07 - Chapter 1
07 - Chapter 1
07 - Chapter 1
initial costs and the subsequent running cmts were affordable only by a few. The
reason of affordability of the computer only by a few is something of the past
It is in this background that one has to become aware of the need to have
controls in the usage of computers. With the extensive technological developments
in the hardware and the sophisticated techniques in the development of software, the
nonns of controls necessarily keep changing.
The Statement of Audit Standards (SAS) further expects the auditor 'To
consider... complexity and sophistication of the entities operations and systems
including whether the method of controlling data processing is based on manual
procedures. As the entities operations and systems become more complex and
sophisticated, it may be necessary to devote more attention to internal control
structure and elements to obtain the proper understanding so as to facilitate
designing effective subtantive tests.
It further specifies that the auditor should obtain sufficient knowledge of the
accounting system to understand.. the Accounting process involved from the initiation
of transaction to its inclusion in the financial statement including how the computer
is used to process data.
The need for technical uprtire on the part of the auditor is due to the
impact of ekctronic data p A g (wmputerisation of data)
The objectives of audit have not changed It is only the means of achieving
these objectives that have changed
Hardware have come a long way from unit record equipments. The first
generation computers characterised by vaccum tubes gave place to second and third
generation computers which utilised transistors and integrated circuits. Subsequently,
the fourth and fifth generation computers with more complex and sophisticated
pheripcrals have appeared on the same.
instantaneously is possible. Eg.Bookings of air tickets from anyone office from any
of the many flights on different routes also on different dates.
computers, there have been advanees in the development of small and smaller
computers. The advent of small and smaller computers have been creating big and
bigger problems from the auditor's point of view. The auditor is not assured of
certain basic controls which he is assured of in a main-frame computer environment.
software before it can be permitted to "Go live". Auditors need to firstly be aware of
the associated discipline with regard to the development of software and secondly
possess the knowledge to evaluate whether the discipline is being observed or not.
Thirdly and most importantly he should be in a position to assess the possible risks
While performing auditing with the computer, the auditor has his own
generalised audit software which performs the audit functions on the computer
system. Computerisation is taking place utilising to full advantage the latest
technological developments. It is presumed that the controls that are necessarily
associated with each type of environment are built into the system. An auditor, who
has professional responsibility of giving his opinion on the statements audited by him,
should possess adequate skills and capabilities to do so irrespective of statements and
standards being pronounced by professional bodies or not.
Whik furnitures and futures would be insured and the auditor checks the
validity of the insurance pcJicy, there is generally no such procedure being adopted
with regard to computers. Computers are at the most insured for their actual cost.
There has been no policy cowi-dered to cover the cost of developing the programs,
cost of re-creating the data as also consequential loss to the business.
The literature in the field of EDP audit and control is very extensive.
Computerisation having been introduced in the developed countries like USA, UK,
Australia for more than five decades, the awareness for controls and the need for
specific audit evaluating the adequacy or otherwise of controls in particular
environment has been in existence. Along with development of technology the
controls have changed and necessarily the auditors have to keep pace with the same.
Over 50 publications, mainly from U.S.,U.K, Australia have been studied and
about 25 have been reviewed From the extent of survey conducted, surprisingly, it
is found that there has been no publication yet in India. This may be due to the fact
that computerisation in our country has not been as long as in other countries to have
reported cases of fraud!
None of the professional bodies in India seem to have even issued any
Standards or statemenls as nveakd by a review of the standards issued by the
professional bodies in India.
ii) All stages in the audit a n related to each other. Thus, the audit work and
The kgal procedures and other statutory requirements a n not nkvant to Our
country. However, the f a n that the auditor should understand the accounting system
and evaluate the systcrn of internal control and carry out functional test to satisfy
himself with the controls arc in place and working the way they should. This
approach is the same whether it is a computer system or a non-computer system.
Great emphasis is laid on understanding and nearding the systemThu book also
recognises the usage of flow charts and/or narrative notes.
