Urinary Tract Infection Core Curriculum 2024
Urinary Tract Infection Core Curriculum 2024
Urinary Tract Infection Core Curriculum 2024
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are some of the most commonly encountered infections in clinical Complete author and article
practice. Accurate diagnosis and evidence-based treatment of UTIs will lead to better clinical care for information provided at end
of article.
many patients and limit unnecessary antibiotic use. Urinalysis and urine cultures are helpful tools in the
diagnosis of UTIs; however, it is important to recognize their limitations. Differentiating between Am J Kidney Dis. 83(1):90-
asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) and true UTI is important because antibiotics are unnecessary in most 100. Published online
October 30, 2023.
nonpregnant patients with ASB and can even potentially cause harm if prescribed. Choice and
duration of antibiotics varies across the spectrum of UTI syndromes such as acute uncomplicated doi: 10.1053/
cystitis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis, and catheter-associated UTIs. The treatment approach also de- j.ajkd.2023.08.009
pends on patients’ degree of immunosuppression and their genitourinary anatomy. Therefore, patients © 2023 by the National
with urological obstruction or kidney transplants may require a specialized and multidisciplinary Kidney Foundation, Inc.
management approach. For individuals prone to frequent UTIs, some preventative measures can be
utilized, yet there is often not a “one size fits all” approach.
Pyelonephritis is a UTI that extends to the kidneys. The pyelonephritis because of their suboptimal penetration to
typical symptoms include flank pain, fevers, rigors, nausea, renal parenchyma (Table 2). With regard to the duration
or vomiting. In contrast to cystitis, obtaining urinalysis and of treatment, there have been multiple randomized clinical
urine cultures is recommended for all cases of suspected trials showing that 7 days of antibiotic therapy was non-
pyelonephritis. inferior to longer courses for treatment of pyelonephritis
The diagnosis of pyelonephritis should be made by in most patients.
clinical assessment and laboratory testing (urinalysis and
urine culture). Imaging is not required for all comers and
can be reserved for cases where the patient is critically ill, Review of Question 2
not improving on initial therapy, or suspected to have an The patient’s fever and flank pain indicated that she
obstruction or a complication. Complications of pyelo- had progressed to pyelonephritis. The recommended
nephritis include but are not limited to sepsis, acute renal duration for treatment of pyelonephritis with ciprofloxacin
failure, renal or perinephric abscess, kidney stones (eg, is 7 days, provided the patient is clinically improving as in
staghorn calculi), and emphysematous pyelonephritis (a this case. Tests of the cure with repeat urine cultures is not
serious necrotizing infection). Computed tomography recommended. Thus, the answer is (b), 7 days.
(CT) scan of the abdomen with intravenous (IV) contrast Case 2: A 53-year-old man with diabetes mellitus, incom-
is typically the primary mode of imaging in the majority plete bladder emptying, and a deceased donor renal trans-
of these cases. Renal ultrasound is less sensitive than a CT plant 2 years ago who is taking mycophenolate mofetil and
scan but is a reasonable alternative for patients where tacrolimus presents to the emergency department (ED) with
exposure to radiation or contrast is of concern. Manage- 5 days of dysuria, urinary frequency, and fatigue. On the fifth
ment of these complications may require drainage of day, he developed fever with rigors, so he presented to the
ED. In the ED he is hemodynamically stable with WBC of
collections and a multidisciplinary approach involving
15,000 with urinalysis showing >182 WBC, 2 red blood
specialties such as urology, interventional radiology, or
cells (RBC), + leukocyte esterase, and 4+ bacteria. Within
infectious diseases. 24 hours, his urine and a single blood culture bottle grow E
In patients who are clinically stable and can tolerate oral coli that is multidrug resistant (see the table below). His renal
medications, the treatment can be via a highly bioavailable transplant ultrasound is normal. The patient has an estimated
drug such as oral ciprofloxacin. Note that some of glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) of 48 (creatinine clearance
the agents typically used for cystitis (nitrofurantoin and of 50) and normal electrolytes; he clinically responds within
fosfomycin) are not recommended for use with 24 hours of appropriate antibiotic therapy.
