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AQA A Level Mathematics

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Mathematics for A-Level The Textbook Mathematics for A-Level ‘This gigantic CGP book is jam-packed with thousands of practice questions covering the new AS and A-Level Maths courses, “There ae also plenty of wosked examples along the way — very handy for reminding you about the key methods you'll need for each topiel The Textbook Contents Aout This Book 1 ‘Chapter 1 — Algebra 1 Poot 2 2 Ai egrets “ 3 Sine 5 Review Bere " ‘Chapter 2 — Quadraties and Cubies 1 Quadiate Equations 8 2: Quai Functions apd Root a 5 Giada Gaps 3 4 Focorsing Cubic 2 Chapter 3 — Inequalities and Simultaneous Equations "Inequalities 2» 2 Simultaneous Equations u Review Bere y Chapter 4 — Coordinate Geometry, Graphs and Circles 1 The Eqn of Straight ine ae 2 orale and Perpendilar ies a 5 Preporion 4 4.cune Setching % 5 Graph rasomations “ 6 Gis 2 Review Eercse a ‘Chapter 5 — The Binomial Expansion 1 Biomal apansins 9 Chapter 6 — Trigonometry 1 The Sine and Cosine les 6 2g dees e 3ctog raphe 0 2 Song rg Eqns B Review Bete 0 Chapter 7 '—Exponentials and Logarithms. 1. Expoentals a 2 Logan a 3G of Lopcthns a 1 Sohne Equations 2 5 Modeling Exponential Growth ane Decay 8 6 Using ogame Graph 3 Reve bareee 3 Chapter 8 — Differentiation |The Gadent of Cone % 2. Difeentatngy = ” 5: Seeand Order Deratves 101 4 Deraties snd Graph 101 5 Rea Le Probleme 08 Review Exacie " Chapter 9 — integration ‘indefinite integration 2. Dain negaton vinnie 19 ‘Chapter 10 — Vectors Vectors m1 2 Calling with ecto 13 3. Modeling wih Veco 19 Review Berens 1m Sons Chaptor 11 — Sampling, Data Presentation and Interpretation 1. Popuatons ad Sampling m4 2. Representing Daa Mi 5 Lotaton Mean Medion and Mode 147 5. Conlon and Regression te Review Ecc 166 Chapter 12 — Probability 1 lementay Probably 18 2 solving Probably Problems 170 5 tau of Probably i eviow Exe 175 Chapter 13 — Statistical Distributions 1 Prabal Dstbutons 2 Binomal Ditton 3.the tonal Comaive 4. Modeling eal Prblens Reve Eate Chapter 14 = Statistical Hypothesis Testing Hypothesis Tess 2: ype Teor a Binomial Dison eva Eerie 116 186 186 188 205 Chapter 15— Kinematics. {Motion Graphs 2. Constant AzaeratonEqustone 3. NawUnionm Acceleration Review Ecce Chapter 16 — Forces and Newton's Laws {Understanding Units 2. Mol in Mechanics 3 Fores 4 Newton Lav of Maton m m as ‘Chapter 17 — Algebra and Functions 1 Proof by Conraicion 2. Simpifing Expresions 5 Mappings and Functions 4 Compa unions Modis 2 rrerations of Che 1 Faat Faction| Review Exercise (Chapter 18 — Trigonometry 2 Ars ad Sect 2. Sal Angle Appeoximatons Scimerse tg Functions 5 leet rong Cone, Se ane Cot (6-The adstion formule 5: he Double Angle Formals 9, Modeling wits ig Funcons 26 bo 28 a 261 Fa m a5 Chapter 19 — Parametric Equations 1 Parametric Equations of Caves 2. Parametric ad Caen unions Review barca ae 209 ‘Chapter 20 — Sequences and Series Sequences 2. etme Sequences 3. Artnmete Sones, 4 Geomeie Sequences and Serta 5: Modeling Probie Review free ‘Chapter 21 ~The Binomial Expansion 2 ‘Menai gaon ral Expansion Aproxmation 5. Rol pron and ral ack Review Excise ‘Chapter 22 — Differentiation 2 1 ints of nfl 2 Chain ale 5 Diferentition of Insand 4. Dilretating ig Funcons 6 Quotere ule 2. More Dilfeeraton 1. Conese Rts of Change { Diteretition wh ramet uations 1. nice Dieentiton Chapter 23 — integration 2 {inepatn fac 2 inept ean Soe cr tiga sins ‘testo ot eepnione FE 5.ttegatng $F £ Ging iota eis ntpation 5 radby Ge Camping i orci nepaten 4 iaegaton by Sibenton Tolman ys {Wan gai tn 12. DierenalEqustions a a 293 iar 00 309 as ne he Be a0 ar ne Me ase Fy ser 166 Chaptor 24— Numerical Methods Chapter 28 — The Normal Distribution * tecton of os 269 TreNormal Dituon 39 Ete eb 3h Nama appeinaon 5: Sheng ters n torent Daron {Thee sapon Met 23 2.Ghening ain Onrbutons HD $Me napenomtale eh Sypeteene the ean a oplton 413 fevew Seca a fant barcue me ‘Chapter 25— Vectors 2 Seite 0 fevew ate 381 Chapter 20— Kinematies 2 1 Projectles 2° Non Unio Acceleration 2 Dinenslons as cree = char 35 Chat 30—Oamis en es et re ane: oa Se eee eee sere eee = Cage 31—Monares eee rene sere my Pereistts een Leena 2 sty fe Siti Tables 468 ten Be) Paes yoo? Gena my eon, Wil Carbon Pan Sno Ue Alton li analy Sign, ‘Slr ray Benoni ,ae Chom Micha Cae Cae, Map Digan ‘Xotr urcambe Ams Cay hn Caan, ep nen Dae ne ily Cee eo. Sect hn at yen Cn a oh Pos Raman aes ee nk 9 an, bt Sinn, Am Fac, (hu canat on Gat onfGlm ogee end With nip ana Range cance Pre ty nda Novae pn Ipanema cent cp aon 207 un cpio am CGP wa net ay ery = 0801712 718+ megs ok About This Book {steve Math cours covered by Cops 116 of hs bok FRA tee Mat courses aco by re whole ook. In this book yu fn, Gerepinaion ‘epic nlngal the oma Shamed rage. examples Peyote tp sortadesampis. —_| — ar Ft na Pe were tine kta sof oar dab Tine spn Tien pesoe Spon orto Tpke | Tie Stone ST ine usin avrg te ‘bole chp wih slr heb oft bok Moding ing unions mele ng thst ones re ie sans. rapes ane qesons that ele lng ae need wh sp Problem Sotving rable ong ames nd {questons arabs mated wists ‘hee esons nol ski ho ambi ier area mah. meeting tration ge > ‘Gon hat ng tl oe Chapter 1 — Algebra ‘This chapter wil cover some of the has algebra skis that youl ne throughout the course — 50 make sre youre completely comfortable with everything hore. The good news s you shuld bave seen aa oft betes Simple proofs — odd and even numbers Those are the Proper defntions for odd and even numbers ‘Any even naib canbe wrlten a 2a, whew ar an niger ‘ty ed ue can be writen 528+ 1, where Disa integer Tp: Remon, neges ae jist woe numba The an be poi, negative