Divide and Conquer-Based 1D CNN Human Activity Rec
Divide and Conquer-Based 1D CNN Human Activity Rec
Divide and Conquer-Based 1D CNN Human Activity Rec
Divide and Conquer-Based 1D CNN Human Activity
Recognition Using Test Data Sharpening †
Heeryon Cho ID
and Sang Min Yoon *
HCI Lab., College of Computer Science, Kookmin University, 77, Jeongneung-ro, Seongbuk-gu,
Seoul 02707, Korea; heeryon@kookmin.ac.kr
* Correspondence: smyoon@kookmin.ac.kr; Tel.: +82-2-910-4645
† This paper is an extended version of our paper published in Song-Mi Lee; Heeryon Cho; Sang Min Yoon.
Statistical Noise Reduction for Robust Human Activity Recognition. In Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE
International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI 2017),
Daegu, South Korea, 16–18 November 2017.
Received: 9 March 2018; Accepted: 29 March 2018; Published: 1 April 2018
Abstract: Human Activity Recognition (HAR) aims to identify the actions performed by humans
using signals collected from various sensors embedded in mobile devices. In recent years,
deep learning techniques have further improved HAR performance on several benchmark datasets.
In this paper, we propose one-dimensional Convolutional Neural Network (1D CNN) for HAR
that employs a divide and conquer-based classifier learning coupled with test data sharpening.
Our approach leverages a two-stage learning of multiple 1D CNN models; we first build a binary
classifier for recognizing abstract activities, and then build two multi-class 1D CNN models for
recognizing individual activities. We then introduce test data sharpening during prediction phase
to further improve the activity recognition accuracy. While there have been numerous researches
exploring the benefits of activity signal denoising for HAR, few researches have examined the effect
of test data sharpening for HAR. We evaluate the effectiveness of our approach on two popular HAR
benchmark datasets, and show that our approach outperforms both the two-stage 1D CNN-only
method and other state of the art approaches.
1. Introduction
The proliferation of smartphones and other mobile devices have enabled real-time sensing of
human activities through device embedded sensors such as accelerometers, gyroscopes, cameras, GPS,
magnetometers, etc. Initially, one or more dedicated, standalone on-body sensors were attached to
the specific parts of the human body for Human Activity Recognition (HAR) [1–3]. As smartphone
usage became prevalent, HAR research shifted from using dedicated on-body sensors to exploiting
smartphone embedded sensors for human activity data collection [4–6]. The activity recognition
performance has greatly improved since the inception of HAR research, but the experimental set up
varied among existing researches, for example, the types of activities performed by human subjects,
the types of sensors employed, the signal sampling rates, the length of time series data segment,
the feature processing techniques such as feature transformation, selection, extraction, the choice of
classifier learning algorithms, and so on. These choices made comparative assessment of different
HAR approaches difficult.
As HAR research matured, several benchmark human activity datasets [7–11] became
publicly available, allowing straightforward comparison of different activity recognition methods.
Recently, many state of the art approaches employ deep a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
over other machine learning techniques, and these approaches, for example, exhibit high activity
recognition accuracy that exceed 95% [12–14] on the benchmark Human Activity Recognition Using
Smartphones Data Set (UCI HAR dataset) [10] that contain six activities. As deep learning approaches
simultaneously learn both the suitable representations (i.e., features) and activity classifier from data,
less attention was given to the explicit feature processing for HAR. Indeed, several existing works did
exploit various feature processing techniques such as application of noise reduction filters to remove
noise from human activity signals [10,15] while others transformed raw activity signals to frequency
domain features using discrete Fourier transform [16] or discrete cosine transform [17]. However, few
have investigated the effect of performing data sharpening for improving HAR. Moreover, the effect of
data sharpening on test data alone and not on the training data was rarely examined.
In this paper, we present a novel one-dimensional (1D) CNN HAR that utilizes a divide and
conquer-based classifier learning with test data sharpening for improving HAR. Suppose that we
are faced with a 6-class HAR problem where the activities that need to be recognized are walking,
walking upstairs (WD), walking downstairs (WD), sitting, standing, and laying, as shown in Figure 1.
