The document discusses secure file storage on cloud using hybrid cryptography. It proposes using AES, DES and RSA encryption algorithms together for encrypting file slices. The hybrid approach makes the remote server more secure and helps cloud providers gain user trust by fulfilling security and privacy requirements.
The document discusses secure file storage on cloud using hybrid cryptography. It proposes using AES, DES and RSA encryption algorithms together for encrypting file slices. The hybrid approach makes the remote server more secure and helps cloud providers gain user trust by fulfilling security and privacy requirements.
The document discusses secure file storage on cloud using hybrid cryptography. It proposes using AES, DES and RSA encryption algorithms together for encrypting file slices. The hybrid approach makes the remote server more secure and helps cloud providers gain user trust by fulfilling security and privacy requirements.
The document discusses secure file storage on cloud using hybrid cryptography. It proposes using AES, DES and RSA encryption algorithms together for encrypting file slices. The hybrid approach makes the remote server more secure and helps cloud providers gain user trust by fulfilling security and privacy requirements.
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal ) Volume:04/Issue:06/June-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752 SURVEY ON SECURE FILE STORAGE ON CLOUD USING HYBRID CRYPTOGRAPHY Pankaj Balu Regade*1, Ajinkya Ashok Patil*2, Shubham Sambhaji Koli*3, Rahul Balu Gokavi*4, Prof. M.S. Bhandigare*5 *1,2,3,4,5Student, Department Of Computer Science And Engineering, Sant Gajanan Maharaja College Of Engineering, Mahagaon, Gadhinglaj, Maharashtra, India. ABSTRACT Now a day's cloud computing is used in many areas like industry, military, colleges etc to storing huge amount of data. We can retrieve data from cloud on request of user. To store data on cloud we have to face many issues. To provide the solution to these issues there are n number of ways. The proposed model is liable to meet the required security needs of data center of cloud. AES, DES and RSA are used for the encryption of file slices takes minimum time and has maximum throughput for encryption and decryption from other symmetric algorithms. The idea of splitting and merging adds on to meet the principle of data security. The hybrid approach when deployed in cloud environment makes the remote server more secure and thus, helps the cloud providers to fetch more trust of their users. For data security and privacy protection issues, the fundamental challenge of separation of sensitive data and access control is fulfilled. Cryptography technique translates original data into unreadable form. Cryptography technique is divided into symmetric key cryptography and public key cryptography. This technique uses keys for translate data into unreadable form. So only authorized person can access data from cloud server. Keywords: Cloud Storage, Hybrid Cryptography, Security. I. INTRODUCTION Cloud computing is defined as for enabling suitable, on demand network entrance to a shared pool of configurable calculating resources. Cloud computing everything is delivered as a service, there are three main service models used in the cloud namely: Platform as a Service Software as a Service Infrastructure as a service a) Security issues : Cloud as a method of providing computing resources has many challenges based on design issues which affect the efficiency, security and performance of the entire system, these challenges could be: Data Storage: Cloud storage providers manage the data in multiple copies across many independent locations Cloud Confidentiality: Confidentiality can be defined as the sensitive data not being disclosed to unauthorized process, devices and person. A cloud service provider knows where the user’s public or private data is located and who can/cannot access the data. Data Integrity: Data Integrity is defined as the rightness of data stored in the cloud. The alterations between two updates of a record violate the data integrity. Data Security: In the traditional file systems data was stored within boundaries, but cloud data is stored outside the boundaries of an organization, say, and third party storage using strong encryption techniques. To resolve the above listed challenges, cryptography can provide solutions such as reassuring the receiver/recipient that the message received has not been tampered with or altered – this can be defined as Integrity Checking. This can be achieved by generating a legitimate source and authentication. Securing the database can be a means of securing the cloud. This can be achieved using different encryption/decryption algorithms which are classified as follows: II. METHODOLOGY A. Problem Experiment Work In above papers mentioned, we are going to learn about various algorithms which is used for encryption. Here, we will use the same methods for our model. This paper gives a comparative view of different encryption algorithms on parameters like CPU usage, encryption time, ROM utilization, throughput with different file sizes, and length of packet and data type. 1) Rivest - Shamir- Adleman (RSA) It is a public cryptosystem technique that incorporates block size encryption and variable key size. The steps involved are i generate two distinct prime numbers. ii. Calculate t as product of two. iii. Now compute phi (t). iv. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science [3781] e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science ( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal ) Volume:04/Issue:06/June-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752 Find d such that d*e = 1 v. Public Key is (1, e) and Private key is (1, d). Its most apparent disadvantage is if two numbers are of massive length then it takes more time and, they should be of comparable size. 2) Data Encryption Standard (DES) This encrypt algorithm is the most widely used because it works on bits. It is a block cipher incorporating fiestel structure. Length of message at one time to be encrypted is 64 bits and the key size of 64-bits but every 7x bit is a check bit which is removed in making of sub-keys. The steps involved arei. Cut the plain text in two parts left and right. ii. Design 16 sub keys 48 bits long each. iii. Code words are written for each 64-bit block of data. As known, it is one of the best algorithms because no such possible attack is known to crack it other than brute-force which is costly and time consuming. 3) Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) AES also known as Rijndael structure is an iterative algorithm rather being called a fiestel structure. It also a block cipher has block capacity of 128 bits and key size any of 128, 192 or 256 bits. It is iterative because it uses rounds to convert data to cipher text depending on key sizes.
Figure 1: Flow Chart @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
[3782] e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science ( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal ) Volume:04/Issue:06/June-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
Figure 2: System Architecture
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The stored image file is completely secured as the file is being encrypted not by just using one but three encryption algorithm which is AES, DES, RSA. Data is kept secured on cloud server which avoids unauthorized access. Requires an active internet connection to connect with cloud server. Data security is a major priority. This system can be implemented into banking and corporate sectors to securely transfer confidential data. It is not possible to develop a system that makes all the requirements of the user. User requirements keep changing as the system is being used. Some of the future enhancements that can be done to this system are:-As the technology emerges, it is possible to upgrade the system and can be adaptable to desired environment. Based on the future security issues, security can be improved using emerging technologies like single sign-on. IV. CONCLUSION The main goal is to securely store and access data in cloud that is not controlled by the owner of the data. We exploit the technique hybrid cryptography encryption to protect data files in the cloud. Two part of the cloud server improved the performance during storage and accessing of data. The hybrid Encryption algorithm used for encryption is another advantage to improve the performance during encryption and decryption process. We assume that this way of storing and accessing data is much secure and have high performance. Our efforts are going on to solve the problem of group sharing of data in the shared data section as in this scheme only member of group can access the data stored over shared data section. One to many, many to one, many to many communication is not possible. V. REFERENCES [1] B.Swathi, 2 Sri .Dr. Bhaludra Raveendranadh Singh,”Secure File Storage In Cloud Computing Using Hybrid Cryptography Algorithm,”Volume no.06, Issue No.11,November 2017. [2] Atanu Basu, Indranil Sengupta,” Secure Cloud Storage Scheme Based On Hybrid Cryptosystem”. [3] Swarna C#1, Marrynal S. Eastaff*2, “Secure File Storage in Cloud Computing Using Hybrid Cryptography Algorithm,” VOLUME 5, ISSUE 3, MAR/2018. [4] Fortine Mata, Michael Kimwele2, George Okeyo3,” Enhanced Secure Data Storage in Cloud Computing Using Hybrid Cryptographic Techniques (AES and Blowfish),”Volume no.6,Issue no.3,March 2017. [5] Jitendra Singh Adam et al.," Modified RSA Public Key Cryptosystem Using Short Range Natural Number Algorithm", International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
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