2184383-Kyuuketsuki The Fading Sun
2184383-Kyuuketsuki The Fading Sun
2184383-Kyuuketsuki The Fading Sun
J. P. D. Borges
C redits :
By: J. P. D. Borges*
* All illustration rights reserved to the artist.
S peci al T h a n ks :
To all my friends and players that have tested and
supported this project.
A uthor ’ s note :
I have been developing this scenario for Vampire:
the Masquerade for a while. It is an attempt to create
the Japanese Bloodlines of the thirteen Clans, with-
out inserting any aspect that alters the original lore.
However, I need to make an initial note to the reader,
to state that I am not Japanese and I do not even have
any concrete connection with Japan. I am Brazilian,
but it is due to my great interest and respect for that
country and its culture that I put myself into this work. I
apologize for any inaccuracies and stereotypes that may
arise, after all, I am subject to error like any enthusiast.
I must also say that the purpose of this material is not to
deny the existence of the Eastern Vampires, but to offer
a mechanical alternative for those who prefer to play
with Cainites. Narrators, in fact, should feel invited to
include other supplements at will. As I mentioned, my
intention is to add a new layer to what already exists.
Good adventures to everyone!
I n troduction : J ust a P iece of A dv ice 5
C h apter O n e : A F adi ng S un 9
C h apter T wo : B loodli n es a n d S ects 17
C h apter T h ree : C h aracteristics 49
C h apter F our : D iscipli n es 57
C h apter F iv e : R ituals 91
C h apter S i x : A n tagon ists 103
A ppen di x : C h aracters 109
Ju s t a P i ec e
of A dv ic e
I’d met an Awakened one once. No. He didn’t I wandered around the Nagasaki region. As I said,
attempt to kill me at first... the trading post we founded was in Hirado. By seeing so
That was back when my Sire ordered me to go by many mountains, as a good Dutchman, I decided to climb
ship to a far east island and check the possibility of some to experience a higher climate. The landscape was
expanding his mundane businesses. I was nothing more beautiful and, amazingly, we could wander through those
than a fledgling when we founded the Dutch East India forests without being harassed by the Wolves! Of course,
Company post in Hirado, in the early 17th century, to I was just a fool back then. I had the youthful innocence
trade silk and other exotic products. that makes one believe in immortality as eternity, and
You see, my Sire believed that this mission would still carried the human arrogance that we sat at the top
be very important to me, as his childe. In addition to of the food chain. Drunk with that freedom, I allowed
being able to experience a new culture, I would also have myself to let my guard down momentarily.
to deal with my first international trade relationship. During the climb, I saw a small shrine. Those peo-
I hardly knew that he was only preparing me for the ple used to leave food as an offering to the beings they
globalized world that we would see emerging very soon... believe to inhabit the mountain in these structures,
Oh sorry! I ended up rambling. It’s an old habit... which are scattered everywhere. So, if I say that I’d
never seen anything like this, I would be lying. What
Well, where was I? Yes, yes... I wandered by...
caught my attention, however, was the very peculiar
What do they call it? figure nearby. He wore one of those triangular wooden
Japanese geopolitics annoys me a lot! hats, which became martial arts movies clichés, and a
I never know the difference between a city, a county, staff with a metal ornament on the upper end, in which
a province, a prefecture... It’s all a big mess! some rings were hung, rattling, producing high-pitched
Ah, whatever! and metallic sounds with each hit on the floor.
Just a Piece of Advice
By being able to walk through the forest with my
guard down, without worrying about any howling or
sudden soundspeed attacks, it surelly took some pre-
cious time to get ready to action. The wanderer, who
carelessly ate the shrine’s offerings, was also staring at
me through the straw strings of his hat.
I watched him over with the gifts I’d learned from
my Sire and he seemed... Supernatural. I had never ever
seen an aura like this before. Various shades of pink,
interspersed with glimmering sparks that exploded like
the USA skies during 4th of July. I was amazed and
terrified, because there was no fear, no hostility, he
didn’t even look at me with the intention of coming
closer. I could tell that he was merely being curious and
probably had analyzed me the same way I did, for his
eyes twinkled for a moment.
My Sire had already warned me of some auras’ dan-
ger. Not just the pale one of the Kindred or the vibrant
one of the Wolves, this was certainly an Awakened. Or,
rather, a Mage. But I don’t think it’s correct to use this
name, it’s a completely different concept. In Japan, they
are called Sennin, or Hermits. However, I was unable
to move, I was taken by that moment like a moth that
approaches the fire. Imagine my surprise when he ad-
dressed me and spoke. Yes, he “spoke” inside my head! I
obviously didn’t know his language, so he communicated
more effectively. He transmitted his ideas straight to my
brain and I answered them with words that he seemed
to capture and decode in some mystical way.
In the brief conversation we had, he told me things
that I’d never thought I could understand. He spoke of
something called egregore and why traveling the world
was far more dangerous than I ever imagined. According
to him, we are all subject to the powers that rule the
entire universe. If we are not careful, we can go crazy,
or even stop being what we are, just because there is
no one who believes it is possible... As if we were a
goddamn fairy!
He also said that there are others of us living in those
lands. No one knows who was the first or the eldest to
do so. Those who have “naturalized” themselves, so to
speak, have a discreet life and try not to draw attention
to themselves.
Perhaps the Eastern orderly mindset would serve
as a good influence on us, the barbarians of the West.
Finally, the Hermit revealed that he and the few
like him who lived there were interested in watching
us. Where would we take their curiosity? For our kind
was no longer the same. Some, even, laid forever lost
in eternal prisons of themselves...
Who could imagine a single trip would bring such
a hell to one’s life?
[Kyuuketsuki: The Fading Sun]
I was certainly not the same after returning. I asked Would you be ready to live that experience all
my Sire for permission and “convinced” some Tremere over again? To see your world fall apart and be rebuilt
to teach me their Thaumaturgy. But it was simply not piece by piece? To rediscover and reinvent yourself as
enough. I took provisions and went back to our origin. a brand new being?
There, I discovered that, within its society, our own I think it’s easier when we die as mortals. It is simpler
Clan hid secrets of sorcery. And in spite of its dogmas,
to think that you evolved when you just received a gift
I’ve leaned over Akhu’s teachings.
that you didn’t have, such as immortality.
Centuries have passed and I left the trade industry
to become a scholar. All this to find out that it is still Over time, our certainties become more and more
not enough... rigid. Accepting something new becomes a torment.
Now I know what an egregore is and I fear it. Elderly mortals scold young people about how they
Yes, childe, just as I fear the final death. dress, speak, express themselves, choose their peers...
Vampires can be even more anachronistic. It is not
Imagine, you, what it would be like to wake up some
day not knowing who you are? As much as we debate uncommon to hear a racist, homophobic, transphobic,
whether it was Caine or Set who created us all, we do xenophobic or male chauvinist argument... Things that
know that, night after night, another sunset will come should have been abandoned centuries ago.
and, with it, our thirst will awaken us for another mo- Now, imagine that you have lived for centuries and
ment of lucidity in what we believe to be reality. And crystallized a reality so deeply in your being that you
that this will continue on and on, until we meet our cling to it with all your myght... Maybe even changing
final death. Certainty is a delight. We cling to assurance, your haircut is difficult. Even the Fiends, who can eas-
like children cling to their parents after a nightmare. ily change their external appearance, cannot change
When you were nothing but a mortal, I am sure something that seems harder than our flesh and bones:
you believed that you were the master of all the answers the certainties and beliefs of the mind.
you needed. The moment the veil was removed by the Anyway, childe, I have one last question to ask, be-
Embrace, the whole world was transformed. Things
fore I allow you to gon on this trip: If one day you wake
that did not exist began to take shape. Wasn’t it? It’s
up and, as Franz Kafka once wrote, find out that you
like when the native Americans saw the first European
vessels coming. They initially thought they were huge have become a giant insect, where will your sanity be?
logs floating in the sea, surmounted by giant clouds, Antonie Maes
which would be the sails. - Dutch Setite Ancilla
Cain’s descendants had long since migrated to the For a long time in history, Japan had remained
Eastern lands and proliferated, founding new cities and isolated from the rest of the world and, consequently,
spreading their death preventing curses. As with the from the Jyhad. Now, the globalized scenery brings
Laibon from Africa, the vampires who came to Japan a series of new threats to this society used to centu-
underwent changes in the way their characteristics,
ries of order and discipline. However, ignorance is a
weaknesses and even their Disciplines are manifested.
blessing only given to the youngest. The elders must
One possible explanation for such changes in the way
mythological creatures appear from place to place is the pay attention to the gears of power and domination
strength of the egregore, something powerful enough to that put the world on move and make all vampires
alter reality itself. The egregore is formed by the spiritual their hostages.
force generated from the sum of collective physical, Like the Yin that complements the Yang, while
emotional and mental energies, or so describe the Magi. mortals thrive under the sun, Kindred thrive through
No matter how the cainites originally went to the night. And “thriving” is not a misconception.
the archipelago, there they found fruitful territory to
Japanese vampires have a very strong sense of com-
develop their dark businesses. While Europe suffered
mitment and honor toward mortals. They often
from the much feared Inquisition, the influence of the
distant Catholic Church could not be considered a protect and guide rather than destroy and terrorize,
threat. Furthermore, such creatures were protected by with rare exceptions. Well, at least they believe it
the ignorance of their condition, since local myths and that way, some may disagree. Truth is their people
legends did not include them until recently. are theirs and no one else’s to abuse.
Chapter One: A Fading Sun
Thanks to the isolation of more than two hundred
Nanban & Sakoku
In the 16th century, between 1543 and 1614, Japan
years, Japan went on without external influences. The
lack of exchange also served to shape the thinking
of the population and, as already said, this collective
experienced the Nanban Boueki Jidai (Southern Bar-
energy generated an egregore as unique as the artistic
barian Trade Period), or Nanban trade, with the arrival
and cultural manifestations of the time, which today
of European explorers, missionaries and merchants. It
fascinate the whole world.
ended up being opportune for the Portuguese ships to
Sakoku’s policy was only abolished after the Amer-
mediate the exchanges, because the Chinese government
ican Black Ships, led by Matthew Perry, forced the
had cut relations and prohibited trades with Japanese
reopening of ports in 1853, through unequal treaties.
merchants, in order to punish acts of piracy.
With the Meiji Restoration, which marks the end of
The first interactions with the Europeans were the Edo period, Japan began to modernize, but the
friendly. Although the Japanese considered their visitors population mentality would take some time to open up
rude and uneducated, since they did not know how to to foreign concepts, preserving the rigid egregore that
eat or communicate, they were able to carry out various Tokugawa helped to develop.
cultural and commercial exchanges. The truth is that
the islands were already more populous and urbanized
than European countries, having 26 million inhabitants, Kakure Kirishitan
Six years after the arrival of the first Portuguese
against 16 million in France or 4.5 million in England.
This fascinated scholars at the time, who considered trading vessel to Japan, the first missionaries would ar-
that land much more evolved than theirs, which also rive. In 1549, one of the founders of the Society of Jesus,
included excellence in blacksmithing and combat. An Francis Xavier, would land in Kagoshima to increase the
explicit example is a Spanish decree of 1609, which Catholic influence on the Japanese. This process was
forbade their commanders from challenging Japanese consolidated in 1580, when Omura Sumitada granted
Nagasaki to the Society of Jesus “for eternity”.
soldiers in order to keep their reputation intact.
Despite the royal decree banning the sale of Jap-
Throughout the Renaissance period, the archipelago
anese slaves across Europe, trade still persisted across
would be a major exporter of copper and silver. How-
Africa and Asia. As the main responsible for human
ever, because they were considered an exotic people,
trafficking were the “Kirishitan Daimyo” (Christians
the Japanese were highly prized as sex slaves. In 1571,
Daimyo), the imperial regent, Toyotomi Hideyoshi,
however, King Sebastian of Portugal decreed the end ended up blaming the Portuguese and Jesuits for the
of the slave trade with the islands, as he believed that practice. In 1587, he wrote a letter to Gaspar Coelho,
this practice interfered with Christian purposes. That representative of the Society of Jesus, calling for an end
same year, on the initiative of Daimyo Omura Sumitada to the trade and the return of the enslaved Japanese.
and his Portuguese friend, the Jesuit missionary Gaspar Without a favorable response, Hideyoshi ends up ban-
Vilela, the port of Nagasaki was founded. For the next ning Christian proselytism from the Japanese lands,
30 years, this port was essential to ensure the arrival of and on February 5th, 1587, orders the crucifixion of
many Portuguese ships loaded with consumer goods - 26 Christians in Nagasaki, who came to be considered
and, possibly, vampires. martyrs. This was one of the last orders of the regent,
During the Edo period (1603-1868), Japan was who died the following year.
ruled by the Tokugawa Shogunate, which established In 1600, with the battle of Sekigahara, Tokugawa
a strict policy of political and economic isolation on Ieyasu became Shogun and, in 1614, expelled the Jesuits
the island. Moved by distrust of foreigners, Tokugawa from the archipelago, banning Christianity. Two years
Iemitsu issued a series of decrees between 1603 and 1639, later, Ieyasu dies and Hidetada assumes the shogunate
which culminated in the isolationist policy known as until his death, in 1632. In 1622, the massacre begins
Sakoku. According to the law, foreign trade would be to the remaining Christians.
tightly controlled and limited by the government. Any Peasants and ronin (samurai without a master to
foreigners who landed without proper authorization serve) from the Shimabara Peninsula and the Amakusa
would be summarily eliminated and the country’s native Islands, discontent with the abusive taxes, religious per-
people were not allowed to leave the islands, except in secutions and famine, took the castle of Hara in 1637.
incursions chancelled by the government itself. And About 27 thousand rebels, mostly Christian, resisted a
to ensure compliance with the law, there was a special siege of Shogun’s 125 thousand soldiers until April of the
police unit dedicated exclusively to it. following year, relying only on their unshakable faith.
[Kyuuketsuki: The Fading Sun]
When the food and ammunition ran out, the rebels
could not resist any longer and the Shimabara Rebellion
came to an end. The charismatic and young leader, Ma-
suda Shirou Tokisada, also known as Amakusa Shirou,
was beheaded and had his head exposed in Nagasaki as
a warning. The ban on Christianity was enforced and
most Christians were executed. With the end of the
rebellion, commercial relations with Portugal also ended
for good, but religious persecution officially continued
until the 1850s.
Christians who continued to practice their religion
in secret were called “kakure kirishitan” (Crypto-Chris-
tians). Many strategies were used to dissuade the per-
secutors: Prayers were changed to look like mantras,
the sacred scriptures were replaced by oral tradition,
community leaders acted as priests, since clerics were
expelled from the country, and Catholic saints were
represented by Buddhist figures, like Maria Kannon, a
statue of the virgin that resembled the Buddhist Mercy
Goddess, Kannon. Some Christians began to practice
freer practices and changed the form of religion, to the
point of becoming a type of cult for ancestors killed in
religious persecution.
H un ters
After the banishment of Christianity and the per-
secution of its practitioners, the archipelago was free
from the influence of the Holy Church and the courts of
the Inquisition for several years. Which does not mean
to be totally free from Hunters and individuals with
True Faith. In fact, Japan ended up becoming home to
the most dangerous mortals for Kindred. It is possible
that there are about 30 thousand Crypto-Christians
in Nagasaki, whose faith can only be compared to the
resentment they feel for what was done to their ances-
tors. And since they don’t need to act as a collective or
submit to any kind of institution, it becomes impossible
to exert indirect influence over them.
In addition to Crypto-Christians, the islands are
full of Buddhist and Shinto temples (the country’s two
main religions), which form individuals with great
mental and spiritual power. However, the policy of the
priests of these religions is somewhat neutral in relation
to vampires, seeking not to intervene unless requested.
Possibly, a reflection of the Eastern teachings of con-
templation of the cycles.
On these nights, many Kindred fear wandering
around Nagasaki, which has become the base of Cryp-
to-Christians. For the rest of the country, although
there are reports of vampires accepted among local
religions, or exchanging knowledge with priests, it is
always necessary to remain vigilant.
Chapter One: A Fading Sun
local vampires how disorganized and out of memory
Seisen: the Jyhad
During the years that followed the period of conflict
their relatives were, even though there was a chance
that they were planning to kill two birds with one stone.
between Europeans and Japanese, including the strifes Finally, Japanese vampires were more than happy to
about Christianity and the closing of ports, local Cain- disappear from Westerners’ paranoia radar and make a
ite society managed to overcome the commotion and facade policy while maintaining their dark oasis in the
establish a brief period of peace and order. middle of the ocean.
A few years after the reopening of foreign relations
in 1873, the government would create the Imperial
G lobalization
After the reopening, the traffic of people - and Kin-
Japanese Army, taking away the prestige of the samu-
dred - to and from the archipelago was so intense that
rai, which were no longer the only class with military
it made it impossible for the most cautious Westerners
privileges. The army would prove capable of uniting
to track the operations of Japanese vampires. Using the
Western technology with its discipline and strategy,
veil of ignorance, the Kindred of the islands mingled
during the Russo-Japanese war, from 1904 to 1905,
with immigrants and assimilated their way of life, in
terrorizing the European Kindred. The silent east was
order to completely hide their society.
beginning to echo in his Jyhad.
The immigration flow went both ways, with many
In 1914, with the First World War, these Kindred
Japanese vampires expanding their operations to other
were very busy dealing with their own losses, but they
continents, through mortal companies, or even as inves-
tried to get the Japanese to invest in frustrated battles
tors, artists, etc. In this new Jyhad, or rather, Seisen, it is
and erode their war power when they joined the Triple
impossible to know the true purpose of these creatures of
Entente. In the Second World War, in the 1940s, Ger-
the night. But while the Camarilla, the Sabbat and the
many, Italy and Japan came together under the Berlin
Anarchists clash for power, the Kyuuketsuki patiently
Pact, quickly followed by several Eastern European
hatch their secret plans and create intricate chains of
countries, which can be read as an attempt by the Tzi-
power, right under the nose of Western Methuselahs.
misce Clan and the Sabbat to retaliate against advances
of the Ventrue and Toreador of the Camarilla during
the First War, taking their armies of monstrous ghouls
into the trenches. The following year, Japan and the
Shinzoku & Kozoku
One of the most notable characteristics of Japan
Soviet Union signed an armistice and began to pressure is the contrast between cutting-edge technological
the French and Dutch colonies in Asia to cooperate. production and an extensive preservation of traditions
After the attacks on Pearl Harbor in 1941, the and culture. As much as the presence of foreigners in
Allies declared war and, at first, suffered more losses large cities such as Tokyo and Kyoto is possible today,
than victories, with Japan capturing most of the Pacific the Japanese people remain distinguished, presenting
islands and the countries: Thailand, Hong Kong, Malay- a very low miscegenation rate. Something similar also
sia, Singapore, Dutch East Indies and the Philippines. occurs within its vampiric society, which often leads to
This scenario frightened the most prominent members a great shock of generations.
of the Alliance, who feared the great discipline of the The Japanese Bloodlines, created by the rigid egre-
Easterners. Continued military casualties could lead to gore of the past, have a series of traditions and rituals
diablerist invasions of Japanese vampires, whose powers completely alien to vampires from the rest of the world.
would be unpredictable. Likewise, Kindred who visit the country these days have
Some claim that the August 1945 nuclear attacks on a hard time adapting to this society so different from the
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were caused by manipulations usual principalities, in addition to not understanding
in the Pentagon. Paranoia would have led some Ventrue how members of their own Clan can be so different.
to resort to Dominate powers. Regardless of the cause, For this reason, Japanese Cainite society was divided.
the consequence was that Japan surrendered and had The country’s traditional Bloodlines form the Ko-
its army dissolved. In 1954, the Japanese Self-Defense zoku (Elders), which follow their own family structure,
Forces (JSDF) were created. controlling the true power bases, following a policy of
Despite the large thump caused by the bombs, nonintervention with the outside world. While vampires
the concentrated attack was a way of even the power that have not been modified by the traditional egregore
balance within the country. Both Kindred and Hunters of the country, that is, immigrants and visitors of the
were wiped out, as Nagasaki has always been the base current nights and their childer, are called Shinzoku
of Catholic operations in the archipelago. This showed (Relatives) and are organized in a similar way to the
[Kyuuketsuki: The Fading Sun]
European tradition, with principalities that work as
facade institutions, manipulated by the Kozoku, in order
N yuu jou
It is possible to enter an Ichizoku, even if one does
to keep the Jyhad away from the archipelago. not belong to the lineage that composes it. A vampire
Unlike Western vampires, Japanese Kindred lost who proves to be a good vassal can perform a blood
contact with the stories of Antediluvians and Methu- ritual and receive the honor of raising a secondary
selahs. The oldest vampires found in the archipelago family, or even offer their entire family in vassalage to
are usually from the fifth or sixth generation, and the another, being fully assimilated as a secondary family.
