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Solar PV Market in India - March 2024

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Solar PV Market in India

Overview Segments
✦ Solar energy can be harnessed through two Products Services
routes, namely solar PV and solar thermal, by
direct conversion to electricity and heat energy, Project Design
Polysilicon Solar Modules IPPs
respectively. The scope of this report is Solar PV & Development
✦ The installed solar energy capacity in India has
increased 30X in the last 9 years and stands at Wafers EPC
74.30 GW as of Jan 2024. The country currently
stands 4th globally in solar power capacity Electrical
✦ About 5,000 trillion kWh/yr solar energy is incident Components
over India’s land area; much more than the energy Solar Cell O&M
output of all of the fossil fuel energy reserves Inverters etc.)
✦ Solar energy has taken a central place in India’s
National Action Plan on Climate Change with Retail
Solar Wholesale
National Solar Mission (NSM) as one of the key (Lamps, Water
Glass Distribution
Missions Pumps, etc.)

Trends Outlook
✦ Government has approved setting up 57 solar ✦ New solar capacity addition in FY 2024 and FY
parks of 39.28 GW across the nation. Floating PV 2025 is expected at around 17 GW and 20 GW,
Projects are also being encouraged respectively
✦ Promotion of wind-solar PV hybrid system for ✦ By 2040, around 49% of the total electricity is
e ciently utilizing transmission infrastructure and expected to be generated by renewable energy as
land more e cient batteries will be used to store
✦ Rajasthan accounts for ~24% of the total installed electricity, which will further cut the solar energy
capacity, followed by Gujarat at ~14%. Gujarat is cost by 66% as compared to the current cost
also leading in the developments of PV ✦ With ₹20.2 Lakh Cr ($240 Bn) of total pipeline,
manufacturing and accounts for a whopping 57% India has potential for substantial growth in Solar
of upcoming PV manufacturing capacity PV manufacturing and enhancing supply-chain
✦ India has allowed 100% FDI and o ers a resilience
conducive environment for domestic and foreign
investors. This is evidenced by the $3.8 Bn FDI in
the solar energy sector over the past three FYs

Growth Drivers Recent Events

✦ Government has set a target to reduce the carbon ✦ KP Green Engineering Ltd (producer of tower /
intensity of the nation’s economy to <45%. It also mounting structures) has led preliminary papers
has aims for 500 GW of renewable energy with SEBI for an IPO. The issue of ₹150+ Cr will be
(280GW in Solar) installed capacity by 2030 (i.e. used to set up a new steel manufacturing unit
4X growth in solar in 6 yrs) ✦ NTPC to list its renewable energy arm NTPC Green
✦ PLI Scheme (2022) - 24,000 Cr of outlay to Energy Ltd (NGEL). The company is set to raise up
produce high-e ciency solar PV modules to ₹10,000 Cr in FY25
✦ Solar cells and modules have witnessed price ✦ In November 2023, AmpIn Energy Transition
drops of 65% and 50%, respectively, in the past announced an investment of ₹3,100 Cr ($372.6
year, signi cantly enhancing the economic mm) to establish renewable energy projects
attractiveness of new solar power projects exceeding 600 MW across the Eastern region

Challenges Key Listed Companies

✦ India relies heavily on solar equipment imports,
primarily from China. Reducing import
dependency and promoting domestic
manufacturing is a priority, but it presents
challenges in terms of competitiveness and cost-
e ectiveness
✦ Land acquisition, grid integration, and T&D losses
are additional challenges the country is currently
facing in solar developments

Kaustubh Mirgunde
1. https://eerem.delhi.gov.in/eerem/solar-energy
2. https://www.investindia.gov.in/sector/renewable-energy
3. https://mnre.gov.in/solar-overview/
4. http://www.greenrhinoenergy.com/solar/industry/ind_valuechain.php
5. https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/renewable/india-powers-up-set-for-
6. https://ornatesolar.com/blog/top- ve-states-for-solar-power-generation
7. https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/renewables/india-gets-3-8-billion-fdi-in-solar-
8. https://www.ey.com/en_in/energy-resources/unleashing-india-s-renewable-energy-potential-
9. https://www.custommarketinsights.com/report/india-solar-energy-market/
10. https://jmkresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/RE-Monthly-Update-Feb-2024-
11. https://www.pv-magazine-india.com/2024/01/25/icra-maintains-stable-outlook-for-renewable-

Kaustubh Mirgunde

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