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United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,137,568

Durham et al. . (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 11, 1992
54 ORGANOKAOLIN PIGMENTS IN INK 3,996,179 12/1976 Haus et al. ............................ 106/22
FORMULATIONS 4,078,941 3/1978 Bundy et al. ........................ 106/487
d 4,106,949 8/1978 Malden ................................ 106/486
75 Inventors: David H. Durham, Macon, Ga.; 4,193,806 3/1980 Finlayson .............................. 106/22
Michael Pugliese, Edison, N.J. 4,197,222 4/1980 Wegman ..... ... 106/22
8 4,317,737 3/1982 Oswald et all ... 252/28
73) Assignee: J.M. Huber Corporation, Rumson, 4,365,030 12/1982 Oswald et al. ...................... 523/508
N.J. 4,412,018 10/1983 Finlayson et al. 106/287.25
4,434,075 2/1984 Mardis et al. ......................... 106/27
2) Appl. No.: 702,118 4,475,950 10/1984 ... 106/23
22 Filed: May 16, 1991 4,517,112 5/1985 a ... 06/27
4,623,398 1/1986 Goodman et al. .................. 106/468
4,631,091 12/1986 Goodman ............................ 106/468
Related U.S. Application Data 4,683,259 7/1987 . . 106/487
63 Continuation of Ser. No. 347,622, May 2, 1989, aban- 4,738,726 4/1988 106/487
doned. 4,743,305 5/1988 Doidge et al... ... 106/487
4,743,306 5/1988 Jepson et al. ... ... 106/468
5ll int. Cli........................................... CO2D 11/02 4,752,342 6/1988 Tatum et al. ........................ O6/468
52 U.S.C. ...................................... 106/20; 106/486; 4,767,466 8/1988 Neneh et al. ....................... 106/487
106/487; 106/468
58 Field of Search ................. 106/23, 486, 487,468; Primary Examiner-William R. Dixon, Jr.
501/148 Assistant Examiner-Helene Klemanski
s Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Harold H. Flanders; Alec H.
(56) References Cited Horn; Robert L. Price
1,755,616 5/1927 Vanderbilt .............................. 8/s23 (57) ABSTRACT
1,841,309 4/1930 Vanderbilt .............................. 8/523 Dispersibility of extender pigments in ink formulations
3,151,993 10/1964 Bundy ............ ... 106/20 is improved by using as the extender pigment, a quater
3,597,304 8/1971 Baldwin et al. ......................... 8/625
3,934,973 1/1976 Shultz et al. ............................ E; nary ammonium treated kaolin clay.
3,963,511 6/1976 Swift et al. ... 106/486
3,974, 25 8/1976 Oswald et al. ...................... 523/216 16 Clains, No Drawings
1. 2
ink formulation, the reaction product of a kaolin clay
ORGANOKAOLIN PIGMENTS IN INK and a quaternary ammonium compound.
FORMULATIONS The present invention also provides novel offset ink
formulations or letterpress ink formulations comprising
This application is a continuation of application Ser. 5 an organic solvent, an oil based ink, and 3-25 wt.% of
No. 07/347,622, filed May 2, 1989, now abandoned. the reaction product of a kaolin clay and a quaternary
TECHNICAL FIELD ammonium compound.
The present invention also provides a rotogravure ink
This invention relates to ink formulations and more formulation comprising toluene, an ink oil base, and
particularly relates to the incorporation into inks of 10 3-25% of the reaction product of a kaolin clay and a
kaolin clay quaternary amine reaction products as ex quaternary ammonium compound.
tender pigments which enhance the end use properties BEST MODE FOR CARRYING OUT THE
of printing inks. INVENTION
BACKGROUND ART 15 It has been discovered according to the present in
It is known to treat kaolin clays with quaternary vention that kaolin clays which have been treated with
amines to form quaternary clay gellants as shown, for quaternary amines produce organokaolin products
example, in U.S. Pat. No. 3,974,125. Such clay gellants which require less pulverization for a given degree of
are taught to be useful for incorporation into polyester dispersion in organic solvents or oils than competitive
as a pre-gel for the unsaturated polyester. Similar dis non-reacted clays. The organokaolin products are more
closures may be found in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,317,737 and compatible with organic solvents and oils than un
4,365,030. treated clays. Ease of use and end use properties are
It is also known to improve the dispersibility of smec enhanced due to greater compatibility in these systems.
tite clays by reaction of a smectite clay with a quater While it is known that hydrophilic smectites can be
nary ammonium compound These products are dis 25 converted to organophilic smectites by treatment with
closed as being useful as thixotropic agents in organic quaternary ammonium compounds, it is unexpected that
media such as lubricating greases, oil based drilling kaolin clays could be rendered more dispersible in ink
fluids, paints, varnishes, enamels and printing inks. formulations by treatment with quaternary ammonium
These disclosures may be found in U.S. Pat. Nos. compounds in accordance with the present invention.
