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Maths Sample Paper: Part-A

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Section I has 16 questions of 1 mark each.

1. How many irrational numbers lie between two numbers?

2. Rationalise the denominator of

3. If f(x) = 1/x, g(x)=1/(1-x) and h(x)=x2, then find f(g(h(2))).

4. If x51 + 51 is divided by x + 1, the remainder is ______.

5. The difference between the graph of the equation x = -3 and x = 5 is

k. Find the value of k.

6. The point on the graph of the linear equation 2x + 5y = 19 whose

ordinate is times its abscissa is _______.

7. If x > 0 and y < 0, then the point (x, y) lies in which quadrant?

8. If x < 0 and y > 0, then the point (x, y) lies in which quadrant?

9. When three points lie on the same line they are termed as _______

10. Two supplementary angles are in the ratio 4 : 5. Find the angles.

11. ABCD is a rectangle with ∠ABD = 40°. Determine ∠DBC.

12. The angles of a quadrilateral are 75°, 90° and 75°. The fourth angle
is _______.

13. The area of equilateral triangle with each side as 6 cm is _______

14. The perimeter of an equilateral triangle is 90 m. Find its area.

15. State True/False: E is an event with probability 1.5

16. The probability of guessing the correct answer to a certain question is

x/2. If the probability of not guessing the correct answer to the question
is 2/3, then find the value of x

Section II
Case-study based questions are compulsory. Attempt any four sub
parts of each question. Each subpart carries 1 mark

17. You must be having a geometry box which contains the following: (i)
A graduated scale, on one side of which centimetres and millimetres are
marked off and on the other side inches and their parts are marked off. (ii)
A pair of set - squares, one with angles 90°, 60° and 30° and other with
angles 90°, 45° and 45°. (iii) A pair of dividers (or a divider) with
adjustments. (iv) A pair of compasses (or a compass) with provision of
fitting a pencil at one end. (v) A protractor. Normally, all these instruments
are needed in drawing a geometrical figure, such as a triangle, a circle, a
quadrilateral, a polygon, etc. with given measurements. But a geometrical
construction is the process of drawing a geometrical figure using only two
instruments – an ungraduated ruler, also called a straight edge and a
compass. In construction where measurements are also required, you may
use a graduated scale and protractor also.

1.Which of the following set of lengths can be the sides of a triangle?

A. 2 cm, 4 cm, 1.9 cm

B. 1.6 cm, 3.7 cm. 5.3 cm
C. 5.5 cm, 6.5 cm, 8.9 cm
D. None of the above

2.To construct an angle of 60 degrees, we need to draw first:

A. A ray
B. An arc
C. Two rays
D. A straight line

3.Which of the following is the possible third side of a triangle whose

other two sides are 10 cm and 13 cm?

A. 2 cm
B. 24 cm
C. 20 cm
D. 3 cm

4.Two legs of an isosceles triangle have length 12 and 27 respectively.

What is the perimeter of the triangle?

A. 66
B. 78
C. 51
D. 72

5.Which of the following can be the angles of a triangle (in degrees)?

A. 60, 100, 30
B. 80, 50, 90
C. 90, 45, 45
D. 120, 30, 40

18. You all must have seen the ice tray in your refrigerator. Observe that
the moulds for making ice are all congruent. The cast used for moulding in
the tray also has congruent depressions (may be all are rectangular or all
circular or all triangular). So, whenever identical objects have to be
produced, the concept of congruence is used in making the cast.

Sometimes, you may find it difficult to replace the refill in your pen by a
new one and this is so when the new refill is not of the same size as the
one you want to remove. Obviously, if the two refills are identical or
congruent, the new refill fits. So, you can find numerous examples where
congruence of objects is applied in daily life situations.

1.If Δ ABC ≅ Δ LKM, then side of Δ LKM equal to side AC of Δ ABC is




D. None of these

2.In triangle ABC and PQR three equality relations between some parts
are as follows:

AB = QP, ∠B = ∠P and BC = PR
State which of the congruence conditions applies:





3.In triangles ABC and PQR, if ∠A=∠R, ∠B=∠P and AB=RP, then which one
of the following congruence conditions applies:





4.In Δ PQR ≅ Δ EFD then ED =




D. None of these

5.If ABC and DEF are two triangles such that Δ ABC≅ Δ FDE and AB =5
cm, ∠B = 40° and ∠A =80°, Then, which of the following is true?

