1 s2.0 S092485792030296X Main
1 s2.0 S092485792030296X Main
1 s2.0 S092485792030296X Main
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Optimal loading doses of β -lactams to rapidly achieve adequate drug concentrations in critically ill pa-
Received 28 January 2020 tients are unknown. This was a post-hoc analysis of a prospective study that evaluated broad-spectrum
Accepted 19 July 2020
β -lactams [piperacillin (PIP), ceftazidime (CAZ), cefepime (FEP) and meropenem (MEM)] pharmacokinet-
ics (PKs) in patients with sepsis or septic shock (n = 88). Monte Carlo simulation was performed for
Keywords: 10 0 0 virtual patients using specific sets of covariates for various dosing regimens and different durations
β -Lactams of administration. Pharmacodynamic (PD) targets were considered as drug concentrations exceeding at
Loading dose least 50% of time above four times the minimum inhibitory concentration (T>4 × MIC ) of Pseudomonas
Pharmacokinetics aeruginosa, according to EUCAST criteria, for PIP, 70%T>4 × MIC for CAZ and FEP and 40%T>4 × MIC for MEM.
The probability of target attainment (PTA) was derived by calculating the percentage of patients who at-
Monte Carlo simulation
tained the PK/PD target at each MIC. The optimal loading dose was defined as the one associated with
a ≥90% probability to achieve the PD targets. Our simulation model identified an optimal loading dose
for PIP of 8 g given as a 3-h infusion (PTA of 96.2%), for CAZ and FEP of 4 g given as a 3-h infusion
(PTA of 96.5% and 98.4%, respectively), and for MEM of 2 g given as a 30-min infusion (PTA of 93.4%),
with the following antibiotic dose administered 6 h thereafter regardless of the drug. A higher first dose
of broad-spectrum β -lactams should be given to adequately treat less-susceptible pathogens in septic
patients. These findings need to be validated in a prospective study.
© 2020 Elsevier B.V. and International Society of Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.
0924-8579/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. and International Society of Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.
2 I.K. Delattre, M. Hites and P.-F. Laterre et al. / International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 56 (2020) 106113
uous infusion [6]. Nevertheless, even when administering antibi- ance of 100 mL/min for a nominal 70 kg subject [16]) was consid-
otics by continuous infusion, up to 40% of patients may still have ered as clinically relevant and therefore used as covariate for the
insufficient drug concentrations to cover less-susceptible strains, β -lactam antibiotic clearance. Body weight (median, 70 kg; range,
which underlines the need for therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) 38–125 kg) and creatinine clearance (median, 55 mL/min; range,
to rapidly adjust drug dosing [7]. 12–408 mL/min) were not found to be correlated (r = 0.18). A two-
As any delay in initiating adequate antibiotic therapy increases compartment model with first-order elimination best fitted the β -
mortality in septic patients, it is imperative that adequate drug lactam data. The central volume of distribution was 24 L for PIP
concentrations are achieved as soon as the first antibiotic dose and MEM, 20 L for CAZ and 18 L for FEP. Total body clearance was
is given. However, standard dosage regimens are based on PK 6.8 L/h for PIP, 3.5 L/h for CAZ, 4.5 L/h for FEP and 7.5 L/h for MEM.
studies performed in less severely ill patients or at the steady- Goodness-of-fit plots included observed versus predicted concen-
state (e.g. 2–3 days after the onset of therapy). Therefore, it is trations, conditional weighted residuals (CWRES) versus predicted
not surprising that Taccone et al. found that serum concentra- concentrations, and CWRES versus time after dose; they did not re-
tions after the first standard dose of broad-spectrum β -lactam veal any obvious model misspecification [10,11]. Bootstrap results
antibiotics were insufficient to empirically cover less-susceptible were consistent with population parameter estimates, and visual
pathogens in many critically ill patients, in particular if treated predictive check plots showed a substantial good overlap of the
with piperacillin/tazobactam (PIP/TAZ), ceftazidime (CAZ) or ce- simulated concentrations with the observations, indicating suitable
fepime (FEP) [4]. However, no particular recommendation was pro- predictive performance of the population model for MCSs.
vided on how to adjust drug therapy in this setting.
