is gener-
[constr_10001] Existence of attribute RptExecutableEntityProperties.rpt-
ServicePoint dFor each RptExecutableEntityProperties, attribute rptSer-
vicePoint shall exist at the time when the RTE is generated.c()
Enumeration RptExecutionControlEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::MeasurementCalibrationSupport::RptSupport
Note Determines rapid prototyping preparation of an ExecutableEntity.
Literal Description
conditional The ExecutableEntity is only executed when the rapid prototyping disable flag is NOT set.
none The ExecutableEntity is executed without specific rapid prototyping condition.

Table 14.15: RptExecutionControlEnum

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Enumeration RptServicePointEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::RPTScenario
Note Specifies whether the invocation of ExecutableEntitys due to activation of specific RteEvents/Bsw
Events requires the insertion of Service Points.
Literal Description
enabled Enables generation of service points by the RTE generator.
none No Service Points are requested.

Table 14.16: RptServicePointEnum

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A Glossary
Artifact This is a Work Product Definition that provides a description and definition for
tangible work product types. Artifacts may be composed of other artifacts ([51]).
At a high level, an artifact is represented as a single conceptual file.
AUTOSAR Tool This is a software tool which supports one or more tasks defined as
AUTOSAR tasks in the methodology. Depending on the supported tasks, an
AUTOSAR tool can act as an authoring tool, a converter tool, a processor tool or
as a combination of those (see separate definitions).
AUTOSAR Authoring Tool An AUTOSAR Tool used to create and modify AUTOSAR
XML Descriptions. Example: System Description Editor.
AUTOSAR Converter Tool An AUTOSAR Tool used to create AUTOSAR XML files by
converting information from other AUTOSAR XML files. Example: ECU Flattener
AUTOSAR Definition This is the definition of parameters which can have values. One
could say that the parameter values are Instances of the definitions. But in the
meta model hierarchy of AUTOSAR, definitions are also instances of the meta
model and therefore considered as a description. Examples for AUTOSAR def-
initions are: EcucParameterDef, PostBuildVariantCriterion, SwSys-
AUTOSAR XML Description In AUTOSAR this means "filled Template". In fact an
AUTOSAR XML description is the XML representation of an AUTOSAR model.
The AUTOSAR XML description can consist of several files. Each individual file
represents an AUTOSAR partial model and shall validate successfully against the
AUTOSAR Meta-Model This is an UML2.0 model that defines the language for de-
scribing AUTOSAR systems. The AUTOSAR meta-model is an UML represen-
tation of the AUTOSAR templates. UML2.0 class diagrams are used to describe
the attributes and their interrelationships. Stereotypes, UML tags and OCL ex-
pressions (object constraint language) are used for defining specific semantics
and constraints.
AUTOSAR Meta-Model Tool The AUTOSAR Meta-Model Tool is the tool that gener-
ates different views (class tables, list of constraints, diagrams, XML Schema etc.)
on the AUTOSAR meta-model.
AUTOSAR Model This is a representation of an AUTOSAR product. The AUTOSAR
model represents aspects suitable to the intended use according to the
AUTOSAR methodology.
Strictly speaking, this is an instance of the AUTOSAR meta-model. The infor-
mation contained in the AUTOSAR model can be anything that is representable
according to the AUTOSAR meta-model.

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AUTOSAR Partial Model In AUTOSAR, the possible partitioning of models is marked

in the meta-model by atpSplitable. One partial model is represented in
an AUTOSAR XML description by one file. The partial model does not need to
fulfill all semantic constraints applicable to an AUTOSAR model.
AUTOSAR Processor Tool An AUTOSAR Tool used to create non-AUTOSAR files by
processing information from AUTOSAR XML files. Example: RTE Generator
AUTOSAR Specification Element An AUTOSAR Specification Element is a named
element that is part of an AUTOSAR specification. Examples: requirement, con-
straint, specification item, class or attribute in the meta model, methodology, de-
liverable, methodology activity, model element, bsw module etc.
AUTOSAR Template The term "Template" is used in AUTOSAR to describe the for-
mat different kinds of descriptions. The term template comes from the idea, that
AUTOSAR defines a kind of form which shall be filled out in order to describe a
model. The filled form is then called the description.
In fact the AUTOSAR templates are now defined as a meta-model.
AUTOSAR Validation Tool A specialized AUTOSAR Tool which is able to check an
AUTOSAR model against the rules defined by a profile.
AUTOSAR XML Schema This is a W3C XML schema that defines the language for
exchanging AUTOSAR models. This Schema is derived from the AUTOSAR
meta-model. The AUTOSAR XML Schema defines the AUTOSAR data exchange
Blueprint This is a model from which other models can be derived by copy and re-
finement. Note that in contrast to meta model resp. types, this process is not an
Instance Generally this is a particular exemplar of a model or of a type.
Life Cycle Life Cycle is the course of development/evolutionary stages of a model
element during its life time.
Meta-Model This defines the building blocks of a model. In that sense, a Meta-Model
represents the language for building models.
Meta-Data This includes pertinent information about data, including information about
the authorship, versioning, access-rights, timestamps etc.
Model A Model is an simplified representation of reality. The model represents the
aspects suitable for an intended purpose.
Partial Model This is a part of a model which is intended to be persisted in one par-
ticular artifact.
Pattern in GST This is an approach to simplify the definition of the meta model by ap-
plying a model transformation. This transformation creates an enhanced model
out of an annotated model.

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Profile Authoring Support Data Data that is used for efficient authoring of a profile.
E.g. list of referable constraints, meta-classes, meta-attributes or other reusable
model assets (blueprints)
Profile Authoring Tool A specialized AUTOSAR Tool which focuses on the authoring
of profiles for data exchange points. It e.g. provides support for the creation of
profiles from scratch, modification of existing profiles or composition of existing
Profile Compatibility Checker Tool A specialized AUTOSAR Tool which focuses on
checking the compatibility of profiles for data exchange. Note that this compat-
ibility check includes manual compatibility checks by engineers and automated
assistance using more formal algorithms.
Profile Consistency Checker Tool A specialized AUTOSAR Tool which focuses on
checking the consistency of profiles.
Property A property is a structural feature of an object. As an example a “connector”
has the properties “receive port” and “send port”
Properties are made variant by the atpVariation.
Prototype This is the implementation of a role of a type within the definition of another
type. In other words a type may contain Prototypes that in turn are typed by
"Types". Each one of these prototypes becomes an instance when this type is
Type A type provides features that can appear in various roles of this type.
Value This is a particular value assigned to a “Definition”.
Variability Variability of a system is its quality to describe a set of variants. These
variants are characterized by variant specific property settings and / or selections.
As an example, such a system property selection manifests itself in a particular
“receive port” for a connection.
This is implemented using the atpVariation.
Variant A system variant is a concrete realization of a system, so that all its proper-
ties have been set respectively selected. The software system has no variability
anymore with respect to the binding time.
This is implemented using EvaluatedVariantSet.
Variation Binding A variant is the result of a variation binding process that resolves
the variability of the system by assigning particular values/selections to all the
system’s properties.
This is implemented by VariationPoint.
Variation Binding Time The variation binding time determines the step in the method-
ology at which the variability given by a set of variable properties is resolved.

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Software Component Template

This is implemented by vh.LatestBindingtime at the related properties.

Variation Definition Time The variation definition time determines the step in the
methodology at which the variation points are defined.
Variation Point A variation point indicates that a property is subject to variation. Fur-
thermore, it is associated with a condition and a binding time which define the
system context for the selection / setting of a concrete variant.
This is implemented by VariationPoint.

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Software Component Template

B Supported Special Use Cases

B.1 Asymmetric Data Transformation between a Software-

Component and a Complex Driver

B.1.1 Overview

In this scenario, a SwComponentPrototype typed by an ApplicationSwCompo-

nentType needs to communicate with a SwComponentPrototype typed by a Com-
The communication itself is special insofar as it ends in an arbitrary structured data
type on the side of the ApplicationSwComponentType and in a flat byte array on
the side of the ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponentType.
The communication itself has a client-server nature, where the ApplicationSwCom-
ponentType mostly acts as the client and the ComplexDeviceDriverSwCompo-
nentType acts as the server.
As a consequence of this set-up, the structured data type somehow has to be serialized
into a flat byte array for the call and from flat byte array to structure data type for the
returning of the out and inout arguments as well as the return value.
For a justification of the use case, let’s assume that the ComplexDeviceDriver-
SwComponentType implements an endpoint of a custom communication protocol that
needs to interact with the "AUTOSAR world".
This is also the reason why the server implements ClientServerOperations
with a flat byte array as the argument. The server (in this case, the ComplexDe-
viceDriverSwComponentType) itself is completely agnostic of the data, it just rep-
resents the endpoint that has to be able to deal with any given data structure.
This means that the ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponentType does not have to
be updated and redeployed if the data structures on the side of the Application-
SwComponentType undergo any changes.
For the ApplicationSwComponentType, on the other hand, there is little motivation
to also model the respective data structures as a flat byte array. Usually, the respec-
tive data comes from a mixture of internal processing and communication with other
In other words, using a flat byte array on the side of the ApplicationSwComponent-
Type would mean that the serialization has to be done anyway, potentially inside the
implementation of the ApplicationSwComponentType itself.
Specifically, the conversion from the (structured) data type to a flat byte array and back
needs to be implemented by a piece of software that is typically generated according
to the structure of the data type. This software, however, is very specific and only fits
to the corresponding data types.

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Software Component Template

One approach for data serialization in AUTOSAR is the generic concept of data trans-
formation, in the specific case of this scenario a data transformer is needed that does
a depth-first serialization over a complex data structure.
This approach is already supported in AUTOSAR by means of the so-called SOME/IP
Transformer [52].
This existing concept can be taken over for the implementation of the scenario de-
scribed in this chapter, albeit with some customizations. For example, the SOME/IP-
specific protocol header generated by the SOME/IP Transformer is obviously not rele-
vant for the scenario.

B.1.2 Modeling Aspects

The modeling of this use case shall be explained along a simple example sketched in
Figure B.1:
• It is necessary to define two individual ClientServerOperationMappings.
– One of these (in this example: CSOM1) shall reference a DataTransfor-
mation where attribute dataTransformationKind is set to the value
– The other (in this example: CSOM2) shall reference a DataTransfor-
mation where attribute dataTransformationKind is set to the value
• CSOM1 shall reference the ClientServerOperation Op1 (on the end of the
ApplicationSwComponentType) in the role firstOperation.
• CSOM1 shall reference the ClientServerOperation Op2 (on the end of the
ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponentType) in the role secondOperation.
• CSOM2 shall reference the ClientServerOperation Op1 (on the end of the
ApplicationSwComponentType) in the role secondOperation.
• CSOM2 shall reference the ClientServerOperation Op2 (on the end of the
ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponentType) in the role firstOperation.
• CSOM1 shall aggregate two DataPrototypeMappings in the role argu-
– The first DataPrototypeMapping shall reference (in the role first-
DataPrototype) the ArgumentDataPrototype named In1 of
ClientServerOperation OP1 and (in the role secondDataPrototype)
the ArgumentDataPrototype named In of ClientServerOperation
– The second DataPrototypeMapping shall reference (in the role
firstDataPrototype) the ArgumentDataPrototype named In2 of

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Software Component Template

ClientServerOperation OP1 and (in the role secondDataPrototype)

the ArgumentDataPrototype named In of ClientServerOperation
• CSOM2 shall aggregate two DataPrototypeMappings in the role argu-
– The first DataPrototypeMapping shall reference (in the role first-
DataPrototype) the ArgumentDataPrototype named Out1 of
ClientServerOperation OP1 and (in the role secondDataPrototype)
the ArgumentDataPrototype named Out of ClientServerOpera-
tion OP2.
– The second DataPrototypeMapping shall reference (in the role
firstDataPrototype) the ArgumentDataPrototype named Out2 of
ClientServerOperation OP1 and (in the role secondDataPrototype)
the ArgumentDataPrototype named Out of ClientServerOpera-
tion OP2.

SwComponentPrototype typed by SwComponentPrototype typed by

ApplicationSwComponentType ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponentType

DataTransformation „DT2BA“

dataTransformationKind = «isOfType»


ClientServerOperationMapping „CS2“
ClientServerOperation „Op2"
ArgumentDataPrototype „In"
ClientServerInterface DataPrototypeMapping
ArgumentDataPrototype „Out"
ClientServerOperation „Op1"
ArgumentDataPrototype „In1"
ArgumentDataPrototype „In2" firstOperation ClientServerOperationMapping
ArgumentDataPrototype „Out1"
ArgumentDataPrototype „Out2"

DataTransformation „BA2DT“

dataTransformationKind =

Figure B.1: Modeling of the data transformation use case

Please note that in Figure B.1 the role names of references from DataProto-
typeMapping have been left out of the picture for reasons of simplicity.

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Software Component Template

C History of Constraints and Specification Items

Please note that the lists in this chapter also include constraints and specification items
that have been removed from the specification in a later version. These constraints and
specification items do not appear as hyperlinks in the document.

C.1 Constraint History of this Document according to AUTOSAR


C.1.1 Changed Constraints in R4.0.1


C.1.2 Added Constraints in R4.0.1

Number Heading
[constr_1000] End-to-end protection is limited to sender/receive communication
[constr_1001] Value of dataId shall be unique
[constr_1002] End-to-end protection does not support n:1 communication
[constr_1004] Mapping of ApplicationDataTypes
Compatibility of ImplementationDataTypes mapped to the same Application-
[constr_1006] applicable data categorys
[constr_1007] Allowed attributes of SwDataDefProps for ApplicationDataTypes
[constr_1008] Applicability of categorys STRUCTURE and ARRAY
[constr_1009] SwDataDefProps applicable to ImplementationDataTypes
[constr_1010] If nativeDeclaration does not exist
[constr_1011] category of SwBaseType
[constr_1012] Value of category is FIXED_LENGTH
[constr_1013] Value of category is VARIABLE_LENGTH
[constr_1014] Supported value encodings for SwBaseType
[constr_1015] Prioritization of SwDataDefProps
[constr_1016] invalidValue is restricted
[constr_1017] Supported combinations of swImplPolicy and swCalibrationAccess
measurementPoint shall not be referenced by a VariableAccess aggregated by
RunnableEntity in the role dataReadAccess
[constr_1019] Compatibility of input value and axis
ParameterDataPrototype needs to be of compatible data type as referenced in

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
[constr_1021] A CompuMethod shall specify instructions for both directions
[constr_1022] Limits shall be defined for each direction of CompuMethod
[constr_1023] Specification of Units in CompuMethods
[constr_1024] Stepwise definition of CompuMethods
[constr_1025] Avoid division by zero in rational formula
[constr_1026] Compatibility of Units
[constr_1027] Types for record layouts
[constr_1029] ConstantSpecificationMapping and ConstantSpecification
ParameterSwComponentType references ConstantSpecificationMap-
[constr_1031] NvBlockSwComponentType references ConstantSpecificationMappingSet
[constr_1032] DelegationSwConnector can only connect PortPrototypes of the same kind
[constr_1033] Communication scenarios for sender/receiver communication
[constr_1035] Recursive definition of CompositionSwComponentType
[constr_1036] Connect kinds of PortInterfaces
[constr_1037] Client may not connect to multiple servers
[constr_1038] Reference to ApplicationError
[constr_1039] Relevance of swImplPolicy
[constr_1040] Conversion of SenderReceiverInterfaces
[constr_1041] Conversion of ClientServerInterfaces
[constr_1042] Definition of a linear data scaling
[constr_1043] PortInterface vs. ComSpec
[constr_1044] Applicability of DataFilter
[constr_1045] Supported value encodings for SwBaseType in the context of PortInterfaces
[constr_1046] Applicability of [constr_1045]
[constr_1047] Compatibility of ApplicationPrimitiveDataTypes
[constr_1048] Compatibility of ApplicationRecordDataTypes
[constr_1049] Compatibility of ApplicationArrayDataTypes
[constr_1050] Compatibility of ImplementationDataTypes
[constr_1051] Compatibility of SwDataDefProps
[constr_1052] Compatibility of Units
[constr_1053] Compatibility of PhysicalDimensions
[constr_1054] No DataConstr available at the provider
[constr_1055] ImplementationDataType has category VALUE
[constr_1056] ImplementationDataType has category TYPE_REFERENCE
[constr_1057] ImplementationDataType has category DATA_REFERENCE
[constr_1058] ImplementationDataType has category FUNCTION_REFERENCE
[constr_1059] Compatibility of data types with category VALUE
[constr_1060] Compatibility of data types with category ARRAY, VAL_BLK, or STRING

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
[constr_1061] Compatibility of data types with category STRUCTURE
[constr_1062] Compatibility of data types with category BIT
[constr_1063] Compatibility of data types with category BOOLEAN
[constr_1064] Compatibility of data types with category COM_AXIS, RES_AXIS, CURVE or MAP
ApplicationDataType is or is not compatible to specific Implementation-
ApplicationDataType is or is not compatible to specific Implementation-
Compatibility of VariableDataPrototypes or ParameterDataPrototypes
typed by primitive data types
Compatibility of PortPrototypes of different DataInterfaces in the context of
Compatibility of PortPrototypes of different DataInterfaces in the context of
compatibility of compatibility of ParameterDataPrototype and VariableDat-

[constr_1072] Compatibility of ModeSwitchInterfaces in the context of an AssemblySwCon-

[constr_1073] Compatibility of ModeSwitchInterfaces in the context of an DelegationSwCon-
[constr_1074] Compatibility of ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes
[constr_1075] Compatibility of ModeDeclarationGroups
[constr_1076] Compatibility of ArgumentDataPrototypes
[constr_1077] Compatibility of ApplicationErrors
[constr_1078] Compatibility of ClientServerOperations

[constr_1079] Compatibility of ClientServerInterfaces in the context of an AssemblySwCon-

[constr_1080] Compatibility of ClientServerInterfaces in the context of an Delegation-
[constr_1081] Compatibility of TriggerInterfaces in the context of an AssemblySwConnector

[constr_1082] Compatibility of TriggerInterfaces in the context of an DelegationSwConnec-

[constr_1083] Compatibility of Triggers
[constr_1084] delegation of an provided outer PortPrototype
[constr_1085] Compatibility in the case of a flat ECU extract
[constr_1086] SwConnector between two specific PortPrototypes
[constr_1087] AssemblySwConnector inside CompositionSwComponentType
[constr_1088] DelegationSwConnector inside CompositionSwComponentType
[constr_1090] WaitPoint and RunnableEntity
[constr_1091] RTEEvents that can unblock a WaitPoint
[constr_1092] ParameterSwComponentType
[constr_1093] Definition of textual strings

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
[constr_1094] Usage of symbol of RunnableEntity
[constr_1095] Values of nDataSets vs. reliability
[constr_1096] SwcModeSwitchEvent and WaitPoint
[constr_1097] RunnableEntity that has a WaitPoint
[constr_1098] Mode switch and mode disabling
[constr_1099] Data type of inter-runnable variables
[constr_1100] Unconnected RPortPrototype typed by a DataInterface
[constr_1101] Mode-related communication
[constr_1102] ApplicationError in the scope of one SwComponentType
[constr_1103] NonqueuedReceiverComSpec and enableUpdate
[constr_1104] Trigger sink and trigger source
[constr_1105] Value of arraySize
[constr_1106] Structure shall have at least one element
[constr_1107] Union shall have at least one element
[constr_1108] Value of ApplicationError.errorCode
Mapping of SwComponentPrototypes typed by a SensorActuatorSwCompo-
[constr_1110] Value of category in EndToEndDescription
[constr_1111] Constraints of dataId in PROFILE_01
[constr_1112] Constraints of dataIdMode in PROFILE_01
[constr_1113] Existence of attributes in PROFILE_01
[constr_1114] Constraints of crcOffset in PROFILE_01
[constr_1115] Constraints of counterOffset in PROFILE_01
[constr_1116] Constraints of dataLength in PROFILE_01
[constr_1117] Constraints of maxDeltaCounterInit in PROFILE_01
[constr_1118] Existence of attributes in PROFILE_02
[constr_1119] Constraints of dataLength in PROFILE_02
[constr_1120] Constraints of dataId in PROFILE_02
[constr_1121] Constraints of maxDeltaCounterInit in PROFILE_02
[constr_1122] Existence of attributes in PROFILE_03
[constr_1123] Constraints of dataLength in PROFILE_03
[constr_1124] Constraints of dataId in PROFILE_03
[constr_1125] Constraints of maxDeltaCounterInit in PROFILE_03
[constr_1126] Compatibility of DataConstrs
[constr_2000] Compatibility of ClientServerOperations triggering the same RunnableEntity

[constr_2001] Initial value for a specific implicitInterRunnableVariable or explicitIn-

[constr_2002] Referenced VariableDataPrototype from AutosarVariableRef of Vari-
ableAccess in role dataReadAccess
[constr_2003] Referenced VariableDataPrototype from AutosarVariableRef of Vari-
ableAccess in role dataWriteAccess

872 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Number Heading

[constr_2004] Referenced VariableDataPrototype from AutosarVariableRef of Vari-

ableAccess in role dataSendPoint
Referenced VariableDataPrototype from AutosarVariableRef of Vari-
[constr_2005] ableAccess in role dataReceivePointByValue or dataReceivePointB-

[constr_2006] Number of AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint referencing to one Asyn-

[constr_2007] Consistency of typeDefinition attribute
[constr_2009] Supported kinds of ports of a NvBlockSwComponentType
Connections between SwComponentPrototypes of type NvBlockSwComponent-
Connections between SwComponentPrototypes typed by NvBlockSwCompo-
[constr_2011] nentType and SwComponentPrototypes typed by other AtomicSwComponent-
[constr_2012] Compatibility of ImplementationDataTypes used for ramBlock and romBlock
[constr_2013] Compatibility of ImplementationDataTypes for NvBlockDataMapping
[constr_2014] Limitation of RoleBasedPortAssignment.role in NvBlockDescriptors
[constr_2015] Limitation of SwcInternalBehavior of a NvBlockSwComponentType
Connections between SwComponentPrototypes of type ServiceProxySwCom-
[constr_2017] Ports of ServiceProxySwComponentTypes
[constr_2018] Supported remote communication of a ServiceProxySwComponentType
[constr_2019] ServiceSwComponentType shall have service ports only
[constr_2020] dataReadAccess can not be used for queued communication

[constr_2021] WaitPoint referencing a DataReceivedEvent can not be used for non-queued

[constr_2022] Mutually exclusive use of SynchronousServerCallPoints and Asyn-
[constr_2023] Consistency of timeout values
[constr_2024] enableTakeAddress is restricted to single instantiation
[constr_2025] Uniqueness of symbol attributes

[constr_2026] Referenced VariableDataPrototype from AutosarVariableRef of Vari-

ableAccess in role writtenLocalVariable and readLocalVariable
[constr_2027] SwcServiceDependency shall be defined for service ports only
[constr_2028] staticMemory is restricted to single instantiation
[constr_2029] shortName of constantMemory and staticMemory
AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint combined with WaitPoint shall belong
to the same RunnableEntity
[constr_2031] Period of TimingEvent shall be greater than 0
[constr_2032] transmissionAcknowledge requires a DataSendCompletedEvent
[constr_2033] Timeout of DataSendCompletedEvent
[constr_2500] PortInterfaces shall be of same kind

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
[constr_2526] PortInterfaces need to be compatible to the blueprints
[constr_2527] Blueprints shall live in package of a proper category
[constr_2528] PortPrototypes shall not refer to blueprints of PortInterfaces
[constr_2529] Blueprints of ports and interfaces shall be compatible
[constr_2533] Iteration along output axis is only supported for VALUE and VAL_BLK
[constr_4000] Local communication of mode switches
[constr_4001] Content of ModeRequestTypeMap
[constr_4002] Unambiguous mapping of modes to data types
[constr_4003] Semantics of SwcModeSwitchEvent
[constr_4004] Context of SenderReceiverAnnotation
[constr_4005] Context of ClientServerAnnotation
[constr_4006] Context of ParameterPortAnnotation
[constr_4007] Context of ModePortAnnotation
[constr_4008] Context of TriggerPortAnnotation
[constr_4009] Context of NvDataPortAnnotation
[constr_4010] Context of DelegatedPortAnnotation
[constr_4011] ComSpec and ModeSwitchedAckEvent
[constr_4012] Timeout of ModeSwitchedAckEvent
[constr_4035] ValueSpecification shall fit into data type
Table C.1: Added Constraints in R4.0.1

C.1.3 Deleted Constraints in R4.0.1


C.2 Constraint History of this Document according to AUTOSAR


C.2.1 Changed Constraints in R4.0.2

Number Heading
[constr_1007] Allowed attributes of SwDataDefProps for ApplicationDataTypes
[constr_1061] Compatibility of data types with category STRUCTURE

[constr_2001] Initial value for a specific implicitInterRunnableVariable or explicitIn-

Table C.2: Changed Constraints in R4.0.2

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Software Component Template

C.2.2 Added Constraints in R4.0.2

Number Heading
[constr_1127] ServiceSwComponentType shall not have ServiceNeeds
Queue length of ClientServerOperations associated with the same
[constr_1129] swImplPolicy and NonqueuedReceiverComSpec
[constr_1130] swImplPolicy and NonqueuedReceiverComSpec
[constr_1131] swImplPolicy and NonqueuedSenderComSpec
[constr_1132] swImplPolicy and NonqueuedSenderComSpec
[constr_1133] Identical CompuScale Symbolic Names shall have the same range
[constr_1134] Allowed structure of TEXTTABLE
[constr_1135] Limit of vt in BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE
[constr_1136] Compatibility of introduction of blueprint and blueprinted element
[constr_1137] Applicability of ParameterInterface
[constr_1138] assignedPort and DiagEventDebounceMonitorInternal
assignedPort of DiagEventDebounceMonitorInternal shall refer to an
[constr_2034] SwAddrMethod referenced by RunnableEntitys or BswSchedulableEntitys
[constr_2035] swImplPolicy for VariableDataPrototype in SenderReceiverInterface
[constr_2036] swImplPolicy for VariableDataPrototype in NvDataInterface
[constr_2037] swImplPolicy for VariableDataPrototype in the role ramBlock

[constr_2038] swImplPolicy for VariableDataPrototype in the role implicitInter-

[constr_2039] swImplPolicy for VariableDataPrototype in the role explicitInter-
swImplPolicy for VariableDataPrototype in the role arTypedPerInstance-
[constr_2041] swImplPolicy for VariableDataPrototype in the role staticMemory
[constr_2042] swImplPolicy for ParameterDataPrototype in ParameterInterface
[constr_2043] swImplPolicy for ParameterDataPrototype in the role staticMemory
[constr_2044] swImplPolicy for ParameterDataPrototype in the role sharedParameter

[constr_2045] swImplPolicy for ParameterDataPrototype in the role perInstanceParam-

[constr_2046] swImplPolicy for ParameterDataPrototype in the role constantMemory
[constr_2047] swImplPolicy for ArgumentDataPrototype
[constr_2048] swImplPolicy for SwServiceArg

[constr_2535] Target of an autosarParameter in AutosarParameterRef shall refer to a param-

[constr_2536] Target of an autosarVariable in AutosarVariableRef shall refer to a variable
Table C.3: Added Constraints in R4.0.2

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Software Component Template

C.2.3 Deleted Constraints in R4.0.2

Number Heading
[constr_1099] Data type of inter-runnable variables
Table C.4: Deleted Constraints in R4.0.2

C.3 Constraint History of this Document according to AUTOSAR


C.3.1 Changed Constraints in R4.0.3

Number Heading
[constr_1006] applicable data categorys
[constr_1009] SwDataDefProps applicable to ImplementationDataTypes
[constr_1014] Supported value encodings for SwBaseType
[constr_1015] Prioritization of SwDataDefProps
[constr_1043] PortInterface vs. ComSpec
[constr_1051] Compatibility of SwDataDefProps
[constr_1053] Compatibility of PhysicalDimensions
[constr_1063] Compatibility of data types with category BOOLEAN
[constr_1110] Value of category in EndToEndDescription
[constr_1113] Existence of attributes in PROFILE_01
[constr_1118] Existence of attributes in PROFILE_02
[constr_1134] Allowed structure of TEXTTABLE
[constr_2000] Compatibility of ClientServerOperations triggering the same RunnableEntity
[constr_2027] SwcServiceDependency shall be defined for service ports only
Table C.5: Changed Constraints in R4.0.3

C.3.2 Added Constraints in R4.0.3

Number Heading
[constr_1140] Combination of invalidValue with the attribute handleInvalid
[constr_1141] Applicability of the scope attribute
[constr_1142] category of CompuMethod shall not be extended
[constr_1143] category of AutosarDataType shall not be extended
SensorActuatorSwComponentType, EcuAbstractionSwComponentType, and
ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponentType may only reference a HwType

876 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Number Heading
[constr_1145] Finding the symbol for the representation of a CompuScale in C code
[constr_1146] Applicability of a symbol for a CompuScale in C code
[constr_1147] Standardized values for the attribute category of meta-class PortGroup
PortInterfaces of PortPrototypes used to connect to NvBlockSwCompo-
[constr_1149] PortPrototypes used for NV data management
[constr_1150] Usage of valueType for PortDefinedArgumentValue
[constr_1151] Applicability of PortInterfaceMapping
category of ApplicationArrayElement and AutosarDataType referenced in
the role type shall be kept in sync
[constr_1153] Applicability of compatibility requirements for CompuScales

[constr_1154] Compatibility of CompuScales for sender-receiver communication and similar use

[constr_1155] Compatibility of CompuScales for client-server communication
[constr_1156] Relevance of “names” of CompuScales
[constr_1157] Applicability of constraints of CompuScales
[constr_1158] Applicable categorys for attribute compuMethod

[constr_1159] Consistency of VariableAndParameterInterfaceMapping with respect to the

referenced DataInterfaces
[constr_1160] Size of Compound Primitive Data Type is variant
[constr_1161] Applicability of the index attribute of Ref
[constr_1162] Compatibility of SwRecordLayouts
[constr_1163] Compatibility of CompuMethods
[constr_1164] Number of arguments owned by a RunnableEntity
[constr_1165] Applicability of RunnableEntityArgument
[constr_1166] Restrictions of ModeRequestTypeMap
ImplementationDataTypes used as ModeRequestTypeMap.implementa-
Compatibility of ImplementationDataTypes used used in the ModeRequest-
[constr_1169] Allowed values for Trigger.swImplPolicy

[constr_1170] Interpretation of attribute maxDeltaCounterInit owned by EndToEndDescrip-

[constr_1171] Interpretation of attribute maxDeltaCounterInit of EndToEndDescription
Allowed values of SwCalibrationAccessEnum for ModeDeclarationGroup-
[constr_1173] Applicability of AutosarParameterRef referencing a VariableDataPrototype
PortInterfaces used in the context of CompositionSwComponentTypes cannot
refer to AUTOSAR services
[constr_1175] Depending on its category, CompuMethod shall refer to a unit
[constr_1176] Compatibility of CompuScales of category LINEAR and RAT_FUNC

877 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Number Heading
[constr_1177] Allowed category for SwPointerTargetProps
Existence of attributes of SwDataDefProps in the context of Implementation-
[constr_1179] Existence of ModeDeclaration.value within a ModeDeclarationGroup
[constr_1180] Existence of ModeDeclarationGroup.onTransitionValue
Numerical values used in ModeDeclaration.value and ModeDeclara-
[constr_1182] Allowed values for InternalTriggeringPoint.swImplPolicy
EndToEndProtectionVariablePrototypes aggregated by EndToEndProtec-
Consistency of rootDataPrototype and base in the context of Application-

[constr_1185] Consistency of data types in the context of ApplicationCompositeElementIn-

[constr_1186] Consistency of data types in the context of ArVariableInImplementation-
Compatibility of VariableDataPrototypes or ParameterDataPrototypes
typed by composite data types
[constr_1188] Existence of ReceiverComSpec.replaceWith
[constr_1189] Allowed targets of externalReplacement
[constr_1190] Only one mapping for composite to primitive use case
[constr_2049] Different ModeDeclarationGroups shall have different shortNames.
[constr_2050] Mandatory information of a SwAxisCont
[constr_2051] Mandatory information of a SwValueCont

[constr_2052] Values of swArraysize and the number of values provided by swValuesPhys shall
be consistent.
Consistency between role IUMPRNumerator and ObdRatioServiceNeeds.con-
[constr_2544] Limits need to be consistent
[constr_2545] invalidValue shall fit in the specified ranges
[constr_2548] Data constraint of value axis shall match
[constr_2549] Units of input axis shall be consistent
[constr_2550] Units of value axis shall be consistent
[constr_2551] SwCalprmAxis.baseType shall be ignored
[constr_2561] Application of DataConstrRule.constrLevel
Table C.6: Added Constraints in R4.0.3

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C.3.3 Added Specification Items in R4.0.3

Number Heading
[TPS_SWCT_01000] Usage of attribute symbol of the symbolProps
[TPS_SWCT_01001] Prefix symbols generated for the RunnableEntity
[TPS_SWCT_01002] SwComponentTypes may only interact by means of their PortPrototypes
Inconsistencies regarding the value of serviceKind and the actual imple-
mentation of the PortInterface
[TPS_SWCT_01004] Default value if serviceKind is not defined
[TPS_SWCT_01005] Usage of SwcServiceDependencys for vendor-specific services
arraySize of ImplementationDataType shall be used to define the size
of the array
[TPS_SWCT_01007] Semantics of array index
Definition of positive integer values that are directly taken over by the RTE
[TPS_SWCT_01008] generator for creating the programmatic representations of the ModeDecla-
The numerical values used to define the values of ModeDeclaration.value
[TPS_SWCT_01009] and ModeDeclarationGroup.onTransitionValue can be arbitrarily de-
[TPS_SWCT_01010] categorys for the definition of a ModeDeclarationGroup
[TPS_SWCT_01011] Default category of a ModeDeclarationGroup
[TPS_SWCT_01012] AtomicSwComponentType reads the current ECU mode (fixed variant)
[TPS_SWCT_01013] AtomicSwComponentType shall keep the ECU alive (fixed variant)
[TPS_SWCT_01014] AtomicSwComponentType wants to select a shutdown target (fixed variant)
[TPS_SWCT_01015] AtomicSwComponentType wants to select a boot target (fixed variant)
AtomicSwComponentType wants to select a shutdown target (flexible vari-
[TPS_SWCT_01017] AtomicSwComponentType wants to select a boot target (flexible variant)
[TPS_SWCT_01018] AtomicSwComponentType wants to use an alarm clock (flexible variant)
[TPS_SWCT_01019] AtomicSwComponentType reads the current ComM mode
AtomicSwComponentType requests a ComM mode. It may also check later
whether the requested ComM mode has become effective
AtomicSwComponentType acts as a mode manager that influences the ECU
[TPS_SWCT_01022] Queued processing of internal trigger
[TPS_SWCT_01023] Mapping of elements of composite data types
Combination of ApplicationCompositeDataType and nested Implemen-
[TPS_SWCT_01025] The role of PortPrototypes in the AUTOSAR architecture
[TPS_SWCT_01026] The role of PortInterfaces in the AUTOSAR architecture
[TPS_SWCT_01027] Different flavors of PortInterfaces
[TPS_SWCT_01028] AtomicSwComponentType implements a Diagnostic Monitor

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[TPS_SWCT_01029] AtomicSwComponentType implements a Diagnostic Monitor
[TPS_SWCT_01030] RunnableEntity
[TPS_SWCT_01031] ExclusiveArea
[TPS_SWCT_01032] CompositionSwComponentType
[TPS_SWCT_01033] Nested definition of CompositionSwComponentTypes
[TPS_SWCT_01034] CompositionSwComponentTypes do not have any binary footprint
[TPS_SWCT_01035] CompositionSwComponentType aggregates SwComponentPrototypes
[TPS_SWCT_01036] SwComponentPrototype implements a specific role
[TPS_SWCT_01037] arbitrary numbers of SwComponentPrototypes can be created
Support for Variant Handling in the in Software Component Tem-
[TPS_SWCT_01039] Purpose of variant handling
[TPS_SWCT_01040] SwConnector exists depending on a PostBuild condition
API functions of not existing SwConnector are still part of the software-
component’s implementation
[TPS_SWCT_01042] Four types of locations in the meta-model which may exhibit variability
ApplicationSwComponentTypes are independent from actual ECU Hard-
[TPS_SWCT_01044] ServiceNeeds
Actual values of ECU configuration parameters fulfill the requirements given by
the ServiceNeeds
[TPS_SWCT_01046] ServiceNeeds are defined in the scope of the SwcInternalBehavior
Reference from the software representation of a sensor/actuator to the actual
hardware element
SensorActuatorSwComponentType may use the I/O hardware abstraction
[TPS_SWCT_01049] Two ways to use the ExclusiveAreas
[TPS_SWCT_01050] RunnableEntity always runs inside an ExclusiveArea
[TPS_SWCT_01051] RunnableEntity explicitly enters and leaves a specific ExclusiveArea
[TPS_SWCT_01052] Inter-runnable variable
[TPS_SWCT_01053] Relationship of interchanged data with RunnableEntitys
[TPS_SWCT_01054] Semantics of the explicitInterRunnableVariable
[TPS_SWCT_01055] Semantics of implicitInterRunnableVariable
[TPS_SWCT_01056] Physical dimension
[TPS_SWCT_01057] Unit references one physical dimension
[TPS_SWCT_01058] UnitGroup
[TPS_SWCT_01059] Exponent for each of the seven fundamental dimensions
[TPS_SWCT_01060] Negative exponents
[TPS_SWCT_01061] Conversion of units
[TPS_SWCT_01062] Documentation of software-components

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[TPS_SWCT_01063] PortGroup
[TPS_SWCT_01064] PortGroups have to be defined on the VFB level
[TPS_SWCT_01065] PortPrototype may belong to more than one PortGroups
[TPS_SWCT_01066] PortGroups can be associated with certain ServiceNeeds
[TPS_SWCT_01067] Initial mode
[TPS_SWCT_01068] Units can be grouped with the help of UnitGroup
[TPS_SWCT_01069] DataInterface is defined as abstract base class
[TPS_SWCT_01070] PortInterface acts as a type for a PortPrototype
[TPS_SWCT_01071] ModeDeclaration
[TPS_SWCT_01072] ApplicationDataType and ImplementationDataType
[TPS_SWCT_01073] Composite ApplicationDataType
[TPS_SWCT_01074] Composite ImplementationDataType
[TPS_SWCT_01075] SwcInternalBehavior
Number of elements of a specific ApplicationArrayDataType might vary
at run-time
[TPS_SWCT_01077] Configure the response to mode changes
[TPS_SWCT_01078] Configurable array size
[TPS_SWCT_01079] SwConnector
[TPS_SWCT_01080] Delegation ports
[TPS_SWCT_01081] Implications of being a delegation port
[TPS_SWCT_01082] AssemblySwConnector
[TPS_SWCT_01083] DelegationSwConnector
Outer PortPrototype is referenced by multiple DelegationSwConnec-
[TPS_SWCT_01085] Variation on the behavior level
[TPS_SWCT_01086] Request mode change
[TPS_SWCT_01087] Propagation of mode information
[TPS_SWCT_01088] ComSpecs defined by CompositionSwComponentTypes
[TPS_SWCT_01089] end-to-end communication protection
[TPS_SWCT_01090] EndToEndProtection
[TPS_SWCT_01091] Two cases for end-to-end protection
[TPS_SWCT_01092] EndToEndProtectionSet
[TPS_SWCT_01093] Definition of end-to-end protection is splitable
[TPS_SWCT_01094] category of EndToEndDescription
[TPS_SWCT_01095] category set to NONE
[TPS_SWCT_01096] PortGroup
[TPS_SWCT_01097] CompositionSwComponentType cannot have RunnableEntitys
[TPS_SWCT_01098] Only AtomicSwComponentType can have RunnableEntitys
[TPS_SWCT_01099] PortInterfaceMapping

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[TPS_SWCT_01100] Precedence of PortInterfaceMapping
[TPS_SWCT_01101] Unmapped elements of PortInterfaces
[TPS_SWCT_01102] VariableAndParameterInterfaceMapping
[TPS_SWCT_01103] Mapping between different kinds of PortInterfaces
[TPS_SWCT_01104] Possible mappings are restricted by the swImplPolicy
[TPS_SWCT_01105] ClientServerInterfaceMapping
[TPS_SWCT_01106] ClientServerOperation
[TPS_SWCT_01107] swMinAxisPoints and swMaxAxisPoints represent variation points
[TPS_SWCT_01108] Added value of an AtomicSwComponentType
[TPS_SWCT_01109] Adding the SwcInternalBehavior in a later process step
[TPS_SWCT_01110] Symbolic name of a software-component
[TPS_SWCT_01111] PortPrototypes need an additional model artifact, the PortInterface
[TPS_SWCT_01112] PortPrototypes are either require- or provide-ports.
[TPS_SWCT_01113] Connecting two PortPrototypes
[TPS_SWCT_01114] SenderReceiverInterface
[TPS_SWCT_01115] invalidationPolicy
[TPS_SWCT_01116] swImplPolicy
[TPS_SWCT_01117] Communication patterns for sender-receiver communication
[TPS_SWCT_01118] ClientServerInterface
[TPS_SWCT_01119] Direction of ArgumentDataPrototypes
[TPS_SWCT_01120] Client needs to provide ArgumentDataPrototypes
[TPS_SWCT_01121] Pass correct data type
[TPS_SWCT_01122] Synchronous call of ClientServerOperation
[TPS_SWCT_01123] No default values for ArgumentDataPrototypes
Definition of ArgumentDataPrototypes within the context of a
ClientServerOperation is ordered
[TPS_SWCT_01125] serverArgumentImplPolicy
[TPS_SWCT_01126] Access to partial networking via BswM
[TPS_SWCT_01127] Byte arrary with variable size
[TPS_SWCT_01128] SwRecordLayout needed
[TPS_SWCT_01129] Express diagnostic capabilities
Measurement and calibration access to model elements is defined by swCal-
[TPS_SWCT_01131] AtomicSwComponentType accepts a request to restart an entire function
[TPS_SWCT_01132] AtomicSwComponentType provides information about operating cycles
[TPS_SWCT_01133] AtomicSwComponentType provides information about aging cycles
[TPS_SWCT_01134] AtomicSwComponentType enables storage of DTCs in general
[TPS_SWCT_01135] AtomicSwComponentType enables storage of subsequent DTCs
[TPS_SWCT_01136] AtomicSwComponentType retrieves information from the fault storage

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[TPS_SWCT_01137] Dem provides information that the fault storage overflows
[TPS_SWCT_01138] AtomicSwComponentType suppresses the storage of DTCs within the Dem
[TPS_SWCT_01139] AtomicSwComponentType informs the Dem that the PTO is active
AtomicSwComponentType needs information about specific DTC without be-
ing a diagnostic monitor
AtomicSwComponentType may have RPortPrototypes typed by an Nv-
[TPS_SWCT_01142] non-volatile data are provided by a specialized AtomicSwComponentType
Non-volatile data represented by an NvBlockComponent can be read and writ-
[TPS_SWCT_01144] NvBlockDescriptor specifies the properties of exactly one NvBlock
ramBlock and the romBlock are described by a VariableDataPrototype
and a ParameterDataPrototype
[TPS_SWCT_01146] romBlock is optional
[TPS_SWCT_01147] No romBlock is configured
[TPS_SWCT_01148] NvBlockDataMapping
[TPS_SWCT_01149] RoleBasedPortAssignment of NvBlockDescriptor
[TPS_SWCT_01150] InternalBehavior of a NvBlockSwComponentType
[TPS_SWCT_01151] RunnableEntitys do not have further attributes
[TPS_SWCT_01152] InternalBehavior does not have further attributes
[TPS_SWCT_01153] IncludedModeDeclarationGroupSet
[TPS_SWCT_01154] Attribute prefix of IncludedModeDeclarationGroupSet
[TPS_SWCT_01155] IncludedDataTypeSet
[TPS_SWCT_01156] Required if the AutosarDataType is not used for any DataPrototype
[TPS_SWCT_01157] Attribute literalPrefix of IncludedDataTypeSet
[TPS_SWCT_01158] Three cases for PortInterfaceMapping
Mapping is described separately from the SwConnector as reusable AREle-
[TPS_SWCT_01160] ModeInterfaceMapping
[TPS_SWCT_01161] TriggerInterfaceMapping
[TPS_SWCT_01162] Conditional existence of TextTableMapping
[TPS_SWCT_01163] Conversion from firstValue to secondValue
[TPS_SWCT_01164] Conversion from secondValue to firstValue
[TPS_SWCT_01165] Invertible mapping
[TPS_SWCT_01166] Non-invertible mapping
[TPS_SWCT_01167] Validity of ModeInterfaceMapping
[TPS_SWCT_01168] Linear conversion factor can be calculated
[TPS_SWCT_01169] Support for partial networking
[TPS_SWCT_01170] Purpose of Virtual Function Cluster
[TPS_SWCT_01171] Purpose of a control port

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[TPS_SWCT_01172] Requesting and releasing partial networks
[TPS_SWCT_01173] Control port shall not become a part of the PortGroup
[TPS_SWCT_01174] Status port shall not become a member of the PortGroup
[TPS_SWCT_01175] Actively query the status of a partial network
[TPS_SWCT_01176] last-is-best semantics for sender-receiver communication
[TPS_SWCT_01177] Assignment of constant values
[TPS_SWCT_01178] Specialized subclasses of ValueSpecification
[TPS_SWCT_01179] Compound Primitive Data Type
[TPS_SWCT_01180] Maximum possible size of Compound Primitive Data Type
Bound model specifies a primitive which is smaller than the maximum defined
by the range of the involved SwSystemconst
[TPS_SWCT_01182] Conceptual levels for the definition of initial values
Actual value of an initValue shall be interpreted according to the Autosar-
[TPS_SWCT_01184] ApplicationPrimitiveDataTypes with category VALUE
[TPS_SWCT_01185] initValues for Compound Primitive Data Types
[TPS_SWCT_01186] ConstantSpecificationMapping
ConstantSpecificationMappingSet referenced by the InternalBe-
[TPS_SWCT_01188] Definition of calibration data sets through RTE-generator and compiler
[TPS_SWCT_01189] DataTypeMap
[TPS_SWCT_01190] ModeRequestTypeMap
mapped ApplicationDataType and ImplementationDataType shall be
[TPS_SWCT_01192] Meta-classes that have an association to a DataTypeMappingSet
Mappings between application and implementation types do not necessarily
have to form a 1:1 relation
[TPS_SWCT_01194] Symbolic name of an ImplementationDataType
[TPS_SWCT_01195] Mapping of composite element to primitive DataPrototype
[TPS_SWCT_01196] Semantics of an external trigger event communication
[TPS_SWCT_01197] TriggerInterface
[TPS_SWCT_01198] Period for periodic triggering
[TPS_SWCT_01199] Queued processing of Triggers
[TPS_SWCT_01200] ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype per ModeSwitchInterface
CompositionSwComponentType requires and provides the modes that are
required or provided by its contained SwComponentPrototypes
ApplicationDataType defines a subset of the values used in the Mod-
[TPS_SWCT_01203] PortPrototype may own port annotations
[TPS_SWCT_01204] GeneralAnnotation
[TPS_SWCT_01205] Typical annotations for sender/receiver communication

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[TPS_SWCT_01206] Min and Max annotations are valid for a certain amount of time
VariableDataPrototypes use the same application-level Sender-
[TPS_SWCT_01208] Grouping for SenderReceiverAnnotation
[TPS_SWCT_01209] ClientServerAnnotation
[TPS_SWCT_01210] IoHwAbstractionServerAnnotation
[TPS_SWCT_01211] Assign several annotations to ArgumentDataPrototype
[TPS_SWCT_01212] ParameterPortAnnotation
[TPS_SWCT_01213] ModePortAnnotation
[TPS_SWCT_01214] TriggerPortAnnotation
[TPS_SWCT_01215] NvDataPortAnnotation
[TPS_SWCT_01216] DelegatedPortAnnotation
[TPS_SWCT_01217] Semantics of DelegatedPortAnnotation.signalFan
[TPS_SWCT_01218] Big picture of ComSpec
[TPS_SWCT_01219] ComSpec for queued and non-queued sender-receiver communication
initValue defines an initial value that shall be taken if the corresponding
dataElement has not yet been received
[TPS_SWCT_01221] DataFilter
[TPS_SWCT_01222] Applicability of DataFilter
networkRepresentation defines how a specific dataElement is repre-
sented on a communication bus
CompuMethods of dataElement and the networkRepresentation are
used for conversion purposes
RunnableEntity implements the functionality of two or more
initValue on the level of a ComSpec is relevant for connections to the cor-
responding PortPrototype
[TPS_SWCT_01227] Unconnected RPortPrototype typed by NvDataInterface
[TPS_SWCT_01228] NvProvideComSpec
[TPS_SWCT_01229] Three different levels of abstraction regarding the definition of data types
[TPS_SWCT_01230] Application Data Level
Application level may impose strong requirements on the design of the corre-
sponding implementation level
[TPS_SWCT_01232] Implementation Data Level
[TPS_SWCT_01233] Use case for the Implementation Data Level
[TPS_SWCT_01234] Base Level
Mapping of data defined on the Application level to the Implementation and
Base Type level
[TPS_SWCT_01236] Big picture of data types
[TPS_SWCT_01237] SwDataDefProps
[TPS_SWCT_01238] Attribute category used in the context of AutosarDataType

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[TPS_SWCT_01239] default value for attribute category used in the context of AutosarDataType
[TPS_SWCT_01240] Subclasses of ApplicationDataType
[TPS_SWCT_01241] Applicable categorys for subclasses ApplicationDataType
[TPS_SWCT_01242] category characterizes the nature of a data type on application level
[TPS_SWCT_01243] Definition of enumeration types
[TPS_SWCT_01244] Data types for calibration parameters are also described as primitive types
[TPS_SWCT_01245] SwDataDefProps control the structure of calibration parameters
[TPS_SWCT_01246] SwRecordLayout may be required for A2L generation
[TPS_SWCT_01247] ApplicationArrayDataType and ApplicationRecordDataType
[TPS_SWCT_01248] Nested definition of ImplementationDataType
[TPS_SWCT_01249] ApplicationRecordDataType
ImplementationDataType has been introduced to optimize the formal sup-
port for data type handling on the implementation level
Limited set of values for category are applicable for Implementation-
ImplementationDataType can express concepts not available on applica-
tion level
Rules apply for the usage of the attribute ImplementationDataType.type-
[TPS_SWCT_01254] ImplementationDataType with array semantics
Indicate whether the array is supposed to have a fixed size or whether the
actual size might change during run-time
[TPS_SWCT_01256] Definition of multi-dimensional array data types
ImplementationDataType or the aggregated Implementation-
DataTypeElements do not form closed sets
[TPS_SWCT_01258] Definition of a pointer to data
[TPS_SWCT_01259] Definition of a pointer to a function
[TPS_SWCT_01260] SwBaseType
[TPS_SWCT_01261] Use case for SwBaseType
[TPS_SWCT_01262] memAlignment and byteOrder are platform specific
[TPS_SWCT_01263] Further use cases for SwBaseType
[TPS_SWCT_01264] Data prototypes implement a role of a data type
[TPS_SWCT_01265] DataPrototype aggregates an own set of SwDataDefProps
[TPS_SWCT_01266] Three non-abstract classes derived from AutosarDataPrototype
[TPS_SWCT_01267] DataPrototype can be aggregated in different roles
Definition of initValue for a VariableDataPrototype or a Parameter-
[TPS_SWCT_01269] In PortInterfaces, initial values defined for DataPrototypes are ignored
[TPS_SWCT_01270] AutosarVariableRef
[TPS_SWCT_01271] AutosarParameterRef
[TPS_SWCT_01272] Semantics of swComparisonVariable

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[TPS_SWCT_01273] Precedence rules for the application of SwDataDefProps
[TPS_SWCT_01274] SwDataDefProps used to support calibration and measurement
[TPS_SWCT_01275] values of the attribute swImplPolicy are restricted depending on the context
[TPS_SWCT_01276] Computation methods
Computation methods are used for the conversion of internal values into their
physical representation and vice versa
[TPS_SWCT_01278] CompuMethods can also be used to assign symbolic names to internal values
[TPS_SWCT_01279] Preferred conversion direction depends on the use case
[TPS_SWCT_01280] CompuMethod applied to values outside of its limits
[TPS_SWCT_01281] Unit associated with a PhysicalDimension
[TPS_SWCT_01283] Rational function
[TPS_SWCT_01284] CompuScale might require a representation in the generated RTE C code
[TPS_SWCT_01285] Physical dimension
[TPS_SWCT_01286] DataConstr
[TPS_SWCT_01287] Standard limits and extended limits in the ASAM-MCD2 (ASAP2) specification
[TPS_SWCT_01288] Interpretation of PhysConstrs and InternalConstrs by tools
[TPS_SWCT_01289] Semantics of Limit
[TPS_SWCT_01290] SwAddrMethod
[TPS_SWCT_01291] Association of MemorySection with SwAddrMethod
[TPS_SWCT_01292] Usage of SwAddrMethod in the context of a DataPrototype
[TPS_SWCT_01293] RTE Generator has to derive the Memory Allocation Keyword
[TPS_SWCT_01294] Missing SwDataDefProps.swAddrMethod
[TPS_SWCT_01295] SwRecordLayout
Different approaches of ASAM MCD-2MC and AUTOSAR with respect to
Compliance of ApplicationDataTypes or ImplementationDataTypes
to swDataDefProps
Computing SwRecordLayout from ImplementationDataTypes is not pos-
[TPS_SWCT_01299] Relation of swRecordLayoutGroup to subElement
[TPS_SWCT_01300] Relationship between record layouts and interpolation routines
[TPS_SWCT_01301] Importance of initial values
[TPS_SWCT_01302] Semantics of minimumStartInterval
[TPS_SWCT_01303] symbol attribute describes the RunnableEntity’s entry point
[TPS_SWCT_01304] Cat. 1A and 1B RunnableEntitys will eventually terminate
[TPS_SWCT_01305] RunnableEntity as one that cannot be invoked concurrently
Software-component description itself does not put any bounds on the number
of concurrent invocations of a RunnableEntity
[TPS_SWCT_01307] supportsMultipleInstantiation vs. canBeInvokedConcurrently