E coli (Urine) > 105 CFU this drug class, where the concentration in the urine usually
exceeds the intermediate MIC. The pharmacokinetics are not
MIC Interpretation
comparable for the bloodstream where the concentration is
Ampicillin-Sulbactam ≥32 Resistant
unlikely to exceed the intermediate MIC, thus, this strategy
Ceftriaxone ≥4 Resistant
should be avoided in bacteremia. Finally, although the use of
Meropenem <0.25 Susceptible
trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole in this case is reasonable
Ertapenem <1 Susceptible
based on the favorable eGFR of 48 (creatinine clear-
Ciprofloxacin 0.5 Intermediate
Nitrofurantoin ≥128 Resistant
ance > 30), many transplant recipients may not fit this
Trimethoprim- <1 Susceptible
description. In those cases, eGFR should factor into the
sulfamethoxazole antimicrobial selection and dosing, which are complex and
Fosfomycin ≥256 Resistant not generalizable to a case-based review. Thus, in this case
Abbreviations: CFU, colony-forming unit; MIC, minimum inhibitory concentration. with the caveats as described, the best answer listed to this
question is (c).
Question 3: With which antibiotic and for what dura- Additional Readings
tion would you treat this patient? ➢ Bent S, Nallamothu BK, Simel DL, Fihn SD, Saint S.
(a) 3 days of ertapenem Does this woman have an acute uncomplicated urinary
(b) 7 days of nitrofurantoin tract infection? JAMA. 2002;287(20):2701-2710.
(c) 9 days of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole after 5 days of https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.287.20.2701
➢ Drekonja DM, Trautner B, Amundson C, Kuskowski M,
(d) 21 days of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
(e) 14 days of ciprofloxacin
Johnson JR. Effect of 7 vs 14 days of antibiotic therapy
on resolution of symptoms among afebrile men with
For the answer to this question, see the following text. urinary tract infection: a randomized clinical trial.
JAMA. 2021;326(4):324-331. https://doi.org/10.1
Comparable to the second part of case 1, this is a case ➢ Eliakim-Raz N, Yahav D, Paul M, Leibovici L. Duration
of pyelonephritis but in a renal transplant recipient and of antibiotic treatment for acute pyelonephritis and
has an associated bloodstream infection. In this case, septic urinary tract infection—7 days or less versus
imaging of the genitourinary tract is performed to longer treatment: systematic review and meta-analysis
exclude an abscess or other transplant complication of randomized controlled trials. J Antimicrob Chemother.
because these will likely impact management if found. 2013;68(10):2183-2191. https://doi.org/10.1093/
The choice and duration of antibiotic in this case involves jac/dkt177x
consideration of the host, the pathogen’s susceptibility ➢ Expert Panel on Urological Imaging; Smith AD, Niko-
profile, and the associated bloodstream infection. The laidis P, Khatri G, et al. ACR appropriateness criteria
Infectious Disease (ID) Committee of Practice for the acute pyelonephritis: 2022 update. J Am Coll Radiol.
American Society of Transplantation recommends 14 days 2022;19(11S):S224-S239. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
of treatment for complicated UTI/pyelonephritis. Yet in jacr.2022.09.017
practice there is variability, as published by authors who ➢ Flores-Mireles AL, Walker JN, Caparon M, Hultgren SJ.
surveyed the ID committee’s providers and transplant Urinary tract infections: epidemiology, mechanisms of
nephrologists. infection and treatment options. Nat Rev Microbiol.