Instead of straightforwardly recognizing the individual activities using a single 6-class classifier,
we apply a divide and conquer approach and build a two-stage activity recognition process,
where abstract activities, i.e., dynamic and static activity, are first recognized using a 2-class or
binary classifier, and then individual activities are recognized using two 3-class classifiers. During the
prediction phase, we introduce test data sharpening in the middle of the two-stage activity recognition
process to further improve activity recognition performance.
Figure 1. Division of 6-class HAR into two-stage n-class HAR. Six activities, i.e., Walk, WU
(Walk Upstairs), WD (Walk Downstairs), Sit, Stand, and Lay, are divided into two groups of abstract
activities, Dynamic and Static, to form a 2-class HAR. Each abstract activity forms a 3-class HAR.
Figure 2 outlines the overall process of our divide and conquer-based 1D CNN HAR approach
applied to Figure 1. The classifier learning is conducted via a two-stage process: in the first stage,
a binary 1D CNN model for abstract activity recognition is learned for classifying dynamic and static
activities; in the second stage, two 3-class 1D CNN models are learned for classifying individual
activities. During the prediction phase, our method first classifies dynamic and static activity using the
first-stage abstract activity recognition model, and then proceeds to test data sharpening. After the
test data is sharpened, our approach inputs the sharpened test data into the relevant second-stage
individual activity recognition model to output the final individual activity. The parameters (i.e., σ
and α in Figure 2) required for appropriate test data sharpening is searched and selected using the
validation data after the entire two-stage classifier learning process is completed and all three 1D
CNN models are built. By breaking down the multi-class problem into simpler problem units and
introducing test data sharpening in the prediction phase, we can achieve better HAR performance.
We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach using two benchmark HAR datasets, and show that
our approach outperforms both the 1D CNN models without test data sharpening and existing state of
the art approaches. The contributions of this paper are twofold:
Sensors 2018, 18, 55 3 of 24
1. We propose a divide and conquer approach for building two-stage HAR that incorporates test
data sharpening during prediction phase to enhance HAR performance.
2. We present a systematic method for identifying useful parameters (i.e., σ and α) needed for test
data sharpening.
Figure 2. Overview of our divide and conquer-based 1D CNN HAR with test data sharpening.
Our approach employs two-stage classifier learning during the learning phase and introduces test data
sharpening during the prediction phase.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. The existing works on neural network-based HAR,
two-stage HAR, and feature processing methods are reviewed in Section 2. The details of our divide and
conquer-based 1D CNN approach with test data sharpening is presented in Section 3. The evaluation of
our approach on two popular benchmark HAR datasets are reported in Section 4, and the experimental
results are analyzed in Section 5. Finally, we conclude this paper in Section 6.
2. Related Work
In this section, we look at existing neural network-based HAR and other two-stage classifier
learning techniques, and graze through some feature processing methods used in HAR along with
signal sharpening in the image processing domain.
regression. Weiss and Lockhart [21] compared the relative performance of impersonal and personal
activity recognition models using decision trees, k-nearest neighbor, naive Bayes, logistic regression,
MLP, and so on, and found that MLP performed the best for personal models. Kwon et al. [22]
investigated the influence of the smartphone triaxial accelerometer’s each axis on HAR using MLP.
Although MLP has shown competitive activity recognition performance, the algorithm is known
to output poor recognition performance when it falls into local optima. Moreover, adding many hidden
layers to MLP was difficult due to the vanishing gradient problem during back propagation [23].
To overcome such limitations of shallow classifier, deep neural network learning methods were
introduced. For instance, Alsheikh et al. [24] implemented deep activity recognition models based
on deep belief networks (DBNs). The first layer of their DBN consisted of Gaussian-binary Restricted
Boltzman Machine (RBM), which modeled the energy content in continuous accelerometer data;
the subsequent layers were modeled using binary-binary RBMs.
More recently, CNN-based algorithms have been applied to HAR for its advantages in capturing
local dependency of activity signals and preserving feature scale invariance [25]. Existing works
using CNN for HAR include [12,14,25,26]. Other approaches exploited deep Recurrent Neural
Network (RNN) [27] or combined Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) RNN with CNN. Ordonez and
Roggen [28] proposed DeepConvLSTM that combined convolutional and recurrent layers. Here,
abstract representations of input sensor data were extracted as feature maps in the convolutional layer,
and the temporal dynamics of feature map activations were modeled in the recurrent layers.