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
Combination of supportsMultipleInstantiation=false and can-
[TPS_SWCT_01309] signature of a RunnableEntity depends on the connected RTEEvent
[TPS_SWCT_01310] Categories of RunnableEntitys
[TPS_SWCT_01311] Name of an operation argument
[TPS_SWCT_01312] RunnableEntity has a mapping to BswModuleEntry
[TPS_SWCT_01313] Conditions for a transition from suspended to to be started
[TPS_SWCT_01314] RTEEvent
[TPS_SWCT_01315] Interaction of RunnableEntity with RTEEvent
[TPS_SWCT_01316] Abstract base class RTEEvent
[TPS_SWCT_01317] RTE triggers RunnableEntity in response to occurring RTEEvent
[TPS_SWCT_01318] RunnableEntity and WaitPoint
RTEEvent can be used to trigger WaitPoints in different RunnableEn-
[TPS_SWCT_01320] RunnableEntitys of category 2
[TPS_SWCT_01321] Communication among RunnableEntitys
[TPS_SWCT_01322] Interaction patterns for the application of the sender-receiver paradigm
[TPS_SWCT_01323] Read and write access to a dataElement
[TPS_SWCT_01324] Mode switches need to be completed in finite time
Read and write access is only applicable for RunnableEntitys of category
[TPS_SWCT_01326] Constrain the scope of a specific communication
[TPS_SWCT_01327] RTE generator can omit the creation of checks at run-time
[TPS_SWCT_01328] Default value of attribute scope
Access to specific data is implemented by means of aggregating the meta-
class VariableAccess in specific roles
[TPS_SWCT_01330] RunnableEntity can also have dataSendPoints
[TPS_SWCT_01331] dataWriteAccess vs. dataSendPoint
[TPS_SWCT_01332] dataReceivePointByValue vs. dataReceivePointByArgument
dataReceivePointByValue/dataReceivePointByArgument vs.
RunnableEntitys of category 1 may have dataReceivePointByValues/
Combine dataReceivePointByValue or dataReceivePointByArgu-
ment with a WaitPoint
dataSendPoint also allows for the definition of a DataSendCompletedE-
[TPS_SWCT_01337] DataReceivedEvent
[TPS_SWCT_01338] DataReceiveErrorEvent
[TPS_SWCT_01339] RTE activates RunnableEntity in response to DataReceiveErrorEvent
[TPS_SWCT_01340] DataReceiveErrorEvent cannot be combined with a WaitPoint

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DataReceiveErrorEvent is directly associated with the corresponding
[TPS_SWCT_01342] Invocation of a server operation
[TPS_SWCT_01343] Synchronous vs. asynchronous invocation
[TPS_SWCT_01344] Consistency of values of timeout
[TPS_SWCT_01345] Synchronous operation invocation
[TPS_SWCT_01346] Asynchronous operation invocation
[TPS_SWCT_01347] Blocking access to operation result in an asynchronous operation invocation
[TPS_SWCT_01348] Trigger source
[TPS_SWCT_01349] Trigger sink
[TPS_SWCT_01350] Calibration Parameters shared among several SwComponentTypes
[TPS_SWCT_01351] Access to a ParameterDataPrototype
[TPS_SWCT_01352] Requested mode is just sent and received as an ordinary data value
[TPS_SWCT_01353] RunnableEntitys react on a mode request via a corresponding RTEEvent
[TPS_SWCT_01354] PortAPIOption
[TPS_SWCT_01355] enableTakeAddress = true
indirectAPI option switches the generation of the RTE’s indirect API func-
Definition of implicit values that are passed by the RTE to the server’s entry
[TPS_SWCT_01358] Values are hidden from the client components
[TPS_SWCT_01359] Private memory per instance
[TPS_SWCT_01360] Arbitrary number of per-instance memory blocks
[TPS_SWCT_01361] attribute supportsMultipleInstantiation == false
[TPS_SWCT_01362] Initialization of PerInstanceMemory
[TPS_SWCT_01363] PerInstanceMemory typed by ’C’ Data Types
[TPS_SWCT_01364] Initial value of a PerInstanceMemory typed by ’C’ Data Types
[TPS_SWCT_01365] PerInstanceMemory typed by AUTOSAR Data Types
[TPS_SWCT_01366] Initial value of a PerInstanceMemory typed by AUTOSAR Data Types
[TPS_SWCT_01367] Typed by AUTOSAR data type vs. typed by C data type
[TPS_SWCT_01368] Describe static and constant memory
[TPS_SWCT_01369] Static and constant memory is not instantiated by the RTE
[TPS_SWCT_01370] VariationPointProxy
[TPS_SWCT_01371] VariationPointProxy vs. VariationPoint
[TPS_SWCT_01372] bindingTime = preCompileTime
[TPS_SWCT_01373] RTE generator shall evaluate the SwSystemconstDependentFormula
[TPS_SWCT_01374] Implementation of AutosarParameterRef
[TPS_SWCT_01375] Implementation of AutosarVariableRef
[TPS_SWCT_01376] Software-components need to be capable of reacting to state changes

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Two mechanisms to define how SwcInternalBehavior should interact with
the mode management
AtomicSwComponentType can define an SwcModeSwitchEvent to execute
AtomicSwComponentType can indicate whether an RTEEvent that starts an
associated RunnableEntity is disabled in a certain mode
[TPS_SWCT_01380] Mode management behavior on the sender side
[TPS_SWCT_01381] Read the currently active mode
[TPS_SWCT_01382] Mode switch requests are handled asynchronously by the RTE
[TPS_SWCT_01383] ModeSwitchPoint
[TPS_SWCT_01384] Execution of initialization code for software-components
[TPS_SWCT_01385] Execution of initialization code for software-components
[TPS_SWCT_01386] Initialization by mode management
[TPS_SWCT_01387] Finalization by mode management
Initial modes of AtomicSwComponentTypes are defined by the ini-
[TPS_SWCT_01389] I/O Hardware Abstraction interfaces MCAL drivers
[TPS_SWCT_01390] I/O Hardware Abstraction might have sub-structures
I/O Hardware Abstraction abstracts from the location of peripheral I/O
Mapping between the EcuAbstractionSwComponentType and the corre-
sponding BswModuleDescription
[TPS_SWCT_01393] Complex Driver
Complex Driver is represented by the ComplexDeviceDriverSwCompo-
ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponentType has dependencies to ECU
Mapping between the ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponentType and the
corresponding BswModuleDescription
Hybrid concept between Basic Software Modules and a SwComponent-
[TPS_SWCT_01398] Communication patterns for AUTOSAR services
Dependency is modeled by aggregating required and provided PortProto-
PortInterface selected from the set of standardized Service Inter-
[TPS_SWCT_01401] Form a top-level RootSwCompositionPrototype
[TPS_SWCT_01402] Mapping of all AtomicSwComponentType instances to EcuInstances
[TPS_SWCT_01403] Impact of AUTOSAR services on the methodology
[TPS_SWCT_01404] Creation of the EcuExtract
[TPS_SWCT_01405] Creation of the ServiceSwComponentTypes
Creation of SwComponentPrototype typed by a ServiceSwComponent-

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[TPS_SWCT_01407] Creation of InternalBehavior typed by a ServiceSwComponentType
[TPS_SWCT_01408] Creation of SwcBswMapping
[TPS_SWCT_01409] Update of PortDefinedArgumentValues
Dcm and Dem can directly access dataElements in PPortPrototypes typed
by a SenderReceiverInterface
[TPS_SWCT_01411] Use cases for a ServiceSwComponentType to express ServiceNeeds
[TPS_SWCT_01412] ServiceSwComponentType shall be added in ECU Configuration phase
[TPS_SWCT_01413] Local communication with services
Mode manager needs to communicate with application software components
located on other ECUs
[TPS_SWCT_01415] Interfaces of ServiceProxySwComponentType
Difference between a ServiceProxySwComponentType and an Applica-
Define calibration parameters common to all SwComponentPrototypes of
the same SwComponentType
[TPS_SWCT_01418] Ways to define a calibration parameter
ParameterSwComponentType shall never aggregate a SwcInternalBe-
SwComponentType requiring access to shared calibration parameters needs
RPortPrototype typed by a ParameterInterface
ParameterInterface is not restricted to parameters which can actually can
be calibrated
[TPS_SWCT_01422] Delegation of PortPrototypes typed by a ParameterInterface
[TPS_SWCT_01423] ParameterDataPrototype aggregated in the role constantMemory
ParameterDataPrototype aggregated in the role perInstanceParame-
AtomicSwComponentType provides one callback per event if diagnostic
event data change
AtomicSwComponentType provides callback if any diagnostic event data
and/or status changed
AtomicSwComponentType provides data for diagnostic purposes via
ServiceSwComponentType representing the Dem provides a PPortProto-
type for the Dcm
[TPS_SWCT_01429] [constr_1135] only applies for BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE
Conversion specification from internal to physical values as well as the reverse
[TPS_SWCT_01431] Finding the symbol for the representation of a CompuScale in C code
Keep the invalidValue transparent to the sending and receiving software
[TPS_SWCT_01433] Invalid values outside the range limits
[TPS_SWCT_01434] Sender and receiver have knowledge of invalid value
[TPS_SWCT_01435] Invalid values outside the range limits

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Software Component Template

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[TPS_SWCT_01436] Different receivers require different handling of data invalidation
[TPS_SWCT_01437] invalidValue can also be specified without setting a compuMethod
[TPS_SWCT_01438] Handling of invalidation in the sending RTE
[TPS_SWCT_01439] Handling of invalidation in the receiving RTE
[TPS_SWCT_01440] Measurement is not limited to primitive objects
[TPS_SWCT_01441] Nature of a TYPE_REFERENCE
ImplementationDataType of category TYPE_REFERENCE does not de-
fine own properties
ImplementationDataType of category TYPE_REFERENCE overwrites
properties of refined ImplementationDataType
[TPS_SWCT_01444] Size of SwBaseType is specified in bits
[TPS_SWCT_01445] Applicability of SwDataDefProps for DataPrototypes
References to a DataPrototype may or may not imply the necessity for using
an instanceRef
Applicable binding times for model elements in the scope of the Software
Component Template
[TPS_SWCT_01448] Pre-defined values for the category of VariationPointProxy
[TPS_SWCT_02000] Default value for attribute swImplPolicy
Values of SwAxisCont with the category COM_AXIS, RES_AXIS are for dis-
play only
AtomicSwComponentType offers a PPortPrototypes typed by
[TPS_SWCT_02002] ClientServerInterface to read/write current value via diagnostic ser-
AtomicSwComponentType offers PortPrototypes typed by Sender-
ReceiverInterfaces to read/write current values via diagnostic services
AtomicSwComponentType offers a PortPrototype typed by a
[TPS_SWCT_02004] ClientServerInterface to start/stop or request routine results of diag-
nostic routines
AtomicSwComponentType offers PortPrototypes typed by
ClientServerInterfaces to adjust the IO signal via diagnostic services
AtomicSwComponentType offers sender receiver ports to adjust the IO signal
via diagnostic services
AtomicSwComponentType implements a OBD system monitor with In-Use-
Monitor Performance Ratio
AtomicSwComponentType offers a server port to read/write current value via
OBD services
AtomicSwComponentType offers sender receiver ports to read/write current
values via OBD services
AtomicSwComponentType offers a server port to read vehicle information
values via OBD services
AtomicSwComponentType offers a server port to read DTR value via OBD
AtomicSwComponentType offers a server port for request control of on-
board system, test or component via OBD services

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
AtomicSwComponentType offers a server port to get protocol, session and
security information or to request a Reset to Default Session
AtomicSwComponentType supports Response On Event (ROE) via diagnos-
tic services
AtomicSwComponentType verifies the access to security level via diagnostic
AtomicSwComponentType requires information on the status of the protocol
communication and may disallow a protocol
AtomicSwComponentType requires the notification about a Service Request
via diagnostic services
[TPS_SWCT_02018] Setup for AtomicSwComponentType which contains a Supervised Entity
Setup for AtomicSwComponentType which requires Global Supervision Sta-
tus notification
[TPS_SWCT_02020] AtomicSwComponentType uses the hash calculation of the Crypto Service
AtomicSwComponentType uses the message authentication code (MAC)
calculation of the Crypto Service
AtomicSwComponentType uses the message authentication code (MAC)
verification of the Crypto Service
AtomicSwComponentType uses the generation of random seed of the Crypto
AtomicSwComponentType uses the generation of random numbers of the
Crypto Service
AtomicSwComponentType uses the symmetrical block encryption of the
Crypto Service
AtomicSwComponentType uses the symmetrical block decryption of the
Crypto Service
AtomicSwComponentType uses the symmetrical encryption of the Crypto
AtomicSwComponentType uses the symmetrical decryption of the Crypto
AtomicSwComponentType uses the asymmetrical encryption of the Crypto
AtomicSwComponentType uses the asymmetrical decryption of the Crypto
AtomicSwComponentType uses the signature generation of the Crypto Ser-
AtomicSwComponentType uses the signature verification of the Crypto Ser-
AtomicSwComponentType uses the checksum calculation of the Crypto Ser-
[TPS_SWCT_02034] AtomicSwComponentType uses the key derivation of the Crypto Service
AtomicSwComponentType uses the symmetric key derivation of the Crypto
AtomicSwComponentType uses the key exchange interface for public value
calculation of the Crypto Service

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
AtomicSwComponentType uses the key exchange interface for secret value
calculation of the Crypto Service
AtomicSwComponentType uses the key exchange interface to calculate sym-
metric key with the Crypto Service
AtomicSwComponentType uses the symmetrical key extraction of the Crypto
AtomicSwComponentType uses the symmetrical key wrapping of the Crypto
Service to export a symmetrical key structure with a symmetric key
AtomicSwComponentType uses the asymmetrical key wrapping of the
Crypto Service to export a symmetrical key structure with a asymmetric key
AtomicSwComponentType uses the asymmetrical public key extraction of the
Crypto Service
AtomicSwComponentType uses the asymmetrical private key extraction of
the Crypto Service
AtomicSwComponentType uses the asymmetrical key wrapping of the
[TPS_SWCT_02044] Crypto Service to export a (asymmetric) private key structure with a symmetri-
cal wrapping key
AtomicSwComponentType uses the asymmetrical key wrapping of the
[TPS_SWCT_02045] Crypto Service to export a (asymmetric) private key structure with a asym-
metrical wrapping key
Table C.7: Added Specification Items in 4.0.3

C.3.4 Deleted Constraints in R4.0.3

Number Heading
Specification of Units in CompuMethods (the text is still there but it does no longer
represent a constraint)
[constr_1062] Compatibility of data types with category BIT
[constr_1122] Existence of attributes in PROFILE_03
[constr_1123] Constraints of dataLength in PROFILE_03
[constr_1124] Constraints of dataId in PROFILE_03
[constr_1125] Constraints of maxDeltaCounterInit in PROFILE_03
[constr_1127] ServiceSwComponentType shall not have ServiceNeeds
[constr_1136] Compatibility of introduction of blueprint and blueprinted element
The following constraints are moved to [1]
[constr_2500] PortInterfaces shall be of same kind
[constr_2526] PortInterfaces need to be compatible to the blueprints
[constr_2527] Blueprints shall live in package of a proper category
[constr_2528] PortPrototypes shall not refer to blueprints of PortInterfaces
[constr_2529] Blueprints of ports and interfaces shall be compatible

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Software Component Template

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[constr_4001] Content of ModeRequestTypeMap
Table C.8: Deleted Constraints in R4.0.3

C.3.5 Deleted Specification Items in R4.0.3


C.4 Constraint History of this Document according to AUTOSAR


C.4.1 Changed Constraints in R4.1.1

Number Heading
[constr_1012] Value of category is FIXED_LENGTH
[constr_1013] Value of category is VARIABLE_LENGTH
Restriction of invalidValue for ImplementationDataType and Implementa-
[constr_1026] Compatibility of Units
[constr_1047] Compatibility of ApplicationPrimitiveDataTypes
[constr_1048] Compatibility of ApplicationRecordDataTypes
[constr_1049] Compatibility of ApplicationArrayDataTypes
[constr_1050] Compatibility of ImplementationDataTypes
[constr_1060] Compatibility of data types with category ARRAY, VAL_BLK

[constr_1072] Compatibility of ModeSwitchInterfaces in the context of an AssemblySwCon-

[constr_1073] Compatibility of ModeSwitchInterfaces in the context of an DelegationSwCon-
[constr_1074] Compatibility of ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes
[constr_1075] Compatibility of ModeDeclarationGroups

[constr_1079] Compatibility of ClientServerInterfaces in the context of an AssemblySwCon-

[constr_1080] Compatibility of ClientServerInterfaces in the context of an Delegation-
[constr_1081] Compatibility of TriggerInterfaces in the context of an AssemblySwConnector

[constr_1082] Compatibility of TriggerInterfaces in the context of an DelegationSwConnec-

Compatibility of VariableDataPrototypes or ParameterDataPrototypes
typed by primitive data types

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Compatibility of PortPrototypes of different DataInterfaces in the context of
Compatibility of PortPrototypes of different DataInterfaces in the context of

[constr_1072] Compatibility of ModeSwitchInterfaces in the context of an AssemblySwCon-

[constr_1073] Compatibility of ModeSwitchInterfaces in the context of an DelegationSwCon-
[constr_1074] Compatibility of ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes

[constr_1079] Compatibility of ClientServerInterfaces in the context of an AssemblySwCon-

[constr_1080] Compatibility of ClientServerInterfaces in the context of an Delegation-
[constr_1081] Compatibility of TriggerInterfaces in the context of an AssemblySwConnector

[constr_1082] Compatibility of TriggerInterfaces in the context of an DelegationSwConnec-

[constr_1108] Value of ApplicationError.errorCode
[constr_1177] Allowed targetCategory for SwPointerTargetProps
Compatibility of VariableDataPrototypes or ParameterDataPrototypes
typed by composite data types
Table C.9: Changed Constraints in R4.1.1

C.4.2 Added Constraints in R4.1.1

Number Heading
[constr_1191] Value of Limit shall yield a numerical value
[constr_1192] Compatibility of “IDENTICAL” to “RAT_FUNC” or “LINEAR”

[constr_1193] ModeDeclaration shall be referenced by at least one ModeTransition in the role

[constr_1194] Identical ModeTransitions
[constr_1195] SwcModeSwitchEvent and the definition of ModeTransition
[constr_1196] Existence of networkRepresentation vs. compositeNetworkRepresenta-
[constr_1197] Existence of compositeNetworkRepresentation shall be comprehensive
Queued communication is not applicable for dataElements owned by PRPortPro-
[constr_1201] initValue shall exist in an RPortPrototype

[constr_1202] Supported connections by AssemblySwConnector for PortPrototypes typed by

a SenderReceiverInterface or NvDataInterface
Supported connections by DelegationSwConnector for PortPrototypes typed
by a SenderReceiverInterface or NvDataInterface

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Software Component Template

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Supported connections by AssemblySwConnector for PortPrototypes typed by
a ClientServerInterface, ModeSwitchInterface, or TriggerInterface
Supported connections by DelegationSwConnector for PortPrototypes typed
[constr_1205] by a ClientServerInterface, ModeSwitchInterface, or TriggerInter-
Mapping of ModeDeclarations of mode user to ModeDeclaration of mode man-
Mapping of ModeDeclarations of mode user to all ModeDeclarations of mode
[constr_1211] Constraints of maxNoNewOrRepeatedData in PROFILE_01
[constr_1212] Constraints of syncCounterInit in PROFILE_01
[constr_1213] Constraints of maxNoNewOrRepeatedData in PROFILE_02
[constr_1214] Constraints of syncCounterInit in PROFILE_02
Interpretation of attribute maxNoNewOrRepeatedData owned by EndToEndDe-
scription in PROFILE_01
Interpretation of attribute syncCounterInit owned by EndToEndDescription in
Interpretation of attribute maxNoNewOrRepeatedData owned by EndToEndDe-
scription in PROFILE_02
Interpretation of attribute syncCounterInit owned by EndToEndDescription in
[constr_1219] Invalidation depends on the value of swImplPolicy
[constr_1220] Compatibility of SwBaseType
[constr_1221] DataPrototype is typed by an ApplicationPrimitiveDataType

[constr_1222] category of an AutosarDataType used to type a DataPrototype is set to

[constr_1223] DataPrototype is typed by an ApplicationRecordDataType
[constr_1224] DataPrototype is typed by an ApplicationArrayDataType
DataPrototype is typed by an ImplementationDataType that references a
[constr_1226] Applicable range for ExecutableEntityActivationReason.bitPosition
Value of attribute ExecutableEntityActivationReason.bitPosition shall be
RTEEvent that is referenced by a WaitPoint in the role trigger shall not reference
[constr_1229] category of ImplementationDataType boils down to VALUE
[constr_1230] ApplicationDataType that qualifies for Integral Primitive Type
[constr_1231] ConsistencyNeeds aggregated by CompositionSwComponentType
[constr_1232] ConsistencyNeeds aggregated by AtomicSwComponentType
[constr_1233] InstantiationTimingEventProps shall only reference TimingEvent
[constr_1234] Value of RunnableEntity.symbol
Scope of mapped ClientServerOperations in the context of a ClientServer-

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Software Component Template

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Scope of mapped ApplicationErrors in the context of a ClientServerOpera-
[constr_1239] RuleBasedValueSpecification shall not exceed the number of values required
Consistency of ArgumentDataPrototypes within the context of a ClientServer-
[constr_1241] Compound Primitive Data Types and invalidValue
[constr_1242] Restriction of invalidValue for ApplicationPrimitiveDataType
[constr_1243] NumericalOrText shall either define vf or vt
[constr_1244] DataPrototypes used in application software shall not be typed by C enums
Consideration of ModeTransitions for the compatibility of ModeDeclara-
Consistency of firstMode and secondMode in the scope of one ModeDeclara-
Consistency of ModeDeclarationMappingSet with respect to the referenced
firstModeGroup and secondModeGroup
Compatibility of PortPrototypes of different DataInterfaces in the context of a

[constr_1249] Compatibility of ModeSwitchInterfaces in the context of a PassThroughSwCon-

[constr_1250] Compatibility of ClientServerInterfaces in the context of a PassThrough-
Compatibility of PortPrototypes of TriggerInterfaces in the context of a
[constr_1252] Creation of a loop involving a PassThroughSwConnector is not allowed
[constr_1253] Supported usage of VariationPointProxy
[constr_1254] Definition of a pointer to a pointer
[constr_1255] ApplicationPrimitiveDataTypes of category BOOLEAN and STRING
[constr_1256] Acknowledgement feedback in n:1 writer case
[constr_1257] No WaitPoints allowed
[constr_1258] Value of minimumStartInterval for RunnableEntitys triggered by an
[constr_1259] Aggregation of AsynchronousServerCallPoint and AsynchronousServer-
[constr_1260] No mode disabling for InitEvents
[constr_1261] Applicability for EndToEndDescription.dataIdNibbleOffset
[constr_1263] Existence of ModeErrorBehavior.defaultMode
[constr_1264] Iteration along output axis is only supported for VALUE and VAL_BLK
ArgumentDataPrototype.direction shall be preserved in a ClientServer-
[constr_1269] Number of arguments shall be preserved in a ClientServerOperationMapping
ArgumentDataPrototype shall be mapped only once in a ClientServerOper-

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Software Component Template

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ArrayValueSpecification.elements shall be identical to the number of Appli-
ArrayValueSpecification.elements shall be identical to the number of
subElements of ImplementationDataType of category STRUCTURE
ArrayValueSpecification.elements shall be identical to the value of Appli-
ArrayValueSpecification.elements shall be identical to the value of Imple-
mentationDataType.subElement.arraySize of category ARRAY
[constr_2054] Valid targets of rptSystem
[constr_2055] Valid targets of byPassPoint and rptHook reference

[constr_2056] Consistency of RapidPrototypingScenario with respect to rptSystem and rp-

tArHook references
[constr_2057] Mandatory information of a RuleBasedAxisCont
[constr_2058] Mandatory information of a RuleBasedValueCont
[constr_4082] RunnableEntity.reentrancyLevel shall not be set.
Table C.10: Added Constraints in R4.1.1

Please note that [constr_2533] has been retagged to [constr_1264] to fix a duplicate
constraint ID.

C.4.3 Changed Specification Items in R4.1.1

Number Heading
[TPS_SWCT_01000] Usage of attribute symbol of the symbolProps
[TPS_SWCT_01001] Prefix symbols generated for the RunnableEntity
[TPS_SWCT_01085] Variation on the behavior level
[TPS_SWCT_01112] Semantics of PortPrototypes
[TPS_SWCT_01113] Connecting two PortPrototypes
SwRecordLayout needed for ApplicationPrimitiveDataType of cat-
egory STRING
[TPS_SWCT_01179] Compound Primitive Data Type
[TPS_SWCT_01368] Describe static and constant memory
Table C.11: Changed Specification Items in R4.1.1

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Software Component Template

C.4.4 Added Specification Items in R4.1.1

Number Heading
[TPS_SWCT_01448] Pre-defined values for the category of VariationPointProxy
[TPS_SWCT_01449] Semantics of a ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypeMapping
[TPS_SWCT_01450] Semantics of a ModeTransition
[TPS_SWCT_01451] Relations between ModeTransition and ModeDeclaration
Applicability of networkRepresentation for ApplicationComposite-
[TPS_SWCT_01454] PRPortPrototype can own both RPortComSpecs and PPortComSpecs
[TPS_SWCT_01455] Duplicate existence of initValue in the context of a PRPortPrototype
[TPS_SWCT_01456] Predefined values for MemorySection.option and SwAddrMethod.option
[TPS_SWCT_01457] ExclusiveAreaNestingOrder
[TPS_SWCT_01458] Indicate that the locking behavior is fully described for RunnableEntity
[TPS_SWCT_01459] Locking behavior is not described for this RunnableEntity
Relation of SynchronousServerCallPoint to ExclusiveAreaNestin-
[TPS_SWCT_01461] Existence of ImplementationDataType
ModeDeclarationMapping defines the explicit correlation of ModeDecla-
pingSet defines the applicable set of ModeDeclarationMappings
ModeDeclaration of a mode user is mapped to exactly one ModeDeclara-
tion of a mode manager
ModeDeclaration of a mode user is mapped to several ModeDeclara-
tions of a mode manager
ConsistencyNeeds applied on RunnableEntitys that do not use implicit
ImplementationDataType references an SwBaseType with a string encod-
[TPS_SWCT_01469] RTE API for retrieving the current activation reason
[TPS_SWCT_01470] RunnableEntityGroup
[TPS_SWCT_01471] DataPrototypeGroup
Receiving SwComponentType owns a DataPrototypeGroup in the role
Receiving SwComponentType owns a RunnableEntityGroup in the role
Receiving SwComponentType owns a RunnableEntityGroup in the role
[TPS_SWCT_01474] regRequiresStability and also owns one or several DataPrototype-
Groups in the role regRequiresStability
Sending SwComponentType owns a DataPrototypeGroup in the role re-
Sender and receiver of the same implicitly communicated VariableDat-
aPrototypes are associated with the same RunnableEntityGroup

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
[TPS_SWCT_01477] Integral Primitive Types
Array size is defined as an attribute of the ImplementationDataTypeEle-
[TPS_SWCT_01479] Applicability of ConsistencyNeeds
[TPS_SWCT_01480] Stability and/or coherence is not required
[TPS_SWCT_01481] The meaning of the term stability with respect to ConsistencyNeeds
[TPS_SWCT_01482] The meaning of the term coherence with respect to ConsistencyNeeds
[TPS_SWCT_01483] Use static and constant memory to support Measurement and Calibration
[TPS_SWCT_01484] Meaning of ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification
[TPS_SWCT_01485] RuleBasedValueSpecification shall initialize first elements in an array
ApplicationPrimitiveDataType of category STRING may have in-
Correspondence of invalidValue for ApplicationPrimitiveDataType
and ImplementationDataType
ApplicationPrimitiveDataType shall be interpreted as a string of a par-
ticular encoding
[TPS_SWCT_01489] Standardized values of SwRecordLayoutV.swRecordLayoutVProp
AUTOSAR supports ApplicationErrors only for ClientServerInter-
[TPS_SWCT_01491] AUTOSAR system does not need to explicitly describe infrastructure errors
[TPS_SWCT_01492] Default values for factorSiToUnit and offsetSiToUnit
[TPS_SWCT_01493] The number of RuleArguments.arguments shall not exceed the array size
A RuleBasedValueSpecification of rule FILL_UNITIL_END shall fill
[TPS_SWCT_01494] the value of the last RuleArguments.argument until the last element of the
[TPS_SWCT_01495] Standardized value of RuleBasedValueSpecification.category
[TPS_SWCT_01496] General precedence rule for attributes of SwDataDefProps
[TPS_SWCT_01497] Precedence of the unit of value axis
[TPS_SWCT_01498] Precedence of the DataConstr of value axis
[TPS_SWCT_01499] Precedence of the CompuMethod of value axis
[TPS_SWCT_01500] Precedence of the display format of value axis
[TPS_SWCT_01501] Precedence of the calibration access of value axis
[TPS_SWCT_01502] Precedence of the Unit of the input axis
[TPS_SWCT_01503] Precedence of the DataConstr of the input axis
[TPS_SWCT_01504] Precedence of the display format of the input axis
[TPS_SWCT_01505] Precedence of calibration access along structure hierarchies in complex types
[TPS_SWCT_01506] Precedence of the calibration access of input axis
[TPS_SWCT_01507] The role of PassThroughSwConnector
[TPS_SWCT_01508] Scope of end-to-end protection
[TPS_SWCT_01509] Implicit communication behavior
[TPS_SWCT_01510] The role of pretended networking

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
[TPS_SWCT_01511] Configuration option is encoded into ModeDeclaration
[TPS_SWCT_01512] Request change of Pretended Networking mode
[TPS_SWCT_01513] React on the change of Pretended Networking mode
[TPS_SWCT_01514] Duplicate existence of initValue in the context of a PRPortPrototype
PPortInCompositionInstanceRef shall be used for attaching Delega-
tionSwConnector to an inner PRPortPrototype
[TPS_SWCT_01516] PortInterface describes the static structure of information interchange
[TPS_SWCT_01517] ClientServerOperation cannot be passed as a reference
[TPS_SWCT_01518] Priority of initial value definition with respect to conceptual levels
[TPS_SWCT_01519] RTE executes certain RunnableEntity periodically
Implication of the existence of possibleError on compatibility of
Use AutosarVariableRef.localVariable for referencing inter-runnable
No initial value is specified for implicitInterRunnableVariable or ex-
[TPS_SWCT_01523] Internal trigger event
[TPS_SWCT_01524] Usage of IoHwAbstractionServerAnnotation
[TPS_SWCT_01525] InitEvent references a RunnableEntity in the role startOnEvent
[TPS_SWCT_01528] Meaning of NumericalRuleBasedValueSpecification
[TPS_SWCT_01529] Default value for EndToEndDescription.dataIdNibbleOffset
[TPS_SWCT_01530] Error behavior of mode manager and mode user
[TPS_SWCT_01531] The semantics of ModeErrorReactionPolicyEnum
[TPS_SWCT_01532] The role of ModeErrorBehavior.defaultMode
ModeDeclarationGroup.initialMode shall be assumed in the absence
of ModeDeclarationGroup.modeManagerErrorBehavior
ModeDeclarationGroup.initialMode shall be assumed in the absence
of ModeDeclarationGroup.modeUserErrorBehavior
[TPS_SWCT_01535] Mode manager reacts on mode error
Coherent behavior of all mode users in case of errors in the mode switch com-
[TPS_SWCT_01541] Preferential selection of modeUserErrorBehavior
[TPS_SWCT_01542] Preferential selection of modeManagerErrorBehavior
[TPS_SWCT_01543] PortInterfaceMapping overrides all other compatibility rules
prefix used for the actual name of the used PortInterface for the routing
ModeDeclaration of a mode user that is not mapped to a ModeDeclara-
tion of a mode manager
[TPS_SWCT_01546] Notification when an external tester is attached or activated
[TPS_SWCT_01547] Ability to set and reset the Warning Indicator Status bit
[TPS_SWCT_02046] byPassPoint specifies the rapid prototyping capability

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
[TPS_SWCT_02047] RptHook specifies the link to rapid prototyping algorithm
[TPS_SWCT_02048] Implicit SwComponentPrototype selection for Rapid Prototyping Scenario
[TPS_SWCT_02049] Implicit RunnableEntity selection for Rapid Prototyping Scenario
[TPS_SWCT_02050] Explicit access point selection for Rapid Prototyping Scenario
[TPS_SWCT_02051] Explicit DataPrototype selection for Rapid Prototyping Scenario
[TPS_SWCT_02052] Definition of Rapid Prototyping Scenario is splittable
Values of RuleBasedAxisCont with the category COM_AXIS, RES_AXIS
are for display only
[TPS_SWCT_02507] Instantiation-specific RTEEvents
Table C.12: Added Specification Items in 4.1.1

C.4.5 Deleted Constraints in R4.1.1

Number Heading
[constr_1239] RuleBasedValueSpecification shall not exceed the number of values required
[constr_1145] Finding the symbol for the representation of a CompuScale in C code
[constr_2533] Iteration along output axis is only supported for VALUE and VAL_BLK
Table C.13: Deleted Constraints in R4.1.1

Please note that [constr_2533] has been retagged to [constr_1264] to fix a duplicate
constraint ID.

C.4.6 Deleted Specification Items in R4.1.1

Number Heading
[TPS_SWCT_01210] IoHwAbstractionServerAnnotation
Table C.14: Deleted Specification Items in R4.1.1

903 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

C.5 Constraint History of this Document according to AUTOSAR


C.5.1 Changed Constraints in R4.1.2

Number Heading
[constr_1006] applicable data categories
[constr_1007] Allowed attributes of SwDataDefProps for ApplicationDataTypes
[constr_1009] SwDataDefProps applicable to ImplementationDataTypes
[constr_1015] Prioritization of SwDataDefProps
[constr_1043] PortInterface vs. ComSpec
[constr_1058] ImplementationDataType has category FUNCTION_REFERENCE
[constr_1102] ApplicationError in the scope of one SwComponentType
[constr_1146] Applicability of a symbol for a CompuScale in C code
[constr_1163] Compatibility of CompuMethods
[constr_1133] Identical CompuScale Symbolic Names shall have the same range
Applicable categorys for attribute ImplementationDataType.swDataDef-
DataPrototype is typed by an ImplementationDataType that references a
[constr_2013] Compatibility of ImplementationDataTypes for NvBlockDataMapping
[constr_2051] Mandatory information of a SwValueCont
Table C.15: Changed Constraints in R4.1.2

C.5.2 Added Constraints in R4.1.2

Number Heading
SwDataDefProps.swImplPolicy of a VariableDataPrototype referenced by
a VariableAccess aggregated in the role dataReceivePointByValue
[constr_1278] PhysConstrs references a Unit
Unmapped elements of ApplicationCompositeDataTypes or Implementa-
tionDataTypes and the attribute swImplPolicy
[constr_1280] Unmapped dataElement on the receiver side shall have an initValue
[constr_1281] invalidValue shall be inside the scope of the compuMethod
Restriction concerning the usage of RuleBasedValueSpecification or a Ref-
erenceValueSpecification for the specification of an invalidValue
[constr_1283] invalidValue is outside the scope of the compuMethod
[constr_1284] Limitation of the use of TextValueSpecification
[constr_1285] Applicability of roles vs. PortPrototypes

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
serverArgumentImplPolicy and ArgumentDataPrototype typed by primitive
data types
Compatibility of SenderReceiverInterfaces with respect to invalidation-
Allowed Attributes vs. category for DataPrototypes typed by Implementation-
Allowed Attributes vs. category for DataPrototypes typed by Application-
[constr_1290] Limitation on the number of PPortComSpecs in the context of one PPortPrototype
[constr_1291] Limitation on the number of RPortComSpecs in the context of one PPortPrototype
Limitation on the number of RPortComSpecs/PPortComSpecs in the context of one
[constr_1293] Existence of DiagnosticEventNeeds.dtcNumber
[constr_1294] Existence of DiagnosticEventInfoNeeds.dtcNumber
[constr_1295] PortInterfaces and category DATA_REFERENCE
DataPrototypes used as explicitInterRunnableVariable or implicitIn-
terRunnableVariable and category DATA_REFERENCE
Table C.16: Added Constraints in R4.1.2

C.5.3 Changed Specification Items in R4.1.2

Number Heading
ImplementationDataType.subElement.arraySize shall be used to de-
fine the size of the array
[TPS_SWCT_01175] Actively query the status of a partial network
[TPS_SWCT_01219] ComSpec for queued and non-queued sender-receiver communication
[TPS_SWCT_01154] Attribute prefix of IncludedModeDeclarationGroupSet
AtomicSwComponentType offers a server port to read DTR value via OBD
Table C.17: Changed Specification Items in R4.1.2

C.5.4 Added Specification Items in R4.1.2

Number Heading
[TPS_SWCT_01549] Definition of linear data scaling
[TPS_SWCT_01550] Definition of reciprocal linear data scaling
[TPS_SWCT_01551] Mapping of elements on the sender side to elements on the receiver side

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Software Component Template

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[TPS_SWCT_01552] Software-component acts as a mode manager
[TPS_SWCT_01553] Software-component acts as a mode user
[TPS_SWCT_01554] Software-component acts as a mode requester
[TPS_SWCT_01555] ModeSwitchedAckEvent is triggered by the RTE regardless
[TPS_SWCT_01556] Rule for setting RoleBasedPortAssignment.role
dataWriteAccess also allows for the definition of a DataWriteComplet-
[TPS_SWCT_01558] DataWriteCompletedEvent cannot be combined with a WaitPoint
[TPS_SWCT_01559] Default value for attribute SwDataDefProps.swCalibrationAccess
[TPS_SWCT_01560] Supported categorys of CompuMethods for data conversion
[TPS_SWCT_01561] Application of data conversion to composite AutosarDataTypes
[TPS_SWCT_01562] Specification of values of an enumeration
[TPS_SWCT_01563] Applicable values for nativeDeclaration
[TPS_SWCT_01564] Non-recursive definition of a primitive data type
[TPS_SWCT_01565] Recursive definition of a primitive data type
Define literals for an MCD system in the context of a FlatIn-
[TPS_SWCT_01567] Default behavior for invalidationPolicy
Consideration of RPortComSpec or PPortComSpec depending on the own-
[TPS_SWCT_01569] Definition of CompuScale Symbolic Name
DataTypeMap is mandatory in the presence of ApplicationPrimitive-
Table C.18: Added Specification Items in 4.1.2

C.5.5 Deleted Constraints in R4.1.2

Number Heading
[constr_1042] Definition of a linear data scaling
[constr_1094] Usage of symbol of RunnableEntity
[constr_2025] Uniqueness of symbol attributes (This constraint has been relocated to [10])
[constr_2032] transmissionAcknowledge requires a DataSendCompletedEvent
[constr_4011] ComSpec and ModeSwitchedAckEvent
Table C.19: Deleted Constraints in R4.1.2

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Software Component Template

C.5.6 Deleted Specification Items in R4.1.2

Number Heading
[TPS_SWCT_01327] RTE generator can omit the creation of checks at run-time
Table C.20: Deleted Specification Items in R4.1.2

C.6 Constraint History of this Document according to AUTOSAR


C.6.1 Added Traceables in R4.1.3

Number Heading
[TPS_SWCT_01573] A PRPortPrototype is never considered unconnected
[TPS_SWCT_01574] PerInstanceMemory.typeDefinition shall not contain a function pointer
Table C.21: Added Traceabless in 4.1.3

C.6.2 Changed Traceables in R4.1.3

Number Heading
The numerical values used to define the values of ModeDeclaration.value
[TPS_SWCT_01009] and ModeDeclarationGroup.onTransitionValue can be arbitrarily de-
[TPS_SWCT_01049] Two ways to use the ExclusiveAreas
Table C.22: Changed Traceables in R4.1.3

C.6.3 Deleted Traceables in R4.1.3

Number Heading
Define calibration parameters common to all SwComponentPrototypes of
the same SwComponentType
ParameterSwComponentType shall never aggregate a SwcInternalBe-
AtomicSwComponentType offers sender receiver ports to adjust the IO signal
via diagnostic services
Table C.23: Deleted Traceables in R4.1.3

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Software Component Template

C.6.4 Added Constraints in R4.1.3

Number Heading
[constr_1297] Applicability of serverArgumentImplPolicy set to [useArrayBaseType]
Existence of attributes if category of a ModeDeclarationGroup is set to EX-
Existence of attributes if category of a ModeDeclarationGroup is set to other
Table C.24: Added Constraints in R4.1.3

C.6.5 Changed Constraints in R4.1.3

Number Heading
[constr_1006] applicable data categories
[constr_1007] Allowed attributes of SwDataDefProps for ApplicationDataTypes
[constr_1230] ApplicationDataType that qualifies for Integral Primitive Type
Table C.25: Changed Constraints in R4.1.3

C.6.6 Deleted Constraints in R4.1.3

Number Heading
[constr_1179] Existence of ModeDeclaration.value within a ModeDeclarationGroup
[constr_1180] Existence of ModeDeclarationGroup.onTransitionValue
Table C.26: Deleted Constraints in R4.1.3

C.7 Constraint History of this Document according to AUTOSAR


C.7.1 Added Traceables in R4.2.1

Number Heading
Application Mode Manager interacts with both BswM and other Application-
AtomicSwComponentType requires the notification about a Service Request
via diagnostic services with manufacturer characteristics

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
AtomicSwComponentType requires the notification about a Service Request
via diagnostic services with supplier characteristics
Dcm can directly access dataElements in PPortPrototypes typed by a
Dem can directly access dataElements in PPortPrototypes typed by a
[TPS_SWCT_01581] Communication patterns for mode-related communication
[TPS_SWCT_01582] Semantics of DiagnosticEventNeeds.deferringFid
[TPS_SWCT_01583] Completeness of TextTableMapping is not a requirement
InternalBehavior of a NvBlockSwComponentType for implementing a
writing strategy
[TPS_SWCT_01585] Relevance of NvBlockDescriptor.timingEvent.period
[TPS_SWCT_01586] Writing strategies for nv data
[TPS_SWCT_01587] The cyclic writing of nv data requires the existence of a TimingEvent
[TPS_SWCT_01588] DataReceivedEvent for storing nv data immediately
[TPS_SWCT_01589] Implementation of emergency storing of nv data
[TPS_SWCT_01590] Combination of writing strategies for nv data is possible
[TPS_SWCT_01591] Existence of attribute DiagnosticEventNeeds.reportBehavior
Communication among RunnableEntitys of different instances of the same
Semantics of attribute ReceiverComSpec.transformationCom-
[TPS_SWCT_01594] Semantics of TransformationComSpecProps
[TPS_SWCT_01595] Semantics of attribute ClientComSpec.transformationComSpecProps
[TPS_SWCT_01596] Semantics of attribute ServerComSpec.transformationComSpecProps
[TPS_SWCT_01597] PortPrototype-specific data transformation configuration
[TPS_SWCT_01598] More than one user-defined transformer is used within one transformer chain
[TPS_SWCT_01599] PortPrototype-specific configuration for custom transformers
PortPrototype-specific configuration for data transformers related to end-
to-end protection
[TPS_SWCT_01601] Size Indicator shall be updated by software-component
[TPS_SWCT_01602] Size Indicator shall be read by the software-component
[TPS_SWCT_01603] Variable size array with Size Indicator
[TPS_SWCT_01604] Enable Size Indicator
[TPS_SWCT_01605] Semantics of ApplicationArrayElement.arraySizeHandling
[TPS_SWCT_01606] Internal structure of mapped ImplementationDataType
[TPS_SWCT_01607] Profiles for internal structure of mapped ImplementationDataType
[TPS_SWCT_01608] Custom profiles for internal structure of mapped ImplementationDataType
A RuleBasedValueSpecification of rule FILL_UNTIL_MAX_SIZE
[TPS_SWCT_01609] shall fill the value of the last RuleArguments.argument until the number of
elements specified in maxSizeToFill

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
Modeling of a Variable-Size Array Data Type with Size Indicator
[TPS_SWCT_01611] Enable Size Indicator
[TPS_SWCT_01612] arraySizeHandling specifies how the size is determined
[TPS_SWCT_01613] Internal structure of mapped ImplementationDataType
[TPS_SWCT_01614] Profiles for internal structure of mapped ImplementationDataType
[TPS_SWCT_01615] Custom profiles for internal structure of mapped ImplementationDataType
[TPS_SWCT_01616] Semantics of TransformerHardErrorEvent
Structure of an ImplementationDataType that represents a variable-sized
array data type
Size Indicator for dynamicArraySizeProfile set to VSA_LINEAR,
Size Indicator for dynamicArraySizeProfile set to VSA_RECTANGU-
Size Indicator for dynamicArraySizeProfile set to VSA_RECTANGU-
[TPS_SWCT_01621] Payload for dynamicArraySizeProfile
Modeling of a Variable-Size Array Data Type only with Implementa-
Justification for the existence of attributes ApplicationArrayDataType.
[TPS_SWCT_01623] dynamicArraySizeProfile and ApplicationArrayElement.array-
[TPS_SWCT_01624] Hard error occurs during the execution of a transformer chain
Sending SwComponentType owns a DataPrototypeGroup in the role dp-
gRequiresCoherency and also RunnableEntityGroups
[TPS_SWCT_01626] Error notification of data transformer errors
Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface for the Security
Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface for the Data Ser-
Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface for the Data Ser-
Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface for the Data Ser-
Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface for the Infotype
Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface for the Routine
Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface for the Request
Control Services
Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface for the Data Ser-
[TPS_SWCT_01635] Naming conventions may support the effectiveness of SymbolProps

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
Definition of profiles for the definition of Variable-Size Array Data
Table C.27: Added Traceabless in 4.2.1

C.7.2 Changed Traceables in R4.2.1

Number Heading
[TPS_SWCT_01044] ServiceNeeds
[TPS_SWCT_01053] Relationship of interchanged data with RunnableEntitys
AtomicSwComponentType may have AbstractRequiredPortProto-
types typed by an NvDataInterface
InternalBehavior of a NvBlockSwComponentType to enable access to
the NVRAM Block management API
[TPS_SWCT_01162] Existence of TextTableMapping
[TPS_SWCT_01180] Maximum possible size of Compound Primitive Data Type
Unconnected AbstractRequiredPortPrototype typed by NvDataIn-
[TPS_SWCT_01228] NvProvideComSpec
[TPS_SWCT_01239] default value for attribute category used in the context of SwSystemconst
[TPS_SWCT_01274] SwDataDefProps used to support calibration and measurement
[TPS_SWCT_01321] Communication among RunnableEntitys
[TPS_SWCT_01330] RunnableEntity can also have dataSendPoints
Combine dataReceivePointByValue or dataReceivePointByArgu-
ment with a WaitPoint
[TPS_SWCT_01348] Trigger source
[TPS_SWCT_01385] Execution of finalization code for software-components
[TPS_SWCT_01456] Predefined values for MemorySection.option and SwAddrMethod.option
Sending SwComponentType owns a DataPrototypeGroup in the role dp-
A RuleBasedValueSpecification of rule FILL_UNTIL_END shall fill the
value of the last RuleArguments.argument until the last element of the array
[TPS_SWCT_01495] Standardized value of RuleBasedValueSpecification.rule
[TPS_SWCT_01549] Definition of linear data scaling
[TPS_SWCT_01560] Supported categorys of CompuMethods for data conversion
[TPS_SWCT_02501] Setup for Nvm Use Case: Permanent RAM Block
[TPS_SWCT_02502] Setup for Nvm Use Case: Temporary RAM Block
Setup for NVM Use Case: Software-Components using Nv Data provided by

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Software Component Template

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Setup for Nvm Use Case: RAM Block with explicit synchronization using Mirror
Table C.28: Changed Traceables in R4.2.1

C.7.3 Deleted Traceables in R4.2.1

Number Heading
Id Heading
[TPS_SWCT_01131] AtomicSwComponentType accepts a request to restart an entire function
[TPS_SWCT_01386] Initialization by mode management
[TPS_SWCT_01387] Finalization by mode management
Dcm and Dem can directly access dataElements in PPortPrototypes typed
by a SenderReceiverInterface
[TPS_SWCT_01438] Handling of invalidation in the sending RTE
[TPS_SWCT_01439] Handling of invalidation in the receiving RTE
AtomicSwComponentType requires the notification about a Service Request
via diagnostic services
Table C.29: Deleted Traceables in R4.2.1

C.7.4 Added Constraints in R4.2.1

Number Heading
Primitive DataPrototype on the provider side shall not be mapped to element of a
composite data type on the requester side
Existence of RoleBasedDataTypeAssignment.role vs. RoleBasedDataAs-
[constr_1302] Restriction of data invalidation
Applicability of TextTableMapping depending on the value of CompuMethod.cat-
[constr_1304] Existence of attribute bitfieldTextTableMaskFirst
[constr_1305] Existence of attribute bitfieldTextTableMaskSecond
Limitation of TextTableMapping for CompuMethods that have the value of cate-
[constr_1307] Consistency of values and masks in TextTableMapping
[constr_1308] Existence of NvBlockNeeds.cyclicWritingPeriod
[constr_1309] Existence of NvBlockDescriptor.timingEvent
[constr_1310] Existence of attributes of meta-class NvBlockNeeds

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
Appearance of safety-related possible values of MemorySection.option or SwAd-
drMethod.option according to [TPS_SWCT_01456]
[constr_1312] PortPrototypes typed by a ParameterInterface

[constr_1313] Completeness of TextTableMapping for the values of a given bit mask on the
sender side
[constr_1314] Profile VSA_LINEAR for ApplicationArrayDataType
[constr_1315] Profile VSA_SQUARE for ApplicationArrayDataType
[constr_1316] Profile VSA_RECTANGULAR for ApplicationArrayDataType
[constr_1317] Profile VSA_FULLY_FLEXIBLE for ApplicationArrayDataType
[constr_1318] Profile VSA_LINEAR for ImplementationDataType
[constr_1319] Profile VSA_SQUARE for ImplementationDataType
[constr_1320] Profile VSA_RECTANGULAR for ImplementationDataType
[constr_1321] Profile VSA_FULLY_FLEXIBLE for ImplementationDataType
[constr_1322] Size Indicator for undefined dynamicArraySizeProfile
[constr_1323] Applicability of attribute ReceiverComSpec.usesEndToEndProtection
[constr_1363] Existence of attributes of DiagnosticValueNeeds
[constr_1364] Existence of attributes of DiagnosticIoControlNeeds
[constr_1375] Existence of attributes of CompuMethod and related meta-classes
Table C.30: Added Constraints in R4.2.1

C.7.5 Changed Constraints in R4.2.1

Number Heading
[constr_1006] applicable data categories
[constr_1007] Allowed attributes of SwDataDefProps for ApplicationDataTypes
[constr_1009] SwDataDefProps applicable to ImplementationDataTypes
[constr_1014] Supported value encodings for SwBaseType
[constr_1015] Prioritization of SwDataDefProps
[constr_1037] Client shall not be connected to multiple servers

[constr_1072] Compatibility of ModeSwitchInterfaces in the context of an AssemblySwCon-

[constr_1073] Compatibility of ModeSwitchInterfaces in the context of an DelegationSwCon-
[constr_1074] Compatibility of ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes
[constr_1101] Mode-related communication
[constr_1112] Constraints of dataIdMode in PROFILE_01
[constr_1149] PortPrototypes used for NV data management
[constr_1188] Existence of ReceiverComSpec.replaceWith

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
Allowed Attributes vs. category for DataPrototypes typed by Implementation-
Allowed Attributes vs. category for DataPrototypes typed by Application-
[constr_2009] Supported kinds of PortPrototypes of a NvBlockSwComponentType
[constr_2015] Limitation of SwcInternalBehavior of a NvBlockSwComponentType
[constr_2019] ServiceSwComponentType shall have service ports only

[constr_2022] Mutually exclusive use of SynchronousServerCallPoints and Asyn-

[constr_2051] Mandatory information of a SwValueCont
Table C.31: Changed Constraints in R4.2.1

C.7.6 Deleted Constraints in R4.2.1

Number Heading
[constr_1189] Allowed targets of externalReplacement
[constr_1293] Existence of DiagnosticEventNeeds.dtcNumber
[constr_1294] Existence of DiagnosticEventInfoNeeds.dtcNumber
[constr_2551] SwCalprmAxis.baseType shall be ignored
Table C.32: Deleted Constraints in R4.2.1

C.8 Constraint History of this Document according to AUTOSAR


C.8.1 Added Traceables in R4.2.2

Number Heading
Initial value for a specific implicitInterRunnableVariable or explic-
[TPS_SWCT_01638] Existence of SwConnector between two PRPortPrototypes
AtomicSwComponentType offers a PPortPrototype typed by
ClientServerInterface to read/write current value via diagnostic ser-
vices where the applicable DID is passed as an argument to the access
Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface for the Data Ser-
Definition of an “old-world” dynamic-size array data type by means of an Ap-

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
Definition of an “old-world” dynamic-size array data type by means of an Im-
Definition of a “new-world” variable-size array data type by means of an Ap-
Definition of a “new-world” variable-size array data type by means of an Im-
[TPS_SWCT_01646] Sending invalidValue without invalidation applied by RTE/Com
Size Indicator for dynamicArraySizeProfile set to VSA_LIN-
[TPS_SWCT_01647] EAR, VSA_SQUARE, or VSA_FULLY_FLEXIBLE if only Implementation-
DataType is present
Size Indicator for dynamicArraySizeProfile set to VSA_RECTANGU-
LAR if only ImplementationDataType is present
Payload for dynamicArraySizeProfile if only Implementation-
DataType is present
[TPS_SWCT_01650] Structure of the VSA ImplementationDataType
[TPS_SWCT_01651] UTF-16BE
[TPS_SWCT_01652] UTF-16LE
[TPS_SWCT_01653] UTF-16-encoded strings are not allowed to start with a BOM
AtomicSwComponentType offers PortPrototypes typed by Sender-
ReceiverInterfaces to adjust the IO signal via diagnostic services
Reference from DiagnosticIoControlNeeds to DiagnosticValue-
Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface for IOControlRe-
quest and IOControlResponse
NamingRule for RPortPrototype referenced by a RoleBasedPortAs-
signment with attribute role set to “IOControlRequest”
NamingRule for PPortPrototype referenced by a RoleBasedPortAs-
signment with attribute role set to “IOControlResponse”
[TPS_SWCT_01659] Mapping of VariableDataPrototype to a NvBlockDescriptor
Table C.33: Added Traceabless in 4.2.2

C.8.2 Changed Traceables in R4.2.2

Number Heading
[TPS_SWCT_01133] AtomicSwComponentType provides information about aging cycles
[TPS_SWCT_01158] Three cases for PortInterfaceMapping
[TPS_SWCT_01179] Compound Primitive Data Type
[TPS_SWCT_01244] Data types for calibration parameters are also described as primitive types
[TPS_SWCT_01370] VariationPointProxy

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
Finding the symbol for the representation of a CompuScale with a point-range
in C code
Keep the invalidValue transparent to the sending and receiving software
[TPS_SWCT_01434] Sender and receiver have knowledge of invalid value
Modeling of a Variable-Size Array Data Type with Size Indicator
[TPS_SWCT_01616] Semantics of TransformerHardErrorEvent
Structure of an ImplementationDataType that represents a variable-sized
array data type
[TPS_SWCT_01624] Hard error occurs during the execution of a transformer chain
Values of SwAxisCont with the category, COM_AXIS, RES_AXIS are for
display only
Values of RuleBasedAxisCont with the category COM_AXIS, RES_AXIS
are for display only
Table C.34: Changed Traceables in R4.2.2

C.8.3 Deleted Traceables in R4.2.2

Number Heading
Combination of supportsMultipleInstantiation=false and can-
[TPS_SWCT_01433] Invalid values outside the range limits
[TPS_SWCT_01435] Invalid values outside the range limits
[TPS_SWCT_01603] Variable size array with Size Indicator
[TPS_SWCT_01611] Enable Size Indicator
Table C.35: Deleted Traceables in R4.2.2

C.8.4 Added Constraints in R4.2.2

Number Heading
Appearance of core-related possible values of MemorySection.option or SwAd-
drMethod.option according to [TPS_SWCT_01456]
Mutually exclusive existence of attributes SwVariableRefProxy.autosarVari-
able vs. SwVariableRefProxy.mcDataInstanceVar
Existence of CompuMethod and DataConstr for ImplementationDataTypes of

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
Definition of invalidValue for DataPrototype typed by ApplicationPrimi-
[constr_1384] tiveDataType of category CURVE, MAP, CUBOID, CUBE_4, CUBE_5, COM_AXIS,
[constr_1385] DataPrototype is typed by an ImplementationDataType
PortDefinedArgumentValue shall only be defined for AbstractProvided-

[constr_1388] VariationPointProxy of category VALUE shall not mix “pre-build” and “post-
build” use-cases
Restriction regarding the value of category of VariationPointProxy.imple-

[constr_1390] Restriction to the value of SenderReceiverInterface.invalidationPolicy.

