NCEAC Accreditation Criteria Form
NCEAC Accreditation Criteria Form
NCEAC Accreditation Criteria Form
Acknowledgment: Pakistan Engineering Council’s forms and documents have been used in
preparation of this form.
This form is to be used to record program data and information during the fact finding and evaluation
process. Use the following compliance levels while filling the form:
S Satisfactory (Compliant)
c The institution has mapped its GAs to the POs of
the program.
k Final Year Design projects (FYDP) include
complex problems and design of systems,
components or processes integrating core areas
and meeting specified religious, cultural and
societal aspects.
Criterion-4: Students
Criterion-5: Faculty and Support Staff
f Adequacy of support facilities such as hostels,
sports and recreational centers, health care
centers, student centers, and transport
g. Adequacy of arrangements made / measures
taken to ensure work-place safety (EHS
concerns) in general, and while performing
experiments in the labs. in particular
f. New initiative(s) taken since last
accreditationvisit including content delivery,
assessment and evaluation processes, etc.)
a. Lab Objectives
b. Course Learning Outcomes and Mapping to GAs
c. Lab Contents
d. Weekly plan of contents of lab lectures delivered.
e. Attendance Record
f. Copy of laboratory handouts given to students
g. List of Reference Material
h. Copy of assignments, quizzes, examinations given in lab
i. Model solutions of all assessments tests given in lab
j. Three sample graded assignments, quizzes, and examination securing max, min and average marks
k. Complete result of the lab
l. Outcomes Assessment
m. Detail of technology involved
n. Design skills/techniques practiced
o. Complete analysis of effectiveness of lab and level of silks ensured in:
• Technology
• Emerging Development Paradigms
• Pertaining to Industry
p. Modeling and Design
Effectiveness of Overall Program: Complete analysis of effectiveness of program and summary of level of skills
achieved in the following domain:
a. Technology
b. Emerging Development Paradigms
c. Pertaining to Industry
d. Modeling and Design
Students Evaluation of Course and Instructor: Record of how students have been evaluating both course and
instructors in particularly all courses taught by the permanent faculty
Class Schedule: Complete Academic Year
Lab Schedule: Complete Academic Year
Final Year Design/ Graduating Project: Summary of all senior design/graduating projects comprising of the
§ Scientific areas/applications covered
§ Emerging Technologies used
§ Correlation with the industrial practices and trends
§ Project Reports
§ Project Demos
Faculty Contracts: A record of offer/contract letters issued to all permanent faculty members
Labs: Complete inventory, schedule and relevant manual of all labs relevant to the respective computing
Rules & Regulations, Statutes and Procedures: All approved rules & regulation including the following:
a. Admissions
b. Registrations
c. Examinations
d. Academic probations
e. Discipline
f. Faculty hiring, evaluation and promotion
g. Revision of curriculum
Financial Profile: A survey of total investments made on the program under evaluation since its inception
a. Human Resource including Faculty Staff, Administrative and Supporting Staff
b. Office Equipment
c. Labs/Technology
d. Infrastructure
e. Library/Books
f. Allied facilities
a. BOG Meetings/Syndicate Meetings
b. BOS Meeting
c. Departmental Meeting