Edel and Köppe [29] proposed binarized bidirectional LSTM-RNNs that reduced memory consumption
and replaced most of the arithmetic operations with bitwise operations achieving an increase in
power-efficiency. In this study, we construct multiple 1D CNNs with various layer constitution.
the registered list, multimodal sensor data was used to identify user action. They used adaptive naive
Bayes algorithm for activity recognition.
Hsu et al. [34] proposed a two-phase activity recognition using SVM to overcome the variance of
smartphone sensor signals collected via different positions and orientations of the smartphone. In the
first phase, the signals from the gyroscope were used to determine the position of the smartphone.
Here, they defined three position types: the front pocket of the pants; the back pocket of the pants;
and the shirt pocket, the backpack, the messenger bag, or the shoulder bag. Once the position type
was recognized, the activity type was recognized in the second phase. They constructed three activity
classifiers that corresponded to each of the three position types. For both phases of two-phase activity
recognition, SVM was used.
Filios et al. [35] proposed a hierarchical activity detection model which consisted of a two-layer
system that first detected motion and the surrounding environment (e.g., being in a coffee shop,
restaurant, supermarket, moving car, etc.) using accelerometer data and microphone signals, and then
detected more complex activities such as shopping, waiting in a queue, cleaning with a vacuum
cleaner, washing dishes, watching TV, etc. based on the detected motion and environment information.
They evaluated three decision tree-based algorithms and one k-nearest neighbor algorithm for
recognizing motion, environment and complex activity.
Ronao and Cho [36] proposed a two-stage method that used two-level Continuous HMMs
(CHMMs); the first-level CHMMs classified stationary and moving activities, and the second-level
CHMMs classified more fine-grained activities, i.e., walking, walking upstairs, and walking
downstairs for moving activities, and sitting, standing, and laying activities for stationary activities.
They constructed a total of eight CHMMs, two CHMMs at the first-level and six CHMMs at the
second-level, and chose different feature subsets when constructing different level CHMMs.
Our approach is similar to [36] in that we perform a two-stage classification where we classify
abstract activities (e.g., dynamic and static) first and then classify individual activities (e.g., walking,
standing, etc.) next. However, we build one binary 1D CNN model at the first stage and two multi-class
1D CNN models at the second stage. More importantly, we introduce test data sharpening in between
the two-stage HAR, selectively at the prediction phase only, and this differentiates our approach from
the rest of the two-stage HAR approaches.
features include peak frequency [41], power spectral density (PSD) [44], entropy [2], etc. A detailed
overview of HAR preprocessing techniques is given in [41].
A typical HAR process usually applies feature processing on the entire dataset, i.e., both on the
train and test data. To the best of our knowledge, there have been no research that have investigated
the effect of feature processing solely on the test data. Most feature processing techniques have focused
on the removal of noise and signal outliers from the activity signal or on the generation of time
and frequency domain features. Almost no research, to our understanding, have applied test data
sharpening during the prediction phase to improve activity recognition. In this respect, our approach of
applying test data sharpening is novel and is worth the investigation.
With regard to signal sharpening, a technique called unsharp masking, which adds a
high-pass filtered, scaled version of an image onto image itself has been frequently used in the
image processing domain to improve visual appearance. Although this technique was seldom
used in HAR, we investigate the effect of applying unsharp masking to activity signal. Many
works on unsharp masking focus on enhancing the edge and detail of an image. For example,
Polesel et al. [45] proposed an adaptive filter that controls the contribution of the sharpening path such
that details are enhanced in high detail areas and little or no image sharpening occurs in smooth areas.
Deng [46] proposed a generalized unsharp masking algorithm that allows users to adjust the two
parameters to control the contrast and sharpness of the given image. Recently, Ye and Ma [47] proposed
blurriness-guided adaptive unsharp masking method that incorporates the blurriness information
into the enhancement process. Most works base their methods on the classic linear unsharp masking
technique where image detail is extracted, amplified, and added back to the original image to produce
an enhanced image. We follow this classic linear unsharp masking technique to sharpen activity signal
in our approach.
classifiers are needed. Hence, whether to exploit the divide and conquer approach should be decided
when at least the first-stage binary classification accuracy is reasonably high. In our experiments,
the activity recognition accuracy of two first-stage binary classifiers on two benchmark datasets
were 100%.