A. DF = 5 cm, ∠F= 60°

B. DE = 5 cm, ∠E= 60°

C. DF = 5 cm, ∠E= 60°

D. DE = 5 cm, ∠D= 40°

19. Take a compass and fix a pencil in it. Put its pointed leg on a point on
a sheet of a paper. Open the other leg to some distance. Keeping the
pointed leg on the same point, rotate the other leg through one revolution.
What is the closed figure traced by the pencil on paper? As you know, it is
a circle. How did you get a circle? You kept one point fixed and drew all the
points that were at a fixed distance from A. This gives us the following
definition: The collection of all the points in a plane, which are at a fixed
distance from a fixed point in the plane, is called a circle. The fixed point is
called the centre of the circle and the fixed distance is called the radius of
the circle.

1.In a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD, if m ∠A = 3(m∠C). Find m ∠A.

A. 150
B. 125
C. 135
D. 145

2.In figure, O is the centre of the circle ∠DAB = 50°. Calculate the value
of y.

A. 100
B. 140
C. 130
D. 150

3.In the figure, If ∠ABC = 69° and ∠ACB = 31° then measure of ∠BOC is

A. 100°
B. 40°
C. 160°
D. 80°

4.The largest chord in a circle is

A. radius
B. diameter
C. secant
D. tangent

5.In the following figure, if AC = 8 cm and BC = 6 cm then radius of circle

A. 10 cm
B. 5 cm
C. 4 cm
D. 3 cm

20. Mary wants to decorate her Christmas tree. She wants to place the tree
on a wooden block covered with coloured paper with picture of Santa Claus
on it. She must know the exact quantity of paper to buy for this purpose.
If the box has length, breadth and height as l cm, b cm and h cm
respectively and square sheets of paper are of side a cm, then would she
𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑒𝑡𝑠 𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑 =

1.The edge of a cube is 20 cm. The number of small cubes each of 5 cm

edge that can be formed from this cube will be

A. 4
B. 32
C. 64
D. 100

2.solid cube of side 12 cm is cut into eight cubes of equal volume. What
will be the side of the new cube?

A. 4cm
B. 6cm
C. 8cm
D. 10cm

3.If the side of a cube is ‘l’ units, then the lateral surface area of cube is

A. 2l2
B. 4l2
C. 6l2
D. 8l2

4.If the dimensions of a cuboid are 2 cm × 3 cm × 6 cm, then the length

of the longest rod that can be put into that cuboid is

A. 6 cm
B. 8 cm
C. 7 cm
D. None of these

5.If the sum of all the edges of a cube is 36 cm, then what will be the
volume of that cube?

A. 216 cm3
B. 27 cm3
C. 64 cm3
D. 125 cm3

Section III

21. What is the value of x in 5-2x. 52 = 125?

22. Find the value of .

23. For what value of k does the point (-1,-4) satisfies the equation 3x –
yk = 4?

24. Reflection of a point A (x, y) with respect to origin is B and reflection

of B in y-axis is C (3, 4). What are the co-ordinates of point A?

25. In the given figure, If AB||CD, then find the complementary angle of

26. In Figure, AB ⊥ BE and FE ⊥ BE. If BC=DE and AB=EF, then prove
that Δ ABD is congruent to Δ FEC.

Section IV

27. ABCD is a trapezium in which AB||DC. M and N are the mid-points of

AD and BC respectively, If AB = 12cm, MN = 14 cm, then CD =

28. In Figure, ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral in

which ∠BAD=75°, ∠ABD=58° and ∠ADC=77°, AC and BD intersect
at P. Then, find ∠DPC.

29. Find the area of an isosceles triangle having the base x cm and one
equal side y cm.

30. A cone is 18 m deep and its diameter is 5 m. What is its capacity in

kilo liters?

31. The average age of Bhavesh and Bharti was 27 years when their child
was born. The average age of Bhavesh, Bharti and the child is 21 years
now. The present age of the child is:

32. Given below is the frequency distribution table regarding the

concentration of sulphur dioxide in the air in parts per million of a certain
city for 30 days.

Find the probability of concentration of sulphur dioxide in the interval

(i) 0.12-0.16

(ii) 0.16 – 0.24

(iii) 0.04 – 0.16

33. Construct a right triangle when one side is 3.5 cm and sum of other
side and the hypotenuse is 5.5 cm.

Section V

34. If (x – 1) and (x + 2) be the factors of x3 + (a – 1)x2 – (b + 2)x – 6,

then find the values of a and b.

35. A well with 10 m inside diameter is dug 14m deep. Earth taken out of

it is spread all around it to make an embankment of height 4 . Find the

width of the embankment

36. The following table gives the life times of 400 neon lamps:

(i) Represent the given information with the help of a histogram.

(ii) How many lamps have a life time of more than 700 hours?