4,743,305, 4,743,306, 4,623,398, 4,631,091, and The reaction products of kaolin clays and quaternary
4,683,259. The problem disclosed in these patents for ammonium compounds are organophilic. It has been
use of the smectite quaternary ammonium reaction discovered that when these products are incorporated
products is to overcome problems in dispersibility in an into organic solvents/oil based inks, an improved dis
organic medium whereby the surface of the clay is persion results yielding improved NPIRI grind values
rendered hydrophobic by the cation exchange reaction. with less shear. Thus these products show utility in inks
There is also a need in the art to improve the dispers involving organic solvents and oils. In addition, the
ibility of organic solvents/oil based inks and in particu reaction products require less energy per grinding due
lar to improve such dispersibility with less shear. The to the treatment, thus facilitating a more efficient pull
present invention therefore satisfies a number of needs verization. Less energy is required to disperse the clays
in the ink formulation art. in the inks and ink properties are improved. The clay
DISCLOSURE OF THE INVENTION transfer to lithographic fountain solutions as well as
fountain solution transfers to inks are substantially elim
It is accordingly one object of the present invention inated.
to provide a kaolin clay/quaternary amine reaction Letter press and offset color news ink are generally
product and methods for its incorporation into ink for formulated with various amounts of an extender pig
mulations. ment which is necessary to achieve the rheological
A further object of the invention is to provide print requirements of the process. Clays are often used for
ing inks in which dispersibility is improved by incorpo this purpose since they are low in cost and have the
ration of certain kaolin clay/quaternary amine reaction ability of decreasing the misting and slinging of the inks
products into the ink as extender pigments. when printed at high speeds. The amount of clay used in
A further object of the present invention is to in such applications varies from about 2-10 wit% for letter
prove the dispersibility of printing inks and improve press color inks and from 10-25 wt.% for web offset
ments in dispersibility of extender pigment organokao color inks.
lin products in organic solvents and oils. The incorporation of clay into the manufacture of
Other objects and advantages of the present invention 55 inks and the larger content of clay required in web
will become apparent as the description thereof pro offset inks cause two basic problems. First, the clay
ceeds. presents difficulty in dispersing itself in the ink if the ink
In satisfaction of the foregoing objects and advan is manufactured using high speed mixing without roller
tages, there is provided by this invention an ink compo milling. In fact, since the ink makers in the United States
sition comprising a dispersion of: use pigment flushes, no need for a costly roll mill opera
(a) an organic solvent; tion exists if the extender pigment can also be dispersed
(b) an oil based ink; and . by simple high speed mixing. However, clays have a
(c) an extender pigment comprising the reaction prod hydrophilic surface and consequently are very difficult
uct of a kaolin clay and a quaternary ammonium to be wetted and dispersed by hydrocarbon vehicles
compound. such as mineral oils and corresponding varnishes. In
The present invention also provides a method for addition, dispersions of conventional clays and hydro
improving the dispersion characteristics of organic sol carbon vehicles are not very stable on aging, and some
vent based inks which comprises incorporation into said agglomeration of clay particles occurs. The second
3 4.
problem occurs during printing of lithographic inks All of these quaternary ammonium reactants are con
(offset news inks) whereby the clay in the ink is leached mercially available and well known in the art.