Figure 3. Confusion matrix of decision tree classifier on 6-class HAR. For some pairwise activity classes,
there are no misclassified instances as indicated by the positions with zeros in the confusion matrix.
Figure 4. Test data sharpening using a Gaussian filter. Test data is first denoised using a Gaussian
filter ( 1 ) using the σ parameter ( 2 ), and the denoised result is subtracted from the test data to obtain
sharped details ( 3 ). The sharpened details are then amplified to some degree using α parameter ( 4 )
and added to the original test data to obtain sharpened test data ( 5 ).
Our idea of test data sharpening is borrowed from a popular signal enhancement technique
called unsharp masking used in image processing for sharpening images. The visual appearance of
an image may be improved significantly by emphasizing its high frequency contents to enhance the
edge and detail of the image [45]. Often the classic linear unsharp masking technique is employed to
enhance such details. The classic linear unsharp masking first generates a coarse image by removing
the fine details from the image using a denoising filter, and then subtracts the coarse image from
the original image to obtain fine details. Then the technique adds the fine details, often scaled by
some factor first, to the original image to create a sharpened image. We have repurposed this unsharp
masking technique to HAR domain and applied it to test data sharpening. Figure 5 shows a sample
walking activity data before sharpening (blue line) and after sharpening (orange line).
Figure 5. A sample activity data describing walking activity. Each number in the horizontal axis
indicates various statistical features such as mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum
calculated from a fixed length time series data collected from multiple sensors. The blue line indicates
data before sharpening and the orange line indicates data after sharpening.
alpha sigma=5 sigma=6 sigma=7 sigma=8 sigma=9 MAX AVG alpha sigma=5 sigma=6 sigma=7 sigma=8 sigma=9 MAX AVG
0.00 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.00 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415
0.01 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.01 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415
0.02 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.02 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415
0.03 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.03 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415 0.96543 0.96543 0.96543 0.96466
0.04 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.04 0.96415 0.96543 0.96543 0.96543 0.96543 0.96543 0.96517
0.05 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96919 0.96919 0.96919 0.96842 0.05 0.96543 0.96543 0.96543 0.96543 0.96543 0.96543 0.96543
0.06 0.96791 0.96791 0.96919 0.96919 0.96919 0.96919 0.96868 0.06 0.96543 0.96543 0.96543 0.96543 0.96543 0.96543 0.96543
0.07 0.96791 0.96919 0.96919 0.96919 0.96919 0.96919 0.96893 0.07 0.96543 0.96543 0.96543 0.96543 0.96543 0.96543 0.96543
0.08 0.96662 0.96791 0.96791 0.96919 0.96919 0.96919 0.96816 0.08 0.96543 0.96543 0.96543 0.96543 0.96543 0.96543 0.96543
0.09 0.96662 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96919 0.96919 0.96791 0.09 0.96543 0.96543 0.96543 0.96415 0.96415 0.96543 0.96492
0.10 0.96662 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96765 0.10 0.96543 0.96543 0.96543 0.96415 0.96415 0.96543 0.96492
0.11 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.11 0.96543 0.96543 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415 0.96543 0.96466
0.12 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.12 0.96543 0.96543 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415 0.96543 0.96466
0.13 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.13 0.96543 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415 0.96543 0.96440
0.14 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.14 0.96543 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415 0.96543 0.96440
0.15 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.15 0.96543 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415 0.96543 0.96440
0.16 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.16 0.96543 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415 0.96543 0.96440
0.17 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.17 0.96543 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415 0.96543 0.96440
0.18 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.18 0.96543 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415 0.96543 0.96440
