1 Intro
1 Intro
1 Intro
I'm also an information management technologist....My job here is to monitor
military Intelligence, ICT and ammunitions. most times, we go for Patrol..
Yes you are right.....we often go for deadly missions especially anytime we uncover
the locations of Taliban terrorist in Kabul.
My Dear! I don't really think we've before,
However,meeting you will be my Greatest pleasure. you have a nice look and your
profile is very interesting.
Are you married, do you have kid's?
I'm sorry for intruding into your privacy, i saw your profile on facebook
suggestion so i decided to have a look at your pretty face. you look nice and have
an interesting profile.
I live in the U.S. with my son, I lost my wife to breast cancer since I've been
lonely. Please tell me something about you. Are you single? Im looking for a good
date. Someone willing to be there, caring, romantic and honest person.
Well, I am a single father with a son who will be 5 years old on the 22nd of Nov.
My wife died of breast cancer 2 years ago.
I've no parents or family to look After my son so i left Him in a military
Orphanage in my Hometown.
My parents died when i was Fifteen.....Was raised up by a Catholic
military priest Rev Father William Tracy who made me joined the military Academy.
My relatives were never cool to us, they abandoned me because they have huge hatred
for my family...The military offered me new hopes....I thank God i made it this
Miller is the only family i have now, i love her and i miss him so much....Though
it's not been easy being a military and a single father. I know i owe him love,
care and secuirity as a father but my duty to my country is almost inevitable. i
would'nt like he to pass through th horrible experiences that i underwent in my
All i want now is a Kind, honest, lovely, and very Supportive and God fearing woman
who will help me build up a home again and also accept my son as his son too when i
return from Kabul......And give him the motherly love and care he never had.
You know.....Being with a single parent is not always good....the mind and
performance of the child can be psycologically affected.....I'm a living withness,
its never a good thing.
I love travelling,gym, surfing the Net, cooking, soccer and hunting and Outdoor
activities.......My favorite is hunting because i'm a very good sniper. i hardly
miss games.
I want to know more about your background, your life experiences, your goals and
dreams, your interests, and anything else you want to tell me. At least i want a
friend who will be honest and faithful.
Do you have tattoo?
I've on me Hakuna Matata tattoo symbol which symbolizes Patience, Happiness and
I also have love symbol, Cross and a key.
Are you a Christian, do you believe in God?!
What do you do for fun?
What is you philosophy of life?......... If you don't live for something, you'll
die for nothing
What's you favorite color?
Do you have a favorite meal?
What do you do for a living?
How much do you earn?
Who is your favorite Musician?...why do you like him?
One more question. If you had a full access to my absolutely naked body, where
would you touch me first
What is kind of man will you love to be with? and why?
I enjoy women who are confident with themselves and are not afraid to express
themselves in a diplomatic way. I think it is very important that two people want
the same thing in a relationship. I believe that this should be discussed and
communicated clearly when two people first meet.
I like honest, lovely, very Supportive and God fearing women. i also have great
admiration for women who are confident with themselves and are not afraid to
express themselves in a diplomatic way.
======================================L I give gratittude to God Almighty for
meeting a wonderful person like you. As you may have known the fountain of any
relationship must spring up in the mind. It is very important for me to tell you
how cute you are and how much i want you. I wish I could do this in person while
gazing into your beautiful eyes,
but since we are physically separated by miles of emptiness,
this expression must come to you in this form.
I am aware that this is an unconventional way of starting up a
relationship........Distance may how ever pose as a huge barrier but i wanna let
you know that LOVE knows no bound, if the love is there, you will definitely
realise that the more father we are, the more closer we become.
I may not speak a world but my heart always tells me that you are my dearest one
love is like sunshine....it brings golden glow to it's beholders face and a warm
feeling all over thier body, It awaken the soul of the most strongest and bravest
men....Even a soldier.
I want you in my arms in my dreams in reality and in my fantasies.
You made me realised once again that the spaces between my fingers are meant to be
filled with yours!
Loving a pretty and intelligent woman like you is like breathing air......i can not
stop it.if someone where to right a story about my life, the Climax would be when
you first accepted my friendship request on facebook and when we first saw and hold
each other's arm my love.
If your heart was a prison honey, i will like to be sentenced there for life cuz
you made me feel very special.
Honey, are you tired because you have been running through my mind all the
day......if beauty were time, you will be enternity! ilove you!
My heart is yours, yours is mine.......lets lock them up together and throw the
keys away honey!
Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet but nothing is compared to you. you
are a wonderful creature honey!
How are you doing today honey.....ihopeyour day is as radiant as your pretty face!
Last night i hugged my pillow and dreamed about you........i hope some day i will
be dreaming about my pillow ang hugging you! i can't wait to see you honey...you
are the shepaered of my herat and the queen of my life..........when i return from
kabul, i will take very good care of you my love!
Dear friend, i must really tell you how things work here in the camp. right now i'm
using a military monitoring WiFi to chat with you Because i don't own a laptop or
a computer here in the camp. soldiers are not allowed to use social media or
communication gadgets.
if we are caught, we will be severely punished for contravening the camp rule.
I'm able to chat up with you because i work in the monitoring unit, I told you we
are in charge of ICT,
information management and Military Intelligence
I'm an Information management technologist by discipline, i work in the Military
monitoring unit, we are in charge of
information management, Military Intelligence and logistics.
I want you to know that i enjoy chatting with you and i am willing to take risks to
ensure our relationship flourishes.
and the distance barrier between us is greatly minimised.
Darling, forgive me for not replying earlier.
I want you to know that few weeks ago, I was assigned on a mission to ..........
and i have no access to the internet but I just arrived My base this morning.
we had a bloody encounter With the Taliban Rebels last night.....It's so
unfortunate that i lost my very good friend Joe in a Fierce Gun Battle with the
Rebels, Joes wife delivered a male child a day before we went for this so called
i watched my best friend die in my arms, I feel so sorry for His wife and the Newly
born child who did not meet his Father.
I pray i will never experience such in my life..............though the life of a
soldier is always at stake,
It's either you kill or get Killed a in Wars.
If i die here honey, no One will take care of my little daughter, she will suffer a
horific fate in this horrible world.
I can't wait to leave Kabul and begin a new life with You and my daughter.
March 23rd i too far for me honey....i can't wait untill then.
If only i can apply for an Emergency leave but i have no one to do that for
me......My wife would have done that if she were alive!!
This is where i need your help honey.... Please can you help me write a formal
letter to The U.S military base Authorities here in Kabul and tell them you are my
fiancy and you will like me to come back and settle some family dispute?
Tell them it's very urgent........I'm deeply sorry for the inconviniences...i have
no chioce but to leave Kabul as soon as possible. Honey please can you do that for
I want you to know that the military Base authority has passed a Law that our
salary and allowances will be Paid to our Bank accounts.. I recieve a total of
$42,000 per month together with my allowances.However,I do not have access to it
owing to the decision made by the U.S Military Service.
Everything we need is been provided by the U.N Government, such as Food, water
we are not lacking anything here in the Military Camp.......
I have tried to make some withdrawer with my Master card, but is not working here
in Kabul...
Right now i don't have any physical cash on me,
I have tried to make some withdrawer with my Master card, but is not working here
in Kabul...
Right now i don't have any physical cash on me.... I would have love to purchase a
military calling card to speak with you on the telephone to hear your sweet voice,
and also to speak with my son, to know how he's doing with his Nanny.. it has been
months I heard his voice, I bought the last military call card when i was deployed
3 months with the last cash i had on me...
I am writing this message with so much tears and pains,
I lost my closest friend today.
I just can't wait for the approval of my voluntary retirement application which I
filed to be approved by pentagon,
yesterday Durring our mission something terrible happened happened
but I need your full assurance that you will not disclose this to anyone.
I need you to promise me that you will never disclose what I am about to say to you
I want you to know that I am telling you this because I trust you and I don't want
to hide anything from you....
We got an Info about Taliban Terrorist location between the boarder of Afghanistan
and Pakistan, we move in and overpowered them but to our greatest shock my team of
6 soldiers discovered large ammunition and huge foreign currency about
$14,800,000.00 million dollars.
I packed my own share of the money in my bag and sent it to a friend of mine who is
red cross cargo flight attendant, the flew to London two days ago My red cross
friend is not aware of the fact that there is money in the bag and at the moment my
friend is expecting an address from me where to send my bag.
my love, Please kindly help me out and receive the bag so that when I leave the
base in a month time i will come straight to you.You will take 30% of the money if
you can help receive the bag,and i have all my important documents on the bag.I am
positive reply
How are you!!!
I'm so happy for me and you baby.
Honey am so happy that i came back safe and sound, baby you are a good luck in my
life, baby since i met you you since you
came into my life I have been successful man,happy,full of life,energetic.... Honey
thank you for coming into my life.
