Learning Task 10
Learning Task 10
Learning Task 10
Domain 6 of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) emphasizes the need of
strengthening community linkages and professional advancement. It consists of four strands:
Demonstrate an understanding of knowledge of learning environments that are
responsive to community contexts;
Seek advice concerning strategies that build relationships with parents, guardians and
the wider community;
Demonstrate awareness of existing laws and regulation s that apply to the teaching
profession; and
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of school policies and procedures.
It is really very important to have strong networking and linkages in the school community. When
various stakeholders of the community work together to support the teaching-learning process,
students will learn more, do more and stay longer in school. It can help the teachers give better
service to students and the other stakeholders. Teachers are more motivated to teach and they can
provide more information to share with the students. Research revealed that school community
partnerships strengthen, support and even transform stakeholders which result to improved
program quality, more efficient use of resources and better alignment of goals and curricula.
The professional development activities enhance teachers professional competence and maximize
teachers’ potentials
As Pre- Service Teachers, you also need to know the salient provisions of Republic Act No.
10912, otherwise known as the “Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Act of 2016”. It is
an act that requires CPD as the mandatory requirement for the renewal of Professional
Identification Card. It is the inculcation of advanced knowledge, skills and ethical values in a
post-license specialization or an inter-or multidisciplinary field of study for assimilation into
professional practice, self-directed research and/or lifelong learning.
I need to write my Individual Personal and Professional Development Plan (IPPDP) because:
This will cover how am I capable of doing something, not just in the professional standpoint, but
at the same time, what is your stand when it comes to your family / matters in your inner circle.
From there you’ll notice that almost everything you’ve done inside and outside your
professionalism standpoints can help you overcome situations that at some point it might be a
difficulty if one hasn’t noticed it from the very beginning.
EDUM403 - Learning Task 10
Johnrael P. Navelgas 4 B SE Mathematics
EDUM403 - Learning Task 10
Johnrael P. Navelgas 4 B SE Mathematics