0.19 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.19 0.96543 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415 0.96543 0.96440
0.20 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.20 0.96543 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415 0.96543 0.96440
0.21 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.21 0.96543 0.96415 0.96415 0.96415 0.96287 0.96543 0.96415
0.22 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.22 0.96543 0.96415 0.96415 0.96287 0.96287 0.96543 0.96389
0.23 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96662 0.96791 0.96765 0.23 0.96543 0.96415 0.96415 0.96287 0.96287 0.96543 0.96389
0.24 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96662 0.96791 0.96765 0.24 0.96543 0.96415 0.96287 0.96287 0.96287 0.96543 0.96364
0.25 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96662 0.96791 0.96765 0.25 0.96543 0.96415 0.96287 0.96287 0.96287 0.96543 0.96364
0.26 0.96791 0.96791 0.96791 0.96662 0.96534 0.96791 0.96714 0.26 0.96543 0.96415 0.96287 0.96287 0.96287 0.96543 0.96364
0.27 0.96791 0.96791 0.96662 0.96662 0.96534 0.96791 0.96688 0.27 0.96543 0.96415 0.96287 0.96287 0.96159 0.96543 0.96338
0.28 0.96791 0.96662 0.96662 0.96662 0.96534 0.96791 0.96662 0.28 0.96543 0.96415 0.96287 0.96159 0.96159 0.96543 0.96312
0.29 0.96791 0.96662 0.96662 0.96662 0.96406 0.96791 0.96637 0.29 0.96543 0.96287 0.96287 0.96159 0.96287 0.96543 0.96312
0.30 0.96662 0.96662 0.96662 0.96662 0.96406 0.96662 0.96611 0.30 0.96415 0.96287 0.96287 0.96159 0.96287 0.96415 0.96287
MAX 0.96791 0.96919 0.96919 0.96919 0.96919 0.96919 MaxAvgAcc MAX 0.96543 0.96543 0.96543 0.96543 0.96543 0.96543 MaxAvgAcc
AVG 0.96774 0.96782 0.96782 0.96787 0.96749 MaxAvgAcc AVG 0.96518 0.96444 0.96415 0.96390 0.96390 MaxAvgAcc
Figure 6. Validation/test data HAR accuracy using different (σ, α) combinations. The cyan colored
cells indicate the highest activity recognition accuracy. Maximum of average accuracy (MaxAvgAcc) is
searched for various average accuracies of σ and α values in order to find the suitable (σ, α) parameter
values (orange and green colored cells). Assuming that the left table is the HAR accuracy of validation
data, the purple cell where the two MaxAvgAccs meet identifies the suitable values (σ = 8, α = 0.07).
Assuming that the right table is the HAR accuracy of test data, the yellow cell at (σ = 8, α = 0.07)
achieves the highest accuracy of 96.543%.
Although test data sharpening is performed during prediction time, (σ, α) values for test data
sharpening is determined using the validation data during the classifier learning phase after all
two-stage classifiers are learned. Assuming that the left table in Figure 6 is the activity recognition
result using the validation data, (σ = 8, α = 0.07) is determined as the final test data sharpening
parameter values. If we suppose the right table to contain test data HAR performance with varying
degrees of test data sharpening, using the (σ = 8, α = 0.07) pair achieves the highest activity
recognition accuracy of 96.543% (see right table yellow cell). On the other hand, if we assume this
time that the right table is the validation data and the left table is the result of sharpened test data,
the three value combinations are selected (purple cells with bold font based on horizontal averaging
of nearby triples), but when we apply any of these value combinations on test data sharpening
(left table yellow cells), we obtain the test data accuracies of 96.791% or 96.662%. In this case,
we fail to increase the baseline test data accuracy, which is given at the top row of left table where
α = 0 (refer to Equation (3)). The effectiveness of the test data enhancement depends on the
representativeness of the validation data, but incorporating a broader range of σ and α values will help
in choosing better parameter value combinations. In the case of the failed example just mentioned,
if we expand our σ range to encompass 3 to 12, the candidate value combinations are reduced to
(σ = 5, α = [0.05, 0.06, 0.07]), and we can remove (σ = 5, α = 0.08), which leads to worse accuracy.
4. Evaluation Experiments
We used two public HAR datasets [8,10] in the evaluation experiments to compare our approach
to other state of the art approaches and to our 1D CNN with no test data sharpening approach.
Sensors 2018, 18, 55 10 of 24
whether a person is in a raised position or in a lowered position. Using the activity class constitution
in Table 1, we first learned a binary first-stage classifier that recognized abstract activities and then
learned two binary classifiers that recognized individual activities.
Figure 7. Lower (left) and upper (right) body sensors selected for OPPORTUNITY dataset experiment.
