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AFAR AFRICA - Application Form

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Strategic Partners
Applicant reference number

Date of submission of application

Date of receipt of application

Date of APPLICATION review
Decision of AEHP Committee Approve Reject Request more
Date of response to applicant

Instructions to applicants:
 This AEHP Application Form should be completed by CLIENTS interested in affordable housing
projects and either have projects on private land or interest in undertaking one of the projects in the
AEHP Pipeline to leased in renovated for a maximum period of 10 years.
 The AEHP Application Form must be completed in full.
 Where information requested is not relevant or not available, please indicate as such or provide
relevant alternative information.
 All submissions must be in English.
 Any requested and/or other supporting documentation provided in any other language must be
accompanied by certified translations.

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All applicants must fill in this section.
1. Please confirm that the category of Strategic Partner that describe(s) you or your
organization/consortium is Client Member (CM) Client Developer (CD).

Please check below.

Yes, I am a Client Member. No, a Client Developer and use the correct
2. Please check the category of technical capacity for which you are applying.
Please note that only local Strategic Partners will be considered for projects with number of
housing units below 10.
Category A Capability to undertake projects with greater than 10, number of
housing units
Category B Capability to undertake projects with between 10 and 9 number of
housing units.


All applicants must fill in this section.
Please provide your contact information.

1. Full legal name of applicant

2. Mailing address

3. Physical address if different from mailing

4. Telephone number

5. Email address

6. Website

7. Primary contact person

8. Next of kin and full names

9. Witness one full names

10. Witness one full names

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All applicants must fill in this section.
Please provide information on your organization. In the case of the Consortium, the Consortium Lead
should fill in this section and attach contact information for other consortium member(s) separately.
Applicants should provide as much relevant information as possible – where information is not
available or not relevant, please indicate N/A or provide alternative information.

1. Type of legal entity (e.g. private limited


2. Date of incorporation/registration

3. Incorporation/registration certificate
number (or equivalent)

4. Applicant ownership, management or

shareholder structure

5. Names and nationalities of key


6. Income tax registration (PIN) certificate

number (or equivalent)

7. Value added tax (VAT) registration

certificate number (or equivalent)

8. Tax Compliance certificate number (or


9. National Construction Authority

registration certificate number (or
10. Description of main or related business

11. List of Directors and Key personnel

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All applicants must fill in this section.
Where applicable, please enclose with your AEHP Application Form the following information. All
submissions must be English. Documents in any other language must be accompanied by certified

Applicants should provide as much relevant information as possible – where information is not
available or not relevant, please indicate N/A or provide alternative information.

1. Title deed name, number and date

2. Partners in the title deed and or assigns if any

3. Certified copy of Certificate of Incorporation or Registration or equivalent.

4. Certified copy of Trading Certificate.

5. Certified copy(ies) of certificate(s) of registration with relevant regulatory authorities.

6. Certified copy of CR12 or equivalent.

7. List of and certified copies of National Identification cards of all Directors, their telephone
numbers, postal and email address.
8. Company Organogram.

9. A Consortium Agreement (in the case of a consortium).

10. Registered Power of Attorney authorizing signatory to sign on behalf of the organization and/or
11. Duly signed undertaking that the Applicant has not, and will not, participate in corrupt or
fraudulent practices.
12. List of material litigation that may impact ability to undertake projects in the AHP.

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All applicants must fill in this section.
Please provide the information requested below and evidence of fulfillment of the following financial
requirements. All submissions must be English. Documents in any other language must be
accompanied by certified translations.

Applicants should provide as much relevant information as possible – where information is not
available or not relevant, please indicate N/A or provide alternative information.
1. Certified copies of audited financial and or MPESA statements for the past three (3) years.

2. Proof of ability of the applicant to provide a minimum amount of equity to the project, measured in
terms of net worth of the project1, or a deposit equivalent to the minimum equity required set aside
for the project. i.e Foundation level i.e 600 bricks, 15 bags of cement, 12 tones of Murram and 1
tone of sand, water and initial 5 labour only.

3. A letter from a domestic or international bank attesting that the applicant is one of its current clients
in good financial standing. This applies for those who want to pay and get the house built as they
pay gradually in instalments.

4. Duly signed undertaking to provide a Commitment Fee, in the form required by the AFAR
AFRICA, which may be in cash, banker’s cheque, letter of credit or bank DEPOSIT/MPESA
DEPOSIT with a reputable local or foreign bank, in the amount of up to 10% of the project cost, or
a minimum of KES 30,000.00 as may be specified by AFAR AFRICA. This undertaking must be
signed by a duly authorized person and evidence of such authorization attached.

Proof of financial health appropriate for the equivalent participation in a Development (dependent on the size of the Development
and the size of the envisaged participation). By way of example, assuming a Development costs USD 10 million (KES 1bn @ USD1:
KES 100), the Contracting Authority would not wish to see – in the case of the Lead Developer - it having less than a corporate net
worth / available funds to invest of USD 10 million (KES 1bn).

