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THE BELT TENSION FORMULA Consider a flexible belt wrapped around a portion of a drum with the angle of wrap (also called, the angle of lap) being c, as shown in Fig. 5.1. Let the tensions in the belt on the two sides be 7) and Tp, respectively. Assume that the drum is stationary, and the magnitudes of 7; and 73 are such that the condition of impending slippage between the belt and the drum prevails. Also assume that the direction of impending slippage of the belt with respect to drum is counterclockwise, i... towards Jeft. This means that 7; would be greater than T; because the frictional force on the belt due to drum ‘would act in the clockwise direction to resist the slipping tendency. A Figure 5.2 FBD of o segment of the Figure 5.1 A flexible belt ‘belt, for impending slippage towards rapped oround @ stationary drum left (CCW, resulting in T> Tz where T3 is acting, which ‘and 7}, corresponding mand it ym the radial line Let the tension in the belt be Tat angle @, measured from 1 incht the tension in the Dol” ig The lower and the upper limits of T re Ts and Ti comes 100 =0° and 0 ~ at, respectively. The FBD of a small belt ‘segment is shown in Fig. 5. 7 ‘are radial and tangential directions, respectively. 0. eo 40 yan +Teos 2s a7 cos SE = md ER comer tarpon =m 2 As dor 0,c0sf@ 41, Hence, 47 = Hl 10 5 rain? ER Osan (rear yIN as As do», vin 0-4 82, Hence, an = OT 4 TG = THO {ine progetto erent canbe mest) jt faae Bowe wire ees in radian, Even ifthe belt lips but with a constant speed the ehowe formula wut Soi wth i pte Pr ean For cuarmpte the two des ofthe Pale Prt See ors Seca th bt makes nsompce fu Ser the rum oN os 2 eta Finaiy aways roma corel ha 7 Bia tomsion ine oe drum of Fig. 5.1 docs not appear, Tis indicates that dis re se a eer ote bat te pens were tees the dum The ots comet i ay rary 9 Sar nd la a tanga a, Faris tone Sing a ac pge eet se pe 4 Foote pos a ulead ply SS Seger ng tenth DRIVING AND DRIVEN PULLEYS Driven pulley Driven pulley fovea = pen-Belt Arrangement n Se AF -xcommon ingen ah adie ema perendcar io coreponting angen AB Sa pea Fe Ryn Or gm ome fon to ere ah ety Foot be unto BE and BF epee OE Ansa wig nh ae ey =n “fos coticlnt of tion onthe two pulleys can be assumed ob the same, the impending eter mar hres is igen oe Tene Angular velo = (FT a, pair oo eee erp fe ler py. Tian he expe at peat em [thse N; i the pm of the bigger pulley. “This is because the two rpm's are related by (provided he eases ove paler a Mnemen er can ano be expressed in terms of tel velocity Yaw (since =”) oo pa depen onepsicnpitions, Now at the evn patey may not awa bese aie als Crosied-Belt Arrangement os ratend AB, and row pre! BE rom prey the ames SIE gy inguttingippage would caro bse pleysmtancoel, andthe FD OF he own Region "Sh faninmminoneuton eae ee a nthe open bel arangement (Eg $3 Length of Bolt in Open-Balt Arrangement ‘eterrng Fig. 14 te gh woe qu othe caved length 08 he Digger ple ‘Served ing one ser pay pas 4 pa C2 ie Lage = 208 204 nO = 209020 A “© tere 0 ven yg. 5.2, wich mat ei ian, Length of Belt in Crossed: Belt Arrangement From Fig 515, Fame = 30820) 4684 20)6 NT mo on tere ive Wy a, 5.6 wich mat ein adn, Initio Tension in Belt {tn evn riven pulley aang hen the ploy ae stator he eons one tthe elton ea Thine intl enon Sail eae ae be genes ‘Styne the pi other. he eh wou rman a ea ar runing the beh wot poner he pay ness pease ee (i) The tet material perf late. () Teton of hr bl oma chang, fit Pereapecvey. Then, ts fe ssa Increase i length = =)/4 Decrease in length = (F577 tee inthe pring constant ofthe bt. Pom the second sumption, GWG) scree ie tte be roiny equal whe desea te teon at he ober td Poche ‘putin 90a even when the eng cei (scutes) are taken nt aout Tonle 58 [Sout bel ns ger pales of diameters 0m and 24mm repectvly The ens of he gar py ie 0 Thea aly es 09 ce ‘owt wt no act he anawer, we te atuing tht the sate pale the diving lle, ‘TERA cond te ih sot Bt, having arr tension, ven ob 1200 em geome. For pening slippage (ich oscar tthe ple sian) 1200. 