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2 Sided H-Frame Compactainer®

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2 sided H-frame Compactainer


2 sided H-frame Compactainer

The Compactainer design helps you reduce manual handling, improve er-
gonomics and space ebciency in comwination kith higher cuwic trucq Fll.

The easy and ergonomic one person nesting ensures that your employ-
ees or customers, can reduce space reAuirements in outlets and storage
rooms. &urther ensure that you can get all empty roll containers wacq
Auicqly from the delivery points. ;lso the side frame heights “amp” vol-
ume per roll cage can we higher than for rigid roll cages as the xupside
doknz lifting or demounting eKorts are not necessary. The footprint of
the roll container is calculated of maRimiDing woth transport cuwic eb-
ciency and karehouse space for wuKering.

The Compactainer is a kell-proven solution kithin kholesale and retail

industry glowally.

’ey weneFts Technical speciFcations

Oeduced space needed at stores, :CNs and External dimensions 6++0 R 800 R +Z0 mm
in transport
Internal dimensions 6I+Z R 800 R +6Z mm
Bne person handlingL easily nestawle for
storage Unit tare weight 32,I qg
1o liftingL ³est in class ergonomics Safe working load per unit I00 qg

7oading volume per roll cage ca 6m5 Loaded units / 13,6m trailer I6

7ok tare keight to reduce emissions and Nested units / 13,6 m trailer 24Z
fuel consumption
Nesting increment 6IZ mm
:esigned for easy maintenance and high
resistance to damage Castor size 600 mm skivel E 62I mm FRed

1o loose parts Castor type 2 FRed, 2 skivel

2-kay forqlift entry Finish jinc electro-plated E dip-lacAuered

Smages ;ccessories “ VRtra

Bther internal heights upon re- TeRtile straps
:iKerent kheel material 62I mm kheels
3- or 4-sided versions upon re- ;d/ustawle ’.Hartkall WmartWhelf
³randed logo sticqers on name-

:esigned for folloking uses and industries _ideos

kkk.youtu.we@mf Br2Dg qk

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;sq for a AuoteL contact-qhk q-hartkall.com To viek our complete portfolio visitL q-hartkall.com@products

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