Compatibility of Units in the context of assignment using an ApplicationValue-
Compatibility of Units in the context of assignment using an ApplicationRule-
[constr_1393] Existence of RuleBasedValueCont.unit
[constr_1395] NvBlockDataMapping shall be complete
Restriction for the value of attribute category for non-terminating Implementa-
tionDataTypeElements taken to model a Variable-Size Array Data Type
[constr_1397] Existence of attributes of TransformerHardErrorEvent
[constr_1398] Existence of attributes of BaseTypeDirectDefinition
[constr_1399] Standardized values of ModeDeclarationGroup.category
[constr_1400] Reference to a specific DataTransformation
Restrictions on the relation between DataPrototypeMapping and DataTrans-
Applicability of core-related possible values of MemorySection.option or SwAd-
drMethod.option related to SwAddrMethod.sectionInitializationPolicy
[constr_1403] NvBlockDataMappings to a given nvData shall be unambiguous
All NvDataInterface.nvData of PortPrototypes in the context of a specific
SwcServiceDependency shall be mapped to the same NvBlockDescriptor
Table C.36: Added Constraints in R4.2.2

C.8.5 Changed Constraints in R4.2.2

Number Heading
[constr_1006] applicable data categories
[constr_1007] Allowed attributes of SwDataDefProps for ApplicationDataTypes
[constr_1040] Conversion of SenderReceiverInterfaces
[constr_1045] Supported value encodings for SwBaseType in the context of PortInterfaces

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
[constr_1060] Compatibility of data types with category ARRAY, VAL_BLK
Compatibility of data types with category COM_AXIS, RES_AXIS, CURVE, MAP,
[constr_1066] Forbidden mappings to ImplementationDataType
[constr_1075] Compatibility of ModeDeclarationGroups
[constr_1164] Number of arguments owned by a RunnableEntity
[constr_1234] Value of RunnableEntity.symbol
[constr_1318] Profile VSA_LINEAR for ImplementationDataType
[constr_1319] Profile VSA_SQUARE for ImplementationDataType
[constr_1320] Profile VSA_RECTANGULAR for ImplementationDataType
[constr_1321] Profile VSA_FULLY_FLEXIBLE for ImplementationDataType
[constr_1322] Size Indicator for undefined dynamicArraySizeProfile
[constr_2051] Mandatory information of a SwValueCont
[constr_2058] Mandatory information of a RuleBasedValueCont
Table C.37: Changed Constraints in R4.2.2

C.8.6 Deleted Constraints in R4.2.2

Number Heading
[constr_1002] End-to-end protection does not support n:1 communication
ApplicationDataType is or is not compatible to specific Implementation-

[constr_2001] Initial value for a specific implicitInterRunnableVariable or explicitIn-

Table C.38: Deleted Constraints in R4.2.2

C.9 Constraint History of this Document according to AUTOSAR


C.9.1 Added Traceables in R4.3.0

Number Heading
[TPS_SWCT_01660] Values of SwcServiceDependency.category reserved by the standard
[TPS_SWCT_01661] Default value of SwcServiceDependency.category
Applicability of DataTypeMappingSets inside an NvBlockSwComponent-

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
dataReadAccess vs. dataReceivePointByValue or dataReceive-
[TPS_SWCT_01664] BswM acts as a mode requester towards an application mode manager
[TPS_SWCT_01665] Usage of SwcModeSwitchEvent for triggering a write procedure of nv data
[TPS_SWCT_01666] Semantics of ModeSwitchEventTriggeredActivity.role
[TPS_SWCT_01667] Avoidance of overlapping of directly adjacent intervals within CompuMethods
[TPS_SWCT_01668] SecOc Use Case: obtain the verification status of secure communication
SecOc Use Case: software component retires from secure communication for
a given period
[TPS_SWCT_01673] Application Software Component sends requests using the J1939Rm
[TPS_SWCT_01674] Application Software Component accepts requests using the J1939Rm
Recommendations for attributes of NvBlockNeeds or for NvBlockDescrip-
[TPS_SWCT_01676] Preferred approach to checking the compatibility of input value and axis
[TPS_SWCT_01677] Fall-back approach to checking the compatibility of input value and axis
StbM use Case: Application software component accesses the Synchronized
Time-Base Manager
StbM use Case: Synchronized Time-Base Manager notifies application soft-
ware component
Dem Use Case: Atomic Software-Component implements a Hardware Shut-
[TPS_SWCT_01681] Context path in ArVariableInImplementationDataInstanceRef
The meaning of E2E-related attributes in a ReceiverComSpec if a
[TPS_SWCT_01682] TransformationComSpecProps of type EndToEndTransformation-
ComSpecProps is defined.
[TPS_SWCT_01683] Specification of an array of input variable for an array of axes
[TPS_SWCT_01684] Specification of a single input variable for an array of axes
Specification of an array of group axes for an array of category CURVE, MAP,
Specification of a single group axis for an array of elements of category
[TPS_SWCT_01687] Support of locked communication buffers
[TPS_SWCT_01688] initValue should exist in an RPortPrototype
[TPS_SWCT_01689] Relation between SwcServiceDependencys and PortPrototypes
AtomicSwComponentType offers a PPortPrototype typed by
[TPS_SWCT_01690] ClientServerInterface to read/write and IOCtrl current value via di-
agnostic services
Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface for the Data Ser-
[TPS_SWCT_01692] Meaning of CompositeRuleBasedValueSpecification
[TPS_SWCT_01693] Usage of VendorSpecificServiceNeeds

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
Setup for Default Error Tracer Service use Case: development errors or run-
time error
[TPS_SWCT_01695] Relation between ValueSpecification and the definition of CompuScales
[TPS_SWCT_01696] CompuScale Value Symbolic Name
Supported development approach for software-components that interact with
AUTOSAR services
[TPS_SWCT_01698] Attributes that are subject to development approach
[TPS_SWCT_01699] Usage of ApplicationArrayElement.indexDataType
[TPS_SWCT_01700] Definition of unions that can be transmitted over a communication network
[TPS_SWCT_01701] Wrapped Union Data Type
[TPS_SWCT_01702] Initialization of the “payload” of a Wrapped Union Data Type
Setup for AtomicSwComponentType which sets or gets the Global Supervi-
sion Status
[TPS_SWCT_01704] Definition of supervised entity
[TPS_SWCT_01705] Definition of Checkpoints
AtomicSwComponentType supports DiagnosticSessionControl to get in-
formed about the diagnostic session
AtomicSwComponentType supports EcuReset service via diagnostic ser-
AtomicSwComponentType supports EcuReset ModeRapidPowerShutDown
service via diagnostic services
AtomicSwComponentType supports CommunicationControl service via di-
agnostic services
Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface for the Communi-
cation Control
AtomicSwComponentType supports ControlDTCSetting service via diagnos-
tic services
AtomicSwComponentType supports SecurityAccess to get informed about
the security level
[TPS_SWCT_01713] ExclusiveArea is entered and exited by a common set of APIs
[TPS_SWCT_01714] ExclusiveArea is entered and exited by an individual set of APIs
[TPS_SWCT_01715] Software-Component wants to be triggered on Monitor Status Changes
[TPS_SWCT_01716] SecOc Use Case: deliver freshness to SecOC I
[TPS_SWCT_01717] SecOc Use Case: deliver freshness to SecOC II
[TPS_SWCT_01718] SecOc Use Case: deliver freshness to SecOC III
[TPS_SWCT_01719] Selection of applicable RptProfiles
[TPS_SWCT_01720] Preparation Levels
[TPS_SWCT_01721] References from RptContainer
[TPS_SWCT_01722] Semantics of RP Service Point
[TPS_SWCT_01723] Semantics of RP Service Function
[TPS_SWCT_01724] Semantics of RapidPrototypingScenario
[TPS_SWCT_01725] AtomicSwComponentType uses the secure counter of the Crypto Service

920 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Number Heading
[TPS_SWCT_01726] AtomicSwComponentType uses the key management of the Crypto Service
Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface for crypto PortIn-
V2xFac Use Case: Application software component provides Vehicle specific
data to the V2X-Stack for CAM transmission
V2xFac Use Case: V2xFac notifies application software component about re-
ceived messages
V2xFac Use Case: Application software component triggers transmission of
DENM message
V2xM Use Case: Application software component provides Vehicle specific
data to the V2X-Stack for Position and Time information
V2xM Use Case: Application software component needs V2X specific data
from the V2X Manager
V2xM Use Case: Application software component has soft-control over
Pseudonym-Change within V2X Manager
V2xM Use Case: Application software component has the ability to do
V2xM Use Case: Application software component do location based calcula-
Table C.39: Added Traceabless in 4.3.0

C.9.2 Changed Traceables in R4.3.0

Number Heading
[TPS_SWCT_01005] Usage of SwcServiceDependencys for vendor-specific services
[TPS_SWCT_01054] Semantics of the explicitInterRunnableVariable
[TPS_SWCT_01134] AtomicSwComponentType enables reporting of DTCs in general
[TPS_SWCT_01158] Cases for PortInterfaceMapping
[TPS_SWCT_01173] Control port shall not become a part of the PortGroup
[TPS_SWCT_01174] Status port shall not become a member of the PortGroup
[TPS_SWCT_01182] Conceptual levels for the definition of initial values
[TPS_SWCT_01275] values of the attribute swImplPolicy are restricted depending on the context
[TPS_SWCT_01331] dataWriteAccess vs. dataSendPoint
[TPS_SWCT_01355] enableTakeAddress = true
pingSet defines the applicable set of ModeDeclarationMappings
The number of RuleBasedValueSpecification.arguments shall not ex-
ceed the array size
A RuleBasedValueSpecification of rule FILL_UNTIL_END shall fill the
[TPS_SWCT_01494] value of the last RuleBasedValueSpecification.arguments until the last
element of the array

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
[TPS_SWCT_01552] Software-component acts as a mode manager
[TPS_SWCT_01553] Software-component acts as a mode user
[TPS_SWCT_01554] Software-component acts as a mode requester
[TPS_SWCT_01569] Definition of CompuScale Code Symbolic Name
[TPS_SWCT_01586] Writing strategies for nv data
A RuleBasedValueSpecification of rule FILL_UNTIL_MAX_SIZE
[TPS_SWCT_01609] shall fill the value of the last RuleBasedValueSpecification.arguments
until the number of elements specified in maxSizeToFill
[TPS_SWCT_01635] Naming conventions may support the effectiveness of SymbolProps
Values of SwAxisCont with the category COM_AXIS, RES_AXIS are for dis-
play only
AtomicSwComponentType supports Response On Event (ROE) via diagnos-
tic services
[TPS_SWCT_02020] AtomicSwComponentType uses the hash calculation of the Crypto Service
AtomicSwComponentType uses the message authentication code (MAC)
calculation of the Crypto Service
AtomicSwComponentType uses the message authentication code (MAC)
verification of the Crypto Service
AtomicSwComponentType uses the generation of random numbers of the
Crypto Service
AtomicSwComponentType uses the Authenticated Encryption with Associ-
ated Data (AEAD) of the Crypto Service
AtomicSwComponentType uses the Authenticated Encryption with Associ-
ated Data (AEAD) of the Crypto Service
[TPS_SWCT_02027] AtomicSwComponentType uses the encryption of the Crypto Service
[TPS_SWCT_02028] AtomicSwComponentType uses the decryption of the Crypto Service
AtomicSwComponentType uses the signature generation of the Crypto Ser-
AtomicSwComponentType uses the signature verification of the Crypto Ser-
Values of RuleBasedAxisCont with the category COM_AXIS, RES_AXIS
are for display only
Setup for NVM Use Case: Software-Components using Nv Data provided by
Setup for Dlt use Case: Application software component accesses the Dlt mod-
Table C.40: Changed Traceables in R4.3.0

922 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

C.9.3 Deleted Traceables in R4.3.0

Number Heading
[TPS_SWCT_01279] Preferred conversion direction depends on the use case
ServiceSwComponentType representing the Dem provides a PPortProto-
type for the Dcm
[TPS_SWCT_02018] Setup for AtomicSwComponentType which contains a Supervised Entity
AtomicSwComponentType uses the generation of random seed of the Crypto
AtomicSwComponentType uses the asymmetrical encryption of the Crypto
AtomicSwComponentType uses the asymmetrical decryption of the Crypto
AtomicSwComponentType uses the checksum calculation of the Crypto Ser-
[TPS_SWCT_02034] AtomicSwComponentType uses the key derivation of the Crypto Service
AtomicSwComponentType uses the symmetric key derivation of the Crypto
AtomicSwComponentType uses the key exchange interface for public value
calculation of the Crypto Service
AtomicSwComponentType uses the key exchange interface for secret value
calculation of the Crypto Service
AtomicSwComponentType uses the key exchange interface to calculate sym-
metric key with the Crypto Service
AtomicSwComponentType uses the symmetrical key extraction of the Crypto
AtomicSwComponentType uses the symmetrical key wrapping of the Crypto
Service to export a symmetrical key structure with a symmetric key
AtomicSwComponentType uses the asymmetrical key wrapping of the
Crypto Service to export a symmetrical key structure with a asymmetric key
AtomicSwComponentType uses the asymmetrical public key extraction of the
Crypto Service
AtomicSwComponentType uses the asymmetrical private key extraction of
the Crypto Service
AtomicSwComponentType uses the asymmetrical key wrapping of the
[TPS_SWCT_02044] Crypto Service to export a (asymmetric) private key structure with a symmetri-
cal wrapping key
AtomicSwComponentType uses the asymmetrical key wrapping of the
[TPS_SWCT_02045] Crypto Service to export a (asymmetric) private key structure with a asym-
metrical wrapping key
Table C.41: Deleted Traceables in R4.3.0

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Software Component Template

C.9.4 Added Constraints in R4.3.0

Number Heading
Definition of SwDataDefProps.dataConstr depending on the capabilities of the
data type
Definition of SwDataDefProps.displayFormat depending on the capabilities of the
data type
Definition of SwDataDefProps.dataConstr depending on the capabilities of the
element data type
Definition of SwDataDefProps.displayFormat depending on the capabilities of the
element data type
Definition of SwDataDefProps.stepSize depending on the capabilities of the data
Definition of SwDataDefProps.stepSize depending on the capabilities of the ele-
ment data type
[constr_1415] Supported values of ModeSwitchEventTriggeredActivity.role
[constr_1416] Existence of ApplicationArrayElement.maxNumberOfElements
Invalid connection between NvBlockSwComponentType and other AtomicSwCom-
ponentType (I)
Invalid connection between NvBlockSwComponentType and other AtomicSwCom-
ponentType (II)
[constr_1420] Existence of SwAxisIndividual.inputVariableType
[constr_1422] Value of category is VOID
Completeness of references ArVariableInImplementationDataInstanceRef.
Existence of ArVariableInImplementationDataInstanceRef.contextDat-
Definition of swCalprmAxisSet.swCalprmAxis/ SwAxisIndividual.swVari-
ableRef depending on the capabilities of the data type
[constr_1426] Consistency of array sizes for axes and input variable array
Definition of swCalprmAxisSet.swCalprmAxis/ SwAxisGrouped.swCalprmRef
depending on the capabilities of the data type
Consistency of array sizes for arrays of elements of category CURVE, MAP, CUBOID,
CUBE_4, or CUBE_5 arrays and used group axes arrays
[constr_1429] Access to data within PortPrototypes from within RunnableEntitys
[constr_1430] Access to local data from within RunnableEntitys
[constr_1431] Access to parameters from within RunnableEntitys
[constr_1432] Multiplicity of CommunicationBufferLocking
[constr_1433] Transient faults are not applicable to software-components
[constr_1434] CompuScales shall not have identical CompuScale Value Symbolic Names
is set to requestCallbackTypeSupplier
is set to requestCallbackTypeManufacturer

924 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Number Heading
ApplicationArrayElement.indexDataType needs to refer to a CompuMethod
of category TEXTTABLE
[constr_1439] Requirements on ApplicationArrayElement if attribute indexDataType exists
Size of the CompuMethod of category TEXTTABLE referenced by Application-
category TYPE_REFERENCE shall not be used for modeling the “payload” of a
Wrapped Union Data Type
[constr_1443] category UNION shall not be used for ImplementationDataType
[constr_1444] Limited applicability of Wrapped Union Data Type
[constr_1445] Initialization of the Member Selector of a Wrapped Union Data Type
[constr_1446] No definition of invalidValue for a Wrapped Union Data Type
[constr_1468] Limitation on the number of SwcExclusiveAreaPolicys
[constr_1469] Applicability of constraints depending on the existence of a data transformation
Table C.42: Added Constraints in R4.3.0

C.9.5 Changed Constraints in R4.3.0

Number Heading
[constr_1006] applicable data categories
[constr_1007] Allowed attributes of SwDataDefProps for ApplicationDataTypes
[constr_1009] SwDataDefProps applicable to ImplementationDataTypes
[constr_1011] category of SwBaseType
[constr_1014] Supported value encodings for SwBaseType
[constr_1015] Prioritization of SwDataDefProps
[constr_1024] Stepwise definition of CompuMethods
[constr_1045] Supported value encodings for SwBaseType in the context of PortInterfaces
[constr_1105] Value of arraySize
Consistency of ArgumentDataPrototypes within the context of a ClientServer-
RecordValueSpecification.fields shall be identical to the number of Appli-
RecordValueSpecification.fields shall be identical to the number of subEle-
ments of ImplementationDataType of category STRUCTURE
[constr_1284] Limitation of the use of TextValueSpecification
Allowed Attributes vs. category for DataPrototypes typed by Implementation-
Allowed Attributes vs. category for DataPrototypes typed by Application-
[constr_1302] Restriction of data invalidation

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
[constr_1375] Existence of attributes of CompuMethod and related meta-classes
[constr_1400] Reference to a specific DataTransformation

[constr_2006] Number of AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint referencing to one Asyn-

[constr_2015] Limitation of SwcInternalBehavior of a NvBlockSwComponentType
[constr_2041] swImplPolicy for VariableDataPrototype in the role staticMemory
[constr_2051] Mandatory information of a SwValueCont
[constr_2058] Mandatory information of a RuleBasedValueCont
Table C.43: Changed Constraints in R4.3.0

C.9.6 Deleted Constraints in R4.3.0

Number Heading
[constr_1019] Compatibility of input value and axis
[constr_1021] A CompuMethod shall specify instructions for both directions
[constr_1133] Identical CompuScale Symbolic Names shall have the same range
[constr_1201] initValue shall exist in an RPortPrototype
[constr_1323] Applicability of attribute ReceiverComSpec.usesEndToEndProtection
Table C.44: Deleted Constraints in R4.3.0

C.10 Constraint History of this Document according to AUTOSAR


C.10.1 Added Traceables in R4.3.1

Number Heading
[TPS_SWCT_01736] Default values for Unit.physicalDimension
[TPS_SWCT_01737] Default values for physical exponents
[TPS_SWCT_01738] Context path in ArParameterInImplementationDataInstanceRef
Function Inhibition Manager Use Case: react on suppressed or unavailable
StbM use Case: Process time snapshot obtained from global time slave for
diagnostics purposes
Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface for measurement
[TPS_SWCT_01742] StbM use Case: Software-component represents a global time master

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface for the global time
master role
[TPS_SWCT_01744] StbM use Case: Software-component represents a global time slave
Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface for the global time
slave role
Atomic Software-Component provides the further action byte to the DoIP Ser-
vice Component
[TPS_SWCT_01747] Value of category for fix axis
[TPS_SWCT_01748] Sub-categories of fix axes
[TPS_SWCT_01749] Semantics of SwAxisGeneric.swAxisType in the definition of a fix axis
Semantics of SwAxisGeneric.swGenericAxisParam in the definition of a
fix axis
Table C.45: Added Traceables in R4.3.1

C.10.2 Changed Traceables in R4.3.1

Number Heading
Mappings between application and implementation types do not necessarily
have to form a 1:1 relation
[TPS_SWCT_01222] Applicability of DataFilter
RunnableEntity implements the functionality of more than one
[TPS_SWCT_01288] Interpretation of PhysConstrs and InternalConstrs by tools
[TPS_SWCT_01444] Size of SwBaseType is specified in bits
[TPS_SWCT_01560] Supported categorys of CompuMethods for data conversion
Recommendations for attributes of NvBlockNeeds or for NvBlockDe-
[TPS_SWCT_01678] StbM use Case: start timer and potentially get notified about its expiration
StbM use Case: Software-Components wants to get notifications of status
[TPS_SWCT_01714] ExclusiveArea is entered and exited by an individual set of APIs
Setup for Dlt use Case: Application software component accesses the Dlt
Table C.46: Changed Traceables in R4.3.1

927 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

C.10.3 Deleted Traceables in R4.3.1

Number Heading
AUTOSAR supports ApplicationErrors only for ClientServerInter-
Table C.47: Deleted Traceables in R4.3.1

C.10.4 Added Constraints in R4.3.1

Number Heading
Existence of ImplementationDataTypeSubElementRef.implementation-
[constr_1515] DataTypeElement as opposed to ImplementationDataTypeSubElementRef.
Completeness of references ArParameterInImplementationDataIn-
Existence of ArParameterInImplementationDataInstanceRef.context-

[constr_1518] Consistency of data types in the context of ArParameterInImplementation-

[constr_1519] Existence of attributes vs. category of ApplicationValueSpecification
[constr_1520] Semantics of ObdRatioServiceNeeds.rateBasedMonitoredEvent
[constr_1521] Reference from AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent to Asyn-
[constr_1523] No mode disabling for OperationInvokedEvents
[constr_1538] Restriction for ReceiverComSpec.dataElement
[constr_1539] Restriction for SenderComSpec.dataElement
[constr_1540] Existence of ClientComSpec.operation
[constr_1541] Existence of ServerComSpec.operation
[constr_1544] Modeling of SwAxisGeneric for the definition of a fix axis
[constr_1545] No initialization for fix axis
Table C.48: Added Constraints in R4.3.1

C.10.5 Changed Constraints in R4.3.1

Number Heading
Mapping of ApplicationDataTypes in the scope of single AtomicSwCompo-
[constr_1007] Allowed attributes of SwDataDefProps for ApplicationDataTypes
[constr_1009] SwDataDefProps applicable to ImplementationDataTypes

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
[constr_1011] category of SwBaseType
[constr_1012] Value of category is FIXED_LENGTH
[constr_1015] Prioritization of SwDataDefProps
[constr_1038] Reference to ApplicationError
[constr_1044] Applicability of DataFilter
[constr_1090] WaitPoint and RunnableEntity
[constr_1102] ApplicationError in the scope of one SwComponentType
[constr_1126] Compatibility of DataConstrs
[constr_1220] Compatibility of SwBaseType
[constr_1229] category of ImplementationDataType boils down to VALUE
Allowed Attributes vs. category for DataPrototypes typed by Implementa-
Allowed Attributes vs. category for DataPrototypes typed by Application-
[constr_1422] Value of category is VOID
[constr_2027] SwcServiceDependency shall be defined for service ports only
[constr_2043] swImplPolicy for ParameterDataPrototype in the role romBlock
[constr_2044] swImplPolicy for ParameterDataPrototype in the role sharedParameter

[constr_2045] swImplPolicy for ParameterDataPrototype in the role perInstanceParam-

[constr_2046] swImplPolicy for ParameterDataPrototype in the role constantMemory
Table C.49: Changed Constraints in R4.3.1

C.10.6 Deleted Constraints in R4.3.1

Number Heading
[constr_1013] Value of category is VARIABLE_LENGTH
is set to requestCallbackTypeSupplier
is set to requestCallbackTypeManufacturer
Table C.50: Deleted Constraints in R4.3.1

929 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

C.11 Constraint History of this Document according to AUTOSAR


C.11.1 Added Traceables in R4.4.0

Number Heading
The meaning of E2E-related attributes in a SenderComSpec if a
[TPS_SWCT_01751] TransformationComSpecProps of type EndToEndTransformation-
ComSpecProps is defined
[TPS_SWCT_01752] Initialization of a variable-size array
[TPS_SWCT_01753] Application of compatibility rules for ReceiverComSpec.replaceWith
[TPS_SWCT_01754] initValue defined in the context of a ComSpec
Duplicate existence of initValue in the context of a PRPortPrototype
typed by an NvDataInterface
[TPS_SWCT_01756] Semantics of SwDataDefProps.displayPresentation
[TPS_SWCT_01757] Not-applicable scenario for presentationContinuous
[TPS_SWCT_01758] Applicable value range of SwDataDefProps.displayPresentation
[TPS_SWCT_01759] Use cases for unions
Defining the dimension of an ApplicationPrimitiveDataType of cat-
egory VAL_BLK
[TPS_SWCT_01761] Physical limits of pure textual conversions
[TPS_SWCT_01762] Physical limits of mixed textual conversions
[TPS_SWCT_01763] HtssM Service Use Case: Query results of hardware tests
V2xFac Use Case: Application software component shall be able to process
the MAP (topology) Extended Message
Dem Service Use Case: In-Use-Monitoring Performance Ratio Denominator
Software-component computes the PIDs, and pushes them to Dem for stor-
age and reporting to Dcm
Software-component located on an OBD master ECU reads the PID 21, and
and sends the value around via “regular” sender-receiver communication
Semantics of DataPrototypeMapping.secondToFirstDataTransfor-
[TPS_SWCT_01769] Dcm Use Case: Upload and download of data
V2xFac Use Case: Application software component processes Infrastructure
to Vehicle Information Message
[TPS_SWCT_01771] Definition of optional elements on the level of ApplicationDataType
Semantics of attribute ImplementationDataType.isStructWithOp-
Definition of Optional Element Structure on the level of Implemen-
[TPS_SWCT_01774] Modeling of ImplementationDataType with optional elements
[TPS_SWCT_01775] Structured data types with optional elements

930 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Number Heading
AtomicSwComponentType uses the API of the Crypto Service to set a key
AtomicSwComponentType uses the API of the Crypto Service to create a
random seed
AtomicSwComponentType uses the API of the Crypto Service to generate
a key
AtomicSwComponentType uses the API of the Crypto Service to derive a
AtomicSwComponentType uses the API of the Crypto Service to execute
calculation of the public value for key exchange
AtomicSwComponentType uses the API of the Crypto Service to execute
calculation of shared secret for key exchange
AtomicSwComponentType uses the API of the Crypto Service to execute
certificate parsing
AtomicSwComponentType uses the API of the Crypto Service to execute
certificate verification
SecOc Use Case: enable the sending of Pdus even if computation of the
MAC is not possible
Initial value for ImplementationDataType of category STRUCTURE
where attribute isStructWithOptionalElement set to the value True
Initial value for the ImplementationDataTypeElement where the short-
Name is set to the value availabilityBitfield
[TPS_SWCT_01787] Initialization of not-available ImplementationDataTypeElement
V2xFac Use Case: Application software component processes Signal Phase
And Timing Extended Message
AtomicSwComponentType implements a Diagnostic Monitor that provides
monitor data, debouncing by Dem
AtomicSwComponentType implements a Diagnostic Monitor that provides
monitor data, debouncing by software-component
[TPS_SWCT_01791] AtomicSwComponentType acts as a "file server" to a diagnostic tester
Table C.51: Added Traceables in R4.4.0

C.11.2 Changed Traceables in R4.4.0

Number Heading
[TPS_SWCT_01016] AtomicSwComponentType wants to select a shutdown target
[TPS_SWCT_01017] AtomicSwComponentType wants to select a boot target
[TPS_SWCT_01018] AtomicSwComponentType wants to use an alarm clock
[TPS_SWCT_01028] AtomicSwComponentType implements a Diagnostic Monitor
[TPS_SWCT_01029] AtomicSwComponentType implements a Diagnostic Monitor

931 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Number Heading
[TPS_SWCT_01132] AtomicSwComponentType provides information about operating cycles
[TPS_SWCT_01136] AtomicSwComponentType retrieves information of the lamp status
[TPS_SWCT_01180] Maximum possible size of Compound Primitive Data Type
values of the attribute swImplPolicy are restricted depending on the con-
[TPS_SWCT_01374] Implementation of AutosarParameterRef
[TPS_SWCT_01375] Implementation of AutosarVariableRef
[TPS_SWCT_01398] Communication patterns for AUTOSAR services
[TPS_SWCT_01405] Creation of the ServiceSwComponentTypes
AtomicSwComponentType provides callback if any diagnostic event data
and/or status changed
Predefined values for MemorySection.option and SwAddrMethod.op-
[TPS_SWCT_01678] StbM use Case: start timer and potentially get notified about its expiration
[TPS_SWCT_01698] Attributes that are subject to development approach
AtomicSwComponentType supports DiagnosticSessionControl to get in-
formed about the diagnostic session
AtomicSwComponentType supports EcuReset service via diagnostic ser-
AtomicSwComponentType supports EcuReset ModeRapidPowerShut-
Down service via diagnostic services
AtomicSwComponentType supports CommunicationControl service via di-
agnostic services
AtomicSwComponentType supports ControlDTCSetting service via diag-
nostic services
AtomicSwComponentType supports SecurityAccess to get informed about
the security level
[TPS_SWCT_01715] Software-Component wants to be triggered on Monitor Status Changes
Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface for crypto Port-
V2xFac Use Case: Application software component provides Vehicle specific
data to the V2X-Stack for CAM transmission
V2xFac Use Case: V2xFac notifies application software component about
received messages
V2xFac Use Case: Application software component triggers transmission of
DENM message
[TPS_SWCT_02000] Default value for attribute swImplPolicy
AtomicSwComponentType supports Response On Event (ROE) via diag-
nostic services
[TPS_SWCT_02020] AtomicSwComponentType uses the hash calculation of the Crypto Service
AtomicSwComponentType uses the message authentication code (MAC)
calculation of the Crypto Service

932 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Number Heading
AtomicSwComponentType uses the message authentication code (MAC)
verification of the Crypto Service
AtomicSwComponentType uses the generation of random numbers of the
Crypto Service
AtomicSwComponentType uses the Authenticated Encryption with Associ-
ated Data (AEAD) of the Crypto Service
AtomicSwComponentType uses the Authenticated Encryption with Associ-
ated Data (AEAD) of the Crypto Service
[TPS_SWCT_02027] AtomicSwComponentType uses the encryption of the Crypto Service
[TPS_SWCT_02028] AtomicSwComponentType uses the decryption of the Crypto Service
AtomicSwComponentType uses the signature generation of the Crypto Ser-
AtomicSwComponentType uses the signature verification of the Crypto Ser-
Setup for Dlt use Case: Application software component accesses the Dlt
Table C.52: Changed Traceables in R4.4.0

C.11.3 Deleted Traceables in R4.4.0

Number Heading
[TPS_SWCT_01012] AtomicSwComponentType reads the current ECU mode (fixed variant)
[TPS_SWCT_01013] AtomicSwComponentType shall keep the ECU alive (fixed variant)
[TPS_SWCT_01014] AtomicSwComponentType wants to select a shutdown target (fixed variant)
[TPS_SWCT_01015] AtomicSwComponentType wants to select a boot target (fixed variant)
[TPS_SWCT_01125] serverArgumentImplPolicy
[TPS_SWCT_01133] AtomicSwComponentType provides information about aging cycles
NamingRule for PPortPrototype referenced by a RoleBasedPortAs-
signment with attribute role set to “IOControlResponse”
Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface for the Communi-
cation Control
[TPS_SWCT_01725] AtomicSwComponentType uses the secure counter of the Crypto Service
Table C.53: Deleted Traceables in R4.4.0

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Software Component Template

C.11.4 Added Constraints in R4.4.0

Number Heading
PortInterfaceMapping for DataPrototype typed by Compound Primitive
Data Type
Definition of SwDataDefProps.displayPresentation depending on the capa-
bilities of the data type

[constr_1602] Definition of SwDataDefProps.displayPresentation depending on the capa-

bilities of the element
[constr_1607] Only Wrapped Union Data Types in PortInterface
[constr_1608] Existence of rootParameterDataPrototype
[constr_1609] Existence of rootVariableDataPrototype

[constr_1610] Existence of SwDataDefProps.swValueBlockSize and SwDataDefProps.

Existence of ImplementationDataTypeSubElementRef.implementation-
[constr_1611] DataTypeElement as opposed to ImplementationDataTypeSubElementRef.
[constr_1622] Value of TimingEvent.offset vs. TimingEvent.period

[constr_1631] Applicability of DataPrototypeMapping.secondToFirstDataTransforma-

[constr_1632] Restriction for firstToSecondDataTransformation and secondToFirst-
Allowed combinations of ApplicationDataType.category vs. CompuMethod.
[constr_1635] Relevance of attribute isOptional
[constr_1636] Mapping of data types that represent an Optional Element Structure
Existence of ImplementationDataTypeElement.isOptional vs. Implemen-
First ImplementationDataTypeElement of ImplementationDataType that
represents an Optional Element Structure
[constr_1639] ImplementationDataTypeElement with attribute isOptional set to True
[constr_1640] No use of Optional Element Structure for interaction with the diagnostic stack
Compatibility of ApplicationRecordDataType and Implementation-
DataType that both represent an Optional Element Structure
Table C.54: Added Constraints in R4.4.0

C.11.5 Changed Constraints in R4.4.0

Number Heading
[constr_1006] applicable data categories
[constr_1007] Allowed attributes of SwDataDefProps for ApplicationDataTypes

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
[constr_1009] SwDataDefProps applicable to ImplementationDataTypes
[constr_1015] Prioritization of SwDataDefProps
[constr_1024] Stepwise definition of CompuMethods
[constr_1048] Compatibility of ApplicationRecordDataTypes
[constr_1050] Compatibility of ImplementationDataTypes
Rules for the initialization of ApplicationArrayDataType by means of Array-
Rules for the initialization of array-shaped ImplementationDataType by means
of ArrayValueSpecification
Allowed Attributes vs. category for DataPrototypes typed by Implementa-
Allowed Attributes vs. category for DataPrototypes typed by Application-
[constr_1400] Reference to a specific DataTransformation
[constr_1444] Limited applicability of Wrapped Union Data Type
[constr_1519] Existence of attributes vs. category of ApplicationValueSpecification
Compatibility of ClientServerOperations triggering the same RunnableEn-
Table C.55: Changed Constraints in R4.4.0

C.11.6 Deleted Constraints in R4.4.0

Number Heading
[constr_1032] DelegationSwConnector can only connect PortPrototypes of the same kind
[constr_1297] Applicability of serverArgumentImplPolicy set to useArrayBaseType
[constr_1443] category UNION shall not be used for ImplementationDataType
Existence of ImplementationDataTypeSubElementRef.implementation-
[constr_1515] DataTypeElement as opposed to ImplementationDataTypeSubElementRef.
Table C.56: Deleted Constraints in R4.4.0

935 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

C.12 Constraint History of this Document according to AUTOSAR


C.12.1 Added Traceables in R19-11

Number Heading
Initialization of a DataPrototype associated with a CompuMethod of cat-
Initialization of a variable-size array typed by an Implementation-
Initialization of a variable-size array typed by an ApplicationArray-
Further specification to facilitate the association of writing strategies to the
corresponding RunnableEntity
Prioritization of SwDataDefProps.dataConstr for a DataPrototype of
category ARRAY
Prioritization of SwDataDefProps.displayFormat for a DataPrototype
of category ARRAY
Prioritization of SwDataDefProps.stepSize for a DataPrototype of
category ARRAY
[TPS_SWCT_01799] Mapping of bitfields between NvBlockDescriptor and PortPrototype
[TPS_SWCT_01801] Support for Meta-Data
[TPS_SWCT_01802] Definition of meta-data in the context of a SenderReceiverInterface
[TPS_SWCT_01803] MetaDataItems define the same value of attribute length
Standardized values of attribute MetaDataItem.metaDataItemType.
Semantics of the aggregation NvBlockSwComponentType.bulkNv-
Simultaneous aggregation of NvBlockSwComponentType.bulkNv-
[TPS_SWCT_01806] DataDescriptor and NvBlockSwComponentType.nvBlockDescrip-
[TPS_SWCT_01807] Application of NvBlockDataMapping on BulkNvDataDescriptor
[TPS_SWCT_03500] Status forwarding to data transformer
[TPS_SWCT_03501] Applicability of status forwarding to data transformer
Table C.57: Added Traceables in R19-11

936 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

C.12.2 Changed Traceables in R19-11

Number Heading
[TPS_SWCT_01029] AtomicSwComponentType implements a Diagnostic Monitor
[TPS_SWCT_01030] RunnableEntity
[TPS_SWCT_01132] AtomicSwComponentType provides information about operating cycles
[TPS_SWCT_01148] NvBlockDataMapping
[TPS_SWCT_01182] Conceptual levels for the definition of initial values
initValue defines an initial value that shall be taken if the corresponding
dataElement has not yet been received
[TPS_SWCT_01243] Definition of enumeration types
[TPS_SWCT_01309] signature of a RunnableEntity depends on the connected RTEEvent
[TPS_SWCT_01310] Categories of RunnableEntitys
AtomicSwComponentType offers PortPrototypes typed by Sender-
ReceiverInterfaces to adjust the IO signal via diagnostic services
Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface for DataSer-
vices, IOControlRequest, and IOControlResponse
AtomicSwComponentType implements a Diagnostic Monitor that provides
monitor data, debouncing by Dem
AtomicSwComponentType implements a Diagnostic Monitor that provides
monitor data, debouncing by software-component
Table C.58: Changed Traceables in R19-11

C.12.3 Deleted Traceables in R19-11

Number Heading
[TPS_SWCT_01344] Consistency of values of timeout
[TPS_SWCT_01429] [constr_1135] only applies for BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE
[TPS_SWCT_01752] Initialization of a variable-size array
Table C.59: Deleted Traceables in R19-11

C.12.4 Added Constraints in R19-11

Number Heading
Existence of attribute RoleBasedDataAssignment.usedDataElement.local-
[constr_1679] Variable for RoleBasedDataAssignment.role = signalBasedDiagnos-

937 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Number Heading
Existence of attribute RoleBasedDataAssignment.usedDataElement.local-
[constr_1680] Variable for RoleBasedDataAssignment.role = AppModeRequestInter-
Existence of attribute RoleBasedDataAssignment.usedDataElement.local-
Variable for RoleBasedDataAssignment.role = VerificationStatus
Existence of attribute RoleBasedDataAssignment.usedDataElement.local-
Variable for RoleBasedDataAssignment.role = V2xFacVdp
Existence of attribute RoleBasedDataAssignment.usedDataEle-
[constr_1683] ment.localVariable for RoleBasedDataAssignment.role =
Existence of attribute RoleBasedDataAssignment.usedDataEle-
[constr_1684] ment.localVariable for RoleBasedDataAssignment.role =
Existence of attribute RoleBasedDataAssignment.usedDataEle-
[constr_1685] ment.localVariable for RoleBasedDataAssignment.role =
Existence of attribute RoleBasedDataAssignment.usedDataEle-
[constr_1686] ment.localVariable for RoleBasedDataAssignment.role =
[constr_1694] Allowed target of SwDataDefProps.implementationDataType
[constr_1706] Definition of initial value for data transmission
[constr_1712] Existence of attribute ArrayValueSpecification.intendedPartialIni-
NvBlockDescriptor.writingStrategyRole.usedDataElement shall refer to
AutosarDataPrototype shall only be referenced by a single NvBlockDescrip-
[constr_1715] Possible values of attribute NvBlockDescriptor.writingStrategyRole.role

[constr_1716] Consistency of attribute NvBlockDescriptor.writingStrategyRole.role set

to storeAtShutdown
[constr_1717] Consistency of attribute NvBlockDescriptor.writingStrategyRole.role set
to storeImmediate
[constr_1718] Inheritance of SwDataDefProps.dataConstr from an array data type to the array
Inheritance of SwDataDefProps.displayFormat from an array data type to the
array elements

[constr_1720] Inheritance of SwDataDefProps.stepSize from an array data type to the array

[constr_1724] Usage of attribute ClientServerOperation.diagArgIntegrity
[constr_1726] Ordering of MetaDataItemSet.metaDataItem
Limitation of the aggregation of AutosarVariableRef in the context of an
NvBlockDataMapping owned by a BulkNvDataDescriptor
Restriction to explicit sending semantics for the usage of DataServices in the
[constr_1741] context of a SwcServiceDependency that aggregates DiagnosticValueNeeds
that in turn is referenced by a DiagnosticIoControlNeeds
Table C.60: Added Constraints in R19-11

938 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

C.12.5 Changed Constraints in R19-11

Number Heading
[constr_1051] Compatibility of SwDataDefProps
[constr_1059] Compatibility of data types with category VALUE
[constr_1060] Compatibility of data types with category ARRAY, VAL_BLK
[constr_1061] Compatibility of data types with category STRUCTURE
[constr_1063] Compatibility of data types with category BOOLEAN
Compatibility of data types with category COM_AXIS, RES_AXIS, CURVE, MAP,
[constr_1078] Compatibility of ClientServerOperations
[constr_1137] Applicability of ParameterInterface
Rules for the initialization of ApplicationArrayDataType by means of Array-
Rules for the initialization of array-shaped ImplementationDataType by means
of ArrayValueSpecification
[constr_1607] Only Wrapped Union Data Types in PortInterface
Compatibility of ApplicationRecordDataType and Implementation-
DataType that both represent an Optional Element Structure
Compatibility of ClientServerOperations triggering the same RunnableEn-
[constr_2013] Compatibility of ImplementationDataTypes for NvBlockDataMapping
Table C.61: Changed Constraints in R19-11

C.12.6 Deleted Constraints in R19-11


C.13 Constraint History of this Document according to AUTOSAR


C.13.1 Added Traceables in R20-11

Number Heading
Dem Service Use Case: software-component checks whether an event is
J1939Dcm wants to retrieve calibration verification numbers from an applica-
tion software-component

939 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Number Heading
Software-component analyzes predictions about the time synchronization
[TPS_SWCT_01811] AtomicSwComponentType reads the current PNC ComM mode
Conditional relevance of attribute EndToEndTransformationCom-
[TPS_SWCT_01813] Software-Component wants check a certificate on KeyM
[TPS_SWCT_01814] AtomicSwComponentType wants to retrieve a certificate from KeyM
AtomicSwComponentType wants to retrieve elements of a certificate from
AtomicSwComponentType wants to check the existence of a certificate from
[TPS_SWCT_01817] AtomicSwComponentType wants to store a (derived) key in KeyM
AtomicSwComponentType wants to store a container with encrypted keys
(e.g. She-keys) in KeyM
AtomicSwComponentType wants to verify if cryptographic operation was ex-
ecuted using a specific key
[TPS_SWCT_01820] Existence of attribute SenderComSpec.handleOutOfRange
Semantics of attribute NotAvailableValueSpecification.default-
Application of attribute NotAvailableValueSpecification.default-
Pattern happens only during initialization
Definition of ValueSpecification for an ApplicationRecord-
DataType with unavailable optional elements
[TPS_SWCT_01826] Application Software Component reports security event
Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface for the IdsM Ser-
Application Software Component reports security event using Smart Sensor
Suffix used for the resulting name of the PortInterface for the IdsM Ser-
[TPS_SWCT_01830] Application Software Component provides time stamp to IdsM
Table C.62: Added Traceables in R20-11

C.13.2 Changed Traceables in R20-11

Number Heading
[TPS_SWCT_01004] Specific default value if serviceKind is not defined
[TPS_SWCT_01078] Configurable array size
[TPS_SWCT_01178] Specialized subclasses of ValueSpecification
[TPS_SWCT_01221] DataFilter

940 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Number Heading
[TPS_SWCT_01495] Standardized value of RuleBasedValueSpecification.rule
Definition of an “old-world” dynamic-size array data type by means of an
[TPS_SWCT_01673] Application Software Component sends requests using the J1939Rm
[TPS_SWCT_01674] Application Software Component accepts requests using the J1939Rm
AtomicSwComponentType offers PortPrototypes typed by Sender-
[TPS_SWCT_02003] ReceiverInterfaces or NvDataInterfaces to read/write current values
via diagnostic services
[TPS_SWCT_02052] Definition of Rapid Prototyping Scenario is splittable
Table C.63: Changed Traceables in R20-11

C.13.3 Deleted Traceables in R20-11

Number Heading
[TPS_SWCT_01039] Purpose of variant handling
[TPS_SWCT_01510] The role of pretended networking
[TPS_SWCT_01511] Configuration option is encoded into ModeDeclaration
[TPS_SWCT_01512] Request change of Pretended Networking mode
[TPS_SWCT_01513] React on the change of Pretended Networking mode
Table C.64: Deleted Traceables in R20-11

C.13.4 Added Constraints in R20-11

Number Heading
[constr_1754] Aggregation of NumericalRuleBasedValueSpecification
[constr_1755] Aggregation of CompositeRuleBasedValueSpecification
[constr_1771] Existence of SwValueCont.unit
[constr_1773] Value of attribute dataSendPoint.returnValueProvision
[constr_1774] Value of attribute dataReceivePointByArgument.returnValueProvision
[constr_1775] Value of attribute serverCallPoint.returnValueProvision
[constr_1776] Value of attribute asynchronousServerCallResultPoint.returnValuePro-
[constr_1777] Value of attribute externalTriggeringPoint.returnValueProvision
[constr_1778] Value of attribute modeSwitchPoint.returnValueProvision
[constr_1779] Scope of the definition of an AbstractRuleBasedValueSpecification
[constr_1783] Existence of attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arrayImplPolicy

941 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Number Heading
[constr_1860] Multiplicity of DelegationSwConnector.innerPort
[constr_1861] Multiplicity of DelegationSwConnector.outerPort
[constr_1862] Multiplicity of PassThroughSwConnector.requiredOuterPort
[constr_1863] Multiplicity of PassThroughSwConnector.providedOuterPort
[constr_1864] Multiplicity of InstantiationRTEEventProps.refinedEvent
[constr_1865] Existence of InvalidationPolicy.dataElement
[constr_1866] Existence of MetaDataItem.length
[constr_1867] Existence of MetaDataItem.metaDataItemType
[constr_1868] Existence of MetaDataItemSet.dataElement
[constr_1869] Existence of attribute ArgumentDataPrototype.direction
[constr_1870] Existence of attribute ApplicationError.errorCode
[constr_1871] Existence of attribute ModeRequestTypeMap.implementationDataType
[constr_1872] Existence of attribute ModeRequestTypeMap.modeGroup
[constr_1873] Existence of DataPrototypeMapping.firstDataPrototype
[constr_1874] Existence of DataPrototypeMapping.secondDataPrototype
[constr_1875] Existence of reference ClientServerOperationMapping.firstOperation
[constr_1876] Existence of reference ClientServerOperationMapping.secondOperation
Existence of reference ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypeMapping.first-
Existence of reference ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypeMapping.second-
[constr_1879] Existence of reference ModeDeclarationMapping.firstMode
[constr_1880] Existence of reference ModeDeclarationMapping.secondMode
[constr_1881] Existence of reference TriggerMapping.firstTrigger
[constr_1882] Existence of reference TriggerMapping.secondTrigger
Existence of ApplicationCompositeDataTypeSubElementRef.applica-
[constr_1884] Existence of attribute TextTableMapping.identicalMapping
[constr_1885] Existence of attribute TextTableMapping.mappingDirection
[constr_1886] Existence of attribute TextTableValuePair.firstValue
[constr_1887] Existence of attribute TextTableValuePair.secondValue
Existence of attribute DataTransformation.executeDespiteDataUnavail-
[constr_1889] Existence of attribute QueuedReceiverComSpec.queueLength
[constr_1890] Existence of attribute DataFilter.dataFilterType
[constr_1891] Existence of attribute NonqueuedReceiverComSpec.initValue
[constr_1892] Existence of attribute TransmissionAcknowledgementRequest.timeout
[constr_1893] Existence of attribute ServerComSpec.queueLength
[constr_1894] Existence of attribute ModeSwitchSenderComSpec.queueLength
[constr_1895] Existence of attribute ModeSwitchSenderComSpec.modeGroup

942 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Number Heading
[constr_1896] Existence of attribute ModeSwitchReceiverComSpec.modeGroup
[constr_1897] Existence of reference ParameterProvideComSpec.parameter
[constr_1898] Existence of reference ParameterRequireComSpec.parameter
[constr_1899] Existence of reference NvRequireComSpec.variable
[constr_1900] Existence of reference NvProvideComSpec.variable
[constr_1901] Existence of attribute EndToEndDescription.category
[constr_1902] Existence of attribute EndToEndProtection.endToEndProfile
[constr_1903] Existence of reference DataTypeMap.applicationDataType
[constr_1904] Existence of reference DataTypeMap.implementationDataType
[constr_1905] Existence of attribute SwTextProps.arraySizeSemantics
[constr_1906] Existence of attribute SwTextProps.swMaxTextSize
[constr_1907] Existence of attribute ApplicationArrayDataType.element
[constr_1908] Existence of attribute ApplicationRecordDataType.element
[constr_1909] Existence of attribute ImplementationProps.symbol
[constr_1910] Existence of attribute BaseType.baseTypeDefinition
Existence of ArVariableInImplementationDataInstanceRef.targetDat-
Existence of reference ArParameterInImplementationDataInstanceRef.
[constr_1913] Existence of attribute CompuRationalCoeffs.compuDenominator
[constr_1914] Existence of attribute CompuRationalCoeffs.compuNumerator

[constr_1915] Existence of attribute PhysicalDimensionMapping.firstPhysicalDimen-

[constr_1916] Existence of attribute PhysicalDimensionMapping.secondPhysicalDimen-
[constr_1917] Existence of ConstantSpecification.valueSpec
[constr_1918] Existence of RecordValueSpecification.field
[constr_1919] Existence of TextValueSpecification.value
[constr_1920] Existence of NumericalValueSpecification.value
[constr_1921] Existence of ReferenceValueSpecification.referenceValue
[constr_1922] Existence of ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification.category
[constr_1923] Existence of RuleBasedAxisCont.ruleBasedValues
[constr_1924] Existence of RuleBasedValueCont.ruleBasedValues
[constr_1925] Existence of NumericalRuleBasedValueSpecification.ruleBasedValues
[constr_1926] Existence of RuleBasedValueSpecification.rule
[constr_1927] Existence of RuleBasedValueSpecification.arguments
[constr_1928] Existence of CompositeRuleBasedValueSpecification.rule
[constr_1929] Existence of CompositeRuleBasedValueSpecification.argument
[constr_1930] Existence of ConstantReference.constant
[constr_1931] Existence of ConstantSpecificationMapping.applConstant

943 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Number Heading
[constr_1932] Existence of ConstantSpecificationMapping.implConstant
[constr_1933] Existence of CalibrationParameterValue.initializedParameter
[constr_1934] Existence of attribute SwcInternalBehavior.handleTerminationAn-
[constr_1935] Existence of attribute SwcInternalBehavior.supportsMultipleInstantia-
[constr_1936] Existence of attribute RunnableEntity.symbol
[constr_1937] Existence of attribute TimingEvent.period
[constr_1938] Existence of attribute RunnableEntityArgument.symbol
[constr_1939] Existence of attribute ExecutableEntityActivationReason.bitPosition
[constr_1940] Existence of attribute AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent.eventSource
[constr_1941] Existence of attribute DataSendCompletedEvent.eventSource
[constr_1942] Existence of attribute DataWriteCompletedEvent.eventSource
[constr_1943] Existence of attribute DataReceivedEvent.data
[constr_1944] Existence of attribute DataReceiveErrorEvent.data
[constr_1945] Existence of attribute OperationInvokedEvent.operation
[constr_1946] Existence of attribute SwcModeSwitchEvent.activation
[constr_1947] Existence of reference SwcModeSwitchEvent.mode
[constr_1948] Existence of attribute ModeSwitchedAckEvent.eventSource
[constr_1949] Existence of attribute ExternalTriggerOccurredEvent.trigger
[constr_1950] Existence of attribute InternalTriggerOccurredEvent.eventSource
[constr_1951] Existence of attribute WaitPoint.timeout
[constr_1952] Existence of reference WaitPoint.trigger
[constr_1953] Existence of attribute SwcExclusiveAreaPolicy.apiPrinciple
[constr_1954] Existence of attribute VariableAccess.accessedVariable
[constr_1955] Existence of attribute ServerCallPoint.operation
[constr_1956] Existence of attribute ServerCallPoint.timeout
[constr_1957] Existence of attribute AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint.asyn-
[constr_1958] Existence of attribute ParameterAccess.accessedParameter
[constr_1959] Existence of attribute InstantiationDataDefProps.swDataDefProps
[constr_1960] Existence of attribute PortAPIOption.port
[constr_1961] Existence of attribute PortDefinedArgumentValue.value
[constr_1962] Existence of attribute PortDefinedArgumentValue.valueType
Existence of attribute CommunicationBufferLocking.supportBufferLock-
[constr_1964] Existence of attribute PerInstanceMemory.type
[constr_1965] Existence of attribute PerInstanceMemory.typeDefinition
[constr_1966] Existence of attribute Implementation.swVersion
[constr_1967] Existence of attribute Implementation.vendorId
[constr_1968] Existence of attribute Implementation.codeDescriptor

944 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Number Heading
[constr_1969] Existence of attribute SwcImplementation.behavior
[constr_1970] Existence of attribute PerInstanceMemorySize.alignment
[constr_1971] Existence of attribute PerInstanceMemorySize.perInstanceMemory
[constr_1972] Existence of attribute PerInstanceMemorySize.size
[constr_1973] Existence of attribute ModeDeclarationGroup.initialMode
[constr_1974] Existence of attribute ModeDeclarationGroup.modeDeclaration
[constr_1975] Existence of attribute ModeTransition.enteredMode
[constr_1976] Existence of attribute ModeTransition.exitedMode
[constr_1977] Existence of attribute ModeErrorBehavior.errorReactionPolicy
[constr_1978] Existence of attribute SwcModeManagerErrorEvent.modeGroup
[constr_1979] Existence of the reference SwcBswMapping.bswBehavior
[constr_1980] Existence of the reference SwcBswMapping.swcBehavior
[constr_1981] Existence of attribute NvBlockDescriptor.nvBlockNeeds
[constr_1982] Existence of attribute ModeSwitchEventTriggeredActivity.role

[constr_1983] Existence of attribute ModeSwitchEventTriggeredActivity.swcMod-

[constr_1984] Existence of instance reference NvBlockDataMapping.nvRamBlockElement

[constr_1985] Existence of the reference SupervisedEntityNeeds.toleratedFailedCy-

[constr_1986] Existence of the reference DiagnosticRoutineNeeds.diagRoutineType
[constr_1987] Existence of instance reference RapidPrototypingScenario.hostSystem
[constr_1988] Existence of attribute RptProfile.maxServicePointId
[constr_1989] Existence of attribute RptProfile.minServicePointId
[constr_1990] Existence of attribute RptProfile.servicePointSymbolPost
[constr_1991] Existence of attribute RptProfile.servicePointSymbolPre
[constr_1992] Existence of attribute RptProfile.stimEnabler
[constr_1993] Existence of attribute RptImplPolicy.rptEnablerImplType
[constr_1994] Existence of attribute RptImplPolicy.rptPreparationLevel
[constr_1995] Existence of attribute RptSwPrototypingAccess.rptHookAccess
[constr_1996] Existence of attribute RptSwPrototypingAccess.rptReadAccess
[constr_1997] Existence of attribute RptSwPrototypingAccess.rptWriteAccess
[constr_1998] Existence of attribute RptExecutableEntityProperties.maxRptEventId
[constr_1999] Existence of attribute RptExecutableEntityProperties.minRptEventId
Existence of attribute E2EProfileCompatibilityProps.transitToIn-
[constr_5234] validExtended is mandatory for each EndToEndTransformationCom-

