Long Test-I.i.i
Long Test-I.i.i
Long Test-I.i.i
Directions: Read the questions carefully and write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What type of observation combines participation in the lives of people being studied?
A. Non – Participant Observation C. Participant Observation
B. Non – Observant Observation D. Observation Method
2. Which of the following types of quantitative research aims to study the connection between two variables?
A. Causal – Comparative Research C. Experimental Research
B. Correlational Research D. Survey Research
3. What do you call a small part of a population that is meant to represent a population as a
whole for the study being conducted?
A. Mean B. Representative C. Sample D. Subject
4. What sampling method is used if the researcher selects the respondents based on pure
A. Cluster Sampling C. Probability Sampling
B. Non – Probability Sampling D. Systematic Sampling
6. What is the most appropriate method to use if the researcher attempts to examine whether pre-
existing conditions could possibly have caused subsequent differences in groups of subjects?
A. Survey C. Comparative
B. Ex – Post Facto D. Methodological
9. A population is a large collection of objects, persons, places or things. Which of the following is
NOT an example of a population?
A. All Grade 12 Automotive Students of Mrs. Aguas.
B. All Filipino Customers of Korean Restaurants in the National Capital Region.
C. All Senior High School students enrolled at LPCNSHS – Doña Josefa Campus Ages 16-19
D. All College Students who graduated from Philippine Normal University for School Year
2018 – 2019.
10. Which sampling technique is used by television shows where the names of winners in a raffle
draw are chosen from drop boxes?
A. Lottery Sampling C. Purposive Sampling
B. Multi – Stage Sampling D. Systematic Sampling
12. Which of the following is a quantitative research design that is capable of giving quantitative
and qualitative data; hence, often used in the field of Social Sciences?
A. Experimental Research Design C. Non – Experimental Research Design
B. True Experimental Research Design D. Quasi – Experimental Research Design
15. What should be the decision if the computed value is greater than the tabular value after testing the null
A. Accept the Null Hypothesis C. Reject the Null Hypothesis
B.Delete the Null Hypothesis D. Revise the Null Hypothesis
16. Which of the following instruments is not used in data collection?
A. Histogram B. Interview Guide C. Observation D. Questionnaire
17. What data analysis should be used if the researcher wants to determine the
average deviation of scores from the mean?
A. Frequency B. Pearson’s r C. Standard Deviation D. Weighted Mean
18. Which of the following is a better idea to summarize data in a table and present it in a
manner that is more understandable and more appealing?
A. Diagrammatic Presentation C. Tabular Presentation
B. Graphical Presentation D. Textual Presentation
19. What is the margin of error if the researcher considered using a 97.5% precision?
A. 5% B. 3.5% C. 2.5% D. 0.25%
20. Which of the following describes graphs that are used for presenting relative frequency and
percent frequency distribution for a given data?
A. Line Graph B. Pictograph C. Pie Chart D. Stem Plot
21. How many respondents are there if the population is 600 and the margin of error is 5%?
A. 222 B. 225 C. 240 D. 244
22. There are 200 employees in company ABC. How many employees will serve as the
respondents if the researcher wants to get the 98% of the total population? What is the
organizational climate of Company A?
A. 40 B. 63 C. 134 D. 196
23. A chi – square test of the relationship between personal perception of emotional health and
marital status led to rejection of the null hypothesis, indicating that there is a relationship
between these two variables. What conclusion can be drawn in this scenario?
A. Better emotional health leads to marriage.
B. Marriage leads to better emotional health.
C. The more emotionally healthy someone is, the more likely they are to be married.
D. There are likely to be confounding variables related to both emotional health and marital
For numbers 24 and 25, refer to the scenario: A randomized experiment was done by
randomly assigning each participant either to walk for half an hour three times a week or to
sit quietly reading a book for half an hour three times a week. At the end of a year the change in
participants’ blood pressure over the year was measured, and the change was compared for the
two groups.
24. What would happen if a statistically significant difference in blood pressure change at the end of a year
for the found?
A. Whether or not the difference was caused by the difference in activity depends on what else the
participants did during the year.
B. It can be concluded that the difference in activity caused a difference in the change in blood pressure
because of the way the study was done.
C. It cannot be concluded that the difference in activity caused a difference in the change in blood
pressure because in the course of a year there are lots of possible confounding variables.
D. It cannot be concluded that the difference in activity caused a difference in the change in blood pressure
because it might be the opposite, that people with high blood pressure were more likely to read a book
than to walk.
25. What idea justify that the scenario is more of a randomized experiment rather than an observational
A. A random sample of participants was used.
B. The two groups were compared at the end of the study.
C. Blood pressure was measured at the beginning and end of the study.
D. The participants were randomly assigned to either walk or read, rather than choosing their own activity.
26. A list of 5 pulse rates is: 70, 64, 80, 74, 92. What is the median for this list?
A. 74 B. 76 C. 77 D. 80
27. How would you show your understanding of the value of a correlation which is reported by a
researcher to be r = - 0. 5?