For the lower body sensors, we chose three triaxial accelerometers (marked in blue) located at the right
hip (HIP), right knee (RKN^), and right knee (RKN_), and three inertial measurement units (marked in
red) located at the right (R-SHOE) and left shoe (L-SHOE) for the experiments. For the upper body
sensors, we chose six triaxial accelerometers located at the right upper arm (RUA^), right upper arm
(RUA_), left upper arm (LUA^), left upper arm (LUA_), left wrist (LWR), and left hand (LH), and four
inertial measurement units located at the right upper arm (RUA), right lower arm (RLA), left upper
arm (LUA), and left lower arm (LLA).
Table 1. Activity class constitution and number of samples in OPPORTUNITY dataset; the same class
label constitution applied to both the lower and upper body sensor data.
Class Up Down
Division Stand Walk Sit Lie
Train 13,250 7403 6874 1411 28,938
Validate 5964 3216 3766 663 13,609
Test 5326 3885 3460 793 13,464
Table 2. Activity class constitution and number of samples in UCI HAR dataset.
Here, we also split the dataset into two abstract activities, i.e., dynamic and static. Using the class
constitution in Table 2, we hierarchically constructed one binary classifier for recognizing abstract
activities and two 3-class classifiers for recognizing individual activities.
Figure 8. First-stage 1D CNN for classifying abstract activities, i.e., Up and Down, for OPPORTUNITY dataset.
For the two identical second-stage models (Figure 9), one convolutional layer was followed by
a max-pooling layer, followed by a second convolutional layer. A window size of 3 and stride size
of 1 were applied to both convolution and max-pooling layers. Like the first stage model, a dense
layer was positioned at the end of the network followed by the softmax layer, and 33% dropout
rate was applied to the dense layer. The epoch and training batch size of the three models were set
identically as 5 and 32 respectively. For all three models, Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) was chosen as
the activation function for all convolutional layers. The Mean Squared Error (MSE) was chosen as the
loss function and the Adaptive Moment Estimation (ADAM) optimizer [49] was used in optimization
for all models. The learning rate of the optimizer was set at 0.00006 and 0.00001 for the first- and
second-stage model respectively.
Sensors 2018, 18, 55 13 of 24
Figure 9. Second-stage 1D CNN for classifying individual activities for OPPORTUNITY dataset.
Two identically designed 1D CNNs were constructed to distinguish Stand from Walk and Sit from Lie.
Figure 10. Second-stage 1D CNN for classifying dynamic activity, i.e., Walk, WU, and WD, for UCI
HAR dataset.
Figure 11. Second-stage 1D CNN for classifying static acitivity, i.e., Sit, Stand, and Lay, for UCI HAR dataset.
Figures 10 and 11 show the two second-stage 3-class 1D CNNs built using UCI HAR dataset.
Both models used a sliding window size of 3 for convolution. While the dynamic activity model used
Sensors 2018, 18, 55 14 of 24
max-pooling after convolution, the static activity model used three consecutive convolutions and no
max-pooling. The max-pooling stride size was set equal to the window size of the convolution for
the dynamic model. Both the dynamic and static models included a dense layer with 50% dropout
rate and a softmax layer at the end of the network. We set the epoch size at 50 and 100 for the
dynamic and static activity models respectively and saved the best models based on the validation loss.
The MSE was chosen as the loss function, ADAM optimizer was used for optimization, the training
batch size was set at 32 samples for all models, and ReLU was chosen as the activation function in all
convolutional layers. The learning rate of the optimizer was set at 0.0004 and 0.0001 for the dynamic
and static model respectively.
series data and statistical feature data using the lower body data. Finally, we compare our test data
sharpening approach with the initial approach that does not use test data sharpening. We use activity
recognition accuracy and F1 score as evaluation measures. The confusion matrices of our results are
provided for those cases where the results are compared to the existing approaches.
Table 4. F1 score comparison with state of the art approach on lower body OPPORTUNITY dataset.
The number in bold indicates the highest F1 score.
Table 5. Confusion matrix of our CNN+Sharpen approach using lower body OPPORTUNITY dataset.
The bold numbers in diagonal indicate correctly classified instances; the bottom right bold number
indicates the overall accuracy.