[constr_10000] Existence of attribute RptExecutableEntityProperties.rptExecutionCon-

[constr_10001] Existence of attribute RptExecutableEntityProperties.rptServicePoint
[constr_10005] Existence of attribute NotAvailableValueSpecification.defaultPattern

945 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Number Heading

[constr_10006] Valid interval of attribute NotAvailableValueSpecification.defaultPat-

[constr_10009] Aggregation of ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification
[constr_10016] Applicability of OsTaskExecutionEvent
[constr_10017] Existence of attribute SwAxisCont.category
[constr_10018] Existence of attribute SwAxisCont.swAxisIndex
[constr_10019] Existence of attribute SwAxisCont.swValuesPhys
Existence of attribute RoleBasedDataTypeAssignment.usedImplementa-
[constr_10028] Existence of reference stereotyped isOfType
Table C.65: Added Constraints in R20-11

C.13.5 Changed Constraints in R20-11

Number Heading
[constr_1051] Compatibility of SwDataDefProps
[constr_1060] Compatibility of data types with category ARRAY, VAL_BLK
[constr_1066] Forbidden mappings to ImplementationDataType
[constr_1197] Existence of compositeNetworkRepresentation shall be comprehensive
[constr_1224] DataPrototype is typed by an ApplicationArrayDataType
Allowed Attributes vs. category for DataPrototypes typed by Application-
DataPrototypes used as explicitInterRunnableVariable or implicit-
InterRunnableVariable and category DATA_REFERENCE
[constr_1393] Existence of RuleBasedValueCont.unit
[constr_1397] Existence of attributes of TransformerHardErrorEvent
[constr_1422] Value of category is VOID
Restriction to explicit sending semantics for the usage of DataServices in the
[constr_1741] context of a SwcServiceDependency that aggregates DiagnosticValueNeeds
that in turn is referenced by a DiagnosticIoControlNeeds
Compatibility of ClientServerOperations triggering the same RunnableEn-
SwAddrMethod referenced by RunnableEntitys, BswCalledEntitys, or

[constr_2052] Values of swArraysize and the number of values provided by swValuesPhys

shall be consistent.
[constr_2058] Mandatory information of a RuleBasedValueCont
Table C.66: Changed Constraints in R20-11

946 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

C.13.6 Deleted Constraints in R20-11


C.14 Constraint History of this Document according to AUTOSAR


C.14.1 Added Traceables in R21-11

Number Heading
Dcm can directly access SenderReceiverInterface.dataElements or
NvDataInterface.nvDatas in AbstractRequiredPortPrototypes
[TPS_SWCT_01832] SecOc Use Case: Receive notification about an authentication attempt
[TPS_SWCT_01833] Semantics of ServiceDependency.diagnosticRelevance
[TPS_SWCT_01834] invalidValue is inside the scope of the compuMethod
[TPS_SWCT_01835] invalidValue is outside the scope of the compuMethod
[TPS_SWCT_01836] Attributes of CompositeRuleBasedValueSpecification
[TPS_SWCT_01837] Types for record layouts
[TPS_SWCT_01838] ValueSpecification shall fit into data type
[TPS_SWCT_01839] Size of Compound Primitive Data Type is variant
A ParameterSwComponentType references a
A NvBlockSwComponentType references a
[TPS_SWCT_01842] Applicability of constraints of CompuScales
[TPS_SWCT_01843] Value of PassThroughSwConnector.category
[TPS_SWCT_01844] Optional method arguments
Table C.67: Added Traceables in R21-11

C.14.2 Changed Traceables in R21-11

Number Heading
[TPS_SWCT_01049] Two ways to use the ExclusiveAreas
[TPS_SWCT_01195] Mapping of composite element to primitive DataPrototype
Rules apply for the usage of the attribute ImplementationDataType.
[TPS_SWCT_01314] RTEEvent
[TPS_SWCT_01551] Mapping of elements on the “source” end to elements on the “target” end

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Number Heading
Dcm can directly access SenderReceiverInterface.dataElements,
[TPS_SWCT_01579] NvDataInterface.nvDatas, or ParameterInterface.parameters in
Dem can directly access SenderReceiverInterface.dataElements,
[TPS_SWCT_01580] NvDataInterface.nvDatas, or ParameterInterface.parameters in
[TPS_SWCT_01586] Writing strategies for nv data
Further specification to facilitate the association of writing strategies to the
corresponding RunnableEntity
[TPS_SWCT_02011] AtomicSwComponentType offers a client port to read DTR value
Table C.68: Changed Traceables in R21-11

C.14.3 Deleted Traceables in R21-11

Number Heading
[TPS_SWCT_01591] Existence of attribute DiagnosticEventNeeds.reportBehavior
Supported development approach for software-components that interact with
AUTOSAR services
[TPS_SWCT_01698] Attributes that are subject to development approach
Table C.69: Deleted Traceables in R21-11

C.14.4 Added Constraints in R21-11

Number Heading
[constr_10032] Restrictions for the usage of ServiceDependency.diagnosticRelevance
[constr_10033] Existence of MemorySection.swAddrmethod
[constr_10034] Existence of MemorySection.alignment
[constr_10040] Value of ApplicationValueSpecification.swAxisCont.category
Value of ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification.swAxisCont.
[constr_10067] Creation of AssemblySwConnector for service communication
[constr_10068] Standardized values for SectionInitializationPolicyType
Allowed multiplicities of SenderComSpec attributes for communication between
ApplicationSwComponentType and NvBlockSwComponentType
Allowed multiplicities of SenderComSpec attributes for communication between
NvBlockSwComponentType and ApplicationSwComponentType
[constr_10073] Existence of DataReceiveErrorEvent

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Consistency of attribute NvBlockDescriptor.writingStrategy.role set to
Existence of CompositeRuleBasedValueSpecification.argument vs.
[constr_10087] Restriction for the existence of a SubElementMapping
Table C.70: Added Constraints in R21-11

C.14.5 Changed Constraints in R21-11

Number Heading
Mapping of ApplicationDataTypes in the scope of single
Compatibility of ImplementationDataTypes mapped to the same
[constr_1006] applicable data categories
[constr_1007] Allowed attributes of SwDataDefProps for ApplicationDataTypes
[constr_1009] SwDataDefProps applicable to ImplementationDataTypes
[constr_1010] If nativeDeclaration does not exist
[constr_1011] category of SwBaseType
[constr_1012] Value of category is FIXED_LENGTH
[constr_1014] Supported value encodings for SwBaseType
[constr_1015] Prioritization of SwDataDefProps
Restriction of invalidValue for ImplementationDataType and
[constr_1017] Supported combinations of swImplPolicy and swCalibrationAccess
measurementPoint shall not be referenced by a VariableAccess aggregated
by RunnableEntity in the role dataReadAccess
ParameterDataPrototype needs to be of compatible data type as referenced in
[constr_1022] Limits shall be defined for each direction of CompuMethod
[constr_1024] Stepwise definition of CompuMethods
[constr_1025] Avoid division by zero in rational formula
[constr_1026] Compatibility of Units
[constr_1029] ConstantSpecificationMapping and ConstantSpecification
[constr_1033] Communication scenarios for sender/receiver communication
[constr_1035] Recursive definition of CompositionSwComponentType
[constr_1036] Connect kinds of PortInterfaces
[constr_1037] Client shall not be connected to multiple servers
[constr_1038] Reference to ApplicationError

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Number Heading
[constr_1039] Relevance of swImplPolicy
[constr_1040] Conversion of SenderReceiverInterfaces
[constr_1041] Conversion of ClientServerInterfaces
[constr_1043] PortInterface vs. ComSpec
[constr_1044] Applicability of DataFilter
[constr_1045] Supported value encodings for SwBaseType in the context of PortInterfaces
[constr_1046] Applicability of [constr_1045]
[constr_1047] Compatibility of ApplicationPrimitiveDataTypes
[constr_1048] Compatibility of ApplicationRecordDataTypes
[constr_1049] Compatibility of ApplicationArrayDataTypes
[constr_1050] Compatibility of ImplementationDataTypes
[constr_1051] Compatibility of SwDataDefProps
[constr_1052] Compatibility of Units
[constr_1053] Compatibility of PhysicalDimensions
[constr_1054] No DataConstr available at the provider
[constr_1055] ImplementationDataType has category VALUE
[constr_1056] ImplementationDataType has category TYPE_REFERENCE
[constr_1057] ImplementationDataType has category DATA_REFERENCE
[constr_1058] ImplementationDataType has category FUNCTION_REFERENCE
[constr_1059] Compatibility of data types with category VALUE
[constr_1060] Compatibility of data types with category ARRAY, VAL_BLK
[constr_1061] Compatibility of data types with category STRUCTURE
[constr_1063] Compatibility of data types with category BOOLEAN
Compatibility of data types with category COM_AXIS, RES_AXIS, CURVE, MAP,
[constr_1066] Forbidden mappings to ImplementationDataType
Compatibility of VariableDataPrototypes or ParameterDataPrototypes
typed by primitive data types
Compatibility of PortPrototypes of different DataInterfaces in the context of
Compatibility of PortPrototypes of different DataInterfaces in the context of
[constr_1071] compatibility of ParameterDataPrototype and VariableDataPrototype
Compatibility of ModeSwitchInterfaces in the context of an
Compatibility of ModeSwitchInterfaces in the context of an
[constr_1074] Compatibility of ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes
[constr_1075] Compatibility of ModeDeclarationGroups
[constr_1076] Compatibility of ArgumentDataPrototypes

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
[constr_1077] Compatibility of ApplicationErrors
[constr_1078] Compatibility of ClientServerOperations
Compatibility of ClientServerInterfaces in the context of an
Compatibility of ClientServerInterfaces in the context of an
Compatibility of TriggerInterfaces in the context of an
Compatibility of TriggerInterfaces in the context of an
[constr_1083] Compatibility of Triggers
[constr_1084] delegation of a provided outer PortPrototype
[constr_1086] SwConnector between two specific PortPrototypes
[constr_1087] AssemblySwConnector inside CompositionSwComponentType
[constr_1088] DelegationSwConnector inside CompositionSwComponentType
[constr_1092] ParameterSwComponentType
[constr_1093] Definition of textual strings
[constr_1095] Values of nDataSets vs. reliability
[constr_1096] SwcModeSwitchEvent and WaitPoint
[constr_1097] RunnableEntity that has a WaitPoint
[constr_1098] Mode switch and mode disabling
[constr_1100] Unconnected RPortPrototype typed by a DataInterface
[constr_1101] Mode-related communication
[constr_1102] ApplicationError in the scope of one SwComponentType
[constr_1103] NonqueuedReceiverComSpec and enableUpdate
[constr_1104] Trigger sink and trigger source
[constr_1105] Value of arraySize
[constr_1106] Structure shall have at least one element
[constr_1107] Union shall have at least one element
[constr_1108] Value of ApplicationError.errorCode
Mapping of SwComponentPrototypes typed by a
[constr_1111] Constraints of dataId in PROFILE_01
[constr_1112] Constraints of dataIdMode in PROFILE_01
[constr_1113] Existence of attributes in PROFILE_01
[constr_1114] Constraints of crcOffset in PROFILE_01
[constr_1115] Constraints of counterOffset in PROFILE_01
[constr_1116] Constraints of dataLength in PROFILE_01
[constr_1117] Constraints of maxDeltaCounterInit in PROFILE_01
[constr_1118] Existence of attributes in PROFILE_02

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[constr_1119] Constraints of dataLength in PROFILE_02
[constr_1120] Constraints of dataId in PROFILE_02
[constr_1121] Constraints of maxDeltaCounterInit in PROFILE_02
[constr_1126] Compatibility of DataConstrs
Queue length of ClientServerOperations associated with the same
[constr_1129] swImplPolicy and NonqueuedReceiverComSpec
[constr_1130] swImplPolicy and QueuedReceiverComSpec
[constr_1131] swImplPolicy and NonqueuedSenderComSpec
[constr_1132] swImplPolicy and QueuedSenderComSpec
[constr_1134] Allowed structure of TEXTTABLE
[constr_1135] Limit of vt in BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE
[constr_1137] Applicability of ParameterInterface
[constr_1138] assignedPort and DiagEventDebounceMonitorInternal
assignedPort of DiagEventDebounceMonitorInternal shall refer to an
[constr_1140] Combination of invalidValue with the attribute handleInvalid
[constr_1141] Applicability of the scope attribute
[constr_1142] category of CompuMethod shall not be extended
SensorActuatorSwComponentType, EcuAbstractionSwComponentType,
and ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponentType may only reference a HwType
[constr_1146] Applicability of a symbol for a CompuScale in C code
[constr_1147] Standardized values for the attribute category of meta-class PortGroup
PortInterfaces of PortPrototypes used to connect to
[constr_1149] PortPrototypes used for NV data management
[constr_1150] Usage of valueType for PortDefinedArgumentValue
[constr_1151] Applicability of PortInterfaceMapping
[constr_1153] Applicability of compatibility requirements for CompuScales

[constr_1154] Compatibility of CompuScales for sender-receiver communication and similar use

[constr_1155] Compatibility of CompuScales for client-server communication
[constr_1156] Relevance of “names” of CompuScales
Applicable categorys for attribute ImplementationDataType.

[constr_1159] Consistency of VariableAndParameterInterfaceMapping with respect to the

referenced DataInterfaces
[constr_1161] Applicability of the attribute Ref.index
[constr_1162] Compatibility of SwRecordLayouts
[constr_1163] Compatibility of CompuMethods
[constr_1164] Number of arguments owned by a RunnableEntity

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Number Heading
[constr_1165] Applicability of RunnableEntityArgument
[constr_1166] Restrictions of ModeRequestTypeMap
ImplementationDataTypes used as ModeRequestTypeMap.
[constr_1168] Compatibility of ImplementationDataTypes used in the ModeRequestTypeMap
[constr_1169] Allowed values for Trigger.swImplPolicy
Allowed values of SwCalibrationAccessEnum for
[constr_1173] Applicability of AutosarParameterRef referencing a VariableDataPrototype
PortInterfaces used in the context of CompositionSwComponentTypes
cannot refer to AUTOSAR services
[constr_1175] Depending on its category, CompuMethod shall refer to a unit
[constr_1176] Compatibility of CompuScales of category LINEAR and RAT_FUNC
[constr_1177] Allowed targetCategory for SwPointerTargetProps
Existence of attributes of SwDataDefProps in the context of
Numerical values used in ModeDeclaration.value and
[constr_1182] Allowed values for InternalTriggeringPoint.swImplPolicy
EndToEndProtectionVariablePrototypes aggregated by
Consistency of rootDataPrototype and base in the context of
Consistency of data types in the context of
Consistency of data types in the context of
Compatibility of VariableDataPrototypes or ParameterDataPrototypes
typed by composite data types
[constr_1188] Existence of ReceiverComSpec.replaceWith
[constr_1191] Value of Limit shall yield a numerical value
[constr_1192] Compatibility of “IDENTICAL” to “RAT_FUNC” or “LINEAR”

[constr_1193] ModeDeclaration shall be referenced by at least one ModeTransition in the

role enteredMode
[constr_1194] Identical ModeTransitions
[constr_1195] SwcModeSwitchEvent and the definition of ModeTransition
Existence of networkRepresentation vs.
[constr_1197] Existence of compositeNetworkRepresentation shall be comprehensive
Queued communication is not applicable for dataElements owned by
Supported connections by AssemblySwConnector for PortPrototypes typed
by a SenderReceiverInterface or NvDataInterface

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
Supported connections by DelegationSwConnector for PortPrototypes
typed by a SenderReceiverInterface or NvDataInterface
Supported connections by AssemblySwConnector for PortPrototypes typed
[constr_1204] by a ClientServerInterface, ModeSwitchInterface, or
Supported connections by DelegationSwConnector for PortPrototypes
[constr_1205] typed by a ClientServerInterface, ModeSwitchInterface, or
Mapping of ModeDeclarations of mode user to ModeDeclaration of mode
Mapping of ModeDeclarations of mode user to all ModeDeclarations of mode
[constr_1211] Constraints of maxNoNewOrRepeatedData in PROFILE_01
[constr_1212] Constraints of syncCounterInit in PROFILE_01
[constr_1213] Constraints of maxNoNewOrRepeatedData in PROFILE_02
[constr_1214] Constraints of syncCounterInit in PROFILE_02
[constr_1219] Invalidation depends on the value of swImplPolicy
[constr_1220] Compatibility of SwBaseType
[constr_1221] DataPrototype is typed by an ApplicationPrimitiveDataType

[constr_1222] category of an AutosarDataType used to type a DataPrototype is set to

[constr_1223] DataPrototype is typed by an ApplicationRecordDataType
[constr_1224] DataPrototype is typed by an ApplicationArrayDataType
DataPrototype is typed by an ImplementationDataType that references a
[constr_1226] Applicable range for ExecutableEntityActivationReason.bitPosition
Value of attribute ExecutableEntityActivationReason.bitPosition shall
be unique
RTEEvent that is referenced by a WaitPoint in the role trigger shall not
reference ExecutableEntityActivationReason
[constr_1229] category of ImplementationDataType boils down to VALUE
[constr_1230] ApplicationDataType that qualifies for Integral Primitive Type
[constr_1231] ConsistencyNeeds aggregated by CompositionSwComponentType
[constr_1232] ConsistencyNeeds aggregated by AtomicSwComponentType
[constr_1233] InstantiationTimingEventProps shall only reference TimingEvent
[constr_1234] Value of RunnableEntity.symbol
Scope of mapped ClientServerOperations in the context of a
Scope of mapped ApplicationErrors in the context of a
Consistency of ArgumentDataPrototypes within the context of a

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
[constr_1241] Compound Primitive Data Types and invalidValue
Restriction of invalidValue for ApplicationPrimitiveDataType of
category STRING
[constr_1243] NumericalOrText shall either define vf or vt
[constr_1244] DataPrototypes used in application software shall not be typed by C enums
Consideration of ModeTransitions for the compatibility of
Consistency of firstMode and secondMode in the scope of one
Consistency of ModeDeclarationMappingSet with respect to the referenced
firstModeGroup and secondModeGroup
Compatibility of PortPrototypes of different DataInterfaces in the context of
a PassThroughSwConnector
Compatibility of ModeSwitchInterfaces in the context of a
Compatibility of ClientServerInterfaces in the context of a
Compatibility of PortPrototypes of TriggerInterfaces in the context of a
[constr_1252] Creation of a loop involving a PassThroughSwConnector is not allowed
[constr_1253] Supported usage of VariationPointProxy
[constr_1254] Definition of a pointer to a pointer
[constr_1255] ApplicationPrimitiveDataTypes of category BOOLEAN and STRING
[constr_1256] Acknowledgement feedback in n:1 writer case
[constr_1257] No WaitPoints allowed
[constr_1258] Value of minimumStartInterval for RunnableEntitys triggered by an
Aggregation of AsynchronousServerCallPoint and
[constr_1260] No mode disabling for InitEvents
[constr_1261] Applicability for EndToEndDescription.dataIdNibbleOffset
[constr_1263] Existence of ModeErrorBehavior.defaultMode
[constr_1264] Iteration along output axis is only supported for VALUE and VAL_BLK
ArgumentDataPrototype.direction shall be preserved in a
Number of arguments shall be preserved in a
ArgumentDataPrototype shall be mapped only once in a
RecordValueSpecification.fields shall be identical to the number of
RecordValueSpecification.fields shall be identical to the number of
subElements of ImplementationDataType of category STRUCTURE

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
Rules for the initialization of ApplicationArrayDataType by means of
Rules for the initialization of array-shaped ImplementationDataType with a
fixed size by means of ArrayValueSpecification
SwDataDefProps.swImplPolicy of a VariableDataPrototype referenced
by a VariableAccess aggregated in the role dataReceivePointByValue
[constr_1278] PhysConstrs references a Unit
Unmapped elements of ApplicationCompositeDataTypes or
ImplementationDataTypes and the attribute swImplPolicy
[constr_1280] Unmapped dataElement on the “target” end shall have an initValue
Restriction concerning the usage of RuleBasedValueSpecification or a
ReferenceValueSpecification for the specification of an invalidValue
[constr_1284] Limitation of the use of TextValueSpecification
[constr_1285] Applicability of roles vs. PortPrototypes
serverArgumentImplPolicy and ArgumentDataPrototype typed by
primitive data types
Compatibility of SenderReceiverInterfaces with respect to
Allowed Attributes vs. category for DataPrototypes typed by
Allowed Attributes vs. category for DataPrototypes typed by
Limitation on the number of PPortComSpecs in the context of one
Limitation on the number of RPortComSpecs in the context of one
Limitation on the number of RPortComSpecs/PPortComSpecs in the context of
one PRPortPrototype
[constr_1295] PortInterfaces and category DATA_REFERENCE
DataPrototypes used as explicitInterRunnableVariable or
implicitInterRunnableVariable and category DATA_REFERENCE
Existence of attributes if category of a ModeDeclarationGroup is set to
Existence of attributes if category of a ModeDeclarationGroup is set to other
Primitive DataPrototype on the “source” end shall not be mapped to element of a
composite data type on the “target” end of the SwConnector
Existence of RoleBasedDataTypeAssignment.role vs.
[constr_1302] Restriction of data invalidation
Applicability of TextTableMapping depending on the value of CompuMethod.
[constr_1304] Existence of attribute bitfieldTextTableMaskFirst

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Number Heading
[constr_1305] Existence of attribute bitfieldTextTableMaskSecond
Limitation of TextTableMapping for CompuMethods that have the value of
category set to BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE
[constr_1307] Consistency of values and masks in TextTableMapping
[constr_1308] Existence of NvBlockNeeds.cyclicWritingPeriod
[constr_1309] Existence of NvBlockDescriptor.timingEvent
[constr_1310] Existence of attributes of meta-class NvBlockNeeds
Appearance of safety-related possible values of MemorySection.option or
[constr_1312] PortPrototypes typed by a ParameterInterface

[constr_1313] Completeness of TextTableMapping for the values of a given bit mask on the
sender side
[constr_1314] Profile VSA_LINEAR for ApplicationArrayDataType
[constr_1315] Profile VSA_SQUARE for ApplicationArrayDataType
[constr_1316] Profile VSA_RECTANGULAR for ApplicationArrayDataType
[constr_1317] Profile VSA_FULLY_FLEXIBLE for ApplicationArrayDataType
[constr_1318] Profile VSA_LINEAR for ImplementationDataType
[constr_1319] Profile VSA_SQUARE for ImplementationDataType
[constr_1320] Profile VSA_RECTANGULAR for ImplementationDataType
[constr_1321] Profile VSA_FULLY_FLEXIBLE for ImplementationDataType
[constr_1322] Size Indicator for undefined dynamicArraySizeProfile
[constr_1363] Existence of attributes of DiagnosticValueNeeds
[constr_1364] Existence of attributes of DiagnosticIoControlNeeds
[constr_1375] Existence of attributes of CompuMethod and related meta-classes
Appearance of core-related possible values of MemorySection.option or
Mutually exclusive existence of attributes SwVariableRefProxy.
autosarVariable vs. SwVariableRefProxy.mcDataInstanceVar
Existence of CompuMethod and DataConstr for ImplementationDataTypes
of category TYPE_REFERENCE
Definition of invalidValue for DataPrototype typed by
[constr_1384] ApplicationPrimitiveDataType of category CURVE, MAP, CUBOID,
[constr_1385] DataPrototype is typed by an ImplementationDataType
PortDefinedArgumentValue shall only be defined for
VariationPointProxy of category VALUE shall not mix “pre-build” and
“post-build” use-cases
Restriction regarding the value of category of VariationPointProxy.

[constr_1390] Restriction to the value of SenderReceiverInterface.invalidationPolicy.


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Number Heading
Compatibility of Units in the context of assignment using an
Compatibility of Units in the context of assignment using an
[constr_1393] Existence of RuleBasedValueCont.unit
[constr_1395] NvBlockDataMapping shall be complete
Restriction for the value of attribute category for non-terminating
[constr_1396] ImplementationDataTypeElements taken to model a Variable-Size
Array Data Type
[constr_1397] Existence of attributes of TransformerHardErrorEvent
[constr_1398] Existence of attributes of BaseTypeDirectDefinition
[constr_1399] Standardized values of ModeDeclarationGroup.category
[constr_1400] Reference to a specific DataTransformation
Restrictions on the relation between DataPrototypeMapping and
Applicability of core-related possible values of MemorySection.option or
[constr_1402] SwAddrMethod.option related to SwAddrMethod.
[constr_1403] NvBlockDataMappings to a given nvData shall be unambiguous
All NvDataInterface.nvData of PortPrototypes in the context of a specific
SwcServiceDependency shall be mapped to the same NvBlockDescriptor
Definition of SwDataDefProps.dataConstr depending on the capabilities of the
data type
Definition of SwDataDefProps.displayFormat depending on the capabilities of
the data type
Definition of SwDataDefProps.dataConstr depending on the capabilities of the
element data type
Definition of SwDataDefProps.displayFormat depending on the capabilities of
the element data type
Definition of SwDataDefProps.stepSize depending on the capabilities of the
data type
Definition of SwDataDefProps.stepSize depending on the capabilities of the
element data type
[constr_1415] Supported values of ModeSwitchEventTriggeredActivity.role
[constr_1416] Existence of ApplicationArrayElement.maxNumberOfElements
Invalid connection between NvBlockSwComponentType and other
AtomicSwComponentType (I)
Invalid connection between NvBlockSwComponentType and other
AtomicSwComponentType (II)
[constr_1420] Existence of SwAxisIndividual.inputVariableType
[constr_1422] Value of category is VOID
Completeness of references

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
Existence of ArVariableInImplementationDataInstanceRef.
Definition of swCalprmAxisSet.swCalprmAxis / SwAxisIndividual.
swVariableRef depending on the capabilities of the data type
[constr_1426] Consistency of array sizes for axes and input variable array
Definition of swCalprmAxisSet.swCalprmAxis / SwAxisGrouped.
swCalprmRef depending on the capabilities of the data type
Consistency of array sizes for arrays of elements of category CURVE, MAP,
CUBOID, CUBE_4, or CUBE_5 arrays and used group axes arrays
[constr_1429] Access to data within PortPrototypes from within RunnableEntitys
[constr_1430] Access to local data from within RunnableEntitys
[constr_1431] Access to parameters from within RunnableEntitys
[constr_1432] Multiplicity of CommunicationBufferLocking
[constr_1433] Transient faults are not applicable to software-components
[constr_1434] CompuScales shall not have identical CompuScale Value Symbolic Names
ApplicationArrayElement.indexDataType needs to refer to a
CompuMethod of category TEXTTABLE

[constr_1439] Requirements on ApplicationArrayElement if attribute indexDataType

Size of the CompuMethod of category TEXTTABLE referenced by
category TYPE_REFERENCE shall not be used for modeling the “payload” of a
Wrapped Union Data Type
[constr_1444] Limited applicability of Wrapped Union Data Type
[constr_1445] Initialization of the Member Selector of a Wrapped Union Data Type
[constr_1446] No definition of invalidValue for a Wrapped Union Data Type
[constr_1468] Limitation on the number of SwcExclusiveAreaPolicys
[constr_1469] Applicability of constraints depending on the existence of a data transformation
Completeness of references
[constr_1516] ArParameterInImplementationDataInstanceRef.
Existence of ArParameterInImplementationDataInstanceRef.
Consistency of data types in the context of
[constr_1519] Existence of attributes vs. category of ApplicationValueSpecification
[constr_1520] Semantics of ObdRatioServiceNeeds.rateBasedMonitoredEvent
Reference from AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent to
[constr_1523] No mode disabling for OperationInvokedEvents
[constr_1538] Restriction for ReceiverComSpec.dataElement
[constr_1539] Restriction for SenderComSpec.dataElement

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Number Heading
[constr_1540] Existence of ClientComSpec.operation
[constr_1541] Existence of ServerComSpec.operation
[constr_1544] Modeling of SwAxisGeneric for the definition of a fix axis
[constr_1545] No initialization for fix axis
PortInterfaceMapping for DataPrototype typed by Compound Primitive
Data Type
Definition of SwDataDefProps.displayPresentation depending on the
capabilities of the data type
Definition of SwDataDefProps.displayPresentation depending on the
capabilities of the element
[constr_1607] Only Wrapped Union Data Types in PortInterface
[constr_1608] Existence of rootParameterDataPrototype
[constr_1609] Existence of rootVariableDataPrototype

[constr_1610] Existence of SwDataDefProps.swValueBlockSize and SwDataDefProps.

[constr_1622] Value of TimingEvent.offset vs. TimingEvent.period

[constr_1631] Applicability of DataPrototypeMapping.

[constr_1632] Restriction for firstToSecondDataTransformation and
Allowed combinations of ApplicationDataType.category vs. CompuMethod.
[constr_1635] Relevance of attribute isOptional
[constr_1636] Mapping of data types that represent an Optional Element Structure
Existence of ImplementationDataTypeElement.isOptional vs.
First ImplementationDataTypeElement of ImplementationDataType that
represents an Optional Element Structure
[constr_1639] ImplementationDataTypeElement with attribute isOptional set to True

[constr_1640] No use of Optional Element Structure for interaction with the diagnostic
Compatibility of ApplicationRecordDataType and
[constr_1662] ImplementationDataType that both represent an Optional Element
Existence of attribute RoleBasedDataAssignment.usedDataElement.
[constr_1679] localVariable for RoleBasedDataAssignment.role =
Existence of attribute RoleBasedDataAssignment.usedDataElement.
[constr_1680] localVariable for RoleBasedDataAssignment.role =
Existence of attribute RoleBasedDataAssignment.usedDataElement.
[constr_1681] localVariable for RoleBasedDataAssignment.role =

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Number Heading
Existence of attribute RoleBasedDataAssignment.usedDataElement.
localVariable for RoleBasedDataAssignment.role = V2xFacVdp
Existence of attribute RoleBasedDataAssignment.usedDataElement.
[constr_1683] localVariable for RoleBasedDataAssignment.role =
Existence of attribute RoleBasedDataAssignment.usedDataElement.
[constr_1684] localVariable for RoleBasedDataAssignment.role =
Existence of attribute RoleBasedDataAssignment.usedDataElement.
[constr_1685] localVariable for RoleBasedDataAssignment.role =
Existence of attribute RoleBasedDataAssignment.usedDataElement.
[constr_1686] localVariable for RoleBasedDataAssignment.role =
[constr_1694] Allowed target of SwDataDefProps.implementationDataType
[constr_1706] Definition of initial value for data transmission
[constr_1712] Existence of attribute ArrayValueSpecification.
NvBlockDescriptor.writingStrategy.usedDataElement shall refer to
AutosarDataPrototype shall only be referenced by a single
[constr_1715] Possible values of attribute NvBlockDescriptor.writingStrategy.role

[constr_1716] Consistency of attribute NvBlockDescriptor.writingStrategy.role set to

[constr_1717] Consistency of attribute NvBlockDescriptor.writingStrategy.role set to
[constr_1718] Inheritance of SwDataDefProps.dataConstr from an array data type to the array
Inheritance of SwDataDefProps.displayFormat from an array data type to the
array elements

[constr_1720] Inheritance of SwDataDefProps.stepSize from an array data type to the array

[constr_1724] Usage of attribute ClientServerOperation.diagArgIntegrity
[constr_1726] Ordering of MetaDataItemSet.metaDataItem
Limitation of the aggregation of AutosarVariableRef in the context of an
NvBlockDataMapping owned by a BulkNvDataDescriptor
Restriction to explicit sending semantics for the usage of DataServices in the
[constr_1741] context of a SwcServiceDependency that aggregates DiagnosticValueNeeds
that in turn is referenced by a DiagnosticIoControlNeeds
[constr_1754] Aggregation of NumericalRuleBasedValueSpecification
[constr_1755] Aggregation of CompositeRuleBasedValueSpecification
[constr_1771] Existence of SwValueCont.unit
[constr_1773] Value of attribute dataSendPoint.returnValueProvision

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
[constr_1774] Value of attribute dataReceivePointByArgument.returnValueProvision
[constr_1775] Value of attribute serverCallPoint.returnValueProvision
[constr_1776] Value of attribute asynchronousServerCallResultPoint.
[constr_1777] Value of attribute externalTriggeringPoint.returnValueProvision
[constr_1778] Value of attribute modeSwitchPoint.returnValueProvision
[constr_1779] Scope of the definition of an AbstractRuleBasedValueSpecification
[constr_1783] Existence of attribute ImplementationDataTypeElement.arrayImplPolicy
[constr_1860] Multiplicity of DelegationSwConnector.innerPort
[constr_1861] Multiplicity of DelegationSwConnector.outerPort
[constr_1862] Multiplicity of PassThroughSwConnector.requiredOuterPort
[constr_1863] Multiplicity of PassThroughSwConnector.providedOuterPort
[constr_1864] Multiplicity of InstantiationRTEEventProps.refinedEvent
[constr_1865] Existence of InvalidationPolicy.dataElement
[constr_1866] Existence of MetaDataItem.length
[constr_1867] Existence of MetaDataItem.metaDataItemType
[constr_1868] Existence of MetaDataItemSet.dataElement
[constr_1869] Existence of attribute ArgumentDataPrototype.direction
[constr_1870] Existence of attribute ApplicationError.errorCode
[constr_1871] Existence of attribute ModeRequestTypeMap.implementationDataType
[constr_1872] Existence of attribute ModeRequestTypeMap.modeGroup
Existence of attribute DataTransformation.
[constr_1889] Existence of attribute QueuedReceiverComSpec.queueLength
[constr_1891] Existence of attribute NonqueuedReceiverComSpec.initValue
[constr_1892] Existence of attribute TransmissionAcknowledgementRequest.timeout
[constr_1895] Existence of attribute ModeSwitchSenderComSpec.modeGroup
[constr_1896] Existence of attribute ModeSwitchReceiverComSpec.modeGroup
[constr_1897] Existence of reference ParameterProvideComSpec.parameter
[constr_1898] Existence of reference ParameterRequireComSpec.parameter
[constr_1899] Existence of reference NvRequireComSpec.variable
[constr_1900] Existence of reference NvProvideComSpec.variable
[constr_1901] Existence of attribute EndToEndDescription.category
[constr_1902] Existence of attribute EndToEndProtection.endToEndProfile
[constr_1903] Existence of reference DataTypeMap.applicationDataType
[constr_1904] Existence of reference DataTypeMap.implementationDataType
[constr_1905] Existence of attribute SwTextProps.arraySizeSemantics
[constr_1906] Existence of attribute SwTextProps.swMaxTextSize
[constr_1909] Existence of attribute ImplementationProps.symbol
[constr_1910] Existence of attribute BaseType.baseTypeDefinition

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
Existence of ArVariableInImplementationDataInstanceRef.
Existence of reference ArParameterInImplementationDataInstanceRef.
[constr_1913] Existence of attribute CompuRationalCoeffs.compuDenominator
[constr_1914] Existence of attribute CompuRationalCoeffs.compuNumerator
Existence of attribute PhysicalDimensionMapping.
Existence of attribute PhysicalDimensionMapping.
[constr_1917] Existence of ConstantSpecification.valueSpec
[constr_1918] Existence of RecordValueSpecification.field
[constr_1919] Existence of TextValueSpecification.value
[constr_1920] Existence of NumericalValueSpecification.value
[constr_1921] Existence of ReferenceValueSpecification.referenceValue
[constr_1923] Existence of RuleBasedAxisCont.ruleBasedValues
[constr_1924] Existence of RuleBasedValueCont.ruleBasedValues
[constr_1925] Existence of NumericalRuleBasedValueSpecification.ruleBasedValues
[constr_1926] Existence of RuleBasedValueSpecification.rule
[constr_1927] Existence of RuleBasedValueSpecification.arguments
[constr_1928] Existence of CompositeRuleBasedValueSpecification.rule
[constr_1929] Existence of CompositeRuleBasedValueSpecification.argument
[constr_1930] Existence of ConstantReference.constant
[constr_1931] Existence of ConstantSpecificationMapping.applConstant
[constr_1932] Existence of ConstantSpecificationMapping.implConstant
[constr_1933] Existence of CalibrationParameterValue.initializedParameter
Existence of attribute SwcInternalBehavior.
[constr_1936] Existence of attribute RunnableEntity.symbol
[constr_1938] Existence of attribute RunnableEntityArgument.symbol
[constr_1939] Existence of attribute ExecutableEntityActivationReason.bitPosition
[constr_1940] Existence of attribute AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent.eventSource
[constr_1941] Existence of attribute DataSendCompletedEvent.eventSource
[constr_1942] Existence of attribute DataWriteCompletedEvent.eventSource
[constr_1943] Existence of attribute DataReceivedEvent.data
[constr_1944] Existence of attribute DataReceiveErrorEvent.data
[constr_1945] Existence of attribute OperationInvokedEvent.operation
[constr_1952] Existence of reference WaitPoint.trigger
[constr_1954] Existence of attribute VariableAccess.accessedVariable
[constr_1955] Existence of attribute ServerCallPoint.operation
[constr_1956] Existence of attribute ServerCallPoint.timeout

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
Existence of attribute AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint.
[constr_1958] Existence of attribute ParameterAccess.accessedParameter
[constr_1959] Existence of attribute InstantiationDataDefProps.swDataDefProps
[constr_1960] Existence of attribute PortAPIOption.port
[constr_1964] Existence of attribute PerInstanceMemory.type
[constr_1965] Existence of attribute PerInstanceMemory.typeDefinition
[constr_1973] Existence of attribute ModeDeclarationGroup.initialMode
[constr_1974] Existence of attribute ModeDeclarationGroup.modeDeclaration
Compatibility of ClientServerOperations triggering the same

[constr_2002] Referenced VariableDataPrototype from AutosarVariableRef of

VariableAccess in role dataReadAccess
[constr_2003] Referenced VariableDataPrototype from AutosarVariableRef of
VariableAccess in role dataWriteAccess
[constr_2004] Referenced VariableDataPrototype from AutosarVariableRef of
VariableAccess in role dataSendPoint
Referenced VariableDataPrototype from AutosarVariableRef of
[constr_2005] VariableAccess in role dataReceivePointByValue or
Number of AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint referencing to one
[constr_2007] Consistency of typeDefinition attribute
[constr_2009] Supported kinds of PortPrototypes of a NvBlockSwComponentType
Connections between SwComponentPrototypes of type
[constr_2012] Compatibility of ImplementationDataTypes used for ramBlock and romBlock
[constr_2013] Compatibility of ImplementationDataTypes for NvBlockDataMapping
[constr_2015] Limitation of SwcInternalBehavior of a NvBlockSwComponentType
Connections between SwComponentPrototypes of type
[constr_2017] Ports of ServiceProxySwComponentTypes
[constr_2018] Supported remote communication of a ServiceProxySwComponentType
[constr_2019] ServiceSwComponentType shall have service ports only
[constr_2020] dataReadAccess can not be used for queued communication

[constr_2021] WaitPoint referencing a DataReceivedEvent can not be used for non-queued

Mutually exclusive use of SynchronousServerCallPoints and
[constr_2023] Consistency of timeout values
[constr_2024] enableTakeAddress is restricted to single instantiation

[constr_2026] Referenced VariableDataPrototype from AutosarVariableRef of

VariableAccess in role writtenLocalVariable and readLocalVariable

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
[constr_2027] SwcServiceDependency shall be defined for service ports only
[constr_2028] staticMemory is restricted to single instantiation
AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint combined with WaitPoint shall
belong to the same RunnableEntity
[constr_2031] Period of TimingEvent shall be greater than 0
[constr_2033] Timeout of DataSendCompletedEvent
SwAddrMethod referenced by RunnableEntitys, BswCalledEntitys, or
[constr_2035] swImplPolicy for VariableDataPrototype in SenderReceiverInterface
[constr_2036] swImplPolicy for VariableDataPrototype in NvDataInterface
[constr_2037] swImplPolicy for VariableDataPrototype in the role ramBlock
swImplPolicy for VariableDataPrototype in the role
swImplPolicy for VariableDataPrototype in the role
swImplPolicy for VariableDataPrototype in the role
[constr_2041] swImplPolicy for VariableDataPrototype in the role staticMemory
[constr_2042] swImplPolicy for ParameterDataPrototype in ParameterInterface
[constr_2043] swImplPolicy for ParameterDataPrototype in the role romBlock
[constr_2044] swImplPolicy for ParameterDataPrototype in the role sharedParameter
swImplPolicy for ParameterDataPrototype in the role
[constr_2046] swImplPolicy for ParameterDataPrototype in the role constantMemory
[constr_2047] swImplPolicy for ArgumentDataPrototype
[constr_2048] swImplPolicy for SwServiceArg
[constr_2049] Different ModeDeclarationGroups shall have different shortNames.
[constr_2050] Mandatory information of a SwAxisCont
[constr_2051] Mandatory information of a SwValueCont

[constr_2052] Values of swArraysize and the number of values provided by swValuesPhys

shall be consistent.
Consistency between role IUMPRNumerator and ObdRatioServiceNeeds.
[constr_2054] Valid targets of rptSystem
[constr_2055] Valid targets of byPassPoint and rptHook reference
Consistency of RapidPrototypingScenario with respect to rptSystem and
rptArHook references
[constr_2057] Mandatory information of a RuleBasedAxisCont
[constr_2058] Mandatory information of a RuleBasedValueCont
Target of an autosarParameter in AutosarParameterRef shall refer to a

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
[constr_2536] Target of an autosarVariable in AutosarVariableRef shall refer to a variable
[constr_2544] Limits need to be consistent
[constr_2545] invalidValue shall fit in the specified ranges
[constr_2548] Data constraint of value axis shall match
[constr_2549] Units of input axis shall be consistent
[constr_2550] Units of value axis shall be consistent
[constr_2561] Application of DataConstrRule.constrLevel
[constr_4002] Unambiguous mapping of modes to data types
[constr_4003] Semantics of SwcModeSwitchEvent
[constr_4004] Context of SenderReceiverAnnotation
[constr_4005] Context of ClientServerAnnotation
[constr_4006] Context of ParameterPortAnnotation
[constr_4007] Context of ModePortAnnotation
[constr_4008] Context of TriggerPortAnnotation
[constr_4009] Context of NvDataPortAnnotation
[constr_4012] Timeout of ModeSwitchedAckEvent
[constr_4082] RunnableEntity.reentrancyLevel shall not be set.
[constr_10005] Existence of attribute NotAvailableValueSpecification.defaultPattern

[constr_10006] Valid interval of attribute NotAvailableValueSpecification.

[constr_10009] Aggregation of ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification
[constr_10016] Applicability of OsTaskExecutionEvent
[constr_10017] Existence of attribute SwAxisCont.category
[constr_10018] Existence of attribute SwAxisCont.swAxisIndex
[constr_10019] Existence of attribute SwAxisCont.swValuesPhys
[constr_10028] Existence of reference stereotyped isOfType
Table C.71: Changed Constraints in R21-11

C.14.6 Deleted Constraints in R21-11

Number Heading
[constr_1001] Value of dataId shall be unique
[constr_1008] Applicability of categorys STRUCTURE and ARRAY
[constr_1027] Types for record layouts
ParameterSwComponentType references
NvBlockSwComponentType references

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Software Component Template

Number Heading
[constr_1143] category of AutosarDataType shall not be extended
[constr_1157] Applicability of constraints of CompuScales
[constr_1160] Size of Compound Primitive Data Type is variant
[constr_1281] invalidValue is inside the scope of the compuMethod
[constr_1283] invalidValue is outside the scope of the compuMethod
[constr_4000] Local communication of mode switches
[constr_4035] ValueSpecification shall fit into data type
Table C.72: Deleted Constraints in R21-11

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Software Component Template

D Modeling of InstanceRef

D.1 Introduction
The existence of so-called InstanceRefs is a direct consequence of the usage of the
type-prototype pattern for modeling within AUTOSAR. When referencing a pro-
totype, it is also necessary to include a reference to the prototypes typed by their
corresponding types that in turn aggregate further prototypes to set up the context.
In other words, InstanceRefs are representing structured references that, on the
one hand, consist of references to context prototypes (indicated by a subsetting or
redefinition of atpContextElement) and finally a reference to the applicable target
prototype (indicated by a redefinition of atpTarget).
Note that it is not uncommon to have more than a single context in the modeling of
particular InstanceRefs.
For the reader of specifications, the modeling of InstanceRefs manifests as a UML
dependency stereotyped instanceRef drawn from one meta-class to another.
This is a simplified indication that the source of the dependency implements an In-
stanceRef to the meta-class at the target of the dependency.
Again, in most cases this is everything a reader needs to understand in order to fig-
ure out the modeling. The formal modeling of InstanceRefs is done by creating
subclasses of the abstract meta-class AtpInstanceRef.
Wherever a more detailed understanding of the modeling is advised in the context of
the specific chapter of this document, the modeling of a specific subclass of AtpIn-
stanceRef is explained directly in the context of the corresponding chapter.
In all other cases, a deeper understanding of the modeling of particular subclasses of
AtpInstanceRefs can be obtained from reading this chapter.
Class tables included in this chapter are not fully filled out in the sense that most of the
notes inside the class tables are missing. The primary purpose of these class tables
is to provide information about the intended order in which InstanceRefs are
serialized in M1 AUTOSAR models.
In particular, the information about the order in serialized M1 models can be obtained
from the value of the tag xml.sequenceOffset of each attribute of an InstanceRef
For more information about the general concept of modeling AtpInstanceRef (e.g.
the conceptual background of redefining or subsetting an association from a subclass
of AtpInstanceRef to other meta-classes) please refer to [11].

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Software Component Template

D.2 Modeling

D.2.1 Components and Compositions


+port 0..*

«instance... AtpBlueprintable
AtpInstanceRef AtpPrototype

+/base 0..1 0..1 +contextPort

{redefines {subsets
    atpBase} atpContextElement}

VariableInAtomicSwcInstanceRef AbstractRequiredPortPrototype AbstractProvidedPortPrototype


+abstractTargetDataElement {redefines atpTarget}

RPortPrototype PRPortPrototype PPortPrototype
+ mayBeUnconnected: Boolean [0..1]

+dataElement 0..*
«isOfType» «isOfType»
0..1 0..1
{redefines 0..1 {redefines
+requiredInterface atpType} +providedRequiredInterface {redefines atpType} +providedInterface atpType}

+ isService: Boolean [0..1]

+ serviceKind: ServiceProviderEnum [0..1]

Figure D.1: Abstract modeling of references to VariableDataPrototype in the context

of a AtomicSwComponentType

Class VariableInAtomicSwcInstanceRef (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components::InstanceRefs
Base ARObject, AtpInstanceRef
Subclasses RVariableInAtomicSwcInstanceRef
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
abstractTarget VariableDataPrototype 0..1 ref Stereotypes: atpAbstract
DataElement Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=30
base AtomicSwComponent 0..1 ref Stereotypes: atpDerived
Type Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=10

969 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class VariableInAtomicSwcInstanceRef (abstract)
contextPort PortPrototype 0..1 ref Stereotypes: atpAbstract

Table D.1: VariableInAtomicSwcInstanceRef

Please note the example of how the redefinition of the context association works, i.e.
the association from VariableInAtomicSwcInstanceRef to PortPrototype in
the role contextPort is redefined by the subclass RVariableInAtomicSwcIn-
stanceRef by means of an association to RPortPrototype in the role contextR-
AtpInstanceRef AtpBlueprintable
+contextPort AtpPrototype

RVariableInAtomicSwcInstanceRef AbstractRequiredPortPrototype

+data 0..1 +data 0..1 {redefines contextPort}



DataReceiveErrorEvent DataReceivedEvent
{redefines atpTarget}



+data 0..1 0..1


Figure D.2: Concrete modeling of references to VariableDataPrototype in the context

of an RPortPrototype

The effect of this modeling is that the general relationship to PortPrototype is al-
ready established by VariableInAtomicSwcInstanceRef on an abstract level but
actually it never makes the generated XML Schema because it is redefined by a sub-
class. In other words, the redefinition replaces the original association as far as the
generation algorithm for the XML Schema is concerned.
For clarification, the interpretation of the values of xml.sequenceOffset in this par-
ticular case is that in the generated XML Schema the contextRPort comes first, fol-
lowed by targetDataElement which concludes the definition of the InstanceRef
in the XML Schema.

970 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

«instanceRef» ARElement AtpBlueprintable

AtpInstanceRef AtpBlueprint +port AtpPrototype
AtpBlueprintable PortPrototype
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*
+/base 0..1
RModeInAtomicSwcInstanceRef AbstractRequiredPortPrototype

+disabledMode *
«atpSplitable» atpContextElement} +contextModeDeclarationGroupPrototype
AtpStructureElement ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype
RTEEvent + swCalibrationAccess: SwCalibrationAccessEnum [0..1]

{redefines 0..1
+disabledMode 0..* atpTarget} +targetModeDeclaration +type {redefines atpType}
AtpStructureElement ARElement
Identifiable AtpBlueprint
ModeDeclaration AtpBlueprintable
+modeDeclaration AtpType
+ value: PositiveInteger [0..1] ModeDeclarationGroup
0..* «atpVariation»
+ onTransitionValue: PositiveInteger [0..1]


Figure D.3: Modeling of references to ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype in the con-

text of an RPortPrototype

Class RVariableInAtomicSwcInstanceRef
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components::InstanceRefs
Base ARObject, AtpInstanceRef , VariableInAtomicSwcInstanceRef
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
contextRPort AbstractRequiredPort 0..1 ref Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=20
targetData VariableDataPrototype 0..1 ref Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=30
Table D.2: RVariableInAtomicSwcInstanceRef

Class RModeInAtomicSwcInstanceRef
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components::InstanceRefs
Base ARObject, AtpInstanceRef
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
base AtomicSwComponent 0..1 ref Stereotypes: atpDerived
Type Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=10
contextMode ModeDeclarationGroup 0..1 ref Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=30
Declaration Prototype

971 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class RModeInAtomicSwcInstanceRef
contextPort AbstractRequiredPort 0..1 ref Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=20
targetMode ModeDeclaration 0..1 ref Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=40
Table D.3: RModeInAtomicSwcInstanceRef

Class InnerPortGroupInCompositionInstanceRef
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components::InstanceRefs
Base ARObject, AtpInstanceRef
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
base CompositionSw 0..1 ref Stereotypes: atpDerived
ComponentType Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=10
context SwComponent * ref Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=20
(ordered) Prototype
target PortGroup 0..1 ref Links a PortGroup in a composition to another PortGroup,
that is defined in a component which is part of this
CompositionSwComponentType. There shall be at most
one innerGroup per contained SwComponentPrototype.