of Inthe proofs low, 2)+ 1 and 24 +1 represent any two odd numbers, a2 and 2m repent ay too evn sumer hore and mat ines) (ESRB) © Prove that thes, of to even numbers i even. 21+ 2m 2+) = evn, seen seven = even 1) Prove that the sm ofan odd number anda even umber Bye Ds ana 42161 =2y4ns od, 1 = ode so odd + even = odd ©) Prove thatthe product of wo oil number odd. y+ Dee a ks 242k Proof by deduction ike] +81 =o ad od od ‘A proof by deductions when you use own fat to bill vp your argument tnt hows tement must bebe. urber that canbe writen a a quotient of two (EGER) A tina nate tegers, where the denominators now zero” Use tho prove that ne Product of tw atonal numbers always ational number + xpress wo rational umber iting the dfn given he question + al thie prot, 1+ prand qs arth products of ges, $0 are also integers. gard are om-fr0, so ssa nz. HB coert0r 1 Agetra Toke any 0 rational numbers, «ad Thena=F and b= Z where pqronds ae Integers ag ands ae non2e web xtake, ‘sa quotient of wo integers and has 2 hon zte denominator, oy dtm, ab Ftonl: Hence the orginal tatement re Proof by exhaustion 'n gro by exhaustion you teak things dow nt wo o more cases, You have o make sure that your ces cover al possible situations, then prove separately ha the sateen is bue foreach ase. Prove the following statement "for any integers the value of) = +24 1 an od integer” Te prove the sateen spite sivaton io tw cases: A rleaneveninigger and i +8 an od iter Ui) His an even intges thn it canbe writen a = 2, for some intge Subttte e = inothe funtion Aa) =(Qn © 2n-e 1 = Qe? +20 1 2140+) ss an integer (4 +9) isaniotger 29? non even reper 3280 $n) Tis an edger ofa) when xs even (i) Wrtam ol integer then tan be writen a= 2m + 1, or some integer Subst x= 2m 1 it the function Ram +1) =m 1h 20 Tt ae Tame 6 1) + 2041-41 Laie 1+ #3 2h + 4A 1) 41 ‘mean integer — lm + G+ +1) an integer Dan? G+ or 1 an even nage 5 2d $m} 1) + Tsao ger Sof isd when xis ok (Example So so when x even and when iso. Asay intager x must be site od orev, you have deere shen hat i so fo anger The taterent re Disproof by counter-example Disproot by counterexample she easis ay show 2 mathematical sateen is fae Allyouhave todo find one case here the sltement does hal Diaprove the following statement “Shor amy pair of integers dy, i>, then! > 4" + To disprovethesaement find justone example of x andy where x> » buLe +4 Lets= 2 andy =—4, then? > -4-91>5. Bu reed! «2-Gandyoyn(a} r(A)= 12,90 stray + + Sohn. 2 adly =-4, the it pt othe taterent hold, but the econ at dest ‘othe statement isnot roe chapter Agata END Ex a @ a on 9 % o oe cercise 1.4 2) Prose thatthe sum of wo odd numbers is even 1) rove hat the produc of wo even number i ue, Prove that the peoduct fan add number and an even numbers even By lining. counterexample, cspove the statement: “Mp is2 non-zero inte, than Prove tat, for any igor (r+ 5P+ Ste 1? inalays vibe by four ‘Prove by exhaustion hat the product of any thee consecthe neg is ven Dispeove the following statement “<= 1 isa pine number for any integer n> 2° Disprone te following: VATEF nD oy Seictic gy Dg ig Woe'=H072 2007? , alesegesce 4 Bers’ y dea 0 EAR EOE 9 Mal geeee gw ae Een ‘The lnws of nices ae ast of impels fr manipulating expresons roving ines pow) ra axerom © ler aas ae a ana onde Paver (ESSERBIE) simpy the fotowing: 2 ot (ost aterna® 98 5) = Chapter Ageta A (Eee) ves EAE sy, wher isan ieee THisone ols ily compicated, — HPRITY phage irra butts eis oy tp wr Exercise 3.4 1 Simply fe lowing faving our anwer as power: a) 10x 10" bi ytxyay ostxsixst a Ose ose 1g oF @ ae oe vey net wo < A wt a m Se (abt oe p(n! folate: Barat » 232 ott aaron 9 wiser! 9 abexgae ae way hexane pes the following as negative or Faction powers or both at oG@ oF oF 2 alah Evaluate; a) ot bat aa a ort 2 wt p= gt ite the folowing expressions in tems fg war arte are oe , De wap a pea ap 1% oot Fin the vale of for ocho the fling ree Nee ere @ a need evea 8 700 ~ 0.001 EB chapter + Algebra The laws of surds Nurnbes ike (that can only be writen exactly using root ae called sur. Surds ar iationl “There are four rues youl ned 1o know tbe able ous urs propel: Yab= ale fFaA aaah =Java— Wa+B\sa-W b ‘Simplising sods usally means making the number inthe V~sign smaller or geting id oa fraction inside the yan by Find (2/5 +3¥6) (2/5 + 3¥6Y' =(2V5 +3 V8)2v5 +36), = (2¥57 +(2x(2V5) *(3¥6)) +(3V8F PSs sooO) esssewErovia(soen SS oose Te ahem 3th ©) Express (55 in the Form k's where Rand. are integer. Try towre both numbers ase number x. (GT—YIB = OXF VAR Heese. = Bree Brain Exercise At Qt Sty foe te a8 de of a ol WE ove wi (22 value the felowing. Give your answer as ether a whole number oa sed aE bo) WP @ 22x38 @ (20 DOxE pg WRT meus a AOx yp GPx Ze 3. presse follonng inthe form 4, wre ada tegen andi a nals posbie 2) 20-5 by ¥52=¥8 OTs 6 28-2 ©) 340 +256 8 VDF + 2/8 5/108 4 Expand the following expressions. Give your answers inthe simplet orm. ay (1 42x24) bG+4y302-9) (iT 1247-2) 1 (9-245\9+2¥5) 0) 342 9 GS-47 QS Tangle ABC rghtangled wih angle ABC = 90". Side AC has length 5V7 cm ad side AB has length /2 cn. Find eng side OC inthe form 3 em where Kis an Ieget Chepter 1 Algebra ME Rationalising the denominator ‘Rationlsng the denominator moans removing sur rom the denominator of faction, “ado this, :nuliplyfop and bottom ofthe faction by an expression hat wil et id of suds nthe denominator. the denominators ofthe form a+, muliply by a1 og ifthe re (EERE) 9 sow na Tass yaligiee eBay ancl tn op nd etn mint 28 GIG LBOD atone be dinar 2288, 2B 1 2G BE SEOs 75+ 315-5 stp pant 3-8 PESTS BL sud cancel ach ther ost Lay —5 ow 9-5 Now cane 4 fo ech er. — 5A. gg a Exercise 4.2 QI Simply the ollowing, giving your anwers inthe form py, whee p and gate integers 1 30 M412 PEL of 92 oo amek of 1 Ben 22 Bp the following inthe frm a+ BYE, where a, band Kare integer 5 _xprssthe folonng inte or p+aVF whee an ine nd nd nee actions: a Ft » $e oe ee {24 tapres the flowing in the form V9), where andy are Integers and isan integer ction, 4 4 2 B. FE oe ome 4 aie (05 _ Solve the equation 8= (5-1), gvng your answer inthe form ob whee and ba ntges. 