This ceremony is called Nyuujou (Admission). The
youngest, from the tenth. For this reason, the Japanese
chief of the family receives the new vassal with a Blood
vampiric society is not organized so much around gen- Bond and grants them their name.
eration, but honor, lifetime and vassalage relations. When there is assimilation of an entire family as
vassals, the chief of the main family makes the Blood
H on n e & T atem ae Bond only with the chief of the family who has submited
In Japan, behavior is a serious matter. Honne are and they is responsible for all the members they keep
true expressions of thoughts and feelings, usually reserved under them. It is not strange for low-generation vam-
for family and close people, while Tatemae refers to pires to offer themselves as vassals for higher-generation
vampires who has shown superior in some way: either
the pattern of socially accepted behavior that can be intellectually or through accumulated life experience.
shown in public. For the Kozoku, Tatemae would be the For this reason, Kozoku’s organization tends to be much
equivalent of the Masquerade, the facade imposed to more meritocratic than Shinzoku’s, which does not
deceive mortals. However, when dealing with mortals, stimulate diablerie as much.
a Japanese vampire must always be friendly, polite and
warm, however their true feelings may point otherwise.
U ketori
The Embrace, the act of turning someone into a
Individuals of Shinzoku who violate the Masquerade vampire, is called Uketori (Acceptance). Members of an
in Japanese territory, or reproduce without authorization, Ichizoku are free to create ghouls, but when they want
may end up disappearing mysteriously. Any Kozoku to receive one of their minions as part of the family,
member asked about the matter will claim to be unaware they need the chief’s approval. In the case of secondary
of the case with a smile on their face and many polite families, the chief of the main family decides. In some
cases, rather than a single person, more democratic
words. After all, it is part of Tatemae’s concept to ensure families constitute a deliberative council composed of
that appearances are maintained. the chiefs of all secondary families, chaired by the chief
of the main family.
Ichizoku The ceremony represents the acceptance of the
individual by the lineage that receives them, as well as
It is a Japanese tradition to call people by their family
by the dark gift that they receive from their Sire. All
name, except in cases of strong intimacy. When a new members of the family must be present to watch the
vampire is created, they take on their Sire’s family name transformation and greet their newest member. At the
through a blood ritual. The effect of this is to remember end of the ceremony, the new members of the family make
that the name and blood of the lineage become their a Blood Bond with the chief and swears their loyalty.
A vampire’s family, those who share their blood, is
B egi n i ng a F am ily
It is common for vampire families to be ancient and
called Ichizoku. Any member must know the name of traditional, but that does not prevent new families from
everyone in their family, even those who have already being formed at any time.
passed, as well as their hierarchical position. If the chief of a family recognize one of their subor-
For Kozoku members, a family chief has the same dinates as their equal, etiquette forces them to release
the equal one from the Blood Bond and call an assembly.
hierarchical importance as another family chief, even
In this way, the vampire can choose, without coercion,
if they are of different generations. In these cases, re- to disconnect from their obligations and seek their own
spectful treatment is part of the etiquette, it is not an path. Or reaffirm their vow of loyalty by submitting
indication of inferiority. themselves again to the Blood Bond before all Ichizoku.
Chapter One: A Fading Sun
There is another method of more conflicting ter-
mination, which occurs through a strong feud between K akushu
a chief and their subordinate. When a family member’s The vampires’ honorable end is when they have a
ideals outweigh their loyalty, they can ask the chief for chance to voluntarily immolate themselves.
a release of obligations, before a trusted witness. This Kakushu has two meanings, as well as there are two
does not guarantee that the chief would be solicitous to distinct occasions when the ceremony is held. In both
the request, but it prevents the subordinate from being cases, the vampires rip their own neck and offers their
considered a traitor for their thoughts. Once released, blood in diablerie. The sense of “dismissal” is when a
etiquette tells the vampire not to be disturbed by their vampire decides it’s time to move on and reincarnate.
former siblings, but grudge and animosity tend to grow They choose a successor to take their blood before all
among these families. of Ichizoku. Family members say goodbye, watch the
Kindred pass away, and then pour sake into their memory.
F alli ng i n to D isonor The sense of “beheading”, on the other hand, is when
A vampire who disgraces their Ichizoku, loses the a dishonored Kindred is given the chance to redeem
right to appear under their name, and can be banned or themselves before the final death, offering their life to
executed. If the dishonor is from the chief of a secondary the offended party.
family, the whole family is considered a traitor to the
Ichizoku who initially welcomed them. This is because
each Ichizoku is unique and has its own internal secrets. Titles
A vampire’s title is the sum of their family and their
Although two different main families originate from
the same Bloodline, the way in which they develop position within it. For example, the main family chief
and transmit their Discipline powers can be different. is Souke no Oyakata, while the secondary family chief
Secondary families from another Bloodline also tend to is Bunke no Oyakata.
build peculiar uses of their Discipline powers, as well as • Souke: Main Family.
Combination Discipline powers, which can be exclusive • Bunke: Secondary Family.
and secret. For this reason, some more conservative • Oyakata: Chief. Head of a family, responsible
Ichizoku do not exile their deserters, but eliminate them for everyone in it.
altogether, for fear that they may leak their secrets.
• Roushi: Sage. Elders within a family often form
In any case, dishonest and dishonorable people deliberative councils to assist the chief’s decisions, or
can be found everywhere and when least expected. So
to replace them in their absence.
it is not uncommon for deserters to try to sell secret
• Kashin: Vassal. One who submits to a chief.
knowledge in exchange for protection and assimilation
for another Ichizoku. However, accepting a traitor in • Kouhai: Junior. Vampires who have not yet
these terms can bring that family into disrepute and put completed their first decade within the family.
them in a bad position within Kozoku society. Thus, it • Kerai: Servant. Ghous that serve a family.
is more common for the deserters to be killed by the • Kobun: Henchman. Humans that serve a family.
family to whom they are going to try to sell their mas-
ters than the other way around, unless the two families
find themselves in some kind of conflict that justifies
To show respect, the Japanese employ honorifics
resorting to such a subterfuge.
when addressing each other. Each degree requires the
T su ihou use of a different honorific, usually applied after the first
A life of shame is worse than death. Whoever is name, since everyone in a family has the same surname,
submitted to the Tsuihou (Exile) ceremony, has thheir or the individual’s title. Honorifics can indicate exal-
forehead and aura marked with the vitae of the family tation or demotion, so care is needed.
chief. Although the inscription is invisible to mortals, Humans and ghouls are important resources of a
any vampire can identify it. The only way to remove the family, but do not receive their surname, that is, they are
stain is to become a vassal of other Ichizoku, because, not part of it until they are transformed into vampires.
for some reason, the Nyuujou rite annuls the Tsuihou. For this reason, the honorifics they use are like those of
However, individuals marked in this way tend to be the commoners to adress the royalty, in order to show
seen as outcasts and are avoided. their subservience.
[Kyuuketsuki: The Fading Sun]
Exaltation Honorifics Demotion Honorifics
• Oyakata-sama: Exclusive to adress the main • ~kun: Suffix by which the male Kouhai are called
family chief. by their superiors.
• ~sama: Suffix used after the family name to refer • ~chan: Suffix by which the female Kouhai are
to the Oyakata, when mentioned to third parties, or to called by their superiors.
address the Oyakata of the secondary family. The Oya-
• Yobisute*: Not appling a suffix indicates intimacy
kata is the only member of a family called exclusively
or disrespect. For this reason, humans and ghouls serving
by their surname, since they answer for that surname.
a family do not deserve honorifics and are called only
• ~dono: Suffix by which one Oyakata address the
other, in recognition of their authority. by first name. The practice of treatment by name in
a simple way, without honorifics, is called “yobisute”.
• ~sensei: Suffix addressed to the Roushi by the
younger vampires. Honorifics Used by Mortals
• ~senpai: Suffix addressed to Kashin by Kouhai, • ~heika: Address to the main family chief.
or Kerai by Koubun. • ~denka: Address to the secondary family chief.
• ~san: Suffix for humans and ghouls to address • ~kakka: Address to the Roushi.
the Kouhai. It is also a respectful way to treat vampires
• ~sama: Address to the Kashin and the Kouhai.
from other families. In the latter case, it is always used
after the family name, not the first name, except when • Onushi: Pronoun which Keerai use to address to
more than one member of the same family is present, each other or the Kobun.
in which case only the oldest member is the one called • ~san: Suffix used by the Kobun to address to
by the family name. the Kerai.
Chapter One: A Fading Sun
C h apt e r Two :
B l oodl i n e s a n d
S ec t s
There was another life that I might have had,
but I am having this one.
— Kazuo Ishiguro
Japanese vampires have their own society with rules,
M eiji R estoration
When the ports were forcibly opened by foreign
ships, confidence in the shogun was shaken. Taking
parties and disputes. It has always been that way and it
advantage of this fact, political figures moved to depose
continues to be so, but with globalization, they can no
the shogun and to establish the Meiji Restoration, which
longer ignore the existence of their Western relatives and
recentralized power in the emperor.
their boring Jyhad. Camarilla, Sabbat and Anarchs are
present in the country. Local vampires attend to those During this time, two opposing ideologies based
sects affairs in order to keep up appearances, sometimes on Chinese philosophy prevailed among those who in-
alongside sworn enemies, feigning alliances. Everything tended to decide the country’s future. On the one hand,
is part of Tatemae. The facade so that Western Kindred the most conservative, who wished to keep the country
do not notice and disturb them. closed, defended the maxim “Sonnou Joui” (revere the
The only thing capable of removing the flawless emperor, expel the Western barbarians). The other side,
mask of Japanese vampires is the Caitiff. There is noth- seeking entry into modernity and fearing domination
ing the Kindred of the archipelago hate more than a by more technologically advanced nations, shouted
stray sheep. The outcasts are a cause of shame for the “Fukoku Kyouhei” (enrich the country, strengthen the
local Cainite society, since their family traditions and army). These two ideologies can be called Imperialists
roots are so well founded. This taint is capable of taking and Reformists, respectively.
the smile out of the face of any traditional Bloodline Similarly, local vampires took sides in this clash
vampire and expose their disgust for the Shinzoku’s and, as anachronistic beings they are, they continue
vulgar way of life. to defend their principles even today.
Chapter Two: Bloodlines and Sects
The real reason for conflict between this sect and the
I mperi alists Imperialists, however, is its proximity to the Anarchs.
The vampires of this sect harbor a deep resentment
The Reformists do not have any particular ap-
for their Western relatives. Their greatest wish is to close
the country again and relive the glory of a lost past. preciation for the emperor, their main platform is the
Needless to say, these Kindred are authoritarian and desire to recreate the Japanese army with all their
conservative in their ideologies, keeping their secular might. These vampires see the Self-Defense Forces as
traditions immutable and extolling ancient values such an international bad joke and do everything they can
as honor and samurai ethics. to regain the country’s military influence. While this
Most Imperialists justify their xenophobia by citing is not possible, they reinforce economic and cultural
the events of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as examples of influence, exploring markets and silently expanding
Western barbarism. Another of their strongest argu- national ideology, through media products.
ments against the Reformists is the imposition by the
dismantling of the Japanese army, forcing the country to W h ite L otus S ociety
maintain only the Self-Defense Forces. They consider If the country’s two main sects support the Camaril-
both facts shameful and demand retaliation against their
la, how does the Sabbat still have any expression on
perpetrators. However, Seisen, the Japanese version of
the Japanese islands? How do these vicious vampires
Jyhad, is much more subtle than the members of the
archipelago would like. Thus, this sect is forced to support continue to emerge like cockroaches, even though they
the Camarilla, given its more orderly character, and uses are pragmatically annihilated?
this alliance as an excuse to strike the Sabbat with all Not all Japanese Kindred are ultranationalists, de-
its might, exterminating as many Western vampires as fenders of state traditions and structures. The members
they dare to set foot on its lands. of the White Lotus Society are outcasts and destitute
The Imperialists, however, carry a contradiction people who organized themselves with the sole purpose
that would be comical to Cainites anywhere else in of destroying... Everything.
the world, but which has become an indisputable taboo Since it is a secret society, no one knows exactly
in Japan: they adore a mortal. Every member of this
who they are and what Bloodlines are involved in their
sect has deep respect for the country’s founding myth,
which attributes the emperor’s role as a mortal above business, but they are in favor of Sabbat guerrilla meth-
all, who represents them. They adore him like any ods. Some of its members are nodists and, if they do not
other nationalist and will defend his honor. The only act out of spite to the traditionalist vampires, they do
mortal for whom these vampires will ever bow their so as a way to destabilize the illusory security that these
heads with pride is for the one who is above all beings: distant islands provide to the descendants of Caine.
the emperor. Paradoxically, this is the reason why the It is possible that only this sect fears the Antedilu-
Imperialists remain passive in their thirst for revenge vians as the most enlightened Westerners. May these
against the West, they fear that their emperor’s life will vampires alone not be alienated from the truths of Jyhad.
be in danger again.
Or that they are nothing more than apocalyptic madmen
R eform ists who just want to destroy what others are struggling to
The vampires of this sect are essentially progressive, maintain. Who knows?
believing that it is possible to forget the hurts of the The truth is that life in Japan is very comfortable.
past and build a better world through fruitful exchange There are no Werewolves lurking around, there is no
with their Western relatives. While the Imperialists such present dispute of Jyhad among the local Kindred,
concentrate on preserving traditions, these Kindred there is no real sense of the threat of Antediluvians or
are engaged in trade, diplomacy and enthusiastically Methuselahs. The existence of the Thin Blood is disbe-
welcome new technologies. lieved, as all thin blooded are summarily eliminated...
The Reformists also support the Camarilla, albeit
So much asepsis leads to accommodation, which
in a less Manichean way than the other sect, trying to
get as much information and resources as possible out leads to the false feeling of not inhabiting a World of
of them. They are vampires who turn a blind eye to the Darkness, in with dangers lurks around every corner. As
presence of Westerners in the archipelago, as long as this long as Japanese vampires move away from the paranoia
means some gain for the country, causing them to be seen of existing, the White Lotus Society will bring paranoia
as surrenders and flatterers by the most conservative. back to them.
[Kyuuketsuki: The Fading Sun]
T okyo an d K yoto A W orld of D ark n ess
Kyoto is an extremely traditional city, founded in During the modernization period, the sects divided
the 1st century, which hosted the capital of the Japanese geopolitically. Imperialists, traditional and conservative
empire from 794 to 1868. Located in the Kansai region, in essence, stayed in Kyoto, which is still called by many
its inhabitants have a peculiar accent, often considered Myako (capital). The Reformists, in turn, migrated to
comical, as it refers to the archipelago’s comedians fa- Tokyo, the country’s new center, and embraced progress.
mous for associating this way of speaking with a naive Unlike the Western power division, in which some
and somewhat “hillbilly” stereotype. The truth is that cities are dominated by the Sabbat and others by the
the Kansai region holds Japan’s cultural wealth, with Camarilla, this split between the Kozoku sects concerns
many temples, festivals, among other traditional events only its centers of power. These are the regions where
exported to the West as a way of promoting tourism. members of one sect or another feel more “at home”.
Like tradition, tatemae is very strong in Kyoto. Everyone is free to move around the territory freely, but
Courtesy is as imperative as the subtext. Nothing is spreading their ideals where other ideologies prevail can
what it seems to be, for those who know how to read result in severe reprisals.
the subtleties. The etiquette practiced among its in- The four main islands of the archipelago, in addition
habitants has an intricate code of subjective phrases. to Honshu, are Shikoku and Kyushu, to the south, and
Offering tea to visitors implies that it is time for them Hokkaido, to the north. In addition to these, there are
to leave. Some words act like euphemisms that sound a number of smaller islands, to mention the Ryukyu
praising, but mean the opposite. Saying that someone Islands, where Okinawa is located. The strong concen-
is “excited” can mean an impression of being loud and tration of Kozoku’s power on only one island makes its
unpleasant, while praising a person’s watch can be presence there inexorable, but very weak elsewhere. It
indicative that they are talking too much. This way of is to be hoped that the Reformists will be able to exert
expressing themselves made the population of Kyoto some influence in the north, while the Imperialists try to
seen by the rest of the country as arrogant, a sense of keep the territories in the south under their command,
superiority inherited from the times of capital. The but it is difficult to know what happens in all the small
natives of the region find the stigma unfounded and towns in the countryside and on the most remote islands.
prejudiced, but perhaps that also means something else. The low incidence of Werewolves in the archipelago
In the 15th century, the Edo Castle was built, and is due to the ostensible predation of the wolves, but do the
the entire surrounding area was called Edo. During the Hakken still exist? What about the other shapeshifters?