2015;13(5):269-284. https://doi.org/10.1038/
Review of Question 3 nrmicro3432
In general, 14 days of treatment is favored, but shorter du- ➢ Goldman JD, Julian K. Urinary tract infections in
rations are sometimes utilized based on newer data. Further, solid organ transplant recipients: guidelines from
when acceptably bioavailable oral options exist, the total the American Society of Transplantation Infectious
duration of treatment does not need to be parenteral. For that Diseases Community of Practice. Clin Transplant.
reason, answer (a) is incorrect; 3 days of ertapenem only is 2019;33(9):e13507. https://doi.org/10.1111/
an insufficient course for pyelonephritis in general. Answer ctr.13507
(b) is incorrect as well; nitrofurantoin should only be used ➢ Gupta K, Hooton TM, Naber KG, et al. International
for cystitis and never for upper tract disease or bacteremia. clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of acute
Although treatment with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole uncomplicated cystitis and pyelonephritis in women: a
alone is reasonable, a 21-day course is excessive without 2010 update by the Infectious Diseases Society of
abscess and raises the risk of complications, thus making America and the European Society for Microbiology
answer (d) incorrect. Answer (e) is also incorrect, while and Infectious Diseases. Clin Infect Dis.
some providers might choose to use a quinolone with an 2011;52(5):e103-120. https://doi.org/10.1093/cid/
intermediate MIC for cystitis, given the pharmacokinetics of ciq257 +ESSENTIAL READING
➢ Kumar R, Pereira M, Taimur S, True K, Detwiler R, van difficile infection. One study by Rotjanapan and colleagues
Duin D. Duration of antibiotic treatment for acute graft showed that the 3-month risk of C difficile was 8.5 times
pyelonephritis: what’s the standard of care? Transpl Infect higher in patients who were treated for ASB. Therefore,
Dis. 2023;25(1):e13996. https://doi.org/10.1111/ screening or treatment for ASB should be avoided in most
tid.13996 patients.
➢ McAteer J, Lee JH, Cosgrove SE, et al. Defining the The main exceptions to this are the following 2 pop-
optimal duration of therapy for hospitalized patients ulations (Box 2). The first is pregnant women because
with complicated urinary tract infections and associated treatment decreases the risk of pyelonephritis and negative
bacteremia. Clin Infect Dis. 2023;76(9):1604-1612. fetal outcomes. The second population that may benefit
https://doi.org/10.1093/cid/ciad009 from a course of antibiotics are patients who will undergo
➢ Medina M, Castillo-Pino E. An introduction to the urologic procedures associated with significant mucosal
epidemiology and burden of urinary tract infections. bleeding and trauma (eg, transurethral surgery of the
Ther Adv Urol. 2019;11:1756287219832172. https:// prostate or the bladder, or percutaneous stone surgery).
doi.org/10.1177/1756287219832172 Relatedly, most of the data available do not support
➢ Voora S, Adey DB. Management of kidney transplant treatment of ASB in renal transplant patients. This, how-
recipients by general nephrologists: core curriculum ever, continues to be studied; currently, because of the lack
2019. Am J Kidney Dis. 2019;73(6):866-879. https:// of data on the immediate transplant period (1-2 months
doi.org/10.1053/j.ajkd.2019.01.031 after transplant), many centers will treat ASB if found
➢ Yahav D, Franceschini E, Koppel F, et al. Seven versus coincidently during this time, but they do not routinely
14 days of antibiotic therapy for uncomplicated Gram- screen for such.
negative bacteremia: a noninferiority randomized
controlled trial. Clin Infect Dis. 2019;69(7):1091-1098. Review of Question 4
https://doi.org/10.1093/cid/ciy1054 Pregnancy is an indication for the treatment of ASB, so the
answer is (a). Uncomplicated diagnostic cystoscopy or
Foley catheter placement have a low risk of infection.
Asymptomatic Bacteriuria Although urine culture results can help guide the standard
Case 3: A 33-year-old woman with diabetes mellitus pre-
1-2 doses of perioperative prophylaxis for cystoscopy, a
sents to her primary care doctor’s office for a routine follow- UTI treatment course with multiple days of antibiotics is
up visit. She feels well and has no acute complaints. The considered unnecessary. Patients with solid organ trans-
urine sample she submitted for annual screening for albu- plants, other than early renal transplant, do not require
minuria was also sent for urine microscopy and urine culture treatment for ASB.
due to a processing error. The urine microscopy was notable
for 5-10 WBC/high-power field (HPF), and the urine cul- Additional Readings
tures grew more than 105 CFU/mL of pan-susceptible ➢ Goldman JD, Julian K. Urinary tract infections in solid
Klebsiella oxytoca. organ transplant recipients: guidelines from the
American Society of Transplantation Infectious Diseases
Question 4: In which of the following scenarios would Community of Practice. Clin Transplant. 2019;33(9):e13507.
antibiotic treatment targeted at urine culture results
be indicated for this patient?