6 Soe 5+¥7-=(3-V7Iy. Give yur answer inthe form 7+ 0/7, where p and 9 ae inte. OF Amnfea onl Den aang 0 or is SER NE TR ES MET chacter1 Alastra a a @ qr qu LWA est ed Prove tht when anol numbers subacted fom an even numer the result savays od Prove tat the diference beeen any two rational numbers als ational number, Disprowe the flowing statement "When one atonal numbers vided by another ational numb, the sult is ays ational Remove the brackets and simplify the flowing expressions: 2) e+ bKe—0) b+ PVa+ 8) ©) 357+ 25,57 +701 1007" (e394 20E4y+T) ele Zdle—ARU—3e) 62H + 20? The length ofthe longs ede of cuboid. shaped ho i-cem, ‘he shrteat side of the box TO cm shorter than the longest ie, fd the the side fc shorter han te longest side Findan expression fr te ttl volume a 5 ofthese bows, in tes of. "our final anmwer sould eomtain no brakes Fully fara ech fhe following oxprestions: 2) Rysay stg barra ©) Noy Oo Soe 8 2a Glut SEF 9) Pe S0H AS AS Hee Write each fhe olowing expressions 2 a product factors Secbiele ge asec A lei ere scm ena OER eh ore siya ' » : 7 Fete 9 hee 1S Peet ok esapeen tg hon pcan som Resets Shc ee “The area of the flower bed is m a Lawn Show tht y canbe expres as" 20-15) oath Powe Chapt Agobra a a2 8 ou ais as qv ae ae Simp ae bee o% ed Soren! 0 oe Simi: aes bi pr ents Wr te) aes 0 tes Work ute otowig anist bat ast ae oat oy Simply: a wo VE owe ae Simply he lloning expressions by wating them inthe fxm, where Cand rare integer nd 2 eal 3 pore. 2) fa by 35 5 os a a ©) 4/150 + /58—V5 0 edgy ers er tbe ae Pace ia hinenemeestaas Mnietanesrattims ennrssioeminronnes Show at a faa wo Bee Find (6,5 +2479. Aston te denonintara =2 Wet the flowing inthe form p tq, where ris an neg, andp and gare Integers or fractions nv nag 355 as © 9 Ye0-¥20 chapter Algebra Chapter 2 — Quadratics and Cubics {Quadiatc equation are one with an tm and no higher power of. Cubic equations hve an tem (and no higher powers of In this captor youl sce how o lactose both types of quo. CTE tees Factorising a quadratic Quadeatic equations 26 equations of the goneal orm ax + he +€= 0, wher a, bande are consans (Le nurbes) and a0 eae Solve x? 8 = 2 by factoring. Restrange into stand a+ be += fom, 2. Write dow theta brackets with x in me) 2 Fd te umber that stp together eal © 2 and 4 mutiply ope @ and but whieh ao add or suas age ‘add /subtacta ge Sand 2. 4 nd the signs —e is nga 50 the signs ment be oppo. 2 ~ 2x B= fe 2H) 5. Thefactors muliply Wo gle, so one ofthe mutbeO. x42" 0 oF x-840 Sesto (Ee) tore se + 4x18, 1. Asbelee, wit down wo brackets — but ow Be ede-158 0 oe) ‘ournced wo things that will mali 0 give 3 2. Find two numbers that mip agethertomake 1S SNe 3) = Sand x Tut shih val hve you e when you maliply thom which then acl or ubract sands, and then allure her To ge Mande 3. Find hesgns —cis negative, so the ns mat be opposite. 384 Ae 15 = (e=5)6+3) “ip orsome gunn you might need yew posite pats of als blr youl he ih oe Exercise 1.1 91 Factorise he felowing xpresions Bebe e318 Qeemer @ eau Spots wasted ge TIaT fh P38 +66 2 Factoie the fllowing expen aaPeden 3 ODE eae TT M16) a4 36 Gers Den? pad owegeie CChoplor2 Quacrates and bios 3 Solve the flowing equations asa 820 ©) 421p 430-0 Oi s4—0 @) ey aes #2 1100r+ 100000 -0 fy Bea 24 Sole the following emutions a) 58-2200 150 by 326+ 600413-=0 © Ses ita=9 Oars mer i520 3 4g 6=ltg 1 2497+ 257-1220 QS Solve (r= Ne=2) 237 = Q5 fa) =-2 +7430. Find the coordinate ofthe point ‘or pons a which th raph i) mews the asi, 2-28» 138-20, where isthe ine a hour kom the at of he experiment. Find both vasa wich the temperatures °C 28 Factorie + 69+ 8 7 nascientic experiment, the temperate, °C, s mole bythe equation 8 ‘The quadratic formuta “ou can ind the slations of quadratic equation, even wont factors, wih he quadraefomula. ~bs/b tae O then: x ==b=/F= dae Wax + be + Soe th qu gun 22 +3, ening oe anor int or (EBS) PE ey eand rae ha nme often 3 Siac @ seh eset. -tehvio exercise 1.2 Soh te follovng equations sing the qua ome, Sonera eet Erdos erat Daewea eam tao decir pepe bao enr-deeo a sites 22) Mitipy ou e=2 + V2) 8) the te onion 01 =O uig the quad forula © How dow your rower to rate he epson ver nt Q3__ The roots of the equation x + 8 + 13 = 0 can be written ie the form x= A t¥B- hereon Bango Fn and Qt Sohe th loving ear phng or sone dla here nce, aterehao Drader gy 0 25000 Scat tow-3 dauneto = Oneowe ome? Chapter 2 Quadratics and Cubies Completing the square Completing the square just means witing2 quadratic expression +b + ein the fem ‘atx + something) + Te someting chow ute sua) eu compe Ry ang runt Mprebectnear ant waTtme ibaa cba To: The sting ie aba. When 1 the omen jt — Le al cnc t's (EERE) sone e+ 6e+3= 0by competing he square. 1. Wie down the square =1 soe something = $3, 4 3F 2. Mui ot the spe. faarereeere 2. Thecomionttemhastobe soba fomthesgum, a 46r4 3 =e4 P= 6 4. Stthis equal ze andvearangetofinds. +3620 = x43 =ay6 a xe3av6 Exercise 1.3, (21 Sovethe flowing equations leaving your answer insur for where appropriate: auewers b ensP=9 Oe sped) Get 232 (22 Rewrite the folowing expressions in the form = p+ 4 ae+erss bye +ar—10 O 8-310 #200415 oes? 9 8507 DP lane hh #e6mas 93 Solethealovng eaten by competing be sua: ae 66-1 by ete QP-ae5=0 |g) F424 oe 8p 0p a renee, hy eoaesk=0 es. abitmore complicated in cases where eis not. You hve to put aubde ofthe squved bracket, fda forth when choosing the number ogo inde the racket —asclly by viding bya (ESSERE) newrite 20+ 34-5 by complet 1 Thesqueile ofthe fay 2+ someting > estes someting ee =zey-. 