Table D.4: InnerPortGroupInCompositionInstanceRef

AtpInstanceRef «atpDerived» +/base

{redefines atpBase}


+component 0..*

AtpPrototype ARElement
«isOfType» +type
SwComponentPrototype AtpBlueprint
0..1 AtpType
atpType} SwComponentType
+context 0..*
subsets «atpVariation»
+portGroup 0..*

+target Identifiable
{redefines atpTarget}


Figure D.4: Modeling of references to PortGroup in the context of a Composition-


972 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template


+port 0..*

«instanceRef» AtpBlueprintable
AtpInstanceRef AtpPrototype

+/base 0..1 0..1 +contextPort

{redefines {subsets
atpBase} atpContextElement}

«atpDerived» «atpAbstract»

TriggerInAtomicSwcInstanceRef AbstractProvidedPortPrototype AbstractRequiredPortPrototype

+target atpTarget}
ExternalTriggeringPoint PPortPrototype PRPortPrototype RPortPrototype
Identifiable +trigger
Trigger «instanceRef»

+trigger 0..* {redefines atpType}
«isOfType» «isOfType»

0..1 0..1
{redefines {redefines

+providedInterface atpType} +requiredInterface


Figure D.5: Abstract modeling of references to Trigger in the context of a Atomic-


Class TriggerInAtomicSwcInstanceRef (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components::InstanceRefs
Base ARObject, AtpInstanceRef
Subclasses PTriggerInAtomicSwcTypeInstanceRef, RTriggerInAtomicSwcInstanceRef
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
base AtomicSwComponent 0..1 ref Stereotypes: atpDerived
Type Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=10
contextPort PortPrototype 0..1 ref Stereotypes: atpAbstract
target Trigger 0..1 ref Stereotypes: atpAbstract

Table D.5: TriggerInAtomicSwcInstanceRef

973 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

AtpInstanceRef AtpBlueprintable
+contextPort AtpPrototype
«atpAbstract» PortPrototype

RTriggerInAtomicSwcInstanceRef AbstractRequiredPortPrototype

{subsets contextPort}

0..1 ExternalTriggerOccurredEvent
0..1 0..1
atpTarget} +target +targetTrigger target}
Identifiable +trigger «instanceRef»
Trigger 0..1
+ swImplPolicy: SwImplPolicyEnum [0..1]

Figure D.6: Concrete modeling of references to Trigger in the context of an RPortPro-


Class RTriggerInAtomicSwcInstanceRef
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components::InstanceRefs
Base ARObject, AtpInstanceRef , TriggerInAtomicSwcInstanceRef
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
contextRPort AbstractRequiredPort 0..1 ref Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=20
targetTrigger Trigger 0..1 ref Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=30

Table D.6: RTriggerInAtomicSwcInstanceRef

AtpInstanceRef AtpBlueprintable
TriggerInAtomicSwcInstanceRef +contextPort AtpPrototype
{subsets atpContextElement}

PTriggerInAtomicSwcTypeInstanceRef AbstractProvidedPortPrototype

«atpAbstract» 0..1
{subsets contextPort}

0..1 0..1 +trigger 0..1

{redefines {redefines
+target atpTarget} +targetTrigger target}
Identifiable +trigger
0..1 «instanceRef»
+ swImplPolicy: SwImplPolicyEnum [0..1]

Figure D.7: Concrete modeling of references to Trigger in the context of a PPortPro-


974 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class PTriggerInAtomicSwcTypeInstanceRef
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components::InstanceRefs
Base ARObject, AtpInstanceRef , TriggerInAtomicSwcInstanceRef
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
contextPPort AbstractProvidedPort 0..1 ref Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=20
targetTrigger Trigger 0..1 ref Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=30

Table D.7: PTriggerInAtomicSwcTypeInstanceRef

«instanceRef» AtomicSwComponentType AtpBlueprint
AtpInstanceRef AtpBlueprintable

+/base 0..1
{redefines atpBase}    
«atpDerived» «atpVariation,atpSplitable»
+port 0..*

+contextPort AtpPrototype
{subsets atpContextElement}

AbstractProvidedPortPrototype AbstractRequiredPortPrototype

+targetOperation atpTarget}

RPortPrototype PRPortPrototype PPortPrototype

«isOfType» «isOfType»
+operation 0..* «isOfType»
0..1 0..1
{redefines {redefines
«atpVariation» +requiredInterface atpType} +providedRequiredInterface atpType} +providedInterface

ClientServerInterface AtpType

Figure D.8: Abstract modeling of references to ClientServerOperation in the context

of a AtomicSwComponentType

Class OperationInAtomicSwcInstanceRef (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components::InstanceRefs
Base ARObject, AtpInstanceRef
Subclasses POperationInAtomicSwcInstanceRef, ROperationInAtomicSwcInstanceRef
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

975 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class OperationInAtomicSwcInstanceRef (abstract)
base AtomicSwComponent 0..1 ref Stereotypes: atpDerived
Type Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=10
contextPort PortPrototype 0..1 ref Stereotypes: atpAbstract
targetOperation ClientServerOperation 0..1 ref Stereotypes: atpAbstract

Table D.8: OperationInAtomicSwcInstanceRef

AtpInstanceRef AtpBlueprintable
OperationInAtomicSwcInstanceRef +contextPort AtpPrototype

«atpAbstract» PortPrototype
+/base atpBase}

ROperationInAtomicSwcInstanceRef +contextRPort AbstractRequiredPortPrototype

{subsets contextPort}
+operation 0..1


+ timeout: TimeValue [0..1]

0..1 0..1
{redefines {redefines
+operation 0..1 +targetRequiredOperation
+targetOperation atpTarget} targetOperation}

+ diagArgIntegrity: Boolean [0..1]

Figure D.9: Concrete modeling of references to ClientServerOperation in the context

of an RPortPrototype

Class ROperationInAtomicSwcInstanceRef
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components::InstanceRefs
Base ARObject, AtpInstanceRef , OperationInAtomicSwcInstanceRef
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
contextRPort AbstractRequiredPort 0..1 ref Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=20
targetRequired ClientServerOperation 0..1 ref Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=30

Table D.9: ROperationInAtomicSwcInstanceRef

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Software Component Template


+/base 0..1
{redefines atpBase}

AtpInstanceRef AtpBlueprintable
OperationInAtomicSwcInstanceRef +contextPort AtpPrototype

«atpAbstract» PortPrototype
{subsets atpContextElement}


POperationInAtomicSwcInstanceRef AbstractProvidedPortPrototype
OperationInvokedEvent +operation +contextPPort

0..1 0..1
{subsets contextPort}

0..1 «instanceRef» 0..1

{redefines {redefines
+targetOperation atpTarget} 0..1 +operation targetOperation} +targetProvidedOperation


+ diagArgIntegrity: Boolean [0..1]

Figure D.10: Concrete modeling of references to ClientServerOperation in the con-

text of a PPortPrototype

Class POperationInAtomicSwcInstanceRef
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components::InstanceRefs
Base ARObject, AtpInstanceRef , OperationInAtomicSwcInstanceRef
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
contextPPort AbstractProvidedPort 0..1 ref Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=20
targetProvided ClientServerOperation 0..1 ref Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=30

Table D.10: POperationInAtomicSwcInstanceRef

Class RModeGroupInAtomicSWCInstanceRef
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components::InstanceRefs
Base ARObject, AtpInstanceRef , ModeGroupInAtomicSwcInstanceRef
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
contextRPort AbstractRequiredPort 0..1 ref Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=20
targetMode ModeDeclarationGroup 0..1 ref Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=30
Group Prototype

Table D.11: RModeGroupInAtomicSWCInstanceRef

977 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

+contextPort AtpPrototype
«atpAbstract» 0..1
{subsets atpContextElement}

RModeGroupInAtomicSWCInstanceRef AbstractRequiredPortPrototype

«atpAbstract» 0..1
{redefines contextPort}

0..1 0..1
{redefines {redefines
+target atpTarget} +targetModeGroup target}


+ swCalibrationAccess: SwCalibrationAccessEnum [0..1]

Figure D.11: Concrete modeling of references to ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype in

the context of an RPortPrototype

+contextPort AtpPrototype

PModeGroupInAtomicSwcInstanceRef AbstractProvidedPortPrototype

«atpAbstract» 0..1
+modeGroup 0..1
0..1 0..1
{redefines {redefines
+target atpTarget} +targetModeGroup target}

AtpPrototype AbstractAccessPoint
ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype +modeGroup AtpStructureElement
+ swCalibrationAccess: SwCalibrationAccessEnum [0..1] 0..1 «instanceRef» ModeSwitchPoint

Figure D.12: Concrete modeling of references to ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype in

the context of a PPortPrototype

Class PModeGroupInAtomicSwcInstanceRef
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components::InstanceRefs
Base ARObject, AtpInstanceRef , ModeGroupInAtomicSwcInstanceRef
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
contextPPort AbstractProvidedPort 0..1 ref Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=20
targetMode ModeDeclarationGroup 0..1 ref Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=30
Group Prototype

Table D.12: PModeGroupInAtomicSwcInstanceRef

978 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template



0..1 {ordered, 0..1
{redefines subsets {redefines
+targetComponent atpTarget} +contextComponent atpContextElement} +base atpBase}
+component CompositionSwComponentType
0..* «atpVariation,atpSplitable»


+type {redefines atpType}


Figure D.13: Concrete modeling of references to SwComponentPrototype in the context

of a CompositionSwComponentType

Class ComponentInCompositionInstanceRef
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Composition::InstanceRefs
Note The ComponentInCompositionInstanceRef points to a concrete SwComponentPrototype within a
Base ARObject, AtpInstanceRef
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
base CompositionSw 0..1 ref Stereotypes: atpDerived
ComponentType Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=10
context SwComponent * ref The context for the scope of this timing event.
Component Prototype
target SwComponent 0..1 ref Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=30
Component Prototype

Table D.13: ComponentInCompositionInstanceRef

979 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

AtpBlueprint AtpBlueprintable
AtpBlueprintable +port AtpPrototype
AtpType PortPrototype
+type «atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*
0..1 «isOfType»
{redefines +targetPort 0..1
atpType} {redefines
+component AtpPrototype
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*

+/base 0..1 +abstractContextComponent 0..1
{redefines     {subsets
atpBase}    atpContextElement}



Figure D.14: Abstract modeling of references to PortPrototype in the context of a


Class PortInCompositionTypeInstanceRef (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Composition::InstanceRefs
Base ARObject, AtpInstanceRef
Subclasses PPortInCompositionInstanceRef, RPortInCompositionInstanceRef
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
abstractContext SwComponent 0..1 ref Stereotypes: atpAbstract
Component Prototype Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=20
base CompositionSw 0..1 ref Stereotypes: atpDerived
ComponentType Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=10
targetPort PortPrototype 0..1 ref Stereotypes: atpAbstract

Table D.14: PortInCompositionTypeInstanceRef

Class PPortInCompositionInstanceRef
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Composition::InstanceRefs
Base ARObject, AtpInstanceRef , PortInCompositionTypeInstanceRef
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
context SwComponent 0..1 ref Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=20
Component Prototype
targetPPort AbstractProvidedPort 0..1 ref Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=30

Table D.15: PPortInCompositionInstanceRef

980 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

AtpBlueprintable +targetPort AtpInstanceRef

AtpPrototype PortInCompositionTypeInstanceRef
0..1 «atpAbstract»

AbstractProvidedPortPrototype +targetPPort PPortInCompositionInstanceRef   
+provider 0..1 targetPort} 0..1 «atpDerived» «atpAbstract»
«instanceRef» {redefines
+/base atpBase}
SwConnector SwComponentType

AssemblySwConnector CompositionSwComponentType





+component 0..*


Figure D.15: Concrete modeling of references to PPortPrototype in the context of a


AtpBlueprintable AtpInstanceRef
AtpPrototype +targetPort PortInCompositionTypeInstanceRef
PortPrototype «atpAbstract»

AbstractRequiredPortPrototype RPortInCompositionInstanceRef   
{redefines 0..1
targetPort} {redefines
+requester 0..1 +/base
+requester 0..1 atpBase}

«instanceRef» SwComponentType


0..1 «atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..1

{redefines {subsets
abstractContextComponent} +component 0..* atpContextElement}


Figure D.16: Concrete modeling of references to RPortPrototype in the context of a


Class RPortInCompositionInstanceRef
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Composition::InstanceRefs

981 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class RPortInCompositionInstanceRef
Base ARObject, AtpInstanceRef , PortInCompositionTypeInstanceRef
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
context SwComponent 0..1 ref Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=20
Component Prototype
targetRPort AbstractRequiredPort 0..1 ref Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=30

Table D.16: RPortInCompositionInstanceRef

AtpPrototype PortInterface
DataPrototype DataInterface

+base 0..1
{redefines atpBase}

+rootDataPrototype AtpInstanceRef

subsets atpContextElement}


+leafElement 0..1 {redefines +leafElement 0..1


Figure D.17: Modeling of references to ApplicationCompositeElementDataProto-

type for the purpose of defining a network representation

982 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

D.2.2 Definition of implicit Communication Behavior

AtpInstanceRef +base
{redefines atpBase}


+component 0..* ARElement

AtpPrototype «isOfType» +type AtpBlueprint
{ordered, 0..1 SwComponentType
subsets atpContextElement} {redefines atpType}

+consistencyNeeds 0..*


«atpVariation,atpSplitable» «atpVariation,atpSplitable»

+dpgRequiresCoherency 0..* +dpgDoesNotRequireCoherency 0..*

+dataPrototypeGroup AtpStructureElement
«atpVariation» Identifiable
+targetDataPrototypeGroup DataPrototypeGroup
{redefines atpTarget}


Figure D.18: Modeling of references to DataPrototypeGroup in the context of a Com-


Class InnerDataPrototypeGroupInCompositionInstanceRef
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::ImplicitCommunicationBehavior::InstanceRef
Note This meta-class represents the ability to define an InstanceRef to a nested DataPrototypeGroup
Base ARObject, AtpInstanceRef
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
base CompositionSw 0..1 ref This represents the base of the instanceRef.
Stereotypes: atpDerived
contextSw SwComponent * ref This represents the nested structure of SwComponent
Component Prototype Prototypes.
targetData DataPrototypeGroup 0..1 ref This represents the target of the InstanceRef

Table D.17: InnerDataPrototypeGroupInCompositionInstanceRef

983 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

+base CompositionSwComponentType
InnerRunnableEntityGroupInCompositionInstanceRef «atpDerived»

{redefines atpBase}

+component 0..*
+type ARElement
+contextSwComponentPrototype AtpPrototype «isOfType» AtpBlueprint
SwComponentPrototype AtpBlueprintable
0..* 0..1 AtpType
{ordered, {redefines atpType} SwComponentType
subsets atpContextElement}

+consistencyNeeds 0..*


«atpVariation,atpSplitable» «atpVariation,atpSplitable»

+regRequiresStability 0..* +regDoesNotRequireStability 0..*

+targetRunnableEntityGroup AtpStructureElement
1 RunnableEntityGroup
+runnableEntityGroup {redefines atpTarget}

0..* «atpVariation»


Figure D.19: Modeling of references to RunnableEntityGroup in the context of a Com-


Class InnerRunnableEntityGroupInCompositionInstanceRef
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::ImplicitCommunicationBehavior::InstanceRef
Note This meta-class represents the ability to define an InstanceRef to a nested RunnableEntityGroup.
Base ARObject, AtpInstanceRef
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
base CompositionSw 0..1 ref This represents the base of the InstanceRef.
Stereotypes: atpDerived
contextSw SwComponent * ref This represents the nested structure of SwComponent
Component Prototype Prototypes.
targetRunnable RunnableEntityGroup 1 ref This represents the target association of the InstanceRef.

Table D.18: InnerRunnableEntityGroupInCompositionInstanceRef

Class RunnableEntityInCompositionInstanceRef
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::ImplicitCommunicationBehavior::InstanceRef
Note This meta-class represents the ability to define an InstanceRef to a RunnableEntity in the context of a
Base ARObject, AtpInstanceRef

984 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class RunnableEntityInCompositionInstanceRef
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
base CompositionSw 0..1 ref This represents the base of the InstanceRef.
Stereotypes: atpDerived
contextSw SwComponent * ref This represents the nested structure of SwComponent
Component Prototype Prototypes.
targetRunnable RunnableEntity 0..1 ref This represents the target RunnableEntity.

Table D.19: RunnableEntityInCompositionInstanceRef

AtpInstanceRef +base CompositionSwComponentType

{redefines atpBase}

+component 0..*
AtpPrototype +type AtpBlueprint
+contextSwComponentPrototype «isOfType»
0..* 0..1
{ordered, {redefines atpType} SwComponentType
subsets atpContextElement}


+internalBehavior 0..1

{redefines atpTarget} +runnable 0..*

+targetRunnableEntity ExecutableEntity
    +runnableEntity 0..*

+runnableEntityGroup 0..*
+runnableEntity AtpStructureElement
0..* «atpVariation»

Figure D.20: Modeling of references to RunnableEntity in the context of a Composi-

tionSwComponentType from the point of view of a RunnableEntityGroup

985 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

«instanceRef» +base CompositionSwComponentType

{redefines atpBase}

+component 0..*

subsets atpContextElement} «isOfType»
+type atpType}


+port 0..*

+contextPortPrototype AtpBlueprintable

+implicitDataAccess 0..1 PortPrototype

{subsets atpContextElement}
    +dataPrototypeGroup 0..*
AbstractRequiredPortPrototype AbstractProvidedPortPrototype

0..1 «instanceRef»
atpTarget} +targetVariableDataPrototype 0..* +implicitDataAccess
RPortPrototype PRPortPrototype PPortPrototype

+dataElement 0..* +nvData 0..* «isOfType»


{redefines atpType}

{redefines atpType}

{redefines atpType}





SenderReceiverInterface DataInterface

Figure D.21: Modeling of references to VariableDataPrototype in the context of a

CompositionSwComponentType from the point of view of a RunnableEntityGroup

986 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class VariableDataPrototypeInCompositionInstanceRef
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::ImplicitCommunicationBehavior::InstanceRef
Note This meta-class represents the ability to define an InstanceRef to a VariableDataPrototype in the context
of a CompositionSwComponentType.
Base ARObject, AtpInstanceRef
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
base CompositionSw 0..1 ref This represents the base of the InstanceRef.
Stereotypes: atpDerived
contextPort PortPrototype 0..1 ref This represents a reference to a context PortPrototype.
contextSw SwComponent * ref This represents the nested structure of SwComponent
Component Prototype Prototypes.
targetVariable VariableDataPrototype 0..1 ref This represents the target VariableDataPrototype.

Table D.20: VariableDataPrototypeInCompositionInstanceRef

Class InstanceEventInCompositionInstanceRef
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Composition::InstanceRefs
Base ARObject, AtpInstanceRef
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
base CompositionSw 0..1 ref Stereotypes: atpDerived
ComponentType Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=10
context SwComponent * ref Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=20
Component Prototype
targetEvent RTEEvent 0..1 ref Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=30

Table D.21: InstanceEventInCompositionInstanceRef

987 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

«atpDerived» +/base CompositionSwComponentType

atpBase} «atpVariation,atpSplitable»

+component 0..*
+contextComponentPrototype AtpPrototype
subsets atpContextElement}

«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..1
{redefines atpType} +type

+instantiationRTEEventProps 0..* AtpBlueprint
InstantiationRTEEventProps AtpType
+refinedEvent SwComponentType
0..1 + shortLabel: Identifier [0..1]



+internalBehavior 0..1

+refinedEvent 0..1 +event 0..*

0..1 RTEEvent

Figure D.22: Modeling of references to RTEEvent in the context of a InstantiationR-

TEEventProps from the point of view of a CompositionSwComponentType

988 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

D.2.3 Internal Behavior

SwComponentType InternalBehavior
AtomicSwComponentType SwcInternalBehavior
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..1

+/base 0..1 «atpVariation,atpSplitable»

atpBase} +runnable 0..*

«atpDerived» RunnableEntity

+modeSwitchPoint *

AtpInstanceRef AbstractAccessPoint
ModeGroupInAtomicSwcInstanceRef AtpStructureElement

«atpAbstract» «atpAbstract» «instanceRef»

0..1 0..1
+contextPort {subsets atpContextElement} +target {redefines atpTarget} +modeGroup 0..1

AtpBlueprintable AtpPrototype
AtpPrototype ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype

+targetModeGroup 0..1
{redefines target} «isOfType»
+type {redefines atpType}

+initialMode 0..1 +modeDeclaration 0..*


+modeGroup 0..1

AbstractProvidedPortPrototype PModeGroupInAtomicSwcInstanceRef

{redefines contextPort}

Figure D.23: Modeling of references to provided ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype in

the context of an AtomicSwComponentType

Class ModeGroupInAtomicSwcInstanceRef (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components::InstanceRefs
Base ARObject, AtpInstanceRef
Subclasses PModeGroupInAtomicSwcInstanceRef, RModeGroupInAtomicSWCInstanceRef
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
base AtomicSwComponent 0..1 ref Stereotypes: atpDerived
Type Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=10
contextPort PortPrototype 0..1 ref Stereotypes: atpAbstract

989 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class ModeGroupInAtomicSwcInstanceRef (abstract)
target ModeDeclarationGroup 0..1 ref Stereotypes: atpAbstract
Prototype Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=30

Table D.22: ModeGroupInAtomicSwcInstanceRef


+/base 0..1

AtpInstanceRef AtpBlueprintable
ModeGroupInAtomicSwcInstanceRef «atpAbstract» +contextPort AtpPrototype
{subsets atpContextElement}


0..1 +modeGroup
PModeGroupInAtomicSwcInstanceRef AbstractProvidedPortPrototype

{redefines contextPort}

0..1 «instanceRef»
{redefines 0..1
+target atpTarget} 0..1 +modeGroup +targetModeGroup {redefines target}


+ swCalibrationAccess: SwCalibrationAccessEnum [0..1]

Figure D.24: Modeling of references to provided ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype to

be used by SwcModeManagerErrorEvent

990 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

SwComponentType +internalBehavior InternalBehavior +runnable AtpStructureElement

AtomicSwComponentType SwcInternalBehavior ExecutableEntity
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..1 «atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..* RunnableEntity

+/base 0..1
+modeAccessPoint *


+modeGroup 0..1


+contextPort 0..1
{subsets atpContextElement} +target +modeGroup 0..1
{redefines atpTarget}

+targetModeGroup 0..1
{redefines target}

AbstractRequiredPortPrototype +contextRPort RModeGroupInAtomicSWCInstanceRef

0..1 0..1
{redefines contextPort} +type {redefines atpType}
+modeDeclaration ARElement
Identifiable 0..* AtpBlueprint
+initialMode AtpType

Figure D.25: Modeling of references to required ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype in

the context of an AtomicSwComponentType

+internalBehavior AtomicSwComponentType
0..1 «atpVariation,atpSplitable»

+runnable 0..*
AtpStructureElement     ARElement
ExecutableEntity   AtpBlueprint
RunnableEntity AtpBlueprintable
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» «atpVariation,atpSplitable»
+serverCallPoint 0..* +port 0..*

AbstractAccessPoint AtpStructureElement AtpBlueprintable

AtpStructureElement +operation Identifiable AtpPrototype
Identifiable ClientServerOperation PortPrototype
ServerCallPoint «instanceRef» 0..1

+targetRequiredOperation 0..1
+operation 0..1 targetOperation}

ROperationInAtomicSwcInstanceRef +contextRPort

{subsets contextPort}

Figure D.26: Modeling of references to required ClientServerOperation in the context

of a SwComponentType

991 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

InternalBehavior SwComponentType
SwcInternalBehavior +internalBehavior AtomicSwComponentType

+ handleTerminationAndRestart: HandleTerminationAndRestartEnum [0..1]

0..1 «atpVariation,atpSplitable»
+ supportsMultipleInstantiation: Boolean [0..1]

+/base 0..1
{redefines atpBase}
+runnable 0..*

AtpStructureElement PortPrototype AtpInstanceRef

ExecutableEntity    AbstractProvidedPortPrototype TriggerInAtomicSwcInstanceRef
+ canBeInvokedConcurrently: Boolean [0..1]
+ symbol: CIdentifier [0..1]
+contextPPort 0..1
{subsets contextPort}

+externalTriggeringPoint 0..*

ExternalTriggeringPoint +trigger PTriggerInAtomicSwcTypeInstanceRef


Figure D.27: Modeling of references to a Trigger in the context of a SwComponentType


DataReceivedEvent DataReceiveErrorEvent

+contextRPort 0..1
{redefines contextPort}
+data 0..1 +data 0..1


+data 0..1 +targetDataElement abstractTargetDataElement} +data 0..1


Figure D.28: Modeling of references to a VariableDataPrototype used in the context

of an RTEEvent

992 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template


+operation AtpStructureElement
0..1 Identifiable

+ diagArgIntegrity: Boolean [0..1]

AbstractProvidedPortPrototype 0..1
{redefines targetOperation}

+contextPPort 0..1
{subsets contextPort}

+operation 0..1


Figure D.29: Modeling of references to a ClientServerOperation used in the context

of an RTEEvent



+disabledMode 0..*

+mode «instanceRef»
ModeDeclaration + activation: ModeActivationKind [0..1]
+ value: PositiveInteger [0..1]
{ordered} «atpSplitable»
+targetModeDeclaration 0..1
atpTarget} 0..2
+disabledMode * +mode {ordered}


0..1 0..1
+contextPort {subsets atpContextElement} +contextModeDeclarationGroupPrototype {subsets atpContextElement}
PortPrototype AtpPrototype
AbstractRequiredPortPrototype ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype

+ swCalibrationAccess: SwCalibrationAccessEnum [0..1]

Figure D.30: Modeling of references to a ModeDeclaration used in the context of an


993 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template


SwComponentType InternalBehavior
AtomicSwComponentType +internalBehavior SwcInternalBehavior


{redefines +event
+/base AbstractEvent
AtpStructureElement 0..* «atpVariation,atpSplitable»
«atpDerived» «instanceRef» Identifiable


+disabledMode *

AtpInstanceRef +targetModeDeclaration

+modeDeclaration 0..* +initialMode 0..1

+contextPort {subsets atpContextElement}
0..1 «atpVariation»
{subsets AbstractRequiredPortPrototype
+contextModeDeclarationGroupPrototype atpContextElement}

AtpPrototype ARElement
ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype AtpBlueprint
+type AtpType
{redefines atpType}

Figure D.31: Modeling of mode disabling

994 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template



«instanceRef» «instanceRef»

+operation 0..1 +requiredTrigger 0..1

AtpStructureElement AtpStructureElement
Identifiable Identifiable
ClientServerOperation Trigger

+ diagArgIntegrity: Boolean [0..1] + swImplPolicy: SwImplPolicyEnum [0..1]

0..1 +targetProvidedOperation +targetTrigger 0..1

{redefines targetOperation} {redefines target}

+operation 0..1 +requiredTrigger 0..1

OperationInAtomicSwcInstanceRef TriggerInAtomicSwcInstanceRef
POperationInAtomicSwcInstanceRef RTriggerInAtomicSwcInstanceRef

0..1 0..1
+contextPPort {subsets contextPort} +contextRPort {subsets contextPort}
PortPrototype PortPrototype
AbstractProvidedPortPrototype AbstractRequiredPortPrototype

Figure D.32: Modeling of transformer error response

995 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

E Examples

E.1 Examples for the Definition of variable-size Arrays

This chapter contains some examples for the usage of variable-size arrays and its four
defined use cases: Linear, square, rectangular and fully flexible.
All of these examples can be realized only using ImplementationDataTypes or, as
shown here, starting with the definition of ApplicationDataTypes with correspond-
ing ImplementationDataTypes.
DataTypeMapping: DataTypeMap

+applicationDataType +implementationDataType

DynamicDataArray_Linear: DynamicDataArrayImpl: ImplementationDataType

category = STRUCTURE
dynamicArraySizeProfile = VSA_LINEAR dynamicArraySizeProfile = VSA_LINEAR
category = ARRAY

payloadDim1: ImplementationDataTypeElement size:

category = ARRAY

DynamicDataArrayDim1: ApplicationArrayElement payloadDim1Element:

arraySizeSemantics = variableSize
maxNumberOfElements = 5 category = TYPE_REFERENCE
arraySizeHandling = AllIndicesSameArraySize arraySize = 5
category = VALUE arraySizeHandling = AllIndicesSameArraySize
arraySizeSemantics = variableSize

swDataDefProps: SwDataDefProps swDataDefProps: SwDataDefProps

PrimitiveDataElementType: uint16: ImplementationDataType uint8: ImplementationDataType

category = VALUE category = VALUE
category = VALUE

Figure E.1: Example of a linear variable size array

996 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

DataTypeMapping: DataTypeMap


DynamicDataArray_Square: ApplicationArrayDataType DynamicDataArrayImpl: ImplementationDataType

dynamicArraySizeProfile = VSA_SQUARE category = STRUCTURE

category = ARRAY dynamicArraySizeProfile = VSA_SQUARE

PayloadDim1: size:
ImplementationDataTypeElement ImplementationDataTypeElement

category = ARRAY category = TYPE_REFERENCE

DynamicDataArrayDim1: ApplicationArrayElement payloadDim1: ImplementationDataTypeElement

arraySizeSemantics = variableSize category = ARRAY

arraySizeHandling = InheritedFromArrayElementTypeSize arraySizeHandling = InheritedFromArrayElementTypeSize
category = ARRAY arraySizeSemantics = variableSize

DynamicDataArrayDim2: ApplicationArrayDataType

category = ARRAY
dynamicArraySizeProfile = VSA_LINEAR

DynamicDataArrayDim2: ApplicationArrayElement payloadDim2: ImplementationDataTypeElement

arraySizeSemantics = variableSize category = TYPE_REFERENCE

maxNumberOfElements = 5 arraySize = 5
arraySizeHandling = AllIndicesSameArraySize arraySizeHandling = AllIndicesSameArraySize
category = VALUE arraySizeSemantics = variableSize

swDataDefProps: SwDataDefProps

PrimitiveDataElementType: ApplicationPrimitiveDataType uint16: ImplementationDataType uint8: ImplementationDataType

category = VALUE category = VALUE category = VALUE

Figure E.2: Example of a square variable size array

997 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

DataTypeMapping: DataTypeMap


DynamicDataArray_Rectangular: DynamicDataArrayImpl: ImplementationDataType

category = STRUCTURE
dynamicArraySizeProfile = VSA_RECTANGULAR dynamicArraySizeProfile = VSA_RECTANGULAR
category = ARRAY

payloadDim1: ImplementationDataTypeElement sizes:

category = ARRAY
category = ARRAY

DynamicDataArrayDim1: ApplicationArrayElement payloadDim1Element: size:

ImplementationDataTypeElement ImplementationDataTypeElement
arraySizeSemantics = variableSize
arraySizeHandling = AllIndicesSameArraySize category = ARRAY category = TYPE_REFERENCE
maxNumberOfElements = 3 arraySize = 3 arraySize = 2
category = ARRAY arraySizeHandling = AllIndicesSameArraySize arraySizeSemantics = fixedSize
arraySizeSemantics = variableSize

DynamicDataArrayDim2: ApplicationArrayDataType

category = ARRAY
dynamicArraySizeProfile = VSA_LINEAR

DynamicDataArrayDim2: ApplicationArrayElement payloadDim2: ImplementationDataTypeElement

arraySizeSemantics = variableSize category = TYPE_REFERENCE

maxNumberOfElements = 4 arraySize = 4
arraySizeHandling = AllIndicesSameArraySize arraySizeHandling = AllIndicesSameArraySize
category = VALUE arraySizeSemantics = variableSize

swDataDefProps: SwDataDefProps swDataDefProps: SwDataDefProps

PrimitiveDataElementType: uint16: ImplementationDataType uint8: ImplementationDataType

category = VALUE category = VALUE
category = VALUE

Figure E.3: Example of a rectangular variable size array

998 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

DataTypeMapping: DataTypeMap


DynamicDataArray_FullyFlexible: ApplicationArrayDataType DynamicDataArrayImpl: ImplementationDataType

dynamicArraySizeProfile = VSA_FULLY_FLEXIBLE category = STRUCTURE

category = ARRAY dynamicArraySizeProfile = VSA_FULLY_FLEXIBLE

payloadDim1: sizeDim1:
ImplementationDataTypeElement ImplementationDataTypeElement

category = ARRAY category = TYPE_REFERENCE

DynamicDataArrayDim1: ApplicationArrayElement DynamicDataArrayDim2Impl:

arraySizeSemantics = variableSize
arraySizeHandling = AllIndicesDifferentArraySize category = STRUCTURE
maxNumberOfElements = 4 arraySize = 4
category = ARRAY arraySizeHandling = AllIndicesDifferentArraySize
arraySizeSemantics = variableSize

DynamicDataArrayDim2: ApplicationArrayDataType payloadDim2: sizeDim2:

ImplementationDataTypeElement ImplementationDataTypeElement
category = ARRAY
dynamicArraySizeProfile = VSA_LINEAR category = ARRAY category = TYPE_REFERENCE

DynamicDataArrayDim2: ApplicationArrayElement payloadDim2Element:

arraySizeSemantics = variableSize
maxNumberOfElements = 6 category = TYPE_REEFERENCE
arraySizeHandling = AllIndicesSameArraySize arraySize = 6
category = VALUE arraySizeHandling = AllIndicesSameArraySize
arraySizeSemantics = variableSize

swDataDefProps: swDataDefProps: swDataDefProps:

SwDataDefProps SwDataDefProps SwDataDefProps

PrimitiveDataElementType: ApplicationPrimitiveDataType uint16: uint32: uint8:

ImplementationDataType ImplementationDataType ImplementationDataType
category = VALUE
category = VALUE category = VALUE category = VALUE

Figure E.4: Example of a fully flexible variable size array

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F Mentioned Class Tables

For the sake of completeness, this chapter contains a set of class tables representing
meta-classes mentioned in the context of this document but which are not contained
directly in the scope of describing specific meta-model semantics.
Class ARElement (abstract)
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::ARPackage
Note An element that can be defined stand-alone, i.e. without being part of another element (except for
packages of course).
Base ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Subclasses AclObjectSet, AclOperation, AclPermission, AclRole, AliasNameSet, ApplicationPartition, AutosarData
Type, BaseType, BlueprintMappingSet, BswEntryRelationshipSet, BswModuleDescription, BswModule
Entry, BuildActionManifest, CalibrationParameterValueSet, ClientIdDefinitionSet, ClientServerInterfaceTo
BswModuleEntryBlueprintMapping, Collection, CompuMethod, ConsistencyNeedsBlueprintSet, Constant
Specification, ConstantSpecificationMappingSet, CpSoftwareCluster, CpSoftwareClusterBinaryManifest
Descriptor, CpSoftwareClusterMappingSet, CpSoftwareClusterResourcePool, CryptoEllipticCurveProps,
CryptoServiceCertificate, CryptoServiceKey, CryptoServicePrimitive, CryptoServiceQueue, Crypto
SignatureScheme, DataConstr, DataExchangePoint, DataTransformationSet, DataTypeMappingSet,
DiagnosticCommonElement, DiagnosticConnection, DiagnosticContributionSet, DltContext, DltEcu,
Documentation, E2EProfileCompatibilityProps, EcucDefinitionCollection, EcucDestinationUriDefSet,
EcucModuleConfigurationValues, EcucModuleDef, EcucValueCollection, EndToEndProtectionSet, EthIp
Props, EthTcpIpIcmpProps, EthTcpIpProps, EvaluatedVariantSet, FMFeature, FMFeatureMap, FM
FeatureModel, FMFeatureSelectionSet, FlatMap, GeneralPurposeConnection, HwCategory, HwElement,
HwType, IPSecConfigProps, IPv6ExtHeaderFilterSet, IdsCommonElement, IdsDesign, Implementation,
InterpolationRoutineMappingSet, J1939ControllerApplication, KeywordSet, LifeCycleInfoSet, LifeCycle
StateDefinitionGroup, LogAndTraceMessageCollectionSet, McFunction, McGroup, ModeDeclaration
Group, ModeDeclarationMappingSet, OsTaskProxy, PhysicalDimension, PhysicalDimensionMappingSet,
PortInterface, PortInterfaceMappingSet, PortPrototypeBlueprint, PostBuildVariantCriterion, PostBuild
VariantCriterionValueSet, PredefinedVariant, RapidPrototypingScenario, SdgDef, SignalService
TranslationPropsSet, SomeipSdClientEventGroupTimingConfig, SomeipSdClientServiceInstanceConfig,
SomeipSdServerEventGroupTimingConfig, SomeipSdServerServiceInstanceConfig, SwAddrMethod, Sw
AxisType, SwComponentMappingConstraints, SwComponentType, SwRecordLayout, SwSystemconst,
SwSystemconstantValueSet, SwcBswMapping, System, SystemSignal, SystemSignalGroup, TDCp
SoftwareClusterMappingSet, TcpOptionFilterSet, TimingExtension, TlsConnectionGroup, TlvDataId
DefinitionSet, TransformationPropsSet, Unit, UnitGroup, ViewMapSet
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table F.1: ARElement

Class ARPackage
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::ARPackage
Note AUTOSAR package, allowing to create top level packages to structure the contained ARElements.
ARPackages are open sets. This means that in a file based description system multiple files can be used
to partially describe the contents of a package.
This is an extended version of MSR’s SW-SYSTEM.
Base ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

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Class ARPackage
arPackage ARPackage * aggr This represents a sub package within an ARPackage,
thus allowing for an unlimited package hierarchy.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=arPackage.shortName, arPackage.variation
element PackageableElement * aggr Elements that are part of this package
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=element.shortName, element.definition,
referenceBase ReferenceBase * aggr This denotes the reference bases for the package. This is
the basis for all relative references within the package.
The base needs to be selected according to the base
attribute within the references.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable

Table F.2: ARPackage

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::AutosarTopLevelStructure
Note Root element of an AUTOSAR description, also the root element in corresponding XML documents.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
adminData AdminData 0..1 aggr This represents the administrative data of an Autosar file.
arPackage ARPackage * aggr This is the top level package in an AUTOSAR model.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=arPackage.shortName, arPackage.variation
fileInfo FileInfoComment 0..1 aggr This represents a possibility to provide a structured
Comment comment in an AUTOSAR file.
Stereotypes: atpStructuredComment
introduction DocumentationBlock 0..1 aggr This represents an introduction on the Autosar file. It is
intended for example to represent disclaimers and legal

Table F.3: AUTOSAR

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Class <<atpMixedString>> AbstractNumericalVariationPoint (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::VariantHandling::AttributeValueVariationPoints
Note This is an abstract NumericalValueVariationPoint. It is introduced to support the case that additional
attributes are required for particular purposes.
Base ARObject, AttributeValueVariationPoint, FormulaExpression, SwSystemconstDependentFormula
Subclasses LimitValueVariationPoint, NumericalValueVariationPoint
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table F.4: AbstractNumericalVariationPoint

Class AdminData
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::AdminData
Note AdminData represents the ability to express administrative information for an element. This
administration information is to be treated as meta-data such as revision id or state of the file. There are
basically four kinds of meta-data
• The language and/or used languages.
• Revision information covering e.g. revision number, state, release date, changes. Note that this
information can be given in general as well as related to a particular company.
• Document meta-data specific for a company
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
docRevision DocRevision * aggr This allows to denote information about the current
(ordered) revision of the object.
Note that information about previous revisions can also
be logged here. The entries shall be sorted descendant
by date in order to reflect the history. Therefore the most
recent entry representing the current version is denoted
language LEnum 0..1 attr This attribute specifies the master language of the
document or the document fragment. The master
language is the one in which the document is maintained
and from which the other languages are derived from. In
particular in case of inconsistencies, the information in
the master language is priority.
sdg Sdg * aggr This property allows to keep special data which is not
represented by the standard model. It can be utilized to
keep e.g. tool specific data.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
atp.Splitkey=sdg, sdg.variationPoint.shortLabel

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Class AdminData
usedLanguages MultiLanguagePlainText 0..1 aggr This property specifies the languages which are provided
in the document. Therefore it should only be specified in
the top level admin data. For each language provided in
the document there is one entry in MultilanguagePlain
Text. The content of each entry can be used for
illustration of the language. The used language itself
depends on the language attribute in the entry.

Table F.5: AdminData

Class AnyInstanceRef
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::AnyInstanceRef
Note Describes a reference to any instance in an AUTOSAR model. This is the most generic form of an
instance ref. Refer to the superclass notes for more details.
Base ARObject, AtpInstanceRef
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
base AtpClassifier 1 ref This is the base from which navigation path begins.
Stereotypes: atpDerived
contextElement AtpFeature * ref This is one step in the navigation path specified by the
(ordered) instance ref.
target AtpFeature 1 ref This is the target of the instance ref.

Table F.6: AnyInstanceRef

Class ApplicationCompositeElementInPortInterfaceInstanceRef
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface::InstanceRefs
Base ARObject, AtpInstanceRef
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
base DataInterface 0..1 ref This represents the SenderReceiverInterface that acts as
the base in this InstanceRef definition
Stereotypes: atpDerived
contextData ApplicationComposite * ref This represents a context ApplicationCompositeData
Prototype ElementDataPrototype Prototype
rootData AutosarDataPrototype 0..1 ref This refers to the dataPrototype which is typed by the
Prototype ApplicationDatatype in which which the target can be
targetData ApplicationComposite 0..1 ref This represents the referenced ApplicationComposite
Prototype ElementDataPrototype DataPrototype.

Table F.7: ApplicationCompositeElementInPortInterfaceInstanceRef

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Class AtpInstanceRef (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::AbstractStructure
Note An M0 instance of a classifier may be represented as a tree rooted at that instance, where under each
node come the sub-trees representing the instances which act as features under that node.
An instance ref specifies a navigation path from any M0 tree-instance of the base (which is a classifier) to
a leaf (which is an instance of the target).
Base ARObject
Subclasses AnyInstanceRef, ApplicationCompositeElementInPortInterfaceInstanceRef, ComponentInComposition
InstanceRef, ComponentInSystemInstanceRef, DataPrototypeInPortInterfaceInstanceRef , Data
PrototypeInSystemInstanceRef, InnerDataPrototypeGroupInCompositionInstanceRef, InnerPortGroupIn
CompositionInstanceRef, InnerRunnableEntityGroupInCompositionInstanceRef, InstanceEventIn
CompositionInstanceRef, ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypeInSystemInstanceRef, ModeGroupInAtomic
SwcInstanceRef , ModeInBswModuleDescriptionInstanceRef, ModeInSwcInstanceRef, Operation
ArgumentInComponentInstanceRef, OperationInAtomicSwcInstanceRef , OperationInSystemInstance
Ref, PModeInSystemInstanceRef, ParameterDataPrototypeInSystemInstanceRef, ParameterInAtomicS
WCTypeInstanceRef, PortGroupInSystemInstanceRef, PortInCompositionTypeInstanceRef , RModeIn
AtomicSwcInstanceRef, RteEventInCompositionInstanceRef, RteEventInEcuInstanceRef, RteEventIn
SystemInstanceRef, RunnableEntityInCompositionInstanceRef, SwcServiceDependencyInSystem
InstanceRef, TriggerInAtomicSwcInstanceRef , TriggerInSystemInstanceRef, VariableAccessInEcu
InstanceRef, VariableDataPrototypeInCompositionInstanceRef, VariableDataPrototypeInSystemInstance
Ref, VariableInAtomicSWCTypeInstanceRef, VariableInAtomicSwcInstanceRef , VariableInComponent
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
atpBase AtpClassifier 1 ref This is the base from which the navigaion path starts.
Stereotypes: atpAbstract; atpDerived
atpContext AtpPrototype * ref This is one particular step in the navigation path.
Stereotypes: atpAbstract
atpTarget AtpFeature 1 ref This is the target of the instance ref. In other words it is
the terminal of the navigation path.
Stereotypes: atpAbstract

Table F.8: AtpInstanceRef

Enumeration BindingTimeEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::VariantHandling
Note This enumerator specifies the applicable binding times for the pre build variation points.
Literal Description
codeGeneration • Coding by hand, based on requirements document.
• Tool based code generation, e.g. from a model.
• The model may contain variants.
• Only code for the selected variant(s) is actually generated.
linkTime Configure what is included in object code, and what is omitted Based on which variant(s) are selected
E.g. for modules that are delivered as object code (as opposed to those that are delivered as source
preCompileTime This is typically the C-Preprocessor. Exclude parts of the code from the compilation process, e.g.,
because they are not required for the selected variant, because they are incompatible with the
selected variant, because they require resources that are not present in the selected variant. Object
code is only generated for the selected variant(s). The code that is excluded at this stage code will
not be available at later stages.

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Software Component Template

Enumeration BindingTimeEnum
systemDesignTime • Designing the VFB.
• Software Component types (PortInterfaces).
• SWC Prototypes and the Connections between SWCprototypes.
• Designing the Topology
• ECUs and interconnecting Networks
• Designing the Communication Matrix and Data Mapping

Table F.9: BindingTimeEnum

Class BswCalledEntity
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note BSW module entity which is designed to be called from another BSW module or cluster.
Base ARObject, BswModuleEntity , ExecutableEntity , Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table F.10: BswCalledEntity

Class BswImplementation
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswImplementation
Note Contains the implementation specific information in addition to the generic specification (BswModule
Description and BswBehavior). It is possible to have several different BswImplementations referring to
the same BswBehavior.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, Implementation, MultilanguageReferrable,
PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
arRelease RevisionLabelString 1 attr Version of the AUTOSAR Release on which this
Version implementation is based. The numbering contains three
levels (major, minor, revision) which are defined by
behavior BswInternalBehavior 1 ref The behavior of this implementation.
This relation is made as an association because
• it follows the pattern of the SWCT
• since ARElement cannot be splitted, but we want
supply the implementation later, the Bsw
Implementation is not aggregated in BswBehavior
preconfigured EcucModule * ref Reference to the set of preconfigured (i.e. fixed)
Configuration ConfigurationValues configuration values for this BswImplementation.
If the BswImplementation represents a cluster of several
modules, more than one EcucModuleConfigurationValues
element can be referred (at most one per module),
otherwise at most one such element can be referred.
recommended EcucModule * ref Reference to one or more sets of recommended
Configuration ConfigurationValues configuration values for this module or module cluster.

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Class BswImplementation
vendorApiInfix Identifier 0..1 attr In driver modules which can be instantiated several times
on a single ECU, SRS_BSW_00347 requires that the
names of files, APIs, published parameters and memory
allocation keywords are extended by the vendorId and a
vendor specific name. This parameter is used to specify
the vendor specific name. In total, the implementation
specific API name is generated as follows: <Module
Name>_<vendorId>_ <vendorApiInfix>_<API name from
E.g. assuming that the vendorId of the implementer is
123 and the implementer chose a vendorApiInfix of
"v11r456" an API name Can_Write defined in the SWS
will translate to Can_123_v11r456_Write.
This attribute is mandatory for all modules with upper
multiplicity > 1. It shall not be used for modules with
upper multiplicity =1.
See also SWS_BSW_00102.
vendorSpecific EcucModuleDef * ref Reference to
• the vendor specific EcucModuleDef used in this
BswImplementation if it represents a single
• several EcucModuleDefs used in this Bsw
Implementation if it represents a cluster of
• one or no EcucModuleDefs used in this Bsw
Implementation if it represents a library

Table F.11: BswImplementation

Class BswModuleDescription
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswOverview
Note Root element for the description of a single BSW module or BSW cluster. In case it describes a BSW
module, the short name of this element equals the name of the BSW module.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement,
CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
bswModule BswModuleDependency * aggr Describes the dependency to another BSW module.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=bswModuleDependency.shortName, bsw
bswModule SwComponent 0..1 aggr This adds a documentation to the BSW module.
Documentation Documentation
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=bswModuleDocumentation, bswModule

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Class BswModuleDescription
expectedEntry BswModuleEntry * ref Indicates an entry which is required by this module.
Replacement of outgoingCallback / requiredEntry.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=expectedEntry.bswModuleEntry, expected
implemented BswModuleEntry * ref Specifies an entry provided by this module which can be
Entry called by other modules. This includes "main" functions,
interrupt routines, and callbacks. Replacement of
providedEntry / expectedCallback.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
internalBehavior BswInternalBehavior * aggr The various BswInternalBehaviors associated with a Bsw
ModuleDescription can be distributed over several
physical files. Therefore the aggregation is <<atp
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
moduleId PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Refers to the BSW Module Identifier defined by the
AUTOSAR standard. For non-standardized modules, a
proprietary identifier can be optionally chosen.
providedClient BswModuleClientServer * aggr Specifies that this module provides a client server entry
ServerEntry Entry which can be called from another partition or core.This
entry is declared locally to this context and will be
connected to the requiredClientServerEntry of another or
the same module via the configuration of the BSW
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
providedData VariableDataPrototype * aggr Specifies a data prototype provided by this module in
order to be read from another partition or core.The
providedData is declared locally to this context and will be
connected to the requiredData of another or the same
module via the configuration of the BSW Scheduler.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=providedData.shortName, provided

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Class BswModuleDescription
providedMode ModeDeclarationGroup * aggr A set of modes which is owned and provided by this
Group Prototype module or cluster. It can be connected to the required
ModeGroups of other modules or clusters via the
configuration of the BswScheduler. It can also be
synchronized with modes provided via ports by an
associated ServiceSwComponentType, EcuAbstraction
SwComponentType or ComplexDeviceDriverSw
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=providedModeGroup.shortName, provided
releasedTrigger Trigger * aggr A Trigger released by this module or cluster. It can be
connected to the requiredTriggers of other modules or
clusters via the configuration of the BswScheduler. It can
also be synchronized with Triggers provided via ports by
an associated ServiceSwComponentType, Ecu
AbstractionSwComponentType or ComplexDeviceDriver
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=releasedTrigger.shortName, released
requiredClient BswModuleClientServer * aggr Specifies that this module requires a client server entry
ServerEntry Entry which can be implemented on another partition or
core.This entry is declared locally to this context and will
be connected to the providedClientServerEntry of another
or the same module via the configuration of the BSW
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
requiredData VariableDataPrototype * aggr Specifies a data prototype required by this module in oder
to be provided from another partition or core.The required
Data is declared locally to this context and will be
connected to the providedData of another or the same
module via the configuration of the BswScheduler.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=requiredData.shortName, required

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Class BswModuleDescription
requiredMode ModeDeclarationGroup * aggr Specifies that this module or cluster depends on a certain
Group Prototype mode group. The requiredModeGroup is local to this
context and will be connected to the providedModeGroup
of another module or cluster via the configuration of the
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=requiredModeGroup.shortName, required
requiredTrigger Trigger * aggr Specifies that this module or cluster reacts upon an
external trigger.This requiredTrigger is declared locally to
this context and will be connected to the providedTrigger
of another module or cluster via the configuration of the
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=requiredTrigger.shortName, required

Table F.12: BswModuleDescription

Class BswModuleEntry
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswInterfaces
Note This class represents a single API entry (C-function prototype) into the BSW module or cluster.
The name of the C-function is equal to the short name of this element with one exception: In case of
multiple instances of a module on the same CPU, special rules for "infixes" apply, see description of class
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, CollectableElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
argument SwServiceArg * aggr An argument belonging to this BswModuleEntry.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
bswEntryKind BswEntryKindEnum 0..1 attr This describes whether the entry is concrete or abstract.
If the attribute is missing the entry is considered as
callType BswCallType 1 attr The type of call associated with this service.
execution BswExecutionContext 1 attr Specifies the execution context which is required (in case
Context of entries into this module) or guaranteed (in case of
entries called from this module) for this service.
function NameToken 0..1 attr This attribute is used to control the generation of function
Prototype prototypes. If set to "RTE", the RTE generates the
Emitter function prototypes in the Module Interlink Header File.

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Class BswModuleEntry
isReentrant Boolean 1 attr Reentrancy from the viewpoint of function callers:
• True: Enables the service to be invoked again,
before the service has finished.
• False: It is prohibited to invoke the service again
before is has finished.
isSynchronous Boolean 1 attr Synchronicity from the viewpoint of function callers:
• True: This calls a synchronous service, i.e. the
service is completed when the call returns.
• False: The service (on semantical level) may not
be complete when the call returns.
returnType SwServiceArg 0..1 aggr The return type belonging to this bswModuleEntry.
role Identifier 0..1 attr Specifies the role of the entry in the given context. It shall
be equal to the standardized name of the service call,
especially in cases where no ServiceIdentifier is specified,
e.g. for callbacks. Note that the ShortName is not always
sufficient because it maybe vendor specific (e.g. for
callbacks which can have more than one instance).
serviceId PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Refers to the service identifier of the Standardized
Interfaces of AUTOSAR basic software. For
non-standardized interfaces, it can optionally be used for
proprietary identification.
swServiceImpl SwServiceImplPolicy 1 attr Denotes the implementation policy as a standard function
Policy Enum call, inline function or macro. This has to be specified on
interface level because it determines the signature of the

Table F.13: BswModuleEntry

Class BswSchedulableEntity
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note BSW module entity, which is designed for control by the BSW Scheduler. It may for example implement a
so-called "main" function.
Base ARObject, BswModuleEntity , ExecutableEntity , Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table F.14: BswSchedulableEntity

Class BswServiceDependency
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note Specialization of ServiceDependency in the context of an BswInternalBehavior. It allows to associate
BswModuleEntries and data defined for a BSW module or cluster to a given ServiceNeeds element.
Base ARObject, ServiceDependency

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Class BswServiceDependency
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
assignedData RoleBasedData * aggr Defines the role of an associated data object (owned by
Assignment this module or cluster) in the context of the ServiceNeeds
Stereotypes: atpVariation
assignedEntry RoleBasedBswModule * aggr Defines the role of an associated BswModuleEntry in the
Role EntryAssignment context of the ServiceNeeds element.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=assignedEntryRole, assignedEntry
ident BswService 0..1 aggr This adds the ability to become referrable to BswService
DependencyIdent Dependency.
Stereotypes: atpIdentityContributor
serviceNeeds ServiceNeeds 1 aggr The associated ServiceNeeds.

Table F.15: BswServiceDependency

Class CompuConstFormulaContent
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::ComputationMethod
Note This meta-class represents the fact that the constant value of the computation method is represented by
a variation point. This difference is due to compatibility with ASAM HDO.
Base ARObject, CompuConstContent
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
vf Numerical 1 attr Value calculated via a system constant. This element is
included in every case where parameters should be
generated from numerical values during compile time (not
Thus for example, the influence of the cylinder number on
conversion formulae can be introduced in a repeatable
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table F.16: CompuConstFormulaContent

Class DataMapping (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::DataMapping
Note Mapping of port elements (data elements and parameters) to frames and signals.
Base ARObject
Subclasses ClientServerToSignalMapping, SenderReceiverCompositeElementToSignalMapping, SenderReceiverTo
SignalGroupMapping, SenderReceiverToSignalMapping, TriggerToSignalMapping
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
introduction DocumentationBlock 0..1 aggr This represents introductory documentation about the
data mapping.

Table F.17: DataMapping

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Software Component Template

Class Describable (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::Identifiable
Note This meta-class represents the ability to add a descriptive documentation to non identifiable elements.
Base ARObject
Subclasses CyclicTiming, EventControlledTiming, HwElementConnector, HwPinConnector, HwPinGroupConnector, I
PduTiming, Ipv4DhcpServerConfiguration, Ipv6DhcpServerConfiguration, PncMapping, Socket
Connection, TransformationComSpecProps, TransformationDescription, TransformationISignalProps
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
adminData AdminData 0..1 aggr This represents the administrative data for the
describable object.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
category CategoryString 0..1 attr The category is a keyword that specializes the semantics
of the Describable. It affects the expected existence of
attributes and the applicability of constraints.
desc MultiLanguageOverview 0..1 aggr This represents a general but brief (one paragraph)
Paragraph description what the object in question is about. It is only
one paragraph! Desc is intended to be collected into
overview tables. This property helps a human reader to
identify the object in question.
More elaborate documentation, (in particular how the
object is built or used) should go to "introduction".
introduction DocumentationBlock 0..1 aggr This represents more information about how the object in
question is built or is used. Therefore it is a

Table F.18: Describable

Class <<atpMixed>> DocumentationBlock

Package M2::MSR::Documentation::BlockElements
Note This class represents a documentation block. It is made of basic text structure elements which can be
displayed in a table cell.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
defList DefList 0..1 aggr This represents a definition list in the documentation
Stereotypes: atpVariation
figure MlFigure 0..1 aggr This represents a figure in the documentation block.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

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Software Component Template

Class <<atpMixed>> DocumentationBlock
formula MlFormula 0..1 aggr This is a formula in the definition block.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
labeledList LabeledList 0..1 aggr This represents a labeled list.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
list List 0..1 aggr This represents numbered or unnumbered list.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
msrQueryP2 MsrQueryP2 0..1 aggr This represents automatically contributed contents
provided by an msrquery in the context of Documentation
note Note 0..1 aggr This represents a note in the text flow.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
p MultiLanguage 0..1 aggr This is one particular paragraph.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
structuredReq StructuredReq 0..1 aggr This aggregation supports structured requirements
embedded in a documentation block.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
trace TraceableText 0..1 aggr This represents traceable text in the documentation block.
This allows to specify requirements/constraints in any
documentation block.
The kind of the trace is specified in the category.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
verbatim MultiLanguageVerbatim 0..1 aggr This represents one particular verbatim text.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table F.19: DocumentationBlock

Class EcuInstance
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Fibex::FibexCore::CoreTopology

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Software Component Template

Class EcuInstance
Note ECUInstances are used to define the ECUs used in the topology. The type of the ECU is defined by a
reference to an ECU specified with the ECU resource description.
Base ARObject, CollectableElement, FibexElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
associatedCom ISignalIPduGroup * ref With this reference it is possible to identify which ISignal
IPduGroup IPduGroups are applicable for which Communication
Connector/ ECU.
Only top level ISignalIPduGroups shall be referenced by
an EcuInstance. If an ISignalIPduGroup contains other
ISignalIPduGroups than these contained ISignalIPdu
Groups shall not be referenced by the EcuInstance.
Contained ISignalIPduGroups are associated to an Ecu
Instance via the top level ISignalIPduGroup.
associated ConsumedProvided * ref With this reference it is possible to identify which
Consumed ServiceInstanceGroup ConsumedProvidedServiceInstanceGroups are
Provided applicable for which ECUInstance.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
associatedPdur PdurIPduGroup * ref With this reference it is possible to identify which PduR
IPduGroup IPdu Groups are applicable for which Communication
Connector/ ECU.
clientIdRange ClientIdRange 0..1 aggr Restriction of the Client Identifier for this Ecu to an
allowed range of numerical values. The Client Identifier of
the transaction handle is generated by the client RTE for
inter-Ecu Client/Server communication.
com TimeValue 0..1 attr The period between successive calls to Com_Main
Configuration FunctionRouteSignals of the AUTOSAR COM module in
GwTimeBase seconds.
com TimeValue 0..1 attr The period between successive calls to Com_Main
ConfigurationRx FunctionRx of the AUTOSAR COM module in seconds.
com TimeValue 0..1 attr The period between successive calls to Com_Main
ConfigurationTx FunctionTx of the AUTOSAR COM module in seconds.
comEnable Boolean 0..1 attr Enables for the Com module of this EcuInstance the
MDTForCyclic minimum delay time monitoring for cyclic and repeated
Transmission transmissions (TransmissionModeTiming has cyclic
Timing assigned or eventControlledTiming with numberOf
Repetitions > 0).
commController Communication 1..* aggr CommunicationControllers of the ECU.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
connector Communication * aggr All channels controlled by a single controller.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
dltConfig DltConfig 0..1 aggr Describes the Dlt configuration on this EcuInstance.
doIpConfig DoIpConfig 0..1 aggr DoIp configuration on this EcuInstance.
ecuTaskProxy OsTaskProxy * ref Reference to OsTaskProxies assigned to the Ecu
Stereotypes: atpSplitable

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Software Component Template

Class EcuInstance
ethSwitchPort Boolean 0..1 attr Defines whether the derivation of SwitchPortGroups
Group based on VLAN and/or CouplingPort.pncMapping shall be
Derivation performed for this EcuInstance. If not defined the
derivation shall not be done.
partition EcuPartition * aggr Optional definition of Partitions within an Ecu.
pncPrepare TimeValue 0..1 attr Time in seconds the PNC state machine shall wait in
pnc Boolean 0..1 attr If this parameter is available and set to true then all
Synchronous available PNCs will be woken up as soon as a channel
Wakeup wakeup occurs. This is ensured by adding all PNCs to all
channel wakeup sources during upstream mapping.
pnResetTime TimeValue 0..1 attr Specifies the runtime of the reset timer in seconds. This
reset time is valid for the reset of PN requests in the EIRA
and in the ERA.
sleepMode Boolean 1 attr Specifies whether the ECU instance may be put to a "low
Supported power mode"
• true: sleep mode is supported
• false: sleep mode is not supported
Note: This flag may only be set to "true" if the feature is
supported by both hardware and basic software.
tcpIpIcmpProps EthTcpIpIcmpProps 0..1 ref EcuInstance specific ICMP (Internet Control Message
Protocol) attributes
tcpIpProps EthTcpIpProps 0..1 ref EcuInstance specific TcpIp Stack attributes.
v2xSupported V2xSupportEnum 0..1 attr This attribute is used to control the existence of the V2X
stack on the given EcuInstance.
wakeUpOver Boolean 1 attr Driver support for wakeup over Bus.