210398, 7, SIN Leng oft = 3392%002563382x0012542%f03 —(OOBS+O0ESF =0.725 See cso diameter 20cm ad 15 em, outed onto pall sh 50 pr ‘Teocbytn apa inant eb 3 athe cutee of a 185Cone te pone uannted tn te sar ple fottes a 3000 rm. Ae Compt Tene of eb Solution = 24ee (Gr ndrmmpento nan opn ict armament he onion fiend spe exits on he ae all A otadaforg C3039 femme roe ees ge a a seeldacaecthe nine heenon iw AP woul ee Hees Te r= $000 (Subang or 7) 7-142; 1, =3863N Foe tami = (Ia r2n 9967.3 -1432 70.075 222000 5.095 w ephlie =10(80 + 2866 E47 Sn 80 2x28) E26 OOASF =15S:10em=1.$sim ‘CENTRIFUGAL EFFEOTS IN BELT DRIVE ‘tons valid along as ceil effects ae absent o an be gested. This asemption ‘oe inne gait vali at ange bet peed “Sppoye tov (COM rosin in T> Th pigs a FB mnt oti SE nee SSeS er, estan ae i eee et frog a peel Beachmere oan Rega seater (t= Me Ral aslerton = (dm) 0 mom Force hace nthe tangent ton gst ra ome 2 =m Cepcing te pt mr y40 a ow se tSrapenated by increasing both the trains by incest ie ae te Soap sear nga oe e SST pent tered was contigs tutes OPTIMUM BELT SPEED EPS Senegal eter) and the ett ven ‘Thien he power rammmiiom Im cess we 2c t,he eae an opm Ye pd et Somes seen maim ees sco sin tn a = Ta "ewer P= CTT )rxe0 = 73 earlobe) mre) From Eq $10 erasing oer derivative with pect 1 V shoul be sto 200 oe wold pony en ae 2 Toe Fam saes ow nalgaewe) er a a en 8,51 Te, Sen et mm Ean sand 53S pene") Mackall peed sould bem given by Eq S11) xf 0 fm lle of 125m hater wich ring Irena Ee! pete Ting cn ‘acum, dre mina ve he Tes 3mm hk Ase Tenor a ore ee Maser ng n= (0.09051 1000- kgm Speed oft ta, Vara aed Ba M3028 Sosy Poverumimiieh Pa, -Fyrwnth ra nen genes coe Forimpenting spa om oe where 7 the toto on the ah ide. > 79, ones eon ts ‘erir sheers oe 13 times the true psc by te eon othe sachs. Dotereine ‘um oer twanamited the sped ah test the ek ott exceed 13 aN {EEfap tthe bet terial 1000 alt the anima power that can be eased SAUD oy selene erent bet spe. Alto comput the tania power tana at Belt eieFlowis an 30m Setation Soon aes ofthe belt = 0.010.125 mi? seine eh sde ofthe bel = Manian permis stress Town the ght side (7) = Area Ste rene O-T9r= 1s RIS=T,) = 1ST Ty= 750N tami P= (= 73) ¥= (1875 ~750) x20 22500 W =22.5 LW apr nt ength of te elt = (0.010.125 x 1) 1000 = 1.25 kn ete maximum power tanesson the required bel speed tive by Sx 108 Nin N53 "ae he ney, the tension in the tight ide of the ble ould remain same tt mmm peri ‘eras, 1875 Noort enion the slack tds be Ty inthe second cae. Them. = 505 = 22.361 me Tam =m¥? Tam =M¥? un Tom? Tym omer transmitted at 30 mi ett speed Sec tc ee wn ra a pi as 5.5 V-BELT AND ROPE DRIVES. ee a nel en tans Reanio ape areas pel pity ans wns ne ssn eon arse Seana kit dosnt ouch he en ‘opus Sarge eee ey "rebalance inthe tangential dicction gives con = 2 dR arose (Anso-0, conf? i) sin =(7+ dT sin PP Force balance in he ail detion gives 49+ 28 = ¢ er tears 49) (Product oF diterentias can, Bf re (Subsiting 6H ‘One may vey hat his forma dues othe ema for a fat elt (Ben a 5 10) wg a special ease of Vbsit with wedge angle 2 180" This formula ifthe wep, ‘smal, the RHS becomes large. For example for, 0.2, = 180", = 20%, (25) zn ich nce 1037.28 hn sed oT incre he ese Dee ‘hy stng ish al ed niyo Dts Nee. The Phe sR urease oe ame ply Cv mae Poe) em be if pes mae eaten hig es P30 Figure 5.21 Muliple Vibes on he some pulley

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