While discussing Audit approach for evaluation of internal controls the audhor
emphasises the fact that for an effective evaluation it is first necessary to understand
the nature of controls in a computer system. The auditor is expected to be conversant
with "user controls, programmed procedures and integrity control". Programmed
p r w d u r e s include process controls, while integrity controls are controls over
programs and filer They deal with implementation procedures, program security,
computer ciperations and data file security controls. As a means to evaluate controls,
it is suggested that an internal control questionnaire based on control objectives be
prepared and necessary information gathered It is emphasised control objectives do
not change in any environmentThe means of achieving these objectives differ
depending upon the environment
(i) To guide CPAs in auditing business enterprises which use computers for
record keeping.
I Gnrdon B. Davis 'Xuditing & EDP'. New York, American Institute of Certified
Public Accountants, 1968
(ii) To provide a starting point for building a consensus of expert opinion on an
Specific mention is made of the fact that EDP does not lessen the need for
an evaluation of the sptem of internal control. On the contrary, it appears that
increased emphasis must be given in the review of internal control to ascertain that
it is effective. It is pertinent to quote that it is stated as early as in 1%8: "Computers
have been commercially available for fifteen years and the recency of the major
impact can be appreciated by noting that it made in 1967 every use of all computers
had b e t n done in the preceding year, the number was expected to double again in
the succeeding three years."
This statement is very relevant to the fact that though the computers have
been in existence in our country for more than 40 years in some form or the other,
technological developments and usage of computers in the last ten years have more
than doubled compared to that in the previous three decades. The technology
referred to in the book though out-dated, the concepts are of great relevance. The
input processing and output controls are discussed at great length.
The questronnain provides more than a starting paint for the auditor who
wishes to make a beginning.
A detailed flow chan specifying the operation, the designation of the person
performing the operation and the process are explained in depth. Though the
narration is curnbenomc, splitting up of the entire operations into various ingredients
and connecting each step to the main flow chart is useful. The chapter on computer
assisted auditing techniques deals with test data method, parallel simulation and
usage of other programs written for a specific purpose or generalised audit software.
1. Elise G. Jancura and Robert Boos "Establishing controls and auditing the
compuferised accounting system" New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold
Company, 1981.
While this book makes an attempt in emphasising the need for establishing
1W.Thomas Porter and William E Peny have discussed the impact of EDP
on auditing and control. They have discussed the concept of information as distinct
from data. They have brought out the fact that one of the most difficult tasks an
auditor has to perform while auditing is comprehending the systems. Flow charting
is one of the wry valuable tools that help the explanation of a system function. The
concept of flow charting with detailed instructions and illustrations is well brought
out. There is the problem of timeliness. There are tendencies very often to modify
the system without updating appropriate flow charts. This problem could be go\ over
by utilising the facilities provided in the automatic flow-chartingsystems. Flow charts
of a programme could be obtained froni the Source Code Statement. A specific
mention is made of 'HIPO' - (Hierarchy plus Input, Process, Output) is a
documentation aid. It has the ability not only to document the functions but also to
show the hierarchical inter- relationships between these two functions. This aspect is
extremely useful to the auditor. The subsequent chapters deal with controls in EDP
system under two categories:
(a) General and administrative controls
(b) Application controls
W.Thomas Porter and William E Peny "EDP Controls and Auditing" - Third
edition , Massachusetts, Kent Publishing Company, Boston, 1981.
is conantration of duties and functions which kads to certain mmpkety. H e n a
there are grcater potential for control problems'
WThomas Porter and William E Perry "EDP Controls and Auditing" - Third
edition , Massachusetts, Kent Publishing Company, Boston, 1981.
Interesting probkm of a live care has been presented It deals with Equity
Funding,insurance fraud.
W.Thomas Poner and William E Perry "EDP Controls and Auditing" - Third
edition , Massachusetts, Kent Publishing Company, Boston, 1981.
