MACASA - 03 eLMS Activity 3artapp
MACASA - 03 eLMS Activity 3artapp
MACASA - 03 eLMS Activity 3artapp
Enumerate the processes of painting for Action Theory. Write a brief explanation for each.
1. Dripping - is a form of abstract art which the paint is dripped on the canvas.
2. Pouring - is a painting technique where the paint is mixed with some type of substance and then poured
onto a surface. At some part, colors are poured directly from separate cups without using tools such as
paintbrush and tilting the paint around the canvas to create a piece of art.
3. Splashing - it’s a technique where you can create an art by using the brush and other tools to flick, throw,
or drip paint onto a canvas instead of brushing paint straight to the canvas.
4. Putting – it is a general term for liquid that is used to add color to the canvas or object by covering it with
a pigmented coating. Which is basically applying paint to a certain object or canvas.
5. Spilling - the sheer pleasure of painting in color, the kind that spills off the canvas and up against the