Honey am so happy that am alive, I would have been dead but with the mercy of God
and your love baby i am still alive.
Honey you can't believe what happened at the mission baby, it was so horrible but
successful. as i'm the team leader baby,
when we arrived at the border between of Afghanistan and Pakistan reaching towards
the rebel hideout,
Immediately they saw us, they quickly repositioned and opened fire on my team,
The rest took to their heels abandoning their hideout, my team under my command
killed and captured most of the rebels alive...
we tortured the rebels we captured and they took us to the secret chambers where we
discovered what marveled our eye....
baby its an under ground where this group of rebel hide what they have been
stealing from the locals, all their looting's, ammunition
in sets,AK-47 rifles,M16,rocket launchers, bars of golds, lots of jewelries ranging
from neck less to rings and bracelets and
then we also discovered 15 big boxes that we opened and discovered very huge some
of money in American dollars that we believe
to be what the rebels used in sponsoring the terrorist activities. Honey we are
talking about millions of dollars in the boxes and no one could believe their eye
including me your husband!!!
We rounded everything in our armoured jeeps and set back to the base.... Honey you
all filled my head i couldn't wait to
be back and tell you that we made it and that i survived and am back to you.
But something happened while we are in the car returning back.. my men was not
happy with my command to take back everything back to the base and to be submitted
to our general commandant...
they wanted us to share what we got between us like the other troops have done
sharing it
between them, it nearly brought a fight between me and my next in command!!
I told them NO!that i cannot engage in such illegal stealing from the US army. But
they were all angry with me but nevertheless we continued our journey....
back to safely....I gave the general commandant our mission report and submitted
the what we got and
handed the prisoners/rebels..
Honey the commandant could not believe his eye too along with the high ranking
officer present at the base, everyone was so
proud of me and my men. We were discharged and that was when i quickly rushed to
the monitoring unit to have access to communicate with you just to talk to you my
love but you were not online.
Honey what am about to tell you now must never be told to anyone baby not even your
shadow,you have to promise me that!!!
later the night the commandant called me and my second at the mission in his
office, he asked me some questions about the
men i lead to the mission,What happens? like he knows what happens while we are
heading back.... i told him i only
had some arguments with them that i could not compromise the mission.
He said for the fact we were able to achieve that,
i am going to be rewarded but i will never let the rest of our troop know about it,
he handed me one of the box and also handed my second a box too and said we are
free to go but be careful about it...
Honey when i came to a place i was left alone i could
not believe my eye, in the box was 2 bars of gold and the some of 1million US
dollars, Honey i am rich, sorry we are rich...
I cant believe this baby, what a good luck you are in my life.
One of the Asian red cross agent who supplies us with medic equipment from Canada
will be coming over here tomorrow or next, i will be handing it over to him to help
me register it to a trusted delivery company at UK as a military parcel they will
deliver it to you safely... after then he will be going back to Canada were he came
from......Just a help from him...
it is only you and i know what is inside the box is Money and Gold, because i only
told the red cross agent that is my military important documents mostly my
belongings which is very important to my living and some cloths..
One of the Asian red cross agent who supplies us with medic equipment from Canada
will be coming over here tomorrow or next, i will be handing it over to him to help
me deposit it with an online banking bank of canada, they will contact you and
enable you get the money transferred into your account,,.....Just a help from
here is the story about the parcel i want to send down to you. On the 15th day of
november 2012, we were alerted on the sudden presence of some Shi'a militias
camping in a suburb not too far from Kirkuk here in kabul. In the resulting gun
battle with them, twenty six were killed and three were seriously injured, the
remaining militias ran away. Unfortunately, I lost some men in my unit.
In the process of interrogating the injured insurgents, they confessed being rebels
for Muqtada Al-Sadr and took us to a cave in Karbala where we recovered 20 feet
container containing Ammunition and cash in United States Currency. We found out
that the funds discovered in the cave totals US$4,800,000.00 (Four Million Eight
Hundred Thousand US Dollars) and I have successfully deposited the fund in a
Security Company in form of consignment while looking for an honest and dependable
person that will help me receive the fund until I am redeployed from kabul.
The total fund was packed in a security box sealed with synthetic nylon paded with
machine. below is the information about the consignment.
Please i need your Full Name, home Address and you phone number and Email. so that
the Delivery company will contact and deliver the box safely to you! please keep
the box safe for me!
Ok....Reach me as soon as you can Baby to get the full gist.....I'm in need of a
reliable and trustworthy friend to advice me on what to do right now.