Table F.20: EcuInstance

Class EcucValueCollection
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::ECUCDescriptionTemplate
Note This represents the anchor point of the ECU configuration description.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
ecucValue EcucModule * ref References to the configuration of individual software
ConfigurationValues modules that are present on this ECU.
atpVariation: [RS_ECUC_00079]
Stereotypes: atpVariation
ecuExtract System 0..1 ref Represents the extract of the System Configuration that is
relevant for the ECU configured with that ECU
Configuration Description.

Table F.21: EcucValueCollection

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Software Component Template

Class EndToEndProtectionISignalIPdu
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::EndToEndProtection
Note It is possible to protect the inter-ECU data exchange of safety-related ISignalGroups at the level of COM
IPdus using protection mechanisms provided by E2E Library. For each ISignalGroup to be protected, a
separate EndToEndProtectionISignalIPdu element shall be created within the EndToEndProtectionSet.
The EndToEndProtectionISignalIPdu element refers to the ISignalGroup that is to be protected and to the
ISignalIPdu that transmits the protected ISignalGroup. The information how the referenced ISignalGroup
shall be protected (through which E2E Profile and with which E2E settings) is defined in the EndToEnd
Description element.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dataOffset Integer 1 attr This attribute defines the beginning offset (in bits) of the
Array representation of the Signal Group (including CRC,
counter and application signal group) in the IPdu. This
attribute is mandatory and the dataOffset shall always be
iSignalGroup ISignalGroup 1 ref Reference to the ISignalGroup that is to be protected.
iSignalIPdu ISignalIPdu 1 ref Reference to the ISignalIPdu that transmits the protected

Table F.22: EndToEndProtectionISignalIPdu

Class EndToEndTransformationDescription
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Transformer
Note EndToEndTransformationDescription holds these attributes which are profile specific and have the same
value for all E2E transformers.
Base ARObject, Describable, TransformationDescription
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
clearFromValid Boolean 0..1 attr Clear monitoring window on transition from state Valid to
ToInvalid state Invalid.
counterOffset PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Offset of the counter in the Data[] array in bits.
crcOffset PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Offset of the CRC in the Data[] array in bits.
dataIdMode DataIdModeEnum 0..1 attr This attribute describes the inclusion mode that is used to
include the implicit two-byte Data ID in the one-byte CRC.
dataIdNibble PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Offset of the Data ID nibble in the Data[] array in bits.
e2eProfile E2EProfileCompatibility 0..1 ref Reference to additional settings for the E2E state
Compatibility Props machine.
maxDelta PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Maximum allowed difference between two counter values
Counter of two consecutively received valid messages. For
example, if the receiver gets data with counter 1 and Max
DeltaCounter is 3, then at the next reception the receiver
can accept Counters with values 2, 3 or 4.
maxErrorState PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Maximal number of checks in which ProfileStatus equal to
Init E2E_P_ERROR was determined, within the last Window
Size checks, for the state E2E_SM_INIT.
maxErrorState PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Maximal number of checks in which ProfileStatus equal to
Invalid E2E_P_ERROR was determined, within the last Window
Size checks, for the state E2E_SM_INVALID.
maxErrorState PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Maximal number of checks in which ProfileStatus equal to
Valid E2E_P_ERROR was determined, within the last Window
Size checks, for the state E2E_SM_VALID.
maxNoNewOr PositiveInteger 0..1 attr The maximum allowed amount of consecutive failed
RepeatedData counter checks.

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Software Component Template

Class EndToEndTransformationDescription
minOkStateInit PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Minimal number of checks in which ProfileStatus equal to
E2E_P_OK was determined, within the last WindowSize
checks, for the state E2E_SM_INIT.
minOkState PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Minimal number of checks in which ProfileStatus equal to
Invalid E2E_P_OK was determined, within the last WindowSize
checks, for the state E2E_SM_INVALID.
minOkState PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Minimal number of checks in which ProfileStatus equal to
Valid E2E_P_OK was determined, within the last WindowSize
checks, for the state E2E_SM_VALID.
offset PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Offset of the E2E header in the Data[] array in bits.
profileBehavior EndToEndProfile 0..1 attr Behavior of the check functionality
profileName NameToken 1 attr Definition of the E2E profile.
syncCounterInit PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Number of checks required for validating the consistency
of the counter that shall be received with a valid counter
(i.e. counter within the allowed lock-in range) after the
detection of an unexpected behavior of a received
upperHeader PositiveInteger 0..1 attr This attribute describes the number of upper-header bits
BitsToShift to be shifted.
value = 0 or not present: shift of upper header is NOT
value > 0: the E2E Transformer on the protect-side, takes
the first upperHeaderBitsToShift bits from the upper buffer
(e.g. SOME/IP header part generated by SOME/IP
transformer) and shifts them towards the lower bytes and
bits within the Data[] for the length of the E2E header
(e.g. 12 bytes in case of E2E Profile 4). This means the
shift distance is fixed - it depends on the E2E header size
- what is configured here is the number of bits that are to
be shifted. This option is defined because the Some/IP
header generated by SOME/IP transformer shall be, due
to compatibility between non-protected and
E2E-protected communication, at the same position,
which is before E2E header.
windowSizeInit PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Size of the monitoring window of state Init for the E2E
state machine.
windowSize PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Size of the monitoring window of state Invalid for the E2E
Invalid state machine.
windowSize PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Size of the monitoring window of state Valid for the E2E
Valid state machine.
Table F.23: EndToEndTransformationDescription

Class FlatInstanceDescriptor
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::FlatMap

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Software Component Template

Class FlatInstanceDescriptor
Note Represents exactly one node (e.g. a component instance or data element) of the instance tree of a
software system. The purpose of this element is to map the various nested representations of this
instance to a flat representation and assign a unique name (shortName) to it.
Use cases:
• Specify unique names of measurable data to be used by MCD tools
• Specify unique names of calibration data to be used by MCD tool
• Specify a unique name for an instance of a component prototype in the ECU extract of the
system description
Note that in addition it is possible to assign alias names via AliasNameAssignment.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
ecuExtract AtpFeature 0..1 iref Refers to the instance in the ECU extract. This is valid
Reference only, if the FlatMap is used in the context of an ECU
The reference shall be such that it uniquely defines the
object instance. For example, if a data prototype is
declared as a role within an SwcInternalBehavior, it is not
enough to state the SwcInternalBehavior as context and
the aggregated data prototype as target. In addition, the
reference shall also include the complete path identifying
instance of the component prototype and the Atomic
SoftwareComponentType, which is refered by the
particular SwcInternalBehavior.
InstanceRef implemented by:AnyInstanceRef
role Identifier 0..1 attr The role denotes the particular role of the downstream
memory location described by this FlatInstanceDescriptor.
It applies to use case where one upstream object results
in multiple downstream objects, e.g. ModeDeclaration
GroupPrototypes which are measurable. In this case the
RTE will provide locations for current mode, previous
mode and next mode.
rtePluginProps RtePluginProps 0..1 aggr The properties of a communication graph with respect to
the utilization of RTE Implementation Plug-in.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
swDataDef SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr The properties of this FlatInstanceDescriptor.
upstream AtpFeature 0..1 iref Refers to the instance in the context of an "upstream"
Reference descriptions, wich could be the system or system extract
description, the basic software module description or (if a
flat map is used in preliminary context) a description of an
atomic component or composition. This reference is
optional in case the flat map is used in ECU context.
The reference shall be such that it uniquely defines the
object instance in the given context. For example, if a
data prototype is declared as a role within an SwcInternal
Behavior, it is not enough to state the SwcInternal
Behavior as context and the aggregated data prototype
as target. In addition, the reference shall also include the
complete path identifying the instance of the component
prototype that contains the particular instance of Swc
InstanceRef implemented by:AnyInstanceRef

Table F.24: FlatInstanceDescriptor

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Software Component Template

Class HwDescriptionEntity (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::EcuResourceTemplate
Note This meta-class represents the ability to describe a hardware entity.
Base ARObject, Referrable
Subclasses HwElement, HwPin, HwPinGroup, HwType
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
hwAttribute HwAttributeValue * aggr This aggregation represents a particular hardware
Value attribute value.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
hwCategory HwCategory * ref One of the associations representing one particular
category of the hardware entity.
hwType HwType 0..1 ref This association is used to assign an optional HwType
which contains the common attribute values for all
occurences of this HwDescriptionEntity. Note that Hw
Types can not be redefined and therefore shall not have a
hwType reference.

Table F.25: HwDescriptionEntity

Class HwElement
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::EcuResourceTemplate
Note This represents the ability to describe Hardware Elements on an instance level. The particular types of
hardware are distinguished by the category. This category determines the applicable attributes. The
possible categories and attributes are defined in HwCategory.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, HwDescriptionEntity , Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
hwElement HwElementConnector * aggr This represents one particular connection between two
Connection hardware elements.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
hwPinGroup HwPinGroup * aggr This aggregation is used to describe the connection
facilities of a hardware element. Note that hardware
element has no pins but only pingroups.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

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Software Component Template

Class HwElement
nestedElement HwElement * ref This association is used to establish hierarchies of hw
elements. Note that one particular HwElement can be
target of this association only once. I.e. multiple
instantiation of the same HwElement is not supported (at
any hierarchy level).
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table F.26: HwElement

Class HwType
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::EcuResourceTemplate::HwElementCategory
Note This represents the ability to describe Hardware types on an abstract level. The particular types of
hardware are distinguished by the category. This category determines the applicable attributes. The
possible categories and attributes are defined in HwCategory.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, HwDescriptionEntity , Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table F.27: HwType

Class ISignal
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Fibex::FibexCore::CoreCommunication
Note Signal of the Interaction Layer. The RTE supports a "signal fan-out" where the same System Signal is
sent in different SignalIPdus to multiple receivers.
To support the RTE "signal fan-out" each SignalIPdu contains ISignals. If the same System Signal is to
be mapped into several SignalIPdus there is one ISignal needed for each ISignalToIPduMapping.
ISignals describe the Interface between the Precompile configured RTE and the potentially Postbuild
configured Com Stack (see ECUC Parameter Mapping).
In case of the SystemSignalGroup an ISignal shall be created for each SystemSignal contained in the
Base ARObject, CollectableElement, FibexElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
data DataTransformation 0..1 ref Optional reference to a DataTransformation which
Transformation represents the transformer chain that is used to transform
the data that shall be placed inside this ISignal.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
dataTypePolicy DataTypePolicyEnum 1 attr With the aggregation of SwDataDefProps an ISignal
specifies how it is represented on the network. This
representation follows a particular policy. Note that this
causes some redundancy which is intended and can be

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Software Component Template

Class ISignal
used to support flexible development methodology as well
as subsequent integrity checks.
If the policy "networkRepresentationFromComSpec" is
chosen the network representation from the ComSpec
that is aggregated by the PortPrototype shall be used. If
the "override" policy is chosen the requirements specified
in the PortInterface and in the ComSpec are not fulfilled
by the networkRepresentationProps. In case the System
Description doesn’t use a complete Software Component
Description (VFB View) the "legacy" policy can be
initValue ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr Optional definition of a ISignal’s initValue in case the
System Description doesn’t use a complete Software
Component Description (VFB View). This supports the
inclusion of legacy system signals.
This value can be used to configure the Signal’s "Init
If a full DataMapping exist for the SystemSignal this
information may be available from a configured Sender
ComSpec and ReceiverComSpec. In this case the
initvalues in SenderComSpec and/or ReceiverComSpec
override this optional value specification. Further
restrictions apply from the RTE specification.
iSignalProps ISignalProps 0..1 aggr Additional optional ISignal properties that may be stored
in different files.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
iSignalType ISignalTypeEnum 0..1 attr This attribute defines whether this iSignal is an array that
results in a UINT8_N / UINT8_DYN ComSignalType in the
COM configuration or a primitive type.
length UnlimitedInteger 1 attr Size of the signal in bits. The size needs to be derived
from the mapped VariableDataPrototype according to the
mapping of primitive DataTypes to BaseTypes as used in
the RTE. Indicates maximum size for dynamic length
The ISignal length of zero bits is allowed.
network SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr Specification of the actual network representation. The
Representation usage of SwDataDefProps for this purpose is restricted to
Props the attributes compuMethod and baseType. The optional
baseType attributes "memAllignment" and "byteOrder"
shall not be used.
The attribute "dataTypePolicy" in the SystemTemplate
element defines whether this network representation shall
be ignored and the information shall be taken over from
the network representation of the ComSpec.
If "override" is chosen by the system integrator the
network representation can violate against the
requirements defined in the PortInterface and in the
network representation of the ComSpec.
In case that the System Description doesn’t use a
complete Software Component Description (VFB View)
this element is used to configure "ComSignalDataInvalid
Value" and the Data Semantics.
systemSignal SystemSignal 1 ref Reference to the System Signal that is supposed to be
transmitted in the ISignal.

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Software Component Template

Class ISignal
timeout ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr Defines and enables the ComTimeoutSubstituition for this
Substitution ISignal.
transformation TransformationISignal * aggr A transformer chain consists of an ordered list of
ISignalProps Props transformers. The ISignal specific configuration
properties for each transformer are defined in the
TransformationISignalProps class. The transformer
configuration properties that are common for all ISignals
are described in the TransformationTechnology class.

Table F.28: ISignal

Class ISignalGroup
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Fibex::FibexCore::CoreCommunication
Note SignalGroup of the Interaction Layer. The RTE supports a "signal fan-out" where the same System
Signal Group is sent in different SignalIPdus to multiple receivers.
An ISignalGroup refers to a set of ISignals that shall always be kept together. A ISignalGroup represents
a COM Signal Group.
Therefore it is recommended to put the ISignalGroup in the same Package as ISignals (see
Base ARObject, CollectableElement, FibexElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
comBased DataTransformation 0..1 ref Optional reference to a DataTransformation which
SignalGroup represents the transformer chain that is used to transform
Transformation the data that shall be placed inside this ISignalGroup
based on the COMBasedTransformer approach.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
Transformation, comBasedSignalGroup
iSignal ISignal * ref Reference to a set of ISignals that shall always be kept
systemSignal SystemSignalGroup 1 ref Reference to the SystemSignalGroup that is defined on
Group VFB level and that is supposed to be transmitted in the
transformation TransformationISignal * aggr A transformer chain consists of an ordered list of
ISignalProps Props transformers. The ISignalGroup specific configuration
properties for each transformer are defined in the
TransformationISignalProps class. The transformer
configuration properties that are common for all ISignal
Groups are described in the TransformationTechnology
Table F.29: ISignalGroup

Class ISignalIPdu
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Fibex::FibexCore::CoreCommunication

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Software Component Template

Class ISignalIPdu
Note Represents the IPdus handled by Com. The ISignalIPdu assembled and disassembled in AUTOSAR
COM consists of one or more signals. In case no multiplexing is performed this IPdu is routed to/from the
Interface Layer.
A maximum of one dynamic length signal per IPdu is allowed.
Base ARObject, CollectableElement, FibexElement, IPdu, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Pdu, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
iPduTiming IPduTiming 0..1 aggr Timing specification for Com IPdus (Transmission
Specification Modes). This information is mandatory for the sender in a
System Extract. This information may be omitted on
receivers in a System Extract.
atpVariation: The timing of a Pdu can vary.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
iSignalToPdu ISignalToIPduMapping * aggr Definition of SignalToIPduMappings included in the Signal
Mapping IPdu.
atpVariation: The content of a PDU can be variable.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
unusedBit Integer 1 attr AUTOSAR COM and AUTOSAR IPDUM are filling not
Pattern used areas of an IPDU with this bit-pattern. This attribute
is mandatory to avoid undefined behavior. This
byte-pattern will be repeated throughout the IPdu.

Table F.30: ISignalIPdu

Class Identifiable (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::Identifiable
Note Instances of this class can be referred to by their identifier (within the namespace borders). In addition to
this, Identifiables are objects which contribute significantly to the overall structure of an AUTOSAR
description. In particular, Identifiables might contain Identifiables.
Base ARObject, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Subclasses ARPackage, AbstractDoIpLogicAddressProps, AbstractEvent, AbstractImplementationDataTypeElement,
AbstractSecurityEventFilter , AbstractSecurityIdsmInstanceFilter , AbstractServiceInstance, AppOsTask
ProxyToEcuTaskProxyMapping, ApplicationEndpoint, ApplicationError, ApplicationPartitionToEcuPartition
Mapping, AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , Atp
Feature, AutosarOperationArgumentInstance, AutosarVariableInstance, BinaryManifestAddressable
Object, BinaryManifestItemDefinition, BinaryManifestResource, BinaryManifestResourceDefinition, Block
State, BswInternalTriggeringPoint, BswModuleDependency, BuildActionEntity , BuildActionEnvironment,
CanTpAddress, CanTpChannel, CanTpNode, Chapter, ClassContentConditional, ClientIdDefinition,
ClientServerOperation, Code, CollectableElement, ComManagementMapping, CommConnectorPort,
CommunicationConnector , CommunicationController , Compiler, ConsistencyNeeds, ConsumedEvent
Group, CouplingPort, CouplingPortStructuralElement, CpSoftwareClusterResource, CpSoftwareCluster
ResourceToApplicationPartitionMapping, CpSoftwareClusterToEcuInstanceMapping, CpSoftwareCluster
ToResourceMapping, CryptoServiceMapping, DataPrototypeGroup, DataTransformation, Dependency
OnArtifact, DiagEventDebounceAlgorithm, DiagnosticConnectedIndicator, DiagnosticDataElement,
DiagnosticDebounceAlgorithmProps, DiagnosticFunctionInhibitSource, DiagnosticRoutineSubfunction,
DltApplication, DltArgument, DltLogChannel, DltMessage, DoIpInterface, DoIpLogicAddress, DoIp
RoutingActivation, ECUMapping, EOCExecutableEntityRefAbstract, EcuPartition, EcucContainerValue,
EcucDefinitionElement, EcucDestinationUriDef, EcucEnumerationLiteralDef, EcucQuery, EcucValidation
Condition, EndToEndProtection, EthernetWakeupSleepOnDatalineConfig, EventHandler, ExclusiveArea,
ExecutableEntity , ExecutionTime, FMAttributeDef, FMFeatureMapAssertion, FMFeatureMapCondition, F
MFeatureMapElement, FMFeatureRelation, FMFeatureRestriction, FMFeatureSelection, FlatInstance

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Software Component Template

Class Identifiable (abstract)
Descriptor, FlexrayArTpNode, FlexrayTpConnectionControl, FlexrayTpNode, FlexrayTpPduPool, Frame
Triggering, GeneralParameter, GlobalTimeGateway, GlobalTimeMaster , GlobalTimeSlave, HeapUsage,
HwAttributeDef, HwAttributeLiteralDef, HwPin, HwPinGroup, IPSecRule, IPv6ExtHeaderFilterList, ISignal
ToIPduMapping, ISignalTriggering, IdentCaption, InternalTriggeringPoint, J1939SharedAddressCluster,
J1939TpNode, Keyword, LifeCycleState, LinScheduleTable, LinTpNode, Linker, MacMulticastGroup, Mc
DataInstance, MemorySection, ModeDeclaration, ModeDeclarationMapping, ModeSwitchPoint, Network
Endpoint, NmCluster , NmEcu, NmNode, NvBlockDescriptor, PackageableElement, ParameterAccess,
PduActivationRoutingGroup, PduToFrameMapping, PduTriggering, PerInstanceMemory, Physical
Channel, PortElementToCommunicationResourceMapping, PortGroup, PortInterfaceMapping, Possible
ErrorReaction, ResourceConsumption, RootSwCompositionPrototype, RptComponent, RptContainer,
RptExecutableEntity, RptExecutableEntityEvent, RptExecutionContext, RptProfile, RptServicePoint, Rte
EventInCompositionSeparation, RteEventInCompositionToOsTaskProxyMapping, RteEventInSystem
Separation, RteEventInSystemToOsTaskProxyMapping, RunnableEntityGroup, SdgAttribute, SdgClass,
SecureCommunicationAuthenticationProps, SecureCommunicationFreshnessProps, SecurityEvent
ContextProps, ServerCallPoint, ServiceNeeds, SignalServiceTranslationElementProps, SignalService
TranslationEventProps, SignalServiceTranslationProps, SocketAddress, SomeipTpChannel, Spec
ElementReference, StackUsage, StaticSocketConnection, StructuredReq, SwGenericAxisParamType,
SwServiceArg, SwcServiceDependency, SwcToApplicationPartitionMapping, SwcToEcuMapping, SwcTo
ImplMapping, SystemMapping, TDCpSoftwareClusterMapping, TDCpSoftwareClusterResourceMapping,
TcpOptionFilterList, TimingCondition, TimingConstraint, TimingDescription, TimingExtensionResource,
TimingModeInstance, TlsCryptoCipherSuite, TlsCryptoCipherSuiteProps, Topic1, TpAddress, Traceable
Table, TraceableText, TracedFailure, TransformationProps, TransformationTechnology, Trigger, Variable
Access, VariationPointProxy, ViewMap, VlanConfig, WaitPoint
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
adminData AdminData 0..1 aggr This represents the administrative data for the identifiable
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
annotation Annotation * aggr Possibility to provide additional notes while defining a
model element (e.g. the ECU Configuration Parameter
Values). These are not intended as documentation but
are mere design notes.
category CategoryString 0..1 attr The category is a keyword that specializes the semantics
of the Identifiable. It affects the expected existence of
attributes and the applicability of constraints.
desc MultiLanguageOverview 0..1 aggr This represents a general but brief (one paragraph)
Paragraph description what the object in question is about. It is only
one paragraph! Desc is intended to be collected into
overview tables. This property helps a human reader to
identify the object in question.
More elaborate documentation, (in particular how the
object is built or used) should go to "introduction".
introduction DocumentationBlock 0..1 aggr This represents more information about how the object in
question is built or is used. Therefore it is a
uuid String 0..1 attr The purpose of this attribute is to provide a globally
unique identifier for an instance of a meta-class. The
values of this attribute should be globally unique strings
prefixed by the type of identifier. For example, to include a
DCE UUID as defined by The Open Group, the UUID

1024 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Class Identifiable (abstract)
would be preceded by "DCE:". The values of this attribute
may be used to support merging of different AUTOSAR
models. The form of the UUID (Universally Unique
Identifier) is taken from a standard defined by the Open
Group (was Open Software Foundation). This standard is
widely used, including by Microsoft for COM (GUIDs) and
by many companies for DCE, which is based on CORBA.
The method for generating these 128-bit IDs is published
in the standard and the effectiveness and uniqueness of
the IDs is not in practice disputed. If the id namespace is
omitted, DCE is assumed. An example is
"DCE:2fac1234-31f8-11b4-a222-08002b34c003". The
uuid attribute has no semantic meaning for an AUTOSAR
model and there is no requirement for AUTOSAR tools to
manage the timestamp.

Table F.31: Identifiable

Class InstantiationTimingEventProps
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Composition
Note This meta-class represents the ability to refine a timing event for particular instances of a software
component. This approach supports an instance specific timing.
Base ARObject, InstantiationRTEEventProps
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
period TimeValue 0..1 attr This attribute represents the value of the refined
activation period.

Table F.32: InstantiationTimingEventProps

Class McDataInstance
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::MeasurementCalibrationSupport
Note Describes the specific properties of one data instance in order to support measurement and/or
calibration of this data instance.
The most important attributes are:
• Its shortName is copied from the ECU Flat map (if applicable) and will be used as identifier and
for display by the MC system.
• The category is copied from the corresponding data type (ApplicationDataType if defined,
otherwise ImplementationDataType) as far as applicable.
• The symbol is the one used in the programming language. It will be used to find out the actual
memory address by the final generation tool with the help of linker generated information.
It is assumed that in the M1 model this part and all the aggregated and referred elements (with the
exception of the Flat Map and the references from ImplementationElementInParameterInstanceRef and
McAccessDetails) are completely generated from "upstream" information. This means, that even if an
element like e.g. a CompuMethod is only used via reference here, it will be copied into the M1 artifact
which holds the complete McSupportData for a given Implementation.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
arraySize PositiveInteger 0..1 attr The existence of this attribute turns the data instance into
an array of data. The attribute determines the size of the
array in terms of number of elements.

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Software Component Template

Class McDataInstance
displayIdentifier McdIdentifier 0..1 attr An optional attribute to be used to set the ASAM ASAP2
flatMapEntry FlatInstanceDescriptor 0..1 ref Reference to the corresponding entry in the ECU Flat
Map. This allows to trace back to the original specification
of the generated data instance. This link shall be added
by the RTE generator mainly for documentation purposes.
The reference is optional because
• The McDataInstance may represent an array or
struct in which only the subElements correspond
to FlatMap entries.
• The McDataInstance may represent a task local
buffer for rapid prototyping access which is
different from the "main instance" used for
measurement access.
instanceIn ImplementationElement 0..1 aggr Reference to the corresponding data instance in the
Memory InParameterInstance description of calibration data structures published by the
Ref RTE generator. This is used to support emulation
methods inside the ECU, it is not required for A2L
mcDataAccess McDataAccessDetails 0..1 aggr Refers to "upstream" information on how the RTE uses
Details this data instance. Use Case: Rapid Prototyping
mcData RoleBasedMcData * aggr An assignment between McDataInstances. This supports
Assignment Assignment the indication of related McDataElement implementing
the of "RP global buffer", "RP global measurement
buffer", "RP enabler flag".
resulting SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr These are the generated properties resulting from
Properties decisions taken by the RTE generator for the actually
implemented data instance. Only those properties are
relevant here, which are needed for the measurement
and calibration system.
resultingRptSw RptSwPrototyping 0..1 aggr Describes the implemented accessibility of data and
Prototyping Access modes by the rapid prototyping tooling.
role Identifier 0..1 attr An optional attribute to be used for additional information
on the role of this data instance, for example in the
context of rapid prototyping.
rptImplPolicy RptImplPolicy 0..1 aggr Describes the implemented code preparation for rapid
prototyping at data accesses for a hook based bypassing.
subElement McDataInstance * aggr This relation indicates, that the target element is part of a
(ordered) "struct" which is given by the source element. This
information will be used by the final generator to set up
the correct addressing scheme.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
symbol SymbolString 0..1 attr This String is used to determine the memory address
during final generation of the MC configuration data (e.g.
"A2L" file) . It shall be the name of the element in the
programming language such that it can be identified in
linker generated information.
In case the McDataInstance is part of composite data in
the programming language, the symbol String may
include parts denoting the element context, unless the
context is given by the symbol attribute of an enclosing
McDataInstance. This means in particular for the C
language that the "." character shall be used as a
separator between the name of a "struct" variable the
name of one of its elements.

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Software Component Template

Class McDataInstance
The symbol can differ from the shortName in case of
generated C data declarations.
It is an optional attribute since it may be missing in case
the instance represents an element (e.g. a single array
element) which has no name in the linker map.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable

Table F.33: McDataInstance

Class McSupportData
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::MeasurementCalibrationSupport
Note Root element for all measurement and calibration support data related to one Implementation artifact on
an ECU. There shall be one such element related to the RTE implementation (if it owns MC data) and a
separate one for each module or component, which owns private MC data.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
emulation McSwEmulationMethod * aggr Describes the calibration method used by the RTE. This
Support Support information is not needed for A2L generation, but to setup
software emulation in the ECU.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
mcParameter McDataInstance * aggr A data instance to be used for calibration.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=mcParameterInstance.shortName, mc
mcVariable McDataInstance * aggr A data instance to be used for measurement.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=mcVariableInstance.shortName, mcVariable
measurable SwSystemconstant * ref Sets of system constant values to be transferred to the
System ValueSet MCD system, because the system constants have been
ConstantValues specified with "swCalibrationAccess" = readonly.
rptSupportData RptSupportData 0..1 aggr The rapid prototyping support data belonging to this
implementation. The aggregtion is <<atpSplitable>>
because in case of an already exisiting BSW
Implementation model, this description will be added later
in the process, namely at code generation time.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable

Table F.34: McSupportData

Class MultilanguageReferrable (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::Identifiable

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Software Component Template

Class MultilanguageReferrable (abstract)
Note Instances of this class can be referred to by their identifier (while adhering to namespace borders). They
also may have a longName. But they are not considered to contribute substantially to the overall
structure of an AUTOSAR description. In particular it does not contain other Referrables.
Base ARObject, Referrable
Subclasses Caption, DefItem, DocumentationContext, Identifiable, SdgCaption, TraceReferrable, Traceable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
longName MultilanguageLong 0..1 aggr This specifies the long name of the object. Long name is
Name targeted to human readers and acts like a headline.

Table F.35: MultilanguageReferrable

Class ParameterInAtomicSWCTypeInstanceRef
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::DataElements::InstanceRefs
Note This class implements an instance reference which can be applied for variables as well as for parameters.
Base ARObject, AtpInstanceRef
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
base AtomicSwComponent 0..1 ref Stereotypes: atpDerived
Type Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=10
contextData ApplicationComposite * ref This ist the context in a compositeDataType.
Prototype ElementDataPrototype
portPrototype PortPrototype 0..1 ref This is the port providing the variable or the entry point to
the variable structure.
rootParameter DataPrototype 0..1 ref This represents the entry point for references into a
DataPrototype CompositeDataType.
targetData DataPrototype 0..1 ref This is the target parameter element. Note that this must
Prototype be nested in ParameterDataPrototype. The target must
be one of ParameterDataPrototype, Application

Table F.36: ParameterInAtomicSWCTypeInstanceRef

Class PostBuildVariantCriterionValueSet
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::VariantHandling
Note This meta-class represents the ability to denote one set of postBuildVariantCriterionValues.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
postBuildVariant PostBuildVariant * aggr This is is one particular postbuild variant criterion/value
CriterionValue CriterionValue pair being part of the PostBuildVariantSet.

Table F.37: PostBuildVariantCriterionValueSet

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Software Component Template

Class Referrable (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::Identifiable
Note Instances of this class can be referred to by their identifier (while adhering to namespace borders).
Base ARObject
Subclasses AtpDefinition, BswDistinguishedPartition, BswModuleCallPoint, BswModuleClientServerEntry, Bsw
VariableAccess, CouplingPortTrafficClassAssignment, DiagnosticEnvModeElement, EthernetPriority
Regeneration, ExclusiveAreaNestingOrder, HwDescriptionEntity , ImplementationProps, LinSlaveConfig
Ident, ModeTransition, MultilanguageReferrable, PncMappingIdent, SingleLanguageReferrable, SoConI
PduIdentifier, SocketConnectionBundle, TimeSyncServerConfiguration, TpConnectionIdent
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
shortName Identifier 1 attr This specifies an identifying shortName for the object. It
needs to be unique within its context and is intended for
humans but even more for technical reference.
Stereotypes: atpIdentityContributor
shortName ShortNameFragment * aggr This specifies how the Referrable.shortName is
Fragment composed of several shortNameFragments.

Table F.38: Referrable

Class RootSwCompositionPrototype
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate
Note The RootSwCompositionPrototype represents the top-level-composition of software components within a
given System.
According to the use case of the System, this may for example be a more or less complete VFB
description, the software of a System Extract or the software of a flat ECU Extract with only atomic SWCs.
Therefore the RootSwComposition will only occasionally contain all atomic software components that are
used in a complete VFB System. The OEM is primarily interested in the required functionality and the
interfaces defining the integration of the Software Component into the System. The internal structure of
such a component contains often substantial intellectual property of a supplier. Therefore a top-level
software composition will often contain empty compositions which represent subsystems.
The contained SwComponentPrototypes are fully specified by their SwComponentTypes (including Port
Prototypes, PortInterfaces, VariableDataPrototypes, SwcInternalBehavior etc.), and their ports are
interconnected using SwConnectorPrototypes.
Base ARObject, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
calibration CalibrationParameter * ref Used CalibrationParameterValueSet for instance specific
ParameterValue ValueSet initialization of calibration parameters.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
flatMap FlatMap 0..1 ref The FlatMap used in the scope of this RootSw
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
software CompositionSw 1 tref We assume that there is exactly one top-level composition
Composition ComponentType that includes all Component instances of the system.
Stereotypes: isOfType

Table F.39: RootSwCompositionPrototype

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Software Component Template

Class Sdg
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::SpecialData
Note Sdg (SpecialDataGroup) is a generic model which can be used to keep arbitrary information which is not
explicitly modeled in the meta-model.
Sdg can have various contents as defined by sdgContentsType. Special Data should only be used
moderately since all elements should be defined in the meta-model.
Thereby SDG should be considered as a temporary solution when no explicit model is available. If an sdg
Caption is available, it is possible to establish a reference to the sdg structure.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
gid NameToken 1 attr This attributes specifies an identifier. Gid comes from the
SGML/XML-Term "Generic Identifier" which is the
element name in XML. The role of this attribute is the
same as the name of an XML - element.
sdgCaption SdgCaption 0..1 aggr This aggregation allows to assign the properties of
Identifiable to the sdg. By this, a shortName etc. can be
assigned to the Sdg.
sdgContents SdgContents 0..1 aggr This is the content of the Sdg.

Table F.40: Sdg

Class SenderReceiverToSignalMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::DataMapping
Note Mapping of a sender receiver communication data element to a signal.
Base ARObject, DataMapping
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dataElement VariableDataPrototype 1 iref Reference to the data element.
InstanceRef implemented by:VariableDataPrototypeIn
senderToSignal TextTableMapping 0..1 aggr This mapping allows for the text-table translation between
TextTable the sending DataPrototype that is defined in the Port
Mapping Prototype and the physicalProps defined for the System
signalTo TextTableMapping 0..1 aggr This mapping allows for the text-table translation between
ReceiverText the physicalProps defined for the SystemSignal and a
TableMapping receiving DataPrototype that is defined in the Port
systemSignal SystemSignal 1 ref Reference to the system signal used to carry the data
Table F.41: SenderReceiverToSignalMapping

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Software Component Template

Primitive String
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::PrimitiveTypes
Note This represents a String in which white-space shall be normalized before processing. For example: in
order to compare two Strings:
• leading and trailing white-space needs to be removed
• consecutive white-space (blank, cr, lf, tab) needs to be replaced by one blank.

Table F.42: String

Class SwServiceArg
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::ServiceProcessTask
Note Specifies the properties of a data object exchanged during the call of an SwService, e.g. an argument or
a return value.
The SwServiceArg can also be used in the argument list of a C-macro. For this purpose the category
shall be set to "MACRO". A reference to implementationDataType can optional be added if the actual
argument has an implementationDataType.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
direction ArgumentDirection 0..1 attr Specifies the direction of the data transfer. The direction
Enum shall indicate the direction of the actual information that is
being consumed by the caller and/or the callee, not the
direction of formal arguments in C.
The attribute is optional for backwards compatibility
reasons. For example, if a pointer is used to pass a
memory address for the expected result, the direction
shall be "out". If a pointer is used to pass a memory
address with content to be read by the callee, its direction
shall be "in".
swArraysize ValueList 0..1 aggr This turns the argument of the service to an array.
swDataDef SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr Data properties of this SwServiceArg.

Table F.43: SwServiceArg

Class <<atpMixedString>> SwSystemconstDependentFormula (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::VariantHandling
Note This class represents an expression depending on system constants.
Base ARObject, FormulaExpression
Subclasses AttributeValueVariationPoint, BlueprintFormula, ConditionByFormula, FMFormulaByFeaturesAndSw
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
sysc SwSystemconst 0..1 ref This refers to a system constant. The internal (coded)
value of the system constant shall be used.

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Software Component Template

Class <<atpMixedString>> SwSystemconstDependentFormula (abstract)
syscString SwSystemconst 0..1 ref syscString indicates that the referenced system constant
shall be evaluated as a string according to

Table F.44: SwSystemconstDependentFormula

Class SwSystemconstantValueSet
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::VariantHandling
Note This meta-class represents the ability to specify a set of system constant values.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
sw SwSystemconstValue * aggr This is one particular value of a system constant.
Table F.45: SwSystemconstantValueSet

Class System
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate
Note The top level element of the System Description. The System description defines five major elements:
Topology, Software, Communication, Mapping and Mapping Constraints.
The System element directly aggregates the elements describing the Software, Mapping and Mapping
Constraints; it contains a reference to an ASAM FIBEX description specifying Communication and
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, CollectableElement,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
clientId ClientIdDefinitionSet * ref Set of Client Identifiers that are used for inter-ECU
DefinitionSet client-server communication in the System.
containerIPdu ByteOrderEnum 0..1 attr Defines the byteOrder of the header in ContainerIPdus.
ecuExtract RevisionLabelString 0..1 attr Version number of the Ecu Extract.
fibexElement FibexElement * ref Reference to ASAM FIBEX elements specifying
Communication and Topology.
All Fibex Elements used within a System Description shall
be referenced from the System Element.
atpVariation: In order to describe a product-line, all Fibex
Elements can be optional.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
interpolation InterpolationRoutine * ref This reference identifies the InterpolationRoutineMapping
Routine MappingSet Sets that are relevant in the context of the enclosing
MappingSet System.

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Software Component Template

Class System
j1939Shared J1939SharedAddress * aggr Collection of J1939Clusters that share a common
AddressCluster Cluster address space for the routing of messages.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
mapping SystemMapping * aggr Aggregation of all mapping aspects (mapping of SW
components to ECUs, mapping of data elements to
signals, and mapping constraints).
In order to support OEM / Tier 1 interaction and shared
development for one common System this aggregation is
atpSplitable and atpVariation. The content of System
Mapping can be provided by several parties using
different names for the SystemMapping.
This element is not required when the System description
is used for a network-only use-case.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=mapping.shortName, mapping.variation
pncVector PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Length of the partial networking request release
Length information vector (in bytes).
pncVectorOffset PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Absolute offset (with respect to the NM-PDU) of the
partial networking request release information vector that
is defined in bytes as an index starting with 0.
rootSoftware RootSwComposition 0..1 aggr Aggregation of the root software composition, containing
Composition Prototype all software components in the System in a hierarchical
structure. This element is not required when the System
description is used for a network-only use-case.
atpVariation: The RootSwCompositionPrototype can vary.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=rootSoftwareComposition.shortName, root
swCluster CpSoftwareCluster * ref CP Software Clusters of this System
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=swCluster.cpSoftwareCluster, sw
system Chapter * aggr Possibility to provide additional documentation while
Documentation defining the System. The System documentation can be
composed of several chapters.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=systemDocumentation.shortName, system
systemVersion RevisionLabelString 1 attr Version number of the System Description.

Table F.46: System

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Software Component Template

Class SystemSignal
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Fibex::FibexCore::CoreCommunication
Note The system signal represents the communication system’s view of data exchanged between SW
components which reside on different ECUs. The system signals allow to represent this communication
in a flattened structure, with exactly one system signal defined for each data element prototype sent and
received by connected SW component instances.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dynamicLength Boolean 1 attr The length of dynamic length signals is variable in
run-time. Only a maximum length of such a signal is
specified in the configuration (attribute length in ISignal
physicalProps SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr Specification of the physical representation.

Table F.47: SystemSignal

Class TransientFault
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note The reported failure is classified as runtime error.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, TracedFailure
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
possibleError PossibleErrorReaction * aggr Describes a possible error reactions for the transient fault
Reaction handler.
Table F.48: TransientFault

Class VariableInAtomicSWCTypeInstanceRef
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::DataElements::InstanceRefs
Base ARObject, AtpInstanceRef
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
base AtomicSwComponent 0..1 ref Stereotypes: atpDerived
Type Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=10
contextData ApplicationComposite * ref This is the context in a compositeDataType.
Prototype ElementDataPrototype
portPrototype PortPrototype 0..1 ref This is the port providing the parameter or the entry point
to the parameter structure.
rootVariable VariableDataPrototype 0..1 ref Tags:xml.sequenceOffset=30
targetData DataPrototype 0..1 ref This is the target of the instance ref. Note that it shall be
Prototype one of ApplicationCompositeElementDataPrototype of

Table F.49: VariableInAtomicSWCTypeInstanceRef

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Software Component Template

Class VariationPoint
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::VariantHandling
Note This meta-class represents the ability to express a "structural variation point". The container of the
variation point is part of the selected variant if swSyscond evaluates to true and each postBuildVariant
Criterion is fulfilled.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
blueprint DocumentationBlock 0..1 aggr This represents a description that documents how the
Condition variation point shall be resolved when deriving objects
from the blueprint.
Note that variationPoints are not allowed within a
desc MultiLanguageOverview 0..1 aggr This allows to describe shortly the purpose of the
Paragraph variation point.
formalBlueprint BlueprintGenerator 0..1 aggr This represents a description that documents how the
Generator variation point shall be resolved when deriving objects
from the blueprint by using ARMQL.
Note that variationPoints are not allowed within a formal
postBuildVariant PostBuildVariant * aggr This is the set of post build variant conditions which all
Condition Condition shall be fulfilled in order to (postbuild) bind the variation
sdg Sdg 0..1 aggr An optional special data group is attached to every
variation point. These data can be used by external
software systems to attach application specific data. For
example, a variant management system might add an
identifier, an URL or a specific classifier.
shortLabel Identifier 0..1 attr This provides a name to the particular variation point to
support the RTE generator. It is necessary for supporting
splitable aggregations and if binding time is later than
codeGenerationTime, as well as some RTE conditions. It
needs to be unique with in the enclosing Identifiables with
the same ShortName.
Stereotypes: atpIdentityContributor
swSyscond ConditionByFormula 0..1 aggr This condition acts as Binding Function for the Variation
Point. Note that the multiplicity is 0..1 in order to support
pure postBuild variants.

Table F.50: VariationPoint

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Software Component Template

G Upstream Mapping

G.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the mapping of the ECU Configuration parameters (M1 model)
onto the meta-classes and attributes of the AUTOSAR upstream templates (in this
case: Software Component Template).
The relationships between upstream templates and ECU Configuration are described
in order to answer typical questions like:
• How shall a supplier use the information in a System Description in order to fulfill
the needs defined by the systems engineer?
• How is a tool vendor supposed to generate an ECU Configuration Description out
of ECU Extract of System Description?
Please note that the upstream mapping tables contain the following columns:
Column Name Column Meaning
BSW Module Name of BSW module
BSW Context Reference to parameter container
BSW Parameter Name of the BSW parameter
BSW Type Type of parameter
BSW Description Description from the configuration document
Template Description Class note or attribute note of the M2 model element
M2 Parameter Name of the upstream template model element
Mapping Rule Textual description on how to transform between M2 and BSW domains
Mapping Type One of:
local no mapping needed since parameter local to BSW
partial some data can be automatically mapped but not all
full all data can be automatically mapped
Mapping Status Indication of life-cycle status of the mapping
ECUC Parameter ID ID of the parameter in the respective SWS document (may be empty if the mapping is owned by
an enumeration literal)

Table G.1: Upstream mapping table columns

G.2 NvM

BSW Module BSW Context

NvM NvM/NvMBlockDescriptor
BSW Parameter BSW Type

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Software Component Template

BSW Description
Defines the job priority for a NVRAM block (0 = Immediate priority).
Template Description
Requires the priority of writing this block in case of concurrent requests to write other blocks.
Defines whether or not the associated RAM Block shall be implicitly stored in case of ECU failure (e.g. loss of power) by the
basic software. If the attribute storeEmergency is set to true the associated RAM Block shall be configured to have immediate
M2 Parameter
CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::NvBlockNeeds.writingPriority, CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::NvBlockNeeds.
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
It is the integrators job to secure the value-monotonic assignment of writingPriority to NvMBlock full
JobPriority. This means that the lowest assigned value of writingPriority=MEDIUM shall be greater
than highest assigned value of writingPriority=HIGH etc.If NvBlockNeeds.storeEmergency is set to
True then NvMBlockJobPriority shall be 0 (Immediate priority). If NvBlockNeeds.storeEmergency
is set to False then the value of NvMBlockJobPriority depends on the value of NvBlock
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_NvM_00477]

BSW Module BSW Context

NvM NvM/NvMBlockDescriptor
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Defines the block management type for the NVRAM block.[SWS_NvM_00137]
Template Description
Reliability against data loss on the non-volatile medium.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
if (reliability == errorDetection | noProtection) && nDataSets==0 then NvmBlockManagementType full
= NVM_BLOCK_NATIVE. if reliability == errorCorrection then NvmBlockManagementType = NVM_
BLOCK_REDUNDANT. [constr_1095] applies.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_NvM_00062]

BSW Module BSW Context

NvM NvM/NvMBlockDescriptor
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Defines whether the RAM Block shall be auto validated during shutdown phase.
true: if auto validation mechanism is used, false: otherwise

1037 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Template Description
If set to true the RAM Block shall be auto validated during shutdown phase.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_NvM_00557]

BSW Module BSW Context

NvM NvM/NvMBlockDescriptor
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Defines whether the CRC of the RAM Block shall be compared during a write job with the CRC which was calculated during
the last successful read or write job.
true: if compare mechanism is used, false: otherwise
Template Description
If set to true the CRC of the RAM Block shall be compared during a write job with the CRC which was calculated during the
last successful read or write job in order to skip unnecessary NVRAM writings.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_NvM_00556]

BSW Module BSW Context

NvM NvM/NvMBlockDescriptor
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Defines CRC usage for the NVRAM block, i.e. memory space for CRC is reserved in RAM and NV memory.
true: CRC will be used for this NVRAM block. false: CRC will not be used for this NVRAM block.
Template Description
Reliability against data loss on the non-volatile medium.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
reliability == errorCorrection | errorDetection means that NvmBlockUseCrc shall bet set to true, full
else NvmBlockUseCrc = false
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_NvM_00036]

1038 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

BSW Module BSW Context

NvM NvM/NvMBlockDescriptor
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Defines if NvMSetRamBlockStatusApi shall be used for this block or not.
Note: If NvMSetRamBlockStatusApi is disabled this configuration parameter shall be ignored.
true: calling of NvMSetRamBlockStatus for this RAM block shall set the status of the RAM block.
false: calling of NvMSetRamBlockStatus for this RAM block shall be ignored.
Template Description
This attribute defines how the management of the RAM Block status is controlled.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
If the value of NvBlockNeeds.ramBlockStatusControl is set to RamBlockStatusControlEnum.api full
the parameter shall be set to true. If the value of NvBlockNeeds.ramBlockStatusControl is set to
RamBlockStatusControlEnum.nvRamManager it shall be set to false.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_NvM_00552]

BSW Module BSW Context

NvM NvM/NvMBlockDescriptor
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Defines an initial write protection of the NV block
true: Initial block write protection is enabled. false: Initial block write protection is disabled.
Template Description
True: data of this NVRAM Block are write protected for normal operation (but protection can be disabled)
false: no restriction
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_NvM_00033]

BSW Module BSW Context

NvM NvM/NvMBlockDescriptor
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description

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Software Component Template

Defines CRC (re)calculation for the permanent RAM block or NVRAM blocks which are configured to use explicit
synchronization mechanism.
true: CRC will be (re)calculated for this permanent RAM block. false: CRC will not be (re)calculated for this permanent RAM
Template Description
Defines if CRC (re)calculation for the permanent RAM Block is required.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_NvM_00119]

BSW Module BSW Context

NvM NvM/NvMBlockDescriptor
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Defines the number of multiple NV blocks in a contiguous area according to the given block management type.
1-255 For NVRAM blocks to be configured of block management type NVM_BLOCK_DATASET. The actual range is limited
according to SWS_NvM_00444.
1 For NVRAM blocks to be configured of block management type NVM_BLOCK_NATIVE
2 For NVRAM blocks to be configured of block management type NVM_BLOCK_REDUNDANT
Template Description
Number of data sets to be provided by the NVRAM manager for this block. This is the total number of ROM Blocks and RAM
Reliability against data loss on the non-volatile medium.
M2 Parameter
CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::NvBlockNeeds.nDataSets, CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::NvBlockNeeds.
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
if (nDataSets == 0 && reliability ==noProtection | errorDetection) then NvMNvBlockNum = 1. if (n full
DataSets >0 && reliability ==noProtection | errorDetection) then NvMNvBlockNum = nDataSets.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_NvM_00480]

BSW Module BSW Context

NvM NvM/NvMBlockDescriptor
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description

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Software Component Template

Defines whether a NVRAM block shall be treated resistant to configuration changes or not. If there is no default data available
at configuration time then the application shall be responsible for providing the default initialization data. In this case the
application has to use NvM_GetErrorStatus()to be able to distinguish between first initialization and corrupted data.
true: NVRAM block is resistant to changed software. false: NVRAM block is not resistant to changed software.
Template Description
Defines whether an NVRAM Block shall be treated resistant to configuration changes (true) or not (false). For details how to
handle initialization in the latter case, please refer to the NVRAM specification.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 Mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_NvM_00483]

BSW Module BSW Context

NvM NvM/NvMBlockDescriptor
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Defines the number of multiple ROM blocks in a contiguous area according to the given block management type.
0-254 For NVRAM blocks to be configured of block management type NVM_BLOCK_DATASET. The actual range is limited
according to SWS_NvM_00444.
0-1 For NVRAM blocks to be configured of block management type NVM_BLOCK_NATIVE
0-1 For NVRAM blocks to be configured of block management type NVM_BLOCK_REDUNDANT
Template Description
Number of ROM Blocks to be provided by the NVRAM manager for this block. Please note that these multiple ROM Blocks
are given in a contiguous area.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_NvM_00485]

BSW Module BSW Context

NvM NvM/NvMBlockDescriptor
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Defines whether a block will be processed or not by NvM_FirstInitAll. A block can be configured to be processed even if it
doesn’t have permanent RAM and/or explicit synchronization.
TRUE: block will be processed by NvM_FirstInitAll
FALSE: block will not be processed by NvM_FirstInitAll
Template Description

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Software Component Template

If this attribute is set to true the NvM shall process this block in the NvM_FirstInitAll() function.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_NvM_00558]

BSW Module BSW Context

NvM NvM/NvMBlockDescriptor
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Defines whether a NVRAM block shall be processed during NvM_ReadAll or not. This configuration parameter has only
influence on those NVRAM blocks which are configured to have a permanent RAM block or which are configured to use
explicit synchronization mechanism.
true: NVRAM block shall be processed by NvM_ReadAll false: NVRAM block shall not be processed by NvM_ReadAll
Template Description
Defines whether the associated RAM Block shall be implicitly restored during startup by the basic software.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 Mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_NvM_00117]

BSW Module BSW Context

NvM NvM/NvMBlockDescriptor
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Defines whether a NVRAM block shall be processed during NvM_WriteAll or not. This configuration parameter has only
influence on those NVRAM blocks which are configured to have a permanent RAM block or which are configured to use
explicit synchronization mechanism.
true: NVRAM block shall be processed by NvM_WriteAll false: NVRAM block shall not be processed by NvM_WriteAll
Template Description
Defines whether or not the associated RAM Block shall be implicitly stored during shutdown by the basic software.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 Mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_NvM_00549]

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Software Component Template

BSW Module BSW Context

NvM NvM/NvMBlockDescriptor
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Defines if the Static Block ID check is enabled.
false: Static Block ID check is disabled. true: Static Block ID check is enabled.
Template Description
Defines if the Static Block Id check shall be enabled.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_NvM_00532]

BSW Module BSW Context

NvM NvM/NvMBlockDescriptor
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Defines write protection after first write. The NVRAM manager sets the write protection bit either after the NV block was
written the first time or if the block was already written and it is detected as valid and consistent during a read for it.
true: Defines write protection after first write is enabled.
false: Defines write protection after first write is disabled.
Template Description
Defines write protection after first write:
true: This block is prevented from being changed/erased or being replaced with the default ROM data after first initialization
by the software-component.
false: No such restriction.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_NvM_00072]

BSW Module BSW Context

NvM NvM/NvMBlockDescriptor
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description

1043 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Defines if Write Verification is enabled.
false: Write verification is disabled. true: Write Verification is enabled.
Template Description
Defines if Write Verification shall be enabled for this NVRAM Block.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_NvM_00534]

G.3 Com

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComGwMapping/ComGwDestination/ComGwDestinationDescription
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
This container contains the configuration parameters of the AUTOSAR COM module’s Filters.
Note: On sender side the container is used to specify the transmission mode conditions.
Template Description
Base class for data filters. The type of the filter is specified in attribute dataFilterType. Some of the filter types require
additional arguments which are specified as attributes of this class.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
Create container on the receiver side if the NonqueuedReceiverComSpec contains a DataFilter. full
Create Container on the sender side if the TransmissionModeCondition element contains a
reference to this signal.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_00339]

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComGwMapping/ComGwDestination/ComGwDestinationDescription/ComFilter
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
The range of values is specified in the [17] specification, chapter 2.2.2, Reception Filtering.
Template Description
This attribute specifies the type of the filter.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type

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Software Component Template

Mapping between DataFilterTypeEnum and ComFilterAlgorithm Enum is necessary. full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_00146]

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComGwMapping/ComGwDestination/ComGwDestinationDescription/ComFilter
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
The name of this attribute corresponds to the parameter name in the [17] specification of Reception Filtering.
Template Description
Mask for old and new value.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_00235]

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComGwMapping/ComGwDestination/ComGwDestinationDescription/ComFilter
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
The name of this attribute corresponds to the parameter name in the [17] specification of Reception Filtering.
Template Description
Value to specify the upper boundary
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_00317]

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComGwMapping/ComGwDestination/ComGwDestinationDescription/ComFilter
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
The name of this attribute corresponds to the parameter name in the [17] specification of Reception Filtering.
Template Description

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Software Component Template

Value to specify the lower boundary
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_00318]

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComGwMapping/ComGwDestination/ComGwDestinationDescription/ComFilter
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
The name of this attribute corresponds to the parameter name in the [17] specification of Reception Filtering.
Range = 0..(ComFilterPeriod-1)
Template Description
Specifies the initial number of messages to occur before the first message is passed
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_00313]

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComGwMapping/ComGwDestination/ComGwDestinationDescription/ComFilter
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
This parameter defines the period of the ComFilterAlgorithm ONE_EVERY_N.
Template Description
Specifies number of messages to occur before the message is passed again
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_00312]

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComGwMapping/ComGwDestination/ComGwDestinationDescription/ComFilter

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Software Component Template

BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
The name of this attribute corresponds to the parameter name in the [17] specification of Reception Filtering.
Template Description
Value to compare with
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_00147]

