Length Scales Evolution and Localization Phenomenon in Sand: Mustafa I. Alsaleh, George Voyiadjis, Khalid A. Alshibli
Length Scales Evolution and Localization Phenomenon in Sand: Mustafa I. Alsaleh, George Voyiadjis, Khalid A. Alshibli
Length Scales Evolution and Localization Phenomenon in Sand: Mustafa I. Alsaleh, George Voyiadjis, Khalid A. Alshibli
A numerical model in the Cosserat continuum for strain localization phenomena in granular materials was developed
by the authors. The mathematical formulations used in the present numerical model are equipped with evolution
equations for the length scales through micropolar theory. The evolution equations of the internal length scales describe
any possible change in the contact surface between the particles, damage to the particles if it exists and/or any change in
the local void ratio within the domain. The solution for the shear bands thickness shows more accurate correlation with
the experimental results and less dependency on the mesh size when such evolution equations are used.
Keywords: Strain localization; Granular materials; Evolution of length scales; Micropolar theory
increases as the sphericity index increases and decreases where k1 is a constant coefficient taken here as unity and
as the roundness index increases. Based on this argu- lo is the initial length scale, which is assumed to be as
ment Eq. (1) was proposed. follows:
The length of the arm of rotation is assumed to have ISPH IR
the following expression: IR d50 þ ISPH d50 þ R
lo ¼ ð8Þ
la ¼ lave þ Ra ð2Þ It is important to mention here that Eq. (7) has no
physical basis especially for granular materials since it
where la and Ra are the length of the arm of rotation and assumes an exponential decay for the initial length scale.
the mean surface roughness respectively. Similar to the The chosen length scales can decrease or increase based
length of the contact surface, the length of the arm of on the shape of particles and the final deformation in
rotation is assumed to be affected by the shape of the each loading step.
particles. Equation (2) shows that this quantity increases In this paper we propose a new evolution equation for
as the roundness index and surface roughness increase the length of contact and the arm of rotation as a
and decreases as the sphericity index increases. function of the shape indices and the Cosserat rotation.
The above shape indices are defined as follows: It is assumed here that such length scales are subjected
to significant changes during plastic deformation
Dequ Dequ attributed to the rotation of the particles. As the particle
ISPH ¼ ð3Þ
ds dL rotates and translates it causes the length scales to
Pact change because of the high non-uniformity in their
IR ¼ ds þdL ð4Þ shapes. Based on this argument the following equations
2 are proposed and used in this paper:
in which Pact is the actual perimeter of the particle, Dequ ISPH
is the sphere-equivalent diameter, and ds and dL are the ls ¼ d50 sinð!c Þ ð9Þ
shortest and longest dimensions, respectively [3].
In Eqs. (1) and (2) it is assumed that for a given ele- la ¼ d50 cosð!c Þ þ Ra ð10Þ
ment, which will involve few particles, all the parameters
are held constant throughout the simulation and only The above equations are proposed based on a thor-
the mean particle size lave will evolve based on the ough understanding of the behavior of granular
cumulative effective plastic strain and the point or materials. As mentioned earlier, the particles will exhibit
Cosserat rotation. It is worth noting here that the par- large translational and rotational deformations due to
ticles are treated as rigid bodies (no particle damage); the discreteness of such materials. The rotation of the
however, the evolution equations are used here to particles will cause the assigned length scales to change
account for the changes in the suggested length scales due to the high irregularity in the particle shape.
due to the translational and rotational deformations of
the nonuniform-shaped particles. Following Garcia [4]
the following evolution equation is proposed to update
the average length scale: 3. Results and discussion
Table 1
Comparison between measured and predicted shear band thickness
Material Confining pressure Initial void Mean grain size Measured shear Predicted shear Predicted shear Predicted shear
(KPA) ratio (mm) band thickness band thickness band thickness band thickness
(mm) (mm)a (mm)b (mm)c
*F-sand 15.00 0.629 0.22 2.97 3.07 3.00 2.96
*F-sand 100.0 0.629 0.22 2.91 2.80 2.86 2.88
*F-sand 15.00 0.495 0.22 3.00 3.10 3.12 3.03
*F-sand 100.0 0.495 0.22 3.05 2.81 2.92 2.93
C-sand 15.00 0.767 1.60 17.33 17.96 17.90 17.52
C-Sand 100.0 0.767 1.60 17.00 16.61 16.74 16.92
* F-75 Ottawa sand, + Coarse silica sand
Using Eq. (5)
Using Eq. (7)
Using Eqs. (9), (10)
M.I. Alsaleh et al. / Third MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 43
Table 2
Comparison between measured and predicted shear band inclination angle
Material Confining pressure Initial void Mean grain Measured shear Predicted shear Predicted shear Predicted shear
(KPa) ratio size (mm) band inclination band inclination band inclination band inclination
(O) (O)a (O)b (O)c
*F-sand 15.00 0.629 0.22 51.6 52.00 52.10 51.20
*F-sand 100.0 0.629 0.22 53.7 54.30 54.00 53.80
*F-sand 15.00 0.495 0.22 58.0 57.20 57.60 58.10
*F-sand 100.0 0.495 0.22 59.2 58.10 59.30 58.90
C-sand 15.00 0.767 1.60 51.4 50.60 50.90 51.50
C-sand 100.0 0.767 1.60 53.2 48.90 49.60 51.70
* F-75 Ottawa sand, + Coarse silica sand
Using Eq. (5)
Using Eq. (7)
Using Eqs. (9), (10)