2+) 2. Muhpy at esque feed} =20-a00§ * Toston canoe woe Bs ‘Grapes 2 Quedratcs and Cubes EE == Salve 3 ~ r=? Dy competing the quar. The quate wil Be of thee seth 1,50 thesomthing’ so = 345 2. Mulply out the square 2. The constant tem has tobe 3, so al 7 tthe square, 44 Set this equa to zero and rearrange. “e247 a0 oda? sient canes Ot Pertierra eee sess Gaeeme dt Sale falas) patlaess | Naewes G2. See eflng oto onling be: Daeteraee Wateieele Ne Be-tare9=0 @ 2e-t2-$400 ose +1021 Qaeeiee2-0 paeete dW se aed ©} bycometngesqur shy hte tas ase =0 Quadratics involving functions of x “An esution might invlve diferent power of, or functions liksnx are Howeve a longa in ‘theform aGomething + Hsomething + , you can use substitution our itm a nermal acre Solve the equation s}+20! 00. 1. Uew=si nce (Fs! yomkeapaiatcinn, — w+30-400 2. Now soe the ada 4 044-5)=0 = w=-8 runs 24, Ste back ito the equation and sale os: Exercise 1.5 Qt Find an expression fora in eso that allows you to wrt each equation below in the fom av +bu re=0. You donot need to solve the suing equations. 2204 -7=0 Bele -6=8 ch S45 = el Deoexe I Score 02 Sobe the equation zartay taaly = 10. 8 MEER chapter 2 Quacratie and Cubes Pare eed The roots of a quadratic function The root of quad function ace the values wher the anton ql 1 er ier the graph eones the asi rissa shaped pooh. | Misa ine Pda wee ie Tiss an shaped gaph- Allqatatics with negative 1 coefcet are ike ie. The completed square, = p+ g + ells you lots about the function + fp positive, the graph wil be wshaped ad have 2 minimum, {Up sega the graph willbe aap und aves eke. “The minimum or mani s(-4,?)—s0 theres alin of symmetry at =, ip and have different igs, the function has two real oo. |r = thor te funcion has oneal oot. The graph would jus tou thea at hero Np andr have the sme sg, he function bas moa os, The graph would tuchthe ax Tips nse asf maths you can seul ke th square roo cf negate rubra imaginary ot empl hans ou wor edo do hat a Bis couse bat ay You he oso a oak (ESSE) tow many real wots does the quadratic faction fe) = + 4+ 7 have Wie inthe Form fx) = pe +g? rbycompletingthe square, ele Ge +2843 (p= 1 and r= 3 ae the same sign, so the function has no real oot Exercise 2.4 1 How many real rots dos each quack function have LEARN G2 xpress 0+ +10 the frm i= + 9+ where gad ae potive or ngative constants Using your aoe, sa whether Bas any real, Sede te eptioe of ty haf sinty othe gph of aye 23 The funtion fa) 2-76 can be expressed in the form Copier? Cuscratcs ons cubics EB ‘oes ths function have any real os Explain your nse, Using the discriminant The B= ac pt ofthe quaiatc formulas called the seriminant + sf dscrimiaatis positive, the formula wil give you two diferent vals fo + ses 2, youl only getone value for, since adding and subeacting or ges the samevalue + sf negative, you don gt ay (real values for (ESEGIS) fia iin of 1520 How many ral roots des the function fl) = 15 ~~ 2 havet Putas -2,=-1 ade 15 ft the krmula forthe dsrninan Ba age CI (doe-2e 15) 1+ 120= IT ‘The cciminant > 0, 20 15 —1-2s has two ditnc real oo Find the range of vals of for which the faction ExarOPls) fg) a tet Be + thas no real rots. fna=3,6=2.nde=Aimothefomiaforihedhaiminat, P= Aor = 8403 x8 Norools means —4uc< 0. 412k 0 => 412k > kod Exercise 22 Qt Tindthe dctnnan and hence th ruber el ot fr ach a he ling: aiteareis— Bre2Ired Ore NG) a ae Ne-k esta) Hea puree — whe 2 Thesdscriminant ofthe equation 154+ Fal pose values ob. 1s 168, whore isan inager 8 TheequionO a+ 75+ fas one rea oo. Find Qt Findthe ang of hs op for wich! = 12427 «p= Dh wo dst os Fish ange les ofr wich 102-10 + $ =O as wo dnt el ot 6 Theequton 2+ (p+ t-+5 «Ohana ot. Show at pails 5p 11-38. 7 Theegavons +h 53+ A =O, const hs nel 08 2 Sow tha sti 104425 <0. Fd henge pos voles of evan tvct beens (-f) fir Gove svonerelroa?—b)novealoos?—o two din real ot? HEEB cepte:2 cusdrates end cies EE TeeUee ‘Sketching a quadratic graph cy ak Intention pints —to find the lntercept, let x= 0 and calculate the vale of» to fed he intercepts, y= 0 a salve te equation Phot Omar t+. nd the ale values of (EGER) Sete wa athe uta nt a Ae Including any points of intersection with the 2s. 1. Decide an the shape othe graph, The coefciont of i posite, sorte graph is shaped 2. Find the sinercep = 0 0) =0F-40)+3 3, find the winercepis =O), Ae 32d 3-1) Sed ort 4 Skteh the graph Exercise 3.1 (Q1 Sketch the following gaphs on the same se of ne, ndeating the iteceps ofeach, byee-9 Q2 2) Focorse the expeeson fo) = — 104 +3. 1b Use your answer toa sketch the gaph of, showing the points where it rssesbush axes. © Shah the raph off) on he sare axes, (Q3 Sketch the following graphs showing ary intersections with he axes ayn 2001 byyereeat Q ye2e ese? ay=e 00418 ayaa yed—5e—1 (Q¢ 8) Whatare the rots ofthe quadate union q town in the gaph on the ight 1 The quadratic ean be writen nthe frm yeas prs g whore p and 4 ar iegers (Use yur are to par a0 find p and CChoplor2 Cuacrats andcuics EB ‘oul sometimes noe to find te vertex pont ofthe graph — Le. the minimum or maximum point 1 Agaph with an equation ofthe form y= ple gP + ras vertex at 130, he raph iswshaped othe vertex a minimum. + fp-<0, he pop ie mahaped othe vert i maxim, “pth ction hs no ea ous, ou have ad the corte othe vertex pi tobe bet hh he pap Sch the gaph of =f), where fe) = 3 6=7, showing the vertex pola and any intersection pons with he axes. 1. Decide onthe shape ne graph. ‘The coefcien of is postive so its .Ushped graph witha minimum, 2 Complete square to findthe vetex fe) =38°— 6-7 =36e— 1-10 50 the minimum ist, 10) y= 80) = HOP ~ 60)-7 =-7 4 Fi the pierce = 36-740 a ent 10 sur 4 Fil the intercept a retr Bor ve 5. Sl ipo inl ntti feauaunans ee —_— Exercise 3.2 a a @ Setch the following quarts, showing: (the valu ofthe inrcept. (i the values of at which the gap itenecs the axin— iit does Gin he coordinates ofthe vex BysPe2t1 DiyeP-Te415 dyezeede-9 yee ste-7 The gph one ih shows he quate y= 2) fa canbe writen nthe fo = eg where gar / elnepn Un the pa findihe vas ean © apy esac, nd onthe sre ss, tthe incon =o : ow many eal ots oes each ancion het 2) Compl the square of the expression = 6+ 5. 