Meiji Restoration in the 19th century, the emperor How much influence do Crypto-Christians in Nagasaki
moved to that castle and changed the region’s name still have on Kyushu? Would the Ayakashi of Hokkaido
to Tokyo (Capital of the East). Thanks to the name, be hiding in the mountains, planning revenge for what
until the end of that century, Japan was believed to was done to their beloved Ainu people? Was the White
have two capitals, however, the country’s geopolitical Lotus Society dominating small communities? What
formalization determined that Kyoto would cease to be about Shinzoku’s emerging presence in big cities? What
so. Although Tokyo is considered a city, internationally, to expect from the Kijin?
this name refers to a metropolis, located in the Kanto Despite appearances, Kozoku is experiencing an
region, formed by autonomous districts, being 23 neigh- illusion of control that could turn out to be its own
borhoods, 26 primary cities, five secondary cities and downfall. But isn’t that exactly what gave rise to the
eight villages. The “City of Tokyo” is made up of the Sabbat in the West? Wasn’t it because of the Camarilla’s
23 central districts. negligence over the danger of the Antediluvians that
The Tokyo dialect is considered to be the standard this sect of diablerists emerged from the darkness where
of the Japanese language today. It is common for people they never should have left? What will emerge from
from other regions to force themselves to learn the peaceful Japan, where appearances are traditionally
official dialect out of shame or fear of bullying, when more important than reality itself? And how long will
they come to the capital. this emerging darkness take to devour everything and
Both the Kansai region, formed by the prefectures everyone?
of Hyogo, Mie, Nara, Osaka, Kyoto, Shiga and Wakaya- As the elders sit on their comfort zones, entertain
ma, and the Kanto region, formed by the prefectures of themselves with their power games and get drunk on
Chiba, Gunma, Ibaraki, Kanagawa, Saitama, Tochigi eternity, danger and death continue to lurk, in order
and Tokyo, are in Honshu, the largest island in Japan. to remind them that this is still a World of Darkness.
Chapter Two: Bloodlines and Sects
A ya k as h i
She who used the wild beasts for allies in her killing.
Shall become a Beast herself, so that all men revile her.
— The Erciyes Fragments
While most of the Clans may be sedentary and territorial, Gangrel have
always shown a unique nomadism, being found everywhere, mingling with
all sorts of people. It is believed that it was thanks to the Ainu people that
the Gangrel crossed the sea towards the island where today is Hokkaido,
possibly being the first Clan to enter Japanese territory.
These humans and the immortals enjoyed a good rela-
tionship, sharing their language, rites and knowledge. The
descendants of the Clan of the Beasts were worshiped as gods
of nature, or Kamuy, which led them to eventually abandon
their mortal visage and become true folkloric
creatures, inhabiting the icy mountains of the
island. Eventually they received the nickname
of Ayakashi, meaning supernatural beings that
come from the sea, or mysterious things, or even
a synonym for Youkai.
With the Meiji era, at the end of
the 19th century, a good part of the
Ainu population was decimated in a
process of cultural assimilation, along
with many of its vampire protectors.
Under the pretext of strengthening na-
tional culture and language, in a maneuver
of patriotism by the central government,
dissident ethnicities were summarily silenced.
This meant that this new Bloodline had to adapt
to what would become modern Japan, or to look for other
ways to survive, now that they no longer had their herd. The Ayakashi
who migrated to the south, ended up losing contact with their origins,
although some still resent the Imperialist Bloodlines for their heinous deed.
Those who sought to isolate themselves in the mountains and survive with
the remaining Ainu ended up creating a whole way of life apart, in order
to maintain their traditions.
Thanks to this process of cultural annihilation of an entire popu-
lation, it is believed that this may be the least expressive Bloodline of
the archipelago in contemporary nights. Adding to the characteristics
that make it difficult to live with mortals, the already small number of
Ayakashi live in seclusion within the few natural territories that the
islands have to offer. As a result, it is possible that many Kindred are
not even aware of their existence, as there are few who venture out
into the cities.
[Kyuuketsuki: The Fading Sun]
Nickname: Mononoke (Shapeshifters). Organization: The Ayakashi never forgave what
Sect: Thanks to the strong resentment towards was done to the Ainu people. When they were wiped
the Imperialists, the Ayakashi practically founded the out, their culture and language were also banned. In
Reformists, in order to create a more just and respectful the modern nights, there are very few native speakers
society to the differences and traditions of others.
of this isolated language (does not share its origin with
Appearance: As a Bloodline of shapeshifters, all
sorts of individuals are found. From those with super- any other existing language), which makes it excellent
natural beauty, to those who have become true abomi- as a form of secret communication within the Bloodline,
nable monsters. The characteristics of an Ayakashi are at least among the elders. The northern Ayakashi do
usually related to the place they inhabit. Because the their best to rescue the traditions of the Ainu and not
Bloodline is more connected to nature, it was also the let those people who have shown them camaraderie
most affected by the egregore. for so long perish, while southerners are a little more
Haven: Mountains, forests, rivers. The Kamuy are
alienated from their origins and have little memory of
creatures that live up to their post as gods of nature.
this past, except for the resentment they share. Thus,
Background: This Bloodline is very similar to its
Western relatives. Although they were affected by the the Mononoke are more concerned with surviving the
egregore, their way of life has not changed much across increasingly aversive world, looking for ways to get
the world. The preference for loners, strong spirited around their weaknesses.
ones and those who connect with nature, is still present. Quote: There is a purpose for everything in the world.
Character Creation: These Kindred are not usually
very sociable, so they need to be able to survive in iso-
lation. Physical Attributes are often valued, along with
S tereotypes
Talents and Skills related to survival. In addition, it is
very common to learn the Ainu language by tradition. Daimyou: Selfish people who only think about
Disciplines: Animalism, Obfuscate, Protean. themselves and belch about honor, have no right to
claim any nobility!
Weaknesses: The Ayakashi have no human form,
Daitengu: Knowledge is an exchange, not a
which will cause panic in any mortal who sees them. Their
currency. They certainly think they’re rich!
appearance is always that of some humanoid folkloric
creature related to their days as a mortal, personality or Gaijin: There is a purpose for everything, even
place where they live. Even if they manage to assume for them.
the human form, their true form will always appear on Gaki: The most fearsome beasts are those that
analog reflective surfaces. On the other hand, digital disguise as sheeps and walk along the flock.
instruments are unable to detect or capture their image, Geisha: Cheap entertainment only serves to
although supernatural methods work normally. hide corruption from those who finance it.
Vampires of this Bloodline usually present them- Kamikakushi: One day they will still show what
selves using a pseudonym, as it is possible to control them they came for. Just like us.
with the knowledge of their true identities. Legends say Kaonashi: They are nothing but face robbers...
that if a mortal manages to get a Mononoke to write Kyonshi: The murderous fury that fell on us. Be
their real name on a piece of paper, they will become careful, for death doesn’t warn its arrival!
their slave. The same goes for a human who hears the Makyou: Who knows who they are, have noth-
creatures’ real name and writes it down to summon ing to fear!
them. Orders issued in this way work similarly to low Naraku: Killing for death’s sake is meaningless.
level Dominate powers. They lack respect for the natural order.
Despite all those disadvantages, the Ayakashi have Oni: Keep an eye open for them, just as they
a unique merit: the legend that names their form gives do for you.
them some kind of special ability determined in character Orochi: Treacherous like everyone else!
creation, at Storyteller discretion, which is expressed Ronin: If you can manage them well, they can
as a rudimentary power of any Discipline, and has no become good allies.
activation costs. For example, Rokurokubi stretch their Western Gangrel: Our origins. Respect them
necks freely, similar to Vicissitude, while Youko and and they will respect you. Who knows, maybe one
Kitsune create small illusions similar to Chimerstry or day we will join up to fight?
Obfuscate, although less potent.
Chapter Two: Bloodlines and Sects
D a i m youBehold my proudest childe, whose
own pride betrayed him.
Let the blood of the humble sicken him,
and give him no sustenance.
— The Erciyes Fragments
The Tzimisce ruled the Carpathians with iron fists for centuries.
Their curse bonds them to the land more than any other Clan.
Those who dared to go very far, however, were mercilessly
punished by the egregore.
According to Buddhism, “gaki” is the name given
to hungry ghosts. A reincarnation reserved for those
who were possessive and lustful in their past lives,
condemned to a terrible hunger that will never
be appeased. Vampires of this Bloodline suffer
a daily torment and are never fully satisfied.
In the West, it was common for aspirants
to Tzimisce to be “baptized” with deformities
caused by Vicissitude, at the time of their
Embrace. This practice was not forgotten
in the archipelago. The Gaki, in fact, are
very creative in their mutilations. Perhaps
because of this tradition, most of these
vampires seem to develop grotesque
peculiarities, while learning to master
their own Discipline power and the
weaknesses to which they are subject.
The first step in a Gaki’s unlife is
the change. Their Vicissitude baptism
will transform them into something less
human. The second step is the hunger. Many
vampires of this Bloodline say that not even the most exquisite
vitae has a pleasant taste. Some stop feeding until the Beast forces them
to through frenzy, while others indulge in an endless thirst, consuming
blood, meat and bones, without ever feeling satiated.
The third step is the price
Vicissitude charge to their
bodies. Their skin needs to
be constantly reformed,
until it is time to look for a
new “vessel”, which is not
always given voluntarily.
What would people be without everything that Appearance: Disheveled, dirty, scared. The younger
makes them... Them? Their personality, their soul, their Kamikakushi may even forget how to perform the most
memories, their connections... Well, that was more or basic tasks, such as combing their hair or dressing, so
less what happened when the Malkavian Clan became appearance is not usually the speciality of this Bloodline.
isolated from the madness network that connects them Haven: Since they don’t remember their mortal
all. Something inside them disconnected for good. life, they rarely have any kind of stability. Sometimes,
“Kamikakushi” are abductions. According to Jap- they end up taking refuge among the beggars’ camps,
anese folklore, it is when a person is taken by God and or seeking shelter in the Japanese slums that everyone
is never seen again. Nobody remembers them, there avoids mentioning.
are no traces of their existence, so there is no missing Background: Kamikakushi tend to choose people
either. They lose their own name and presence. Simi- who seek redemption in some way. Those tormented
larly, abducted vampires are not remembered by their by their own crimes: Passionate murderers, abandoned
mortal relatives and often goes unnoticed or ignored, and frustrated fathers,
as if they did not even exist. In time, even a vampire businessmen who
can begin to forget. Social beings need bonds to main- broke down and
tain sanity. If you don’t know who you are, what your lost everything
habits are, how will you remember how some everyday overnight.
tasks are performed? Is it possible to forget your own
language? These are just guesses. No one really knows
Kamikakushi who have forgotten themselves. Or do
they know? Maybe they just forgot...
What is known, however, is that some of these
lost children were found completely beside themselves.
Nobody recognized them, they were unable to talk with
those who saw them, they looked like beasts, dominated
by the frenzy.
Anyway, tell me, you, what is most tragic: to
have your own mind consumed by madness,
but to keep a little of your intellect, or to lose
yourself slowly into the void,
until nothing remains of you
but the Beast that inhabits you.
Nickname: Maigo (Lost
Sect: Since these beings can easily
go unnoticed, they tend to be good double agents, as
long as they themselves do not forget who they are and
to whom they owe their loyalty.
[Kyuuketsuki: The Fading Sun]
Due to the inability to effectively distinguish one As time goes by, Kamikakushi’s own memory also
Kamikakushi from another, this is the only unregulated fades. The process is slow and tends to manifest itself
Bloodline. Which means that their Uketori is always after a few centuries, but it is up to the Storyteller to
arbitrary. Of course, there are those who do it out of
jealousy, condemning happy people full of friends to determine when and how it will happen. Unlike the
a life of forgetfulness. Some even take the confused Amnesia Flaw, the forgotten information can be re-
neonate back to their home, where they end up in membered through the same Wits + Alertness roll, but
a killing frenzy uppon their own family and friends. a critical failure causes it to be lost forever.
Since no one remembers their existence, this is never
The echo of the Malkavian network that resonates
a violation of the Masquerade, just another mysterious
and unsolvable crime. in their minds is the only remaining of their inheritance.
Character Creation: Kindred from this Bloodline The Derangements manifest only as an echo. For exam-
are lonely and need to be able to defend themselves ple, OCD would be the feeling that you are forgetting
without help, so Physical Attributes are usually the something, hallucinations would be the feeling that
focus, although some believe Mentals helps them
you have seen something where it does not exist, etc.
maintain sanity. Talents are their main Abilities. As
for the Backgrounds, some even have a Mentor, but, Since their limbic system is shattered, these vampires
thanks to their weakness, it becomes very difficult to are paradoxically immune to Derangements. This raises
maintain anything from their mortal life. However, you all kinds of questions, and Taoist scholars believe that
never know when you will find a wallet in your pocket this is an experiment by the Malkavian Clan to find
after transformation and somehow get to access your
the truth contained into the void.
bank accounts.
Disciplines: Auspex, Dementation, Fortitude. Organization: The Kamikakushi do not have a
Weaknesses: When Kamikakushi receives Uketori, formal organization. They tend to roam the cities and
they immediately loses all memories of their mortal life are basically ignored by the other vampires, since their
and become a hollow shell. Gradually, like a patient peculiarities do not cause problems to the Masquerade.
suffering from amnesia, they remember how to perform All this neglect can prove dangerous, if someone with
daily actions, how to speak their own language, dress
themselves, etc. However, the original identity can malicious intent decides to take them as their silent allies.
never be recovered. Memories of people, places, specific Quote: I’m sorry, what was your name again?
situations, everything that involves their emotions and
the limbic system are erased, leaving only the working S tereotypes
memory, that is, the operational capacity of the tasks.
The creation of a Kamikakushi is similar to the program- Ayakashi: I like some. They’re cute!
ming of a recently formatted machine: the processing Daimyou: Watch out, they want to use you!
information is all computed, including what are the Daitengu: Are those with big noses?
emotions already felt and how to deal with them, but
Gaijin: Are ok.
not where they were felt previously. The mortals who
Gaki: I don’t remember why, but, watch out!
lived with the vampire also slowly forget about them,
Geisha: Don’t mess with their toys.
until they become a blurred memory, like a long-dead
Kaonashi: I just can’t remember their faces!
relative, that no one can even remember how they died.
Kyonshi: I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of
People who encounter Kamikakushi after the them..
transformation also tend to forget about them. The
Makyou: I don’t know why everyone avoids
older the vampire gets, the faster mortals forget about them...
them, to the point where it is enough to leave the field Naraku: They say they’re evil, I guess...
of view that their existence is erased, including contents
Oni: There was something very suspicious about
of conversations. Among vampires, this effect is also them, but I forgot... Damn it, it was important!
present, but it is possible to forcibly remember through Orochi: Yamata-no-Orochi? Is the huge monster
a Wits + Alertness roll (difficulty 8). The only ones snake from the legend!
immune to oblivion are those with the Eidetic Memory Ronin: We’re not in Edo anymore!
Merit, which obviously cannot be acquired by vampires Western Malkavian: Who?
of this Bloodline.
Chapter Two: Bloodlines and Sects
K aon as h i
Behold my darkest childe, who killed with shadows.
Let the shadows veil his soul, so that all may know his crime.
— The Erciyes Fragments
Haqim, for his taste for murder, was cursed with an Other stories go back to magical objects, such as a tal-
inexhaustible bloodlust. His descendants were marked, isman developed through Blood Magic that can make
castrated and exiled by his brothers. The Assamite them “docile”, through the sound of a bell, which
Clan carries the greatest number of curses among
would force the one on whom the talisman
the Kindred. This, of course, applies to the
Eastern branch. was fixed to jump in place, stopping any
“Kyonshi” are tormented spirits. Accord- aggressive action. However, these are just
ing to local legends, victims of violent deaths words in the wind, no one has been able to
who were not properly buried would emerge as confirm anything over the past few centuries.
bloodthirsty vampires. In the modern nights, The truth is that these vampires
this Bloodline acts in a similar way. Their
are extremely sensitive to sound,
Uketori is always violent, forcing
the new vampire to carry that perhaps related to the use
trauma forever. Thus, despite of their favorite Discipline
their impressive strength, powe. Which explains
the Kyonshi have a series the difficulty in find-
of restrictions imposed by ing specimens of the
their blood inheritance,
Bloodline in the noisy
since they are true
aberrations, modern nights. An-
brought other striking feature is
back to that their skins do not
life by a darken like the Assamites’,
hideous instead, their hair
continues to
It is very rare
to see a Kyonshi grow indefinite-
in the modern ly and acquire a
nights, which has silver tone. The
generated a series older the vam-
of rumors about pire, the more
their true weak- Argentine and
nesses. Some say
they are weak long the hair is.
against virgin In any case, the
urine, which most notorious
would have a factor is their
similar effect violence and
to holy water cruelty.
on their skins.
[Kyuuketsuki: The Fading Sun]
Nickname: Hitogoroshi (Assassins).
Sect: The entire Bloodline is shrouded in mystery, S tereotypes
no one knows for sure its affiliation.
Appearance: The Hitogoroshi only offer their
traumatic Uketori to those who are somehow strong. Ayakashi: One of the few with whom it is pos-
Whether physical, mental, or even financial, this sible to coexist in this crazy world!
Bloodline teaches its neonates to curse their arrogance.
They slowly “kill” prospected, before reviving them with Daimyou: They think they can yell at others
blood, which often results in scarred, or even crippled, to get what they want. All they will get is my fury.
Haven: The few known Kyonshi take shelter in Daitengu: These usurpers are not worth the
isolated places, such as caves or mountains, or in sim- blood that keeps them up. Watch out, they are our
ple houses in the countryside, in rural cities, with low
population density. worst enemies!
Background: Most of these Kindred were warriors Gaijin: As long as they respect our silence, we
in their mortal lives, but it is possible to see some who
boasted of other types of strength, such as business have nothing against them.
magnates, or people of high mental resilience, such as Gaki: These fiends are capable of forms of vio-
monks and scholars.
Character Creation: Physical Attributes are often lence that even we do not approve!
preferred, and Social Attributes are very rare among Geisha: Noisy, irritating, persistent. They are like
these individuals. Combat and stealth Skills are also
very common. mosquitoes on a hot night, disturbing our restful sleep!
Disciplines: Celerity, Quietus, Obfuscate. Kamikakushi: I wish I had the silence of an
Weaknesses: These vampires are extremely sensi-
tive to loud sounds. Any noise is uncomfortable, which empty mind!
must be interpreted by the player. When talking to Kaonashi: Their silent nature pleases me.
someone who is speaking at any volume above a whis-
per, a Self-Control roll is necessary so as not to attack Makyou: It’s like looking in a mirror. They know
the person immediately. A muffled scream is enough to what to do to please, and they usually do!
induce a Kyonshi into frenzy. Really loud sounds, above
100db, cause one point of bashing damage for every extra Naraku: The dead can be much louder than you
10db of intensity. The first level of Quietus alleviates
think. However, it is good to keep them as allies.
their weakness, as long as the character can sustain its
effects. However, keeping the Discipline power active Oni: Wolves disguised as sheeps, if I may say...
ends up being quite costly.
Be careful!
The hair of the members of this Bloodline does
not stop growing, despite greatly reducing the growth Orochi: They’re like cockroaches. Alone, they
speed, and will become argent over time. The hair of
do not make much of a fuss, but the commotion they
a Kyonshi elder reaches the base of the back and has a
pure silver hue, while the hair of a Methuselah can drag provoke in groups is infinitely irritating.
on the floor. For this reason, the use of braids and buns is
Ronin: Our greatest rivals. Formidable warriors,
very common, in order to improve mobility in combat.
Organization: Among the many mysteries of the but resort to dirty methods in order to win!
Hitogoroshi, no one knows how many there are or how
Western Assamite: Their fanaticism is the only
they are organized. Due to their solitary and introspec-
tive nature, perhaps not even these Kindred themselves stain that outshines them as the formidable warriors
know or care about the existence of their peers.
they are...
Quote: The strong will survive, and the weak will die.