by the fountain solution and slowly migrates in it. Evi The kaolin clay/quaternary ammonium reaction
dently, the hydrophilicity of the clays is such that the product is produced by initially forming a kaolin slurry
clay is extracted from the ink and goes into the water by mixing an acid dried clay in water at a solids content
together with traces of color pigments. This causes a of about 50-80 wit% in the presence of a conventional
bleeding problem and in addition, the presence of clay dispersant with good agitation in order to obtain good
in the fountain solution causes a variety of printability suspending qualities. A suspension of the quaternary
problems resulting in inadequate reproduction of col amine is then formed and added to the kaolin slurry and
OS. O the mixture is continued to be mixed for from 20 min
A primary object of the present invention is to pro utes to 1 hour. Water may be added as needed to pro
vide a pigment extender which can be easily wetted, vide good mixing. The amount of quaternary amine
dispersed and incorporated in color news inks with a added is a generally stoichiometric equivalent or up to
simple mixing operation without the need of roller mill 5 meg. in excess. The reaction temperature during this
ing or shot milling. The present invention also provides 15 mixing procedure may range from 30-70' C. After the
an extender pigment which is very effective in reducing mixing procedure is completed, the product which
misting and slinging of news inks when printed on high forms is filtered, rinsed with water and dried to a low
speed presses. The present invention further provides moisture content such as 1-2% moisture. The dried
an extender pigment produced from kaolin clay to be product may then be milled to reduce to fine particle
used in lithographic inks, which pigment is very effec Sae,
tive in increasing ink viscosity in order to adjust the The treated clay produced according to this process
rheological properties of the inks. The present invention is useful as an extender pigment in printing inks. In
also provides a pigment extender based on kaolin clay
for lithographic inks which wets very easily with the particular, the treated clay of this invention may be used
hydrocarbon vehicles and cannot be leached by the 25 in news inks of all types with advantageous results over
fountain solutions. current procedures. Thus, in letter press inks, the
The pigment extenders in the present invention are treated clay may be incorporated in amounts ranging
produced as reaction products of quaternary amines and from 2 wt.% to 10 wit% with excellent results. In offset
clays. Any suitable clay basic material may be used or lithographic inks, it is preferred that the amount of
including kaolin, bentonite, montnorillonite, synthetic treated clay present be in the range of about 3-25%.
layered silicates such as Laponites, hectorites, and in Inks of this type comprise an ink oil base, an organic
cluding clays which have high ion exchange capacities, solvent and the treated clay extender pigment of this
as well as analogous aluminosilicate compositions invention, together with the ink pigment.
which would be functionally equivalent. However, the The extender pigments of the invention may also be
preferred embodiment of the present invention is to use 35 used with rotogravure inks which are toluene based
good quality kaolin clays and particularly kaolinite. inks. Normally extender pigments such as untreated
The kaolin clay is reacted with or treated with qua clay will not disperse well in toluene. In the present
ternary amines to provide the extender pigment of the invention, however, the treated clay appears to make
present invention. Quaternary amines which may be the clay more dispersible in the toluene as it becomes
used include those generally represented by the formula dispersible much in the same manner as the solvent of
the ink.
It is theorized that the treated clay of the present
invention causes the clay to become more hydrophobic
and therefore more easily dispersible in the various ink
45 formulations.
The following examples are presented to illustrate the
invention but it is not to be considered as limited
thereto. In the examples and throughout the specifica
wherein the R groups are organic groups and M is an tion, parts are by weight unless otherwise indicated.
anion, most preferably a halide such as chloride or sul EXAMPLE 1.
fate. In the preferred compounds, however, R, R2, R3
and R4 are lower alkyl groups or aryl groups such as In this example, kaolinite clay was modified by treat
phenyl. Preferred compounds are those wherein at least ment with 3 milliequivalents of Arquad 2HT-75, a com
two of the R1,R2, R3 and R4 substituents are lower alkyl mercial quaternary ammonium reagent. This clay was
of 1 to 7 carbon atoms, preferably methyl, and the other 55 then used in the following examples for incorporation
two of said groups are longer chain alkyl radicals up to into ink.
20 carbon atoms. The alkyl groups may also contain EXAMPLE 2
hydroxy substituents. A preferred group of quaternary
ammonium reactants are those sold under the trade A process red web offset ink, Adlitho 72, was pre
name Arquad, such as Arquad 12-50, Arquad B-100, pared as follows:
and Arquad 2HT. It is also preferred that the quater 21 g of a lithol rubine flushed pigment, 25g of varnis
nary ammonium chemical compound be a water-soluble composed of 60%. Nevchem 140 hydrocarbon resin and
polyguaternary ammonium salt polymer which has a 40% of Magiesol 52 solvent, 18g of treated clay and 36
molecular weight ranging from 100 to 1 million. For g of a blend of mineral oils were added into a 200 cc
some systems, a polyquat polymer having a molecular 65 glass jar. The ingredients were mixed together for 20
weight range of 1000-3000 is preferred. For other sys minutes using a laboratory mixer. The resulting ink was
tems, a polyguat polymer of molecular weight 10,000 to tested on the NPIRI grindometer, and showed a scratch
100,000 or an average of about 50,000, was preferred. reading of zero, and a speckles reading of 4, thus indi
5 6
cating excellent dispersion. The ink viscosity, measured oil, organic solvent, and 2-10 wit% of quaternary an
on the Brookfield viscometer was found to be 180 poises monium treated kaolin clay.
at 25 C. This ink was tested on the Duke tester for 5. A composition according to claim 1 which is a
water pick-up using rycoline 4088 C alkaline fountain rotogravure composition which contains ink pigment,
solution at a pH of 10 and conductivity of 1200; the ink oil, toluene solvent, and quaternary ammonium
water pick-up was found to be 70% and the decanted treated kaolin clay.
water contained no traces of clay. 6. A composition according to claim 1 wherein the
A similar ink made with a conventional non-treated quaternary ammonium treated extenders kaolin clay
clay (Huber clay 80) under the same manufacturing pigment is prepared by the reaction of kaolin clay with
conditions required 22 g of clay. Its grindometer read O a quaternary ammonium compound of the formula:
ing was 5 for scratches and 18 for speckles. Its water
pick-up was 82% and the water decanted from the
Duke tester contained a considerable amount of clay
tinted by the red pigment.