(a) Pregnancy
➢ Nicolle LE, Gupta K, Bradley SF, et al. Clinical practice
(b) Elective hernia repair scheduled in the next 48 hours guideline for the management of asymptomatic
(c) Elective cystoscopy in the next 48 hours bacteriuria: 2019 update by the Infectious Diseases
(d) Placement of a Foley catheter Society of America. Clin Infect Dis. 2019;68(10):e83-
(e) Liver transplant in the past year e110. https://doi.org/10.1093/cid/ciy1121 +ESSENTIAL
For the answer to this question, see the following text.
➢ Rotjanapan P, Dosa D, Thomas KS. Potentially inap-
propriate treatment of urinary tract infections in two
Asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) is defined as ≥105 Rhode Island nursing homes. Arch Intern Med.
CFU/mL in a voided urine specimen without signs or 2011;171(5):438-443. https://doi.org/10.1001/
symptoms attributable to UTI. This is regardless of archinternmed.2011.13
whether pyuria is present. ASB is a common benign
finding in many populations including healthy women,
residents in long-term care facilities, and patients with Box 2. Main Indications to Treat Asymptomatic Bacteriuria
urinary tract abnormalities. Studies have shown that anti-
microbial treatment for the majority of patient populations • Pregnancy
• Urologic procedures associated with mucosal bleeding or
with ASB does not confer significant benefit but can in-
crease the risk of antimicrobial resistance or Clostridioides
Review of Question 8
There are limited data and no guideline recommendations The task of clinicians when approaching patients with
on duration of therapy for pyelonephritis in patients with candiduria is to determine whether the isolated Candida
percutaneous nephrostomies. However, extrapolating indicates contamination, colonization, or infection. For
from the pyelonephritis and CAUTI approaches, 7-10 days patients with indwelling catheters and Candida isolated from
of treatment would likely be adequate provided there is urine culture, the catheter should be discontinued (if
clinical improvement and no abscess or other foreign possible) and a repeat urine culture obtained to investigate
body. Treating patients routinely for a longer period of whether Candida is still present. If an indwelling catheter is
time can lead to these patients being colonized with still required, the catheter should be exchanged and a new
resistant organisms and can expose them to preventable culture obtained to again assess for persistence of
drug toxicities. If a case is more complicated and does not candiduria.
meet the conditions described, then we would recommend If Candida is again isolated, the clinician must then
a multidisciplinary approach including involvement of an determine whether the patient has continued colonization
infectious diseases team to decide on an appropriate versus cystitis or upper tract infection. Note that pyuria is
duration of therapy. an expected finding in patients who have indwelling
catheters and is not helpful in delineating colonization Question 10: What advice would you give as an initial
versus infection. Treatment of Candida UTI is only indicated intervention to this patient?
in cases of persistent candiduria in patients who have (a) Prescribe continuous antibiotic prophylaxis with
symptoms consistent with UTI without an alternative eti- ciprofloxacin
ology (ie, concurrent bacteriuria). Imaging such as renal (b) Start vaginal estrogen
ultrasound or CT abdomen/pelvis should also be obtained (c) Recommend cranberry juice supplementation
in the setting of persistent candiduria to assess for (d) Initiate episodic antibiotic prophylaxis with intercourse
obstruction and need for urology consultation. (e) Explain to her that there are no evidence-based methods to
For candiduria in patients without indwelling catheters, reduce the frequency of UTIs in postmenopausal women
the management approach is similar. First, a repeat clean- For the answer to this question, see the following text.