Chapter Two: Bloodlines and Sects
M a k you
He who sought to hide his monstrous deeds.
Shall become monstrous in visage, and doomed to dwell in offal and darkness.
— The Erciyes Fragments
Scholars assume that the Cappadocian Clan would be the most prone to understand the power of an egregore.
Perhaps because they live studying death and decay, or because of their connection with the other side of the
shroud, or because of their broad academic and mystical tradition... What matters
in this reasoning is the assumption that these vampires would avoid as much as
possible to make the same mistake as the others. Unless a greater force have
compelled them to flee.
After the Giovanni betrayal, some members of the Cappadocian Clan
managed to survive, fleeing to the east. Given their silent nature, some
managed to successfully infiltrate the Japanese archipelago and initiate
a new Bloodline. “Naraka” (in Sanskrit), is the word that
represents both Buddhist hell and the creatures
that are reincarnated there. Beings who have
cultivated strong hatred in their past lives.
The use of this name for the Bloodline
borders on the interpretation that
they would be a group analogous to
the Harbingers of Skulls, however,
the Giovanni Bloodline from Japan
have the same name.
At the beginning of the 17th
century, knowing the possibility
of Japan’s closure to foreign activ-
ities, the Giovanni Clan adopted
a local family, the Wakai. During
the more than two hundred years
of isolation, only the dead could
move freely between borders, which
highly increased the power of the family.
With practices as sinister, unscrupulous and
authoritarian as their European relatives,
the Wakai have become an important
family of the Japanese mafia.
The mobsters like to call them-
selves Ninkyo Dantai (Gentlemen’s
Association), while the police
call them Boryokudan (Violent
Gangs). They are popularly
called Gokudou (villains), or
just Yakuza.
[Kyuuketsuki: The Fading Sun]
Nickname: Yakuza (Gangsters). While this effect gives +2 difficulty to Social in-
Sect: The entire Wakai family is secretly Imperi- teractions, Intimidation checks have -2 difficulty. Even
alist, in the mundane sense of the term, even today. other vampires tend to feel uncomfortable before the
They dream with the return of that traditionalist world, Yakuza, especially when flames go out of control. The
in which their twisted concepts of honor, glory and miasma interferes with Thaumaturgy powers related
exacerbated nationalism still apply. In addition, the to fire, changing the difficulty by +2 or -2, according
family’s power during isolation is something that their
to its nature.
oldest members still dream of with a certain nostalgia
and bitterness. Organization: This is the only Bloodline that has
Appearance: Like the Giovanni, the Wakai family only one Ichizoku. The Wakai family has a rigid hi-
only offers Uketori to their blood relatives. However, erarchical structure, in which the oldest members are
the need to prove worthy is much more extreme and positioned at the top and cannot be questioned, while the
often requires sacrifices that can even kill the prospect. youngest members do everything to ascend. Although
Haven: For the Wakai family is old and powerful, the mortal side is not aware of all the secrets, there is a
traditional houses, penthouses and office buildings are notorious peculiarity widespread among everyone in the
mentioned as mere basic assets. family and those closest to it: the curious tendency of
Background: Even in a renowned family, there is several generations to be physically similar when they
no guarantee that there are only excellent individuals. reach adulthood.
For this reason, Wakai tend to offer Uketori only to Plot: Although no one knows for sure if there are
exceptional children. There is a tendency to favor those any Cappadocian among the Naraku, it is possible that
born with mediumistic talents, or some other peculiar
they are waiting for a chance to avenge their Clan, or
and rare abilities.
even that they have managed to infiltrate the Wakai
Character Creation: Social Attributes are very
important to maintain the family’s facade, but Physical family, planning a much bigger coup internally. If the
and Mental cannot be neglected. Knowledges such as Storyteller chooses to use this plot, they can consider
Occult are essential for necromancers, while some may the original Discipline powers (Auspex, Fortitude,
focus on the most mundane influences of Yakuza and Necromancy) as the pattern for these infiltrators.
prefer Skills like Melee or Firearms, or even those who Quote: Come, get closer, let’s talk. Or are you so afraid
are engaged in Politics and Law. Courage and Willpower to look at death in the eye?
are usually high, as those who are cowards and easily
controled do not usually last long among the dead.
S tereotypes
Disciplines: Dominate, Necromancy, Potence.
Weaknesses: The Clan’s revival brought about
Ayakashi: As useful as ghosts!
all the decay contained within their bodies, bringing
everything and everyone around them closer to death. Daimyou: Narcissists, however, helpful.
The Naraku release a miasma - described by Auspex Daitengu: Watch out for these usurpers!
experts as a dark smoke expanding from their auras - that Gaijin: They would be of better use after death.
extinguish the most fragile lives around them. Plants Gaki: Degenerate the way we like.
wither and small animals die. Geisha: They waste too much time with life...
Just as there are hot and cold narakas in Buddhism, Kamikakushi: Useful, but dangerous.
according to the vampire’s personality, their miasma Kaonashi: They are very similar to us.
will cause a different sensation. The most calm and
Kyonshi: If they bring death for a price, why
melancholy suck the heat from the environment,
shouldn’t we pay their share?
causing the temperature to drop, flickering torch flames
and extinguishing candles, causing terror in mortals, Makyou: Monsters. Worse than death!
whose breath starts to freeze. The more aggressive and Oni: Not even the dead stop fearing them!
violent ones cause the temperature to rise, increasing Orochi: Useful idiots.
the volume of flames as they pass through, causing a Ronin: Fierce enemies.
tingling sensation to the skin of mortals, as if they were Giovanni: They lack discipline to reach their
being pierced by thousands of incandescent needles at full potential, but they are family!
the same time.
Chapter Two: Bloodlines and Sects
On i
Let all my childer see what you are.
That they may know when you walk among them.
— The Erciyes Fragments
Susanoo no Mikoto, the god of the sea and the storm, after
being expelled from paradise for ruining the rice fields of his sister,
Amaterasu, the goddess of the sun, wandered through Izumo. At
the edge of a river, he spotted a couple who were crying next to
a young woman.
When questioned for the reason of his weeping, the old
Ashinazuchi said that he originally had eight daughters, but
the eight-forked serpent came once a year to devour one of
them, until only Princess Kushinada remained. Still at the
god’s request, he described the monster, Yamata no Orochi:
it has eight heads and eight tails, its eyes are red like win-
ter-cherries, in its body grows moss, cypress and cedar;
when crawling, its size extends over eight valleys and
eight mountains; and whoever looks at its belly will see
that it is always swollen.
Aware of the story, Susanoo offered to take the
Princess’ hand in marriage, in order to avoid her
destiny. Upon learning of the stranger’s identity, her
father readily accepted. To deceive the serpent, the
god ordered the sovereign to prepare a fence with eight
gates. Eight platforms in front of the eight gates. Eight
vats on the eight platforms, containing eight-fold refined
sake. When Orochi arrived, it dipped each of its eight
heads in one of the eight vats and drank. Once intoxicated, all
heads lay down and fell asleep. Susanoo drew his sword, Totsuka (Ten
Hand-Breadths), and cut the snake into pieces. When cutting the fourth
tail, Totsuka broke and, beneath the flesh, lay the sword Ame no Murakumo
(Gathering Clouds), which was later given to Amaterasu as an apology.
The power of the myth is incredible. As the Followers of Set are bound
to darkness, the Japanese Bloodline has a more philosophical interpretation of
Caine’s words. Set’s nefarious appetite is reflected in the serpent’s gluttony and,
the darkness, in the numbness of the mind.
The Orochi fear no other light than the sword of Amaterasu, goddess of
the sun, just like any other vampire. No. The darkness that afflicts them
is sweet and delicious. Numbness, indulgence, forgetfulness, le petite
mort... The addiction to sensations that dims the conscience and bring
someone closer to their own death, the memento mori of everyday life.
[Kyuuketsuki: The Fading Sun]
Nickname: Tsumibito (Sinners). Organization: While the Makyou use the Internet
Sect: Orochi are Reformists, as they aim for a world to leak information and unravel secrets, the Orochi
in which they can freely indulge in sinful pleasures. rule the other side: trolls and flammers, who make the
Appearance: Just as snakes lurk undetectable, it is network unbearable.
impossible to recognize an Orochi at first sight. They
There is no formal organization of the Bloodline, but
look like completely normal people (or vampires), until
they show their fangs. This Bloodline usually offers Uke- it is quite common to see associations of these vampires
tori to submissive or innocent-looking people, but who on discussion boards over the deepweb. Sometimes, they
have dark desires in their hearts. They are real wolves get together to virtualy bully someone, or hack a famous
in sheep’s clothing, the most rotten form of corruption. person and leak their private pictures. The scariest thing,
Haven: Among these vampires, there is a tendency however, is when they are alone, standing in the middle
to avoid ostentation. Havens are usually simple houses, of the night, looking intently into someone’s direction,
often rented. Some even limit themselves to sleeping absorbing each of their movements, but as their victims
at Internet cafes that charge ridiculously low prices
can’t see them, they lurk in the darkness of their hearts,
for the night in an acoustically insulated, windowless
cubicle - which is very convenient for Kindred. making them lose their sanity little by little...
Background: You can find all sorts of people be- Quote: I trolled this mortal, see what happened!
tween the Tsumibito. Young, old, beautiful, ugly, poor,
rich... The only thing they all have in common is their S tereotypes
grotesque mentality. For this reason, it is very easy to find
one of these vampires browsing the internet, creating Ayakashi: I would give a kingdom for a single
chaos and destroying order. name!
Character Creation: Mental Attributes are the Daimyou: They are so boringly straight! At
most valued, in addition to Manipulation or Charisma, least, on the outside. Do you want to know a secret?
when useful. Computer skills are very common. They Daitengu: Always keep one as a friend and you’ll
tend to have low Courage and Willpower, as they tend never be bored.
to be cowards and treacherous.
Gaijin: Boring! They try too hard to fit in...
Disciplines: Obfuscate, Presence, Serpentis.
Gaki: I have to admit, they know how to throw
Weaknesses: Each Orochi has a favorite kink or a party, or make a crime scene!
addiction. It can be a substance that alters conscious-
Geisha: The most beautiful flowers hide the
ness, but it can also be pornography, gambling, virtual
most disgusting worms... But they are good-looking!
bullying, following people on the street at night... It is
always something common, that anyone is able to do or Kamikakushi: Shallow people aren’t funny. They
get easily, even better if it brings some kind of discomfort lack passion as they lack memory!
to other people or shame to society. Whenever a vampire Kaonashi: They would be more funny if they
of this Bloodline interact with their kink, they must fall for my tease.
test Self-control (difficulty 8) in order not to indulge Kyonshi: Better stay away, if you know what’s
themselves in the activity immediately. good for you. Unless you’re sure you can use them
More than an addiction, these Kindred have almost to your advantage...
an obsession, with which they try to contaminate others. Makyou: Never, - I repeat, - never look at one
They are always connected to seven mortals who share of them!
their passion, perhaps for the seven princesses that Naraku: If it has secrets, it can be blackmailed!
Yamata no Orochi devoured. The vampire and their Oni: And we are the depraved ones!
herd of sinners each represent the subversion of one Ronin: I know something terrible about them,
of the eight teachings of the Noble Eightfold Path of but I’ll never tell. Now, I am a Reformist myself, I
Buddhism. Just as these mortals never deny their blood don’t want to supply the Imperialists with damn
to the vampire under normal circumstances (counting good info!
as part of the Herd Background), the Orochi is unable Western Setites: If you fail to corrupt the world,
to refuse their call to indulge addiction, unless they it is because you are not corrupt enough!
expend a Willpower point.
Chapter Two: Bloodlines and Sects
R on i n
He who claimed innocence because the Beast ruled him.
Shall be slave to the Beast forever.
— The Erciyes Fragments
6 Indulging in the lust of sex It is necessary to abstain from the flesh for right conduct.
5 Lying or using harsh words Say no evil. Speak only what leads to salvation.
4 Stealing Taking what doesn’t belong to you is proof that you aren’t ready.
1 Submitting to the Beast The Beast is suffering, which is the opposite of enlightenment.
10 Failing to follow your intuition One must be attentive to the voice of the universe.
9 Refusing to help someone you have If two rivers cross, a third flows into the sea.
found by chance
8 Failing to use your knowledge and skills If a river crosses your path, it is to quench your thirst.
when convenient
7 Avoiding frenzy Yin needs to be accepted as part of all things.
6 Avoiding or causing death, unless it is One should not interfere in the cycle of things, unless your
strictly necessary intuition says otherwise.
5 Sharing hidden knowledge with those The wicked distort the natural order of things by selfishness,
who do not belong to the Path pride and presumption; you need to protect the flow.
4 Indulging in excesses Neither liberation nor restriction should be favored.
3 Depriving yourself of blood when you Moving beings need to be nourished, it is the natural order
are hungry of the cycle.
2 Failing to rest when necessary Everything has a force of cyclical expansion and retraction.
1 Bending natural order to your will Nature should not be forced to change its course on a whim.
9 Desiring for something besides serving Desires are guided by the Beast.
8 Betraying, lying or cheating If the master can't trust their servant, who can they trust?
1 Submiting someone to your own will Perfection does not need to ask to exist.
The description of each Bloodline, contained in If the Storyteller chooses to use the powers listed
Chapter Two, brings the description of Disciplines in in this chapter, just follow the Discipline Conversion
case the Storyteller chooses to follow the classic powers Table on the next page.
from Vampire: The Masquerade. However, the Disci-
To better understand the mechanics of the new
plines listed below are not just variations of the originals,
but an expansion created so that each of the Bloodlines Disciplines, it is possible to classify them in three cat-
presented here have their own unique Discipline power. egories that identify them more precisely:
Thus, just as the Assamite have Quietus, the Gangrel • Proficiencies (Ryoku): Gifts that can be learned
have Protean, the Giovanni have Necromancy, the naturally by any vampire.
Lasombra have Obtenebration, the Malkavian have
• Arts (Jutsu): Abilities kept as secrets of each
Dementation, the Ravnos have Chimerstry, the Salubri
have Obeah, the Followers of Set have Serpentis, the Bloodline. The only two Bloodlines that do not have
Tremere have Thaumaturgy and the Tzimisce have Vi- their own technique in this sense are the Gaki and the
cissitude; now, the Brujah have Alchemy, the Nosferatu Ayakashi, as they have particular metamorphic abilities.
have Stupor, the Toreador have Refinement and the • Metamorphosis (Hen): They do not belong to
Ventrue have Whispers as Discipline powers exclusive the previous groups and have their own specificities.
to their respective Clans.
Although they can be taught, the blood of the vampire
Finally, the modified powers aim to make non-com-
must have an affinity with its manifestations, which
bat levels more attractive and useful to players, while
also balancing with combat powers, which are often leaves it to the Storyteller to interpret the versions of
much preferred because of their much more pronounced Vicissitude and Metamorphosis of this book as Blood-
evolution curve in terms of practical use. line exclusives.
Chapter Four: Disciplines
D iscipline C onversion Table Proficiencies
The vampiric blood gifts manifest differently in
Ayakashi each one, but any Kindred eventually learns to produce
Kamuy: Animalism, Presence, Protean a series of basic effects. These gifts, which are common
City: Animalism, Obfuscate, Protean to all and can arise even without someone instructing
how to use them, are called Proficiencies, or “Ryoku”.
Dominate, Fortitude, Whispers
Auspex, Dominate, Thaumaturgy
Animalism, Chimerstry, Fortitude
Animalism, Dominate, Vicissitude
Celerity, Presence, Refinement
Auspex, Dementation, Fortitude
A n im alism
Assassins: Celerity, Obtenebration, Potence Chikuryoku (Animal Proficiency) controls and
Actors: Dominate, Obtenebration, Potence channels the inner Beast of living beings.
Monks: Animalism, Auspex, Obtenebration • Kimyaku (Tacit Understanding)
The inner Beast connect with wild creatures. While
Kyonshi looking into the eyes of an animal, the vampire is able
Celerity, Obfuscate, Quietus to convey its thoughts, as long as the creature can see
them. The more primitive the animal, the more diffi-
Makyou cult it becomes to transmit complex and abstract ideas.
Obfuscate, Potence, Stupor Even if the creature understands the vampire, there is
no guarantee that it will obey any orders. However,
Naraku when this power is successfully applied, the animal will
Infiltrator: Auspex, Fortitude, Necromancy do everything within its power to collaborate with the
Wakai: Dominate, Necromancy, Potence vampire’s will.
System: No roll is necessary to communicate with
Oni the creature, as long as the vampire makes eye contact
Auspex, Fortitude, Obeah with it. To perform commands, a Manipulation + Animal
Ken roll is required. The difficulty varies according to
Orochi the species of the creature, 6 for mammals, 7 for birds,
Obfuscate, Presence, Serpentis and 8 for reptiles. The difficulty is reduced by one if the
character chooses to “talk” like the animal, reproducing
Ronin its sounds, habits or movements. The number of suc-
Warriors: Alchemy, Celerity, Potence cesses obtained determines how powerful the effect of
Nobles: Alchemy, Celerity, Presence the commands will be, whose tone is dictated by the
player, whether by intimidation, flattery, threat etc.
[Kyuuketsuki: The Fading Sun]
•• Temaneki (Beckoning) ••••• Tsukaima (Familiar)
When channeling the inner Beast, the vampire A familiar is a creature that helps their master in
tasks, sharing a mental link with them. Similarly, this
summons nearby animals. The call may include a
power integrates the vampire with an animal, so that
particular species, or all animals that inhabit the area
they share the same superconsciousness. Although
(such as a forest, or a house). each one remains as an individual apart from the other,
System: A Charisma + Survival roll (difficulty 6) they create a strong mutual connection and empathy,
determines the responsiveness. being able to share feelings, sensations, ideas and even
exchange their bodies temporarily. The Kamuy tend
1 success A single animal respond.
use this power in an animal that follows them loyally
2 successes One-quarter of the animals respond. throughout their unlife.
3 successes Half of the animals respond. System: Upon finding the desired animal, the
character offers it a Blood Point, while maintaining eye
4 successes Most of the animals respond.
contact. Then, the player rolls Charisma + Animal Ken
5 successes All the animals respond. (difficulty equal to the target’s Willpower). A failure
Kainarashi (Tame) will cause the animal to flee, and a botch will cause
it to attack the character. A single success is required
With this power, it is possible to subdue a mortal’s to the creature gently accepts the blood and form the
inner Beast or soothe a vampire out of frenzy. By touching bond, adding its own Blood Points to the character’s
or making eye contact with the target, whether human pool. The bond allows the familiar and their master
or animal, the vampire’s will can tame any overflowing to share information and feelings, and to switch the
control of their bodies at will. In addition, a vampire
may use Discipline powers through the animal, increase
System: A number of successes equal to the target’s its Attributes, or heal it with their Blood Points, as if it
Willpower are required in a Manipulation + Empathy were an extension of their own body.
or Animal Ken roll (difficulty 7), through an extended
action. A failure indicates that the entire process must
be restarted, while a botch makes it impossible for the
vampire to attempt to settle that Beast down again for
the rest of the night. Someone whose Beast is subdued
won’t be offensive under any circumstances, nor will be
able to spend or recover Willpower. To leave this state,
the mortal rolls their Willpower (difficulty 6) once a
day, until they accumulates a number of successes that
surpasses the user’s Willpower.
