The document provides an estimate for construction work on an Honda warehouse in Lampung, Indonesia. It includes itemized estimates for site preparation, earthworks, concrete works, structural works, roofing/ceiling works, and electrical installation. The total estimate is broken into sections and subtotals are provided.
The document provides an estimate for construction work on an Honda warehouse in Lampung, Indonesia. It includes itemized estimates for site preparation, earthworks, concrete works, structural works, roofing/ceiling works, and electrical installation. The total estimate is broken into sections and subtotals are provided.
The document provides an estimate for construction work on an Honda warehouse in Lampung, Indonesia. It includes itemized estimates for site preparation, earthworks, concrete works, structural works, roofing/ceiling works, and electrical installation. The total estimate is broken into sections and subtotals are provided.
The document provides an estimate for construction work on an Honda warehouse in Lampung, Indonesia. It includes itemized estimates for site preparation, earthworks, concrete works, structural works, roofing/ceiling works, and electrical installation. The total estimate is broken into sections and subtotals are provided.
NO URAIAN PEKERJAAN KODE ANALISA VOLUME SATUAN (%) HARGA (Rp) (Rp) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7=(5+(5*6%))*4 I PEKERJAAN PERSIAPAN 1 Mobilisasi & Demobilsasi Ls 1,00 Ls 2.500.000,00 11,00 2.775.000,00 2 Pengukuran Ulang dan Pasang Bowplank 1.1.d (c) 30,00 M' 97.757,00 11,00 3.255.308,10 3 Air & Listrik Kerja Ls 3,00 Ls 500.000,00 11,00 1.665.000,00 4 Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) dan Pencegahan Covid19 K3 1,00 Ls 3.060.000,00 11,00 3.396.600,00 5 Sewa direksi keet, bedeng tenaga kerja Ls 3,00 Ls 700.000,00 11,00 2.331.000,00 6 Sewa Scafolding Ls 18,00 Ls 80.000,00 11,00 1.598.400,00 7 Bongkar Scafolding Ls 18,00 Ls 10.000,00 11,00 199.800,00
Sub Total I 15.221.108,10
II PEKERJAAN GALIAN & URUGAN TANAH 1 Pek. Galian Tanah pondasi plat (a) 69,63 M2 117.315,00 11,00 9.067.454,67 2 Pek. Urugan Tanah kembali galian pondasi 1.7.2.a.(c) 50,36 M2 69.300,00 11,00 3.874.034,59
Sub Total II 12.941.489,26
III. PEKERJAAN BETON DAN PASANGAN 1 Pek. Pondasi Palt a. Urugan pasir bawah pondasi 1.7.2.d.(c) 2,18 M3 358.908,00 11,00 866.892,03 b. Lantai Kerja A. 2,18 M3 1.132.880,10 11,00 2.736.313,28 c. Beton A. 14,92 M3 1.305.904,56 11,00 21.623.722,70 d. Pembesian 1.603,86 Kg 21.297,65 11,00 37.915.805,25 e. Bekisting A. 16,58 M2 270.270,00 11,00 4.972.495,03 2 Pek. Pasangan angkur 3/4 Ls 68,00 Bh 123.500,00 11,00 9.321.780,00 3 Pek. Plat Base Ls 1,53 M2 3.480.000,00 11,00 5.910.084,00 4 Pek. Baja WF 250 Supl.A. 1.760,21 Kg 41.000,00 11,00 80.107.081,25 5 Pek. Tea Beam 20/35 a. Beton A. 5,46 M3 1.305.904,56 11,00 7.914.565,17 b. Besi 713,34 Kg 21.297,65 11,00 16.863.533,40 c. Bekisting A. 6,83 M2 270.270,00 11,00 2.047.497,95 6 Pek. Ring balok WF Supl.A. 1.530,00 Kg 41.000,00 11,00 69.630.300,00 7 Pek. Dinding Bata Supl.A. 129,60 M2 120.265,44 11,00 17.300.905,04 8 Pek. Plesteran 3.2.4 (c ) 259,20 M2 77.540,76 11,00 22.309.407,14 9 Pek. Acian 3.2.8 (c ) 259,20 M2 45.897,50 11,00 13.205.261,52 10 Pek. Pengecetan Supl.3.3.10.(3).(c) 259,20 M2 55.125,40 11,00 15.860.239,08 11 Pek. Lantai Beton a. Beton tebal 10cm A. 18,00 M3 1.305.904,56 11,00 26.091.973,09 b. Besi 6 / Wiremesh 532,69 Kg 21.297,65 11,00 12.592.992,96 12 Pek. Finising Lantai Ls 180,00 M2 80.000,00 11,00 15.984.000,00
Sub Total III 383.254.848,90
IV PEKERJAAN ATAP DAN PLAFOND 1 Pek. Plat Lantai a. Beton A. 18,00 M3 1.305.904,56 11,00 26.091.973,09 b. Besi 947,00 Kg 21.297,65 11,00 22.387.543,04 c. Bekisting A. 45,00 M2 590.095,00 11,00 29.475.245,25 2 Pek. Pipa PVC 6" A. 10,50 M' 355.886,85 11,00 4.147.861,24
Sub Total III 82.102.622,62
V ISTALASI LISTRIK 1 Pek. Titik api Supl.A. 20,00 Bh 125.000,00 11,00 2.775.000,00 2 Pek. Saklar Supl.A. 5,00 Bh 97.680,00 11,00 542.124,00 3 Pek. Pasangan Lampu TL Ls 15,00 Bh 220.000,00 11,00 3.663.000,00 4 Pek. MCB Ls 1,00 Bh 450.000,00 11,00 499.500,00