1b Use pata to solve the equation ~ 6 + 5 =0. Draw a graph ofy=~ Gr +5 showing any inersctons with the anes and making the vertex. HBB crspier2 Qunceatics and Cubios you already fund tha there ae ne or two teal 005, you can work outhe vertex kei + tthe function has two distinct ros, use the symmetry of qudtaticgrphs—wark ou the valve halfiay between the bo 0 and pti fhe uncon tod the coresponding ale, + fhe function has ane rot — the vertex ialays at the aot ‘Arches launched from the ground. ts heght, nf modelled by (Esa) Segoe 5 we ite tensa ‘ketch a graph ta show the rocket’ ight and hence find its ‘maximum height above the ground and he toll duration of is ight. 1. Decide onthe shape ofthe yaph, Te cofcen of i negative, so he graph isrshape 2. Find the hintrept = 0) 3 f= 300)- 5109 0 io 3. Fi the eco 0. 30-52 = st6-9=0 aio or 4. Sketch the graph 5, The maximum height ofthe cht the value at the musimum pt tuhich i hallvay between O and 09 ‘The maxim points a1=3, ‘ves = 303) 5B) = $045 = 45 m, Exercise 3.3 Qt Sketch the graph ofy =f), where = 6+ 3, ‘oning the coordinates of the vertex and ay intascton pons with he axes, Q2_Stechthe raph of y= gi, wher gla = 20 —15, ‘toning the coordinates ofthe vetx and any nesction pois with he axes, ae eer peace ee eee ‘emp dence lec cane es See eee caer need pines 8 ere oe Chapter? Quadrates anacubics GEE Se ee Deedee es mettre ate Se cence gy Cnr Factorising a cubic (when xs a factor) Fora cubic ofthe form a+ +c, take out as your first factor as flows ax! + br + cx =x(ax' + br + 0) ‘Then you can just dea with the quae imside the brackets tai any ote actors sons ERISBICS] | sofve the following cubic equations 5 2) P-2e-24e=0 Takeout 96 factor and then actors the quad Solve the equation inthe usial vay 4e-aeexe0 Te ota factor bm ota yp Use the quacaic fama to salve the quartic, == So he rolatons are x= 0, fof antes} Exercise 4.1 acs the following cbc xeon: arse be WP e6P—Te ORISA Tee Ie 64? oe § s2e—3Se gee Ner Haase 0 Paes D deeisteae ae-n eg) abate oar m6 ee Pate panty 2 So the flowing cubic equations 8420424040 by ae eaie=0 ©) 2 og Ae 20 30426290 oeedege 8 e-FeePeno p3-AF Are Wy deat D See —ar=0 Deve sias Wa ae ae baeeuce (EBB cropter 2 Quecratics and Cubies ‘The Remainder Theorem Fors polyaomil i, the Remainder Theorem 53s: ‘When you divide fix) by (xa), the remainder is f(a). When you dvi by ar 8), the remainder is((2). Find the remainder when you divide 22 Se°—S47 bythe following polynomials, ar the remainder i 2) fa) =@8)-04)-6x2)4725 bow e=2andb=1 sotheremainderie(}). Ch) =2()-3(4)-3(5)+7=5 Exercise 4.2 Qi Urethe Remainder Theorem to work ut he remainder in each of the allowing dss: 2) 20 = 36352 + 20 dvded by (r— 1) by a= 32 + 2eaided by +1) ©) Ge #x°= 52 died by + 1) ) +20 74=2 dvd by #3) 0) 4 — 61216 dvied by Dr + 1) 1) 2-32 6e+ Bdiided by 20-1) (Q2 Find the reminder when fi) =a! — 3+ 728125 +14 ddd by alas? by ares ar3 2-6 (23 Find the einer when fi) = 243° + Ae Se 7 is died by: a3 by teed at 3-2 4 Theremainder whan 2 +e 17x 10s vided by + 3) 6-16 Use the Remainder Theorem ond the vale of QS. Theremainder when 2+ px? 10x 191s died by +215 [Use the Remainder Theorem nd the vale of. 5 When d+ de +1 isda by (+2 the remainder is-25. [Use the Remainder Theorem to ind the vale of 7 Whens! 20+ 72-+ kicvded by c+ 1the remainder it-B Find he ale of QA fa) =: 304 pe 5, the remainder when fds by 1s the same athe remainder hen fs) vied by +1. Use the Remainder Theoret find the value ofp @ fa)=2 + 50+ ge+ 156. Th remainder when fis vied by 2) the same as ‘remainder hen fi) dived by +I. Use the Remainder Theoret find te value fg CChopler2 Quosraics an Subies EEN The Factor Theorem Ifyou gta remainder of zero when you divi i) by 2), then fea) mat aftr of. ‘This the Factor Theorem fla) isa polynomial, and (a) = 0, then &— a) is a factor of fix). ‘his ao means that f(4) =0 lar) factor of (ETE) stow tat e+ alc oie) 2 20-304 Ae Nafetha21+1=0 when =~}. So pig iva on CACHE aes) o9-0 The Factor Theorem sy tat (x44) aactr—so fe) (2041) ako fat Ifthe coeiclens ina polynomial adel up 00, hen (1) sa fat. (ESSER) actors the polynomial fe) = 670-61. 