OPC 43 Grade: ACC Limited
OPC 43 Grade: ACC Limited
OPC 43 Grade: ACC Limited
ACC Limited
Registered Office: Cement House, 121, Maharishi Karve Road, Mumbai – 400020
CM/L 9092177 Unit: Gagal Cement Works
6 Chloride Content (% by Mass) 0.007 Not More than 0.1% for general purpose & not more
than 0.05% for pre-stressed structures
7 Insoluble Residue (% by mass) # 2.02 Not More than 5.0%
Physical Analysis
8 Blaine’s / Specific Surface Area (m2/kg) 365 Not Less than 225
Compressive Strength (MPa)
9 72 ± 1h (3 Days) 32.4 Not less than 23.0
10 168 ± 2h (7 Days) 37.7 Not less than 33.0
11 672 ± 4h (28 Days)* 51.4 Not less than 43.0
Setting Time (Minutes)
12 Initial 120 Not less than 30
13 Final 170 Not more than 600
14 Le-Chatelier Expansion (mm) 1.0 Not more than 10.0
15 Auto-Clave Expansion (%) 0.20 Not more than 0.8
16 Normal Consistency (%) 29.0
Temp. During Testing (0C) 27.0 (27 ± 2)0 C
# Type of PI (Performance Improver) added (As per IS 269:2015 clause 5.1.1)
# PI (Percent Addition by mass) - Not more than 5.0%
* Compressive Strength (in MPa) of 28 Days value is of Week No 35
The test results of above cement comply with the requirements of IS 269: 2015 for Ordinary Portland Cement.