Corrective mntrols arise in the investigation and correction of cause of
expower which have been detected Typical m p k s of comctive controls are
(a) Audit trails
(b) Discrepancy reports
(c) Back up and
(d) Recovery
The audit approach when the client's use service centre is different from usage
of a computer in-house. The audit approach when the client uses a service centre is
discussed' A specific mention is made of advanced auditing techniques including test
audit method, test case, system evaluation, integrity, test facility and parfallel
simulation It is vcry well brought out that in an environment of accelerated changes
in computer technology, newer and upto date auditing techniques are needed.
' W.Thomas Porter and William E Peny '%DP Controla and Auditing" - Third
edition , Massachusetts, Kent Publishing Company, Boston, 1981.
lS.Rao Vallabhaneni, traces the importance of software in a computerised
environment He mentions that 50 to 75% of the time of the system analysts and
programmers is spent in maintaining the existing software and that more than 50%
of the operating budget is for software. He brings out the fact that inspite of the
abovc mentioned significant facts, auditors do not spend enough time reviewing,
testing and evaluating the controls in the application systems when they are in the
process of k i n g developed He correctly mentions that more time is spent on
softwaredevelopmentactlvitles than lor reviewing softwaremaintenance controls. He
explains the difficulties faced by systems and programming staff who are under
pressure from the users and suffer from lack of appreciation of concepts by senior
management. Many a time software is developed without considering future
maintenance. Very few programs and systems are developed using structured
techniques. This results in great deal of patch work being done. He refers to
"spaghetti code" which is diff~cultto control, maintain, modify or audit In view of the
absence of usage of structured techniques the systems staff are constrained to use an
adhoc approach.
The GAO studied 15 computer sites in detail and received responses for
mailed questionnaires from several hundreds. It is mentioned that though the study
was relating to Government environment, it is equally applicable to private and public
sectors. Some of the problems enumerated are:
(ii) Expert user requested modifications are not always based on real need
(iii) User requirements in the software development phase are not adequately
These points are of relevance to the environment in our country also. The
time and effort spent on system development phase is not always productive either
because users do not define their requirements precisely or the systems staff decide
on thelr own on certaln requirements of the users As most of the appl~catlonsare
Pnonty 1s for keeplng the system golng wth the modlficatlon In the ctrcumstances,
the capaclty of the audltor to understand the modlficatron and evaluate the controls
The author has d ~ n d e dthe book Into three parts, the first part deallng wth
ennronrnent, the second part wth control guldellnes and the th~rdone wth audit
methodology; the fourth one belng on newng the future He explalns the software
aud~torsw~thresources use for software malntenance are adequate and that they are
used effectively and efficiently He hlghl~ghtsIn chapter I V that the audltor needs to
aud~torcreates an awareness of the really of the problem and posslble practical steps
rnatntenance phases
Technology is advancing important supportive functions that protect the
technology from intentional losses is not keeping pace.' He makes reference to the
systems auditability and control reports produced by Stanford Research Institute
International of 1977 and observes that auditing which is an important supportive
function is lagging far behind. In view of the auditors lack of sufficient knowledge of
the technology, he is constrained to rely on the trustworthiness of computers,
computer programmers, operators and other computer staff. An auditor is expected
to be independent in attitude and appearance and the dependence of the auditor on
data processing staff is violative of basic audit principle. The author has very
relevantly mentioned that the auditors performing their function in a computerised
environment have realised that they have to acquire necessary skills to perform their
lobs competently. Similarly, data processing management are realising the need and
value of the services of the auditors who evaluate the adequacy of controls in the
computerised environment. The book which has the focus on creating an awareness
in the management of organisations which have introduced computers deals with the
subject in a non-technical manner. The authors make special reference to transmittal
early as 1978 One whole section is devoted to the nature of computer security. A
useful table giving details of various types of security areas to be safeguarded and
how it could be safeguarded are explained lucidly. Concepts of risks and threats a n
explained The author 1s of the opinion that what may appear as accidental and
unintentional acts may not in reality be so. He drives home the point that one should
be prepared for the worst and provide adequate security functions. While discussing
the aspect of detterance which would be a preventive measure for the likelihood of
security violations, the author makes special reference to audit. He very pertinently
points out "one of the greatest values of auditing is detterence". The aspects of
preventive, detective, recovery and corrective controls are discussed with
effectiveness. The importance of contingency and back up plans is discussed in detail.