1. Ghecko sev he coeicents acd up to, 64-7 + so le) isaac, 2. Thon just facts ike any quad.) 6874 T= Ge De 43 QI Usethe Factor Theorem a show that 2) Nisaacorofe— e+ 3 8) (e+ Di auctor of 22 43062 )4e+2) isalactorof 2+ 30° 100-24 8) G-Diisafacorofs? + 20818 2 Usethe Factor Theorem o show hat 2) 2x Nis afacor of 22-2 = Be +4 1) Gr-2)isafecor of 3e'—Se- 168+ 12 O1Gr+ NisafecorofSe'—44e+ 6te+14 (1 -2esalacor of 20 +3044 Ne—6 Q3 2) Usethe Factor Theorem to show tha (r-3) ea factor 2288 Sr 6, by Shows by adr he coeicion, that x= 1) aoa factor ofthis cic Qa) 30 —se8—s8e+ 4. Use the Facts Theoret show that the following ae factors ff: ies by Ge ous) QS Thepolyomil fs) = +e + de—2 has factors fe 1) and 2), Using Facto Thar, he vale of ead EZR chopter 2 Quadratics and Cubies Factorising a cubic (when x isn’t a factor) can use the flowing had ofc cubic when x factor: * Ure the Factor Theorem and a ito ral and ero to fnd one othe lacoste cable + Use yourfactor oid a quadratic that ges the bie when multiplied your ate + Fatoise the qudtatic youve found —ithat’s possible Ice + Se 1. Usethe Fctr Theorem ta finda factor The coeficint add upto 1 + 64+ 5=12 «0 Solr I isafactor, 22. Work ou her hat ges. when mule by ame nthe term tat gives “12 when mul by = Wome +1 2. Putin nr athe. cout and equate coeficents fae Wat # #12) ie. Fom mulphing the backend Ge fom thecubic. m3" = GE mines 44. Facorise the quadatic, 260 r= 12 == Di 67412) See ne sae Exercise 4.4 1 Factors the ellowing ae-3e+2e by 2ee3e te 6 PEST OP -3E TIS P2848 ee ees 2 tei=e sees 3) Write asthe produto inst actor and aquatic coe. 1b Find the solutions of i) =O. ive your answers in sud form where appropri, Find the roots ofthe cubic \quaton 2-2? = 35 +3 =0. Find the roots ofthe cubic equaton 23-42 =0. i) = 6043764 56. Use the fc that (3 1 one facto of) ll factors 1) =? pe + 17r—10, where fr) a aco off 2) Find the vale ofp. by Factriset. © Find ll the solutions tof = Rae 7 actriz he following ebics: 384287042 by Seta sarod 24-7093) (28 Show tht =2 ithe only real ot ofthe cubic equation 2-2-8 = 0, Chepter2 Quasrates and ties EER Algebraic division ‘Once you've found ane linear factor of cubic, you can use algebraic long dvsion fad the quartic facto. This uses the same method that yout use or numbers. Tip ecb hs ary ming ems youl nee ain 3 wr inthe cont placa wth comic, 5-2 actor ofthe abi) = 20 = Se—6, Use algae log sion (Seer) Tete poe fina acorn une act 1. Start by ving the st erin the cubic (22 | inte int tem of the divisor 20» 20° 2a a We thie amor above the cube aja FO Mulpy the dior 2) by this awe 2 pana tog2e— ater wrath inde ae ‘firs two terms of the cubic. | Subleact 23° = 4s or he main exprension togattee. | Bing ow ir ato igs | aoe btereianeee | Rept hs rcs you ae a wth ces ide by sto ge ‘he remainder of 0 meas hat the divisor is eter iis wont always be the cas. Soa) = 208 + 4+ 3) Exercise 4.5, 1 Usealgabaic long division and he gen acoso fly ators the following cube expressions: a)3°= 2? = 15+ 36, ctor: e-3) by P38 M10, factor +21 120 + 1 28r— 14, face fe=2) P4102 + 3+ 3, fcr + 5) 2 Writes! =e 443¢the product ofa linear factor and a quod factor using lng division, 32 Using algebraic ang division fad the remainder when you divide x)= 22-20 + r= by +3. 1 Use the Remainder Theorem to show that your answer pat a score. QE fad2e 4287-2. Use agai long vision express inthe form fe— 2g, where hs quad 05. fx)? 7r—6 and 2) =0. Usealgebae long division oid al the solutions of = 0 6 Wiles? +812 05 the product of linear factor and a quad factor sing lang dvs y snap one nbn Rr et ie 1b) Hence find the solutions to f= 13 =0. MEER chaoier2 uadeatcs and Cubes Review Exercise — Chapter 2 co @ 3 9 @ Qo Factrite he following expesins aarezed bye 136+30 oe-4 a3e2e 0) Te Sete 6 Solve the following equations: a)8-3e42-0 bwsen2-0 og 2+ee=0 atest B15 Made 9 eT Wd DOE Te 9—I eed hy A-B =O a toe Solve thse quadratic equations, leaving your answers in sud form where necessary a)3e-7e+3=0 ) 2 6r-2=0 ears 612 23) Rewrite the exresion + 6x +7 inthe form + m+, 1b Hence solve the equation 2x +1? + 62+ 1) +7 = 0. Leave your answer in sf, Se {the quadratic equation = + ke +4 = Oar to sin el 0 what are the pose ales of Find ll for solutions tothe equation — 178+ 1 Rewrite these quadeatcs by completing he square. Then stat tele maximum o min vale andthe valve fx where this occurs. Ao, say and where th gaphs cos the rx alae ay—3 bieesess 3-3-2 28 tee 6) 42604 48 1) 140 Iara How many coos do these quate equations navel Sec the graph ofeach quadratic unton. aat-2e-3=0 bat 6re9e0 9 24h 03-0 4 Find the coordinates ofthe points of intsecon ofthe graphs of y=) andy =, where fi)= 5°— La + Grand gi) =-5P +704 Se by Using your answer to pt a) arise expres) = Se= 138+ 6 asthe product of tee fac. ‘Acar travels though amulstorey carpark, Ita above ground leh then goes underground Theat 10 second ofthe cart vial path are modeled by the sation 0.25 —2.75» 6, here isthe eight in mes above the round and ithe ime in econ 8 4) Sketch a raph showing the eight ofthe car during the fst 10 seconds. 1b Forthe fist 10 seconds of the cars journey, use our graph to fad: (0) the ntl eight of the car (the lowest pont ofthe car. {how lng the cr underround fx CChaptee2 Quedratizs and cubes AEE an Qn aw as as av as aw 20 on Qe suse ny ny ho See 8 tence fro Solve the follwing cubic equations: eae bv 45e—6re0 9 P68 +%=0 OIE + Se=P 32g) 29+20F 4 12-202 GS He=0 Find the reminder when the following are divided by: (e+ 1, i) Ge=1), i) G2) ai26P Fr BAe Hay deed ewe D3 Find the remands when fe) =» 2-5 + r+ 12 is vided by axed biel ort @) 2-1 ‘The remainder when ? +e + 12¢—5 is vided by +2) 8-13, Use the Remainder Theorem to nde vale of Which ofthe following are factors fis) = 3° Al #36 228 ast beset ar? @) 2-2 fey + 5-2) 1) + e+ 2) 18 a fect of nd the vale of & Us ang vison ove the cubic elon: n each cae tate the quien nd erin, ave are3byie+3) bya Seo 6by 2) 034 20+ ie Dy 642) ‘We the following functions fin the form i= r+ 2g + remainder, whee ge 8 a quai: Bf) ede —4E 5-6) Rade BeH gel 2 4-3 Find the values of and ds0 that 2463 St or Se isexactly divs by 24+ 3) (Gen that 3) aac ofthe cubic. find the eae slations of = 0. Find the roots of fix) =O where fd) =" + 6 + 11x + 6. Se where gs a quad 2) Write) == 522i the form fi) = e+ 2g + remainder, e 1b) Hence show tht x= 2 she ony solution of) +300. Chapter 2 Quadratis and Cubies Chapter 3 — Inequalities and Simultaneous Equations You have met nequalties and smutaneos equations Before. Toso he ticker examples youl mee at