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Sadia Malik, Maheen Khan 2015

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Impact of facebook addiction on narcissistic behavior and self-esteem among
Sadia Malik, Maheen Khan

Objective: To investigate the relationship between Facebook addiction, narcissism and self-esteem and to see if
gender played any role in this equation.
Methods: The correlational study was conducted from February to March 2013 at the Department of Psychology,
University of Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan. Using convenient sampling, two equal groups of male and female students
were enrolled from different departments of the university. Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale, Hypersensitive
Narcissism Scale and Rosenberg's Self-esteem Scale were used for evaluation. SPSS 17 was used for statistical
Results: Of the 200 subjects in the study, 100(50%) each were males and females. Facebook addiction was positively
correlated with narcissism(r=0.20; p<0.05) and negatively with self-esteem(r=-0.18; p<0.05). Relationship between
narcissism and self-esteem was non-significant(r=0.05; p>0.05). Facebook addiction was a significant predictor of
narcissistic behaviour (β=0.202; p<0.001) and low self-esteem (β=-0.18; p<0.001). There were no significant gender
differences in the three variables (p>0.05 each).
Conclusion: Facebook addiction was a significant predictor of narcissistic behaviour and low levels of self-esteem
among students.
Keywords: Facebook addiction, Narcissism, Self esteem. (JPMA 65: 260; 2015)

Introduction having openness trait showed no influence of using social

Facebook is included in most popular websites with over networking sites. People with agreeableness and
600 million users in the world.1 Facebook users enjoy neuroticism also have no impact of Facebook.5
many benefits. In recent experiments, it is found that A recent study on university students exploring
distressed people feel better when they turn to narcissism on Facebook and self-promotional and anti-
Facebook.2 According to different opinions, Facebook social behaviours among Facebook addicts found
addiction means spending an excessive amount of time consistent results for its hypothesis.6
on Facebook. Normally, excessive Facebook use interferes
with important activities of a person's life.2 Facebook has A study defined self-esteem as the subjective evaluation
a great influence on our daily lives; we can observe that that a person makes and maintains about himself or
people from every age group are using Facebook. herself and the extent of belief in their capability, worth
and significance.5 It found no relationship between self-
The meaning of narcissism involves seeking attention or esteem and social networking sites (SNS) use. The
wanting to be liked. People who use social media sites excessive use of modern technologies is specifically
want to make relations with other social media users. limited to young people and, as a result, addictive
Previous studies found correlation between Facebook tendencies are more common among them.7
addiction and narcissism.3 In an individualistic society,
Facebook is a social and cultural norm.4 People with Some studies observed that Facebook usage had a
extrovert personality have a more intense tendency to be significant negative relationship with self-esteem
Facebook addicts.5 Results of a study showed that (University of Gothenburg in Sweden, 2012).8 One study
extroverts want unlimited contact with friends and the found that people with low self-esteem feel safer when
virtual world for higher stimulation and large social they use Facebook. It was also concluded that people with
network. It also revealed that people with low scores on high self-esteem usually post positive updates and get
conscientiousness spent more time on Facebook. People positive responses.9
It is also observed that young people have more chances
of falling victim to SNS addiction.10
Department of Psychology, University of Sargodha.
Correspondence: Sadia Malik. Email: drsadiamalik13@gmail.com Social media has become an important part of our life,

J Pak Med Assoc

Impact of facebook addiction on narcissistic behavior and self-esteem among students 261
especially for the youth. Facebook addiction has become environment (Table-1).
a common pattern in our colleges, universities and even
at workplaces. But the excessive use of Facebook is Facebook addiction had significant positive correlation
creating a lifestyle addiction which is causing different with Narcissism (r=0.20; p<0.05). It had significant
psychological and social problems such as depression, negative correlation with self-esteem (r=-0.18; p<0.05).
anxiety, loneliness, lack of self-esteem and poor social The findings were non-significant for narcissism and self-
interaction. Unfortunately, no proper attention has been esteem (r=0.05; p>0.05) (Table-2).
given to this serious issue in Pakistan. A very few Facebook addiction had significant positive effect on
researches have been conducted to explore the issue. The narcissism (β=0.202; p<0.001) and significant negative
current study was aimed at investigating the serious
impact of Facebook addiction on the self-esteem and
Table-1: Study Population (n=200).
behaviour of university students as it is evident from
literature that students are the most vulnerable segment Demographics F %
as far as Facebook addiction is concerned.
Subjects and Methods Male 100 50
The correlational study was conducted from February to Female 100 50
March 2013 at the Department of Psychology, University Family system
of Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan. Using convenient Nuclear 90 43.3
sampling, two equal groups of male and female students Extended 110 56.7
were enrolled from different departments of the
university. Table-2: Descriptive Statistics, Alpha Reliability Coefficients and Pearson Correlation
between Study Variables (n=200).
Facebook addiction was measured by the Bergen
Facebook Addiction Scale (BFAS).11 It is a five-point likert Variables Mean SD α
scale ranging from "very rarely" to "very often". 1 2 3
Narcissistic behaviour was assessed by the Hypersensitive
Narcissism Scale (HSNS).12 It is a five-point likert scale 1-Facebook addiction 15.85 4.16 0.58
ranging from "very uncharacteristic" to "very - 0.20* -0.18*
characteristic". Self-esteem was measured by the Self- 2-Narcissism 28.06 5.40 0.59
- 0.05
Esteem Scale (SES) which contains 10 items. The scale has
3-Self-steem 17.78 3.84 0.65
a 4-point response format (1= strongly agree; 4 = strongly -
disagree). Scores range from 10-40, with higher scores
*p<0.05. SD: Standard deviation.
indicating higher self-esteem.13
Data was analysed using SPSS 17. Pearson product Table-3: Simple Linear Regression Analysis showing the effect of Facebook Addiction
moment Correlation, Regression analysis and on prediction of Narcissism and Low Self-esteem among students (n =200).
independent sample t-test were applied.
Narcissism Self-Esteem
Results Variables ∆R2 F β ∆R2 F β
Of the 200 students in the study, 100(50%) each were
males and females, while 110(56.7%) belonged to Facebook Addiction 0.034 6.28* 0.202*** 0.026 4.945* -0.18***
extended families and 90(43.3%) lived in a nuclear family ***p < 0.001; *p< 0.01.