While discussing the recovery issues, the factors to be taken particular care of are
mentioned as
(b) Facilities and neighbouring site : considering the risk factors in the
underground cables would affect on- tine systems. These need to be protected
has been considered as a possible reality by the author and guidance provided.
Suggestion regarding consulting geologists are made.
There is an exclusive chapter on computer security and the law, malting special
reference to the k'rivacy Act of 1974 and the Foreign Practias Act of 1977.
Section 3 of the book deals with computer security program and deals in great
the computer centre, there will be no back up material at the remote site. This lead
to the organisation having two copies at the back-up site.
three parts.'
1. Microcomputers in general
Z Stand-alone microcomputer systems and
In Part I while dealing generally with micro computers, the book provida
statistics from a report regarding the growth of micro computers. He quotes th
market has gone from US $ 200 million in sales to a projected 426 billion dollars in
sales in 1983. In 1983 about one million units were sold and it is expected that 45
million units may be sold by 1986 or 1987.
* Applications software
Vendor system software, standards and practices
Physical environments, file and media storage outside
Uunauthorised access.
giving the prevailing condition and the corresponding auditing concerns and
considerations is provided. To sum up, the problem generally faced by auditors are
(3) Audit trails may be lacking in view of lack of facility for logging. When
While dealing with connected micro systems he deals under three zones as
follows :
(a) Data communication
@) Micro computer
(c) Mainframe penetration by Hacking
The fact that security and protection of micro computers is as important if not
more important as the security of log system is emphasised. While dealing with
general aspects of micro computer security, software and data integrity issues of
concern are mentioned as follows:-
* Who can excess the micros
To what extent can they access
How is the data protected from the unauthorised distribution
* What is the possibility of loss of critical data
How is data integrity to be maintained
What is the possibility of intrusion from outsiders.
What steps are to be taken for maintaining continuity of operations.
(1) sound framework for dealing with internal and security controls
(3) Acomplete set of management policies and standards for management control
of this new technology
should consider to build security and integrity in the advanced on line systems. He
also deals with audit approaches and techniques which would effectively and
efficientlyaudit and review the systems. A tabular statement distinguishing the various
features of the systems with the respective implications of such a feature are well
brought o u t While dealing with internal controls, the author classifies integrity under
four categories:
(i) Accuracy
(ii) Securitylprivaq
(iii) Continuity
(iv) Environment
(9 Data entry
(ii) Data communication
(iii) Systems environment in general controls
(W Environmental software
(viii) Data base control zones and audit base development standards
Under each of these heads, the author deals with the following:
(i) General control objectives
(ii) Various control points
(iii) Under each of the control points, the control objective and the corresponding
control techniques a n discussed in detail. The two pans of the book contain
a precise presentation of the entire subject
Computer Security
(ii) Evaluate physical threats and the probability of such an event occuring
(a) Access
(b) Information flow
(c) Inference
(d) Criptographic controls.
The author stresses the point that while these methods can reduce danger of
compromise of data, they cannot totally eliminate the possibility. The security role of
included those security features that manage and control the system resources and
application programs. The explicit function include s u ~ e i l a n c eand identification,
access control and isolation. The chapter dealing with people and security highlights
the fact that sometimes the position of power exercised by a single individual like
system administrator is both a weakness and a strength. He suggests remedial
measures as
(iii) Journalising i.e. recording request from the administrator or log to facilitate
executive officer utilised the computerised salary system to defraud health authority.
A novel, yet a case of great conarn is where computer personnel stole the computer
files and demanded ransome for restoring them. Fortunately, the culprits were caught
The last case reported is regarding a boiler explosion which destroyed the computer
office site. The author concludes that the misfortune did not become a calamity
because of the contingency plans of the company. The 1981 survey and the 1984
survey regarding incidents involving theft and misuse are very revealing.