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All applicants must fill in this section.

Please provide the information on the proposed land location for AHP as requested below along with
noted supporting documentation.

Developers who have identified land for their projects should fill in this section. Other Developers
should indicate the land location status as provided in (1) below.

Please enclose (where applicable) with your AEHP Application Form a 1:50,000 topographical,
Google Earth or other map of the project site in electronic and or print form clearly identifying
the intended project boundaries and the preliminary locations of the main project infrastructure
(if known).

All submissions must be English. Documents in any other language must be accompanied by certified

Applicants should provide as much relevant information as possible – where information is not
available or not relevant, please indicate N/A or provide alternative information.
1. Proposed land location details/status
(Please check one)
 Land for project has not been identified.
 The proposed project is from the AEHP and the
required information has yet to be provided.
 Proposed land for the project has been identified
and information provided below.
 Other (please provide additional details and
2. Site name

3. Geographical coordinates of project site boundaries

4. Site elevation above sea level

5. Size of the land

6. Title or Deed Number

7. If rated, evidence of latest payment of land rates

8. County

9. Location/Division

10. Nearest urban center and/or nearest development

11. Current ownership of the land at the project site

12. Description of current use of land

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13. Distance to nearest access road


All applicants must fill in this section.
Please provide the information on the proposed project as requested below along with noted supporting

All submissions must be English. Documents in any other language must be accompanied by certified

Developers with information on project plans and details should provide details below, where
available. Others who do not have projects should indicate N/A or provide alternative information.

1. Identified project name, if from AEHP

2. Project name

3. Brief summary of relevant site information

(e.g. size, topography, resettlement needs,
relocation of utilities, hydrology, land use
planning of the site, etc.)
4. Number of housing units to be constructed Typology Size in m2 No. of Units

1 Bedroom:

2 Bedroom:

3 Bedroom:

5. Total Number of housing units to be

6. Total plinth/saleable area

7. Total Gross Built Up Area (housing plus any

social amenities)
8. Description of any preliminary legal,
environmental, or social considerations to
be addressed
9. Description of local content integration
plan covering preferential use of local
Kenyan labor, goods, and services

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All applicants must fill in this section.
Please provide an outline of the proposed project development and implementation plan with
anticipated dates of relevant milestones from the date of award of contract for the construction of
the affordable housing units.

All submissions must be English. Documents in any other language must be accompanied by certified

Developers with project plans and details should provide any available details below. Others who do
not have projects should indicate N/A or provide alternative information.

1. Project development plan

2. Land acquisition details and timeline

3. Proposed project timeline

4. Environmental and Social Impact

Assessment License
5. Other consents and approvals

6. Financial closure

7. Construction program

8. Practical Completion

9. Intended Sales Plan

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All applicants must fill in this section.
Please provide, where identified, the name(s) of the consultants, technical experts, advisors,
equipment suppliers, contractors and other partners with whom the applicant is working or
intends to work to develop the proposed project. In each case, please provide a description of the
partner(s)’ capabilities.

All submissions must be English. Documents in any other language must be accompanied by certified

Developers with project advisors and other technical experts should provide their details below.
Others who do not have technical expert teams selected should indicate N/A or provide alternative

1. Project Architects

2. Project Structural and Civil Engineers

3. Project Electrical and Mechanical Engineers

4. Feasibility study consultant(s)

5. Other project technical expert(s)

6. Legal advisor(s)

7. Financial advisor(s)

8. Anticipated equipment supplier(s)

9. Engineering, procurement and construction


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All applicants must fill in this section.
Please provide the preliminary project economics and financing information on the proposed project as
requested below along with noted supporting documentation.

All submissions must be English. Documents in any other language must be accompanied by certified

Developers with project plans and details should provide the details below. Others who do not have
project plans and details should indicate N/A or provide alternative information.

1. Audited project financial model in MS

2. Estimated preliminary project costs
required to reach financial closure
3. Projected project CAPEX

4. Expected debt recovery period

5. Source(s) of equity financing

6. Source(s) of debt financing

7. Other sources of financing.

8. Overview of any local benefits that are

expected to derive from the project
including details on local content
development (i.e. benefits from preferential
use of local Kenyan goods, services, and
labor within the project).

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All applicants must fill in this section.
Please provide any further information that may be relevant for the assessment of your AHP
application such as, any initial approvals secured by the project applicant, land rights agreements,

All submissions must be English. Documents in any other language must be accompanied by certified

Applicants should provide as much relevant information as possible – where information is not
available or not relevant, please indicate N/A or provide alternative information.


All applicants must fill in this section.
Please sign this AHP Application Form to confirm that the information provided herein is accurate
and to acknowledge that the project applicant has read and understood the Instruction to Call for
Applicants, the Development Framework Guidelines, the SPPM, and relevant policies, laws and
regulations for, and relating to the AHP.

Name of representative of the applicant

Title of representative


Date and place

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