A. The x – variable explains 25% of the variability in the y – variable.
B. The x – variable explains - 25% of the variability in the y – variable.
C. The x – variable explains 50% of the variability in the y – variable.
D. The x – variable explains - 50% of the variability in the y – variable.
28. A polling agency conducted a survey of 100 doctors on the question “Are you willing to treat
women patients with the recently approved pill RU – 486”? What will be the conservative
margin of error associated with the 95% confidence interval for the percent who say ‘yes’?
A. 50% B. 10% C. 5% D. 2%
29. What judgment would you make about a good conclusion of a research study?
A. A good conclusion of a research study uncovers alternative insights linked to the research
B. A good conclusion of a research study discusses the researcher’s own assumptions and
ideas about the topic under study.
C. A good conclusion of a research study makes logical links between the various parts of the
arguments starting from the hypothesis.
D. A good conclusion of a research study allows the researcher to be critically reflective in
presenting the future research and allows for the advent of new arenas of thought that other
researchers can develop.
30. Which of the following can NOT be strengthened by validity in qualitative research?
A. Analyzing negative cases
B. Exploring rival explanations
C. Member checking for accuracy and interpretation
D. Transcribing interviews to improve accuracy of data.
32. In a study of the effect of the mount of television show viewing on children’s aggressiveness, amount of
television show viewing would be what type of variable?
A. Control Variable C. Extraneous Variable
B. Dependent Variable D. Independent Variable
34. Which form of reasoning is the process of drawing a specific conclusion from a set of premises?
A. Deductive Reasoning C. Objective Reasoning
B. Inductive Reasoning D. Positivistic Reasoning
38. Which of the following techniques yields a simple random sample of companies?
A. Choosing volunteer companies to participate
B. Randomly selecting a district and then sampling all companies within the district
C. Listing companies by sector and choosing a proportion from within each sector at
D. Numbering all the elements of a company sampling frame and then using a random
number table to pick companies from the table
39. Which of the following will produce the least sampling error?
A. A large snowball sample
B. A large sample based on random sampling
C. A small sample based on random sampling
D. A large sample based on convenience sampling
40. What idea will not justify when designing a research questionnaire?
A. Avoid jargon C. Use leading questions
B. Pilot the questionnaire D. Avoid double questions
42. How much confidence should you place in a single research study?
A. You should completely trust a single research study
B. You should base your research findings to your critical judgment
C. You should trust research findings after different researchers have replicated the findings.
D. You should have considered more than one research findings and relate it to your gut feelings
44. Suppose you could compare the performance of a group at time T1 and then T2, what would you use?
A. Analysis of Variance C. A Paired T - Test
B. A Chi – Squared Test D. One – Way Analysis of Variance
45.What approach cannot be guaranteed in conducting qualitative studies in the field?
A. Gaining informed consent
B. Maintaining consent forms
C. Assuring anonymity rather than just confidentiality
D. Keeping participants from physical and emotional harm
46. How can you distinguish qualitative content analysis from quantitative content analysis?
A. Qualitative Data Analysis is less likely to be used by feminist researchers.
B. Qualitative Content Analysis is always preceded by ethnographic research
C. Qualitative Data Analysis is less rigid, as researchers are constantly revising their concepts
D. Qualitative Content Analysis involves counting the number of times certain words appear
in a text
47. In what way does thematic analysis of interview data suggest quantification?
A. It is based on numbers rather than text
B. It demands the use of computer programs like SPSS
C. It is usually followed by a stage of rigorous statistical testing
D. It involves establishing the frequency of particular words, phrases or themes
48. What should a researcher select to execute a type of study in which the researcher is
considering an intercept survey as the data collection mode for the drinking behavior study?
A. E mail students
B. Approach students outside the dining hall
C. Call students using Mobile Phone number
D. Send a survey to a student’s permanent address
49. Cebu Pacific Airlines is conducting a qualitative study on preferences of business travelers
who fly frequently. Before inviting an individual to participate, the researcher on the project
wants to ensure that all participants travel for business more than pleasure and meet the
Cebu Pacific Airlines’ definition of frequent flier. What is the best way for the researcher to
ensure that participants will meet these criteria?
A. Use a recruitment screener prior to inviting individuals to participate
B. Draw a sample from a list of people with a Cebu Pacific Airlines affinity credit card
C. Draw a sample from a list of people with an affinity credit card associated with any airline
D. Delete interviews after the study ends from those who don’t meet the qualifications
50. What will be the coefficient of skewness if beta one is 9, and beta two is 11?
A. 0. 589 B. 0. 689 C. 0. 489 D. 0. 889