A process yellow web offset ink, Adlitho 73, was
prepared by mixing 41 g of an AAA benzidine yellow
flush, 20g of the hydrocarbon varnish used in Example wherein R, R2, R3 and R4 are alkyl, hydroxyalkyl, or
2, 12 g of treated clay and 27g of a blend of mineral oils. aryl and M is an anion.
After 15 minutes of mixing with a laboratory mixer, the 7. A composition according to claim 6 wherein the
resulting ink had a Brookfield viscosity of 200 poises at reaction is carried out in an aqueous medium at a tem
25 C., a grindometer reading of zero scratches and 4 perature of 30' to 70° C.
speckles, and a Duke water pick-up of 92%. The water 8. A composition according to claim 6 wherein the
decanted from the Duke tester was very clear with no 25 kaolin clay is kaolinite.
traces of clay or of color. 9. A method for improving the dispersibility of the
components in an ink formulation which comprises
incorporation into said ink formulation of a quaternary
A process blue web offset news ink was prepared by ammonium treated kaolin clay as an extender pigment
mixing for 25 minutes with a laboratory mixer 24 g of a 30 in an amount of 3-25% by weight.
phthalocyanine blue flush, 17 g of a hydrocarbon var 10. A method according to claim 9 wherein the for
nish, 15 g of a treated clay, and 44 g of a blend of min mulation contains an ink pigment, an organic solvent, an
eral oils. The resulting ink had a grindometer reading of ink oil, and 3-25% by weight of said quaternary ammo
zero scratches and 6 speckles, a Brookfield viscosity of nium treated extender kaolin clay pigment.
175 poises at 25 C., and a Duke water pick-up of 65%. 35 11. A method according to claim 9 wherein said for
The alkaline fountain solution decanted from the Duke mulation is an offset ink which contains ink pigment, ink
tester was very clean and showed no presence of clay. oil, an organic solvent, and said quaternary ammonium
EXAMPLE 5 treated kaolin clay in an amount of 3-25% by weight.
12. A method according to claim 9 wherein said for
200 pounds of the ink of Example 2 were prepared in mulation is a letter press color ink which contains ink
the pilot plant using the same composition of Example 2 pigment, ink oil, organic solvent, and 2-10 wit% of
and by mixing for 30 minutes with Cowles dissolvers. quaternary ammonium treated kaolin clay.
The resulting ink reproduced exactly the physical, rhe 13. A method according to claim 9 wherein said for
ological and lithographic properties of the ink of Exam mulation is a rotogravure composition which contains
ple 2. The ink was then tested on a commercial press at 45 ink pigment, ink oil, toluene solvent, and quaternary
a speed of 45,000 IPH. It performed very well, and the ammonium treated kaolin clay.
test did not show any trace of clay in the fountain solu 14. A method according to claim 9 wherein the qua
tion after two hours of printing. ternary ammonium treated extenders kaolin clay pig
The invention has been described with reference to ment is prepared by the reaction of kaolin clay with a
certain preferred embodiments. However, as obvious quaternary ammonium compound of the formula:
variations thereon will become apparent to those skilled
in the art, the invention is not to be considered as limited
We claim:
1. An ink composition containing an ink pigment, an 55
organic base, an ink oil, and from 2-25 wt.% of a quater
nary ammonium treated extender kaolin clay pigment.
2. A composition according to claim 1 which con
tains from 3-25% by weight of said quaternary ammo wherein R, R2, R3 and R4 are alkyl, hydroxyalkyl, or
nium treated kaolin clay extender pigment. 60 aryl and M is an anion.
3. A composition according to claim 1 which is an 15. A method according to claim 14 wherein the
offset ink which contains ink pigment, ink oil, an or reaction is carried out in an aqueous medium at a tem
ganic solvent, and quaternary ammonium treated kaolin perature of 30' to 70' C.
clay in an amount of 3-25% by weight. 16. A method according to claim 9 wherein the kaolin
4. A composition according to claim 1 which is a 65 clay is kaolinite.
letter press color ink which contains ink pigment, ink

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