Maths Sample paper

1. There are infinitely many irrrational numbers between two numbers.


By rationalization the denominator, we get,

3. First of all, open the innermost bracket that is h (2).

Since, h (2) =22=4, we get


4. 50


The distance between the graphs = (5 – (-3)) = 8

6. (2, 3)

7. We have, x > 0 and y < 0

∴x is positive and y is negative

= point (x, -y) lies in 4th quadrant

8. According to question, we have

x < 0 and y > 0 then these points will lie in second quadrant

As, points of the type (-, +) lie on the second quadrant

9. If three or more points lie on the same line, they are called collinear
points or if on joining the points (three points in this case), a straight line
is obtained, then those points are termed as collinear points.

10. Supplementary angles are in the ratio 4: 5

Let the angles be 4x and 5x.

It is given that they are supplementary angles


4x + 5x = 180o

x = 20o

Hence, 4x = 80o

5x = 100o

Therefore, angles are 80o and 100o.

11. Given:

ABCD is a rectangle

∠ABD = 40∘

∠ABD + ∠DBC = 90∘ (angles of rectangle)

∠DBC = 90∘ – 40∘ = 50∘

12. Let the fourth angle be x.

We know that,

Sum of angles of a quadrilateral = 360°

75° + 90° + 75° + x = 360°

x + 240° = 360°

x = 120°

13. 9√3 cm2

14. 225√3 m2

15. False

For any event ‘E’, we know that

0 ≤ P(E) ≤ 1

In option A, P(E) = 1.5 > 1


The probability of not happening of an event = 1 – the probability of an


Given: P (correct answer) = x/2

P (not correct answer)

6 – 3x = 4

3x = 2

17. 1. Ans. C.

2. Ans. A.

3. Ans. C.

Concept: The sum of length of two sides in a triangle is always greater

than the length of third side.

Let the third side be ‘x’, therefore we have three sides as 10 cm, 13 cm
and ‘x’ cm

⇒ x + 10 > 13


& x + 13 > 10 [true by default]

& 13 + 10 > x

⇒ x < 23

⇒ 3 < x < 23

Only possible answer is 20 cm.

Hence, Option C is correct.

4. Ans. A.

In an isosceles triangle, two sides are equal.

Given two sides are 12 and 27.

Let 12 be the side that is equal,

Then, the sides of the triangle are 12, 12, and 27

Theorem: The sum of two sides is always greater than the third side.

12 + 12 < 27

Therefore, 12 cannot be the side that is equal.

When, 27 is the side that is equal,

Then, the sides of the triangle are 12, 27, and 27

12 + 27 > 27 [Possible]

Perimeter = 12 + 27 + 27 = 66

Hence, A is the correct answer.

5. Ans. C.

We know that sum of angles of a triangle is 180°.

Only option c satisfies this property.

Hence, c is the correct answer.

18. 1. Ans. C.

2. Ans. A.

3. Ans. B.

4. Ans. C.

5. Ans. C.

19. 1. Ans. C.

2. Ans. C.

3. Ans. C.

In ΔABC, By angle sum property of triangle

⇒ ∠ABC + ∠ACB + ∠BAC = 180°

⇒ 69 + 31 + ∠BAC = 180

⇒ ∠BAC = 80°

∵ angle made by an arc at the center is double the angle made by it at

remaining part of the circle.

⇒ ∠BOC = 2∠BDC = 160°

Hence, Option C is correct.

4. Ans. B.

The largest chord in a circle is diameter which passes through the center.
Hence, Option B is correct.

5. Ans. B.

We know, angle in a semicircle is a right angle

⇒ ΔACB is a right triangle right-angled at C.

By Pythagoras’s theorem

⇒ AC2 + BC2 = AB2

⇒ 82 + 62 = AB2

⇒ 64 + 36 = AB2

⇒ AB2 = 100

⇒ AB = 10 cm

Now, AB = 10 cm [Diameter]

⇒ radius = ½ × 10 = 5 cm

Hence, Option B is correct

20. 1. Ans. C.

Volume of large cube = Volume of small cubes

⇒ 203 = n 53

2. Ans. B.

Volume of solid cube = (side)3 = (12)3= 1728 cm3

Accordign to question, volume of each new cube = 1/8 (Volume of

original cube)

= 1/8 × 1728 = 216 cm3

∴ side of new cube =

3. Ans. B.
Lateral Surface Area = Total Surface Area – (Area of base and top)

= 6(side)2 – 2(side)2

= 6l2 – 2l2

= 4l2

Hence, B is the correct answer.

4. Ans. C.

The length of longest rod that can be put in a cuboid will be equal to the
length of diagonal of cuboid.

Length of diagonal

Putting values, we get

= 7 cm

Hence, Option C is correct.

5. Ans. B.

Concept Used:

Each side of a cube is equal.

