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00 Web c1 Exam Guide 2014

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Euro Examinations

Practice Test • Webset • Level C1

List of Downloadable Files (PDF & MP3)

Euro C1 Examination Guide Listening
• Question Paper
Mediation Part One • Answer Sheet
• Question Paper • Answer Keys & Audio Scripts
• Answer Sheet • Short Conversation MP3
• Answer Key • Making Notes MP3
• Radio Programme MP3

Mediation Part Two

• Question and Answer Sheet Speaking
• Answer Key • Procedure, Script & Materials
• Dialogue MP3 • Marking Criteria

• Question Paper
• Answer Sheet
• Answer Key

• Question Paper
• Answer Sheet
• Marking Criteria & Model Answers

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Revised in August 2014.

Euro C1 Webset - EXAMINATION GUIDE Page 2

Euro C1 Examination Guide

The Euro and EuroPro exams test communicative competence by testing success in real communication. Exam tasks are
directly based on the Common European Framework of the Council of Europe. Passing the Euro or the EuroPro Exam
indicates that the candidate can undertake a variety of real-life tasks in English.
At Euro C1 there are five types of examination the candidate may attempt:
• Monolingual Written (Written examination without the mediation test)
• Bilingual Written (Written examination with the mediation test)
• Oral (Oral Examination only)
• Monolingual Complex (Written and oral examinations without the mediation test)
• Bilingual Complex (Written and oral examinations with the mediation test)
To pass any of these examinations the candidate must have an average mark of 60% over all the tests attempted and
score at least 40% in every test.
If the candidate fails a complex examination, but has satisfied the conditions for passing either the written or the oral
examination, s/he is awarded the written or oral examination.

Test Number of tasks Time

Mediation (Optional) 3 ca. 45’
Reading 3 45’
Writing 2 60’
Listening 3 ca. 40’
Speaking 3 10’ + 20’
Total time ca. 3 hrs 20 mins + breaks

Mediation Part One (Time: 30 minutes) Reading (Time: 45 minutes)

Dictionary use: The candidate may use a printed (i.e. Dictionary use: The candidate may use a printed (i.e.
non-electronic) dictionary throughout this task. non-electronic) dictionary throughout the Reading Test.

Task 1 – Translation English into Hungarian Task 1 – Paragraph Headings

The candidate receives a factual text or a formal letter of There are six paragraphs for which the candidate must
100-110 words, written in English. S/he has to translate find the most appropriate heading from a choice of eight
the text into Hungarian. The candidate may use a printed paragraph headings. Two headings are not needed. An
dictionary. example is provided.

Task 2 – Translation Hungarian to English Task 2 – Long Text

The candidate receives a factual text or a formal letter of The candidate reads a single text of 1000-1250 words,
100-110 words, written in Hungarian. S/he has to translate normally an article, and answers 2 - 4 questions. Each
the text into English. The candidate may use a printed question requires 2 - 4 pieces of information in the answer.
dictionary. The number of pieces of required information is indicated
on the answer sheet; the candidate should write no more
than 15 words for each piece of information. Answers are
only marked for content.
Mediation Part Two (Time: ca. 15 minutes)

Dictionary use: The candidate may use a printed (i.e.

Task 3 – Multiple-Choice Reading
non-electronic) dictionary during the last two minutes of The candidate reads two texts (ca. 400 words each) of
the test after the audio has finished. which one is a formal article. Both texts have a shared
theme. Each text has three multiple-choice questions. The
questions test the understanding of detailed information,
a specific lexical item, meaning implied in the text and the
The candidate hears a dialogue of 8 turns including writer’s attitude.
two examples between two participants, a Hungarian
(speaking in Hungarian) and an English speaker (speaking
in English). One of the speakers may be an official. The
candidate writes down the main points of the conversation
in the opposite language to the one s/he hears. Two
examples are given.
Page 3 Euro C1 Webset - EXAMINATION GUIDE

Writing (Time: 60 minutes) Speaking (Time: 10 min preparation + 20 mim

Dictionary use: The candidate may use a printed (i.e.
non-electronic) dictionary throughout the Writing Test. Dictionary use: The candidate may use a printed (i.e.
non-electronic) dictionary during the preparation period
Task 1 – Transactional Writing
Candidates are examined in pairs. There are two
The candidate reads several pieces of written or
examiners: one an interlocutor, the other an assessor. The
diagrammatic text (e.g. leaflets, notes, letters, maps,
candidate has ten minutes before the test for preparing
timetables) providing a context and information for
Task 2. Candidates may use printed (i.e. non-electronic)
the task. The candidate is asked to write a ca. 200
word transactional letter or email using the information
Task 1 – Interview
Task 2 – Discursive Writing The candidate in a pair has a two-minute conversation
with his/her partner. If they don’t know each other, they
There are three tasks from which the candidate chooses
find out information about the other candidate. If they do,
one. The candidate must write a ca. 200 word text within
they compare the things they have in common.
the genre specified. At present the tested genres are: an
article, a letter to the editor, a review and an essay.
Task 2 – Presentation & Discussion
In the preparation room the candidate has ten minutes
Listening (Time: ca. 40 minutes) to choose one of two statements and to prepare a two-
minute presentation. The statements are contentious,
and the candidate needs to marshal arguments for
Dictionary use: The candidate may use a printed (i.e.
and against the statement and to conclude by giving a
non-electronic) dictionary during the last five minutes of
reasoned opinion. The candidate is not judged on his/her
the test after the audio has finished.
opinion, but on the quality of his/her English and the logic
of argument. No specialised knowledge is required. When
Task 1 – Short Conversations giving the presentation, the candidate may consult, but
not read from, his/her notes.
The candidate listens twice to four short conversations
occurring in the same location and matches each one While one candidate is giving the presentation the other
with an item from List A and an item from List B. List B candidate will take notes. After the presentation, the other
often consists of the attitude or psychological state of one will ask questions and make points on what the candidate
of the speakers. Each list has two items which are not has said. The candidate responds to these points. One
needed. minute is allowed for this discussion.
The same procedure is repeated vice versa for the other
Task 2 – Making Notes candidate.
The candidate listens to a recorded monologue, usually a
lecture, in three parts. Before each part the student hears Task 3 – Discussion
a recorded question. While listening to the monologue
The pair of candidates receives a card with four
the candidate must note down three pieces of information
thematically linked photographs. These photographs are
which are required to answer the question. At the end
possible illustrations for the cover of a book, a poster, etc.
of each section the question is repeated and there is a
on a given subject. First, they discuss which aspect of
pause for writing. The recording is played only once.
the topic each picture portrays. Then the two candidates
debate which is the most suitable. Finally they discuss
Task 3 – Radio Programme any other suitable images for the book. Three minutes is
allowed for this task.
The candidate listens twice to an excerpt from a radio
programme. The candidate answers eight multiple-choice
questions while listening. The programme will typically be
a talk show or formal discussion.

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