Thus, using a Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) approach, which al- 2.3. Monte Carlo simulation (MCS)
lows evaluating what would happen if various dosing regimens are
given in virtual patients to achieve specific drug levels, we aimed MCSs were performed using NONMEM. Based on the population
to identify the optimal loading dose of β -lactam antibiotics to treat PK model, serum concentrations of β -lactams were generated for
patients with sepsis and septic shock. 10 0 0 virtual patients using specific sets of covariates (body weight
and renal function), for various dosing regimens: 4 g, 6 g or 8 g of
2. Methods PIP administered as a 0.5-h, 2-h or 3-h infusion every 6 h; 2 g, 4 g
or 6 g of CAZ and FEP administered as a 0.5-h, 2-h or 3-h infusion
2.1. Patients and drug assay every 8 h; and 1 g, 2 g or 3 g of MEM administered as a 0.5-h, 2-h
or 3-h infusion every 8 h.
We analysed data from a previously published clinical study ‘Optimal’ pharmacodynamic (PD) targets were considered for
[4,8]. Briefly, this study was conducted in the intensive care units the studied antibiotics as follows: 50% time above four times
(ICUs) of four Belgian university hospitals (Hôpital Erasme, Clin- the MIC (T>4 × MIC ) for PIP, 70%T>4 × MIC for CAZ and FEP, and
iques Universitaires St-Luc and Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussels, in 40%T>4 × MIC for MEM [4]. Also, a ‘conservative’ PD target of
Brussels, and Clinique St-Pierre in Ottignies) during the first hours 100%T>4 × MIC was investigated for each antibiotic as a secondary
of antibiotic therapy. The study was conducted according to the outcome. Since no MIC values would be available at first dose any-
Declaration of Helsinki. A total of 88 critically ill patients with se- way, the target MIC corresponded to the current clinical suscep-
vere sepsis or septic shock, as defined by standard definitions com- tibility breakpoints of the European Committee on Antimicrobial
mon at that time [9], were prospectively enrolled. All patients re- Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) for Pseudomonas spp. (i.e. the high-
ceived a loading dose of PIP/TAZ (4/0.5 g), CAZ (2 g), FEP (2 g) or est MIC acceptable for a successful efficient empirical treatment):
meropenem (MEM) (1 g). Blood samples were collected at several ≤16 mg/L for PIP; ≤8 mg/L for CAZ and FEP; and ≤2 mg/L for MEM
time points before and at 1, 1.5, 4.5, 6 or 8, and 24 h after onset [17]. Target concentrations (TCs) (i.e. the drug concentration mea-
of the 0.5-h infusion. Total serum β -lactams concentrations were sured at 40%, 50% or 70% for the different antibiotics) were mea-
measured by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with sured for different MICs (from 0.25–256 mg/L).
diode array detection (DAD). The probability of target attainment (PTA) was derived by cal-
A total of 418 β -lactam antibiotics samples were collected. Ten culating the percentage of patients who attained TCs exceeding
patients were excluded from the present analysis for analytical 4 × MIC of P. aeruginosa. The optimal loading dose was defined
and/or pre-analytical reasons (i.e. inappropriate sample storage or when the TC would result in PTA of ≥90% [18]. Maximum con-
insufficient sample volume). Patients’ demographic, haemodynamic centrations (Cmax ) and minimum concentrations (Cmin ) were also
and biological data were also collected [4]. calculated for different drug regimens.
PK analysis was carried out using the non-linear mixed-effects Results of the MCS were derived from population PK data of 78
modelling program NONMEM v.VI (double precision; ICON Devel- critically ill septic patients treated with PIP (n = 22), CAZ (n = 18),
opment Solutions, LLC, Ellicott City, MD, USA), with Perl-speaks- FEP (n = 19) or MEM (n = 19). The proportion of simulated pa-
NONMEM (PsN) toolkit and Xpose v.4 [10,11]. The modelling pro- tients who attained the optimal PD targets at each TC for the
cess has been described in detail in a previous paper [8]. PK data four drugs are detailed in Supplementary Tables S1–S4. The PTAs
were not adjusted for protein binding as the four antibiotics un- against P. aeruginosa are shown in Supplementary Figs S1–S4.
