Surface States and Reactivity of Pyrite and Marcasite
Surface States and Reactivity of Pyrite and Marcasite
Surface States and Reactivity of Pyrite and Marcasite
The sulphur surface sites of pristine marcasite surfaces and their reactivity during initial air oxidation were investigated
for the ®rst time using synchrotron radiation excited photoelectron spectroscopy (SRXPS). Both S 2p and Fe 2p spectra were
collected and compared to those of the polymorph pyrite. A new sulphur surface component is found additionally to the two
known pyrite surface signals. Due to the non-isotropic character of the orthorhombic marcasite structure, its peak intensity
depends strongly on the surface orientation. Its binding energy is close to the region of short-chained polysulphides. The
signal is assigned to sulphur trimers produced by electron transfer between surface near sulphur dimers and S formed after
ruptures of S±S bonds which results in S2 and S32 . In the cubic crystal arrangement of pyrite the stabilisation of S to S2
is realised by an electron transfer from iron to sulphur only. A con®rmation of this assumption is found in the Fe 2p spectra.
The contribution of Fe3 species Ð a result of the electron transfer process Ð is considerably less pronounced for
The mechanism of initial oxidation is different for marcasite and pyrite. The sulphur species responsible for the new
spectroscopic component are the most reactive sites at the marcasite surface, while S2 is oxidised ®rst in case of pyrite. The
signals indicating the products of marcasite oxidation in the S 2p spectrum are less intense as expected from the intensity
decreasing of the trimer peak. Therefore, an oxidation of sulphur trimers to elemental sulphur is assumed which could not be
detected because of its volatility in the vacuum of the air lock system. # 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
0169-4332/01/$ ± see front matter # 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 9 - 4 3 3 2 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 2 8 3 - 5
I. Uhlig et al. / Applied Surface Science 179 (2001) 222±229 223
Fig. 4. Changes in S 2p spectra (hn 250 eV) of pyrite and marcasite (sample II) by initial air oxidation. Both samples were simultaneously
exposed for 2 min to laboratory atmosphere.
Additionally to the multiplet from Fe2 surface causing additional multiplet peaks at the high energy
states, Fe3 species are represented in the high energy side of the Fe 2p bulk signal. The binding energy of
tail of the Fe 2p spectrum. Following Nesbitt et al. this contribution can be estimated by reference
[10], an electron transfer from iron to sulphur is minerals containing Fe2 and Fe3. Both for pyr-
responsible for the formation of S2 detected in rhotite [23] and for iron oxides [24] the main com-
the S 2p spectra as surface component `a'. The result ponent of the Fe3 multiplet was located at about
are Fe3 surface sites. These species necessarily 1.75 eV greater binding energy than observed for
possess unpaired electrons in the 3d valence band, Fe2.
Table 1
Binding energy shifts and intensity ratios in Fe 2p spectra of pyrite and marcasite
bulk 0.0 (707.2 eV) 0.54 0.0 (707.3 eV) 0.66
surface I 0.6 0.13, 0.24 0.6 0.12, 0.22
surface II 1.2 0.07 1.2 0.06
surface III 2.9 0.03 2.9 0.03
surface IV 5.1 0.01 5.1 0.01
surface I 1.9 0.12, 0.22 1.9 0.06, 0.11
surface II 2.8 0.06 2.8 0.03
surface III 4.2 0.04 4.2 0.02
I. Uhlig et al. / Applied Surface Science 179 (2001) 222±229 227
tion of the fractured surfaces, some suggestions may Radiation Centre in Madison/Wisconsin, particularly
be drawn from the appearance of the specimens. H. Hoechst, for technical assistance and helpful dis-
Marcasite I was a single crystal and thus fractured cussions. This work was ®nancially supported by
preferably sub-parallel to one de®ned plane. Sample II National Science and Engineering Research Council
was polycrystalline so that faces from different orien- of Canada. I. Uhlig acknowledges NSERC support in
tations contribute to the spectra. The S 2p/Fe 2p peak form of a Post-doc fellowship. The SRC is funded by
area ratios were estimated keeping in mind the uncer- the National Science Foundation through NSF Grant
tainty when deriving quantitative statements from DMR-95-31009.
different recordings of synchrotron spectra which
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