eel, youl eed to daw some graphs. Paneer Linear inequalities Solve inequales lke you'd solve equations — hat you do to one sid, you have odo tthe ther (Eas) tte athe tie 92 teks so2-ede-e “tex ‘Andhisiethesame as. <>-2 Tips You canal pve requliti inintal naton. Eg Youcan wrt 1 <2 1, 2|— thee baat ‘uae tne andthe sqae Docket means? nde Invlsuch 0 23 ae on 51, "Muloying or dividing by negative numbers changes the rection ofthe inequality i (EGER) red he set oft ote or which 2585 FP {Give your answer inset notation. Multiply bot sides by 12 0 removethe actions. (2 4e)> 315-39) + Maly ut the brackets ator 15-3 + Sata! tm bot sides “16> 7— 9 Ucaybeka {Ao bth de tas? /lrwitbaon 1 Dvd by-7 and change he detonate / Tee ee 2 ant gto write the newer net notation, foxes” tract ‘You may be gven two Inequalities and asked to find a solution which ass both of thon Find the se of value for which say both the (ExaonIe) jgequaies x= 5 <-3 + 20 and 20> 4e-6, + Sole bath neque separately soSe342e derte6 tem 2es6>4e ex oa + You cam combine the to inequalities ino 3 single inequity tered * Inset noatin, hi would be writen as e:-2-a) bese Tips Sonstines he anwar wo spe neqaiis «x <2 oF=>3 ‘Sorter nat auton, you need union symbol Weg fe<-2) Ue x> 3h Chapter Inequates and Simultaneous Eauatons EER Exercise 1.4 1 Find the sat of ales for which ay: adentertd W)4-Bes HOS See7oaeeT — d)3-2este—d SonesKeS — Die-oeder Qaeeese-de Wy Are lon7e (2 Find the sett vas for which say the nequaies below. Give your answers in etna, 244 3}> 3462) wy +387 ©) 12326-29 2 Find te et fal for which satis 9 Sr cote » lea oy 22 cy Fin thst ovals fr which sty te negates blow. ive your anon entation, a-s<2-3.015 beamed a se7eorent Solve the following inqualiis, and preset the sluons on a numb ine 2)2e23- by Set ean4s © testa 3042 36-3)<50-) o)9ens3-te 0 262 cdapL 6 Find thst flues offer which 7 £3 2-<16 (Q7 Fir the set values fora which ash both 4-26 < 10 and 3x1 4422— d) Ie4S-ex41 and Gr-1 ean Quadratic inequalities When solving inequalities, is important that you don divide or lip by variables, “+ The variable migh be negative — so the inequality sgn may end up pointing inthe wrong dreton, *+ The vatiable could be equal © zero — you ca’ divide somthing by 20 (ESRD) alten et nh ay 28 oars a2 *+ Fist rowrite he inequity with 2e0 none sid + Then daw the graph f= 20°93, Facts the quakaic oid where Wcrosses the wank =p + Thecoefcion of is poste othe raph sua aad ook ike st o: ed ncimmdaringi lg The gph shows that isis ue whons ra + fated Fel ocd + inatoctiton tsi: Gexe-nu frsa>$} MED Crsoies 3 inequalites and Simuttaneous Eouations ‘ou may be asked o find he set f sales or x which sats both a quadtatc inequality anda lnear Inequality. To do thi, workout the soon ofeach nequly separately and then use graph to help youTind he Slatin hat sass bth (ERTS inte tot estes 9 Be —10> 4-7 + Soheinheumalwar— Sr=l0>4e-7 = Se>4re3 = a> b 2-115 <0 + Fecetie uthac oid where ther ee thems Beater 50 > r= The-H=0 = aef wd es + The otic of spose sth graphs wpe. onsets tn a hi ergs br + Fo th gap hist whee and + So2e-teeScowhen faxes ©) both 52-102 4-7 and2e 11 + 50 + You already know the soltions to both neuaiten ae 1 Add line = 3 your wap 4 *+ are nw interested in wen the caves negative, and when the values are eter tan 3 + Sobath inequalities are satsied when: 3<2<¢5 aerttes 5 Exercise 1.2 Qi Usethe graphs given ose the following quadratic inequlties 342-30 by ars 0) 2825-9 4 2-26-530 ae tiels yore Fie teas aes ba ta dom nlm eee ae clare node seed by Gresees 9) Pebe6e Chapter 3 Inequaitos and Simutneous Equations a 3 Find he ange of ales of which sat he following quad inequalities Inca atcha the pap ar each ane aie se-620 by o-3rs2<0 65> eet Dea SeDeSe02 9420 Be-tes3>0 ge-r320 Wy 62504 Be 9 20> 3003) D toaPese bates} nested ‘A recangula offces tobe bil, measuring fe 9) metres wide and <6) meres long ‘Given that at least 28 af flor space is equed, fad te Set of possible values of. 2) Find the st of values of for which x! Ge + k= Os wo distinc real solos. 1b Find the st of values ford which gus the equation 2° ke += Ono veal oo ‘Give your answer inset potato, Fi the vals of x which satis both a) 40-3 13-Se and 7156239 8 by 8550-3 and 20043)< 108 Graphing inequalities ‘ou can alo show replant on a raph hat sts neque in two variables cand The method has our steps Wie each inequaliy as an equation, Draw the graph for each equation. Work out wich side ofeach fine you wat Label the comet region Graph the following inequalities and label aeyet naret regio that satisfies al tee: * Change thee int equations nm m1 yas Pot the lines on your raph — use dtd lines fr > oF < inequalities and solid lines fr © or «inequalities Decide which side of ach line you want, Try the origin, 0) reach inequality 2ety>4 = 0+ 05 4.whichis fae. the origin ison the wrong sie fhe ine 0 shade thi ide s-p<1 3 0-021 whichis tue. The orga 09 ‘he comets ofthe line, 0 shade thee sce y£3 = 053 whichis ue, Thearigin tan the ‘comet side ofthe in, 0 shade theaters “hs de ein sth en you wat — sae all he inequiies. Bot eget Isbelte core eon ioe te Chapter 3 Inequalities and Simultaneous Equatons raw and label the region tat satisfies the following inequalities: perme ped xB Fs write the inequais as equations: Dates the-2) podate2e e621 420 1+ Naw dra the gaps of thse equations, ‘nga doted ine lor y= ad talline ory 4752 + Now ty the origin in each ireguaye poster? 9 0>0-0-2 whichis liye. The origin son the covet side ol the line, 59 shade the oe sie. + p24 70-26 = 03440-Owhich isfale, The origin ion te wrong ‘deo the lise, 4 shade thi sie + So yeu et an unshaded region tht looks ike his Exercise 1.3, a @ @ orkut whether flloing trent ret orf 2 Thepin 2 inthe eon tha ses 3y> Be —3 0) The pint (3, le oust threo at sates +3 3. 