der study show only low protein binding, especially when con- The proportion of critically ill septic patients treated with PIP
sidering critically ill patients (due to lower serum protein levels who attained the optimal PD target of at least 50%T>4 × MIC during
and organ dysfunction). Briefly, the population modelling was per- the standard dosing interval of 6 h is shown in Fig. 1 and Tables 1
formed using the first-order conditional estimation method with and 2. A PIP loading dose of 8 g given over a 3-h infusion time was
interaction (FOCEI) and included a body weight dependence via the only dosing strategy against P. aeruginosa (i.e. TC of 64 mg/L)
allometric scaling [12,13]. No patient-specific covariate was tested able to achieve adequate drug concentrations in >90% of patients.
for influence on PK parameter estimates because of the small-sized However, if the dosing interval was longer than 6 h, this loading
data sets for β -lactams [14,15]. Only renal function (assessed us- dose would result in insufficient drug exposure in 27% (dosing in-
ing the Cockcroft–Gault equation with a standard creatinine clear- terval of 8 h) or 58% (dosing interval of 12 h) of patients. A stan-
I.K. Delattre, M. Hites and P.-F. Laterre et al. / International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 56 (2020) 106113 3
Fig. 1. Probability of target attainment (PTA) for various dosing regimens of piperacillin (4, 6 and 8 g every 6 h) for a pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic target of
50%T>4 × MIC (50% of time above four times the minimum inhibitory concentration). TC, target concentration.
Table 1
Drug concentrations corresponding to the probability of target attainment (PTA) of at
least 90% for different β -lactam regimens. Pharmacodynamic targets are 40%, 50% and
70% of T>4 × MIC for meropenem, piperacillin, and ceftazidime and cefepime, respec-
tively. The target concentration (TC) is shown, together with the MIC in parenthesis.
T>4 × MIC , time above four times the MIC, MIC, minimum inhibitory concentration; q6h,
every 6 h; q8h, every 8 h.
Fig. 2. Probability of target attainment (PTA) for various dosing regimens of ceftazidime (2, 4 and 6 every 8 h) for a pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic target of 70%T>4 × MIC
(70% of time above four times the minimum inhibitory concentration). TC, target concentration.
dard loading dose (4 g given over 0.5 h) would provide adequate mg/L) if the dosing interval is 12 h (Supplementary Table S3). Sim-
PIP levels for the following conditions: TCs of 8 mg/L (i.e. MIC of ilarly, a standard loading dose (2 g given over 0.5 h) would provide
2 mg/L) if the dosing interval is 6 h; TC of 4 mg/L (i.e. MIC of 1 adequate FEP levels for a TC of 16 mg/L (i.e. MIC of 4 mg/L) if the
mg/L) if the dosing interval is 8 h; and TC of 2 mg/L (i.e. MIC of dosing interval is 6 h, a TC of 8 mg/L (i.e. MIC of 2 mg/L) if the
0.5 mg/L) if the dosing interval is 12 h (Supplementary Table S1). dosing interval is 8 h and a TC of 4 mg/L (i.e. MIC of 1 mg/L) if the
Using the same approach, the optimal loading doses for CAZ dosing interval is 12 h (Supplementary Table S5).
and FEP against P. aeruginosa (i.e. 70%T>32 mg/L in >90% patients) The optimal loading dose for MEM against P. aeruginosa (i.e.
was 4 g over a 3-h infusion time, provided that the dosing inter- 40%T>8 mg/L in >90% patients) was 2 g given over 0.5 h if the dos-
val is not longer than 6 h for CAZ and 8 h for FEP (Figs 2 and 3; ing interval is 6 h, 2 g given over 3 h if the dosing interval is 8
Tables 1 and 2). A standard loading dose (2 g given over 0.5 h) h, and 3 g given over 3 h if the dosing interval is 12 h (Fig. 4;
would provide adequate CAZ levels for a TC of 8 mg/L (i.e. MIC of Tables 1 and 2). A standard loading dose (1 g given over 0.5 h)
2 mg/L) if the dosing interval is 6 h, a TC of 8 mg/L (i.e. MIC of 2 would provide adequate MEM levels for a TC of 4 mg/L (i.e. MIC of
mg/L) if the dosing interval is 8 h and a TC of 4 mg/L (i.e. MIC of 1 1 mg/L) if the dosing interval is 6 h a TC of 2 mg/L (i.e. MIC of 0.5
4 I.K. Delattre, M. Hites and P.-F. Laterre et al. / International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 56 (2020) 106113
Table 2
Percentage of patients with β -lactams concentrations of >4 × MIC following target levels (i.e.