Predicted Class
Recall (%)
Stand Walk Sit∗ Lie∗
Stand 5,210 116 0 0 97.82
Walk 655 3,230 0 0 83.14
Actual Class
Sit∗ 0 0 3,460 0 100.00
Lie∗ 0 0 0 793 100.00
Precision (%) 88.83 96.53 100.00 100.00 94.27
* Test data enhancement was NOT applied to these classes.
Figure 12 compares the ‘up’ activity (i.e., stand and walk) recognition using different (σ, α) values
on the lower body validation (left) and test data (right). The plot where α = 0 indicates the activity
recognition accuracy with no test data sharpening. We see that for both the validation and test data, all
(σ, α) combinations given in the two graphs outperform the pre-test data sharpening model (α = 0).
Moreover, the relative position of the different line graphs having different σ values exhibit similar
relative positions in the two graphs.
Figure 13 compares the ‘up’ activity (i.e., stand and walk) recognition using different (σ, α)
values on the upper body validation (left) and test data (right). The test data sharpening parameter
values were determined as (σ = 3, α = 12) using the validation data, and the final accuracy of
test data was determined as 83.66%; this accuracy is an improvement from the initial 80.38% with
no test data sharpening. The 2-class accuracy of upper body sensor data (Figure 13), however,
is much lower than the lower body sensor data of 91.63% (Figure 12). Figure 14 displays three
unsuccessful test data sharpening cases. Test data sharpening is not effective for 4-class 1D CNN
models (Figure 14a) and other machine learning techniques such as logistic regression (Figure 14b)
and random forest (Figure 14c).
Sensors 2018, 18, 55 16 of 24
Figure 12. Stand vs. walk recognition accuracy using different (σ, α) combinations on lower body
OPPORTUNITY dataset (left: validation data, right: test data).
Figure 13. Stand vs. walk recognition accuracy using different (σ, α) combinations on upper body
OPPORTUNITY dataset (left: validation data, right: test data).
(b) 2-class (up position) logistic regression accuracy. (c) 2-class (up position) random forest accuracy.
Figure 14. Unsuccessful test data sharpening cases using lower body data (left: validation, right: test).
Sensors 2018, 18, 55 17 of 24
We performed additional experiments that compared various models constructed using upper
and lower body sensor data. Figure 15 compares the two sensor types’ performances on 4-class and
2-class HAR problems. Overall, lower body sensor data (red bars) returned better results that upper
body sensor data (blue bars). We also compared the performance of various models built using raw
time series data and statistical feature data. Figure 16 compares raw time series data with statistical
feature data using three machine learning classifiers, logistic regression, random forest, and 1D CNN.
Overall, statistical feature data (red bars) returned better results than raw time series data (blue bars).
Figure 15. Comparison of upper body (blue) and lower body (red) sensor data performance without
test data sharpening. Three machine learning techniques, logistic regression, random forest, and
1D CNN, are compared on 4-class and various 2-class problems.
Figure 16. Comparison of raw time series (blue) and statistical feature (red) data performance without
test data sharpening. Three machine learning classifiers, logistic regression, random forest, and 1D
CNN, are compared on 4-class and various 2-class problems.
Table 6. Comparison with the state of the art approaches using UCI HAR dataset. The number in bold
indicates the highest accuracy.
Figure 17. Dynamic activity recognition accuracy using various (σ, α) combinations on UCI HAR
dataset (left: dynamic test data1, right: dynamic test data2).
Figure 18. Static activity recognition accuracy using various (σ, α) combinations on UCI HAR dataset
(left: static test data1, right: static test data2).
Sensors 2018, 18, 55 19 of 24
Table 7. Confusion matrix of our CNN+Sharpen approach on UCI HAR dataset. The bold numbers
in diagonal indicate correctly classified instances; the bottom right bold number indicates the overall
Predicted Class
Recall (%)
Walk WU WD Sit Stand Lay
Walk 491 2 3 0 0 0 98.99
Actual Class
WU 3 464 4 0 0 0 98.51
WD 1 5 414 0 0 0 98.57
Sit 0 0 0 454 37 0 92.46
Stand 0 0 0 14 518 0 97.37
Lay 0 0 0 1 0 536 99.81
Precision (%) 99.19 98.51 98.34 96.80 93.33 100.00 97.62
Table 8. Comparison of activity recognition accuracy without (1D CNN only) and with test data
sharpening (1D CNN+Sharpen). The bold numbers indicate the highest accuracy for each model.