6 he point (in teint satis ++ 268 The pon 3's een tins y> ad > 204. 6 The pin (4,4) es oie he gon at sass < 10-and 3+ 4726. Draw and shade the eons hasty the following set of neues: aletye5, 2ety2d, 242)>6 — bhxsd, ys7, xey>d aye, e923) Dy-2s2, 2e-y<2 OA >y 5, Be 57540 fy de <6e4 10, 5y> 2045 Regios 4 ad are describes by theses of nequlties blow: ARA2VSI2, 2-354, p22 BARD, Desys9, x4 ys 15 Which raion has the peste area? 8 [Chapter 3 Inequatos and Simutaneous Equations {Q4 _Aakeyis runing ou of ingredients and wants tose how many sponge cakes and bagutes hey ‘can make. cake requires 11 of flur and 3 ey, and a baguette reqies 2 bof four and 1 ees ‘he bakery can mae cakes andy bagaeties. They have 2415 of Now remaining, whidhcan be representa bythe inequality x 2) £24 ores he tp i Unie eerie bcc bec brmd S 1b) Ona gap, craw and abe the region that sates both ofthese inequalities, customer aquest 8 cakes and 10 bagutes fr ie Centhetakery meet ir order Ino what ingredient) do they nothave enough of Pine een! ‘Simultaneous equations — both linear You can solve tinea simultaneous equations by elination, Ths etd ces for eps Eliminate 0 Gre ane varisble r 2 3. Find the other variable hat you ciated) ‘Check your answer (ESSER) ste stan ego 5 Aand-20-+ 4729. + Mah he cus nin oy a pay, Qa + limite to find ne variable: Add he new Sepsis get oie he 1 Find the vale you emit Paty=' inocone of the equation oid * Sotho solution is xeaayet 5 Salgumres are y2 9th tno nares Pathe values ita the other eqn. 5 ee sete he wm axceanicecias” gummi’ Tip yu shew he raph ofeach equation yout ge wo st nes Thepol wher thee wo lines neret gis he sola othe wo sinatra equa Exercise 2.1 Q1__ Solve the following simutaneous equation: 2) 2e-3y 23, 4 by See2ye7, teapot 0) Se ye8, aye TT eh Fe—6y=4, The +9 ©) 6429-820, 443 =-3y 0 20+ y—21 =0, -14y= 30414 B24 16=10, 08-5 43e=0 hy armaye ts, 5y-12=9r MEER Chpter 3 inequatities and Simultaneous Equations @ @ Find the pon of ntesecton of each pio stag lines. x4 274520, =57— 8-2) +10, y= 3-6 B64 39 =10, 9 =O) Ae fered a Jeene dy yederd fred Ihc ap in ced etn Sen mney aint. siete! ‘Simultaneous equations — if one is not linear “Te ther main method fr solving simultaneous equations is sbstiton, When one of the equations has qudratctem, you can ony the sbetttion mthod “his method also has four sep Tole variable near equation 2S into the quadratic equation 3. Solvoo get values or one variable '4_Put these values in the iar equation (EEEERTS) sone the simatancous equations «+275 and a+ 7 =25 + St by labeling the to uations Q xs2y-5 Bayles Hnaracipagibasiiamataindiy. © Ison Keown on ane sie ofthe equals, © +1255 + Substitute this expression nto the quadkatic... Sub iatw@) > +y°=25 9 Oy 5h ays + and thenrarange his ito the fom aes Be +e= 0, = My =20)425) 4925 Slyou can sole tether by facorsing or sing he’ = 572-200 ‘quate formal, = 59-4) =0 3 y= 0 ory: Fially put both values back in the incr ‘equation ond he corespanding vale fo these simultaneous epations has pode pal of solutions Chapter Inequates end Simutaneous Equstions EB 404 Sandy =24-4, [EESmBEE) Find any points of intersection ofthe graphs * Labtetwoogatons — @ yeataters @ yon + Santee Din® aedestaaees > iene int bre f= 3F= 0 — Double oot — Le youonly gett si ‘itn ame pate ten + ta tquation @ thi ge wane? + Sothere's one slton xe3ye2 + Since the equation have only ane sltion, ‘het waphs ony meet at oe po. 2 + Thestaigh lin i actully a tangent othe cue, “ip: Some et of simutneou equations hie rslaton Thi mean he gape the equine ner at Exercise 22 QI Solve the following sultaneous equations using substiuon: a) y= 4043, 2)-3r=1 by Sr42y=16, Yy-x-420 G2 Solve thefllowing simultaneous equsions: DyHD45, yowtone lB ynDH=2, ode? 9) Bay p3e47 20 Biyee anes yaw teh yersted Dysde deed eyed Davai NOnse, deeye? WBeBereL, yearn hen ay440, 12y45r4I0=0 jl yanese2 yt 425 a38 6 Te 3. ind te pn fitting canes an stag Ie: ayefeetr-tyeaede |B yn2hos-6 Seas 1000 Obapest r2—8 @beapadeet eo pom eae ree Lay Bestel Aen Oe, 2pm dete QA Solve he simultaneous equations += 10 and 39+ 10 =0. 1b Say what your answerto pata] means geometically. tins itrsec at ne two polis, or do nt intersect a) yes 46-7 andy 20-3 by E4984 6r= 9 and 4 29—3 Ope 2epa Bande ry: MEER chopte-3 inequities ana Sirstaneous Equations QS Witoutdawing the graphs, dteine whether the following curves a @ oe 9 Review Exercise — Chapter 3 solve a) ra A> 20-42 by ny-3saye4 6 87-42 17942 a xtbe5e-4 a Ar-2 oe 14 Tone4-2s f) Me-4e4- te Wy 1 t0y2 712 Fd the et of ales for that sais the flowing inequalities a) ar 5e-260 by ee2er7>ars9 Ct Teesezeer—T) dl xtede-Taxe? a de>et1 ae—tew-ae BBP 6re 22 43 1 (e+ ake 3128-32 raw and shade the regon which satisfies acho the following set of inequalities, al 8sy-5, elas, e+ By <4 bixsayets, — Beeyet, aye xh36 cetwed | ye6tee Dyakees Bex Boe Treo el Ops tea, yea + Br 12 Soke these st of simaltaneous equations: Ba yaTandaesyad— W ae-ayafhandsey=fe das ycomdgesee Gh tiye des dandae—2y= fee dyesdandeeaya2s rede handys2reh Fd where the following ines meet al yak sandy= 72-5 by yo 13-2eand 7x-y-23=0 © brayeauOands=2y¢1=0 — e)Se-7y=22 and3y-e— 13 @) 9-By=Frand $4 Fy= 10 ) 24r+ 15y=2and 185-4 36)=5 Find where posible he solar hse st of mans tons. tne you ac geome Speke pe dandey 1080 W) y=30-6r+22%andy=26+10) GB e3¢d-Oandyaneh—— d) tye Dem Band 2-20 Aen? eh feeaeetsedyandaye3e+3 0-30 s 994 eBbands- 796 ‘without drawing the graphs, decide wath tl isoct atone o two points, do ot intersect atl Copter Inequaiis nd Simutoneous Equations EE convey 2-203 andthe ney 20611

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