50% for piperacillin, 70% for ceftazidime and cefepime, and 40% for meropenem) or follow-
ing ‘conservative’ targets (i.e. 100%T>4 × MIC ). Susceptibility breakpoints of EUCAST for Pseu-
domonas spp. were used, i.e. 16 mg/L for piperacillin, 8 mg/L for ceftazidime and cefepime,
and 2 mg/L for meropenem
Fig. 3. Probability of target attainment (PTA) for various dosing regimens of cefepime (2, 4 and 6 every 8 h) for a pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic target of 70%T>4 × MIC
(70% of time above four times the minimum inhibitory concentration). TC, target concentration.
mg/L) if the dosing interval is 8 h, and a TC of 1 mg/L (i.e. MIC of no dosing strategy would provide adequate drug concentrations in
0.25 mg/L) if the dosing interval is 12 h (Supplementary Table S7). the case of ‘conservative’ PD targets, except for very susceptible
If the ‘conservative’ PD target was considered (i.e. pathogens (Supplementary Table S8).
100%T>4 × MIC ), the dosing strategy of 8 g every 6 h over 3-h Estimated Cmax , 1-h levels and Cmin for the different drugs are
infusion would achieve adequate PIP concentrations only in 42% shown in Supplementary Tables S9–11, respectively. As expected,
of patients (Supplementary Table S5). In this setting, for CAZ and Cmax and 1-h levels increased as dose regimens increased. On the
FEP the dosing strategy of 6 g given over 3-h infusion time every other hand, Cmax and 1-h levels decreased as the duration of infu-
6 h would achieve adequate concentrations in 96% and 81% of sion increased, averaging a decrease of 43% and 59%, respectively.
patients, respectively (Supplementary Tables S6 and S7). For MEM, An increase in the infusion duration from 0.5 h to 3 h lead to an
I.K. Delattre, M. Hites and P.-F. Laterre et al. / International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 56 (2020) 106113 5
Fig. 4. Probability of target attainment (PTA) for various dosing regimens of meropenem (1, 2 and 3 g every 8 h) for a pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic target of
40%T>4 × MIC (40% of time above four times the minimum inhibitory concentration). TC, target concentration.
average increase in Cmin of 42% for PIP, 13% for CAZ, 24% for FEP even when high loading doses are administered over an extended
and 37% for MEM when considering the standard dosing interval infusion period.
(i.e. every 6 h for PIP and every 8 h for CAZ, FEP and MEM). In a previous study on the PKs of broad-spectrum β -lactams for
severe sepsis or septic shock, the volume of distribution of all four
β -lactams was significantly increased compared with non-critically
4. Discussion ill patients or healthy subjects [4]. In order to optimise drug con-
centrations according to PK/PD targets, an increased loading dose
In the present study, MCS, which has become a very popu- is usually proposed in this setting. Indeed, as the volume of dis-
lar technique to understand optimisation of antibiotic dosing reg- tribution of other hydrophilic antibiotics, such as amikacin, col-
imens, provided important information on rapid achievement of istin and vancomycin, is also increased in critically ill patients [25–
adequate β -lactam concentrations following the loading antibi- 27], higher than recommended loading doses have been proposed
otic dose. When the target pathogens are less-susceptible Gram- and clinical validation studies have confirmed the improvement of
negative pathogens, and according to the selected PD targets, we PK/PD target attainment for all three of these antibiotics [27–29].
observed that the optimal loading dose should be 8 g in 3 h for PIP, The present study suggests the need for a higher loading dose of
4 g in 3 h for CAZ and FEP, and 2 g in 0.5 h for MEM. Moreover, β -lactams in critically ill patients and claims further clinical vali-
the same antibiotic dose should be administered 6 h thereafter, re- dation in prospective studies.