5. Discussion
Figure 19. Dynamic (a) and static (b) activity recognition result using σ = 1, 2 on UCI HAR dataset.
As previously mentioned, the success of our approach depends on the selection of the ideal
(σ, α) values for test data sharpening, and this depends strongly on how much the validation data
is representative of test data. As such, one strategy of finding a better (σ, α) combination is by
procuring sufficient amount of validation data. Recall that we did this for OPPORTUNITY dataset and
allocated much more validation data compared to other approaches. Another strategy for selecting
better parameter values is choosing effective value ranges and intervals for σ and α parameters.
Defining smaller value intervals is better than defining large intervals for both σ and α, and the
value ranges of the two parameters should include the peak accuracy to exhaustively cover the
promising parameter value candidates. Most importantly, exploiting the divide and conquer approach,
whenever possible, will much aid in better selecting the effective (σ, α) values since adjusting the value
that works for many activity classes is more difficult than adjusting the value for few classes.
Although deep learning models prefer large data, in this paper we returned to the basics and
carefully analyzed the quality of data. Recall that in the case of OPPORTUNITY dataset, only a small
number of sensors (i.e., the lower body sensors) were selected in our experiments, and the train data
for learning activity models were also selectively used (i.e., only ADL data and no drill data were used).
Even though more features generally add more information to the model, and more data provide more
cases for learning a better HAR model, we chose only those features and data that we thought were
relevant and of safe quality, and this strategy paid off.
The main advantage of our approach is that the candidate (σ, α) combinations, which can increase
the activity recognition accuracy, are many. We were able to confirm this in Figure 12; the recognition
accuracy plateaus were formed above the baseline (no sharpening) model across many σ and α values.
On the other hand, the shortcoming of our approach is that if the HAR performance of the validation
data is saturated, i.e., close to 100%, then the selection of useful (σ, α) becomes difficult. This occurred
during the experiments with UCI HAR dataset, and we troubleshooted the situation by splitting the
test data in half. Another limitation is that finding the correct (σ, α) becomes difficult if the validation
data is not representative of test data. To tackle this problem, we plan to investigate the effect of
selectively sharpening the partial features of test data as opposed to sharpening of the entire features
of test data that we did in this study.
for training abstract activity model and 300,902 and 300,902 parameters for training UP and DOWN
activity model respectively. In contrast, an end-to-end single 1D CNN model that classifies the same
four activities using the lower body OPPORTUNITY dataset required 528,004 CNN parameters to be
trained (Figure 15 End to End (4-class), 1D CNN, red bar). The proposed two-stage model’s complexity
was more than double the end-to-end model. The recognition accuracy of the two-stage model was
94.27% while the accuracy of the end-to-end model was 93.27%. In general, the complexity of the
two-stage model is at a disadvantage to the end-to-end model, but by replacing part of the two-stage
model with other simpler models, for example, in the case of Figure 15, replacing the DOWN activity
1D CNN model with a logistic regression classifier (Figure 15 Down Position, Logistic Regression
outputs 100% accuracy), we can reduce the complexity of the overall two-stage model. Such a strategy
can be actively employed to reduce the model complexity of the two-stage models.
6. Conclusions
We presented a divide and conquer approach for 1D CNN-based HAR using test data sharpening
for improving HAR performance. We formulated a two-stage HAR process by identifying abstract
activities using a confusion matrix. A simple test data sharpening method using Gaussian filter
generated a broad range of possible activity recognition accuracy improvements. Our divide and
conquer 1D CNN approach was meaningful in both building a better HAR model and selecting useful
(σ, α) value for effective test data sharpening. Our method is simple and effective, and is easy to
implement once abstract activities suitable for the first-stage can be identified. In the future, we plan to
investigate feature-wise sharpening of test data and its effect on asymmetric validation and test data.
Acknowledgments: H.C. and S.M.Y. were supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea grants
(No. 2017R1A2B4011015, No. 2016R1D1A1B04932889, No. 2015R1A5A7037615).
Author Contributions: H.C. and S.M.Y. conceived and designed the experiments; H.C. performed the experiments;
H.C. and S.M.Y. analyzed the data; H.C. wrote the paper.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funding sponsors had no role in the design
of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, and in the
decision to publish the results.
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