Each of these environments are discussed in great detail under various heads
of prevention, detention and correction. It is of impurtance to note that a mention
is made of the computer Act of 1987. The Act requires the establishment of security
Mandatory measures are those needed by law. Necessary measures are those
reasonable precautions which need to be taken.
' The Chantico Series, ''Disaster Recovery Contingency Planning and Program
Eualuation". Massachusetts, QED Information Sciences Inc. 1985.
when circumstances permit A cost benefit analysis is made taking into consideration
the perceived and desirable needs.
The second pan deals with conducting the review programme. It is considered
necessary to establish disaster recovery review objectives. The first and foremost, the
types of disaster need to bc identified followed by identifying the areas which may be
impacted by a disaster. It is necessary to review the disaster recovery controls. A
useful workshop concerning internal back up site, checklist is very educative. A
specimen typical agreement with time brokers vir those who would find another site
that a company can use in the event of a disaster is informative. The author gives
procedure for testing the disaster recovery programme and classifies the testing into,
static testing and dynamic testing. Ht: deals with different techniques for testing and
giver the base for selecting the appropriate technique. The basis for evaluating the
basis for disaster recovery test are discussed. The importunt aspect regarding
insurance coverage is highlighted. The fact that extra insurance is needed on back
replacement costs and actual cash value. The points to be considered while discussing
with the insurance manager include also extra emergency expense, third party liability,
revenue bearing data. The extra emergency expenses include rental of temporary
facilities, back-up equipment, moving cost, tempor.iry insurance cost. The third party
liability arises only in the case of service bureaus. The example of revenue bearing
data would be the data regarding the outstanding balances. Following the testing of
the disaster recovery program would be the procedure to evaluate the DRP.Various
concerns and opinions regarding the adequacy of the disaster recovery programme
need to be formed This opinion is to be supported by sufficient evidence colketed
during the review process. It is necessary to evaluate each concern individually and
then the totality of the individual evaluations should be reviewed in making a final
judgment A useful guideline regarding writing disaster report is provided. It is
recommended that it should have the following chapters-
(i) Management summary
(ii) Scope of review
(iii) Background
(iv) Findings
(v) Opinion
(n) Its impact of opinion
(vii) Recommendation.
Robert R. Moellerl deals with computer audit, control and security aspects
in a computcrised environment and the appropriate audit methodology. The controls
are considered under the following three environments viz
(1) large computer centre,
It is of significance to note that in our country auditors are not even able to
evaluate the general controls. In view of the wide gap of the expectation of the audit
department of the future, in the present position in our country there needs to be
realisation about training auditors to attain better skills and competence to really
operate as organisation's auditors of the future.
William C Mair, Donald R.Wwd and Keagle W.Davisl have made a very
comprehensive presentation of the various aspects of auditing in a computerised
en\,ironment. The matrix presentation is the highlight of the book. There are four
matrixes as follows:
' William C.Mair, Donald R.Wood and Keagle W.Davis "Computer Control and
Audit" Minneapolis, Minnesota, Touche Ross & Co.,1978.
Application aMtml evnlnation table
The abuse is classified under object tool and environment and the controls
again are classified as preventive detective and corrective.
The last table deals with information processing facility control evaluation.
Causes of Infomation Pressing Facility exposures are classified as human errors,
hardware defects - software failures, computer abuse and catastrophy. The controls
are classifred under the heads preventive, detective and corrective. The authors have
achieved the objective of helping the auditors to understand as to what is meant by
adequate control in data processing environment.
The relevant tasks under each of these functions are discussed in great detail.
The author provides an approach for audit of information systems by concentrating
on the business processing sections of information system. The analytical approach
' Per Brinch Hansen, "Operating System Principles", New Delhi, India, Prentice-Hall
of India Private Limited, 1990.
William E. Perry Yuditing Information Systems A step-by-step audit
a p p r o a c h . Carol Stream, ED? Auditors Foundat~on,1983.
is of immense use and this approach has been adopted by me in my questionnaire
and discussion with the auditors.
* Programmin&
' Testing,
* Conversion,
' Post implementation.
S.Rao Vallabhaneni, "Auditing Software Development - A manual with case
Studies", New York, John Wiley & Sons 1990.