gardless of the drug. The use of a more conservative PD target (i.e. As loading doses are increased, higher serum concentrations
100%T>4 × MIC ) was associated with the need for an even higher of β -lactam antibiotics are rapidly achieved, which may improve
drug regimen, which could not be feasible in all patients. clinical outcome but also increase the risk of drug toxicity. Over-
Most clinicians agree that a patient with obvious signs of severe all, β -lactam antibiotics are considered to be very safe, with lit-
infection (e.g. septic shock) must be started on antibiotic therapy tle risk of toxicity. However, neurotoxicity has been described in
as soon as possible. Antibiotic treatment is therefore often initiated elderly patients and in patients with renal impairment or previ-
empirically, when pathogens and relative MICs are still unknown. ous neurological disease [30]. This neurotoxicity seems to be re-
Pathogens that frequently cause infections in the ICU and associ- lated to inhibition of the γ -aminobutyric acid (GABA-A) recep-
ated with high mortality rates are P. aeruginosa and other non- tor. This receptor may induce neuronal hyperexcitability, depolarise
fermenting Gram-negative strains [19]. Our dosing strategy would the post-synaptic membrane, and lower the threshold for seizure
be relevant when such pathogens are potentially responsible for development [31]. In animal studies, neurotoxicity appears to be
the infection needing treatment; in infections due to very suscep- dose-dependent [30]. In a retrospective study on β -lactam TDM
tible strains, standard regimens would be sufficient to provide ad- in 199 septic patients, elevated trough levels of broad-spectrum
equate β -lactams concentrations [4]. β -lactams were associated with neurological deterioration. A high
When performing the MCS, we aimed for a PD target of Cmin was identified as a predictive factor for neurological wors-
T>4 × MIC of the pathogen at the end of the optimal period of time, ening in this patient population. More specifically, a Cmin of >64
corresponding to 70% of the dose interval for FEP/CAZ, 50% for PIP mg/L for CAZ and FEP, >128 mg/L for PIP and >16 mg/L for MEM
and 40% for MEM, based on results from in vitro, in vivo and clin- may increase the risk of drug toxicity [32]. In another retrospective
ical studies [20–24]. Unbound MEM trough serum concentrations study on 64 courses of cefepime therapy during which trough con-
at 5 × MIC of the infecting pathogen for patients with lower res- centrations were measured, a cut-off of ≥36 mg/L was identified to
piratory tract infections predicted microbiological and clinical suc- predict cefepime-induced toxicity. Only one-half of these antibiotic
cess in a study analysing data collected from 101 patients included courses were administered in the ICU, and trough concentrations
in four different multicentre, randomised, open-label clinical trials were measured after a median duration of 5.4 days (3.0–8.0 days)
[23]. Another study showed that FEP concentrations maintained at and a median total dose of 24 g (14–37.5 g) [33]. Neurotoxicity
4–6 × MIC of the infecting pathogen accurately predicted micro- is usually expressed as myoclonus, hallucinations, confusion and
biological success [24]. However, there is currently no consensus seizures. Whether neurotoxicity is responsible for an increase in
on optimal PK/PD targets for β -lactams in infected critically ill pa- mortality remains to be determined, although some serious neuro-
tients because data are lacking on MIC or clinical outcome in dif- logical complications have already been reported [34]. In our study,
ferent cohorts. Indeed, the clinical efficacy of different PK/PD tar- when giving a loading dose of 8 g of PIP in 3 h, 4 g of CAZ in 3
gets has not been assessed in depth. In this study, we have there- h, 4 g of FEP in 3 h or 2 g of MEM in 0.5 h, MCS showed that the
fore provided the results from our MCS for different PK/PD tar- median Cmax was 150, 97, 95 and 68 mg/L, respectively, and the
gets. Interestingly, our MCS highlights that the PTA of the more median Cmin was 51, 46, 27 and 5 mg/L, respectively, when consid-
severe PD target of 100%T>4 × MIC is very low for septic patients,
6 I.K. Delattre, M. Hites and P.-F. Laterre et al. / International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 56 (2020) 106113
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