O bfuscate
Hensou (Disguise) changes the perception of how
things look like, without interfering in the original form,
which makes it easier to learn.
• Jouhatsu (Disappearance)
By hiding their presence, the vampire disappears
from thin air, as if it were a mist carried by the wind.
Although this trick completely misleads mundane per-
ception, supernatural senses may see through it.
System: If a character is hidden, no roll is necessary,
but when in full view, rolls Charisma + Stealth with
difficulty equal to Wits + Alertness + Auspex of the
observer (use the largest sum, in case of multiple targets).
Actions that may reveal the user, such as stepping in
a puddle, require a Wits + Stealth roll to maintain the
disguise. If the vampire loses their supernatural cover,
those present can make a Wits + Alertness roll (diffi-
culty 7) to break the mental fog and retrace all of the
character’s previous moves.
A lchemy
Renkinjutsu (Refining Arts) it is an exclusive
Discipline of the Brujah descendant Bloodline, which
allows to transform the vitae, changing its properties
inside and outside the body.
• Kokka (Nigredo)
The first stage of the alchemical process is purifi-
cation, through which the vampire is may filter their
own blood from any impurities.
System: The vampire expels a Blood Point with
the filtered impurities. If someone is fed this filthy vitae,
they will suffer the effects of a very high dose of the
filtered substance. If the substance is another vampire’s
blood, the vampire must succeed in a Willpower roll
(difficulty 8) to break the Blood Bond.
•• Hakka (Albedo)
The second stage is the illumination and decom-
position of the substance. The vampire may extract the
power of any vitae they ingest. The ancient samurai used
this technique to protect themselves with the blood of
their masters.
System: The vampire needs to ingest at least one
Blood Point from another Kindred. The player tests
Wits + Empathy (difficulty 6), a success indicates that
the character produced the effect of a Discipline that
the owner of the ingested vitae had, respecting the
Alchemy level limit and the amount of vitae needed
to use the original power. This technique can only be
used once by ingestion and counts to the Blood Bond.
••• Ouka (Citrinitas)
The third stage consists of channeling the light that
exists within creatures. Through the distillation of their
blood, the vampire may produce an elixir capable of
increasing the Physical Attributes of those who drink it.
Ronin generals often mixed this additive in the drink of
their best soldiers to obtain formidable results in battle.
System: The vampire distills a Blood Point, which
loses its Blood Bonding ability, but increases Strength,
Dexterity or Stamina (by choice) up to half the level
(rounded down) of the vampire’s Potence, Celerity
or Fortitude, respectively. There are limits to mortal
physiology. Increasing Attributes beyond level five can
cause irreversible damage to the body.
[Kyuuketsuki: The Fading Sun]
•••• Sekka (Rubedo) C h imerstry
In the final stage, which represents the philosopher’s Genjutsu (Illusory Arts) allows the vampire to
stone, the vampire manages to project their vitae out manipulate thought-forms and create alternate versions
of the body and solidify it. Despite being as resistant as of reality that deceive their targets’ senses.
metal, structures created in this way disintegrate when
• Gisou (Forgery)
they come into contact with fire or sunlight. By freely
The vampire manages to create a small illusory
controlling the dispersion of blood, the Ronins of the object that mimics all the characteristics of something
past used this power to write messages, or even as a form that can be seen or imagined by them. The clearer
of counterattack. the image, the better the copy. Many Gaijin use this
System: A single Blood Point is sufficient to create technique to deceive mystical quest veterans, creating
a smaller object or a small Strength + 1 blade, or to long-forgotten relics.
completely fill an area of 30 cm² with a thin layer of System: There are two ways to use this power:
vitae. The amount of blood controlled each turn is lim- changing the properties of a similar material, which
is used as a base, or creating the illusion from scratch,
ited by the vampire’s generation and Blood Pool. Once
shaping the thought-form itself. There is no cost for the
coagulated, the character loses control over their vitae, first case, but creating an illusion without something
but can return it to a liquid state by touching and even concrete to support it requires the expenditure of a
reabsorbing it. By keeping a small portion in a liquid Willpower point. The player tests Wits + Crafts (diffi-
state, for example, the vampire is able to alter the trajec- culty 4, if looking at the object, 6, if hearing a detailed
tory of a thrown object made with blood. Upon taking description, 8 if the description is vague, or 9, if it is an
lethal damage, the character can project the spilled original). The object must be portable, that is, be able
vitae against their enemy in a reflexive counterattack. to be carried by a single person. Each success allows one
of the senses to be deceived, but five successes always
There is no chance to dodge unless the target has Aus-
make any observer believe that it is a genuine article,
pex and passes a Perception + Alertness roll (difficulty upon first inspection. The effect lasts for one scene,
equal to the vampire’s Stamina + Stealth) to perceive then the illusion vanish from thin air, leaving only the
the attack. Each projected Blood Point deals a level of material on which it was based, if so. An evaluator can
lethal damage. Additionally, after piercing someone verify if the article is genuine through a Perception +
with their vitae, the vampire can return it to a liquid Occult roll (difficulty equal to the forger’s Chimerstry
state inside the victim’s body, for Blood Bond purposes. level +3). Upon obtaining more successes than the
caster, the fraud is revealed and the object begins to
••••• Keppan (Blood Seal) vanish immediately, in front of the entire audience.
The vampire transcends their vitae manipulation •• Gensou (Illusion)
ability within their own body to affect the blood of other By magnifying their illusions, the vampire may alter
Kindred and to inoculate their properties. an entire room and, with some effort, an entire house.
System: The vampire must grab the target while Some Gaijin use this power to decorate their havens and
spending a Blood Point. The player rolls Willpower appear to live in luxury, when they don’t have much.
(difficulty 6 + Generation difference, if the target’s is System: The player spends a Blood Point and rolls
lower). This power is not limited to sealing out Disci- Wits + Crafts (difficulty 6). The more successes, the
plines, it can act on the ability to create ghouls, Blood more detailed the illusion is. It is possible to continue
spending Blood Points and rolling to add more successes
Bonds, Generation effects, etc, at user’s discretion. The
over time, but the effect of each roll is limited to a single
number of successes determines the seal duration, which room. Unlike Forgery, the illusions created by this power
can be suspended by the user at any time. won’t vanish over time, remaining until the vampire
1 success A scene. decides to suspend it. Nevertheless, whoever perceives
2 successes A night. the deception will see the room as it was originally, with
the illusion superimposed in a ghostly way. Finally, if the
3 successes A week.
player decides to create an entire room from scratch, or
4 successes A month. modify an external landscape, it is necessary to invest a
5 successes A year. Willpower point by scene to feed the illusion.
Chapter Four: Disciplines
System: The vampire must face the opponent in
the eye and spend a Willpower point. The target won’t
notice any change, while the two engage in combat,
however, everything occurs within their minds.
During the battle, Physical Attributes are
replaced by Mental. Thus, when it is
necessary to test Strength, it will be
Witts, Dexterity will be Perception,
and Stamina will be Intelligence.
Instead of marking the damage
to Vitality, Willpower points are
consumed. In this duel, no Discipline
power can be used, since the fight is
taking place only in thought. When the
Willpower of any combatant reaches zero,
they go into torpor or catatonic shock, until
••• Bunshin (Clone) they regain their will to live. If the outcome of
By manipulating large amounts of the battle is too “graphic”, with dismemberments
thought-form, the vampire creates perfect copies of and terrible tortures, the Storyteller can choose to re-
themselves or other living creatures, which move and quest a test of Courage so that the loser does not leave
speak as if they were real. the battlefield traumatized (with a new Derangement).
O beah
Jinjutsu (Benevolent Arts) allows the user to cure
body and mind ailments.
• Shindan (Diagnosis)
By looking at the target with their third eye, the
vampire is able to make a complete diagnosis.
System: The vampire examines the target, while
the player rolls Perception + Empathy (difficulty 7). A
success identifies the presence of any alien substances,
simple diseases, such as colds and flu, and the nature
of the body itself, such as the age of existence and the
type of creature. Two successes reveal the history of
a scar or systemic diseases, such as heart disease and
neuropathies. Three or more successes allow to discover
the Physical Attributes, the amount of Blood Points
the target can use at once, and so on. It is also possible
to use this power to search for a specific information.
Each success allows the player to ask a question about
the state of the target. The Storyteller may require more
than one success for the information, but this method
makes the data collection easier.
Chapter Four: Disciplines
•• Omimai (Inquiry) O bten ebration
Through their touch, the vampire manages to heal Kokujujutsu (Dark Sorcery Arts) allows to con-
other creatures from their injuries. trol the darkness from the Makai (Realm of Evil), also
System: Healing a Vitality level requires the ex- known as the Abyss.
penditure of a Blood Point. aggravated damage requires
three Blood Points to be spent. This ability works on • Yami Kugutsushi (Dark Puppeteer)
any living creature, even vampires, but the character By stepping in the shadow of their victims, the
needs to touch the body in order to heal it. vampire can immobilize them completely. This trick
makes feeding much easier, even though the Kaonashi’s
••• Anshin (Relief) preys may scream and cry in terror as they look at their
Just as their touch heals the wounds of the body, so faceless assaulters.
their words can heal the wounds of the soul. This power System: The character needs to touch the victim’s
reassures a person, or may even cure insanity. shadow in some way and roll Manipulation + Occult
System: The character must spend at least ten (difficulty equal to the target’s Willpower). A success
minutes talking to the target. The player spends a Blood completely limits the victim’s movements, while three
Point and rolls Intelligence + Empathy (difficulty 8). Each successes allow to force some coarse movements, as if
success allows the player to choose one of target’s Derange- they were some sort of puppet. Supernatural creatures
ment to heal permanently. If there is no Derangement to may break free by spending a Willpower point.
be healed, the target feels calm and refreshed. A botch
imposes the Derangement that the vampire intended •• Hon’ei (Umbra)
to heal on theirselves until the end of the scene. The The vampire may completely darken the surround-
original Derangement of a Malkavian cannot be cured, ing area. The shadows are slimy and, in addition to
but its effects may be reduced by the time of a scene. completely absorbing the light, they cause fear and
shortness of breath to everyone within it.
•••• Tsuuku (Anguish) System: The player spends a Blood Point and rolls
The vampire makes their victims feel the pain they Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 7) to create a 10 cubic
have caused to others. meters shadow mass around them. Additional successes
System: When the character is injured, the player allow to increase the area of effect by 5 square meters,
can spend a Blood Point and roll Manipulation + Empathy or to increase its density. In addition to limiting vision,
(difficulty equal to the target’s Willpower) to transfer their the darkness prevents sound propagation. Even creatures
pain to somebody watched by the third eye. In this way, with supernatural perception have a +2 difficulty on all
the vampire ignores the penalty that would be caused rolls. Mortals need to be successful on a Courage roll to
by the damage, transferring it to the target. Another avoid running away in panic, in addition to suffering the
way to use this skill is through touch. The player rolls loss of two Stamina dice for each increase in density,
Dexterity + Brawl to grab the target. Once in contact, while supernatural creatures lose only one die and can
a Blood Point must be spent each turn to transfer the suffocate with pressure if the Stamina reaches 0. The
equivalent of one point of damage (except aggravated) density also implies that the maximum moviment by turn
to the victim. As long as the character holds the victim, cannot be greater than Strength + Dexterity in meters.
they can cause the same wounds healed from their body
to appear on the enemy. Additionally, it is possible to ••• Ankoku no Souga (Dark Clutches)
absorb another person’s wounds, without expending The vampire manages to manifest the Abyss itself
blood, but limited to one point of damage by turn. through the shadows. Claws of pure darkness emerge
from any shadow (including Kaonashi’s own face).
••••• Funki (Invigorate) System: The player spends a Blood Point and rolls
By concentrating their regenerative energies, the Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 7). Each success
vampire can heal their entire body at once. creates a 2 meters long shadow claw or a number of
System: For an entire turn, the character must half-meter claws equal to ten times the caster’s Obten-
concentrate. The slightest voluntary movement will in- ebration level. The big one has 4 levels of Vitality and
terrupt the activation. By the expenditure of a Willpower Physical Attributes equal to the Obtenebration level.
point, the vampire regenerates any bashing or lethal The fragmented ones are very weak, with a single level
damage. In order to also recover from any aggravated of Vitality, Strength and Dexterity, but are very useful
damage, the vampire must meditate uninterruptedly in delaying and disturbing large numbers of enemies,
for an entire night and expend three Willpower points. clinging to them incessantly.
[Kyuuketsuki: The Fading Sun]
•••• Kage Bunshin ••••• Tokoyami
(Shadow Clone) (Everlasting Darkness)
The vampire may force the Abyss
Upon obtaining this power, the vampire
to manifest itself through shadows, mak-
ing them three-dimensional and capable to acquires a level of communion with the Abyss
interact with the real world. By materializing an so great that they may freely enter and leave
individual’s shadow, Kaonashi is able to create a this domain.
dark copy.
System: The player spends a Blood Point
System: The player spends a Blood Point and
rolls Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 7). It is possible and the character “dives” into the nearest shadow. It is
to materialize the shadow of an object, which maintains possible to jump in one shadow and immediately emerge
the same properties as the original, like a shadow sword in another within view, with a Dexterity + Occult roll
that cuts as well as the real one. However, complex (difficulty 6), which counts as a normal movement ac-
mechanisms, such as explosion engines or firearms, do
not work. Doing the same with a person’s shadow gen- tion. It is possible to emerge in any shadow that is in the
erates a clone that, even though it cannot use special same room as the “entrance door”, since each of them
powers, faithfully reproduces the mundane abilities of represents a “window” to the real world. Although it is
the original, with Vitality equal to the caster’s Obten- not possible to freely navigate through the darkness, a
ebration level. The copy has the same Attributes and
daring Kaonashi may attempt to transport themselves
Abilities as its source, limited by the number of successes
in activating this power. For example, three successes back to their haven through a Wits + Occult roll (dif-
allow to reproduce the characteristics of the target up ficulty 8) as a last resort. Once inside the shadow,
to the third level, while five successes always produce the vampire is completely protected from
a perfect clone. A botch will summon an uncontrolla-
any external effects, including sunlight. As
ble shadow creature. Anything reproduced in this way
remains in the three-dimensional world for a scene, or much as the brightness of the day reduces
until it is destroyed, fading back into the shadows. These or completely eliminates the shadow it
objects materialize like a silhouette and, if the vampire came from, the place where the Kaonashi
wants the shadows to reflect the real shape, they need to
is located is the surface of the Abyss itself,
spend another Blood Point and a turn sculpting them
with Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 6 for objects therefore, it is not affected by these variations.
and 8 for people). However great the number of Any Obtenebration power used there has
successes, the result is never identical, as there is -2 difficulty and does not require Blood
something horrifying and inhuman to the copy,
Points, but the vampire cannot interact
which reveals its abysmal origins. In addition, the
shadows do not speak and need to avoid bright directly with the physical world, except
lights, or they will disintegrate. through Dark Clutches.
D reamland
The dream world is divided into three levels: The deepest level is the Unconscious, where
Conscious, Preconscious and Unconscious. traumas and issues to which the individual’s mind
The Conscious level looks like reality, even forbids access are located to maintain their sanity.
In this sphere, nightmares come to life and the rep-
though time and space perception is distorted. It is
resentations are even more abstract and difficult to
there that memory is made, while the dreamer relives interpret (difficulty +2). The possibility of finding
the activities they performed that day. Because it is the dreamer’s deepest and darkest secrets are as high
a more rigid level, it is impossible to interact with as encountering Nightmare Creatures. Forcing any-
the dream, just observe it, because everything is thing from there to higher levels of the dream can
intangible. result in a new Derangement for the dreamer, while
planting new information in this sphere can generate
The Preconscious involves subjects that are
an unpredictable personality change. Experienced
known, but do not have form of thoughts, such as the oneiromants are said to be able to shape someone’s
ability to drive a car, information erased from memory entire personality by making subtle changes. If the
by mystical means, etc. This sphere is very distorted dreamer is attacked in this sphere, upon waking up,
and nothing is what it seems. Everything must be they may go into shock, acquire Derangements, die,
interpreted. For example, the memory of having tea etc.
with the boss can be represented by a frowning cup. In the Dreamland, the Attributes are different.
All of these interpretations are made with a Wits + Virtues replace Physical Attributes (Courage is
Strength, Self-Control is Dexterity and Conscience
Occult roll (difficulty equal to 10 - successes obtained
is Stamina). Vitality is represented by Intelligence
when accessing the dream). The greater the dreamer’s + Witts, and Willpower is the equivalent of Blood
Mental Attributes, the more elaborate the represen- Points. Although Disciplines cannot manifest inside
tations. Unlike the first level, the oneiromant is able a dream, a character can spend Willpower points to
to interact with everything, which can mess up with produce all sorts of effects imaginable. There is no
the dreamer’s head and cause all sorts of effects while precise limitation on what can be done. Consider an
awake, such as changing the names of people and action equivalent in Discipline powers that corre-
sponds to the character’s permanent Willpower. For
objects, losing and gaining random Ability points,
example, someone with Willpower 7 produces effects
in addition to other more embarrassing confusions. If equivalent to a level 7 Discipline power. Usually the
the dreamer is injured or witnesses a grotesque scene, dreamer is helpless, unless they realize that this is a
they will suffer the nightmare effects when waking dream and assume the control, acquiring infinite
up the next day. powers to shape reality.
Abyss Mysticism through this ritual becomes able to see the world in a
monochromatic way. For there is only black and white,
the outline perception is impaired, but no level of light
Obtenebration users can learn to gather the Abyss
dark energies to produce effects beyond mere Discipline affects the sharpness of what is seen. More than a way to
powers. The Kaonashi are very secretive about their grant abilities, this ritual is a way to taint mortals with
rites, but that doesn’t mean no one has been able to the energy of the Abyss, causing them to be pursued as
steal them. creatures of darkness.
Chapter Five: Rituals
System: The vampire must devote their own eyes to Abyss Vessel (Level 4 Ritual)
the Abyss, while facing a spot of very dark shadows. A By offering their whole body to the Abyss, the
success in a Perception + Occult roll (difficulty 8) grants
vampire acquires great powers, but their countenance
the ability to activate or deactivate the effect on oneself
is increasingly impregnated with darkness.
later, while a failure implies the permanent acquisition of
the Uncontrollable Night Sight Flaw. To grant the Eyes System: The vampire cuts themselves with a knife
of the Abyss to other individuals, the character sheds a and sucks all nearby shadows into their body. The whole
blood point on the organ and rolls Willpower (difficulty process takes an hour and is very painful, which subtracts
equal to the target’s Humanity). The number of successes two dice from all rolls until it ends. After that, the player
determines how many nights the effect will remain active, rolls Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 8) to trap the
turning the victim’s eyes pitch black, as they bear Abyss shadows inside. A failure invalidates all effort, while a
energy, leaving its surface unable to reflect even direct botch results in the loss of one Blood Point for every 1
light. All penalties for seeing in the dark or identifying rolled. On successes, the character’s skin darkens and all
nearby objects are removed, but the ability to differen- Physical Attributes increase up to their current Obten-
tiate planes and depth perception is weakened, and the ebration level, if they are lower. This effect lasts as long
maximum visible distance from the horizon drops from as the mystic wishes. However, each night, when the
5km to just 1km. Also, the difficult of mortal interactions vampire awakens from their slumber, they must spend
increase by two, causing fear and revulsion. a number of Blood Points equal to their Obtenebration
Abyss Veins (Level 2 Ritual) level, or they will return to normal. The more frequent
Once the vampire performs this ritual, thay can and longer this effect is imposed on the body, the more
no longer turn back, as the darkness taints all of their the wearer’s skin darkens, until they become a being
vitae, turning it pitch black. The thirst for mortal blood made entirely of shadows.
increases, but regenerative abilities are also enhanced.
