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NCEAC Accreditation Criteria Form

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Acknowledgment: Pakistan Engineering Council’s forms and documents have been used in
preparation of this form.
This form is to be used to record program data and information during the fact finding and evaluation
process. Use the following compliance levels while filling the form:

G Good (Exceeds compliance requirements)

S Satisfactory (Compliant)

C Concern (Complies with room for improvement)

W Weakness (Partially compliant)

D Deficient (Not compliant)

Criterion 1 –Program Objectives (POs)

Evaluate the extent to which the program attains the following elements of the criterion.

Evaluator’s Comments Compliance Level

a. The institution has defined program objectives

(POs) which are consistent with the vision and
mission of the institution.
b. . There is a process in place to evaluate the
attainment of POs and the institution has set
some Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for this
c. There is a process in place by which the
institution takes steps to review its program
considering POs attainment.

d. There exists a mechanism that involves alumni,

faculty and industry in formulation and review
of POs

Criterion 2 – Graduate Attributes (GAs)

Evaluate the extent to which the program attains the following outcomes of the criterion.

Evaluator’s Comments ComplianceLevel

a Graduate Attributes are clearly defined

encompassing attributes outlined in Section
D.5 of Seoul Accord Document. These have
been adopted by institution’s relevant
statutory body.

b There is a well-defined process for the periodic

review and revision of GAs.

c The institution has mapped its GAs to the POs of
the program.

d There is a documented process for the

assessment and evaluation of GAs attainment?

Criterion-3: Curriculum and Learning Process

Evaluator’s Comments ComplianceLevel

a. Curriculum is in compliance with program
specific HEC curriculum guidelines. It:
Is spread over 8 semesters covering at least130
credit hours of course work. And it:
Covers required breadth, depth and content
Adequate exposure to Complex Problems(CPs)
b. and design activities

c. Availability of program specific well-equipped

labs to supplement theoretical knowledge/
classroom learning.

Lab work and its assessment mechanism

d. supports attainment of the required skills.

e. Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) are defined

for all courses and are mapped torelevant GAs.
Formal involvement of industry in curriculum
f. development / revision.

g. Employment of other aspects (supplementary

tools and practices) of student learning such as
tutorial system and seminar / workshops, etc.
to enhance student learning, in addition to
regular classroom interaction and lab
experimentation. Minimum expectation is that
faculty office hours are announced and
adhered to.

h Exposure to cooperative learning through

supervised and mandatory internship program
with formal feedback from the employer.

Sufficient opportunities to invoke intuitiveness

i and originality of thought through Problem
Based Learning (PBL), Design Projects and
Open-Ended labs.
j Assessment of various learning outcomes
(GAs/CLOs) employing appropriate direct /
indirect methods.

k Final Year Design projects (FYDP) include
complex problems and design of systems,
components or processes integrating core areas
and meeting specified religious, cultural and
societal aspects.

FYDP project deliverables and the reports are

l. graded according to well-defined mechanism.

Criterion-4: Students

Evaluator’s Comments ComplianceLevel

a Admission Criteria meets / exceeds minimum

eligibility criteria prescribed by NCEAC
Annual intake is in-line with the maximum
b intake allowed by NCEAC.

c Well documented policy on transfer of

students only from other accredited program
restricting transfer of less than 50% of credit
hours required for the degree.
d Availability of designated student counselors
to advise / counsel students regarding
academic / career matters and provide
assistance in managing their health, financial,
stress, emotional and spiritual problems.
e Manageable class-size (maximum of 50 for
theory classes) and lab groups (2-3 students
per workstation for hands-on type
experiments, larger groups may be
manageable for demonstration type)

Manageable semester academic load (i.e. 15-

f 18 credit hours on the average)

Completion of courses as evident from course-

g files and through student feedback

h Students’ participation in national /

international engineering exhibitions and / or
competitions, and facilitation by program for
such participations
i Quality of process to evaluate student
performance and suggest / take corrective
j How the program is inculcating community

Criterion-5: Faculty and Support Staff

Evaluator’s Comments Compliance Level

Faculty Strength as per NCEAC guidelines.


Balanced qualified faculty as specified in

b NCEAC guidelines.

c. Formal mechanism for faculty training and

mentoring on pedagogical skills and outcomes
based implementation methodologies.

d Effectiveness of faculty development program

to ensure their professional growthand
Faculty workload as specified in NCEAC
e guidelines.

Course files maintained as per NCEAC

f guidelines.

Faculty research, publications and sponsored

g projects from industry/donor agencies, etc.

h Qualified support staff in the program to look

after the administrative functions of the
program and to look after laboratories.

Criterion-6: Facilities and Infrastructure

Compliance Level
Evaluator’s Comments

a Adequacy of teaching and learning facilities,

e.g. classroom environment and availabilityof
various teaching aids, etc.
b Provision of program specific labs (as per
curriculum), workshops, and associated lab
equipment for complementing the class /
theory work.

Adequacy of library resources and facilities.