catch urine sample should be obtained (or a specimen
from the catheter if clean catch is not feasible) to see if Recurrent UTIs take many different forms. They can be
Candida is again isolated. If applicable, patients should also precipitated by sexual intercourse most frequently in pre-
be assessed for the presence of concurrent vaginitis. For menopausal women but also in postmenopausal women.
patients who reisolate Candida in urine, imaging is indicated Postmenopausal women are especially prone to recurrent
to assess for obstruction; however, as with catheterized UTIs due to the increased incidence of atrophic vaginitis
patients, treatment of candiduria is only indicated when and changes in the vaginal microbiome precipitated by lack
patients have signs/symptoms consistent with UTI. Ex- of estrogenization of the tissues in the vaginal and lower
ceptions to this management approach include patients urinary tracts. A detailed review of this pathophysiology is
undergoing urologic procedures and neutropenic patients included in the recommended reading.
for which asymptomatic candiduria should be treated. In general, recurrent UTIs in men are often associated
with underlying structural issues leading to urinary
Review of Question 9 retention or the presence of an indwelling catheter.
The patient in case 6 has evidence of a possible UTI with When undertaking the care of a patient with recurrent
fever and a urine culture from an indwelling urinary catheter UTI, there is frequently no single intervention that “heals
growing C. albicans. Though this could be consistent with all.” There are associations with recurrent UTIs related to
fungal CAUTI causing fever, the isolation of C. albicans may sexual activity related to spermicidal contraceptives; if a
also represent colonization of the catheter. Empiric treatment woman is using this form of contraception, changing to a
is not warranted at this stage. Replacement of the urinary different agent may provide benefit. It is not clear that other
catheter (if the catheter cannot be removed all together) behavior modifications such as early voiding after sexual
followed by repeating the urine culture should be pursued. intercourse or increased hydration to precipitate more
Unless Candida is reisolated or there is clinical evidence of an frequent urination are effective in isolation, but certainly
upper urinary tract obstruction, renal ultrasound is not these are low-risk interventions that are easy to do.
necessary at this juncture. The answer is (b), replace the For postmenopausal women, especially those in whom
indwelling urinary catheter and repeat the urine culture. there may be associated incontinence, a pelvic examination
to exclude pelvic floor dysfunction or prolapse is advised. If
Additional Reading there is no correctable anatomic issue, then vaginal estro-
➢ Kauffman CA. Diagnosis and management of fungal gens are a well-tolerated, low-risk intervention to under-
urinary tract infection. Infect Dis Clin North Am. take. Vaginal estrogens can be applied in many forms
2014;28(1):61-74. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.idc.2 including vaginal rings, creams, and tablets and may take
013.09.004 +ESSENTIAL READING some careful feedback from the patient about her experi-
ences to find the most favorable preparation. Utilization of
supplements such as cranberry extracts and D-mannose have
Recurrent UTI been tried, and some individuals may find benefit, but the
data are mixed (as presented in a recent Cochrane review).
Case 7: A 78-year-old woman comes to see her primary Investigators are studying the use of vaginal probiotics,
care doctor after her third episode of cystitis in the last 9 which may have efficacy in combination with estrogens.
months. She notes that each episode was heralded by uri- For those who are unable to derive benefit from these
nary frequency, urgency, and dysuria. She has no known
interventions, antibiotic prophylaxis is often tried. Post-
other medical conditions except for well-controlled hyper-
tension on a single medication and osteoarthritis of her
coital antibiotics can be effective in decreasing the inci-
knees. Her pelvic examination does not reveal a prolapse but dence of UTI and the most well-studied agent is
does show changes consistent with atrophic vaginitis. Her trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole. Continuous prophylaxis
laboratory results reveal normal kidney function and no evi- has been shown to be effective in clinical trials, but the
dence of diabetes. Her urinalysis on evaluation when she is efficacy is lost once prophylaxis is stopped. Further, pro-
asymptomatic is normal, without any cells in sediment. She phylaxis is not usually 100% effective, so UTIs will likely
asks for something to prevent further infections. be less frequent but still present, and when they occur, the