Abyss Gates (Level 5 Ritual)
System: The Kaonashi devotes their vitae to the
Abyss and rolls Stamina + Occult (difficulty 8). Regard- After offering themselves entirely to the Abyss
less of the result, the ritual’s effect is guaranteed and and becoming a part of it, the mystic is given back
the blood looks like thick nankin. When feeding, the the power to traverse it, connecting two shadows from
vampire need to consume two Blood Points to get just known places.
one. However, by spending Blood Points to heal from System: The vampire must spend an hour writing
lethal or bashing damage, it is possible to regenerate abyssal characters on a door, which takes three Blood
two Health levels instead of one. If the mystic fails Points. Upon completion, the player rolls Intelligence +
during the activation, the veins also become bulging Occult (difficulty 6) to open the entry and exit portals.
and blackened, which makes a +2 difficulty on all Social The portal holds one person per turn, and stays open
rolls that don’t involve Intimidation. for a limited amount of time (see below). To cross the
Abyss Throat (Level 3 Ritual) Abyss and reach the other side, each traveller must
By offering their orifices to the Abyss, the user of this succeed in a Wits + Occult roll (difficulty 6 for the
ritual becomes a true black hole, consuming everything mystic, difficulty 8 for others). Those who do not master
that violates their body. Obtenebration Discipline can only enter the Abyss by
System: The mystic must spend an hour isolated spending a Willpower point.
underground, away from any source of light, watering 1 success A turn.
each of their orifices with vitae until they are swollen 2 successes A scene.
and flushed, which costs two Blood Points. A success in 3 successes A night.
a Stamina + Occult (difficulty 8) roll causes the blood
4 successes A week.
to turn black and connects to the Abyss, a failure has
no effect, and a botch causes two aggravated levels of 5 successes A month.
damage. Any being that breaches one of the orifices
loses one Blood Point per turn and can be completely S h adow C on templation
consumed at the end. To notice the annoyance, the Developed by the Kaonashi monastic schools, this
victim needs at least five minus the amount of blood path favors rituals that seek truth through ostensible
lost successes in a Perception + Alertness roll (difficulty contemplation of the Abyss. Many families have sought
6). The limb extraction deals one level of aggravated the guidance of their Bloodline priests to embrace their
damage per turn as long as the vampire holds their prey. curse and learn from it.
[Kyuuketsuki: The Fading Sun]
True Shadows (Level 1 Ritual) Shadow Sight (Level 4 Ritual)
Any being or object hidden by magical means, By gazing into the darkness, the vampire is able to
disguises or alternative forms, continues to cast the transcend the distance and visualize what shadows see.
shadow of its original form to the mystic’s eyes. This is System: The character gazes at a shadow and rolls
because the “light” of the Abyss cast their silhouettes Perception + Occult (difficulty 7). One failure exhausts
through the contours of their souls, not their bodies. them completely for the rest of the night, reducing two
System: The vampire mixes a variable number of dice from all their rolls. A success creates an observation
Blood Points with an amount of wax. A candle made window that shows the point of view of some shadow,
from this ingredients burns with a shadow flame, which which makes it possible to contemplate a person or ob-
does not emit light or heat, but needs to be protected ject known to the mystic. It is impossible for the target
from intense light, or it will go out. As long as the candle to notice that they are being watched unless they are
is lit, the user will have the benefits of True Shadows, skilled in Obtenebration or some supernatural means
and any creature that is exposed directly to the object to do so, such as Auspex, and gets more successes than
will have any supernatural disguise or concealment the vampire on a Perception + Occult roll (difficulty 8).
removed. The candle burns for a period equivalent to Abyss Wisdom (Level 5 Ritual)
the amount of material used in its production. Each
The Abyss was there before creation and will
Blood Point can be diluted with enough wax to burn
continue to be after the end of everything. There is no
for eight uninterrupted hours. Once extinguished, the
secret to its wisdom, there is no mystery to its knowledge.
candle can be stored for future uses and has no visible
Those who accesses the Abyss with their consciousness,
difference from its mundane version, apart from the
answers the deepest and darkest questions.
blackened pink coloration that the paraffin acquires.
System: The vampire must access the surface of the
Shadow Whispers (Level 2 Ritual) Abyss with Everlasting Darkness and focus on a single
By meditating in darkness, the vampire is able to question, while inducing torpor through meditation. The
assimilate knowledge about their victims or enemies, Storyteller ranks the question’s degree of importance or
if they are willing to pay the price in blood. complexity on a scale of 1 to 10. While in torpor, once
System: The character must be in total and complete per night, the player rolls Intelligence + Occult (diffi-
darkness to meditate. Three Blood Points leak from culty 8), until they accumulate a number of successes
their orifices as the vampire convulses alone. Then, equal to the question’s rank and get the answer, which
the player rolls Stamina + Occult (difficulty 8). Each may take days or years. Spending more than one night
success allows access to a secret pertaining to the people immersed in the Abyss can taint the soul with its mark,
the vampire thought of while meditating, to be defined which increases the difficulty of all Social rolls except
by the Storyteller. A botch will reveal a mystic’s secret Intimidation by two.
to the people named in the ritual in their dreams the
next time they fall asleep. S ou l C orruption
Thanks to the Shadows (Level 3 Ritual) This path is the rarest among practitioners of the
In Japan, it is common to say “okage-sama de” Abyss Mysticism and many consider it lost knowledge.
(thanks to the shadows) as a way of expressing relief, Developed by the assassins school, during the golden
similar to the way Western Christians say “thank God” age, when the Kaonashi acted as spies and ninjas, as a
after overcoming some ordeal. The vampire who com- way to draw the most terrible side of the Abyss. Those
munes with the dark is able to use this supernatural who wish to afflict their victims with all the perversity
force in their favor, getting help from the shadows to of their twisted minds seek to learn these rites that
overcome minor misfortunes. corrupt the very soul through darkness.
System: The character puts any amount of Blood The Shadow Kiss (Level 1 Ritual)
Points in an opaque container, which does not allow any Upon encountering a newly deceased mundane vic-
fraction of light to pass, as an offering to the shadows. tim, the Kaonashi is able to drain their soul and thereby
Any Blood Point spent in this way cannot be regen- steal their face. The countenance will always look somber,
erated until the shadows consume it. For each portion as if devoid of color, and will cause mortal discomfort,
of vitae offered, the player may redo a minor roll on although it is not as disturbing as the true “face” of the
which they failed. Whenever the impending failure vampire. Some Kaonashi who refuse to corrupt human
is overcome, the vampire knows that this victory was souls for the sake of their vanity, do this process with ani-
“thanks to the shadows”. mals, generating the most bizarre and tenebrous creatures.
Chapter Five: Rituals
System: The character stands System: The vampire must consecrate the blade to
with their mouth open over the face the Abyss, soaking it in the blood of a living creature.
of a corpse and rolls Willpower The player rolls Strength + Occult (difficulty 7), each
(difficulty equal to 5 + the success granting the effect for an additional night. The
number of hours passed since weapon may target incorporeal beings, such as spirits,
the death of the body). Only in addition to dealing aggravated damage to mortals.
one success is needed to suck the When the effect expires, the blade deteriorates and
soul, which is then tortured while becomes useless, but it is possible to repeat the ritual and
in the stomach of its captor. To
guarantee a few more nights of longevity to the weapon.
maintain the prison, the vampire
spends a Willpower point, which Dark Parasite (Level 4 Ritual)
cannot be regenerated until the Using their own vitae, the vampire is able to attract
spirit is released or consumed. The a parasite from within the Abyss. The creature will con-
deceased’s spectral form resists sume the fluid, but will look for a host to hide from the
oblivion for a number of months light of day, lodging next to the heart, where it begins
equal to its original Willpower, to drain all the blood from the victim.
when it weakens beyond the
System: The vampire drops a Blood Point in a basin
possibility of maintaining form
and its face no longer manifests in of water, which needs to spend a few hours in a completely
the Kaonashi’s countenance. Very dark cupboard. The sound of the water will indicate the
rarely, the jailer will release the moment the parasite has taken the bait. Until the end
weakened spirit, which may come of the night, the creature will remain docilely inside
back to take its revenge after it has the basin, as long as it is properly protected from the
recovered. Normally, the vampire light, feeding on the Kaonashi’s vitae. At daybreak, the
consumes what’s left of the soul, parasite will flee from the light, entering the orifices of
automatically regaining the someone who is close to the container, settling close
lost Willpower point. to the heart. From this moment on, the host may feel
Dark Fire (Level 2 Ritual) a heaviness in the chest and some fatigue, while the
It is true that shadows cannot exist without a light creature feeds on their blood. Ordinary humans will
that projects them, but some luminescent bodies can die and vampires will go into torpor unless they rip
be quite dangerous to those who commune with the the invader from their chest. The parasite immediately
Abyss. To escape this disadvantage, the Kaonashi have drains and spends one Blood Point the first night of its
developed a ritual that allows them to summon black fire installation, and one cumulative Blood Point for each
that is harmless to Obtenebration users. Unlike ordinary additional night, up to a maximum of six Blood Points
fire, the lighting generated is a very faint bluish hue, per night. When the host dies, or the creature is expelled
as seen in the dim light. In addition, black flames cast from the body, it disintegrates into a puddle of a dark,
shadow if another light source falls on them. viscous, watery substance, similar to tar.
System: The Kaonashi soaks a Blood Point in an
amount of salt that will be used as fuel. Any salt found
Dark Prision (Ritual de Nível 5)
in nature serves as an ingredient, and it don’t need to The mystic causes the nearby shadows to swallow
be pure. Once soaked, the handful of salt can be freely their victim and imprison them in the Abyss.
ignited or extinguished by the vampire, although it is System: After spending three Blood Points and
not possible to create a flame larger than a candle’s. Ob- making a Perception + Occult roll (difficulty 6), the
tenebration users are completely immune to its effects, vampire spends an entire turn focusing on a target that
although it can burn and induce rötschreck normally should be in sight. This attack cannot be defended, but
in other beings. This fire consumes the souls of those it can be dodged. If it hits the target, it is dragged into
who touch it, dealing aggravated damage not just to the Abyss, where it remains for a number of nights equal
vampires but to all kinds of creatures, including ghosts. to Kaonashi’s Obtenebration level, who can spend an
Dark Blade (Level 3 Ritual) additional Blood Point to bring it back at any time.
Soaking a blade with the nefarious energy of the The Abyss, however, is a tormenting place, causing
Abyss turns it into a murderous object, capable of a new Derangement to any creature unproficient in
wounding the souls of its targets. Obtenebration Discipline.
[Kyuuketsuki: The Fading Sun]
There are only two paths of necromantic rituals that have been devel-
oped in Japan. Although any Naraku has access to both, limited to their
Ichizoku’s knowledge, some more paranoid Kindred believe that only
one of these paths derives from the Giovanni family, and that the
other would have emerged from the ancient Cappadocians who
managed to infiltrate the Bloodline. Regardless of what the
truth is, both are equally powerful in different approaches.
S pirit P ath
It is said that the knowledge of the Spirit Path was directly inherited
from the Giovanni family, by the Wakai. In Japan, these rituals are
known as “Ushi no Koku Mairi” (ox-hour shrine-visit), as the shroud
that separates the two worlds would be thinner at 2 a.m., or Ox-Hour
in the system based on Chinese horoscope.
Hell Maiden (Level 1 Ritual)
Since the beginning, contacting the dead has always
had two predominant functions: obtaining information and
harming enemies. This ritual falls into the second category.
The necromancer summons the Hell Maiden over their victims.
System: The necromancer must know the target’s name and write it on
a piece of paper, wishing for their death, exactly at 2 a.m. An Intelligence +
Occult (difficulty 4) roll is made and, if successful, the paper will mysteriously
disappear within first minute of the ox-hour. For the next week, the victim
will suffer intermittent visions of their own death, which cause paralyzing
fear, unless they get more successes than the necromancer on a Courage
roll (difficulty 7) on each new death sight.
Eight Hand Mirror (Level 2 Ritual)
Considered one of Japan’s founding treasures, the Eight Hand Mir-
ror is a symbol of wisdom and honesty. The “hand” mentioned here is
a Japanese measure called “ata”, which comprises the extension of
the thumb stretched to the middle finger, totaling 18 centimeters,
approximately. Consecrating an object with these proportions creates
a mirror that reflects the Meikai and the souls of those who look at
their reflection.
System: After preparing a polished surface of some reflective material
with a total area of eight hands, the vampire places a corpse on top of it
so that its blood slowly drips for eight consecutive nights. At the end
of the eighth night, the necromancer deposits a Blood Point on
the surface, to end the consecration, and rolls Intelligence +
Occult (difficulty 5). If it works, the material takes on a
dark obsidian color and begins to reflect the world of the
dead and auras of living people. It takes five successes
for the effect to become permanent, or the mirror will
shatter and become completely opaque, losing its reflective ability, after a
number of months equal to the vampire’s Necromancy level.
Ashes Circle (Ritual de Nível 3)
To protect themselves from incorporeal beings and keep their secrets intact,
the vampire performs this ritual that provides protection and banishment to a
small area.
Chapter Five: Rituals
System: The necromancer needs to burn people
alive and collect their ashes. Upon gathering enough ma- C orpse P ath
terial to form a continuous circle around the target place, Unlike the Spirit Path, this set of rituals works with
they spend a Willpower point and rolls Intelligence + the bodies of the living and the dead. Some of its effects
Occult (difficulty 6) to banish everything within there. are similar to ancient expressions of Cappadocian Nec-
Once the ritual is performed, the ashes form a barrier of romancy, which leads to various theories about vampires
screams and torment that prevents the propagation of from this Clan infiltrating the Japanese branch of the
sounds and the passage of incorporeal beings. Anyone Giovanni family. However, there is no way to be sure
who tries to breach into the circle through supernatural unless someone can find a pureblood family capable of
perception means must beat the necromancer’s successes performing all the rituals in this path.
on a Perception + Occult roll (difficulty 7), or they will Embalm (Level 1 Ritual)
be deafened for the rest of the night. One of the biggest challenges of working with
Straw Doll (Level 4 Ritual) the physical part of necromancy is the decomposition
of bodies. This ritual, however, prevents a body from
There is a specific type of voodoo in Japan, which
rotting, causing it to maintain the same appearance
involves making a straw doll called a waraningyo and
indefinitely, reaching hundreds, if not thousands of years.
nailing it to a tree to curse a person.
System: The player rolls Intelligence + Occult
System: The vampire rolls Intelligence + Occult
(difficulty 4), while the vampire distills an elixir. Each
(difficulty 7) while crafting the puppet. The target’s
family has its own recipe, each with its secret ingre-
identification must be attached, be it a piece of paper
dients, but all carry a necromancer’s Blood Point as a
with a brief description or name, a possession or a
base. This substance is sufficient to cover the body of an
thread of hair. This will adress the one responsible for adult human and its effectiveness is determined by the
the violation when the doll is nailed to a tree. As long number of successes. The embalmed corpse interrupts
as the doll is fixed into the wood, upon awakening, the the natural decomposition process once it is properly
victim will suffer one point of lethal damage for each cleaned, as the elixir does not prevent the flesh from
success of the necromancer. Damage represents an illness being devoured by any creatures that may hatch within it.
or injury caused by the violent spirits that haunt the
1 success A year.
curse’s target and can be healed normally. If the puppet
2 successes A decade.
is removed from the tree, the effect ceases immediately.
3 successes A century.
Samsara (Level 5 Ritual) 4 successes A millennium.
Samsara, known in Japanese as “rinne”, is the 5 successes Unknown.
continuous flow of life, a process by which beings suc-
cessively incarnate and disincarnate. The vampire who Corpse Curse (Level 2 Ritual)
learns this ritual manages to twist the cycle, bringing a Perhaps death is vanity’s greatest enemy. With this
body back to life, or almost. ritual, the vampire curses their victims with the terrible
System: The necromancer must choose a body visage of a corpse.
that has died within the last twelve hours, at most, and System: The necromancer spends three hours
prepare it to receive a new spirit. Cuts must be sewn, carving a handful of wax into the shape of their mortal
damaged organs must be replaced, and so on. While victim. Upon melting the puppet, the vampire rolls
burning incense, chanting, and dancing around the Intelligence + Occult (difficulty 5). If it works, when
body, the vampire feeds it a Blood Point, which will the wax is completely melted, the target turns pale and
serve to restore one Health level, and rolls Intelli- cold like a corpse, which raises by two the difficulty
gence + Occult (difficulty 8). Unless they obtain five to all Social rolls. In addition, the skin wrinkles and
successes, the necromancer does not control the spirit dehydrates, the eyes are sunken and the hair whitens,
that enters the body, and it can be anyone present, in- as if the person has aged instantly, resulting in the loss
cluding its original occupant. After reincarnating, the of half of the total Appearance rating. The effect wears
body rises with the same Physical Attributes, Talents, off when the melted wax solidifies again. If the wax
Disciplines, and Backgrounds it had before it died, but continues to boil until it evaporates, the spell is broken.
Skills, Knowledge, Nature, Behavior, and Mental and Touch of Decay (Level 3 Ritual)
Social Attributes become those of the embodied soul. Through this grotesque ritual, the vampire is not
The reincarnated spirit will continue to live in its new limited to an aesthetic effect, accelerating the process
body until it dies again or it is removed in some way. of decomposition and decay of living bodies.
[Kyuuketsuki: The Fading Sun]
System: A piece of meat is exposed to the environ-
ment so that insects can lay eggs in it. When the larvae
hatch, the necromancer must let them devour the skin
Thanks to their insatiable thirst for knowledge,
on their fingers for a whole day while they slumber and the Daitengu have exhausted all sources of research to
rolls Intelligence + Occult (difficulty 6). Until the end develop their spells. Not just the Tremere were studied,
of the following night, by spending a Blood Point, the but the Assamite, Followers of Set, Giovanni, Lasombra
vampire activates the effect while touching a victim. and even the Tzimisce.
It causes hair to fall out, teeth to soften, skin to rot and
How it was done? Blackmail, flattery, pacts, Dom-
fungus to spread throughout the body, which deals one inate powers... You don’t want to know!
level of lethal damage and causes the loss of one Appear-
After much study, they developed ritualistic paths
ance dot per success of the ritual. The victim can resist
that compiled the best of each strand. Of course, this
with a Stamina roll (difficulty 8). When a mortal takes
does not mean that they know every secret of the sourc-
three points of lethal damage in this way, in a single
es they steal from, which could become a problem in
scene, their tissues become gangrenous, among other
the future. After all, whoever plays with fire ends up
possible effects. Each night, vampires regain a point of
getting burned!