Provision of sufficient computing facilities and

d internet access / resources allocated for the
e Provision and effectiveness of consulting and
career placement services provided to the

f Adequacy of support facilities such as hostels,
sports and recreational centers, health care
centers, student centers, and transport
g. Adequacy of arrangements made / measures
taken to ensure work-place safety (EHS
concerns) in general, and while performing
experiments in the labs. in particular

Criterion 7: Institutional Support and Financial Resources

Evaluator’s Comments

a. Adequacy of institutional financial resources

to ensure program’s sustainability and
meeting of recurring as well as
b. Evidence of continued financial commitment
in the form of increasing endowment and
recurring /development budget since last
accreditation visit.
Provision of funding for R&D pursuits and
c presentations/publication of research papers

Criterion 8: Steps to Improve the Program

Evaluator’s Comments

a. Documented and institutionalized policies to

review POs, GAs and CLOs after every
semester/ academic year based on previous
years’ experience and feedback.
b. Actions taken / implementation plans worked
out to address the weaknesses identified in
thelast accreditation visit report.
c. Improvement in Faculty Strength /
Qualifications since last accreditation visit, if
Continuation of Faculty Publications, R&Dand
d. Consultancy activities

e. Addition of any new facilities, i.e.

infrastructure, lab equipment, teaching aids,
etc. to assist in the attainment of program
objectives / outcomes, since last

f. New initiative(s) taken since last
accreditationvisit including content delivery,
assessment and evaluation processes, etc.)

Criterion 9: Industrial and International Linkages

Evaluator’s Comments

Existence of Industrial Advisory

a. Board/Committee

b. Formal mechanism for seeking feedback from

Industry and its analysis for the attainment of
c. Opportunities for students to acquire
industrial experience via internship and
existence of Industry-Liaison office
d. Design projects sponsored / supervised
jointlyby Industry Professionals and faculty
e. Faculty members involved in design /
supervision / consultancy role with the
industry in the execution of applied research
/design project that are relevant to society



The following documentation should be available for evaluation by the Inspection
Curriculum Documentation
The respective BS/ BSc program should be documented in the following manner:
a. Program Objective
b. Program Structure (Core and Electives) as per HEC National Qualification Framework.
c. No of Years
d. Total Credit Hours
e. Program Requirements-Summary of all required courses
f. For each course in the program, a single page course requirements as stated below is required:
i. Brief Course Outline
ii. Structure (Lecture+ Lab)
iii. Credit Hours
iv. Prerequisite
v. Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
vi. CLOs mapping to Graduate Attributes (GAs)
vii. Weekly planner of Lecture/ Lab contents
viii. Reference Material (Names, Authors, Publisher, Year, and ISBN for each book used)

Curriculum Implementation/ Course Folder

A COURSE FOLDER/FILE will be required for each course of the respective program. The following information is
to be documented in each folder/file:
a. Course Objectives.
b. Course Leaning Outcomes and mapping to GAs.
c. Course Contents.
d. Weekly plan of contents of lectures delivered.
e. Attendance Record.
f. List of Reference Material.
g. Copy of assignments, quizzes, midterms and final examinations.
h. Solution of all assessments tests given in (g) above.
i. Three sample graded assignments, quizzes, midterms and final examination securing maximum,
minimum and average marks.
j. Marks distribution and Grading Model.
k. Comprehensive result of the course
l. Outcomes Assessment
m. Detail of technology involved.
n. Design skills/techniques practiced.
o. Complete analysis of effectiveness of course and level of silks ensured in:
§ Technology
§ Emerging Development Paradigms
§ Pertaining to Industry
§ Modeling and Design

Curriculum Implementation/ Lab Component

If course has an additional credit hour pertaining to Lab, then an independent folder/file be maintained to
provide the following:

a. Lab Objectives
b. Course Learning Outcomes and Mapping to GAs
c. Lab Contents
d. Weekly plan of contents of lab lectures delivered.
e. Attendance Record
f. Copy of laboratory handouts given to students
g. List of Reference Material
h. Copy of assignments, quizzes, examinations given in lab
i. Model solutions of all assessments tests given in lab
j. Three sample graded assignments, quizzes, and examination securing max, min and average marks
k. Complete result of the lab
l. Outcomes Assessment
m. Detail of technology involved
n. Design skills/techniques practiced
o. Complete analysis of effectiveness of lab and level of silks ensured in:
• Technology
• Emerging Development Paradigms
• Pertaining to Industry
p. Modeling and Design

Effectiveness of Overall Program: Complete analysis of effectiveness of program and summary of level of skills
achieved in the following domain:
a. Technology
b. Emerging Development Paradigms
c. Pertaining to Industry
d. Modeling and Design

Students Evaluation of Course and Instructor: Record of how students have been evaluating both course and
instructors in particularly all courses taught by the permanent faculty
Class Schedule: Complete Academic Year
Lab Schedule: Complete Academic Year
Final Year Design/ Graduating Project: Summary of all senior design/graduating projects comprising of the
§ Scientific areas/applications covered
§ Emerging Technologies used
§ Correlation with the industrial practices and trends
§ Project Reports
§ Project Demos

Alumni Data Collection:

a. Statistics on entry and graduation of all students in the respective program
b. Record regarding placement in industry of graduates from the respective program
c. Record of placement of graduates in international and national universities for higher education

Faculty Contracts: A record of offer/contract letters issued to all permanent faculty members

Admission and Eligibility:

a. Admission procedure/policy and eligibility
b. Previous data on admission
c. Student strength and dropout

Annual Budget: A copy of current annual budget

Labs: Complete inventory, schedule and relevant manual of all labs relevant to the respective computing
Rules & Regulations, Statutes and Procedures: All approved rules & regulation including the following:
a. Admissions
b. Registrations
c. Examinations
d. Academic probations
e. Discipline
f. Faculty hiring, evaluation and promotion
g. Revision of curriculum

Financial Profile: A survey of total investments made on the program under evaluation since its inception
a. Human Resource including Faculty Staff, Administrative and Supporting Staff
b. Office Equipment
c. Labs/Technology
d. Infrastructure
e. Library/Books
f. Allied facilities

a. BOG Meetings/Syndicate Meetings
b. BOS Meeting
c. Departmental Meeting


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