BagaPie Installation
First download BagaPie, it’s a zip file named «BagaPie_Modifier_VX_Blender_XX».
MAC USER : Macs automatically unzip .zip files, you have to re-zip them yourself.
3 - Select the zip file you just downloaded > Install addon > Wait a second ...
Tip: If the assets are not displayed, click on the refresh button (framed in blue).
If you encounter any difficulties, bugs, have feedback, or simply want to request
features, please do not hesitate to let us know. It is extremely important to us !
Thank you in advance, and we hope that the add-on will be of great use to you.
Assets Packs Installation
1 - Download all «BagaPie_Assets_Vol_X.baga» files. 2 - Click on «Install BagaPie Assets Pack»
For future updates, simply download the new volumes. Step 2 and 3 must be repeated for each pack.
On BlenderMarket : On Gumroad :
Tip: Our library weighs several gigabytes, and you can store it wherever you want.
You can easily move the entire database by using «Move Library to new location»
and selecting a new folder. The entire database will be automatically moved.
5 - In the pie menu (J key) you can see that «Asset Browser»
(in previous versions «Assets») is greyed out, you have to 6 - Note that if you select a lot of assets, the import may take
select one or more assets in the Asset Browser. a few seconds, so be patient.