Educ 5312
Educ 5312
Educ 5312
Instructional Project 3
This is a research assignment. Use your textbook, web articles, and NAU library to conduct resear
when writing this paper.
Use APA style references and in-text- citations. You need to use at least 3 different resources
besides Castronova (2002), and Moore (2015).
Castronova, J. A. (2002). Discovery learning for the 21st century: What is it and how
does it compare to traditional learning in effectiveness in the 21st century. Action
Research Exchange, 1(1), 1-12. Retrieved from
After reading this article and conducting additional research, answer to the following
1. Teaching all students. Remember that a teacher’s job is to teach all students and assume
an attitude that all students can learn. Research techniques and strategies that can be used to
accomplish this task. Sources of information include the library, the Internet, current journals,
and recent books.
2. Intelligence profile. Evaluate your own intelligence profile according to Gardner. In what
frames of mind (intelligence areas) do you come out strongest?
2. Causes of misbehavior. Think back over the classes you have attended in which there ha
been disciplinary incidents. List the possible causes for any such misbehavior. How might
knowledge of the causes of these incidents influence a teacher’s actions? Some behavior
problems are teacher created and some are student-centered. Can you think of examples?
Chapter 5- Using Classroom Technology
1. How does technology enhance the teacher’s ability to plan instruction? Use one of the
available search engines to explore the web for technological tools such as lesson planning
software, worksheets, puzzle tools, poster and bulletin board production tools, and time
management tools that will assist you in planning.
2. Technology offers tools that can help students learn. To what technology should students
have access? Do you have any educational concerns about the use of these technologies
schools? If so, what are they? If not, why not?
1. Thinking. What type of thinking is emphasized in most schools? Is critical thinking rewarde
Creative thinking? Is school success based on students’ ability to think critically? Creatively
While critical thinking analyzes information and roots out the true nature and facets of problems, it
is creative thinking that drives progress forward when it comes to solving these problems. Exception
creative thinkers are people that invent new solutions to existing problems that do not rely on past or
current solutions. They are the ones who invent solution C when everyone else is still arguing betwe
A and B. Creative thinking skills involve using strategies to clear the mind so that our thoughts and
ideas can transcend the current limitations of a problem and allow us to see beyond barriers that prev
new solutions from being found. So, what can we do to develop our critical and creative thinking
skills? Although many students may dislike it, group work is an excellent way to develop our thinkin
skills. Many times I have heard from students their disdain for working in groups based on schedulin
varied levels of commitment to the group or project, and personality conflicts too, of course. True—
not always easy, but that is why it is so effective. When we work collaboratively on a project or
problem we bring many brains to bear on a subject. These different brains will naturally develop var
ways of solving or explaining problems and examining information. To the observant individual we
that this places us in a constant state of back and forth critical/creative thinking modes.
Cite at least 5 References in APA.
You need to use at least 3 different resources besides Castronova (2002), and Moore
You may use for citing your sourc
in APA style.
Cox, J. (2014, September 10). Teaching Strategies to Promote Critical Thinking. TeachHUB.
Drexel University School of Education. (2023, February 7). How to inspire creativity in the classroom. School of
Inventionland Education. (2018, April 23). Discovery Learning Method. Inventionland Education.
Mirzoyan, V. (2021, June 17). Discovery-Based Learning: Definition, Principles, and Techniques.
Priester, T. (2015). Thinking Critically and Creatively.; Open SUNY Textbooks.