Appearance lost in this way, but mortals must undergo
surgery to correct their disfigurement. R ed M agic
Ill of the Damned (Level 4 Ritual) The Daitengu who studied Tremere rituals created
This ritual serves to distill the death essence within a set of practices that they called hermetic, due to their
the Naraku’s vitae that grants them their miasma. The rigid and paradigmatic character. Those rites are con-
resulting substance is poisonous and volatile, capable sidered basic and are widespread among the Bloodline.
of making both mortals and other creatures terribly ill. Communion Cup (Level 1 Ritual)
System: The necromancer distills a Blood Point One of the greatest taboos in vampire society is
and rolls Intelligence + Occult (difficulty 7). Anyone blood. The vital fluid may be used for many purposes,
who comes into contact with the liquid or vapor it gives or becomes evidence of a crime. Through this ritual,
off must roll Stamina (difficulty equal to the vampire’s the sorcerer manages to manipulate it in a subtle way.
Willpower) and get more successes than the ritual, or will System: The character must draw a hermetic sigil
suffer the following effects: Strength and Wits drop by over a container that holds a Blood Point and cast the
half (rounded down), Dexterity drops by one, vampires enchantment for three hours, by rolling Intelligence +
must spend an additional Blood Point to awaken each Occult (difficulty 4). Filling the enchanted object with
night, and roll Self-Control (difficulty 8) when feed- water causes all the blood spilled into the environment
ing, or will vomit blood, while mortals suffer a level of to be replaced by the water, even if it has already co-
lethal damage a day and empty their stomachs with no agulated or is in the form of a stain on a tissue. Despite
chance of resisting. Each subsequent night, the victim returning the blood to a liquid state, this ritual does not
may attempt to eliminate the plague from their system revive the substance, that is, the material collected is
with a Stamina roll (difficulty 10 minus the number of unfit for consumption and has no effect. If filled with
days passed since contagion). fresh blood, the container exchanges its contents for
Toast with Death (Level 5 Ritual) the plasma of the one who touches it with bare hands.
Some Kindred philosophize about a future with no It is an efficient way to steal vitae from other Kindred,
more victims to drink from, should some sort of event or create Blood Bonds. However, individuals with four
extinguish all existing life. The answer to this question dots in Occult can identify the inscription with two
is in this ritual, which allows a necromancer to obtain successes on an Intelligence + Occult roll (difficulty 8).
sustenance from the dead. Summon Hell (Ritual de Nível 2)
System: Through an Intelligence + Occult roll Through this ritual, the sorcerer manages to make a
(difficulty 8), the necromancer can gain sustenance by victim feel as if they were being burned alive. Although
sucking blood from a corpse, provided it is minimally simple, it is very effective against Kindred.
preserved for that. Using this power, however, tempo- System: The vampire must obtain a personal object
rarily amplifies the effects of Naraku’s miasma, which from the victim and then set it on fire while reciting
starts to intoxicate living beings, and can even kill a magic words and roll Intelligence + Occult (difficulty
mortal who spends too much time with the vampire in 5). The target suffers the effects of rötschreck instantly,
a closed environment. as if burning with the object.
Chapter Five: Rituals
Vampire Blade (Level 3 Ritual) D ark M agic
Some Daitengu are called “mahou kishi” (magic Some secrets stolen from the Lasombra are very
knights), trained to use of swords and other weapons. useful to the most daring sorcerers. Albeit unable to
This ritual allows these vampires knights to fight to access the Abyss, without the much coveted Lasombra
their full potential, draining blood directly from the Discipline, this path meets most of the Daitengu needs
wound they inflict with their blades. but can also be very dangerous. If the user manage to
System: The sorcerer produces a blade with magical acquire any level in Obtenebration, the difficulty of
inscriptions. When in battle, an Intelligence + Occult these rituals drops by one.
(difficulty 6) roll reflexively activate the ability. All hits
made by the weapon that deal damage automatically Sheltering Shadows (Level 1 Ritual)
add a Blood Point to its wielder’s pool. One of the most useful and simple rituals, which
completely isolate a room from sunlight, preventing
Stagnating Heal (Level 4 Ritual) light from passing through cracks and even windows.
This ritual allows the sorcerer to distill a contact System: The vampire must spend an hour writing
poison that, once absorbed by a vampire skin, renders Abyss words on the walls of the target room, using a
their vitae unable to heal their wounds. Blood Point, which can come from any source, in-
System: The sorcerer drops a Blood Point in a basin, cluding the sorcerer themselves. It is not necessary to
adds an equal amount of laudanum, recites the magic understand the meaning of the writing, just to know
words for ten minutes and rolls Intelligence + Occult how to reproduce the words. An Intelligence + Occult
(difficulty 7). If it works, the substance won’t coagulate roll (difficulty 5) will set the number of days the place
for a number of nights equal to the number of successes. will be fully protected from the sun.
Once applied to Daitengu’s hands, the poison transfers
to the next vampire it touches. The sorcerer is immune, Command the Darkness (Level 2 Ritual)
but the victim is unable to use blood to heal until the The sound of the Abyss words carries within it the
effect wears off, or by spending a Willpower point to power of darkness. The sorcerer who proves worthy of
ignore the poison for a single turn. this dark language manages to extinguish flames with
a mere command, spoken aloud.
Magic Medium (Level 5 Ritual)
System: The character needs to resist the rötschreck
Upon reaching the peak of magical development,
and blow out a candle with their own bare fingers,
the sorcerer forges an artifact with magic inscriptions
which deals no damage, unless the vampire fails the
that amplifies their own powers.
Intelligence + Occult roll (difficulty 6). For the rest of
System: During a complete cycle of the moon, the night, the sorcerer may put out an amount of fire
starting at the new moon, the Daitengu devotes six equivalent to a bonfire with a simple voice command.
hours of each night to making the artifact. Large objects
such as swords and staffs have the magic words written Dark Conflagration (Level 3 Ritual)
directly on their surface, but it is possible to make a more The Daitengu, who paint certain Abyss words on
compact medium by writing the spell on a piece of paper their bodies can summon dark fire with their Thau-
that is stored inside a ring or jewelry. For each night the maturgy. The change is permanent and has unknown
player spends one Blood Point, and once by week rolls effects on the vampire’s body. For that reason, more
Intelligence + Occult (difficulty 8). The ritual fails if a experienced sorcerers completely discourage this ritual,
night of work is missed, or if the four rolls don’t stack at but power-hungry youths end up dazzled by it, since the
least 20 successes. When complete, the medium increase only noticeable side effect is the loss of color in the
by one the difficulty to all spells aimed at its wielder, iris, which makes the pupils look like two black holes.
adds two dice to all Thaumaturgy and ritual-related System: The character must find a way to perma-
rolls, and grants an extra die when used as a weapon. nently pigment the skin, such as Vicissitude powers.
It is important that the object is made by the vampire The process is irreversible, takes about an hour, and
themselves, in order to interconnect their essences. This requires an Intelligence + Occult roll (difficulty 7) to
causes the effects to only benefit the creator, but does complete. After that, whenever the Daitengu invokes
not admit the existence of another medium. Also, if the the Conflagration, the flames will come as Dark Fire.
sorcerer is separated from his artifact, a Perception + The Dark Fire remains harmless to Obtenebration users
Occult roll (difficulty 7) reveal its location. However, but can still burn the sorcerer, as controlling these flames
the bond also has its burden, as it adds three dice when without a direct link to the Abyss rises the difficulty of
used to magically attack the creator. casting Conflagration by one.
[Kyuuketsuki: The Fading Sun]
Shadow Servant (Level 4 Ritual) Preservation (Level 2 Ritual)
Unlike the Kaonashi, who bring powerful shadow The sorcerer slow down the decomposition process.
creatures to life through Obtenebration, the Daitengu System: The natural decomposition speed is divided
possess a fraction of this ability in ritual form. The by the total number of successes in an Intelligence +
Shadow Servant is a small homunculus brought from Occult (difficulty 5) roll, like a minor version of Embalm.
the Abyss to aid the sorcerer in their endeavors. Jinx (Level 3 Ritual)
System: The vampire sheds a blood point in their Jinxes are small curses that bring misfortune.
shadow and rolls Intelligence + Occult (difficulty 8). Through blood offerings, spirits gather to make the
If it works, a clump of shadows rises with a silhouette victim’s life miserable, until their debt is paid.
similar to its creator. The homunculus has two Health
System: The sorcerer must get something personal
levels and two Physical Attribute points. Additionally,
to the target, such as hair or a treasured object. The
homunculi can have a number of additional abilities,
offering and a blood point are placed on an altar next to
such as limited flight, digging, or rudimentary speech. a black candle which will attract nearby spirits. For ten
When the minion is destroyed, its creator automatically minutes, the vampire must relive any negative feelings
takes one point of aggravated, unsoakable damage. These felt for the person in order to feed passion to the spirits,
creatures need to be fed a Blood Point each week, or while burning the object and rolling Intelligence +
they will disintegrate back into the shadows. Occult (difficulty 6). Each success makes the target’s
Mirror Crossing (Level 5 Ritual) next mundane roll an automatic failure. For example,
By combining Rift magic with Abyss knowledge, four successes cause the target’s next four rolls to fail,
the Daitengu are able to connect two points in space no matter what. This ritual won’t cause botches.
to serve as portals. The ritual is apparently safe, but Share the Soul (Level 4 Ritual)
perhaps deep connoisseurs of the Abyss will be able to Diablerie is performed ritually in Japan. As a way
hack this connection. to share their strength with more individuals of their
System: The sorcerer writes Abyss words on two Bloodline, the Daitengu have developed this ritual,
mirrors and a ring, which will be used as a key, and which breaks the soul of the immolated vampire, so that
rolls Intelligence + Occult (difficulty 9) to connect the more of their descendants can share their “wisdom”.
objects together. Anyone who has the “key” can cross System: The unwilling victim needs to be restrained,
from one side to the other instantly. for the ritual takes an entire hour to complete. The cel-
ebrant recites qualities of the immolated one and asks
W h ite M agic if they’re voluntarily submiting to the assembly. The
Studying the magical application of Giovanni congregants must answer any protest in unison with:
Necromancy allowed the Daitengu to develop this path “you have no choice”. The listed qualities represent
to interact with spirits of both the living and the dead. the soul fragments that will be apportioned through an
Despite being powerful, there are sorcerers who refuse to Intelligence + Occult roll (difficulty 7). The celebrant
learn some of these rituals, considering them too risky, and up to five other vampires take turns over the body,
since they deal directly with the spirits. taking small portions of vitae until it runs out. At this
Sleep Talk (Level 1 Ritual) point, each of them performs their respective rolls
Some beliefs regard sleep as a type of death, and normally, as if it were an individual diablerie.
there is no doubt that vampire torpor is much like the Flesh of the Corpse (Level 5 Ritual)
eternal slumber. This simple ritual allows communica- This terrible curse the target’s flesh and skin, turning
tion with a being who is in a dormant state, without once-resistant beings into fragile mummies.
waking them up. System: The sorcerer must write the victim’s real
System: The sorcerer touches the target’s forehead name on a piece of paper and use it to cut themselves.
or hands and rolls Intelligence + Occult (difficulty 4). Afterwards, the paper is burnt to ash. The player rolls
The number of successes determines how “awakened” Intelligence + Occult (difficulty 8). If it works, the
the target consciousness will be. Unlike entering the ritual causes the target’s Stamina and Fortitude to drop
oneiromancy or telepathy, it is not possible to use any to 1. For each Generation below the Eighth, the indi-
kind of supernatural device to affect the target during vidual retains an extra level of Fortitude and Stamina,
the conversation. Mortals tend to be more solicitous, respecting the original limit (i.e. a Sixth Generation’s
because they tend to believe it is all a dream. stats will be reduced to 3). The effect lasts for one night.
Chapter Five: Rituals
A ncien t M agic Karma Cycle (Level 4 Ritual)
Some ways of blood magic are older and harder Unlike mortals, vampires often turn away from
their Humanity to justify their evil deeds. Through this
to study than others. When trying to appropriate the
ritual, however, karma returns to take its toll, causing
secrets of Akhu, Dur-An-Ki and Koldun, the Daitengu
the victim to feel the weight of all their actions.
came across this barrier. Due to the limited access, these
System: The sorcerer can perform this ritual by
three forms of sorcery were condensed into a single path,
pointing a religious symbol at the target and chanting
considered the most difficult to learn and perform, as it
prayers for their soul for five minutes while making an
is composed of poorly sewn fragments.
Intelligence + Occult roll (difficulty 8), or by using a
Refreshing the Will (Level 1 Ritual) portion of the target’s blood as a mediator and calmly
Once a night, the sorcerer can refresh their will by offering their prayers to the distance, which drops the
taking a sip of fresh water. difficulty by one. If the vampire succeeds, the victim
System: The character drops a Blood Point in a momentarily becomes ruled by the Path of Humanity’s
fresh water source and drinks an equivalent amount level 9 Hierarchy of Sins, forcing Degeneration rolls and
of liquid while making an Intelligence + Occult roll extreme guilt for the least of the feats. The temporary
(difficulty 5). If it works, the vampire is able to ingest change has no effect on the target’s original Path and
without difficulty and regains a Willpower point. only lasts for one hour per success.
The word “vampire” comes from Eastern European
The curse inflicted on the Tzimisce Clan brings
great suffering when they distance themselves from
legends about undead creatures that feed on blood to their homeland. Imagine the agony of not being able
prolong their existence. Although it entered the Jap-
to return home, condemned to live in a foreign country
anese language as a foreign word, there is a local term
for over a century! The older fiends could not adapt
to define essentially the same thing: Kyuuketsuki. As
the Japanese language borrows Chinese characters to to such punishment, seeking a new way to shelter on
compose complex words, it is quite possible to write the the ground, eagerly negotiating with the local spirits,
same word in both languages (albeit different pronun- through their koldunic sorcery, as their bodies weakened
ciation), with the characters “suck”, “blood” and “evil and changed. Thus began the legend of Jubokko: trees
creature”. However, not all Kyuuketsuki are descendants that appear at night, as if from nowhere, but that look
of Caine, as the archipelago has its own local legends. completely normal. The unsuspecting mortals who roam
its forests are captured by its twisted branches, which
T he D egen erates suck blood like wooden proboscis. Only the dry body
The egregore was not kind to the Cainites, and some
is left behind in the morning when the trees disappear
could not handle their new unlife very well. Vampires
who get lost along the way go through a process called back into the ground. It’s impossible to know when and
“daraku”, or degeneration, becoming complete slaves where a Jubokko will show up, but they tend to look for
of their Beasts, devoid of any reason, in an eternal places where there’s bloodshed, or natural forests where
frenzy state. they can lurk unnoticed.
Chapter Six: Antagonists
Among the Daitengu, there are those who exagger-
ated the use of magic and degenerated to the state of
“Kotengu” (Little Tengu). These creatures are similar
to Marauder mages, with the difference that, instead
of insanity, their mind was completely destroyed,
making them puppets controlled by the Beast. All of a
Kotengu’s Mental Attributes are equal to 0, however,
they are ruled by an inner chaotic force that wants to
produce ever more intense magical effects. Observing
the chaos of their minds, however, is extremely costly for
anyone who tries. A single peek is all it takes to impose
a Temporary Derangement for each Kotengu’s current
Willpower point on the eavesdropper. In addition, these
creatures can perform any effect of their Disciplines
and Rituals as spontaneous magic, using the blood of
mortals present as fuel.
Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity 2, Stamina 1.
Abilities: Alertness 5, Brawl 1, Dodge 2, Melee 1,
Occult 5.
Disciplines: Chimestry 5, Dementation 5, Thaumaturgy 5.
Humanity: 0.
Willpower: 10.
There are few reports of entire Jubokko forests Blood Pool: 10.
springing up at once, but these congregations become
highly dangerous. Even though the trees can’t leave
their place all night, waiting patiently for their prey,
K iji n
Not all Kyuuketsuki are descendants of Caine.
the terror they inspire is real and inexorable. Even Eastern myths and legends derive from older and more
some vampires have already fallen victim to these powerful creatures, who compete with the Cainites
bloodthirsty creatures. for the Japanese herd. The Kijin, also called Kuei-Jin,
Older Kindred often pun on the term “kyuuket- Cathayans, or Kindred of the East, are beings cursed
su-ki”, changing the last character from “evil creature” by karma, originated on the mainland, who migrated
to “tree”, which retains the same pronunciation in to Japan long before the arrival of the first Western
japanese, despite the change in meaning. They believe vampires in Asia. Though individually powerful, they
it is necessary to use the term when dealing with these cannot Embrace, make Ghouls or Blood Bonds, so their
creatures to differentiate them from mortal superstitions weakness lies in numbers. They share a vulnerability
that have nothing to do with reality. “Kyuuketsu-ki”
to the sun, but only the hearts of those with yin energy
are vampires who became trees. They are extremely
are affected by wood, while those with yang energy are
strong and ancient, which makes them equally difficult
affected by metal.
to destroy, yet they retain vulnerability to fire and sun-
light. Although lethal, they are easily avoided. Instead Young Kijin
of sap, their trunks shed a powerful vitae, equivalent Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3,
to the sixth generation, which can be used to extract Charisma 1, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3, Perception 4,
certain properties, although it is impossible to commit Intelligence 2, Wits 2.
diablerie on these beings. Abilities: Academics 2, Alertness 2, Athletics 2,
Attributes: Strength 7, Dexterity 3, Stamina 5. Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Empathy 2, Expression 1,
Abilities: Brawl 5, Dodge 3, Stealth 7. Firearms 1, Investigation 2, Leadership 1, Melee 2,
Disciplines: Animalism 2, Protean 3, Koldun 5. Performance 3, Stealth 2, Subterfuge 2.
Humanity: 0. Disciplines: Celerity 4, Fortitude 2, Potency 3.
Willpower: 2. Humanity: 5.
Blood Pool: 30. Willpower: 6.
[Kyuuketsuki: The Fading Sun]
Few mortals are strong or foolish enough to stand
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 1, Stamina 3,
Charisma 4, Manipulation 1, Appearance 2, Perception 3,
up to the creatures of darkness, however, they do exist,
and are not usually as harmless as the rest of the kine, Intelligence 3, Wits 3.
relying on some kind of supernatural power. Abilities: Academics 3, Alertness 3, Animal Ken 3,
T rai n ed M ortals Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Dodge 2, Empathy 4, Etiquette 2,
Some humans manage to master technique and Expression 3, Investigation 1, Medicine 2,
control over their bodies to a level capable of easily Melee (shakujou) 3, Occult 3, Stealth 2, Survival 2.
overpowering weaker Kindred. Others end up picking Humanity: 8. Willpower: 7. True Faith: 3.
fights with vampires through manipulation of greater
forces or out of sheer arrogance. This second type needs Equipment: Shakujou (Buddhist staff with six rings,
to rely on numbers to overcome the inequality between used in rituals and in combat), library, temple dedicated
predator and prey. to their disciples.
Martial Arts Master
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3,
Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2, Perception 4, Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4,
Intelligence 2, Wits 2. Charisma 4, Manipulation 1, Appearance 3, Perception 3,
Abilities: Academics 1, Alertness 3, Athletics 2, Intelligence 1, Wits 2.
Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Empathy 2, Expression 2, Investigation 2,
Melee 4, Stealth 2, Survival 2. Abilities: Academics 2, Alertness 4, Animal Ken 2,
Humanity: 8. Willpower: 5. Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Dodge 3, Empathy 3, Expression 2,
Equipment: Kimono, sword, paper, brush. Firearms 2, Investigation 3, Linguistics 3, Medicine 3,
Yakuza Boss Melee 2, Occult 3, Stealth 3, Survival 2.
Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3, Humanity: 9. Willpower: 8. True Faith: 5.
Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 1, Perception 2,
Intelligence 2, Wits 3. Equipment: Syncretic Crypto-Christian worship
Abilities: Alertness 2, Athletics 1, Brawl 3, Dodge 2, symbol, pistol, stake, silver bullets, bulletproof vest,
Drive 2, Finance 2, Firearms 4, Intimidation 3, motorcycle, portable occult library.
Investigation 2, Melee 2, Security 3, Stealth 2,
Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 2. G hou ls
Humanity: 4. Willpower: 6.
Humans fed on vampire blood become their faithful
Equipment: Submachine gun, bulletproof vest,
luxury car, knife. servants, in exchange for the power and longevity that
vitae provides.
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2, Shitsuji no Kerai (Servant Buttler)
Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 1, Perception 2,
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2,
Intelligence 1, Wits 2.
Abilities: Alertness 1, Brawl 1, Dodge 1, Drive 1, Firearms 2, Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4, Perception 3,
Investigation 1, Melee 1, Security 2, Stealth 2, Intelligence 3, Wits 3.
Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 1. Abilities: Academics 2, Alertness 2, Computer 1, Crafts 2,
Humanity: 5. Willpower: 2.
Dodge 2, Drive 2, Empathy 3, Etiquette 4, Finance 2,
Equipment: Pistol, knife, motorcycle or van.
Firearms 2, Leadership 2, Linguistics 2, Medicine 2,
H eralds of F aith Melee 2, Occult 1, Subterfuge 3.
Those who rely solely on their unshakable faith are as Disciplines: Potence 1, other level 1 Discipline possessed
rare as dangerous. Monks are often pacifists, welcoming
those who seek their knowledge, but Crypto-Christians by the vampire they serve.
hold a deep grudge against night creatures. Humanity: 7. Willpower: 4.
Chapter Six: Antagonists
Youjinbou no Kerai (Bodyguard Servant) Nezumi
Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4, These shapeshifters despise humanity, but they
Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2, Perception 4, tend to be less virulent than their Western relatives,
Intelligence 2, Wits 3. the Ratkin, who spread the plague wherever they go.
Abilities: Alertness 4, Athletics 2, Brawl 4, Dodge 3, Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2,
Drive 2, Firearms 4, Intimidation 3, Investigation 2, Charisma 3, Manipulation 5, Appearance 2, Perception 4,
Medicine 1, Melee 3, Occult 1, Stealth 3, Streetwise 2.
Intelligence 4, Wits 4.
Disciplines: Fortitude 1, Potence 1, other level 1
Abilities: Alertness 4, Animal Ken 3, Athletics 2, Brawl 1,
Discipline possessed by the vampire they serve.
Crafts 3, Dodge 3, Drive 1, Finance 2, Firearms 3,
Humanity: 5. Willpower: 5.
Intimidation 1, Investigation 4, Law 2, Linguistics 3,
P lot D evice
This game was developed with the premise that • Vicissitude: The vampire freely transforms any
the maximum level of a vampire’s Disciplines was organic form.
always 5. However, it is possible to add characters • Alchemy: The vampire can remove or enhance
that function as “plot device”, that is, with powers the properties of any blood.
capable of altering the chronicle’s fate. The following
are suggestions for maximum effects. • Chimestry: The vampire can shape reality.
• Dementation: The vampire has full control over
• Animalism: The vampire becomes one with all the six senses of all creatures.
existing animals. • Necromancy: The vampire can freely control
• Auspex: The vampire can read past, present, the shroud as if it were nothing.
future and its ramifications. • Obeah: The vampire can bring beings back to
• Celerity: The vampire stops time itself. life with a mere thought.
• Dominate: All words spoken by the vampire must • Obtenebration: The vampire can summon the
be faithfully fulfilled. Abyss on Earth and darken even the sun.
• Fortitude: The vampire is indestructible and • Quietus: The vampire can reap any lesser life
unshakable, even in the sunlight. with a mere thought.
• Potence: The vampire is able to pulverize • Refinement: The vampire can imbue anything
everything that exists with a simple touch. with Discipline effects through vitae inscriptions.
• Presence: Those who looks at the vampire will • Serpentis: The vampire becomes a dark god.
become their slave immediately. • Sopor: The vampire brings everything into their
• Protean: The vampire can transform into any dream, where they’re omnipotent and omnipresent.
imaginable creature. • Thaumaturgy: The vampire cast true magic.
• Obfuscate: The vampire completely erases the • Whispers: The vampire can enforce any law,
existence of anything. altering the way the world works.
Appendix: Characters
Athletics____________OOOOO Crafts______________ OOOOO Computer___________OOOOO
Player: OOOOO
Brawl_______________OOOOO Stealth______________
OOOOO Politics______________
Chronicle: Survival_____________
OOOOO Science_____________ OOOOO
Empathy_____________OOOOO Firearms_____________OOOOO Law________________OOOOO
Expression___________OOOOO Melee_______________OOOOO Linguistics___________OOOOO Advantages
Intimidation_________ Disciplines
P HYSICAL OOOOO Performance_________ V
Social OOOOO Medicine____________
Strength_____________OOOOO Security_____________ Occult______________
Conscience/Conviction OOOOO
___________________ OOOOO Perception___________
Dexterity____________OOOOO Stealth______________
Manipulation_________OOOOO Politics______________OOOOO
Stamina_____________ OOOOO T H E FA DI NG SU N Wits________________
Appearance__________ OOOOO Science_____________OOOOO
___________________ OOOOO ___________________ OOOOO Self-Control/Instinct______
N Name:
ame : Nature:
N ature : Generation:
G enGeneration:
eration : Generation
P Player:
lay er :
OOOOO ___________________
D emea nor :
S ireSire:
: Abilities
Advantages Sire:
Backgrounds OOOOO ___________________
Disciplines OOOOO
C Chronicle:
h ron icle :
___________________ Concept:
OOOOO Concept:
C oncept :
___________________ Haven:
OOOOO Haven:
H avHaven:
en :
Courage_____________ OOOOO Haven:
Alertness____________OOOOO Animal Ken_________
___________________ OOOOO Conscience/Conviction OOOOO
___________________ OOOOO Crafts______________
Athletics____________ ___________________
ttributesOOOOO Computer___________OOOOO Attributes
A Attributes Attributes Att
P HYSICAL P HYSICALOOOOO Drive_______________
hysical ___________________
oci al
OOOOO Finance_____________
M Mtal
Dodge_______________ OOOOO
__________________________ Etiquette____________
___________________ OOOOO
__________________________ Self-Control/Instinct______
Investigation_________ OOOOO
Strength OOOOO
OOOOO Charisma____________
Charisma OOOOO
OOOOO Charisma____________
Perception OOOOO OOOOOCharisma___
OOOOO Perception__
Dexterity____________ Firearms_____________
O Law________________
Intelligence__________ OOOOOManipulatio
Dexterity OOOOO
OOOOO Manipulation OOOOO Hurt
Intelligence -1 OOOOO
Expression___________ OOOOO
Stamina_____________ Melee_______________
Stamina_____________ Appearance__________
OOOOO Linguistics___________
Appearance__________ Wits________________
Stamina OOOOO
OOOOO Appearance OOOOO
OOOOO Injured -1
Intimidation_________ OOOOO
__________________________ Performance_________
___________________ OOOOO Medicine____________
Courage_____________ OOOOO
Willpower Wounded -2
Leadership___________ OOOOO Security_____________OOOOO Occult______________OOOOO
Streetwise___________ OOOOO O O O Obilities
O O Politics______________
-2 A Abilities
OOOOO Abilities Ab
alen ts SkillsS
k ills Crippled
Knowledges -5
now ledges KnoS
Subterfuge___________ OOOOO
__________________________ Survival_____________ OOOOO Science_____________OOOOO
Alertness OOOOO
OOOOO Animal
Animal Ken OOOOO
OOOOO AnimalIncapacitated
Bruised OOOOO OOOOOAnimal
Athletics OOOOO
O O O O Nature:
Pool Hurt Weakness -1
OOOOO Player:
OOOOO Demeanor:
OOOOO Advantages
Chronicle: OOOOO
OOOOO EtiquetteDisciplines
Concept: Willpower OOOOO
Wounded OOOOO
Haven: OOOOOEtiquette___
-2 OOOOO Investigation
Empathy OOOOO
OOOOO ___________________
OOOOO Conscience/Conviction
Law Law________________
O O O O O O O O O O Mauled -2
Expression___________ OOOOO
Expression OOOOO
OOOOO ___________________
Expression___________ Melee_______________
Melee_______________ Linguistics___________
OOOOO Melee_______________
Crippled OOOOO
OOOOO Attributes
Nature: Attributes
Intimidation_________ OOOOO
Intimidation OOOOO
OOOOO ___________________
Performance OOOOOOOOOO
OOOOO Performance_________
Medicine M OOOOO
Incapacitated OOOOOPerformance
OOOOO Medicine___M
HYSICAL Player: ENTAL Demeanor:
Leadership___________ OOOOO
Leadership OOOOO
OOOOO ___________________
OOOOO Self-Control/Instinct______
OOOOO Occult______________
Strength_____________ OOOOO Strength_____________
Blood Pool
OOOOO Charisma____________
Chronicle: Weakness
OOOOO Perception__
Streetwise___________ OOOOO
Streetwise OOOOO
Dexterity____________ OOOOO
OOOOO ___________________
Stealth OOOOO
Politics OOOOO
Intelligence__________ OOOOO
OOOOO Nature:
___________________ OOOOO ___________________ OOOOO
Subterfuge OOOOO
OOOOO Survival_____________
Player: OOOOO
___________________ OOOOO Courage_____________OOOOO
OOOOO Survival____
Wits_______ Att
__________________________ Chronicle:P HYSICAL Concept: S
Advantages Strength_____________
dvantages Name: Abilities OOOOO Charisma___
Advantages Adv
B ackgroun ds Skills
iscipli n es Player: Skills
irtu es OOOOO Att
___________________ ___________________
Animal Ken_________
__________________________ OOOOO
OOOOO Chronicle:P
Animal Ken_________
Bruised OOOOO
OOOOO Concept: S
OOOOO ___________________
O O ___________________
OOOOOO Strength_____________
O Crafts______________
Hurt Charisma___
-1 OOOOO __________
OOOOO ___________________
___________________ OOOOO
OOOOO Dexterity____________
Injured -1 OOOOO
OOOOO Manipulatio
Finance____ Att
___________________ ___________________
OOOOO ___________________
Willpower OOOOO
Talents -2
OOOOOOO OOAppearance_
OOOOO ___________________
O O O O O O O O O O Firearms_____________
___________________ OOOOO OOOOO___________________
OOOOO Law________________
Alertness____________ -2 OOOOO
OOOOO __________
Animal Ken
___________________ ___________________
OOOOO ___________________
Blood Pool
Crippled -5 OOOOO __________
OOOOO Linguistics__
Blood Pool Weakness
Blood Pool Weakness
OOOOO ___________________
___________________ OOOOOOOOOO
OOOOO Performance_________
Courage OOOOO
OOOOO __________
__________________________ __________________________ __________________________
__________________________ Crippled Incapacitated
-5 Talents
Crippled -5
Crippled -5
__________________________ O O O O O O O O O O Mauled -2 __________________________ O O O O O O O O O O Mauled -2 __________________________ O O O O O O O O O O Mauled -2
OOOOO Security_____________OOOOO Security_____________
Willpower Wounded
OOOOO Occult_____
Animal Ken
Willpower Wounded -2 __________________________ Willpower Wounded -2
__________________________ O O O O O O O O O O Hurt -1 __________________________ O O O O O O O O O O Hurt -1 __________________________ O O O O O O O O O O Hurt -1
Merits/Flaws OOOOO Stealth______________OOOOO Stealth______________
Empathy_____________ OOOOO
M erits Humanity/Path
/F lawsOOOOO Subterfuge___________
__________________________ um a n ity /P ath
Survival_____________ OOOOO Health
HealthOOOOO Science____
H ealth
Science_____________ Huma H
Talents OOOOO
Expression___________ Melee_____S
___________________ OOOOO ___________________ OOOOO Courage_____________OOOOO __________________________
___________________ OOOOO ___________________ OOOOO Courage_____________OOOOO ___________________ OOOOO ___________________ OOOOO Courage_____________OOOOO
___________________ OOOOO ___________________ OOOOO __________________________
___________________ ___________________ OOOOO ___________________ OOOOO ___________________ OOOOO
__________________________ __________________________
__________________________ __________________________ ___________
Bruised Bruised Taught Bruised
___________________ OOOOO ___________________ OOOOO __________________________
___________________ OOOOO ___________________ ___________________ OOOOO ___________________ OOOOO
Blood Pool OOOOO Weakness
Intimidation_________OOOOO Animal
Alertness____________ Etiquette___
___________________ OOOOO ___________________ OOOOO Self-Control/Instinct______
OOOOO ___________________ OOOOO ___________________ OOOOO Self-Control/Instinct______
OOOOO ___________________ OOOOO ___________________ OOOOO Self-Control/Instinct______
___________________ OOOOO ___________________ OOOOO __________________________
___________________ OOOOO ___________________ OOOOO Incapacitated ___________________ OOOOO ___________________ OOOOO
__________________________ O OO__________________________ __________________________
Crippled -5
O OHurt
O Hurt
Hurt O O-1O -1 O-1 OOOOOO
-1 O O O OHurt O O
___________________ OOOOO ___________________ OOOOO ___________________ OOOOO ___________________ ___________________ OOOOO ___________________ OOOOO
Advantages Advantages
___________________ OOOOO ___________________ OOOOO Conscience/Conviction OOOOO __________________________
___________________ OOOOO ___________________ OOOOO Mauled -2
Conscience/Conviction ___________________ OOOOO ___________________ OOOOO Conscience/Conviction OOOOO
Athletics____________ Firearms___
Backgrounds Disciplines V IRTUES __________________________
Backgrounds Willpower
Disciplines V IRTUES -2 Backgrounds Disciplines V IRTUES
__________________________ __________________________
Injured -1
Advantages Advantages __________________________
Injured Injured-1 -1-1 Fotitude
Expression___________ Injured
Hurt -1
Brawl_______________ OOOOO Stealth____
__________________________ Bruised
Backgrounds Disciplines
Backgrounds Disciplines
Subterfuge___________OOOOO Survival_____________OOOOO Science_____________OOOOO Subterfuge___________ Survival_____________ Science_____________ Subterfuge___________OOOOO Survival_____________OOOOO Science_____________OOOOO
IRTUES Merits/FlawsOOOOO Humanity/Path OOOOO Health OOOOO
W Willpower
Security_____________OOOOO __________________________
Wounded Wounded
-2 -2-2 OOOOO
Willpower -2
__________________________ O OO__________________________ __________________________
Expression___________OOOOO Melee_______________OOOOO Linguistics___________OOOOO __________________________
___________________ Melee_______________
___________________ OOOOO Linguistics___________OOOOO __________________________
Expression___________ Melee_______________OOOOO Linguistics___________OOOOO
O OMauled
Mauled O Mauled
O O-2O -2 -2 OOOOOO OMauled
__________________________ __________________________
Empathy_____________OOOOO Firearms_____________OOOOO Law________________OOOOO Empathy_____________
___________________ OOOOO Firearms_____________
___________________ OOOOO Law________________OOOOO Empathy_____________ OOOOO Firearms_____________OOOOO Law________________OOOOO
Empathy_____________ Security____
__________________________ __________________________
____________________________________________________ Crippled __________________________
Brawl_______________OOOOO Drive_______________OOOOO Finance_____________OOOOO Brawl_______________
___________________ OOOOO Drive_______________
___________________ OOOOO Finance_____________OOOOO Brawl_______________ OOOOO Drive_______________OOOOO Finance_____________OOOOO
Crippled Crippled
-5 -5
-5 -5 Cripple
Athletics____________OOOOO Crafts______________ OOOOO Computer___________OOOOO __________________________
___________________ Crafts______________
___________________ OOOOO Incapacitated
Computer___________ __________________________
Athletics____________ Crafts______________ OOOOO Incapacitated
__________________________ __________________________ __________________________
Incapacitated Incapac
Willpower Wounded -2 Willpower Wounded -2
Abilities Advantages
Abilities __________________________
Abilities __________________________
__________________________ Injured -1 __________________________ Injured -1
___________________ Subterfuge___________
Self-Control/Instinct______ OOOOO
OOO OO Survival____
_____________________________________________ ___________________
__________________________ O O O O O O O O O O Hurt -1 __________________________ O O O O O O O O O O Hurt -1
Merits/Flaws Dis
Humanity/Path OOOOO
Bruised OOOOO
B Pool
Pool Pool
P ool Blood
W Pool
Weakness Blo
Strength_____________ Charisma____________OOOOO Perception___________OOOOO Strength_____________ Charisma____________ Perception___________ Strength_____________ Charisma____________OOOOO Perception___________OOOOO
Leadership___________ Security____
Leadership___________ Security_____________OOOOO Occult______________OOOOO
OOOOO ___________________
Attributes Attributes OOOOO
n ess OOOOO
Attributes OOOOO
___________________ OOOOO
Social OOOOO
___________________ OOOOO
___________________ OOOOO
___________________ OOOOO
___________________ OOOOO Firearms_____________
___________________ OOOOO Law________________OOOOO ___________________ OOOOO ___________________ OOOOO
Player: OOOOO
___________________ OOOOO
__________________________ OOOOO
___________________ OOOOO
___________________ OOOOO
___________________ OOOOO
___________________ OOOOO
___________________ OOOOO
OOOOO ___________________
OOOOO Subterfuge___________
___________________ OOOOO
___________________ OOOOO
Talents OOOOO
Animal Ken_________OOOOO
Knowledges OOOOO
___________________ OOOOO
___________________ OOOOO
___________________ OOOOO
___________________ OOOOO
Conscience/Conviction OOOOO
Advantages Advantages
___________________ OOOOO
Subterfuge___________ __________
OOOOO Subterfuge___________OOOOO Survival_____________OOOOO Science_____________OOOOO
OOOOO Charisma____________
OOOOO Perception___________
OOOOO Streetwise___________OOOOO Stealth______________OOOOO Politics______________OOOOO
Backgrounds __________
Empathy_____________OOOOO Concept:
Firearms_____________OOOOO Haven:
Law________________OOOOO Empathy_____________OOOOO Firearms_____________OOOOO Law________________OOOOO
Player: Etiquette____________
Demeanor: OOOOO Investigation_________OOOOO
Sire: Dodge_______________OOOOO Etiquette____________OOOOO Investigation_________OOOOO