The volume of Cube = a3

Given: Sum of edges of a cube = 36 cm

Assumption: Let the edge of the cube be ‘a’ cm.


Sum of all the edges of cube = 36 cm

As there are 12 sides of the cube, Sum of edges = 12 a

Therefore, 12a = 36

⇒ a = 3 cm

Now, we know that, Volume of a cube = a3

Putting the value of “a” we get,

The volume of the cube = (3 cm)3

= 27 cm3

∴ The Volume of the cube is 27 cm3.

Hence, Option B is correct

21. We know, xa. xb = xa+b

5-2x. 52 = 125

⇒ 5-2x+2 = 53

As xa = xb, then a = b.


-2x + 2 = 3

-2x = 1



Applying the formula: (a2 – b2) = (a + b)(a – b)

= x0



As (-1,-4) satisfies the equation 3x – yk = 4,

Put these values in the given equation.

3(-1) – (-4)k = 4

⇒ -3 + 4k = 4

⇒ 4k = 7


Since, C (3, 4) is a reflection of point B in y-axis, point B is also the

reflection of point C (3, 4) in y-axis. Therefore, co-ordinate of B is (-3, 4).
Now A (x, y) must be the reflection of B (-3, 4) with respect to origin.
Therefore, co-ordinates of A (x, y) are (3, -4).

A line PQ parallel to AB and CD is drawn through point E.

So, ∠ABE = ∠BEQ = 3x (Alternate angle)


∠BEC = 7x

⇒∠BEQ + ∠QEC = 7x

⇒∠QEC = 7x – 3x = 4x


∠ECD + ∠QEC = 180° (Internal angle)

⇒ 5x + 4x = 180°

⇒ x = 20°

Therefore, complementary angle of x = 90° - 20° = 70°

26. In ABD and FEC,

AB= FE (Given)

∠B = ∠E (Each 90°)

BC = DE (Given)

Add CD both sides, we get


Therefore, by S.A.S. theorem,


27. Given:

ABCD is a trapezium


M, N are mid points of AD & BC

AB = 12cm, MN = 14 cm

∵ AB││MN││CD [ M, N are mid points of AD &BC]

By mid-point theorem,

MP = ½ CD and NP = ½ AB

∴MN = ½ (AB + CD)

14 = ½ (12 + CD)

CD = 28 – 12 = 16 cm

28. ∠DBA = ∠DCA = 58° (Angles on the same segment)

In triangle DCA, By angle sum property

∠DCA + ∠CDA + ∠DAC = 180°

58° + 77° + ∠DAC = 180°

∠DAC = 45°
∠DPC = 180° - 58° - 30°

= 92°


30. Given,

Height of a cone, h = 18 m

Diameter of cone, d = 5 m

Volume of a cone =

⇒ Volume = 117.85 m3

Required answer is option a as 1m3 = 1 kl

31. Given the average age of Bhavesh, Bharti and their child is 21 years

We know that, Sum of observations = Average × total observations

Sum of age of Bhavesh, Bharti and their child now = 21 ×3 = 63 years

Also, average age of Bhavesh and Bharti was 27 years when the child was

Sum of age of Bhavesh and Bharti when the child was born = 27×2= 54

Sum of ages of Bhavesh, Bharti and their child from the birth of child till
now = 63 – 54 = 9 years

Hence 9 years divide among husband, wife and child equally.

Age of child = 3 years.

32. The frequency distribution table regarding the concentration of

sulphur dioxide in the air in parts per million of a certain city for 30 days

Total number of days = 30

The probability of concentration of SO2 in the interval of 0.12 –

0.16 .

33. Step 1:
Draw ∠YBX = 90°.
Step 2:
With B as center and radius 3.5cm and 5.5cm respectively cut arcs
intersecting BX at C and BY at Z.

Step 3:
Join ZC and construct its perpendicular bisector intersecting BY at A.
Step 4:
Join AC.

ABC is the required triangle.

Here ∠ABC=90° , BC=3.5cm by construction.
As A is the point of intersection of the perpendicular bisector and CZ,
So, AZ=AC which means AB+AZ=5.5cm
And at the same time AB+AC=5.5cm
Hence the triangle Construction is justified.

35. Let the width of the embankment be x

According to the question,

The volume of the embankment = volume of the earth dug out = volume
of the well.

𝜋 × ((5 + 𝑥)2 − 52 ) × = 𝜋 × 52 × 14

Solving we get,
x2 + 10x – 75 = 0

x = 5, -15

Since the width cannot be negative, hence x = 5 m is the correct answer.

36. The parts of the questions are solved below:

(i) The above given information is represented with the help of histogram

(ii) 74 + 62 + 48 = 184

Hence, 184 lamps have a life time of more than 700 hours.


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