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComGwMapping/ComGwDestination/ComGwDestinationDescription
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Initial value for this signal. In case of UINT8_N the default value is a string of length ComSignalLength with all bytes set to
0x00. In case of UINT8_DYN the initial size shall be 0.
In case the ComSignalType is UINT8, UINT16, UINT32, UINT64, SINT8, SINT16, SINT32, SINT64 the string shall be
interpreted as defined in the chapter Integer Type in the AUTOSAR EcuC specification. In case the ComSignalType is
FLOAT32, FLOAT64 the string shall be interpreted as defined in the chapter Float Type in the AUTOSAR EcuC specification.
In case the ComSignalType is BOOLEAN the string shall be interpreted as defined in the chapter Boolean Type in the
AUTOSAR EcuC specification. In case the ComSignal is a UINT8_N, UINT8_DYN the string shall be interpreted as a decimal
representation of the characters separated by blanks, e.g. "97 98 100" means a string "abd", where the char "a" is in byte
0(lowest address), "b" is in byte 1, and "d" is in byte 2 and (highest address). For the ComSignalType UINT8_DYN the
dynamic length shall be set to the number of configured characters. An empty string "" shall be interpreted as 0-sized
dynamic signal.
Template Description
Initial value to be sent if sender component is not yet fully initialized, but receiver needs data already.
M2 Parameter
SystemTemplate::Fibex::FibexCore::CoreCommunication::ISignal.initValue, SWComponent
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
It is possible to aggregate an initValue at the level of a ComSpec in the SWC Template. in case the full
System Description doesn’t use a complete Software Component Description (VFB View) the init
Value is defined in the System Template.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_00170]

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComSignal
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description

1047 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

This parameter defines the action performed upon reception of an invalid signal. Relating to signal groups the action in case
if one of the included signals is an invalid signal. If Replace is used the ComSignalInitValue will be used for the replacement.
Template Description
Specifies whether the component can actively invalidate a particular dataElement.
If no invalidationPolicy points to a dataElement this is considered to yield the identical result as if the handleInvalid attribute
was set to dontInvalidate.
This attribute defines how invalidation is applied to the ISignals received in the context of this ISignalPort.
M2 Parameter
SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface::InvalidationPolicy, SystemTemplate::Fibex::FibexCore::Core
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
If strategy HandleInvalidEnum.keep is defined then set ComDataInvalidAction to NOTIFY. If full
strategy HandleInvalidEnum.replace is defined then set ComDataInvalidAction to REPLACE. In all
other cases the ComDataInvalidAction shall not be configured.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_00314]

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComSignal
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
This container contains the configuration parameters of the AUTOSAR COM module’s Filters.
Note: On sender side the container is used to specify the transmission mode conditions.
Template Description
Base class for data filters. The type of the filter is specified in attribute dataFilterType. Some of the filter types require
additional arguments which are specified as attributes of this class.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
Create container on the receiver side if the NonqueuedReceiverComSpec contains a DataFilter. full
Create Container on the sender side if the TransmissionModeCondition element contains a
reference to this signal.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_00339]

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComSignal/ComFilter
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
The range of values is specified in the [17] specification, chapter 2.2.2, Reception Filtering.
Template Description

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Software Component Template

This attribute specifies the type of the filter.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
Mapping between DataFilterTypeEnum and ComFilterAlgorithm Enum is necessary. full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_00146]

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComSignal/ComFilter
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
The name of this attribute corresponds to the parameter name in the [17] specification of Reception Filtering.
Template Description
Mask for old and new value.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_00235]

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComSignal/ComFilter
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
The name of this attribute corresponds to the parameter name in the [17] specification of Reception Filtering.
Template Description
Value to specify the upper boundary
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_00317]

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComSignal/ComFilter
BSW Parameter BSW Type

1049 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

BSW Description
The name of this attribute corresponds to the parameter name in the [17] specification of Reception Filtering.
Template Description
Value to specify the lower boundary
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_00318]

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComSignal/ComFilter
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
The name of this attribute corresponds to the parameter name in the [17] specification of Reception Filtering.
Range = 0..(ComFilterPeriod-1)
Template Description
Specifies the initial number of messages to occur before the first message is passed
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_00313]

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComSignal/ComFilter
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
This parameter defines the period of the ComFilterAlgorithm ONE_EVERY_N.
Template Description
Specifies number of messages to occur before the message is passed again
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_00312]

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Software Component Template

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComSignal/ComFilter
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
The name of this attribute corresponds to the parameter name in the [17] specification of Reception Filtering.
Template Description
Value to compare with
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_00147]

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComSignal
BSW Parameter BSW Type
ComSignalDataInvalidValue ECUC-STRING-PARAM-DEF
BSW Description
Defines the data invalid value of the signal.
In case the ComSignalType is UINT8, UINT16, UINT32, UINT64, SINT8, SINT16, SINT32, SINT64 the string shall be
interpreted as defined in the chapter Integer Type in the AUTOSAR EcuC specification. In case the ComSignalType is
FLOAT32, FLOAT64 the string shall be interpreted as defined in the chapter Float Type in the AUTOSAR EcuC specification.
In case the ComSignalType is BOOLEAN the string shall be interpreted as defined in the chapter Boolean Type in the
AUTOSAR EcuC specification. In case the ComSignal is a UINT8_N, UINT8_DYN the string shall be interpreted as a decimal
representation of the characters separated by blanks, e.g. "97 98 100" means a string "abd", where the char "a" is in byte
0(lowest address), "b" is in byte 1, and "d" is in byte 2 and (highest address). For the ComSignalType UINT8_DYN the
dynamic length shall be set to the number of configured characters. An empty string "" shall be interpreted as 0-sized
dynamic signal.
Template Description
Specifies whether the component can actively invalidate a particular dataElement.
If no invalidationPolicy points to a dataElement this is considered to yield the identical result as if the handleInvalid attribute
was set to dontInvalidate.
Optional value to express invalidity of the actual data element.
M2 Parameter
SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface::InvalidationPolicy, DataDictionary::DataDefProperties::SwDataDefProps.
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
ComSignalDataInvalidValue is only derived 1:1 from the SwDataDefProps.invalidValue if the full
InvalidationPolicy equals keep or replace. In all other cases of InvalidationPolicy the ComSignal
DataInvalidValue shall not be configured.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_00391]

1051 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComSignal
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Initial value for this signal. In case of UINT8_N the default value is a string of length ComSignalLength with all bytes set to
0x00. In case of UINT8_DYN the initial size shall be 0.
In case the ComSignalType is UINT8, UINT16, UINT32, UINT64, SINT8, SINT16, SINT32, SINT64 the string shall be
interpreted as defined in the chapter Integer Type in the AUTOSAR EcuC specification. In case the ComSignalType is
FLOAT32, FLOAT64 the string shall be interpreted as defined in the chapter Float Type in the AUTOSAR EcuC specification.
In case the ComSignalType is BOOLEAN the string shall be interpreted as defined in the chapter Boolean Type in the
AUTOSAR EcuC specification. In case the ComSignal is a UINT8_N, UINT8_DYN the string shall be interpreted as a decimal
representation of the characters separated by blanks, e.g. "97 98 100" means a string "abd", where the char "a" is in byte
0(lowest address), "b" is in byte 1, and "d" is in byte 2 and (highest address). For the ComSignalType UINT8_DYN the
dynamic length shall be set to the number of configured characters. An empty string "" shall be interpreted as 0-sized
dynamic signal.
Template Description
Initial value to be sent if sender component is not yet fully initialized, but receiver needs data already.
M2 Parameter
SystemTemplate::Fibex::FibexCore::CoreCommunication::ISignal.initValue, SWComponent
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
It is possible to aggregate an initValue at the level of a ComSpec in the SWC Template. in case the full
System Description doesn’t use a complete Software Component Description (VFB View) the init
Value is defined in the System Template.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_00170]

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComSignal
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Defines the length of the deadline monitoring timeout period in seconds. The period for the first timeout period can be
configured separately by ECUC_Com_00183.
Template Description
• ISignalPort with communicationDirection = in:
Optional timeout value in seconds for the reception of the ISignal. The attribute value is used to configure the ComTimeout in
the COM module. The RTE ignores this attribute. The timeout can also be specified with the NonqueuedReceiverCom
Spec.aliveTimeout attribute. If a full DataMapping exists for the SystemSignal and the value is available in the configured
ReceiverComSpec, then the timeout value in the ReceiverComSpec overrides this optional timeout specification during the
creation of the Base Ecu Configuration of the COM module.
• ISignalPort with communicationDirection = out:
Optional timeout value in seconds for the transmission of the ISignal. The attribute value is used to configure the Com
Timeout in the COM module. The RTE ignores this attribute. The timeout can also be specified with the enderCom
Spec.transmissionAcknowledge.timeout attribute. If a full DataMapping exists for the SystemSignal and the value is available

1052 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

in the configured SenderComSpec, then the timeout value in the SenderComSpec overrides this optional timeout
specification during the creation of the Base Ecu Configuration of the COM module.
This attribute can be used in the following cases:
• legacy signal where the System Description doesn’t use a complete Software Component Description (VFB View)
and where the DataMapping is missing.
• bus monitoring use cases in which the DataMapping is ignored.
Number of seconds before an error is reported or in case of allowed redundancy, the value is sent again.
Specify the amount of time (in seconds) after which the software component (via the RTE) needs to be notified if the
corresponding data item have not been received according to the specified timing description.
If the aliveTimeout attribute is 0 no timeout monitoring shall be performed.
M2 Parameter
SystemTemplate::Fibex::FibexCore::CoreCommunication::ISignalPort.timeout, SWComponent
Template::Communication::TransmissionAcknowledgementRequest.timeout, SWComponent
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
TX Signals: If a full DataMapping exist for the SystemSignal this information may be available from full
a configured SenderComSpec.transmissionAcknowledge.timeout that specifies the amount of time
(in seconds) after which the software component (via the RTE) needs to be notified if the
corresponding data item have not been transmitted according to the specified timing description. In
this case the timeout value in SenderComSpec overrides the optional timeout specification in the
System Template defined on the ISignalPort. RX Signals: If a full DataMapping exist for the
SystemSignal this information may be available from a configured NonqueuedReceiverCom
Spec.aliveTimeout. In this case the timeout value in ReceiverComSpec overrides the optional
timeout specification in the System Template defined on the ISignalPort. Please note that the
SWS_RTE defines an algorithm to finally set the applicable timeout value.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_00263]

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComSignal
BSW Parameter BSW Type
ComTimeoutSubstitutionValue ECUC-STRING-PARAM-DEF
BSW Description
The signal substitution value will be used in case of a timeout and ComRxDataTimeoutAction is set to SUBSTITUTE. In case
of UINT8_N the default value is a string of length ComSignalLength with all bytes set to 0x00.
In case ofUINT8_DYN the initial size shall be 0.
In case the ComSignalType is UINT8, UINT16, UINT32, UINT64, SINT8, SINT16, SINT32, SINT64 the string shall be
interpreted as defined in the chapter Integer Type in the AUTOSAR EcuC specification.
In case the ComSignalType is FLOAT32, FLOAT64 the string shall be interpreted as defined in the chapter Float Type in the
AUTOSAR EcuC specification.
In case the ComSignalType is BOOLEAN the string shall be interpreted as defined in the chapter Boolean Type in the
AUTOSAR EcuC specification.
In case the ComSignal is a UINT8_N, UINT8_DYN the string shall be interpreted as a decimal representation of the
characters separated by blanks, e.g. "97 98 100" means a string "abd", where the char "a" is in byte 0(lowest address), "b" is
in byte 1, and "d" is in byte 2 and (highest address). For the ComSignalType UINT8_DYN the dynamic length shall be set to
the number of configured characters. An empty string "" shall be interpreted as 0-sized dynamic signal.
Template Description
Defines and enables the ComTimeoutSubstituition for this ISignal.

1053 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
The mapping of ComTimeoutSubstitutionValue depends on the setting in the ISignal.dataType full
Policy: - ISignal.dataTypePolicy = override or legacy: SystemTemplate::Fibex::FibexCore::Core
Communication::ISignal.timeoutSubstitutionValue - ISignal.dataTypePolicy = network
RepresentationFromComSpec: SWComponentTemplate::Communication::NonequeuedReceiver
ComSpec.timeoutSubstitutionValue - ISignal.dataTypePolicy = transformingISignal this is not
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_10006]

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComSignalGroup
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
This parameter defines the action performed upon reception of an invalid signal. Relating to signal groups the action in case
if one of the included signals is an invalid signal. If Replace is used the ComSignalInitValue will be used for the replacement.
Template Description
Specifies whether the component can actively invalidate a particular dataElement.
If no invalidationPolicy points to a dataElement this is considered to yield the identical result as if the handleInvalid attribute
was set to dontInvalidate.
This attribute defines how invalidation is applied to the ISignals received in the context of this ISignalPort.
M2 Parameter
SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface::InvalidationPolicy, SystemTemplate::Fibex::FibexCore::Core
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
If strategy HandleInvalidEnum.keep is defined then set ComDataInvalidAction to NOTIFY. If full
strategy HandleInvalidEnum.replace is defined then set ComDataInvalidAction to REPLACE. In all
other cases the ComDataInvalidAction shall not be configured.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_00314]

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComSignalGroup/ComGroupSignal
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
This container contains the configuration parameters of the AUTOSAR COM module’s Filters.
Note: On sender side the container is used to specify the transmission mode conditions.
Template Description
Base class for data filters. The type of the filter is specified in attribute dataFilterType. Some of the filter types require
additional arguments which are specified as attributes of this class.

1054 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
Create container on the receiver side if the NonqueuedReceiverComSpec contains a DataFilter. full
Create Container on the sender side if the TransmissionModeCondition element contains a
reference to this signal.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_00339]

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComSignalGroup/ComGroupSignal/ComFilter
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
The range of values is specified in the [17] specification, chapter 2.2.2, Reception Filtering.
Template Description
This attribute specifies the type of the filter.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
Mapping between DataFilterTypeEnum and ComFilterAlgorithm Enum is necessary. full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_00146]

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComSignalGroup/ComGroupSignal/ComFilter
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
The name of this attribute corresponds to the parameter name in the [17] specification of Reception Filtering.
Template Description
Mask for old and new value.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_00235]

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComSignalGroup/ComGroupSignal/ComFilter

1055 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
The name of this attribute corresponds to the parameter name in the [17] specification of Reception Filtering.
Template Description
Value to specify the upper boundary
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_00317]

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComSignalGroup/ComGroupSignal/ComFilter
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
The name of this attribute corresponds to the parameter name in the [17] specification of Reception Filtering.
Template Description
Value to specify the lower boundary
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_00318]

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComSignalGroup/ComGroupSignal/ComFilter
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
The name of this attribute corresponds to the parameter name in the [17] specification of Reception Filtering.
Range = 0..(ComFilterPeriod-1)
Template Description
Specifies the initial number of messages to occur before the first message is passed
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_00313]

1056 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComSignalGroup/ComGroupSignal/ComFilter
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
This parameter defines the period of the ComFilterAlgorithm ONE_EVERY_N.
Template Description
Specifies number of messages to occur before the message is passed again
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_00312]

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComSignalGroup/ComGroupSignal/ComFilter
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
The name of this attribute corresponds to the parameter name in the [17] specification of Reception Filtering.
Template Description
Value to compare with
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_00147]

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComSignalGroup/ComGroupSignal
BSW Parameter BSW Type
ComSignalDataInvalidValue ECUC-STRING-PARAM-DEF
BSW Description

1057 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Defines the data invalid value of the signal.
In case the ComSignalType is UINT8, UINT16, UINT32, UINT64, SINT8, SINT16, SINT32, SINT64 the string shall be
interpreted as defined in the chapter Integer Type in the AUTOSAR EcuC specification. In case the ComSignalType is
FLOAT32, FLOAT64 the string shall be interpreted as defined in the chapter Float Type in the AUTOSAR EcuC specification.
In case the ComSignalType is BOOLEAN the string shall be interpreted as defined in the chapter Boolean Type in the
AUTOSAR EcuC specification. In case the ComSignal is a UINT8_N, UINT8_DYN the string shall be interpreted as a decimal
representation of the characters separated by blanks, e.g. "97 98 100" means a string "abd", where the char "a" is in byte
0(lowest address), "b" is in byte 1, and "d" is in byte 2 and (highest address). For the ComSignalType UINT8_DYN the
dynamic length shall be set to the number of configured characters. An empty string "" shall be interpreted as 0-sized
dynamic signal.
Template Description
Specifies whether the component can actively invalidate a particular dataElement.
If no invalidationPolicy points to a dataElement this is considered to yield the identical result as if the handleInvalid attribute
was set to dontInvalidate.
Optional value to express invalidity of the actual data element.
M2 Parameter
SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface::InvalidationPolicy, DataDictionary::DataDefProperties::SwDataDefProps.
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
ComSignalDataInvalidValue is only derived 1:1 from the SwDataDefProps.invalidValue if the full
InvalidationPolicy equals keep or replace. In all other cases of InvalidationPolicy the ComSignal
DataInvalidValue shall not be configured.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_00391]

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComSignalGroup/ComGroupSignal
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Initial value for this signal. In case of UINT8_N the default value is a string of length ComSignalLength with all bytes set to
0x00. In case of UINT8_DYN the initial size shall be 0.
In case the ComSignalType is UINT8, UINT16, UINT32, UINT64, SINT8, SINT16, SINT32, SINT64 the string shall be
interpreted as defined in the chapter Integer Type in the AUTOSAR EcuC specification. In case the ComSignalType is
FLOAT32, FLOAT64 the string shall be interpreted as defined in the chapter Float Type in the AUTOSAR EcuC specification.
In case the ComSignalType is BOOLEAN the string shall be interpreted as defined in the chapter Boolean Type in the
AUTOSAR EcuC specification. In case the ComSignal is a UINT8_N, UINT8_DYN the string shall be interpreted as a decimal
representation of the characters separated by blanks, e.g. "97 98 100" means a string "abd", where the char "a" is in byte
0(lowest address), "b" is in byte 1, and "d" is in byte 2 and (highest address). For the ComSignalType UINT8_DYN the
dynamic length shall be set to the number of configured characters. An empty string "" shall be interpreted as 0-sized
dynamic signal.
Template Description
Initial value to be sent if sender component is not yet fully initialized, but receiver needs data already.
M2 Parameter
SystemTemplate::Fibex::FibexCore::CoreCommunication::ISignal.initValue, SWComponent
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
It is possible to aggregate an initValue at the level of a ComSpec in the SWC Template. in case the full
System Description doesn’t use a complete Software Component Description (VFB View) the init
Value is defined in the System Template.

1058 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_00170]

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComSignalGroup/ComGroupSignal
BSW Parameter BSW Type
ComTimeoutSubstitutionValue ECUC-STRING-PARAM-DEF
BSW Description
The signal substitution value will be used in case of a timeout and ComRxDataTimeoutAction is set to SUBSTITUTE. In case
of UINT8_N the default value is a string of length ComSignalLength with all bytes set to 0x00.
In case ofUINT8_DYN the initial size shall be 0.
In case the ComSignalType is UINT8, UINT16, UINT32, UINT64, SINT8, SINT16, SINT32, SINT64 the string shall be
interpreted as defined in the chapter Integer Type in the AUTOSAR EcuC specification.
In case the ComSignalType is FLOAT32, FLOAT64 the string shall be interpreted as defined in the chapter Float Type in the
AUTOSAR EcuC specification.
In case the ComSignalType is BOOLEAN the string shall be interpreted as defined in the chapter Boolean Type in the
AUTOSAR EcuC specification.
In case the ComSignal is a UINT8_N, UINT8_DYN the string shall be interpreted as a decimal representation of the
characters separated by blanks, e.g. "97 98 100" means a string "abd", where the char "a" is in byte 0(lowest address), "b" is
in byte 1, and "d" is in byte 2 and (highest address). For the ComSignalType UINT8_DYN the dynamic length shall be set to
the number of configured characters. An empty string "" shall be interpreted as 0-sized dynamic signal.
Template Description
Defines and enables the ComTimeoutSubstituition for this ISignal.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
The mapping of ComTimeoutSubstitutionValue depends on the setting in the ISignal.dataType full
Policy: - ISignal.dataTypePolicy = override or legacy: SystemTemplate::Fibex::FibexCore::Core
Communication::ISignal.timeoutSubstitutionValue - ISignal.dataTypePolicy = network
RepresentationFromComSpec: SWComponentTemplate::Communication::NonequeuedReceiver
ComSpec.timeoutSubstitutionValue - ISignal.dataTypePolicy = transformingISignal this is not
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_10006]

BSW Module BSW Context

Com Com/ComConfig/ComSignalGroup
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Defines the length of the deadline monitoring timeout period in seconds. The period for the first timeout period can be
configured separately by ECUC_Com_00183.
Template Description

1059 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

• ISignalPort with communicationDirection = in:
Optional timeout value in seconds for the reception of the ISignal. The attribute value is used to configure the ComTimeout in
the COM module. The RTE ignores this attribute. The timeout can also be specified with the NonqueuedReceiverCom
Spec.aliveTimeout attribute. If a full DataMapping exists for the SystemSignal and the value is available in the configured
ReceiverComSpec, then the timeout value in the ReceiverComSpec overrides this optional timeout specification during the
creation of the Base Ecu Configuration of the COM module.
• ISignalPort with communicationDirection = out:
Optional timeout value in seconds for the transmission of the ISignal. The attribute value is used to configure the Com
Timeout in the COM module. The RTE ignores this attribute. The timeout can also be specified with the enderCom
Spec.transmissionAcknowledge.timeout attribute. If a full DataMapping exists for the SystemSignal and the value is available
in the configured SenderComSpec, then the timeout value in the SenderComSpec overrides this optional timeout
specification during the creation of the Base Ecu Configuration of the COM module.
This attribute can be used in the following cases:
• legacy signal where the System Description doesn’t use a complete Software Component Description (VFB View)
and where the DataMapping is missing.
• bus monitoring use cases in which the DataMapping is ignored.
Number of seconds before an error is reported or in case of allowed redundancy, the value is sent again.
Specify the amount of time (in seconds) after which the software component (via the RTE) needs to be notified if the
corresponding data item have not been received according to the specified timing description.
If the aliveTimeout attribute is 0 no timeout monitoring shall be performed.
M2 Parameter
SystemTemplate::Fibex::FibexCore::CoreCommunication::ISignalPort.timeout, SWComponent
Template::Communication::TransmissionAcknowledgementRequest.timeout, SWComponent
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
TX Signals: If a full DataMapping exist for the SystemSignal this information may be available from full
a configured SenderComSpec.transmissionAcknowledge.timeout that specifies the amount of time
(in seconds) after which the software component (via the RTE) needs to be notified if the
corresponding data item have not been transmitted according to the specified timing description. In
this case the timeout value in SenderComSpec overrides the optional timeout specification in the
System Template defined on the ISignalPort. RX Signals: If a full DataMapping exist for the
SystemSignal this information may be available from a configured NonqueuedReceiverCom
Spec.aliveTimeout. In this case the timeout value in ReceiverComSpec overrides the optional
timeout specification in the System Template defined on the ISignalPort. Please note that the
SWS_RTE defines an algorithm to finally set the applicable timeout value.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Com_00263]

G.4 WdgM

BSW Module BSW Context

WdgM WdgM/WdgMConfigSet/WdgMMode/WdgMLocalStatusParams
BSW Parameter BSW Type
WdgMFailedAliveSupervisionRefCycleTol ECUC-INTEGER-PARAM-DEF
BSW Description
This parameter shall contain the acceptable amount of reference cycles with incorrect/failed alive supervisions for this
Supervised Entity.

1060 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Template Description
Number of consecutive failed alive cycles for this SupervisedEntity which shall be tolerated until the supervision status of the
SupervisedEntity is set to WDGM_ALIVE_EXPIRED (see SWS WdgM for more details).
Note that this value has to be recalculated with respect to the WdgM’s own cycle time for ECU configuration.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_WdgM_-

G.5 Dcm

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsd
BSW Parameter BSW Type
DcmDsdServiceRequestManufacturerNotification ECUC-PARAM-CONF-CONTAINER-DEF
BSW Description
The name of this container is used to define the name of the R-Port through which the DCM accesses the interface Service
RequestNotification. The R-Port is named ServiceRequestManufacturerNotification_{Name} where {Name} is the name of
the container DcmDsdServiceRequestManufacturerNotification.
The lowerMultiplicity is 0: If container DcmDsdServiceRequestManufacturerNotification does not exist the Indication API is
not available.
Template Description
This represents the ability to define whether the usage of PortInterface ServiceRequestNotification has the characteristics of
being initiated by a manufacturer or by a supplier.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
If DiagnosticCommunicationManagerNeeds.serviceRequestCallbackType is set to Diagnostic full
ServiceRequestCallbackTypeEnum.requestCallbackTypeManufacturer then DcmDsdService
RequestManufacturerNotification shall exist and the value of DcmDsdServiceRequestManufacturer
Notification.shortName shall be taken from the SwcServiceDependency.shortName that
aggregates the DiagnosticCommunicationManagerNeeds.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dcm_00681]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsd
BSW Parameter BSW Type
DcmDsdServiceRequestSupplierNotification ECUC-PARAM-CONF-CONTAINER-DEF
BSW Description

1061 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

The name of this container is used to define the name of the R-Port through which the DCM accesses the interface Service
RequestNotification. The R-Port is named ServiceRequestSupplierNotification_<SWC> where <SWC> is the name of the
container DcmDsdServiceRequestSupplierNotification.
The lowerMultiplicity is 0: If the container DcmDsdRequestSupplierNotification does not exist the Indication API is not
Template Description
This represents the ability to define whether the usage of PortInterface ServiceRequestNotification has the characteristics of
being initiated by a manufacturer or by a supplier.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
If DiagnosticCommunicationManagerNeeds.serviceRequestCallbackType is set to Diagnostic full
ServiceRequestCallbackTypeEnum.requestCallbackTypeSupplier then DcmDsdServiceRequest
SupplierNotification shall exist and the value of DcmDsdServiceRequestSupplierNotification.short
Name shall be taken from the SwcServiceDependency.shortName that aggregates the Diagnostic
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dcm_00816]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspData
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Function name to request to application to reset an IOControl to default value. (ResetToDefault-function). This parameter is
related to the interface Xxx_ResetToDefault.
Template Description
This represents a flag for the existence of the ResetToDefault operation in the service interface.
This is supposed to represent a reference to a BswServiceDependency. the latter is not derived from Referrable and
therefore this detour needs to be implemented to still let BswServiceDependency become the target of a reference.
M2 Parameter
CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::DiagnosticIoControlNeeds.resetToDefaultSupported, DiagnosticExtract::Diagnostic
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
It could be possible to get the FNC name via BswServiceDependency full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dcm_00673]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspData
BSW Parameter BSW Type
DcmDspDataShortTermAdjustmentFnc ECUC-FUNCTION-NAME-DEF
BSW Description

1062 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Function name to request to application to adjust the IO signal. (ShortTermAdjustment-function).
This parameter is related to the interface Xxx_ShortTermAdjustment.
Template Description
This attribute determines, if the referenced port supports temporarily setting of I/O value to a specific value provided by the
diagnostic tester.
This is supposed to represent a reference to a BswServiceDependency. the latter is not derived from Referrable and
therefore this detour needs to be implemented to still let BswServiceDependency become the target of a reference.
M2 Parameter
CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::DiagnosticIoControlNeeds.shortTermAdjustmentSupported, Diagnostic
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
It could be possible to get the FNC name via BswServiceDependency full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dcm_00675]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspData/DcmDspDataType
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Type of the data is boolean.
Template Description
This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
Describes the length of the data type specified in the container in bits.
This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValueNeeds is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute controls whether the data length of the data is fixed.
M2 Parameter
AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeEncoding, AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.
baseTypeSize, CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::DiagnosticValueNeeds.fixedLength
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
baseTypeEncoding = BOOLEAN baseTypeSize = 1 maxNumberOfElements shall not exist array full
SizeSemantics shall not exist Derivation from DiagnosticValueNeeds.fixedLength=1 possible.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspData/DcmDspDataType
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description

1063 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Type of the data is float.
Template Description
This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
Describes the length of the data type specified in the container in bits.
This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValueNeeds is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute controls whether the data length of the data is fixed.
M2 Parameter
AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeEncoding, AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.
baseTypeSize, CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::DiagnosticValueNeeds.fixedLength
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
baseTypeEncoding = NONE, WINDOWS-1252, UTF-8, BCD-P, BCD-UP baseTypeSize = 8 max full
NumberOfElements shall not exist arraySizeSemantics shall not exist Derivation from Diagnostic
ValueNeeds.fixedLength=1 possible.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspData/DcmDspDataType
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Type of the data is float array.
Template Description
This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
Describes the length of the data type specified in the container in bits.
This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValueNeeds is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute controls whether the data length of the data is fixed.
M2 Parameter
AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeEncoding, AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.
baseTypeSize, CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::DiagnosticValueNeeds.fixedLength
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
baseTypeEncoding = NONE, WINDOWS-1252, UTF-8, BCD-P, BCD-UP baseTypeSize = 8 max full
NumberOfElements shall not exist arraySizeSemantics shall not exist Derivation from Diagnostic
ValueNeeds.fixedLength=1 possible.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspData/DcmDspDataType
BSW Parameter BSW Type

1064 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

BSW Description
Type of the data is sint16.
Template Description
Describes the length of the data type specified in the container in bits.
This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValueNeeds is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute controls whether the data length of the data is fixed.
M2 Parameter
AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeSize, AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.
baseTypeEncoding, CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::DiagnosticValueNeeds.fixedLength
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
baseTypeEncoding = 2C baseTypeSize = 16 maxNumberOfElements shall not exist arraySize full
Semantics shall not exist Derivation from DiagnosticValueNeeds.fixedLength=1 possible.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspData/DcmDspDataType
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Type of the data is sint16 array.
Template Description
Describes the length of the data type specified in the container in bits.
This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
This attribute controls the meaning of the value of the array size.
The existence of this attribute turns the data instance into an array of data. The attribute determines the size of the array in
terms of how many elements the array can take.
This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValueNeeds is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute controls whether the data length of the data is fixed.
M2 Parameter
AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeSize, AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.
baseTypeEncoding, DiagnosticExtract::CommonDiagnostics::DiagnosticDataElement.arraySizeSemantics, Diagnostic
Extract::CommonDiagnostics::DiagnosticDataElement.maxNumberOfElements, CommonStructure::Service
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
baseTypeEncoding = 2C baseTypeSize = 16 maxNumberOfElements exists and value is greater full
than 0 (cf. TPS_DEXT_01001) arraySizeSemantics either does not exist or exists and is set to
ArraySizeSemanticsEnum.fixedSize (cf. TPS_DEXT_01001) Derivation from DiagnosticValue
Needs.fixedLength=1 possible.

1065 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspData/DcmDspDataType
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Type of the data is sint32.
Template Description
Describes the length of the data type specified in the container in bits.
This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValueNeeds is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute controls whether the data length of the data is fixed.
M2 Parameter
AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeSize, AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.
baseTypeEncoding, CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::DiagnosticValueNeeds.fixedLength
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
baseTypeEncoding = 2C baseTypeSize = 32 maxNumberOfElements shall not exist arraySize full
Semantics shall not exist Derivation from DiagnosticValueNeeds.fixedLength=1 possible.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspData/DcmDspDataType
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Type of the data is sint32 array.
Template Description
Describes the length of the data type specified in the container in bits.
This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
This attribute controls the meaning of the value of the array size.
The existence of this attribute turns the data instance into an array of data. The attribute determines the size of the array in
terms of how many elements the array can take.
This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValueNeeds is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute controls whether the data length of the data is fixed.

1066 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

M2 Parameter
AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeSize, AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.
baseTypeEncoding, DiagnosticExtract::CommonDiagnostics::DiagnosticDataElement.arraySizeSemantics, Diagnostic
Extract::CommonDiagnostics::DiagnosticDataElement.maxNumberOfElements, CommonStructure::Service
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
baseTypeEncoding = 2C baseTypeSize = 32 maxNumberOfElements exists and value is greater full
than 0 (cf. TPS_DEXT_01001) arraySizeSemantics either does not exist or exists and is set to
ArraySizeSemanticsEnum.fixedSize (cf. TPS_DEXT_01001) Derivation from DiagnosticValue
Needs.fixedLength=1 possible.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspData/DcmDspDataType
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Type of the data is sint8.
Template Description
Describes the length of the data type specified in the container in bits.
This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValueNeeds is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute controls whether the data length of the data is fixed.
M2 Parameter
AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeSize, AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.
baseTypeEncoding, CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::DiagnosticValueNeeds.fixedLength
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
baseTypeEncoding = 2C baseTypeSize = 8 maxNumberOfElements shall not exist arraySize full
Semantics shall not exist Derivation from DiagnosticValueNeeds.fixedLength=1 possible.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspData/DcmDspDataType
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Type of the data is sint8 array.
Template Description

1067 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Describes the length of the data type specified in the container in bits.
This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
This attribute controls the meaning of the value of the array size.
The existence of this attribute turns the data instance into an array of data. The attribute determines the size of the array in
terms of how many elements the array can take.
This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValueNeeds is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute controls whether the data length of the data is fixed.
M2 Parameter
AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeSize, AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.
baseTypeEncoding, DiagnosticExtract::CommonDiagnostics::DiagnosticDataElement.arraySizeSemantics, Diagnostic
Extract::CommonDiagnostics::DiagnosticDataElement.maxNumberOfElements, CommonStructure::Service
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
baseTypeEncoding = 2C baseTypeSize = 8 maxNumberOfElements exists and value is greater full
than 0 (cf. TPS_DEXT_01001) arraySizeSemantics either does not exist or exists and is set to
ArraySizeSemanticsEnum.fixedSize (cf. TPS_DEXT_01001) Derivation from DiagnosticValue
Needs.fixedLength=1 possible.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspData/DcmDspDataType
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Type of the data is uint16.
Template Description
This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
Describes the length of the data type specified in the container in bits.
This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValueNeeds is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute controls whether the data length of the data is fixed.
M2 Parameter
AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeEncoding, AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.
baseTypeSize, CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::DiagnosticValueNeeds.fixedLength
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
baseTypeEncoding = NONE, UTF-16 baseTypeSize = 16 maxNumberOfElements shall not exist full
arraySizeSemantics shall not exist Derivation from DiagnosticValueNeeds.fixedLength=1 possible.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

1068 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspData/DcmDspDataType
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Type of the data is uint16 array.
Template Description
This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
Describes the length of the data type specified in the container in bits.
This attribute controls the meaning of the value of the array size.
The existence of this attribute turns the data instance into an array of data. The attribute determines the size of the array in
terms of how many elements the array can take.
This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValueNeeds is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute controls whether the data length of the data is fixed.
M2 Parameter
AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeEncoding, AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.
baseTypeSize, DiagnosticExtract::CommonDiagnostics::DiagnosticDataElement.arraySizeSemantics, Diagnostic
Extract::CommonDiagnostics::DiagnosticDataElement.maxNumberOfElements, CommonStructure::Service
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
baseTypeEncoding = NONE, UTF-16 baseTypeSize = 16 maxNumberOfElements exists and value full
is greater than 0 (cf. TPS_DEXT_01001) arraySizeSemantics either does not exist or exists and is
set to ArraySizeSemanticsEnum.fixedSize (cf. TPS_DEXT_01001) Derivation from Diagnostic
ValueNeeds.fixedLength=1 possible.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspData/DcmDspDataType
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Type of the data is uint32.
Template Description
This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
Describes the length of the data type specified in the container in bits.
This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValueNeeds is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute controls whether the data length of the data is fixed.
M2 Parameter

1069 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeEncoding, AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.
baseTypeSize, CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::DiagnosticValueNeeds.fixedLength
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
baseTypeEncoding = NONE, UTF-32 baseTypeSize = 32 maxNumberOfElements shall not exist full
arraySizeSemantics shall not exist Derivation from DiagnosticValueNeeds.fixedLength=1 possible.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspData/DcmDspDataType
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Type of the data is uint32 array.
Template Description
This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
Describes the length of the data type specified in the container in bits.
This attribute controls the meaning of the value of the array size.
The existence of this attribute turns the data instance into an array of data. The attribute determines the size of the array in
terms of how many elements the array can take.
This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValueNeeds is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute controls whether the data length of the data is fixed.
M2 Parameter
AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeEncoding, AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.
baseTypeSize, DiagnosticExtract::CommonDiagnostics::DiagnosticDataElement.arraySizeSemantics, Diagnostic
Extract::CommonDiagnostics::DiagnosticDataElement.maxNumberOfElements, CommonStructure::Service
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
baseTypeEncoding = NONE, UTF-32 baseTypeSize = 32 maxNumberOfElements exists and value full
is greater than 0 (cf. TPS_DEXT_01001) arraySizeSemantics either does not exist or exists and is
set to ArraySizeSemanticsEnum.fixedSize (cf. TPS_DEXT_01001) Derivation from Diagnostic
ValueNeeds.fixedLength=1 possible.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspData/DcmDspDataType
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Type of the data is uint8.

1070 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Template Description
This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
Describes the length of the data type specified in the container in bits.
This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValueNeeds is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute controls whether the data length of the data is fixed.
M2 Parameter
AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeEncoding, AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.
baseTypeSize, CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::DiagnosticValueNeeds.fixedLength
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
baseTypeEncoding = NONE, WINDOWS-1252, UTF-8, BCD-P, BCD-UP baseTypeSize = 8 max full
NumberOfElements shall not exist arraySizeSemantics shall not exist Derivation from Diagnostic
ValueNeeds.fixedLength=1 possible.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspData/DcmDspDataType
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Type of the data is uint8 array with dynamic length.
Template Description
This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
Describes the length of the data type specified in the container in bits.
This attribute controls the meaning of the value of the array size.
The existence of this attribute turns the data instance into an array of data. The attribute determines the size of the array in
terms of how many elements the array can take.
This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValueNeeds is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute controls whether the data length of the data is fixed.
M2 Parameter
AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeEncoding, AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.
baseTypeSize, DiagnosticExtract::CommonDiagnostics::DiagnosticDataElement.arraySizeSemantics, Diagnostic
Extract::CommonDiagnostics::DiagnosticDataElement.maxNumberOfElements, CommonStructure::Service
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
baseTypeEncoding = NONE, WINDOWS-1252, UTF-8, BCD-P, BCD-UP baseTypeSize = 8 max full
NumberOfElements exists and value is greater than 0 (cf. TPS_DEXT_01002) arraySizeSemantics
exists and is set to ArraySizeSemanticsEnum.variableSize (cf. TPS_DEXT_01002) Derivation from
DiagnosticValueNeeds.fixedLength=0 possible.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

1071 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspData/DcmDspDataType
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Type of the data is uint8 array.
Template Description
This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
Describes the length of the data type specified in the container in bits.
This attribute controls the meaning of the value of the array size.
The existence of this attribute turns the data instance into an array of data. The attribute determines the size of the array in
terms of how many elements the array can take.
This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValueNeeds is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute controls whether the data length of the data is fixed.
M2 Parameter
AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeEncoding, AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.
baseTypeSize, DiagnosticExtract::CommonDiagnostics::DiagnosticDataElement.arraySizeSemantics, Diagnostic
Extract::CommonDiagnostics::DiagnosticDataElement.maxNumberOfElements, CommonStructure::Service
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
baseTypeEncoding = NONE, WINDOWS-1252, UTF-8, BCD-P, BCD-UP baseTypeSize = 8 max full
NumberOfElements exists and value is greater than 0 (cf. TPS_DEXT_01001) arraySizeSemantics
either does not exist or exists and is set to ArraySizeSemanticsEnum.fixedSize (cf. TPS_
DEXT_01001) Derivation from DiagnosticValueNeeds.fixedLength=1 possible.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspData
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Defines which interface shall be used to access the data.
Template Description
This attribute controls whether interaction requires the software-component to react synchronously on a request or whether it
processes the request in background but still the DCM has to issue the call again to eventually obtain the result of the request.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dcm_00713]

1072 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspData/DcmDspDataUsePort
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
The DCM will access the Data using an R-Port requiring a asynchronous ClientServertInterface DataServices_{Data}. The
R-Port is named DataServices_{Data} where {Data} is the name of the container DcmDspData.
Template Description
The software-component processes the request in background but still the Dcm has to issue the call again to eventually
obtain the result of the request.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
DiagnosticServiceSwMapping is having a SwcServiceDependency and ServiceNeeds::Diagnostic full
ProcessingStyleEnum is equal to processingStyleAsynchronous
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspData/DcmDspDataUsePort
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
The Dcm will access the Data using an R-Port requiring a asynchronous ClientServertInterface DataServices_{Data}. The
parameter ErrorCode can be returned to allow the application to trigger a negative response during the operation. The R-Port
is named DataServices_{Data} where {Data} is the name of the container DcmDspData.
Template Description
The software-component processes the request in background but still the Dcm has to issue the call again to eventually
obtain the result of the request or handle error code.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
DiagnosticServiceSwMapping is having a SwcServiceDependency and ServiceNeeds::Diagnostic full
ProcessingStyleEnum is equal to processingStyleAsynchronousWithError
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspData/DcmDspDataUsePort
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description

1073 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

The DCM will access the Data using an R-Port requiring a synchronous ClientServertInterface DataServices_{Data}. The
R-Port is named DataServices_{Data} where {Data} is the name of the container DcmDspData.
Template Description
The software-component is supposed to react synchronously on the request.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
DiagnosticServiceSwMapping is having a SwcServiceDependency and ServiceNeeds::Diagnostic full
ProcessingStyleEnum is equal to processingStyleSynchronous
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspData/DcmDspDiagnosisScaling/DcmDspAlternativeData
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Alternative Diagnosis Representation for the data defined by the means of a VariableDataPrototoype in a DataInterface.
The CompuMethod of the data type of the referenced VariableDataPrototype will be applied to the data type of the Variable
DataPrototype in the interface used by the Dcm.
Template Description
A VariableDataPrototype is used to contain values in an ECU application. This means that most likely a VariableData
Prototype allocates "static" memory on the ECU. In some cases optimization strategies might lead to a situation where the
memory allocation can be avoided.
In particular, the value of a VariableDataPrototype is likely to change as the ECU on which it is used executes.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dcm_00995]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspData/DcmDspDiagnosisScaling/DcmDspAlternativeData
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Optional reference to PortInterfaceMapping which defines the mapping rules.
The PortInterfaceMapping is used to get the DataPrototypeMapping that describes a conversion between the data prototype
referenced by DcmDataElement and the data prototype referenced from DcmDspExternalSRDataElementClass.
Template Description
Specifies one PortInterfaceMapping to support the connection of Ports typed by two different PortInterfaces with PortInterface
elements having unequal names and/or unequal semantic (resolution or range).

1074 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dcm_00996]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspData/DcmDspDiagnosisScaling/DcmDspAlternativeData
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Alternative Diagnosis Representation for the data defined by the means of a ApplicationDataType of category VALUE,
The CompuMethod that applies to the referenced ApplicationDataType in case of category VALUE or BOOLEAN will be
applied to the data type of the VariableDataPrototype in the interface used by the Dcm.
Template Description
A primitive data type defines a set of allowed values.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dcm_00998]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspDidInfo/DcmDspDidControl
BSW Parameter BSW Type
DcmDspDidFreezeCurrentState ECUC-BOOLEAN-PARAM-DEF
BSW Description
This indicates the presence of "FreezeCurrentState".
Template Description
Setting this attribute to true represents the ability of the Dcm to execute a freezeCurrentState.
This attribute determines, if the referenced port supports temporary freezing of I/O value.
M2 Parameter
DiagnosticExtract::Dcm::DiagnosticService::IOControl::DiagnosticIOControl.freezeCurrentState, Common
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dcm_00624]

1075 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspDidInfo/DcmDspDidControl
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
This indicates the presence of "ResetToDefault".
Template Description
Setting this attribute to true represents the ability of the Dcm to execute a resetToDefault.
This represents a flag for the existence of the ResetToDefault operation in the service interface.
M2 Parameter
DiagnosticExtract::Dcm::DiagnosticService::IOControl::DiagnosticIOControl.resetToDefault, CommonStructure::Service
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dcm_00623]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspDidInfo/DcmDspDidControl
BSW Parameter BSW Type
DcmDspDidShortTermAdjustment ECUC-BOOLEAN-PARAM-DEF
BSW Description
This indicates the presence of "ShortTermAdjustment".
Template Description
Setting this attribute to true represents the ability of the Dcm to execute a shortTermAdjustment.
This attribute determines, if the referenced port supports temporarily setting of I/O value to a specific value provided by the
diagnostic tester.
M2 Parameter
DiagnosticExtract::Dcm::DiagnosticService::IOControl::DiagnosticIOControl.shortTermAdjustment, Common
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dcm_00625]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspMemoryTransfer
BSW Parameter BSW Type
DcmDspMemoryTransferUsePort ECUC-BOOLEAN-PARAM-DEF

1076 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

BSW Description
If this parameter is set to true, the Dcm uses a port requiring a PortInterface UploadDownload. If the parameter is false, the
DCM uses the according C-API callouts.
Template Description
This meta-class represents the ability to specify needs regarding upload and download by means of diagnostic services.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dcm_01133]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspPid/DcmDspPidData
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Defines the array length in bytes or the the maximum array length for variable datalengths.
Template Description
Describes the length of the data type specified in the container in bits.
The existence of this attribute turns the data instance into an array of data. The attribute determines the size of the array in
terms of how many elements the array can take.
M2 Parameter
AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeSize, DiagnosticExtract::CommonDiagnostics::DiagnosticData
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
S/R via array: DcmDspPidDataByteSize= maxNumberOfElements * (baseTypeSize / 8) C/S of full
FNC callback: DcmDspPidDataByteSize= maxNumberOfElements Note: 8 is the baseTypeSize of
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dcm_01108]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspPid/DcmDspPidData/DcmDspPidService01/DcmDsp
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Alternative Diagnosis Representation for the data defined by the means of a VariableDataPrototoype in a DataInterface.
The CompuMethod of the data type of the referenced VariableDataPrototype will be applied to the data type of the Variable
DataPrototype in the interface used by the Dcm.
Template Description

1077 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

A VariableDataPrototype is used to contain values in an ECU application. This means that most likely a VariableData
Prototype allocates "static" memory on the ECU. In some cases optimization strategies might lead to a situation where the
memory allocation can be avoided.
In particular, the value of a VariableDataPrototype is likely to change as the ECU on which it is used executes.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dcm_00995]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspPid/DcmDspPidData/DcmDspPidService01/DcmDsp
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Optional reference to PortInterfaceMapping which defines the mapping rules.
The PortInterfaceMapping is used to get the DataPrototypeMapping that describes a conversion between the data prototype
referenced by DcmDataElement and the data prototype referenced from DcmDspExternalSRDataElementClass.
Template Description
Specifies one PortInterfaceMapping to support the connection of Ports typed by two different PortInterfaces with PortInterface
elements having unequal names and/or unequal semantic (resolution or range).
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dcm_00996]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspPid/DcmDspPidData/DcmDspPidService01/DcmDsp
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Alternative Diagnosis Representation for the data defined by the means of a ApplicationDataType of category VALUE,
The CompuMethod that applies to the referenced ApplicationDataType in case of category VALUE or BOOLEAN will be
applied to the data type of the VariableDataPrototype in the interface used by the Dcm.
Template Description
A primitive data type defines a set of allowed values.
M2 Parameter

1078 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dcm_00998]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspRoutine
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Provides the configuration of RequestResult subservice for RoutineControl service. Existence indicates that the Request
RoutineResults in the RoutineControl is supported.
Template Description
This represents the ability to request the result of a running routine.
This denotes the type of diagnostic routine which is implemented by the referenced server port.
M2 Parameter
DiagnosticExtract::CommonDiagnostics::DiagnosticRoutine.requestResult, CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::Diagnostic
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping for DiagnosticRoutine.requestResult OR DiagnosticRoutineNeeds.diagRoutineTyoe full
== asynchronous
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dcm_01023]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspRoutine/DcmDspRequestRoutineResults/DcmDspRequest
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Alternative Diagnosis Representation for the data defined by the means of a ArgumentDataPrototype.
The CompuMethod of the data type of the referenced ArgumentDataPrototype will be applied to the data type of the
ArgumentDataPrototype in the interface used by the Dcm.
Template Description
An argument of an operation, much like a data element, but also carries direction information and is owned by a particular
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dcm_01056]

1079 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspRoutine/DcmDspRequestRoutineResults/DcmDspRequest
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Alternative Diagnosis Representation for the data defined by the means of a ApplicationDataType of category VALUE,
The CompuMethod that applies to the referenced ApplicationDataType in case of category VALUE or BOOLEAN will be
applied to the data type of the VariableDataPrototype in the interface used by the Dcm.
Template Description
A primitive data type defines a set of allowed values.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dcm_00998]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspRoutine/DcmDspRequestRoutineResults/DcmDspRequest
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Type of the data is float.
Template Description
This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
Describes the length of the data type specified in the container in bits.
This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValueNeeds is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute controls whether the data length of the data is fixed.
M2 Parameter
AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeEncoding, AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.
baseTypeSize, CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::DiagnosticValueNeeds.fixedLength
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
baseTypeEncoding = NONE, WINDOWS-1252, UTF-8, BCD-P, BCD-UP baseTypeSize = 8 max full
NumberOfElements shall not exist arraySizeSemantics shall not exist Derivation from Diagnostic
ValueNeeds.fixedLength=1 possible.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

1080 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspRoutine/DcmDspRequestRoutineResults/DcmDspRequest
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Type of the data is float array.
Template Description
This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
Describes the length of the data type specified in the container in bits.
This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValueNeeds is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute controls whether the data length of the data is fixed.
M2 Parameter
AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeEncoding, AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.
baseTypeSize, CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::DiagnosticValueNeeds.fixedLength
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
baseTypeEncoding = NONE, WINDOWS-1252, UTF-8, BCD-P, BCD-UP baseTypeSize = 8 max full
NumberOfElements shall not exist arraySizeSemantics shall not exist Derivation from Diagnostic
ValueNeeds.fixedLength=1 possible.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspRoutine/DcmDspRequestRoutineResults/DcmDspRequest
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Alternative Diagnosis Representation for the data defined by the means of a ArgumentDataPrototype.
The CompuMethod of the data type of the referenced ArgumentDataPrototype will be applied to the data type of the
ArgumentDataPrototype in the interface used by the Dcm.
Template Description
An argument of an operation, much like a data element, but also carries direction information and is owned by a particular
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dcm_01056]

1081 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspRoutine/DcmDspRequestRoutineResults/DcmDspRequest
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Alternative Diagnosis Representation for the data defined by the means of a ApplicationDataType of category VALUE,
The CompuMethod that applies to the referenced ApplicationDataType in case of category VALUE or BOOLEAN will be
applied to the data type of the VariableDataPrototype in the interface used by the Dcm.
Template Description
A primitive data type defines a set of allowed values.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dcm_00998]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspRoutine/DcmDspRequestRoutineResults/DcmDspRequest
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Type of the data is float.
Template Description
This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
Describes the length of the data type specified in the container in bits.
This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValueNeeds is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute controls whether the data length of the data is fixed.
M2 Parameter
AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeEncoding, AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.
baseTypeSize, CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::DiagnosticValueNeeds.fixedLength
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
baseTypeEncoding = NONE, WINDOWS-1252, UTF-8, BCD-P, BCD-UP baseTypeSize = 8 max full
NumberOfElements shall not exist arraySizeSemantics shall not exist Derivation from Diagnostic
ValueNeeds.fixedLength=1 possible.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

1082 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspRoutine/DcmDspRequestRoutineResults/DcmDspRequest
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Type of the data is float array.
Template Description
This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
Describes the length of the data type specified in the container in bits.
This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValueNeeds is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute controls whether the data length of the data is fixed.
M2 Parameter
AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeEncoding, AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.
baseTypeSize, CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::DiagnosticValueNeeds.fixedLength
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
baseTypeEncoding = NONE, WINDOWS-1252, UTF-8, BCD-P, BCD-UP baseTypeSize = 8 max full
NumberOfElements shall not exist arraySizeSemantics shall not exist Derivation from Diagnostic
ValueNeeds.fixedLength=1 possible.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspRoutine
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Provides the configuration of Start subservice for RoutineControl service.
Template Description
This represents the ability to start a routine
Specifies the general needs on the configuration of the Diagnostic Communication Manager (Dcm) which are not related to a
particular item (e.g. a PID). The main use case is the mapping of service ports to the Dcm which are not related to a
particular item.
M2 Parameter
DiagnosticExtract::CommonDiagnostics::DiagnosticRoutine.start, CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
A routine always comes with a start routine, independently of whether the execution is done full
synchronously or asynchronously.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dcm_01021]

1083 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspRoutine/DcmDspStartRoutine/DcmDspStartRoutineIn/Dcm
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Alternative Diagnosis Representation for the data defined by the means of a ArgumentDataPrototype.
The CompuMethod of the data type of the referenced ArgumentDataPrototype will be applied to the data type of the
ArgumentDataPrototype in the interface used by the Dcm.
Template Description
An argument of an operation, much like a data element, but also carries direction information and is owned by a particular
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dcm_01056]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspRoutine/DcmDspStartRoutine/DcmDspStartRoutineIn/Dcm
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Alternative Diagnosis Representation for the data defined by the means of a ApplicationDataType of category VALUE,
The CompuMethod that applies to the referenced ApplicationDataType in case of category VALUE or BOOLEAN will be
applied to the data type of the VariableDataPrototype in the interface used by the Dcm.
Template Description
A primitive data type defines a set of allowed values.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dcm_00998]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspRoutine/DcmDspStartRoutine/DcmDspStartRoutineIn/Dcm
BSW Parameter BSW Type

1084 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

BSW Description
Type of the data is float.
Template Description
This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
Describes the length of the data type specified in the container in bits.
This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValueNeeds is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute controls whether the data length of the data is fixed.
M2 Parameter
AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeEncoding, AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.
baseTypeSize, CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::DiagnosticValueNeeds.fixedLength
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
baseTypeEncoding = NONE, WINDOWS-1252, UTF-8, BCD-P, BCD-UP baseTypeSize = 8 max full
NumberOfElements shall not exist arraySizeSemantics shall not exist Derivation from Diagnostic
ValueNeeds.fixedLength=1 possible.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspRoutine/DcmDspStartRoutine/DcmDspStartRoutineIn/Dcm
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Type of the data is float array.
Template Description
This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
Describes the length of the data type specified in the container in bits.
This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValueNeeds is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute controls whether the data length of the data is fixed.
M2 Parameter
AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeEncoding, AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.
baseTypeSize, CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::DiagnosticValueNeeds.fixedLength
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
baseTypeEncoding = NONE, WINDOWS-1252, UTF-8, BCD-P, BCD-UP baseTypeSize = 8 max full
NumberOfElements shall not exist arraySizeSemantics shall not exist Derivation from Diagnostic
ValueNeeds.fixedLength=1 possible.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