!itdiy mentions audit findings and ncommendations While summarising the findings
' Michael A Murphy and Xenia Ley Parker "Handbook of EDPAuditing" Coopers
Lybrand, Boston, Massachussets, Warren, Gorharn & Lamong Inc. 1989.
Multi-user micro computer
Communication security
The 1903 cumulative supplement deals with more current concepts like Expert
Systems While discussing the information technology, concepts, and meeting future
needs the authors who have international reputation have stated as follows:-
The challenge - and the opportunity for the public accounting profession is
Research publications
The publication of the Institute of the Internal Auditors USA' reviews, risk,
controls and audit techniques while describing the fast changing technology to help
internal auditors to perform their jobs better. The report consists of 11 modules as
follows :-
Executive summary
Audit and control environment
Using information technology in audit
Managing computer resources
Managing information and development systems
Business systems
End-user - departmental systems
Telecommunications Security
The project was financed by IBM and Price Water Hons performed the work
Thc report ckarly recogniscs that the internal auditor's responsibility regarding
information technology has changed tremendously. The report concludes that as a
major aspect of strategy planning, the auditor should have an overall assessment of
associated risks and concerns, to cmphasise the fact that the auditors need to be
current It is necessary for the internal auditors to understand the environment and
the technology, to enable them to inform the management correctly about the actual
and potenticl risks and control concepts.
reliably learnt that in view of the increased use of computers, the Institute of
Chartered Accountants itself has made a start in providing guidelines to its members
for procedures to be followed while auditing in a computerised environment It is
learnt that the Indian Institute also may be within 2/3 years after the process of
different committees, approving the same, is completed issue official professional
standards as a statement hopefully.
Donald AWatne and Peter B.B. Tumey, ']Auditing EDP Systems" New Jersey,
Prenticc-Hall International. Inc. 1984.
Mention is made to usage of expert systems and the role of auditor in auditing
such an environment It is interesting to note that the author mentions that the
auditor should use the expen system as a t w l to be more effective and efficient
Ron Weber'sl book is a bible to auditors who wish to gain basic knwrkdp
of computericed environment, associated controls, evidence collection methodologies,
and evidence evaluation procedures. There are important chapters on managing EDP
audit function. The author highlights the importance of changing EDP audit function.
With the advent of micro computers, growth of end- user computing and impact of
knowledge systems and the growth in data communications, the authors feel the EDP
auditor should keep pace with the new technology. An interesting question posed by
the author is as to how an auditor can determine what ciianges need to be made to
controls and audit procedures when an organisation changes from its existing
technology to new technology for its data processing. He concludes that the role of
EDP auditor and basic audit methodologies remain unchanged. However, the EDP
auditor must understand the new technologies, be capable of determining their
impact on controls and audit procedures and ensure that appropriate evidence
coUection twls and techniques have been developed
Michael G.Grottola, "The UVEaudit. Using UNM &Audit UN1X"', New York,
McGraw-Hill Inc, 1993.
examine it and how to report its findings. The author mentions that using a UNIX
operating system to audit the environment thus require apart from audit experience,
UNIX litracy. It provides useful guidelines for the auditor to become "Unix Literate".
There is a chapter on which it takes the auditor through the various process of
installing the UNIX system. It gives a brief description of each of the commands. The
book contains useful information on how an effective audit can be conducted in an
UNIX environment using the UNIX commands themselves.
The literature surveyed deals with different computer environment and the
controls and audit concerns associated with i t Each of the technological
developments have been dealt with in detail.
The study has been undertaken to attempt to fill upthis gap. A sample survey
ofcontroland audit practices has been undertaken and analysis included.
environment generally has been stated.An analysis of the findings has been reported
with suggestions, based on the findings.
five leading firms of statutory auditon have been approached and the procedures that
they follow while auditing on a computerised environment had been noted by way of
answers obtained from them on the questionnaire provided to them. The hypothesis
for this thesis is that the controls and auditing standards in a computerised
environment as prevailing in India is inadequate. The analysis of the control
procedures in organisations and the audit procedures followed as reported by the
organisations and the audit approach as mentioned by leading auditors have been
undertaken to verify the hypothesis.