Table-4: Influence of Gender (n = 200).

Male (n = 100) Female (n = 100) 95% CI

Variables M SD M SD t(198) P LL UL Cohn's d

Facebook addiction 15.87 4.35 15.84 3.98 0.039 0.97 -1.32 1.37 0.51
Narcissism 28.41 5.64 27.71 5.16 0.800 0.43 -1.04 2.45 0.43
Self-esteem 17.76 3.59 17.79 4.10 0.042 0.96 -1.27 1.22
M: Mean
SD: Standard deviation
CI: Confidence Interval.

Vol. 65, No. 3, March 2015

262 S. Malik, M. Khan

effect on self-esteem (β=-0.18; p<0.001) (Table-3). Facebook can enhance 'social self-esteem'.14 Facebook
may provide opportunities to people with low self-
In terms of gender, the findings were non-significant for esteem which helps to improve their self-esteem.15 A
Facebook addiction (p>0.05), narcissism (p>0.05) and self- study concluded that teenagers were more willing to
esteem (p>0.05). compromise their health, social life and studies for the
Discussion sake of fun and entertainment or whatever satisfaction
they get after using Facebook.16 Although there are many
The study was designed to explore the relationship
benefits of SNSs, but addiction can ruin the future of
between Facebook addiction narcissism and self-esteem.
teenagers. Moreover, many psychological problems have
Correlation analysis was run to test the first two
also been reported due to SNS addiction.17 Participants
hypothesis and results revealed that a significant positive
with lower self-esteem had correlation with greater
relationship existed between Facebook addiction and
amount of time spent on Facebook. It is also believed that
narcissism. Results also supported the second hypothesis
Facebook use is motivated by the need of belongingness
and revealed that Facebook addiction was negatively
and the need of self-presentation.17 All these studies
correlated with self-esteem. However, results of the
support the results of the present study which argued
present study are not supported by literature for the third
that people with low self-esteem spend more time on
hypothesis showing gender as having no effect on the
Facebook and they have more chances to be addict of
studied variables.
social networking sites.
Our results are consistent with earlier studies suggesting The generalisability of findings of the current study is
that Facebook addiction and narcissism are positively limited because the sample was only limited to the
correlated. One study said people who are narcissistic use students of a single university, and, as such, was not
Facebook in a self-promoting way which can be identified representative of the general population. Facebook is
by others. A personality questionnaire was given to being used all over the world and across all
almost 130 Facebook users and the data was interpreted.3 demographics.1 Replication of this study with other
It found correlation between narcissism and Facebook groups and variables is important. Perhaps in other
addiction. Beautiful and self-promoting profile pictures cultures, narcissism expresses differently on Facebook
were used by people with narcissistic personality. addiction. Furthermore, socioeconomic status, education,
Results of the present study are also consistent with a and birth order of students were not taken into account.
recent study on the effect of two socially disruptive Future studies should include all such factors as well.
elements of narcissism (grandiose exhibitionism and Conclusion
entitlement exhibitionism) on specific pattern of
Significant relationship was found between Facebook
Facebook behaviours. With few exceptions, the results of
addiction and narcissistic behaviour among students. It
that study were consistent with its hypotheses. It was also was also found that Facebook addiction significantly
found that self-esteem was negatively related with the predicted narcissistic behaviour and low levels of self-
studied narcissistic behaviours.6 esteem. Students spending more time on Facebook
Another study showed that Facebook users were not actually have low level of self-esteem and to compensate
narcissistic.4 A survey was conducted on 233 college it, perhaps unconsciously, they show an even more
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Vol. 65, No. 3, March 2015

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