1085 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspRoutine/DcmDspStartRoutine/DcmDspStartRoutineOut/
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Alternative Diagnosis Representation for the data defined by the means of a ArgumentDataPrototype.
The CompuMethod of the data type of the referenced ArgumentDataPrototype will be applied to the data type of the
ArgumentDataPrototype in the interface used by the Dcm.
Template Description
An argument of an operation, much like a data element, but also carries direction information and is owned by a particular
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dcm_01056]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspRoutine/DcmDspStartRoutine/DcmDspStartRoutineOut/
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Alternative Diagnosis Representation for the data defined by the means of a ApplicationDataType of category VALUE,
The CompuMethod that applies to the referenced ApplicationDataType in case of category VALUE or BOOLEAN will be
applied to the data type of the VariableDataPrototype in the interface used by the Dcm.
Template Description
A primitive data type defines a set of allowed values.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dcm_00998]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspRoutine/DcmDspStartRoutine/DcmDspStartRoutineOut/
BSW Parameter BSW Type

1086 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

BSW Description
Type of the data is float.
Template Description
This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
Describes the length of the data type specified in the container in bits.
This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValueNeeds is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute controls whether the data length of the data is fixed.
M2 Parameter
AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeEncoding, AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.
baseTypeSize, CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::DiagnosticValueNeeds.fixedLength
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
baseTypeEncoding = NONE, WINDOWS-1252, UTF-8, BCD-P, BCD-UP baseTypeSize = 8 max full
NumberOfElements shall not exist arraySizeSemantics shall not exist Derivation from Diagnostic
ValueNeeds.fixedLength=1 possible.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspRoutine/DcmDspStartRoutine/DcmDspStartRoutineOut/
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Type of the data is float array.
Template Description
This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
Describes the length of the data type specified in the container in bits.
This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValueNeeds is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute controls whether the data length of the data is fixed.
M2 Parameter
AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeEncoding, AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.
baseTypeSize, CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::DiagnosticValueNeeds.fixedLength
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
baseTypeEncoding = NONE, WINDOWS-1252, UTF-8, BCD-P, BCD-UP baseTypeSize = 8 max full
NumberOfElements shall not exist arraySizeSemantics shall not exist Derivation from Diagnostic
ValueNeeds.fixedLength=1 possible.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

1087 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspRoutine
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Provides the configuration of Stop subservice for RoutineControl service. Existence indicates that the StopRoutine in the
RoutineControl is supported.
Template Description
This represents the ability to stop a running routine.
This denotes the type of diagnostic routine which is implemented by the referenced server port.
M2 Parameter
DiagnosticExtract::CommonDiagnostics::DiagnosticRoutine.stop, CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::DiagnosticRoutine
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping for DiagnosticRoutine.stop OR DiagnosticRoutineNeeds.diagRoutineType == full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dcm_01022]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspRoutine/DcmDspStopRoutine/DcmDspStopRoutineIn/Dcm
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Alternative Diagnosis Representation for the data defined by the means of a ArgumentDataPrototype.
The CompuMethod of the data type of the referenced ArgumentDataPrototype will be applied to the data type of the
ArgumentDataPrototype in the interface used by the Dcm.
Template Description
An argument of an operation, much like a data element, but also carries direction information and is owned by a particular
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dcm_01056]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspRoutine/DcmDspStopRoutine/DcmDspStopRoutineIn/Dcm

1088 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Alternative Diagnosis Representation for the data defined by the means of a ApplicationDataType of category VALUE,
The CompuMethod that applies to the referenced ApplicationDataType in case of category VALUE or BOOLEAN will be
applied to the data type of the VariableDataPrototype in the interface used by the Dcm.
Template Description
A primitive data type defines a set of allowed values.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dcm_00998]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspRoutine/DcmDspStopRoutine/DcmDspStopRoutineIn/Dcm
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Type of the data is float.
Template Description
This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
Describes the length of the data type specified in the container in bits.
This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValueNeeds is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute controls whether the data length of the data is fixed.
M2 Parameter
AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeEncoding, AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.
baseTypeSize, CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::DiagnosticValueNeeds.fixedLength
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
baseTypeEncoding = NONE, WINDOWS-1252, UTF-8, BCD-P, BCD-UP baseTypeSize = 8 max full
NumberOfElements shall not exist arraySizeSemantics shall not exist Derivation from Diagnostic
ValueNeeds.fixedLength=1 possible.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspRoutine/DcmDspStopRoutine/DcmDspStopRoutineIn/Dcm
BSW Parameter BSW Type

1089 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

BSW Description
Type of the data is float array.
Template Description
This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
Describes the length of the data type specified in the container in bits.
This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValueNeeds is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute controls whether the data length of the data is fixed.
M2 Parameter
AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeEncoding, AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.
baseTypeSize, CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::DiagnosticValueNeeds.fixedLength
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
baseTypeEncoding = NONE, WINDOWS-1252, UTF-8, BCD-P, BCD-UP baseTypeSize = 8 max full
NumberOfElements shall not exist arraySizeSemantics shall not exist Derivation from Diagnostic
ValueNeeds.fixedLength=1 possible.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspRoutine/DcmDspStopRoutine/DcmDspStopRoutineOut/
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Alternative Diagnosis Representation for the data defined by the means of a ArgumentDataPrototype.
The CompuMethod of the data type of the referenced ArgumentDataPrototype will be applied to the data type of the
ArgumentDataPrototype in the interface used by the Dcm.
Template Description
An argument of an operation, much like a data element, but also carries direction information and is owned by a particular
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dcm_01056]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspRoutine/DcmDspStopRoutine/DcmDspStopRoutineOut/
BSW Parameter BSW Type

1090 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

BSW Description
Alternative Diagnosis Representation for the data defined by the means of a ApplicationDataType of category VALUE,
The CompuMethod that applies to the referenced ApplicationDataType in case of category VALUE or BOOLEAN will be
applied to the data type of the VariableDataPrototype in the interface used by the Dcm.
Template Description
A primitive data type defines a set of allowed values.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dcm_00998]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspRoutine/DcmDspStopRoutine/DcmDspStopRoutineOut/
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Type of the data is float.
Template Description
This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
Describes the length of the data type specified in the container in bits.
This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValueNeeds is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute controls whether the data length of the data is fixed.
M2 Parameter
AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeEncoding, AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.
baseTypeSize, CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::DiagnosticValueNeeds.fixedLength
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
baseTypeEncoding = NONE, WINDOWS-1252, UTF-8, BCD-P, BCD-UP baseTypeSize = 8 max full
NumberOfElements shall not exist arraySizeSemantics shall not exist Derivation from Diagnostic
ValueNeeds.fixedLength=1 possible.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspRoutine/DcmDspStopRoutine/DcmDspStopRoutineOut/
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description

1091 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Type of the data is float array.
Template Description
This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
Describes the length of the data type specified in the container in bits.
This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValueNeeds is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute controls whether the data length of the data is fixed.
M2 Parameter
AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeEncoding, AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.
baseTypeSize, CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::DiagnosticValueNeeds.fixedLength
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
baseTypeEncoding = NONE, WINDOWS-1252, UTF-8, BCD-P, BCD-UP baseTypeSize = 8 max full
NumberOfElements shall not exist arraySizeSemantics shall not exist Derivation from Diagnostic
ValueNeeds.fixedLength=1 possible.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

Dcm Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspSecurity
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Definition of a single Row of configuration for security level configuration (per security level) The name of this container is
used to define the name of the R-Port through which the DCM accesses the interface SecurityAccess_{SecurityLevel}. The
R-Port is named SecurityAccess_{SecurityLevel} where {SecurityLevel} is the name of the container DcmDspSecurityRow. If
there is no reference, no check of security level shall be done.
Template Description
This meta-class represents the needs of a software-component to verify the access to security level via diagnostic services.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dcm_00759]

G.6 Dem

BSW Module BSW Context

Dem Dem/DemConfigSet
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description

1092 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

This container contains the configuration of Debounce Counter Based Class
Template Description
This meta-class represents the ability to indicate that the counter-based debounce algorithm shall be used by the DEM for
this diagnostic monitor.
This is related to set the ECUC choice container DemDebounceAlgorithmClass to DemDebounceCounterBased.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dem_00881]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dem Dem/DemConfigSet/DemDebounceCounterBasedClass
BSW Parameter BSW Type
DemDebounceCounterJumpDown ECUC-BOOLEAN-PARAM-DEF
BSW Description
Switch for the activation of Jump-Down.
true: Jump-Down activated false: Jump-Down deactivated
Template Description
This value activates or deactivates the counter jump-down behavior.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
Shall be taken from DiagnosticExtract::DiagnosticCommonProps.debounceAlgorithm full
Props.debounceAlgorithm.counterJumpDown. Applicable if DiagnosticExtract::DiagnosticCommon
Props.debounceAlgorithmProps.debounceAlgorithm is modeled by means of a DiagEvent
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dem_00685]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dem Dem/DemConfigSet/DemDebounceCounterBasedClass
BSW Parameter BSW Type
DemDebounceCounterPassedThreshold ECUC-INTEGER-PARAM-DEF
BSW Description
Defines the value of the internal debounce counter, which indicates the passed status.
Template Description
This value defines the event-specific limit that indicates the "passed" counter status.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type

1093 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Shall be taken from DiagnosticExtract::DiagnosticCommonProps.debounceAlgorithm full
Props.debounceAlgorithm.counterPassedThreshold. Applicable if DiagnosticExtract::Diagnostic
CommonProps.debounceAlgorithmProps.debounceAlgorithm is modeled by means of a DiagEvent
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dem_00636]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dem Dem/DemConfigSet/DemEventParameter
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Debounce algorithm class: counter based, time based, or monitor internal.
Template Description
This class represents the ability to specify the pre-debounce algorithm which is selected and/or required by the particular
This class inherits from Identifiable in order to allow further documentation of the expected or implemented debouncing and to
use the category for the identification of the expected / implemented debouncing.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dem_00604]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dem Dem/DemConfigSet/DemEventParameter/DemDebounceAlgorithmClass
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
This container contains the configuration (parameters) for counter based debouncing.
Template Description
This meta-class represents the ability to indicate that the counter-based debounce algorithm shall be used by the DEM for
this diagnostic monitor.
This is related to set the ECUC choice container DemDebounceAlgorithmClass to DemDebounceCounterBased.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
There are two ways to derive the existence of DemDebounceCounterBased: 1. DiagEvent full
Needs,diagEventDebounceAlgoritm exists and is modeled as a DiagEventDebounceCounter
Based. 2. DiagnosticContributionSet.commonProperties.debounceAlgorithmProps.debounce
Algorithm exists and is modeled as a DiagEventDebounceCounterBased If both alternatives exist
at the same time then the definition ot DiagnosticContributionSet.commonProperties.debounce
AlgorithmProps.debounceAlgorithm shall be handled with priority.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dem_00711]

1094 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

BSW Module BSW Context

Dem Dem/DemConfigSet/DemEventParameter/DemDebounceAlgorithmClass
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
This container contains the configuration (parameters) for monitor internal debouncing.
Template Description
"This meta-class represents the ability to indicate that no Dem pre-debounce algorithm shall be used for this diagnostic
monitor. The SWC might implement an internal debouncing algorithm and report qualified (debounced) results to the Dem/
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dem_00712]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dem Dem/DemConfigSet/DemEventParameter/DemDebounceAlgorithmClass
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
This container contains the configuration (parameters) for time based debouncing.
Template Description
This meta-class represents the ability to indicate that the time-based pre-debounce algorithm shall be used by the Dem for
this diagnostic monitor.
This is related to set the EcuC choice container DemDebounceAlgorithmClass to DemDebounceTimeBase.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dem_00713]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dem Dem/DemConfigSet/DemEventParameter
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
If the event uses a pre-stored freeze-frame this attribute indicates if the event requires the pre-stored data to be stored in
non-volatile memory. TRUE = store the pre-stored data in non-volatile memory, FALSE = pre-stored data is not stored in
non-volatile memory.

1095 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Template Description
If the Event uses a prestored freeze-frame (using the operations PrestoreFreezeFrame and ClearPrestoredFreezeFrame of
the service interface DiagnosticMonitor) this attribute indicates if the Event requires the data to be stored in non-volatile
memory. TRUE = Dem shall store the prestored data in non-volatile memory, FALSE = Data can be lost at shutdown (not
stored in Nvm).
If the Event uses a prestored freeze-frame (using the operations PrestoreFreezeFrame and ClearPrestoredFreezeFrame of
the service interface DiagnosticMonitor) this attribute indicates if the Event requires the data to be stored in non-volatile
memory. TRUE = Dem shall store the prestored data in non-volatile memory, FALSE = Data can be lost at shutdown (not
stored in Nvm)
M2 Parameter
CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::DiagnosticEventNeeds.prestoredFreezeframeStoredInNvm, Diagnostic
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dem_00948]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dem Dem/DemGeneral/DemDataElementClass/DemExternalCSDataElementClass/DemDataElement
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Type of the data is float.
Template Description
This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
Describes the length of the data type specified in the container in bits.
This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValueNeeds is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute controls whether the data length of the data is fixed.
M2 Parameter
AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeEncoding, AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.
baseTypeSize, CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::DiagnosticValueNeeds.fixedLength
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
baseTypeEncoding = NONE, WINDOWS-1252, UTF-8, BCD-P, BCD-UP baseTypeSize = 8 max full
NumberOfElements shall not exist arraySizeSemantics shall not exist Derivation from Diagnostic
ValueNeeds.fixedLength=1 possible.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

Dem Dem/DemGeneral/DemDataElementClass/DemExternalCSDataElementClass/DemDataElement

1096 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Type of the data is float array.
Template Description
This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
Describes the length of the data type specified in the container in bits.
This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValueNeeds is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute controls whether the data length of the data is fixed.
M2 Parameter
AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeEncoding, AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.
baseTypeSize, CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::DiagnosticValueNeeds.fixedLength
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
baseTypeEncoding = NONE, WINDOWS-1252, UTF-8, BCD-P, BCD-UP baseTypeSize = 8 max full
NumberOfElements shall not exist arraySizeSemantics shall not exist Derivation from Diagnostic
ValueNeeds.fixedLength=1 possible.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

Dem Dem/DemGeneral/DemDataElementClass/DemExternalCSDataElementClass
BSW Parameter BSW Type
DemDataElementProvideMonitorData ECUC-BOOLEAN-PARAM-DEF
BSW Description
If the parameter is set to True, the generated function call to retrieve the data element has the monitorData0 as additional first
Template Description
This attribute defines whether additional monitor data shall be added to the reporting of events.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dem_00951]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dem Dem/DemGeneral/DemDataElementClass/DemExternalSRDataElementClass/DemDataElement
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Type of the data is float.

1097 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Template Description
This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
Describes the length of the data type specified in the container in bits.
This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValueNeeds is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute controls whether the data length of the data is fixed.
M2 Parameter
AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeEncoding, AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.
baseTypeSize, CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::DiagnosticValueNeeds.fixedLength
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
baseTypeEncoding = NONE, WINDOWS-1252, UTF-8, BCD-P, BCD-UP baseTypeSize = 8 max full
NumberOfElements shall not exist arraySizeSemantics shall not exist Derivation from Diagnostic
ValueNeeds.fixedLength=1 possible.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

Dem Dem/DemGeneral/DemDataElementClass/DemExternalSRDataElementClass/DemDataElement
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Type of the data is float array.
Template Description
This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
Describes the length of the data type specified in the container in bits.
This attribute is applicable only if the DiagnosticValueNeeds is aggregated within a BswModuleDependency.
This attribute controls whether the data length of the data is fixed.
M2 Parameter
AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.baseTypeEncoding, AsamHdo::BaseTypes::BaseTypeDirectDefinition.
baseTypeSize, CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds::DiagnosticValueNeeds.fixedLength
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
baseTypeEncoding = NONE, WINDOWS-1252, UTF-8, BCD-P, BCD-UP baseTypeSize = 8 max full
NumberOfElements shall not exist arraySizeSemantics shall not exist Derivation from Diagnostic
ValueNeeds.fixedLength=1 possible.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

Dem Dem/DemGeneral/DemDataElementClass/DemExternalSRDataElementClass/DemDiagnosis

1098 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Alternative Diagnosis Representation for the data defined by the means of a VariableDataPrototoype in a DataInterface.
The CompuMethod of the data type of the referenced VariableDataPrototype will be applied to the data type of the Variable
DataPrototype in the interface used by the Dem.
Template Description
A VariableDataPrototype is used to contain values in an ECU application. This means that most likely a VariableData
Prototype allocates "static" memory on the ECU. In some cases optimization strategies might lead to a situation where the
memory allocation can be avoided.
In particular, the value of a VariableDataPrototype is likely to change as the ECU on which it is used executes.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dem_00845]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dem Dem/DemGeneral/DemDataElementClass/DemExternalSRDataElementClass/DemDiagnosis
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Optional reference to PortInterfaceMapping which defines the mapping rules.
The PortInterfaceMapping is used to get the DataPrototypeMapping that describes a conversion between the data prototype
referenced by DemDataElement and the data prototype referenced from DcmDspExternalSRDataElementClass.
Template Description
Specifies one PortInterfaceMapping to support the connection of Ports typed by two different PortInterfaces with PortInterface
elements having unequal names and/or unequal semantic (resolution or range).
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dem_00846]

BSW Module BSW Context

Dem Dem/DemGeneral/DemDataElementClass/DemExternalSRDataElementClass/DemDiagnosis
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description

1099 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Alternative Diagnosis Representation for the data defined by the means of a ApplicationDataType of category VALUE,
The CompuMethod that applies to the referenced ApplicationDataType in case of category VALUE or BOOLEAN will be
applied to the data type of the VariableDataPrototype in the interface used by the Dem.
Template Description
A primitive data type defines a set of allowed values.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Dem_00848]

G.7 BswM

BSW Module BSW Context

BswM BswM/BswMConfig/BswMArbitration/BswMModeCondition/BswMConditionValue/BswMCompu
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
This is a foreign reference to the CompuMethod used for mode requests.
Template Description
This meta-class represents the ability to express the relationship between a physical value and the mathematical
Note that this is still independent of the technical implementation in data types. It only specifies the formula how the internal
value corresponds to its physical pendant.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_BswM_01040]

BSW Module BSW Context

BswM BswM/BswMConfig/BswMArbitration/BswMModeCondition/BswMConditionValue/BswMMode
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
This is a foreign reference to the Mode Declaration used for the mode requests corresponding to this condition.
Template Description
Declaration of one Mode. The name and semantics of a specific mode is not defined in the meta-model.

1100 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_BswM_00864]

BSW Module BSW Context

BswM BswM/BswMConfig/BswMArbitration/BswMModeRequestPort/BswMModeInitValue/BswMCompu
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
This is a foreign reference to the CompuMethod used for mode requests.
Template Description
This meta-class represents the ability to express the relationship between a physical value and the mathematical
Note that this is still independent of the technical implementation in data types. It only specifies the formula how the internal
value corresponds to its physical pendant.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_BswM_01040]

BSW Module BSW Context

BswM BswM/BswMConfig/BswMArbitration/BswMModeRequestPort/BswMModeRequestSource/Bsw
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BswMBswModeDeclarationGroupPrototypeRef ECUC-FOREIGN-REFERENCE-DEF
BSW Description
This is a foreign reference to the Mode Declaration Group Prototype.
Template Description
The ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype specifies a set of Modes (ModeDeclarationGroup) which is provided or required in the
given context.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_BswM_00927]

1101 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

BSW Module BSW Context

BswM BswM/BswMConfig/BswMArbitration/BswMModeRequestPort/BswMModeRequestSource/Bsw
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BswMSwcModeNotificationModeDeclarationGroupPrototype ECUC-FOREIGN-REFERENCE-DEF
BSW Description
This is a foreign reference to the ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype.
Template Description
The ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype specifies a set of Modes (ModeDeclarationGroup) which is provided or required in the
given context.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_BswM_00893]

BSW Module BSW Context

BswM BswM/BswMConfig/BswMArbitration/BswMModeRequestPort/BswMModeRequestSource/Bsw
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BswMSwcModeRequestVariableDataPrototypeRef ECUC-FOREIGN-REFERENCE-DEF
BSW Description
This is a reference to the VariableDataPrototype.
Template Description
A VariableDataPrototype is used to contain values in an ECU application. This means that most likely a VariableData
Prototype allocates "static" memory on the ECU. In some cases optimization strategies might lead to a situation where the
memory allocation can be avoided.
In particular, the value of a VariableDataPrototype is likely to change as the ECU on which it is used executes.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_BswM_01046]

BSW Module BSW Context

BswM BswM/BswMConfig/BswMDataTypeMappingSets
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Reference to DataTypeMappingSet.

1102 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Template Description
This class represents a list of mappings between ApplicationDataTypes and ImplementationDataTypes. In addition, it can
contain mappings between ImplementationDataTypes and ModeDeclarationGroups.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_BswM_00937]

BSW Module BSW Context

BswM BswM/BswMConfig/BswMModeControl/BswMAction/BswMAvailableActions/BswMRteMode
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
This is a foreign reference to the Mode Declaration used for the mode request
Template Description
Declaration of one Mode. The name and semantics of a specific mode is not defined in the meta-model.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_BswM_01024]

BSW Module BSW Context

BswM BswM/BswMConfig/BswMModeControl/BswMAction/BswMAvailableActions/BswMRteSwitch
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
This parameter contains the integer value that corresponds to a certain mode in a Mode Declaration Group.
Template Description
Declaration of one Mode. The name and semantics of a specific mode is not defined in the meta-model.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_BswM_00896]

1103 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

BSW Module BSW Context

BswM BswM/BswMConfig/BswMModeControl/BswMAction/BswMAvailableActions/BswMSchMSwitch
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
This parameter contains the integer value that corresponds to a certain mode in a Mode Declaration Group.
Template Description
Declaration of one Mode. The name and semantics of a specific mode is not defined in the meta-model.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_BswM_00901]

BSW Module BSW Context

BswM BswM/BswMConfig/BswMModeControl/BswMRteModeRequestPort
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
This is an instance reference to the variable data prototype used for the mode request.
Template Description
A VariableDataPrototype is used to contain values in an ECU application. This means that most likely a VariableData
Prototype allocates "static" memory on the ECU. In some cases optimization strategies might lead to a situation where the
memory allocation can be avoided.
In particular, the value of a VariableDataPrototype is likely to change as the ECU on which it is used executes.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_BswM_01025]

BSW Module BSW Context

BswM BswM/BswMConfig/BswMModeControl/BswMRteModeRequestPort
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BswMRteModeRequestVariableDataPrototypeSRRef ECUC-FOREIGN-REFERENCE-DEF
BSW Description
This is a foreign reference to a VariableDataPrototype used for the mode request.
Template Description

1104 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

A VariableDataPrototype is used to contain values in an ECU application. This means that most likely a VariableData
Prototype allocates "static" memory on the ECU. In some cases optimization strategies might lead to a situation where the
memory allocation can be avoided.
In particular, the value of a VariableDataPrototype is likely to change as the ECU on which it is used executes.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_BswM_01057]

BSW Module BSW Context

BswM BswM/BswMConfig/BswMModeControl/BswMSwitchPort
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Reference to the ModeSwitchInterface from which the BswM will generate a PPortPrototype.
Template Description
A mode switch interface declares a ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype to be sent and received.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_BswM_00951]

BSW Module BSW Context

BswM BswM/BswMConfig/BswMModeControl/BswMSwitchPort
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Reference to the ModeDeclarationGroup from which the BswM will generate a ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype.
Template Description
A collection of Mode Declarations. Also, the initial mode is explicitly identified.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_BswM_01031]

1105 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

G.8 MemMap

BSW Module BSW Context

MemMap MemMap/MemMapAllocation/MemMapGenericMapping
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Reference to the SwAddrMethod which applies to the MemMapGenericMapping.
Template Description
Used to assign a common addressing method, e.g. common memory section, to data or code objects. These objects could
actually live in different modules or components.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_MemMap_-

BSW Module BSW Context

MemMap MemMap/MemMapAllocation/MemMapSectionSpecificMapping
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Reference to the MemorySection which applies to the MemMapSectionSpecificMapping.
Template Description
Provides a description of an abstract memory section used in the Implementation for code or data. It shall be declared by the
Implementation Description of the module or component, which actually allocates the memory in its code. This means in case
of data prototypes which are allocated by the RTE, that the generated Implementation Description of the RTE shall contain
the corresponding MemorySections.
The attribute "symbol" (if symbol is missing: "shortName") defines the module or component specific section name used in
the code. For details see the document "Specification of Memory Mapping". Typically the section name is build according the
<SwAddrMethod shortName>[_<further specialization nominator>][_<alignment>]
• [<SwAddrMethod shortName>] is the shortName of the referenced SwAddrMethod
• [_<further specialization nominator>] is an optional infix to indicate the specialization in the case that several
MemorySections for different purpose of the same Implementation Description referring to the same or equally
named SwAddrMethods.
• [_<alignment>] is the alignment attributes value and is only applicable in the case that the memoryAllocation
KeywordPolicy value of the referenced SwAddrMethod is set to addrMethodShortNameAndAlignment
MemorySection used to Implement the code of RunnableEntitys and BswSchedulableEntitys shall have a symbol (if missing:
shortName) identical to the referred SwAddrMethod to conform to the generated RTE header files.
In addition to the section name described above, a prefix is used in the corresponding macro code in order to define a name
space. This prefix is by default given by the shortName of the BswModuleDescription resp. the SwComponentType. It can be
superseded by the prefix attribute.
M2 Parameter

1106 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_MemMap_-


BSW Module BSW Context

Rte Rte/RteImplicitCommunication
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Reference to the VariableAccess in the dataReadAccess role.
Template Description
The presence of a VariableAccess implies that a RunnableEntity needs access to a VariableDataPrototype.
The kind of access is specified by the role in which the class is used.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Rte_09035]

BSW Module BSW Context

Rte Rte/RteImplicitCommunication
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Reference to the VariableAccess in the dataWriteAccess role.
Template Description
The presence of a VariableAccess implies that a RunnableEntity needs access to a VariableDataPrototype.
The kind of access is specified by the role in which the class is used.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Rte_09036]

1107 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

BSW Module BSW Context

Rte Rte/RteOsInteraction/RteModeToScheduleTableMapping/RteModeSchtblMapBsw
BSW Parameter BSW Type
RteModeSchtblMapBswProvidedModeGroupRef ECUC-FOREIGN-REFERENCE-DEF
BSW Description
Reference to an instance of a ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype of a Bsw-Module.
Template Description
The ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype specifies a set of Modes (ModeDeclarationGroup) which is provided or required in the
given context.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Rte_09053]

BSW Module BSW Context

Rte Rte/RteOsInteraction/RteModeToScheduleTableMapping
BSW Parameter BSW Type
RteModeSchtblMapModeDeclarationRef ECUC-FOREIGN-REFERENCE-DEF
BSW Description
Reference to the ModeDeclarations.
Template Description
Declaration of one Mode. The name and semantics of a specific mode is not defined in the meta-model.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Rte_09054]

BSW Module BSW Context

Rte Rte/RteOsInteraction/RteModeToScheduleTableMapping/RteModeSchtblMapSwc
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Reference to the PPortPrototype of a SwComponentPrototype.
Template Description
Component port providing a certain port interface.
M2 Parameter

1108 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Rte_09057]

BSW Module BSW Context

Rte Rte/RteSwComponentInstance/RteEventToIsrMapping
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Reference to the description of the ExternalTriggerOccurredEvent or TimingEvent which is pointing to the RunnableEntity
being mapped. This allows a fine grained mapping of RunnableEntites based on the activating RTEEvent.
Template Description
Abstract base class for all RTE-related events
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Rte_09153]

BSW Module BSW Context

Rte Rte/RteSwComponentInstance/RteEventToTaskMapping
BSW Parameter BSW Type
RteActivationOffset ECUC-FLOAT-PARAM-DEF
BSW Description
Activation offset in seconds.
Template Description
The value makes an assumption about the time offset of the first activation of the RunnableEntity triggered by the mapped
TimingEvent relative to the periodic activation of the time base of this TimingEvent. Unit: second.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Rte_09018]

BSW Module BSW Context

Rte Rte/RteSwComponentInstance/RteEventToTaskMapping
BSW Parameter BSW Type

1109 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

BSW Description
Reference to the description of the RTEEvent which is pointing to the RunnableEntity being mapped. This allows a fine
grained mapping of RunnableEntites based on the activating RTEEvent.
Template Description
Abstract base class for all RTE-related events
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Rte_09019]

BSW Module BSW Context

Rte Rte/RteSwComponentInstance/RteExclusiveAreaImplementation
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Reference to the ExclusiveArea.
Template Description
Prevents an executable entity running in the area from being preempted.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Rte_09032]

BSW Module BSW Context

Rte Rte/RteSwComponentInstance/RteInternalTriggerConfig
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Reference to an InternalTriggeringPoint of the related component instance.
The referenced InternalTriggeringPoint has to belong to the same software component instance as the RteSwComponent
Instance owning this parameter configures.
Template Description
If a RunnableEntity owns an InternalTriggeringPoint it is entitled to trigger the execution of RunnableEntities of the
corresponding software-component.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

1110 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

valid [ECUC_Rte_09097]

BSW Module BSW Context

Rte Rte/RteSwComponentInstance/RteNvRamAllocation
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Reference to the NvBlockDescriptor in case the RTE needs to call the NvM directly (e.g. for the supportDirtyFlag feature,
storeCyclic feature, server invocation for NV data management or mode switch based invocation NvM services).
Template Description
Specifies the properties of exactly on NVRAM Block.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Rte_09132]

BSW Module BSW Context

Rte Rte/RteSwComponentInstance/RteNvRamAllocation
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Reference to the SwSeriveDependency which is used to specify the NvBlockNeeds.
Template Description
Specialization of ServiceDependency in the context of an SwcInternalBehavior. It allows to associate ports, port groups and
(in special cases) data defined for an atomic software component to a given ServiceNeeds element.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Rte_09044]

BSW Module BSW Context

Rte Rte/RteSwComponentInstance
BSW Parameter BSW Type
RteSoftwareComponentInstanceRef ECUC-FOREIGN-REFERENCE-DEF
BSW Description
Reference to a SwComponentPrototype.
Template Description

1111 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Role of a software component within a composition.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Rte_09004]

BSW Module BSW Context

Rte Rte/RteSwComponentType/RteComponentTypeCalibration
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Reference to the SwAddrMethod for which software calibration support shall be enabled.
Template Description
Used to assign a common addressing method, e.g. common memory section, to data or code objects. These objects could
actually live in different modules or components.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Rte_09038]

BSW Module BSW Context

Rte Rte/RteSwComponentType
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Reference to either AtomicSwComponentType or ParameterSwComponentType.
Template Description
Base class for AUTOSAR software components.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Rte_09003]

BSW Module BSW Context

Rte Rte/RteSwComponentType

1112 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
The Implementation which shall be assigned to the SwComponentType.
Template Description
This meta-class represents a specialization of the general Implementation meta-class with respect to the usage in application
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Rte_09028]


BSW Module BSW Context

EcuC EcuC/EcucConfigSet/EcucPduCollection/MetaDataType
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
The content of meta data in a Pdu consists of an ordered list of meta data items. This container represents a meta data item
that is contained in meta data of a Pdu.
Template Description
This meta-class represents a single meta-data item.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_EcuC_00074]

BSW Module BSW Context

EcuC EcuC/EcucConfigSet/EcucPduCollection/MetaDataType/MetaDataItem
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
This parameter defines the length of a meta data item in bytes.
Template Description
This attribute determines the length of the MetaDataItem at run-time.
M2 Parameter

1113 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_EcuC_00075]

BSW Module BSW Context

EcuC EcuC/EcucConfigSet/EcucPduCollection/MetaDataType/MetaDataItem/MetaDataItemType
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Address extension field (N_AE) of the mixed addressing modes with 11bit and 29bit CAN ID of ISO 15765-2. Size: 8 bits.
Template Description
This aggregation contributes the specification of the concrete meta-data item type.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface::MetaDataItem.metaDataItemType == ADDRESS_ full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

EcuC EcuC/EcucConfigSet/EcucPduCollection/MetaDataType/MetaDataItem/MetaDataItemType
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
CAN ID according to ISO 11898-2, either 29 bits or 11 bits. Encoding according to Can_IdType. Size: 32 bits.
Template Description
This aggregation contributes the specification of the concrete meta-data item type.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface::MetaDataItem.metaDataItemType == CAN_ID_32 full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

EcuC EcuC/EcucConfigSet/EcucPduCollection/MetaDataType/MetaDataItem/MetaDataItemType
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description

1114 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Ethernet MAC address. Size: 64 bits.
Template Description
This aggregation contributes the specification of the concrete meta-data item type.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface::MetaDataItem.metaDataItemType == ETHERNET_ full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

EcuC EcuC/EcucConfigSet/EcucPduCollection/MetaDataType/MetaDataItem/MetaDataItemType
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
LIN node address as used in the LIN transport protocol. Size: 8 bits.
Template Description
This aggregation contributes the specification of the concrete meta-data item type.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface::MetaDataItem.metaDataItemType == LIN_NAD_8 full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

EcuC EcuC/EcucConfigSet/EcucPduCollection/MetaDataType/MetaDataItem/MetaDataItemType
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Priority field of SAE J1939 IDs, or Ethernet QoS parameter. Size: 8 bits.
Template Description
This aggregation contributes the specification of the concrete meta-data item type.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface::MetaDataItem.metaDataItemType == PRIORITY_8 full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

1115 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

BSW Module BSW Context

EcuC EcuC/EcucConfigSet/EcucPduCollection/MetaDataType/MetaDataItem/MetaDataItemType
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
SoAd socket connection ID. Size: 16 bits.
Template Description
This aggregation contributes the specification of the concrete meta-data item type.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface::MetaDataItem.metaDataItemType == SOCKET_ full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

EcuC EcuC/EcucConfigSet/EcucPduCollection/MetaDataType/MetaDataItem/MetaDataItemType
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Source address of CanTp, FrTp, or DoIP transport protocol messages, or of SAE J1939 messages. Size: 16 bits.
Template Description
This aggregation contributes the specification of the concrete meta-data item type.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface::MetaDataItem.metaDataItemType == SOURCE_ full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

EcuC EcuC/EcucConfigSet/EcucPduCollection/MetaDataType/MetaDataItem/MetaDataItemType
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Target address of CanTp, FrTp, or DoIP transport protocol messages, or destination address of SAE J1939 messages. Size:
16 bits.
Template Description
This aggregation contributes the specification of the concrete meta-data item type.
M2 Parameter

1116 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

Mapping Rule Mapping Type
SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface::MetaDataItem.metaDataItemType == TARGET_ full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

EcuC EcuC/EcucConfigSet/EcucPduCollection/Pdu
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Reference to meta data that is transported in the Pdu through the AUTOSAR layers.
Template Description
A VariableDataPrototype is used to contain values in an ECU application. This means that most likely a VariableData
Prototype allocates "static" memory on the ECU. In some cases optimization strategies might lead to a situation where the
memory allocation can be avoided.
In particular, the value of a VariableDataPrototype is likely to change as the ECU on which it is used executes.
Mapping of a sender receiver communication data element to a signal.
The system signal represents the communication system’s view of data exchanged between SW components which reside
on different ECUs. The system signals allow to represent this communication in a flattened structure, with exactly one system
signal defined for each data element prototype sent and received by connected SW component instances.
Signal of the Interaction Layer. The RTE supports a "signal fan-out" where the same System Signal is sent in different Signal
IPdus to multiple receivers.
To support the RTE "signal fan-out" each SignalIPdu contains ISignals. If the same System Signal is to be mapped into
several SignalIPdus there is one ISignal needed for each ISignalToIPduMapping.
ISignals describe the Interface between the Precompile configured RTE and the potentially Postbuild configured Com Stack
(see ECUC Parameter Mapping).
In case of the SystemSignalGroup an ISignal shall be created for each SystemSignal contained in the SystemSignalGroup.
Represents the IPdus handled by Com. The ISignalIPdu assembled and disassembled in AUTOSAR COM consists of one or
more signals. In case no multiplexing is performed this IPdu is routed to/from the Interface Layer.
A maximum of one dynamic length signal per IPdu is allowed.
M2 Parameter
SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::DataPrototypes::VariableDataPrototype, SystemTemplate::DataMapping::
SenderReceiverToSignalMapping, SystemTemplate::Fibex::FibexCore::CoreCommunication::SystemSignal, System
Template::Fibex::FibexCore::CoreCommunication::ISignal, SystemTemplate::Fibex::FibexCore::CoreCommunication::
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
A MetaDataTypeRef shall be derived for a given Pdu if a MetaDataItemSet exists that refers to a full
VariablePrototype that is also referenced from a SenderReceiverToSignalMapping that in turn
references a SystemSignal that is referenced by a ISignal that is mapped to an ISignalIPdu that is
derived to the mentioned Pdu in EcuC.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_EcuC_00077]

1117 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

BSW Module BSW Context

EcuC EcuC/EcucPartitionCollection/EcucPartition
BSW Parameter BSW Type
EcucPartitionSoftwareComponentInstanceRef ECUC-INSTANCE-REFERENCE-DEF
BSW Description
References the SW Component instances from the Ecu Extract that shall be executed in this partition.
Template Description

M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
The EcucPartitionSoftwareComponentInstanceRef is derived from an SwcToEcuMapping which full
references an EcuPartition and one or several SwComponentPrototypes. For each SwComponent
Prototype that is referenced by the SwcToEcuMapping in the component role an EcucPartition
SoftwareComponentInstanceRef shall be created that refers to the same SwComponentPrototype
as the the SwcToEcuMapping.
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_EcuC_00036]

BSW Module BSW Context

EcuC EcuC/EcucUnitGroupAssignment
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Optional reference to the UnitGroup to support the generation of ASAM MCD file. These UnitGroups are selecting a set of
units for a specific country.
Template Description
This meta-class represents the ability to specify a logical grouping of units.The category denotes the unit system that the
referenced units are associated to.
In this way, e.g. country-specific unit systems (CATEGORY="COUNTRY") can be defined as well as specific unit systems for
certain application domains.
In the same way a group of equivalent units, can be defined which are used in different countries, by setting
CATEGORY="EQUIV_UNITS". KmPerHour and MilesPerHour could such be combined to one group named "vehicle_speed".
The unit MeterPerSec would not belong to this group because it is normally not used for vehicle speed. But all of the
mentioned units could be combined to one group named "speed".
Note that the UnitGroup does not ensure the physical compliance of the units. This is maintained by the physical dimension.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_EcuC_00062]

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Software Component Template

G.11 OS

BSW Module BSW Context

Os Os/OsIoc/OsIocCommunication/OsIocDataProperties
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
This is the type of the data to be transferred on the IOC communication channel. This attribute is necessary to generate the
parameter type of the Ioc functions. Additionally this information should be used to compute the data size for necessary data
copy operations within the Ioc module.
If more than one attribute is defined, the IOC generator should generate an IocXxxGroup function (Xxx= CHOICE [Send,
Receive, Write, Read]).
N:1 or N:M communication (Multiplicity of OsIocSenderProperties > 1) is only allowed for multiplicity of OsIocDataTypeRef = 1
Template Description
Describes a reusable data type on the implementation level. This will typically correspond to a typedef in C-code.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Os_01005]

BSW Module BSW Context

Os Os/OsIoc/OsIocCommunication/OsIocDataProperties
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Reference to the memory mapping containing details about the section where the IOC buffer is placed.
Template Description
Describes a reusable data type on the implementation level. This will typically correspond to a typedef in C-code.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID
valid [ECUC_Os_00405]

G.12 SecOC

BSW Module BSW Context

SecOC SecOC/SecOCRxPduProcessing/SecOCClientServerVerificationStatusPropagationMode
BSW Parameter BSW Type

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Software Component Template

BSW Description
Both "TRUE" and "FALSE" AuthenticationStatus is propagated to SW-C
Template Description
Verification attempts that came out "false" or "true" shall be forwarded to the application software.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

BSW Module BSW Context

SecOC SecOC/SecOCRxPduProcessing/SecOCClientServerVerificationStatusPropagationMode
BSW Parameter BSW Type
BSW Description
Only "FALSE" Authentication Status is propagated to SW-C
Template Description
Only verification attempts that came out "false" shall be forwarded to the application software.
M2 Parameter
Mapping Rule Mapping Type
1:1 mapping full
Mapping Status ECUC Parameter ID

1120 of 1127 Document ID 62: AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate

Software Component Template

H Splitable Elements in the Scope of this Document

This chapter contains a table of all model elements stereotyped atpSplitable
in the scope of this document.
Each entry in the table consists of the identification of the specific model element itself
and the applicable value of the tagged value atp.Splitkey.
For more information about the concept of splitable model elements and how these
shall be treated please refer to [11].
Name of splitable element Splitkey
AdminData.sdg sdg, sdg.variationPoint.shortLabel
ARPackage.arPackage arPackage.shortName, arPackage.variation
ARPackage.element element.shortName, element.definition,
ARPackage.referenceBase referenceBase.shortLabel
AtomicSwComponentType.internalBehavior internalBehavior.shortName, internal
AtomicSwComponentType.symbolProps symbolProps.shortName
CompositionSwComponentType.component component.shortName, component.variation
CompositionSwComponentType.connector connector.shortName, connector.variationPoint.short
CompositionSwComponentType.constantValueMapping constantValueMapping
CompositionSwComponentType.dataTypeMapping dataTypeMapping
CompositionSwComponentType.instantiationRTEEventProps instantiationRTEEventProps.shortLabel,
ConsistencyNeeds.dpgDoesNotRequireCoherency dpgDoesNotRequireCoherency.shortName, dpg
ConsistencyNeeds.dpgRequiresCoherency dpgRequiresCoherency.shortName, dpgRequires
ConsistencyNeeds.regDoesNotRequireStability regDoesNotRequireStability.shortName, regDoes
ConsistencyNeeds.regRequiresStability regRequiresStability.shortName, regRequires
Describable.adminData adminData
EndToEndProtection.endToEndProfile endToEndProfile
EndToEndProtection.endToEndProtectionISignalIPdu endToEndProtectionISignalIPdu, endToEnd
EndToEndProtection.endToEndProtectionVariablePrototype endToEndProtectionVariablePrototype.shortLabel,
EndToEndProtectionSet.endToEndProtection endToEndProtection.shortName, endToEnd
Identifiable.adminData adminData
Implementation.mcSupport mcSupport
Implementation.resourceConsumption resourceConsumption.shortName
ImplementationDataType.symbolProps symbolProps.shortName
InternalBehavior.constantMemory constantMemory.shortName, constant

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Software Component Template

Name of splitable element Splitkey
InternalBehavior.constantValueMapping constantValueMapping
InternalBehavior.dataTypeMapping dataTypeMapping
InternalBehavior.exclusiveArea exclusiveArea.shortName, exclusiveArea.variation
InternalBehavior.exclusiveAreaNestingOrder exclusiveAreaNestingOrder.shortName, exclusive
InternalBehavior.staticMemory staticMemory.shortName, staticMemory.variation
NvBlockDescriptor.constantValueMapping constantValueMapping
NvBlockDescriptor.dataTypeMapping dataTypeMapping
NvBlockDescriptor.modeSwitchEventTriggeredActivity modeSwitchEventTriggeredActivity, modeSwitch
NvBlockSwComponentType.bulkNvDataDescriptor bulkNvDataDescriptor.shortName, bulkNvData
NvBlockSwComponentType.nvBlockDescriptor nvBlockDescriptor.shortName, nvBlock
ParameterSwComponentType.constantMapping constantMapping
ParameterSwComponentType.dataTypeMapping dataTypeMapping
RapidPrototypingScenario.rptContainer rptContainer.shortName, rptContainer.variation
RapidPrototypingScenario.rptProfile rptProfile.shortName
RapidPrototypingScenario.rptSystem rptSystem
RptContainer.byPassPoint byPassPoint.contextElement, byPassPoint.target, by
RptContainer.explicitRptProfileSelection explicitRptProfileSelection
RptContainer.rptContainer rptContainer.shortName, rptContainer.variation
RptContainer.rptHook rptHook, rptHook.variationPoint.shortLabel
RTEEvent.disabledMode disabledMode.contextPort, disabledMode.context
ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype, disabled
RunnableEntity.asynchronousServerCallResultPoint asynchronousServerCallResultPoint.shortName,
RunnableEntity.dataReadAccess dataReadAccess.shortName, dataRead
RunnableEntity.dataReceivePointByArgument dataReceivePointByArgument.shortName, data
RunnableEntity.dataReceivePointByValue dataReceivePointByValue.shortName, dataReceive
RunnableEntity.dataSendPoint dataSendPoint.shortName, dataSendPoint.variation
RunnableEntity.dataWriteAccess dataWriteAccess.shortName, dataWrite
RunnableEntity.externalTriggeringPoint externalTriggeringPoint.ident.shortName, external
RunnableEntity.internalTriggeringPoint internalTriggeringPoint.shortName, internal
RunnableEntity.modeAccessPoint modeAccessPoint.ident.shortName, modeAccess
RunnableEntity.modeSwitchPoint modeSwitchPoint.shortName, modeSwitch

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Software Component Template

Name of splitable element Splitkey
RunnableEntity.parameterAccess parameterAccess.shortName, parameter
RunnableEntity.readLocalVariable readLocalVariable.shortName, readLocal
RunnableEntity.serverCallPoint serverCallPoint.shortName, serverCallPoint.variation
RunnableEntity.writtenLocalVariable writtenLocalVariable.shortName, writtenLocal
SwcInternalBehavior.arTypedPerInstanceMemory arTypedPerInstanceMemory.shortName, arTypedPer
SwcInternalBehavior.event event.shortName, event.variationPoint.shortLabel
SwcInternalBehavior.exclusiveAreaPolicy exclusiveAreaPolicy, exclusiveAreaPolicy.variation
SwcInternalBehavior.explicitInterRunnableVariable explicitInterRunnableVariable.shortName, explicit
SwcInternalBehavior.implicitInterRunnableVariable implicitInterRunnableVariable.shortName, implicit
SwcInternalBehavior.includedDataTypeSet includedDataTypeSet
SwcInternalBehavior.includedModeDeclarationGroupSet includedModeDeclarationGroupSet
SwcInternalBehavior.instantiationDataDefProps instantiationDataDefProps, instantiationDataDef
SwcInternalBehavior.perInstanceMemory perInstanceMemory.shortName, perInstance
SwcInternalBehavior.perInstanceParameter perInstanceParameter.shortName, perInstance
SwcInternalBehavior.portAPIOption portAPIOption, portAPIOption.variationPoint.short
SwcInternalBehavior.runnable runnable.shortName, runnable.variationPoint.short
SwcInternalBehavior.serviceDependency serviceDependency.shortName, service
SwcInternalBehavior.sharedParameter sharedParameter.shortName, shared
SwcInternalBehavior.variationPointProxy variationPointProxy.shortName
SwComponentType.consistencyNeeds consistencyNeeds.shortName, consistency
SwComponentType.port port.shortName, port.variationPoint.shortLabel
SwComponentType.swComponentDocumentation swComponentDocumentation, swComponent
SwcServiceDependency.assignedPort assignedPort, assignedPort.variationPoint.short
Table H.1: Usage of splitable elements

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Software Component Template

I Variation Points in the Scope of this Document

This chapter contains a table of all model elements stereotyped atpVariation
in the scope of this document.
Each entry in the table consists of the identification of the model element itself and the
applicable value of the tagged value vh.latestBindingTime.
For more information about the concept of variation points and how model elements
that contain variation points shall be treated please refer to [11].
Variation Point Latest Binding Time
ApplicationArrayElement.maxNumberOfElements preCompileTime
ApplicationRecordDataType.element preCompileTime
ARPackage.arPackage blueprintDerivationTime
ARPackage.element systemDesignTime
ArrayValueSpecification.element preCompileTime
AtomicSwComponentType.internalBehavior preCompileTime
BulkNvDataDescriptor.nvBlockDataMapping preCompileTime
CalibrationParameterValueSet.calibrationParameterValue preCompileTime
ClientServerInterface.operation blueprintDerivationTime
ClientServerOperation.argument blueprintDerivationTime
CompositionSwComponentType.component postBuild
CompositionSwComponentType.connector postBuild
CompositionSwComponentType.instantiationRTEEventProps codeGenerationTime
CompuConstFormulaContent.vf codeGenerationTime
CompuNominatorDenominator.v preCompileTime
CompuScale.lowerLimit preCompileTime
CompuScale.upperLimit preCompileTime
CompuScales.compuScale blueprintDerivationTime
ConsistencyNeeds.dpgDoesNotRequireCoherency preCompileTime
ConsistencyNeeds.dpgRequiresCoherency preCompileTime
ConsistencyNeeds.regDoesNotRequireStability preCompileTime
ConsistencyNeeds.regRequiresStability preCompileTime
DataPrototypeGroup.dataPrototypeGroup preCompileTime
DataPrototypeGroup.implicitDataAccess preCompileTime
DiagEventDebounceCounterBased.counterDecrementStepSize preCompileTime
DiagEventDebounceCounterBased.counterFailedThreshold preCompileTime
DiagEventDebounceCounterBased.counterIncrementStepSize preCompileTime
DiagEventDebounceCounterBased.counterJumpDown preCompileTime
DiagEventDebounceCounterBased.counterJumpDownValue preCompileTime
DiagEventDebounceCounterBased.counterJumpUp preCompileTime
DiagEventDebounceCounterBased.counterJumpUpValue preCompileTime
DiagEventDebounceCounterBased.counterPassedThreshold preCompileTime
DiagEventDebounceTimeBased.timeBasedFdcThresholdStorageValue preCompileTime
DiagEventDebounceTimeBased.timeFailedThreshold preCompileTime
DiagEventDebounceTimeBased.timePassedThreshold preCompileTime

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Software Component Template

Variation Point Latest Binding Time
EndToEndProtection.endToEndProtectionISignalIPdu preCompileTime
EndToEndProtection.endToEndProtectionVariablePrototype preCompileTime
EndToEndProtectionSet.endToEndProtection preCompileTime
ErrorTracerNeeds.tracedFailure preCompileTime
ExecutableEntity.canEnter preCompileTime
ExecutableEntity.runsInside preCompileTime
Implementation.buildActionManifest codeGenerationTime
Implementation.generatedArtifact preCompileTime
Implementation.requiredArtifact preCompileTime
Implementation.requiredGeneratorTool preCompileTime
ImplementationDataType.subElement preCompileTime
ImplementationDataTypeElement.arraySize preCompileTime
ImplementationDataTypeElement.subElement preCompileTime
InternalBehavior.constantMemory preCompileTime
InternalBehavior.exclusiveArea preCompileTime
InternalBehavior.exclusiveAreaNestingOrder preCompileTime
InternalBehavior.staticMemory preCompileTime
InternalConstrs.lowerLimit preCompileTime
InternalConstrs.upperLimit preCompileTime
ModeDeclarationGroup.modeDeclaration blueprintDerivationTime
NumericalOrText.vf preCompileTime
NumericalValueSpecification.value preCompileTime
NvBlockDescriptor.clientServerPort preCompileTime
NvBlockDescriptor.instantiationDataDefProps preCompileTime
NvBlockDescriptor.modeSwitchEventTriggeredActivity preCompileTime
NvBlockDescriptor.nvBlockDataMapping preCompileTime
NvBlockSwComponentType.bulkNvDataDescriptor preCompileTime
NvBlockSwComponentType.nvBlockDescriptor preCompileTime
ParameterSwComponentType.instantiationDataDefProps preCompileTime
PerInstanceMemorySize.size preCompileTime
PhysConstrs.lowerLimit preCompileTime
PhysConstrs.upperLimit preCompileTime
PortGroup.outerPort preCompileTime
PortInterfaceMappingSet.portInterfaceMapping blueprintDerivationTime
RapidPrototypingScenario.rptContainer preCompileTime
ReceiverComSpec.maxDeltaCounterInit preCompileTime
ReceiverComSpec.usesEndToEndProtection preCompileTime
RecordValueSpecification.field preCompileTime
RptContainer.byPassPoint preCompileTime
RptContainer.rptContainer preCompileTime
RptContainer.rptHook preCompileTime
RuleArguments.vf preCompileTime
RuleArguments.vtf preCompileTime
RuleBasedValueSpecification.arguments preCompileTime
RunnableEntity.asynchronousServerCallResultPoint preCompileTime

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Software Component Template

Variation Point Latest Binding Time
RunnableEntity.dataReadAccess preCompileTime
RunnableEntity.dataReceivePointByArgument preCompileTime
RunnableEntity.dataReceivePointByValue preCompileTime
RunnableEntity.dataSendPoint preCompileTime
RunnableEntity.dataWriteAccess preCompileTime
RunnableEntity.externalTriggeringPoint preCompileTime
RunnableEntity.internalTriggeringPoint preCompileTime
RunnableEntity.modeAccessPoint preCompileTime
RunnableEntity.modeSwitchPoint preCompileTime
RunnableEntity.parameterAccess preCompileTime
RunnableEntity.readLocalVariable preCompileTime
RunnableEntity.serverCallPoint preCompileTime
RunnableEntity.writtenLocalVariable preCompileTime
RunnableEntityGroup.runnableEntity preCompileTime
RunnableEntityGroup.runnableEntityGroup preCompileTime
ScaleConstr.lowerLimit preCompileTime
ScaleConstr.upperLimit preCompileTime
SenderComSpec.usesEndToEndProtection preCompileTime
ServiceDependency.assignedDataType preCompileTime
SubElementMapping.firstElement preCompileTime
SubElementMapping.secondElement preCompileTime
SupervisedEntityNeeds.checkpoints preCompileTime
SwAxisIndividual.swMaxAxisPoints preCompileTime
SwAxisIndividual.swMinAxisPoints preCompileTime
SwcBswMapping.runnableMapping preCompileTime
SwcBswMapping.synchronizedModeGroup preCompileTime
SwcBswMapping.synchronizedTrigger preCompileTime
SwcImplementation.perInstanceMemorySize preCompileTime
SwcInternalBehavior.arTypedPerInstanceMemory preCompileTime
SwcInternalBehavior.event preCompileTime
SwcInternalBehavior.exclusiveAreaPolicy preCompileTime
SwcInternalBehavior.explicitInterRunnableVariable preCompileTime
SwcInternalBehavior.implicitInterRunnableVariable preCompileTime
SwcInternalBehavior.instantiationDataDefProps preCompileTime
SwcInternalBehavior.perInstanceMemory preCompileTime
SwcInternalBehavior.perInstanceParameter preCompileTime
SwcInternalBehavior.portAPIOption preCompileTime
SwcInternalBehavior.runnable preCompileTime
SwcInternalBehavior.serviceDependency preCompileTime
SwcInternalBehavior.sharedParameter preCompileTime
SwComponentDocumentation.chapter postBuild
SwComponentType.consistencyNeeds preCompileTime
SwComponentType.port preCompileTime
SwComponentType.portGroup preCompileTime
SwComponentType.swComponentDocumentation preCompileTime

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Software Component Template

Variation Point Latest Binding Time
SwcServiceDependency.assignedData preCompileTime
SwcServiceDependency.assignedPort preCompileTime
SwDataDefProps codeGenerationTime
SwDataDefProps.swValueBlockSize preCompileTime
SwDataDefProps.swValueBlockSizeMult preCompileTime
SwGenericAxisParam.vf preCompileTime
SwTextProps.swMaxTextSize preCompileTime
SwValues.vf preCompileTime
SwValues.vtf preCompileTime
TextTableMapping.bitfieldTextTableMaskFirst preCompileTime
TextTableMapping.bitfieldTextTableMaskSecond preCompileTime
TextTableValuePair.firstValue preCompileTime
TextTableValuePair.secondValue preCompileTime
ValueList.vf preCompileTime

Table I.1: Usage of variation points

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