Data regarding losses due to IT security are available for countries other than
India. In advanced countries,Auditing Techniques are t y n g to keep pace with
companies are falliable and hence personnel and systems associated with the
computers have to be infalliable!!
It is I I I this context that the aspect of making a study of the control procedures
that need to be implemented in different computer environments and the
corresponding audit methodologies to be adopted has been undertaken to evaluate
the adequacy of controls and take preventive, detective and corrective steps to
There was speculation about attacks from outsiders. What was actually
happening was that there were attacks by insiders. It became clear that while system
access controls were necessary, they were not sufficient. People could not be relied
upon to behave safely. In such circumstances, access controls would not bc effective.
(i) There are large number of previlege users on the target systems. In some
cases, all of the users are privileged. In many cases, privilege on one system
transmits into priviliging on nearby system. The analysis proved that if a
hacker is able to gain previlege on a system, he is able to change passwords
on dormant accounts and add "secret doorsn he can contaminate the system
(ii) The second factor is the continued reliance on re-usable passwords. This leads
to wlnerability to dictionary attacks.
(iii) The presence on the system of active but rarely used passwords.
(iv) The presence on the system of widely authorised and used, very general, fully
previleged but otherwise insecured programmes. The statistics prove that the
sample of 150 MVS systems 103 (67%) had one or twomore of these
programmes and of these 88 (85%) still had the default lockwards in place.
An analysis of various instances of attacks on the computer suggests a shift in
the source and nature of the exposure. These exposures are so widely
documented that any exploitation will be extraordinarily embarassing to
management and to computer audit. The study recommends that while
auditors are not responsible for preventing computer related crime, they are
responsible for identifying and reporting to management conditions which
contribute to the crime.
Identify and report programmes that run with system previleges. Application
code and system management code should run in application state with the previlege
of the user. The auditor should identify and report all such codes that run with the
system previleges. The auditor should look for and report any evidence that these
programmes were available to others. The use of the default lockwords to one such
A large number of such profiles constitute a risk to the srjtem and should be
Statistics have been provided on the computer crime. The statistics has been
collected from 3 discreet surveys. The 1986 computer crime survey consisted of
contacting 250 prosecutors' offices. 75 cases were reported.'
' Computer m'me and abuse by J.J.Buck Blook Becker EDPAA Audit Journal,
Volume 11, 1990,
In 1989 computer survey consisted of mailing to 2500 prosecutors' offices in
The third survey conducted in late 1988 was with the cooperation of the
information systems security association. The survey went to 3500 computer security
On the basis of the three surveys, it was clear that very few computer crimes
further prove:\ that any study of reported computer crime cases may nor be
representative of the universe of "serious security incidents" known to the respondents
in the centre survey. There was a survey conducted when computer security
professionals were asked for "known information security losses" for 1988. The
average loss reported was $1,09,000. Figure 1.2 represents average annual computer
abuse loss.
