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(SFT") Tool: Weathertord'

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Weathertord' Wireline Services

Open Hole Sampling and Testing

Selective Formation Tester

(SFT") Tool
Weatherford's selective fornation tester (SFT) tool obtains an unlimited
number of formation pressure tests and up to three fiuid samples in each
run. The SFT tool has a unique variable-rate pretest chamber and is
equipped with standard strain and highly accurate quartz pressure gauges. Electronics
The SFT tool uses a variable-rate pretest chamber that can be precisely
controlled in 0.06 in. (1 cm) increments for up to 2.32 in. (38 cm²)
drawdown volume, allowing for changes in lithology and permeability. Up
to three discrete 1.3-gal (5.0-L) samples can be taken, and samples can Sample
be segregated from a single zone. All SFT tool functions are variable and
operator controlled to exactly match each test to specific formation and
openhole conditions.
The SFT tool can be equipped with a wide choice of pressure gauges,
enabling pressure readings up to 20,000 psi (138 MPa). Various snorkel
diameters and seal-pad hardness choices are also available for optimal
Sonde section
testing in different formation and hole conditions. All fluid-sample chambers
are equipped with water cushions and metered orifices that control
22.3 ft
formation fluid entry and reduce flowline plugging. The SFT tool's setf
(6.8 m)
cleaning snorkel uses a hydraulic mud-plug piston to eject all mud and
debris after each test.

Determining gas/oilwater contacts using pressure gradient analysis
"Providing formation pressure measurements and gradients to identify
fluid contacts
- 13.3 ft
(4.1 m) Probe section

" Determining fluid mobility and formation perneability

" Improving understanding of verticalhorizontal flow barriers and reservoir
connectivity Quartz pressure
" Providing segregated reservoir fiuid samples 2.9 ft
(0.9 m)

Features, Advantages and Benefits

" The SFT tool has higher success rates in testing with fewer lost seats and
less plugging.

" It features variable pretest volume and rate to optimize test results. 5.38 in 5.50 in.
(137 mm) (139 mm)
Open Hole Sampling and Testing

Selective FormationTester (SFT"") Tool

Log Presentation Specifications


Data Formation pressure measurements

Gauge Quartz pressure gauge Strain pressure gauge

Pesrernge O to 20,000 psi (0b 138 Pa Do 20,000 psi (0 to 138 MPa)t

Resolution <0.008 psi (0.055 KPa) 1 psi (6.89 kPalt

Accuracy +0.02% FS +0.15% FSt

Repeatability <e 0,01% FS t0.05% FSt

Tempera°e ange 7T to 350F(5 b 177C) -75* b 350F (59°b 177Ct

t before characterization
This SFT pressure plot shows multiple pre-test volurne confirring pressure. By performing
multiple and variable drawdowns. pressure buildups are repeated and verified.
Mechanical specificatiors

Tool SFT tool Sample chamber

SFT shoe: 6.6 in. (168 mm)

Diarmeter 5.38 in. (137 mm)
SFT disks: 5.5 in. (139 mm)

Length 22.3 ft (6.8 m) 13.3 ft (4.1 m)

Weight 559 Ib (254 kg) 959 Ib (435 kg)

350PF (177°C)

Maximum pressure 20,000 psi (138 MPa)

6 in, (152 mm)

14.25 in. (363 mm)

Maximumn H,S < 10% (with H,S sanple chamber)

Pretest volurne Oto 2.3 in² (0 to 37.7 cm) (real-time surface adjustable)

Pretest rate 0 to 0.2 in /sec (0 to 3.2 cm/sec) (real-time surtace adjustable)

Maximum sarnple Three 1.3-gal (5.0-L) sarnples per run

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