crime cases and theft of services represented only 10%. By 1988 money theft
More than half of the cases in our natural sample of computer crime
prosecutions involved losses of S 10,000or lcs only 125% involved losses of $ 1,00,000
The National Centre for Computer Crime Data has the opportunity to
compare the make up prosecuted cases before 1986 and after 1986. They have
attempted to infer some significance from the changes and they are as follows:
Computer crime become a media issue whenever a major case comes up. Wise
computer security professionals and auditors have been able to convert public interest
in crime to enlarged budgets for computer security efforts. The survey finally
concluded that controlling computer systems to reduce computer crime is a serious
challenge. The problem has been growing and the assets which can be broad to beer
against computer crime have also grown. The authors have concluded that the key
IN 1985, 1988 & 1991 (CHART 2)
% Percentage of Users
70 1 I
Industrial groupings
Fraud reporting
Computer Abuse in Australia by Garry Bonbow EDPAA Audit Journal 1990
Volume 2
employees and yet only 20% of the organisations are prepared to perform security
evaluations on prospective employees. It is reported that in 1984 the American
Banking System electronically transmitted in excess of S 180 billion everyday. It is
reported that "given the known statement of computer security this is not a surprise
that computer experts around the world are on the edge waiting for an organised
attack which should spell disaster for corporate identities either to consider
The basic hypothesis for this thesis is to prove or disprove that controls in a
computer environment as they exist now are insufficient and that auditing practices
followed to evaluate the controls and report on them are well below the accepted
(2) Review the procedures which the selective auditors are adopting in those
computerised environments to satisfy themselves that the internal controls are
adequate in terms of the completeness, accuracy and reliability of the
information which forms the basis of the financial statement of the
(3) Examine the levels of efficiency of control procedures in the light of well-laid
out standards of controls in different environments;
(4) Evaluate overall level of controls meant to ensure the appropriateness of audit
requirements; and
Study is based both on primary and secondary data. The secondary data
Secondary data
1. Systems Auditability & Control Reports published by Institute of Internal
Auditors USA
2 A Handbook of Computer Security edited by Keith Heardnden.
3. Auditing computer security - A manual wityh case studies by S.Rao
The actual methodology adopted for this research falls under the category of
indepth case study method. There are two typical methods available for doing
research with empirical data. One is large sample survey method and another indepth
w e study method. Generally large sample survey method is resorted to when the
system being studied or being researched is very familiar to the respondents and they
can correctly interpret and answer the questions posed to them. Wherever for the
first time a research is undertaken to study the performance of any system, it is
preferable to have a detailed checklist of relevant questions pertaining to the study
which could be personally administered by the researcher so that he/she can clarify
the meaning and interpretation of the questions to the various respondents. In that
process, additional insights can be obtained about the performance of the system
thorugh personal discussions. Understandably, the umber of such cases cannot be too
large to facilitate indepth discussion. So in this research, the study has the second
method of indepth case study. Also in this method the number of organisations and
the number of respondents taken are not too large. Hence conventional statistical
tests for validating the responses will not be meaningful.
Selective data which is not biased has been selected for sampling purposes.
Leading audit firms who have extensive clientele both in public sector and private
sector, operating in different areas of financial, marketing, manufacturing etc had
been chosen. As regards organisations, which have been using computers a sample
size of 30 was tested. As leading auditors were contacted for auditing methodology
adopted by them, data would represent audit procedures adopted in more than 100
a) The data for the study is not voluminous though illustrative. This is due to the
fact that a representative sample which has not been subjective has been
The thesis has been divided into nine chapters. Chapter I1 deals with auditing
standards where the need for standards is emphasised. The professional
pronouncements in the form of Standards of international bodies like the American
Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Institute of Chartered Accountants of
England and Wales, Institute of Internal Auditors, USA, EDP Auditors Association,
USA are referred to with special reference to those standards which are applicable
to auditing in a computerised environment. Reference is also made to 1SO-9000-3,
wherein quality standards required for software development are specifically
Chapters 111, IV, V and VI deal with controls in specific environments. Four
important and more commonly used environments have been chosen. Chapter III
deals with controls in Eud-User computing. The reasons for the rapid growth of
End-User computing, control concerns and audit considerations are also highlighted.
A copy of the questionnaire which was used to make a sample survey of five
organisations having End-User computing is enclosed. The findings at the end of the
chapter are based not only on the information collected from the responses to the
questionnaire, but also of the research team of the US of Institute of Internal Auditor
as published in their Report, "Systems Auditability and Control".
Chap:er VII deals with Disaster Recovery Plan. The importance of Disaster
Recovery Plan is highlighted and instances of successful disaster recovery plan (DRP)
and failures due to the absence of DRP are highlighted.
Chapter Vlll deals with an audit approach. Without considering any specific
environment, a general approach which an auditor should have when auditing a
computerised environment is highlighted.
Practising Auditors' responses for the questionnaire has been analysed. This
is also supported by information gathered from a sample of 30 organisations
regarding audit practices of their respective organisations.